Programs & Examples On #Cil

Common Intermediate Language is the object-oriented assembly language used by the .NET Framework and Mono. .NET languages compile to CIL, which is assembled into an object code that has a bytecode-style format.

My eclipse won't open, i download the bundle pack it keeps saying error log

Make sure you have the prerequisite, a JVM ( installed.

This will be a JRE and JDK package.

There are a number of sources which includes:

Python: 'ModuleNotFoundError' when trying to import module from imported package

FIRST, if you want to be able to access from AND from, you need to properly setup your files as packages and modules.

Packages are a way of structuring Python’s module namespace by using “dotted module names”. For example, the module name A.B designates a submodule named B in a package named A.


When importing the package, Python searches through the directories on sys.path looking for the package subdirectory.

The files are required to make Python treat the directories as containing packages; this is done to prevent directories with a common name, such as string, from unintentionally hiding valid modules that occur later on the module search path.

You need to set it up to something like this:

|- Mans
|- MansTest
   |- SoftLib
      |- Soft
         |- SoftWork
      |- Unittests

SECOND, for the "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Soft'" error caused by from ...Mans import man1 in, the documented solution to that is to add to sys.path since Mans is outside the MansTest package. See The Module Search Path from the Python documentation. But if you don't want to modify sys.path directly, you can also modify PYTHONPATH:

sys.path is initialized from these locations:

  • The directory containing the input script (or the current directory when no file is specified).
  • PYTHONPATH (a list of directory names, with the same syntax as the shell variable PATH).
  • The installation-dependent default.

THIRD, for from ...MansTest.SoftLib import Soft which you said "was to facilitate the aforementioned import statement in", that's now how imports work. If you want to import Soft.SoftLib in, you have to setup to find Soft.SoftLib and import it there directly.

With that said, here's how I got it to work.

from Soft.SoftWork.manModules import *
# no change to import statement but need to add Soft to PYTHONPATH

def foo():
    print("called foo in")
    print("foo call module1 from manModules: " + module1())

# no need for "from ...MansTest.SoftLib import Soft" to facilitate importing..
from ...Mans import man1

def module1():
    return "module1 in manModules"

Terminal output:

$ python3 -m man.MansTest.Unittests.man1test
Traceback (most recent call last):
    from ...Mans import man1
  File "/temp/man/Mans/", line 2, in <module>
    from Soft.SoftWork.manModules import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'Soft'

$ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/temp/man/MansTest/SoftLib
$ python3 -m man.MansTest.Unittests.man1test
called foo in
foo called module1 from manModules: module1 in manModules 

As a suggestion, maybe re-think the purpose of those SoftLib files. Is it some sort of "bridge" between and The way your files are setup right now, I don't think it's going to work as you expect it to be. Also, it's a bit confusing for the code-under-test ( to be importing stuff from under the test folder (MansTest).

Select all occurrences of selected word in VSCode

I needed to extract all the matched search lines (using regex) in a file

  1. Ctrl+F Open find. Select regex icon and enter search pattern
  2. (optional) Enable select highlights by opening settings and search for selectHighlights (Ctrl+,, selectHighlights)
  3. Ctrl+L Select all search items
  4. Ctrl+C Copy all selected lines
  5. Ctrl+N Open new document
  6. Ctrl+V Paste all searched lines.

react router v^4.0.0 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'location' of undefined

I've tried everything suggested here but didn't work for me. So in case I can help anyone with a similar issue, every single tutorial I've checked is not updated to work with version 4.

Here is what I've done to make it work

import React from 'react';
import App from './App';

import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {
} from 'react-router-dom';

                <Route path="/" render={()=><App items={temasArray}/>}/>
        </HashRouter >
    ), document.getElementById('root'));

That's the only way I have managed to make it work without any errors or warnings.

In case you want to pass props to your component for me the easiest way is this one:

 <Route path="/" render={()=><App items={temasArray}/>}/>

Disable Input fields in reactive form

To make a field disable and enable of reactive form angular 2+

1.To disable

  • Add [attr.disabled]="true" to input.

<input class="form-control" name="Firstname" formControlName="firstname" [attr.disabled]="true">

To enable

export class InformationSectionComponent {
formname ={
firstname: ['']

Enable whole form


Enable particular field alone


same for disable, replace enable() with disable().

This Works fine. Comment for queries.

How to make two plots side-by-side using Python?

You can use - matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec

Check -

The below code displays a heatmap on right and an Image on left.

#Creating 1 row and 2 columns grid
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) 
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(25,3))

#Using the 1st row and 1st column for plotting heatmap

#Using the 1st row and 2nd column to show the image

#The below lines are used to display the image on ax1
image = io.imread("https://images-na.ssl-images-")


Output image

Sending private messages to user

Make the code say if (msg.content === ('trigger')'text')}

try/catch blocks with async/await

A cleaner alternative would be the following:

Due to the fact that every async function is technically a promise

You can add catches to functions when calling them with await

async function a(){
    let error;

    // log the error on the parent
    await b().catch((err)=>console.log('b.failed'))

    // change an error variable
    await c().catch((err)=>{error=true; console.log(err)})

    // return whatever you want
    return error ? d() : null;
a().catch(()=>console.log('main program failed'))

No need for try catch, as all promises errors are handled, and you have no code errors, you can omit that in the parent!!

Lets say you are working with mongodb, if there is an error you might prefer to handle it in the function calling it than making wrappers, or using try catches.

Angular2 RC5: Can't bind to 'Property X' since it isn't a known property of 'Child Component'

I ran into the same error, when I just forgot to declare my custom component in my NgModule - check there, if the others solutions won't work for you.

Verify host key with pysftp

Do not set cnopts.hostkeys = None (as the second most upvoted answer shows), unless you do not care about security. You lose a protection against Man-in-the-middle attacks by doing so.

Use CnOpts.hostkeys (returns HostKeys) to manage trusted host keys.

cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts(knownhosts='known_hosts')

with pysftp.Connection(host, username, password, cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:

where the known_hosts contains a server public key(s)] in a format like: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB...

If you do not want to use an external file, you can also use

from base64 import decodebytes
# ...

keydata = b"""AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB..."""
key = paramiko.RSAKey(data=decodebytes(keydata))
cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts()
cnopts.hostkeys.add('', 'ssh-rsa', key)

with pysftp.Connection(host, username, password, cnopts=cnopts) as sftp:

Though as of pysftp 0.2.9, this approach will issue a warning, what seems like a bug:
"Failed to load HostKeys" warning while connecting to SFTP server with pysftp

An easy way to retrieve the host key in the needed format is using OpenSSH ssh-keyscan:

$ ssh-keyscan
# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQAB...

(due to a bug in pysftp, this does not work, if the server uses non-standard port – the entry starts with []:port + beware of redirecting ssh-keyscan to a file in PowerShell)

You can also make the application do the same automatically:
Use Paramiko AutoAddPolicy with pysftp
(It will automatically add host keys of new hosts to known_hosts, but for known host keys, it will not accept a changed key)

Though for an absolute security, you should not retrieve the host key remotely, as you cannot be sure, if you are not being attacked already.

See my article Where do I get SSH host key fingerprint to authorize the server?
It's for my WinSCP SFTP client, but most information there is valid in general.

If you need to verify the host key using its fingerprint only, see Python - pysftp / paramiko - Verify host key using its fingerprint.

Body of Http.DELETE request in Angular2

Since the deprecation of RequestOptions, sending data as body in a DELETE request is not supported.

If you look at the definition of DELETE, it looks like this:

    delete<T>(url: string, options?: {
      headers?: HttpHeaders | {
         [header: string]: string | string[];
      observe?: 'body';
      params?: HttpParams | {
          [param: string]: string | string[];
      reportProgress?: boolean;
      responseType?: 'json';
      withCredentials?: boolean;
     }): Observable<T>;

You can send payload along with the DELETE request as part of the params in the options object as follows:

this.http.delete('http://testAPI:3000/stuff', { params: {
    data: yourData

However, note that params only accept data as string or string[] so you will not be able to send your own interface data unless you stringify it.

In Visual Studio Code How do I merge between two local branches?

Actually you can do with VS Code the following:

Merge Local Branch with VS Code

Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props of "Connect(SportsDatabase)"

in my case just

const myReducers = combineReducers({
  user: UserReducer

const store: any = createStore(

shallow(<Login />, { context: { store } });

Hide "NFC Tag type not supported" error on Samsung Galaxy devices

Before Android 4.4

What you are trying to do is simply not possible from an app (at least not on a non-rooted/non-modified device). The message "NFC tag type not supported" is displayed by the Android system (or more specifically the NFC system service) before and instead of dispatching the tag to your app. This means that the NFC system service filters MIFARE Classic tags and never notifies any app about them. Consequently, your app can't detect MIFARE Classic tags or circumvent that popup message.

On a rooted device, you may be able to bypass the message using either

  1. Xposed to modify the behavior of the NFC service, or
  2. the CSC (Consumer Software Customization) feature configuration files on the system partition (see /system/csc/. The NFC system service disables the popup and dispatches MIFARE Classic tags to apps if the CSC feature <CscFeature_NFC_EnableSecurityPromptPopup> is set to any value but "mifareclassic" or "all". For instance, you could use:


    You could add this entry to, for instance, the file "/system/csc/others.xml" (within the section <FeatureSet> ... </FeatureSet> that already exists in that file).

Since, you asked for the Galaxy S6 (the question that you linked) as well: I have tested this method on the S4 when it came out. I have not verified if this still works in the latest firmware or on other devices (e.g. the S6).

Since Android 4.4

This is pure guessing, but according to this (link no longer available), it seems that some apps (e.g. NXP TagInfo) are capable of detecting MIFARE Classic tags on affected Samsung devices since Android 4.4. This might mean that foreground apps are capable of bypassing that popup using the reader-mode API (see NfcAdapter.enableReaderMode) possibly in combination with NfcAdapter.FLAG_READER_SKIP_NDEF_CHECK.

How to use Angular2 templates with *ngFor to create a table out of nested arrays?

Try this. The scope of local variables defined by "template" directive.

  <template ngFor let-group="$implicit" [ngForOf]="groups">
    <tr *ngFor="let item of group.items">

Forward X11 failed: Network error: Connection refused

you should install a x server such as XMing. and keep the x server is running. config your putty like this :Connection-Data-SSH-X11-Enable X11 forwarding should be checked. and X display location : localhost:0

What does from __future__ import absolute_import actually do?

The difference between absolute and relative imports come into play only when you import a module from a package and that module imports an other submodule from that package. See the difference:

$ mkdir pkg
$ touch pkg/
$ touch pkg/
$ echo 'import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "pkg/", line 1, in <module>
    import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ echo 'from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)' > pkg/
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2

In particular:

$ python2 pkg/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pkg/", line 1, in <module>
    from __future__ import absolute_import;import string;print(string.ascii_uppercase)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ascii_uppercase'
$ python2
Python 2.7.9 (default, Dec 13 2014, 18:02:08) [GCC] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pkg.main2
$ python2 -m pkg.main2

Note that python2 pkg/ has a different behaviour then launching python2 and then importing pkg.main2 (which is equivalent to using the -m switch).

If you ever want to run a submodule of a package always use the -m switch which prevents the interpreter for chaining the sys.path list and correctly handles the semantics of the submodule.

Also, I much prefer using explicit relative imports for package submodules since they provide more semantics and better error messages in case of failure.

Applying an ellipsis to multiline text

This man have the best solution. Only css:

.multiline-ellipsis {
    display: block;
    display: -webkit-box;
    max-width: 400px;
    height: 109.2px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    font-size: 26px;
    line-height: 1.4;
    -webkit-line-clamp: 3;
    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

AWS EFS vs EBS vs S3 (differences & when to use?)

One word answer: MONEY :D

1 GB to store in US-East-1: (Updated at 2016.dec.20)

  • Glacier: $0.004/Month (Note: Major price cut in 2016)
  • S3: $0.023/Month
  • S3-IA (announced in 2015.09): $0.0125/Month (+$0.01/gig retrieval charge)
  • EBS: $0.045-0.1/Month (depends on speed - SSD or not) + IOPS costs
  • EFS: $0.3/Month

Further storage options, which may be used for temporary storing data while/before processing it:

  • SNS
  • SQS
  • Kinesis stream
  • DynamoDB, SimpleDB

The costs above are just samples. There can be differences by region, and it can change at any point. Also there are extra costs for data transfer (out to the internet). However they show a ratio between the prices of the services.

There are a lot more differences between these services:

EFS is:

  • Generally Available (out of preview), but may not yet be available in your region
  • Network filesystem (that means it may have bigger latency but it can be shared across several instances; even between regions)
  • It is expensive compared to EBS (~10x more) but it gives extra features.
  • It's a highly available service.
  • It's a managed service
  • You can attach the EFS storage to an EC2 Instance
  • Can be accessed by multiple EC2 instances simultaneously
  • Since 2016.dec.20 it's possible to attach your EFS storage directly to on-premise servers via Direct Connect. ()

EBS is:

  • A block storage (so you need to format it). This means you are able to choose which type of file system you want.
  • As it's a block storage, you can use Raid 1 (or 0 or 10) with multiple block storages
  • It is really fast
  • It is relatively cheap
  • With the new announcements from Amazon, you can store up to 16TB data per storage on SSD-s.
  • You can snapshot an EBS (while it's still running) for backup reasons
  • But it only exists in a particular region. Although you can migrate it to another region, you cannot just access it across regions (only if you share it via the EC2; but that means you have a file server)
  • You need an EC2 instance to attach it to
  • New feature (2017.Feb.15): You can now increase volume size, adjust performance, or change the volume type while the volume is in use. You can continue to use your application while the change takes effect.

S3 is:

  • An object store (not a file system).
  • You can store files and "folders" but can't have locks, permissions etc like you would with a traditional file system
  • This means, by default you can't just mount S3 and use it as your webserver
  • But it's perfect for storing your images and videos for your website
  • Great for short term archiving (e.g. a few weeks). It's good for long term archiving too, but Glacier is more cost efficient.
  • Great for storing logs
  • You can access the data from every region (extra costs may apply)
  • Highly Available, Redundant. Basically data loss is not possible (99.999999999% durability, 99.9 uptime SLA)
  • Much cheaper than EBS.
  • You can serve the content directly to the internet, you can even have a full (static) website working direct from S3, without an EC2 instance

Glacier is:

  • Long term archive storage
  • Extremely cheap to store
  • Potentially very expensive to retrieve
  • Takes up to 4 hours to "read back" your data (so only store items you know you won't need to retrieve for a long time)

As it got mentioned in JDL's comment, there are several interesting aspects in terms of pricing. For example Glacier, S3, EFS allocates the storage for you based on your usage, while at EBS you need to predefine the allocated storage. Which means, you need to over estimate. ( However it's easy to add more storage to your EBS volumes, it requires some engineering, which means you always "overpay" your EBS storage, which makes it even more expensive.)

Source: AWS Storage Update – New Lower Cost S3 Storage Option & Glacier Price Reduction

How to export JSON from MongoDB using Robomongo

I had this same issue, and running script in robomongo (Robo 3T 1.1.1) also doesn't allow to copy values and there was no export option either. The best way I could achieve this is to use mongoexport, if mongodb is installed on your local, you can use mongoexport to connect to database on any server and extract data

To connect to Data on remote server, and csv output file, run the following mongoexport in your command line

mongoexport --host HOSTNAME --port PORT --username USERNAME --password "PASSWORD" --collection COLLECTION_NAME --db DATABASE_NAME --out OUTPUTFILE.csv --type=csv --fieldFile fields.txt

fieldFile: helps to extract the desired columns, ex: contents of fields.txt can be just:


to only extract values of the column 'userId'

Data on remote server, json output file:

mongoexport --host HOST_NAME --port PORT --username USERNAME --password "PASSWORD" --collection COLECTION_NAME --db DATABASE_NAME --out OUTPUT.json

this extracts all fields into the json file

data on localhost (mongodb should be running on localhost)

mongoexport --db DATABASE_NAME --collection COLLECTION --out OUTPUT.json


How to customize Bootstrap 3 tab color

To have the active tab also styled, merge the answer from this thread, from Mansukh Khandhar, with this other answer, from lmgonzalves:

.nav-tabs > > a {
  background-color: yellow !important;
  border: medium none;
  border-radius: 0;

IndexError: too many indices for array

The message that you are getting is not for the default Exception of Python:

For a fresh python list, IndexError is thrown only on index not being in range (even docs say so).

>>> l = []
>>> l[1]
IndexError: list index out of range

If we try passing multiple items to list, or some other value, we get the TypeError:

>>> l[1, 2]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple

>>> l[float('NaN')]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float

However, here, you seem to be using matplotlib that internally uses numpy for handling arrays. On digging deeper through the codebase for numpy, we see:

static NPY_INLINE npy_intp
unpack_tuple(PyTupleObject *index, PyObject **result, npy_intp result_n)
    npy_intp n, i;
    n = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(index);
    if (n > result_n) {
                        "too many indices for array");
        return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        result[i] = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(index, i);
    return n;

where, the unpack method will throw an error if it the size of the index is greater than that of the results.

So, Unlike Python which raises a TypeError on incorrect Indexes, Numpy raises the IndexError because it supports multidimensional arrays.

sweet-alert display HTML code in text

The SweetAlert repo seems to be unmaintained. There's a bunch of Pull Requests without any replies, the last merged pull request was on Nov 9, 2014.

I created SweetAlert2 with HTML support in modal and some other options for customization modal window - width, padding, Esc button behavior, etc.

  title: "<i>Title</i>", 
  html: "Testno  sporocilo za objekt: <b>test</b>",  
  confirmButtonText: "V <u>redu</u>", 
<script src=""></script>

Make div 100% Width of Browser Window

.myDiv {
    background-color: red;
    width: 100%;
    min-height: 100vh;
    max-height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    margin: 0 auto;

Basically, we're fixing the div's position regardless of it's parent, and then position it using margin: 0 auto; and settings its position at the top left corner.

BadImageFormatException. This will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed

BadImageFormatException occures when a 32bit (x86) dll calls a 64bit dll or vice versa. If using AnyCPU for your entry executable then when run on a 64bit machine it will run as 64bit, however if that then calls a 32bit dll you get the exception which is why AnyCPU isn't always the answer.

I tend to build everything as 32bit (x86) as we still have to interface with some old components done in VB6 (32bit (x86)). While performance might be better for 64bit machines if we where to build in AnyCPU reliability is more important for us.

I would suggest trying to build all you components in 32bit (x86), unless you are doing some really intensive stuff I doubt it will make much difference.

How to use XPath preceding-sibling correctly

I also like to build locators from up to bottom like:

//div[contains(@class,'btn-group')][./button[contains(.,'Arcade Reader')]]/button[@name='settings']

It's pretty simple, as we just search btn-group with button[contains(.,'Arcade Reader')] and get it's button[@name='settings']

That's just another option to build xPath locators

What is the profit of searching wrapper element: you can return it by method (example in java) and just build selenium constructions like:

getGroupByName("Arcade Reader").find("button[name='settings']");
getGroupByName("Arcade Reader").find("button[name='delete']");

or even simplify more

getGroupButton("Arcade Reader", "delete").click();

Start redis-server with config file

To start redis with a config file all you need to do is specifiy the config file as an argument:

redis-server /root/config/redis.rb

Instead of using and killing PID's I would suggest creating an init script for your service

I would suggest taking a look at the Installing Redis more properly section of It will walk you through setting up an init script with redis so you can just do something like service redis_server start and service redis_server stop to control your server.

I am not sure exactly what distro you are using, that article describes instructions for a Debian based distro. If you are are using a RHEL/Fedora distro let me know, I can provide you with instructions for the last couple of steps, the config file and most of the other steps will be the same.

How to get an IFrame to be responsive in iOS Safari?

CSS only solution


<div class="container">
    <div class="h_iframe">
        <iframe  src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


html,body {
.h_iframe iframe {


Another demo here with HTML page in iframe

Android custom dropdown/popup menu

The Kotlin Way

fun showPopupMenu(view: View) {
    PopupMenu(view.context, view).apply {
                menuInflater.inflate(, menu)
                setOnMenuItemClickListener { item ->
                    Toast.makeText(view.context, "You Clicked : " + item.title, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

UPDATE: In the above code, the apply function returns this which is not required, so we can use run which don't return anything and to make it even simpler we can also remove the curly braces of showPopupMenu method.

Even Simpler:

fun showPopupMenu(view: View) = PopupMenu(view.context, view).run {
            menuInflater.inflate(, menu)
            setOnMenuItemClickListener { item ->
                Toast.makeText(view.context, "You Clicked : ${item.title}", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Disable password authentication for SSH

Here's a script to do this automatically

# Only allow key based logins
sed -n 'H;${x;s/\#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/;p;}' /etc/ssh/sshd_config > tmp_sshd_config
cat tmp_sshd_config > /etc/ssh/sshd_config
rm tmp_sshd_config

Reading serial data in realtime in Python

A very good solution to this can be found here:

Here's a class that serves as a wrapper to a pyserial object. It allows you to read lines without 100% CPU. It does not contain any timeout logic. If a timeout occurs, returns an empty string and you might want to throw an exception to indicate the timeout.

It is also supposed to be fast according to the author:

The code below gives me 790 kB/sec while replacing the code with pyserial's readline method gives me just 170kB/sec.

class ReadLine:
    def __init__(self, s):
        self.buf = bytearray()
        self.s = s

    def readline(self):
        i = self.buf.find(b"\n")
        if i >= 0:
            r = self.buf[:i+1]
            self.buf = self.buf[i+1:]
            return r
        while True:
            i = max(1, min(2048, self.s.in_waiting))
            data =
            i = data.find(b"\n")
            if i >= 0:
                r = self.buf + data[:i+1]
                self.buf[0:] = data[i+1:]
                return r

ser = serial.Serial('COM7', 9600)
rl = ReadLine(ser)

while True:


How to create a sticky footer that plays well with Bootstrap 3

Since it's in bootstrap 3, the site will be using jQuery. So the solution could also be the following, instead of trying to play with complex CSS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        .my-footer {
            border-radius : 0px;
            margin : 0px; /* pesky margin below .navbar */
            position : absolute;
            width : 100%;
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <div class="row">
            <!-- Content of any length -->
            asdfasdfasdfasdfs <br />
            asdfasdfasdfasdfs <br />
            asdfasdfasdfasdfs <br />

    <div class="navbar navbar-inverse my-footer">
        <div class="container-fluid">
            <div class="row">
                <p class="navbar-text">My footer content goes here...</p>

    <script src="js/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            var $docH = $(document).height();
            // The document height will grow as the content on the page grows.
                The default height of .navbar is 50px with a 1px border,
                change this 52 if you change the height of your footer.
                top: ($docH - 52) + 'px'

A different take on it, hope it helps.

Kind regards.

How to approach a "Got minus one from a read call" error when connecting to an Amazon RDS Oracle instance

We faced the same issue and fixed it. Below is the reason and solution.


When the connection pool mechanism is used, the application server (in our case, it is JBOSS) creates connections according to the min-connection parameter. If you have 10 applications running, and each has a min-connection of 10, then a total of 100 sessions will be created in the database. Also, in every database, there is a max-session parameter, if your total number of connections crosses that border, then you will get Got minus one from a read call.

FYI: Use the query below to see your total number of sessions:

SELECT username, count(username) FROM v$session 
WHERE username IS NOT NULL group by username

Solution: With the help of our DBA, we increased that max-session parameter, so that all our application min-connection can accommodate.

Create a new file in git bash

Yes, it is. Just create files in the windows explorer and git automatically detects these files as currently untracked. Then add it with the command you already mentioned.

git add does not create any files. See also

Github probably creates the file with touch and adds the file for tracking automatically. You can do this on the bash as well.

Bootstrap 3 Carousel fading to new slide instead of sliding to new slide

In reply to gerardnll's answer the Less code to extend Bootstrap 3.3.x carousel by fade effect:

// Carousel Fade effect
// --------------------------------------------------

// inspired from
.carousel-fade {

    .carousel-inner {
        .item {

        .active {

            &.right {
                left: 0;
                z-index: 1;

        .prev.right {

    .carousel-control {
        z-index: 2;

// WHAT IS NEW IN 3.3: 
// "Added transforms to improve carousel performance in modern browsers."
// now override the 3.3 new styles for modern browsers & apply opacity
@media all and (transform-3d), (-webkit-transform-3d) {

    .carousel-fade {

        .carousel-inner {

            > .item {
                &.active.left {
                    .translate3d(0; 0; 0);

                &.active {
                    .translate3d(0; 0; 0);




The only thing is the transition duration which is not working as expected when longer than .8s (around). Maybe someone has a solution to solve this strange behaviour.

Note: The LESS code has .transition-duration(.8s); commented, so the default carousel transition duration is used. You can play with the value and see the effect. Longer duration (> 0.8) renders the fade effect less smooth.

Position Absolute + Scrolling

So gaiour is right, but if you're looking for a full height item that doesn't scroll with the content, but is actually the height of the container, here's the fix. Have a parent with a height that causes overflow, a content container that has a 100% height and overflow: scroll, and a sibling then can be positioned according to the parent size, not the scroll element size. Here is the fiddle:

and the relevant code:


<div class="container">
  <div class="inner">
    Lorem ipsum ...
  <div class="full-height"></div>


  height: 256px;
  position: relative;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: scroll;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  width: 20%;
  top: 0;
  height: 100%;

How to convert a boolean array to an int array

A funny way to do this is

>>> np.array([True, False, False]) + 0 
np.array([1, 0, 0])

Bootstrap carousel resizing image

replace your image tag with

<img src="http://localhost:6054/wp-content/themes/BLANK-Theme/images/material/images.jpg" alt="the-buzz-img3"  style="width:640px;height:360px" />

use style attribute and make sure there is no css class for image which set image height and width

<Django object > is not JSON serializable

First I added a to_dict method to my model ;

def to_dict(self):
    return {"name": self.woo, "title":}

Then I have this;

class DjangoJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, models.Model):
            return obj.to_dict()
        return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

dumps = curry(dumps, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)

and at last use this class to serialize my queryset.

def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
    return HttpResponse(dumps(self.get_queryset()))

This works quite well

Tkinter: How to use threads to preventing main event loop from "freezing"

I have used RxPY which has some nice threading functions to solve this in a fairly clean manner. No queues, and I have provided a function that runs on the main thread after completion of the background thread. Here is a working example:

import rx
from rx.scheduler import ThreadPoolScheduler
import time
import tkinter as tk

class UI:
   def __init__(self):
      self.root = tk.Tk()
      self.pool_scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(1) # thread pool with 1 worker thread
      self.button = tk.Button(text="Do Task", command=self.do_task).pack()

   def do_task(self):

   def long_running_task(self):
      # your long running task here... eg:
      # if you want a callback on the main thread:
      self.root.after(5, self.on_task_complete)

   def on_task_complete(self):
       pass # runs on main thread

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ui = UI()

Another way to use this construct which might be cleaner (depending on preference):

tk.Button(text="Do Task", command=self.button_clicked).pack()


def button_clicked(self):

   def do_task(_):
      time.sleep(3) # runs on background thread
   def on_task_done():
      pass # runs on main thread

      on_completed=lambda: self.root.after(5, on_task_done), 

Auto submit form on page load

Add the following to Body tag,

<body onload="document.forms['member_signup'].submit()">

and give name attribute to your Form.

<form method="POST" action="" name="member_signup">

How to connect mySQL database using C++

Finally I could successfully compile a program with C++ connector in Ubuntu 12.04 I have installed the connector using this command

'apt-get install libmysqlcppconn-dev'

Initially I faced the same problem with "undefined reference to `get_driver_instance' " to solve this I declare my driver instance variable of MySQL_Driver type. For ready reference this type is defined in mysql_driver.h file. Here is the code snippet I used in my program.

sql::mysql::MySQL_Driver *driver;
try {     
    driver = sql::mysql::get_driver_instance();

and I compiled the program with -l mysqlcppconn linker option

and don't forget to include this header

#include "mysql_driver.h" 

Bootstrap Carousel Full Screen

This is how I did it. This makes the images in the slideshow take up the full screen if it´s aspect ratio allows it, othervice it scales down.

.carousel {
    height: 100vh;
    width: 100%;
.carousel .carousel-inner {

To allways get a full screen slideshow, no matter screen aspect ratio, you can also use object-fit: (doesn´t work in IE or Edge)

.carousel .carousel-inner img {
    object-fit: cover;

PHP add elements to multidimensional array with array_push

if you want to add the data in the increment order inside your associative array you can do this:

$newdata =  array (
      'wpseo_title' => 'test',
      'wpseo_desc' => 'test',
      'wpseo_metakey' => 'test'

// for recipe

$md_array["recipe_type"][] = $newdata;

//for cuisine

 $md_array["cuisine"][] = $newdata;

this will get added to the recipe or cuisine depending on what was the last index.

Array push is usually used in the array when you have sequential index: $arr[0] , $ar[1].. you cannot use it in associative array directly. But since your sub array is had this kind of index you can still use it like this


jQuery set checkbox checked

If you're wanting to use this functionality for a GreaseMonkey script to automatically check a checkbox on a page, keep in mind that simply setting the checked property may not trigger the associated action. In that case, "clicking" the checkbox probably will (and set the checked property as well).


How to Convert UTC Date To Local time Zone in MySql Select Query

 select convert_tz(now(),@@session.time_zone,'+05:30')

replace '+05:30' with desired timezone. see here -

to format into desired time format, eg:

 select DATE_FORMAT(convert_tz(now(),@@session.time_zone,'+05:30') ,'%b %d %Y %h:%i:%s %p') 

you will get similar to this -> Dec 17 2014 10:39:56 AM

How to pass multiple values to single parameter in stored procedure

I spent time finding a proper way. This may be useful for others.

Create a UDF and refer in the query -

How to make android listview scrollable?

By default ListView is scrollable. Do not put ScrollView to the ListView

Optimal way to concatenate/aggregate strings

For those of us who found this and are not using Azure SQL Database:

STRING_AGG() in PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL


(Thanks to @Brianjorden and @milanio for Azure update)

Example Code:

select Id
, STRING_AGG(Name, ', ') Names 
from Demo
group by Id

SQL Fiddle:!18/89251/1

Can functions be passed as parameters?

Yes Go does accept first-class functions.

See the article "First Class Functions in Go" for useful links.

What is System, out, println in System.out.println() in Java

Whenever you're confused, I would suggest consulting the Javadoc as the first place for your clarification.

From the javadoc about System, here's what the doc says:

public final class System
extends Object

The System class contains several useful class fields and methods. It cannot be instantiated.
Among the facilities provided by the System class are standard input, standard output, and error output streams; access to externally defined properties and environment variables; a means of loading files and libraries; and a utility method for quickly copying a portion of an array.


Regarding System.out

public static final PrintStream out
The "standard" output stream. This stream is already open and ready to accept output data. Typically this stream corresponds to display output or another output destination specified by the host environment or user.
For simple stand-alone Java applications, a typical way to write a line of output data is:

     System.out.println(data) cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

/usr/local/cilk/bin/../lib32/pinbin is dynamically linked to a library which is not present anymore. You need to recompile Cilk

Regular expression for address field validation

Regular expression for simple address validation


E.g. for Address match case

#1, North Street, Chennai - 11 

E.g. for Address not match case

$1, North Street, Chennai @ 11

rsync - mkstemp failed: Permission denied (13)

If you're on a Raspberry pi or other Unix systems with sudo you need to tell the remote machine where rsync and sudo programs are located.

I put in the full path to be safe.

Here's my example:

rsync --stats -paogtrh --progress --omit-dir-times --delete --rsync-path='/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/rsync'  /mnt/drive0/ [email protected]:/mnt/drive0/ cannot open shared object file

Here on a openSuse 12.3 the solution was installing the 32-bit version of libaio in addition. Oracle seems to need this now, although on 12.1 it run without the 32-bit version.

"This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded"

Its .net Version mismatch of the dll so try changing to from in app.config or web.config. Generally have a higher Framework than lower because when we add system's dll to the lower version built .net application so it won't work therefore just change to the higher version

How to form a correct MySQL connection string?

Here is an example:

MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(

MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(
    " INSERT Into Test (lat, long) VALUES ('"+OSGconv.deciLat+"','"+
    OSGconv.deciLon+"')", con);


How do I convert a org.w3c.dom.Document object to a String?

use some thing like

import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;

//method to convert Document to String
public String getStringFromDocument(Document doc)
       DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(doc);
       StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
       StreamResult result = new StreamResult(writer);
       TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
       Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer();
       transformer.transform(domSource, result);
       return writer.toString();
    catch(TransformerException ex)
       return null;

Scroll part of content in fixed position container

It seems to work if you use

div#scrollable {
    overflow-y: scroll;
    height: 100%;

and add padding-bottom: 60px to div.sidebar.

For example:

However, I am unsure why it must be 60px.

Also, you missed the f from overflow-y: scroll;

SVN "Already Locked Error"

Sometimes cleaning the repository with the "break locks"-option still doesn't work if the lock was created by another process. Possible Solution: 1) Acquire a new lock on the folder/file and choose the option "Steal the locks" 2) Release your new lock.

Drawing in Java using Canvas

The following should work:

public static void main(String[] args)
    final String title = "Test Window";
    final int width = 1200;
    final int height = width / 16 * 9;

    //Creating the frame.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame(title);

    frame.setSize(width, height);

    //Creating the canvas.
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas();

    canvas.setSize(width, height);

    //Putting it all together.


    boolean running = true;

    BufferStrategy bufferStrategy;
    Graphics graphics;

    while (running) {
        bufferStrategy = canvas.getBufferStrategy();
        graphics = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics();
        graphics.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);

        graphics.drawString("This is some text placed in the top left corner.", 5, 15);;

Oracle - Insert New Row with Auto Incremental ID

the complete know how, i have included a example of the triggers and sequence

create table temasforo(
idtemasforo NUMBER(5) PRIMARY KEY,
autor       VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,
fecha       DATE DEFAULT (sysdate),
asunto      LONG  );

create sequence temasforo_seq
  start with 1
  increment by 1

create or replace
trigger temasforo_trigger
  before insert on temasforo
  referencing OLD as old NEW as new
  for each row


Regex to match any character including new lines

Add the s modifier to your regex to cause . to match newlines:

$string =~ /(START)(.+?)(END)/s;

Having issues with a MySQL Join that needs to meet multiple conditions

also this should work (not tested):

SELECT u.* FROM room u JOIN facilities_r fu ON fu.id_uc = u.id_uc AND u.id_fu IN(4,3) WHERE 1 AND vizibility = 1 GROUP BY id_uc ORDER BY u_premium desc , id_uc desc

If u.id_fu is a numeric field then you can remove the ' around them. The same for vizibility. Only if the field is a text field (data type char, varchar or one of the text-datatype e.g. longtext) then the value has to be enclosed by ' or even ".

Also I and Oracle too recommend to enclose table and field names in backticks. So you won't get into trouble if a field name contains a keyword.

REST API Authentication

  1. Use HTTP Basic Auth to authenticate clients, but treat username/password only as temporary session token.

    The session token is just a header attached to every HTTP request, eg: Authorization: Basic Ym9ic2Vzc2lvbjE6czNjcmV0

    The string Ym9ic2Vzc2lvbjE6czNjcmV0 above is just the string "bobsession1:s3cret" (which is a username/password) encoded in Base64.

  2. To obtain the temporary session token above, provide an API function (eg: which takes master-username and master-password as an input, creates a temporary HTTP Basic Auth username / password on the server side, and returns the token (eg: Ym9ic2Vzc2lvbjE6czNjcmV0). This username / password should be temporary, it should expire after 20min or so.

  3. For added security ensure your REST service are served over HTTPS so that information are not transferred plaintext

If you're on Java, Spring Security library provides good support to implement above method

Twitter Bootstrap Tabs: Go to Specific Tab on Page Reload or Hyperlink

This is an improved implementation of dubbe's solution which prevent scrolling.

// Javascript to enable link to tab
var url = document.location.toString();
if (url.match('#')) {
    $('.nav-tabs a[href="#'+url.split('#')[1]+'"]').tab('show') ;

// With HTML5 history API, we can easily prevent scrolling!
$('.nav-tabs a').on('', function (e) {
    if(history.pushState) {
        history.pushState(null, null,; 
    } else {
        window.location.hash =; //Polyfill for old browsers

How do I create sql query for searching partial matches?

First of all, this approach won't scale in the large, you'll need a separate index from words to item (like an inverted index).

If your data is not large, you can do

SELECT DISTINCT(name) FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%mall%' OR description LIKE '%mall%'

using OR if you have multiple keywords.

Importing a function from a class in another file?

It would really help if you'd include the code that's not working (from the 'other' file), but I suspect you could do what you want with a healthy dose of the 'eval' function.

For example:

def run():
    print "this does nothing"

def chooser():
    return "run"

def main():
    '''works just like:

The chooser returns the name of the function to execute, eval then turns a string into actual code to be executed in-place, and the parentheses finish off the function call.

using "if" and "else" Stored Procedures MySQL

The problem is you either haven't closed your if or you need an elseif:

create procedure checando(
    in nombrecillo varchar(30),
    in contrilla varchar(30), 
    out resultado int)

    if exists (select * from compas where nombre = nombrecillo and contrasenia = contrilla) then
        set resultado = 0;
    elseif exists (select * from compas where nombre = nombrecillo) then
        set resultado = -1;
        set resultado = -2;
    end if;

How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?

As pointed by Chris, I had following situation

git symbolic-ref HEAD fails with fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref

However git rev-parse refs/heads/master was pointing to a good commit from where I could recover (In my case last commit and you can see that commit by using git show [SHA]

I did a lot messy things after that, but what seems to have fixed is just,

git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/master

And head is re attached!

Can we use JSch for SSH key-based communication?

It is possible. Have a look at JSch.addIdentity(...)

This allows you to use key either as byte array or to read it from file.

import com.jcraft.jsch.Channel;
import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp;
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch;
import com.jcraft.jsch.Session;

public class UserAuthPubKey {
    public static void main(String[] arg) {
        try {
            JSch jsch = new JSch();

            String user = "tjill";
            String host = "";
            int port = 10022;
            String privateKey = ".ssh/id_rsa";

            System.out.println("identity added ");

            Session session = jsch.getSession(user, host, port);
            System.out.println("session created.");

            // disabling StrictHostKeyChecking may help to make connection but makes it insecure
            // see
            // java.util.Properties config = new java.util.Properties();
            // config.put("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");
            // session.setConfig(config);

            System.out.println("session connected.....");

            Channel channel = session.openChannel("sftp");
            System.out.println("shell channel connected....");

            ChannelSftp c = (ChannelSftp) channel;

            String fileName = "test.txt";
            c.put(fileName, "./in/");

        } catch (Exception e) {

posting hidden value

Maybe a little late to the party but why don't you use sessions to store your data?


$_SESSION['form_date'] = $date;


$date = $_SESSION['form_date']; 

Nobody will see this.

Strange Jackson exception being thrown when serializing Hibernate object

It's not ideal, but you could disable Jackson's auto-discovery of JSON properties, using @JsonAutoDetect at the class level. This would prevent it from trying to handle the Javassist stuff (and failing).

This means that you then have to annotate each getter manually (with @JsonProperty), but that's not necessarily a bad thing, since it keeps things explicit.

SQL UPDATE with sub-query that references the same table in MySQL

UPDATE user_account student

SET (student.student_education_facility_id) = (

   SELECT teacher.education_facility_id

   FROM user_account teacher

   WHERE teacher.user_account_id = student.teacher_id AND teacher.user_type = 'ROLE_TEACHER'


WHERE student.user_type = 'ROLE_STUDENT';

Method to Add new or update existing item in Dictionary

I know it is not Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class, however you can avoid KeyNotFoundException while incrementing a value like:

dictionary[key]++; // throws `KeyNotFoundException` if there is no such key  

by using ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> and its really nice method AddOrUpdate()..

Let me show an example:

var str = "Hellooo!!!";
var characters = new ConcurrentDictionary<char, int>();
foreach (var ch in str)
    characters.AddOrUpdate(ch, 1, (k, v) => v + 1);

How to quickly form groups (quartiles, deciles, etc) by ordering column(s) in a data frame

The method I use is one of these or Hmisc::cut2(value, g=4):

temp$quartile <- with(temp, cut(value, 
                                breaks=quantile(value, probs=seq(0,1, by=0.25), na.rm=TRUE), 

An alternate might be:

temp$quartile <- with(temp, factor(
                            findInterval( val, c(-Inf,
                               quantile(val, probs=c(0.25, .5, .75)), Inf) , na.rm=TRUE), 

The first one has the side-effect of labeling the quartiles with the values, which I consider a "good thing", but if it were not "good for you", or the valid problems raised in the comments were a concern you could go with version 2. You can use labels= in cut, or you could add this line to your code:

temp$quartile <- factor(temp$quartile, levels=c("1","2","3","4") )

Or even quicker but slightly more obscure in how it works, although it is no longer a factor, but rather a numeric vector:

temp$quartile <- as.numeric(temp$quartile)

How to set level logging to DEBUG in Tomcat?

Firstly, the level name to use is FINE, not DEBUG. Let's assume for a minute that DEBUG is actually valid, as it makes the following explanation make a bit more sense...

In the Handler specific properties section, you're setting the logging level for those handlers to DEBUG. This means the handlers will handle any log messages with the DEBUG level or higher. It doesn't necessarily mean any DEBUG messages are actually getting passed to the handlers.

In the Facility specific properties section, you're setting the logging level for a few explicitly-named loggers to DEBUG. For those loggers, anything at level DEBUG or above will get passed to the handlers.

The default logging level is INFO, and apart from the loggers mentioned in the Facility specific properties section, all loggers will have that level.

If you want to see all FINE messages, add this:

.level = FINE

However, this will generate a vast quantity of log messages. It's probably more useful to set the logging level for your code:

your.package.level = FINE

See the Tomcat 6/Tomcat 7 logging documentation for more information. The example file shown there uses FINE instead of DEBUG:

... = FINE

and also gives you examples of setting additional logging levels:

# For example, set the logger to only log SEVERE
# messages:
#org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.level = FINE
#org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.level = FINE
#org.apache.catalina.session.ManagerBase.level = FINE

Plot a legend outside of the plotting area in base graphics?

Adding another simple alternative that is quite elegant in my opinion.

Your plot:

plot(1:3, rnorm(3), pch = 1, lty = 1, type = "o", ylim=c(-2,2))
lines(1:3, rnorm(3), pch = 2, lty = 2, type="o")


legend("bottomright", c("group A", "group B"), pch=c(1,2), lty=c(1,2),
       inset=c(0,1), xpd=TRUE, horiz=TRUE, bty="n"


picture with legend

Here only the second line of the legend was added to your example. In turn:

  • inset=c(0,1) - moves the legend by fraction of plot region in (x,y) directions. In this case the legend is at "bottomright" position. It is moved by 0 plotting regions in x direction (so stays at "right") and by 1 plotting region in y direction (from bottom to top). And it so happens that it appears right above the plot.
  • xpd=TRUE - let's the legend appear outside of plotting region.
  • horiz=TRUE - instructs to produce a horizontal legend.
  • bty="n" - a style detail to get rid of legend bounding box.

Same applies when adding legend to the side:

plot(1:3, rnorm(3), pch = 1, lty = 1, type = "o", ylim=c(-2,2))
lines(1:3, rnorm(3), pch = 2, lty = 2, type="o")

legend("topleft", c("group A", "group B"), pch=c(1,2), lty=c(1,2),
       inset=c(1,0), xpd=TRUE, bty="n"

Here we simply adjusted legend positions and added additional margin space to the right side of the plot. Result:

picture with legend 2

How to Animate Addition or Removal of Android ListView Rows

Animation anim = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(
                     GoTransitApp.this, android.R.anim.slide_out_right
listView.getChildAt(index).startAnimation(anim );

new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {

    public void run() {



}, anim.getDuration());

for top-to-down animation use :

<set xmlns:android="">
        <translate android:fromYDelta="20%p" android:toYDelta="-20"
        <alpha android:fromAlpha="0.0" android:toAlpha="1.0"
            android:duration="@android:integer/config_mediumAnimTime" />

Padding a table row

You could simply add this style to the table.

table {
    border-spacing: 15px;

Scroll to a div using jquery

Add this little function and use it as so: $('div').scrollTo(500);

  scrollTo : function(speed, easing)
    return this.each(function()
      var targetOffset = $(this).offset().top;
      $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, speed, easing);

LINQ Contains Case Insensitive

Using C# 6.0 (which allows expression bodied functions and null propagation), for LINQ to Objects, it can be done in a single line like this (also checking for null):

public static bool ContainsInsensitive(this string str, string value) => str?.IndexOf(value, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0;

jQuery table sort

This one does not hang up the browser/s, easy configurable further:

var table = $('table');

    var table = $(this).parents('table').eq(0);
    var ths = table.find('tr:gt(0)').toArray().sort(compare($(this).index()));
    this.asc = !this.asc;
    if (!this.asc)
       ths = ths.reverse();
    for (var i = 0; i < ths.length; i++)

function compare(idx) {
    return function(a, b) {
       var A = tableCell(a, idx), B = tableCell(b, idx)
       return $.isNumeric(A) && $.isNumeric(B) ? 
          A - B : A.toString().localeCompare(B)

function tableCell(tr, index){ 
    return $(tr).children('td').eq(index).text() 

CLEAR SCREEN - Oracle SQL Developer shortcut?

Ctrl+Shift+D, but you have to put focus on the script output panel first...which you can do via the KB.

Run script.

Alt+PgDn     -  puts you in Script Output panel.
Ctrl+Shift+D -  clears panel.
Alt+PgUp     -  puts you back in editor panel. 

Create SQLite database in android

A simple database example to insert Todo List of day today life in DB and get list of all todo list.

public class MyDatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

// Logcat tag
private static final String LOG = "DatabaseHelper";

// Database Version
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

// Database Name
private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "SQLiteDemoDB";

// Table Names
private static final String TABLE_TODO = "todos";

// column names
private static final String KEY_ID = "id";
private static final String KEY_CREATED_AT = "created_at";
private static final String KEY_TODO = "todoDescr";

// *********************************************************************************************
public MyDatabaseHelper(Context context) {
    super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {



// Upgrading database **************************************************************************
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    // Drop older table if existed

    // Create tables again

// Creating Table TABLE_TEAM
        + KEY_ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
        + KEY_TODO + " text, "
        + KEY_CREATED_AT + " text" + ")";

// insert values of todo
public boolean InsertTodoDetails(String todo, String createdAt) {
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
    contentValues.put(KEY_TODO, todo);
    contentValues.put(KEY_CREATED_AT, createdAt);

    long rowInserted = db.insert(TABLE_TODO, null, contentValues);
    return true;

// Select values of todo
public Cursor GetAllTodoDetails() {
    SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();

    String query = "SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_TODO;
    Cursor mcursor = db.rawQuery(query, null);

    if (mcursor != null) {

    return mcursor;



My activity To save and get the record.

public class MyDbActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    EditText edtTodo;
    Button btnSave;

    MyDatabaseHelper db;
    Button btnGetTodo;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

// creating database object
        db = new MyDatabaseHelper(this);


    public void onViewClicked() {

        String datetime = "";
        try {
            SimpleDateFormat dateformat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            datetime = dateformat.format(new Date());
        } catch (Exception e) {

        db.InsertTodoDetails(edtTodo.getText().toString().trim(), datetime);


    public void onGetTodoClicked() {
        String todos = "";
        Cursor TodoList = db.GetAllTodoDetails();
        if (TodoList.moveToFirst()) {
            do {
                if (todos.equals("")) {
                    todos = TodoList.getString(TodoList.getColumnIndex("todoDescr"));

                } else {
                    todos = todos + ", " + TodoList.getString(TodoList.getColumnIndex("todoDescr"));
                // do what ever you want here
            } while (TodoList.moveToNext());
        Toast.makeText(this, "" + todos, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


How do I vertically align text in a div?

Here is a solution that works best for a single line of text.

It can also work for multi-lined text with some tweaking if the number of lines is known.

.testimonialText {
    font-size: 1em; /* Set a font size */
.testimonialText:before { /* Add a pseudo element */
    content: "";
    display: block;
    height: 50%;
    margin-top: -0.5em; /* Half of the font size */

Here is a JSFiddle.

Using CSS to insert text

Just code it like this:

.OwnerJoe {
  //other things here
    content: "Joe's Task: ";

Create a simple HTTP server with Java?

Undertow is a lightweight non-blocking embedded web server that you can get up and running very quickly.

public static void main(String[] args) {
        .addHttpListener(8080, "localhost")
        .setHandler((exchange) -> exchange.getResponseSender().send("hello world"))

Something better than .NET Reflector?

JetBrains is going to add a decompiler to its ReSharper, and release a stand-alone decompiler too.

The good news is that we’re preparing a standalone binary-as-a-source application, i.e. a decompiler + assembly browser to explore whatever .NET compiled code is legal to explore. We don’t have any specific date for release, but it’s going to be released this year, and it’s going to be free of charge. And by saying “free”, we actually mean “free”.

Here is more information.

UPDATE: JetBrains has now released the product called dotPeek and it can be found here.

Open Source Alternatives to Reflector?

Updated 13th December 2011

The following open source tools are available:

JSON string to JS object

The string you are returning is not valid JSON. The names in the objects needs to be quoted and the whole string needs to be put in { … } to form an object. JSON also cannot contain something like new Date(). JSON is just a small subset of JavaScript that has only strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false and null.

See the JSON grammar for more information.

Do you (really) write exception safe code?

Some of us have been using exception for over 20 years. PL/I has them, for example. The premise that they are a new and dangerous technology seems questionable to me.

SQL SELECT from multiple tables

  product p
  customer1 c ON p.cid = c.cid
  product p
  customer2 c ON p.cid = c.cid

Does Android support near real time push notification?

I recently started playing with MQTT for Android as a way of doing what you're asking for (i.e. not SMS but data driven, almost immediate message delivery, scalable, not polling, etc.)

I have a blog post with background information on this in case it's helpful

(Note: MQTT is an IBM technology, and I should point out that I work for IBM.)

Travel/Hotel API's?

HotelsCombined has an easy-to-access and useful service to download the data feed files with hotels. Not exactly API, but something you can get, parse and use. Here is how you do it:

  1. Go to
  2. Register there (no company or bank data is needed)
  3. Open “Data feeds” page
  4. Choose “Standard data feed” -> “Single file” -> “CSV format” (you may get XML as well)

If you are interested in details, you may find the sample Python code to filter CSV file to get hotels for a specific city here:


Unfortunately, has introduced the new regulations: they've restricted the access to data feeds by default. To get the access, a partner must submit some information on why one needs the data. The HC team will review it and then (maybe) will grant access.

cannot call member function without object

You are right - you declared a new use defined type (Name_pairs) and you need variable of that type to use it.

The code should go like this:

Name_pairs np;

jquery change div text

best and simple way is to put title inside a span and replace then.

'<div id="'+div_id+'" class="widget" style="height:60px;width:110px">\n\
        <div class="widget-head ui-widget-header" 
     '<span id="'+span_id+'" style="float:right; cursor:pointer" 
            class="dialog_link ui-icon ui-icon-newwin ui-icon-pencil"></span>' +
      '<span id="spTitle">'+
      dialog_title+ '</span>'

now you can simply use this:

$('#'+div_id+' .widget-head sp#spTitle').text("new dialog title");

JavaScript global event mechanism

How to Catch Unhandled Javascript Errors

Assign the window.onerror event to an event handler like:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onerror = function(msg, url, line, col, error) {
   // Note that col & error are new to the HTML 5 spec and may not be 
   // supported in every browser.  It worked for me in Chrome.
   var extra = !col ? '' : '\ncolumn: ' + col;
   extra += !error ? '' : '\nerror: ' + error;

   // You can view the information in an alert to see things working like this:
   alert("Error: " + msg + "\nurl: " + url + "\nline: " + line + extra);

   // TODO: Report this error via ajax so you can keep track
   //       of what pages have JS issues

   var suppressErrorAlert = true;
   // If you return true, then error alerts (like in older versions of 
   // Internet Explorer) will be suppressed.
   return suppressErrorAlert;

As commented in the code, if the return value of window.onerror is true then the browser should suppress showing an alert dialog.

When does the window.onerror Event Fire?

In a nutshell, the event is raised when either 1.) there is an uncaught exception or 2.) a compile time error occurs.

uncaught exceptions

  • throw "some messages"
  • call_something_undefined();
  • cross_origin_iframe.contentWindow.document;, a security exception

compile error

  • <script>{</script>
  • <script>for(;)</script>
  • <script>"oops</script>
  • setTimeout("{", 10);, it will attempt to compile the first argument as a script

Browsers supporting window.onerror

  • Chrome 13+
  • Firefox 6.0+
  • Internet Explorer 5.5+
  • Opera 11.60+
  • Safari 5.1+


Example of the onerror code above in action after adding this to a test page:

<script type="text/javascript">

Javascript alert showing error information detailed by the window.onerror event

Example for AJAX error reporting

var error_data = {
    url: document.location.href,

if(error != null) {
    error_data['name'] =; // e.g. ReferenceError
    error_data['message'] = error.line;
    error_data['stack'] = error.stack;
} else {
    error_data['msg'] = msg;
    error_data['filename'] = filename;
    error_data['line'] = line;
    error_data['col'] = col;

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/ajax/log_javascript_error');
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
xhr.onload = function() {
    if (xhr.status === 200) {
        console.log('JS error logged');
    } else if (xhr.status !== 200) {
        console.error('Failed to log JS error.');



How do I correct "Commit Failed. File xxx is out of date. xxx path not found."

I was getting this on 1.6.2 server, 1.6.8 tortoise. All on Windows, no merges in this branch.

I renamed a directory and somehow (possibly due to AnkhSVN) two of the files within the directory were being marked as "replaced" rather than "normal". There were some additional minor changes to other files within the directory.

Reverting the files marked as replaced fixed the problem.

How to set array length in c# dynamically

You could use List inside the method and transform it to an array at the end. But i think if we talk about an max-value of 20, your code is faster.

    private Update BuildMetaData(MetaData[] nvPairs)
        Update update = new Update();
        List<InputProperty> ip = new List<InputProperty>();
        for (int i = 0; i < nvPairs.Length; i++)
            if (nvPairs[i] == null) break;
            ip[i] = new InputProperty();
            ip[i].Name = "udf:" + nvPairs[i].Name;
            ip[i].Val = nvPairs[i].Value;
        update.Items = ip.ToArray();
        return update;

WPF chart controls

You can get the Silverlight Chart Controls running on WPF, they're quite nice (and free).

How do I shrink my SQL Server Database?

This is an old question but I just happened upon it.

The really short and a correct answer is already given and has the most votes. That is how you shrink a transaction log, and that was probably the OPs problem. And when the transaction log has grown out of control, it often needs to be shrunk back, but care should be taken to prevent future situations of a log growing out of control. This question on explains that. Basically - Don't let it get that large in the first place through proper recovery model, transaction log maintenance, transaction management, etc.

But the bigger question in my mind when reading this question about shrinking the data file (or even the log file) is why? and what bad things happen when you try? It appears as though shrink operations were done. Now in this case it makes sense in a sense - because MSDE/Express editions are capped at max DB size. But the right answer may be to look at the right version for your needs. And if you stumble upon this question looking to shrink your production database and this isn't the reason why, you should ask yourself the why? question.

I don't want someone searching the web for "how to shrink a database" coming across this and thinking it is a cool or acceptable thing to do.

Shrinking Data Files is a special task that should be reserved for special occasions. Consider that when you shrink a database, you are effectively fragmenting your indexes. Consider that when you shrink a database you are taking away the free space that a database may someday grow right back into - effectively wasting your time and incurring the performance hit of a shrink operation only to see the DB grow again.

I wrote about this concept in several blog posts about shrinking databases. This one called "Don't touch that shrink button" comes to mind first. I talk about these concepts outlined here - but also the concept of "Right-Sizing" your database. It is far better to decide what your database size needs to be, plan for future growth and allocate it to that amount. With Instant File Initialization available in SQL Server 2005 and beyond for data files, the cost of growths is lower - but I still prefer to have a proper initial application - and I'm far less scared of white space in a database than I am of shrinking in general with no thought first. :)

Reading the selected value from asp:RadioButtonList using jQuery

following is the code we eventually created. A breif explanation first. We used a "q_" for the div name wrapped around the radio button question list. Then we had "s_" for any sections. The following code loops through the questions to find the checked value, and then performs a slide action on the relevant section.

var shows_6 = function() {
  var selected = $("#q_7 input:radio:checked").val();
  if (selected == 'Groom') {
  } else {
$('#q_7 input').ready(shows_6);
var shows_7 = function() {
  var selected = $("#q_7 input:radio:checked").val();
  if (selected == 'Bride') {
  } else {
$('#q_7 input').ready(shows_7);
$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#q_7 input:radio').click(shows_6);
  $('#q_7 input:radio').click(shows_7);

<div id="q_7" class='question '><label>Who are you?</label> 
    <label for="ctl00_ctl00_ContentMainPane_Body_ctl00_ctl00_chk_0">Bride</label>
    <input id="ctl00_ctl00_ContentMainPane_Body_ctl00_ctl00_chk_0" type="radio" name="ctl00$ctl00$ContentMainPane$Body$ctl00$ctl00$chk" value="Bride" />
    <label for="ctl00_ctl00_ContentMainPane_Body_ctl00_ctl00_chk_1">Groom</label>
    <input id="ctl00_ctl00_ContentMainPane_Body_ctl00_ctl00_chk_1" type="radio" name="ctl00$ctl00$ContentMainPane$Body$ctl00$ctl00$chk" value="Groom" />


The following allows us to make the question mandatory...

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var mandatory_q_7 = function() {
  var selected = $("#q_7 input:radio:checked").val();
  if (selected != '') {
$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#q_7 input:radio').click(function(){mandatory_q_7();});

Here's an example of the actual show / hide layer

<div class="section" id="s_6"> 

How do I remove carriage returns with Ruby?

Just another variant:

lines.delete(" \n")

Efficiently replace all accented characters in a string?

I can't speak to what you are trying to do specifically with the function itself, but if you don't like the regex being built every time, here are two solutions and some caveats about each.

Here is one way to do this:

function makeSortString(s) {
  if(!makeSortString.translate_re) makeSortString.translate_re = /[öäüÖÄÜ]/g;
  var translate = {
    "ä": "a", "ö": "o", "ü": "u",
    "Ä": "A", "Ö": "O", "Ü": "U"   // probably more to come
  return ( s.replace(makeSortString.translate_re, function(match) { 
    return translate[match]; 
  }) );

This will obviously make the regex a property of the function itself. The only thing you may not like about this (or you may, I guess it depends) is that the regex can now be modified outside of the function's body. So, someone could do this to modify the interally-used regex:

makeSortString.translate_re = /[a-z]/g;

So, there is that option.

One way to get a closure, and thus prevent someone from modifying the regex, would be to define this as an anonymous function assignment like this:

var makeSortString = (function() {
  var translate_re = /[öäüÖÄÜ]/g;
  return function(s) {
    var translate = {
      "ä": "a", "ö": "o", "ü": "u",
      "Ä": "A", "Ö": "O", "Ü": "U"   // probably more to come
    return ( s.replace(translate_re, function(match) { 
      return translate[match]; 
    }) );

Hopefully this is useful to you.

UPDATE: It's early and I don't know why I didn't see the obvious before, but it might also be useful to put you translate object in a closure as well:

var makeSortString = (function() {
  var translate_re = /[öäüÖÄÜ]/g;
  var translate = {
    "ä": "a", "ö": "o", "ü": "u",
    "Ä": "A", "Ö": "O", "Ü": "U"   // probably more to come
  return function(s) {
    return ( s.replace(translate_re, function(match) { 
      return translate[match]; 
    }) );

How can you flush a write using a file descriptor?

If you want to go the other way round (associate FILE* with existing file descriptor), use fdopen() :



       fdopen - associate a stream with a file descriptor


       #include <stdio.h>

       FILE *fdopen(int fildes, const char *mode);

Scanning Java annotations at runtime

There's a wonderful comment by zapp that sinks in all those answers:

new Reflections("my.package").getTypesAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class)

What is LDAP used for?

I have had the opportunity to start a project for school about ldap, from scratch, but before getting to know what is ldap, I had to understand what is a directory, there are many (most used directories are novell and windows), here you can see what the directory in Wikipedia.

And ldap is the protocol to communicate with the board, one of the best books I've found is this one.

Position an element relative to its container

I know I am late but hope this helps.

Following are the values for the position property.

  • static
  • fixed
  • relative
  • absolute

position : static

This is default. It means the element will occur at a position that it normally would.

#myelem {
    position : static;

position : fixed

This will set the position of an element with respect to the browser window (viewport). A fixed positioned element will remain in its position even when the page scrolls.

(Ideal if you want scroll-to-top button at the bottom right corner of the page).

#myelem {
    position : fixed;
    bottom : 30px;
    right : 30px;

position : relative

To place an element at a new location relative to its original position.

#myelem {
    position : relative;
    left : 30px;
    top : 30px;

The above CSS will move the #myelem element 30px to the left and 30px from the top of its actual location.

position : absolute

If we want an element to be placed at an exact position in the page.

#myelem {
    position : absolute;
    top : 30px;
    left : 300px;

The above CSS will position #myelem element at a position 30px from top and 300px from the left in the page and it will scroll with the page.

And finally...

position relative + absolute

We can set the position property of a parent element to relative and then set the position property of the child element to absolute. This way we can position the child relative to the parent at an absolute position.

#container {
    position : relative;

#div-2 {
    position : absolute;
    top : 0;
    right : 0;

Absolute position of a child element w.r.t. a Relative positioned parent element.

We can see in the above image the #div-2 element is positioned at the top-right corner inside the #container element.

GitHub: You can find the HTML of the above image here and CSS here.

Hope this tutorial helps.

How to document Python code using Doxygen

Sphinx is mainly a tool for formatting docs written independently from the source code, as I understand it.

For generating API docs from Python docstrings, the leading tools are pdoc and pydoctor. Here's pydoctor's generated API docs for Twisted and Bazaar.

Of course, if you just want to have a look at the docstrings while you're working on stuff, there's the "pydoc" command line tool and as well as the help() function available in the interactive interpreter.

Dynamically load a JavaScript file

Here is some example code I've found... does anyone have a better way?

  function include(url)
    var s = document.createElement("script");
    s.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
    s.setAttribute("src", url);
    var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
    var node = nodes[nodes.length -1].parentNode;

Options for HTML scraping?

I use Hpricot on Ruby. As an example this is a snippet of code that I use to retrieve all book titles from the six pages of my HireThings account (as they don't seem to provide a single page with this information):

pagerange = 1..6
proxy = Net::HTTP::Proxy(proxy, port, user, pwd)
proxy.start('') do |http|
  pagerange.each do |page|
    resp, data = http.get "/perth_dotnet?page=#{page}" 
    if resp.class == Net::HTTPOK
      (Hpricot(data)/"h3 a").each { |a| puts a.innerText }

It's pretty much complete. All that comes before this are library imports and the settings for my proxy.

How to remove decimal part from a number in C#

Use Math.Round

int d = (int) Math.Round(a, 0);

std::thread calling method of class

Not so hard:

#include <thread>

void Test::runMultiThread()
    std::thread t1(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
    std::thread t2(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

If the result of the computation is still needed, use a future instead:

#include <future>

void Test::runMultiThread()
     auto f1 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this,  0, 10);
     auto f2 = std::async(&Test::calculate, this, 11, 20);

     auto res1 = f1.get();
     auto res2 = f2.get();

Error :Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

Had the same problem, while differently from other answers in my case I use ASP.NET to develop the WebAPI server.

I already had Corps allowed and it worked for GET requests. To make POST requests work I needed to add 'AllowAnyHeader()' and 'AllowAnyMethod()' options to the list of Corp options.

Here are essential parts of related functions in Start class look like:

ConfigureServices method:

    services.AddCors(options =>
        options.AddPolicy(name: MyAllowSpecificOrigins,
                          builder =>

Configure method:


Found this from:

Why do we need to use flatMap?

flatMap transform the items emitted by an Observable into new Observables, then flattens the emissions from those into a single Observable.

Check out the scenario below where get("posts") returns an Observable that is "flattened" by flatMap. => get("posts")).subscribe(o => console.log(o));
// this would log Observable objects to console.  

myObservable.flatMap(e => get("posts")).subscribe(o => console.log(o));
// this would log posts to console.

I cannot start SQL Server browser

If it is disabled, go to Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services, and look for the SQL Server Agent. Right-click, and select Properties From the Startup Type dropdown, change from Disabled to Automatic.

Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf

One option is to directly input the character you're interested in using hex or octal notation:

printf "\x41\n"
printf "\101\n"

Select and trigger click event of a radio button in jquery

My solution is a bit different:

$( 'input[name="your_radio_input_name"]:radio:first' ).click();

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

Had the same issue then I used the connection string without ./ (like DESKTOP-E53DUML instead of this ./DESKTOP-E53DUML)

How to change shape color dynamically?

You can use a binding adapter(Kotlin) to achieve this. Create a binding adapter class named ChangeShapeColor like below


// Method to load shape and set its color 

fun loadShape(textView: TextView, color: String) {
// first get the drawable that you created for the shape 
val mDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(textView.context, 
val  shape =   mDrawable as (GradientDrawable)
// use parse color method to parse #34444 to the int 

Create a drawable shape in res/drawable folder. I have created a circle

<shape xmlns:android=""
android:shape="oval" >
<solid android:color="#anyColorCode"/>


Finally refer it to your view


How to convert a selection to lowercase or uppercase in Sublime Text

For others needing a key binding:

{ "keys": ["ctrl+="], "command": "upper_case" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+-"], "command": "lower_case" }

Checking Value of Radio Button Group via JavaScript?

Use document.querySelector() if you want to avoid frameworks (which I almost always want to do).


How to deselect a selected UITableView cell?

use this code

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath 
    //Change the selected background view of the cell.
     [tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];

Swift 3.0:

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    //Change the selected background view of the cell.
    tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)

JS file gets a net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

As mentionned in comments: you need a way to send your static files to the client. This can be achieved with a reverse proxy like Nginx, or simply using express.static().

Put all your "static" (css, js, images) files in a folder dedicated to it, different from where you put your "views" (html files in your case). I'll call it static for the example. Once it's done, add this line in your server code:

app.use("/static", express.static('./static/'));

This will effectively serve every file in your "static" folder via the /static route.

Querying your index.js file in the client thus becomes:

<script src="static/index.js"></script>

What is the attribute property="og:title" inside meta tag?

The property in meta tags allows you to specify values to property fields which come from a property library. The property library (RDFa format) is specified in the head tag.

For example, to use that code you would have to have something like this in your <head tag. <head xmlns:og=""> and inside the there would be a specification for title (og:title).

The tag from your example was almost definitely from the Open Graph Protocol, the purpose is to specify structured information about your website for the use of Facebook (and possibly other search engines).

How to delete a selected DataGridViewRow and update a connected database table?

        this.txtname.Text = this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString();
        this.txttype.Text = this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[2].Value.ToString();
        this.cbxcode.Text = this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString();
        this.cbxcompany.Text = this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[4].Value.ToString();
        this.dtppurchase.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[5].Value);
        this.txtprice.Text = this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[6].Value.ToString();
        this.txtqty.Text = this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[7].Value.ToString();
        this.txttotal.Text = this.dgvpurchase.CurrentRow.Cells[8].Value.ToString();

How do you get a string from a MemoryStream?

Only use method Convert.ToBase64String


Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format

First dump the keystore from JKS to PKCS12

1. keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -destkeystore intermediate.p12 -srcstoretype JKS -deststoretype PKCS12

Dump the new pkcs12 file into pem

  1. openssl pkcs12 -in intermediate.p12 -nodes -out intermediate.rsa.pem

You should have both the cert and private key in pem format. Split them up. Put the part between “BEGIN CERTIFICATE” and “END CERTIFICATE” into cert.x509.pem Put the part between “BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY” and “END RSA PRIVATE KEY” into private.rsa.pem Convert the private key into pk8 format as expected by signapk

3. openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -outform DER -in private.rsa.pem -inform PEM -out private.pk8 -nocrypt

How to resolve "Could not find schema information for the element/attribute <xxx>"?

What fixed the "Could not find schema information for the element ..." for me was

  • Opening my app.config.
  • Right-clicking in the editor window and selecting Properties.
  • In the properties box, there is a row called Schemas, I clicked that row and selected the browse ... box that appears in the row.
  • I simply checked the use box for all the rows that had my project somewhere in them, and also for the current version of .Net I was using. For instance: DotNetConfig30.xsd.

After that everything went to working fine.

How those schema rows with my project got unchecked I'm not sure, but when I made sure they were checked, I was back in business.

CSS: borders between table columns only

I may be simplifying the issue, but does td {border-right: 1px solid red;} work for your table setup?

What is the difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in C?

exit(0) means Program(Process) terminate normally successfully..

exit(1) means program(process) terminate normally unsuccessfully..

If you want to observe this thing you must know signal handling and process management in Unix ...

know about sigaction, watipid()..for()...such....API...........

How to ignore conflicts in rpm installs

From the context, the conflict was caused by the version of the package.
Let's take a look the manual about rpm:

    Same as using --replacepkgs, --replacefiles, and --oldpackage.

    Allow an upgrade to replace a newer package with an older one.

So, you can execute the command rpm -Uvh info-4.13a-2.rpm --force to solve your issue.

XAMPP - Apache could not start - Attempting to start Apache service

I had the same problem but was because I had already previously installed xampp , and I tried to install a newer version , then I installed the newer version in another file directory (I named the file directory xampp2). I solved the problem after uninstall the newer version, rename the old one (I renamed as xamppold), and installing xampp again.

I guess if you didn't installed xampp in another file directory or something like that , it should be enough to reinstall xampp. If you are worried about your files , you always can make a backup before reinstalling xampp.

I solved the problem after watching the xampp activity log (the list of the bottom) and realizing xampp was trying to open the custom file path but I had another route path. If the first option didn't worked, at least you can scroll up in the activity log and see whats the error you get while starting as admin and trying to re install the Apache module or trying to start the module.

You may wander why I didn't just simply uninstall the whole thing from the beginning , and the answer would be I have tweak a couple of things of xampp for some different projects (from changing the ports , to add .dll to run mongo.db in Apache), and I'm just too lazy to re-do everything again :b

I hope my answer can be helpful for anyone since is my first time writing in stackoverflow :)


Node.js spawn child process and get terminal output live

I found myself requiring this functionality often enough that I packaged it into a library called std-pour. It should let you execute a command and view the output in real time. To install simply:

npm install std-pour

Then it's simple enough to execute a command and see the output in realtime:

const { pour } = require('std-pour');
pour('ping', ['', '-c', '4']).then(code => console.log(`Error Code: ${code}`));

It's promised based so you can chain multiple commands. It's even function signature-compatible with child_process.spawn so it should be a drop in replacement anywhere you're using it.

Open a URL in a new tab (and not a new window)

Or you could just create a link element and click it...

var evLink = document.createElement('a');
evLink.href = 'http://' + strUrl; = '_blank';
// Now delete it

This shouldn't be blocked by any popup blockers... Hopefully.

Add property to an array of objects

or use map> ({ ...obj, Active: 'false' }))

Edited to reflect comment by @adrianolsk to not mutate the original and instead return a new object for each.

Read the spec

HTML: How to make a submit button with text + image in it?

<input type="button" id="btnTexWrapped" style="background: url('');background-size:30px;width:50px;height:3em;" />

Change input style elements as you want to get the button you need.

I hope it was helpful. invalid stream header: 7371007E

If you are sending multiple objects, it's often simplest to put them some kind of holder/collection like an Object[] or List. It saves you having to explicitly check for end of stream and takes care of transmitting explicitly how many objects are in the stream.

EDIT: Now that I formatted the code, I see you already have the messages in an array. Simply write the array to the object stream, and read the array on the server side.

Your "server read method" is only reading one object. If it is called multiple times, you will get an error since it is trying to open several object streams from the same input stream. This will not work, since all objects were written to the same object stream on the client side, so you have to mirror this arrangement on the server side. That is, use one object input stream and read multiple objects from that.

(The error you get is because the objectOutputStream writes a header, which is expected by objectIutputStream. As you are not writing multiple streams, but simply multiple objects, then the next objectInputStream created on the socket input fails to find a second header, and throws an exception.)

To fix it, create the objectInputStream when you accept the socket connection. Pass this objectInputStream to your server read method and read Object from that.

Is it possible to have multiple statements in a python lambda expression?

Let me present to you a glorious but terrifying hack:

import types

def _obj():
  return lambda: None

def LET(bindings, body, env=None):
  '''Introduce local bindings.
  ex: LET(('a', 1,
           'b', 2),
          lambda o: [o.a, o.b])
  gives: [1, 2]

  Bindings down the chain can depend on
  the ones above them through a lambda.
  ex: LET(('a', 1,
           'b', lambda o: o.a + 1),
          lambda o: o.b)
  gives: 2
  if len(bindings) == 0:
    return body(env)

  env = env or _obj()
  k, v = bindings[:2]
  if isinstance(v, types.FunctionType):
    v = v(env)

  setattr(env, k, v)
  return LET(bindings[2:], body, env)

You can now use this LET form as such:

map(lambda x: LET(('_', x.sort()),
                  lambda _: x[1]),

which gives: [345, 465, 333]

jQuery date/time picker

We had trouble finding one that worked the way we wanted it to so I wrote one. I maintain the source and fix bugs as they arise plus provide free support.

How to copy files from host to Docker container?

Where you don't have a directory defined as a volume in the Dockerfile, the /var/lib/docker/aufs/mnt// will work. But there are cases where the directory within the container is defined as a volume. In this case, the contents under aufs/mnt/*/ and the contents seen by the container are different.

You will need to inspect the container using docker inspect and then, look for volumes. There you will find a mention for something like /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/fe940b... (the id). You will need to add/modify the files here instead of under aufs/mnt/*.

The confusing part is that the files also appear under /aufs/mnt/*. I spent quite a while scratching my head why changes here didn't work for me. Hope this helps someone.

What is the difference between Collection and List in Java?

Collection is the root interface to the java Collections hierarchy. List is one sub interface which defines an ordered Collection, other sub interfaces are Queue which typically will store elements ready for processing (e.g. stack).

The following diagram demonstrates the relationship between the different java collection types:

java collections

Measuring elapsed time with the Time module

start_time = time.time()
# your code
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time

You can also write simple decorator to simplify measurement of execution time of various functions:

import time
from functools import wraps


def profile(fn):
    def with_profiling(*args, **kwargs):
        start_time = time.time()

        ret = fn(*args, **kwargs)

        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time

        if fn.__name__ not in PROF_DATA:
            PROF_DATA[fn.__name__] = [0, []]
        PROF_DATA[fn.__name__][0] += 1

        return ret

    return with_profiling

def print_prof_data():
    for fname, data in PROF_DATA.items():
        max_time = max(data[1])
        avg_time = sum(data[1]) / len(data[1])
        print "Function %s called %d times. " % (fname, data[0]),
        print 'Execution time max: %.3f, average: %.3f' % (max_time, avg_time)

def clear_prof_data():
    global PROF_DATA
    PROF_DATA = {}


def your_function(...):

You can profile more then one function simultaneously. Then to print measurements just call the print_prof_data():

How to handle Pop-up in Selenium WebDriver using Java

I found the solution for the above program, which had the goal of signing in to

public class Handle_popupNAlert
    public static void main(String[] args ) throws InterruptedException
        WebDriver driver= new FirefoxDriver(); 
        WebElement sign = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//html/body/div[3]/div[3]/span[4]/span/a"));;

        Set<String> windowId = driver.getWindowHandles();    // get  window id of current window
        Iterator<String> itererator = windowId.iterator();   

        String mainWinID =;
        String  newAdwinID =;



        WebElement email_id= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='c_uname']"));


Thymeleaf: Concatenation - Could not parse as expression

We can concat Like this :

<h5 th:text ="${currentItem.first_name}+ ' ' + ${currentItem.last_name}"></h5>

AngularJS event on window innerWidth size change

I found a jfiddle that might help here:

Ive refactored the code to make it simpler for this.

// In your controller
var w = angular.element($window);
  function () {
    return $window.innerWidth;
  function (value) {
    $scope.windowWidth = value;

w.bind('resize', function(){

You can then reference to windowWidth from the html

<span ng-bind="windowWidth"></span>

How to determine if a number is odd in JavaScript

This can be solved with a small snippet of code:

function isEven(value) {
    return !(value % 2)

Hope this helps :)

How to connect Robomongo to MongoDB

I was able to connect Robomongo to a remote instance of MongoDB running on Mongo Labs using the connection string as follows:

  1. Download the latest version of Robomongo. I downloaded 0.9 RC6 from here.

  2. From the connection string, populate the server address and port numbers as follows.

    Connection settings

  3. Populate DB name and username and password as follows under the authentication tab.

    Authentication settings

  4. Test the connection.

    Test connection

    Enter image description here

How to use the ProGuard in Android Studio?

You can configure your build.gradle file for proguard implementation. It can be at module level or the project level.

 buildTypes {

    debug {
        minifyEnabled false
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'



The configuration shown is for debug level but you can write you own build flavors like shown below inside buildTypes:

        minifyEnabled true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'

Better to have your debug with minifyEnabled false and productionbuild and other builds as minifyEnabled true.

Copy your proguard-rules.txt file in the root of your module or project folder like


You can change the name of your file as you want. After configuration use one of the three options available to generate your build as per the buildType

  1. Go to gradle task in right panel and search for assembleRelease/assemble(#your_defined_buildtype) under module tasks

  2. Go to Build Variant in Left Panel and select the build from drop down

  3. Go to project root directory in File Explorer and open cmd/terminal and run

Linux ./gradlew assembleRelease or assemble(#your_defined_buildtype)

Windows gradlew assembleRelease or assemble(#your_defined_buildtype)

You can find apk in your module/build directory.

More about the configuration and proguard files location is available at the link

Get operating system info

If you want very few info like a class in your html for common browsers for instance, you could use:

function get_browser()
    $browser = '';
    $ua = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
    if (preg_match('~(?:msie ?|trident.+?; ?rv: ?)(\d+)~', $ua, $matches)) $browser = 'ie ie'.$matches[1];
    elseif (preg_match('~(safari|chrome|firefox)~', $ua, $matches)) $browser = $matches[1];

    return $browser;

which will return 'safari' or 'firefox' or 'chrome', or 'ie ie8', 'ie ie9', 'ie ie10', 'ie ie11'.

Code snippet or shortcut to create a constructor in Visual Studio

I have created some handy code snippets that'll create overloaded constructors as well. You're welcome to use them:

For example: 'ctor2' would create a constructor with two arguments and allow you to tab through them one by one like this:

public MyClass(ArgType argName, ArgType argName)


ADB device list is empty

This helped me at the end:

Quick guide:

  • Download Google USB Driver

  • Connect your device with Android Debugging enabled to your PC

  • Open Device Manager of Windows from System Properties.

  • Your device should appear under Other devices listed as something like Android ADB Interface or 'Android Phone' or similar. Right-click that and click on Update Driver Software...

  • Select Browse my computer for driver software

  • Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer

  • Double-click Show all devices

  • Press the Have disk button

  • Browse and navigate to [wherever your SDK has been installed]\google-usb_driver and select android_winusb.inf

  • Select Android ADB Interface from the list of device types.

  • Press the Yes button

  • Press the Install button

  • Press the Close button

Now you've got the ADB driver set up correctly. Reconnect your device if it doesn't recognize it already.

Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware

I ran a test that just added 1 to the number instead of rand(). Results (on an x86-64) were:

  • short: 4.260s
  • int: 4.020s
  • long long: 3.350s
  • float: 7.330s
  • double: 7.210s

convert month from name to number

Maybe use a combination with strtotime() and date()?

How to make Excel VBA variables available to multiple macros?

You may consider declaring the variables with moudule level scope. Module-level variable is available to all of the procedures in that module, but it is not available to procedures in other modules

For details on Scope of variables refer this link

Please copy the below code into any module, save the workbook and then run the code.

Here is what code does

  • The sample subroutine sets the folder path & later the file path. Kindly set them accordingly before you run the code.

  • I have added a function IsWorkBookOpen to check if workbook is already then set the workbook variable the workbook name else open the workbook which will be assigned to workbook variable accordingly.

Dim wbA As Workbook
Dim wbB As Workbook

Sub MySubRoutine()
    Dim folderPath As String, fileNm1 As String, fileNm2 As String, filePath1 As String, filePath2 As String

    folderPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
    fileNm1 = "file1.xlsx"
    fileNm2 = "file2.xlsx"

    filePath1 = folderPath & fileNm1
    filePath2 = folderPath & fileNm2

    If IsWorkBookOpen(filePath1) Then
        Set wbA = Workbooks(fileNm1)
        Set wbA = Workbooks.Open(filePath1)
    End If

    If IsWorkBookOpen(filePath2) Then
        Set wbB = Workbooks.Open(fileNm2)
        Set wbB = Workbooks.Open(filePath2)
    End If

    ' your code here
End Sub

Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String)
    Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    ff = FreeFile()
    Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff
    Close ff
    ErrNo = Err
    On Error GoTo 0

    Select Case ErrNo
    Case 0: IsWorkBookOpen = False
    Case 70: IsWorkBookOpen = True
    Case Else: Error ErrNo
    End Select
End Function

Using Prompt to select the file use below code.

Dim wbA As Workbook
Dim wbB As Workbook

Sub MySubRoutine()
    Dim folderPath As String, fileNm1 As String, fileNm2 As String, filePath1 As String, filePath2 As String

    Dim filePath As String
    cmdBrowse_Click filePath, 1

    filePath1 = filePath

    'reset the variable
    filePath = vbNullString

    cmdBrowse_Click filePath, 2
    filePath2 = filePath

   fileNm1 = GetFileName(filePath1, "\")
   fileNm2 = GetFileName(filePath2, "\")

    If IsWorkBookOpen(filePath1) Then
        Set wbA = Workbooks(fileNm1)
        Set wbA = Workbooks.Open(filePath1)
    End If

    If IsWorkBookOpen(filePath2) Then
        Set wbB = Workbooks.Open(fileNm2)
        Set wbB = Workbooks.Open(filePath2)
    End If

    ' your code here
End Sub

Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String)
    Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long

    On Error Resume Next
    ff = FreeFile()
    Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff
    Close ff
    ErrNo = Err
    On Error GoTo 0

    Select Case ErrNo
    Case 0: IsWorkBookOpen = False
    Case 70: IsWorkBookOpen = True
    Case Else: Error ErrNo
    End Select
End Function

Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click(ByRef filePath As String, num As Integer)

    Dim fd As FileDialog
    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
    fd.AllowMultiSelect = False
    fd.Title = "Select workbook " & num
    fd.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewSmallIcons

    Dim FileChosen As Integer

    FileChosen = fd.Show

    fd.Filters.Add "Excel macros", "*.xlsx"

    fd.FilterIndex = 1

    If FileChosen <> -1 Then
        MsgBox "You chose cancel"
        filePath = ""
        filePath = fd.SelectedItems(1)
    End If

End Sub

Function GetFileName(fullName As String, pathSeparator As String) As String

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim iFNLenght As Integer
    iFNLenght = Len(fullName)

    For i = iFNLenght To 1 Step -1
        If Mid(fullName, i, 1) = pathSeparator Then Exit For

    GetFileName = Right(fullName, iFNLenght - i)

End Function

How do I use HTML as the view engine in Express?

try this for your server config

app.configure(function() {
    app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));         // set the static files location
    app.use(express.logger('dev'));                         // log every request to the console
    app.use(express.bodyParser());                          // pull information from html in POST
    app.use(express.methodOverride());                      // simulate DELETE and PUT
    app.use(express.favicon(__dirname + '/public/img/favicon.ico'));

then your callback functions to routes will look like:

function(req, res) {

C# cannot convert method to non delegate type

Because getTitle is not a string, it returns a reference or delegate to a method (if you like), if you don't explicitly call the method.

Call your method this way:

string t= obj.getTitle() ; //obj.getTitle()  says return the title string object

However, this would work:

Func<string> method = obj.getTitle; // this compiles to a delegate and points to the method

string s = method();//call the delegate or using this syntax `method.Invoke();`

Get client IP address via third party web service

Well, if in the HTML you import a script...

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

You can then use the variable userIP (which would be the visitor's IP address) anywhere on the page.

To redirect: <script>if (userIP == "555.555.555.55") {window.location.replace("");}</script>

Or to show it on the page: document.write (userIP);

DISCLAIMER: I am the author of the script I said to import. The script comes up with the IP by using PHP. The source code of the script is below.

<?php //Gets the IP address $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") ; Echo "var userIP = '" . $ip . "';"; ?>

java.lang.VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target JDK 1.7

Java 7 introduced stricter verification and changed the class format a bit—to contain a stack map used to verify that code is correct. The exception you see means that some method doesn't have a valid stack map.

Java version or bytecode instrumentation could both be to blame. Usually this means that a library used by the application generates invalid bytecode that doesn't pass the stricter verification. So nothing else than reporting it as a bug to the library can be done by the developer.

As a workaround you can add -noverify to the JVM arguments in order to disable verification. In Java 7 it was also possible to use -XX:-UseSplitVerifier to use the less strict verification method, but that option was removed in Java 8.

What is the convention in JSON for empty vs. null?

There is the question whether we want to differentiate between cases:

  1. "phone" : "" = the value is empty

  2. "phone" : null = the value for "phone" was not set yet

If we want differentiate I would use null for this. Otherwise we would need to add a new field like "isAssigned" or so. This is an old Database issue.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < On Chrome

change it to

         url = 'getData.php',  
         data : { 'id' id } , 
         dataType : 'text'

This way ajax will not try to parse the data into json or similar

How to convert md5 string to normal text?

I you send passwords to users in an email, you might as well have no passwords at all.

You cannot reverse the MD5 function, so your only option is to generate a new password and send that to the user (preferably over some secure channel).

Ruby 2.0.0p0 IRB warning: "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle"

The message you received is common when you have ruby 2.0.0p0 (2013-02-24) on top of Windows.

The message "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle" is not an error; it's only a warning.

The source is the Deprecation notice for DL introduced some time ago in dl.rb ( see revisions/37910 ).

On Windows the lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/readline.rb file still requires dl.rb so the warning message comes out when you require 'irb' ( because irb requires 'readline' ) or when anything else wants to require 'readline'.

You can open readline.rb with your favorite text editor and look up the code ( near line 4369 ):

    if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.1'
      require 'Win32API'
      require 'dl'
      class Win32API
        DLL = {}

We can always hope for an improvement to work out this deprecation in future releases of Ruby.

EDIT: For those wanting to go deeper about Fiddle vs DL, let it be said that their purpose is to dynamically link external libraries with Ruby; you can read on the ruby-doc website about DL or Fiddle.

HTML.HiddenFor value set

For setting value in hidden field do in the following way:

@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.title, 
                new { id= "natureOfVisitField", Value = @Model.title})

It will work

Getting Google+ profile picture url with user_id

trying to access the /s2/profile/photo url works for most users but not all.

The only full proof method is to use the Google+ API. You don't need user authentication to request public profile data so it's a rather simple method:

  1. Get a Google+ API key on

  2. Make a simple GET request to:< username >?key=

Note the + before the username. If you use user ids instead (the long string of digits), you don't need the +

  1. you will get a very comprehensive JSON representation of the profile data which includes: "image":{"url": " the rest of the picture url...."}

ALTER COLUMN in sqlite

While it is true that the is no ALTER COLUMN, if you only want to rename the column, drop the NOT NULL constraint, or change the data type, you can use the following set of dangerous commands:

PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;
PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;

You will need to either close and reopen your connection or vacuum the database to reload the changes into the schema.

For example:

Y:\> **sqlite3 booktest**  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> **create table BOOKS ( title TEXT NOT NULL, publication_date TEXT NOT 
sqlite> **insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);**  
Error: BOOKS.publication_date may not be NULL  
sqlite> **PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;**  
NULL, publication_date TEXT)' WHERE NAME = 'BOOKS';**  
sqlite> **PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;**  
sqlite> **.q**  

Y:\> **sqlite3 booktest**  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> **insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);**  
sqlite> **.q**  


pragma writable_schema
When this pragma is on, the SQLITE_MASTER tables in which database can be changed using ordinary UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. Warning: misuse of this pragma can easily result in a corrupt database file.

[alter table](From
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.


Using Pipes within ngModel on INPUT Elements in Angular

<input [ngModel]="item.value | currency" (ngModelChange)="item.value=$event"
name="name" type="text" />

I would like to add one more point to the accepted answer.

If the type of your input control is not text the pipe will not work.

Keep it in mind and save your time.

Firebug like plugin for Safari browser

Firebug lite plugin in Safari extensions didn't work (it's made by slicefactory, I don't think it's offical). btw, #2 works for me!

.jar error - could not find or load main class

Thanks jbaliuka for the suggestion. I opened the registry editor (by typing regedit in cmd) and going to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT > jarfile > shell > open > command, then opening (Default) and changing the value from

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*


"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -jar "%1" %*

(I just removed the w in javaw.exe.) After that you have to right click a jar -> open with -> choose default program -> navigate to your java folder and open \jre7\bin\java.exe (or any other java.exe file in you java folder). If it doesn't work, try switching to javaw.exe, open a jar file with it, then switch back.

I don't know anything about editing the registry except that it's dangerous, so you might wanna back it up before doing this (in the top bar, File>Export).

Message Queue vs. Web Services?

There's been a fair amount of recent research in considering how REST HTTP calls could replace the message queue concept.

If you introduce the concept of a process and a task as a resource, the need for middle messaging layer starts to evaporate.


POST /task/name
    - Returns a 202 accepted status immediately
    - Returns a resource url for the created task: /task/name/X
    - Returns a resource url for the started process: /process/Y

GET /process/Y
    - Returns status of ongoing process

A task can have multiple steps for initialization, and a process can return status when polled or POST to a callback URL when complete.

This is dead simple, and becomes quite powerful when you realize that you can now subscribe to an rss/atom feed of all running processes and tasks without any middle layer. Any queuing system is going to require some sort of web front end anyway, and this concept has it built in without another layer of custom code.

Your resources exist until you delete them, which means you can view historical information long after the process and task complete.

You have built in service discovery, even for a task that has multiple steps, without any extra complicated protocols.

GET /task/name
    - returns form with required fields

POST (URL provided form's "action" attribute)

Your service discovery is an HTML form - a universal and human readable format.

The entire flow can be used programmatically or by a human, using universally accepted tools. It's a client driven, and therefore RESTful. Every tool created for the web can drive your business processes. You still have alternate message channels by POSTing asynchronously to a separate array of log servers.

After you consider it for a while, you sit back and start to realize that REST may just eliminate the need for a messaging queue and an ESB altogether.

No Such Element Exception?

I had run into the same issue while I was dealing with large dataset. One thing I've noticed was the NoSuchElementException is thrown when the Scanner reaches the endOfFile, where it is not going to affect our data.

Here, I've placed my code in try block and catch block handles the exception. You can also leave it empty, if you don't want to perform any task.

For the above question, because you are using both in the condition and in the while loop you can handle the exception as

    try{; //stack trace error here
       }catch(NoSuchElementException e) {  }

This worked perfectly for me, if there are any corner cases for my approach, do let me know through comments.

Include files from parent or other directory

In laymans terms, and practicality, I see this as an old DOS trick/thing. Whoa! What was that? DOS? Never heard of it!

".." backs you out of the current sub-directory one time to a higher folder/directory, and .. enter typed twice backs you out too 2 higher parent folders. Keep adding the ".. enter" back to back and you will soon find yourself at the top level of the directory.

As for Newbies to understand this better, consider this (in terms of the home PC or "C:\ drive" if you know what that means, rather than the web-servers/host "root directory" ). While your at it, Consider your website existing somewhere on your home PC's hard drive, buried in some folder under the C:\ drive. Lastly, you can think of it as ".." is back one directory and "/" is forward one directory/folder.

Now! If you are using the command prompt and are within the "myDocuments" folder of your PC you must back out of that folder to get closer to the higher directory "C:\" by typing the "../". If you wanted to access a file that is located in the widows directory while you are still in the myDocuments folder you would theoretically type ../windows; in reality of DOS command prompt you would simply type .., but I am setting you up for the web. The / redirects forward to another directory naturally.

Using "myDocuments" lets pretend that you created 2 folders within it called "PHP1" and "PHP2", in such we now have the folders:

  • C:\myDocuments\PHP1
  • C:\myDocuments\PHP2

In PHP1 you place a file called index.php. and in PHP2 folder you placed a file called Found.php. it now becomes:

  • C:\myDocuments\PHP1\index.php
  • C:\myDocuments\PHP2\found.php

Inside the C:\myDocuments\PHP1\index.php file you would need to edit and type something like:

<?php include ('../php2/found.php')?>

The ../ is positional thus it considers your current file location "C:\myDocuments\PHP1\index.php" and is a directive telling it to back out of PHP1 directory and enter or move forward into PHP2 directory to look for the Found.php file. But does it read it? See my thoughts on trouble shooting below.

Now! suppose you have 1 folder PHP1 and a sub-folder PHP2:

  • C:\myDocuments\PHP1\PHP2

you would simply reference/code

<?php include('/PHP2/found.php') ?>

as PHP2 exist as a sub-directory, below or within PHP1 directory.

If the above does not work it may have something to do with access/htaccess or permission to the directory or a typo. To enhance this...getting into trouble shooting...If the "found.php" file has errors/typo's within it, it will crash upon rendering at the error, such could be the reason (require/require_once) that you are experiencing the illusion that it is not changing directories or accessing the file. At last thought on the matter, you may need to instantiate your functions or references in order to use the included/require "whatever" by creating a new variable or object such as

$newObject = new nameobject("origianlThingy");

Remember, just because you are including/requiring something, sometimes means just that, it is included/required to run, but it might need to be recreated to make it active or access it. New will surely re-create an instance of it "if it is readable" and make it available within the current document while preserving the original. However you should reference the newly created variable $newObject in all instances....if its global.

To put this in perspective of some web host account; the web host is some whopping over sized hard-drive (like that on your PC) and your domain is nothing more than a folder they have assigned to you. Your folder is called the root. Inside that folder you can do anything you are allowed to do. your "one of many ways" to move between directories/folders is to use the ../ however many times to back out of your current in reference to folder position you want to find.

In my drunken state I realize that I know too much to be sane, and not enough to be insane!"

C# How can I check if a URL exists/is valid?

Here is another implementation of this solution:

using System.Net;

/// Checks the file exists or not.
/// The URL of the remote file.
/// True : If the file exits, False if file not exists
private bool RemoteFileExists(string url)
        //Creating the HttpWebRequest
        HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
        //Setting the Request method HEAD, you can also use GET too.
        request.Method = "HEAD";
        //Getting the Web Response.
        HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
        //Returns TRUE if the Status code == 200
        return (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);
        //Any exception will returns false.
        return false;


HTML.ActionLink vs Url.Action in ASP.NET Razor

Yes, there is a difference. Html.ActionLink generates an <a href=".."></a> tag whereas Url.Action returns only an url.

For example:

@Html.ActionLink("link text", "someaction", "somecontroller", new { id = "123" }, null)


<a href="/somecontroller/someaction/123">link text</a>

and Url.Action("someaction", "somecontroller", new { id = "123" }) generates:


There is also Html.Action which executes a child controller action.

Pure Javascript listen to input value change

instead of id use title to identify your element and write the code as below.


        console.log("Field has been changed...")

MYSQL order by both Ascending and Descending sorting

You can do that in this way:

ORDER BY `products`.`product_category_id` DESC ,`naam` ASC

Have a look at ORDER BY Optimization

How can I use an http proxy with node.js http.Client?

I bought private proxy server, after purchase I got: // IP address of proxy server
99999 // port of proxy server
username // authentication username of proxy server
password // authentication password of proxy server

And I wanted to use it. First answer and second answer worked only for http(proxy) -> http(destination), however I wanted http(proxy) -> https(destination).

And for https destination it would be better to use HTTP tunnel directly. I found solution here. Final code:

const http = require('http')
const https = require('https')
const username = 'username'
const password = 'password'
const auth = 'Basic ' + Buffer.from(username + ':' + password).toString('base64')

  host: '', // IP address of proxy server
  port: 99999, // port of proxy server
  method: 'CONNECT',
  path: '', // some destination, add 443 port for https!
  headers: {
    'Proxy-Authorization': auth
}).on('connect', (res, socket) => {
  if (res.statusCode === 200) { // connected to proxy server
      host: '',
      socket: socket,    // using a tunnel
      agent: false,      // cannot use a default agent
      path: '/your/url'  // specify path to get from server
    }, (res) => {
      let chunks = []
      res.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk))
      res.on('end', () => {
        console.log('DONE', Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'))
}).on('error', (err) => {
  console.error('error', err)
}).end() Trust anchor for certification path not found

After a some research i found the way to bypass ssl error Trust anchor for certification path not found. This might be not a good way to do but you can use it for a testing purpose.

 private HttpsURLConnection httpsUrlConnection( URL urlDownload) throws Exception {
  HttpsURLConnection connection=null;
        TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{new X509TrustManager() {
            public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                return null;

            public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {

            public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {
        SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); // Add in try catch block if you get error.
        sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new; // Add in try catch block if you get error.

        HostnameVerifier usnoHostnameVerifier = new HostnameVerifier() {
            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
                return true;

        SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sc.getSocketFactory();

        connection = (HttpsURLConnection) urlDownload.openConnection();

        return connection;

Setting default values for columns in JPA

Actually it is possible in JPA, although a little bit of a hack using the columnDefinition property of the @Column annotation, for example:

@Column(name="Price", columnDefinition="Decimal(10,2) default '100.00'")

Setting timezone to UTC (0) in PHP

You can always check this maintained list to timezones

Convert python datetime to epoch with strftime

import time
from datetime import datetime
now =

# same as above except keeps microseconds
time.mktime(now.timetuple()) + now.microsecond * 1e-6

(Sorry, it wouldn't let me comment on existing answer)

How do I turn off PHP Notices?

I found this trick out recently. Whack an @ at the start of a line that may produce an warning/error.

As if by magic, they dissapear.

How to find which version of TensorFlow is installed in my system?

Almost every normal package in python assigns the variable .__version__ to the current version. So if you want to find the version of some package you can do the following

import a

For tensorflow it will be

import tensorflow as tf

For old versions of tensorflow (below 0.10), use tf.__version__

python global name 'self' is not defined

self is the self-reference in a Class. Your code is not in a class, you only have functions defined. You have to wrap your methods in a class, like below. To use the method main(), you first have to instantiate an object of your class and call the function on the object.

Further, your function setavalue should be in __init___, the method called when instantiating an object. The next step you probably should look at is supplying the name as an argument to init, so you can create arbitrarily named objects of the Name class ;)

class Name:
    def __init__(self):
        self.myname = "harry"

    def printaname(self):
        print "Name", self.myname     

    def main(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    objName = Name()

Have a look at the Classes chapter of the Python tutorial an at Dive into Python for further references.

HQL "is null" And "!= null" on an Oracle column

No. See also this link Handle conditional null in HQL for tips and tricks on how to handle comparisons with both null and non-null values.

How to implement linear interpolation?

Your solution did not work in Python 2.7. There was an error while checking for the order of the x elements. I had to change to code to this to get it to work:

from bisect import bisect_left
class Interpolate(object):
    def __init__(self, x_list, y_list):
        if any([y - x <= 0 for x, y in zip(x_list, x_list[1:])]):
            raise ValueError("x_list must be in strictly ascending order!")
        x_list = self.x_list = map(float, x_list)
        y_list = self.y_list = map(float, y_list)
        intervals = zip(x_list, x_list[1:], y_list, y_list[1:])
        self.slopes = [(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) for x1, x2, y1, y2 in intervals]
    def __getitem__(self, x):
        i = bisect_left(self.x_list, x) - 1
        return self.y_list[i] + self.slopes[i] * (x - self.x_list[i])

How do I get column datatype in Oracle with PL-SQL with low privileges?

You can use the desc command.


This will give you the column names, whether null is valid, and the datatype (and length if applicable)

How to change color in markdown cells ipython/jupyter notebook?

<p style="font-family: Arial; font-size:1.4em;color:gold;"> Golden </p>


Text <span style="font-family: Arial; font-size:1.4em;color:gold;"> Golden </p> Text

Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery

Please note this doesn't solve the cookie sharing process, as in general this is bad practice.

You need to be using JSONP as your type:

From $.ajax documentation: Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation.

      type: "POST",
      url: "",
      dataType: 'jsonp',
      xhrFields: {
           withCredentials: true
      crossDomain: true,
      beforeSend: function(xhr) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "session=xxxyyyzzz");
      success: function(){
      error: function (xhr) {

Most efficient solution for reading CLOB to String, and String to CLOB in Java?

What's wrong with:

clob.getSubString(1, (int) clob.length());


For example Oracle oracle.sql.CLOB performs getSubString() on internal char[] which defined in oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection and just System.arraycopy() and next wrap to String... You never get faster reading than System.arraycopy().

UPDATE Get driver ojdbc6.jar, decompile CLOB implementation, and study which case could be faster based on the internals knowledge.

How to stop mysqld

I did it with next command:

sudo killall mysqld

What does the 'export' command do?

export in sh and related shells (such as bash), marks an environment variable to be exported to child-processes, so that the child inherits them.

export is defined in POSIX:

The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the name of a variable is followed by = word, then the value of that variable shall be set to word.

How to get the URL of the current page in C#

I guess its enough to return absolute path..

 Path.GetFileName( Request.Url.AbsolutePath )

using System.IO;

Android scale animation on view

Resize using helper methods and start-repeat-end handlers like this:


  return null;

Helper methods:

 * Resize a view.
public static void resize(
  View view,
  float fromX,
  float toX,
  float fromY,
  float toY,
  float pivotX,
  float pivotY,
  int duration) {


 * Resize a view with handlers.
 * @param view     A view to resize.
 * @param fromX    X scale at start.
 * @param toX      X scale at end.
 * @param fromY    Y scale at start.
 * @param toY      Y scale at end.
 * @param pivotX   Rotate angle at start.
 * @param pivotY   Rotate angle at end.
 * @param duration Animation duration.
 * @param start    Actions on animation start. Otherwise NULL.
 * @param repeat   Actions on animation repeat. Otherwise NULL.
 * @param end      Actions on animation end. Otherwise NULL.
public static void resize(
  View view,
  float fromX,
  float toX,
  float fromY,
  float toY,
  float pivotX,
  float pivotY,
  int duration,
  Callable start,
  Callable repeat,
  Callable end) {

  Animation animation;

  animation =
    new ScaleAnimation(


    new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());



  animation.setAnimationListener(new AnimationListener() {

    public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {

      if (start != null) {
        try {


        } catch (Exception e) {


    public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {

      if (end != null) {
        try {


        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void onAnimationRepeat(
      Animation animation) {

      if (repeat != null) {
        try {


        } catch (Exception e) {

How to style the option of an html "select" element?

You can use inline styles to add custome styling to <option> tags.

For eg : <option style="font-weight:bold;color:#09C;">Option 1</option> This will apply the styles to this particular <option> element only.

Then you can use a bit of javascript magic to apply the inline styles to all of the <option> elements within a <select> tag like so :

var select = $(document).getElementById('#select-element-id')

var option = select.children('#option-element-id')

option.css('font-weight', 'bold')

option.css('font-size', '24px')

You can also use <option value="" disabled> <br> </option> to add a line-break between the options.

Appending pandas dataframes generated in a for loop

Use pd.concat to merge a list of DataFrame into a single big DataFrame.

appended_data = []
for infile in glob.glob("*.xlsx"):
    data = pandas.read_excel(infile)
    # store DataFrame in list
# see pd.concat documentation for more info
appended_data = pd.concat(appended_data)
# write DataFrame to an excel sheet 

Error checking for NULL in VBScript

I see lots of confusion in the comments. Null, IsNull() and vbNull are mainly used for database handling and normally not used in VBScript. If it is not explicitly stated in the documentation of the calling object/data, do not use it.

To test if a variable is uninitialized, use IsEmpty(). To test if a variable is uninitialized or contains "", test on "" or Empty. To test if a variable is an object, use IsObject and to see if this object has no reference test on Is Nothing.

In your case, you first want to test if the variable is an object, and then see if that variable is Nothing, because if it isn't an object, you get the "Object Required" error when you test on Nothing.

snippet to mix and match in your code:

If IsObject(provider) Then
    If Not provider Is Nothing Then
        ' Code to handle a NOT empty object / valid reference
        ' Code to handle an empty object / null reference
    End If
    If IsEmpty(provider) Then
        ' Code to handle a not initialized variable or a variable explicitly set to empty
    ElseIf provider = "" Then
        ' Code to handle an empty variable (but initialized and set to "")
        ' Code to handle handle a filled variable
    End If
End If

catch forEach last iteration

const arr= [1, 2, 3]
 if(arr[arr.length-1] === element){
  console.log("Last Element")

Sql Server : How to use an aggregate function like MAX in a WHERE clause

As you've noticed, the WHERE clause doesn't allow you to use aggregates in it. That's what the HAVING clause is for.

HAVING t1.field3=MAX(t1.field3)

Rebase feature branch onto another feature branch

  1. Switch to Branch2

    git checkout Branch2
  2. Apply the current (Branch2) changes on top of the Branch1 changes, staying in Branch2:

    git rebase Branch1

Which would leave you with the desired result in Branch2:

a -- b -- c                      <-- Master
            d -- e               <-- Branch1
            d -- e -- f' -- g'   <-- Branch2

You can delete Branch1.

Remove the title bar in Windows Forms

Also add this bit of code to your form to allow it to be draggable still.

Just add it right before the constructor (the method that calls InitializeComponent()

private const int WM_NCHITTEST = 0x84;
private const int HTCLIENT = 0x1;
private const int HTCAPTION = 0x2;

/// Handling the window messages
protected override void WndProc(ref Message message)
    base.WndProc(ref message);

    if (message.Msg == WM_NCHITTEST && (int)message.Result == HTCLIENT)
        message.Result = (IntPtr)HTCAPTION;

That code is from:

Now to get rid of the title bar but still have a border combine the code from the other response:

this.ControlBox = false;

this.Text = String.Empty;

with this line:

this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;

Put those 3 lines of code into the form's OnLoad event and you should have a nice 'floating' form that is draggable with a thin border (use FormBorderStyle.None if you want no border).

How to uncompress a tar.gz in another directory

gzip -dc archive.tar.gz | tar -xf - -C /destination

or, with GNU tar

tar xzf archive.tar.gz -C /destination

php exec command (or similar) to not wait for result

I know this question has been answered but the answers i found here didn't work for my scenario ( or for Windows ).

I am using windows 10 laptop with PHP 7.2 in Xampp v3.2.4.

$command = 'php Cron.php send_email "'. $id .'"';
if ( substr(php_uname(), 0, 7) == "Windows" )
    pclose(popen("start /B " . $command . " 1> temp/update_log 2>&1 &", "r"));
    shell_exec( $command . " > /dev/null 2>&1 &" );

This worked perfectly for me.

I hope it will help someone with windows. Cheers.

Indenting code in Sublime text 2?

It is very simple. Just go to Edit=>Line=>Reindent

Paste MS Excel data to SQL Server

If the interface works the way it did last I used it, you can select the region in Excel, copy it, open SQL Server and paste the data into the table as you would with Access.

Or you could setup an ODBC link between Excel and SQL Server.

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks in MySQL

(There are good answers above regarding the SQL nature of your question, but this may also be relevant if you are new to PHP.)

Perhaps it is important to mention that PHP handles single and double quoted strings differently...

Single-quoted strings are 'literals' and are pretty much WYSIWYG strings. Double-quoted strings are interpreted by PHP for possible variable-substitution (backticks in PHP are not exactly strings; they execute a command in the shell and return the result).


$foo = "bar";
echo 'there is a $foo'; // There is a $foo
echo "there is a $foo"; // There is a bar
echo `ls -l`; // ... a directory list

How do I get a background location update every n minutes in my iOS application?

In iOS 9 and watchOS 2.0 there's a new method on CLLocationManager that lets you request the current location: CLLocationManager:requestLocation(). This completes immediately and then returns the location to the CLLocationManager delegate.

You can use an NSTimer to request a location every minute with this method now and don't have to work with startUpdatingLocation and stopUpdatingLocation methods.

However if you want to capture locations based on a change of X meters from the last location, just set the distanceFilter property of CLLocationManger and to X call startUpdatingLocation().

What is the best algorithm for overriding GetHashCode?

As of, there is a new way to generate hash codes that is super simple! Just write

public override int GetHashCode()
    => HashCode.Combine(field1, field2, field3);

This will generate a quality hash code without you having to worry about the implementation details.

WordPress Get the Page ID outside the loop

This is the correct code.

echo $post->ID;

CURL and HTTPS, "Cannot resolve host"

I had the same problem. Coudn't resolve There was a bug somewhere in php fpm, which i am using. Restarting php-fpm solved it for me.

String.replaceAll single backslashes with double backslashes

You'll need to escape the (escaped) backslash in the first argument as it is a regular expression. Replacement (2nd argument - see Matcher#replaceAll(String)) also has it's special meaning of backslashes, so you'll have to replace those to:

theString.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\");

Nginx -- static file serving confusion with root & alias

I have found answers to my confusions.

There is a very important difference between the root and the alias directives. This difference exists in the way the path specified in the root or the alias is processed.

In case of the root directive, full path is appended to the root including the location part, whereas in case of the alias directive, only the portion of the path NOT including the location part is appended to the alias.

To illustrate:

Let's say we have the config

location /static/ {
    root /var/www/app/static/;
    autoindex off;

In this case the final path that Nginx will derive will be


This is going to return 404 since there is no static/ within static/

This is because the location part is appended to the path specified in the root. Hence, with root, the correct way is

location /static/ {
    root /var/www/app/;
    autoindex off;

On the other hand, with alias, the location part gets dropped. So for the config

location /static/ {
    alias /var/www/app/static/;
    autoindex off;           ?
}                            |
                             pay attention to this trailing slash

the final path will correctly be formed as


The case of trailing slash for alias directive

There is no definitive guideline about whether a trailing slash is mandatory per Nginx documentation, but a common observation by people here and elsewhere seems to indicate that it is.

A few more places have discussed this, not conclusively though.

How to comment/uncomment in HTML code

you can try to replace --> with a different string say, #END# and do search and replace with your editor when you wish to return the closing tags.

Git is not working after macOS Update (xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools)

I figured out the Xcode Command Line Tools part from the error message, but after running Xcode and getting the prompt to install the additional tools it did claim to install them, but still I got the same error after opening a new terminal.

So I did the xcode-select --install manually and after that it worked for me.

Laravel - Eloquent or Fluent random row

In Laravel 4 and 5 the order_by is replaced by orderBy

So, it should be:


jquery : focus to div is not working

you can use the below code to bring focus to a div, in this example the page scrolls to the <div id="navigation">

$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#navigation').offset().top }, 'slow');

how to force maven to update local repo

Click settings and search for "Repositories", then select the local repo and click "Update". That's all. This action meets my need.

Android SQLite SELECT Query

Try trimming the string to make sure there is no extra white space:

Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE TRIM(name) = '"+name.trim()+"'", null);

Also use c.moveToFirst() like @thinksteep mentioned.

This is a complete code for select statements.

SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
Cursor c = db.rawQuery("SELECT column1,column2,column3 FROM table ", null);
if (c.moveToFirst()){
    do {
        // Passing values 
        String column1 = c.getString(0);
        String column2 = c.getString(1);
        String column3 = c.getString(2); 
        // Do something Here with values
    } while(c.moveToNext());

Tomcat 8 is not able to handle get request with '|' in query parameters?

Adding "relaxedQueryChars" attribute to the server.xml worked for me :

<Connector connectionTimeout="20000" port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirectPort="443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" relaxedQueryChars="[]|{}^&#x5c;&#x60;&quot;&lt;&gt;"/>

How do I set hostname in docker-compose?

I found that the hostname was not visible to other containers when using docker run. This turns out to be a known issue (perhaps more a known feature), with part of the discussion being:

We should probably add a warning to the docs about using hostname. I think it is rarely useful.

The correct way of assigning a hostname - in terms of container networking - is to define an alias like so:

          - alias1
          - alias2

Unfortunately this still doesn't work with docker run. The workaround is to assign the container a name:

docker-compose run --name alias1 some-service

And alias1 can then be pinged from the other containers.

UPDATE: As @grilix points out, you should use docker-compose run --use-aliases to make the defined aliases available.

jQuery get the image src

This is what you need


Jquery - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '324' in

Use getJSON

    $.each(data, function(key, value){
        console.log(key + ":" + value)

Detail look here

HTML/CSS - Adding an Icon to a button

You could add a span before the link with a specific class like so:

<div class="btn btn_red"><span class="icon"></span><a href="#">Crimson</a><span></span></div>

And then give that a specific width and a background image just like you are doing with the button itself.

.btn span.icon {
    background: url(imgs/icon.png) no-repeat;
    float: left;
    width: 10px;
    height: 40px;

I am no CSS guru but off the top of my head I think that should work.

Get height of div with no height set in css

Also make sure the div is currently appended to the DOM and visible.

jQuery removing '-' character from string

var string = $mylabel.text().replace('-', '');

if you have done it that way variable string now holds "123456"

you can also (i guess the better way) do this...

   return v.replace('-','');

Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint?

Well, since I did not find examples of the very simple solution I used, which is:

  1. Drop foreign key;
  2. Truncate table
  3. Recreate foreign key

Here it goes:

1) Find the foreign key name that is causing the failure (for example: FK_PROBLEM_REASON, with field ID, from table TABLE_OWNING_CONSTRAINT) 2) Remove that key from the table:


3) Truncate wanted table


4) Re-add the key to that first table:


That's it.

What is the difference between `sorted(list)` vs `list.sort()`?

The .sort() function stores the value of new list directly in the list variable; so answer for your third question would be NO. Also if you do this using sorted(list), then you can get it use because it is not stored in the list variable. Also sometimes .sort() method acts as function, or say that it takes arguments in it.

You have to store the value of sorted(list) in a variable explicitly.

Also for short data processing the speed will have no difference; but for long lists; you should directly use .sort() method for fast work; but again you will face irreversible actions.

TSQL select into Temp table from dynamic sql

DECLARE @count_ser_temp int;
SELECT @TableName = 'TableTemporal'

    SELECT *
    FROM ' + @TableTemporal)
SELECT TOP 1 * INTO #servicios_temp  FROM vTemp


-- Contar la cantidad de registros de la tabla temporal
SELECT @count_ser_temp = COUNT(*) FROM #servicios_temp;

-- Recorro los registros de la tabla temporal 
WHILE @count_ser_temp > 0

What's the difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ in Git?

HEAD^^^ is the same as HEAD~3, selecting the third commit before HEAD

HEAD^2 specifies the second head in a merge commit

Using underscores in Java variables and method names

It's a blend of coding styles. One school of thought is to preface private members with an underscore to distinguish them.

setBar( int bar)
   _bar = bar;

instead of

setBar( int bar)
{ = bar;

Others will use underscores to indicate a temp local variable that will go out of scope at the end of the method call. (I find this pretty useless - a good method shouldn't be that long, and the declaration is RIGHT THERE! so I know it goes out of scope) Edit: God forbid a programmer from this school and a programmer from the memberData school collaborate! It would be hell.

Sometimes, generated code will preface variables with _ or __. The idea being that no human would ever do this, so it's safe.

Warning about SSL connection when connecting to MySQL database

To disable the warning while connecting to a database in Java, use the below concept -


Just need to change connectionURL like :

String connectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Peoples?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false

This will disable SSL and also suppress the SSL errors.

How to pass arguments to Shell Script through docker run

with this script in

echo Your container args are: "$@"

and this Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:14.04
COPY ./ /

you should be able to:

% docker build -t test .
% docker run test hello world
Your container args are: hello world

Reading string by char till end of line C/C++

The answer to your original question

How to read a string one char at the time, and stop when you reach end of line?

is, in C++, very simply, namely: use getline. The link shows a simple example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int main () {
  std::string name;
  std::cout << "Please, enter your full name: ";
  std::getline (std::cin,name);
  std::cout << "Hello, " << name << "!\n";
  return 0;

Do you really want to do this in C? I wouldn't! The thing is, in C, you have to allocate the memory in which to place the characters you read in? How many characters? You don't know ahead of time. If you allocate too few characters, you will have to allocate a new buffer every time to realize you reading more characters than you made room for. If you over-allocate, you are wasting space.

C is a language for low-level programming. If you are new to programming and writing simple applications for reading files line-by-line, just use C++. It does all that memory allocation for you.

Your later questions regarding "\0" and end-of-lines in general were answered by others and do apply to C as well as C++. But if you are using C, please remember that it's not just the end-of-line that matters, but memory allocation as well. And you will have to be careful not to overrun your buffer.

Print a string as hex bytes?

You can use hexdump's

import hexdump
hexdump.dump("Hello World", sep=":")

(append .lower() if you require lower-case). This works for both Python 2 & 3.

LINQ: Distinct values

Are you trying to be distinct by more than one field? If so, just use an anonymous type and the Distinct operator and it should be okay:

var query = doc.Elements("whatever")
               .Select(element => new {
                             id = (int) element.Attribute("id"),
                             category = (int) element.Attribute("cat") })

If you're trying to get a distinct set of values of a "larger" type, but only looking at some subset of properties for the distinctness aspect, you probably want DistinctBy as implemented in MoreLINQ in DistinctBy.cs:

 public static IEnumerable<TSource> DistinctBy<TSource, TKey>(
     this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
     Func<TSource, TKey> keySelector,
     IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer)
     HashSet<TKey> knownKeys = new HashSet<TKey>(comparer);
     foreach (TSource element in source)
         if (knownKeys.Add(keySelector(element)))
             yield return element;

(If you pass in null as the comparer, it will use the default comparer for the key type.)

What is the parameter "next" used for in Express?

Before understanding next, you need to have a little idea of Request-Response cycle in node though not much in detail. It starts with you making an HTTP request for a particular resource and it ends when you send a response back to the user i.e. when you encounter something like res.send(‘Hello World’);

let’s have a look at a very simple example.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {

Here we do not need next(), because resp.send will end the cycle and hand over the control back to the route middleware.

Now let’s take a look at another example.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello World !!!!");

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello Planet !!!!");

Here we have 2 middleware functions for the same path. But you always gonna get the response from the first one. Because that is mounted first in the middleware stack and res.send will end the cycle.

But what if we always do not want the “Hello World !!!!” response back. For some conditions we may want the "Hello Planet !!!!" response. Let’s modify the above code and see what happens.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  if(some condition){
  res.send("Hello World !!!!");  

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello Planet !!!!");

What’s the next doing here. And yes you might have gusses. It’s gonna skip the first middleware function if the condition is true and invoke the next middleware function and you will have the "Hello Planet !!!!" response.

So, next pass the control to the next function in the middleware stack.

What if the first middleware function does not send back any response but do execute a piece of logic and then you get the response back from second middleware function.

Something like below:-

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  // Your piece of logic

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello !!!!");

In this case you need both the middleware functions to be invoked. So, the only way you reach the second middleware function is by calling next();

What if you do not make a call to next. Do not expect the second middleware function to get invoked automatically. After invoking the first function your request will be left hanging. The second function will never get invoked and you will not get back the response.

How to convert java.lang.Object to ArrayList?

    Object object = new Object();

    // First way
    List objects1 = new ArrayList<Object>();

    // second way
    List<Object> objects2 = Arrays.asList(object);

    // Third way
    List<Object> objects3 = Collections.singletonList(object);

There was no endpoint listening at (url) that could accept the message

I had this problem when I was trying to call a WCF service hosted in a new server from a windows application from my local. I was getting same error message and at end had this "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it". I donot know whether I am wrong or correct but I feel whenever the server was getting request from my windows application it is routing to something else. So I did some reading and added below in Web.config of service host project. After that everything worked like a magic.

    <defaultProxy enabled="false">

Postgres: SQL to list table foreign keys

Ollyc's answer is good as it is not Postgres-specific, however, it breaks down when the foreign key references more than one column. The following query works for arbitrary number of columns but it relies heavily on Postgres extensions:

    att2.attname as "child_column", 
    cl.relname as "parent_table", 
    att.attname as "parent_column",
        unnest(con1.conkey) as "parent", 
        unnest(con1.confkey) as "child", 
        pg_class cl
        join pg_namespace ns on cl.relnamespace = ns.oid
        join pg_constraint con1 on con1.conrelid = cl.oid
        cl.relname = 'child_table'
        and ns.nspname = 'child_schema'
        and con1.contype = 'f'
   ) con
   join pg_attribute att on
       att.attrelid = con.confrelid and att.attnum = con.child
   join pg_class cl on
       cl.oid = con.confrelid
   join pg_attribute att2 on
       att2.attrelid = con.conrelid and att2.attnum = con.parent

Program to find largest and second largest number in array

You can do it best in one pass.

largest and largest2 are set to INT_MIN on entry. Then step through the array. If largest is smaller than the number, largest2 becomes largest, then largest becomes the new number (or smaller than or equal if you want to allow duplicates). If largest is greater then the new number, test largest2.

Note that this algorithm scales to finding the top three or four in an array, before it become too cumbersome and it's better to just sort.

Kill detached screen session

It's easier to kill a session, when some meaningful name is given:

screen -S some_name proc
// Kill detached session
screen -S some_name -X quit

break/exit script

Perhaps you just want to stop executing a long script at some point. ie. like you want to hard code an exit() in C or Python.

print("this is the last message")
print("you should not see this")

Spring MVC 4: "application/json" Content Type is not being set correctly

Not exactly for this OP, but for those who encountered 404 and cannot set response content-type to "application/json" (any content-type). One possibility is a server actually responds 406 but explorer (e.g., chrome) prints it as 404.

If you do not customize message converter, spring would use It would run:

List<MediaType> requestedMediaTypes = getAcceptableMediaTypes(request);
List<MediaType> producibleMediaTypes = getProducibleMediaTypes(request, valueType, declaredType);

and if they do not have any overlapping (the same item), it would throw HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException and this finally causes 406. No matter if it is an ajax, or GET/POST, or form action, if the request uri ends with a .html or any suffix, the requestedMediaTypes would be "text/[that suffix]", and this conflicts with producibleMediaTypes, which is usually:


mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/2002): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 'MySQL' (2)

Please check the following file


The line which bind the host name with ip is probably missing a line which bind them togather  localhost

If the given line is missing. Add the line in the file

Could you also check your MySQL database's user table and tell us the host column value for the user which you are using. You should have user privilege for both the host "" and "localhost" and use % as it is a wild char for generic host name.

Start systemd service after specific service?

In the .service file under the [Unit] section:

Description=My Website mongodb.service

The important part is the mongodb.service

The manpage describes it however due to formatting it's not as clear on first sight

systemd.unit - well formatted

systemd.unit - not so well formatted

SQL Server : Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int

Is the problem with SUM(billableDuration)? To find out, try commenting out that line and see if it works.

It could be that the sum is exceeding the maximum int. If so, try replacing it with SUM(CAST(billableDuration AS BIGINT)).

Can a Windows batch file determine its own file name?


Use the special %0 variable to get the path to the current file.

Write %~n0 to get just the filename without the extension.

Write %~n0%~x0 to get the filename and extension.

Also possible to write %~nx0 to get the filename and extension.

How to set shape's opacity?

Use this one, I've written this to my app,

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--  res/drawable/rounded_edittext.xml -->
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" android:padding="10dp">
    <solid android:color="#882C383E"/>

"No such file or directory" error when executing a binary

You get this error when you try to run a 32-bit build on your 64-bit Linux.

Also contrast what file had to say on the binary you tried (ie: 32-bit) with what you get for your /bin/gzip:

$ file /bin/gzip
/bin/gzip: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x64-64, version 1 (SYSV), \
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped

which is what I get on Ubuntu 9.10 for amd64 aka x86_64.

Edit: Your expanded post shows that as the readelf output also reflects a 32-bit build.

Check if a radio button is checked jquery

First of all, have only one id="test"

Secondly, try this:

if ($('[name="test"]').is(':checked'))

WaitAll vs WhenAll

While JonSkeet's answer explains the difference in a typically excellent way there is another difference: exception handling.

Task.WaitAll throws an AggregateException when any of the tasks throws and you can examine all thrown exceptions. The await in await Task.WhenAll unwraps the AggregateException and 'returns' only the first exception.

When the program below executes with await Task.WhenAll(taskArray) the output is as follows.

19/11/2016 12:18:37 AM: Task 1 started
19/11/2016 12:18:37 AM: Task 3 started
19/11/2016 12:18:37 AM: Task 2 started
Caught Exception in Main at 19/11/2016 12:18:40 AM: Task 1 throwing at 19/11/2016 12:18:38 AM

When the program below is executed with Task.WaitAll(taskArray) the output is as follows.

19/11/2016 12:19:29 AM: Task 1 started
19/11/2016 12:19:29 AM: Task 2 started
19/11/2016 12:19:29 AM: Task 3 started
Caught AggregateException in Main at 19/11/2016 12:19:32 AM: Task 1 throwing at 19/11/2016 12:19:30 AM
Caught AggregateException in Main at 19/11/2016 12:19:32 AM: Task 2 throwing at 19/11/2016 12:19:31 AM
Caught AggregateException in Main at 19/11/2016 12:19:32 AM: Task 3 throwing at 19/11/2016 12:19:32 AM

The program:

class MyAmazingProgram
    public class CustomException : Exception
        public CustomException(String message) : base(message)
        { }

    static void WaitAndThrow(int id, int waitInMs)
        Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.UtcNow}: Task {id} started");

        throw new CustomException($"Task {id} throwing at {DateTime.UtcNow}");

    static void Main(string[] args)
        Task.Run(async () =>
            await MyAmazingMethodAsync();


    static async Task MyAmazingMethodAsync()
            Task[] taskArray = { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => WaitAndThrow(1, 1000)),
                                 Task.Factory.StartNew(() => WaitAndThrow(2, 2000)),
                                 Task.Factory.StartNew(() => WaitAndThrow(3, 3000)) };

            //await Task.WhenAll(taskArray);
            Console.WriteLine("This isn't going to happen");
        catch (AggregateException ex)
            foreach (var inner in ex.InnerExceptions)
                Console.WriteLine($"Caught AggregateException in Main at {DateTime.UtcNow}: " + inner.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine($"Caught Exception in Main at {DateTime.UtcNow}: " + ex.Message);

Include PHP file into HTML file

You would have to configure your webserver to utilize PHP as handler for .html files. This is typically done by modifying your with AddHandler to include .html along with .php.

Note that this could have a performance impact as this would cause ALL .html files to be run through PHP handler even if there is no PHP involved. So you might strongly consider using .php extension on these files and adding a redirect as necessary to route requests to specific .html URL's to their .php equivalents.

Add element to a JSON file?

alternatively you can do

iter(data).next()['f'] = var

How to retrieve unique count of a field using Kibana + Elastic Search

Using Aggs u can easily do that. Writing down query for now.

GET index/_search
  "aggs": {
    "source": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "field",
        "size": 100000

This would return the different values of field with there doc counts.

How to insert current datetime in postgresql insert query

You can of course format the result of current_timestamp(). Please have a look at the various formatting functions in the official documentation.

How to stop a setTimeout loop?

As this is tagged with the extjs tag it may be worth looking at the extjs method:

This works much like setInterval, but also takes care of the scope, and allows arguments to be passed too:

function setBgPosition() {
    var c = 0;
    var numbers = [0, -120, -240, -360, -480, -600, -720];
    function run() {
       Ext.get('common-spinner').setStyle('background-position', numbers[c++] + 'px 0px');
        if (c<numbers.length){
    return Ext.Function.interval(run,200);

var bgPositionTimer = setBgPosition();

when you want to stop you can use clearInterval to stop it


An example use case would be:

    url: 'example.json',

    success: function(response, opts) {

    failure: function(response, opts) {
        console.log('server-side failure with status code ' + response.status);

What is ANSI format?

Just in case your PC is not a "Western" PC and you don't know which code page is used, you can have a look at this page: National Language Support (NLS) API Reference

[Microsoft removed this reference, take it form web-archive National Language Support (NLS) API Reference

Or you can query your registry:

C:\>reg query HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage /f ACP

    ACP    REG_SZ    1252

End of search: 1 match(es) found.


Declare variable in SQLite and use it

Herman's solution worked for me, but the ... had me mixed up for a bit. I'm including the demo I worked up based on his answer. The additional features in my answer include foreign key support, auto incrementing keys, and use of the last_insert_rowid() function to get the last auto generated key in a transaction.

My need for this information came up when I hit a transaction that required three foreign keys but I could only get the last one with last_insert_rowid().

PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;   -- sqlite foreign key support is off by default
PRAGMA temp_store = 2;      -- store temp table in memory, not on disk


    FOREIGN KEY(Thing2) REFERENCES Foo(Thing1)




INSERT INTO _Variables(Key, Value)
VALUES('FooThing', last_insert_rowid());

VALUES((SELECT Value FROM _Variables WHERE Key = 'FooThing'));

DROP TABLE _Variables;


Can I install the "app store" in an IOS simulator?

This is NOT possible

The Simulator does not run ARM code, ONLY x86 code. Unless you have the raw source code from Apple, you won't see the App Store on the Simulator.

The app you write you will be able to test in the Simulator by running it directly from Xcode even if you don't have a developer account. To test your app on an actual device, you will need to be apart of the Apple Developer program.

How to prevent colliders from passing through each other?

I have a pinball prototype that also gave me much trouble in the same areas. These are all the steps I've taken to almost (but not yet entirely) solve these problems:

For fast moving objects:

  • Set the rigidbody's Interpolate to 'Interpolate' (this does not affect the actual physics simulation, but updates the rendering of the object properly - use this only on important objects from a rendering point of view, like the player, or a pinball, but not for projectiles)

  • Set Collision Detection to Continuous Dynamic

  • Attach the script DontGoThroughThings ( to your object. This script cleverly uses the Raycasting solution I posted in my other answer to pull back offending objects to before the collision points.

In Edit -> Project Settings -> Physics:

  • Set Min Penetration for Penalty to a very low value. I've set mine to 0.001

  • Set Solver Iteration Count to a higher value. I've set mine to 50, but you can probably do ok with much less.

All that is going to have a penalty in performace, but that's unavoidable. The defaults values are soft on performance but are not really intented for proper simulation of small and fast-moving objects.

PowerShell The term is not recognized as cmdlet function script file or operable program

You first have to 'dot' source the script, so for you :

. .\Get-NetworkStatistics.ps1

The first 'dot' asks PowerShell to load the script file into your PowerShell environment, not to start it. You should also use set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted or set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned see(the Execution Policy instructions).

What is the meaning of ImagePullBackOff status on a Kubernetes pod?

I had this error when I tried to create a replicationcontroller. The issue was, I wrongly spelt the nginx image name in template definition.

Note: This error occurs when kubernetes is unable to pull the specified image from the repository.

I need to round a float to two decimal places in Java

You can make use of DecimalFormat to give you the style you wish.

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00E0");
double number = 1.2975118E7;
System.out.println(df.format(number));  // prints 1.30E7

Since it's in scientific notation, you won't be able to get the number any smaller than 107 without losing that many orders of magnitude of accuracy.

Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string

It's kind of offtopic, but i come here from googling the same error. For me this error appeared when i was selecting datetime field from mssql database and than using it later in php-script. like this:

$SQL="SELECT Created
FROM test_table";

$stmt = sqlsrv_query($con, $SQL);
if( $stmt === false ) {
    die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

$Row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt,SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC);

$SQL="INSERT INTO another_test_table (datetime_field) VALUES ('".$Row['Created']."')";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($con, $SQL);
if( $stmt === false ) {
    die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

the INSERT statement was giving error: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string

I realized that you CAN'T just select the datetime from database:

SELECT Created FROM test_table

BUT you have to use CONVERT for this field:

SELECT CONVERT(varchar(24),Created) as Created FROM test_table

How to check if the string is empty?

I would test noneness before stripping. Also, I would use the fact that empty strings are False (or Falsy). This approach is similar to Apache's StringUtils.isBlank or Guava's Strings.isNullOrEmpty

This is what I would use to test if a string is either None OR Empty OR Blank:

def isBlank (myString):
    if myString and myString.strip():
        #myString is not None AND myString is not empty or blank
        return False
    #myString is None OR myString is empty or blank
    return True

And, the exact opposite to test if a string is not None NOR Empty NOR Blank:

def isNotBlank (myString):
    if myString and myString.strip():
        #myString is not None AND myString is not empty or blank
        return True
    #myString is None OR myString is empty or blank
    return False

More concise forms of the above code:

def isBlank (myString):
    return not (myString and myString.strip())

def isNotBlank (myString):
    return bool(myString and myString.strip())

Edit and Continue: "Changes are not allowed when..."

I had this problem in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and the solution is easy. when you run your project please set in "Debug" mode not "Release". The another people solution can be useful.

What are Keycloak's OAuth2 / OpenID Connect endpoints?

With version 1.9.3.Final, Keycloak has a number of OpenID endpoints available. These can be found at /auth/realms/{realm}/.well-known/openid-configuration. Assuming your realm is named demo, that endpoint will produce a JSON response similar to this.

  "issuer": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo",
  "authorization_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
  "token_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token",
  "token_introspection_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect",
  "userinfo_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo",
  "end_session_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/logout",
  "jwks_uri": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/certs",
  "grant_types_supported": [
  "response_types_supported": [
    "id_token token",
    "code id_token",
    "code token",
    "code id_token token"
  "subject_types_supported": [
  "id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": [
  "response_modes_supported": [
  "registration_endpoint": "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/demo/clients-registrations/openid-connect"

As far as I have found, these endpoints implement the Oauth 2.0 spec.

How to check if String is null

An object can't be null - the value of an expression can be null. It's worth making the difference clear in your mind. The value of s isn't an object - it's a reference, which is either null or refers to an object.

And yes, you should just use

if (s == null)

Note that this will still use the overloaded == operator defined in string, but that will do the right thing.

Reading a .txt file using Scanner class in Java

By the way it worth setting up the character encoding as well:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File("C:\\tmp\\edit1.txt"), "UTF-16");

Get viewport/window height in ReactJS

class AppComponent extends React.Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {height: props.height};

    this.setState({height: window.innerHeight + 'px'});

  render() {
    // render your component...

Set the props

AppComponent.propTypes = {

AppComponent.defaultProps = {

viewport height is now available as {this.state.height} in rendering template

How to calculate the number of occurrence of a given character in each row of a column of strings?

nchar(as.character($string)) -nchar( gsub("a", "",$string))
[1] 2 1 0

Notice that I coerce the factor variable to character, before passing to nchar. The regex functions appear to do that internally.

Here's benchmark results (with a scaled up size of the test to 3000 rows)<[rep(1:NROW(, 1000),]
'data.frame':   3000 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ number     : int  1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
 $ string     : Factor w/ 3 levels "greatgreat","magic",..: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 ...
 $ number.of.a: int  2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 ...

 benchmark( Dason = {$number.of.a <- str_count(as.character($string), "a") },
 Tim = {resT <- sapply(as.character($string), function(x, letter = "a"){
                            sum(unlist(strsplit(x, split = "")) == letter) }) }, 

 DWin = {resW <- nchar(as.character($string)) -nchar( gsub("a", "",$string))},
 Josh = {x <- sapply(regmatches($string, gregexpr("g",$string )), length)}, replications=100)
   test replications elapsed  relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 Dason          100   4.173  9.959427     2.985    1.204          0         0
3  DWin          100   0.419  1.000000     0.417    0.003          0         0
4  Josh          100  18.635 44.474940    17.883    0.827          0         0
2   Tim          100   3.705  8.842482     3.646    0.072          0         0

Floating point comparison functions for C#

Continuing from the answers provided by Michael and testing, an important thing to keep in mind when translating the original Java code to C# is that Java and C# define their constants differently. C#, for instance, lacks Java's MIN_NORMAL, and the definitions for MinValue differ greatly.

Java defines MIN_VALUE to be the smallest possible positive value, while C# defines it as the smallest possible representable value overall. The equivalent value in C# is Epsilon.

The lack of MIN_NORMAL is problematic for direct translation of the original algorithm - without it, things start to break down for small values near zero. Java's MIN_NORMAL follows the IEEE specification of the smallest possible number without having the leading bit of the significand as zero, and with that in mind, we can define our own normals for both singles and doubles (which dbc mentioned in the comments to the original answer).

The following C# code for singles passes all of the tests given on The Floating Point Guide, and the double edition passes all of the tests with minor modifications in the test cases to account for the increased precision.

public static bool ApproximatelyEqualEpsilon(float a, float b, float epsilon)
    const float floatNormal = (1 << 23) * float.Epsilon;
    float absA = Math.Abs(a);
    float absB = Math.Abs(b);
    float diff = Math.Abs(a - b);

    if (a == b)
        // Shortcut, handles infinities
        return true;

    if (a == 0.0f || b == 0.0f || diff < floatNormal)
        // a or b is zero, or both are extremely close to it.
        // relative error is less meaningful here
        return diff < (epsilon * floatNormal);

    // use relative error
    return diff / Math.Min((absA + absB), float.MaxValue) < epsilon;

The version for doubles is identical save for type changes and that the normal is defined like this instead.

const double doubleNormal = (1L << 52) * double.Epsilon;

How do you change video src using jQuery?

The easiest way is using autoplay.

<video autoplay></video>

When you change src through javascript you don't need to mention load().

JSONObject - How to get a value?

You can try the below function to get value from JSON string,

public static String GetJSONValue(String JSONString, String Field)
       return JSONString.substring(JSONString.indexOf(Field), JSONString.indexOf("\n", JSONString.indexOf(Field))).replace(Field+"\": \"", "").replace("\"", "").replace(",","");   

Real time data graphing on a line chart with html5

I believe this is exactly what you're looking for:

Open source (although a license is required for commercial websites), cross device/browser, fast.

How can I hide select options with JavaScript? (Cross browser)

Three years late, but my Googling brought me here so hopefully my answer will be useful for someone else.

I just created a second option (which I hid with CSS) and used Javascript to move the s backwards and forwards between them.

<select multiple id="sel1">
  <option class="set1">Blah</option>
<select multiple id="sel2" style="display:none">
  <option class="set2">Bleh</option>

Something like that, and then something like this will move an item onto the list (i.e., make it visible). Obviously adapt the code as needed for your purpose.

$('#sel2 .set2').appendTo($('#sel1'))

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Http 4.0.0 after update from 2012 to 2013

For me it was only crashing with this error on a production environment, not on local machine; what solved it was to delete the content of /bin folder and then to regenerate it again.

What should a JSON service return on failure / error

The HTTP status code you return should depend on the type of error that has occurred. If an ID doesn't exist in the database, return a 404; if a user doesn't have enough privileges to make that Ajax call, return a 403; if the database times out before being able to find the record, return a 500 (server error).

jQuery automatically detects such error codes, and runs the callback function that you define in your Ajax call. Documentation:

Short example of a $.ajax error callback:

  type: 'POST',
  url: '/some/resource',
  success: function(data, textStatus) {
    // Handle success
  error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    // Handle error

Angular: Cannot Get /

Deleting node modules folder worked for me.

  • Delete the node modules folder
  • Run npm install.
  • Re-run the application and it should work.

How do I expand the output display to see more columns of a pandas DataFrame?

pd.options.display.max_columns = 100

You can specify the numbers of columns as per your requirement in max_columns.

Convert String into a Class Object

You can use the statement :-

Class c = s.getClass();

To get the class instance.

Creating a Jenkins environment variable using Groovy

After searching around a bit, the best solution in my opinion makes use of hudson.model.EnvironmentContributingAction.

import hudson.model.EnvironmentContributingAction
import hudson.model.AbstractBuild 
import hudson.EnvVars

class BuildVariableInjector {

    def build
    def out

    def BuildVariableInjector(build, out) { = build
        this.out = out

    def addBuildEnvironmentVariable(key, value) {
        def action = new VariableInjectionAction(key, value)
        //Must call this for action to be added

    class VariableInjectionAction implements EnvironmentContributingAction {

        private String key
        private String value

        public VariableInjectionAction(String key, String value) {
            this.key = key
            this.value = value

        public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild build, EnvVars envVars) {

            if (envVars != null && key != null && value != null) {
                envVars.put(key, value);

        public String getDisplayName() {
            return "VariableInjectionAction";

        public String getIconFileName() {
            return null;

        public String getUrlName() {
            return null;

I use this class in a system groovy script (using the groovy plugin) within a job.

import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.Jenkins;    

def jenkinsRootDir = build.getEnvVars()["JENKINS_HOME"];
def parent = getClass().getClassLoader()
def loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent)

def buildVariableInjector = loader.parseClass(new File(jenkinsRootDir + "/userContent/GroovyScripts/BuildVariableInjector.groovy")).newInstance(build, getBinding().out)

def projectBranchDependencies = [] 
//Some logic to set projectBranchDependencies variable

buildVariableInjector.addBuildEnvironmentVariable("projectBranchDependencies", projectBranchDependencies.join(","));

You can then access the projectBranchDependencies variable at any other point in your build, in my case, from an ANT script.

Note: I borrowed / modified the ideas for parts of this implementation from a blog post, but at the time of this posting I was unable to locate the original source in order to give due credit.

Prepend line to beginning of a file

num = [1, 2, 3] #List containing Integers

with open("ex3.txt", 'r+') as file:
    readcontent =  # store the read value of exe.txt into 
                                # readcontent, 0) #Takes the cursor to top line
    for i in num:         # writing content of list One by One.
        file.write(str(i) + "\n") #convert int to str since write() deals 
                                   # with str
    file.write(readcontent) #after content of string are written, I return 
                             #back content that were in the file

How to find and replace string?

void replaceAll(std::string & data, const std::string &toSearch, const std::string &replaceStr)
    // Get the first occurrence
    size_t pos = data.find(toSearch);
    // Repeat till end is reached
    while( pos != std::string::npos)
        // Replace this occurrence of Sub String
        data.replace(pos, toSearch.size(), replaceStr);
        // Get the next occurrence from the current position
        pos =data.find(toSearch, pos + replaceStr.size());

More CPP utilities:

HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. App pool stops on accessing website

One possible reason this might happen is that the Application Pool in IIS is configured to run under some custom account and this account either doesn't exist or a wrong password has been provided, or the password has been changed. Look at the advanced properties of the Application Pool in IIS for which account it uses.

Also the Event Log might contain more information as to why the Application Pool is stopping immediately on the first request.

enter image description here

Start an external application from a Google Chrome Extension?

Question has a good pagerank on google, so for anyone who's looking for answer to this question this might be helpful.

There is an extension in google chrome marketspace to do exactly that:

How do I grep recursively?

In POSIX systems, you don't find -r parameter for grep and your grep -rn "stuff" . won't run, but if you use find command it will:

find . -type f -exec grep -n "stuff" {} \; -print

Agreed by Solaris and HP-UX.

How can I ask the Selenium-WebDriver to wait for few seconds in Java?

Use Actions -

The user-facing API for emulating complex user gestures.

See Actions#pause method.

What does random.sample() method in python do?

random.sample(population, k)

It is used for randomly sampling a sample of length 'k' from a population. returns a 'k' length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence or set

it returns a new list and leaves the original population unchanged and the resulting list is in selection order so that all sub-slices will also be valid random samples

I am putting up an example in which I am splitting a dataset randomly. It is basically a function in which you pass x_train(population) as an argument and return indices of 60% of the data as D_test.

import random

def randomly_select_70_percent_of_data_from_1_to_length(x_train):
    return random.sample(range(0, len(x_train)), int(0.6*len(x_train)))

How to return temporary table from stored procedure

First create a real, permanent table as a template that has the required layout for the returned temporary table, using a naming convention that identifies it as a template and links it symbolically to the SP, eg tmp_SPName_Output. This table will never contain any data.

In the SP, use INSERT to load data into a temp table following the same naming convention, e.g. #SPName_Output which is assumed to exist. You can test for its existence and return an error if it does not.

Before calling the sp use this simple select to create the temp table:

SELECT TOP(0) * INTO #SPName_Output FROM tmp_SPName_Output;
-- Now process records in #SPName_Output;

This has these distinct advantages:

  • The temp table is local to the current session, unlike ##, so will not clash with concurrent calls to the SP from different sessions. It is also dropped automatically when out of scope.
  • The template table is maintained alongside the SP, so if changes are made to the output (new columns added, for example) then pre-existing callers of the SP do not break. The caller does not need to be changed.
  • You can define any number of output tables with different naming for one SP and fill them all. You can also define alternative outputs with different naming and have the SP check the existence of the temp tables to see which need to be filled.
  • Similarly, if major changes are made but you want to keep backwards compatibility, you can have a new template table and naming for the later version but still support the earlier version by checking which temp table the caller has created.

Bootstrap dropdown menu not working (not dropping down when clicked)

Just Remove the type="text/javascript"

<script src="JavaScript/jquery.js" />
<script src="JavaScript/bootstrap-min.js" />

Here is the update -

git: How to ignore all present untracked files?

If you want to permanently ignore these files, a simple way to add them to .gitignore is:

  1. Change to the root of the git tree.
  2. git ls-files --others --exclude-standard >> .gitignore

This will enumerate all files inside untracked directories, which may or may not be what you want.

Retrieving values from nested JSON Object

You can see that JSONObject extends a HashMap, so you can simply use it as a HashMap:

JSONObject jsonChildObject = (JSONObject)jsonObject.get("LanguageLevels");
for (Map.Entry in jsonChildOBject.entrySet()) {
    System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue());

How to add button inside input

This can be achieved using inline-block JS fiddle here

<body class="body">
    <div class="form">
        <form class="email-form">
            <input type="text" class="input">
            <a href="#" class="button">Button</a>

* {
    box-sizing: border-box;

.body {
    font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    line-height: 20px;
    color: #333;

.form {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 0 15px;

.email-form {
    display: block;
    margin-top: 20px;
    margin-left: 20px;

.button {
    height: 40px;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 9px 15px;
    background-color: grey;
    color: white;
    border: 0;
    line-height: inherit;
    text-decoration: none;
    cursor: pointer;

.input {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 200px;
    height: 40px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    padding: 9px 12px;
    color: #333333;
    vertical-align: middle;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    border: 1px solid #cccccc;
    margin: 0;
    line-height: 1.42857143;

How can I pass a class member function as a callback?

A pointer to a class member function is not the same as a pointer to a function. A class member takes an implicit extra argument (the this pointer), and uses a different calling convention.

If your API expects a nonmember callback function, that's what you have to pass to it.

PHP: How to get referrer URL?

If $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] variable doesn't seems to work, then you can either use Google Analytics or AddThis Analytics.

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize

The JDK 8 HotSpot JVM is now using native memory for the representation of class metadata and is called Metaspace.

The permanent generation has been removed. The PermSize and MaxPermSize are ignored and a warning is issued if they are present on the command line.

How to use executeReader() method to retrieve the value of just one cell

It is not recommended to use DataReader and Command.ExecuteReader to get just one value from the database. Instead, you should use Command.ExecuteScalar as following:

String sql = "SELECT ColumnNumber FROM learer WHERE = " + index;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,conn);
learerLabel.Text = (String) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

Here is more information about Connecting to database and managing data.

cast or convert a float to nvarchar?

If you're storing phone numbers in a float typed column (which is a bad idea) then they are presumably all integers and could be cast to int before casting to nvarchar.

So instead of:

select cast(cast(1234567890 as float) as nvarchar(50))

You would use:

select cast(cast(cast(1234567890 as float) as int) as nvarchar(50))

In these examples the innermost cast(1234567890 as float) is used in place of selecting a value from the appropriate column.

I really recommend that you not store phone numbers in floats though!
What if the phone number starts with a zero?

select cast(0100884555 as float)

Whoops! We just stored an incorrect phone number...

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

If it's always the same one column, then you can create a view that doesn't have it in it.

Otherwise, no I don't think so.

When do you use map vs flatMap in RxJava?

FlatMap behaves very much like map, the difference is that the function it applies returns an observable itself, so it's perfectly suited to map over asynchronous operations.

In the practical sense, the function Map applies just makes a transformation over the chained response (not returning an Observable); while the function FlatMap applies returns an Observable<T>, that is why FlatMap is recommended if you plan to make an asynchronous call inside the method.


  • Map returns an object of type T
  • FlatMap returns an Observable.

A clear example can be seen here: .

Couchbase Java 2.X Client uses Rx to provide asynchronous calls in a convenient way. Since it uses Rx, it has the methods map and FlatMap, the explanation in their documentation might be helpful to understand the general concept.

To handle errors, override onError on your susbcriber.

Subscriber<String> mySubscriber = new Subscriber<String>() {
    public void onNext(String s) { System.out.println(s); }

    public void onCompleted() { }

    public void onError(Throwable e) { }

It might help to look at this document:

A good source about how to manage errors with RX can be found at:

How do I hide the status bar in a Swift iOS app?

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        application.isStatusBarHidden = true
        return true

How can I include css files using node, express, and ejs?

For NodeJS I would get the file name from the res.url, write the header for the file by getting the extension of the file with path.extname, create a read stream for the file, and pipe the response.

const http = require('http');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
    let filePath = path.join(
        req.url === "/" ? "index.html" : req.url

    let extName = path.extname(filePath);
    let contentType = 'text/html';

    switch (extName) {
        case '.css':
            contentType = 'text/css';
        case '.js':
            contentType = 'text/javascript';
        case '.json':
            contentType = 'application/json';
        case '.png':
            contentType = 'image/png';
        case '.jpg':
            contentType = 'image/jpg';

    console.log(`File path: ${filePath}`);
    console.log(`Content-Type: ${contentType}`)

    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': contentType});

    const readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);

server.listen(port, (err) => {
    if (err) {
        console.log(`Error: ${err}`)
    } else {
        console.log(`Server listening at port ${port}...`);

How can I extract substrings from a string in Perl?


(\S*)    picks up anything which is NOT whitespace
\s*      0 or more whitespace characters
\(       a literal open parenthesis
(.*?)    anything, non-greedy so stops on first occurrence of...
\)       a literal close parenthesis
\s*      0 or more whitespace characters
(\*?)    0 or 1 occurances of literal *

Why does NULL = NULL evaluate to false in SQL server

Think of the null as "unknown" in that case (or "does not exist"). In either of those cases, you can't say that they are equal, because you don't know the value of either of them. So, null=null evaluates to not true (false or null, depending on your system), because you don't know the values to say that they ARE equal. This behavior is defined in the ANSI SQL-92 standard.

EDIT: This depends on your ansi_nulls setting. if you have ANSI_NULLS off, this WILL evaluate to true. Run the following code for an example...

set ansi_nulls off

if null = null
    print 'true'
    print 'false'

set ansi_nulls ON

if null = null
    print 'true'
    print 'false'

Google Chromecast sender error if Chromecast extension is not installed or using incognito

If you want to temporarily get rid of these console errors (like I did) you can install the extension here:

I left a review asking for a fix. You can also do a bug report via the extension (after you install it) here. Instructions for doing so are here:

I hope Google gets on this. I need my console to show my errors, etc. Not theirs.

Sort arrays of primitive types in descending order

You cannot use Comparators for sorting primitive arrays.

Your best bet is to implement (or borrow an implementation) of a sorting algorithm that is appropriate for your use case to sort the array (in reverse order in your case).

Python - abs vs fabs

abs() : Returns the absolute value as per the argument i.e. if argument is int then it returns int, if argument is float it returns float. Also it works on complex variable also i.e. abs(a+bj) also works and returns absolute value i.e.math.sqrt(((a)**2)+((b)**2)

math.fabs() : It only works on the integer or float values. Always returns the absolute float value no matter what is the argument type(except for the complex numbers).

VBA Macro On Timer style to run code every set number of seconds, i.e. 120 seconds

In Workbook events:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

In a module:

Sub RunEveryTwoMinutes()
    //Add code here for whatever you want to happen
    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:02:00"), "RunEveryTwoMinutes"
End Sub

If you only want the first piece of code to execute after the workbook opens then just add a delay of 2 minutes into the Workbook_Open event

How to receive POST data in django

res = request.GET['paymentid'] will raise a KeyError if paymentid is not in the GET data.

Your sample php code checks to see if paymentid is in the POST data, and sets $payID to '' otherwise:

$payID = isset($_POST['paymentid']) ? $_POST['paymentid'] : ''

The equivalent in python is to use the get() method with a default argument:

payment_id = request.POST.get('payment_id', '')

while debugging, this is what I see in the response.GET: <QueryDict: {}>, request.POST: <QueryDict: {}>

It looks as if the problem is not accessing the POST data, but that there is no POST data. How are you are debugging? Are you using your browser, or is it the payment gateway accessing your page? It would be helpful if you shared your view.

Once you are managing to submit some post data to your page, it shouldn't be too tricky to convert the sample php to python.