[mysql] How to stop mysqld

To find out the start command for mysqld (using a mac) I can do:

ps aux|grep mysql

I get the following output, which allows me to start mysql server.

/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=...

How would I find the necessary command to stop mysql from the command line?

This question is related to mysql macos

The answer is

To stop MariaDB and MySQL server instance:

sudo mysqladmin shutdown

To start MariaDB and MySQL server instance:

mysqld &

To change data ownership for MariaDB and MySQL server instance:

sudo chown -R 755 /usr/local/mariadb/data

For Windows, you can run this command directly if mysql/bin is in your path.

mysqladmin -u root -p shutdown

What worked for me on CentOS 6.4 was running service mysqld stop as the root user.

I found my answer on nixCraft.

To stop autostart of mysql on boot, the following worked for me with mysql 8.0.12 installed using Homebrew in macOS Mojave 10.14.1:

rm -rf ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mysql.plist

for Binary installer use this:

to stop:

sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop

to start:

sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start

to restart:

sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM restart

Kill is definitly the wrong way! The PID will stay, Replicationsjobs will be killed etc. etc.


/sbin/service mysql stop


/sbin/service mysql start


/sbin/service mysql restart

Perhaps sudo will be needed if you have not enough rights

When mysql was installed with Homebrew, the following command did the trick for me:

brew services stop mysql

Try killing mysqld four times in a row. It's the only thing that worked for me...

root@ubuntu:/etc/init# killall -KILL mysqld 
root@ubuntu:/etc/init# killall -KILL mysqld 
root@ubuntu:/etc/init# killall -KILL mysqld 
root@ubuntu:/etc/init# killall -KILL mysqld 
mysqld: no process found

Just keep killing it over and over until you see "mysqld: no process found".

On OSX 10.8 and on, the control for MySQL is available from the System Configs. Open System Preferences, click on Mysql (usually on the very bottom) and start/stop the service from that pane. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/osx-installation-launchd.html

The plist file is now under /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.oracle.oss.mysql.mysqld.plist

There is an alternative way of just killing the daemon process by calling

kill -TERM PID

where PID is the value stored in the file mysqld.pid or the mysqld process id which can be obtained by issuing the command ps -a | grep mysqld.

I did it with next command:

sudo killall mysqld

For mysql 5.7 downloaded from binary file onto MacOS:

sudo launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.oracle.oss.mysql.mysqld.plist
sudo launchctl unload -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.oracle.oss.mysql.mysqld.plist

I found the answer here.


sudo stop mysql

If my mysql keeps restarting
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/var/mysql/dev.work.err
mysql.server stop
worked for me.

Following worked for me on my macbook pro:

brew services stop mysql

Incase if you want to stop all brew services:

brew services stop --all


  1. Stop servers (but you may notice MySQL stays on)
  2. Remove or rename /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/ which holds the mysql.pid and mysql.sock.lock files
  3. When you go back to Mamp, you'll see MySQL is now off. You can "Start Servers" again.

/etc/init.d/mysql stop
service mysql stop
killall -KILL mysql mysqld_safe mysqld

When you see the following information, you success

mysql: no process found
mysqld_safe: no process found
mysqld: no process found

I use this to solve the installation problem of MySQL 5.6 in Ubuntu 15.10 using this link.

During this installation, I encounter the problem saying:

"mysqld_safe A mysqld process already exists"

Just completely stop the mysqld, mysqld_safe, mysql solves the problem.

Worked for me on mac

a) Stop the process

sudo launchctl list | grep -i mysql

If the result shows anything like: "xxx.xxx.mysqlxxx"

sudo launchctl remove xxx.xxx.mysqlxxx

Example: sudo launchctl remove org.macports.mysql56-server

b) Disable to autostart the process

sudo launchctl unload -wF /Library/LaunchDaemons/xxx.xxx.mysqlxxx.plist

Example: sudo launchctl unload -wF /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.mysql56-server.plist

  • Finally reboot your mac

Note: In some cases if you tried "a)" first, you need to reboot again before try b).

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