[sql] SQL Server : Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int

I'm getting this error

msg 8115, level 16, state 2, line 18
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.

with this SQL query

DECLARE @year VARCHAR(4);                       
DECLARE @month VARCHAR(2);                      

-- START OF CONFIGURATION SECTION                       
-- SET THE YEAR AND MONTH PARAMETERS                        

SET @year = '2013';                     
SET @month = '3';  -- 1 = January.... 12 = Decemeber.                       

-- END OF CONFIGURATION SECTION                     

DECLARE @startDate DATE                     
DECLARE @endDate DATE                       
SET @startDate = @year + '-' + @month + '-01 00:00:00';                     
SET @endDate = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @startDate);                       

    DATEPART(YEAR, dateTimeStamp) AS [Year]                         
    , DATEPART(MONTH, dateTimeStamp) AS [Month]                         
    , COUNT(*) AS NumStreams                        
    , [platform] AS [Platform]                      
    , deliverableName AS [Deliverable Name]                     
    , SUM(billableDuration) AS NumSecondsDelivered                      
    dateTimeStamp >= @startDate                     
AND dateTimeStamp < @endDate                        
GROUP BY                            
    DATEPART(YEAR, dateTimeStamp)                       
    , DATEPART(MONTH, dateTimeStamp)                        
    , [platform]                        
    , deliverableName                       
ORDER BY                            
    , DATEPART(YEAR, dateTimeStamp)                         
    , DATEPART(MONTH, dateTimeStamp)                        
    , deliverableName   

This question is related to sql sql-server tsql

The answer is

Change SUM(billableDuration) AS NumSecondsDelivered to

sum(cast(billableDuration as bigint)) or

sum(cast(billableDuration as numeric(12, 0))) according to your need.

The resultant type of of Sum expression is the same as the data type used. It throws error at time of overflow. So casting the column to larger capacity data type and then using Sum operation works fine.

On my side, this error came from the data type "INT' in the Null values column. The error is resolved by just changing the data a type to varchar.

Is the problem with SUM(billableDuration)? To find out, try commenting out that line and see if it works.

It could be that the sum is exceeding the maximum int. If so, try replacing it with SUM(CAST(billableDuration AS BIGINT)).

    DATEPART(YEAR, dateTimeStamp) AS [Year]                         
    , DATEPART(MONTH, dateTimeStamp) AS [Month]                         
    , COUNT(*) AS NumStreams                        
    , [platform] AS [Platform]                      
    , deliverableName AS [Deliverable Name]                     
    , SUM(billableDuration) AS NumSecondsDelivered

Assuming that your quoted text is the exact text, one of these columns can't do the mathematical calculations that you want. Double click on the error and it will highlight the line that's causing the problems (if it's different than what's posted, it may not be up there); I tested your code with the variables and there was no problem, meaning that one of these columns (which we don't know more specific information about) is creating this error.

One of your expressions needs to be casted/converted to an int in order for this to go through, which is the meaning of Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.

declare @d real
set @d=1.0;
select @d*40000*(192+2)*20000+150000

Very simple:

Use COUNT_BIG(*) AS NumStreams

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