[oracle] How do I get column datatype in Oracle with PL-SQL with low privileges?

I have "read only" access to a few tables in an Oracle database. I need to get schema information on some of the columns. I'd like to use something analogous to MS SQL's sp_help.

I see the table I'm interested in listed in this query:


When I run this query, Oracle tells me "table not found in schema", and yes the parameters are correct.


After using my Oracle universal translator 9000 I've surmised this doesn't work because I don't have sufficient privileges. Given my constraints how can I get the datatype and data length of a column on a table I have read access to with a PL-SQL statement?

This question is related to oracle plsql ddl privileges

The answer is

select column_name, data_type || '(' || data_length || ')' as datatype
from all_tab_columns 
where TABLE_NAME = upper('myTableName')

Oracle: Get a list of the full datatype in your table:

select data_type || '(' || data_length || ')' 
from user_tab_columns where TABLE_NAME = 'YourTableName'

You can try this.

  FROM (SELECT column_name,
               || CASE
                     WHEN data_precision IS NOT NULL
                          AND NVL (data_scale, 0) > 0
                        '(' || data_precision || ',' || data_scale || ')'
                     WHEN data_precision IS NOT NULL
                          AND NVL (data_scale, 0) = 0
                        '(' || data_precision || ')'
                     WHEN data_precision IS NULL AND data_scale IS NOT NULL
                        '(*,' || data_scale || ')'
                     WHEN char_length > 0
                        '(' || char_length
                        || CASE char_used
                              WHEN 'B' THEN ' Byte'
                              WHEN 'C' THEN ' Char'
                              ELSE NULL
                        || ')'
               || DECODE (nullable, 'N', ' NOT NULL')
          FROM user_tab_columns
         WHERE table_name = 'CONTRACT')
 WHERE DataTypeWithLength = 'CHAR(1 Byte)';

The best solution that I've found for such case is

select column_name, data_type||
when data_precision is not null and nvl(data_scale,0)>0 then '('||data_precision||','||data_scale||')'
when data_precision is not null and nvl(data_scale,0)=0 then '('||data_precision||')'
when data_precision is null and data_scale is not null then '(*,'||data_scale||')'
when char_length>0 then '('||char_length|| case char_used 
                                                         when 'B' then ' Byte'
                                                         when 'C' then ' Char'
                                                         else null 
end||decode(nullable, 'N', ' NOT NULL')
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = 'TABLE_NAME'
and column_name = 'COLUMN_NAME';

@Aaron Stainback, thank you for correction!

You can use the desc command.


This will give you the column names, whether null is valid, and the datatype (and length if applicable)

Note: if you are trying to get this information for tables that are in a different SCHEMA use the all_tab_columns view, we have this problem as our Applications use a different SCHEMA for security purposes.

use the following:


    upper(table_name) = 'MY_TABLE_NAME' AND upper(column_name) = 'MY_COL_NAME'

To see the internal representation size in bytes you can use:

REGEXP_SUBSTR(DUMP(your_column_name), 'Len=(\d+)\:', 1, 1, 'c', 1 ) 

select t.data_type 
  from user_tab_columns t 
 where t.TABLE_NAME = 'xxx' 
   and t.COLUMN_NAME='aaa'

Quick and dirty way (e.g. to see how data is stored in oracle)

SQL> select dump(dummy) dump_dummy, dummy
     , dump(10) dump_ten
from dual

DUMP_DUMMY       DUMMY DUMP_TEN            
---------------- ----- --------------------
Typ=1 Len=1: 88  X     Typ=2 Len=2: 193,11 
1 row selected.

will show that dummy column in table sys.dual has typ=1 (varchar2), while 10 is Typ=2 (number).

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