[c++] Do you (really) write exception safe code?

Exception handling (EH) seems to be the current standard, and by searching the web, I can not find any novel ideas or methods that try to improve or replace it (well, some variations exist, but nothing novel).

Though most people seem to ignore it or just accept it, EH has some huge drawbacks: exceptions are invisible to the code and it creates many, many possible exit points. Joel on software wrote an article about it. The comparison to goto fits perfect, it made me think again about EH.

I try to avoid EH and just use return values, callbacks or whatever fits the purpose. But when you have to write reliable code, you just can't ignore EH these days: It starts with the new, which may throw an exception, instead of just returning 0 (like in the old days). This makes about any line of C++ code vulnerable to an exception. And then more places in the C++ foundational code throw exceptions... std lib does it, and so on.

This feels like walking on shaky grounds.. So, now we are forced to take care about exceptions!

But its hard, its really hard. You have to learn to write exception safe code, and even if you have some experience with it, it will still be required to double check any single line of code to be safe! Or you start to put try/catch blocks everywhere, which clutters the code until it reaches a state of unreadability.

EH replaced the old clean deterministical approach (return values..), which had just a few but understandable and easily solveable drawbacks with an approach that creates many possible exit points in your code, and if you start writing code that catches exceptions (what you are forced to do at some point), then it even creates a multitude of paths through your code (code in the catch blocks, think about a server program where you need logging facilities other than std::cerr ..). EH has advantages, but that's not the point.

My actual questions:

  • Do you really write exception safe code?
  • Are you sure your last "production ready" code is exception safe?
  • Can you even be sure, that it is?
  • Do you know and/or actually use alternatives that work?

This question is related to c++ exception-handling

The answer is

Writing exception-safe code in C++ is not so much about using lots of try { } catch { } blocks. It's about documenting what kind of guarantees your code provides.

I recommend reading Herb Sutter's Guru Of The Week series, in particular installments 59, 60 and 61.

To summarize, there are three levels of exception safety you can provide:

  • Basic: When your code throws an exception, your code does not leak resources, and objects remain destructible.
  • Strong: When your code throws an exception, it leaves the state of the application unchanged.
  • No throw: Your code never throws exceptions.

Personally, I discovered these articles quite late, so much of my C++ code is definitely not exception-safe.

EH is good, generally. But C++'s implementation is not very friendly as it's really hard to tell how good your exception catching coverage is. Java for instance makes this easy, the compiler will tend to fail if you don't handle possible exceptions .

  • Do you really write exception safe code?

Well, I certainly intend to.

  • Are you sure your last "production ready" code is exception safe?

I'm sure that my 24/7 servers built using exceptions run 24/7 and don't leak memory.

  • Can you even be sure, that it is?

It's very difficult to be sure that any code is correct. Typically, one can only go by results

  • Do you know and/or actually use alternatives that work?

No. Using exceptions is cleaner and easier than any of the alternatives I've used over the last 30 years in programming.

A lot (I would even say most) people do.

What's really important about exceptions, is that if you don't write any handling code - the result is perfectly safe and well-behaved. Too eager to panic, but safe.

You need to actively make mistakes in handlers to get something unsafe, and only catch(...){} will compare to ignoring error code.

Some of us have been using exception for over 20 years. PL/I has them, for example. The premise that they are a new and dangerous technology seems questionable to me.

It is not possible to write exception-safe code under the assumption that "any line can throw". The design of exception-safe code relies critically on certain contracts/guarantees that you are supposed to expect, observe, follow and implement in your code. It is absolutely necessary to have code that is guaranteed to never throw. There are other kinds of exception guarantees out there.

In other words, creating exception-safe code is to a large degree a matter of program design not just a matter of plain coding.

First of all (as Neil stated), SEH is Microsoft's Structured Exception Handling. It is similar to but not identical to exception processing in C++. In fact, you have to enable C++ Exception Handling if you want it in Visual Studio - the default behavior does not guarantee that local objects are destroyed in all cases! In either case, Exception Handling is not really harder it is just different.

Now for your actual questions.

Do you really write exception safe code?

Yes. I strive for exception safe code in all cases. I evangelize using RAII techniques for scoped access to resources (e.g., boost::shared_ptr for memory, boost::lock_guard for locking). In general, consistent usage of RAII and scope guarding techniques will make exception safe code much easier to write. The trick is to learn what exists and how to apply it.

Are you sure your last "production ready" code is exception safe?

No. It is as safe as it is. I can say that I haven't seen a process fault due to an exception in several years of 24/7 activity. I don't expect perfect code, just well-written code. In addition to providing exception safety, the techniques above guarantee correctness in a way that is near impossible to achieve with try/catch blocks. If you are catching everything in your top control scope (thread, process, etc.), then you can be sure that you will continue to run in the face of exceptions (most of the time). The same techniques will also help you continue to run correctly in the face of exceptions without try/catch blocks everywhere.

Can you even be sure that it is?

Yes. You can be sure by a thorough code audit but no one really does that do they? Regular code reviews and careful developers go a long way to getting there though.

Do you know and/or actually use alternatives that work?

I have tried a few variations over the years such as encoding states in the upper bits (ala HRESULTs) or that horrible setjmp() ... longjmp() hack. Both of these break down in practice though in completely different ways.

In the end, if you get into the habit of applying a few techniques and carefully thinking about where you can actually do something in response to an exception, you will end up with very readable code that is exception safe. You can sum this up by following these rules:

  • You only want to see try/catch when you can do something about a specific exception
  • You almost never want to see a raw new or delete in code
  • Eschew std::sprintf, snprintf, and arrays in general - use std::ostringstream for formatting and replace arrays with std::vector and std::string
  • When in doubt, look for functionality in Boost or STL before rolling your own

I can only recommend that you learn how to use exceptions properly and forget about result codes if you plan on writing in C++. If you want to avoid exceptions, you might want to consider writing in another language that either does not have them or makes them safe. If you want to really learn how to fully utilize C++, read a few books from Herb Sutter, Nicolai Josuttis, and Scott Meyers.

  • Do you really write exception safe code? [There's no such thing. Exceptions are a paper shield to errors unless you have a managed environment. This applies to first three questions.]

  • Do you know and/or actually use alternatives that work? [Alternative to what? The problem here is people don't separate actual errors from normal program operation. If it's normal program operation (ie a file not found), it's not really error handling. If it's an actual error, there is no way to 'handle' it or it's not an actual error. Your goal here is to find out what went wrong and either stop the spreadsheet and log an error, restart the driver to your toaster, or just pray that the jetfighter can continue flying even when it's software is buggy and hope for the best.]

Leaving aside the confusion between SEH and C++ exceptions, you need to be aware that exceptions can be thrown at any time, and write your code with that in mind. The need for exception-safety is largely what drives the use of RAII, smart pointers, and other modern C++ techniques.

If you follow the well-established patterns, writing exception-safe code is not particularly hard, and in fact it's easier than writing code that handles error returns properly in all cases.

I really like working with Eclipse and Java though (new to Java), because it throws errors in the editor if you are missing an EH handler. That makes things a LOT harder to forget to handle an exception...

Plus, with the IDE tools, it adds the try / catch block or another catch block automatically.

I try my darned best to write exception-safe code, yes.

That means I take care to keep an eye on which lines can throw. Not everyone can, and it is critically important to keep that in mind. The key is really to think about, and design your code to satisfy, the exception guarantees defined in the standard.

Can this operation be written to provide the strong exception guarantee? Do I have to settle for the basic one? Which lines may throw exceptions, and how can I ensure that if they do, they don't corrupt the object?

Some of us prefer languages like Java which force us to declare all the exceptions thrown by methods, instead of making them invisible as in C++ and C#.

When done properly, exceptions are superior to error return codes, if for no other reason than you don't have to propagate failures up the call chain manually.

That being said, low-level API library programming should probably avoid exception handling, and stick to error return codes.

It's been my experience that it's difficult to write clean exception handling code in C++. I end up using new(nothrow) a lot.