I'll add the data.table
version for anyone else Googling it (i.e., @BondedDust's solution translated to data.table
and pared down a tad):
temp[ , quartile := cut(value,
breaks = quantile(value, probs = 0:4/4),
labels = 1:4, right = FALSE)]
Which is much better (cleaner, faster) than what I had been doing:
temp[ , quartile :=
as.factor(ifelse(value < quantile(value, .25), 1,
ifelse(value < quantile(value, .5), 2,
ifelse(value < quantile(value, .75), 3, 4))]
Note, however, that this approach requires the quantiles to be distinct, e.g. it will fail on rep(0:1, c(100, 1))
; what to do in this case is open ended so I leave it up to you.