[c#] Task vs Thread differences

Usually you hear Task is a higher level concept than thread... and that's what this phrase means:

  1. You can't use Abort/ThreadAbortedException, you should support cancel event in your "business code" periodically testing token.IsCancellationRequested flag (also avoid long or timeoutless connections e.g. to db, otherwise you will never get a chance to test this flag). By the similar reason Thread.Sleep(delay) call should be replaced with Task.Delay(delay, token) call (passing token inside to have possibility to interrupt delay).

  2. There are no thread's Suspend and Resume methods functionality with tasks. Instance of task can't be reused either.

  3. But you get two new tools:

    a) continuations

    // continuation with ContinueWhenAll - execute the delegate, when ALL
    // tasks[] had been finished; other option is ContinueWhenAny
       () => {
           int answer = tasks[0].Result + tasks[1].Result;
           Console.WriteLine("The answer is {0}", answer);

    b) nested/child tasks

    //StartNew - starts task immediately, parent ends whith child
    var parent = Task.Factory.StartNew
    (() => {
              var child = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
  4. So system thread is completely hidden from task, but still task's code is executed in the concrete system thread. System threads are resources for tasks and ofcourse there is still thread pool under the hood of task's parallel execution. There can be different strategies how thread get new tasks to execute. Another shared resource TaskScheduler cares about it. Some problems that TaskScheduler solves 1) prefer to execute task and its conitnuation in the same thread minimizing switching cost - aka inline execution) 2) prefer execute tasks in an order they were started - aka PreferFairness 3) more effective distribution of tasks between inactive threads depending on "prior knowledge of tasks activity" - aka Work Stealing. Important: in general "async" is not same as "parallel". Playing with TaskScheduler options you can setup async tasks be executed in one thread synchronously. To express parallel code execution higher abstractions (than Tasks) could be used: Parallel.ForEach, PLINQ, Dataflow.

  5. Tasks are integrated with C# async/await features aka Promise Model, e.g there requestButton.Clicked += async (o, e) => ProcessResponce(await client.RequestAsync(e.ResourceName)); the execution of client.RequestAsync will not block UI thread. Important: under the hood Clicked delegate call is absolutely regular (all threading is done by compiler).

That is enough to make a choice. If you need to support Cancel functionality of calling legacy API that tends to hang (e.g. timeoutless connection) and for this case supports Thread.Abort(), or if you are creating multithread background calculations and want to optimize switching between threads using Suspend/Resume, that means to manage parallel execution manually - stay with Thread. Otherwise go to Tasks because of they will give you easy manipulate on groups of them, are integrated into the language and make developers more productive - Task Parallel Library (TPL) .

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