Programs & Examples On #Vhdl

VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) is a language used in electronic design to describe digital systems such as FPGA (field-programmable gate arrays) and IC (integrated circuits).

Concatenating bits in VHDL

You are not allowed to use the concatenation operator with the case statement. One possible solution is to use a variable within the process:

   variable bcat : std_logic_vector(0 to 3);
   bcat := b0 & b1 & b2 & b3;
   case bcat is
      when "0000" => x <= 1;
      when others => x <= 2;
   end case;
end process;

VHDL - How should I create a clock in a testbench?

If multiple clock are generated with different frequencies, then clock generation can be simplified if a procedure is called as concurrent procedure call. The time resolution issue, mentioned by Martin Thompson, may be mitigated a little by using different high and low time in the procedure. The test bench with procedure for clock generation is:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity tb is
end entity;

architecture sim of tb is

  -- Procedure for clock generation
  procedure clk_gen(signal clk : out std_logic; constant FREQ : real) is
    constant PERIOD    : time := 1 sec / FREQ;        -- Full period
    constant HIGH_TIME : time := PERIOD / 2;          -- High time
    constant LOW_TIME  : time := PERIOD - HIGH_TIME;  -- Low time; always >= HIGH_TIME
    -- Check the arguments
    assert (HIGH_TIME /= 0 fs) report "clk_plain: High time is zero; time resolution to large for frequency" severity FAILURE;
    -- Generate a clock cycle
      clk <= '1';
      wait for HIGH_TIME;
      clk <= '0';
      wait for LOW_TIME;
    end loop;
  end procedure;

  -- Clock frequency and signal
  signal clk_166 : std_logic;
  signal clk_125 : std_logic;


  -- Clock generation with concurrent procedure call
  clk_gen(clk_166, 166.667E6);  -- 166.667 MHz clock
  clk_gen(clk_125, 125.000E6);  -- 125.000 MHz clock

  -- Time resolution show
  assert FALSE report "Time resolution: " & time'image(time'succ(0 fs)) severity NOTE;

end architecture;

The time resolution is printed on the terminal for information, using the concurrent assert last in the test bench.

If the clk_gen procedure is placed in a separate package, then reuse from test bench to test bench becomes straight forward.

Waveform for clocks are shown in figure below.

Waveforms for clk_166 and clk_125

An more advanced clock generator can also be created in the procedure, which can adjust the period over time to match the requested frequency despite the limitation by time resolution. This is shown here:

-- Advanced procedure for clock generation, with period adjust to match frequency over time, and run control by signal
procedure clk_gen(signal clk : out std_logic; constant FREQ : real; PHASE : time := 0 fs; signal run : std_logic) is
  constant HIGH_TIME   : time := 0.5 sec / FREQ;  -- High time as fixed value
  variable low_time_v  : time;                    -- Low time calculated per cycle; always >= HIGH_TIME
  variable cycles_v    : real := 0.0;             -- Number of cycles
  variable freq_time_v : time := 0 fs;            -- Time used for generation of cycles
  -- Check the arguments
  assert (HIGH_TIME /= 0 fs) report "clk_gen: High time is zero; time resolution to large for frequency" severity FAILURE;
  -- Initial phase shift
  clk <= '0';
  wait for PHASE;
  -- Generate cycles
    -- Only high pulse if run is '1' or 'H'
    if (run = '1') or (run = 'H') then
      clk <= run;
    end if;
    wait for HIGH_TIME;
    -- Low part of cycle
    clk <= '0';
    low_time_v := 1 sec * ((cycles_v + 1.0) / FREQ) - freq_time_v - HIGH_TIME;  -- + 1.0 for cycle after current
    wait for low_time_v;
    -- Cycle counter and time passed update
    cycles_v := cycles_v + 1.0;
    freq_time_v := freq_time_v + HIGH_TIME + low_time_v;
  end loop;
end procedure;

Again reuse through a package will be nice.

clk'event vs rising_edge()

rising_edge is defined as:

FUNCTION rising_edge  (SIGNAL s : std_ulogic) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
    RETURN (s'EVENT AND (To_X01(s) = '1') AND
                        (To_X01(s'LAST_VALUE) = '0'));

FUNCTION To_X01  ( s : std_ulogic ) RETURN  X01 IS
    RETURN (cvt_to_x01(s));

CONSTANT cvt_to_x01 : logic_x01_table := (
                     'X',  -- 'U'
                     'X',  -- 'X'
                     '0',  -- '0'
                     '1',  -- '1'
                     'X',  -- 'Z'
                     'X',  -- 'W'
                     '0',  -- 'L'
                     '1',  -- 'H'
                     'X'   -- '-'

If your clock only goes from 0 to 1, and from 1 to 0, then rising_edge will produce identical code. Otherwise, you can interpret the difference.

Personally, my clocks only go from 0 to 1 and vice versa. I find rising_edge(clk) to be more descriptive than the (clk'event and clk = '1') variant.

shift a std_logic_vector of n bit to right or left

I would not suggest to use sll or srl with std_logic_vector.

During simulation sll gave me 'U' value for those bits, where I expected 0's.

Use shift_left(), shift_right() functions.

For example:

OP1 : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal accum: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

accum <= std_logic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(accum), to_integer(unsigned(OP1)))); accum <= std_logic_vector(shift_right(unsigned(accum), to_integer(unsigned(OP1))));

How do I iterate and modify Java Sets?

You can safely remove from a set during iteration with an Iterator object; attempting to modify a set through its API while iterating will break the iterator. the Set class provides an iterator through getIterator().

however, Integer objects are immutable; my strategy would be to iterate through the set and for each Integer i, add i+1 to some new temporary set. When you are finished iterating, remove all the elements from the original set and add all the elements of the new temporary set.

Set<Integer> s; //contains your Integers
Set<Integer> temp = new Set<Integer>();
for(Integer i : s)

How can I set focus on an element in an HTML form using JavaScript?

Do this.

If your element is something like this..

<input type="text" id="mytext"/>

Your script would be

function setFocusToTextBox(){

Reading from file using read() function

fgets would work for you. here is very good documentation on this :-

If you don't want to use fgets, following method will work for you :-

int readline(FILE *f, char *buffer, size_t len)
   char c; 
   int i;

   memset(buffer, 0, len);

   for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      int c = fgetc(f); 

      if (!feof(f)) 
         if (c == '\r')
            buffer[i] = 0;
         else if (c == '\n')
            buffer[i] = 0;

            return i+1;
            buffer[i] = c; 
         //fprintf(stderr, "read_line(): recv returned %d\n", c);
         return -1; 

   return -1; 

Executing Javascript code "on the spot" in Chrome?

You can use bookmarklets if you want run bigger scripts in more convenient way and run them automatically by one click.

How to do SQL Like % in Linq?

I do always this:

from h in OH
where h.Hierarchy.Contains("/12/")
select h

I know I don't use the like statement but it's work fine in the background is this translated into a query with a like statement.

Error:Execution failed for task ':ProjectName:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher *some file* failed, see logs

The problem might probably be due to the mismatch of the extension types given by the programmer and the actual extensions of the images present in the drawable folder of your app. or fixing this follow the steps given below:-

Step 1- Double click on each of the image resources and and check the extension i.e whether the image is png or jpeg or any other format.

Step 2- Now check if the same extension is given by you in the drawable folder dropdown in package explorer(a.k.a Android in Android Studio).

Step 3 - If the extensions are not matching then delete that image and paste another image of the same name in its place making sure the extension is matching with the actual extension of the image (for example, if the image is "a.png" then make sure the extension of the image given by you is also of .png type) .

Step 4 - Sync your gradle file and run the project. This time there should be no errors.

C# string reference type?

I believe your code is analogous to the following, and you should not have expected the value to have changed for the same reason it wouldn't here:

 public static void Main()
     StringWrapper testVariable = new StringWrapper("before passing");

 public static void TestI(StringWrapper testParameter)
     testParameter = new StringWrapper("after passing");

     // this will change the object that testParameter is pointing/referring
     // to but it doesn't change testVariable unless you use a reference
     // parameter as indicated in other answers

How to find all occurrences of a substring?

When looking for a large amount of key words in a document, use flashtext

from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
words = ['test', 'exam', 'quiz']
txt = 'this is a test'
kwp = KeywordProcessor()
result = kwp.extract_keywords(txt, span_info=True)

Flashtext runs faster than regex on large list of search words.

How can I Convert HTML to Text in C#?

This is another solution to convert HTML to Text or RTF in C#:

    SautinSoft.HtmlToRtf h = new SautinSoft.HtmlToRtf();
    h.OutputFormat = HtmlToRtf.eOutputFormat.TextUnicode;
    string text = h.ConvertString(htmlString);

This library is not free, this is commercial product and it is my own product.

Propagation Delay vs Transmission delay

Because they're measuring different things.

Propagation delay is how long it takes one bit to travel from one end of the "wire" to the other (it's proportional to the length of the wire, crudely).

Transmission delay is how long it takes to get all the bits into the wire in the first place (it's packet_length/data_rate).

How can I start pagenumbers, where the first section occurs in LaTex?

To suppress the page number on the first page, add \thispagestyle{empty} after the \maketitle command.

The second page of the document will then be numbered "2". If you want this page to be numbered "1", you can add \pagenumbering{arabic} after the \clearpage command, and this will reset the page number.

Here's a complete minimal example:


\title{My Report}
\author{My Name}




\section{First Section}


Get current working directory in a Qt application

To add on to KaZ answer, Whenever I am making a QML application I tend to add this to the main c++

#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QStandardPaths>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

// get the applications dir path and expose it to QML 

QUrl appPath(QString("%1").arg(app.applicationDirPath()));
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("appPath", appPath);

// Get the QStandardPaths home location and expose it to QML 
QUrl userPath;
   const QStringList usersLocation = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation);
   if (usersLocation.isEmpty())
       userPath = appPath.resolved(QUrl("/home/"));
      userPath = QString("%1").arg(usersLocation.first());
   engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("userPath", userPath);

   QUrl imagePath;
      const QStringList picturesLocation = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation);
      if (picturesLocation.isEmpty())
          imagePath = appPath.resolved(QUrl("images"));
          imagePath = QString("%1").arg(picturesLocation.first());
      engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("imagePath", imagePath);

      QUrl videoPath;
      const QStringList moviesLocation = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::MoviesLocation);
      if (moviesLocation.isEmpty())
          videoPath = appPath.resolved(QUrl("./"));
          videoPath = QString("%1").arg(moviesLocation.first());
      engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("videoPath", videoPath);

      QUrl homePath;
      const QStringList homesLocation = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::HomeLocation);
      if (homesLocation.isEmpty())
          homePath = appPath.resolved(QUrl("/"));
          homePath = QString("%1").arg(homesLocation.first());
      engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("homePath", homePath);

      QUrl desktopPath;
      const QStringList desktopsLocation = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DesktopLocation);
      if (desktopsLocation.isEmpty())
          desktopPath = appPath.resolved(QUrl("/"));
          desktopPath = QString("%1").arg(desktopsLocation.first());
      engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("desktopPath", desktopPath);

      QUrl docPath;
      const QStringList docsLocation = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation);
      if (docsLocation.isEmpty())
          docPath = appPath.resolved(QUrl("/"));
          docPath = QString("%1").arg(docsLocation.first());
      engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("docPath", docPath);

      QUrl tempPath;
      const QStringList tempsLocation = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::TempLocation);
      if (tempsLocation.isEmpty())
          tempPath = appPath.resolved(QUrl("/"));
          tempPath = QString("%1").arg(tempsLocation.first());
      engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("tempPath", tempPath);
return app.exec();

Using it in QML

text:"This is the applications path: " + appPath
+ "\nThis is the users home directory: " + homePath
+ "\nThis is the Desktop path: " desktopPath;

How to see what privileges are granted to schema of another user

Use example with from the post of Szilágyi Donát.

I use two querys, one to know what roles I have, excluding connect grant:

SELECT * FROM USER_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTED_ROLE != 'CONNECT'; -- Roles of the actual Oracle Schema

Know I like to find what privileges/roles my schema/user have; examples of my roles ROLE_VIEW_PAYMENTS & ROLE_OPS_CUSTOMERS. But to find the tables/objecst of an specific role I used:


The owner schema for this example could be PRD_CUSTOMERS_OWNER (or the role/schema inself).


How to resize datagridview control when form resizes

If you want to show the complete headers text

this will auto resize the columns so that the headers will show complete header text.

dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells;

For Dock Mode

If you want to show the Dock Mode in your panel or form.

dataGridView1.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;

HTML.ActionLink vs Url.Action in ASP.NET Razor

Yes, there is a difference. Html.ActionLink generates an <a href=".."></a> tag whereas Url.Action returns only an url.

For example:

@Html.ActionLink("link text", "someaction", "somecontroller", new { id = "123" }, null)


<a href="/somecontroller/someaction/123">link text</a>

and Url.Action("someaction", "somecontroller", new { id = "123" }) generates:


There is also Html.Action which executes a child controller action.

"ImportError: No module named" when trying to run Python script

Remove pathlib and reinstall it. Delete the pathlib in sitepackages folder and reinstall the pathlib package by using pip command:

pip install pathlib

jquery append external html file into my page

You can use jquery's load function here.


If you need more info, here is the link.

how to include glyphicons in bootstrap 3

I think your particular problem isn't how to use Glyphicons but understanding how Bootstrap files work together.

Bootstrap requires a specific file structure to work. I see from your code you have this:

<link href="bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">

Your Bootstrap.css is being loaded from the same location as your page, this would create a problem if you didn't adjust your file structure.

But first, let me recommend you setup your folder structure like so:

/css      <-- Bootstrap.css here
/fonts    <-- Bootstrap fonts here
/js       <-- Bootstrap JavaScript here

If you notice, this is also how Bootstrap structures its files in its download ZIP.

You then include your Bootstrap file like so:

<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="./css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">

Depending on your server structure or what you're going for.

The first and second are relative to your file's current directory. The second one is just more explicit by saying "here" (./) first then css folder (/css).

The third is good if you're running a web server, and you can just use relative to root notation as the leading "/" will be always start at the root folder.

So, why do this?

Bootstrap.css has this specific line for Glyphfonts:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
    src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot');
    src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg#glyphicons-halflingsregular') format('svg');

What you can see is that that Glyphfonts are loaded by going up one directory ../ and then looking for a folder called /fonts and THEN loading the font file.

The URL address is relative to the location of the CSS file. So, if your CSS file is at the same location like this:


The CSS file is going one level deeper than looking for a /fonts folder.

So, let's say the actual location of these files are:


The CSS file would technically be looking for a folder at:


but your folder is actually in:


So see if that helps. You don't have to do anything 'special' to load Bootstrap Glyphicons, except make sure your folder structure is set up appropriately.

When you get that fixed, your HTML should simply be:

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span>

Note, you need both classes. The first class glyphicon sets up the basic styles while glyphicon-comment sets the specific image.



$id = isset($_GET['id'])?$_GET['id']:null;


$other_var = isset($_GET['othervar'])?$_GET['othervar']:null;

Can you get the number of lines of code from a GitHub repository?

If you go to the graphs/contributors page, you can see a list of all the contributors to the repo and how many lines they've added and removed.

Unless I'm missing something, subtracting the aggregate number of lines deleted from the aggregate number of lines added among all contributors should yield the total number of lines of code in the repo. (EDIT: it turns out I was missing something after all. Take a look at orbitbot's comment for details.)


This data is also available in GitHub's API. So I wrote a quick script to fetch the data and do the calculation:

'use strict';

async function countGithub(repo) {
    const response = await fetch(`${repo}/stats/contributors`)
    const contributors = await response.json();
    const lineCounts = => (
        contributor.weeks.reduce((lineCount, week) => lineCount + week.a - week.d, 0)
    const lines = lineCounts.reduce((lineTotal, lineCount) => lineTotal + lineCount);

countGithub('jquery/jquery'); // or count anything you like

Just paste it in a Chrome DevTools snippet, change the repo and click run.

Disclaimer (thanks to lovasoa):

Take the results of this method with a grain of salt, because for some repos (sorich87/bootstrap-tour) it results in negative values, which might indicate there's something wrong with the data returned from GitHub's API.


Looks like this method to calculate total line numbers isn't entirely reliable. Take a look at orbitbot's comment for details.

Open URL in new window with JavaScript

Just use function? The third parameter lets you specify window size.


var strWindowFeatures = "location=yes,height=570,width=520,scrollbars=yes,status=yes";
var URL = ";url=" + location.href;
var win =, "_blank", strWindowFeatures);

Dependency Walker reports IESHIMS.DLL and WER.DLL missing?

1· Do I need these DLL's?

It depends since Dependency Walker is a little bit out of date and may report the wrong dependency.

  1. Where can I get them?

most dlls can be found at

I believe they are supposed to located in C:\Windows\System32\Wer.dll and C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Ieshims.dll

For me leshims.dll can be placed at C:\Windows\System32\. Context: windows 7 64bit.

How can I return NULL from a generic method in C#?

Your other option would be to to add this to the end of your declaration:

    where T : class
    where T: IList

That way it will allow you to return null.

Wpf control size to content?

If you are using the grid or alike component: In XAML, make sure that the elements in the grid have Grid.Row and Grid.Column defined, and ensure tha they don't have margins. If you used designer mode, or Expression Blend, it could have assigned margins relative to the whole grid instead of to particular cells. As for cell sizing, I add an extra cell that fills up the rest of the space:

        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <RowDefinition Height="*"/>

How to read until end of file (EOF) using BufferedReader in Java?

You are consuming a line at, which is discarded

while((str=input.readLine())!=null && str.length()!=0)

and reading a bigint at

BigInteger n = new BigInteger(input.readLine());

so try getting the bigint from string which is read as

BigInteger n = new BigInteger(str);

   Constructor used: BigInteger(String val)

Aslo change while((str=input.readLine())!=null && str.length()!=0) to


see related post string to bigint

    A String containing the contents of the line, not including any line-termination characters, or null if the end of the stream has been reached 

see javadocs

Skipping error in for-loop

One (dirty) way to do it is to use tryCatch with an empty function for error handling. For example, the following code raises an error and breaks the loop :

for (i in 1:10) {
    if (i==7) stop("Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !")

[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
Erreur : Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !

But you can wrap your instructions into a tryCatch with an error handling function that does nothing, for example :

for (i in 1:10) {
    if (i==7) stop("Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !")
  }, error=function(e){})

[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
[1] 8
[1] 9
[1] 10

But I think you should at least print the error message to know if something bad happened while letting your code continue to run :

for (i in 1:10) {
    if (i==7) stop("Urgh, the iphone is in the blender !")
  }, error=function(e){cat("ERROR :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})

[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 4
[1] 5
[1] 6
[1] 7
ERROR : Urgh, the iphone is in the blender ! 
[1] 8
[1] 9
[1] 10

EDIT : So to apply tryCatch in your case would be something like :

for (v in 2:180){
        mypath=file.path("C:", "file1", (paste("graph",names(mydata[columnname]), ".pdf", sep="-")))
        mytitle = paste("anything")
        myplotfunction(mydata[,columnnumber]) ## this function is defined previously in the program
    }, error=function(e){cat("ERROR :",conditionMessage(e), "\n")})

IFrame: This content cannot be displayed in a frame

Use target="_top" attribute in anchor tag that will really work.

How to see local history changes in Visual Studio Code?

I built an extension called Checkpoints, an alternative to Local History. Checkpoints has support for viewing history for all files (that has checkpoints) in the tree view, not just the currently active file. There are some other minor differences aswell, but overall they are pretty similar.

What's the equivalent of Java's Thread.sleep() in JavaScript?

Or maybe you can use the setInterval function, to call a particular function, after the specified number of milliseconds. Just do a google for the setInterval prototype.I don't quite recollect it.

How to duplicate sys.stdout to a log file?

You can also add stderr as well, based on shx2's answer above using class multifile :

class Log(object):

    def __init__(self, path_log, mode="w", encoding="utf-8"):
        h = open(path_log, mode, encoding=encoding)
        sys.stdout = multifile([ sys.stdout, h ])
        sys.stderr = multifile([ sys.stderr, h ])

    def __enter__(self):
        """ Necessary if called by with (or with... as) """
        return self     # only necessary if "as"

    def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
        """ Necessary if call by with """

    def __del__(self):
        if sys is not None:
            # restoring
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__

log = Log("test.txt")
print("line 1")
print("line 2", file=sys.stderr)
del log
print("line 3 only on screen")

"Line contains NULL byte" in CSV reader (Python)

This will tell you what line is the problem.

import csv

lines = []
with open('output.txt','r') as f:
    for line in f.readlines():

with open('corrected.csv','w') as correct:
    writer = csv.writer(correct, dialect = 'excel')
    with open('input.csv', 'r') as mycsv:
        reader = csv.reader(mycsv)
            for i, row in enumerate(reader):
                if row[0] not in lines:
        except csv.Error:
            print('csv choked on line %s' % (i+1))

Perhaps this from daniweb would be helpful:

I'm getting this error when reading from a csv file: "Runtime Error! line contains NULL byte". Any idea about the root cause of this error?


Ok, I got it and thought I'd post the solution. Simply yet caused me grief... Used file was saved in a .xls format instead of a .csv Didn't catch this because the file name itself had the .csv extension while the type was still .xls

Where to install Android SDK on Mac OS X?

brew install android-sdk --cask 

How can I print out just the index of a pandas dataframe?

You can access the index attribute of a df using .index:

In [277]:

df = pd.DataFrame({'a':np.arange(10), 'b':np.random.randn(10)})
   a         b
0  0  0.293422
1  1 -1.631018
2  2  0.065344
3  3 -0.417926
4  4  1.925325
5  5  0.167545
6  6 -0.988941
7  7 -0.277446
8  8  1.426912
9  9 -0.114189
In [278]:

Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype='int64')

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is Empty

Apart from all obvious reasons mentioned earlier, there might be another one: you didn't put an Authorize attribute on top of your controller, like that:

[Authorize(Roles = "myRole")]
[EnableCors(origins: "http://localhost:8080", headers: "*", methods: "*", SupportsCredentials = true)]
public class MyController : ApiController

At least that's what worked for me.

Is it possible to validate the size and type of input=file in html5

if your using php for the backend maybe you can use this code.

// Validate image file size
if (($_FILES["file-input"]["size"] > 2000000)) {
    $msg = "Image File Size is Greater than 2MB.";
    header("Location: ../product.php?error=$msg");

Difference between id and name attributes in HTML

Below is an interesting use of the id attribute. It is used within the tag and used to identify the form for elements outside of the boundaries so that they will be included with the other fields within the form.

 <form action="action_page.php" id="form1">
 First name: <input type="text" name="fname"><br>
 <input type="submit" value="Submit">

 <p>The "Last name" field below is outside the form element, but still part of the form.</p>
 Last name: <input type="text" name="lname" form="form1">

SELECT INTO using Oracle

If NEW_TABLE already exists then ...

insert into new_table 
select * from old_table

If you want to create NEW_TABLE based on the records in OLD_TABLE ...

create table new_table as 
select * from old_table

If the purpose is to create a new but empty table then use a WHERE clause with a condition which can never be true:

create table new_table as 
select * from old_table
where 1 = 2

Remember that CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT creates only a table with the same projection as the source table. The new table does not have any constraints, triggers or indexes which the original table might have. Those still have to be added manually (if they are required).

Linux Shell Script For Each File in a Directory Grab the filename and execute a program

for i in *.xls ; do 
  [[ -f "$i" ]] || continue
  xls2csv "$i" "${i%.xls}.csv"

The first line in the do checks if the "matching" file really exists, because in case nothing matches in your for, the do will be executed with "*.xls" as $i. This could be horrible for your xls2csv.

update package.json version automatically

If you are using yarn you can use

yarn version --patch

This will increment package.json version by patch (0.0.x), commit, and tag it with format v0.0.0

Likewise you can bump minor or major version by using --minor or --major

When pushing to git ensure you also push the tags with --follow-tags

git push --follow-tags

You can also create a script for it

    "release-it": "yarn version --patch && git push --follow-tags"

Simply run it by typing yarn release-it

How to read a line from the console in C?

A very simple but unsafe implementation to read line for static allocation:

char line[1024];

scanf("%[^\n]", line);

A safer implementation, without the possibility of buffer overflow, but with the possibility of not reading the whole line, is:

char line[1024];

scanf("%1023[^\n]", line);

Not the 'difference by one' between the length specified declaring the variable and the length specified in the format string. It is a historical artefact.

mailto link with HTML body

Whilst it is NOT possible to use HTML to format your email body you can add line breaks as has been previously suggested.

If you are able to use javascript then "encodeURIComponent()" might be of use like below...

var formattedBody = "FirstLine \n Second Line \n Third Line";
var mailToLink = "mailto:[email protected]?body=" + encodeURIComponent(formattedBody);
window.location.href = mailToLink;

Make hibernate ignore class variables that are not mapped

For folks who find this posting through the search engines, another possible cause of this problem is from importing the wrong package version of @Transient. Make sure that you import javax.persistence.transient and not some other package.

Running a cron job on Linux every six hours


0 */6 * * * command

. * has to

How to force IE to reload javascript?

Add a date of modification of js file at the end of your URL. With PHP it would look something like this:

echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/something.js?' . filemtime('js/something.js') . '"></script>';

When your script will be reloaded every time you update it.

How do I rotate a picture in WinForms

Here's a method you can use to rotate an image in C#:

/// <summary>
/// method to rotate an image either clockwise or counter-clockwise
/// </summary>
/// <param name="img">the image to be rotated</param>
/// <param name="rotationAngle">the angle (in degrees).
/// NOTE: 
/// Positive values will rotate clockwise
/// negative values will rotate counter-clockwise
/// </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Image RotateImage(Image img, float rotationAngle)
    //create an empty Bitmap image
    Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height);

    //turn the Bitmap into a Graphics object
    Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

    //now we set the rotation point to the center of our image
    gfx.TranslateTransform((float)bmp.Width / 2, (float)bmp.Height / 2);

    //now rotate the image

    gfx.TranslateTransform(-(float)bmp.Width / 2, -(float)bmp.Height / 2);

    //set the InterpolationMode to HighQualityBicubic so to ensure a high
    //quality image once it is transformed to the specified size
    gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

    //now draw our new image onto the graphics object
    gfx.DrawImage(img, new Point(0, 0));

    //dispose of our Graphics object

    //return the image
    return bmp;

Applying an ellipsis to multiline text

If you also have multiple elements and you want a link with read more button after ellipsis, take a look on

If you want something like this:

Every month first 10 TB are are not charged. All other traffic... Read more

__FILE__ macro shows full path

Here's a tip if you're using cmake. From:

I'm copying the tip so it's all on this page:

  ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/,,$(abspath $<))\"'")

If you're using GNU make, I see no reason you couldn't extend this to your own makefiles. For example, you might have a line like this:

CXX_FLAGS+=-D__FILENAME__='\"$(subst $(SOURCE_PREFIX)/,,$(abspath $<))\"'"

where $(SOURCE_PREFIX) is the prefix that you want to remove.

Then use __FILENAME__ in place of __FILE__.

Function to Calculate a CRC16 Checksum

This function works for CRC-16 Modbus version. Not for CRC-16

How to use andWhere and orWhere in Doctrine?

Here's an example for those who have more complicated conditions and using Doctrine 2.* with QueryBuilder:

$qb->where(' = 1')
      $qb->expr()->eq('', 1),
      $qb->expr()->eq('', 2)

Those are expressions mentioned in Czechnology answer.

Passing multiple values for a single parameter in Reporting Services

I'm new to the site, and couldn't figure how to comment on a previous answer, which is what I feel this should be. I also couldn't up vote Jeff's post, which I believe gave me my answer. Anyways...

While I can see how some of the great posts, and subsequent tweaks, work, I only have read access to the database, so no UDF, SP or view-based solutions work for me. So Ed Harper's solution looked good, except for VenkateswarluAvula's comment that you can not pass a comma-separated string as a parameter into an WHERE IN clause and expect it to work as you need. But Jeff's solution to the ORACLE 10g fills that gap. I put those together with Russell Christopher's blog post at and I have my solution:

Create your multi-select parameter MYPARAMETER using whatever source of available values (probably a dataset). In my case, the multi-select was from a bunch of TEXT entries, but I'm sure with some tweaking it would work with other types. If you want Select All to be the default position, set the same source as the default. This gives you your user interface, but the parameter created is not the parameter passed to my SQL.

Skipping ahead to the SQL, and Jeff's solution to the WHERE IN (@MYPARAMETER) problem, I have a problem all my own, in that 1 of the values ('Charge') appears in one of the other values ('Non Charge'), meaning the CHARINDEX might find a false-positive. I needed to search the parameter for the delimited value both before and after. This means I need to make sure the comma-separated list has a leading and trailling comma as well. And this is my SQL snippet:

where ...

The bit in the middle is to create another parameter (hidden in production, but not while developing) with:

  • A type of Text
  • A single available value of ="," + join(Parameters!MYPARAMETER.Value,",") + "," and a label that
    doesn't really matter (since it will not be displayed).
  • A default value exactly the same
  • Just to be sure, I set Always Refresh in both parameters' Advanced properties

It is this parameter which gets passed to SQL, which just happens to be a searchable string but which SQL handles like any piece of text.

I hope putting these fragments of answers together helps somebody find what they're looking for.

Why do I get AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'something'?

It means the object you are trying to access None. None is a Null variable in python. This type of error is occure de to your code is something like this.

x1 = None


x1 = None
x1.someother = "Hellow world"

x1 = None

# you can avoid some of these error by adding this kind of check
if(x1 is not None):
    ... Do something here
    print("X1 variable is Null or None")

CSS ''background-color" attribute not working on checkbox inside <div>

When you input the body tag, press space just one time without closing the tag and input bgcolor="red", just for instance. Then choose a diff color for your font.

long long in C/C++

your code compiles here fine (even with that line uncommented. had to change it to

num3 = 100000000000000000000;

to start getting the warning.

How to convert NSData to byte array in iPhone?

That's because the return type for [data bytes] is a void* c-style array, not a Uint8 (which is what Byte is a typedef for).

The error is because you are trying to set an allocated array when the return is a pointer type, what you are looking for is the getBytes:length: call which would look like:

[data getBytes:&byteData length:len];

Which fills the array you have allocated with data from the NSData object.

Xcode Error: "The app ID cannot be registered to your development team."

None of the above answers worked for me, and as said in the original question I had also to keep the same bundle identifier since the app was already published in the store by the client.

The solution for me was to ask the client to change my access from App Manager to Admin, so that I had "Access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.", you can check if it is the case in the App Store Connect => Users and Access => and then click on your profile (be sure to choose the right team if you belong to multiple).

Once you are admin go back to Xcode and in the signing tab select 'Automatically manage signing', then in Team dropdown you should be able to select the right team and the signature will work.

Lua string to int

tonumber (e [, base])

tonumber takes two arguments, first is string which is converted to number and second is base of e.

Return value tonumber is in base 10.

If no base is provided it converts number to base 10.

> a = '101'
> tonumber(a)

If base is provided, it converts it to the given base.

> a = '101'
> tonumber(a, 2)
> tonumber(a, 8)
> tonumber(a, 10)
> tonumber(a, 16)

If e contains invalid character then it returns nil.

> --[[ Failed because base 2 numbers consist (0 and 1) --]]
> a = '112'
> tonumber(a, 2)
> --[[ similar to above one, this failed because --]]
> --[[ base 8 consist (0 - 7) --]]
> --[[ base 10 consist (0 - 9) --]]
> a = 'AB'
> tonumber(a, 8)
> tonumber(a, 10)
> tonumber(a, 16)

I answered considering Lua5.3

How do I lock the orientation to portrait mode in a iPhone Web Application?

The following code was used in our html5 game.

$(document).ready(function () {
          .bind('orientationchange', function(){
               if (window.orientation % 180 == 0){
                   $(document.body).css("-webkit-transform-origin", "")
                       .css("-webkit-transform", "");               
               else {                   
                   if ( window.orientation > 0) { //clockwise
                     $(document.body).css("-webkit-transform-origin", "200px 190px")
                       .css("-webkit-transform",  "rotate(-90deg)");  
                   else {
                     $(document.body).css("-webkit-transform-origin", "280px 190px")
                       .css("-webkit-transform",  "rotate(90deg)"); 

Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript

Google Chrome seems to return false positives on this one:

var isTouch = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement;

I suppose it has something to do with its ability to "emulate touch events" (F12 -> settings at lower right corner -> "overrides" tab -> last checkbox). I know it's turned off by default but that's what I connect the change in results with (the "in" method used to work in Chrome). However, this seems to be working, as far as I have tested:

var isTouch = !!("undefined" != typeof document.documentElement.ontouchstart);

All browsers I've run that code on state the typeof is "object" but I feel more certain knowing that it's whatever but undefined :-)

Tested on IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome 23.0.1271.64, Chrome for iPad 21.0.1180.80 and iPad Safari. It would be cool if someone made some more tests and shared the results.

How to insert a character in a string at a certain position?

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    char ch='m';
    String str="Hello",k=String.valueOf(ch),b,c;


    int index=3;
    b=str.substring(0,index-1 );

Is JavaScript a pass-by-reference or pass-by-value language?

I would say it is pass-by-copy -

Consider arguments and variable objects are objects created during the execution context created in the beginning of function invocation - and your actual value/reference passed into the function just get stored in this arguments + variable objects.

Simply speaking, for primitive types, the values get copied in the beginning of function call, for object type, the reference get copied.

HTML Agility pack - parsing tables

Line from above answer:

HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

This doesn't work in VS 2015 C#. You cannot construct an HtmlDocument any more.

Another MS "feature" that makes things more difficult to use. Try HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb and check out this link for some sample code.

Why this line xmlns:android="" must be the first in the layout xml file?

xmlns:android This is start tag for define android namespace in Android. This is standerd convention define by android google developer. when you are using and layout default or custom, then must use this namespace.

Defines the Android namespace. This attribute should always be set to "".

From the <manifest> element documentation.

What is unit testing and how do you do it?


A methodology for automaticaly testing code against a battery of tests, designed to enforce desired outcomes and manage change.

A "unit" in this sense is the smallest atomic component of the code that makes sense to test, typically a method of some class for example. Part of this process is building up stub objects (or "mocks") which allow you to work with a unit as an independant object.


Almost always, the process of unit-testing is built into an IDE (or through extensions) such that it executes the tests with every compile. A number of frameworks exist for assisting the creation of unit tests (and indeed mock objcts), often named fooUnit (cf. jUnit, xUnit, nUnit). These frameworks provide a formalised way to create tests.

As a process, test driven development (TDD) is often the motivation for unit testing (but unit testing does not require TDD) which supposes that the tests are a part of the spec definition, and therefore requires that they are written first, with code only written to "solve" these tests.


Almost always. Very small, throwaway projects may not be worth it, but only if you're quite sure they really are throwaway. In theory every object orientated program is unit testable, but some design pattrns make this difficult. Notoriously, the singleton pattern is problematic, where conversely dependancy injection frameworks are very much unit testing oriented.

message box in jquery

Do you mean just? alert()

function hello_world(){ alert("hello world"); }

Input button target="_blank" isn't causing the link to load in a new window/tab

use formtarget="_blank" its working for me

<input type="button" onClick="parent.location=''" value="facebook" formtarget="_blank">

Browser compatibility: from
IE: 10+ | Edge: 12+ | Firefox: 4+ | Chrome: 15+ | Safari/iOS: 5.1+ | Android: 4+

Assigning default value while creating migration file

Yes, I couldn't see how to use 'default' in the migration generator command either but was able to specify a default value for a new string column as follows by amending the generated migration file before applying "rake db:migrate":

class AddColumnToWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :widgets, :colour, :string, default: 'red'

This adds a new column called 'colour' to my 'Widget' model and sets the default 'colour' of new widgets to 'red'.

How to Lock/Unlock screen programmatically?

Use Activity.getWindow() to get the window of your activity; use Window.addFlags() to add whichever of the following flags in WindowManager.LayoutParams that you desire:

SQL statement to select all rows from previous day

Another way to tell it "Yesterday"...

Select * from TABLE
where Day(DateField) = (Day(GetDate())-1)
and Month(DateField) = (Month(GetDate()))
and Year(DateField) = (Year(getdate()))

This conceivably won't work well on January 1, as well as the first day of every month. But on the fly it's effective.

Convert Xml to DataTable

I would first create a DataTable with the columns that you require, then populate it via Linq-to-XML.

You could use a Select query to create an object that represents each row, then use the standard approach for creating DataRows for each item ...

class Quest
    public string Answer1;
    public string Answer2;
    public string Answer3;
    public string Answer4;

public static void Main()
    var doc = XDocument.Load("filename.xml");

    var rows = doc.Descendants("QuestId").Select(el => new Quest
        Answer1 = el.Element("Answer1").Value,
        Answer2 = el.Element("Answer2").Value,
        Answer3 = el.Element("Answer3").Value,
        Answer4 = el.Element("Answer4").Value,

    // iterate over the rows and add to DataTable ...


Making heatmap from pandas DataFrame

Please note that the authors of seaborn only want seaborn.heatmap to work with categorical dataframes. It's not general.

If your index and columns are numeric and/or datetime values, this code will serve you well.

Matplotlib heat-mapping function pcolormesh requires bins instead of indices, so there is some fancy code to build bins from your dataframe indices (even if your index isn't evenly spaced!).

The rest is simply np.meshgrid and plt.pcolormesh.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def conv_index_to_bins(index):
    """Calculate bins to contain the index values.
    The start and end bin boundaries are linearly extrapolated from 
    the two first and last values. The middle bin boundaries are 

    Example 1: [0, 1] -> [-0.5, 0.5, 1.5]
    Example 2: [0, 1, 4] -> [-0.5, 0.5, 2.5, 5.5]
    Example 3: [4, 1, 0] -> [5.5, 2.5, 0.5, -0.5]"""
    assert index.is_monotonic_increasing or index.is_monotonic_decreasing

    # the beginning and end values are guessed from first and last two
    start = index[0] - (index[1]-index[0])/2
    end = index[-1] + (index[-1]-index[-2])/2

    # the middle values are the midpoints
    middle = pd.DataFrame({'m1': index[:-1], 'p1': index[1:]})
    middle = middle['m1'] + (middle['p1']-middle['m1'])/2

    if isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
        idx = pd.DatetimeIndex(middle).union([start,end])
    elif isinstance(index, (pd.Float64Index,pd.RangeIndex,pd.Int64Index)):
        idx = pd.Float64Index(middle).union([start,end])
        print('Warning: guessing what to do with index type %s' % 
        idx = pd.Float64Index(middle).union([start,end])

    return idx.sort_values(ascending=index.is_monotonic_increasing)

def calc_df_mesh(df):
    """Calculate the two-dimensional bins to hold the index and 
    column values."""
    return np.meshgrid(conv_index_to_bins(df.index),

def heatmap(df):
    """Plot a heatmap of the dataframe values using the index and 
    X,Y = calc_df_mesh(df)
    c = plt.pcolormesh(X, Y, df.values.T)

Call it using heatmap(df), and see it using

enter image description here

Have Excel formulas that return 0, make the result blank

There is a very simple answer to this messy problem--the SUBSTITUTE function. In your example above:


Can be rewritten as follows:

=SUBSTITUTE((1/1/INDEX(A,B,C), " ", "")

Find the day of a week

This should do the trick

df = data.frame(date=c("2012-02-01", "2012-02-01", "2012-02-02")) 
dow <- function(x) format(as.Date(x), "%A")
df$day <- dow(df$date)

        date       day
1 2012-02-01 Wednesday
2 2012-02-01 Wednesday
3 2012-02-02  Thursday

Converting string from snake_case to CamelCase in Ruby

Extend String to Add Camelize

In pure Ruby you could extend the string class using code lifted from Rails .camelize

class String
  def camelize(uppercase_first_letter = true)
    string = self
    if uppercase_first_letter
      string = string.sub(/^[a-z\d]*/) { |match| match.capitalize }
      string = string.sub(/^(?:(?=\b|[A-Z_])|\w)/) { |match| match.downcase }
    string.gsub(/(?:_|(\/))([a-z\d]*)/) { "#{$1}#{$2.capitalize}" }.gsub("/", "::")

How do I make a stored procedure in MS Access?

If you mean the type of procedure you find in SQL Server, prior to 2010, you can't. If you want a query that accepts a parameter, you can use the query design window:

 PARAMETERS SomeParam Text(10);
 SELECT Field FROM Table
 WHERE OtherField=SomeParam

You can also say:

   (Parameter1 datatype, Parameter2 datatype) AS


Note that the procedure contains only one statement.

PreparedStatement with list of parameters in a IN clause

You can't replace ? in your query with an arbitrary number of values. Each ? is a placeholder for a single value only. To support an arbitrary number of values, you'll have to dynamically build a string containing ?, ?, ?, ... , ? with the number of question marks being the same as the number of values you want in your in clause.

Read the current full URL with React?

Just to add a little further documentation to this page - I have been struggling with this problem for a while.

As said above, the easiest way to get the URL is via window.location.href.

we can then extract parts of the URL through vanilla Javascript by using let urlElements = window.location.href.split('/')

We would then console.log(urlElements) to see the Array of elements produced by calling .split() on the URL.

Once you have found which index in the array you want to access, you can then assigned this to a variable

let urlElelement = (urlElements[0])

And now you can use the value of urlElement, which will be the specific part of your URL, wherever you want.

__init__() missing 1 required positional argument

The problem is with, you

def __init__(self, data):

when you create object from DHT class you should pass parameter the data should be dict type, like


But in your code youshould to change is

if __name__ == '__main__': DHT(data).showData()


if __name__ == '__main__': DHT({'one':1,'two':2,'three':3}).showData()

How to fix 'fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported' - graceful-fs

Just to point out that cordova brings in it's own npm with the graceful-fs dependency, so if you use Cordova make sure that it is the latest so you get the latest graceful-fs from that as well.

Cannot load properties file from resources directory

If it is simple application then getSystemResourceAsStream can also be used.

try (InputStream inputStream = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(""))..

How to get access to HTTP header information in Spring MVC REST controller?

When you annotate a parameter with @RequestHeader, the parameter retrieves the header information. So you can just do something like this:


to get the Accept header.

So from the documentation:

public void displayHeaderInfo(@RequestHeader("Accept-Encoding") String encoding,
                              @RequestHeader("Keep-Alive") long keepAlive)  {


The Accept-Encoding and Keep-Alive header values are provided in the encoding and keepAlive parameters respectively.

And no worries. We are all noobs with something.

Python 3.2 Unable to import urllib2 (ImportError: No module named urllib2)

In python 3 urllib2 was merged into urllib. See also another Stack Overflow question and the urllib PEP 3108.

To make Python 2 code work in Python 3:

    import urllib.request as urllib2
except ImportError:
    import urllib2

TypeScript: casting HTMLElement

I would also recommend the sitepen guides (see below) and

TypeScript also allows you to specify different return types when an exact string is provided as an argument to a function. For example, TypeScript’s ambient declaration for the DOM’s createElement method looks like this:

createElement(tagName: 'a'): HTMLAnchorElement;
createElement(tagName: 'abbr'): HTMLElement;
createElement(tagName: 'address'): HTMLElement;
createElement(tagName: 'area'): HTMLAreaElement;
// ... etc.
createElement(tagName: string): HTMLElement;

This means, in TypeScript, when you call e.g. document.createElement('video'), TypeScript knows the return value is an HTMLVideoElement and will be able to ensure you are interacting correctly with the DOM Video API without any need to type assert.

mongodb/mongoose findMany - find all documents with IDs listed in array

Both node.js and MongoChef force me to convert to ObjectId. This is what I use to grab a list of users from the DB and fetch a few properties. Mind the type conversion on line 8.

// this will complement the list with userName and userPhotoUrl based on userId field in each item
augmentUserInfo = function(list, callback){
        var userIds = [];
        var users = [];         // shortcut to find them faster afterwards
        for (l in list) {       // first build the search array
            var o = list[l];
            if (o.userId) {
                userIds.push( new mongoose.Types.ObjectId( o.userId ) );           // for the Mongo query
                users[o.userId] = o;                                // to find the user quickly afterwards
        db.collection("users").find( {_id: {$in: userIds}} ).each(function(err, user) {
            if (err) callback( err, list);
            else {
                if (user && user._id) {
                    users[user._id].userName = user.fName;
                    users[user._id].userPhotoUrl = user.userPhotoUrl;
                } else {                        // end of list
                    callback( null, list );

Conversion from List<T> to array T[]

Use ToArray() on List<T>.

make *** no targets specified and no makefile found. stop

If you create Makefile in the VSCode, your makefile doesnt run. I don't know the cause of this issue. Maybe the configuration of the file is not added to system. But I solved this way. delete created makefile, then go to project directory and right click mouse later create a file and named Makefile. After fill the Makefile and run it. It will work.

Creating a Jenkins environment variable using Groovy

You can also define a variable without the EnvInject Plugin within your Groovy System Script:

import hudson.model.*
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
def pa = new ParametersAction([
  new StringParameterValue("FOO", "BAR")

Then you can access this variable in the next build step which (for example) is an windows batch command:

@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo FOO=!FOO!

This echo will show you "FOO=BAR".


JSON to string variable dump

i personally use the jquery dump plugin alot to dump objects, its a bit similar to php's print_r() function Basic usage:

var obj = {
            hubba: "Some string...",
            bubba: 12.5,
            dubba: ["One", "Two", "Three"]
/* will return:
Object { 
     hubba: "Some string..."
     bubba: 12.5
     dubba: Array ( 
          0 => "One"
          1 => "Two"
          2 => "Three"

Its very human readable, i also recommend this site for creating/parsing/reading json, because it has nice colors

to call onChange event after pressing Enter key

You can use event.key

function Input({onKeyPress}) {_x000D_
  return (_x000D_
      <input type="text" onKeyPress={onKeyPress}/>_x000D_
class Form extends React.Component {_x000D_
  state = {value:""}_x000D_
  handleKeyPress = (e) => {_x000D_
    if (e.key === 'Enter') {_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return (_x000D_
        <Input onKeyPress={this.handleKeyPress}/>_x000D_
  <Form />,_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="react"></div>

How to create a new component in Angular 4 using CLI


Get into Project Directory!(cd into created app).


Type in the following command and run!

ng generate component [componentname]

  • Add the name of component you want to generate in the [componentname] section.


ng generate c [componentname]

  • Add name of component you want to generate in the [componentname] section.

Both will work

For reference checkout this section of Angular Documentation!

For reference also checkout the link to Angular Cli on github!

Keep a line of text as a single line - wrap the whole line or none at all

You can use white-space: nowrap; to define this behaviour:

// HTML:

.nowrap {_x000D_
  white-space: nowrap ;_x000D_
      <span class="nowrap">How do I wrap this line of text</span>_x000D_
      <span class="nowrap">- asked by Peter 2 days ago</span>_x000D_

// CSS:
.nowrap {
  white-space: nowrap ;

How to get index of object by its property in JavaScript?

Since the sort part is already answered. I'm just going to propose another elegant way to get the indexOf of a property in your array

Your example is:

var Data = [
    {id_list:1, name:'Nick',token:'312312'},

You can do:

var index = { return; }).indexOf('Nick'); is not available on IE7 or IE8. ES5 Compatibility

And here it is with ES6 and arrow syntax, which is even simpler:

const index = =>'Nick');

How do I change Bootstrap 3's glyphicons to white?

You can just create your own .white class and add it to the glyphicon element.

.white, .white a {
  color: #fff;
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-home white"></i>

Lining up labels with radio buttons in bootstrap

This is all nicely lined up including the field label. Lining up the field label was the tricky part.

enter image description here

HTML Code:

<div class="form-group">
    <label class="control-label col-md-5">Create a</label>
    <div class="col-md-7">
        <label class="radio-inline control-label">
            <input checked="checked" id="TaskLog_TaskTypeId" name="TaskLog.TaskTypeId" type="radio" value="2"> Task
        <label class="radio-inline control-label">
            <input id="TaskLog_TaskTypeId" name="TaskLog.TaskTypeId" type="radio" value="1"> Note

CSHTML / Razor Code:

<div class="form-group">
    @Html.Label("Create a", htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-5" })
    <div class="col-md-7">
        <label class="radio-inline control-label">
            @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.TaskTypeId, Model.TaskTaskTypeId) Task
        <label class="radio-inline control-label">
            @Html.RadioButtonFor(model => model.TaskTypeId, Model.NoteTaskTypeId) Note

Module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'

I used google colab to run my models and everything was perfect untill i used inline tesorboard. With tensorboard inline, I had the same issue of "Module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'contrib'".

It was able to run training when rebuild and reinstall the model using folder) after initialising tensorboard.

Trying to handle "back" navigation button action in iOS

Set the UINavigationBar's delegate, and then use:

- (BOOL)navigationBar:(UINavigationBar *)navigationBar shouldPopItem:(UINavigationItem *)item {
    //handle the action here

Change GridView row color based on condition

Alternatively, you can cast the row DataItem to a class and then add condition based on the class properties. Here is a sample that I used to convert the row to a class/model named TimetableModel, then in if statement you have access to all class fields/properties:

protected void GridView_TimeTable_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                    var tt = (TimetableModel)(e.Row.DataItem);
                     if (tt.Unpublsihed )
                       e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                       e.Row.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;

Size of Matrix OpenCV

A complete C++ code example, may be helpful for the beginners

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "opencv/highgui.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main()
    cv:Mat M(102,201,CV_8UC1);
    int rows = M.rows;
    int cols = M.cols;

    cout<<rows<<" "<<cols<<endl;

    cv::Size sz = M.size();
    rows = sz.height;
    cols = sz.width;

    cout<<rows<<" "<<cols<<endl;
    return 0;

How do I convert date/time from 24-hour format to 12-hour AM/PM?

I think you can use date() function to achive this

$date = '19:24:15 06/13/2013'; 
echo date('h:i:s a m/d/Y', strtotime($date));

This will output

07:24:15 pm 06/13/2013

Live Sample

h is used for 12 digit time
i stands for minutes
s seconds
a will return am or pm (use in uppercase for AM PM)
m is used for months with digits
d is used for days in digit
Y uppercase is used for 4 digit year (use it lowercase for two digit)


This is with DateTime

$date = new DateTime('19:24:15 06/13/2013');
echo $date->format('h:i:s a m/d/Y') ;

Live Sample

How do I catch an Ajax query post error?

jQuery 1.5 added deferred objects that handle this nicely. Simply call $.post and attach any handlers you'd like after the call. Deferred objects even allow you to attach multiple success and error handlers.


$.post('status.ajax.php', {deviceId: id})
    .done( function(msg) { ... } )
    .fail( function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {

Prior to jQuery 1.8, the function done was called success and fail was called error.

"Error 404 Not Found" in Magento Admin Login Page

Finally, I found the solution to my problem.

I looked into the Magento system log file (var/log/system.log). There I saw the exact error.

The error is as below:-

Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Core_Model_Store::setWebsite() must be an instance of Mage_Core_Model_Website, null given, called in YOUR_PATH\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\App.php on line 555 and defined in YOUR_PATH\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Store.php on line 285

Recoverable Error: Argument 1 passed to Mage_Core_Model_Store_Group::setWebsite() must be an instance of Mage_Core_Model_Website, null given, called in YOUR_PATH\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\App.php on line 575 and defined in YOUR_PATH\app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\Store\Group.php on line 227

Actually, I had this error before. But, error display message like Error: 404 Not Found was new to me.

The reason for this error is that store_id and website_id for admin should be set to 0 (zero). But, when you import database to new server, somehow these values are not set to 0.

Open PhpMyAdmin and run the following query in your database:-

UPDATE `core_store` SET store_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `core_store_group` SET group_id = 0 WHERE name='Default';
UPDATE `core_website` SET website_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code='NOT LOGGED IN';

I have written about this problem and solution over here:-

Magento: Solution to "Error: 404 Not Found" in Admin Login Page

How can I convert this one line of ActionScript to C#?

There is collection of Func<...> classes - Func that is probably what you are looking for:

 void MyMethod(Func<int> param1 = null) 

This defines method that have parameter param1 with default value null (similar to AS), and a function that returns int. Unlike AS in C# you need to specify type of the function's arguments.

So if you AS usage was

MyMethod(function(intArg, stringArg) { return true; }) 

Than in C# it would require param1 to be of type Func<int, siring, bool> and usage like

MyMethod( (intArg, stringArg) => { return true;} ); 

Express.js: how to get remote client address

If you are running behind a proxy like NGiNX or what have you, only then you should check for 'x-forwarded-for':

var ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.connection.remoteAddress;

If the proxy isn't 'yours', I wouldn't trust the 'x-forwarded-for' header, because it can be spoofed.

Passing arguments to an interactive program non-interactively

Just want to add one more way. Found it elsewhere, and is quite simple. Say I want to pass yes for all the prompts at command line for a command "execute_command", Then I would simply pipe yes to it.

yes | execute_command

This will use yes as the answer to all yes/no prompts.

How to Resize image in Swift?

Example is for image minimize to 1024 and less

func resizeImage(image: UIImage) -> UIImage {

    if image.size.height >= 1024 && image.size.width >= 1024 {

        UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSize(width:1024, height:1024))
        image.draw(in: CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:1024, height:1024))

        let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return newImage!

    else if image.size.height >= 1024 && image.size.width < 1024

        UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSize(width:image.size.width, height:1024))
        image.draw(in: CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:image.size.width, height:1024))

        let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return newImage!

    else if image.size.width >= 1024 && image.size.height < 1024

        UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSize(width:1024, height:image.size.height))
        image.draw(in: CGRect(x:0, y:0, width:1024, height:image.size.height))

        let newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()

        return newImage!

        return image


Linux delete file with size 0

To search and delete empty files in the current directory and subdirectories:

find . -type f -empty -delete

-type f is necessary because also directories are marked to be of size zero.

The dot . (current directory) is the starting search directory. If you have GNU find (e.g. not Mac OS), you can omit it in this case:

find -type f -empty -delete

From GNU find documentation:

If no files to search are specified, the current directory (.) is used.

background: fixed no repeat not working on mobile

You could use this tag to make 'fixed' positionned element well working on mobile:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

JSON forEach get Key and Value

Use index notation with the key.

    console.log(k + ' - ' + obj[k]);

Android ImageView Fixing Image Size

In your case you need to

  1. Fix the ImageView's size. You need to use dp unit so that it will look the same in all devices.
  2. Set android:scaleType to fitXY

Below is an example:


For more information regarding ImageView scaleType please refer to the developer website.

to remove first and last element in array

push() adds a new element to the end of an array.
pop() removes an element from the end of an array.

unshift() adds a new element to the beginning of an array.
shift() removes an element from the beginning of an array.

To remove first element from an array arr , use arr.shift()
To remove last element from an array arr , use arr.pop()

How do you Sort a DataTable given column and direction?

In case you want to sort in more than one direction

  public static void sortOutputTable(ref DataTable output)
            DataView dv = output.DefaultView;
            dv.Sort = "specialCode ASC, otherCode DESC";
            DataTable sortedDT = dv.ToTable();
            output = sortedDT;

What is the cause for "angular is not defined"

I had the same problem as deke. I forgot to include the most important script: angular.js :)

<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>

How to correctly use Html.ActionLink with ASP.NET MVC 4 Areas

I hate answering my own question, but @Matt Bodily put me on the right track.

The @Html.Action method actually invokes a controller and renders the view, so that wouldn't work to create a snippet of HTML in my case, as this was causing a recursive function call resulting in a StackOverflowException. The @Url.Action(action, controller, { area = "abc" }) does indeed return the URL, but I finally discovered an overload of Html.ActionLink that provided a better solution for my case:

@Html.ActionLink("Admin", "Index", "Home", new { area = "Admin" }, null)

Note: , null is significant in this case, to match the right signature.

Documentation: @Html.ActionLink (LinkExtensions.ActionLink)

Documentation for this particular overload:

LinkExtensions.ActionLink(Controller, Action, Text, RouteArgs, HtmlAttributes)

It's been difficult to find documentation for these helpers. I tend to search for "Html.ActionLink" when I probably should have searched for "LinkExtensions.ActionLink", if that helps anyone in the future.

Still marking Matt's response as the answer.

Edit: Found yet another HTML helper to solve this:

@Html.RouteLink("Admin", new { action = "Index", controller = "Home", area = "Admin" })

How can I generate a self-signed certificate with SubjectAltName using OpenSSL?

Can someone help me with the exact syntax?

It's a three-step process, and it involves modifying the openssl.cnf file. You might be able to do it with only command line options, but I don't do it that way.

Find your openssl.cnf file. It is likely located in /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf:

$ find /usr/lib -name openssl.cnf

On my Debian system, /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf is used by the built-in openssl program. On recent Debian systems it is located at /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

You can determine which openssl.cnf is being used by adding a spurious XXX to the file and see if openssl chokes.

First, modify the req parameters. Add an alternate_names section to openssl.cnf with the names you want to use. There are no existing alternate_names sections, so it does not matter where you add it.

[ alternate_names ]

DNS.1        =
DNS.2        =
DNS.3        =
DNS.4        =

Next, add the following to the existing [ v3_ca ] section. Search for the exact string [ v3_ca ]:

subjectAltName      = @alternate_names

You might change keyUsage to the following under [ v3_ca ]:

keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment

digitalSignature and keyEncipherment are standard fare for a server certificate. Don't worry about nonRepudiation. It's a useless bit thought up by computer science guys/gals who wanted to be lawyers. It means nothing in the legal world.

In the end, the IETF (RFC 5280), browsers and CAs run fast and loose, so it probably does not matter what key usage you provide.

Second, modify the signing parameters. Find this line under the CA_default section:

# Extension copying option: use with caution.
# copy_extensions = copy

And change it to:

# Extension copying option: use with caution.
copy_extensions = copy

This ensures the SANs are copied into the certificate. The other ways to copy the DNS names are broken.

Third, generate your self-signed certificate:

$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 3072
$ openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -sha256 -out certificate.pem -days 730
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.

Finally, examine the certificate:

$ openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -text -noout
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 9647297427330319047 (0x85e215e5869042c7)
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: C=US, ST=MD, L=Baltimore, O=Test CA, Limited, CN=Test CA/[email protected]
            Not Before: Feb  1 05:23:05 2014 GMT
            Not After : Feb  1 05:23:05 2016 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=MD, L=Baltimore, O=Test CA, Limited, CN=Test CA/[email protected]
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (3072 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Key Usage:
                Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment, Certificate Sign
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

Using multiprocessing.Process with a maximum number of simultaneous processes

I think Semaphore is what you are looking for, it will block the main process after counting down to 0. Sample code:

from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Semaphore
import time

def f(name, sema):
    print('process {} starting doing business'.format(name))
    # simulate a time-consuming task by sleeping
    # `release` will add 1 to `sema`, allowing other 
    # processes blocked on it to continue

if __name__ == '__main__':
    concurrency = 20
    total_task_num = 1000
    sema = Semaphore(concurrency)
    all_processes = []
    for i in range(total_task_num):
        # once 20 processes are running, the following `acquire` call
        # will block the main process since `sema` has been reduced
        # to 0. This loop will continue only after one or more 
        # previously created processes complete.
        p = Process(target=f, args=(i, sema))

    # inside main process, wait for all processes to finish
    for p in all_processes:

The following code is more structured since it acquires and releases sema in the same function. However, it will consume too much resources if total_task_num is very large:

from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Semaphore
import time

def f(name, sema):
    print('process {} starting doing business'.format(name))
    # `sema` is acquired and released in the same
    # block of code here, making code more readable,
    # but may lead to problem.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    concurrency = 20
    total_task_num = 1000
    sema = Semaphore(concurrency)
    all_processes = []
    for i in range(total_task_num):
        p = Process(target=f, args=(i, sema))
        # the following line won't block after 20 processes
        # have been created and running, instead it will carry 
        # on until all 1000 processes are created.

    # inside main process, wait for all processes to finish
    for p in all_processes:

The above code will create total_task_num processes but only concurrency processes will be running while other processes are blocked, consuming precious system resources.

Excel Validation Drop Down list using VBA

Private Sub main()

'replace "J2" with the cell you want to insert the drop down list
With Range("J2").Validation
    'replace "=A1:A6" with the range the data is in.
    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
    Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=Sheet1!A1:A6"
    .IgnoreBlank = True
    .InCellDropdown = True
    .InputTitle = ""
    .ErrorTitle = ""
    .InputMessage = ""
    .ErrorMessage = ""
    .ShowInput = True
    .ShowError = True
End With
End Sub

When to use: Java 8+ interface default method, vs. abstract method

Default methods in Java interface enables interface evolution.

Given an existing interface, if you wish to add a method to it without breaking the binary compatibility with older versions of the interface, you have two options at hands: add a default or a static method. Indeed, any abstract method added to the interface would have to be impleted by the classes or interfaces implementing this interface.

A static method is unique to a class. A default method is unique to an instance of the class.

If you add a default method to an existing interface, classes and interfaces which implement this interface do not need to implement it. They can

  • implement the default method, and it overrides the implementation in implemented interface.
  • re-declare the method (without implementation) which makes it abstract.
  • do nothing (then the default method from implemented interface is simply inherited).

More on the topic here.

Batch file to run a command in cmd within a directory

Mine DID execute commands in order. Here's my version of what I was using it for:

START cmd.exe /k "U: & cd U:\Design_stuff\new_lcso_website_2017 & python -m http.server"

I needed to

  1. Change to my U drive
  2. CD to a specific folder containing a website I'm redesigning
  3. Execute python with the http server module (to display the contents in my browser).

If those commands are out of order, it would not display the correct files. I initially forgot to change to U: and, running the batch file on my Desktop, it created a web page in my browser at http://localhost:8000 showing me the contents of my Desktop instead of the folder I wanted.

When to use IMG vs. CSS background-image?

HTML is for content and CSS is for design. Is the image necessary and does it need to be picked up by screen readers? If the answer is yes, then put the image in the HTML. If it is purely for styling, then you can use the background-image property in CSS to inject the image. Just as a lot of people here have already mentioned, you can then use a pseudo element on the image if you like.

What is the SSIS package and what does it do?

For Latest Info About SSIS >

From the above referenced site:

Microsoft Integration Services is a platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations solutions. Use Integration Services to solve complex business problems by copying or downloading files, loading data warehouses, cleansing and mining data, and managing SQL Server objects and data.

Integration Services can extract and transform data from a wide variety of sources such as XML data files, flat files, and relational data sources, and then load the data into one or more destinations.

Integration Services includes a rich set of built-in tasks and transformations, graphical tools for building packages, and the Integration Services Catalog database, where you store, run, and manage packages.

You can use the graphical Integration Services tools to create solutions without writing a single line of code. You can also program the extensive Integration Services object model to create packages programmatically and code custom tasks and other package objects.

Getting Started with SSIS -

If you are Integration Services Information Worker -

If you are Integration Services Administrator -

If you are Integration Services Developer -

If you are Integration Services Architect -

Overview of SSIS -

Integration Services How-to Topics -

Byte Array to Hex String

Consider the hex() method of the bytes type on Python 3.5 and up:

>>> array_alpha = [ 133, 53, 234, 241 ]
>>> print(bytes(array_alpha).hex())

EDIT: it's also much faster than hexlify (modified @falsetru's benchmarks above)

from timeit import timeit
N = 10000
print("bytearray + hexlify ->", timeit(
    setup='import binascii; data = bytearray(range(255))',
print("byte + hex          ->", timeit(
    setup='data = bytes(range(255))',


bytearray + hexlify -> 0.011218150997592602
byte + hex          -> 0.005952142993919551

Delete item from array and shrink array

No use of any pre defined function as well as efficient: --- >>

public static void Delete(int d , int[] array )
    Scanner in = new Scanner (;

    int i , size = array.length;

    System.out.println("ENTER THE VALUE TO DELETE? ");

     d = in.nextInt();

        for ( i=0;i< size;i++)
                if (array[i] == d)

                            int[] arr3 =new int[size-1];
                            int[] arr4 = new int[i];
                            int[] arr5 = new int[size-i-1];

                                    for (int a =0 ;a<i;a++)
                                        arr3[a] = arr4[a];
                                     for (int a =i ;a<size-1;a++)
                                         arr5[a-i] = array[a+1];
                                         arr3[a] = arr5[a-i];



                else System.out.println("************");    



how to properly display an iFrame in mobile safari

Purely using MSchimpf and Ahmad's code, I made adjustments so I could have the iframe within a div, therefore keeping a header and footer for back button and branding on my page. Updated code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#webview").bind('pagebeforeshow', function(event){

    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPad') != -1)
        $("#iframe").load(function (){ // Wait until iFrame content is loaded before checking dimensions of the content
            iframeWidth = $("#iframe").contents().width();
            if (iframeWidth > 400)
               $("#webview-content").css("width",(iframeWidth + 182) + 'px');

            iframeHeight = $("#iframe").contents().height();
            if (iframeHeight>200)
                $("#webview-content").css("height",iframeHeight + 'px');

and the html

<div class="header" data-role="header" data-position="fixed">

<div id="webview-content" data-role="content" style="height:380px;">
    <iframe id="iframe"></iframe>   
</div><!-- /content -->

<div class="footer" data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">
</div><!-- /footer -->   

Convert string to integer type in Go?

Here are three ways to parse strings into integers, from fastest runtime to slowest:

  1. strconv.ParseInt(...) fastest
  2. strconv.Atoi(...) still very fast
  3. fmt.Sscanf(...) not terribly fast but most flexible

Here's a benchmark that shows usage and example timing for each function:

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"
import "testing"

var num = 123456
var numstr = "123456"

func BenchmarkStrconvParseInt(b *testing.B) {
  num64 := int64(num)
  for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    x, err := strconv.ParseInt(numstr, 10, 64)
    if x != num64 || err != nil {

func BenchmarkAtoi(b *testing.B) {
  for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    x, err := strconv.Atoi(numstr)
    if x != num || err != nil {

func BenchmarkFmtSscan(b *testing.B) {
  for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
    var x int
    n, err := fmt.Sscanf(numstr, "%d", &x)
    if n != 1 || x != num || err != nil {

You can run it by saving as atoi_test.go and running go test -bench=. atoi_test.go.

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkStrconvParseInt-8      100000000           17.1 ns/op
BenchmarkAtoi-8                 100000000           19.4 ns/op
BenchmarkFmtSscan-8               2000000          693   ns/op
ok      command-line-arguments  5.797s

Remove or uninstall library previously added : cocoapods

Remove lib from Podfile, then pod install again.

What does it mean by command cd /d %~dp0 in Windows

~dp0 : d=drive, p=path, %0=full path\name of this batch-file.

cd /d %~dp0 will change the path to the same, where the batch file resides.

See for /? or call / for more details about the %~... modifiers.
See cd /? about the /d switch.

500 Internal Server Error for php file not for html

A PHP file must have permissions set to 644. Any folder containing PHP files and PHP access (to upload files, for example) must have permissions set to 755. PHP will run a 500 error when dealing with any file or folder that has permissions set to 777!

Timestamp to human readable format

Hours, minutes and seconds depend on the time zone of your operating system. In GMT (UST) it's 22:00:00 but in different timezones it can be anything. So add the timezone offset to the time to create the GMT date:

var d = new Date();
date = new Date(timestamp*1000 + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)

How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user?

This can be achieved in .htaccess provided your server is configured to allow wildcard subdomains. I achieved that in JustHost by creating a subomain manually named * and specifying a folder called subdomains as the document root for wildcard subdomains. Add this to your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.website\.com$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(\w+)\.website\.com$
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}:%1 !^/([^/]+)/([^:]*):\1
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /%1/$1 [QSA]

Finally, create a folder for your subdomain and place the subdomains files.

How to echo in PHP, HTML tags

You can replace '<' with &lt; and '>' with &gt;. For example:

echo "&lt;div&gt;";

The output will be visible <div>.

For longer strings, make a function, for example

function example($input) {
    $output = str_replace('>', '&gt;', str_replace('<', '&lt;', $html));
    return $output;

echo example($your_html);

Don't forget to put backslashes href=\"#\" or do it with single quotes href='#' or change it in a function too with str_replace.

How to run .NET Core console app from the command line

You can also run your app like any other console applications but only after the publish.

Let's suppose you have the simple console app named MyTestConsoleApp. Open the package manager console and run the following command:

dotnet publish -c Debug -r win10-x64 

-c flag mean that you want to use the debug configuration (in other case you should use Release value) - r flag mean that your application will be runned on Windows platform with x64 architecture.

When the publish procedure will be finished your will see the *.exe file located in your bin/Debug/publish directory.

Now you can call it via command line tools. So open the CMD window (or terminal) move to the directory where your *.exe file is located and write the next command:

>> MyTestConsoleApp.exe argument-list

For example:

>> MyTestConsoleApp.exe --input some_text -r true

Converting string format to datetime in mm/dd/yyyy


DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

What is a "cache-friendly" code?

As @Marc Claesen mentioned that one of the ways to write cache friendly code is to exploit the structure in which our data is stored. In addition to that another way to write cache friendly code is: change the way our data is stored; then write new code to access the data stored in this new structure.

This makes sense in the case of how database systems linearize the tuples of a table and store them. There are two basic ways to store the tuples of a table i.e. row store and column store. In row store as the name suggests the tuples are stored row wise. Lets suppose a table named Product being stored has 3 attributes i.e. int32_t key, char name[56] and int32_t price, so the total size of a tuple is 64 bytes.

We can simulate a very basic row store query execution in main memory by creating an array of Product structs with size N, where N is the number of rows in table. Such memory layout is also called array of structs. So the struct for Product can be like:

struct Product
   int32_t key;
   char name[56];
   int32_t price'

/* create an array of structs */
Product* table = new Product[N];
/* now load this array of structs, from a file etc. */

Similarly we can simulate a very basic column store query execution in main memory by creating an 3 arrays of size N, one array for each attribute of the Product table. Such memory layout is also called struct of arrays. So the 3 arrays for each attribute of Product can be like:

/* create separate arrays for each attribute */
int32_t* key = new int32_t[N];
char* name = new char[56*N];
int32_t* price = new int32_t[N];
/* now load these arrays, from a file etc. */

Now after loading both the array of structs (Row Layout) and the 3 separate arrays (Column Layout), we have row store and column store on our table Product present in our memory.

Now we move on to the cache friendly code part. Suppose that the workload on our table is such that we have an aggregation query on the price attribute. Such as


For the row store we can convert the above SQL query into

int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
   sum = sum + table[i].price;

For the column store we can convert the above SQL query into

int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
   sum = sum + price[i];

The code for the column store would be faster than the code for the row layout in this query as it requires only a subset of attributes and in column layout we are doing just that i.e. only accessing the price column.

Suppose that the cache line size is 64 bytes.

In the case of row layout when a cache line is read, the price value of only 1(cacheline_size/product_struct_size = 64/64 = 1) tuple is read, because our struct size of 64 bytes and it fills our whole cache line, so for every tuple a cache miss occurs in case of a row layout.

In the case of column layout when a cache line is read, the price value of 16(cacheline_size/price_int_size = 64/4 = 16) tuples is read, because 16 contiguous price values stored in memory are brought into the cache, so for every sixteenth tuple a cache miss ocurs in case of column layout.

So the column layout will be faster in the case of given query, and is faster in such aggregation queries on a subset of columns of the table. You can try out such experiment for yourself using the data from TPC-H benchmark, and compare the run times for both the layouts. The wikipedia article on column oriented database systems is also good.

So in database systems, if the query workload is known beforehand, we can store our data in layouts which will suit the queries in workload and access data from these layouts. In the case of above example we created a column layout and changed our code to compute sum so that it became cache friendly.

How to use the curl command in PowerShell?

Use splatting.

$CurlArgument = '-u', '[email protected]:yyyy',
                '-X', 'POST',
                '--data', 'content=success'
$CURLEXE = 'C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\curl.exe'
& $CURLEXE @CurlArgument

multiple conditions for filter in spark data frames

This question has been answered but for future reference, I would like to mention that, in the context of this question, the where and filter methods in Dataset/Dataframe supports two syntaxes: The SQL string parameters:

df2 = df1.filter(("Status = 2 or Status = 3"))

and Col based parameters (mentioned by @David ):

df2 = df1.filter($"Status" === 2 || $"Status" === 3)

It seems the OP'd combined these two syntaxes. Personally, I prefer the first syntax because it's cleaner and more generic.

How to display all elements in an arraylist?

It's not at all clear what you're up to. Your function getAll() should return a List<Car>, not a Car. Otherwise, why call it getAll?

If you have

Car[] arrayOfCars

and want a List, you can simply do this:

List<Car> listOfCars = Arrays.asList(arrayOfCars);

Arrays is documented Here.

Git blame -- prior commits?

git blame -L 10,+1 fe25b6d^ -- src/options.cpp

You can specify a revision for git blame to look back starting from (instead of the default of HEAD); fe25b6d^ is the parent of fe25b6d.

Edit: New to Git 2.23, we have the --ignore-rev option added to git blame:

git blame --ignore-rev fe25b6d

While this doesn't answer OP's question of giving the stack of commits (you'll use git log for that, as per the other answer), it is a better way of this solution, as you won't potentially misblame the other lines.

Spacing between elements

Use a margin to space around an element.

.box {
        margin: top right bottom left;

.box {
        margin: 10px 5px 10px 5px;

This adds space outside of the element. So background colours, borders etc will not be included.

If you want to add spacing within an element use padding instead. It can be called in the same way as above.

How to enable TLS 1.2 support in an Android application (running on Android 4.1 JB)

You should use


for specific protocol version.

The second exception occured because default socketFactory used fallback SSLv3 protocol for failures.

You can use NoSSLFactory from main answer here for its suppression How to disable SSLv3 in android for HttpsUrlConnection?

Also you should init SSLContext with all your certificates(client and trusted ones if you need them)

But all of that is useless without using


Here is more information with proper usage scenario

Hope it helps.

Odd behavior when Java converts int to byte?

132 in digits (base 10) is 1000_0100 in bits (base 2) and Java stores int in 32 bits:


Algorithm for int-to-byte is left-truncate; Algorithm for System.out.println is two's-complement (Two's-complement is if leftmost bit is 1, interpret as negative one's-complement (invert bits) minus-one.); Thus System.out.println(int-to-byte( )) is:

  • interpret-as( if-leftmost-bit-is-1[ negative(invert-bits(minus-one(] left-truncate(0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_1000_0100) [)))] )
  • =interpret-as( if-leftmost-bit-is-1[ negative(invert-bits(minus-one(] 1000_0100 [)))] )
  • =interpret-as(negative(invert-bits(minus-one(1000_0100))))
  • =interpret-as(negative(invert-bits(1000_0011)))
  • =interpret-as(negative(0111_1100))
  • =interpret-as(negative(124))
  • =interpret-as(-124)
  • =-124   Tada!!!

Automatic login script for a website on windows machine?

I used @qwertyjones's answer to automate logging into Oracle Agile with a public password.

I saved the login page as index.html, edited all the href= and action= fields to have the full URL to the Agile server.

The key <form> line needed to change from

<form autocomplete="off" name="MainForm" method="POST"
 onsubmit="return false;" target="_top">


<form autocomplete="off" name="MainForm" method="POST"
 onsubmit="return false;" target="_top">

I also added this snippet to the end of the <body>

function checkCookiesEnabled(){ return true; }
document.MainForm.j_username.value = "joeuser";
document.MainForm.j_password.value = "abcdef";

I had to disable the cookie check by redefining the function that did the check, because I was hosting this from XAMPP and I didn't want to deal with it. The submitLoginForm() call was inspired by inspecting the keyPressEvent() function.

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions not showing dialog box

I had a need to request permission for WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE but was not getting a pop-up despite trying all of the different suggestions mentioned.

The culprit in the end was HockeyApp. It uses manifest merging to include its own permission for WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE except it applies a max sdk version onto it.

The way to get around this problem is to include it in your Manifest file but with a replace against it, to override the HockeyApp's version and success!

4.7.2 Other dependencies requesting the external storage permission (SDK version 5.0.0 and later) To be ready for Android O, HockeySDK-Android 5.0.0 and later limit the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission with the maxSdkVersion filter. In some use cases, e.g. where an app contains a dependency that requires this permission, maxSdkVersion makes it impossible for those dependencies to grant or request the permission. The solution for those cases is as follows:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" tools:node="replace"/>

It will cause that other attributes from low priority manifests will be replaced instead of being merged.

Mysql: Setup the format of DATETIME to 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS' when creating a table

i have used following line of code & it works fine Thanks.... @Mithun Sasidharan **

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(column_name, '%d/%m/%Y') FROM tablename


How do you generate dynamic (parameterized) unit tests in Python?

import unittest

def generator(test_class, a, b):
    def test(self):
        self.assertEqual(a, b)
    return test

def add_test_methods(test_class):
    # The first element of list is variable "a", then variable "b", then name of test case that will be used as suffix.
    test_list = [[2,3, 'one'], [5,5, 'two'], [0,0, 'three']]
    for case in test_list:
        test = generator(test_class, case[0], case[1])
        setattr(test_class, "test_%s" % case[2], test)

class TestAuto(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        print 'Setup'

    def tearDown(self):
        print 'TearDown'

_add_test_methods(TestAuto)  # It's better to start with underscore so it is not detected as a test itself

if __name__ == '__main__':


FAIL: test_one (__main__.TestAuto)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:/inchowar/Desktop/PyTrash/", line 5, in test
    self.assertEqual(a, b)
AssertionError: 2 != 3

Ran 3 tests in 0.019s

FAILED (failures=1)

How to load URL in UIWebView in Swift?

Try This

let url = NSURL (string: "");
myWebView.loadRequest(NSURLRequest(URL: url!));

What does the M stand for in C# Decimal literal notation?

From C# specifications:

var f = 0f; // float
var d = 0d; // double
var m = 0m; // decimal (money)
var u = 0u; // unsigned int
var l = 0l; // long
var ul = 0ul; // unsigned long

Note that you can use an uppercase or lowercase notation.

Python: Find a substring in a string and returning the index of the substring

There is one other option in regular expression, the search method

import re

string = 'Happy Birthday'
pattern = 'py'
print(, string).span()) ## this prints starting and end indices
print(, string).span()[0]) ## this does what you wanted

By the way, if you would like to find all the occurrence of a pattern, instead of just the first one, you can use finditer method

import re

string = 'i think that that that that student wrote there is not that right'
pattern = 'that'

print([match.start() for match in re.finditer(pattern, string)])

which will print all the starting positions of the matches.

add item to dropdown list in html using javascript

For higher performance, I recommend this:

var select = document.getElementById("year");
var options = [];
var option = document.createElement('option');

//for (var i = 2011; i >= 1900; --i)
for (var i = 1900; i < 2012; ++i)
    //var data = '<option value="' + escapeHTML(i) +'">" + escapeHTML(i) + "</option>';
    option.text = option.value = i;

select.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', options.join('\n'));

This avoids a redraw after each appendChild, which speeds up the process considerably, especially for a larger number of options.

Optional for generating the string by hand:

function escapeHTML(str)
    var div = document.createElement('div');
    var text = document.createTextNode(str);
    return div.innerHTML;

However, I would not use these kind of methods at all.
It seems crude. You best do this with a documentFragment:

var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment();

for (var i = 1900; i < 2012; ++i)
     docfrag.appendChild(new Option(i, i));

var select = document.getElementById("year");

How to get a variable type in Typescript?

For :


Use the JavaScript operator typeof:

if (typeof abc === "number") {
    // do something

TypeScript understands typeof

This is called a typeguard.


For classes you would use instanceof e.g.

class Foo {}
class Bar {} 

// Later
if (fooOrBar instanceof Foo){
  // TypeScript now knows that `fooOrBar` is `Foo`

There are also other type guards e.g. in etc

How do I read configuration settings from Symfony2 config.yml?

Like it was saying previously - you can access any parameters by using injection container and use its parameter property.

"Symfony - Working with Container Service Definitions" is a good article about it.

AngularJS : Initialize service with asynchronous data

So I found a solution. I created an angularJS service, we'll call it MyDataRepository and I created a module for it. I then serve up this javascript file from my server-side controller:


<script src="path/myData.js"></script>


@RequestMapping(value="path/myData.js", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<String> getMyDataRepositoryJS()
    // Populate data that I need into a Map
    Map<String, String> myData = new HashMap<String,String>();
    // Use Jackson to convert it to JSON
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    String myDataStr = mapper.writeValueAsString(myData);

    // Then create a String that is my javascript file
    String myJS = "'use strict';" +
    "(function() {" +
    "var myDataModule = angular.module('myApp.myData', []);" +
    "myDataModule.service('MyDataRepository', function() {" +
        "var myData = "+myDataStr+";" +
        "return {" +
            "getData: function () {" +
                "return myData;" +
            "}" +
        "}" +
    "});" +

    // Now send it to the client:
    HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    responseHeaders.add("Content-Type", "text/javascript");
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(myJS , responseHeaders, HttpStatus.OK);

I can then inject MyDataRepository where ever I need it:

someOtherModule.service('MyOtherService', function(MyDataRepository) {
    var myData = MyDataRepository.getData();
    // Do what you have to do...

This worked great for me, but I am open to any feedback if anyone has any. }

TextView Marquee not working

android:focusable="true" and android:focusableInTouchMode="true" are essential....

Because I tested all others without these lines and the result was no marquee. When I add these it started to marquee..

width:auto for <input> fields

As stated in the other answer, width: auto doesn't work due to the width being generated by the input's size attribute, which cannot be set to "auto" or anything similar.

There are a few workarounds you can use to cause it to play nicely with the box model, but nothing fantastic as far as I know.

First you can set the padding in the field using percentages, making sure that the width adds up to 100%, e.g.:

input {
  width: 98%;
  padding: 1%;

Another thing you might try is using absolute positioning, with left and right set to 0. Using this markup:

    <input type="text" />

And this CSS:

fieldset {
  position: relative;

input {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;

This absolute positioning will cause the input to fill the parent fieldset horizontally, regardless of the input's padding or margin. However a huge downside of this is that you now have to deal with the height of the fieldset, which will be 0 unless you set it. If your inputs are all the same height this will work for you, simply set the fieldset's height to whatever the input's height should be.

Other than this there are some JS solutions, but I don't like applying basic styling with JS.

PHP cURL custom headers

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
    'X-Apple-Tz: 0',
    'X-Apple-Store-Front: 143444,12'

parent & child with position fixed, parent overflow:hidden bug

If you want to hide overflow on fixed-position elements, the simplest approach I've found is to place the element inside a container element, and apply position:fixed and overflow:hidden to that element instead of the contained element (you must remove position:fixed from the contained element for this to work). The content of the fixed container should then be clipped as expected.

In my case I was having trouble with using object-fit:cover on a fixed-position element (it was spilling outside the bounds of the page body, regardless of overflow:hidden). Placing it inside a fixed container with overflow:hidden on the container fixed the issue.

Fastest way to update 120 Million records

The only sane way to update a table of 120M records is with a SELECT statement that populates a second table. You have to take care when doing this. Instructions below.

Simple Case

For a table w/out a clustered index, during a time w/out concurrent DML:

  • SELECT *, new_col = 1 INTO clone.BaseTable FROM dbo.BaseTable
  • recreate indexes, constraints, etc on new table
  • switch old and new w/ ALTER SCHEMA ... TRANSFER.
  • drop old table

If you can't create a clone schema, a different table name in the same schema will do. Remember to rename all your constraints and triggers (if applicable) after the switch.

Non-simple Case

First, recreate your BaseTable with the same name under a different schema, eg clone.BaseTable. Using a separate schema will simplify the rename process later.

  • Include the clustered index, if applicable. Remember that primary keys and unique constraints may be clustered, but not necessarily so.
  • Include identity columns and computed columns, if applicable.
  • Include your new INT column, wherever it belongs.
  • Do not include any of the following:
    • triggers
    • foreign key constraints
    • non-clustered indexes/primary keys/unique constraints
    • check constraints or default constraints. Defaults don't make much of difference, but we're trying to keep things minimal.

Then, test your insert w/ 1000 rows:

-- assuming an IDENTITY column in BaseTable
INSERT clone.BaseTable WITH (TABLOCK) (Col1, Col2, Col3)
SELECT TOP 1000 Col1, Col2, Col3 = -1
FROM dbo.BaseTable

Examine the results. If everything appears in order:

  • truncate the clone table
  • make sure the database in in bulk-logged or simple recovery model
  • perform the full insert.

This will take a while, but not nearly as long as an update. Once it completes, check the data in the clone table to make sure it everything is correct.

Then, recreate all non-clustered primary keys/unique constraints/indexes and foreign key constraints (in that order). Recreate default and check constraints, if applicable. Recreate all triggers. Recreate each constraint, index or trigger in a separate batch. eg:

-- next constraint/index/trigger definition here

Finally, move dbo.BaseTable to a backup schema and clone.BaseTable to the dbo schema (or wherever your table is supposed to live).

-- -- perform first true-up operation here, if necessary
-- EXEC clone.BaseTable_TrueUp
-- GO
-- -- create a backup schema, if necessary
-- CREATE SCHEMA backup_20100914
-- GO
  ALTER SCHEMA backup_20100914 TRANSFER dbo.BaseTable
  -- -- perform second true-up operation here, if necessary
  -- EXEC clone.BaseTable_TrueUp
  ALTER SCHEMA dbo TRANSFER clone.BaseTable
  SELECT ERROR_MESSAGE() -- add more info here if necessary

If you need to free-up disk space, you may drop your original table at this time, though it may be prudent to keep it around a while longer.

Needless to say, this is ideally an offline operation. If you have people modifying data while you perform this operation, you will have to perform a true-up operation with the schema switch. I recommend creating a trigger on dbo.BaseTable to log all DML to a separate table. Enable this trigger before you start the insert. Then in the same transaction that you perform the schema transfer, use the log table to perform a true-up. Test this first on a subset of the data! Deltas are easy to screw up.

Swift - how to make custom header for UITableView?

This worked for me - Swift 3

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, viewForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> UIView? {

        let headerCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "customTableCell") as! CustomTableCell
        return headerCell

Log4net does not write the log in the log file

Your config file seems correct. Then, you have to register your Log4net config file to application. So you can use below code:

var logRepo = LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
XmlConfigurator.Configure(logRepo, new FileInfo("log4net.config"));

After registering process, you can call below definition to call logger:

private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

log.Error("Sample log");

comparing two strings in ruby

Comparison of strings is very easy in Ruby:

v1 = "string1"
v2 = "string2"
puts v1 == v2 # prints false
puts "hello"=="there" # prints false
v1 = "string2"
puts v1 == v2 # prints true

Make sure your var2 is not an array (which seems to be like)

iterrows pandas get next rows value

This can be solved also by izipping the dataframe (iterator) with an offset version of itself.

Of course the indexing error cannot be reproduced this way.

Check this out

import pandas as pd
from itertools import izip

df = pd.DataFrame(['AA', 'BB', 'CC'], columns = ['value'])   

for id1, id2 in izip(df.iterrows(),df.ix[1:].iterrows()):
    print id1[1]['value']
    print id2[1]['value']

which gives


How do you programmatically set an attribute?

setattr(x, attr, 'magic')

For help on it:

>>> help(setattr)
Help on built-in function setattr in module __builtin__:

    setattr(object, name, value)

    Set a named attribute on an object; setattr(x, 'y', v) is equivalent to
    ``x.y = v''.

Edit: However, you should note (as pointed out in a comment) that you can't do that to a "pure" instance of object. But it is likely you have a simple subclass of object where it will work fine. I would strongly urge the O.P. to never make instances of object like that.

How to install Python MySQLdb module using pip?


pip install pymysql

Then put the code below into (projectname/

import pymysql

My environment is (python3.5, django1.10) and this solution works for me!

Hope this helps!!

Setting up MySQL and importing dump within Dockerfile

What I did was download my sql dump in a "db-dump" folder, and mounted it:

 image: mysql:5.6
   - 3306:3306
   - ./db-dump:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

When I run docker-compose up for the first time, the dump is restored in the db.

JavaScript is in array

if(array.indexOf("67") != -1) // is in array

How to view the contents of an Android APK file?

Actually the apk file is just a zip archive, so you can try to rename the file to and extract it with any zip utility (e.g. 7zip).

The androidmanifest.xml file and the resources will be extracted and can be viewed whereas the source code is not in the package - just the compiled .dex file ("Dalvik Executable")

413 Request Entity Too Large - File Upload Issue


Edit the conf file of nginx:

nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Add a line in the http section:

http {
    client_max_body_size 100M;

Doen't use MB it will not work, only the M!

Also do not forget to restart nginx

systemctl restart nginx

Spring: How to get parameters from POST body?

You can bind the json to a POJO using MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter . Thus your controller signature can read :-

  public ResponseEntity<Boolean> saveData(@RequestBody RequestDTO req) 

Where RequestDTO needs to be a bean appropriately annotated to work with jackson serializing/deserializing. Your *-servlet.xml file should have the Jackson message converter registered in RequestMappingHandler as follows :-

  <list >
    <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter"/>


MySQL Data - Best way to implement paging?

There's literature about it:

The main problem happens with the usage of large OFFSETs. They avoid using OFFSET with a variety of techniques, ranging from id range selections in the WHERE clause, to some kind of caching or pre-computing pages.

There are suggested solutions at Use the INDEX, Luke:

NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder

Add the all tiles jars like(tiles-jsp,tiles-servlet,tiles-template,tiles-extras.tiles-core ) to your server lib folder and your application build path then it work if you using apache tailes with spring mvc application

What's a clean way to stop mongod on Mac OS X?

If you have installed mongodb community server via homebrew, then you can do:

brew services list

This will list the current services as below:

Name              Status  User          Plist
mongodb-community started thehaystacker /Users/thehaystacker/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb-community.plist

redis             stopped

Then you can restart mongodb by first stopping and restart:

brew services stop mongodb
brew services start mongodb

How to make connection to Postgres via Node.js

Just to add a different option - I use Node-DBI to connect to PG, but also due to the ability to talk to MySQL and sqlite. Node-DBI also includes functionality to build a select statement, which is handy for doing dynamic stuff on the fly.

Quick sample (using config information stored in another file):

var DBWrapper = require('node-dbi').DBWrapper;
var config = require('./config');

var dbConnectionConfig = {, user:config.db.username, password:config.db.password, database:config.db.database };
var dbWrapper = new DBWrapper('pg', dbConnectionConfig);
dbWrapper.fetchAll(sql_query, null, function (err, result) {
  if (!err) {
    console.log("Data came back from the DB.");
  } else {
    console.log("DB returned an error: %s", err);

  dbWrapper.close(function (close_err) {
    if (close_err) {
      console.log("Error while disconnecting: %s", close_err);


var config = {
module.exports = config;

Google Maps: Auto close open InfoWindows?

var contentString = "Location: " + results[1].formatted_address;    
google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'click', (function(){ 
    infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
        content: contentString
    });, marker);

The model backing the <Database> context has changed since the database was created

Just run the followng sql command in SQL Server Management Studio:

delete FROM [dbo].[__MigrationHistory]

Can there be an apostrophe in an email address?

Yes, according to RFC 3696 apostrophes are valid as long as they come before the @ symbol.

How to access the services from RESTful API in my angularjs page?

Option 1: $http service

AngularJS provides the $http service that does exactly what you want: Sending AJAX requests to web services and receiving data from them, using JSON (which is perfectly for talking to REST services).

To give an example (taken from the AngularJS documentation and slightly adapted):

$http({ method: 'GET', url: '/foo' }).
  success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    // ...
  error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
    // ...

Option 2: $resource service

Please note that there is also another service in AngularJS, the $resource service which provides access to REST services in a more high-level fashion (example again taken from AngularJS documentation):

var Users = $resource('/user/:userId', { userId: '@id' });
var user = Users.get({ userId: 123 }, function () { = true;

Option 3: Restangular

Moreover, there are also third-party solutions, such as Restangular. See its documentation on how to use it. Basically, it's way more declarative and abstracts more of the details away from you.

There is no ViewData item of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>' that has the key country

Replace "country" with "countrydrop" in your view like this...

@Html.DropDownList("countrydrop", (IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.countrydrop,"Select country")

Read/write files within a Linux kernel module

You should be aware that you should avoid file I/O from within Linux kernel when possible. The main idea is to go "one level deeper" and call VFS level functions instead of the syscall handler directly:


#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/segment.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <linux/buffer_head.h>

Opening a file (similar to open):

struct file *file_open(const char *path, int flags, int rights) 
    struct file *filp = NULL;
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int err = 0;

    oldfs = get_fs();
    filp = filp_open(path, flags, rights);
    if (IS_ERR(filp)) {
        err = PTR_ERR(filp);
        return NULL;
    return filp;

Close a file (similar to close):

void file_close(struct file *file) 
    filp_close(file, NULL);

Reading data from a file (similar to pread):

int file_read(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_read(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Writing data to a file (similar to pwrite):

int file_write(struct file *file, unsigned long long offset, unsigned char *data, unsigned int size) 
    mm_segment_t oldfs;
    int ret;

    oldfs = get_fs();

    ret = vfs_write(file, data, size, &offset);

    return ret;

Syncing changes a file (similar to fsync):

int file_sync(struct file *file) 
    vfs_fsync(file, 0);
    return 0;

[Edit] Originally, I proposed using file_fsync, which is gone in newer kernel versions. Thanks to the poor guy suggesting the change, but whose change was rejected. The edit was rejected before I could review it.

Determine file creation date in Java

Java nio has options to access creationTime and other meta-data as long as the filesystem provides it. Check this link out

For example(Provided based on @ydaetskcoR's comment):

Path file = ...;
BasicFileAttributes attr = Files.readAttributes(file, BasicFileAttributes.class);

System.out.println("creationTime: " + attr.creationTime());
System.out.println("lastAccessTime: " + attr.lastAccessTime());
System.out.println("lastModifiedTime: " + attr.lastModifiedTime());

Get Android API level of phone currently running my application


Values are:

Platform Version   API Level
Android 9.0        28
Android 8.1        27
Android 8.0        26
Android 7.1        25
Android 7.0        24
Android 6.0        23
Android 5.1        22
Android 5.0        21
Android 4.4W       20
Android 4.4        19
Android 4.3        18
Android 4.2        17
Android 4.1        16
Android 4.0.3      15
Android 4.0        14
Android 3.2        13
Android 3.1        12
Android 3.0        11
Android 2.3.3      10
Android 2.3        9
Android 2.2        8
Android 2.1        7
Android 2.0.1      6
Android 2.0        5
Android 1.6        4
Android 1.5        3
Android 1.1        2
Android 1.0        1

CAUTION: don't use android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT if <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />.

You will get exception on all devices with Android 1.5 and lower because Build.VERSION.SDK_INT is since SDK 4 (Donut 1.6).

Host binding and Host listening

This is the simple example to use both of them:

import {
  Directive, HostListener, HostBinding
from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[Highlight]'
export class HighlightDirective {
  @HostListener('mouseenter') mouseover() {
    this.backgroundColor = 'green';

  @HostListener('mouseleave') mouseleave() {
    this.backgroundColor = 'white';

  @HostBinding('style.backgroundColor') get setColor() {
     return this.backgroundColor;

  private backgroundColor = 'white';
  constructor() {}



  1. HostListener can bind an event to the element.

  2. HostBinding can bind a style to the element.

  3. this is directive, so we can use it for

    Some Text
  4. So according to the debug, we can find that this div has been binded style = "background-color:white"

    Some Text
  5. we also can find that EventListener of this div has two event: mouseenter and mouseleave. So when we move the mouse into the div, the colour will become green, mouse leave, the colour will become white.

How to load property file from classpath?

final Properties properties = new Properties();
try (final InputStream stream =
           this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("")) {
    /* or properties.loadFromXML(...) */

Making Maven run all tests, even when some fail

Try to add the following configuration for surefire plugin in your pom.xml of root project:


Convert UTC to local time in Rails 3

Don't know why but in my case it doesn't work the way suggested earlier. But it works like this: "-3000")

Of course you need to change offset value to yours.

Android Button Onclick

Here is some sample code of how to add a button named Add. You should declare the variable as a member variable, and the naming convention for member variables is to start with the letter "m".

Hit Alt+Enter on the classes to add the missing references.

Add this to your activity_main.xml:


Add this to your

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    Button mButtonAdd; 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mButtonAdd = findViewById(;

        mButtonAdd.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                // do something here

JSON encode MySQL results says "mysql_query() returns a resource". says it can encode any value "except a resource".

You need to iterate through and collect the database results in an array, then json_encode the array.

What is a "slug" in Django?

The term 'slug' comes from the world of newspaper production.

It's an informal name given to a story during the production process. As the story winds its path from the beat reporter (assuming these even exist any more?) through to editor through to the "printing presses", this is the name it is referenced by, e.g., "Have you fixed those errors in the 'kate-and-william' story?".

Some systems (such as Django) use the slug as part of the URL to locate the story, an example being

Even Stack Overflow itself does this, with the GEB-ish(a) self-referential, although you can replace the slug with blahblah and it will still find it okay.

It may even date back earlier than that, since screenplays had "slug lines" at the start of each scene, which basically sets the background for that scene (where, when, and so on). It's very similar in that it's a precis or preamble of what follows.

On a Linotype machine, a slug was a single line piece of metal which was created from the individual letter forms. By making a single slug for the whole line, this greatly improved on the old character-by-character compositing.

Although the following is pure conjecture, an early meaning of slug was for a counterfeit coin (which would have to be pressed somehow). I could envisage that usage being transformed to the printing term (since the slug had to be pressed using the original characters) and from there, changing from the 'piece of metal' definition to the 'story summary' definition. From there, it's a short step from proper printing to the online world.

(a) "Godel Escher, Bach", by one Douglas Hofstadter, which I (at least) consider one of the great modern intellectual works. You should also check out his other work, "Metamagical Themas".

how to get date of yesterday using php?

you can do this by

date("F j, Y", time() - 60 * 60 * 24);

or by

date("F j, Y", strtotime("yesterday"));

Refresh Fragment at reload

// Reload current fragment
Fragment frag = new Order();
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, frag).commit();

Interpreting "condition has length > 1" warning from `if` function

Just adding a point to the whole discussion as to why this warning comes up (It wasn't clear to me before). The reason one gets this is as mentioned before is because 'a' in this case is a vector and the inequality 'a>0' produces another vector of TRUE and FALSE (where 'a' is >0 or not).

If you would like to instead test if any value of 'a>0', you can use functions - 'any' or 'all'


Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component VS2012 when debugging

I had this problem because I tried to open the SSIS Projects and test Attunity Driver for Oracle from SSDT 2013 (TFS) in SSDT 2017. In a new SSIS Project would the Attunity Driver work fine but in upgraded SSIS Project it would show the error when i try to test connection. The solution is to fix the old Project.

How to clone all remote branches in Git?

Looking at one of answers to the question I noticed that it's possible to shorten it:

for branch in  `git branch -r | grep -v 'HEAD\|master'`; do  
 git branch --track ${branch##*/} $branch;

But beware, if one of remote branches is named as e.g. admin_master it won't get downloaded!

Thanks to bigfish for original idea

What is the strict aliasing rule?

The best explanation I have found is by Mike Acton, Understanding Strict Aliasing. It's focused a little on PS3 development, but that's basically just GCC.

From the article:

"Strict aliasing is an assumption, made by the C (or C++) compiler, that dereferencing pointers to objects of different types will never refer to the same memory location (i.e. alias each other.)"

So basically if you have an int* pointing to some memory containing an int and then you point a float* to that memory and use it as a float you break the rule. If your code does not respect this, then the compiler's optimizer will most likely break your code.

The exception to the rule is a char*, which is allowed to point to any type.

How to get main div container to align to centre?

The basic principle of centering a page is to have a body CSS and main_container CSS. It should look something like this:

body {
     margin: 0;
     padding: 0;
     text-align: center;
#main_container {
     margin: 0 auto;
     text-align: left;

C++ cout hex values?

Use std::uppercase and std::hex to format integer variable a to be displayed in hexadecimal format.

#include <iostream>
int main() {
   int a = 255;

   // Formatting Integer
   std::cout << std::uppercase << std::hex << a << std::endl; // Output: FF
   std::cout << std::showbase  << std::hex << a << std::endl; // Output: 0XFF
   std::cout << std::nouppercase << std::showbase  << std::hex << a << std::endl; // Output: 0xff

   return 0;

Using Bootstrap Modal window as PartialView

Yes we have done this.

In your Index.cshtml you'll have something like..

<div id='gameModal' class='modal hide fade in' data-url='@Url.Action("GetGameListing")'>
   <div id='gameContainer'>

<button id='showGame'>Show Game Listing</button>

Then in JS for the same page (inlined or in a separate file you'll have something like this..

$(document).ready(function() {
   $('#showGame').click(function() {
        var url = $('#gameModal').data('url');

        $.get(url, function(data) {


With a method on your controller that looks like this..

public ActionResult GetGameListing()
   var model = // do whatever you need to get your model
   return PartialView(model);

You will of course need a view called GetGameListing.cshtml inside of your Views folder..

Inner join vs Where

i had this conundrum today when inspecting one of our sp's timing out in production, changed an inner join on a table built from an xml feed to a 'where' clause instead....average exec time is now 80ms over 1000 executions, whereas before average exec was 2.2 seconds...major difference in the execution plan is the dissapearance of a key lookup... The message being you wont know until youve tested using both methods.


python: create list of tuples from lists

You're looking for the zip builtin function. From the docs:

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = [4, 5, 6]
>>> zipped = zip(x, y)
>>> zipped
[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

What is the difference between vmalloc and kmalloc?

You only need to worry about using physically contiguous memory if the buffer will be accessed by a DMA device on a physically addressed bus (like PCI). The trouble is that many system calls have no way to know whether their buffer will eventually be passed to a DMA device: once you pass the buffer to another kernel subsystem, you really cannot know where it is going to go. Even if the kernel does not use the buffer for DMA today, a future development might do so.

vmalloc is often slower than kmalloc, because it may have to remap the buffer space into a virtually contiguous range. kmalloc never remaps, though if not called with GFP_ATOMIC kmalloc can block.

kmalloc is limited in the size of buffer it can provide: 128 KBytes*). If you need a really big buffer, you have to use vmalloc or some other mechanism like reserving high memory at boot.

*) This was true of earlier kernels. On recent kernels (I tested this on, max size of a single kmalloc is up to 4 MB! (I wrote a fairly detailed post on this.) — kaiwan

For a system call you don't need to pass GFP_ATOMIC to kmalloc(), you can use GFP_KERNEL. You're not an interrupt handler: the application code enters the kernel context by means of a trap, it is not an interrupt.