Programs & Examples On #Sql server 2008

Use this tag for questions specific to the 2008 version of Microsoft's SQL Server.

Select Top and Last rows in a table (SQL server)

You must sort your data according your needs (es. in reverse order) and use select top query

Restrict SQL Server Login access to only one database

For anyone else out there wondering how to do this, I have the following solution for SQL Server 2008 R2 and later:

USE master

This will address exactly the requirement outlined above..

SQL Server, How to set auto increment after creating a table without data loss?

SQL Server: How to set auto-increment on a table with rows in it:

This strategy physically copies the rows around twice which can take a much longer time if the table you are copying is very large.

You could save out your data, drop and rebuild the table with the auto-increment and primary key, then load the data back in.

I'll walk you through with an example:

Step 1, create table foobar (without primary key or auto-increment):

    id int NOT NULL,
    name nchar(100) NOT NULL,

Step 2, insert some rows

insert into foobar values(1, 'one');
insert into foobar values(2, 'two');
insert into foobar values(3, 'three');

Step 3, copy out foobar data into a temp table:

select * into temp_foobar from foobar

Step 4, drop table foobar:

drop table foobar;

Step 5, recreate your table with the primary key and auto-increment properties:

    id int primary key IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
    name nchar(100) NOT NULL,

Step 6, insert your data from temp table back into foobar

INSERT into foobar (id, name) select id, name from temp_foobar;

Step 7, drop your temp table, and check to see if it worked:

drop table temp_foobar;
select * from foobar;

You should get this, and when you inspect the foobar table, the id column is auto-increment of 1 and id is a primary key:

1    one
2    two
3    three

T-SQL split string based on delimiter

For those looking for answers for SQL Server 2016+. Use the built-in STRING_SPLIT function


DECLARE @tags NVARCHAR(400) = 'clothing,road,,touring,bike'  

SELECT value  
FROM STRING_SPLIT(@tags, ',')  
WHERE RTRIM(value) <> '';  


How to delete duplicate rows in SQL Server?

-- this query will keep only one instance of a duplicate record.
;WITH cte
     AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY col1, col2, col3-- based on what? --can be multiple columns
                                       ORDER BY ( SELECT 0)) RN
         FROM   Mytable)

delete  FROM cte

How can I create a unique constraint on my column (SQL Server 2008 R2)?

To create these constraints through the GUI you need the "indexes and keys" dialogue not the check constraints one.

But in your case you just need to run the piece of code you already have. It doesn't need to be entered into the expression dialogue at all.

Remove trailing zeros from decimal in SQL Server

Try this :

SELECT REPLACE(TRIM(REPLACE(20.5500, "0", " ")), " ", "0")

Gives 20.55

SQL Query - how do filter by null or not null

Wherever you are trying to check NULL value of a column, you should use


You should not use =NULL or ==NULL


select * from user_registration where registered_time IS NULL 

will return the rows with registered_time value is NULL

Example(NOT NULL)

select * from user_registration where registered_time IS NOT NULL 

will return the rows with registered_time value is NOT NULL

Note: The keyword null, not null and is are not case sensitive.

Simple DateTime sql query

Open up the Access File you are trying to export SQL data to. Delete any Queries that are there. Everytime you run SQL Server Import wizard, even if it fails, it creates a Query in the Access DB that has to be deleted before you can run the SQL export Wizard again.

Remove numbers from string sql server

Quoting part of @Jatin answer with some modifications,

use this in your where statement:

    SELECT * FROM .... etc.
        (REPLACE (Name, '0', ''),
        '1', ''),
        '2', ''),
        '3', ''),
        '4', ''),
        '5', ''),
        '6', ''),
        '7', ''),
        '8', ''),
        '9', '') = P_SEARCH_KEY

Sql Server 'Saving changes is not permitted' error ? Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation

Do you use SSMS?

If yes, goto the menu Tools >> Options >> Designers and uncheck “Prevent Saving changes that require table re-creation”

replace NULL with Blank value or Zero in sql server

Replace Null Values as Empty: ISNULL('Value','')

Replace Null Values as 0: ISNULL('Value',0)

How to update primary key

When you find it necessary to update a primary key value as well as all matching foreign keys, then the entire design needs to be fixed.

It is tricky to cascade all the necessary foreign keys changes. It is a best practice to never update the primary key, and if you find it necessary, you should use a Surrogate Primary Key, which is a key not derived from application data. As a result its value is unrelated to the business logic and never needs to change (and should be invisible to the end user). You can then update and display some other column.

for example:

UserID     varchar(20) primary key --user last name
other columns...

when you create many tables that have a FK to UserID, to track everything that the user has worked on, but that user then gets married and wants a ID to match their new last name, you are out of luck.

UserID    int identity(1,1) primary key
UserLogin varchar(20) 
other columns....

you now FK the Surrogate Primary Key to all the other tables, and display UserLogin when necessary, allow them to login using that value, and when they need to change it, you change it in one column of one row only.

SET versus SELECT when assigning variables?

When writing queries, this difference should be kept in mind :


WHERE   1 = 2

/* @A is 2*/



SET @A = ( 
            SELECT  TBL.A
            FROM    ( SELECT 1 A) TBL
            WHERE   1 = 2

/* @A is null*/

Can I pass variable to select statement as column name in SQL Server

You can't use variable names to bind columns or other system objects, you need dynamic sql

DECLARE @value varchar(10)  
SET @value = 'intStep'  
DECLARE @sqlText nvarchar(1000); 

SET @sqlText = N'SELECT ' + @value + ' FROM dbo.tblBatchDetail'
Exec (@sqlText)

Generate random int value from 3 to 6

Here is the simple and single line of code

For this use the SQL Inbuild RAND() function.

Here is the formula to generate random number between two number (RETURN INT Range)

Here a is your First Number (Min) and b is the Second Number (Max) in Range


Note: You can use CAST or CONVERT function as well to get INT range number.

( CAST(RAND()*(25-10)+10 AS INT) )


SELECT FLOOR(RAND()*(25-10)+10);

Here is the formula to generate random number between two number (RETURN DECIMAL Range)

SELECT RAND()*(b-a)+a;


SELECT RAND()*(25-10)+10;

More details check this:

When increasing the size of VARCHAR column on a large table could there be any problems?

Another reason why you should avoid converting the column to varchar(max) is because you cannot create an index on a varchar(max) column.

How to create composite primary key in SQL Server 2008

For MSSQL Server 2012

CREATE TABLE usrgroup(
  usr_id int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES users(id),
  grp_id int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES groups(id),

  PRIMARY KEY (usr_id, grp_id)


I should add !

If you want to add foreign / primary keys altering, firstly you should create the keys with constraints or you can not make changes. Like this below:

CREATE TABLE usrgroup(
  usr_id int,
  grp_id int,

  CONSTRAINT FK_usrgroup_usrid FOREIGN KEY (usr_id) REFERENCES users(id),
  CONSTRAINT FK_usrgroup_groupid FOREIGN KEY (grp_id) REFERENCES groups(id),

  CONSTRAINT PK_usrgroup PRIMARY KEY (usr_id,grp_id)

Actually last way is healthier and serial. You can look the FK/PK Constraint names (dbo.dbname > Keys > ..) but if you do not use a constraint, MSSQL auto-creates random FK/PK names. You will need to look at every change (alter table) you need.

I recommend that you set a standard for yourself; the constraint should be defined according to the your standard. You will not have to memorize and you will not have to think too long. In short, you work faster.

Calculate time difference in minutes in SQL Server

Please try as below to get the time difference in hh:mm:ss format

Select StartTime, EndTime, CAST((EndTime - StartTime) as time(0)) 'TotalTime' from [TableName]

Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function

Something else you can use is isnull:

isnull( SUBSTRING(PostCode, 1 , CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode ) -1), PostCode)

Check for file exists or not in sql server?

Not tested but you can try something like this :

Declare @count as int
Set @count=1
Declare @inputFile varchar(max)
Declare @Sample Table
(id int,filepath varchar(max) ,Isexists char(3))

while @count<(select max(id) from yourTable)
Set @inputFile =(Select filepath from yourTable where id=@count)
exec master.dbo.xp_fileexist @inputFile , 
@isExists OUTPUT
insert into @Sample
Select @count,@inputFile ,case @isExists 
when 1 then 'Yes' 
else 'No' 
end as isExists
set @count=@count+1

How to describe table in SQL Server 2008?

I like the answer that attempts to do the translate, however, while using the code it doesn't like columns that are not VARCHAR type such as BIGINT or DATETIME. I needed something similar today so I took the time to modify it more to my liking. It is also now encapsulated in a function which is the closest thing I could find to just typing describe as oracle handles it. I may still be missing a few data types in my case statement but this works for everything I tried it on. It also orders by ordinal position. this could be expanded on to include primary key columns easily as well.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.describe (@TABLENAME varchar(50))
returns table
SELECT TOP 1000 column_name AS [ColumnName],
       IS_NULLABLE AS [IsNullable],
       DATA_TYPE + '(' + CASE 
                                    WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'varchar' or DATA_TYPE = 'char' THEN 
                                        WHEN Cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS VARCHAR(5)) = -1 THEN 'Max'
                                        ELSE Cast(CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH AS VARCHAR(5))
                                    WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'decimal' or DATA_TYPE = 'numeric' THEN
                                      Cast(NUMERIC_PRECISION AS VARCHAR(5))+', '+Cast(NUMERIC_SCALE AS VARCHAR(5))
                                    WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'bigint' or DATA_TYPE = 'int' THEN
                                      Cast(NUMERIC_PRECISION AS VARCHAR(5))
                                    ELSE ''
                                  END + ')' AS [DataType]
WHERE  table_name = @TABLENAME
order by ordinal_Position

once you create the function here is a sample table that I used

create table dbo.yourtable
(columna bigint,
 columnb int,
 columnc datetime,
 columnd varchar(100),
 columne char(10),
 columnf bit,
 columng numeric(10,2),
 columnh decimal(10,2)

Then you can execute it as follows

select * from describe ('yourtable')

It returns the following

ColumnName IsNullable DataType

columna NO bigint(19)
columnb NO int(10)
columnc NO datetime()
columnd NO varchar(100)
columne NO char(10)
columnf NO bit()
columng NO numeric(10, 2)
columnh NO decimal(10, 2)

hope this helps someone.


I know this is an old question, but Bill seems to be the only one that has actually "Explained" the issue. Everyone else seems to be coming up with complex solutions to a misuse of a declaration.

"The two values in your type declaration are precision and scale."


"If you specify (10, 4), that means you can only store 6 digits to the left of the decimal, or a max number of 999999.9999. Anything bigger than that will cause an overflow."

So if you declare DECIMAL(10,4) you can have a total of 10 numbers, with 4 of them coming AFTER the decimal point. so 123456.1234 has 10 digits, 4 after the decimal point. That will fit into the parameters of DECIMAL(10,4). 1234567.1234 will throw an error. there are 11 digits to fit into a 10 digit space, and 4 digits MUST be used AFTER the decimal point. Trimming a digit off the left side of the decimal is not an option. If your 11 characters were 123456.12345, this would not throw an error as trimming(Rounding) from the end of a decimal value is acceptable.

When declaring decimals, always try to declare the maximum that your column will realistically use and the maximum number of decimal places you want to see. So if your column would only ever show values with a maximum of 1 million and you only care about the first two decimal places, declare as DECIMAL(9,2). This will give you a maximum number of 9,999,999.99 before an error is thrown.

Understanding the issue before you try to fix it, will ensure you choose the right fix for your situation, and help you to understand the reason why the fix is needed / works.

Again, i know i'm five years late to the party. However, my two cents on a solution for this, (judging by your comments that the column is already set as DECIMAL(10,4) and cant be changed) Easiest way to do it would be two steps. Check that your decimal is not further than 10 points away, then trim to 10 digits.

CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('.',CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),[columnName]))>10 THEN 'DealWithIt'
ELSE LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),[columnName]),10) 
END AS [10PointDecimalString]

The reason i left this as a string is so you can deal with the values that are over 10 digits long on the left of the decimal.

But its a start.

SQL query for getting data for last 3 months

Latest Versions of mysql don't support DATEADD instead use the syntax

DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr type)

To get the last 3 months data use,


How to import a bak file into SQL Server Express

Restoring a Database from Backup

sql-server-->connect to instance-->Databases-->right-click on databases-->Restore
            DataBase..-->Device-->Add-->choose the path_filename(.bak)-->click OK

How to find a string inside a entire database?

Here is an easy and convenient cursor based solution

@search_string  VARCHAR(100),
@table_name     SYSNAME,
@table_id       INT,
@column_name    SYSNAME,
@sql_string     VARCHAR(2000)

SET @search_string = 'StringtoSearch'

DECLARE tables_cur CURSOR FOR SELECT name, object_id FROM sys.objects WHERE  type = 'U'

OPEN tables_cur

FETCH NEXT FROM tables_cur INTO @table_name, @table_id

    DECLARE columns_cur CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = @table_id 
        AND system_type_id IN (167, 175, 231, 239)

    OPEN columns_cur

    FETCH NEXT FROM columns_cur INTO @column_name
        WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0)
            SET @sql_string = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ' + @table_name + ' WHERE [' + @column_name + '] 
            LIKE ''%' + @search_string + '%'') PRINT ''' + @table_name + ', ' + @column_name + ''''


        FETCH NEXT FROM columns_cur INTO @column_name

    CLOSE columns_cur

DEALLOCATE columns_cur

FETCH NEXT FROM tables_cur INTO @table_name, @table_id

CLOSE tables_cur
DEALLOCATE tables_cur

Reset identity seed after deleting records in SQL Server

Although most answers are suggesting RESEED to 0, and while some see this as a flaw for TRUNCATED tables, Microsoft has a solution that excludes the ID


This will check the table and reset to the next ID. This has been available since MS SQL 2005 to current.

How to create table using select query in SQL Server?

select <column list> into <table name> from <source> where <whereclause>


At first glance your original attempt seems pretty close. I'm assuming that clockDate is a DateTime fields so try this:

IF (NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Clock WHERE cast(clockDate as date) = '08/10/2012') 
    AND userName = 'test') 
    INSERT INTO Clock(clockDate, userName, breakOut) 
    VALUES(GetDate(), 'test', GetDate()) 
    UPDATE Clock 
    SET breakOut = GetDate()
    WHERE Cast(clockDate AS Date) = '08/10/2012' AND userName = 'test'

Note that getdate gives you the current date. If you are trying to compare to a date (without the time) you need to cast or the time element will cause the compare to fail.

If clockDate is NOT datetime field (just date), then the SQL engine will do it for you - no need to cast on a set/insert statement.

IF (NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Clock WHERE clockDate = '08/10/2012') 
    AND userName = 'test') 
    INSERT INTO Clock(clockDate, userName, breakOut) 
    VALUES(GetDate(), 'test', GetDate()) 
    UPDATE Clock 
    SET breakOut = GetDate()
    WHERE clockDate = '08/10/2012' AND userName = 'test'

As others have pointed out, the merge statement is another way to tackle this same logic. However, in some cases, especially with large data sets, the merge statement can be prohibitively slow, causing a lot of tran log activity. So knowing how to logic it out as shown above is still a valid technique.


declare @p varbinary(max)
set @p = 0x
declare @local table (col text)

SELECT   @p = @p + 0x3B + CONVERT(varbinary(100), Email)
 FROM tbCarsList
 where email <> ''
 group by email
 order by email

 set @p = substring(@p, 2, 100000)

 insert @local values(cast(@p as varchar(max)))
 select DATALENGTH(col) as collen, col from @local

result collen > 8000, length col value is more than 8000 chars

How to subtract 30 days from the current date using SQL Server

Try this:

SELECT      GETDATE(), 'Today'
SELECT      DATEADD(DAY,  10, GETDATE()), '10 Days Later'
SELECT      DATEADD(DAY, –10, GETDATE()), '10 Days Earlier'
SELECT      DATEADD(MONTH,  1, GETDATE()), 'Next Month'
SELECT      DATEADD(MONTH, –1, GETDATE()), 'Previous Month'
SELECT      DATEADD(YEAR,  1, GETDATE()), 'Next Year'
SELECT      DATEADD(YEAR, –1, GETDATE()), 'Previous Year'

Result Set:

———————– —————
2011-05-20 21:11:42.390 Today
2011-05-30 21:11:42.390 10 Days Later
2011-05-10 21:11:42.390 10 Days Earlier
2011-06-20 21:11:42.390 Next Month
2011-04-20 21:11:42.390 Previous Month
2012-05-20 21:11:42.390 Next Year
2010-05-20 21:11:42.390 Previous Year

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server

Sql Server fire this error when your application don't have enough rights to access the database. there are several reason about this error . To fix this error you should follow the following instruction.

  1. Try to connect sql server from your server using management studio . if you use windows authentication to connect sql server then set your application pool identity to server administrator .

  2. if you use sql server authentication then check you connection string in web.config of your web application and set user id and password of sql server which allows you to log in .

  3. if your database in other server(access remote database) then first of enable remote access of sql server form sql server property from sql server management studio and enable TCP/IP form sql server configuration manager .

  4. after doing all these stuff and you still can't access the database then check firewall of server form where you are trying to access the database and add one rule in firewall to enable port of sql server(by default sql server use 1433 , to check port of sql server you need to check sql server configuration manager network protocol TCP/IP port).

  5. if your sql server is running on named instance then you need to write port number with sql serer name for example 117.312.21.21/nameofsqlserver,1433.

  6. If you are using cloud hosting like amazon aws or microsoft azure then server or instance will running behind cloud firewall so you need to enable 1433 port in cloud firewall if you have default instance or specific port for sql server for named instance.

  7. If you are using amazon RDS or SQL azure then you need to enable port from security group of that instance.

  8. If you are accessing sql server through sql server authentication mode them make sure you enabled "SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode" sql server instance property. enter image description here

    1. Restart your sql server instance after making any changes in property as some changes will require restart.

if you further face any difficulty then you need to provide more information about your web site and sql server .

How to add time to DateTime in SQL

Start Day Time : SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), '00:00:00')

End Day Time : SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, GETDATE()), '23:59:59')

How do I find out what License has been applied to my SQL Server installation?

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('LicenseType') as Licensetype, 
       SERVERPROPERTY('NumLicenses') as LicenseNumber,
       SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as Productverion, 
       SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel')as ProductLevel, 
       SERVERPROPERTY ('edition') as SQLEdition,@@VERSION as SQLversion

I had installed evaluation edition.Refer screenshot enter image description here

How to add Active Directory user group as login in SQL Server

Here is my observation. I created a login (readonly) for a group windows(AD) user account but, its acting defiantly in different SQL servers. In the SQl servers that users can not see the databases I added view definition checked and also gave database execute permeation to the master database for avoiding error 229. I do not have this issue if I create a login for a user.

Convert Time DataType into AM PM Format:

Try this:

select CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), ' 4:07PM', 108) + ' ' + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), ' 4:07PM', 9),2) as ConvertedTime

SQL Server - after insert trigger - update another column in the same table

create or replace 
Write any select condition if you want to get the data from other tables

The above trigger will update the column value before inserting. For example if we give the value of COLUMNA as null it will update the column as null for each insert statement.

How to compare data between two table in different databases using Sql Server 2008?

I'v done things like this using the Checksum(*) function

In essance it creates a row level checksum on all the columns data, you could then compare the checksum of each row for each table to each other, use a left join, to find rows that are different.

Hope that made sense...

Better with an example....

select *
( select checksum(*) as chk, userid as k from UserAccounts) as t1
left join 
( select checksum(*) as chk, userid as k from UserAccounts) as t2 on t1.k = t2.k
where t1.chk <> t2.chk 

T-SQL substring - separating first and last name

This will take care of names like "Firstname Z. Lastname" and "First Z Last"

    WHEN CHARINDEX(' ',name) = 0 THEN name
    WHEN CHARINDEX(' ',name) = PATINDEX('% _[., ]%',name) THEN RTRIM(SUBSTRING(name, 1, CHARINDEX(' ',name) + 2)) 
    ELSE SUBSTRING(name,1, CHARINDEX(' ',name))
END [firstname]
    WHEN CHARINDEX(' ',name) = 0 THEN ''
    WHEN CHARINDEX(' ',name) = PATINDEX('% _[., ]%',name) THEN LTRIM(SUBSTRING(name, CHARINDEX(' ',name) + 3,1000)) 
    ELSE SUBSTRING(name,CHARINDEX(' ',name)+1,1000)
END [lastname]
FROM [myTable]

How to add a new schema to sql server 2008?

I use something like this:

if schema_id('newSchema') is null
    exec('create schema newSchema');

The advantage is if you have this code in a long sql-script you can always execute it with the other code, and its short.

Count records for every month in a year

FROM      table_emp 
WHERE     YEAR(ARR_DATE) = '2012' 


---- Remove Constraint ----

---- Delete Data ----
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable "DELETE FROM ?"

---- Add Constraint ----

---- Reset Identity value ----
EXEC sp_MSForEachTable "DBCC CHECKIDENT ( '?', RESEED, 0)"

What is the maximum characters for the NVARCHAR(MAX)?

The max size for a column of type NVARCHAR(MAX) is 2 GByte of storage.

Since NVARCHAR uses 2 bytes per character, that's approx. 1 billion characters.

Leo Tolstoj's War and Peace is a 1'440 page book, containing about 600'000 words - so that might be 6 million characters - well rounded up. So you could stick about 166 copies of the entire War and Peace book into each NVARCHAR(MAX) column.

Is that enough space for your needs? :-)

login failed for user 'sa'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18452) in sql 2008

  1. First make sure sa is enabled
  2. Change the authontication mode to mixed mode (Window and SQL authentication)
  3. Stop your SQL Server
  4. Restart your SQL Server

Query to check index on a table

Created a stored procedure to list indexes for a table in database in SQL Server

create procedure _ListIndexes(@tableName nvarchar(200))
exec _ListIndexes '<YOUR TABLE NAME>'
SELECT DB_NAME(DB_ID()) as DBName, + '.' + AS TableName, as IndexName, IDX.type_desc AS IndexType,COL.Name as ColumnName,IC.*
    FROM sys.tables AS TBL 
         INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS SCH ON TBL.schema_id = SCH.schema_id 
         INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS IDX ON TBL.object_id = IDX.object_id 
         INNER JOIN sys.index_columns IC ON  IDX.object_id = IC.object_id and IDX.index_id = IC.index_id 
         INNER JOIN sys.columns COL ON ic.object_id = COL.object_id and IC.column_id = COL.column_id 
        where = @tableName
    ORDER BY TableName,


Arithmetic overflow error converting numeric to data type numeric

If you want to reduce the size to decimal(7,2) from decimal(9,2) you will have to account for the existing data with values greater to fit into decimal(7,2). Either you will have to delete those numbers are truncate it down to fit into your new size. If there was no data for the field you are trying to update it will do it automatically without issues

How to take last four characters from a varchar?

You can select last characters with -

WHERE SUBSTR('Hello world', -4)

Cannot use a CONTAINS or FREETEXT predicate on table or indexed view because it is not full-text indexed

Select * from table
where CONTAINS([Column], '"A00*"')  

will act as % same as

where [Column] Like 'A00%'

How to convert float to varchar in SQL Server

The only query bit I found that returns the EXACT same original number is

CONVERT (VARCHAR(50), float_field,128)


The other solutions above will sometimes round or add digits at the end

UPDATE: As per comments below and what I can see in

CONVERT (VARCHAR(50), float_field,3)

Should be used in new SQL Server versions (Azure SQL Database, and starting in SQL Server 2016 RC3)

How to check existence of user-define table type in SQL Server 2008?

IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.types WHERE name = 'Person' AND is_table_type = 1 AND SCHEMA_ID('VAB') = schema_id)
(    PersonID               INT
    ,FirstName              VARCHAR(255)
    ,MiddleName             VARCHAR(255)
    ,LastName               VARCHAR(255)
    ,PreferredName          VARCHAR(255)

SQL SERVER: Check if variable is null and then assign statement for Where Clause

Isnull() syntax is built in for this kind of thing.

declare @Int int = null;

declare @Values table ( id int, def varchar(8) )

insert into @Values values (8, 'I am 8');

-- fails
select *
from @Values
where id = @Int

-- works fine
select *
from @Values
where id = isnull(@Int, 8);

For your example keep in mind you can change scope to be yet another where predicate off of a different variable for complex boolean logic. Only caveat is you need to cast it differently if you need to examine for a different data type. So if I add another row but wish to specify int of 8 AND also the reference of text similar to 'repeat' I can do that with a reference again back to the 'isnull' of the first variable yet return an entirely different result data type for a different reference to a different field.

declare @Int int = null;

declare @Values table ( id int, def varchar(16) )

insert into @Values values (8, 'I am 8'), (8, 'I am 8 repeat');

select *
from @Values
where id = isnull(@Int, 8)
and def like isnull(cast(@Int as varchar), '%repeat%')

'Incorrect SET Options' Error When Building Database Project

I had the same issue with the filtered index and my inserts and updates were failing. All I did was to change the stored procedure that had the insert and update statement to:

create procedure abc

Get last 30 day records from today date in SQL Server

This Should Work Fine

SELECT * FROM product 
WHERE pdate BETWEEN datetime('now', '-30 days') AND datetime('now', 'localtime')

How to Alter a table for Identity Specification is identity SQL Server

You cannot "convert" an existing column into an IDENTITY column - you will have to create a new column as INT IDENTITY:

ALTER TABLE ProductInProduct 


OK, so there is a way of converting an existing column to IDENTITY. If you absolutely need this - check out this response by Martin Smith with all the gory details.

How to execute function in SQL Server 2008

you may be create function before so, update your function again using.

Alter FUNCTION dbo.Afisho_rankimin(@emri_rest int)
     Declare @rankimi int
     Select @rankimi=dbo.RESTORANTET.Rankimi
     Where  dbo.RESTORANTET.ID_Rest=@emri_rest
     RETURN @rankimi

SELECT dbo.Afisho_rankimin(5) AS Rankimi

I cannot start SQL Server browser

right click on SQL Server browser and properties, then Connection tab and chose open session with system account and not this account. then apply and chose automatic and finally run the server.

How to restore SQL Server 2014 backup in SQL Server 2008

It is a pretty old post, but I just had to do it today. I just right-clicked database from SQL2014 and selected Export Data option and that helped me to move data to SQL2012.


Here is the way I look at COALESCE...and hopefully it makes sense...

In a simplistic form….

Coalesce(FieldName, 'Empty')

So this translates to…If "FieldName" is NULL, populate the field value with the word "EMPTY".

Now for mutliple values...

Coalesce(FieldName1, FieldName2, Value2, Value3)

If the value in Fieldname1 is null, fill it with the value in Fieldname2, if FieldName2 is NULL, fill it with Value2, etc.

This piece of test code for the AdventureWorks2012 sample database works perfectly & gives a good visual explanation of how COALESCE works:

SELECT Name, Class, Color, ProductNumber,
COALESCE(Class, Color, ProductNumber) AS FirstNotNull
FROM Production.Product

The transaction log for the database is full

Do you have Enable Autogrowth and Unrestricted File Growth both enabled for the log file? You can edit these via SSMS in "Database Properties > Files"

T-SQL and the WHERE LIKE %Parameter% clause

The correct answer is, that, because the '%'-sign is part of your search expression, it should be part of your VALUE, so whereever you SET @LastName (be it from a programming language or from TSQL) you should set it to '%' + [userinput] + '%'

or, in your example:

DECLARE @LastName varchar(max)
SET @LastName = 'ning'
SELECT Employee WHERE LastName LIKE '%' + @LastName + '%'

Confused about UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK

Why would UPDLOCK block selects? The Lock Compatibility Matrix clearly shows N for the S/U and U/S contention, as in No Conflict.

As for the HOLDLOCK hint the documentation states:

HOLDLOCK: Is equivalent to SERIALIZABLE. For more information, see SERIALIZABLE later in this topic.


SERIALIZABLE: ... The scan is performed with the same semantics as a transaction running at the SERIALIZABLE isolation level...

and the Transaction Isolation Level topic explains what SERIALIZABLE means:

No other transactions can modify data that has been read by the current transaction until the current transaction completes.

Other transactions cannot insert new rows with key values that would fall in the range of keys read by any statements in the current transaction until the current transaction completes.

Therefore the behavior you see is perfectly explained by the product documentation:

  • UPDLOCK does not block concurrent SELECT nor INSERT, but blocks any UPDATE or DELETE of the rows selected by T1
  • HOLDLOCK means SERALIZABLE and therefore allows SELECTS, but blocks UPDATE and DELETES of the rows selected by T1, as well as any INSERT in the range selected by T1 (which is the entire table, therefore any insert).
  • (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK): your experiment does not show what would block in addition to the case above, namely another transaction with UPDLOCK in T2:
  • TABLOCKX no need for explanations

The real question is what are you trying to achieve? Playing with lock hints w/o an absolute complete 110% understanding of the locking semantics is begging for trouble...

After OP edit:

I would like to select rows from a table and prevent the data in that table from being modified while I am processing it.

The you should use one of the higher transaction isolation levels. REPEATABLE READ will prevent the data you read from being modified. SERIALIZABLE will prevent the data you read from being modified and new data from being inserted. Using transaction isolation levels is the right approach, as opposed to using query hints. Kendra Little has a nice poster exlaining the isolation levels.

Procedure or function !!! has too many arguments specified

For those who might have the same problem as me, I got this error when the DB I was using was actually master, and not the DB I should have been using.

Just put use [DBName] on the top of your script, or manually change the DB in use in the SQL Server Management Studio GUI.

Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

Create a login for the user

Drop and re-create the user, WITH the login you created.

There are other topics discussing how to replicate the permissions of your user. I recommend that you take the opportunity to define those permissions in a Role and call sp_addrolemember to add the user to the Role.

Converting Select results into Insert script - SQL Server

Here is another method, which may be easier than installing plugins or external tools in some situations:

  • Do a select [whatever you need]INTO temp.table_namefrom [... etc ...].
  • Right-click on the database in the Object Explorer => Tasks => Generate Scripts
  • Select temp.table_name in the "Choose Objects" screen, click Next.
  • In the "Specify how scripts should be saved" screen:
    • Click Advanced, find the "Types of data to Script" property, select "Data only", close the advanced properties.
    • Select "Save to new query window" (unless you have thousands of records).
  • Click Next, wait for the job to complete, observe the resulting INSERT statements appear in a new query window.
  • Use Find & Replace to change all [temp.table_name] to [your_table_name].
  • drop table [temp.table_name].

Select statement to find duplicates on certain fields

If you're using SQL Server 2005 or later (and the tags for your question indicate SQL Server 2008), you can use ranking functions to return the duplicate records after the first one if using joins is less desirable or impractical for some reason. The following example shows this in action, where it also works with null values in the columns examined.

create table Table1 (
 Field1 int,
 Field2 int,
 Field3 int,
 Field4 int 

insert  Table1 
values    (1,1,1,1)
        , (1,1,1,2)
        , (1,1,1,3)
        , (2,2,2,1)
        , (3,3,3,1)
        , (3,3,3,2)
        , (null, null, 2, 1)
        , (null, null, 2, 3)

select    *
from     (select      Field1
                    , Field2
                    , Field3
                    , Field4
                    , row_number() over (partition by   Field1
                                                      , Field2
                                                      , Field3
                                         order by       Field4) as occurrence
          from      Table1) x
where     occurrence > 1

Notice after running this example that the first record out of every "group" is excluded, and that records with null values are handled properly.

If you don't have a column available to order the records within a group, you can use the partition-by columns as the order-by columns.

How to select data from 30 days?

Short version for easy use:

FROM [TableName] t
WHERE t.[DateColumnName] >= DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE())

DATEADD and GETDATE are available in SQL Server starting with 2008 version. MSDN documentation: GETDATE and DATEADD.

Add primary key to existing table


Temporarily disable all foreign key constraints

Truncating the table wont be possible even if you disable the foreign you can use delete command to remove all the records from the table,but be aware if you are using delete command for a table which consists of millions of records then your package will be slow and your transaction log size will increase and it may fill up your valuable disk space.

If you drop the constraints it may happen that you will fill up your table with unclean data and when you try to recreate the constraints it may not allow you to as it will give errors. so make sure that if you drop the constraints,you are loading data which are correctly related to each other and satisfy the constraint relations which you are going to recreate.

so please carefully think the pros and cons of each method and use it according to your requirements

Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

i'm writing my solution. my method doesn't stand 'if' or 'merge'. my method is easy.

INSERT INTO TableName (col1,col2)
SELECT @par1, @par2
   WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT col1,col2 FROM TableName
                     WHERE col1=@par1 AND col2=@par2)

For Example:

INSERT INTO Members (username)
                     WHERE username='Cem')


(1) SELECT col1,col2 FROM TableName WHERE col1=@par1 AND col2=@par2 It selects from TableName searched values

(2) SELECT @par1, @par2 WHERE NOT EXISTS It takes if not exists from (1) subquery

(3) Inserts into TableName (2) step values

Using the "With Clause" SQL Server 2008

There are two types of WITH clauses:

Here is the FizzBuzz in SQL form, using a WITH common table expression (CTE).

;WITH mil AS (
 SELECT TOP 1000000 ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY c.column_id ) [n]
 FROM master.sys.all_columns as c
 CROSS JOIN master.sys.all_columns as c2
             CASE WHEN n  % 5 = 0 THEN 'FizzBuzz' ELSE 'Fizz' END
        WHEN n % 5 = 0 THEN 'Buzz'
        ELSE CAST(n AS char(6))
     END + CHAR(13)
 FROM mil

Here is a select statement also using a WITH clause

SELECT * FROM orders WITH (NOLOCK) where order_id = 123

"Primary Filegroup is Full" in SQL Server 2008 Standard for no apparent reason

In my experience, this message occurs when the primary file (.mdf) has no space to save the metadata of the database. This file include the system tables and they only save their data into it.

Make some space in the file and the commands works again. That's all, Enjoy

Generate MD5 hash string with T-SQL

Use HashBytes

SELECT HashBytes('MD5', '[email protected]')

That will give you 0xF53BD08920E5D25809DF2563EF9C52B6


SELECT CONVERT(NVARCHAR(32),HashBytes('MD5', '[email protected]'),2)

That will give you F53BD08920E5D25809DF2563EF9C52B6

Conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value in SQL query

hope this may help you:

         FROM    AuditTrail 

If you want to have some filters over this datetime or it's different parts, you can use built-in functions such as Year and Month

SQL Server - Return value after INSERT

INSERT INTO files (title) VALUES ('whatever'); 

Is the safest bet since there is a known issue with OUTPUT Clause conflict on tables with triggers. Makes this quite unreliable as even if your table doesn't currently have any triggers - someone adding one down the line will break your application. Time Bomb sort of behaviour.

See msdn article for deeper explanation:

SQL Server 2008 - Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication

Do you specify a user name and password to log on? What exactly is your complete command line?

If you're running on your own box, you can either specify a username/password, or use the -E parameter to log on with your Windows credentials (if those are permitted in your SQL server installation).


Control flow in T-SQL SP using IF..ELSE IF - are there other ways?

No, but you should be careful when using IF...ELSE...END IF in stored procs. If your code blocks are radically different, you may suffer from poor performance because the procedure plan will need to be re-cached each time. If it's a high-performance system, you may want to compile separate stored procs for each code block, and have your application decide which proc to call at the appropriate time.

TSQL: How to convert local time to UTC? (SQL Server 2008)


Returns (for example):


Not 100% positive this will always work.

Null or empty check for a string variable

declare @sexo as char(1)

select @sexo='F'

select * from pessoa

where isnull(Sexo,0) =isnull(@Sexo,0)

Convert Date format into DD/MMM/YYYY format in SQL Server

Anyone trying to manually enter the date to sql server 'date type' variable use this format while entering :


How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

This is a simple query to delete the records from two table at a time.

DELETE table1.* ,
FROM table1 
INNER JOIN table2 ON where ='given_id'

How to execute a stored procedure inside a select query

As long as you're not doing any INSERT or UPDATE statements in your stored procedure, you will probably want to make it a function.

Stored procedures are for executing by an outside program, or on a timed interval.

The answers here will explain it better than I can:

Function vs. Stored Procedure in SQL Server

how to know status of currently running jobs

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs 1,''

Notice the column Running, obviously 1 means that it is currently running, and [Current Step]. This returns job_id to you, so you'll need to look these up, e.g.:

SELECT top 100 *
 FROM   msdb..sysjobs
 WHERE  job_id IN (0x9DAD1B38EB345D449EAFA5C5BFDC0E45, 0xC00A0A67D109B14897DD3DFD25A50B80, 0xC92C66C66E391345AE7E731BFA68C668)

SQL "between" not inclusive

It has been assumed that the second date reference in the BETWEEN syntax is magically considered to be the "end of the day" but this is untrue.

i.e. this was expected:

WHERE created_at BETWEEN the beginning of '2013-05-01' AND the end of '2013-05-01'

but what really happen is this:

WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2013-05-01 00:00:00+00000' AND '2013-05-01 00:00:00+00000'

Which becomes the equivalent of:

SELECT * FROM Cases WHERE created_at = '2013-05-01 00:00:00+00000'

The problem is one of perceptions/expectations about BETWEEN which does include BOTH the lower value and the upper values in the range, but does not magically make a date the "beginning of" or "the end of".

BETWEEN should be avoided when filtering by date ranges.

Always use the >= AND < instead

WHERE (created_at >= '20130501' AND created_at < '20130502')

the parentheses are optional here but can be important in more complex queries.

Changing the maximum length of a varchar column?

Increasing column size with ALTER will not lose any data:

alter table [progennet_dev].PROGEN.LE 
    alter column UR_VALUE_3 varchar(500) 

As @Martin points out, remember to explicitly specify NULL | NOT NULL

How to connect to local instance of SQL Server 2008 Express

Under Configuration Manager and Network Configuration and Protocols for your instance is TCP/IP Enabled? That could be the problem.

SQL How to correctly set a date variable value and use it?

If you manually write out the query with static date values (e.g. '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440') do you get any rows?

So, you are saying that the following two queries produce correct results:

FROM PubAdvTransData AS pat 
    INNER JOIN PubAdvertiser AS pa 
        ON pat.AdvTransID = pa.AdvTransID
WHERE (pat.LastAdDate > '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440') AND (pa.AdvertiserID = 12345))

SET @sp_Date = '2009-10-29 13:13:07.440'

FROM PubAdvTransData AS pat 
    INNER JOIN PubAdvertiser AS pa 
        ON pat.AdvTransID = pa.AdvTransID
WHERE (pat.LastAdDate > @sp_Date) AND (pa.AdvertiserID = 12345))

Why is SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Intellisense not working?

I ended up fixing it by reinstalling SQL Server 2008. This wasn't at all optimal, but if someone comes across a similar problem be sure to know this route will probably work.

T-SQL: Export to new Excel file

This is by far the best post for exporting to excel from SQL:

To quote from user madhivanan,

Apart from using DTS and Export wizard, we can also use this query to export data from SQL Server2000 to Excel

Create an Excel file named testing having the headers same as that of table columns and use these queries

1 Export data to existing EXCEL file from SQL Server table

insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;', 
    'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]') select * from SQLServerTable

2 Export data from Excel to new SQL Server table

select * 
into SQLServerTable FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;HDR=YES', 
    'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')

3 Export data from Excel to existing SQL Server table (edited)

Insert into SQLServerTable Select * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
    'Excel 8.0;Database=D:\testing.xls;HDR=YES', 
    'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]')

4 If you dont want to create an EXCEL file in advance and want to export data to it, use

EXEC sp_makewebtask 
    @outputfile = 'd:\testing.xls', 
    @query = 'Select * from Database_name..SQLServerTable', 
    @colheaders =1, 
    @FixedFont=0,@lastupdated=0,@resultstitle='Testing details'

(Now you can find the file with data in tabular format)

5 To export data to new EXCEL file with heading(column names), create the following procedure

create procedure proc_generate_excel_with_columns
    @db_name    varchar(100),
    @table_name varchar(100),   
    @file_name  varchar(100)

--Generate column names as a recordset
declare @columns varchar(8000), @sql varchar(8000), @data_file varchar(100)
    @columns=coalesce(@columns+',','')+column_name+' as '+column_name 
select @columns=''''''+replace(replace(@columns,' as ',''''' as '),',',',''''')

--Create a dummy file to have actual data
select @data_file=substring(@file_name,1,len(@file_name)-charindex('\',reverse(@file_name)))+'\data_file.xls'

--Generate column names in the passed EXCEL file
set @sql='exec master..xp_cmdshell ''bcp " select * from (select '+@columns+') as t" queryout "'+@file_name+'" -c'''

--Generate data in the dummy file
set @sql='exec master..xp_cmdshell ''bcp "select * from '+@db_name+'..'+@table_name+'" queryout "'+@data_file+'" -c'''

--Copy dummy file to passed EXCEL file
set @sql= 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''type '+@data_file+' >> "'+@file_name+'"'''

--Delete dummy file 
set @sql= 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''del '+@data_file+''''

After creating the procedure, execute it by supplying database name, table name and file path:

EXEC proc_generate_excel_with_columns 'your dbname', 'your table name','your file path'

Its a whomping 29 pages but that is because others show various other ways as well as people asking questions just like this one on how to do it.

Follow that thread entirely and look at the various questions people have asked and how they are solved. I picked up quite a bit of knowledge just skimming it and have used portions of it to get expected results.

To update single cells

A member also there Peter Larson posts the following: I think one thing is missing here. It is great to be able to Export and Import to Excel files, but how about updating single cells? Or a range of cells?

This is the principle of how you do manage that

update OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\test.xls;hdr=no', 
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$b7:b7]') set f1 = -99

You can also add formulas to Excel using this:

update OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 
'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\test.xls;hdr=no', 
'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$b7:b7]') set f1 = '=a7+c7'

Exporting with column names using T-SQL

Member Mladen Prajdic also has a blog entry on how to do this here

References: (btw this is an excellent blog / forum for anyone looking to get more out of SQL Server). For error referencing I used this

Errors that may occur

If you get the following error:

OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' cannot be used for distributed queries

Then run this:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;

How to check if datetime happens to be Saturday or Sunday in SQL Server 2008

ok i figure out :

DECLARE @dayName VARCHAR(9), @weekenda VARCHAR(9), @free INT
SET @weekenda =DATENAME(dw,GETDATE())

IF (@weekenda='Saturday' OR @weekenda='Sunday')
SET @free=1
SET @free=0

than i use : .......... OR free=1

SQL Server : GROUP BY clause to get comma-separated values

SELECT  [ReportId], 
        SUBSTRING(d.EmailList,1, LEN(d.EmailList) - 1) EmailList
            SELECT DISTINCT [ReportId]
            FROM Table1
        ) a
            SELECT [Email] + ', ' 
            FROM Table1 AS B 
            WHERE A.[ReportId] = B.[ReportId]
            FOR XML PATH('')
        ) D (EmailList) 

SQLFiddle Demo

How to convert number of minutes to hh:mm format in TSQL?

declare function dbo.minutes2hours (
    @minutes int
RETURNS varchar(10)
    return format(dateadd(minute,@minutes,'00:00:00'), N'HH\:mm','FR-fr')

Set variable value to array of strings

declare  @tab table(FirstName  varchar(100))
insert into @tab   values('John'),('Sarah'),('George')

FROM @tab
WHERE 'John' in (FirstName)

if condition in sql server update query

The current answers are fine and should work ok, but what's wrong with the more simple, more obvious, and more maintainable:

IF @flag = 1
    UPDATE table_name SET column_A = column_A + @new_value WHERE ID = @ID;
    UPDATE table_name SET column_B = column_B + @new_value WHERE ID = @ID;

This is much easier to read albeit this is a very simple query.

Here's a working example courtesy of @snyder: SqlFiddle.

Restoring database from .mdf and .ldf files of SQL Server 2008

use test
alter proc restore_mdf_ldf_main (@database varchar(100), @mdf varchar(100),@ldf varchar(100),@filename varchar(200))
begin try
with norecovery,
MOVE @mdf TO 'D:\sql samples\sample.mdf',
MOVE @ldf TO 'D:\sql samples\sample.ldf'
end try
begin catch
print 'Restoring of the database ' + @database + ' failed';
end catch

exec restore_mdf_ldf_main product,product,product_log,'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\product.bak'



AThe CROSS JOIN is meant to generate a Cartesian Product.

A Cartesian Product takes two sets A and B and generates all possible permutations of pair records from two given sets of data.

For instance, assuming you have the following ranks and suits database tables:

The ranks and suits tables

And the ranks has the following rows:

| name  | symbol | rank_value |
| Ace   | A      | 14         |
| King  | K      | 13         |
| Queen | Q      | 12         |
| Jack  | J      | 11         |
| Ten   | 10     | 10         |
| Nine  | 9      |  9         |

While the suits table contains the following records:

| name    | symbol |
| Club    | ?      |
| Diamond | ?      |
| Heart   | ?      |
| Spade   | ?      |

As CROSS JOIN query like the following one:

   r.symbol AS card_rank,
   s.symbol AS card_suit
   ranks r
   suits s

will generate all possible permutations of ranks and suites pairs:

| card_rank | card_suit |
| A         | ?         |
| A         | ?         |
| A         | ?         |
| A         | ?         |
| K         | ?         |
| K         | ?         |
| K         | ?         |
| K         | ?         |
| Q         | ?         |
| Q         | ?         |
| Q         | ?         |
| Q         | ?         |
| J         | ?         |
| J         | ?         |
| J         | ?         |
| J         | ?         |
| 10        | ?         |
| 10        | ?         |
| 10        | ?         |
| 10        | ?         |
| 9         | ?         |
| 9         | ?         |
| 9         | ?         |
| 9         | ?         |


On the other hand, INNER JOIN does not return the Cartesian Product of the two joining data sets.

Instead, the INNER JOIN takes all elements from the left-side table and matches them against the records on the right-side table so that:

  • if no record is matched on the right-side table, the left-side row is filtered out from the result set
  • for any matching record on the right-side table, the left-side row is repeated as if there was a Cartesian Product between that record and all its associated child records on the right-side table.

For instance, assuming we have a one-to-many table relationship between a parent post and a child post_comment tables that look as follows:

One-to-many table relationship

Now, if the post table has the following records:

| id | title     |
| 1  | Java      |
| 2  | Hibernate |
| 3  | JPA       |

and the post_comments table has these rows:

| id | review    | post_id |
| 1  | Good      | 1       |
| 2  | Excellent | 1       |
| 3  | Awesome   | 2       |

An INNER JOIN query like the following one:

SELECT AS post_id,
   p.title AS post_title,  AS review
FROM post p
INNER JOIN post_comment pc ON pc.post_id =

is going to include all post records along with all their associated post_comments:

| post_id | post_title | review    |
| 1       | Java       | Good      |
| 1       | Java       | Excellent |
| 2       | Hibernate  | Awesome   |

Basically, you can think of the INNER JOIN as a filtered CROSS JOIN where only the matching records are kept in the final result set.

Can't change table design in SQL Server 2008

Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation

Five swift clicks

Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation in five clicks

  1. Tools
  2. Options
  3. Designers
  4. Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation
  5. OK.

After saving, repeat the proceudure to re-tick the box. This safe-guards against accidental data loss.

Further explanation

  • By default SQL Server Management Studio prevents the dropping of tables, because when a table is dropped its data contents are lost.*

  • When altering a column's datatype in the table Design view, when saving the changes the database drops the table internally and then re-creates a new one.

*Your specific circumstances will not pose a consequence since your table is empty. I provide this explanation entirely to improve your understanding of the procedure.

Should I set max pool size in database connection string? What happens if I don't?

We can define maximum pool size in following way:


Drop primary key using script in SQL Server database

The answer I got is that variables and subqueries will not work and we have to user dynamic SQL script. The following works:

SET @SQL = 'ALTER TABLE dbo.Student DROP CONSTRAINT |ConstraintName| '

SET @SQL = REPLACE(@SQL, '|ConstraintName|', ( SELECT   name
                                               FROM     sysobjects
                                               WHERE    xtype = 'PK'
                                                        AND parent_obj =        OBJECT_ID('Student')))


Render HTML to PDF in Django site

You can use iReport editor to define the layout, and publish the report in jasper reports server. After publish you can invoke the rest api to get the results.

Here is the test of the functionality:

from django.test import TestCase
from x_reports_jasper.models import JasperServerClient

    to try integraction with jasper server through rest
class TestJasperServerClient(TestCase):

    # define required objects for tests
    def setUp(self):

        # load the connection to remote server

            self.j_url = ""
            self.j_user = "jasperadmin"
            self.j_pass = "jasperadmin"

            self.client = JasperServerClient.create_client(self.j_url,self.j_user,self.j_pass)

        except Exception, e:
            # if errors could not execute test given prerrequisites

    # test exception when server data is invalid
    def test_login_to_invalid_address_should_raise(self):
        self.assertRaises(Exception,JasperServerClient.create_client, "",self.j_user,self.j_pass)

    # test execute existent report in server
    def test_get_report(self):

        r_resource_path = "/reports/<PathToPublishedReport>"
        r_format = "pdf"
        r_params = {'PARAM_TO_REPORT':"1",}

        #resource_meta = client.load_resource_metadata( rep_resource_path )

        [uuid,out_mime,out_data] = self.client.generate_report(r_resource_path,r_format,r_params)

And here is an example of the invocation implementation:

from django.db import models
import requests
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import logging 

# module logger definition
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Create your models here.
class JasperServerClient(models.Manager):

    def __handle_exception(self, exception_root, exception_id, exec_info ):
        type, value, traceback = exec_info
        raise JasperServerClientError(exception_root, exception_id), None, traceback

    #   get resource description to generate the report
    def __handle_report_metadata(self, rep_resourcepath):

        l_path_base_resource = "/rest/resource"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_resource "metadata (begin) [path=%s%s]"  %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) )

        resource_response = None
            resource_response = requests.get( "%s%s" %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) , cookies = self.login_response.cookies)

        except Exception, e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_METADATA:CALL_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

        resource_response_dom = None
            # parse to dom and set parameters
            logger.debug( " - response [data=%s]"  %( resource_response.text) )
            resource_response_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(resource_response.text)

            datum = "" 
            for node in resource_response_dom.getiterator():
                datum = "%s<br />%s - %s" % (datum, node.tag, node.text)
            logger.debug( " - response [xml=%s]"  %( datum ) )

            self.resource_response_payload= resource_response.text
   "metadata (end) ")
        except Exception, e:
            logger.error( "metadata (error) [%s]" % (e))
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_METADATA:PARSE_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

    # 02: REPORT-PARAMS 
    def __add_report_params(self, metadata_text, params ):
        if(type(params) != dict):
            raise TypeError("Invalid parameters to report")
   "add-params (begin) []" )
            #copy parameters
            l_params = {}
            for k,v in params.items():
            # get the payload metadata
            metadata_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(metadata_text)
            # add attributes to payload metadata
            root = metadata_dom #('report'):

            for k,v in l_params.items():
                param_dom_element = ElementTree.Element('parameter')
                param_dom_element.attrib["name"] = k
                param_dom_element.text = v

            metadata_modified_text =ElementTree.tostring(metadata_dom, encoding='utf8', method='xml')
   "add-params (end) [payload-xml=%s]" %( metadata_modified_text )  )
            return metadata_modified_text

    #   call to generate the report
    def __handle_report_request(self, rep_resourcepath, rep_format, rep_params):

        # add parameters
        self.resource_response_payload = self.__add_report_params(self.resource_response_payload,rep_params)

        # send report request

        l_path_base_genreport = "/rest/report"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_genreport "report-request (begin) [path=%s%s]"  %( l_path ,rep_resourcepath) )

        genreport_response = None
            genreport_response = requests.put( "%s%s?RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT=%s" %(l_path,rep_resourcepath,rep_format),data=self.resource_response_payload, cookies = self.login_response.cookies )
   " - send-operation-result [value=%s]"  %( genreport_response.text) )
        except Exception,e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_REQUEST:CALL_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

        # parse the uuid of the requested report
        genreport_response_dom = None

            genreport_response_dom = ElementTree.fromstring(genreport_response.text)

            for node in genreport_response_dom.findall("uuid"):
                datum = "%s" % (node.text)

            genreport_uuid = datum      

            for node in genreport_response_dom.findall("file/[@type]"):
                datum = "%s" % (node.text)
            genreport_mime = datum

   "report-request (end) [uuid=%s,mime=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid, genreport_mime) )

            return [genreport_uuid,genreport_mime]
        except Exception,e:
            self.__handle_exception(e, "REPORT_REQUEST:PARSE_ERROR", sys.exc_info())

    def __handle_report_reply(self, genreport_uuid ):

        l_path_base_getresult = "/rest/report"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_getresult "report-reply (begin) [uuid=%s,path=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid,l_path) )

        getresult_response = requests.get( "%s%s/%s?file=report" %(self.j_url,l_path_base_getresult,genreport_uuid),data=self.resource_response_payload, cookies = self.login_response.cookies )
        l_result_header_mime =getresult_response.headers['Content-Type'] "report-reply (end) [uuid=%s,mime=%s]"  %( genreport_uuid, l_result_header_mime) )
        return [l_result_header_mime, getresult_response.content]

    # public methods ---------------------------------------    

    # tries the authentication with jasperserver throug rest
    def login(self, j_url, j_user,j_pass):
        self.j_url= j_url

        l_path_base_auth = "/rest/login"
        l_path = self.j_url + l_path_base_auth "login (begin) [path=%s]"  %( l_path) )

            self.login_response = , params = {

            if( != self.login_response.status_code ):

   "login (end)" )
            return True
            # see

        except Exception, e:
            logger.error("login (error) [e=%s]" % e )
            self.__handle_exception(e, "LOGIN:CALL_ERROR",sys.exc_info())

    def generate_report(self, rep_resourcepath,rep_format,rep_params):
        [uuid,mime] = self.__handle_report_request(rep_resourcepath, rep_format,rep_params)
        # TODO: how to handle async?
        [out_mime,out_data] = self.__handle_report_reply(uuid)
        return [uuid,out_mime,out_data]

    def create_client(j_url, j_user, j_pass):
        client = JasperServerClient()
        login_res = client.login( j_url, j_user, j_pass )
        return client

class JasperServerClientError(Exception):

    def __init__(self,exception_root,reason_id,reason_message=None):
        super(JasperServerClientError, self).__init__(str(reason_message))
        self.code = reason_id 
        self.description = str(exception_root) + " " + str(reason_message)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.code + " " + self.description

password for postgres

What's the default superuser username/password for postgres after a new install?:

CAUTION The answer about changing the UNIX password for "postgres" through "$ sudo passwd postgres" is not preferred, and can even be DANGEROUS!

This is why: By default, the UNIX account "postgres" is locked, which means it cannot be logged in using a password. If you use "sudo passwd postgres", the account is immediately unlocked. Worse, if you set the password to something weak, like "postgres", then you are exposed to a great security danger. For example, there are a number of bots out there trying the username/password combo "postgres/postgres" to log into your UNIX system.

What you should do is follow Chris James's answer:

sudo -u postgres psql postgres

# \password postgres

Enter new password: 

To explain it a little bit...

C++ Convert string (or char*) to wstring (or wchar_t*)

string s = "????"; is an error.

You should use wstring directly:

wstring ws = L"????";

Is there an alternative to string.Replace that is case-insensitive?

Seems like string.Replace should have an overload that takes a StringComparison argument. Since it doesn't, you could try something like this:

public static string ReplaceString(string str, string oldValue, string newValue, StringComparison comparison)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    int previousIndex = 0;
    int index = str.IndexOf(oldValue, comparison);
    while (index != -1)
        sb.Append(str.Substring(previousIndex, index - previousIndex));
        index += oldValue.Length;

        previousIndex = index;
        index = str.IndexOf(oldValue, index, comparison);

    return sb.ToString();

How can I get the client's IP address in ASP.NET MVC?

The simple answer is to use the HttpRequest.UserHostAddress property.

Example: From within a Controller:

using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace Mvc.Controllers
    public class HomeController : ClientController
        public ActionResult Index()
            string ip = Request.UserHostAddress;


Example: From within a helper class:

using System.Web;

namespace Mvc.Helpers
    public static class HelperClass
        public static string GetIPHelper()
            string ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;

BUT, if the request has been passed on by one, or more, proxy servers then the IP address returned by HttpRequest.UserHostAddress property will be the IP address of the last proxy server that relayed the request.

Proxy servers MAY use the de facto standard of placing the client's IP address in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. Aside from there is no guarantee that a request has a X-Forwarded-For header, there is also no guarantee that the X-Forwarded-For hasn't been SPOOFED.

Original Answer


The above code provides the Client's IP address without resorting to looking up a collection. The Request property is available within Controllers (or Views). Therefore instead of passing a Page class to your function you can pass a Request object to get the same result:

public static string getIPAddress(HttpRequestBase request)
    string szRemoteAddr = request.UserHostAddress;
    string szXForwardedFor = request.ServerVariables["X_FORWARDED_FOR"];
    string szIP = "";

    if (szXForwardedFor == null)
        szIP = szRemoteAddr;
        szIP = szXForwardedFor;
        if (szIP.IndexOf(",") > 0)
            string [] arIPs = szIP.Split(',');

            foreach (string item in arIPs)
                if (!isPrivateIP(item))
                    return item;
    return szIP;

Cmake doesn't find Boost

I had the same problem, and none of the above solutions worked. Actually, the file include/boost/version.hpp could not be read (by the cmake script launched by jenkins).

I had to manually change the permission of the (boost) library (even though jenkins belongs to the group, but that is another problem linked to jenkins that I could not figure out):

chmod o+wx ${BOOST_ROOT} -R # allow reading/execution on the whole library
#chmod g+wx ${BOOST_ROOT} -R # this did not suffice, strangely, but it is another story I guess

How to set null value to int in c#?

int ? index = null;

public int Index
                if (index.HasValue) // Check for value
                    return index.Value; //Return value if index is not "null"
                else return 777; // If value is "null" return 777 or any other value
            set { index = value; }

SQL set values of one column equal to values of another column in the same table

I don't think that other example is what you're looking for. If you're just updating one column from another column in the same table you should be able to use something like this.

update some_table set null_column = not_null_column where null_column is null

PHP move_uploaded_file() error?

I ran into a very obscure and annoying cause of error 6. After goofing around with some NFS mounted volumes, uploads started failing. Problem resolved by restarting services

systemctl restart php-fpm.service
systemctl restart httpd.service

How to pass an array into a function, and return the results with an array

You seem to be looking for pass-by-reference, to do that make your function look this way (note the ampersand):

function foo(&$array)

Alternately, you can assign the return value of the function to a variable:

function foo($array)
    return $array;

$waffles = foo($waffles)

Position a div container on the right side

Is this what you wanted? -

Floats on both sides now




<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="c1">con1</div>
    <div id="c2">con2</div>

How to verify a Text present in the loaded page through WebDriver

If you want check only displayed objects(C#):

    public bool TextPresent(string text, int expectedNumberOfOccurrences)
        var elements = Driver.FindElements(By.XPath(".//*[text()[contains(.,'" + text + "')]]"));
        var dispayedElements = 0;
        foreach (var webElement in elements)
            if (webElement.Displayed)
        var allExpectedElementsDisplayed = dispayedElements == expectedNumberOfOccurrences;
        return allExpectedElementsDisplayed;

How to export collection to CSV in MongoDB?

For all those who are stuck with an error.

Let me give you guys a solution with a brief explanation of the same:-

command to connect:-

mongoexport --host your_host --port your_port -u your_username -p your_password --db your_db --collection your_collection --type=csv --out file_name.csv --fields all_the_fields --authenticationDatabase admin

--host --> host of Mongo server

--port --> port of Mongo server

-u --> username

-p --> password

--db --> db from which you want to export

--collection --> collection you want to export

--type --> type of export in my case CSV

--out --> file name where you want to export

--fields --> all the fields you want to export (don't give spaces in between two field name in between commas in case of CSV)

--authenticationDatabase --> database where all your user information is stored

How do you check if a variable is an array in JavaScript?

In modern browsers (and some legacy browsers), you can do


(Supported by Chrome 5, Firefox 4.0, IE 9, Opera 10.5 and Safari 5)

If you need to support older versions of IE, you can use es5-shim to polyfill Array.isArray; or add the following

# only implement if no native implementation is available
if (typeof Array.isArray === 'undefined') {
  Array.isArray = function(obj) {
    return === '[object Array]';

If you use jQuery you can use jQuery.isArray(obj) or $.isArray(obj). If you use underscore you can use _.isArray(obj)

If you don't need to detect arrays created in different frames you can also just use instanceof

obj instanceof Array

Note: the arguments keyword that can be used to access the argument of a function isn't an Array, even though it (usually) behaves like one:

var func = function() {_x000D_
  console.log(arguments)        // [1, 2, 3]_x000D_
  console.log(arguments.length) // 3_x000D_
  console.log(Array.isArray(arguments)) // false !!!_x000D_
  console.log(arguments.slice)  // undefined (Array.prototype methods not available)_x000D_
  console.log([3,4,5].slice)    // function slice() { [native code] } _x000D_
func(1, 2, 3)

Format date in a specific timezone

I was having the same issue with Moment.js. I've installed moment-timezone, but the issue wasn't resolved. Then, I did just what here it's exposed, set the timezone and it works like a charm:

moment(new Date({your_date})).zone("+08:00")

Thanks a lot!

Current time in microseconds in java

Here is an example of how to create an UnsignedLong current Timestamp:

UnsignedLong current = new UnsignedLong(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()).getTime());

Java rounding up to an int using Math.ceil

int total = (int) Math.ceil( (double)157/ (double) 32);

ORA-12154 could not resolve the connect identifier specified

There can be so many issues but if you are using oracle 10g , uninstall oracle 10g and also remove the value from registry and install oracle 11g. But if you are using oracle 11g , first go and check on registry if it is pointing to right home. Sometimes there can be more than one home because you install sql developer again and again . In that case either you can remove unnecessary home registry value or you can add tns and file to all of those home, that might resolve the issue. I resolved mine in that way.

How to get the command line args passed to a running process on unix/linux systems?

try ps -n in a linux terminal. This will show:

1.All processes RUNNING, their command line and their PIDs

  1. The program intiate the processes.

Afterwards you will know which process to kill

ggplot2 line chart gives "geom_path: Each group consist of only one observation. Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?"

You get this error because one of your variables is actually a factor variable . Execute


to check this. Then do this double variable change to keep the year numbers instead of transforming into "1,2,3,4" level numbers:

df$year <- as.numeric(as.character(df$year))

EDIT: it appears that your data.frame has a variable of class "array" which might cause the pb. Try then:

df <- data.frame(apply(df, 2, unclass))

and plot again?

How to find out what group a given user has?

or just study /etc/groups (ok this does probably not work if it uses pam with ldap)

How do I git rm a file without deleting it from disk?

I tried experimenting with the answers given. My personal finding came out to be:

git rm -r --cached .

And then

git add .

This seemed to make my working directory nice and clean. You can put your fileName in place of the dot.

Spring Data JPA - "No Property Found for Type" Exception

Since your JPA repository name is UserBoardRepository, your custom Interface name should be UserBoardRepositoryCustom (it should end with 'Custom') and your implementation class name should be UserBoardRepositoryImpl (should end with Impl; you can set it with a different postfix using the repository-impl-postfix property)

Disable / Check for Mock Location (prevent gps spoofing)

Stumbled upon this thread a couple years later. In 2016, most Android devices will have API level >= 18 and should thus rely on Location.isFromMockProvider() as pointed out by Fernando.

I extensively experimented with fake/mock locations on different Android devices and distros. Unfortunately .isFromMockProvider() is not 100% reliable. Every once in a while, a fake location will not be labeled as mock. This seems to be due to some erroneous internal fusion logic in the Google Location API.

I wrote a detailed blog post about this, if you want to learn more. To summarize, if you subscribe to location updates from the Location API, then switch on a fake GPS app and print the result of each Location.toString() to the console, you will see something like this:

enter image description here

Notice how, in the stream of location updates, one location has the same coordinates as the others, but is not flagged as a mock and has a much poorer location accuracy.

To remedy this problem, I wrote a utility class that will reliably suppress Mock locations across all modern Android versions (API level 15 and up):

LocationAssistant - Hassle-free location updates on Android

Basically, it "distrusts" non-mock locations that are within 1km of the last known mock location and also labels them as a mock. It does this until a significant number of non-mock locations have arrived. The LocationAssistant can not only reject mock locations, but also unburdens you from most of the hassle of setting up and subscribing to location updates.

To receive only real location updates (i.e. suppress mocks), use it as follows:

public class MyActivity extends Activity implements LocationAssistant.Listener {

    private LocationAssistant assistant;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // You can specify a different accuracy and interval here.
        // The last parameter (allowMockLocations) must be 'false' to suppress mock locations.  
        assistant = new LocationAssistant(this, this, LocationAssistant.Accuracy.HIGH, 5000, false);

    protected void onResume() {

    protected void onPause() {

    public void onNewLocationAvailable(Location location) {
        // No mock locations arriving here


onNewLocationAvailable() will now only be invoked with real location info. There are some more listener methods you need to implement, but in the context of your question (how to prevent GPS spoofing) this is basically it.

Of course, with a rooted OS you can still find ways of spoofing location info that are impossible for normal apps to detect.

fastest MD5 Implementation in JavaScript

Much faster hashing should be possible by calculating on graphic card (implement hashing algorithm in WebGL), as discussed there about SHA256: Is it possible to calculate sha256 hashes in the browser using the user's video card, eg. by using WebGL or Flash?

disable a hyperlink using jQuery

Below will replace the link with it's text

$('a').each(function () {

Edit :

Above given code will work with hyperlinks with text only, it will not work with images. When we'll try it with image link it won't show any image.

To make this code compatible with image links following will work fine

// below given function will replace links with images i.e. for image links
$('a img').each(function () {
    var image = this.src;
    var img = $('<img>', { src: image });

// This piece of code will replace links with its text i.e. for text links
$('a').each(function () {

explanation : In above given code snippets, in first snippet we are replacing all the image links with it's images only. After that we are replacing text links with it's text.

Javascript Regular Expression Remove Spaces

This works just as well:

var reg = new RegExp(" ","g"); //<< just look for a space.

In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object?

My answer is based on the code supplied by Nick. That code measures total amount of bytes which are occupied by the serialized object. So this actually measures serialization stuff + plain object memory footprint (just serialize for example int and you will see that total amount of serialized bytes is not 4). So if you want to get raw byte number used exactly for your object - you need to modify that code a bit. Like so:


public class ObjectSizeCalculator {
    private Object getFirstObjectReference(Object o) {
        String objectType = o.getClass().getTypeName();

        if (objectType.substring(objectType.length()-2).equals("[]")) {
            try {
                if (objectType.equals("java.lang.Object[]"))
                    return ((Object[])o)[0];
                else if (objectType.equals("int[]"))
                    return ((int[])o)[0];
                    throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented !");
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                return null;

        return o;

    public int getObjectSizeInBytes(Object o) {
        final String STRING_JAVA_TYPE_NAME = "java.lang.String";

        if (o == null)
            return 0;

        String objectType = o.getClass().getTypeName();
        boolean isArray = objectType.substring(objectType.length()-2).equals("[]");

        Object objRef = getFirstObjectReference(o);
        if (objRef != null && !(objRef instanceof Serializable))
            throw new RuntimeException("Object must be serializable for measuring it's memory footprint using this method !");

        try {
            ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
            byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();

            for (int i = bytes.length - 1, j = 0; i != 0; i--, j++) {
                if (objectType != STRING_JAVA_TYPE_NAME) {
                    if (bytes[i] == 112)
                        if (isArray)
                            return j - 4;
                            return j;
                } else {
                    if (bytes[i] == 0)
                        return j - 1;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;

        return -1;


I've tested this solution with primitive types, String, and on some trivial classes. There may be not covered cases also.

UPDATE: Example modified to support memory footprint calculation of array objects.

How to create a listbox in HTML without allowing multiple selection?

Remove the multiple="multiple" attribute and add SIZE=6 with the number of elements you want

you may want to check this site

How can I display a modal dialog in Redux that performs asynchronous actions?

In my opinion the bare minimum implementation has two requirements. A state that keeps track of whether the modal is open or not, and a portal to render the modal outside of the standard react tree.

The ModalContainer component below implements those requirements along with corresponding render functions for the modal and the trigger, which is responsible for executing the callback to open the modal.

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import Portal from 'react-portal';

class ModalContainer extends React.Component {
  state = {
    isOpen: false,

  openModal = () => {
    this.setState(() => ({ isOpen: true }));

  closeModal = () => {
    this.setState(() => ({ isOpen: false }));

  renderModal() {
    return (
        isOpen: this.state.isOpen,
        closeModal: this.closeModal,

  renderTrigger() {
     return (
         openModal: this.openModal

  render() {
    return (

ModalContainer.propTypes = {
  renderModal: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
  renderTrigger: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

export default ModalContainer;

And here's a simple use case...

import React from 'react';
import Modal from 'react-modal';
import Fade from 'components/Animations/Fade';
import ModalContainer from 'components/ModalContainer';

const SimpleModal = ({ isOpen, closeModal }) => (
  <Fade visible={isOpen}> // example use case with animation components
      <Button onClick={closeModal}>
        close modal

const SimpleModalButton = ({ openModal }) => (
  <button onClick={openModal}>
    open modal

const SimpleButtonWithModal = () => (
     renderModal={props => <SimpleModal {...props} />}
     renderTrigger={props => <SimpleModalButton {...props} />}

export default SimpleButtonWithModal;

I use render functions, because I want to isolate state management and boilerplate logic from the implementation of the rendered modal and trigger component. This allows the rendered components to be whatever you want them to be. In your case, I suppose the modal component could be a connected component that receives a callback function that dispatches an asynchronous action.

If you need to send dynamic props to the modal component from the trigger component, which hopefully doesn't happen too often, I recommend wrapping the ModalContainer with a container component that manages the dynamic props in its own state and enhance the original render methods like so.

import React from 'react'
import partialRight from 'lodash/partialRight';
import ModalContainer from 'components/ModalContainer';

class ErrorModalContainer extends React.Component {
  state = { message: '' }

  onError = (message, callback) => {
      () => ({ message }),
      () => callback && callback()

  renderModal = (props) => (
       message: this.state.message,

  renderTrigger = (props) => (
      openModal: partialRight(this.onError, props.openModal)

  render() {
    return (

ErrorModalContainer.propTypes = (

export default ErrorModalContainer;

What is the difference between Trap and Interrupt?

A trap is an exception in a user process. It's caused by division by zero or invalid memory access. It's also the usual way to invoke a kernel routine (a system call) because those run with a higher priority than user code. Handling is synchronous (so the user code is suspended and continues afterwards). In a sense they are "active" - most of the time, the code expects the trap to happen and relies on this fact.

An interrupt is something generated by the hardware (devices like the hard disk, graphics card, I/O ports, etc). These are asynchronous (i.e. they don't happen at predictable places in the user code) or "passive" since the interrupt handler has to wait for them to happen eventually.

You can also see a trap as a kind of CPU-internal interrupt since the handler for trap handler looks like an interrupt handler (registers and stack pointers are saved, there is a context switch, execution can resume in some cases where it left off).

How to split strings into text and number?

Yet Another Option:

>>> [re.split(r'(\d+)', s) for s in ('foofo21', 'bar432', 'foobar12345')]
[['foofo', '21', ''], ['bar', '432', ''], ['foobar', '12345', '']]

When is assembly faster than C?

One of the posibilities to the CP/M-86 version of PolyPascal (sibling to Turbo Pascal) was to replace the "use-bios-to-output-characters-to-the-screen" facility with a machine language routine which in essense was given the x, and y, and the string to put there.

This allowed to update the screen much, much faster than before!

There was room in the binary to embed machine code (a few hundred bytes) and there was other stuff there too, so it was essential to squeeze as much as possible.

It turnes out that since the screen was 80x25 both coordinates could fit in a byte each, so both could fit in a two-byte word. This allowed to do the calculations needed in fewer bytes since a single add could manipulate both values simultaneously.

To my knowledge there is no C compilers which can merge multiple values in a register, do SIMD instructions on them and split them out again later (and I don't think the machine instructions will be shorter anyway).

What is the suggested way to install brew, node.js, io.js, nvm, npm on OS X?

Here's what I do:

curl | bash
cd / && . ~/.nvm/ && nvm install 0.10.35
. ~/.nvm/ && nvm alias default 0.10.35

No Homebrew for this one.

nvm soon will support io.js, but not at time of posting:

Then install everything else, per-project, with a package.json and npm install.

Find records from one table which don't exist in another

The code below would be a bit more efficient than the answers presented above when dealing with larger datasets.

NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM Phone_book where 
Phone_book.phone_number = Call.phone_number)

Twitter bootstrap remote modal shows same content every time

The accepted answer didn't work for me, so I went with JavaScript to do it.

<a href="/foo" class="modal-link">
<a href="/bar" class="modal-link">

$(function() {
    $(".modal-link").click(function(event) {
        $('#myModal').modal({remote: $(this).attr("href")})

Run local java applet in browser (chrome/firefox) "Your security settings have blocked a local application from running"

  1. Make a jar file from your applet class and META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file.
  2. Sign your jar file with your certificate.
  3. Configure your local site permissions as > file:///C:/ or http: //localhost:8080
  4. Then run your html document on Intenet Explorer on Windows.(Not Google Chrome !)

How can I get name of element with jQuery?

The method .attr() allows getting attribute value of the first element in a jQuery object:


MySQL error code: 1175 during UPDATE in MySQL Workbench

No need to set SQL_SAFE_UPDATES to 0, I would really discourage it to do it that way. SAFE_UPDATES is by default on for a REASON. You can drive a car without safety belts and other things if you know what I mean ;) Just add in the WHERE clause a KEY-value that matches everything like a primary-key comparing to 0, so instead of writing:

UPDATE customers SET countryCode = 'USA'
    WHERE country = 'USA';               -- which gives the error, you just write:

UPDATE customers SET countryCode = 'USA'
    WHERE (country = 'USA' AND customerNumber <> 0); -- Because customerNumber is a primary key you got no error 1175 any more.

Now you can be assured every record is (ALWAYS) updated as you expect.

Updating records codeigniter

In your_controller write this...

public function update_title() 
    $data = array
        'table_id' => $this->input->post('table_id'),
        'table_title' => $this->input->post('table_title')

    $this->load->model('your_model'); // First load the model
    if($this->your_model->update_title($data)) // call the method from the controller
        // update successful...
        // update not successful...


While in your_model...

public function update_title($data)

This will works fine...

How do you turn a Mongoose document into a plain object?

The lean option tells Mongoose to skip hydrating the result documents. This makes queries faster and less memory intensive, but the result documents are plain old JavaScript objects (POJOs), not Mongoose documents.

const leanDoc = await MyModel.findOne().lean();

not necessary to use JSON.parse() method

Batch files: List all files in a directory with relative paths

@echo on>out.txt
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "parentfolder=%CD%"
for /r . %%g in (*.*) do (
  set "var=%%g"
  set var=!var:%parentfolder%=!
  echo !var! >> out.txt

How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android?

    HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();

    Uri.Builder builder = Uri.parse(url).buildUpon();

    for (String name : params.keySet()) {
        builder.appendQueryParameter(name, params.get(name).toString());

    url =;
    HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url);
    HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
    return EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8");

jQuery animate scroll

var page_url = windws.location.href;
var page_id = page_url.substring(page_url.lastIndexOf("#") + 1);
if (page_id == "") {
    $("html, body").animate({
        scrollTop: $("#scroll-" + page_id).offset().top
    }, 2000)
} else if (page_id == "") {
    $("html, body").animate({
        scrollTop: $("#scroll-" + page_id).offset().top
    }, 2000)


In an array of objects, fastest way to find the index of an object whose attributes match a search

I've created a tiny utility called super-array where you can access items in an array by a unique identifier with O(1) complexity. Example:

const SuperArray = require('super-array');

const myArray = new SuperArray([
  {id: 'ab1', name: 'John'},
  {id: 'ab2', name: 'Peter'},

console.log(myArray.get('ab1')); // {id: 'ab1', name: 'John'}
console.log(myArray.get('ab2')); // {id: 'ab2', name: 'Peter'}

Getter and Setter?

After reading the other advices, I'm inclined to say that:

As a GENERIC rule, you will not always define setters for ALL properties, specially "internal" ones (semaphores, internal flags...). Read-only properties will not have setters, obviously, so some properties will only have getters; that's where __get() comes to shrink the code:

  • define a __get() (magical global getters) for all those properties which are alike,
  • group them in arrays so:
    • they'll share common characteristics: monetary values will/may come up properly formatted, dates in an specific layout (ISO, US, Intl.), etc.
    • the code itself can verify that only existing & allowed properties are being read using this magical method.
    • whenever you need to create a new similar property, just declare it and add its name to the proper array and it's done. That's way FASTER than defining a new getter, perhaps with some lines of code REPEATED again and again all over the class code.

Yes! we could write a private method to do that, also, but then again, we'll have MANY methods declared (++memory) that end up calling another, always the same, method. Why just not write a SINGLE method to rule them all...? [yep! pun absolutely intended! :)]

Magic setters can also respond ONLY to specific properties, so all date type properties can be screened against invalid values in one method alone. If date type properties were listed in an array, their setters can be defined easily. Just an example, of course. there are way too many situations.

About readability... Well... That's another debate: I don't like to be bound to the uses of an IDE (in fact, I don't use them, they tend to tell me (and force me) how to write... and I have my likes about coding "beauty"). I tend to be consistent about naming, so using ctags and a couple of other aids is sufficient to me... Anyway: once all this magic setters and getters are done, I write the other setters that are too specific or "special" to be generalized in a __set() method. And that covers all I need about getting and setting properties. Of course: there's not always a common ground, or there are such a few properties that is not worth the trouble of coding a magical method, and then there's still the old good traditional setter/getter pair.

Programming languages are just that: human artificial languages. So, each of them has its own intonation or accent, syntax and flavor, so I won't pretend to write a Ruby or Python code using the same "accent" than Java or C#, nor I would write a JavaScript or PHP to resemble Perl or SQL... Use them the way they're meant to be used.

Make A List Item Clickable (HTML/CSS)

The key is to give the anchor links a display property of "block" and a width property of 100%.

Making list-items clickable (example):


    <li><a href="">link1</a></li>
    <li><a href="">link2</a></li>
    <li><a href="">link3</a></li>


ul {
  list-style-type: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
ul li a {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
  text-decoration: none;
  padding: 5px;
ul li a:hover {
  background-color: #ccc;

Want custom title / image / description in facebook share link from a flash app

I think this site has the solution, i will test it now. It Seems like facebook has changed the parameters of share.php so, in order to customize share window text and images you have to put parameters in a "p" array.

Check it out.

MySQL and GROUP_CONCAT() maximum length

Include this setting in xampp my.ini configuration file:

group_concat_max_len = 1000000

Then restart xampp mysql

Common sources of unterminated string literal

The web page developer guessed wrong about which encoding is used by the viewer's browser. This can usually be solved by specifying an encoding in the page's header.

What is the most "pythonic" way to iterate over a list in chunks?

Using map() instead of zip() fixes the padding issue in J.F. Sebastian's answer:

>>> def chunker(iterable, chunksize):
...   return map(None,*[iter(iterable)]*chunksize)


>>> s = '1234567890'
>>> chunker(s, 3)
[('1', '2', '3'), ('4', '5', '6'), ('7', '8', '9'), ('0', None, None)]
>>> chunker(s, 4)
[('1', '2', '3', '4'), ('5', '6', '7', '8'), ('9', '0', None, None)]
>>> chunker(s, 5)
[('1', '2', '3', '4', '5'), ('6', '7', '8', '9', '0')]

Use different Python version with virtualenv

Just use the --python (or short -p) option when creating your virtualenv instance to specify the Python executable you want to use, e.g.:

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.6 <path/to/new/virtualenv/>

N.B. For Python 3.3 or later, refer to The Aelfinn's answer below.

Differences between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK

Also for Java 8 an interesting performance benchmark for reactive (non-blocking) Spring Boot REST application being hosted on various JVMs by AMIS Technology Blog has been published in Nov 2018 showing that, among other differences:

  • OpenJDK has higher CPU usage than OracleJDK,
  • OpenJDK has slightly lower response time than OracleJDK,
  • OpenJDK has higher memory usage than OracleJDK,

For details please see the source article.

Of course YMMV, this is just one of the benchmarks.

Function to calculate distance between two coordinates

Visit this address. You can use this code:


const R = 6371e3; // metres
const f1 = lat1 * Math.PI/180; // f, ? in radians
const f2 = lat2 * Math.PI/180;
const ?f = (lat2-lat1) * Math.PI/180;
const ?? = (lon2-lon1) * Math.PI/180;

const a = Math.sin(?f/2) * Math.sin(?f/2) +
          Math.cos(f1) * Math.cos(f2) *
          Math.sin(??/2) * Math.sin(??/2);
const c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));

const d = R * c; // in metres

svn : how to create a branch from certain revision of trunk

$ svn copy \ \
   -m "Creating a private branch of /calc/trunk."

Where 192 is the revision you specify

You can find this information from the SVN Book, specifically here on the page about svn copy

Quickest way to clear all sheet contents VBA

You can use the .Clear method:


Using this you can remove the contents and the formatting of a cell or range without affecting the rest of the worksheet.

PHP namespaces and "use"

The use operator is for giving aliases to names of classes, interfaces or other namespaces. Most use statements refer to a namespace or class that you'd like to shorten:

use My\Full\Namespace;

is equivalent to:

use My\Full\Namespace as Namespace;
// Namespace\Foo is now shorthand for My\Full\Namespace\Foo

If the use operator is used with a class or interface name, it has the following uses:

// after this, "new DifferentName();" would instantiate a My\Full\Classname
use My\Full\Classname as DifferentName;

// global class - making "new ArrayObject()" and "new \ArrayObject()" equivalent
use ArrayObject;

The use operator is not to be confused with autoloading. A class is autoloaded (negating the need for include) by registering an autoloader (e.g. with spl_autoload_register). You might want to read PSR-4 to see a suitable autoloader implementation.

How to create a table from select query result in SQL Server 2008

Select [Column Name] into [New Table] from [Source Table]

Cannot open local file - Chrome: Not allowed to load local resource

Google Chrome does not allow to load local resources because of the security. Chrome need http url. Internet Explorer and Edge allows to load local resources, but Safari, Chrome, and Firefox doesn't allows to load local resources.

Go to file location and start the Python Server from there.

python -m SimpleHttpServer

then put that url into function:

function run(){
var URL = "" /* or; */, null);

Which is the fastest algorithm to find prime numbers?

A very fast implementation of the Sieve of Atkin is Dan Bernstein's primegen. This sieve is more efficient than the Sieve of Eratosthenes. His page has some benchmark information.

Convert to/from DateTime and Time in Ruby

You'll need two slightly different conversions.

To convert from Time to DateTime you can amend the Time class as follows:

require 'date'
class Time
  def to_datetime
    # Convert seconds + microseconds into a fractional number of seconds
    seconds = sec + Rational(usec, 10**6)

    # Convert a UTC offset measured in minutes to one measured in a
    # fraction of a day.
    offset = Rational(utc_offset, 60 * 60 * 24), month, day, hour, min, seconds, offset)

Similar adjustments to Date will let you convert DateTime to Time .

class Date
  def to_gm_time
    to_time(new_offset, :gm)

  def to_local_time
    to_time(new_offset(, :local)

  def to_time(dest, method)
    #Convert a fraction of a day to a number of microseconds
    usec = (dest.sec_fraction * 60 * 60 * 24 * (10**6)).to_i
    Time.send(method, dest.year, dest.month,, dest.hour, dest.min,
              dest.sec, usec)

Note that you have to choose between local time and GM/UTC time.

Both the above code snippets are taken from O'Reilly's Ruby Cookbook. Their code reuse policy permits this.

Can't accept license agreement Android SDK Platform 24

It needs a latest stable sdk-platform installed. I installed SDK-Platform from API 25. It fixed my problem.See Screenshot below

Error: allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

Just come across this post and that was happening to me.
Just Clean the project and the error goes away. (must be a VS2010 bug)

Extract code country from phone number [libphonenumber]

Here is a solution to get the country based on an international phone number without using the Google library.

Let me explain first why it is so difficult to figure out the country. The country code of few countries is 1 digit, 2, 3 or 4 digits. That would be simple enough. But the country code 1 is not just used for US, but also for Canada and some smaller places:

1339 USA
1340 Virgin Islands (Caribbean Islands)
1341 USA
1342 not used
1343 Canada

Digits 2..4 decide, if it is US or Canada or ... There is no easy way to figure out the country, like the first xxx are Canada, the rest US.

For my code, I defined a class which holds information for ever digit:

public class DigitInfo {
  public char Digit;
  public Country? Country;
  public DigitInfo?[]? Digits;

A first array holds the DigitInfos for the first digit in the number. The second digit is used as an index into DigitInfo.Digits. One travels down that Digits chain, until Digits is empty. If Country is defined (i.e. not null) that value gets returned, otherwise any Country defined earlier gets returned:

country code 1: byPhone[1].Country is US  
country code 1236: byPhone[1].Digits[2].Digits[3].Digits[6].Country is Canada  
country code 1235: byPhone[1].Digits[2].Digits[3].Digits[5].Country is null. Since   
                   byPhone[1].Country is US, also 1235 is US, because no other   
                   country was found in the later digits

Here is the method which returns the country based on the phone number:

/// <summary>
/// Returns the Country based on an international dialing code.
/// </summary>
public static Country? GetCountry(ReadOnlySpan<char> phoneNumber) {
  if (phoneNumber.Length==0) return null;

  var isFirstDigit = true;
  DigitInfo? digitInfo = null;
  Country? country = null;
  foreach (var digitChar in phoneNumber) {
    var digitIndex = digitChar - '0';
    if (isFirstDigit) {
      isFirstDigit = false;
      digitInfo = ByPhone[digitIndex];
    } else {
      if (digitInfo!.Digits is null) return country;

      digitInfo = digitInfo.Digits[digitIndex];
    if (digitInfo is null) return country;

    country = digitInfo.Country??country;
  return country;

The rest of the code (digitInfos for every country of the world, test code, ...) is too big to be posted here, but it can be found on Github:

The code is part of a WPF TextBox and the library contains also other controls for email addresses, etc. A more detailed description is on CodeProject: International Phone Number Validation Explained in Detail

How to copy JavaScript object to new variable NOT by reference?

Your only option is to somehow clone the object.

See this stackoverflow question on how you can achieve this.

For simple JSON objects, the simplest way would be:

var newObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldObject));

if you use jQuery, you can use:

// Shallow copy
var newObject = jQuery.extend({}, oldObject);

// Deep copy
var newObject = jQuery.extend(true, {}, oldObject);

UPDATE 2017: I should mention, since this is a popular answer, that there are now better ways to achieve this using newer versions of javascript:

In ES6 or TypeScript (2.1+):

var shallowCopy = { ...oldObject };

var shallowCopyWithExtraProp = { ...oldObject, extraProp: "abc" };

Note that if extraProp is also a property on oldObject, its value will not be used because the extraProp : "abc" is specified later in the expression, which essentially overrides it. Of course, oldObject will not be modified.

forward declaration of a struct in C?

A struct (without a typedef) often needs to (or should) be with the keyword struct when used.

struct A;                      // forward declaration
void function( struct A *a );  // using the 'incomplete' type only as pointer

If you typedef your struct you can leave out the struct keyword.

typedef struct A A;          // forward declaration *and* typedef
void function( A *a );

Note that it is legal to reuse the struct name

Try changing the forward declaration to this in your code:

typedef struct context context;

It might be more readable to do add a suffix to indicate struct name and type name:

typedef struct context_s context_t;

How to drop rows from pandas data frame that contains a particular string in a particular column?

Slight modification to the code. Having na=False will skip empty values. Otherwise you can get an error TypeError: bad operand type for unary ~: float

df[~df.C.str.contains("XYZ", na=False)]

Source: TypeError: bad operand type for unary ~: float

Changing Shell Text Color (Windows)

This is extremely simple! Rather than importing odd modules for python or trying long commands you can take advantage of windows OS commands.

In windows, commands exist to change the command prompt text color. You can use this in python by starting with a: import os

Next you need to have a line changing the text color, place it were you want in your code. os.system('color 4')

You can figure out the other colors by starting cmd.exe and typing color help.

The good part? Thats all their is to it, to simple lines of code. -Day

How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android

Android doesn't allow you to set custom fonts from the XML layout. Instead, you must bundle the specific font file in your app's assets folder, and set it programmatically. Something like:

TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(<your TextView ID>);
Typeface typeFace = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "<file name>");

Note that you can only run this code after setContentView() has been called. Also, only some fonts are supported by Android, and should be in a .ttf (TrueType) or .otf (OpenType) format. Even then, some fonts may not work.

This is a font that definitely works on Android, and you can use this to confirm that your code is working in case your font file isn't supported by Android.

Android O Update: This is now possible with XML in Android O, based on Roger's comment.

Error "The input device is not a TTY"

My Jenkins pipeline step shown below failed with the same error.

       steps {
            echo 'Building ...' 
            sh 'sh ./Tools/'

In my "" script file "docker run" command output this error when it was executed by Jenkins job. However it was working OK when the script ran in the shell terminal.The error happened because of -t option passed to docker run command that as I know tries to allocate terminal and fails if there is no terminal to allocate.

In my case I have changed the script to pass -t option only if a terminal could be detected. Here is the code after changes :


# Only allocate tty if we detect one
if [ -t 0 ] && [ -t 1 ]; then

docker run $DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS --name my-container-name  my-image-tag

What's the difference between <b> and <strong>, <i> and <em>?

While <strong> and <em> are of course more semantically correct, there seem definite legitimate reasons to use the <b> and <i> tags for customer-written content.

In such content, words or phrases may be bolded or italicized and it is generally not up to us to analyze the semantic reasoning for such bolding or italicizing.

Further, such content may refer to bolded and italicized words and phrases to convey a specific meaning.

An example would be an english exam question which instructs a student to replace the bolded word.

Should I test private methods or only public ones?

As quoted above, "If you don't test your private methods, how do you know they won't break?"

This is a major issue. One of the big points of unit tests is to know where, when, and how something broke ASAP. Thus decreasing a significant amount of development & QA effort. If all that is tested is the public, then you don't have honest coverage and delineation of the internals of the class.

I've found one of the best ways to do this is simply add the test reference to the project and put the tests in a class parallel to the private methods. Put in the appropriate build logic so that the tests don't build into the final project.

Then you have all the benefits of having these methods tested and you can find problems in seconds versus minutes or hours.

So in summary, yes, unit test your private methods.

Bootstrap datetimepicker is not a function

The problem is that you have not included bootstrap.min.css. Also, the sequence of imports could be causing issue. Please try rearranging your resources as following:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>                       
<script src=""></script>


PowerShell : retrieve JSON object by field value

In regards to PowerShell 5.1 (this is so much easier in PowerShell 7)...

Operating off the assumption that we have a file named jsonConfigFile.json with the following content from your post:

    "Stuffs": [
            "Name": "Darts",
            "Type": "Fun Stuff"
            "Name": "Clean Toilet",
            "Type": "Boring Stuff"

This will create an ordered hashtable from a JSON file to help make retrieval easier:

$json = [ordered]@{}

(Get-Content "jsonConfigFile.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json).PSObject.Properties |
    ForEach-Object { $json[$_.Name] = $_.Value }

$json.Stuffs will list a nice hashtable, but it gets a little more complicated from here. Say you want the Type key's value associated with the Clean Toilet key, you would retrieve it like this:

$json.Stuffs.Where({$_.Name -eq "Clean Toilet"}).Type

It's a pain in the ass, but if your goal is to use JSON on a barebones Windows 10 installation, this is the best way to do it as far as I've found.

what does "dead beef" mean?

It is also used for debugging purposes.

Here is a handy list of some of these values:

how to check if a form is valid programmatically using jQuery Validation Plugin

2015 answer: we have this out of the box on modern browsers, just use the HTML5 CheckValidity API from jQuery. I've also made a jquery-html5-validity module to do this:

npm install jquery-html5-validity


var $ = require('jquery')

then you can run:



Access index of the parent ng-repeat from child ng-repeat

$parent doesn't work if there are multiple parents. instead of that we can define a parent index variable in init and use it

<div data-ng-init="parentIndex = $index" ng-repeat="f in foos">
    <div data-ng-init="childIndex = $index" ng-repeat="b in foos.bars">
      <a ng-click="addSomething(parentIndex)">Add Something</a>

How do I clear my local working directory in Git?

To reset a specific file as git status suggests:

git checkout <filename>

To reset a folder

git checkout <foldername>/*

Run-time error '1004' - Method 'Range' of object'_Global' failed

When you reference Range like that it's called an unqualified reference because you don't specifically say which sheet the range is on. Unqualified references are handled by the "_Global" object that determines which object you're referring to and that depends on where your code is.

If you're in a standard module, unqualified Range will refer to Activesheet. If you're in a sheet's class module, unqualified Range will refer to that sheet.

inputTemplateContent is a variable that contains a reference to a range, probably a named range. If you look at the RefersTo property of that named range, it likely points to a sheet other than the Activesheet at the time the code executes.

The best way to fix this is to avoid unqualified Range references by specifying the sheet. Like

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Template")
    .Range(inputTemplateHeader).Value = NO_ENTRY
    .Range(inputTemplateContent).Value = NO_ENTRY
End With

Adjust the workbook and worksheet references to fit your particular situation.

Why is Ant giving me a Unsupported major.minor version error

  1. Check whether u have jdk installed in the path "C:\Program Files\Java" If not Install the JDK in your machine

  2. In Eclipse, right click on "build.xml" then select Run As > External Tools Configuration

  3. Click on "JRE" tab then click on "Installed JREs" > "ADD" > "Standard VM" > Click "Next

  4. Select the Directory "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.x_xx" and the directory will be added to the "installed jres"

  5. Select the new JDK directory and Click "OK"

  6. Click on "Seperate JRE" dropdown and select the JDK version "jdk1.7.x_xx" and click on "Run"

This would help:)

Copy/duplicate database without using mysqldump

If you are using Linux, you can use this bash script: (it perhaps needs some additional code cleaning but it works ... and it's much faster then mysqldump|mysql)



echo "Copying database ... (may take a while ...)"
DBCONN="-h ${DBSERVER} -u ${DBUSER} --password=${DBPASSWORD}"
for TABLE in `echo "SHOW TABLES" | mysql $DBCONN $DBSNAME | tail -n +2`; do
        createTable=`echo "SHOW CREATE TABLE ${TABLE}"|mysql -B -r $DBCONN $DBSNAME|tail -n +2|cut -f 2-`
        fCreateTable="${fCreateTable} ; ${createTable}"
        fInsertData="${fInsertData} ; ${insertData}"
echo "$fCreateTable ; $fInsertData" | mysql $DBCONN $DBNAME

Reading from memory stream to string

If you'd checked the results of stream.Read, you'd have seen that it hadn't read anything - because you haven't rewound the stream. (You could do this with stream.Position = 0;.) However, it's easier to just call ToArray:

settingsString = LocalEncoding.GetString(stream.ToArray());

(You'll need to change the type of stream from Stream to MemoryStream, but that's okay as it's in the same method where you create it.)

Alternatively - and even more simply - just use StringWriter instead of StreamWriter. You'll need to create a subclass if you want to use UTF-8 instead of UTF-16, but that's pretty easy. See this answer for an example.

I'm concerned by the way you're just catching Exception and assuming that it means something harmless, by the way - without even logging anything. Note that using statements are generally cleaner than writing explicit finally blocks.

Regular Expressions- Match Anything

(.*?) matches anything - I've been using it for years.

How can I open an Excel file in Python?

You can use xlpython package that requires xlrd only. Find it here and its documentation here

Is there any JSON Web Token (JWT) example in C#?

It would be better to use standard and famous libraries instead of writing the code from scratch.

  1. JWT for encoding and decoding JWT tokens
  2. Bouncy Castle supports encryption and decryption, especially RS256 get it here

Using these libraries you can generate a JWT token and sign it using RS256 as below.

    public string GenerateJWTToken(string rsaPrivateKey)
        var rsaParams = GetRsaParameters(rsaPrivateKey);
        var encoder = GetRS256JWTEncoder(rsaParams);

        // create the payload according to the Google's doc
        var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "iss", ""},
            { "sub", "" },
            // and other key-values according to the doc

        // add headers. 'alg' and 'typ' key-values are added automatically.
        var header = new Dictionary<string, object>
            { "kid", "{your_private_key_id}" },

        var token = encoder.Encode(header,payload, new byte[0]);

        return token;

    private static IJwtEncoder GetRS256JWTEncoder(RSAParameters rsaParams)
        var csp = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

        var algorithm = new RS256Algorithm(csp, csp);
        var serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
        var urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
        var encoder = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

        return encoder;

    private static RSAParameters GetRsaParameters(string rsaPrivateKey)
        var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(rsaPrivateKey);
        using (var ms = new MemoryStream(byteArray))
            using (var sr = new StreamReader(ms))
                // use Bouncy Castle to convert the private key to RSA parameters
                var pemReader = new PemReader(sr);
                var keyPair = pemReader.ReadObject() as AsymmetricCipherKeyPair;
                return DotNetUtilities.ToRSAParameters(keyPair.Private as RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters);

ps: the RSA private key should have the following format:

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- {base64 formatted value} -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Convert string to date in bash

just use the -d option of the date command, e.g.

date -d '20121212' +'%Y %m'

Html5 Full screen video

    if (vi_video[0].exitFullScreen) vi_video[0].exitFullScreen();
    else if (vi_video[0].webkitExitFullScreen) vi_video[0].webkitExitFullScreen();
    else if (vi_video[0].mozExitFullScreen) vi_video[0].mozExitFullScreen();
    else if (vi_video[0].oExitFullScreen) vi_video[0].oExitFullScreen();
    else if (vi_video[0].msExitFullScreen) vi_video[0].msExitFullScreen();
    else { vi_video.parent().append(vi_video.remove()); }

Should composer.lock be committed to version control?

You then commit the composer.json to your project and everyone else on your team can run composer install to install your project dependencies.

The point of the lock file is to record the exact versions that are installed so they can be re-installed. This means that if you have a version spec of 1.* and your co-worker runs composer update which installs 1.2.4, and then commits the composer.lock file, when you composer install, you will also get 1.2.4, even if 1.3.0 has been released. This ensures everybody working on the project has the same exact version.

This means that if anything has been committed since the last time a composer install was done, then, without a lock file, you will get new third-party code being pulled down.

Again, this is a problem if you’re concerned about your code breaking. And it’s one of the reasons why it’s important to think about Composer as being centered around the composer.lock file.

Source: Composer: It’s All About the Lock File.

Commit your application's composer.lock (along with composer.json) into version control. This is important because the install command checks if a lock file is present, and if it is, it downloads the versions specified there (regardless of what composer.json says). This means that anyone who sets up the project will download the exact same version of the dependencies. Your CI server, production machines, other developers in your team, everything and everyone runs on the same dependencies, which mitigates the potential for bugs affecting only some parts of the deployments. Even if you develop alone, in six months when reinstalling the project you can feel confident the dependencies installed are still working even if your dependencies released many new versions since then.

Source: Composer - Basic Usage.

What algorithms compute directions from point A to point B on a map?

Speaking as someone who spent 18 months working at a mapping company, which included working on the routing algorithm... yes, Dijkstra's does work, with a couple of modifications:

  • Instead of doing Dijkstra's once from source to dest, you start at each end, and expand both sides until they meet in the middle. This eliminates roughly half the work (2*pi*(r/2)^2 vs pi*r^2).
  • To avoid exploring the back-alleys of every city between your source and destination, you can have several layers of map data: A 'highways' layer that contains only highways, a 'secondary' layer that contains only secondary streets, and so forth. Then, you explore only smaller sections of the more detailed layers, expanding as necessary. Obviously this description leaves out a lot of detail, but you get the idea.

With modifications along those lines, you can do even cross-country routing in a very reasonable timeframe.

jquery .live('click') vs .click()

"live" is needed when you dynamically generate code. Just look the below example :

$("#div1").find('button').click(function() {_x000D_
    $('<button />')_x000D_
$("#div2").find('button').live("click", function() {_x000D_
    $('<button />')_x000D_
button {_x000D_
  margin: 5px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="div1">_x000D_
<div id="div2">_x000D_

without "live" the click-event occurs only when you click the first button, with "live" the click-event occurs also for the dynamically generated buttons

Force flushing of output to a file while bash script is still running

You can use tee to write to the file without the need for flushing.

/homedir/MyScript 2>&1 | tee some_log.log > /dev/null

Java function for arrays like PHP's join()?

This is how I do it.

private String join(String[] input, String delimiter)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for(String value : input)
    int length = sb.length();
    if(length > 0)
        // Remove the extra delimiter
        sb.setLength(length - delimiter.length());
    return sb.toString();

Returning a C string from a function

Your problem is with the return type of the function - it must be:

char *myFunction()

...and then your original formulation will work.

Note that you cannot have C strings without pointers being involved, somewhere along the line.

Also: Turn up your compiler warnings. It should have warned you about that return line converting a char * to char without an explicit cast.

How to minify php page html output?

Turn on gzip if you want to do it properly. You can also just do something like this:

$this->output = preg_replace(
        '/ {2,}/',
        '/<!--.*?-->|\t|(?:\r?\n[ \t]*)+/s'
        ' ',

This removes about 30% of the page size by turning your html into one line, no tabs, no new lines, no comments. Mileage may vary

How to clear a notification in Android

 Notification mNotification = new Notification.Builder(this)

                .setContentTitle("A message from: " + fromUser)


when you click on notification, open corresponding activity and remove notification from notification bar

How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent?

@Carlos: In his article Tim Bray recommends this (as does another post by Google), but unfortunately it is not being applied by all tablet manufacturers.

... We recommend that manufactures of large-form-factor devices remove "Mobile" from the User Agent...

Most Android tablet user-agent strings I've seen use mobile safari, e.g. the Samsung Galaxy Tab:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; SCH-I800 Build/FROYO) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1

So at the moment I am checking on device names to detect Android tablets. As long as there are just a few models on the market, that's ok but soon this will be an ugly solution.

At least in case of the XOOM, the mobile part seems to be gone:

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 3.0; en-us; Xoom Build/HRI39) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.13

But as there are currently only tablets with Andorid 3.x, checking on Android 3 would be enough.

Link and execute external JavaScript file hosted on GitHub

Alternatively, if generating your markup server-side, you can just fetch and inject. For example, in JSTL you could do this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    <c:import url="" />

They don't allow hotlinking for a reason, so probably bad form if you want to be a good citizen. I'd suggest you cache that javascript and only actually re-fetch periodically as you see fit.

How do I reference tables in Excel using VBA?

A "table" in Excel is indeed known as a ListObject.

The "proper" way to reference a table is by getting its ListObject from its Worksheet i.e. SheetObject.ListObjects(ListObjectName).

If you want to reference a table without using the sheet, you can use a hack Application.Range(ListObjectName).ListObject.

NOTE: This hack relies on the fact that Excel always creates a named range for the table's DataBodyRange with the same name as the table. However this range name can be changed...though it's not something you'd want to do since the name will reset if you edit the table name! Also you could get a named range with no associated ListObject.

Given Excel's not-very-helpful 1004 error message when you get the name wrong, you may want to create a wrapper...

Public Function GetListObject(ByVal ListObjectName As String, Optional ParentWorksheet As Worksheet = Nothing) As Excel.ListObject
On Error Resume Next

    If (Not ParentWorksheet Is Nothing) Then
        Set GetListObject = ParentWorksheet.ListObjects(ListObjectName)
        Set GetListObject = Application.Range(ListObjectName).ListObject
    End If

On Error GoTo 0 'Or your error handler

    If (Not GetListObject Is Nothing) Then
    ElseIf (Not ParentWorksheet Is Nothing) Then
        Call Err.Raise(1004, ThisWorkBook.Name, "ListObject '" & ListObjectName & "' not found on sheet '" & ParentWorksheet.Name & "'!")
        Call Err.Raise(1004, ThisWorkBook.Name, "ListObject '" & ListObjectName & "' not found!")
    End If

End Function

Also some good ListObject info here.

PHP: maximum execution time when importing .SQL data file

Is it a .sql file or is it compressed (.zip, .gz, etc)? Compressed formats sometimes require more PHP resources so you could try uncompressing it before uploading.

However, there are other methods you can try also. If you have command-line access, just upload the file and import with the command line client mysql (once at the mysql> prompt, use databasename; then source file.sql).

Otherwise you can use the phpMyAdmin "UploadDir" feature to put the file on the server and have it appear within phpMyAdmin without having to also upload it from your local machine.

This link has information on using UploadDir and this one has some more tips and methods.

How to prevent scanf causing a buffer overflow in C?

Limiting the length of the input is definitely easier. You could accept an arbitrarily-long input by using a loop, reading in a bit at a time, re-allocating space for the string as necessary...

But that's a lot of work, so most C programmers just chop off the input at some arbitrary length. I suppose you know this already, but using fgets() isn't going to allow you to accept arbitrary amounts of text - you're still going to need to set a limit.

Clone private git repo with dockerfile

For bitbucket repository, generate App Password (Bitbucket settings -> Access Management -> App Password, see the image) with read access to the repo and project.

bitbucket user menu

Then the command that you should use is:

git clone https://username:[email protected]/reponame/projectname.git

[INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]

My app was running on Nexus 5X API 26 x86 (virtual device on emulator) without any errors and then I included a third party AAR. Then it keeps giving this error. I cleaned, rebuilt, checked/unchecked instant run option, wiped the data in AVD, performed cold boot but problem insists. Then I tried the solution found here. he/she says that add splits & abi blocks for 'x86', 'armeabi-v7a' in to module build.gradle file and hallelujah it is clean and fresh again :)

Edit: On this post Driss Bounouar's solution seems to be same. But my emulator was x86 before adding the new AAR and HAXM emulator was already working.

The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request

I had the same issue with RS232 communication. The reason, is that your program executes much faster than the comport (or slow serial communication).

To fix it, I had to check if the IAsyncResult.IsCompleted==true. If not completed, then IAsyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne()

Like this :

Stream s = this.GetStream();
IAsyncResult ar = s.BeginWrite(data, 0, data.Length, SendAsync, state);
if (!ar.IsCompleted)

Most of the time, ar.IsCompleted will be true.

How do you add a timer to a C# console application

Or using Rx, short and sweet:

static void Main()
Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)).Subscribe(t => Console.WriteLine("I am called... {0}", t));

for (; ; ) { }

Selecting the last value of a column

Found a slight variation that worked to eliminate blanks from the bottom of the table. =index(G2:G,COUNTIF(G2:G,"<>"))

jQuery/JavaScript: accessing contents of an iframe

I create a sample code . Now you can easily understand from different domain you can't access content of iframe .. Same domain we can access iframe content

I share you my code , Please run this code check the console . I print image src at console. There are four iframe , two iframe coming from same domain & other two from other domain(third party) .You can see two image src(

and ) at console and also can see two permission error( 2 Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'

...irstChild)},contents:function(a){return m.nodeName(a,"iframe")?a.contentDocument...

) which is coming from third party iframe.

<body id="page-top" data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar-fixed-top">
<p>iframe from same domain</p>
  <iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
   src="iframe.html" name="imgbox" class="iView">

<p>iframe from same domain</p>
<iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
   src="iframe2.html" name="imgbox" class="iView1">

<p>iframe from different  domain</p>
 <iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
   src="" name="imgbox" class="iView2">


<p>iframe from different  domain</p>
 <iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="500" height="500"
   src="" name="imgbox" class="iView3">


<script type='text/javascript'>


        var src = $('.iView').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
         }, 2000);


        var src = $('.iView1').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
         }, 3000);


        var src = $('.iView2').contents().find(".shrinkToFit").attr('src');
         }, 3000);


        var src = $('.iView3').contents().find("img").attr('src');
         }, 3000);



What is a Maven artifact?

Q. What is Artifact in maven?
ANS: ARTIFACT is a JAR,(WAR or EAR), but it could be also something else. Each artifact has,

  • a group ID (like com.your.package),
  • an artifact ID (just a name), and
  • a version string.
    The three together uniquely identify the artifact.

Q.Why does Maven need them?
Ans: Maven is used to make them available for our applications.

Jackson - How to process (deserialize) nested JSON?

I'm quite late to the party, but one approach is to use a static inner class to unwrap values:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

class Scratch {
    private final String aString;
    private final String bString;
    private final String cString;
    private final static String jsonString;

    static {
        jsonString = "{\n" +
                "  \"wrap\" : {\n" +
                "    \"A\": \"foo\",\n" +
                "    \"B\": \"bar\",\n" +
                "    \"C\": \"baz\"\n" +
                "  }\n" +

    Scratch(@JsonProperty("A") String aString,
            @JsonProperty("B") String bString,
            @JsonProperty("C") String cString) {
        this.aString = aString;
        this.bString = bString;
        this.cString = cString;

    public String toString() {
        return "Scratch{" +
                "aString='" + aString + '\'' +
                ", bString='" + bString + '\'' +
                ", cString='" + cString + '\'' +

    public static class JsonDeserializer {
        private final Scratch scratch;

        public JsonDeserializer(@JsonProperty("wrap") Scratch scratch) {
            this.scratch = scratch;

        public Scratch getScratch() {
            return scratch;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        Scratch scratch = objectMapper.readValue(jsonString, Scratch.JsonDeserializer.class).getScratch();

However, it's probably easier to use objectMapper.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.UNWRAP_ROOT_VALUE, true); in conjunction with @JsonRootName("aName"), as pointed out by pb2q

How do I remove all non-ASCII characters with regex and Notepad++?

To keep new lines:

  1. First select a character for new line... I used #.
  2. Select replace option, extended.
  3. input \n replace with #
  4. Hit Replace All


  1. Select Replace option Regular Expression.
  2. Input this : [^\x20-\x7E]+
  3. Keep Replace With Empty
  4. Hit Replace All

Now, Select Replace option Extended and Replace # with \n

:) now, you have a clean ASCII file ;)

How to get the current working directory using python 3?

It seems that IDLE changes its current working dir to location of the script that is executed, while when running the script using cmd doesn't do that and it leaves CWD as it is.

To change current working dir to the one containing your script you can use:

import os

The __file__ variable is available only if you execute script from file, and it contains path to the file. More on it here: Python __file__ attribute absolute or relative?

NameError: global name 'unicode' is not defined - in Python 3

If you need to have the script keep working on python2 and 3 as I did, this might help someone

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    unicode = str

and can then just do for example

foo = unicode.lower(foo)

Why can't Python parse this JSON data?

"Ultra JSON" or simply "ujson" can handle having [] in your JSON file input. If you're reading a JSON input file into your program as a list of JSON elements; such as, [{[{}]}, {}, [], etc...] ujson can handle any arbitrary order of lists of dictionaries, dictionaries of lists.

You can find ujson in the Python package index and the API is almost identical to Python's built-in json library.

ujson is also much faster if you're loading larger JSON files. You can see the performance details in comparison to other Python JSON libraries in the same link provided.

What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?

You may already have pip3 pre-installed, so just try it!

How to execute a JavaScript function when I have its name as a string

Without using eval('function()') you could to create a new function using new Function(strName). The below code was tested using FF, Chrome, IE.

<button onclick="test()">Try it</button>
<script type="text/javascript">

  function test() {
    try {    
        var fnName = "myFunction()";
        var fn = new Function(fnName);
      } catch (err) {

  function myFunction() {
    console.log('Executing myFunction()');


Selenium -- How to wait until page is completely loaded

You can do this in many ways before clicking on add items:

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 40);
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable("urelementid")));// instead of id u can use cssSelector or xpath of ur element.



You can also wait like this. If you want to wait until invisible of previous page element:


Here is the link where you can find all the Selenium WebDriver APIs that can be used for wait and its documentation.

How can I make my flexbox layout take 100% vertical space?

Let me show you another way that works 100%. I will also add some padding for the example.

<div class = "container">
  <div class = "flex-pad-x">
    <div class = "flex-pad-y">
      <div class = "flex-pad-y">
        <div class = "flex-grow-y">
         Content Centered

.container {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  bottom: 0px;
  right: 0px;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

  .flex-pad-x {
    padding: 0px 20px;
    height: 100%;
    display: flex;

  .flex-pad-y {
    padding: 20px 0px;
    width: 100%;
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

  .flex-grow-y {
    flex-grow: 1;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    flex-direction: column;

As you can see we can achieve this with a few wrappers for control while utilising the flex-grow & flex-direction attribute.

1: When the parent "flex-direction" is a "row", its child "flex-grow" works horizontally. 2: When the parent "flex-direction" is "columns", its child "flex-grow" works vertically.

Hope this helps


exporting multiple modules in react.js

You can have only one default export which you declare like:

export default App; or export default class App extends React.Component {...

and later do import App from './App'

If you want to export something more you can use named exports which you declare without default keyword like:

export {


export About;
export Contact;


export const About = class About extends React.Component {....
export const Contact = () => (<div> ... </div>);

and later you import them like:

import App, { About, Contact } from './App';


There is a mistake in the tutorial as it is not possible to make 3 default exports in the same main.js file. Other than that why export anything if it is no used outside the file?. Correct main.js :

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Router, Route, Link, browserHistory, IndexRoute  } from 'react-router'

class App extends React.Component {

class Home extends React.Component {

class About extends React.Component {

class Contact extends React.Component {

   <Router history = {browserHistory}>
      <Route path = "/" component = {App}>
         <IndexRoute component = {Home} />
         <Route path = "home" component = {Home} />
         <Route path = "about" component = {About} />
         <Route path = "contact" component = {Contact} />

), document.getElementById('app'))


another thing is that this tutorial is based on react-router-V3 which has different api than v4.

pandas read_csv and filter columns with usecols

If your csv file contains extra data, columns can be deleted from the DataFrame after import.

import pandas as pd
from StringIO import StringIO

csv = r"""dummy,date,loc,x

df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv),
        index_col=["date", "loc"], 
        usecols=["dummy", "date", "loc", "x"],
        names=["dummy", "date", "loc", "x"])
del df['dummy']

Which gives us:

date       loc
2009-01-01 a    1
2009-01-02 a    3
2009-01-03 a    5
2009-01-01 b    1
2009-01-02 b    3
2009-01-03 b    5

How do relative file paths work in Eclipse?

You need "src/Hankees.txt"

Your file is in the source folder which is not counted as the working directory.\

Or you can move the file up to the root directory of your project and just use "Hankees.txt"

How can compare-and-swap be used for a wait-free mutual exclusion for any shared data structure?

The linked list holds operations on the shared data structure.

For example, if I have a stack, it will be manipulated with pushes and pops. The linked list would be a set of pushes and pops on the pseudo-shared stack. Each thread sharing that stack will actually have a local copy, and to get to the current shared state, it'll walk the linked list of operations, and apply each operation in order to its local copy of the stack. When it reaches the end of the linked list, its local copy holds the current state (though, of course, it's subject to becoming stale at any time).

In the traditional model, you'd have some sort of locks around each push and pop. Each thread would wait to obtain a lock, then do a push or pop, then release the lock.

In this model, each thread has a local snapshot of the stack, which it keeps synchronized with other threads' view of the stack by applying the operations in the linked list. When it wants to manipulate the stack, it doesn't try to manipulate it directly at all. Instead, it simply adds its push or pop operation to the linked list, so all the other threads can/will see that operation and they can all stay in sync. Then, of course, it applies the operations in the linked list, and when (for example) there's a pop it checks which thread asked for the pop. It uses the popped item if and only if it's the thread that requested this particular pop.

Picasso v/s Imageloader v/s Fresco vs Glide

I want to share with you a benchmark I have done among Picasso, Universal Image Loader and Glide:

Fresco was out of the benchmark because for the project I was running the test, we didn't want to refactor our layouts (because of the Drawee view).

What I recommend is Universal Image Loader because of its customization, memory consumption and balance between size and methods.

If you have a small project, I would go for Glide (or give Fresco a try).

Formatting ISODate from Mongodb

MongoDB's ISODate() is just a helper function that wraps a JavaScript date object and makes it easier to work with ISO date strings.

You can still use all of the same methods as working with a normal JS Date, such as:


// Note that getHours() and getMinutes() do not include leading 0s for single digit #s

How to ssh from within a bash script?

If you want to continue to use passwords and not use key exchange then you can accomplish this with 'expect' like so:

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh user@hostname
expect "password:"
sleep 1
send "<your password>\r"

How to provide a file download from a JSF backing bean?


You can get everything through ExternalContext. In JSF 1.x, you can get the raw HttpServletResponse object by ExternalContext#getResponse(). In JSF 2.x, you can use the bunch of new delegate methods like ExternalContext#getResponseOutputStream() without the need to grab the HttpServletResponse from under the JSF hoods.

On the response, you should set the Content-Type header so that the client knows which application to associate with the provided file. And, you should set the Content-Length header so that the client can calculate the download progress, otherwise it will be unknown. And, you should set the Content-Disposition header to attachment if you want a Save As dialog, otherwise the client will attempt to display it inline. Finally just write the file content to the response output stream.

Most important part is to call FacesContext#responseComplete() to inform JSF that it should not perform navigation and rendering after you've written the file to the response, otherwise the end of the response will be polluted with the HTML content of the page, or in older JSF versions, you will get an IllegalStateException with a message like getoutputstream() has already been called for this response when the JSF implementation calls getWriter() to render HTML.

Turn off ajax / don't use remote command!

You only need to make sure that the action method is not called by an ajax request, but that it is called by a normal request as you fire with <h:commandLink> and <h:commandButton>. Ajax requests and remote commands are handled by JavaScript which in turn has, due to security reasons, no facilities to force a Save As dialogue with the content of the ajax response.

In case you're using e.g. PrimeFaces <p:commandXxx>, then you need to make sure that you explicitly turn off ajax via ajax="false" attribute. In case you're using ICEfaces, then you need to nest a <f:ajax disabled="true" /> in the command component.

Generic JSF 2.x example

public void download() throws IOException {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExternalContext ec = fc.getExternalContext();

    ec.responseReset(); // Some JSF component library or some Filter might have set some headers in the buffer beforehand. We want to get rid of them, else it may collide.
    ec.setResponseContentType(contentType); // Check for all types. Use if necessary ExternalContext#getMimeType() for auto-detection based on filename.
    ec.setResponseContentLength(contentLength); // Set it with the file size. This header is optional. It will work if it's omitted, but the download progress will be unknown.
    ec.setResponseHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); // The Save As popup magic is done here. You can give it any file name you want, this only won't work in MSIE, it will use current request URL as file name instead.

    OutputStream output = ec.getResponseOutputStream();
    // Now you can write the InputStream of the file to the above OutputStream the usual way.
    // ...

    fc.responseComplete(); // Important! Otherwise JSF will attempt to render the response which obviously will fail since it's already written with a file and closed.

Generic JSF 1.x example

public void download() throws IOException {
    FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) fc.getExternalContext().getResponse();

    response.reset(); // Some JSF component library or some Filter might have set some headers in the buffer beforehand. We want to get rid of them, else it may collide.
    response.setContentType(contentType); // Check for all types. Use if necessary ServletContext#getMimeType() for auto-detection based on filename.
    response.setContentLength(contentLength); // Set it with the file size. This header is optional. It will work if it's omitted, but the download progress will be unknown.
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); // The Save As popup magic is done here. You can give it any file name you want, this only won't work in MSIE, it will use current request URL as file name instead.

    OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
    // Now you can write the InputStream of the file to the above OutputStream the usual way.
    // ...

    fc.responseComplete(); // Important! Otherwise JSF will attempt to render the response which obviously will fail since it's already written with a file and closed.

Common static file example

In case you need to stream a static file from the local disk file system, substitute the code as below:

File file = new File("/path/to/file.ext");
String fileName = file.getName();
String contentType = ec.getMimeType(fileName); // JSF 1.x: ((ServletContext) ec.getContext()).getMimeType(fileName);
int contentLength = (int) file.length();

// ...

Files.copy(file.toPath(), output);

Common dynamic file example

In case you need to stream a dynamically generated file, such as PDF or XLS, then simply provide output there where the API being used expects an OutputStream.

E.g. iText PDF:

String fileName = "dynamic.pdf";
String contentType = "application/pdf";

// ...

Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, output);;
// Build PDF content here.

E.g. Apache POI HSSF:

String fileName = "dynamic.xls";
String contentType = "application/";

// ...

HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
// Build XLS content here.

Note that you cannot set the content length here. So you need to remove the line to set response content length. This is technically no problem, the only disadvantage is that the enduser will be presented an unknown download progress. In case this is important, then you really need to write to a local (temporary) file first and then provide it as shown in previous chapter.

Utility method

If you're using JSF utility library OmniFaces, then you can use one of the three convenient Faces#sendFile() methods taking either a File, or an InputStream, or a byte[], and specifying whether the file should be downloaded as an attachment (true) or inline (false).

public void download() throws IOException {
    Faces.sendFile(file, true);

Yes, this code is complete as-is. You don't need to invoke responseComplete() and so on yourself. This method also properly deals with IE-specific headers and UTF-8 filenames. You can find source code here.

jQuery javascript regex Replace <br> with \n

True jQuery way if you want to change directly the DOM without messing with inner HTML:


Prepend inserts inside the element, before() is the method we need here:


Code will find any <br> elements, insert raw text with new line character and then remove the <br> elements.

This should be faster if you work with long texts since there are no string operations here.

To display the new lines:

$('#text').css('white-space', 'pre-line');

APK signing error : Failed to read key from keystore

It could be any one of the parameter, not just the file name or alias - for me it was the Key Password.

Pass a datetime from javascript to c# (Controller)

The following format should work:

    type: "POST",
    url: "@Url.Action("refresh", "group")",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data: JSON.stringify({ 
        myDate: '2011-04-02 17:15:45'
    success: function (result) {
        //do something
    error: function (req, status, error) {

What's the use of session.flush() in Hibernate

Calling EntityManager#flush does have side-effects. It is conveniently used for entity types with generated ID values (sequence values): such an ID is available only upon synchronization with underlying persistence layer. If this ID is required before the current transaction ends (for logging purposes for instance), flushing the session is required.

JAVA_HOME directory in Linux

Just another solution, this one's cross platform (uses java), and points you to the location of the jre.

java -XshowSettings:properties -version 2>&1 > /dev/null | grep 'java.home'

Outputs all of java's current settings, and finds the one called java.home.

For windows, you can go with findstr instead of grep.

java -XshowSettings:properties -version 2>&1 | findstr "java.home"

What's the purpose of the LEA instruction?

Another important feature of the LEA instruction is that it does not alter the condition codes such as CF and ZF, while computing the address by arithmetic instructions like ADD or MUL does. This feature decreases the level of dependency among instructions and thus makes room for further optimization by the compiler or hardware scheduler.

What is the use of WPFFontCache Service in WPF? WPFFontCache_v0400.exe taking 100 % CPU all the time this exe is running, why?

Shortcut way: (windows xp)

1) click Start > run > services.msc

2) Scroll down to 'Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache' and then right click and select properties

How to create multidimensional array

Declared without value assignment.

2 dimensions...

var arrayName = new Array(new Array());

3 dimensions...

var arrayName = new Array(new Array(new Array()));

How do you push just a single Git branch (and no other branches)?

yes, just do the following

git checkout feature_x
git push origin feature_x

ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number when running query through C#

The root cause

In Oracle you have three kinds of SQL statements (and additionally there are PL/SQL blocks):

  • Statements in the Data Definiton Language (DDL). These statements modify the structure of the database. They begin usually with the verbs "ALTER" or "CREATE"
  • Statements in the Data Modification Langugage (DML). There statements modify the content inside of tables, leaving the structure of each table unmodified. These statements usually begin with "INSERT", "MERGE" or "DELETE".
  • Statements in what I call "query language" (there seems to be no canonical name for these). This statements start with the verb "SELECT".

Bind variables in Oracle are only allowed in some special places in DML and query statements. You are trying to use bind variables in a places where they are not allowed. Hence the error.


Build your statement without bind variables. Build the complete query string instead using string concatenation.

If you want to sanitize the input before concatenating the string, use the DBMS_ASSERT package.


Bind variables can only be used when Oracle can build a query plan without knowing the value of the variable. For DDL statements, there is no query plan. Hence bind variables are not allowed.

In DML and query statements, bind variables are only allowed, when they are used inside a tuple (regarding the underlying set theory), i.e. when the value will be compared with the value in a table or when the value will be inserted in a table. They are not allowed to change the structure of the execution plan (e.g. to change the target table or to change the number of comparisons).

Spring MVC UTF-8 Encoding

right-click to your then properties and check if your text file is encoded with utf-8, if not this is your mistake.

How to center the elements in ConstraintLayout

you can use layout_constraintCircle for center view inside ConstraintLayout.


with constraintCircle to parent and zero radius you can make your view be center of parent.

In ASP.NET MVC: All possible ways to call Controller Action Method from a Razor View

Method 1 : Using jQuery Ajax Get call (partial page update).

Suitable for when you need to retrieve jSon data from database.

Controller's Action Method

public ActionResult Foo(string id)
    var person = Something.GetPersonByID(id);
    return Json(person, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Jquery GET

function getPerson(id) {
        url: '@Url.Action("Foo", "SomeController")',
        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json',
        // we set cache: false because GET requests are often cached by browsers
        // IE is particularly aggressive in that respect
        cache: false,
        data: { id: id },
        success: function(person) {

Person class

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

Method 2 : Using jQuery Ajax Post call (partial page update).

Suitable for when you need to do partial page post data into database.

Post method is also same like above just replace [HttpPost] on Action method and type as post for jquery method.

For more information check Posting JSON Data to MVC Controllers Here

Method 3 : As a Form post scenario (full page update).

Suitable for when you need to save or update data into database.


@using (Html.BeginForm("SaveData","ControllerName", FormMethod.Post))
    @Html.TextBoxFor(model => m.Text)
    <input type="submit" value="Save" />

Action Method

public ActionResult SaveData(FormCollection form)
        // Get movie to update
        return View();

Method 4 : As a Form Get scenario (full page update).

Suitable for when you need to Get data from database

Get method also same like above just replace [HttpGet] on Action method and FormMethod.Get for View's form method.

I hope this will help to you.

How to get jQuery dropdown value onchange event

    function() {
        var val1 = $('#pick option:selected').val();
        var val2 = $('#drop option:selected').val();

        // Do something with val1 and val2 ...

Getting the IP address of the current machine using Java

A rather simplistic approach that seems to be working...

String getPublicIPv4() throws UnknownHostException, SocketException{
    Enumeration<NetworkInterface> e = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
    String ipToReturn = null;
        NetworkInterface n = (NetworkInterface) e.nextElement();
        Enumeration<InetAddress> ee = n.getInetAddresses();
        while (ee.hasMoreElements())
            InetAddress i = (InetAddress) ee.nextElement();
            String currentAddress = i.getHostAddress();
            logger.trace("IP address "+currentAddress+ " found");
            if(!i.isSiteLocalAddress()&&!i.isLoopbackAddress() && validate(currentAddress)){
                ipToReturn = currentAddress;    
                System.out.println("Address not validated as public IPv4");


    return ipToReturn;

private static final Pattern IPv4RegexPattern = Pattern.compile(

public static boolean validate(final String ip) {
    return IPv4RegexPattern.matcher(ip).matches();

Setting device orientation in Swift iOS

// Swift 2

override func supportedInterfaceOrientations() -> UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
    let orientation: UIInterfaceOrientationMask =
    [UIInterfaceOrientationMask.Portrait, UIInterfaceOrientationMask.PortraitUpsideDown]
    return orientation


I had the exact same problem when I tried to compile OpenCV with Qt Creator (MinGW) to build the .a static library files.

For those that installed Qt 5.2.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.8, OpenGL, 634 MB), this problem can be fixed if you add the following to the system's environment variable Path:


How to use nan and inf in C?

You can test if your implementation has it:

#include <math.h>
#ifdef NAN
/* NAN is supported */
/* INFINITY is supported */

The existence of INFINITY is guaranteed by C99 (or the latest draft at least), and "expands to a constant expression of type float representing positive or unsigned infinity, if available; else to a positive constant of type float that overflows at translation time."

NAN may or may not be defined, and "is defined if and only if the implementation supports quiet NaNs for the float type. It expands to a constant expression of type float representing a quiet NaN."

Note that if you're comparing floating point values, and do:

a = NAN;

even then,

a == NAN;

is false. One way to check for NaN would be:

#include <math.h>
if (isnan(a)) { ... }

You can also do: a != a to test if a is NaN.

There is also isfinite(), isinf(), isnormal(), and signbit() macros in math.h in C99.

C99 also has nan functions:

#include <math.h>
double nan(const char *tagp);
float nanf(const char *tagp);
long double nanl(const char *tagp);

(Reference: n1256).


Switch case on type c#

The simplest thing to do could be to use dynamics, i.e. you define the simple methods like in Yuval Peled answer:

void Test(WebControl c)

void Test(ComboBox c)

Then you cannot call directly Test(obj), because overload resolution is done at compile time. You have to assign your object to a dynamic and then call the Test method:

dynamic dynObj = obj;

django - get() returned more than one topic

Don't :-

xyz = Blogs.objects.get(user_id=id)


xyz = Blogs.objects.all().filter(user_id=id)

Is it possible to use JS to open an HTML select to show its option list?

After trying to solve this issue for some time, I managed to come with a working solution that is also valid:

var event = new MouseEvent('mousedown');

I've tried to implement this in Jquery as well, using trigger and mousedown or only mousedown but with no success.

How can I access a hover state in reactjs?

React components expose all the standard Javascript mouse events in their top-level interface. Of course, you can still use :hover in your CSS, and that may be adequate for some of your needs, but for the more advanced behaviors triggered by a hover you'll need to use the Javascript. So to manage hover interactions, you'll want to use onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave. You then attach them to handlers in your component like so:

    onMouseEnter={() => this.someHandler}
    onMouseLeave={() => this.someOtherHandler}

You'll then use some combination of state/props to pass changed state or properties down to your child React components.

Make a dictionary in Python from input values

record = int(input("Enter the student record need to add :"))


for i in range(0,record):
    Name = input("Enter the student name :").split()
    Age = input("Enter the {} age :".format(Name))
    Grade = input("Enter the {} grade :".format(Name)).split()
    Nam_key =  Name[0]
    Age_value = Age[0]
    Grade_value = Grade[0]
    stud_data[Nam_key] = {Age_value,Grade_value}


What does ${} (dollar sign and curly braces) mean in a string in Javascript?

You're talking about template literals.

They allow for both multiline strings and string interpolation.

Multiline strings:

// foo_x000D_
// bar

String interpolation:

var foo = 'bar';_x000D_
console.log(`Let's meet at the ${foo}`);_x000D_
// Let's meet at the bar

CSS Child vs Descendant selectors

In theory: Child => an immediate descendant of an ancestor (e.g. Joe and his father)

Descendant => any element that is descended from a particular ancestor (e.g. Joe and his great-great-grand-father)

In practice: try this HTML:

<div class="one">
  <span>Span 1.
    <span>Span 2.</span>

<div class="two">
  <span>Span 1.
    <span>Span 2.</span>

with this CSS:

span { color: red; } span { color: blue; } 
div.two > span { color: green; }

CSS display: inline vs inline-block

Inline elements:

  1. respect left & right margins and padding, but not top & bottom
  2. cannot have a width and height set
  3. allow other elements to sit to their left and right.
  4. see very important side notes on this here.

Block elements:

  1. respect all of those
  2. force a line break after the block element
  3. acquires full-width if width not defined

Inline-block elements:

  1. allow other elements to sit to their left and right
  2. respect top & bottom margins and padding
  3. respect height and width

From W3Schools:

  • An inline element has no line break before or after it, and it tolerates HTML elements next to it.

  • A block element has some whitespace above and below it and does not tolerate any HTML elements next to it.

  • An inline-block element is placed as an inline element (on the same line as adjacent content), but it behaves as a block element.

When you visualize this, it looks like this:

CSS block vs inline vs inline-block

The image is taken from this page, which also talks some more about this subject.

PHP Multidimensional Array Searching (Find key by specific value)

For the next visitor coming along: use the recursive array walk; it visits every "leaf" in the multidimensional array. Here's for inspiration:

function getMDArrayValueByKey($a, $k) {
    $r = [];
    array_walk_recursive ($a, 
                          function ($item, $key) use ($k, &$r) {if ($key == $k) $r[] = $item;}
    return $r;

Git Remote: Error: fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Unab

I had same problem when I did git pull

git pull fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: <htm fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

I changed my remote url HTTP to SSH, and it worked for me.

git remote set-url origin "HTTP" to "SSH"

Linux Process States

When a process needs to fetch data from a disk, it effectively stops running on the CPU to let other processes run because the operation might take a long time to complete – at least 5ms seek time for a disk is common, and 5ms is 10 million CPU cycles, an eternity from the point of view of the program!

From the programmer point of view (also said "in userspace"), this is called a blocking system call. If you call write(2) (which is a thin libc wrapper around the system call of the same name), your process does not exactly stop at that boundary; it continues, in the kernel, running the system call code. Most of the time it goes all the way up to a specific disk controller driver (filename ? filesystem/VFS ? block device ? device driver), where a command to fetch a block on disk is submitted to the proper hardware, which is a very fast operation most of the time.

THEN the process is put in sleep state (in kernel space, blocking is called sleeping – nothing is ever 'blocked' from the kernel point of view). It will be awakened once the hardware has finally fetched the proper data, then the process will be marked as runnable and will be scheduled. Eventually, the scheduler will run the process.

Finally, in userspace, the blocking system call returns with proper status and data, and the program flow goes on.

It is possible to invoke most I/O system calls in non-blocking mode (see O_NONBLOCK in open(2) and fcntl(2)). In this case, the system calls return immediately and only report submitting the disk operation. The programmer will have to explicitly check at a later time whether the operation completed, successfully or not, and fetch its result (e.g., with select(2)). This is called asynchronous or event-based programming.

Most answers here mentioning the D state (which is called TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE in the Linux state names) are incorrect. The D state is a special sleep mode which is only triggered in a kernel space code path, when that code path can't be interrupted (because it would be too complex to program), with the expectation that it would block only for a very short time. I believe that most "D states" are actually invisible; they are very short lived and can't be observed by sampling tools such as 'top'.

You can encounter unkillable processes in the D state in a few situations. NFS is famous for that, and I've encountered it many times. I think there's a semantic clash between some VFS code paths, which assume to always reach local disks and fast error detection (on SATA, an error timeout would be around a few 100 ms), and NFS, which actually fetches data from the network which is more resilient and has slow recovery (a TCP timeout of 300 seconds is common). Read this article for the cool solution introduced in Linux 2.6.25 with the TASK_KILLABLE state. Before this era there was a hack where you could actually send signals to NFS process clients by sending a SIGKILL to the kernel thread rpciod, but forget about that ugly trick.…

'list' object has no attribute 'shape'

Alternatively, you can use np.shape(...)

For instance:

import numpy as np


and np.shape(a) will give an output of (3,)

Removing a Fragment from the back stack

You add to the back state from the FragmentTransaction and remove from the backstack using FragmentManager pop methods:

FragmentManager manager = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction trans = manager.beginTransaction();

How to detect page zoom level in all modern browsers?

This has worked great for me in webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari):

function isZoomed() {
    var width, mediaQuery;

    width = document.body.clientWidth;
    mediaQuery = '(max-width: ' + width + 'px) and (min-width: ' + width + 'px)';

    return !window.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches;

Doesn't seem to work in Firefox though.

This also works in WebKit:

var zoomLevel = document.width / document.body.clientWidth;

Popup Message boxes

first you have to import: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; then you can call it using this:

                              "ALERT MESSAGE", 

the null puts it in the middle of the screen. put whatever in quotes under alert message. Title is obviously title and the last part will format it like an error message. if you want a regular message just replace it with PLAIN_MESSAGE. it works pretty well in a lot of ways mostly for errors.

Using grep to search for a string that has a dot in it

grep uses regexes; . means "any character" in a regex. If you want a literal string, use grep -F, fgrep, or escape the . to \..

Don't forget to wrap your string in double quotes. Or else you should use \\.

So, your command would need to be:

grep -r "0\.49" *


grep -r 0\\.49 *


grep -Fr 0.49 *

The character encoding of the plain text document was not declared - mootool script

I fixed this issue by adding a slash at the beginning to my relative path

How can I read and manipulate CSV file data in C++?

If what you're really doing is manipulating a CSV file itself, Nelson's answer makes sense. However, my suspicion is that the CSV is simply an artifact of the problem you're solving. In C++, that probably means you have something like this as your data model:

struct Customer {
    int id;
    std::string first_name;
    std::string last_name;
    struct {
        std::string street;
        std::string unit;
    } address;
    char state[2];
    int zip;

Thus, when you're working with a collection of data, it makes sense to have std::vector<Customer> or std::set<Customer>.

With that in mind, think of your CSV handling as two operations:

// if you wanted to go nuts, you could use a forward iterator concept for both of these
class CSVReader {
    CSVReader(const std::string &inputFile);
    bool hasNextLine();
    void readNextLine(std::vector<std::string> &fields);
    /* secrets */
class CSVWriter {
    CSVWriter(const std::string &outputFile);
    void writeNextLine(const std::vector<std::string> &fields);
    /* more secrets */
void readCustomers(CSVReader &reader, std::vector<Customer> &customers);
void writeCustomers(CSVWriter &writer, const std::vector<Customer> &customers);

Read and write a single row at a time, rather than keeping a complete in-memory representation of the file itself. There are a few obvious benefits:

  1. Your data is represented in a form that makes sense for your problem (customers), rather than the current solution (CSV files).
  2. You can trivially add adapters for other data formats, such as bulk SQL import/export, Excel/OO spreadsheet files, or even an HTML <table> rendering.
  3. Your memory footprint is likely to be smaller (depends on relative sizeof(Customer) vs. the number of bytes in a single row).
  4. CSVReader and CSVWriter can be reused as the basis for an in-memory model (such as Nelson's) without loss of performance or functionality. The converse is not true.

Eliminate space before \begin{itemize}

I'm very happy with the paralist package. Besides adding the option to eliminate the space it also adds other nice things like compact versions of the itemize, enumerate and describe environments.

How do I prevent mails sent through PHP mail() from going to spam?

Try PHP Mailer library.
Or Send mail through SMTP filter it before sending it.
Also Try to give all details like FROM, return-path.

Restore LogCat window within Android Studio

Search Android Monitor tab bottom of android studio screen. Click on it. It will display a window and there is a tab call logcat. If you can't see Android monitor tab, click Alt+G.

Local and global temporary tables in SQL Server

Quoting from Books Online:

Local temporary tables are visible only in the current session; global temporary tables are visible to all sessions.

Temporary tables are automatically dropped when they go out of scope, unless explicitly dropped using DROP TABLE:

  • A local temporary table created in a stored procedure is dropped automatically when the stored procedure completes. The table can be referenced by any nested stored procedures executed by the stored procedure that created the table. The table cannot be referenced by the process which called the stored procedure that created the table.
  • All other local temporary tables are dropped automatically at the end of the current session.
  • Global temporary tables are automatically dropped when the session that created the table ends and all other tasks have stopped referencing them. The association between a task and a table is maintained only for the life of a single Transact-SQL statement. This means that a global temporary table is dropped at the completion of the last Transact-SQL statement that was actively referencing the table when the creating session ended.

Call an activity method from a fragment

For Kotlin try it out

class DataForm : Fragment() {
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    fun getResponse(response: String) {
        // code

class Tasks(private val context: Any) {
    fun getData() {

        val getContext = (context as DataForm).activity
        val getFragment = (context as DataForm)

        val responseListener = Response.Listener<String> { response ->

        val errorListener = Response.ErrorListener { error ->

        val stringRequest = StringRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, responseListener, errorListener)

Calling the base class constructor from the derived class constructor

First off, a PetStore is not a farm.

Let's get past this though. You actually don't need access to the private members, you have everything you need in the public interface:

Animal_* getAnimal_(int i);
void addAnimal_(Animal_* newAnimal);

These are the methods you're given access to and these are the ones you should use.

I mean I did this Inheritance so I can add animals to my PetStore but now since sizeF is private how can I do that ??

Simple, you call addAnimal. It's public and it also increments sizeF.

Also, note that


is equivalent to

PetStore() : Farm()

i.e. the base constructor is called, base members are initialized.

How to set the DefaultRoute to another Route in React Router

Jonathan's answer didn't seem to work for me. I'm using React v0.14.0 and React Router v1.0.0-rc3. This did:

<IndexRoute component={Home}/>.

So in Matthew's Case, I believe he'd want:

<IndexRoute component={SearchDashboard}/>.


Selenium C# WebDriver: Wait until element is present

The clickAndWait command doesn't get converted when you choose the Webdriver format in the Selenium IDE. Here is the workaround. Add the wait line below. Realistically, the problem was the click or event that happened before this one--line 1 in my C# code. But really, just make sure you have a WaitForElement before any action where you're referencing a "By" object.

HTML code:

<a href="">xxxxx</a>

C#/NUnit code:


Docker Compose wait for container X before starting Y

You can also solve this by setting an endpoint which waits for the service to be up by using netcat (using the docker-wait script). I like this approach as you still have a clean command section in your docker-compose.yml and you don't need to add docker specific code to your application:

version: '2'
    image: postgres
    build: .
    command: python runserver
    entrypoint: ./ db 5432
      - .:/code
      - "8000:8000"
      - db

Then your


shift 2

# wait for the postgres docker to be running
while ! nc $postgres_host $postgres_port; do
  >&2 echo "Postgres is unavailable - sleeping"
  sleep 1

>&2 echo "Postgres is up - executing command"

# run the command
exec $cmd

This is nowadays documented in the official docker documentation.

PS: You should install netcat in your docker instance if this is not available. To do so add this to your Docker file :

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install netcat-openbsd -y 

"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" - Beginner Backbone.js Application

[Joke mode on]

You can fix this by adding this:

import { undefined } from 'undefined-is-a-function';
// Fixed! undefined is now a function.

[joke mode off]

R: invalid multibyte string

I figured out Leafpad to be an adequate and simple text-editor to view and save/convert in certain character sets - at least in the linux-world.

I used this to save the Latin-15 to UTF-8 and it worked.

How do I print the key-value pairs of a dictionary in python

A simple dictionary:

x = {'X':"yes", 'Y':"no", 'Z':"ok"}

To print a specific (key, value) pair in Python 3 (pair at index 1 in this example):

for e in range(len(x)):
    print(([x for x in x.keys()][e], [x for x in x.values()][e]))


('X', 'yes')
('Y', 'no')
('Z', 'ok')

Here is a one liner solution to print all pairs in a tuple:

print(tuple(([x for x in x.keys()][i], [x for x in x.values()][i]) for i in range(len(x))))


(('X', 'yes'), ('Y', 'no'), ('Z', 'ok'))

Convert a SQL query result table to an HTML table for email

based on JustinStolle code (thank you), I wanted a solution that could be generic without having to specify the column names.

This sample is using the data of a temp table but of course it can be adjusted as required.

Here is what I got:

        @htmlTD VARCHAR(MAX)

--get header, columns name
SELECT @htmlTH = @htmlTH + '<TH>' +  name + '</TH>' FROM tempdb.sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#results')

--convert table to XML PATH, ELEMENTS XSINIL is used to include NULL values

--convert the way ELEMENTS XSINIL display NULL to display word NULL
SET @htmlTD = REPLACE(@htmlTD, ' xsi:nil="true"/>', '>NULL</TD>')
SET @htmlTD = REPLACE(@htmlTD, '<TR xmlns:xsi="">', '<TR>')

--FOR XML PATH will set tags for each column name, <columnName1>abc</columnName1><columnName2>def</columnName2>
--this will replace all the column names with TD (html table data tag)
SELECT @htmlTD = REPLACE(REPLACE(@htmlTD, '<' + name + '>', '<TD>'), '</' + name + '>', '</TD>')
FROM tempdb.sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#results')

SELECT '<TABLE cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="1">'
     + '<TR>' + @htmlTH + '</TR>'
     + @htmlTD
     + '</TABLE>'

Best way to store chat messages in a database?

If you can avoid the need for concurrent writes to a single file, it sounds like you do not need a database to store the chat messages.

Just append the conversation to a text file (1 file per user\conversation). and have a directory/ file structure

Here's a simplified view of the file structure:

        201101011029, hi
        201101011030, fine thanks.

        201101011030, how are you?
        201101011035, have you spoken to bill recently?

        201101021200, hi
        201101021222, about 12:22
        201101021201, Hey Bob,
        201101021203, what time do you call this?

You would then only need to store the userid, conversation id (guid ?) & a reference to the file name.

I think you will find it hard to get a more simple scaleable solution.

You can use LOAD_FILE to get the data too see:

If you have a requirement to rebuild a conversation you will need to put a value (date time) alongside your sent chat message (in the file) to allow you to merge & sort the files, but at this point it is probably a good idea to consider using a database.

Pass a reference to DOM object with ng-click

The angular way is shown in the angular docs :)

Here is the example they use:

    Check me to make text readonly: <input type="checkbox" ng-model="checked"><br/>
    <input type="text" ng-readonly="checked" value="I'm Angular"/>

Basically the angular way is to create a model object that will hold whether or not the input should be readonly and then set that model object accordingly. The beauty of angular is that most of the time you don't need to do any dom manipulation. You just have angular render the view they way your model is set (let angular do the dom manipulation for you and keep your code clean).

So basically in your case you would want to do something like below or check out this working example.

<button ng-click="isInput1ReadOnly = !isInput1ReadOnly">Click Me</button>
<input type="text" ng-readonly="isInput1ReadOnly" value="Angular Rules!"/>

How to convert a byte array to a hex string in Java?

Converts bytes data to hex characters

@param bytes byte array to be converted to hex string
@return byte String in hex format

private static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
    char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
    int v;
    for (int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) {
        v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
        hexChars[j * 2] = HEX_ARRAY[v >>> 4];
        hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = HEX_ARRAY[v & 0x0F];
    return new String(hexChars);

What is the significance of 1/1/1753 in SQL Server?

Incidentally, Windows no longer knows how to correctly convert UTC to U.S. local time for certain dates in March/April or October/November of past years. UTC-based timestamps from those dates are now somewhat nonsensical. It would be very icky for the OS to simply refuse to handle any timestamps prior to the U.S. government's latest set of DST rules, so it simply handles some of them wrong. SQL Server refuses to process dates before 1753 because lots of extra special logic would be required to handle them correctly and it doesn't want to handle them wrong.

Display filename before matching line

If you have the options -H and -n available (man grep is your friend):

$ cat file

$ grep -H foo file

$ grep -Hn foo file


-H, --with-filename

Print the file name for each match. This is the default when there is more than one file to search.

-n, --line-number

Prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its input file. (-n is specified by POSIX.)

-H is a GNU extension, but -n is specified by POSIX

No Network Security Config specified, using platform default - Android Log

I just had the same problem. It is not a network permission but rather thread issue. Below code helped me to solve it. Put is in main activity

    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9)
        StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new 

Bootstrap 3 collapsed menu doesn't close on click

I had the same problem, ensure that bootstrap.js is included in your html page. In my case the menu opened but did not close. As soon as I included the bootstrap js file, everything just worked.

using facebook sdk in Android studio

I fixed the

"Could not find property 'ANDROID_BUILD_SDK_VERSION' on project ':facebook'."

error on the build.gradle file, by adding in the values:



Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched

I noticed this is an old post. However I just ran into the same problem and found a solution. A) Make sure you have the CPU/ABI is atom B)Ram is 2048 C)VM Heap is 256 D)Internal Storage is 200 E)Make sure to check the Use Host GPU F)Device is Nexus 5 (My personal choice) G)Android 4.4.2 API Level 19

How to sort findAll Doctrine's method?

This works for me:

$entities = $em->getRepository('MyBundle:MyTable')->findBy(array(),array('name' => 'ASC'));

Keeping the first array empty fetches back all data, it worked in my case.

How can I get the current stack trace in Java?

I have a utility method that returns a string with the stacktrace:

static String getStackTrace(Throwable t) {
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true);
    return sw.toString();

And just logit like...

catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

HTML display result in text (input) field?

With .value and INPUT tag


    <script type="text/javascript">
      function sum()

         var num1 = document.myform.number1.value;
         var num2 = document.myform.number2.value;
         var sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2);
         document.getElementById('add').value = sum;

    <FORM NAME="myform">
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number1" VALUE=""/> + 
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number2" VALUE=""/>
      <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="=" onClick="sum()"/>
      <INPUT TYPE="text" ID="add" NAME="result" VALUE=""/>


with innerHTML and DIV


    <script type="text/javascript">
      function sum()

         var num1 = document.myform.number1.value;
         var num2 = document.myform.number2.value;
         var sum = parseInt(num1) + parseInt(num2);
         document.getElementById('add').innerHTML = sum;

    <FORM NAME="myform">
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number1" VALUE=""/> + 
      <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="number2" VALUE=""/>
      <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="button" Value="=" onClick="sum()"/>
      <DIV  ID="add"></DIV>


How to import jquery using ES6 syntax?

If you are using Webpack 4, the answer is to use the ProvidePlugin. Their documentation specifically covers angular.js with jquery use case:

new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
  'window.jQuery': 'jquery'

The issue is that when using import syntax angular.js and jquery will always be imported before you have a chance to assign jquery to window.jQuery (import statements will always run first no matter where they are in the code!). This means that angular will always see window.jQuery as undefined until you use ProvidePlugin.

Upload file to FTP using C#

This works for me,this method will SFTP a file to a location within your network. It uses SSH.NET.2013.4.7 library.One can just download it for free.

    //Secure FTP
    public void SecureFTPUploadFile(string destinationHost,int port,string username,string password,string source,string destination)

        ConnectionInfo ConnNfo = new ConnectionInfo(destinationHost, port, username, new PasswordAuthenticationMethod(username, password));

        var temp = destination.Split('/');
        string destinationFileName = temp[temp.Count() - 1];
        string parentDirectory = destination.Remove(destination.Length - (destinationFileName.Length + 1), destinationFileName.Length + 1);

        using (var sshclient = new SshClient(ConnNfo))
            using (var cmd = sshclient.CreateCommand("mkdir -p " + parentDirectory + " && chmod +rw " + parentDirectory))

        using (var sftp = new SftpClient(ConnNfo))
            using (var uplfileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(source))
                sftp.UploadFile(uplfileStream, destinationFileName, true);

Is there a way to instantiate a class by name in Java?

Using newInstance() directly is deprecated as of Java 8. You need to use Class.getDeclaredConstructor(...).newInstance(...) with the corresponding exceptions.

How to write a comment in a Razor view?

Note that in general, IDE's like Visual Studio will markup a comment in the context of the current language, by selecting the text you wish to turn into a comment, and then using the Ctrl+K Ctrl+C shortcut, or if you are using Resharper / Intelli-J style shortcuts, then Ctrl+/.

Server side Comments:

Razor .cshtml

Like so:

@* Comment goes here *@

For those looking for the older .aspx view (and Asp.Net WebForms) server side comment syntax:

<%-- Comment goes here --%>

Client Side Comments

HTML Comment

<!-- Comment goes here -->

Javascript Comment

// One line Comment goes Here
/* Multiline comment
   goes here */

As OP mentions, although not displayed on the browser, client side comments will still be generated for the page / script file on the server and downloaded by the page over HTTP, which unless removed (e.g. minification), will waste I/O, and, since the comment can be viewed by the user by viewing the page source or intercepting the traffic with the browser's Dev Tools or a tool like Fiddler or Wireshark, can also pose a security risk, hence the preference to use server side comments on server generated code (like MVC views or .aspx pages).

Can't find keyplane that supports type 4 for keyboard iPhone-Portrait-NumberPad; using 3876877096_Portrait_iPhone-Simple-Pad_Default

I got the same error message for two separate reasons, so you can add them to your debugging checklist:

Context: Xcode 6.4, iOS:8.4. I was adding a toolbar with custom UIBarButtons to load with the UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad (Swift: UIKeyboardType.numberPad) , namely "Done" and "+/-". I had this problem when:

  1. My UIToolbar was declared as a property, but I had forgotten to explicitly alloc/init it.

  2. I had left off the last line, [myCustomToolbar sizeToFit];, which sounds like it's the same family as Holden's answer (my code here:

Good luck

Save plot to image file instead of displaying it using Matplotlib

When using matplotlib.pyplot, you must first save your plot and then close it using these 2 lines:

fig.savefig('plot.png') # save the plot, place the path you want to save the figure in quotation
plt.close(fig) # close the figure window

What is the difference between NULL, '\0' and 0?

All three define the meaning of zero in different context.

  • pointer context - NULL is used and means the value of the pointer is 0, independent of whether it is 32bit or 64bit (one case 4 bytes the other 8 bytes of zeroes).
  • string context - the character representing the digit zero has a hex value of 0x30, whereas the NUL character has hex value of 0x00 (used for terminating strings).

These three are always different when you look at the memory:

NULL - 0x00000000 or 0x00000000'00000000 (32 vs 64 bit)
NUL - 0x00 or 0x0000 (ascii vs 2byte unicode)
'0' - 0x20

I hope this clarifies it.

What does ^M character mean in Vim?

In FreeBSD, you can clear the ^M manually by typing the following:

:%s/ Ctrl+V, then Ctrl+M, then Ctrl+M again.

Python append() vs. + operator on lists, why do these give different results?

The method you're looking for is extend(). From the Python documentation:

    Add an item to the end of the list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = [x].

    Extend the list by appending all the items in the given list; equivalent to a[len(a):] = L.

list.insert(i, x)
    Insert an item at a given position. The first argument is the index of the element before which to insert, so a.insert(0, x) inserts at the front of the list, and a.insert(len(a), x) is equivalent to a.append(x).

Is it possible to set the equivalent of a src attribute of an img tag in CSS?

No you can't set the image src attribute via CSS. The closest you can get is, as you say, background or background-image. I wouldn't recommend doing that anyway as it would be somewhat illogical.

However, there is a CSS3 solution available to you, if the browsers you're targeting are able to use it. Use content:url as described in Pacerier's answer. You can find other, cross-browser solutions in the other answers below.

Filter dataframe rows if value in column is in a set list of values

you can also use ranges by using:

b = df[(df['a'] > 1) & (df['a'] < 5)]

Solutions for INSERT OR UPDATE on SQL Server

CREATE TABLE ApplicationsDesSocietes (
   id                   INT IDENTITY(0,1)    NOT NULL,
   applicationId        INT                  NOT NULL,
   societeId            INT                  NOT NULL,
   suppression          BIT                  NULL,

DECLARE @applicationId INT = 81, @societeId INT = 43, @suppression BIT = 0

MERGE dbo.ApplicationsDesSocietes WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS target
--set the SOURCE table one row
USING (VALUES (@applicationId, @societeId, @suppression))
    AS source (applicationId, societeId, suppression)
    --here goes the ON join condition
    ON target.applicationId = source.applicationId and target.societeId = source.societeId
    --place your list of SET here
    SET target.suppression = source.suppression
    --insert a new line with the SOURCE table one row
    INSERT (applicationId, societeId, suppression)
    VALUES (source.applicationId, source.societeId, source.suppression);

Replace table and field names by whatever you need. Take care of the using ON condition. Then set the appropriate value (and type) for the variables on the DECLARE line.
