[sql-server] Confused about UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK

While researching the use of Table Hints, I came across these two questions:

Answers to both questions say that when using (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK), other processes will not be able to read data on that table, but I didn't see this. To test, I created a table and started up two SSMS windows. From the first window, I ran a transaction that selected from the table using various table hints. While the transaction was running, from the second window I ran various statements to see which would be blocked.

The test table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [Value] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
    [ID] ASC

From SSMS Window 1:


WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10'


From SSMS Window 2 (ran one of the following):

SELECT * FROM dbo.Test
INSERT dbo.Test(Value) VALUES ('bar')
UPDATE dbo.Test SET Value = 'baz' WHERE Value = 'bar'
DELETE dbo.Test WHERE Value= 'baz'

Effect of different table hints on statements run in Window 2:

SELECT    not blocked      not blocked       not blocked         blocked
INSERT    not blocked        blocked           blocked           blocked
UPDATE      blocked          blocked           blocked           blocked
DELETE      blocked          blocked           blocked           blocked

Did I misunderstand the answers given in those questions, or make a mistake in my testing? If not, why would you use (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK) vs. (HOLDLOCK) alone?

Further explanation of what I am trying to accomplish:

I would like to select rows from a table and prevent the data in that table from being modified while I am processing it. I am not modifying that data, and would like to allow reads to occur.

This answer clearly says that (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK) will block reads (not what I want). The comments on this answer imply that it is HOLDLOCK that prevents reads. To try and better understand the effects of the table hints and see if UPDLOCK alone would do what I wanted, I did the above experiment and got results that contradict those answers.

Currently, I believe that (HOLDLOCK) is what I should use, but I am concerned that I may have made a mistake or overlooked something that will come back to bite me in the future, hence this question.

This question is related to sql-server tsql sql-server-2008 concurrency locking

The answer is

UPDLOCK is used when you want to lock a row or rows during a select statement for a future update statement. The future update might be the very next statement in the transaction.

Other sessions can still see the data. They just cannot obtain locks that are incompatiable with the UPDLOCK and/or HOLDLOCK.

You use UPDLOCK when you wan to keep other sessions from changing the rows you have locked. It restricts their ability to update or delete locked rows.

You use HOLDLOCK when you want to keep other sessions from changing any of the data you are looking at. It restricts their ability to insert, update, or delete the rows you have locked. This allows you to run the query again and see the same results.

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