[java] In Java, what is the best way to determine the size of an object?

Here is a utility I made using some of the linked examples to handle 32-bit, 64-bit and 64-bit with compressed OOP. It uses sun.misc.Unsafe.

It uses Unsafe.addressSize() to get the size of a native pointer and Unsafe.arrayIndexScale( Object[].class ) for the size of a Java reference.

It uses the field offset of a known class to work out the base size of an object.

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Stack;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;

/** Usage: 
 * MemoryUtil.sizeOf( object )
 * MemoryUtil.deepSizeOf( object )
 * MemoryUtil.ADDRESS_MODE
public class MemoryUtil
    private MemoryUtil()

    public static enum AddressMode
        /** Unknown address mode. Size calculations may be unreliable. */
        /** 32-bit address mode using 32-bit references. */
        /** 64-bit address mode using 64-bit references. */
        /** 64-bit address mode using 32-bit compressed references. */

    /** The detected runtime address mode. */
    public static final AddressMode ADDRESS_MODE;

    private static final Unsafe UNSAFE;

    private static final long ADDRESS_SIZE; // The size in bytes of a native pointer: 4 for 32 bit, 8 for 64 bit
    private static final long REFERENCE_SIZE; // The size of a Java reference: 4 for 32 bit, 4 for 64 bit compressed oops, 8 for 64 bit
    private static final long OBJECT_BASE_SIZE; // The minimum size of an Object: 8 for 32 bit, 12 for 64 bit compressed oops, 16 for 64 bit
    private static final long OBJECT_ALIGNMENT = 8;

    /** Use the offset of a known field to determine the minimum size of an object. */
    private static final Object HELPER_OBJECT = new Object() { byte b; };

            // Use reflection to get a reference to the 'Unsafe' object.
            Field f = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField( "theUnsafe" );
            f.setAccessible( true );
            UNSAFE = (Unsafe) f.get( null );

            OBJECT_BASE_SIZE = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset( HELPER_OBJECT.getClass().getDeclaredField( "b" ) );

            ADDRESS_SIZE = UNSAFE.addressSize();
            REFERENCE_SIZE = UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale( Object[].class );

            if( ADDRESS_SIZE == 4 )
                ADDRESS_MODE = AddressMode.MEM_32BIT;
            else if( ADDRESS_SIZE == 8 && REFERENCE_SIZE == 8 )
                ADDRESS_MODE = AddressMode.MEM_64BIT;
            else if( ADDRESS_SIZE == 8 && REFERENCE_SIZE == 4 )
                ADDRESS_MODE = AddressMode.MEM_64BIT_COMPRESSED_OOPS;
                ADDRESS_MODE = AddressMode.UNKNOWN;
        catch( Exception e )
            throw new Error( e );

    /** Return the size of the object excluding any referenced objects. */
    public static long shallowSizeOf( final Object object )
        Class<?> objectClass = object.getClass();
        if( objectClass.isArray() )
            // Array size is base offset + length * element size
            long size = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset( objectClass )
                    + UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale( objectClass ) * Array.getLength( object );
            return padSize( size );
            // Object size is the largest field offset padded out to 8 bytes
            long size = OBJECT_BASE_SIZE;
                for( Field field : objectClass.getDeclaredFields() )
                    if( (field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0 )
                        long offset = UNSAFE.objectFieldOffset( field );
                        if( offset >= size )
                            size = offset + 1; // Field size is between 1 and PAD_SIZE bytes. Padding will round up to padding size.
                objectClass = objectClass.getSuperclass();
            while( objectClass != null );

            return padSize( size );

    private static final long padSize( final long size )
        return (size + (OBJECT_ALIGNMENT - 1)) & ~(OBJECT_ALIGNMENT - 1);

    /** Return the size of the object including any referenced objects. */
    public static long deepSizeOf( final Object object )
        IdentityHashMap<Object,Object> visited = new IdentityHashMap<Object,Object>();
        Stack<Object> stack = new Stack<Object>();
        if( object != null ) stack.push( object );

        long size = 0;
        while( !stack.isEmpty() )
            size += internalSizeOf( stack.pop(), stack, visited );
        return size;

    private static long internalSizeOf( final Object object, final Stack<Object> stack, final IdentityHashMap<Object,Object> visited )
        // Scan for object references and add to stack
        Class<?> c = object.getClass();
        if( c.isArray() && !c.getComponentType().isPrimitive() )
            // Add unseen array elements to stack
            for( int i = Array.getLength( object ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                Object val = Array.get( object, i );
                if( val != null && visited.put( val, val ) == null )
                    stack.add( val );
            // Add unseen object references to the stack
            for( ; c != null; c = c.getSuperclass() )
                for( Field field : c.getDeclaredFields() )
                    if( (field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0 
                            && !field.getType().isPrimitive() )
                        field.setAccessible( true );
                            Object val = field.get( object );
                            if( val != null && visited.put( val, val ) == null )
                                stack.add( val );
                        catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
                            throw new RuntimeException( e );
                        catch( IllegalAccessException e )
                            throw new RuntimeException( e );

        return shallowSizeOf( object );