[sql] How can I delete using INNER JOIN with SQL Server?

I want to delete using INNER JOIN in SQL Server 2008.

But I get this error:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 15
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INNER'.

My code:

DELETE FROM WorkRecord2 
INNER JOIN Employee ON EmployeeRun=EmployeeNo
WHERE Company = '1' AND Date = '2013-05-06'

This question is related to sql sql-server sql-server-2008 inner-join sql-delete

The answer is

Just add the name of the table between DELETE and FROM from where you want to delete records, because we have to specify the table to delete. Also remove the ORDER BY clause because there is nothing to order while deleting records.

So your final query should be like this:

    DELETE WorkRecord2 
      FROM WorkRecord2 
INNER JOIN Employee 
        ON EmployeeRun=EmployeeNo
     WHERE Company = '1' 
       AND Date = '2013-05-06';

Another way is using CTE:

;WITH cte
     AS (SELECT *
         FROM   workrecord2 w
                        FROM   employee e
                        WHERE  employeerun = employeeno
                               AND company = '1'
                               AND date = '2013-05-06'))

Note: We cannot use JOIN inside CTE when you want to delete.

Here's what I currently use for deleting or even, updating:

DELETE           w
FROM             WorkRecord2   w,
                 Employee      e
WHERE            w.EmployeeRun = e.EmployeeNo
             AND w.Company = '1' 
             AND w.Date = '2013-05-06'

 DELETE a FROM WorkRecord2 a 
       INNER JOIN Employee b 
       ON a.EmployeeRun = b.EmployeeNo 
       Where a.Company = '1' 
       AND a.Date = '2013-05-06'

In SQL Server Management Studio I can easily create a SELECT query:

SELECT Contact.Naam_Contactpersoon, Bedrijf.BedrijfsNaam, Bedrijf.Adres, Bedrijf.Postcode
FROM Contact
INNER JOIN Bedrijf ON Bedrijf.IDBedrijf = Contact.IDbedrijf

I can execute it, and all my contacts are shown.

Now change the SELECT to a DELETE:

DELETE Contact
FROM Contact
INNER JOIN Bedrijf ON Bedrijf.IDBedrijf = Contact.IDbedrijf

All the records you saw in the SELECT statement will be removed.

You may even create a more difficult inner join with the same procedure, for example:

INNER JOIN Bedrijf ON Bedrijf.IDBedrijf = Contact.IDbedrijf
INNER JOIN LoginBedrijf ON Bedrijf.IDLoginBedrijf = LoginBedrijf.IDLoginBedrijf

This is a simple query to delete the records from two table at a time.

DELETE table1.* ,
FROM table1 
INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.id= table2.id where table1.id ='given_id'

You could even do a sub-query. Like this code below:

    SELECT user_id FROM Employee WHERE Company = '1' AND Date = '2013-05-06'

It should be:

DELETE zpost 
FROM zpost 
INNER JOIN zcomment ON (zpost.zpostid = zcomment.zpostid)
WHERE zcomment.icomment = "first"       

Try this query:

DELETE WorkRecord2, Employee 
FROM WorkRecord2 
INNER JOIN Employee ON (tbl_name.EmployeeRun=tbl_name.EmployeeNo)
WHERE tbl_name.Company = '1' 
AND tbl_name.Date = '2013-05-06';

You don't specify the tables for Company and Date, and you might want to fix that.

Standard SQL using MERGE:

MERGE WorkRecord2 T
   USING Employee S
      ON T.EmployeeRun = S.EmployeeNo
         AND Company = '1'
         AND Date = '2013-05-06'

The answer from Devart is also standard SQL, though incomplete. It should look more like this:

  FROM WorkRecord2
                   FROM Employee S
                  WHERE S.EmployeeNo = WorkRecord2.EmployeeRun
                        AND Company = '1'
                        AND Date = '2013-05-06' );

The important thing to note about the above is it is clear the delete is targeting a single table, as enforced in the second example by requiring a scalar subquery.

For me, the various proprietary syntax answers are harder to read and understand. I guess the mindset for is best described in the answer by frans eilering, i.e. the person writing the code doesn't necessarily care about the person who will read and maintain the code.

This version should work:

DELETE WorkRecord2
FROM WorkRecord2 
INNER JOIN Employee ON EmployeeRun=EmployeeNo
Where Company = '1' AND Date = '2013-05-06'

Here is my SQL Server version

DECLARE @ProfileId table(Id bigint)

OUTPUT deleted.ProfileId INTO @ProfileId
WHERE Email = @email

DELETE FROM UserProfiles    
WHERE Id = (Select Id FROM @ProfileId)

Try this:

DELETE FROM WorkRecord2 
       FROM Employee 
Where EmployeeRun=EmployeeNo
      And Company = '1' 
      AND Date = '2013-05-06'

It is possible this will be helpful for you -

DELETE FROM dbo.WorkRecord2
WHERE EmployeeRun IN (
    SELECT e.EmployeeNo
    FROM dbo.Employee e
    WHERE ...

Or try this -

DELETE FROM dbo.WorkRecord2
    SELECT 1
    FROM dbo.Employee e
    WHERE EmployeeRun = e.EmployeeNo
        AND ....

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