[ipv6] what does "dead beef" mean?

The value of 0xDEADBEEF has three practical benefits, mostly for older systems. Old assembler/C hacks, like me, would use it to fill unallocated memory to coax out memory issues. Also, it's a pun of the slang term "dead meat". The programmer is dead meat if DEADBEEF winds up in his pointers. I congratulate the guy who first thought of using the value DEADBEEF. It's clever in many ways.

As for practical reasons, firstly, it's more noticeable in a hex memory dump because it actually spells words as opposed to random hex values.

Secondly, if the value winds up in a pointer, it's more likely to induce a memory out-of-range fault. An address of DEADBEEF was out of the address range of systems (we're talking last century systems now) regardless of the system's endian.

Thirdly, it is more likely to induce a fault on systems that require even boundary pointer values for accessing 16/32/64-bit data. The value is more likely to fault because both of the 16 bit values (DEAD, BEEF) are odd.