[mongodb] How to export collection to CSV in MongoDB?

How do you export all the records in a MongoDB collection to a .csv file?

mongoexport --host localhost --db dbname --collection name --type=csv > test.csv

This asks me to specify name of the fields I need to export. Can I just export all the fields without specifying the names of fields?

This question is related to mongodb csv schemaless database

The answer is

works for me remoting to a docker container with mongo:4.2.6

mongoexport -h mongodb:27017 --authenticationDatabase=admin -u username -p password -d database -c collection -q {"created_date": { "$gte": { "$date": "2020-08-03T00:00:00.000Z" }, "$lt": { "$date": "2020-08-09T23:59:59.999Z" } } } --fields=somefield1,somefield2 --type=csv --out=/archive.csv

Also if you want to export inner json fields use dot (. operator).

JSON record:

    "_id" : "00118685076F2C77",
    "value" : {
        "userIds" : [ 
        "deviceId" : "dev"

mongoexport command with dot operator (using mongo version 3.4.7):

./mongoexport --host localhost --db myDB --collection myColl --type=csv --out out.csv --fields value.deviceId,value.userIds

Output csv:


Note: Make sure you do not export an array. It would corrupt the CSV format like field userIds shown above

Solution for MongoDB Atlas users!

Add the --fields parameter as comma separated field names enclosed in double inverted quotes:

--fields "<FIELD 1>,<FIELD 2>..."

This is complete example:

mongoexport --host Cluster0-shard-0/shard1URL.mongodb.net:27017,shard2URL.mongodb.net:27017,shard3URL.mongodb.net:27017 --ssl --username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD> --authenticationDatabase admin --db <DB NAME> --collection <COLLECTION NAME> --type <OUTPUT FILE TYPE> --out <OUTPUT FILE NAME> --fields "<FIELD 1>,<FIELD 2>..."

mongoexport  --help
-f [ --fields ] arg     comma separated list of field names e.g. -f name,age
--fieldFile arg         file with fields names - 1 per line

You have to manually specify it and if you think about it, it makes perfect sense. MongoDB is schemaless; CSV, on the other hand, has a fixed layout for columns. Without knowing what fields are used in different documents it's impossible to output the CSV dump.

If you have a fixed schema perhaps you could retrieve one document, harvest the field names from it with a script and pass it to mongoexport.

Also, you are not allowed spaces between comma separated field names.

BAD: -f firstname, lastname

GOOD: -f firstname,lastname

@karoly-horvath has it right. Fields are required for csv.

According to this bug in the MongoDB issue tracker https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-4224 you MUST provide the fields when exporting to a csv. The docs are not clear on it. That is the reason for the error.

Try this:

mongoexport --host localhost --db dbname --collection name --csv --out text.csv --fields firstName,middleName,lastName


This commit: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-tools/commit/586c00ef09c32c77907bd20d722049ed23065398 fixes the docs for 3.0.0-rc10 and later. It changes

Fields string `long:"fields" short:"f" description:"comma separated list of field names, e.g. -f name,age"`


Fields string `long:"fields" short:"f" description:"comma separated list of field names (required for exporting CSV) e.g. -f \"name,age\" "`


You should use --type=csv instead of --csv since it has been deprecated.

More details: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongoexport/#export-in-csv-format

Full command:

mongoexport --host localhost --db dbname --collection name --type=csv --out text.csv --fields firstName,middleName,lastName

If you want, you can export all collections to csv without specifying --fields (will export all fields).

From http://drzon.net/export-mongodb-collections-to-csv-without-specifying-fields/ run this bash script


# fill in your details here

# first get all collections in the database
collections=`mongo "$host/$dbname" -u $user -p $pass --eval "rs.slaveOk();db.getCollectionNames();"`;
collections=`mongo $dbname --eval "rs.slaveOk();db.getCollectionNames();"`;

# for each collection
for ((i=0; i<${#collectionArray[@]}; ++i));
    echo 'exporting collection' ${collectionArray[$i]}
    # get comma separated list of keys. do this by peeking into the first document in the collection and get his set of keys
    keys=`mongo "$host/$dbname" -u $user -p $pass --eval "rs.slaveOk();var keys = []; for(var key in db.${collectionArray[$i]}.find().sort({_id: -1}).limit(1)[0]) { keys.push(key); }; keys;" --quiet`;
    # now use mongoexport with the set of keys to export the collection to csv
    mongoexport --host $host -u $user -p $pass -d $dbname -c ${collectionArray[$i]} --fields "$keys" --csv --out $dbname.${collectionArray[$i]}.csv;


For all those who are stuck with an error.

Let me give you guys a solution with a brief explanation of the same:-

command to connect:-

mongoexport --host your_host --port your_port -u your_username -p your_password --db your_db --collection your_collection --type=csv --out file_name.csv --fields all_the_fields --authenticationDatabase admin

--host --> host of Mongo server

--port --> port of Mongo server

-u --> username

-p --> password

--db --> db from which you want to export

--collection --> collection you want to export

--type --> type of export in my case CSV

--out --> file name where you want to export

--fields --> all the fields you want to export (don't give spaces in between two field name in between commas in case of CSV)

--authenticationDatabase --> database where all your user information is stored

This working for me Try it

mongoexport --host cluster0-shard-dummy-link.mongodb.net:27017 --db yourdbname --forceTableScan   --collection users --type json --out /var/www/html/user.json --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --username Yourusername --password Yourpassword

Above cmd return whole data of the users collection if you want filter field then add --fields=email,name

Below command used to export collection to CSV format.

Note: naag is database, employee1_json is a collection.

mongoexport --db naag--collection employee1_json --type csv --out /home/orienit/work/mongodb/employee1_csv_op1

I could not get mongoexport to do this for me. I found that,to get an exhaustive list of all the fields, you need to loop through the entire collection once. Use this to generate the headers. Then loop through the collection again to populate these headers for each document.

I've written a script to do just this. Converting MongoDB docs to csv irrespective of schema differences between individual documents.


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How to export collection to CSV in MongoDB?

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