Take a look at MERGE command. You can do UPDATE
in one statement.
Here is a working implementation on using MERGE
- It checks whether flight is full before doing an update, else does an insert.
if exists(select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES T
where T.TABLE_NAME = 'Bookings')
drop table Bookings
create table Bookings(
FlightID int identity(1, 1) primary key,
TicketsMax int not null,
TicketsBooked int not null
insert Bookings(TicketsMax, TicketsBooked) select 1, 0
insert Bookings(TicketsMax, TicketsBooked) select 2, 2
insert Bookings(TicketsMax, TicketsBooked) select 3, 1
select * from Bookings
And then ...
declare @FlightID int = 1
declare @TicketsToBook int = 2
--; This should add a new record
merge Bookings as T
using (select @FlightID as FlightID, @TicketsToBook as TicketsToBook) as S
on T.FlightID = S.FlightID
and T.TicketsMax > (T.TicketsBooked + S.TicketsToBook)
when matched then
update set T.TicketsBooked = T.TicketsBooked + S.TicketsToBook
when not matched then
insert (TicketsMax, TicketsBooked)
values(S.TicketsToBook, S.TicketsToBook);
select * from Bookings