Programs & Examples On #Xml namespaces

According to the standard, "XML namespaces provide a simple method for qualifying element and attribute names used in Extensible Markup Language documents by associating them with namespaces identified by URI references."

Parsing XML with namespace in Python via 'ElementTree'

My solution is based on @Martijn Pieters' comment:

register_namespace only influences serialisation, not search.

So the trick here is to use different dictionaries for serialization and for searching.

namespaces = {
    '': '',
    'spec': '',

Now, register all namespaces for parsing and writing:

for name, value in namespaces.iteritems():
    ET.register_namespace(name, value)

For searching (find(), findall(), iterfind()) we need a non-empty prefix. Pass these functions a modified dictionary (here I modify the original dictionary, but this must be made only after the namespaces are registered).

self.namespaces['default'] = self.namespaces['']

Now, the functions from the find() family can be used with the default prefix:

print root.find('default:myelem', namespaces)



does not use any prefixes for elements in the default namespace.

What does elementFormDefault do in XSD?

ElementFormDefault has nothing to do with namespace of the types in the schema, it's about the namespaces of the elements in XML documents which comply with the schema.

Here's the relevent section of the spec:

Element Declaration Schema

Component Property  {target namespace}
Representation      If form is present and its ·actual value· is qualified, 
                    or if form is absent and the ·actual value· of 
                    elementFormDefault on the <schema> ancestor is qualified, 
                    then the ·actual value· of the targetNamespace [attribute]
                    of the parent <schema> element information item, or 
                    ·absent· if there is none, otherwise ·absent·.

What that means is that the targetNamespace you've declared at the top of the schema only applies to elements in the schema compliant XML document if either elementFormDefault is "qualified" or the element is declared explicitly in the schema as having form="qualified".

For example: If elementFormDefault is unqualified -

<element name="name" type="string" form="qualified"></element>
<element name="page" type="target:TypePage"></element>

will expect "name" elements to be in the targetNamespace and "page" elements to be in the null namespace.

To save you having to put form="qualified" on every element declaration, stating elementFormDefault="qualified" means that the targetNamespace applies to each element unless overridden by putting form="unqualified" on the element declaration.

How to serialize an object to XML without getting xmlns="..."?

If you want to get rid of the extra xmlns:xsi="" and xmlns:xsd="", but still keep your own namespace xmlns="", you use the same code as above except for this simple change:

//  Add lib namespace with empty prefix  
ns.Add("", "");   

Why this line xmlns:android="" must be the first in the layout xml file?

This is just the XML Name Space declaration. We use this Name Space in order to specify that the attributes listed below, belongs to Android. Thus they starts with "android:"

You can actually create your own custom attributes. So to prevent the name conflicts where 2 attributes are named the same thing, but behave differently, we add the prefix "android:" to signify that these are Android attributes.

Thus, this Name Space declaration must be included in the opening tag of the root view of your XML file.

cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'MyElement'

After making the change suggested above by Martin, I was still getting the same error. I had to make an additional change to my parsing code. I was parsing the XML file via a DocumentBuilder as shown in the oracle docs:

// parse an XML document into a DOM tree
DocumentBuilder parser = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = parser.parse(new File("example.xml"));

The problem was that DocumentBuilder is not namespace aware by default. The following additional change resolved the issue:

// parse an XML document into a DOM tree
DocumentBuilderFactory dmfactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

DocumentBuilder parser = dmfactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = parser.parse(new File("example.xml"));

What does "xmlns" in XML mean?

I think the biggest confusion is that xml namespace is pointing to some kind of URL that doesn't have any information. But the truth is that the person who invented below namespace:


could also call it like that:


This is just a unique identifier. However it is established that you should put there URL that is unique and can potentially point to the specification of used tags/attributes in that namespace. It's not required tho.

Why it should be unique? Because namespaces purpose is to have them unique so the attribute for example called background from your namespace can be distinguished from the background from another namespace.

Because of that uniqueness you do not need to worry that if you create your custom attribute you gonna have name collision.

Delete files in subfolder using batch script

del parentpath (or just place the .bat file inside parent folder) *.txt /s

That will delete all .txt files in the parent and all sub folders. If you want to delete multiple file extensions just add a space and do the same thing. Ex. *.txt *.dll *.xml

How to close Android application?

i wanted to return to the home screen of my android device, so i simply used :


How to find which version of Oracle is installed on a Linux server (In terminal)

Enter in sqlplus (you'll see the version number)

# su - oracle

oracle# sqlplus



Will give you the path where Oracle installed and path will include version number.


Connect to Oracle DB and run

select * from v$version where banner like 'oracle%';

jQuery .get error response function?

$.get does not give you the opportunity to set an error handler. You will need to use the low-level $.ajax function instead:

    url: '',
    type: 'GET',
    success: function(data){ 
        $(data).find('#reviews .card').appendTo('#reviews');
    error: function(data) {
        alert('woops!'); //or whatever

Edit March '10

Note that with the new jqXHR object in jQuery 1.5, you can set an error handler after calling $.get:

$.get('', function(data){ 
    $(data).find('#reviews .card').appendTo('#reviews');
}).fail(function() {
    alert('woops'); // or whatever

Oracle timestamp data type

The number in parentheses specifies the precision of fractional seconds to be stored. So, (0) would mean don't store any fraction of a second, and use only whole seconds. The default value if unspecified is 6 digits after the decimal separator.

So an unspecified value would store a date like:


And specifying (0) stores only:

TIMESTAMP(0) 24-JAN-2012 08.00.05 AM

See Oracle documentation on data types.

How do you modify the web.config appSettings at runtime?

Try This:

using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;

namespace SampleApplication.WebConfig
    public partial class webConfigFile : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Helps to open the Root level web.config file.
            Configuration webConfigApp = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~");
            //Modifying the AppKey from AppValue to AppValue1
            webConfigApp.AppSettings.Settings["ConnectionString"].Value = "ConnectionString";
            //Save the Modified settings of AppSettings.

What is the equivalent to a JavaScript setInterval/setTimeout in Android/Java?

The first answer is definitely the correct answer and is what I based this lambda version off of, which is much shorter in syntax. Since Runnable has only 1 override method "run()", we can use a lambda:

this.m_someBoolFlag = false;
new android.os.Handler().postDelayed(() -> this.m_someBoolFlag = true, 300);

Change auto increment starting number?

How to auto increment by one, starting at 10 in MySQL:

create table foobar(
  moobar         VARCHAR(500)

INSERT INTO foobar(moobar) values ("abc");
INSERT INTO foobar(moobar) values ("def");
INSERT INTO foobar(moobar) values ("xyz");

select * from foobar;

'10', 'abc'
'11', 'def'
'12', 'xyz'

This auto increments the id column by one starting at 10.

Auto increment in MySQL by 5, starting at 10:

drop table foobar
create table foobar(
  moobar         VARCHAR(500)
SET @@auto_increment_increment=5;

INSERT INTO foobar(moobar) values ("abc");
INSERT INTO foobar(moobar) values ("def");
INSERT INTO foobar(moobar) values ("xyz");

select * from foobar;
'11', 'abc'
'16', 'def'
'21', 'xyz'

This auto increments the id column by 5 each time, starting at 10.

Where is SQLite database stored on disk?

If you are running Rails (its the default db in Rails) check the {RAILS_ROOT}/config/database.yml file and you will see something like:

database: db/development.sqlite3

This means that it will be in the {RAILS_ROOT}/db directory.

Disabling tab focus on form elements

If you're dealing with an input element, I found it useful to set the pointer focus to back itself.

$('input').on('keydown', function(e) { 
    if (e.keyCode == 9) {

git diff file against its last change

If you are fine using a graphical tool this works very well:

gitk <file>

gitk now shows all commits where the file has been updated. Marking a commit will show you the diff against the previous commit in the list. This also works for directories, but then you also get to select the file to diff for the selected commit. Super useful!

Django Rest Framework File Upload

From my experience, you don't need to do anything particular about file fields, you just tell it to make use of the file field:

from rest_framework import routers, serializers, viewsets

class Photo(django.db.models.Model):
    file = django.db.models.ImageField()

    def __str__(self):

class PhotoSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = models.Photo
        fields = ('id', 'file')   # <-- HERE

class PhotoViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.Photo.objects.all()
    serializer_class = PhotoSerializer

router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'photos', PhotoViewSet)

api_urlpatterns = ([
    url('', include(router.urls)),
], 'api')
urlpatterns += [
    url(r'^api/', include(api_urlpatterns)),

and you're ready to upload files:

curl -sS -F 'file=@/path/to/file'

Add -F field=value for each extra field your model has. And don't forget to add authentication.

Trust Store vs Key Store - creating with keytool

There is no difference between keystore and truststore files. Both are files in the proprietary JKS file format. The distinction is in the use: To the best of my knowledge, Java will only use the store that is referenced by the system property to look for certificates to trust when creating SSL connections. Same for keys and But in theory it's fine to use one and the same file for trust- and keystores.

Convert list to tuple in Python

To add another alternative to tuple(l), as of Python >= 3.5 you can do:

t = *l,  # or t = (*l,) 

short, a bit faster but probably suffers from readability.

This essentially unpacks the list l inside a tuple literal which is created due to the presence of the single comma ,.

P.s: The error you are receiving is due to masking of the name tuple i.e you assigned to the name tuple somewhere e.g tuple = (1, 2, 3).

Using del tuple you should be good to go.

iPad Multitasking support requires these orientations

as Michael said,

Check the "Requires full screen" of the target of xcodeproj, if you don't need to support multitasking.

or Check the following device orientations

  • Portrait
  • Upside Down
  • Landscape Left
  • Landscape Right

In this case, we need to support launch storyboard.

Are HTTPS URLs encrypted?

As the other answers have already pointed out, https "URLs" are indeed encrypted. However, your DNS request/response when resolving the domain name is probably not, and of course, if you were using a browser, your URLs might be recorded too.

Check if a value is an object in JavaScript

function isObjectLike(value) {
  return value != null && typeof value == 'object';

got from lodash

Custom checkbox image android

Create a drawable checkbox selector:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="" >
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/checkbox" 
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/checkboxselected" 
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/checkbox"/>    

Make sure your checkbox is like this android:button="@drawable/checkbox_selector"

    android:textColor="@color/Black" />

What does appending "?v=1" to CSS and JavaScript URLs in link and script tags do?

During development / testing of new releases, the cache can be a problem because the browser, the server and even sometimes the 3G telco (if you do mobile deployment) will cache the static content (e.g. JS, CSS, HTML, img). You can overcome this by appending version number, random number or timestamp to the URL e.g: JSP: <script src="js/excel.js?time=<%=new java.util.Date()%>"></script>

In case you're running pure HTML (instead of server pages JSP, ASP, PHP) the server won't help you. In browser, links are loaded before the JS runs, therefore you have to remove the links and load them with JS.

// front end cache bust
var cacheBust = ['js/StrUtil.js', 'js/protos.common.js', 'js/conf.js', 'bootstrap_ECP/js/init.js'];   
for (i=0; i < cacheBust.length; i++){
     var el = document.createElement('script');
     el.src = cacheBust[i]+"?v=" + Math.random();

How can I create a copy of an object in Python?

I believe the following should work with many well-behaved classed in Python:

def copy(obj):
    return type(obj)(obj)

(Of course, I am not talking here about "deep copies," which is a different story, and which may be not a very clear concept -- how deep is deep enough?)

According to my tests with Python 3, for immutable objects, like tuples or strings, it returns the same object (because there is no need to make a shallow copy of an immutable object), but for lists or dictionaries it creates an independent shallow copy.

Of course this method only works for classes whose constructors behave accordingly. Possible use cases: making a shallow copy of a standard Python container class.

BadImageFormatException. This will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed

I had the same problem in SSIS 2008. I tried to connect to an Oracle 11g using ODAC 12c 32 bit. Tried to install ODAC 12c 64 bit as well. SSIS was actually able to preview the table but when trying to run the package it was giving this error message. Nothing helped. Switched to VS 2013, now it was running in debug mode but got the same error when the running the package using dtexec /f filename. Then I found this page:

To make it short it says: (if the page is still there just go to the page and follow the instrucrtions...) 1) Download and install the latest version of odac 64 bit xcopy from oracle site. 2) Download and install the latest version of odac 32 bit xcopy from oracle site. How? open a cmd shell AS AN ADMINSTARTOR and run: c:\64bitODACLocation> install.bat oledb c:\odac\odac64. the first parameter is the component you want to install. The second param is where to install to. install the 32 version as well like this: c:\32bitODACLocation> install.bat oledb c:\odac\odac32. 3) Change the path of the system to include c:\odac\odac32; c:\odac\odac32\bin; c:\odac\odac64;c:\odac\odac64\bin IN THIS ORDER. 4) Restart the machine. 5) make sure you have the same tnsnames.ora in both odac32\admin\network and odac64\admin\network folders (or at least the same entry for your connection). 6) Now open up SSIS in visual studio (I used the free 2013 version with the ssis package) - Use OLEDB and then select the Oracle Provider for OLE DB provider as your connection type. Set the name of the entry in your tnsnames.ora as the "server or file name". Username is your schema name (db name) and password is the password for schema. you are done!

Again, you can find the very detailed solution and much more in the original site.

This was the only thing which worked for me and did not mess up my environment.

Cheers! gcr

What's the difference between nohup and ampersand

There are many cases when small differences between environments can bite you. This is one into which I have ran recently. What is the difference between these two commands?

1 ~ $ nohup myprocess.out &
2 ~ $ myprocess.out &

The answer is the same as usual - it depends.

nohup catches the hangup signal while the ampersand does not.

What is the hangup signal?

SIGHUP - hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process (value: 1).

Normally, when running a command using & and exiting the shell afterwards, the shell will terminate the sub-command with the hangup signal (like kill -SIGHUP $PID). This can be prevented using nohup, as it catches the signal and ignores it so that it never reaches the actual application.

Fine, but like in this case there are always ‘buts’. There is no difference between these launching methods when the shell is configured in a way where it does not send SIGHUP at all.

In case you are using bash, you can use the command specified below to find out whether your shell sends SIGHUP to its child processes or not:

~ $ shopt | grep hupon

And moreover - there are cases where nohup does not work. For example, when the process you start reconnects the NOHUP signal (it is done inside, on the application code level).

In the described case, lack of differences bit me when inside a custom service launching script there was a call to a second script which sets up and launches the proper application without a nohup command.

On one Linux environment everything worked smoothly, on a second one the application quit as soon as the second script exited (detecting that case, of course took me much more time then you might think :stuck_out_tongue:).

After adding nohup as a launching method to second script, application keeps running even if the scripts will exit and this behavior became consistent on both environments.

Spring Boot - Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in class path resource

In my case this was happening because org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.JpaBaseConfiguration.dataSource is an autowired field without a Qualifier and I am using multiple datasources with qualified names. I solved this problem by using @Primary arbitrarily on one of my dataSource bean configurations like so

public DataSource dataSource() { ... }

I suppose they want you to implement AbstractRoutingDataSource, and then that auto configuration will just work because no qualifier is needed, you just have a single data source that allows your beans to resolve to the appropriate DataSource as needed. Then you don't need the @Primary or @Qualifier annotations at all, because you just have a single DataSource.

In any case, my solution worked because my beans specify DataSource by qualifier, and the JPA auto config stuff is happy because it has a single primary DataSource. I am by no means recommending this as the "right" way to do things, but in my case it solved the problem quickly and did not deter the behavior of my application in any noticeable manner. Will hopefully one day get around to implementing the AbstractRoutingDataSource and refactoring all the beans that need a specific DataSource and then perhaps that will be a neater solution.

How do I start a process from C#?

You can use the System.Diagnostics.Process.Start method to start a process. You can even pass a URL as a string and it'll kick off the default browser.

Why do I get permission denied when I try use "make" to install something?

I had a very similar error message as you, although listing a particular file:

$ make
make: execvp: ../HoughLineExtractor/houghlineextractor.hh: Permission denied
make: *** [../HoughLineAccumulator/houghlineaccumulator.o] Error 127

$ sudo make
make: execvp: ../HoughLineExtractor/houghlineextractor.hh: Permission denied
make: *** [../HoughLineAccumulator/houghlineaccumulator.o] Error 127

In my case, I forgot to add a trailing slash to indicate continuation of the line as shown:

    ../HoughLineAccumulator/houghlineaccumulator.hh  # <-- missing slash!!

Hope that helps someone else who lands here from a search engine.

Where is svn.exe in my machine?

During the installation of TortoiseSVN, check the Command Line Client Tools. This will create the file svn.exe inside the folder C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin.

The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first (Android)

You can use this methode to check if a view has children or not .

public static boolean hasChildren(ViewGroup viewGroup) {
    return viewGroup.getChildCount() > 0;

document.getElementById vs jQuery $()

A note on the difference in speed. Attach the following snipet to an onclick call:

function myfunc()
    var timer = new Date();
        for(var i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

    console.log('timer: ' + (new Date() - timer));

Alternate commenting one out and then comment the other out. In my tests,

document.getElementbyId averaged about 35ms (fluctuating from 25ms up to 52ms on about 15 runs)

On the other hand, the

jQuery averaged about 200ms (ranging from 181ms to 222ms on about 15 runs).

From this simple test you can see that the jQuery took about 6 times as long.

Of course, that is over 10000 iterations so in a simpler situation I would probably use the jQuery for ease of use and all of the other cool things like .animate and .fadeTo. But yes, technically getElementById is quite a bit faster.

How can I strip all punctuation from a string in JavaScript using regex?

if you are using lodash

_.words('This, is : my - test,line:').join(' ')

This Example

_.words('"This., -/ is #! an $ % ^ & * example ;: {} of a = -_ string with `~)() punctuation"').join(' ')

Truncate number to two decimal places without rounding

The most efficient solution (for 2 fraction digits) is to subtract 0.005 before calling toFixed()

function toFixed2( num ) { return (num-0.005).toFixed(2) }

Negative numbers will be rounded down too (away from zero). The OP didn't tell anything about negative numbers.

How to get value of checked item from CheckedListBox?

EDIT: I realized a little late that it was bound to a DataTable. In that case the idea is the same, and you can cast to a DataRowView then take its Row property to get a DataRow if you want to work with that class.

foreach (var item in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems)
    var row = (item as DataRowView).Row;
    MessageBox.Show(row["ID"] + ": " + row["CompanyName"]);

You would need to cast or parse the items to their strongly typed equivalents, or use the System.Data.DataSetExtensions namespace to use the DataRowExtensions.Field method demonstrated below:

foreach (var item in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems)
    var row = (item as DataRowView).Row;
    int id = row.Field<int>("ID");
    string name = row.Field<string>("CompanyName");
    MessageBox.Show(id + ": " + name);

You need to cast the item to access the properties of your class.

foreach (var item in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems)
    var company = (Company)item;
    MessageBox.Show(company.Id + ": " + company.CompanyName);

Alternately, you could use the OfType extension method to get strongly typed results back without explicitly casting within the loop:

foreach (var item in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems.OfType<Company>())
    MessageBox.Show(item.Id + ": " + item.CompanyName);

How do you count the lines of code in a Visual Studio solution?

Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate has this built-in:

Analyze ? Calculate Code Metrics

How to toggle (hide / show) sidebar div using jQuery

$('#toggle').click(function() {
  $('#A').toggle(/** specify a time here for an animation */);

and in the CSS:

.extended-panel {
  left: 0px !important;

Rails filtering array of objects by attribute value

Try :

This is fine :

@logos = { |attachment| attachment.file_type == 'logo' }
@images = { |attachment| attachment.file_type == 'image' }

but for performance wise you don't need to iterate @attachments twice :

@logos , @images = [], []
@attachments.each do |attachment|
  @logos << attachment if attachment.file_type == 'logo'
  @images << attachment if attachment.file_type == 'image'

unknown type name 'uint8_t', MinGW

Try including stdint.h or inttypes.h.

ASP.NET email validator regex

For regex, I first look at this web site:

How do you connect localhost in the Android emulator?

Instead of giving localhost give the IP.

How to margin the body of the page (html)?

For start you can use:

<body style="margin:0;padding:0">

Once you study a bit about css, you can change it to:

body {margin:0;padding:0}

in your stylesheet.

How to detect if JavaScript is disabled?

You'll want to take a look at the noscript tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
...some javascript script to insert data...
   <p>Access the <a href="">data.</a></p>

I don't understand -Wl,-rpath -Wl,

The man page makes it pretty clear. If you want to pass two arguments (-rpath and .) to the linker you can write


or alternatively

-Wl,-rpath -Wl,.

The arguments -Wl,-rpath . you suggested do NOT make sense to my mind. How is gcc supposed to know that your second argument (.) is supposed to be passed to the linker instead of being interpreted normally? The only way it would be able to know that is if it had insider knowledge of all possible linker arguments so it knew that -rpath required an argument after it.

How to add a border to a widget in Flutter?

You can use Container to contain your widget:

  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    border: Border.all(
    color: Color(0xff000000),
    width: 1,
  child: Text()

How to change the size of the font of a JLabel to take the maximum size

JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello World");
label.setFont(new Font("Calibri", Font.BOLD, 20));

Simulate a button click in Jest

#1 Using Jest

This is how I use the Jest mock callback function to test the click event:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import Button from './Button';

describe('Test Button component', () => {
  it('Test click event', () => {
    const mockCallBack = jest.fn();

    const button = shallow((<Button onClick={mockCallBack}>Ok!</Button>));

I am also using a module called enzyme. Enzyme is a testing utility that makes it easier to assert and select your React Components

#2 Using Sinon

Also, you can use another module called Sinon which is a standalone test spy, stubs and mocks for JavaScript. This is how it looks:

import React from 'react';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import sinon from 'sinon';

import Button from './Button';

describe('Test Button component', () => {
  it('simulates click events', () => {
    const mockCallBack = sinon.spy();
    const button = shallow((<Button onClick={mockCallBack}>Ok!</Button>));

    expect(mockCallBack).toHaveProperty('callCount', 1);

#3 Using Your own Spy

Finally, you can make your own naive spy (I don't recommend this approach unless you have a valid reason for that).

function MySpy() {
  this.calls = 0;

MySpy.prototype.fn = function () {
  return () => this.calls++;

it('Test Button component', () => {
  const mySpy = new MySpy();
  const mockCallBack = mySpy.fn();

  const button = shallow((<Button onClick={mockCallBack}>Ok!</Button>));

}); is deprecated, what should I use instead?

Use the other encode method in URLEncoder:

URLEncoder.encode(String, String)

The first parameter is the text to encode; the second is the name of the character encoding to use (e.g., UTF-8). For example:


Using :focus to style outer div?

Other posters have already explained why the :focus pseudo class is insufficient, but finally there is a CSS-based standard solution.

CSS Selectors Level 4 defines a new pseudo class:


From MDN:

The :focus-within CSS pseudo-class matches any element that the :focus pseudo-class matches or that has a descendant that the :focus pseudo-class matches. (This includes descendants in shadow trees.)

So now with the :focus-within pseudo class - styling the outer div when the textarea gets clicked becomes trivial.

.box:focus-within {
    border: thin solid black;

.box {_x000D_
    width: 300px;_x000D_
    height: 300px;_x000D_
    border: 5px dashed red;_x000D_
.box:focus-within {_x000D_
    border: 5px solid green;_x000D_
<p>The outer box border changes when the textarea gets focus.</p>_x000D_
<div class="box">_x000D_
    <textarea rows="10" cols="25"></textarea>_x000D_

Codepen demo

NB: Browser Support : Chrome (60+), Firefox and Safari

Java, How to get number of messages in a topic in apache kafka


A super SQL engine, provided by Facebook, that connects on several data sources (Cassandra, Kafka, JMX, Redis ...).

PrestoDB is running as a server with optional workers (there is a standalone mode without extra workers), then you use a small executable JAR (called presto CLI) to make queries.

Once you have configured well the Presto server , you can use traditionnal SQL:


Get div height with plain JavaScript


var element = document.getElementById('element');

ld cannot find -l<library>

I had a similar problem with another library and the reason why it didn't found it, was that I didn't run the make install (after running ./configure and make) for that library. The make install may require root privileges (in this case use: sudo make install). After running the make install you should have the so files in the correct folder, i.e. here /usr/local/lib and not in the folder mentioned by you.

How to import existing Android project into Eclipse?

  1. File ? Import ? General ? Existing Projects into Workspace ? Next
  2. Select root directory: /path/to/project
  3. Projects ? Select All
  4. Uncheck Copy projects into workspace and Add project to working sets
  5. Finish

System.BadImageFormatException An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

It's possibly a 32 - 64 bits mismatch.

If you're running on a 64-bit OS, the Assembly RevitAPI may be compiled as 32-bit and your process as 64-bit or "Any CPU".

Or, the RevitAPI is compiled as 64-bit and your process is compiled as 32-bit or "Any CPU" and running on a 32-bit OS.

How to import module when module name has a '-' dash or hyphen in it?

If you can't rename the module to match Python naming conventions, create a new module to act as an intermediary:

 ---- ----
 tmp = __import__('foo-bar')

 ---- ----
 from foo_proxy import * 

PHP: Get key from array?

If you want to be in a foreach loop, then foreach($array as $key => $value) is definitely the recommended approach. Take advantage of simple syntax when a language offers it.

Converting string to Date and DateTime

For first Date

$_firstDate = date("m-d-Y", strtotime($_yourDateString));

For New Date

$_newDate = date("Y-m-d",strtotime($_yourDateString));

SQL Server datetime LIKE select?

You could use the DATEPART() function

SELECT * FROM record 
WHERE  (DATEPART(yy, register_date) = 2009
AND    DATEPART(mm, register_date) = 10
AND    DATEPART(dd, register_date) = 10)

I find this way easy to read, as it ignores the time component, and you don't have to use the next day's date to restrict your selection. You can go to greater or lesser granularity by adding extra clauses, using the appropriate DatePart code, e.g.

AND    DATEPART(hh, register_date) = 12)

to get records made between 12 and 1.

Consult the MSDN DATEPART docs for the full list of valid arguments.

Python pip install fails: invalid command egg_info

pip install -U setuptools and easy_install was putting egg-info in the wrong directory.

Then I just reinstalled apt-get install python-dev. Let me install the drivers I want after that

Meaning of @classmethod and @staticmethod for beginner?

In short, @classmethod turns a normal method to a factory method.

Let's explore it with an example:

class PythonBook:
    def __init__(self, name, author): = name = author
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Book: {}, Author: {}'

Without a @classmethod,you should labor to create instances one by one and they are scattered.

book1 = PythonBook('Learning Python', 'Mark Lutz')
In [20]: book1
Out[20]: Book: Learning Python, Author: Mark Lutz
book2 = PythonBook('Python Think', 'Allen B Dowey')
In [22]: book2
Out[22]: Book: Python Think, Author: Allen B Dowey

As for example with @classmethod

class PythonBook:
    def __init__(self, name, author): = name = author
    def __repr__(self):
        return f'Book: {}, Author: {}'
    def book1(cls):
        return cls('Learning Python', 'Mark Lutz')
    def book2(cls):
        return cls('Python Think', 'Allen B Dowey')

Test it:

In [31]: PythonBook.book1()
Out[31]: Book: Learning Python, Author: Mark Lutz
In [32]: PythonBook.book2()
Out[32]: Book: Python Think, Author: Allen B Dowey

See? Instances are successfully created inside a class definition and they are collected together.

In conclusion, @classmethod decorator convert a conventional method to a factory method,Using classmethods makes it possible to add as many alternative constructors as necessary.

Switch statement fall-through...should it be allowed?

Fall-through is really a handy thing, depending on what you're doing. Consider this neat and understandable way to arrange options:

switch ($someoption) {
  case 'a':
  case 'b':
  case 'c':
    // Do something

  case 'd':
  case 'e':
    // Do something else

Imagine doing this with if/else. It would be a mess.

I want to load another HTML page after a specific amount of time

Use Javascript's setTimeout:

<body onload="setTimeout(function(){window.location = 'form2.html';}, 5000)">

Express.js: how to get remote client address

According to Express behind proxies, req.ip has taken into account reverse proxy if you have configured trust proxy properly. Therefore it's better than req.connection.remoteAddress which is obtained from network layer and unaware of proxy.

How to get dictionary values as a generic list

Off course, myDico.Values is List<List<MyType>>.

Use Linq if you want to flattern your lists

var items = myDico.SelectMany (d => d.Value).ToList();

PHP using Gettext inside <<<EOF string

As far as I can see in the manual, it is not possible to call functions inside HEREDOC strings. A cumbersome way would be to prepare the words beforehand:


    $world = _("World");

    $str = <<<EOF
    echo $str;

a workaround idea that comes to mind is building a class with a magic getter method.

You would declare a class like this:

class Translator
 public function __get($name) {
  return _($name); // Does the gettext lookup

Initialize an object of the class at some point:

  $translate = new Translator();

You can then use the following syntax to do a gettext lookup inside a HEREDOC block:

    $str = <<<EOF
    echo $str;

$translate->World will automatically be translated to the gettext lookup thanks to the magic getter method.

To use this method for words with spaces or special characters (e.g. a gettext entry named Hello World!!!!!!, you will have to use the following notation:

 $translate->{"Hello World!!!!!!"}

This is all untested but should work.

Update: As @mario found out, it is possible to call functions from HEREDOC strings after all. I think using getters like this is a sleek solution, but using a direct function call may be easier. See the comments on how to do this.

Check if EditText is empty.

EditText edt=(EditText)findViewById(;

String data=edt.getText().toString();

if(data=="" || data==null){

 Log.e("edit text is null?","yes");


else {

 Log.e("edit text is null?","no");


do like this for all five edit text

HTTP 401 - what's an appropriate WWW-Authenticate header value?

When the user session times out, I send back an HTTP 204 status code. Note that the HTTP 204 status contains no content. On the client-side I do this:

if (xhr.status == 204) 
    dropdown.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;

Here is the Reload() function:

function Reload() {
    var oForm = document.createElement("form");

Fail to create Android virtual Device, "No system image installed for this Target"

I had android sdk and android studio installed separately in my system. Android studio had installed its own sdk. After I deleted the stand-alone android sdk, the issue of "“No system image installed for this Target” was gone.

Should functions return null or an empty object?

I like not to return null from any method, but to use Option functional type instead. Methods that can return no result return an empty Option, rather than null.

Also, such methods that can return no result should indicate that through their name. I normally put Try or TryGet or TryFind at the beginning of the method's name to indicate that it may return an empty result (e.g. TryFindCustomer, TryLoadFile, etc.).

That lets the caller apply different techniques, like collection pipelining (see Martin Fowler's Collection Pipeline) on the result.

Here is another example where returning Option instead of null is used to reduce code complexity: How to Reduce Cyclomatic Complexity: Option Functional Type

Get current URL path in PHP

You want $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. From the docs:


The URI which was given in order to access this page; for instance, '/index.html'.

MAC addresses in JavaScript

No you cannot get the MAC address in JavaScript, mainly because the MAC address uniquely identifies the running computer so it would be a security vulnerability.

Now if all you need is a unique identifier, I suggest you create one yourself using some cryptographic algorithm and store it in a cookie.

If you really need to know the MAC address of the computer AND you are developing for internal applications, then I suggest you use an external component to do that: ActiveX for IE, XPCOM for Firefox (installed as an extension).

How to create jar file with package structure?

Step 1: Go to directory where the classes are kept using command prompt (or Linux shell prompt)
Like for Project.

Go directory bin using command:

cd C:/workspace/MyProj/bin

Step 2: Use below command to generate jar file.

jar cvf helloworld.jar com\test\hello\Hello.class  com\test\orld\HelloWorld.class

Using the above command the classes will be placed in a jar in a directory structure.

changing the language of error message in required field in html5 contact form

setCustomValidity's purpose is not just to set the validation message, it itself marks the field as invalid. It allows you to write custom validation checks which aren't natively supported.

You have two possible ways to set a custom message, an easy one that does not involve Javascript and one that does.

The easiest way is to simply use the title attribute on the input element - its content is displayed together with the standard browser message.

<input type="text" required title="Lütfen isaretli yerleri doldurunuz" />

enter image description here

If you want only your custom message to be displayed, a bit of Javascript is required. I have provided both examples for you in this fiddle.

SSIS Connection Manager Not Storing SQL Password

The designed behavior in SSIS is to prevent storing passwords in a package, because it's bad practice/not safe to do so.

Instead, either use Windows auth, so you don't store secrets in packages or config files, or, if that's really impossible in your environment (maybe you have no Windows domain, for example) then you have to use a workaround as described in (Sam's correct, just read further in that article). The simplest answer is a config file to go with the package, but then you have to worry that the config file is stored securely so someone can't just read it and take the credentials.

Can you recommend a free light-weight MySQL GUI for Linux?

I really like the MySQL collection of of GUI Tools. They aren't too large or resource hungry.

There are quite a few options here as well. Of the applications presented on that page, I like SQL Buddy - it does require a web server, however.

Copy every nth line from one sheet to another

If your original data is in column form with multiple columns and the first entry of your original data in C42, and you want your new (down-sampled) data to be in column form as well, but only every seventh row, then you will also need to subtract out the row number of the first entry, like so:


How to create dictionary and add key–value pairs dynamically?

In modern javascript (ES6/ES2015), one should use Map data structure for dictionary. The Map data structure in ES6 lets you use arbitrary values as keys.

const map = new Map();
map.set("true", 1);
map.set("false", 0);

In you are still using ES5, the correct way to create dictionary is to create object without a prototype in the following way.

var map = Object.create(null);
map["true"]= 1;
map["false"]= 0;

There are many advantages of creating a dictionary without a prototype object. Below blogs are worth reading on this topic.



Could not find server 'server name' in sys.servers. SQL Server 2014

I figured out the issue. The linked server was created correctly. However, after the server was upgraded and switched the server name in sys.servers still had the old server name.

I had to drop the old server name and add the new server name to sys.servers on the new server

sp_dropserver 'Server_A'
sp_addserver  'Server',local

How to vertically align an image inside a div

You could try setting the CSS of PI to display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;

How can I pair socks from a pile efficiently?

Here's an Omega(n log n) lower bound in comparison based model. (The only valid operation is comparing two socks.)

Suppose that you know that your 2n socks are arranged this way:

p1 p2 p3 ... pn pf(1) pf(2) ... pf(n)

where f is an unknown permutation of the set {1,2,...,n}. Knowing this cannot make the problem harder. There are n! possible outputs (matchings between first and second half), which means you need log(n!) = Omega(n log n) comparisons. This is obtainable by sorting.

Since you are interested in connections to element distinctness problem: proving the Omega(n log n) bound for element distinctness is harder, because the output is binary yes/no. Here, the output has to be a matching and the number of possible outputs suffices to get a decent bound. However, there's a variant connected to element distinctness. Suppose you are given 2n socks and wonder if they can be uniquely paired. You can get a reduction from ED by sending (a1, a2, ..., an) to (a1, a1, a2, a2, ..., an, an). (Parenthetically, the proof of hardness of ED is very interesting, via topology.)

I think that there should be an Omega(n2) bound for the original problem if you allow equality tests only. My intuition is: Consider a graph where you add an edge after a test, and argue that if the graph is not dense the output is not uniquely determined.

How to add not null constraint to existing column in MySQL

Would like to add:

After update, such as

ALTER TABLE table_name modify column_name tinyint(4) NOT NULL;

If you get

ERROR 1138 (22004): Invalid use of NULL value

Make sure you update the table first to have values in the related column (so it's not null)

More than 1 row in <Input type="textarea" />

Why not use the <textarea> tag?

?<textarea id="txtArea" rows="10" cols="70"></textarea>

How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql?

just write '' in place of ' i mean two times '

Switch to another Git tag

As of Git v2.23.0 (August 2019), git switch is preferred over git checkout when you’re simply switching branches/tags. I’m guessing they did this since git checkout had two functions: for switching branches and for restoring files. So in v2.23.0, they added two new commands, git switch, and git restore, to separate those concerns. I would predict at some point in the future, git checkout will be deprecated.

To switch to a normal branch, use git switch <branch-name>. To switch to a commit-like object, including single commits and tags, use git switch --detach <commitish>, where <commitish> is the tag name or commit number.

The --detach option forces you to recognize that you’re in a mode of “inspection and discardable experiments”. To create a new branch from the commitish you’re switching to, use git switch -c <new-branch> <start-point>.

Java Generate Random Number Between Two Given Values

Java doesn't have a Random generator between two values in the same way that Python does. It actually only takes one value in to generate the Random. What you need to do, then, is add ONE CERTAIN NUMBER to the number generated, which will cause the number to be within a range. For instance:

package RandGen;

import java.util.Random;

public class RandGen {

    public static Random numGen =new Random();

public static int RandNum(){
    int rand = Math.abs((100)+numGen.nextInt(100));

    return rand;

public static void main(String[]Args){


This program's function lies entirely in line 6 (The one beginning with "int rand...". Note that Math.abs() simply converts the number to absolute value, and it's declared as an int, that's not really important. The first (100) is the number I am ADDING to the random one. This means that the new output number will be the random number + 100. numGen.nextInt() is the value of the random number itself, and because I put (100) in its parentheses, it is any number between 1 and 100. So when I add 100, it becomes a number between 101 and 200. You aren't actually GENERATING a number between 100 and 200, you are adding to the one between 1 and 100.

How can I use jQuery to make an input readonly?

In html

$('#raisepay_id').attr("readonly", true) 


in bootstrap

$('#raisepay_id').attr("disabled", true) 


JQuery is a changing library and sometimes they make regular improvements. .attr() is used to get attributes from the HTML tags, and while it is perfectly functional .prop() was added later to be more semantic and it works better with value-less attributes like 'checked' and 'selected'.

It is advised that if you are using a later version of JQuery you should use .prop() whenever possible.

Convert Map<String,Object> to Map<String,String>

Use the Java 8 way of converting a Map<String, Object> to Map<String, String>. This solution handles null values.

Map<String, String> keysValuesStrings = keysValues.entrySet().stream()
    .filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != null)
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, entry -> entry.getValue().toString()));

How to install xgboost in Anaconda Python (Windows platform)?

  1. Look here for building xgboost on your machine. There are many different varieties of the solution above, but it seems that the version in the link above is the good one. At least that worked for me: I've tested it on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.

  2. Then run the following commands in cmd in order to install python bindings:
    cd python-package python install

  3. You might also need a proper mingw (google for tdm-gcc) and the latest setuptools from anaconda.

I hope it will help

Example of AES using Crypto++

Official document of Crypto++ AES is a good start. And from my archive, a basic implementation of AES is as follows:

Please refer here with more explanation, I recommend you first understand the algorithm and then try to understand each line step by step.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

#include "modes.h"
#include "aes.h"
#include "filters.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    //Key and IV setup
    //AES encryption uses a secret key of a variable length (128-bit, 196-bit or 256-   
    //bit). This key is secretly exchanged between two parties before communication   
    //begins. DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH= 16 bytes
    CryptoPP::byte key[ CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH ], iv[ CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE ];
    memset( key, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH );
    memset( iv, 0x00, CryptoPP::AES::BLOCKSIZE );

    // String and Sink setup
    std::string plaintext = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide...";
    std::string ciphertext;
    std::string decryptedtext;

    // Dump Plain Text
    std::cout << "Plain Text (" << plaintext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;
    std::cout << plaintext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Create Cipher Text
    CryptoPP::AES::Encryption aesEncryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption cbcEncryption( aesEncryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfEncryptor(cbcEncryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( ciphertext ) );
    stfEncryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( plaintext.c_str() ), plaintext.length() );

    // Dump Cipher Text
    std::cout << "Cipher Text (" << ciphertext.size() << " bytes)" << std::endl;

    for( int i = 0; i < ciphertext.size(); i++ ) {

        std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << (0xFF & static_cast<CryptoPP::byte>(ciphertext[i])) << " ";

    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // Decrypt
    CryptoPP::AES::Decryption aesDecryption(key, CryptoPP::AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
    CryptoPP::CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption cbcDecryption( aesDecryption, iv );

    CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter stfDecryptor(cbcDecryption, new CryptoPP::StringSink( decryptedtext ) );
    stfDecryptor.Put( reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>( ciphertext.c_str() ), ciphertext.size() );

    // Dump Decrypted Text
    std::cout << "Decrypted Text: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << decryptedtext;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    return 0;

For installation details :

sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libcrypto++-doc libcrypto++-utils

javascript pushing element at the beginning of an array

Use .unshift() to add to the beginning of an array.


See MDN for doc on unshift() and here for doc on other array methods.

FYI, just like there's .push() and .pop() for the end of the array, there's .shift() and .unshift() for the beginning of the array.

What's the effect of adding 'return false' to a click event listener?

WHAT "return false" IS REALLY DOING?

return false is actually doing three very separate things when you call it:

  1. event.preventDefault();
  2. event.stopPropagation();
  3. Stops callback execution and returns immediately when called.

See jquery-events-stop-misusing-return-false for more information.

For example :

while clicking this link, return false will cancel the default behaviour of the browser.

<a href='#' onclick='someFunc(3.1415926); return false;'>Click here !</a>

Setting onSubmit in React.js

You can pass the event as argument to the function and then prevent the default behaviour.

var OnSubmitTest = React.createClass({
        render: function() {
        doSomething = function(event){
           alert('it works!');

        return <form onSubmit={this.doSomething}>
        <button>Click me</button>

Does C have a string type?

To note it in the languages you mentioned:


String str = new String("Hello");


str = "Hello"

Both Java and Python have the concept of a "string", C does not have the concept of a "string". C has character arrays which can come in "read only" or manipulatable.


char * str = "Hello";  // the string "Hello\0" is pointed to by the character pointer
                       // str. This "string" can not be modified (read only)


char str[] = "Hello";  // the characters: 'H''e''l''l''o''\0' have been copied to the 
                       // array str. You can change them via: str[x] = 't'

A character array is a sequence of contiguous characters with a unique sentinel character at the end (normally a NULL terminator '\0'). Note that the sentinel character is auto-magically appended for you in the cases above.

right click context menu for datagridview

You can use the CellMouseEnter and CellMouseLeave to track the row number that the mouse is currently hovering over.

Then use a ContextMenu object to display you popup menu, customised for the current row.

Here's a quick and dirty example of what I mean...

private void dataGridView1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
        ContextMenu m = new ContextMenu();
        m.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Cut"));
        m.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Copy"));
        m.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem("Paste"));

        int currentMouseOverRow = dataGridView1.HitTest(e.X,e.Y).RowIndex;

        if (currentMouseOverRow >= 0)
            m.MenuItems.Add(new MenuItem(string.Format("Do something to row {0}", currentMouseOverRow.ToString())));

        m.Show(dataGridView1, new Point(e.X, e.Y));


Gradle Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'

If you´re building a new app, put the jsonfile in the right place and make sure it's the jsonfile for that app. Before I realized this, when I clicked the jsonfile, I didn't get the information that wanted.

Go to firebase configurations, download the correct version of google-services.json, and replace the version that didn't work for you. When using the wrong version, you might see the wrong Projectid, storagebucket etc.

How can I detect Internet Explorer (IE) and Microsoft Edge using JavaScript?

If we need to check Edge please go head with this

if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > 1 ){

//do something


Check array position for null/empty

If your array is not initialized then it contains randoms values and cannot be checked !

To initialize your array with 0 values:

int array[5] = {0};

Then you can check if the value is 0:

array[4] == 0;

When you compare to NULL, it compares to 0 as the NULL is defined as integer value 0 or 0L.

If you have an array of pointers, better use the nullptr value to check:

char* array[5] = {nullptr}; // we defined an array of char*, initialized to nullptr

if (array[4] == nullptr)
    // do something

How do I get the day of week given a date?

Using Canlendar Module

import calendar

What is the difference between a data flow diagram and a flow chart?

Between the above answers its been explained but I will try to expand slightly...

The point about the cup of tea is a good one. A flow chart is concerned with the physical aspects of a task and as such is used to represent something as it is currently. This is useful in developing understanding about a situation/communication/training etc etc..You will likley have come across these in your work places, certainly if they have adopted the ISO9000 standards.

A data flow diagram is concerned with the logical aspects of an activity so again the cup of tea analogy is a good one. If you use a data flow diagram in conjunction with a process flow your data flow would only be concerned with the flow of data/information regarding a process, to the exclusion of the physical aspects. If you wonder why that would be useful then its because data flow diagrams allow us to move from the 'as it is' situation and see it that something as it could/will be. These two modelling approaches are common in structured analysis and design and typically used by systems/business analysts as part of business process improvement/re-engineering.

Angular - ui-router get previous state

For sake of readability, I'll place my solution (based of stu.salsbury's anwser) here.

Add this code to your app's abstract template so it runs on every page.

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(ev, to, toParams, from, fromParams) {
    $rootScope.previousState =;
    $rootScope.currentState =;
    console.log('Previous state:'+$rootScope.previousState)
    console.log('Current state:'+$rootScope.currentState)

Keeps track of the changes in rootScope. Its pretty handy.

How to find the width of a div using vanilla JavaScript?

You can also search the DOM using ClassName. For example:


This will return an array. If there is one particular property you are interested in. For example:

var divWidth = document.getElementsByClassName("myDiv")[0].clientWidth;

divWidth will now be equal to the the width of the first element in your div array.

How to get file extension from string in C++

This is a solution I came up with. Then, I noticed that it is similar to what @serengeor posted.

It works with std::string and find_last_of, but the basic idea will also work if modified to use char arrays and strrchr. It handles hidden files, and extra dots representing the current directory. It is platform independent.

string PathGetExtension( string const & path )
  string ext;

  // Find the last dot, if any.
  size_t dotIdx = path.find_last_of( "." );
  if ( dotIdx != string::npos )
    // Find the last directory separator, if any.
    size_t dirSepIdx = path.find_last_of( "/\\" );

    // If the dot is at the beginning of the file name, do not treat it as a file extension.
    // e.g., a hidden file:  ".alpha".
    // This test also incidentally avoids a dot that is really a current directory indicator.
    // e.g.:  "alpha/./bravo"
    if ( dotIdx > dirSepIdx + 1 )
      ext = path.substr( dotIdx );

  return ext;

Unit test:

int TestPathGetExtension( void )
  int errCount = 0;

  string tests[][2] = 
    { "/alpha/bravo.txt", ".txt" },
    { "/alpha/.bravo", "" },
    { ".alpha", "" },
    { "./alpha.txt", ".txt" },
    { "alpha/./bravo", "" },
    { "alpha/./bravo.txt", ".txt" },
    { "./alpha", "" },
    { "c:\\alpha\\\\charlie.txt", ".txt" },

  int n = sizeof( tests ) / sizeof( tests[0] );

  for ( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
    string ext = PathGetExtension( tests[i][0] );
    if ( ext != tests[i][1] )

  return errCount;

__FILE__, __LINE__, and __FUNCTION__ usage in C++

Personally, I'm reluctant to use these for anything but debugging messages. I have done it, but I try not to show that kind of information to customers or end users. My customers are not engineers and are sometimes not computer savvy. I might log this info to the console, but, as I said, reluctantly except for debug builds or for internal tools. I suppose it does depend on the customer base you have, though.

How do I create a sequence in MySQL?

By creating the increment table you should be aware not to delete inserted rows. reason for this is to avoid storing large dumb data in db with ID-s in it. Otherwise in case of mysql restart it would get max existing row and continue increment from that point as mention in documentation

Dynamic height for DIV

You should be okay to just take the height property out of the CSS.

DateTime.Compare how to check if a date is less than 30 days old?

// this isn't set up for good processing.  
//I don't know what data set has the expiration 
//dates of your accounts.  I assume a list.
// matchfound is a single variablethat returns true if any 1 record is expired.

bool matchFound = false;
            DateTime dateOfExpiration = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);
            List<DateTime> accountExpireDates = new List<DateTime>();
            foreach (DateTime date in accountExpireDates)
                if (DateTime.Compare(dateOfExpiration, date) != -1)
                    matchFound = true;

calculating the difference in months between two dates

I've written a very simple extension method on DateTime and DateTimeOffset to do this. I wanted it to work exactly like a TotalMonths property on TimeSpan would work: i.e. return the count of complete months between two dates, ignoring any partial months. Because it's based on DateTime.AddMonths() it respects different month lengths and returns what a human would understand as a period of months.

(Unfortunately you can't implement it as an extension method on TimeSpan because that doesn't retain knowledge of the actual dates used, and for months they're important.)

The code and tests are both available on GitHub. The code is very simple:

public static int GetTotalMonthsFrom(this DateTime dt1, DateTime dt2)
    DateTime earlyDate = (dt1 > dt2) ? dt2.Date : dt1.Date;
    DateTime lateDate = (dt1 > dt2) ? dt1.Date : dt2.Date;

    // Start with 1 month's difference and keep incrementing
    // until we overshoot the late date
    int monthsDiff = 1;
    while (earlyDate.AddMonths(monthsDiff) <= lateDate)

    return monthsDiff - 1;

And it passes all these unit test cases:

// Simple comparison
Assert.AreEqual(1, new DateTime(2014, 1, 1).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2014, 2, 1)));
// Just under 1 month's diff
Assert.AreEqual(0, new DateTime(2014, 1, 1).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2014, 1, 31)));
// Just over 1 month's diff
Assert.AreEqual(1, new DateTime(2014, 1, 1).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2014, 2, 2)));
// 31 Jan to 28 Feb
Assert.AreEqual(1, new DateTime(2014, 1, 31).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2014, 2, 28)));
// Leap year 29 Feb to 29 Mar
Assert.AreEqual(1, new DateTime(2012, 2, 29).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2012, 3, 29)));
// Whole year minus a day
Assert.AreEqual(11, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2012, 12, 31)));
// Whole year
Assert.AreEqual(12, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2013, 1, 1)));
// 29 Feb (leap) to 28 Feb (non-leap)
Assert.AreEqual(12, new DateTime(2012, 2, 29).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2013, 2, 28)));
// 100 years
Assert.AreEqual(1200, new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2100, 1, 1)));
// Same date
Assert.AreEqual(0, new DateTime(2014, 8, 5).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2014, 8, 5)));
// Past date
Assert.AreEqual(6, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1).GetTotalMonthsFrom(new DateTime(2011, 6, 10)));

Python Pandas - Find difference between two data frames

edit2, I figured out a new solution without the need of setting index


Okay i found the answer of highest vote already contain what I have figured out. Yes, we can only use this code on condition that there are no duplicates in each two dfs.

I have a tricky method. First we set ’Name’ as the index of two dataframe given by the question. Since we have same ’Name’ in two dfs, we can just drop the ’smaller’ df’s index from the ‘bigger’ df. Here is the code.


Dilemma: when to use Fragments vs Activities:

There's more to this than you realize, you have to remember than an activity that is launched does not implicitly destroy the calling activity. Sure, you can set it up such that your user clicks a button to go to a page, you start that page's activity and destroy the current one. This causes a lot of overhead. The best guide I can give you is:

** Start a new activity only if it makes sense to have the main activity and this one open at the same time (think of multiple windows).

A great example of when it makes sense to have multiple activities is Google Drive. The main activity provides a file explorer. When a file is opened, a new activity is launched to view that file. You can press the recent apps button which will allow you to go back to the browser without closing the opened document, then perhaps even open another document in parallel to the first.

JavaScript get element by name

You want this:

function validate() {
    var acc = document.getElementsByName('acc')[0].value;
    var pass = document.getElementsByName('pass')[0].value;

    alert (acc);

Get Filename Without Extension in Python

No need for regex. os.path.splitext is your friend:

>>> ('1.1.1', '.jpg')

How to read multiple Integer values from a single line of input in Java?

You want to take the numbers in as a String and then use String.split(" ") to get the 3 numbers.

String input = scanner.nextLine();    // get the entire line after the prompt 
String[] numbers = input.split(" "); // split by spaces

Each index of the array will hold a String representation of the numbers which can be made to be ints by Integer.parseInt()

Which is preferred: Nullable<T>.HasValue or Nullable<T> != null?

The compiler replaces null comparisons with a call to HasValue, so there is no real difference. Just do whichever is more readable/makes more sense to you and your colleagues.

How to get last inserted row ID from WordPress database?

Putting the call to mysql_insert_id() inside a transaction, should do it:

// Whatever code that does the insert here.
$id = mysql_insert_id();
// Stuff with $id.

Excel - Combine multiple columns into one column

Not sure if this completely helps, but I had an issue where I needed a "smart" merge. I had two columns, A & B. I wanted to move B over only if A was blank. See below. It is based on a selection Range, which you could use to offset the first row, perhaps.

Private Sub MergeProjectNameColumns()
    Dim rngRowCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    'Loop through column C and simply copy the text over to B if it is not blank
    rngRowCount = Range(dataRange).Rows.Count
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
    For i = 1 To rngRowCount
        If (Len(RTrim(ActiveCell.Value)) > 0) Then
            Dim currentValue As String
            currentValue = ActiveCell.Value
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) = currentValue
        End If
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    Next i

    'Now delete the unused column

    selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub

SQL to generate a list of numbers from 1 to 100

Using Oracle's sub query factory clause: "WITH", you can select numbers from 1 to 100:

WITH t(n) AS (
  SELECT 1 from dual
    SELECT n+1 FROM t WHERE n < 100

Iterate through a C array

I think you should store the size somewhere.

The null-terminated-string kind of model for determining array length is a bad idea. For instance, getting the size of the array will be O(N) when it could very easily have been O(1) otherwise.

Having that said, a good solution might be glib's Arrays, they have the added advantage of expanding automatically if you need to add more items.

P.S. to be completely honest, I haven't used much of glib, but I think it's a (very) reputable library.

Hibernate table not mapped error in HQL query

In the Spring configuration typo applicationContext.xml where the sessionFactory configured put this property

<bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean">
  <property name="packagesToScan" value="${}"/>

Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program

Below script works perfectly:

sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql -x


When executing a recovery script with sqlcmd utility, the ‘Sqlcmd: Error: Syntax error at line XYZ near command ‘X’ in file ‘file_name.sql’.’ error is encountered.


This is a sqlcmd utility limitation. If the SQL script contains dollar sign ($) in any form, the utility is unable to properly execute the script, since it is substituting all variables automatically by default.


In order to execute script that has a dollar ($) sign in any form, it is necessary to add “-x” parameter to the command line.


Original: sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql

Fixed: sqlcmd -s Server_name -d Database_name -E -i c:\Temp\Recovery_script.sql -x

Large WCF web service request failing with (400) HTTP Bad Request

In the server in .NET 4.0 in web.config you also need to change in the default binding. Set the follwowing 3 parms:

 < basicHttpBinding>  
   < !--  
    - Enable transfer of large strings with maxBufferSize, maxReceivedMessageSize and maxStringContentLength
   < binding **maxBufferSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647"**>  
      < readerQuotas **maxStringContentLength="2147483647"**/>            
   < /binding>

Filter an array using a formula (without VBA)


Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter.

How to easily map c++ enums to strings

By using designated array initializers your string array is independent of the order of elements in the enum:

enum Values {

constexpr string_view v_name[] = {
    [Val1] = "Value 1",
    [Val2] = "Value 2"

Submitting form and pass data to controller method of type FileStreamResult

When in doubt, follow MVC conventions.

Create a viewModel if you haven't already that contains a property for JobID

public class Model
     public string JobId {get; set;}
     public IEnumerable<MyCurrentModel> myCurrentModel { get; set; }
     //...any other properties you may need

Strongly type your view

@model Fully.Qualified.Path.To.Model

Add a hidden field for JobId to the form

using (@Html.BeginForm("myMethod", "Home", FormMethod.Post))
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.JobId)

And accept the model as the parameter in your controller action:

public FileStreamResult myMethod(Model model)
    sting str = model.JobId;

showing that a date is greater than current date

FROM MyTable 
WHERE CreatedDate >= getdate() 
AND CreatedDate <= dateadd(day, 90, getdate())

What is the difference between an int and a long in C++?

For the most part, the number of bytes and range of values is determined by the CPU's architecture not by C++. However, C++ sets minimum requirements, which litb explained properly and Martin York only made a few mistakes with.

The reason why you can't use int and long interchangeably is because they aren't always the same length. C was invented on a PDP-11 where a byte had 8 bits, int was two bytes and could be handled directly by hardware instructions. Since C programmers often needed four-byte arithmetic, long was invented and it was four bytes, handled by library functions. Other machines had different specifications. The C standard imposed some minimum requirements.

Pandas read in table without headers

Make sure you specify pass header=None and add usecols=[3,6] for the 4th and 7th columns.

Python - difference between two strings

You can use ndiff in the difflib module to do this. It has all the information necessary to convert one string into another string.

A simple example:

import difflib

cases=[('afrykanerskojezyczny', 'afrykanerskojezycznym'),
       ('afrykanerskojezyczni', 'nieafrykanerskojezyczni'),
       ('afrykanerskojezycznym', 'afrykanerskojezyczny'),
       ('nieafrykanerskojezyczni', 'afrykanerskojezyczni'),
       ('nieafrynerskojezyczni', 'afrykanerskojzyczni'),

for a,b in cases:     
    print('{} => {}'.format(a,b))  
    for i,s in enumerate(difflib.ndiff(a, b)):
        if s[0]==' ': continue
        elif s[0]=='-':
            print(u'Delete "{}" from position {}'.format(s[-1],i))
        elif s[0]=='+':
            print(u'Add "{}" to position {}'.format(s[-1],i))    


afrykanerskojezyczny => afrykanerskojezycznym
Add "m" to position 20

afrykanerskojezyczni => nieafrykanerskojezyczni
Add "n" to position 0
Add "i" to position 1
Add "e" to position 2

afrykanerskojezycznym => afrykanerskojezyczny
Delete "m" from position 20

nieafrykanerskojezyczni => afrykanerskojezyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2

nieafrynerskojezyczni => afrykanerskojzyczni
Delete "n" from position 0
Delete "i" from position 1
Delete "e" from position 2
Add "k" to position 7
Add "a" to position 8
Delete "e" from position 16

abcdefg => xac
Add "x" to position 0
Delete "b" from position 2
Delete "d" from position 4
Delete "e" from position 5
Delete "f" from position 6
Delete "g" from position 7

Difference between a theta join, equijoin and natural join

Natural is a subset of Equi which is a subset of Theta.

If I use the = sign on a theta join is it exactly the same as just using a natural join???

Not necessarily, but it would be an Equi. Natural means you are matching on all similarly named columns, Equi just means you are using '=' exclusively (and not 'less than', like, etc)

This is pure academia though, you could work with relational databases for years and never hear anyone use these terms.

How to label each equation in align environment?

Within the environment align from the package amsmath it is possible to combine the use of \label and \tag for each equation or line. For example, the code:


then cite \eqref{eq:eq1} and \eqref{eq:eq2} or \eqref{eq:eq3} separately.


screenshot of output

'method' object is not subscriptable. Don't know what's wrong

You need to use parentheses: myList.insert([1, 2, 3]). When you leave out the parentheses, python thinks you are trying to access myList.insert at position 1, 2, 3, because that's what brackets are used for when they are right next to a variable.

favicon.png vs favicon.ico - why should I use PNG instead of ICO?

PNG has 2 advantages: it has smaller size and it's more widely used and supported (except in case favicons). As mentioned before ICO, can have multiple size icons, which is useful for desktop applications, but not too much for websites. I would recommend you to put a favicon.ico in the root of your application. An if you have access to the Head of your website pages use the tag to point to a png file. So older browser will show the favicon.ico and newer ones the png.

To create Png and Icon files I would recommend The Gimp.

What's the difference between subprocess Popen and call (how can I use them)?

There are two ways to do the redirect. Both apply to either subprocess.Popen or

  1. Set the keyword argument shell = True or executable = /path/to/the/shell and specify the command just as you have it there.

  2. Since you're just redirecting the output to a file, set the keyword argument

    stdout = an_open_writeable_file_object

    where the object points to the output file.

subprocess.Popen is more general than

Popen doesn't block, allowing you to interact with the process while it's running, or continue with other things in your Python program. The call to Popen returns a Popen object.

call does block. While it supports all the same arguments as the Popen constructor, so you can still set the process' output, environmental variables, etc., your script waits for the program to complete, and call returns a code representing the process' exit status.

returncode = call(*args, **kwargs) 

is basically the same as calling

returncode = Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait()

call is just a convenience function. It's implementation in CPython is in

def call(*popenargs, timeout=None, **kwargs):
    """Run command with arguments.  Wait for command to complete or
    timeout, then return the returncode attribute.

    The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor.  Example:

    retcode = call(["ls", "-l"])
    with Popen(*popenargs, **kwargs) as p:
            return p.wait(timeout=timeout)

As you can see, it's a thin wrapper around Popen.

c++ array - expression must have a constant value

C++ doesn't allow non-constant values for the size of an array. That's just the way it was designed.

C99 allows the size of an array to be a variable, but I'm not sure it is allowed for two dimensions. Some C++ compilers (gcc) will allow this as an extension, but you may need to turn on a compiler option to allow it.

And I almost missed it - you need to declare a variable name, not just the array dimensions.

How to get a substring between two strings in PHP?

I have been using this for years and it works well. Could probably be made more efficient, but

grabstring("Test string","","",0) returns Test string
grabstring("Test string","Test ","",0) returns string
grabstring("Test string","s","",5) returns string

function grabstring($strSource,$strPre,$strPost,$StartAt) {
if(@strpos($strSource,$strPre)===FALSE && $strPre!=""){
if($strPost == "") {
    $EndPoint = strlen($strSource);
} else {
        $EndPoint= strlen($strSource);
    } else {
        $EndPoint = strpos($strSource,$strPost,$Startpoint);
if($strPre == "") {
    $Startpoint = 0;
if($EndPoint - $Startpoint < 1) {
    return "";
} else {
        return substr($strSource, $Startpoint, $EndPoint - $Startpoint);


C++ convert hex string to signed integer

Try this. This solution is a bit risky. There are no checks. The string must only have hex values and the string length must match the return type size. But no need for extra headers.

char hextob(char ch)
    if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0';
    if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10;
    if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return ch - 'a' + 10;
    return 0;
template<typename T>
T hextot(char* hex)
    T value = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T)*2; ++i)
        value |= hextob(hex[i]) << (8*sizeof(T)-4*(i+1));
    return value;


int main()
    char str[4] = {'f','f','f','f'};
    std::cout << hextot<int16_t>(str)  << "\n";

Note: the length of the string must be divisible by 2

Display number always with 2 decimal places in <input>

Simply use the number pipe like so :

{{ numberValue | number : '.2-2'}}

The pipe above works as follows :

  • Show at-least 1 integer digit before decimal point, set by default
  • Show not less 2 integer digits after the decimal point
  • Show not more than 2 integer digits after the decimal point

How to auto adjust the <div> height according to content in it?

I've used the following in the DIV that needs to be resized:

overflow: hidden;
height: 1%;

How to center an image horizontally and align it to the bottom of the container?

This is tricky; the reason it's failing is that you can't position via margin or text-align while absolutely positioned.

If the image is alone in the div, then I recommend something like this:

.image_block {
    width: 175px;
    height: 175px;
    line-height: 175px;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: bottom;

You may need to stick the vertical-align call on the image instead; not really sure without testing it. Using vertical-align and line-height is going to treat you a lot better, though, than trying to mess around with absolute positioning.

Align inline-block DIVs to top of container element

Because the vertical-align is set at baseline as default.

Use vertical-align:top instead:

    display: inline-block;
    width: 40%;
    height: 30%;
    border: 1px black solid;
    background: aliceblue;   

Or as @f00644 said you could apply float to the child elements as well.

ErrorActionPreference and ErrorAction SilentlyContinue for Get-PSSessionConfiguration

Tip #2

Can't you use the classical 2> redirection operator.

(Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name "MyShellUri" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) 2> $NULL

I don't like errors so I avoid them at all costs.

Javascript Array of Functions

the probleme of these array of function are not in the "array form" but in the way these functions are called... then... try this.. with a simple eval()...

array_of_function = ["fx1()","fx2()","fx3()",.."fxN()"]
var zzz=[];
for (var i=0; i<array_of_function.length; i++)
     { var zzz += eval( array_of_function[i] ); }

it work's here, where nothing upper was doing the job at home... hopes it will help

Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices

Manually resolving instances involves using the IServiceProvider interface:

Resolving Dependency in Startup.ConfigureServices

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IMyService, MyService>();

    var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
    var service = serviceProvider.GetService<IMyService>();

Resolving Dependencies in Startup.Configure

public void Configure(
    IApplicationBuilder application,
    IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
    // By type.
    var service1 = (MyService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(MyService));

    // Using extension method.
    var service2 = serviceProvider.GetService<MyService>();

    // ...

Resolving Dependencies in Startup.Configure in ASP.NET Core 3

public void Configure(
    IApplicationBuilder application,
    IWebHostEnvironment webHostEnvironment)

Using Runtime Injected Services

Some types can be injected as method parameters:

public class Startup
    public Startup(
        IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment,
        ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)

    public void ConfigureServices(
        IServiceCollection services)

    public void Configure(
        IApplicationBuilder application,
        IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment,
        IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
        ILoggerFactory loggerfactory,
        IApplicationLifetime applicationLifetime)

Resolving Dependencies in Controller Actions

public string SomeAction([FromServices] IMyService myService) => "Hello";

Convert array of strings to List<string>

From .Net 3.5 you can use LINQ extension method that (sometimes) makes code flow a bit better.

Usage looks like this:

using System.Linq; 

// ...

public void My()
    var myArray = new[] { "abc", "123", "zyx" };
    List<string> myList = myArray.ToList();

PS. There's also ToArray() method that works in other way.

Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page including the primary key in an unpivot

None of the above worked for me. I SOLVED my problem by saving my source data (save as) Excel file as a single xls Worksheet Excel 5.0/95 and imported without column headings. Also, I created the table in advance and mapped manually instead of letting SQL create the table.

How to access a RowDataPacket object

I found an easy way

Object.prototype.parseSqlResult = function () {
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this[0]))

At db layer do the parsing as

let users= await util.knex.raw('select * from user')
    return users.parseSqlResult()

This will return elements as normal JSON array.

How to increase buffer size in Oracle SQL Developer to view all records?

The pertinent section reads:

There's no setting to fetch all records. You wouldn't like SQL Developer to fetch for minutes on big tables anyway. If, for 1 specific table, you want to fetch all records, you can do Control-End in the results pane to go to the last record. You could time the fetching time yourself, but that will vary on the network speed and congestion, the program (SQL*Plus will be quicker than SQL Dev because it's more simple), etc.

There is also a button on the toolbar which is a "Fetch All" button.

FWIW Be careful retrieving all records, for a very large recordset it could cause you to have all sorts of memory issues etc.

As far as I know, SQL Developer uses JDBC behind the scenes to fetch the records and the limit is set by the JDBC setMaxRows() procedure, if you could alter this (it would prob be unsupported) then you might be able to change the SQL Developer behaviour.

SQL statement to get column type

Using SQL Server:

     TABLE_NAME = 'yourTableName' AND 
     COLUMN_NAME = 'yourColumnName'

How to upgrade docker-compose to latest version

First, remove the old version:

If installed via apt-get

sudo apt-get remove docker-compose

If installed via curl

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

If installed via pip

pip uninstall docker-compose

Then find the newest version on the release page at GitHub or by curling the API if you have jq installed (thanks to dragon788 and frbl for this improvement):

VERSION=$(curl --silent | jq .name -r)

Finally, download to your favorite $PATH-accessible location and set permissions:

sudo curl -L${VERSION}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o $DESTINATION
sudo chmod 755 $DESTINATION

Difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer


  • Multi-Thread
  • Synchronized
  • Slow than StringBuilder


  • Single-Thread
  • Not-Synchronized
  • Faster than ever String

How to format x-axis time scale values in Chart.js v2

You could format the dates before you add them to your array. That is how I did. I used AngularJS

//convert the date to a standard format

var dt = new Date(date);

//take only the date and month and push them to your label array

$rootScope.charts.mainChart.labels.push(dt.getDate() + "-" + (dt.getMonth() + 1));

Use this array in your chart presentation

How do I upload a file with the JS fetch API?

This is a basic example with comments. The upload function is what you are looking for:

// Select your input type file and store it in a variable
const input = document.getElementById('fileinput');

// This will upload the file after having read it
const upload = (file) => {
  fetch('', { // Your POST endpoint
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      // Content-Type may need to be completely **omitted**
      // or you may need something
      "Content-Type": "You will perhaps need to define a content-type here"
    body: file // This is your file object
    response => response.json() // if the response is a JSON object
    success => console.log(success) // Handle the success response object
    error => console.log(error) // Handle the error response object

// Event handler executed when a file is selected
const onSelectFile = () => upload(input.files[0]);

// Add a listener on your input
// It will be triggered when a file will be selected
input.addEventListener('change', onSelectFile, false);

Change value in a cell based on value in another cell


How to initialize to empty

Instance of java.util.Date stores a date. So how can you store nothing in it or have it empty? It can only store references to instances of java.util.Date. If you make it null means that it is not referring any instance of java.util.Date.

You have tried date2=""; what you mean to do by this statement you want to reference the instance of String to a variable that is suppose to store java.util.Date. This is not possible as Java is Strongly Typed Language.


After seeing the comment posted to the answer of LastFreeNickname

I am having a form that the date textbox should be by default blank in the textbox, however while submitting the data if the user didn't enter anything, it should accept it

I would suggest you could check if the textbox is empty. And if it is empty, then you could store default date in your variable or current date or may be assign it null as shown below:

if(textBox.getText() == null || textBox.getText().equals(""){
    date2 = null; // For Null;
    // date2 = new Date(); For Current Date
    // date2 = new Date(0); For Default Date

Also I can assume since you are asking user to enter a date in a TextBox, you are using a DateFormat to parse the text that is entered in the TextBox. If this is the case you could simply call the dateFormat.parse() which throws a ParseException if the format in which the date was written is incorrect or is empty string. Here in the catch block you could put the above statements as show below:

    date2 = dateFormat.parse(textBox.getText());
}catch(ParseException e){
    date2 = null; // For Null;
    // date2 = new Date(); For Current Date
    // date2 = new Date(0); For Default Date

Image size (Python, OpenCV)

Here is a method that returns the image dimensions:

from PIL import Image
import os

def get_image_dimensions(imagefile):
    Helper function that returns the image dimentions

    :param: imagefile str (path to image)
    :return dict (of the form: {width:<int>, height=<int>, size_bytes=<size_bytes>)
    # Inline import for PIL because it is not a common library
    with as img:
        # Calculate the width and hight of an image
        width, height = img.size

    # calculat ethe size in bytes
    size_bytes = os.path.getsize(imagefile)

    return dict(width=width, height=height, size_bytes=size_bytes)

How to access a value defined in the file in Spring Boot

@ConfigurationProperties can be used to map values from .properties( .yml also supported) to a POJO.

Consider the following Example file.


import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
public class Employee {

    private String name;
    private String dept;

    //Getters and Setters go here

Now the properties value can be accessed by autowiring employeeProperties as follows.

private Employee employeeProperties;

public void method() {

   String employeeName = employeeProperties.getName();
   String employeeDept = employeeProperties.getDept();


Refused to load the font 'data:font/woff.....'it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self'". Note that 'font-src'

I had the same issue and it turns out there was an error in the directory of the file I was trying to serve instead of:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/../dist'));

I had :


Best way to store a key=>value array in JavaScript?

That's just what a JavaScript object is:

var myArray = {id1: 100, id2: 200, "tag with spaces": 300};
myArray.id3 = 400;
myArray["id4"] = 500;

You can loop through it using loop:

for (var key in myArray) {
  console.log("key " + key + " has value " + myArray[key]);

See also: Working with objects (MDN).

In ECMAScript6 there is also Map (see the browser compatibility table there):

  • An Object has a prototype, so there are default keys in the map. This could be bypassed by using map = Object.create(null) since ES5, but was seldomly done.

  • The keys of an Object are Strings and Symbols, where they can be any value for a Map.

  • You can get the size of a Map easily while you have to manually keep track of size for an Object.

How to access at request attributes in JSP?

Just noting this here in case anyone else has a similar issue.
If you're directing a request directly to a JSP, using Apache Tomcat web.xml configuration, then ${requestScope.attr} doesn't seem to work, instead ${param.attr} contains the request attribute attr.

How to retrieve form values from HTTPPOST, dictionary or?

Simply, you can use FormCollection like:

public ActionResult SubmitAction(FormCollection collection)
     // Get Post Params Here
 string var1 = collection["var1"];

You can also use a class, that is mapped with Form values, and mvc engine automagically fills it:

//Defined in another file
class MyForm
  public string var1 { get; set; }

public ActionResult SubmitAction(MyForm form)
  string var1 = form1.Var1;

Nodemailer with Gmail and NodeJS

I was using an old version of nodemailer 0.4.1 and had this issue. I updated to 0.5.15 and everything is working fine now.

Edited package.json to reflect changes then

npm install

HTML Entity Decode

I think that is the exact opposite of the solution chosen.

var decoded = $("<div/>").text(encodedStr).html();

Try it :)

smtp configuration for php mail

But now it is not working and I contacted our hosting team then they told me to use smtp

Newsflash - it was using SMTP before. They've not provided you with the information you need to solve the problem - or you've not relayed it accurately here.

Its possible that they've disabled the local MTA on the webserver, in which case you'll need to connect the SMTP port on a remote machine. There are lots of toolkits which will do the heavy lifting for you. Personally I like phpmailer because it adds other functionality.

Certainly if they've taken away a facility which was there before and your paying for a service then your provider should be giving you better support than that (there are also lots of programs to drop in in place of a full MTA which would do the job).


Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

You have an orphaned user and this can't be remapped with ALTER USER (yet) becauses there is no login to map to. So, you need run CREATE LOGIN first.

If the database level user is

  • a Windows Login, the mapping will be fixed automatcially via the AD SID
  • a SQL Login, use "sid" from sys.database_principals for the SID option for the login


Edit, after comments and updates

The sid from sys.database_principals is for a Windows login.

So trying to create and re-map to a SQL Login will fail

Run this to get the Windows login

SELECT SUSER_SNAME(0x0105000000000009030000001139F53436663A4CA5B9D5D067A02390)

Is it possible to use 'else' in a list comprehension?

Also, would I be right in concluding that a list comprehension is the most efficient way to do this?

Maybe. List comprehensions are not inherently computationally efficient. It is still running in linear time.

From my personal experience: I have significantly reduced computation time when dealing with large data sets by replacing list comprehensions (specifically nested ones) with for-loop/list-appending type structures you have above. In this application I doubt you will notice a difference.

Provide an image for WhatsApp link sharing

After working in a bugg, found out that in IOS, elements in HEAD might stop the WhatsApp search of the og:image /og:description / name=description. So try first to put them on top of everything else.

This doesn't work

    <div id='hidden' style='display:none;'><img src=""></div>

    <meta property="og:description" content="description" />
    <meta property="og:image" content="" />

This work:

        <meta property="og:description" content="description" />
        <meta property="og:image" content="" />

        <div id='hidden' style='display:none;'><img src=""></div>

What is the default Precision and Scale for a Number in Oracle?

Actually, you can always test it by yourself.


select column_name, data_type, nullable, data_length, data_precision, data_scale from user_tab_columns where table_name ='CUSTOMERS';

Iterating through a List Object in JSP

Before teaching yourself Spring and Struts, you should probably learn Java. Output like this


is the result of the Object#toString() method which all objects inherit from the Object class, the superclass of all classes in Java.

The List sub classes implement this by iterating over all the elements and calling toString() on those. It seems, however, that you haven't implemented (overriden) the method in your Employee class.

Your JSTL here

<c:forEach items="${eList}" var="employee">
        <td>Employee ID: <c:out value="${employee.eid}"/></td>
        <td>Employee Pass: <c:out value="${employee.ename}"/></td>  

is fine except for the fact that you don't have a page, request, session, or application scoped attribute named eList.

You need to add it

<% List eList = (List)session.getAttribute("empList");
   request.setAttribute("eList", eList);

Or use the attribute empList in the forEach.

<c:forEach items="${empList}" var="employee">
        <td>Employee ID: <c:out value="${employee.eid}"/></td>
        <td>Employee Pass: <c:out value="${employee.ename}"/></td>  

SSRS expression to format two decimal places does not show zeros

You need to make sure that the first numeral to the right of the decimal point is always displayed. In custom format strings, # means display the number if it exists, and 0 means always display something, with 0 as the placeholder.

So in your case you will need something like:

=Format(Fields!CUL1.Value, "#,##0.##")

This saying: display 2 DP if they exist, for the non-zero part always display the lowest part, and use , as the grouping separator.

This is how it looks on your data (I've added a large value as well for reference):

enter image description here

If you're not interested in separating thousands, millions, etc, just use #0.## as Paul-Jan suggested.

The standard docs for Custom Numeric Format Strings are your best reference here.

Manage toolbar's navigation and back button from fragment in android

You can use Toolbar inside the fragment and it is easy to handle. First add Toolbar to layout of the fragment


Inside the onCreateView Method in the fragment you can handle the toolbar like this.

 Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) view.findViewById(;

IT will set the toolbar,title and the back arrow navigation to toolbar.You can set any icon to setNavigationIcon method.

If you need to trigger any event when click toolbar navigation icon you can use this.

 toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
           //handle any click event

If your activity have navigation drawer you may need to open that when click the navigation back button. you can open that drawer like this.

 toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            DrawerLayout drawer = (DrawerLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;

Full code is here

 public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    //inflate the layout to the fragement
    view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.layout_user,container,false);

    //initialize the toolbar
    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) view.findViewById(;
    toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            //open navigation drawer when click navigation back button
            DrawerLayout drawer = (DrawerLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;
    return view;

How to modify PATH for Homebrew?

open bash profile in textEdit

open -e .bash_profile

Edit file or paste in front of PATH export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin

save & close the file

*To open .bash_profile directly open textEdit > file > recent

Adding values to a C# array

C# arrays are fixed length and always indexed. Go with Motti's solution:

int [] terms = new int[400];
for(int runs = 0; runs < 400; runs++)
    terms[runs] = value;

Note that this array is a dense array, a contiguous block of 400 bytes where you can drop things. If you want a dynamically sized array, use a List<int>.

List<int> terms = new List<int>();
for(int runs = 0; runs < 400; runs ++)

Neither int[] nor List<int> is an associative array -- that would be a Dictionary<> in C#. Both arrays and lists are dense.

Creating files and directories via Python

    import os
    os.mkdir('directory name') #### this command for creating directory
    os.mknod('file name') #### this for creating files
    os.system('touch filename') ###this is another method for creating file by using unix commands in os modules 

How to create a new schema/new user in Oracle Database 11g?

It's a working example:

CREATE USER auto_exchange IDENTIFIED BY 123456;
GRANT RESOURCE TO auto_exchange;
GRANT CONNECT TO auto_exchange;
GRANT CREATE VIEW TO auto_exchange;

Get loop count inside a Python FOR loop

The pythonic way is to use enumerate:

for idx,item in enumerate(list):

use mysql SUM() in a WHERE clause

Not tested, but I think this will be close?

FROM mytable m1
INNER JOIN mytable m2 ON <

The idea is to SUM up all the previous rows, get only the ones where the sum of the previous rows is > 500, then skip one and return the next one.

Converting Varchar Value to Integer/Decimal Value in SQL Server

You can use it without casting such as:

select sum(`stuff`) as mySum from test;

Or cast it to decimal:

select sum(cast(`stuff` as decimal(4,2))) as mySum from test;



For SQL Server, you can use:

select sum(cast(stuff as decimal(5,2))) as mySum from test;


Post-increment and pre-increment within a 'for' loop produce same output

Well, this is simple. The above for loops are semantically equivalent to

int i = 0;
while(i < 5) {
    printf("%d", i);


int i = 0;
while(i < 5) {
    printf("%d", i);

Note that the lines i++; and ++i; have the same semantics FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THIS BLOCK OF CODE. They both have the same effect on the value of i (increment it by one) and therefore have the same effect on the behavior of these loops.

Note that there would be a difference if the loop was rewritten as

int i = 0;
int j = i;
while(j < 5) {
    printf("%d", i);
    j = ++i;

int i = 0;
int j = i;
while(j < 5) {
    printf("%d", i);
    j = i++;

This is because in first block of code j sees the value of i after the increment (i is incremented first, or pre-incremented, hence the name) and in the second block of code j sees the value of i before the increment.

What is the origin of foo and bar?


  • "Foo" and "bar" as metasyntactic variables were popularised by MIT and DEC, the first references are in work on LISP and PDP-1 and Project MAC from 1964 onwards.

  • Many of these people were in MIT's Tech Model Railroad Club, where we find the first documented use of "foo" in tech circles in 1959 (and a variant in 1958).

  • Both "foo" and "bar" (and even "baz") were well known in popular culture, especially from Smokey Stover and Pogo comics, which will have been read by many TMRC members.

  • Also, it seems likely the military FUBAR contributed to their popularity.

The use of lone "foo" as a nonsense word is pretty well documented in popular culture in the early 20th century, as is the military FUBAR. (Some background reading: FOLDOC FOLDOC Jargon File Jargon File Wikipedia RFC3092)

OK, so let's find some references.

STOP PRESS! After posting this answer, I discovered this perfect article about "foo" in the Friday 14th January 1938 edition of The Tech ("MIT's oldest and largest newspaper & the first newspaper published on the web"), Volume LVII. No. 57, Price Three Cents:

On Foo-ism

The Lounger thinks that this business of Foo-ism has been carried too far by its misguided proponents, and does hereby and forthwith take his stand against its abuse. It may be that there's no foo like an old foo, and we're it, but anyway, a foo and his money are some party. (Voice from the bleachers- "Don't be foo-lish!")

As an expletive, of course, "foo!" has a definite and probably irreplaceable position in our language, although we fear that the excessive use to which it is currently subjected may well result in its falling into an early (and, alas, a dark) oblivion. We say alas because proper use of the word may result in such happy incidents as the following.

It was an 8.50 Thermodynamics lecture by Professor Slater in Room 6-120. The professor, having covered the front side of the blackboard, set the handle that operates the lift mechanism, turning meanwhile to the class to continue his discussion. The front board slowly, majestically, lifted itself, revealing the board behind it, and on that board, writ large, the symbols that spelled "FOO"!

The Tech newspaper, a year earlier, the Letter to the Editor, September 1937:

By the time the train has reached the station the neophytes are so filled with the stories of the glory of Phi Omicron Omicron, usually referred to as Foo, that they are easy prey.


It is not that I mind having lost my first four sons to the Grand and Universal Brotherhood of Phi Omicron Omicron, but I do wish that my fifth son, my baby, should at least be warned in advance.

Hopefully yours,

Indignant Mother of Five.

And The Tech in December 1938:

General trend of thought might be best interpreted from the remarks made at the end of the ballots. One vote said, '"I don't think what I do is any of Pulver's business," while another merely added a curt "Foo."

The first documented "foo" in tech circles is probably 1959's Dictionary of the TMRC Language:

FOO: the sacred syllable (FOO MANI PADME HUM); to be spoken only when under inspiration to commune with the Deity. Our first obligation is to keep the Foo Counters turning.

These are explained at FOLDOC. The dictionary's compiler Pete Samson said in 2005:

Use of this word at TMRC antedates my coming there. A foo counter could simply have randomly flashing lights, or could be a real counter with an obscure input.

And from 1996's Jargon File 4.0.0:

Earlier versions of this lexicon derived 'baz' as a Stanford corruption of bar. However, Pete Samson (compiler of the TMRC lexicon) reports it was already current when he joined TMRC in 1958. He says "It came from "Pogo". Albert the Alligator, when vexed or outraged, would shout 'Bazz Fazz!' or 'Rowrbazzle!' The club layout was said to model the (mythical) New England counties of Rowrfolk and Bassex (Rowrbazzle mingled with (Norfolk/Suffolk/Middlesex/Essex)."

A year before the TMRC dictionary, 1958's MIT Voo Doo Gazette ("Humor suplement of the MIT Deans' office") (PDF) mentions Foocom, in "The Laws of Murphy and Finagle" by John Banzhaf (an electrical engineering student):

Further research under a joint Foocom and Anarcom grant expanded the law to be all embracing and universally applicable: If anything can go wrong, it will!

Also 1964's MIT Voo Doo (PDF) references the TMRC usage:

Yes! I want to be an instant success and snow customers. Send me a degree in: ...

  • Foo Counters

  • Foo Jung

Let's find "foo", "bar" and "foobar" published in code examples.

So, Jargon File 4.4.7 says of "foobar":

Probably originally propagated through DECsystem manuals by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) in 1960s and early 1970s; confirmed sightings there go back to 1972.

The first published reference I can find is from February 1964, but written in June 1963, The Programming Language LISP: its Operation and Applications by Information International, Inc., with many authors, but including Timothy P. Hart and Michael Levin:

Thus, since "FOO" is a name for itself, "COMITRIN" will treat both "FOO" and "(FOO)" in exactly the same way.

Also includes other metasyntactic variables such as: FOO CROCK GLITCH / POOT TOOR / ON YOU / SNAP CRACKLE POP / X Y Z

I expect this is much the same as this next reference of "foo" from MIT's Project MAC in January 1964's AIM-064, or LISP Exercises by Timothy P. Hart and Michael Levin:

car[((FOO . CROCK) . GLITCH)]


For both "foo" and "bar" together, the earliest reference I could find is from MIT's Project MAC in June 1966's AIM-098, or PDP-6 LISP by none other than Peter Samson:

EXPLODE, like PRIN1, inserts slashes, so (EXPLODE (QUOTE FOO/ BAR)) PRIN1's as (F O O // / B A R) or PRINC's as (F O O / B A R).

Some more recallations.

@Walter Mitty recalled on this site in 2008:

I second the jargon file regarding Foo Bar. I can trace it back at least to 1963, and PDP-1 serial number 2, which was on the second floor of Building 26 at MIT. Foo and Foo Bar were used there, and after 1964 at the PDP-6 room at project MAC.

John V. Everett recalls in 1996:

When I joined DEC in 1966, foobar was already being commonly used as a throw-away file name. I believe fubar became foobar because the PDP-6 supported six character names, although I always assumed the term migrated to DEC from MIT. There were many MIT types at DEC in those days, some of whom had worked with the 7090/7094 CTSS. Since the 709x was also a 36 bit machine, foobar may have been used as a common file name there.

Foo and bar were also commonly used as file extensions. Since the text editors of the day operated on an input file and produced an output file, it was common to edit from a .foo file to a .bar file, and back again.

It was also common to use foo to fill a buffer when editing with TECO. The text string to exactly fill one disk block was IFOO$HXA127GA$$. Almost all of the PDP-6/10 programmers I worked with used this same command string.

Daniel P. B. Smith in 1998:

Dick Gruen had a device in his dorm room, the usual assemblage of B-battery, resistors, capacitors, and NE-2 neon tubes, which he called a "foo counter." This would have been circa 1964 or so.

Robert Schuldenfrei in 1996:

The use of FOO and BAR as example variable names goes back at least to 1964 and the IBM 7070. This too may be older, but that is where I first saw it. This was in Assembler. What would be the FORTRAN integer equivalent? IFOO and IBAR?

Paul M. Wexelblat in 1992:

The earliest PDP-1 Assembler used two characters for symbols (18 bit machine) programmers always left a few words as patch space to fix problems. (Jump to patch space, do new code, jump back) That space conventionally was named FU: which stood for Fxxx Up, the place where you fixed Fxxx Ups. When spoken, it was known as FU space. Later Assemblers ( e.g. MIDAS allowed three char tags so FU became FOO, and as ALL PDP-1 programmers will tell you that was FOO space.

Bruce B. Reynolds in 1996:

On the IBM side of FOO(FU)BAR is the use of the BAR side as Base Address Register; in the middle 1970's CICS programmers had to worry out the various xxxBARs...I think one of those was FRACTBAR...

Here's a straight IBM "BAR" from 1955.

Other early references:

I haven't been able to find any references to foo bar as "inverted foo signal" as suggested in RFC3092 and elsewhere.

Here are a some of even earlier F00s but I think they're coincidences/false positives:

How to see log files in MySQL?

The MySQL logs are determined by the global variables such as:

To see the settings and their location, run this shell command:

mysql -se "SHOW VARIABLES" | grep -e log_error -e general_log -e slow_query_log

To print the value of error log, run this command in the terminal:

mysql -e "SELECT @@GLOBAL.log_error"

To read content of the error log file in real time, run:

sudo tail -f $(mysql -Nse "SELECT @@GLOBAL.log_error")

Note: Hit Control-C when finish

When general log is enabled, try:

sudo tail -f $(mysql -Nse "SELECT CONCAT(@@datadir, @@general_log_file)")

To use mysql with the password access, add -p or -pMYPASS parameter. To to keep it remembered, you can configure it in your ~/.my.cnf, e.g.


So it'll be remembered for the next time.

Where are shared preferences stored?

Use library to access your app's local storage with chrome inspect tools. You can find sharedPreference file under Local storage -> < your app's package name >

enter image description here

C# Checking if button was clicked

Click is an event that fires immediately after you release the mouse button. So if you want to check in the handler for button2.Click if button1 was clicked before, all you could do is have a handler for button1.Click which sets a bool flag of your own making to true.

private bool button1WasClicked = false;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    button1WasClicked = true;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (textBox2.Text == textBox3.Text && button1WasClicked)
        StreamWriter myWriter = File.CreateText(@"c:\Program Files\text.txt");
        button1WasClicked = false;

Get the current first responder without using a private API

Using Swift and with a specific UIView object this might help:

func findFirstResponder(inView view: UIView) -> UIView? {
    for subView in view.subviews as! [UIView] {
        if subView.isFirstResponder() {
            return subView
        if let recursiveSubView = self.findFirstResponder(inView: subView) {
            return recursiveSubView
    return nil

Just place it in your UIViewController and use it like this:

let firstResponder = self.findFirstResponder(inView: self.view)

Take note that the result is an Optional value so it will be nil in case no firstResponder was found in the given views subview hierarchy.

How can I symlink a file in Linux?

To create a new symlink (will fail if symlink exists already):

ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

To create or update a symlink:

ln -sf /path/to/file /path/to/symlink

DBCC SHRINKFILE on log file not reducing size even after BACKUP LOG TO DISK

Thanks to @user2630576 and @Ed.S.

the following worked a treat:

BACKUP LOG [database] TO DISK = 'D:\database.bak'


use [database]

declare @log_File_Name varchar(200)

select @log_File_Name = name from sysfiles where filename like '%LDF'

declare @i int = FILE_IDEX ( @log_File_Name)

dbcc shrinkfile ( @i , 50)


How to implement a tree data-structure in Java?

You can use any XML API of Java as Document and XML is a tree structure with Strings

How do I find ' % ' with the LIKE operator in SQL Server?

Try this:

declare @var char(3)
set @var='[%]'
select Address from Accomodation where Address like '%'+@var+'%' 

You must use [] cancels the effect of wildcard, so you read % as a normal character, idem about character _

How to call gesture tap on UIView programmatically in swift

STEP : 1

@IBOutlet var viewTap: UIView!

STEP : 2

var tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer()

STEP : 3

override func viewDidLoad() {
    // TAP Gesture
    tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(ViewController.myviewTapped(_:)))
    tapGesture.numberOfTapsRequired = 1
    tapGesture.numberOfTouchesRequired = 1
    viewTap.isUserInteractionEnabled = true

STEP : 4

func myviewTapped(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {

    if self.viewTap.backgroundColor == UIColor.yellow {
        self.viewTap.backgroundColor =
        self.viewTap.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow


enter image description here

VB.NET Switch Statement GoTo Case

There is no equivalent in VB.NET that I could find. For this piece of code you are probably going to want to open it in Reflector and change the output type to VB to get the exact copy of the code that you need. For instance when I put the following in to Reflector:

switch (args[0])
    case "UserID":
    case "PackageID":
    case "MVRType":
        if (args[1] == "None")
            goto default;

it gave me the following VB.NET output.

Dim CS$4$0000 As String = args(0)
If (Not CS$4$0000 Is Nothing) Then
    If (CS$4$0000 = "UserID") Then
    End If
    If (CS$4$0000 = "PackageID") Then
    End If
    If ((CS$4$0000 = "MVRType") AndAlso (args(1) = "None")) Then
    End If
End If

As you can see you can accomplish the same switch case statement with If statements. Usually I don't recommend this because it makes it harder to understand, but VB.NET doesn't seem to support the same functionality, and using Reflector might be the best way to get the code you need to get it working with out a lot of pain.


Just confirmed you cannot do the exact same thing in VB.NET, but it does support some other useful things. Looks like the IF statement conversion is your best bet, or maybe some refactoring. Here is the definition for Select...Case

Trigger Change event when the Input value changed programmatically?

If someone is using react, following will be useful:

const valueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this.textInputRef, 'value').set;
const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(this.textInputRef);
const prototypeValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(prototype, 'value').set;
if (valueSetter && valueSetter !== prototypeValueSetter) {, 'new value');
} else {, 'new value');
this.textInputRef.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true }));

what innerHTML is doing in javascript?

Each HTML element has an innerHTML property that defines both the HTML code and the text that occurs between that element's opening and closing tag. By changing an element's innerHTML after some user interaction, you can make much more interactive pages.

However, using innerHTML requires some preparation if you want to be able to use it easily and reliably. First, you must give the element you wish to change an id. With that id in place you will be able to use the getElementById function, which works on all browsers.

Node - was compiled against a different Node.js version using NODE_MODULE_VERSION 51

After trying different things. This worked.

Delete your node modules folder and run

npm i

Error handling with try and catch in Laravel

You are inside a namespace so you should use \Exception to specify the global namespace:

try {


} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

In your code you've used catch (Exception $e) so Exception is being searched in/as:


Since there is no Exception class inside App\Services\PayUService so it's not being triggered. Alternatively, you can use a use statement at the top of your class like use Exception; and then you can use catch (Exception $e).

Can I automatically increment the file build version when using Visual Studio?

Use the AssemblyInfo task from the MSBuild Community Tasks ( project, and integrate it into your .csproj/.vbproj file.

It has a number of options, including one to tie the version number to the date and time of day.


Insert NULL value into INT column

The optimal solution for this is provide it as '0' and while using string use it as 'null' when using integer.


INSERT INTO table_name(column_name) VALUES(NULL);

How do I delete multiple rows in Entity Framework (without foreach)

this is as good as it gets, right? I can abstract it with an extension method or helper, but somewhere we're still going to be doing a foreach, right?

Well, yes, except you can make it into a two-liner:

context.Widgets.Where(w => w.WidgetId == widgetId)

Docker: unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: GetFileAttributesEx

while executing following command:

docker build -t docker-whale .

check that Dockerfile is present in your current working directory.

Does the join order matter in SQL?

Oracle optimizer chooses join order of tables for inner join. Optimizer chooses the join order of tables only in simple FROM clauses . U can check the oracle documentation in their website. And for the left, right outer join the most voted answer is right. The optimizer chooses the optimal join order as well as the optimal index for each table. The join order can affect which index is the best choice. The optimizer can choose an index as the access path for a table if it is the inner table, but not if it is the outer table (and there are no further qualifications).

The optimizer chooses the join order of tables only in simple FROM clauses. Most joins using the JOIN keyword are flattened into simple joins, so the optimizer chooses their join order.

The optimizer does not choose the join order for outer joins; it uses the order specified in the statement.

When selecting a join order, the optimizer takes into account: The size of each table The indexes available on each table Whether an index on a table is useful in a particular join order The number of rows and pages to be scanned for each table in each join order

How to get all files under a specific directory in MATLAB?

You can use regexp or strcmp to eliminate . and .. Or you could use the isdir field if you only want files in the directory, not folders.

list=dir(pwd);  %get info of files/folders in current directory
isfile=~[list.isdir]; %determine index of files vs folders
filenames={list(isfile).name}; %create cell array of file names

or combine the last two lines:


For a list of folders in the directory excluding . and ..


From this point, you should be able to throw the code in a nested for loop, and continue searching each subfolder until your dirnames returns an empty cell for each subdirectory.

How can I Insert data into SQL Server using VBNet

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Form2

Dim myconnection As SqlConnection

Dim mycommand As SqlCommand

Dim dr As SqlDataReader

Dim dr1 As SqlDataReader

Dim ra As Integer

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

    myconnection = New SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=root;pwd=;database=simple")

    'you need to provide password for sql server


    mycommand = New SqlCommand("insert into tbl_cus([name],[class],[phone],[address]) values ('" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & TextBox2.Text & "','" & TextBox3.Text & "','" & TextBox4.Text & "')", myconnection)


    MessageBox.Show("New Row Inserted" & ra)


End Sub

End Class

Index of Currently Selected Row in DataGridView

try this

bool flag = dg1.CurrentRow.Selected;

  /// datagridview  row  is  selected in datagridview rowselect selection mode

  /// no  row is selected or last empty row is selected

Validate email with a regex in jQuery

Email: {
                      group: '.col-sm-3',
                      enabled: false,
                      validators: {
                          //emailAddress: {
                          //    message: 'Email not Valid'
                          regexp: {
                              regexp: '^[^@\\s]+@([^@\\s]+\\.)+[^@\\s]+$',
                              message: 'Email not Valid'