Programs & Examples On #Mutable

A mutable can be modified after it is created.

What is the syntax for adding an element to a scala.collection.mutable.Map?

When you say

val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map

you are not creating a map instance, but instead aliasing the Map type.

map: collection.mutable.Map.type = scala.collection.mutable.Map$@fae93e

Try instead the following:

scala> val map = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]()
map: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map()

scala> map("asdf") = 9

scala> map
res6: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String,Int] = Map((asdf,9))

Does the 'mutable' keyword have any purpose other than allowing the variable to be modified by a const function?

The very keyword 'mutable' is actually a reserved keyword.often it is used to vary the value of constant variable.If you want to have multiple values of a constsnt,use the keyword mutable.

class tag_name{
                mutable var_name;

Immutable vs Mutable types

Common immutable type:

  1. numbers: int(), float(), complex()
  2. immutable sequences: str(), tuple(), frozenset(), bytes()

Common mutable type (almost everything else):

  1. mutable sequences: list(), bytearray()
  2. set type: set()
  3. mapping type: dict()
  4. classes, class instances
  5. etc.

One trick to quickly test if a type is mutable or not, is to use id() built-in function.

Examples, using on integer,

>>> i = 1
>>> id(i)
>>> i += 1
>>> i
>>> id(i)
***736 (different from ***704)

using on list,

>>> a = [1]
>>> id(a)
>>> a.append(2)
>>> a
[1, 2]
>>> id(a)
***416 (same with the above id)

What is difference between mutable and immutable String in java

Mutable means you will save the same reference to variable and change its contents but immutable you can not change contents but you will declare new reference contains the new and the old value of the variable

Ex Immutable -> String

String x = "value0ne";// adresse one x += "valueTwo"; //an other adresse {adresse two} adresse on the heap memory change.

Mutable -> StringBuffer - StringBuilder StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("valueOne"); // adresse One sb.append("valueTwo"); // adresse One

sb still in the same adresse i hope this comment helps

Not Able To Debug App In Android Studio

For me, it happened when I used Proguard, so by trying all the solutions I cleaned my project and pressed the debug button on Android Studio and it started debugging

Deleting elements from std::set while iterating

Just to warn, that in case of a deque container, all solutions that check for the deque iterator equality to numbers.end() will likely fail on gcc 4.8.4. Namely, erasing an element of the deque generally invalidates pointer to numbers.end():

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;
int main() 

  deque<int> numbers;


  deque<int>::iterator  it_end = numbers.end();

  for (deque<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
      cout << "Erasing element: " << *it << "\n";
      if (it_end == numbers.end()) {
    cout << "it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()\n";
      } else {
    cout << "it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()\n";
    else {
      cout << "Skipping element: " << *it << "\n";


Erasing element: 0
it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()
Skipping element: 1
Erasing element: 2
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()

Note that while the deque transformation is correct in this particular case, the end pointer has been invalidated along the way. With the deque of a different size the error is more apparent:

int main() 

  deque<int> numbers;


  deque<int>::iterator  it_end = numbers.end();

  for (deque<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it != numbers.end(); ) {
    if (*it % 2 == 0) {
      cout << "Erasing element: " << *it << "\n";
      if (it_end == numbers.end()) {
    cout << "it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()\n";
      } else {
    cout << "it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()\n";
    else {
      cout << "Skipping element: " << *it << "\n";


Erasing element: 0
it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()
Skipping element: 1
Erasing element: 2
it_end is still pointing to numbers.end()
Skipping element: 3
Erasing element: 4
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()
Erasing element: 0
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()
Erasing element: 0
it_end is not anymore pointing to numbers.end()
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Here is one of the ways to fix this:

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

using namespace std;
int main() 

  deque<int> numbers;
  bool done_iterating = false;


  if (!numbers.empty()) {
    deque<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin();
    while (!done_iterating) {
      if (it + 1 == numbers.end()) {
    done_iterating = true;
      if (*it % 2 == 0) {
    cout << "Erasing element: " << *it << "\n";
      else {
    cout << "Skipping element: " << *it << "\n";

How do I detect a click outside an element?

$('html').click(function() {_x000D_
//Hide the menus if visible_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
 <button id='#menucontainer'>Ok</button> _x000D_

Merge, update, and pull Git branches without using checkouts

The question is simple and the answer should be as simple. All the OP is asking is to merge the upstream origin/branchB into his current branch without switching branches.


git fetch
git merge origin/branchB

The full answer:

git pull does a fetch + merge. It's roughly the the same the two commands below, where <remote> is usually origin (default), and the remote tracking branch starts with <remote>/ followed by the remote branch name:

git fetch [<remote>]
git merge @{u}

The @{u} notation is the configured remote tracking branch for the current branch. If branchB tracks origin/branchB then @{u} from branchB is the same as typing origin/branchB (see git rev-parse --help for more info).

Since you already merge with origin/branchB, all that is missing is the git fetch (which can run from any branch) to update that remote-tracking branch.

Note though that if there was any merge from the pull to include, you should rather merge branchB into branchA after having done a pull from branchB (and eventually push the changes to orign/branchB), but as long as they're fast-forward they would remain the same.

Keep in mind the local branchB will not be updated until you switch to it and do an actual pull, however as long as there are no local commits added to this branch it will just remain a fast-forward to the remote branch.

Genymotion, "Unable to load VirtualBox engine." on Mavericks. VBox is setup correctly

Deleting Host-only network helped me. 1. Open Virtual Box 2. File->Preferences-> Network 3. Select the Host-only network and remove it.

Now try starting the Genymotion.

Hibernate: How to fix "identifier of an instance altered from X to Y"?

This is an old question, but I'm going to add the fix for my particular issue (Spring Boot, JPA using Hibernate, SQL Server 2014) since it doesn't exactly match the other answers included here:

I had a foreign key, e.g. my_id = '12345', but the value in the referenced column was my_id = '12345 '. It had an extra space at the end which hibernate didn't like. I removed the space, fixed the part of my code that was allowing this extra space, and everything works fine.

The ResourceConfig instance does not contain any root resource classes

Also came accross this problem, twice for different reasons. The first time I forgot to include


as described in previous comments, and once I did that, it started working.

Yet... another day I started Eclipse, expecting to continue where I left off, and instead of having my program working, it showed the very same error once again. I started checking if I accidentally had made some changes and saved corrupted file, but could find no such error and the file looked exactly like examples I have, all in order. Since it worked the day before, after some initial searching, I thought, well, maybe it's a Eclipse, or Tomcat glitch or something, so let's just try to make some changes and see if it reacts. So, I did a space + backspace in web.xml file, just to fool Eclipse that the file is changed, and saved it then. The next step was restarting Tomcat server (from Eclipse IDE) and voila, it works again!

Maybe someone with broader experience could explain what the problem really was behind all of this?

Check difference in seconds between two times

This version always returns the number of seconds difference as a positive number (same result as @freedeveloper's solution):

var seconds = System.Math.Abs((date1 - date2).TotalSeconds);

How to convert an Instant to a date format?

Instant i = Instant.ofEpochSecond(cal.getTime);

Read more here and here

POST string to ASP.NET Web Api application - returns null

Web API works very nicely if you accept the fact that you are using HTTP. It's when you start trying to pretend that you are sending objects over the wire that it starts to get messy.

 public class TextController : ApiController
        public HttpResponseMessage Post(HttpRequestMessage request) {

            var someText = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            return new HttpResponseMessage() {Content = new StringContent(someText)};



This controller will handle a HTTP request, read a string out of the payload and return that string back.

You can use HttpClient to call it by passing an instance of StringContent. StringContent will be default use text/plain as the media type. Which is exactly what you are trying to pass.

    public void PostAString()

        var client = new HttpClient();

        var content = new StringContent("Some text");
        var response = client.PostAsync("http://oak:9999/api/text", content).Result;

        Assert.Equal("Some text",response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result);


Get the current user, within an ApiController action, without passing the userID as a parameter

None of the suggestions above worked for me. The following did!


I guess there's a wide variety of scenarios and this one worked for me. My scenario involved an AngularJS frontend and a Web API 2 backend application, both running under IIS. I had to set both applications to run exclusively under Windows Authentication.

No need to pass any user information. The browser and IIS exchange the logged on user credentials and the Web API has access to the user credentials on demand (from IIS I presume).

Java - get index of key in HashMap?

Simply put, hash-based collections aren't indexed so you have to do it manually.

Open Form2 from Form1, close Form1 from Form2

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      Form2 m = new Form2();
      this.Visible = false;

How do I run a program from command prompt as a different user and as an admin

All of these answers unfortunately miss the point.

There are 2 security context nuances here, and we need them to overlap. - "Run as administrator" - changing your execution level on your local machine - "Run as different user" - selects what user credentials you run the process under.

When UAC is enabled on a workstation, there are processes which refuse to run unless elevated - simply being a member of the local "Administrators" group isn't enough. If your requirement also dictates that you use alternate credentials to those you are signed in with, we need a method to invoke the process both as the alternate credentials AND elevated.

What I found can be used, though a bit of a hassle, is:

  • run a CMD prompt as administrator
  • use the Sysinternals psexec utility as follows:

    psexec \\localworkstation -h -i -u domain\otheruser exetorun.exe

The first elevation is needed to be able to push the psexec service. The -h runs the new "remote" (local) process elevated, and -i lets it interact with the desktop.

Perhaps there are easier ways than this?

Programmatically Check an Item in Checkboxlist where text is equal to what I want

Example based on ASP.NET CheckBoxList

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="checkBoxList1" runat="server">

private void SelectCheckBoxList(string valueToSelect)
    ListItem listItem = this.checkBoxList1.Items.FindByText(valueToSelect);

    if(listItem != null) listItem.Selected = true;

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Automatically size JPanel inside JFrame

From my experience, I used GridLayout.

    thePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(a,b,c,d));

a = row number, b = column number, c = horizontal gap, d = vertical gap.

For example, if I want to create panel with:

  • unlimited row (set a = 0)
  • 1 column (set b = 1)
  • vertical gap= 3 (set d = 3)

The code is below:

    thePanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1,0,3));

This method is useful when you want to add JScrollPane to your JPanel. Size of the JPanel inside JScrollPane will automatically changes when you add some components on it, so the JScrollPane will automatically reset the scroll bar.

How to uncheck checked radio button

Radio buttons are meant to be required options... If you want them to be unchecked, use a checkbox, there is no need to complicate things and allow users to uncheck a radio button; removing the JQuery allows you to select from one of them

How do I disable orientation change on Android?

Please note, none of the methods seems to work now!

In Android Studio 1 one simple way is to add android:screenOrientation="nosensor".

This effectively locks the screen orientation.

Add a "sort" to a =QUERY statement in Google Spreadsheets

You can use ORDER BY clause to sort data rows by values in columns. Something like

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C, D")

If you’d like to order by some columns descending, others ascending, you can add desc/asc, ie:

=QUERY(responses!A1:K; "Select C, D, E where B contains '2nd Web Design' Order By C desc, D")

Match groups in Python

Starting Python 3.8, and the introduction of assignment expressions (PEP 572) (:= operator), we can now capture the condition value, statement) in a variable (let's all it match) in order to both check if it's not None and then re-use it within the body of the condition:

if match :='I love (\w+)', statement):
  print(f'He loves {}')
elif match :="Ich liebe (\w+)", statement):
  print(f'Er liebt {}')
elif match :="Je t'aime (\w+)", statement):
  print(f'Il aime {}')

HTML: how to make 2 tables with different CSS

Of course it is!

Give them both an id and set up the CSS accordingly:

    CSS for table1

    CSS for table2

Getting the closest string match

You might be interested in this blog post.

Fuzzywuzzy is a Python library that provides easy distance measures such as Levenshtein distance for string matching. It is built on top of difflib in the standard library and will make use of the C implementation Python-levenshtein if available.

Wamp Server not goes to green color

I've had the above solutions work for me on many occasions, except one; that was after I buggered up an alias file - ie a file that allows the website folder to be located in another location other than the www folder. Here's the solution:

  1. Go to c:/wamp/alias
  2. Cut all of the alias files and paste in a temp folder somewhere
  3. Restart all WAMP services
  4. If the WAMP icon goes green, then add each alias file back to the alias folder one by one, restart WAMP, and when WAMP doesn't start, you know that alias file has some bad data in it. So, fix that file or delete it. Your choice.

How to add \newpage in Rmarkdown in a smart way?

In the initialization chunk I define a function

pagebreak <- function() {
    return('<div style="page-break-before: always;" />')

In the markdown part where I want to insert a page break, I type

`r pagebreak()`

Notification not showing in Oreo

fun pushNotification(message: String?, clickAtion: String?) {
        val ii = Intent(clickAtion)
        val pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, REQUEST_CODE, ii, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT)

        val soundUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION)

        val largIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(applicationContext.resources,

        val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager

        val channelId = "default_channel_id"
        val channelDescription = "Default Channel"
// Since android Oreo notification channel is needed.
//Check if notification channel exists and if not create one
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            var notificationChannel = notificationManager.getNotificationChannel(channelId)
            if (notificationChannel != null) {
                val importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH //Set the importance level
                notificationChannel = NotificationChannel(channelId, channelDescription, importance)
               // notificationChannel.lightColor = Color.GREEN //Set if it is necesssary
                notificationChannel.enableVibration(true) //Set if it is necesssary

                val noti_builder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                val random = Random()
                val id = random.nextInt()


            val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                    .setVibrate(longArrayOf(200, 200, 0, 0, 0))


            val random = Random()
            val id = random.nextInt()



Convert int to a bit array in .NET

Use the BitArray class.

int value = 3;
BitArray b = new BitArray(new int[] { value });

If you want to get an array for the bits, you can use the BitArray.CopyTo method with a bool[] array.

bool[] bits = new bool[b.Count];
b.CopyTo(bits, 0);

Note that the bits will be stored from least significant to most significant, so you may wish to use Array.Reverse.

And finally, if you want get 0s and 1s for each bit instead of booleans (I'm using a byte to store each bit; less wasteful than an int):

byte[] bitValues = bits.Select(bit => (byte)(bit ? 1 : 0)).ToArray();

Convert Pandas Series to DateTime in a DataFrame

df=pd.read_csv("filename.csv" , parse_dates=["<column name>"])

type(df.<column name>)

example: if you want to convert day which is initially a string to a Timestamp in Pandas

df=pd.read_csv("weather_data2.csv" , parse_dates=["day"])


The output will be pandas.tslib.Timestamp

How get an apostrophe in a string in javascript

You can try the following:

theAnchorText = "I'm home";


theAnchorText = 'I\'m home';

R command for setting working directory to source file location in Rstudio

Most GUIs assume that if you are in a directory and "open", double-click, or otherwise attempt to execute an .R file, that the directory in which it resides will be the working directory unless otherwise specified. The Mac GUI provides a method to change that default behavior which is changeable in the Startup panel of Preferences that you set in a running session and become effective at the next "startup". You should be also looking at:


The RStudio documentation says:

"When launched through a file association, RStudio automatically sets the working directory to the directory of the opened file." The default setup is for RStudio to be register as a handler for .R files, although there is also mention of ability to set a default "association" with RStudio for .Rdata and .R extensions. Whether having 'handler' status and 'association' status are the same on Linux, I cannot tell.

How to run functions in parallel?

This can be done elegantly with Ray, a system that allows you to easily parallelize and distribute your Python code.

To parallelize your example, you'd need to define your functions with the @ray.remote decorator, and then invoke them with .remote.

import ray


dir1 = 'C:\\folder1'
dir2 = 'C:\\folder2'
filename = 'test.txt'
addFiles = [25, 5, 15, 35, 45, 25, 5, 15, 35, 45]

# Define the functions. 
# You need to pass every global variable used by the function as an argument.
# This is needed because each remote function runs in a different process,
# and thus it does not have access to the global variables defined in 
# the current process.
def func1(filename, addFiles, dir):
    # func1() code here...

def func2(filename, addFiles, dir):
    # func2() code here...

# Start two tasks in the background and wait for them to finish.
ray.get([func1.remote(filename, addFiles, dir1), func2.remote(filename, addFiles, dir2)]) 

If you pass the same argument to both functions and the argument is large, a more efficient way to do this is using ray.put(). This avoids the large argument to be serialized twice and to create two memory copies of it:

largeData_id = ray.put(largeData)

ray.get([func1(largeData_id), func2(largeData_id)])

Important - If func1() and func2() return results, you need to rewrite the code as follows:

ret_id1 = func1.remote(filename, addFiles, dir1)
ret_id2 = func2.remote(filename, addFiles, dir2)
ret1, ret2 = ray.get([ret_id1, ret_id2])

There are a number of advantages of using Ray over the multiprocessing module. In particular, the same code will run on a single machine as well as on a cluster of machines. For more advantages of Ray see this related post.

Find and Replace string in all files recursive using grep and sed

sed expression needs to be quoted

sed -i "s/$oldstring/$newstring/g"

What is "Advanced" SQL?

I think it's best highlighted with an example. If you feel you could write the following SQL statement quickly with little/no reference material, then I'd guess that you probably meet their Advanced SQL requirement:

SELECT @date = '10/31/09'

      FOrdType  = MAX(CASE WHEN o.OrderDate = t1.FOrdDate THEN o.OrderType  ELSE NULL END),
      FOrdTotal = MAX(CASE WHEN o.OrderDate = t1.FOrdDate THEN o.OrderTotal ELSE NULL END),
      LOrdType  = MAX(CASE WHEN o.OrderDate = t1.LOrdDate THEN o.OrderType  ELSE NULL END),
      LOrdTotal = MAX(CASE WHEN o.OrderDate = t1.LOrdDate THEN o.OrderTotal ELSE NULL END)
      (--Derived table t1 returns the tourdates, and the order dates
            FOrdDate = MIN(o.OrderDate),
            LOrdDate = MAX(o.OrderDate)
        FROM #Employees e INNER JOIN #EmpTours et
          ON e.EmpId = et.EmpId INNER JOIN #Orders o
          ON e.EmpId = o.EmpId
       WHERE et.TourStartDate <= @date
         AND (et.TourEndDate > = @date OR et.TourEndDate IS NULL)
         AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN et.TourStartDate AND @date
       GROUP BY e.EmpId,e.EmpName,et.Region,et.TourStartDate,et.TourEndDate
      ) t1 INNER JOIN #Orders o
    ON t1.EmpId = o.EmpId
   AND (t1.FOrdDate = o.OrderDate OR t1.LOrdDate = o.OrderDate)
 GROUP BY t1.EmpName,t1.Region,t1.TourStartDate,t1.TourEndDate,t1.FOrdDate,t1.LOrdDate

(source of query)

And to be honest, that's a relatively simple query - just some inner joins and a subquery, along with a few common keywords (max, min, case).

Read all worksheets in an Excel workbook into an R list with data.frames

From official readxl (tidyverse) documentation (changing first line):

path <- "data/datasets.xlsx"

path %>% 
  excel_sheets() %>% 
  set_names() %>% 
  map(read_excel, path = path)

Details at:

Tools to generate database tables diagram with Postgresql?

Quick solution I found was inside the pgAdmin program for windows. Under Tools menu there is a "Query Tool". Inside the Query Tool there is a Graphical Query Builder that can quickly show the database tables details. Good for a basic view

Group by with union mysql select query

select sum(qty), name
from (
    select count(m.owner_id) as qty,
    from transport t,owner o,motorbike m
    where t.type='motobike' and o.owner_id=m.owner_id
        and t.type_id=m.motorbike_id
    group by m.owner_id

    union all

    select count(c.owner_id) as qty,,
    from transport t,owner o,car c
    where t.type='car' and o.owner_id=c.owner_id and t.type_id=c.car_id
    group by c.owner_id
) t
group by name

Executing <script> injected by innerHTML after AJAX call

This worked for me by calling eval on each script content from ajax .done :

$.ajax({}).done(function (data) {      
    $('div#content script').each(function (index, element) { eval(element.innerHTML); 

Note: I didn't write parameters to $.ajax which you have to adjust according to your ajax.

Tomcat 7: How to set initial heap size correctly?

If it's not work in your centos 7 machine "export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1024M"" then you can change heap memory from vi /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service file then this value shown in your tomcat by help of ps -ef|grep tomcat.

how to get domain name from URL

It is not possible without using a TLD list to compare with as their exist many cases like or that will be interpreted by a regex as the domains (correct) and (wrong).

But even with that you won't have success if your list does not contain SLDs, too. URLs like and would be both interpreted as (the first domain is

Because of that all browsers use Mozilla's Public Suffix List:

You can use it in your code by importing it through this URL:

Feel free to extend my function to extract the domain name, only. It won't use regex and it is fast:

sendmail: how to configure sendmail on ubuntu?

When you typed in sudo sendmailconfig, you should have been prompted to configure sendmail.

For reference, the files that are updated during configuration are located at the following (in case you want to update them manually):


You can test sendmail to see if it is properly configured and setup by typing the following into the command line:

$ echo "My test email being sent from sendmail" | /usr/sbin/sendmail [email protected]

The following will allow you to add smtp relay to sendmail:

#Change to your mail config directory:
cd /etc/mail

#Make a auth subdirectory
mkdir auth
chmod 700 auth

#Create a file with your auth information to the smtp server
cd auth
touch client-info

#In the file, put the following, matching up to your smtp server: "U:root" "I:user" "P:password"

#Generate the Authentication database, make both files readable only by root
makemap hash client-info < client-info
chmod 600 client-info
cd ..

Add the following lines to, but before the MAILERDEFINITIONS. Make sure you update your smtp server.

FEATURE(`authinfo',`hash -o /etc/mail/auth/client-info.db')dnl

Invoke creation (alternatively run make -C /etc/mail):

m4 >

Restart the sendmail daemon:

service sendmail restart

StringStream in C#

Since your Print() method presumably deals with Text data, could you rewrite it to accept a TextWriter parameter?

The library provides a StringWriter: TextWriter but not a StringStream. I suppose you could create one by wrapping a MemoryStream, but is it really necessary?

After the Update:

void Main() 
  string myString;  // outside using

  using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream ())
     myString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray());


You may want to change UTF8 to ASCII, depending on the encoding used by Print().

Python sys.argv lists and indexes

In a nutshell, sys.argv is a list of the words that appear in the command used to run the program. The first word (first element of the list) is the name of the program, and the rest of the elements of the list are any arguments provided. In most computer languages (including Python), lists are indexed from zero, meaning that the first element in the list (in this case, the program name) is sys.argv[0], and the second element (first argument, if there is one) is sys.argv[1], etc.

The test len(sys.argv) >= 2 simply checks wither the list has a length greater than or equal to 2, which will be the case if there was at least one argument provided to the program.

How to correct TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing?

The error already says what you have to do. MD5 operates on bytes, so you have to encode Unicode string into bytes, e.g. with line.encode('utf-8').

c++ array - expression must have a constant value

You can use #define as an alternative solution, which do not introduce vector and malloc, and you are still using the same syntax when defining an array.

#define row 8
#define col 8

int main()
int array_name[row][col];

Disable scrolling when touch moving certain element

The ultimate solution would be setting overflow: hidden; on document.documentElement like so:

/* element is an HTML element You want catch the touch */
element.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) { = 'hidden';

document.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) { = 'auto';

By setting overflow: hidden on start of touch it makes everything exceeding window hidden thus removing availability to scroll anything (no content to scroll).

After touchend the lock can be freed by setting overflow to auto (the default value).

It is better to append this to <html> because <body> may be used to do some styling, plus it can make children behave unexpectedly.

EDIT: About touch-action: none; - Safari doesn't support it according to MDN.

Setting environment variables on OS X

Another, free, opensource, Mac OS X v10.8 (Mountain Lion) Preference pane/environment.plist solution is EnvPane.

EnvPane's source code available on GitHub. EnvPane looks like it has comparable features to RCEnvironment, however, it seems it can update its stored variables instantly, i.e. without the need for a restart or login, which is welcome.

As stated by the developer:

EnvPane is a preference pane for Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) that lets you set environment variables for all programs in both graphical and terminal sessions. Not only does it restore support for ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist in Mountain Lion, it also publishes your changes to the environment immediately, without the need to log out and back in. <SNIP> EnvPane includes (and automatically installs) a launchd agent that runs 1) early after login and 2) whenever the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist changes. The agent reads ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist and exports the environment variables from that file to the current user's launchd instance via the same API that is used by launchctl setenv and launchctl unsetenv.

Disclaimer: I am in no way related to the developer or his/her project.

P.S. I like the name (sounds like 'Ends Pain').

How to stretch in width a WPF user control to its window?

Does setting the HorizontalAlignment to Stretch, and the Width to Auto on the user control achieve the desired results?


UPDATE for Django >= 1.7

Per Django 2.1 documentation: Serving files uploaded by a user during development

from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.static import static

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # ... the rest of your URLconf goes here ...
) + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

You no longer need if settings.DEBUG as Django will handle ensuring this is only used in Debug mode.

ORIGINAL answer for Django <= 1.6

Try putting this into your

from django.conf import settings

# ... your normal urlpatterns here

if settings.DEBUG:
    # static files (images, css, javascript, etc.)
    urlpatterns += patterns('',
        (r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {
        'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}))

With this you can serve the static media from Django when DEBUG = True (when you run on local computer) but you can let your web server configuration serve static media when you go to production and DEBUG = False

How to check model string property for null in a razor view

Try this first, you may be passing a Null Model:

@if (Model != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ImageName))
    <label for="Image">Change picture</label>
    <label for="Image">Add picture</label>

Otherise, you can make it even neater with some ternary fun! - but that will still error if your model is Null.

<label for="Image">@(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.ImageName) ? "Add" : "Change") picture</label>

Postgres "psql not recognized as an internal or external command"

Enter this path in your System environment variable.

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\[YOUR PG VERSION]\bin

In this case i'm using version 10. If you check the postgres folder you are going to see your current versions.

In my own case i used the following on separate lines:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\bin
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\lib

Change the Textbox height?

AutoSize, Minimum, Maximum does not give flexibility. Use multiline and handle the enter key event and suppress the keypress. Works great.

textBox1.Multiline = true;

 private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
                e.Handled = true;
                e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

EF Code First "Invalid column name 'Discriminator'" but no inheritance

I had a similar problem, not exactly the same conditions and then i saw this post. Hope it helps someone. Apparently i was using one of my EF entity models a base class for a type that was not specified as a db set in my dbcontext. To fix this issue i had to create a base class that had all the properties common to the two types and inherit from the new base class among the two types.


//Bad Flow
    //class defined in dbcontext as a dbset
    public class Customer{ 
       public int Id {get; set;}
       public string Name {get; set;}

    //class not defined in dbcontext as a dbset
    public class DuplicateCustomer:Customer{ 
       public object DuplicateId {get; set;}

    //Good/Correct flow*
    //Common base class
    public class CustomerBase{ 
       public int Id {get; set;}
       public string Name {get; set;}

    //entity model referenced in dbcontext as a dbset
    public class Customer: CustomerBase{


    //entity model not referenced in dbcontext as a dbset
    public class DuplicateCustomer:CustomerBase{

       public object DuplicateId {get; set;}


How to extract base URL from a string in JavaScript?

Instead of having to account for window.location.protocol and window.location.origin, and possibly missing a specified port number, etc., just grab everything up to the 3rd "/":

// get nth occurrence of a character c in the calling string
String.prototype.nthIndex = function (n, c) {
    var index = -1;
    while (n-- > 0) {
        if (this.substring(index) == "") return -1; // don't run off the end
        index += this.substring(index).indexOf(c);
    return index;

// get the base URL of the current page by taking everything up to the third "/" in the URL
function getBaseURL() {
    return document.URL.substring(0, document.URL.nthIndex(3,"/") + 1);

Ways to eliminate switch in code

Switch is not a good way to go as it breaks the Open Close Principal. This is how I do it.

public class Animal
       public abstract void Speak();

public class Dog : Animal
   public virtual void Speak()
       Console.WriteLine("Hao Hao");

public class Cat : Animal
   public virtual void Speak()

And here is how to use it (taking your code):

foreach (var animal in zoo) 
    echo animal.speak();

Basically what we are doing is delegating the responsibility to the child class instead of having the parent decide what to do with children.

You might also want to read up on "Liskov Substitution Principle".

How to know what the 'errno' means?

I have the following function in my .bashrc file - it looks up the errno value from the header files (can be either /usr/include/errno.h, /usr/include/linux/errno.h, etc., etc.)

It works if header files are installed on the machine;-)

Usually the header file have an error + next comes the explanation in the comment; something of the following:

./asm-generic/errno-base.h:#define EAGAIN 11 /* Try again */

function errno()
    local arg=$1

    if [[ "x$arg" == "x-h" ]]; then
        cat <<EOF
        Usage: errno <num>
        Prints text that describes errno error number
        pushd /usr/include
        find . -name "errno*.h" | xargs grep   "[[:space:]]${arg}[[:space:]]"

Make button width fit to the text

Keeping the element's size relative to its content can also be done with display: inline-flex and display: table

The centering can be done with..

  • text-align: center; on the parent (or above, it's inherited)

  • display: flex; and justify-content: center; on the parent

  • position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); on the element with position: relative; (at least) on the parent.

Here's a flexbox guide from CSS Tricks

Here's an article on centering from CSS Tricks.

Keeping an element only as wide as its content..

  • Can use display: table;

  • Or inline-anything including inline-flex as used in my snippet example below.

Keep in mind that when centering with flexbox's justify-content: center; when the text wraps the text will align left. So you will still need text-align: center; if your site is responsive and you expect lines to wrap.

body {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
  height: 100vh;_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
.container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  justify-content: center; /* center horizontally */_x000D_
  align-items: center; /* center vertically */_x000D_
  height: 50%;_x000D_
.container.c1 {_x000D_
  text-align: center; /* needed if the text wraps */_x000D_
  /* text-align is inherited, it can be put on the parent or the target element */_x000D_
.container.c2 {_x000D_
 /* without text-align: center; */_x000D_
.button {_x000D_
  padding: 5px 10px;_x000D_
  font-size: 30px;_x000D_
  text-decoration: none;_x000D_
  color: hsla(0, 0%, 90%, 1);_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(hsla(21, 85%, 51%, 1), hsla(21, 85%, 61%, 1));_x000D_
  border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 2px 2px 15px -5px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1);_x000D_
.button:hover {_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(hsl(207.5, 84.8%, 51%), hsla(207, 84%, 62%, 1));_x000D_
  transition: all 0.2s linear;_x000D_
.button.b1 {_x000D_
    display: inline-flex; /* element only as wide as content */_x000D_
.button.b2 {_x000D_
    display: table; /* element only as wide as content */_x000D_
<div class="container c1">_x000D_
  <a class="button b1" href="">This Text Is Centered Before And After Wrap</a>_x000D_
<div class="container c2">_x000D_
  <a class="button b2" href="">This Text Is Centered Only Before Wrap</a>_x000D_


How to access local files of the filesystem in the Android emulator?

You can use the adb command which comes in the tools dir of the SDK:

adb shell

It will give you a command line prompt where you can browse and access the filesystem. Or you can extract the files you want:

adb pull /sdcard/the_file_you_want.txt

Also, if you use eclipse with the ADT, there's a view to browse the file system (Window->Show View->Other... and choose Android->File Explorer)

How do I move a file (or folder) from one folder to another in TortoiseSVN?

Subversion does not yet have a first-class rename operations.

There's a 6-year-old bug on the problem:

It's being considered for 1.6, now that merge tracking (a higher priority) has been added (in 1.5).

Options for initializing a string array

string[] str = new string[]{"1","2"};
string[] str = new string[4]; Is there a way to auto indent / format <html>

Beautify does a good job. It provides a "Beautify on save" option, so that you may use ctrl+s to reformate html, less, css, etc

How can I set a custom date time format in Oracle SQL Developer?

I stumbled on this post while trying to change the display format for dates in sql-developer. Just wanted to add to this what I found out:

  • To Change the default display format, I would use the steps provided by ousoo i.e Tools > Preferences > ...
  • But a lot of times, I just want to retain the DEFAULT_FORMAT while modifying the format only during a bunch of related queries. That's when I would change the format of the session with the following:

    alter SESSION set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'my_required_date_format'



Python pandas insert list into a cell

Pandas >= 0.21

set_value has been deprecated. You can now use to set by label, and DataFrame.iat to set by integer position.

Setting Cell Values with at/iat

# Setup
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [12, 23], 'B': [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]})

    A       B
0  12  [a, b]
1  23  [c, d]


A     int64
B    object
dtype: object

If you want to set a value in second row of the "B" to some new list, use[1, 'B'] = ['m', 'n']

    A       B
0  12  [a, b]
1  23  [m, n]

You can also set by integer position using DataFrame.iat

df.iat[1, df.columns.get_loc('B')] = ['m', 'n']

    A       B
0  12  [a, b]
1  23  [m, n]

What if I get ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence?

I'll try to reproduce this with:


    A   B
0  12 NaN
1  23 NaN


A      int64
B    float64
dtype: object[1, 'B'] = ['m', 'n']
# ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

This is because of a your object is of float64 dtype, whereas lists are objects, so there's a mismatch there. What you would have to do in this situation is to convert the column to object first.

df['B'] = df['B'].astype(object)

A     int64
B    object
dtype: object

Then, it works:[1, 'B'] = ['m', 'n']

    A       B
0  12     NaN
1  23  [m, n]

Possible, But Hacky

Even more wacky, I've found you can hack through DataFrame.loc to achieve something similar if you pass nested lists.

df.loc[1, 'B'] = [['m'], ['n'], ['o'], ['p']]

    A             B
0  12        [a, b]
1  23  [m, n, o, p]

You can read more about why this works here.

How to check which version of Keras is installed?

The simplest way is using pip command:

pip list | grep Keras

Using FFmpeg in .net?

GPL-compiled ffmpeg can be used from non-GPL program (commercial project) only if it is invoked in the separate process as command line utility; all wrappers that are linked with ffmpeg library (including Microsoft's FFMpegInterop) can use only LGPL build of ffmpeg.

You may try my .NET wrapper for FFMpeg: Video Converter for .NET (I'm an author of this library). It embeds FFMpeg.exe into the DLL for easy deployment and doesn't break GPL rules (FFMpeg is NOT linked and wrapper invokes it in the separate process with System.Diagnostics.Process).

Editing the date formatting of x-axis tick labels in matplotlib

While the answer given by Paul H shows the essential part, it is not a complete example. On the other hand the matplotlib example seems rather complicated and does not show how to use days.

So for everyone in need here is a full working example:

from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DateFormatter

myDates = [datetime(2012,1,i+3) for i in range(10)]
myValues = [5,6,4,3,7,8,1,2,5,4]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

myFmt = DateFormatter("%d")

## Rotate date labels automatically

Get a list of checked checkboxes in a div using jQuery

 var agencias = [];
 $('#Div input:checked').each(function(index, item){

Putting text in top left corner of matplotlib plot

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
plt.text(0.1, 0.9, 'text', size=15, color='purple')

# or 

fig, axe = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
axe.text(0.1, 0.9, 'text', size=15, color='purple')

Output of Both

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Build a rectangle in axes coords
left, width = .25, .5
bottom, height = .25, .5
right = left + width
top = bottom + height
ax = plt.gca()
p = plt.Rectangle((left, bottom), width, height, fill=False)

ax.text(left, bottom, 'left top',

ax.text(left, bottom, 'left bottom',

ax.text(right, top, 'right bottom',

ax.text(right, top, 'right top',

ax.text(right, bottom, 'center top',

ax.text(left, 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'right center',

ax.text(left, 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'left center',

ax.text(0.5 * (left + right), 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'middle',

ax.text(right, 0.5 * (bottom + top), 'centered',

ax.text(left, top, 'rotated\nwith newlines',


enter image description here

How to align title at center of ActionBar in default theme(Theme.Holo.Light)

Check out new Tool bar on support library class in Lollipop update you can design actionbar by adding toolbar in your layout

add these items in your app theme

 <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
 <item name="windowActionBar">false</item>

Create your toolbar in a layout and include your textview in center design your toolbar


        android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

            android:textStyle="bold" />



add your action bar as tool bar

toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;
if (toolbar != null) {

please ensure that you need to include toolbar on your resource file like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

        layout="@layout/toolbar" />


        <!-- Framelayout to display Fragments -->

                layout="@layout/homepageinc" />


            android:layout_height="match_parent" />



Passing the argument to CMAKE via command prompt

CMake 3.13 on Ubuntu 16.04

This approach is more flexible because it doesn't constraint MY_VARIABLE to a type:

$ cat CMakeLists.txt 
    message("MY_VARIABLE evaluates to True")

$ mkdir build && cd build

$ cmake ..
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /path/to/build

$ cmake .. -DMY_VARIABLE=True
MY_VARIABLE evaluates to True
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /path/to/build

$ cmake .. -DMY_VARIABLE=False
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /path/to/build

$ cmake .. -DMY_VARIABLE=1
MY_VARIABLE evaluates to True
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /path/to/build

$ cmake .. -DMY_VARIABLE=0
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /path/to/build

Gradle task - pass arguments to Java application

Sorry for answering so late.

I figured an answer alike to @xlm 's:

task run (type: JavaExec, dependsOn: classes){
    description = "Secure algorythm testing"
    main = "main.Test"
    classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath

And invoke like:

gradle run -Pmyargs=-d,s

Get div's offsetTop positions in React

A quicker way if you are using React 16.3 and above is by creating a ref in the constructor, then attaching it to the component you wish to use with as shown below.

   //create a ref
   this.someRefName = React.createRef();


let offsetTop = this.someRefName.current.offsetTop;


<Component ref={this.someRefName} />


Show default value in Spinner in android

Spinner sp = (Spinner)findViewById(; 

here pos is integer (your array item position)

array is like below then pos = 0;

String str[] = new String{"Select Gender","male", "female" };

then in onItemSelected

    public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> main, View view, int position,
            long Id) {

        if(position > 0){
          // get spinner value
          // show toast select gender


git index.lock File exists when I try to commit, but cannot delete the file

On Linux, Unix, Git Bash, or Cygwin, try:

rm -f .git/index.lock

On Windows Command Prompt, try:

del .git\index.lock

For Windows:

  • From a PowerShell console opened as administrator, try

    rm -Force ./.git/index.lock
  • If that does not work, you must kill all git.exe processes

    taskkill /F /IM git.exe

    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 20448 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 11312 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 23868 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 27496 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 33480 has been terminated.
    SUCCESS: The process "git.exe" with PID 28036 has been terminated. \

    rm -Force ./.git/index.lock

How to convert an NSTimeInterval (seconds) into minutes

Brian Ramsay’s code, de-pseudofied:

- (NSString*)formattedStringForDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
    NSInteger minutes = floor(duration/60);
    NSInteger seconds = round(duration - minutes * 60);
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d:%02d", minutes, seconds];

continuous page numbering through section breaks

You can check out this post on SuperUser.

Word starts page numbering over for each new section by default.

I do it slightly differently than the post above that goes through the ribbon menus, but in both methods you have to go through the document to each section's beginning.

My method:

  • open up the footer (or header if that's where your page number is)
  • drag-select the page number
  • right-click on it
  • hit Format Page Numbers
  • click on the Continue from Previous Section radio button under Page numbering

I find this right-click method to be a little faster. Also, usually if I insert the page numbers first before I start making any new sections, this problem doesn't happen in the first place.

How do I copy to the clipboard in JavaScript?

In case you're reading text from the clipboard in a Chrome extension, with 'clipboardRead' permission allowed, you can use the below code:

function readTextFromClipboardInChromeExtension() {
    var ta = $('<textarea/>');
    var text = ta.val();
    return text;

How to fix: fatal error: openssl/opensslv.h: No such file or directory in RedHat 7

On CYGwin, you can install this as a typical package in the first screen. Look for


Mouseover or hover vue.js

It's possible to toggle a class on hover strictly within a component's template, however, it's not a practical solution for obvious reasons. For prototyping on the other hand, I find it useful to not have to define data properties or event handlers within the script.

Here's an example of how you can experiment with icon colors using Vuetify.

new Vue({_x000D_
  el: '#app'_x000D_
<link href=",300,400,500,700,900|Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="app">_x000D_
    <v-toolbar color="black" dark>_x000D_
        <v-btn icon>_x000D_
          <v-icon @mouseenter="e =>'pink--text')" @mouseleave="e =>'pink--text')">delete</v-icon>_x000D_
        <v-btn icon>_x000D_
          <v-icon @mouseenter="e =>'blue--text')" @mouseleave="e =>'blue--text')">launch</v-icon>_x000D_
        <v-btn icon>_x000D_
          <v-icon @mouseenter="e =>'green--text')" @mouseleave="e =>'green--text')">check</v-icon>_x000D_

When does SQLiteOpenHelper onCreate() / onUpgrade() run?

In my case I get items from XML-file with <string-array>, where I store <item>s. In these <item>s I hold SQL strings and apply one-by-one with databaseBuilder.addMigrations(migration). I made one mistake, forgot to add \ before quote and got the exception:

android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: some_value (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: INSERT INTO table_name(id, name) VALUES(1, some_value)

So, this is a right variant:

    INSERT INTO table_name(id, name) VALUES(1, \"some_value\")

How to disable editing of elements in combobox for c#?

Use the ComboStyle property:

comboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

How to prevent tensorflow from allocating the totality of a GPU memory?

You can set the fraction of GPU memory to be allocated when you construct a tf.Session by passing a tf.GPUOptions as part of the optional config argument:

# Assume that you have 12GB of GPU memory and want to allocate ~4GB:
gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.333)

sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options))

The per_process_gpu_memory_fraction acts as a hard upper bound on the amount of GPU memory that will be used by the process on each GPU on the same machine. Currently, this fraction is applied uniformly to all of the GPUs on the same machine; there is no way to set this on a per-GPU basis.

Where can I find "make" program for Mac OS X Lion?

After upgrading to Mountain Lion using the NDK, I had the following error:

Cannot find 'make' program. Please install Cygwin make package or define the GNUMAKE variable to point to it

Error was fixed by downloading and using the latest NDK

Fluid width with equally spaced DIVs

If you know the number of elements per "row" and the width of the container you can use a selector to add a margin to the elements you need to cause a justified look.

I had rows of three divs I wanted justified so used the:

.tile:nth-child(3n+2) { margin: 0 10px }

this allows the center div in each row to have a margin that forces the 1st and 3rd div to the outside edges of the container

Also great for other things like borders background colors etc

How do I insert a drop-down menu for a simple Windows Forms app in Visual Studio 2008?

You can use ComboBox, then point your mouse to the upper arrow facing right, it will unfold a box called ComboBox Tasks and in there you can go ahead and edit your items or fill in the items / strings one per line. This should be the easiest.

Forcing label to flow inline with input that they label

put them both inside a div with nowrap.

<div style="white-space:nowrap">
    <label for="id1">label1:</label>
    <input type="text" id="id1"/>

Updating .class file in jar

Editing properties/ file inside jar:

"zip -u /var/opt/my-jar-with-dependencies.jar properties/". Basically "zip -u <source> <dest>", where dest is relative to the jar extract folder.

Nexus 5 USB driver

I just wanted to bring a small contribution, because I have been able to debug on my Nexus 5 device on Windows 8, without doing all of this.

When I plugged it, there was no yellow exclamation mark within the device manager. So for me, the drivers was OK. But the device was not listed within my eclipse ddms. After a little bit of searching, It was just an option to change in the device settings. By default, the Nexus 5 usb computer connection is in MTP mode (Media Device).

What you have to do is:

  1. Unplug the device from the computer
  2. Go to Settings -> Storage.
  3. In the ActionBar, click the option menu and choose "USB computer connection".
  4. Check "Camera (PTP)" connection.
  5. Plug the device and you should have a popup on the device allowing you to accept the computer's incoming connection, or something like that.
  6. Finally you should see it now in the ddms and voilà.

I hope this will help!

How to remove duplicate values from an array in PHP

//Find duplicates 

$arr = array( 

$unique = array_unique($arr); 
$dupes = array_diff_key( $arr, $unique ); 
    // array( 5=>'duplicate', 6=>'three3' 7=>'three3' )

// count duplicates

array_count_values($dupes); // array( 'duplicate'=>1, 'three3'=>2 )

How do I list all remote branches in Git 1.7+?

If there's a remote branch that you know should be listed, but it isn't getting listed, you might want to verify that your origin is set up properly with this:

git remote show origin

If that's all good, maybe you should run an update:

git remote update

Assuming that runs successfully, you should be able to do what the other answers say:

git branch -r

How to pass parameters to ThreadStart method in Thread?

here is the perfect way...

private void func_trd(String sender)

        imgh.LoadImages_R_Randomiz(this, "01", groupBox, randomizerB.Value); // normal code

        ThreadStart ts = delegate

        Thread nt = new Thread(ts);
        nt.IsBackground = true;


    catch (Exception)


private void ExecuteInForeground(string name)
     //whatever ur function

Create list of single item repeated N times

Itertools has a function just for that:

import itertools
it = itertools.repeat(e,n)

Of course itertools gives you a iterator instead of a list. [e] * n gives you a list, but, depending on what you will do with those sequences, the itertools variant can be much more efficient.

How to make an Asynchronous Method return a value?

Probably the simplest way to do it is to create a delegate and then BeginInvoke, followed by a wait at some time in the future, and an EndInvoke.

public bool Foo(){
    Thread.Sleep(100000); // Do work
    return true;

public SomeMethod()
    var fooCaller = new Func<bool>(Foo);
    // Call the method asynchronously
    var asyncResult = fooCaller.BeginInvoke(null, null);

    // Potentially do other work while the asynchronous method is executing.

    // Finally, wait for result
    bool fooResult = fooCaller.EndInvoke(asyncResult);

    Console.WriteLine("Foo returned {0}", fooResult);

make div's height expand with its content

Before to do anything check for css rules with:

{ position:absolute }

Remove if exist and don't need them.

GridView - Show headers on empty data source

Add this property to your grid-view : ShowHeaderWhenEmpty="True" it might help just check

CSS fixed width in a span

ul {_x000D_
 list-style-type: none;_x000D_
 padding-left: 0px;_x000D_
ul li span { _x000D_
 float: left;_x000D_
 width: 40px;_x000D_
    <li><span></span> The lazy dog.</li>_x000D_
    <li><span>AND</span> The lazy cat.</li>_x000D_
    <li><span>OR</span> The active goldfish.</li>_x000D_

How to change MenuItem icon in ActionBar programmatically

Here is how i resolved this:

1 - create a Field Variable like: private Menu mMenuItem;

2 - override the method invalidateOptionsMenu():

public void invalidateOptionsMenu() {

3 - call the method invalidateOptionsMenu() in your onCreate()

4 - add mMenuItem = menu in your onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) like this:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    mMenuItem = menu;
    return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

5 - in the method onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) change the icon you want like this:

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

    switch (item.getItemId()){

            mMenuItem.getItem(0).setIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher); // to change the fav icon
            //Toast.makeText(this, " " + mMenuItem.getItem(0).getTitle(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); <<--- this to check if the item in the index 0 is the one you are looking for
            return true;
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

How to set Sqlite3 to be case insensitive when string comparing?

Its working for me Perfectly. SELECT NAME FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE NAME = 'test Name' COLLATE NOCASE

How to count the occurrence of certain item in an ndarray?

using numpy.count

$ a = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]

$ np.count(a, 1)

Fatal error: Class 'PHPMailer' not found

I had a number of errors similar to this. Make sure your setFrom email address is valid in $mail->setFrom()

Very simple C# CSV reader

You can try the some thing like the below LINQ snippet.

string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(@"E:\Temp\data.csv");

    var query = from line in allLines
                let data = line.Split(',')
                select new
                    Device = data[0],
                    SignalStrength = data[1],
                    Location = data[2], 
                    Time = data[3],
                    Age = Convert.ToInt16(data[4])

UPDATE: Over a period of time, things evolved. As of now, I would prefer to use this library

Call asynchronous method in constructor?

To put it simply, referring to Stephen Cleary

your page on creation should create tasks in constructor and you should declare those tasks as class members or put it in your task pool.

Your data are fetched during these tasks, but these tasks should awaited in the code i.e. on some UI manipulations, i.e. Ok Click etc.

I developped such apps in WP, we had a whole bunch of tasks created on start.

What is a "cache-friendly" code?

Just piling on: the classic example of cache-unfriendly versus cache-friendly code is the "cache blocking" of matrix multiply.

Naive matrix multiply looks like:

for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
   for(j=0;j<N;j++) {
      dest[i][j] = 0;
      for( k=0;k<N;k++) {
         dest[i][j] += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j];

If N is large, e.g. if N * sizeof(elemType) is greater than the cache size, then every single access to src2[k][j] will be a cache miss.

There are many different ways of optimizing this for a cache. Here's a very simple example: instead of reading one item per cache line in the inner loop, use all of the items:

int itemsPerCacheLine = CacheLineSize / sizeof(elemType);

for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
   for(j=0;j<N;j += itemsPerCacheLine ) {
      for(jj=0;jj<itemsPerCacheLine; jj+) {
         dest[i][j+jj] = 0;
      for( k=0;k<N;k++) {
         for(jj=0;jj<itemsPerCacheLine; jj+) {
            dest[i][j+jj] += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j+jj];

If the cache line size is 64 bytes, and we are operating on 32 bit (4 byte) floats, then there are 16 items per cache line. And the number of cache misses via just this simple transformation is reduced approximately 16-fold.

Fancier transformations operate on 2D tiles, optimize for multiple caches (L1, L2, TLB), and so on.

Some results of googling "cache blocking":

A nice video animation of an optimized cache blocking algorithm.

Loop tiling is very closely related:

Tkinter: How to use threads to preventing main event loop from "freezing"

When you join the new thread in the main thread, it will wait until the thread finishes, so the GUI will block even though you are using multithreading.

If you want to place the logic portion in a different class, you can subclass Thread directly, and then start a new object of this class when you press the button. The constructor of this subclass of Thread can receive a Queue object and then you will be able to communicate it with the GUI part. So my suggestion is:

  1. Create a Queue object in the main thread
  2. Create a new thread with access to that queue
  3. Check periodically the queue in the main thread

Then you have to solve the problem of what happens if the user clicks two times the same button (it will spawn a new thread with each click), but you can fix it by disabling the start button and enabling it again after you call self.prog_bar.stop().

import Queue

class GUI:
    # ...

    def tb_click(self):
        self.queue = Queue.Queue()
        self.master.after(100, self.process_queue)

    def process_queue(self):
            msg = self.queue.get(0)
            # Show result of the task if needed
        except Queue.Empty:
            self.master.after(100, self.process_queue)

class ThreadedTask(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, queue):
        self.queue = queue
    def run(self):
        time.sleep(5)  # Simulate long running process
        self.queue.put("Task finished")

chrome undo the action of "prevent this page from creating additional dialogs"

Close the tab of the page you disabled alerts. Re-open the page in a new tab. The setting only lasts for the session, so alerts will be re-enabled once the new session begins in the new tab.

grep for multiple strings in file on different lines (ie. whole file, not line based search)?

awk '/Dansk/{a=1}/Norsk/{b=1}/Svenska/{c=1}END{ if (a && b && c) print "0" }' 

you can then catch the return value with the shell

if you have Ruby(1.9+)

ruby -0777 -ne 'print if /Dansk/ and /Norsk/ and /Svenka/' file

What exactly is the 'react-scripts start' command?

create-react-app and react-scripts

react-scripts is a set of scripts from the create-react-app starter pack. create-react-app helps you kick off projects without configuring, so you do not have to setup your project by yourself.

react-scripts start sets up the development environment and starts a server, as well as hot module reloading. You can read here to see what everything it does for you.

with create-react-app you have following features out of the box.

  • React, JSX, ES6, and Flow syntax support.
  • Language extras beyond ES6 like the object spread operator.
  • Autoprefixed CSS, so you don’t need -webkit- or other prefixes.
  • A fast interactive unit test runner with built-in support for coverage reporting.
  • A live development server that warns about common mistakes.
  • A build script to bundle JS, CSS, and images for production, with hashes and sourcemaps.
  • An offline-first service worker and a web app manifest, meeting all the Progressive Web App criteria.
  • Hassle-free updates for the above tools with a single dependency.

npm scripts

npm start is a shortcut for npm run start.

npm run is used to run scripts that you define in the scripts object of your package.json

if there is no start key in the scripts object, it will default to node server.js

Sometimes you want to do more than the react scripts gives you, in this case you can do react-scripts eject. This will transform your project from a "managed" state into a not managed state, where you have full control over dependencies, build scripts and other configurations.

How does Facebook Sharer select Images and other metadata when sharing my URL?

From my experience, the does not use meta tags. It uses the string you pass. See below.[title]=THIS IS MY TITLE&p[summary]=THIS IS MY SUMMARY&p[url]=[images][0]=

The meta tags work with Facebook's developer like/send buttons, as does the other Open Graph info. So if you use one of Facebook's actual elements like the comments and such, that will all tie into the Open Graph stuff.

UPDATE: There are two ways to use the sharer * note the ?s versus the ?u value in the query string
1 ==> STRING: + content from above
~~> Will pull info from the string.
2 ==> URL: where url equals an actual url
~~> Will scrape the page provided in the url value
~~> You can test test the values here:

Convert number of minutes into hours & minutes using PHP

$m = 250;

$extraIntH = intval($m/60);

$extraIntHs = ($m/60);             // float value   

$whole = floor($extraIntHs);      //  return int value 1

$fraction = $extraIntHs - $whole; // Total - int = . decimal value

$extraIntHss =  ($fraction*60); 

$TotalHoursAndMinutesString  =  $extraIntH."h ".$extraIntHss."m";

Search all the occurrences of a string in the entire project in Android Studio

TLDR: ??F on MacOS will open "Find in path" dialog.

First of all, this IDEA has a nice "Find Usages" command. It can be found in the context menu, when the cursor is on some field, method, etc.

It's context-aware, and as far as I know, is the best way to find class, method or field usage.

Alternatively, you can use the

Edit > Find > Find in path…

dialog, which allows you to search the whole workspace.

Also in IDEA 13 there is an awesome "Search Everywhere" option, by default called by double Shift. It allows you to search in project, files, classes, settings, and so on.

Also you can search from Project Structure dialog with "Find in Path…". Just call it by right mouse button on concrete directory and the search will be scoped, only inside that directory and it's sub-directory.


Git On Custom SSH Port

When you want a relative path from your home directory (on any UNIX) you use this strange syntax:


For Example, if the repo is in /home/jack/projects/jillweb on the server and you are logging in as jack with sshd listening on port 4242:

ssh://[email protected]:4242/~/projects/jillweb

And when logging in as jill (presuming you have file permissions):

ssh://[email protected]:4242/~jack/projects/jillweb

How to edit data in result grid in SQL Server Management Studio

If the query is written as a view, you can edit the view and update values. Updating values is not possible for all views. It is possible only for specific views. See Modifying Data Through View MSDN Link for more information. You can create view for the query and edit the 200 rows as given below:

enter image description here

How to convert a string to JSON object in PHP

Try with json_encode().

And look again Valid JSON

Filezilla FTP Server Fails to Retrieve Directory Listing

I had that problem with my server hosted in the cloud. I only need the server a couple of times a year and so when I boot up my server the IP address changes. The new IP address then has to be updated on FTP Server passive mode settings!

The latest version of Filezilla works just fine! page without a code behind

File: logdate.aspx

<%@ Page Language="c#" %>
<%@ Import namespace="System.IO"%>

StreamWriter tsw = File.AppendText(@Server.MapPath("./test.txt"));



How to find day of week in php in a specific timezone

$dw = date( "w", $timestamp);

Where $dw will be 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) as you can see here:

How do I convert a String to an InputStream in Java?

I find that using Apache Commons IO makes my life much easier.

String source = "This is the source of my input stream";
InputStream in =, "UTF-8");

You may find that the library also offer many other shortcuts to commonly done tasks that you may be able to use in your project.

Git merge two local branches

If you or another dev will not work on branchB further, I think it's better to keep commits in order to make reverts without headaches. So ;

git checkout branchA
git pull --rebase branchB

It's important that branchB shouldn't be used anymore.

For more ;

How can I git stash a specific file?

I usually add to index changes I don't want to stash and then stash with --keep-index option.

git add app/controllers/cart_controller.php
git stash --keep-index
git reset

Last step is optional, but usually you want it. It removes changes from index.

Warning As noted in the comments, this puts everything into the stash, both staged and unstaged. The --keep-index just leaves the index alone after the stash is done. This can cause merge conflicts when you later pop the stash.

Comprehensive methods of viewing memory usage on Solaris

"top" is usually available on Solaris.

If not then revert to "vmstat" which is available on most UNIX system.

It should look something like this (from an AIX box)


System configuration: lcpu=4 mem=12288MB ent=2.00

kthr    memory              page              faults              cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------------------
 r  b   avm   fre  re  pi  po  fr   sr  cy  in   sy  cs us sy id wa    pc    ec
 2  1 1614644 585722   0   0   1  22  104   0 808 29047 2767 12  8 77  3  0.45  22.3

the colums "avm" and "fre" tell you the total memory and free memery.

a "man vmstat" should get you the gory details.

Check if an apt-get package is installed and then install it if it's not on Linux

This will do it. apt-get install is idempotent.

sudo apt-get install command

How to convert this var string to URL in Swift

In Swift3:
let fileUrl = Foundation.URL(string: filePath)

Create a branch in Git from another branch

Create a Branch

  • Create branch when master branch is checked out. Here commits in master will be synced to the branch you created.

    $ git branch branch1

  • Create branch when branch1 is checked out . Here commits in branch1 will be synced to branch2

    $ git branch branch2

Checkout a Branch

git checkout command switch branches or restore working tree files

  • $ git checkout branchname

Renaming a Branch

  • $ git branch -m branch1 newbranchname

Delete a Branch

  • $ git branch -d branch-to-delete
  • $ git branch -D branch-to-delete ( force deletion without checking the merged status )

Create and Switch Branch

  • $ git checkout -b branchname

Branches that are completely included

  • $ git branch --merged

************************** Branch Differences [ git diff branch1..branch2 ] ************************

Multiline difference
  • $ git diff master..branch1
Singleline difference
  • $ git diff --color-words branch1..branch2

Convert pandas timezone-aware DateTimeIndex to naive timestamp, but in certain timezone

I think you can't achieve what you want in a more efficient manner than you proposed.

The underlying problem is that the timestamps (as you seem aware) are made up of two parts. The data that represents the UTC time, and the timezone, tz_info. The timezone information is used only for display purposes when printing the timezone to the screen. At display time, the data is offset appropriately and +01:00 (or similar) is added to the string. Stripping off the tz_info value (using tz_convert(tz=None)) doesn't doesn't actually change the data that represents the naive part of the timestamp.

So, the only way to do what you want is to modify the underlying data (pandas doesn't allow this... DatetimeIndex are immutable -- see the help on DatetimeIndex), or to create a new set of timestamp objects and wrap them in a new DatetimeIndex. Your solution does the latter:

pd.DatetimeIndex([i.replace(tzinfo=None) for i in t])

For reference, here is the replace method of Timestamp (see tslib.pyx):

def replace(self, **kwds):
    return Timestamp(datetime.replace(self, **kwds),

You can refer to the docs on datetime.datetime to see that datetime.datetime.replace also creates a new object.

If you can, your best bet for efficiency is to modify the source of the data so that it (incorrectly) reports the timestamps without their timezone. You mentioned:

I want to work with timezone naive timeseries (to avoid the extra hassle with timezones, and I do not need them for the case I am working on)

I'd be curious what extra hassle you are referring to. I recommend as a general rule for all software development, keep your timestamp 'naive values' in UTC. There is little worse than looking at two different int64 values wondering which timezone they belong to. If you always, always, always use UTC for the internal storage, then you will avoid countless headaches. My mantra is Timezones are for human I/O only.

How to center absolute div horizontally using CSS?

This doesn't work in IE8 but might be an option to consider. It is primarily useful if you do not want to specify a width.

  position: absolute;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translateX(-50%);

Regex - Should hyphens be escaped?

Typically you would always put the hyphen first in the [] match section. EG, to match any alphanumeric character including hyphens (written the long way), you would use [-a-zA-Z0-9]

How can I scroll a web page using selenium webdriver in python?

The easiest way i found to solve that problem was to select a label and then send:


Hope it works!

What does it mean by command cd /d %~dp0 in Windows

~dp0 : d=drive, p=path, %0=full path\name of this batch-file.

cd /d %~dp0 will change the path to the same, where the batch file resides.

See for /? or call / for more details about the %~... modifiers.
See cd /? about the /d switch.

How to disable or enable viewpager swiping in android

In my case, the simplified solution worked fine. The override method must be in your custom viewpager adapter to override TouchEvent listeners and make'em freeze;

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    return this.enabled && super.onTouchEvent(event);


public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    return this.enabled && super.onInterceptTouchEvent(event);


How can I add a box-shadow on one side of an element?

This could be a simple way

border-right : 1px solid #ddd;
box-shadow : 10px 0px 5px 1px #eaeaea;

Assign this to any div

Converting String to Int with Swift

edit/update: Xcode 11.4 • Swift 5.2

Please check the comments through the code

IntegerField.swift file contents:

import UIKit

class IntegerField: UITextField {

    // returns the textfield contents, removes non digit characters and converts the result to an integer value
    var value: Int { string.digits.integer ?? 0 }

    var maxValue: Int = 999_999_999
    private var lastValue: Int = 0

    override func willMove(toSuperview newSuperview: UIView?) {
        // adds a target to the textfield to monitor when the text changes
        addTarget(self, action: #selector(editingChanged), for: .editingChanged)
        // sets the keyboard type to digits only
        keyboardType = .numberPad
        // set the text alignment to right
        textAlignment = .right
        // sends an editingChanged action to force the textfield to be updated
        sendActions(for: .editingChanged)
    // deletes the last digit of the text field
    override func deleteBackward() {
        // note that the field text property default value is an empty string so force unwrap its value is safe
        // note also that collection remove at requires a non empty collection which is true as well in this case so no need to check if the collection is not empty.
        text!.remove(at: text!.index(before: text!.endIndex))
        // sends an editingChanged action to force the textfield to be updated
        sendActions(for: .editingChanged)
    @objc func editingChanged() {
        guard value <= maxValue else {
            text = Formatter.decimal.string(for: lastValue)
        // This will format the textfield respecting the user device locale and settings
        text = Formatter.decimal.string(for: value)
        print("Value:", value)
        lastValue = value

You would need to add those extensions to your project as well:

Extensions UITextField.swift file contents:

import UIKit
extension UITextField {
    var string: String { text ?? "" }

Extensions Formatter.swift file contents:

import Foundation
extension Formatter {
    static let decimal = NumberFormatter(numberStyle: .decimal)

Extensions NumberFormatter.swift file contents:

import Foundation
extension NumberFormatter {
    convenience init(numberStyle: Style) {
        self.numberStyle = numberStyle

Extensions StringProtocol.swift file contents:

extension StringProtocol where Self: RangeReplaceableCollection {
    var digits: Self { filter(\.isWholeNumber) }
    var integer: Int? { Int(self) }

Sample project

What's the difference between git clone --mirror and git clone --bare

$ git clone --mirror $URL

is a short-hand for

$ git clone --bare $URL
$ (cd $(basename $URL) && git remote add --mirror=fetch origin $URL)

(Copied directly from here)

How the current man-page puts it:

Compared to --bare, --mirror not only maps local branches of the source to local branches of the target, it maps all refs (including remote branches, notes etc.) and sets up a refspec configuration such that all these refs are overwritten by a git remote update in the target repository.

Websocket connections with Postman

You can use tester, this app lets you connect to a server and subscribe to a certain topic and/or lets you send socket messages to the server

Notepad++ add to every line

Please find the Screenshot below which Add a new word at the start and end of the line at a single shot

adding a new word at the start & end of the every line in Notepad++ at a single shot

Common sources of unterminated string literal

Look for linebreaks! Those are often the cause.

Most efficient way to reverse a numpy array

When you create reversed_arr you are creating a view into the original array. You can then change the original array, and the view will update to reflect the changes.

Are you re-creating the view more often than you need to? You should be able to do something like this:

arr = np.array(some_sequence)
reversed_arr = arr[::-1]


I'm not a numpy expert, but this seems like it would be the fastest way to do things in numpy. If this is what you are already doing, I don't think you can improve on it.

P.S. Great discussion of numpy views here:

View onto a numpy array?

Can not find the tag library descriptor for ""

Can not find the tag library descriptor for “”

Based on one of your previous questions you're using Tomcat 7. In that case you need JSTL 1.2. However, you've there a jstl.jar file while JSTL 1.2 has clearly the version number included like so jstl-1.2.jar. The sole filename jstl.jar is typical for JSTL 1.0 and 1.1. This version requires a standard.jar along in /WEB-INF/lib which contains the necessary TLD files. However, in your particular case the standard.jar is clearly missing in /WEB-INF/lib and that's exactly the reason why the taglib URI couldn't be resolved.

To solve this you must remove the wrong JAR file, download jstl-1.2.jar and drop it in its entirety in /WEB-INF/lib. That's all. You do not need to extract it nor to fiddle in project's Build Path.

Don't forget to remove that loose c.tld file too. It absolutely doesn't belong there. This is indeed instructed in some poor tutorials or answers elsewhere in the Internet. This is a myth caused by a major misunderstanding and misconfiguration. There is never a need to have a loose JSTL TLD file in the classpath, also not in previous JSTL versions.

In case you're using Maven, use the below coordinate:


You should also make sure that your web.xml is declared conform at least Servlet 2.4 and thus not as Servlet 2.3 or older. Otherwise EL expressions inside JSTL tags would in turn fail to work. Pick the highest version matching your target container and make sure that you don't have a <!DOCTYPE> anywhere in your web.xml. Here's a Servlet 3.0 (Tomcat 7) compatible example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Config here. -->


###See also:

Landscape printing from HTML

You can also use the non-standard IE-only css attribute writing-mode    { 
   writing-mode: tb-rl;

error "Could not get BatchedBridge, make sure your bundle is packaged properly" on start of app

I came across this issue as well. What I did was force kill the app on my device, then I opened up another console and ran

react-native start

and then I opened the app again from my device and it started working again.

EDIT: If you are using an android device via USB and have unplugged it or your computer went to sleep, you may have to first run

adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081

Exception : AAPT2 error: check logs for details

Ensure if no image in drawable folder is corrupted.


Ingnoring the duplicated unique constraint isn't a solution?

INSERT IGNORE INTO tblSoftwareTitles...

Git log to get commits only for a specific branch

I finally found the way to do what the OP wanted. It's as simple as:

git log --graph [branchname]

The command will display all commits that are reachable from the provided branch in the format of graph. But, you can easily filter all commits on that branch by looking at the commits graph whose * is the first character in the commit line.

For example, let's look at the excerpt of git log --graph master on cakephp GitHub repo below:

D:\Web Folder\cakephp>git log --graph master
*   commit 8314c2ff833280bbc7102cb6d4fcf62240cd3ac4
|\  Merge: c3f45e8 0459a35
| | Author: José Lorenzo Rodríguez <[email protected]>
| | Date:   Tue Aug 30 08:01:59 2016 +0200
| |
| |     Merge pull request #9367 from cakephp/fewer-allocations
| |
| |     Do fewer allocations for simple default values.
| |
| * commit 0459a35689fec80bd8dca41e31d244a126d9e15e
| | Author: Mark Story <[email protected]>
| | Date:   Mon Aug 29 22:21:16 2016 -0400
| |
| |     The action should only be defaulted when there are no patterns
| |
| |     Only default the action name when there is no default & no pattern
| |     defined.
| |
| * commit 80c123b9dbd1c1b3301ec1270adc6c07824aeb5c
| | Author: Mark Story <[email protected]>
| | Date:   Sun Aug 28 22:35:20 2016 -0400
| |
| |     Do fewer allocations for simple default values.
| |
| |     Don't allocate arrays when we are only assigning a single array key
| |     value.
| |
* |   commit c3f45e811e4b49fe27624b57c3eb8f4721a4323b
|\ \  Merge: 10e5734 43178fd
| |/  Author: Mark Story <[email protected]>
|/|   Date:   Mon Aug 29 22:15:30 2016 -0400
| |
| |       Merge pull request #9322 from cakephp/add-email-assertions
| |
| |       Add email assertions trait
| |
| * commit 43178fd55d7ef9a42706279fa275bb783063cf34
| | Author: Jad Bitar <[email protected]>
| | Date:   Mon Aug 29 17:43:29 2016 -0400
| |
| |     Fix `@since` in new files docblocks
| |

As you can see, only commits 8314c2ff833280bbc7102cb6d4fcf62240cd3ac4 and c3f45e811e4b49fe27624b57c3eb8f4721a4323b have the * being the first character in the commit lines. Those commits are from the master branch while the other four are from some other branches.

List all the files and folders in a Directory with PHP recursive function

Get all the files with filter (2nd argument) and folders in a directory, don't call function when you have . or ...

Your code :

function getDirContents($dir, $filter = '', &$results = array()) {
    $files = scandir($dir);

    foreach($files as $key => $value){
        $path = realpath($dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$value); 

        if(!is_dir($path)) {
            if(empty($filter) || preg_match($filter, $path)) $results[] = $path;
        } elseif($value != "." && $value != "..") {
            getDirContents($path, $filter, $results);

    return $results;

// Simple Call: List all files

// Regex Call: List php files only
var_dump(getDirContents('/xampp/htdocs/WORK', '/\.php$/'));

Output (example) :

// Simple Call
array(13) {
  [0]=> string(69) "/xampp/htdocs/WORK.htaccess"
  [1]=> string(73) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKConverter.php"
  [2]=> string(69) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKEvent.php"
  [3]=> string(70) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKdefault_filter.json"
  [4]=> string(68) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKdefault_filter.xml"
  [5]=> string(80) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKCaching/ApcCache.php"
  [6]=> string(84) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKCaching/CacheFactory.php"

// Regex Call
array(13) {
  [0]=> string(69) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKEvent.php"
  [1]=> string(73) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKConverter.php"
  [2]=> string(80) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKCaching/ApcCache.php"
  [3]=> string(84) "/xampp/htdocs/WORKCaching/CacheFactory.php"

James Cameron's proposition.

Why has it failed to load main-class manifest attribute from a JAR file?


java -cp .:mail-1.4.1.jar JavaxMailHTML 

no need to have manifest file.

error: passing xxx as 'this' argument of xxx discards qualifiers

Actually the C++ standard (i.e. C++ 0x draft) says (tnx to @Xeo & @Ben Voigt for pointing that out to me):

23.2.4 Associative containers
5 For set and multiset the value type is the same as the key type. For map and multimap it is equal to pair. Keys in an associative container are immutable.
6 iterator of an associative container is of the bidirectional iterator category. For associative containers where the value type is the same as the key type, both iterator and const_iterator are constant iterators. It is unspecified whether or not iterator and const_iterator are the same type.

So VC++ 2008 Dinkumware implementation is faulty.

Old answer:

You got that error because in certain implementations of the std lib the set::iterator is the same as set::const_iterator.

For example libstdc++ (shipped with g++) has it (see here for the entire source code):

typedef typename _Rep_type::const_iterator            iterator;
typedef typename _Rep_type::const_iterator            const_iterator;

And in SGI's docs it states:

iterator       Container  Iterator used to iterate through a set.
const_iterator Container  Const iterator used to iterate through a set. (Iterator and const_iterator are the same type.)

On the other hand VC++ 2008 Express compiles your code without complaining that you're calling non const methods on set::iterators.

enable or disable checkbox in html

The HTML parser simply doesn't interpret the inlined javascript like this.

You may do this :

<td><input type="checkbox" id="repriseCheckBox" name="repriseCheckBox"/></td>

<script>document.getElementById("repriseCheckBox").disabled=checkStat == 1 ? true : false;</script>

How do I provide a username and password when running "git clone [email protected]"?

This is an excellent Stack Overflow question, and the answers have been very instructive, such that I was able to resolve an annoying problem I ran into recently.

The organization that I work for uses Atlassian's BitBucket product (not Github), essentially their version of GitHub so that repositories can be secured completely on premise. I was running into a similar problem as @coordinate, in that my password was required for a new repository I checked out. My credentials had been saved globally for all BitBucket projects, so I'm not sure what prompted the loss of credentials.

In short, I was able to enter the following GIT command (supplying only my username), which then prompted Git's Credential Manager to prompt me for the password, which I was then able to save.

git clone https://[email protected]/git/[organization]/[team]/[repository.git]

NOTE: the bracketed directory sub-paths simply refer to internal references, and will vary for you!

Git checkout - switching back to HEAD

You can stash (save the changes in temporary box) then, back to master branch HEAD.

$ git add .
$ git stash
$ git checkout master

Jump Over Commits Back and Forth:

  • Go to a specific commit-sha.

      $ git checkout <commit-sha>
  • If you have uncommitted changes here then, you can checkout to a new branch | Add | Commit | Push the current branch to the remote.

      # checkout a new branch, add, commit, push
      $ git checkout -b <branch-name>
      $ git add .
      $ git commit -m 'Commit message'
      $ git push origin HEAD          # push the current branch to remote 
      $ git checkout master           # back to master branch now
  • If you have changes in the specific commit and don't want to keep the changes, you can do stash or reset then checkout to master (or, any other branch).

      # stash
      $ git add -A
      $ git stash
      $ git checkout master
      # reset
      $ git reset --hard HEAD
      $ git checkout master
  • After checking out a specific commit if you have no uncommitted change(s) then, just back to master or other branch.

      $ git status          # see the changes
      $ git checkout master
      # or, shortcut
      $ git checkout -      # back to the previous state

What is the difference between application server and web server?

There is not necessarily a clear dividing line. Nowadays, many programs combine elements of both - serving http requests (web server) and handling business logic (app server)

CSS background image URL failing to load

I know this is really old, but I'm posting my solution anyways since google finds this thread.

background-image: url('./imagefolder/image.jpg');

That is what I do. Two dots means drill back one directory closer to root ".." while one "." should mean start where you are at as if it were root. I was having similar issues but adding that fixed it for me. You can even leave the "." in it when uploading to your host because it should work fine so long as your directory setup is exactly the same.

Multiple Updates in MySQL

Yes is possible using INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sql statement.. syntax: INSERT INTO table_name (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE a=VALUES(a),b=VALUES(b),c=VALUES(c)

How to make overlay control above all other controls?

This is a common function of Adorners in WPF. Adorners typically appear above all other controls, but the other answers that mention z-order may fit your case better.

Default port for SQL Server

SQL Server default port is 1434.

To allow remote access I had to release those ports on my firewall:

Protocol  |   Port
UDP       |   1050
TCP       |   1050
TCP       |   1433
UDP       |   1434

Programmatically select a row in JTable

It is an old post, but I came across this recently

Selecting a specific interval

As @aleroot already mentioned, by using

table.setRowSelectionInterval(index0, index1);

You can specify an interval, which should be selected.

Adding an interval to the existing selection

You can also keep the current selection, and simply add additional rows by using this here

table.getSelectionModel().addSelectionInterval(index0, index1);

This line of code additionally selects the specified interval. It doesn't matter if that interval already is selected, of parts of it are selected.

How to parse float with two decimal places in javascript?

Try this (see comments in code):

function fixInteger(el) {
    // this is element's value selector, you should use your own
    value = $(el).val();
    if (value == '') {
        value = 0;
    newValue = parseInt(value);
    // if new value is Nan (when input is a string with no integers in it)
    if (isNaN(newValue)) {
        value = 0;
        newValue = parseInt(value);
    // apply new value to element

function fixPrice(el) {
    // this is element's value selector, you should use your own
    value = $(el).val();
    if (value == '') {
        value = 0;
    newValue = parseFloat(value.replace(',', '.')).toFixed(2);
    // if new value is Nan (when input is a string with no integers in it)
    if (isNaN(newValue)) {
        value = 0;
        newValue = parseFloat(value).toFixed(2);
    // apply new value to element

How to center the text in PHPExcel merged cell

    /** Error reporting */
    ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
    ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

    /** Include PHPExcel */
    require_once '../Classes/PHPExcel.php';

    $objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
    $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
    $sheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow(0, 1, "test");
    $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');

How to have conditional elements and keep DRY with Facebook React's JSX?

Personally, I really think the ternary expressions show in (JSX In Depth) are the most natural way that conforms with the ReactJs standards.

See the following example. It's a little messy at first sight but works quite well.

<div id="page">
  {this.state.banner ? (
    <div id="banner">
     <div class="another-div">
  ) : 
  <div id="other-content">
    blah blah blah...

Java: How to convert List to Map

Apache Commons MapUtils.populateMap

If you don't use Java 8 and you don't want to use a explicit loop for some reason, try MapUtils.populateMap from Apache Commons.


Say you have a list of Pairs.

List<ImmutablePair<String, String>> pairs = ImmutableList.of(
    new ImmutablePair<>("A", "aaa"),
    new ImmutablePair<>("B", "bbb")

And you now want a Map of the Pair's key to the Pair object.

Map<String, Pair<String, String>> map = new HashMap<>();
MapUtils.populateMap(map, pairs, new Transformer<Pair<String, String>, String>() {

  public String transform(Pair<String, String> input) {
    return input.getKey();


gives output:

{A=(A,aaa), B=(B,bbb)}

That being said, a for loop is maybe easier to understand. (This below gives the same output):

Map<String, Pair<String, String>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (Pair<String, String> pair : pairs) {
  map.put(pair.getKey(), pair);

Environment variables for java installation

Keep in mind that the %CLASSPATH% environment variable is ignored when you use java/javac in combination with one of the -cp, -classpath or -jar arguments. It is also ignored in an IDE like Netbeans/Eclipse/IntelliJ/etc. It is only been used when you use java/javac without any of the above mentioned arguments.

In case of JAR files, the classpath is to be defined as class-path entry in the file. It can be defined semicolon separated and relative to the JAR file's root.

In case of an IDE, you have the so-called 'build path' which is basically the classpath which is used at both compiletime and runtime. To add external libraries you usually drop the JAR file in a (either precreated by IDE or custom created) lib folder of the project which is added to the project's build path.

What do &lt; and &gt; stand for?

  • &lt; stands for the less-than sign: <
  • &gt; stands for the greater-than sign: >
  • &le; stands for the less-than or equals sign: =
  • &ge; stands for the greater-than or equals sign: =

Is CSS Turing complete?

As per this article, it's not. The article also argues that it's not a good idea to make it one.

To quote from one of the comments:

So, I do not believe that CSS is turing complete. There is no capability to define a function in CSS. In order for a system to be turing-complete it has to be possible to write an interpreter: a function that interprets expressions that denote programs to execute. CSS has no variables that are directly accessible to the user; so you cannot even model the structure that represents the program to be interpreted in CSS.

How can I sort an ArrayList of Strings in Java?

You might sort the helper[] array directly:

java.util.Arrays.sort(helper, 1, helper.length);

Sorts the array from index 1 to the end. Leaves the first item at index 0 untouched.

See Arrays.sort(Object[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex)

How do I set a cookie on HttpClient's HttpRequestMessage

For me the simple solution works to set cookies in HttpRequestMessage object.

protected async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendRequest(HttpRequestMessage requestMessage, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
    requestMessage.Headers.Add("Cookie", $"<Cookie Name 1>=<Cookie Value 1>;<Cookie Name 2>=<Cookie Value 2>");

    return await _httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

store return json value in input hidden field

It looks like the return value is in an array? That's somewhat strange... and also be aware that certain browsers will allow that to be parsed from a cross-domain request (which isn't true when you have a top-level JSON object).

Anyway, if that is an array wrapper, you'll want something like this:


You can later retrieve it through a simple .val() call on the same field. This honestly looks kind of strange though. The hidden field won't persist across page requests, so why don't you just keep it in your own (pseudo-namespaced) value bucket? E.g.,

$MyNamespace = $MyNamespace || {};
$MyNamespace.myKey = theObject;

This will make it available to you from anywhere, without any hacky input field management. It's also a lot more efficient than doing DOM modification for simple value storage.

Get the row(s) which have the max value in groups using groupby

Use groupby and idxmax methods:

  1. transfer col date to datetime:

  2. get the index of max of column date, after groupyby ad_id:

  3. get the wanted data:



ad_id  price       date
7     22      2 2018-06-11
6     23      2 2018-06-22
2     24      2 2018-06-30
3     28      5 2018-06-22

Converting string from snake_case to CamelCase in Ruby

If you're using Rails, String#camelize is what you're looking for.

  "active_record".camelize                # => "ActiveRecord"
  "active_record".camelize(:lower)        # => "activeRecord"

If you want to get an actual class, you should use String#constantize on top of that.


Hashcode and Equals for Hashset

  1. There's no need to call equals if hashCode differs.
  2. There's no need to call hashCode if (obj1 == obj2).
  3. There's no need for hashCode and/or equals just to iterate - you're not comparing objects
  4. When needed to distinguish in between objects.

html/css buttons that scroll down to different div sections on a webpage


<a href="#top">Top</a>
<a href="#middle">Middle</a>
<a href="#bottom">Bottom</a>
<div id="top"><a href="top"></a>Top</div>
<div id="middle"><a href="middle"></a>Middle</div>
<div id="bottom"><a href="bottom"></a>Bottom</div>


    height: 600px;
    width: 300px;
    background: green; 


Why is "except: pass" a bad programming practice?

Why is “except: pass” a bad programming practice?

Why is this bad?


This catches every possible exception, including GeneratorExit, KeyboardInterrupt, and SystemExit - which are exceptions you probably don't intend to catch. It's the same as catching BaseException.

except BaseException:

Older versions of the documentation say:

Since every error in Python raises an exception, using except: can make many programming errors look like runtime problems, which hinders the debugging process.

Python Exception Hierarchy

If you catch a parent exception class, you also catch all of their child classes. It is much more elegant to only catch the exceptions you are prepared to handle.

Here's the Python 3 exception hierarchy - do you really want to catch 'em all?:

 +-- SystemExit
 +-- KeyboardInterrupt
 +-- GeneratorExit
 +-- Exception
      +-- StopIteration
      +-- StopAsyncIteration
      +-- ArithmeticError
      |    +-- FloatingPointError
      |    +-- OverflowError
      |    +-- ZeroDivisionError
      +-- AssertionError
      +-- AttributeError
      +-- BufferError
      +-- EOFError
      +-- ImportError
           +-- ModuleNotFoundError
      +-- LookupError
      |    +-- IndexError
      |    +-- KeyError
      +-- MemoryError
      +-- NameError
      |    +-- UnboundLocalError
      +-- OSError
      |    +-- BlockingIOError
      |    +-- ChildProcessError
      |    +-- ConnectionError
      |    |    +-- BrokenPipeError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionAbortedError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionRefusedError
      |    |    +-- ConnectionResetError
      |    +-- FileExistsError
      |    +-- FileNotFoundError
      |    +-- InterruptedError
      |    +-- IsADirectoryError
      |    +-- NotADirectoryError
      |    +-- PermissionError
      |    +-- ProcessLookupError
      |    +-- TimeoutError
      +-- ReferenceError
      +-- RuntimeError
      |    +-- NotImplementedError
      |    +-- RecursionError
      +-- SyntaxError
      |    +-- IndentationError
      |         +-- TabError
      +-- SystemError
      +-- TypeError
      +-- ValueError
      |    +-- UnicodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeDecodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeEncodeError
      |         +-- UnicodeTranslateError
      +-- Warning
           +-- DeprecationWarning
           +-- PendingDeprecationWarning
           +-- RuntimeWarning
           +-- SyntaxWarning
           +-- UserWarning
           +-- FutureWarning
           +-- ImportWarning
           +-- UnicodeWarning
           +-- BytesWarning
           +-- ResourceWarning

Don't Do this

If you're using this form of exception handling:

except: # don't just do a bare except!

Then you won't be able to interrupt your something block with Ctrl-C. Your program will overlook every possible Exception inside the try code block.

Here's another example that will have the same undesirable behavior:

except BaseException as e: # don't do this either - same as bare!

Instead, try to only catch the specific exception you know you're looking for. For example, if you know you might get a value-error on a conversion:

    foo = operation_that_includes_int(foo)
except ValueError as e:
    if fatal_condition(): # You can raise the exception if it's bad,   # but if it's fatal every time,
        raise             # you probably should just not catch it.
    else:                 # Only catch exceptions you are prepared to handle.
        foo = 0           # Here we simply assign foo to 0 and continue. 

Further Explanation with another example

You might be doing it because you've been web-scraping and been getting say, a UnicodeError, but because you've used the broadest Exception catching, your code, which may have other fundamental flaws, will attempt to run to completion, wasting bandwidth, processing time, wear and tear on your equipment, running out of memory, collecting garbage data, etc.

If other people are asking you to complete so that they can rely on your code, I understand feeling compelled to just handle everything. But if you're willing to fail noisily as you develop, you will have the opportunity to correct problems that might only pop up intermittently, but that would be long term costly bugs.

With more precise error handling, you code can be more robust.

Creating a left-arrow button (like UINavigationBar's "back" style) on a UIToolbar

The Three20 library has a way to do this:

  UIBarButtonItem *backButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle: @"Title" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain 
                                                                target:self action:@selector(foo)];

  UIColor* darkBlue = RGBCOLOR(109, 132, 162);

  TTShapeStyle* style = [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedLeftArrowShape shapeWithRadius:4.5] next:
    [TTShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBCOLOR(255,255,255) blur:1 offset:CGSizeMake(0, 1) next:
    [TTReflectiveFillStyle styleWithColor:darkBlue next:
    [TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:[darkBlue shadow]
                                     shadow:[darkBlue multiplyHue:1 saturation:0.5 value:0.5]
                                      width:1 lightSource:270 next:
    [TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -1, 0, -1) next:
    [TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:nil shadow:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.15)
                                        width:1 lightSource:270 next:nil]]]]]];

  TTView* view = [[[TTView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 80, 35)] autorelease];
  view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; = style;
  backButton.customView = view;

  self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = backButton;

C# how to wait for a webpage to finish loading before continuing

Try the DocumentCompleted Event

webBrowser.DocumentCompleted += new WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(webBrowser_DocumentCompleted);

void webBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender, WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
    webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("product").SetAttribute("value", product);
    webBrowser.Document.GetElementById("version").SetAttribute("value", version);

Android - Best and safe way to stop thread

You should make your thread support interrupts. Basically, you can call yourThread.interrupt() to stop the thread and, in your run() method you'd need to periodically check the status of Thread.interrupted()

There is a good tutorial here.

Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server

Strip time on inserts/updates in the first place. As for on-the-fly conversion, nothing can beat a user-defined function maintanability-wise:

select date_only(dd)

The implementation of date_only can be anything you like - now it's abstracted away and calling code is much much cleaner.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'MyController':

Exception clearly indicates the problem.

CompteDAOHib: No default constructor found

For spring to instantiate your bean, you need to provide a empty constructor for your class CompteDAOHib.

How to check if a variable is equal to one string or another string?

for a in soup("p",{'id':'pagination'})[0]("a",{'href': True}):
        if createunicode(a.text) in ['<','<']:

It works for me.

How to convert integer to decimal in SQL Server query?

select cast (height as decimal)/10 as HeightDecimal

How to insert a new key value pair in array in php?

Try this:

foreach($array as $k => $obj) { 
    $obj->{'newKey'} = "value"; 

HttpClient.GetAsync(...) never returns when using await/async

You are misusing the API.

Here's the situation: in ASP.NET, only one thread can handle a request at a time. You can do some parallel processing if necessary (borrowing additional threads from the thread pool), but only one thread would have the request context (the additional threads do not have the request context).

This is managed by the ASP.NET SynchronizationContext.

By default, when you await a Task, the method resumes on a captured SynchronizationContext (or a captured TaskScheduler, if there is no SynchronizationContext). Normally, this is just what you want: an asynchronous controller action will await something, and when it resumes, it resumes with the request context.

So, here's why test5 fails:

  • Test5Controller.Get executes AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync (within the ASP.NET request context).
  • AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync executes HttpClient.GetAsync (within the ASP.NET request context).
  • The HTTP request is sent out, and HttpClient.GetAsync returns an uncompleted Task.
  • AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync awaits the Task; since it is not complete, AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync returns an uncompleted Task.
  • Test5Controller.Get blocks the current thread until that Task completes.
  • The HTTP response comes in, and the Task returned by HttpClient.GetAsync is completed.
  • AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync attempts to resume within the ASP.NET request context. However, there is already a thread in that context: the thread blocked in Test5Controller.Get.
  • Deadlock.

Here's why the other ones work:

  • (test1, test2, and test3): Continuations_GetSomeDataAsync schedules the continuation to the thread pool, outside the ASP.NET request context. This allows the Task returned by Continuations_GetSomeDataAsync to complete without having to re-enter the request context.
  • (test4 and test6): Since the Task is awaited, the ASP.NET request thread is not blocked. This allows AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync to use the ASP.NET request context when it is ready to continue.

And here's the best practices:

  1. In your "library" async methods, use ConfigureAwait(false) whenever possible. In your case, this would change AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync to be var result = await httpClient.GetAsync("", HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).ConfigureAwait(false);
  2. Don't block on Tasks; it's async all the way down. In other words, use await instead of GetResult (Task.Result and Task.Wait should also be replaced with await).

That way, you get both benefits: the continuation (the remainder of the AsyncAwait_GetSomeDataAsync method) is run on a basic thread pool thread that doesn't have to enter the ASP.NET request context; and the controller itself is async (which doesn't block a request thread).

More information:

Update 2012-07-13: Incorporated this answer into a blog post.

Delete an element in a JSON object

Let's assume you want to overwrite the same file:

import json

with open('data.json', 'r') as data_file:
    data = json.load(data_file)

for element in data:
    element.pop('hours', None)

with open('data.json', 'w') as data_file:
    data = json.dump(data, data_file)

dict.pop(<key>, not_found=None) is probably what you where looking for, if I understood your requirements. Because it will remove the hours key if present and will not fail if not present.

However I am not sure I understand why it makes a difference to you whether the hours key contains some days or not, because you just want to get rid of the whole key / value pair, right?

Now, if you really want to use del instead of pop, here is how you could make your code work:

import json

with open('data.json') as data_file:
    data = json.load(data_file)

for element in data:
    if 'hours' in element:
        del element['hours']

with open('data.json', 'w') as data_file:
    data = json.dump(data, data_file)

EDIT So, as you can see, I added the code to write the data back to the file. If you want to write it to another file, just change the filename in the second open statement.

I had to change the indentation, as you might have noticed, so that the file has been closed during the data cleanup phase and can be overwritten at the end.

with is what is called a context manager, whatever it provides (here the data_file file descriptor) is available ONLY within that context. It means that as soon as the indentation of the with block ends, the file gets closed and the context ends, along with the file descriptor which becomes invalid / obsolete.

Without doing this, you wouldn't be able to open the file in write mode and get a new file descriptor to write into.

I hope it's clear enough...


This time, it seems clear that you need to do this:

with open('dest_file.json', 'w') as dest_file:
    with open('source_file.json', 'r') as source_file:
        for line in source_file:
            element = json.loads(line.strip())
            if 'hours' in element:
                del element['hours']

How to force C# .net app to run only one instance in Windows?

another way to single instance an application is to check their hash sums. after messing around with mutex (didn't work as i want) i got it working this way:

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);

    public Main()

        Process current = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
        string currentmd5 = md5hash(current.MainModule.FileName);
        Process[] processlist = Process.GetProcesses();
        foreach (Process process in processlist)
            if (process.Id != current.Id)
                    if (currentmd5 == md5hash(process.MainModule.FileName))
                catch (/* your exception */) { /* your exception goes here */ }

    private string md5hash(string file)
        string check;
        using (FileStream FileCheck = File.OpenRead(file))
            MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
            byte[] md5Hash = md5.ComputeHash(FileCheck);
            check = BitConverter.ToString(md5Hash).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

        return check;

it checks only md5 sums by process id.

if an instance of this application was found, it focuses the running application and exit itself.

you can rename it or do what you want with your file. it wont open twice if the md5 hash is the same.

may someone has suggestions to it? i know it is answered, but maybe someone is looking for a mutex alternative.

How do I pass multiple parameters into a function in PowerShell?

Parameters in calls to functions in PowerShell (all versions) are space-separated, not comma separated. Also, the parentheses are entirely unneccessary and will cause a parse error in PowerShell 2.0 (or later) if Set-StrictMode -Version 2 or higher is active. Parenthesised arguments are used in .NET methods only.

function foo($a, $b, $c) {
   "a: $a; b: $b; c: $c"

ps> foo 1 2 3
a: 1; b: 2; c: 3

PostgreSQL ERROR: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery

Running queries on hot-standby server is somewhat tricky — it can fail, because during querying some needed rows might be updated or deleted on primary. As a primary does not know that a query is started on secondary it thinks it can clean up (vacuum) old versions of its rows. Then secondary has to replay this cleanup, and has to forcibly cancel all queries which can use these rows.

Longer queries will be canceled more often.

You can work around this by starting a repeatable read transaction on primary which does a dummy query and then sits idle while a real query is run on secondary. Its presence will prevent vacuuming of old row versions on primary.

More on this subject and other workarounds are explained in Hot Standby — Handling Query Conflicts section in documentation.

Is there a method to generate a UUID with go language

gofrs/uuid is the replacement for satori/go.uuid, which is the most starred UUID package for Go. It supports UUID versions 1-5 and is RFC 4122 and DCE 1.1 compliant.

import ""

// Create a Version 4 UUID, panicking on error
u := uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4())

How do I write a compareTo method which compares objects?

The compareTo method is described as follows:

Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

Let's say we would like to compare Jedis by their age:

class Jedi implements Comparable<Jedi> {

    private final String name;
    private final int age;

Then if our Jedi is older than the provided one, you must return a positive, if they are the same age, you return 0, and if our Jedi is younger you return a negative.

public int compareTo(Jedi jedi){
    return this.age > jedi.age ? 1 : this.age < jedi.age ? -1 : 0;

By implementing the compareTo method (coming from the Comparable interface) your are defining what is called a natural order. All sorting methods in JDK will use this ordering by default.

There are ocassions in which you may want to base your comparision in other objects, and not on a primitive type. For instance, copare Jedis based on their names. In this case, if the objects being compared already implement Comparable then you can do the comparison using its compareTo method.

public int compareTo(Jedi jedi){

It would be simpler in this case.

Now, if you inted to use both name and age as the comparison criteria then you have to decide your oder of comparison, what has precedence. For instance, if two Jedis are named the same, then you can use their age to decide which goes first and which goes second.

public int compareTo(Jedi jedi){
    int result =;
    if(result == 0){
        result = this.age > jedi.age ? 1 : this.age < jedi.age ? -1 : 0;
    return result;

If you had an array of Jedis

Jedi[] jediAcademy = {new Jedi("Obiwan",80), new Jedi("Anakin", 30), ..}

All you have to do is to ask to the class java.util.Arrays to use its sort method.


This Arrays.sort method will use your compareTo method to sort the objects one by one.

How to downgrade to older version of Gradle

I did following steps to downgrade Gradle back to the original version:

  • I deleted content of '.gradle/caches' folder in user home directory (windows).
  • I deleted content of '.gradle' folder in my project root.
  • I checked that Gradle version is properly set in 'Project' option of 'Project Structure' in Android Studio.
  • I selected 'Use default gradle wrapper' option in 'Settings' in Android Studio, just search for gradle key word to find it.

Probably last step is enough as in my case the path to the new Gradle distribution was hardcoded there under 'Gradle home' option.

Why avoid increment ("++") and decrement ("--") operators in JavaScript?

Is Fortran a C-like language? It has neither ++ nor --. Here is how you write a loop:

     integer i, n, sum

      sum = 0
      do 10 i = 1, n
         sum = sum + i
         write(*,*) 'i =', i
         write(*,*) 'sum =', sum
  10  continue

The index element i is incremented by the language rules each time through the loop. If you want to increment by something other than 1, count backwards by two for instance, the syntax is ...

      integer i

      do 20 i = 10, 1, -2
         write(*,*) 'i =', i
  20  continue

Is Python C-like? It uses range and list comprehensions and other syntaxes to bypass the need for incrementing an index:

print range(10,1,-2) # prints [10,]
[x*x for x in range(1,10)] # returns [1,4,9,16 ... ]

So based on this rudimentary exploration of exactly two alternatives, language designers may avoid ++ and -- by anticipating use cases and providing an alternate syntax.

Are Fortran and Python notably less of a bug magnet than procedural languages which have ++ and --? I have no evidence.

I claim that Fortran and Python are C-like because I have never met someone fluent in C who could not with 90% accuracy guess correctly the intent of non-obfuscated Fortran or Python.

What are all the differences between src and data-src attributes?

data-src attribute is part of the data-* attributes collection introduced in HTML5. data-src allow us to store extra data that have no meaning to the browser but that can be use by Javascript Code or CSS rules.

Maximum size for a SQL Server Query? IN clause? Is there a Better Approach

Per batch, 65536 * Network Packet Size which is 4k so 256 MB

However, IN will stop way before that but it's not precise.

You end up with memory errors but I can't recall the exact error. A huge IN will be inefficient anyway.

Edit: Remus reminded me: the error is about "stack size"

How to export JSON from MongoDB using Robomongo

Don't run this command on shell, enter this script at a command prompt with your database name, collection name, and file name, all replacing the placeholders..

mongoexport --db (Database name) --collection (Collection Name) --out (File name).json

It works for me.

HTTPS connection Python

To check for ssl support in Python 2.6+:

    import ssl
except ImportError:
    print "error: no ssl support"

To connect via https:

import urllib2

    response = urllib2.urlopen('') 
    print 'response headers: "%s"' %
except IOError, e:
    if hasattr(e, 'code'): # HTTPError
        print 'http error code: ', e.code
    elif hasattr(e, 'reason'): # URLError
        print "can't connect, reason: ", e.reason

Display Animated GIF


Use glide:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.0.0'


Glide.with(context).load(GIF_URI).into(new GlideDrawableImageViewTarget(IMAGE_VIEW));

see docs

Delete everything in a MongoDB database

I followed the db.dropDatabase() route for a long time, however if you're trying to use this for wiping the database in between test cases you may eventually find problems with index constraints not being honored after the database drop. As a result, you'll either need to mess about with ensureIndexes, or a simpler route would be avoiding the dropDatabase alltogether and just removing from each collection in a loop such as:

  function(collection_name) {

In my case I was running this from the command-line using:

mongo [database] --eval "db.getCollectionNames().forEach(function(n){db[n].remove()});"

HTML Table width in percentage, table rows separated equally

This is definitely the cleanest answer to the question: In combination with table-layout: fixed I often find <colgroup> a great tool to make columns act as you want (see codepen here):

table {_x000D_
 /* When set to 'fixed', all columns that do not have a width applied will get the remaining space divided between them equally */_x000D_
 table-layout: fixed;_x000D_
.fixed-width {_x000D_
  width: 100px;_x000D_
.col-12 {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
.col-11 {_x000D_
  width: 91.666666667%;_x000D_
.col-10 {_x000D_
  width: 83.333333333%;_x000D_
.col-9 {_x000D_
  width: 75%;_x000D_
.col-8 {_x000D_
  width: 66.666666667%;_x000D_
.col-7 {_x000D_
  width: 58.333333333%;_x000D_
.col-6 {_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
.col-5 {_x000D_
  width: 41.666666667%;_x000D_
.col-4 {_x000D_
  width: 33.333333333%;_x000D_
.col-3 {_x000D_
  width: 25%;_x000D_
.col-2 {_x000D_
  width: 16.666666667%;_x000D_
.col-1 {_x000D_
  width: 8.3333333333%;_x000D_
/* Stylistic improvements from here */_x000D_
.align-left {_x000D_
  text-align: left;_x000D_
.align-right {_x000D_
  text-align: right;_x000D_
table {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
table > tbody > tr > td,_x000D_
table > thead > tr > th {_x000D_
  padding: 8px;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid gray;_x000D_
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">_x000D_
    <col /> <!-- take up rest of the space -->_x000D_
    <col class="fixed-width" /> <!-- fixed width -->_x000D_
    <col class="col-3" /> <!-- percentage width -->_x000D_
    <col /> <!-- take up rest of the space -->_x000D_
      <th class="align-left">Title</th>_x000D_
      <th class="align-right">Count</th>_x000D_
      <th class="align-left">Name</th>_x000D_
      <th class="align-left">Single</th>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">This is a very looooooooooong title that may break into multiple lines</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-right">19</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">Lisa McArthur</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">No</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">This is a shorter title</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-right">2</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">John Oliver Nielson McAllister</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">Yes</td>_x000D_
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">_x000D_
  <!-- define everything with percentage width -->_x000D_
    <col class="col-6" />_x000D_
    <col class="col-1" />_x000D_
    <col class="col-4" />_x000D_
    <col class="col-1" />_x000D_
      <th class="align-left">Title</th>_x000D_
      <th class="align-right">Count</th>_x000D_
      <th class="align-left">Name</th>_x000D_
      <th class="align-left">Single</th>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">This is a very looooooooooong title that may break into multiple lines</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-right">19</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">Lisa McArthur</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">No</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">This is a shorter title</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-right">2</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">John Oliver Nielson McAllister</td>_x000D_
      <td class="align-left">Yes</td>_x000D_

Using HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter for heap dump for JBoss

Here's what Oracle's documentation has to say:

By default the heap dump is created in a file called java_pid.hprof in the working directory of the VM, as in the example above. You can specify an alternative file name or directory with the -XX:HeapDumpPath= option. For example -XX:HeapDumpPath=/disk2/dumps will cause the heap dump to be generated in the /disk2/dumps directory.

Shell - How to find directory of some command?

~$ echo $PATH
~$ whereis lshw
lshw: /usr/bin/lshw /usr/share/man/man1/lshw.1.gz

Python: AttributeError: '_io.TextIOWrapper' object has no attribute 'split'

You're not reading the file content:

my_file_contents =

See the docs for further infos

You could, without calling read() or readlines() loop over your file object:

f = open('goodlines.txt')
for line in f:

If you want a list out of it (without \n as you asked)

my_list = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f]

How do I minimize the command prompt from my bat file

You can minimize the command prompt on during the run but you'll need two additional scripts: windowMode and getCmdPid.bat:

@echo off

call getCmdPid
call windowMode -pid %errorlevel% -mode minimized

cd /d C:\leads\ssh 
call C:\Ruby192\bin\setrbvars.bat
ruby C:\leads\ssh\put_leads.rb

How to "test" NoneType in python?

It can also be done with isinstance as per Alex Hall's answer :

>>> NoneType = type(None)
>>> x = None
>>> type(x) == NoneType
>>> isinstance(x, NoneType)

isinstance is also intuitive but there is the complication that it requires the line

NoneType = type(None)

which isn't needed for types like int and float.

Replace last occurrence of character in string

    // Define variables_x000D_
    let haystack = 'I do not want to replace this, but this'_x000D_
    let needle = 'this'_x000D_
    let replacement = 'hey it works :)'_x000D_
    // Reverse it_x000D_
    haystack = Array.from(haystack).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    needle = Array.from(needle).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    replacement = Array.from(replacement).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    // Make the replacement_x000D_
    haystack = haystack.replace(needle, replacement)_x000D_
    // Reverse it back_x000D_
    let results = Array.from(haystack).reverse().join('')_x000D_
    // 'I do not want to replace this, but hey it works :)'

Defining a variable with or without export

Although not explicitly mentioned in the discussion, it is NOT necessary to use export when spawning a subshell from inside bash since all the variables are copied into the child process.