Programs & Examples On #Logfiles

How to solve ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when trying to connect to localhost running IISExpress - Error 502 (Cannot debug from Visual Studio)?

Ensure Script Debugging is disabled

enter image description here

I was getting this intermittently despite having tried several of the above suggestions. As soon as I disabled this, my debugging my site worked like a dream. (Think I'd only turned it on by accident, or perhaps in a previous life).

Java GC (Allocation Failure)

When use CMS GC in jdk1.8 will appeare this error, i change the G1 Gc solve this problem.

 -Xss512k -Xms6g -Xmx6g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=70 -XX:NewRatio=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=6 -XX:G1ReservePercent=10 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32m -XX:ConcGCThreads=6 -Xloggc:gc.log -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps 

Why is it that "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI" here?

Have you tried using the [FromUri] attribute when sending parameters over the query string.

Here is an example:

public List<Department> GetNDepartmentsFromID([FromUri]int FirstId, [FromUri] int CountToFetch)
    return HHSService.GetNDepartmentsFromID(FirstId, CountToFetch);

Include this package at the top also, using System.Web.Http;

What is and how to fix System.TypeInitializationException error?

Whenever a TypeInitializationException is thrown, check all initialization logic of the type you are referring to for the first time in the statement where the exception is thrown - in your case: Logger.

Initialization logic includes: the type's static constructor (which - if I didn't miss it - you do not have for Logger) and field initialization.

Field initialization is pretty much "uncritical" in Logger except for the following lines:

private static string s_bstCommonAppData = Path.Combine(s_commonAppData, "XXXX");
private static string s_bstUserDataDir = Path.Combine(s_bstCommonAppData, "UserData");
private static string s_commonAppData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonApplicationData);

s_commonAppData is null at the point where Path.Combine(s_commonAppData, "XXXX"); is called. As far as I'm concerned, these initializations happen in the exact order you wrote them - so put s_commonAppData up by at least two lines ;)

XAMPP - MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

This means that you already have a MySQL database running at port 3306.

In the XAMPP control panel, press the 'Config' button and after that press 'my.ini'. After this, Ctrl-F and search for '3306'. Replace any '3306' that you find with a different port number of your choice (you could choose 3307 or 3308 - I chose 2811 and it worked).

After you have replaced every location where '3306' is written, save the file and press 'Start' on the control panel again.

Parsing huge logfiles in Node.js - read in line-by-line

Based on this questions answer I implemented a class you can use to read a file synchronously line-by-line with fs.readSync(). You can make this "pause" and "resume" by using a Q promise (jQuery seems to require a DOM so cant run it with nodejs):

var fs = require('fs');
var Q = require('q');

var lr = new LineReader(filenameToLoad);;

var promise;
workOnLine = function () {
    var line = lr.readNextLine();
    promise = complexLineTransformation(line).then(
        function() {console.log('ok');workOnLine();},
        function() {console.log('error');}

complexLineTransformation = function (line) {
    var deferred = Q.defer();
    // ... async call goes here, in callback: deferred.resolve('done ok'); or deferred.reject(new Error(error));
    return deferred.promise;

function LineReader (filename) {      
  this.moreLinesAvailable = true;
  this.fd = undefined;
  this.bufferSize = 1024*1024;
  this.buffer = new Buffer(this.bufferSize);
  this.leftOver = ''; = undefined;
  this.idxStart = undefined;
  this.idx = undefined;

  this.lineNumber = 0;

  this._bundleOfLines = []; = function() {
    this.fd = fs.openSync(filename, 'r');

  this.readNextLine = function () {
    if (this._bundleOfLines.length === 0) {
    var lineToReturn = this._bundleOfLines[0];
    this._bundleOfLines.splice(0, 1); // remove first element (pos, howmany)
    return lineToReturn;

  this.getLineNumber = function() {
    return this.lineNumber;

  this._readNextBundleOfLines = function() {
    var line = "";
    while (( = fs.readSync(this.fd, this.buffer, 0, this.bufferSize, null)) !== 0) { // read next bytes until end of file
      this.leftOver += this.buffer.toString('utf8', 0,; // append to leftOver
      this.idxStart = 0
      while ((this.idx = this.leftOver.indexOf("\n", this.idxStart)) !== -1) { // as long as there is a newline-char in leftOver
        line = this.leftOver.substring(this.idxStart, this.idx);
        this.idxStart = this.idx + 1;
      this.leftOver = this.leftOver.substring(this.idxStart);
      if (line !== "") {

XAMPP - Error: MySQL shutdown unexpectedly

** -> "xampp->mysql->data" cut all files from data folder and paste to another folder

-> now restart mysql

-> paste all folders from your folder to myslq->data folder

and also paste ib_logfile0.ib_logfile1 , ibdata1 into data folder from your folder.

your database and your data is now available in phpmyadmin..**

HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

Application Pool Stopped

In my case, the application pool had stopped. Starting it fixed the problem.

My website is hosted on Arvixe. The error problem probably occurred because I have membership based application and something bad happened when I was upload files.

Is it possible to use a batch file to establish a telnet session, send a command and have the output written to a file?

I figured out a way to telnet to a server and change a file permission. Then FTP the file back to your computer and open it. Hopefully this will answer your questions and also help FTP.

The filepath variable is setup so you always login and cd to the same directory. You can change it to a prompt so the user can enter it manually.

:: This will telnet to the server, change the permissions, 
:: download the file, and then open it from your PC. 

:: Add your username, password, servername, and file path to the file.
:: I have not tested the server name with an IP address.

:: Note - telnetcmd.dat and ftpcmd.dat are temp files used to hold commands

@echo off
SET username=
SET password=
SET servername=
SET filepath=

set /p id="Enter the file name: " %=%

echo user %username%> telnetcmd.dat
echo %password%>> telnetcmd.dat
echo cd %filepath%>> telnetcmd.dat
echo SITE chmod 777 %id%>> telnetcmd.dat
echo exit>> telnetcmd.dat
telnet %servername% < telnetcmd.dat

echo user %username%> ftpcmd.dat
echo %password%>> ftpcmd.dat
echo cd %filepath%>> ftpcmd.dat
echo get %id%>> ftpcmd.dat
echo quit>> ftpcmd.dat

ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat %servername%
del ftpcmd.dat
del telnetcmd.dat

How to run multiple sites on one apache instance

Yes with Virtual Host you can have as many parallel programs as you want:



Listen 81
Listen 82
Listen 83

<VirtualHost *:81>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site1/html
    ErrorLog logs/site1-error_log
    CustomLog logs/site1-access_log common
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/site1/cgi-bin/"

<VirtualHost *:82>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site2/html
    ErrorLog logs/site2-error_log
    CustomLog logs/site2-access_log common
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/site2/cgi-bin/"

<VirtualHost *:83>
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /var/www/site3/html
    ErrorLog logs/site3-error_log
    CustomLog logs/site3-access_log common
    ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/var/www/site3/cgi-bin/"

Restart apache

service httpd restart

You can now refer Site1 :


Site2 :


Site3 :


If path is not hardcoded in any script then your websites should work seamlessly.

Error message "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server"

After changing the configuration files don't forget to Restart All Services.

I wasted three hours of my time on it.

SQL Server 2008: How to query all databases sizes?

All seem overly complicated! Or am I missing something?

Surely all you need is something like:

select, case when m.type = 0 then 'Data' else 'Log' end,  m.size * 8 / 1024
from sys.master_files m JOIN sys.databases d ON d.database_id = m.database_id

or if you don't want the log:

select, m.size * 8 / 1024
from sys.master_files m JOIN sys.databases d ON d.database_id = m.database_id and m.type =0

Executing a command stored in a variable from PowerShell

Try invoking your command with Invoke-Expression:

Invoke-Expression $cmd1

Here is a working example on my machine:

$cmd = "& 'C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe' a -tzip c:\temp\ c:\temp\test.txt"
Invoke-Expression $cmd

iex is an alias for Invoke-Expression so you could do:

iex $cmd1

For a full list : Visit for more Powershell stuff.

Good Luck...

Creating all possible k combinations of n items in C++

I assume you're asking about combinations in combinatorial sense (that is, order of elements doesn't matter, so [1 2 3] is the same as [2 1 3]). The idea is pretty simple then, if you understand induction / recursion: to get all K-element combinations, you first pick initial element of a combination out of existing set of people, and then you "concatenate" this initial element with all possible combinations of K-1 people produced from elements that succeed the initial element.

As an example, let's say we want to take all combinations of 3 people from a set of 5 people. Then all possible combinations of 3 people can be expressed in terms of all possible combinations of 2 people:

comb({ 1 2 3 4 5 }, 3) =
{ 1, comb({ 2 3 4 5 }, 2) } and
{ 2, comb({ 3 4 5 }, 2) } and
{ 3, comb({ 4 5 }, 2) }

Here's C++ code that implements this idea:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

vector<int> people;
vector<int> combination;

void pretty_print(const vector<int>& v) {
  static int count = 0;
  cout << "combination no " << (++count) << ": [ ";
  for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) { cout << v[i] << " "; }
  cout << "] " << endl;

void go(int offset, int k) {
  if (k == 0) {
  for (int i = offset; i <= people.size() - k; ++i) {
    go(i+1, k-1);

int main() {
  int n = 5, k = 3;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { people.push_back(i+1); }
  go(0, k);

  return 0;

And here's output for N = 5, K = 3:

combination no 1:  [ 1 2 3 ] 
combination no 2:  [ 1 2 4 ] 
combination no 3:  [ 1 2 5 ] 
combination no 4:  [ 1 3 4 ] 
combination no 5:  [ 1 3 5 ] 
combination no 6:  [ 1 4 5 ] 
combination no 7:  [ 2 3 4 ] 
combination no 8:  [ 2 3 5 ] 
combination no 9:  [ 2 4 5 ] 
combination no 10: [ 3 4 5 ] 

How to filter in NaN (pandas)?

This doesn't work because NaN isn't equal to anything, including NaN. Use pd.isnull(df.var2) instead.

How to get all the AD groups for a particular user?

Here is the code that worked for me:

public ArrayList GetBBGroups(WindowsIdentity identity)
    ArrayList groups = new ArrayList();

        String userName = identity.Name;
        int pos = userName.IndexOf(@"\");
        if (pos > 0) userName = userName.Substring(pos + 1);

        PrincipalContext domain = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "");
        UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(domain, IdentityType.SamAccountName, userName);

        DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://");
        DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(de);
        search.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(member=" + user.DistinguishedName + "))";

        String name;
        SearchResultCollection results = search.FindAll();
        foreach (SearchResult result in results)
            name = (String)result.Properties["samaccountname"][0];
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                name = (String)result.Properties["cn"][0];
            GetGroupsRecursive(groups, de, name);
        // return an empty list...

    return groups;

public void GetGroupsRecursive(ArrayList groups, DirectoryEntry de, String dn)
    DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(de);
    search.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(|(samaccountname=" + dn + ")(cn=" + dn + ")))";

    String group, name;
    SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
    if (result == null) return;

    group = @"RIOMC\" + dn;
    if (!groups.Contains(group))
    if (result.Properties["memberof"].Count == 0) return;
    int equalsIndex, commaIndex;
    foreach (String dn1 in result.Properties["memberof"])
        equalsIndex = dn1.IndexOf("=", 1);
        if (equalsIndex > 0)
            commaIndex = dn1.IndexOf(",", equalsIndex + 1);
            name = dn1.Substring(equalsIndex + 1, commaIndex - equalsIndex - 1);
            GetGroupsRecursive(groups, de, name);

I measured it's performance in a loop of 200 runs against the code that uses the AttributeValuesMultiString recursive method; and it worked 1.3 times faster. It might be so because of our AD settings. Both snippets gave the same result though.

How to completely remove borders from HTML table

table {
    border-collapse: collapse;

Remove substring from the string

If it is a the end of the string, you can also use chomp:

"hello".chomp("llo")     #=> "he"

Laravel: Using try...catch with DB::transaction()

In the case you need to manually 'exit' a transaction through code (be it through an exception or simply checking an error state) you shouldn't use DB::transaction() but instead wrap your code in DB::beginTransaction and DB::commit/DB::rollback():


try {

    // all good
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // something went wrong

See the transaction docs.

npm ERR cb() never called

For mac users (HighSierra), do not install node using brew. It'll mess up with npm. I had to uninstall node and install using the package in the main source :

Here's a simple guide that doesn't use brew:

'float' vs. 'double' precision

Floating point numbers in C use IEEE 754 encoding.

This type of encoding uses a sign, a significand, and an exponent.

Because of this encoding, many numbers will have small changes to allow them to be stored.

Also, the number of significant digits can change slightly since it is a binary representation, not a decimal one.

Single precision (float) gives you 23 bits of significand, 8 bits of exponent, and 1 sign bit.

Double precision (double) gives you 52 bits of significand, 11 bits of exponent, and 1 sign bit.

How to create a batch file to run cmd as administrator

You might have to use another batch file first to launch the second with admin rights.

In the first use

runas /noprofile /user:mymachine\administrator yourbatchfile.bat

Upon further reading, you must be able to type in the password at the prompt. You cannot pipe the password as this feature was locked down for security reasons.

You may have more luck with psexec.

Python copy files to a new directory and rename if file name already exists

For me shutil.copy is the best:

import shutil

#make a copy of the invoice to work with

You can change the path of the files as you want.

Resize background image in div using css

i would recommend using this:

  background-image: url(your file location here);
  background-size:cover;(will only work with css3)

hope it helps :D

And if this doesnt support your needs just say it: i can make a jquery for multibrowser support.

How to check the value given is a positive or negative integer?

if(values >= 0) {
 // as zero is more likely positive than negative
} else {


Equivalent of String.format in jQuery

Made a format function that takes either a collection or an array as arguments


format("i can speak {language} since i was {age}",{language:'javascript',age:10});

format("i can speak {0} since i was {1}",'javascript',10});


var format = function (str, col) {
    col = typeof col === 'object' ? col :, 1);

    return str.replace(/\{\{|\}\}|\{(\w+)\}/g, function (m, n) {
        if (m == "{{") { return "{"; }
        if (m == "}}") { return "}"; }
        return col[n];

How can I access and process nested objects, arrays or JSON?

Dynamic approach

In below deep(data,key) function, you can use arbitrary key string - in your case items[1].name (you can use array notation [i] at any level) - if key is invalid then undefined is return.

let deep = (o,k) => k.split('.').reduce((a,c,i) => {_x000D_
    let m=c.match(/(.*?)\[(\d*)\]/);_x000D_
    if(m && a!=null && a[m[1]]!=null) return a[m[1]][+m[2]];_x000D_
    return a==null ? a: a[c];_x000D_
// TEST_x000D_
let key = 'items[1].name' // arbitrary deep-key_x000D_
let data = {_x000D_
    code: 42,_x000D_
    items: [{ id: 11, name: 'foo'}, { id: 22, name: 'bar'},]_x000D_
console.log( key,'=', deep(data,key) );

Creating InetAddress object in Java

InetAddress.getByName also works for ip address.

From the JavaDoc

The host name can either be a machine name, such as "", or a textual representation of its IP address. If a literal IP address is supplied, only the validity of the address format is checked.

How should I store GUID in MySQL tables?

I would suggest using the functions below since the ones mentioned by @bigh_29 transforms my guids into new ones (for reasons I don't understand). Also, these are a little bit faster in the tests I did on my tables.


CREATE FUNCTION uuid_from_bin(b BINARY(16))
  DECLARE hex CHAR(32);
  SET hex = HEX(b);
  RETURN LOWER(CONCAT(LEFT(hex, 8), '-', MID(hex, 9,4), '-', MID(hex, 13,4), '-', MID(hex, 17,4), '-', RIGHT(hex, 12)));

CREATE FUNCTION uuid_to_bin(s CHAR(36))
RETURN UNHEX(CONCAT(LEFT(s, 8), MID(s, 10, 4), MID(s, 15, 4), MID(s, 20, 4), RIGHT(s, 12)))


The representation of if-elseif-else in EL using JSF

One possible solution is:

<h:panelGroup rendered="#{bean.row == 10}">
    <div class="text-success">
        <h:outputText value="#{bean.row}"/>

What's the effect of adding 'return false' to a click event listener?

Here's a more robust routine to cancel default behavior and event bubbling in all browsers:

// Prevents event bubble up or any usage after this is called.
eventCancel = function (e)
    if (!e)
        if (window.event) e = window.event;
        else return;
    if (e.cancelBubble != null) e.cancelBubble = true;
    if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
    if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
    if (window.event) e.returnValue = false;
    if (e.cancel != null) e.cancel = true;

An example of how this would be used in an event handler:

// Handles the click event for each tab
Tabstrip.tabstripLinkElement_click = function (evt, context) 
    // Find the tabStrip element (we know it's the parent element of this link)
    var tabstripElement = this.parentNode;
    Tabstrip.showTabByLink(tabstripElement, this);
    return eventCancel(evt);

How to read Data from Excel sheet in selenium webdriver

Your problem is that log4j has not been initialized. It does not affect the outcome of you application in any way, so it's safe to ignore or just initialize Log4J, see: How to initialize log4j properly?

Comparing strings in C# with OR in an if statement

Here's a more valid way which also check if your textbox is filled with only blanks.

// When spaces are not allowed
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBox1.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBox2.Text))
  //...give error...

// When spaces are allowed
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox1.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox2.Text))
  //...give error...

The edited answer of @Habib.OSU is also fine, this is just another approach.

How do implement a breadth first traversal?

Breadth first is a queue, depth first is a stack.

For breadth first, add all children to the queue, then pull the head and do a breadth first search on it, using the same queue.

For depth first, add all children to the stack, then pop and do a depth first on that node, using the same stack.

How to install PyQt4 in anaconda?

Updated version of @Alaaedeen's answer. You can specify any part of the version of any package you want to install. This may cause other package versions to change. For example, if you don't care about which specific version of PyQt4 you want, do:

conda install pyqt=4

This would install the latest minor version and release of PyQt 4. You can specify any portion of the version that you want, not just the major number. So, for example

conda install pyqt=4.11

would install the latest (or last) release of version 4.11.

Keep in mind that installing a different version of a package may cause the other packages that depend on it to be rolled forward or back to where they support the version you want.

Laravel Advanced Wheres how to pass variable into function?

You can pass the necessary variables from the parent scope into the closure with the use keyword.

For example:

DB::table('users')->where(function ($query) use ($activated) {
    $query->where('activated', '=', $activated);

More on that here.

EDIT (2019 update):

PHP 7.4 (will be released at November 28, 2019) introduces a shorter variation of the anonymous functions called arrow functions which makes this a bit less verbose.

An example using PHP 7.4 which is functionally nearly equivalent (see the 3rd bullet point below):

DB::table('users')->where(fn($query) => $query->where('activated', '=', $activated))->get();

Differences compared to the regular syntax:

  • fn keyword instead of function.
  • No need to explicitly list all variables which should be captured from the parent scope - this is now done automatically by-value. See the lack of use keyword in the latter example.
  • Arrow functions always return a value. This also means that it's impossible to use void return type when declaring them.
  • The return keyword must be omitted.
  • Arrow functions must have a single expression which is the return statement. Multi-line functions aren't supported at the moment. You can still chain methods though.

Control cannot fall through from one case label

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Case_example_1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Char ch;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a character");
            ch =Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
            switch (ch)
                case 'a':
                case 'e':
                case 'i':
                case 'o':
                case 'u':
                case 'A':
                case 'E':
                case 'I':
                case 'O':
                case 'U':

                    Console.WriteLine("Character is alphabet");

                    Console.WriteLine("Character is constant");




How do I install a NuGet package .nupkg file locally?

If you have a .nupkg file and just need the .dll file all you have to do is change the extension to .zip and find the lib directory.

How to Kill A Session or Session ID (ASP.NET/C#)

Session.Abandon() this will destroy the data.

Note, this won't necessarily truly remove the session token from a user, and that same session token at a later point might get picked up and created as a new session with the same id because it's deemed to be fair game to be used.

Why is my CSS bundling not working with a bin deployed MVC4 app?

Just for history:

Check that all mentioned less/css files in bundle have Build Action = "Content".

There is no error if some files from bundle missing on destination server.

grep output to show only matching file

Also remember one thing. Very important
You have to specify the command something like this to be more precise
grep -l "pattern" *

There has been an error processing your request, Error log record number

A common solution is to upgrade magento setup by running this command

php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Otherwise just check var/report/{error number}

Calculate date/time difference in java

This is more of a maths problem than a java problem basically.

The result you receive is correct. This because 225 seconds is 3 minutes (when doing an integral division). What you want is the this:

  • divide by 1000 to get the number of seconds -> rest is milliseconds
  • divide that by 60 to get number of minutes -> rest are seconds
  • divide that by 60 to get number of hours -> rest are minutes

or in java:

int millis = diff % 1000;
int seconds = diff % 60;
int minutes = diff % 60;
hours = diff;

How to view the dependency tree of a given npm module?

Here is the unpowerful official command:

npm view <PACKAGE> dependencies

It prints only the direct dependencies, not the whole tree.

How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon

ShortcutBadger is a library that adds an abstraction layer over the device brand and current launcher and offers a great result. Works with LG, Sony, Samsung, HTC and other custom Launchers.

It even has a way to display Badge Count in Pure Android devices desktop.

Updating the Badge Count in the application icon is as easy as calling:

int badgeCount = 1;
ShortcutBadger.applyCount(context, badgeCount);

It includes a demo application that allows you to test its behavior.

Insert multiple rows into single column

To insert into only one column, use only one piece of data:

('Hello World');

Alternatively, to insert multiple records, separate the inserts:


https with WCF error: "Could not find base address that matches scheme https"

It turned out that my problem was that I was using a load balancer to handle the SSL, which then sent it over http to the actual server, which then complained.

Description of a fix is here:

Edit: I fixed my problem, which was slightly different, after talking to microsoft support.

My silverlight app had its endpoint address in code going over https to the load balancer. The load balancer then changed the endpoint address to http and to point to the actual server that it was going to. So on each server's web config I added a listenUri for the endpoint that was http instead of https

<endpoint address="" listenUri="http://[LOAD_BALANCER_ADDRESS]" ... />

What is the best way to trigger onchange event in react js

The Event type input did not work for me on <select> but changing it to change works

useEffect(() => {
    var event = new Event('change', { bubbles: true });
    selectRef.current.dispatchEvent(event); // ref to the select control
}, [props.items]);

Group by with multiple columns using lambda

var query = source.GroupBy(x => new { x.Column1, x.Column2 });

How can I add a column that doesn't allow nulls in a Postgresql database?

You have to set a default value.

ALTER TABLE mytable ADD COLUMN mycolumn character varying(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'foo';

... some work (set real values as you want)...


How do I convert a datetime to date?

You use the method:

Obviously, the expression above can (and should IMHO :) be written as:

Among $_REQUEST, $_GET and $_POST which one is the fastest?

Don't worry. But you should still use the second solution (plus an extra check for none of those variables existing), because there are security issues with $_REQUEST (since $_GET and $_POST aren't the only sources for that array).

There was a post about the problems with $_REQUEST yesterday, I believe. Let me go find it.

EDIT: Oh well, not directly a post, but here it is anyway:

SHOW PROCESSLIST in MySQL command: sleep

Sleep meaning that thread is do nothing. Time is too large beacuse anthor thread query,but not disconnect server, default wait_timeout=28800;so you can set values smaller,eg 10. also you can kill the thread.

Javascript - Open a given URL in a new tab by clicking a button

try this

<a id="link" href="" target="_blank" >gmail</a>

Merge PDF files

from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger
import webbrowser
import os
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

def list_files(directory, extension):
    return (f for f in os.listdir(directory) if f.endswith('.' + extension))

pdfs = list_files(dir_path, "pdf")

merger = PdfFileMerger()

for pdf in pdfs:
    merger.append(open(pdf, 'rb'))

with open('result.pdf', 'wb') as fout:

webbrowser.open_new('file://'+ dir_path + '/result.pdf')

Git Repo:

Compare two dates with JavaScript

The easiest way to compare dates in javascript is to first convert it to a Date object and then compare these date-objects.

Below you find an object with three functions:


    Returns a number:

    • -1 if a < b
    • 0 if a = b
    • 1 if a > b
    • NaN if a or b is an illegal date
  • dates.inRange (d,start,end)

    Returns a boolean or NaN:

    • true if d is between the start and end (inclusive)
    • false if d is before start or after end.
    • NaN if one or more of the dates are illegal.
  • dates.convert

    Used by the other functions to convert their input to a date object. The input can be

    • a date-object : The input is returned as is.
    • an array: Interpreted as [year,month,day]. NOTE month is 0-11.
    • a number : Interpreted as number of milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 (a timestamp)
    • a string : Several different formats is supported, like "YYYY/MM/DD", "MM/DD/YYYY", "Jan 31 2009" etc.
    • an object: Interpreted as an object with year, month and date attributes. NOTE month is 0-11.


// Source:
var dates = {
    convert:function(d) {
        // Converts the date in d to a date-object. The input can be:
        //   a date object: returned without modification
        //  an array      : Interpreted as [year,month,day]. NOTE: month is 0-11.
        //   a number     : Interpreted as number of milliseconds
        //                  since 1 Jan 1970 (a timestamp) 
        //   a string     : Any format supported by the javascript engine, like
        //                  "YYYY/MM/DD", "MM/DD/YYYY", "Jan 31 2009" etc.
        //  an object     : Interpreted as an object with year, month and date
        //                  attributes.  **NOTE** month is 0-11.
        return (
            d.constructor === Date ? d :
            d.constructor === Array ? new Date(d[0],d[1],d[2]) :
            d.constructor === Number ? new Date(d) :
            d.constructor === String ? new Date(d) :
            typeof d === "object" ? new Date(d.year,d.month, :
    compare:function(a,b) {
        // Compare two dates (could be of any type supported by the convert
        // function above) and returns:
        //  -1 : if a < b
        //   0 : if a = b
        //   1 : if a > b
        // NaN : if a or b is an illegal date
        // NOTE: The code inside isFinite does an assignment (=).
        return (
            isFinite(a=this.convert(a).valueOf()) &&
            isFinite(b=this.convert(b).valueOf()) ?
            (a>b)-(a<b) :
    inRange:function(d,start,end) {
        // Checks if date in d is between dates in start and end.
        // Returns a boolean or NaN:
        //    true  : if d is between start and end (inclusive)
        //    false : if d is before start or after end
        //    NaN   : if one or more of the dates is illegal.
        // NOTE: The code inside isFinite does an assignment (=).
       return (
            isFinite(d=this.convert(d).valueOf()) &&
            isFinite(start=this.convert(start).valueOf()) &&
            isFinite(end=this.convert(end).valueOf()) ?
            start <= d && d <= end :

Angular : Manual redirect to route

Redirect to another page using function on component.ts file


import {Router} from '@angular/router';
constructor(private router: Router) {}



<div class="col-3">                  
<button (click)="OnClickFunction()" class="btn btn-secondary btn-custom mr-3">Button Name</button>

How to run or debug php on Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

It's worth noting that you must open project folder in Visual Studio Code for the debugger to work. I lost few hours to make it work while having only individual file opened in the editor.

Issue explained here

Git: "please tell me who you are" error

IMHO, the proper way to resolve this error is to configure your global git config file.

To do that run the following command: git config --global -e

An editor will appear where you can insert your default git configurations.

Here're are a few:

    name = your_username
    email = [email protected] 
    # BASIC
    st = status
    ci = commit
    br = branch
    co = checkout
    df = diff

For more details, see Customizing Git - Git Configuration

When you see a command like, git config ...

$ git config --global core.whitespace \

... you can put that into your global git config file as:

   whitespace = space-before-tab,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space

For one off configurations, you can use something like git config --global 'your_username'

If you don't set your git configurations globally, you'll need to do so for each and every git repo you work with locally.

The and settings tell git who you are, so subsequent git commit commands will not complain, *** Please tell me who you are.

Many times, the commands git suggests you run are not what you should run. This time, the suggested commands are not bad:

$ git commit -m 'first commit'

*** Please tell me who you are.


  git config --global "[email protected]"
  git config --global "Your Name"

Tip: Until I got very familiar with git, making a backup of my project file--before running the suggested git commands and exploring things I thought would work--saved my bacon on more than a few occasions.

select data up to a space?

If the first column is always the same size (including the spaces), then you can just take those characters (via LEFT) and clean up the spaces (with RTRIM):

SELECT RTRIM(LEFT(YourColumn, YourColumnSize))

Alternatively, you can extract the second (or third, etc.) column (using SUBSTRING):

SELECT RTRIM(SUBSTRING(YourColumn, PreviousColumnSizes, YourColumnSize))

One benefit of this approach (especially if YourColumn is the result of a computation) is that YourColumn is only specified once.

Remove or adapt border of frame of legend using matplotlib

When plotting a plot using matplotlib:

How to remove the box of the legend?


How to change the color of the border of the legend box?

leg = plt.legend()

How to remove only the border of the box of the legend?

leg = plt.legend()

Changing tab bar item image and text color iOS

Subclass your TabbarViewController and in ViewDidLoad put this code:

 [UITabBarItem.appearance setTitleTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor darkGreyColorBT]} forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    [UITabBarItem.appearance setTitleTextAttributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor nightyDarkColorBT]} forState:UIControlStateSelected];

    self.tabBar.items[0].image  = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"ic-pack [email protected]"]  imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
    self.tabBar.items[0].selectedImage  = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"[email protected]"]  imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
    self.tabBar.items[1].image = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"ic-sleeptracker [email protected]"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
    self.tabBar.items[1].selectedImage  = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"[email protected]"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
    self.tabBar.items[2].image = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"ic-profile [email protected]"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
    self.tabBar.items[2].selectedImage  = [[UIImage imageNamed:@"[email protected]"] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];

This is the simplest working solution I have

Android background music service

Do it without service

If you are so serious about doing it with services using mediaplayer

Intent svc=new Intent(this, BackgroundSoundService.class);

public class BackgroundSoundService extends Service {
    private static final String TAG = null;
    MediaPlayer player;
    public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {

        return null;
    public void onCreate() {
        player = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.idil);
        player.setLooping(true); // Set looping

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        return 1;

    public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
        // TO DO
    public IBinder onUnBind(Intent arg0) {
        // TO DO Auto-generated method
        return null;

    public void onStop() {

    public void onPause() {

    public void onDestroy() {

    public void onLowMemory() {


Please call this service in Manifest Make sure there is no space at the end of the .BackgroundSoundService string

<service android:enabled="true" android:name=".BackgroundSoundService" />

Batch file. Delete all files and folders in a directory

You cannot delete everything with either rmdir or del alone:

  • rmdir /s /q does not accept wildcard params. So rmdir /s /q * will error.
  • del /s /f /q will delete all files, but empty subdirectories will remain.

My preferred solution (as I have used in many other batch files) is:

rmdir /s /q . 2>NUL

Check if record exists from controller in Rails

with 'exists?':

Business.exists? user_id: #=> 1 or nil

with 'any?':

Business.where(:user_id => #=> true or false

If you use something with .where, be sure to avoid trouble with scopes and better use .unscoped

Business.unscoped.where(:user_id =>

git add only modified changes and ignore untracked files

Not sure if this is a feature or a bug but this worked for us:

git commit '' -m "Message"

Note the empty file list ''. Git interprets this to commit all modified tracked files, even if they are not staged, and ignore untracked files.

Should operator<< be implemented as a friend or as a member function?

If possible, as non-member and non-friend functions.

As described by Herb Sutter and Scott Meyers, prefer non-friend non-member functions to member functions, to help increase encapsulation.

In some cases, like C++ streams, you won't have the choice and must use non-member functions.

But still, it does not mean you have to make these functions friends of your classes: These functions can still acess your class through your class accessors. If you succeed in writting those functions this way, then you won.

About operator << and >> prototypes

I believe the examples you gave in your question are wrong. For example;

ostream & operator<<(ostream &os) {
    return os << paragraph;

I can't even start to think how this method could work in a stream.

Here are the two ways to implement the << and >> operators.

Let's say you want to use a stream-like object of type T.

And that you want to extract/insert from/into T the relevant data of your object of type Paragraph.

Generic operator << and >> function prototypes

The first being as functions:

// T << Paragraph
T & operator << (T & p_oOutputStream, const Paragraph & p_oParagraph)
   // do the insertion of p_oParagraph
   return p_oOutputStream ;

// T >> Paragraph
T & operator >> (T & p_oInputStream, const Paragraph & p_oParagraph)
   // do the extraction of p_oParagraph
   return p_oInputStream ;

Generic operator << and >> method prototypes

The second being as methods:

// T << Paragraph
T & T::operator << (const Paragraph & p_oParagraph)
   // do the insertion of p_oParagraph
   return *this ;

// T >> Paragraph
T & T::operator >> (const Paragraph & p_oParagraph)
   // do the extraction of p_oParagraph
   return *this ;

Note that to use this notation, you must extend T's class declaration. For STL objects, this is not possible (you are not supposed to modify them...).

And what if T is a C++ stream?

Here are the prototypes of the same << and >> operators for C++ streams.

For generic basic_istream and basic_ostream

Note that is case of streams, as you can't modify the C++ stream, you must implement the functions. Which means something like:

// OUTPUT << Paragraph
template <typename charT, typename traits>
std::basic_ostream<charT,traits> & operator << (std::basic_ostream<charT,traits> & p_oOutputStream, const Paragraph & p_oParagraph)
   // do the insertion of p_oParagraph
   return p_oOutputStream ;

// INPUT >> Paragraph
template <typename charT, typename traits>
std::basic_istream<charT,traits> & operator >> (std::basic_istream<charT,traits> & p_oInputStream, const CMyObject & p_oParagraph)
   // do the extract of p_oParagraph
   return p_oInputStream ;

For char istream and ostream

The following code will work only for char-based streams.

// OUTPUT << A
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & p_oOutputStream, const Paragraph & p_oParagraph)
   // do the insertion of p_oParagraph
   return p_oOutputStream ;

// INPUT >> A
std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & p_oInputStream, const Paragraph & p_oParagraph)
   // do the extract of p_oParagraph
   return p_oInputStream ;

Rhys Ulerich commented about the fact the char-based code is but a "specialization" of the generic code above it. Of course, Rhys is right: I don't recommend the use of the char-based example. It is only given here because it's simpler to read. As it is only viable if you only work with char-based streams, you should avoid it on platforms where wchar_t code is common (i.e. on Windows).

Hope this will help.

Raise an error manually in T-SQL to jump to BEGIN CATCH block

You could use THROW (available in SQL Server 2012+):

THROW 50000, 'Your custom error message', 1
THROW <error_number>, <message>, <state>


Differences Between RAISERROR and THROW in Sql Server

Quick unix command to display specific lines in the middle of a file?

# print line number 52
sed -n '52p' # method 1
sed '52!d' # method 2
sed '52q;d' # method 3,  efficient on large files 

method 3 efficient on large files

fastest way to display specific lines

How to get user agent in PHP

You could also use the php native funcion get_browser()

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should have a browscap.ini file.

Error:Execution failed for task ':ProjectName:mergeDebugResources'. > Crunching Cruncher *some file* failed, see logs

Close android studio and open it again. Then try compiling the same code. I was getting the same error and it worked for me. Hope it helps.

Chrome says "Resource interpreted as script but transferred with MIME type text/plain.", what gives?

Weird issue, but this helped me to solve my issue. Sometimes even the easiest things are hard to figure out...

Instead of using /js/main.css in my script-tag I used js/main.css

YES, it did actually make a difference. I'm sitting on WAMP / Windows and I didn't have a vhost but just used localhost/<project>

If I reference to /js/main.css then I reference to localhost/css/main.css and not to localhost/<project>/css/main.css

When you think of it, it's quite obvious but if someone stumbles upon this I thought I would share this answer.

When to use static keyword before global variables?

Yes, use static

Always use static in .c files unless you need to reference the object from a different .c module.

Never use static in .h files, because you will create a different object every time it is included.

Visual Studio Error: (407: Proxy Authentication Required)

I faced the same error with my Visual Studio Team Services account (formerly Visual Studio Online, Team Foundation Service).

I simply entered the credentials using the VS 2013 "Connect to Team Foundation Server" Window, and then connected it to the Visual Studio Team Services Team Project. It worked this way.

Escaping special characters in Java Regular Expressions

I wrote this pattern:

Pattern SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS = Pattern.compile("[{}()\\[\\].+*?^$\\\\|]");

And use it in this method:

String escapeSpecialRegexChars(String str) {

    return SPECIAL_REGEX_CHARS.matcher(str).replaceAll("\\\\$0");

Then you can use it like this, for example:

Pattern toSafePattern(String text)
    return Pattern.compile(".*" + escapeSpecialRegexChars(text) + ".*");

We needed to do that because, after escaping, we add some regex expressions. If not, you can simply use \Q and \E:

Pattern toSafePattern(String text)
    return Pattern.compile(".*\\Q" + text + "\\E.*")

How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

STEP 1: Check the events for an HTML element on the developer console:

enter image description here

STEP 2: Listen to the events we want to capture:

$(document).on('ch-ui-container-closed ch-ui-container-opened', function(evt){

Good Luck...

Can't change z-index with JQuery

That's invalid Javascript syntax; a property name cannot have a -.

Use either zIndex or "z-index".

How to create a private class method?

Ruby seems to provide a poor solution. To explain, start with a simple C++ example that shows access to private class methods:

#include <iostream>

class C
        void instance_method(void)
            std::cout << "instance method\n";
            class_method();  // !!! LOOK !!! no 'send' required. We can access it
                             // because 'private' allows access within the class
        void static class_method(void) { std::cout << "class method\n"; }

int main()
    C c;

    c.instance_method(); // works
    // C::class_method() does not compile - it's properly private
    return 0;

Running the above

   % ./a.out
   instance method
   class method

Now Ruby does not seem to provide the equivalent. Ruby's rules, I think, are that private methods must not be accessed with a receiver. That is,

inst.pvt_method  # FAILS
pvt_method # WORKS only within the class (good)

That's OK for private instance methods, but causes problems with private class methods.

I would like Ruby to function this way:

class C
    def instance_method
        STDOUT << "instance method\n"

        # Simple access to the private class method would be nice:
        class_method   # DOES NOT WORK. RUBY WON'T FIND THE METHOD
        C.class_method # DOES NOT WORK. RUBY WON'T ALLOW IT

        # ONLY THIS WORKS. While I am happy such capability exists I think
        # the way 'send' should be used is when the coder knows he/she is
        # doing a no-no.  The semantic load on the coder for this is also
        # remarkably clumsy for an elegant language like ruby.

    private_class_method def self.class_method() STDOUT << "class method\n"; end

But, alas, the above does not work. Does someone know a better way?

When I see 'send' prior to a method, it's a clear sign the code is violating the intent of the API's designer, but in this case the design is specifically to have an instance method of the class call the private class method.

How to remove single character from a String

If you need some logical control over character removal, use this

String string = "sdsdsd";
char[] arr = string.toCharArray();
// Run loop or whatever you need
String ss = new String(arr);

If you don't need any such control, you can use what Oscar orBhesh mentioned. They are spot on.

Position absolute and overflow hidden

You just make divs like this:

<div style="width:100px; height: 100px; border:1px solid; overflow:hidden; ">
    <div style="position:inherit; width: 200px; height:200px; background:yellow;">
        <div style="position:absolute; width: 500px; height:50px; background:Pink; z-index: 99;">

I hope this code will help you :)

Zip folder in C#

There's an article over on MSDN that has a sample application for zipping and unzipping files and folders purely in C#. I've been using some of the classes in that successfully for a long time. The code is released under the Microsoft Permissive License, if you need to know that sort of thing.

EDIT: Thanks to Cheeso for pointing out that I'm a bit behind the times. The MSDN example I pointed to is in fact using DotNetZip and is really very fully-featured these days. Based on my experience of a previous version of this I'd happily recommend it.

SharpZipLib is also quite a mature library and is highly rated by people, and is available under the GPL license. It really depends on your zipping needs and how you view the license terms for each of them.


Ruby on Rails: How do I add placeholder text to a f.text_field?

For those using Rails(4.2) Internationalization (I18n):

Set the placeholder attribute to true:

f.text_field :attr, placeholder: true

and in your local file (ie. en.yml):

        attr: "some placeholder text"

git - Server host key not cached

I have tried all the methods above but none of them could fix the same issue on my laptop. Finally instead of pushing the branch to origin in git bash, I trun to use TortoiseGit's push option to do the pushing, then a window pops-up to ask me to add the new host key to cache, after clicking the yes button, everything goes fine now.

Hope it helps to you all.

How to SUM two fields within an SQL query

SUM is an aggregate function. It will calculate the total for each group. + is used for calculating two or more columns in a row.

Consider this example,

1   1       2
1   2       2
2   3       4
2   4       5


FROM    tableName

will result

1   3           4
2   7           9


FROM    TableName

will result

1   3
1   4
2   7
2   9


FROM    tableName

will result

1   7
2   16

How can I create numbered map markers in Google Maps V3?

Here are custom icons with the updated "visual refresh" style that you can generate quickly via a simple .vbs script. I also included a large pre-generated set that you can use immediately with multiple color options:

Use the following format when linking to the GitHub-hosted image files:[color][character].png

red, black, blue, green, grey, orange, purple, white, yellow

A-Z, 1-100, !, @, $, +, -, =, (%23 = #), (%25 = %), (%26 = &), (blank = •)





Twig ternary operator, Shorthand if-then-else

{{ ( in company_abilities) ? 'selected' : '' }}

The ternary operator is documented under 'other operators'

500 internal server error at GetResponse()

Have you tried to specify UserAgent for your request? For example:

request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)";

Why does calling sumr on a stream with 50 tuples not complete

sumr is implemented in terms of foldRight:

 final def sumr(implicit A: Monoid[A]): A = F.foldRight(self, 

foldRight is not always tail recursive, so you can overflow the stack if the collection is too long. See Why foldRight and reduceRight are NOT tail recursive? for some more discussion of when this is or isn't true.

Maven won't run my Project : Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec

  1. what's happening? you haven' shown much of the output to be able to decide. if you are using netbeans 7.4, try disabling Compile on Save.

  2. to enable debug output, either run Custom > Goals... action from project popup or after running a regular build, click the Rerun with options action from the output's toolbar

How I can get web page's content and save it into the string variable

I've run into issues with Webclient.Downloadstring before. If you do, you can try this:

WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
Stream data = response.GetResponseStream();
string html = String.Empty;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(data))
    html = sr.ReadToEnd();

Key value pairs using JSON

var object = {
    key1 : {
        name : 'xxxxxx',
        value : '100.0'
    key2 : {
        name : 'yyyyyyy',
        value : '200.0'
    key3 : {
        name : 'zzzzzz',
        value : '500.0'

If thats how your object looks and you want to loop each name and value then I would try and do something like.

        key would be key1,key2,key3
        innerjson would be the name and value **

    //Alerts and logging of the variable.
    console.log(innerjson); //should show you the value    
    alert(; //Should say xxxxxx,yyyyyy,zzzzzzz

Git merge reports "Already up-to-date" though there is a difference

git merge origin/master instead git merge master worked for me. So to merge master into feature branch you may use:

git checkout feature_branch
git merge origin/master

How do you run your own code alongside Tkinter's event loop?

This is the first working version of what will be a GPS reader and data presenter. tkinter is a very fragile thing with way too few error messages. It does not put stuff up and does not tell why much of the time. Very difficult coming from a good WYSIWYG form developer. Anyway, this runs a small routine 10 times a second and presents the information on a form. Took a while to make it happen. When I tried a timer value of 0, the form never came up. My head now hurts! 10 or more times per second is good enough for me. I hope it helps someone else. Mike Morrow

import tkinter as tk
import time

def GetDateTime():
  # Get current date and time in ISO8601
  return (time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime()),
          time.strftime("%H%M%S", time.gmtime()),
          time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.localtime()),
          time.strftime("%H%M%S", time.localtime()))

class Application(tk.Frame):

  def __init__(self, master):

    fontsize = 12
    textwidth = 9

    tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)

    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#be004e', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             text='Local Time').grid(row=0, column=0)
    self.LocalDate = tk.StringVar()
    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#be004e', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             textvariable=self.LocalDate).grid(row=0, column=1)

    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#be004e', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             text='Local Date').grid(row=1, column=0)
    self.LocalTime = tk.StringVar()
    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#be004e', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             textvariable=self.LocalTime).grid(row=1, column=1)

    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#40CCC0', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             text='GMT Time').grid(row=2, column=0)
    self.nowGdate = tk.StringVar()
    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#40CCC0', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             textvariable=self.nowGdate).grid(row=2, column=1)

    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#40CCC0', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             text='GMT Date').grid(row=3, column=0)
    self.nowGtime = tk.StringVar()
    tk.Label(self, font=('Helvetica', fontsize), bg = '#40CCC0', fg = 'white', width = textwidth,
             textvariable=self.nowGtime).grid(row=3, column=1)

    tk.Button(self, text='Exit', width = 10, bg = '#FF8080', command=root.destroy).grid(row=4, columnspan=2)


  def gettime(self):
    gdt, gtm, ldt, ltm = GetDateTime()
    gdt = gdt[0:4] + '/' + gdt[4:6] + '/' + gdt[6:8]
    gtm = gtm[0:2] + ':' + gtm[2:4] + ':' + gtm[4:6] + ' Z'  
    ldt = ldt[0:4] + '/' + ldt[4:6] + '/' + ldt[6:8]
    ltm = ltm[0:2] + ':' + ltm[2:4] + ':' + ltm[4:6]  

    self.after(100, self.gettime)
   #print (ltm)  # Prove it is running this and the external code, too.

root = tk.Tk()
root.wm_title('Temp Converter')
app = Application(master=root)

w = 200 # width for the Tk root
h = 125 # height for the Tk root

# get display screen width and height
ws = root.winfo_screenwidth()  # width of the screen
hs = root.winfo_screenheight() # height of the screen

# calculate x and y coordinates for positioning the Tk root window

#x = (ws/2) - (w/2)
#y = (hs/2) - (h/2)

#right bottom corner (misfires in Win10 putting it too low. OK in Ubuntu)
x = ws - w
y = hs - h - 35  # -35 fixes it, more or less, for Win10

#set the dimensions of the screen and where it is placed
root.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y))


Pretty-Print JSON Data to a File using Python

import json

with open("twitterdata.json", "w") as twitter_data_file:
    json.dump(output, twitter_data_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)

You don't need json.dumps() if you don't want to parse the string later, just simply use json.dump(). It's faster too.

How to add items into a numpy array

np.insert can also be used for the purpose

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1, 3, 4],
              [1, 2, 3],
              [1, 2, 1]])
x = 5
index = 3 # the position for x to be inserted before
np.insert(a, index, x, axis=1)
array([[1, 3, 4, 5],
       [1, 2, 3, 5],
       [1, 2, 1, 5]])

index can also be a list/tuple

>>> index = [1, 1, 3] # equivalently (1, 1, 3)
>>> np.insert(a, index, x, axis=1)
array([[1, 5, 5, 3, 4, 5],
       [1, 5, 5, 2, 3, 5],
       [1, 5, 5, 2, 1, 5]])

or a slice

>>> index = slice(0, 3)
>>> np.insert(a, index, x, axis=1)
array([[5, 1, 5, 3, 5, 4],
       [5, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3],
       [5, 1, 5, 2, 5, 1]])

How do I move a table into a schema in T-SQL

Short answer:

ALTER SCHEMA new_schema TRANSFER old_schema.table_name

I can confirm that the data in the table remains intact, which is probably quite important :)

Long answer as per MSDN docs,

ALTER SCHEMA schema_name 
   TRANSFER [ Object | Type | XML Schema Collection ] securable_name [;]

If it's a table (or anything besides a Type or XML Schema collection), you can leave out the word Object since that's the default.

How to format Joda-Time DateTime to only mm/dd/yyyy?

I think this will work, if you are using JodaTime:

String strDateTime = "11/15/2013 08:00:00";
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.parse(strDateTime);
DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MM/dd/YYYY");
String strDateOnly = fmt.print(dateTime);

I got part of this from here.

Use awk to find average of a column

awk '{ sum += $2; n++ } END { if (n > 0) print sum / n; }'

Add the numbers in $2 (second column) in sum (variables are auto-initialized to zero by awk) and increment the number of rows (which could also be handled via built-in variable NR). At the end, if there was at least one value read, print the average.

awk '{ sum += $2 } END { if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }'

If you want to use the shebang notation, you could write:


{ sum += $2 }
END { if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }

You can also control the format of the average with printf() and a suitable format ("%13.6e\n", for example).

You can also generalize the code to average the Nth column (with N=2 in this sample) using:

awk -v N=2 '{ sum += $N } END { if (NR > 0) print sum / NR }'

How to format a DateTime in PowerShell

Very informative answer from @stej, but here is a short answer: Among other options, you have 3 simple options to format [System.DateTime] stored in a variable:

  1. Pass the variable to the Get-Date cmdlet: Get-Date -Format "HH:mm" $date

  2. Use toString() method: $date.ToString("HH:mm")

  3. Use Composite formatting: "{0:HH:mm}" -f $date

Deployment error:Starting of Tomcat failed, the server port 8080 is already in use

This error message can also be caused by SELinux. Check if SELinux is enabled with getenforce

You need to adjust SELinux to use your port and restart.


semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 9080 2>/dev/null || semanage port -m -t http_port_t -p tcp 9080

How do you append to a file?

The 'a' parameter signifies append mode. If you don't want to use with open each time, you can easily write a function to do it for you:

def append(txt='\nFunction Successfully Executed', file):
    with open(file, 'a') as f:

If you want to write somewhere else other than the end, you can use 'r+':

import os

with open(file, 'r+') as f:, os.SEEK_END)
    f.write("text to add")

Finally, the 'w+' parameter grants even more freedom. Specifically, it allows you to create the file if it doesn't exist, as well as empty the contents of a file that currently exists.

Credit for this function goes to @Primusa

How to initialize a List<T> to a given size (as opposed to capacity)?

Create an array with the number of items you want first and then convert the array in to a List.

int[] fakeArray = new int[10];

List<int> list = fakeArray.ToList();

Beginner question: returning a boolean value from a function in Python

Ignoring the refactoring issues, you need to understand functions and return values. You don't need a global at all. Ever. You can do this:

def rps():
    # Code to determine if player wins
    if player_wins:
        return True

    return False

Then, just assign a value to the variable outside this function like so:

player_wins = rps()

It will be assigned the return value (either True or False) of the function you just called.

After the comments, I decided to add that idiomatically, this would be better expressed thus:

 def rps(): 
     # Code to determine if player wins, assigning a boolean value (True or False)
     # to the variable player_wins.

     return player_wins

 pw = rps()

This assigns the boolean value of player_wins (inside the function) to the pw variable outside the function.

How to increase the Java stack size?

The only way to control the size of stack within process is start a new Thread. But you can also control by creating a self-calling sub Java process with the -Xss parameter.

public class TT {
    private static int level = 0;

    public static long fact(int n) {
        return n < 2 ? n : n * fact(n - 1);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        Thread t = new Thread(null, null, "TT", 1000000) {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    level = 0;
                    System.out.println(fact(1 << 15));
                } catch (StackOverflowError e) {
                    System.err.println("true recursion level was " + level);
                    System.err.println("reported recursion level was "
                            + e.getStackTrace().length);

        try {
            level = 0;
            System.out.println(fact(1 << 15));
        } catch (StackOverflowError e) {
            System.err.println("true recursion level was " + level);
            System.err.println("reported recursion level was "
                    + e.getStackTrace().length);


Web API Put Request generates an Http 405 Method Not Allowed error

Add this to your web.config. You need to tell IIS what PUT PATCH DELETE and OPTIONS means. And which IHttpHandler to invoke.

    <remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_32bit" />
    <remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_64bit" />
    <remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" />
    <add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_32bit" path="*." verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll" preCondition="classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32" responseBufferLimit="0" />
    <add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_64bit" path="*." verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS" modules="IsapiModule" scriptProcessor="%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_isapi.dll" preCondition="classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64" responseBufferLimit="0" />
    <add name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" path="*." verb="GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS" type="System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0" />

Also check you don't have WebDAV enabled.

Android WebView style background-color:transparent ignored on android 2.2

set the bg after loading the html(from quick tests it seems loading the html resets the bg color.. this is for 2.3).

if you're loading the html from data you already got, just doing a .postDelayed in which you just set the bg(to for example transparent) is enough..

How can I modify the size of column in a MySQL table?

Have you tried this?

ALTER TABLE <table_name> MODIFY <col_name> VARCHAR(65353);

This will change the col_name's type to VARCHAR(65353)

How do I install Python packages in Google's Colab?

lets say you want to install scipy,

Here is the code to install it

!pip install scipy

Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 3.4

Visual Studio Community 2015 suffices to build extensions for Python 3.5. It's free but a 6 GB download (overkill). On my computer it installed vcvarsall at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat

For Python 3.4 you'd need Visual Studio 2010. I don't think there's any free edition. See

JavaScript math, round to two decimal places

A small variation on the accepted answer. toFixed(2) returns a string, and you will always get two decimal places. These might be zeros. If you would like to suppress final zero(s), simply do this:

var discount = + ((price / listprice).toFixed(2));

Edited: I've just discovered what seems to be a bug in Firefox 35.0.1, which means that the above may give NaN with some values.
I've changed my code to

var discount = Math.round(price / listprice * 100) / 100;

This gives a number with up to two decimal places. If you wanted three, you would multiply and divide by 1000, and so on.
The OP wants two decimal places always, but if toFixed() is broken in Firefox it needs fixing first.

Can an abstract class have a constructor?

package Test1;

public class AbstractClassConstructor {

public AbstractClassConstructor() {


    public static void main(String args[]) {
       Demo obj = new Test("Test of code has started");


abstract class Demo{
    protected final String demoValue;

    public Demo(String testName){
        this.demoValue = testName;

    public abstract boolean test1();

class Test extends Demo{

    public Test(String name){

    public boolean test1() {
       System.out.println( this.demoValue + " Demo test started");
       return true;


WAMP server, localhost is not working

If you have skype installed, close it completely.

If you have sql server installed, go to:

Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services

And stop SQL Server Reporting Services

Port 80 must be free now. Click on Wamp icon -> Restart All Services

How can I check if an ip is in a network in Python?

I tried one subset of proposed solutions in these answers.. with no success, I finally adapted and fixed the proposed code and wrote my fixed function.

I tested it and works at least on little endian architectures--e.g.x86-- if anyone likes to try on a big endian architecture, please give me feedback.

IP2Int code comes from this post, the other method is a fully (for my test cases) working fix of previous proposals in this question.

The code:

def IP2Int(ip):
    o = map(int, ip.split('.'))
    res = (16777216 * o[0]) + (65536 * o[1]) + (256 * o[2]) + o[3]
    return res

def addressInNetwork(ip, net_n_bits):
    ipaddr = IP2Int(ip)
    net, bits = net_n_bits.split('/')
    netaddr = IP2Int(net)
    bits_num = int(bits)
    netmask = ((1L << bits_num) - 1) << (32 - bits_num)
    return ipaddr & netmask == netaddr & netmask

Hope useful,

Adding padding to a tkinter widget only on one side

There are multiple ways of doing that you can use either place or grid or even the packmethod.

Sample code:

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()

l = Label(root, text="hello" )
l.pack(padx=6, pady=4) # where padx and pady represent the x and y axis respectively
# well you can also use side=LEFT inside the pack method of the label widget.

To place a widget to on basis of columns and rows , use the grid method:

but = Button(root, text="hello" )
but.grid(row=0, column=1)

How do I declare and use variables in PL/SQL like I do in T-SQL?

Revised Answer

If you're not calling this code from another program, an option is to skip PL/SQL and do it strictly in SQL using bind variables:

var myname varchar2(20);

exec :myname := 'Tom';

FROM   Customers
WHERE  Name = :myname;

In many tools (such as Toad and SQL Developer), omitting the var and exec statements will cause the program to prompt you for the value.

Original Answer

A big difference between T-SQL and PL/SQL is that Oracle doesn't let you implicitly return the result of a query. The result always has to be explicitly returned in some fashion. The simplest way is to use DBMS_OUTPUT (roughly equivalent to print) to output the variable:

   myname varchar2(20);
     myname := 'Tom';


This isn't terribly helpful if you're trying to return a result set, however. In that case, you'll either want to return a collection or a refcursor. However, using either of those solutions would require wrapping your code in a function or procedure and running the function/procedure from something that's capable of consuming the results. A function that worked in this way might look something like this:

CREATE FUNCTION my_function (myname in varchar2)
     my_refcursor out sys_refcursor
     open my_refcursor for
     SELECT *
     FROM   Customers
     WHERE  Name = myname;

     return my_refcursor;
END my_function;

Deserialize a JSON array in C#

This code is working fine for me,

var a = serializer.Deserialize<List<Entity>>(json);

Nodemailer with Gmail and NodeJS

first install nodemailer

npm install nodemailer  --save

import in to js file

const nodemailer = require("nodemailer");

const smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport({
    service: "Gmail",
    auth: {
        user: "[email protected]",
        pass: "password"
    tls: {
        rejectUnauthorized: false

 const mailOptions = {
        from: "[email protected]",
        to: [email protected],
        subject: "Welcome to ",
        text: 'hai send from me'.

    smtpTransport.sendMail(mailOptions, function (error, response) {
        if (error) {
        else {
            console.log("mail sent");

working in my application

How to add elements of a Java8 stream into an existing List

I would concatenate the old list and new list as streams and save the results to destination list. Works well in parallel, too.

I will use the example of accepted answer given by Stuart Marks:

List<String> destList = Arrays.asList("foo");
List<String> newList = Arrays.asList("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5");

destList = Stream.concat(,

//output: [foo, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Hope it helps.

LEFT JOIN only first row

@Matt Dodges answer put me on the right track. Thanks again for all the answers, which helped a lot of guys in the mean time. Got it working like this:

FROM feeds f
LEFT JOIN artists a ON a.artist_id = (
    SELECT artist_id
    FROM feeds_artists fa 
    WHERE fa.feed_id =
    LIMIT 1
WHERE = '13815'

How to save a Python interactive session?

I'd like to suggest another way to maintain python session through tmux on linux. you run tmux, attach your self to the session you opened (if not attached after opening it directly). execute python and do whatever you are doing on it. then detach from session. detaching from a tmux session does not close the session. the session remains open.

pros of this method: you can attach to this session from any other device (in case you can ssh your pc)

cons of this method: this method does not relinquish the resources used by the opened python session until you actually exist the python interpreter.

Matching an optional substring in a regex


Note the escaped parentheses, and the ? (zero or once) quantifiers. Any of the groups you don't want to capture can be (?: non-capture groups).

I agree about the spaces. \s is a better option there. I also changed the quantifier to insure there are digits at the beginning. As far as newlines, that would depend on context: if the file is parsed line by line it won't be a problem. Another option is to anchor the start and end of the line (add a ^ at the front and a $ at the end).

How do I restart nginx only after the configuration test was successful on Ubuntu?

As of nginx 1.8.0, the correct solution is

sudo nginx -t && sudo service nginx reload

Note that due to a bug, configtest always returns a zero exit code even if the config file has an error.

How to use enums as flags in C++?

I'd like to elaborate on Uliwitness answer, fixing his code for C++98 and using the Safe Bool idiom, for lack of the std::underlying_type<> template and the explicit keyword in C++ versions below C++11.

I also modified it so that the enum values can be sequential without any explicit assignment, so you can have

enum AnimalFlags_
typedef FlagsEnum<AnimalFlags_> AnimalFlags;

seahawk.flags = AnimalFlags() | CanFly | EatsFish | Endangered;

You can then get the raw flags value with


Here's the code.

template <typename EnumType, typename Underlying = int>
class FlagsEnum
    typedef Underlying FlagsEnum::* RestrictedBool;

    FlagsEnum() : m_flags(Underlying()) {}

    FlagsEnum(EnumType singleFlag):
        m_flags(1 << singleFlag)

    FlagsEnum(const FlagsEnum& original):

    FlagsEnum& operator |=(const FlagsEnum& f) {
        m_flags |= f.m_flags;
        return *this;

    FlagsEnum& operator &=(const FlagsEnum& f) {
        m_flags &= f.m_flags;
        return *this;

    friend FlagsEnum operator |(const FlagsEnum& f1, const FlagsEnum& f2) {
        return FlagsEnum(f1) |= f2;

    friend FlagsEnum operator &(const FlagsEnum& f1, const FlagsEnum& f2) {
        return FlagsEnum(f1) &= f2;

    FlagsEnum operator ~() const {
        FlagsEnum result(*this);
        result.m_flags = ~result.m_flags;
        return result;

    operator RestrictedBool() const {
        return m_flags ? &FlagsEnum::m_flags : 0;

    Underlying value() const {
        return m_flags;

    Underlying  m_flags;

How to resize html canvas element?

You didn't publish your code, and I suspect you do something wrong. it is possible to change the size by assigning width and height attributes using numbers:

canvasNode.width  = 200; // in pixels
canvasNode.height = 100; // in pixels

At least it works for me. Make sure you don't assign strings (e.g., "2cm", "3in", or "2.5px"), and don't mess with styles.

Actually this is a publicly available knowledge — you can read all about it in the HTML canvas spec — it is very small and unusually informative. This is the whole DOM interface:

interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute unsigned long width;
           attribute unsigned long height;

  DOMString toDataURL();
  DOMString toDataURL(in DOMString type, [Variadic] in any args);

  DOMObject getContext(in DOMString contextId);

As you can see it defines 2 attributes width and height, and both of them are unsigned long.

How to find the .NET framework version of a Visual Studio project?

Simple Right Click and go to Properties Option of any project on your Existing application and see the Application option on Left menu and then click on Application option see target Framework to see current Framework version .

PHP Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array (array and object issues)

$blog is an object, not an array, so you should access it like so:


Retrofit 2: Get JSON from Response body

If you don't have idea about What could be the response from the API. Follow the steps to convert the responsebody response value into bytes and print in the String format You can get the entire response printed in the console.

Then you can convert string to JSONObject easily.

      apiService.getFeeds(headerMap, map).enqueue(object : Callback, retrofit2.Callback<ResponseBody> {
            override fun onFailure(call: Call<ResponseBody>?, t: Throwable?) {

            override fun onResponse(call: Call<ResponseBody>?, response: Response<ResponseBody>?) {
                val bytes = (response!!.body()!!.bytes())
                Log.d("Retrofit Success : ", ""+ String(bytes))

Html/PHP - Form - Input as array

If is ok for you to index the array you can do this:

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[0][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[0][build_time]">

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[1][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[1][build_time]">

    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[2][level]">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Titel" name="levels[2][build_time]">

... to achieve that:

[levels] => Array ( 
  [0] => Array ( 
    [level] => 1 
    [build_time] => 2 
  [1] => Array ( 
    [level] => 234 
   [build_time] => 456 
  [2] => Array ( 
    [level] => 111
    [build_time] => 222 

But if you remove one pair of inputs (dynamically, I suppose) from the middle of the form then you'll get holes in your array, unless you update the input names...

How does the 'binding' attribute work in JSF? When and how should it be used?

each JSF component renders itself out to HTML and has complete control over what HTML it produces. There are many tricks that can be used by JSF, and exactly which of those tricks will be used depends on the JSF implementation you are using.

  • Ensure that every from input has a totaly unique name, so that when the form gets submitted back to to component tree that rendered it, it is easy to tell where each component can read its value form.
  • The JSF component can generate javascript that submitts back to the serer, the generated javascript knows where each component is bound too, because it was generated by the component.
  • For things like hlink you can include binding information in the url as query params or as part of the url itself or as matrx parameters. for examples.

    http:..../somelink?componentId=123 would allow jsf to look in the component tree to see that link 123 was clicked. or it could e htp:..../jsf;LinkId=123

The easiest way to answer this question is to create a JSF page with only one link, then examine the html output it produces. That way you will know exactly how this happens using the version of JSF that you are using.

"Could not find a part of the path" error message

There can be one of the two cause for this error:

  1. Path is not correct - but it is less likely as CreateDirectory should create any path unless path itself is not valid, read invalid characters
  2. Account through which your application is running don't have rights to create directory at path location, like if you are trying to create directory on shared drive with not enough privileges etc

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PUBLIC

The public keyword is used only when declaring a class method.

Since you're declaring a simple function and not a class you need to remove public from your code.

How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects?

The above solution for the JsonCreationConverter<T> is all over the internet, but has a flaw that manifests itself in rare occasions. The new JsonReader created in the ReadJson method does not inherit any of the original reader's configuration values (Culture, DateParseHandling, DateTimeZoneHandling, FloatParseHandling, etc...). These values should be copied over before using the new JsonReader in serializer.Populate().

This is the best I could come up with to fix some of the problems with the above implementation, but I still think there are some things being overlooked:

Update I updated this to have a more explicit method that makes a copy of an existing reader. This just encapsulates the process of copying over individual JsonReader settings. Ideally this function would be maintained in the Newtonsoft library itself, but for now, you can use the following:

/// <summary>Creates a new reader for the specified jObject by copying the settings
/// from an existing reader.</summary>
/// <param name="reader">The reader whose settings should be copied.</param>
/// <param name="jToken">The jToken to create a new reader for.</param>
/// <returns>The new disposable reader.</returns>
public static JsonReader CopyReaderForObject(JsonReader reader, JToken jToken)
    JsonReader jTokenReader = jToken.CreateReader();
    jTokenReader.Culture = reader.Culture;
    jTokenReader.DateFormatString = reader.DateFormatString;
    jTokenReader.DateParseHandling = reader.DateParseHandling;
    jTokenReader.DateTimeZoneHandling = reader.DateTimeZoneHandling;
    jTokenReader.FloatParseHandling = reader.FloatParseHandling;
    jTokenReader.MaxDepth = reader.MaxDepth;
    jTokenReader.SupportMultipleContent = reader.SupportMultipleContent;
    return jTokenReader;

This should be used as follows:

public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader,
                                Type objectType,
                                object existingValue,
                                JsonSerializer serializer)
    if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
        return null;
    // Load JObject from stream
    JObject jObject = JObject.Load(reader);
    // Create target object based on JObject
    T target = Create(objectType, jObject);
    // Populate the object properties
    using (JsonReader jObjectReader = CopyReaderForObject(reader, jObject))
        serializer.Populate(jObjectReader, target);
    return target;

Older solution follows:

/// <summary>Base Generic JSON Converter that can help quickly define converters for specific types by automatically
/// generating the CanConvert, ReadJson, and WriteJson methods, requiring the implementer only to define a strongly typed Create method.</summary>
public abstract class JsonCreationConverter<T> : JsonConverter
    /// <summary>Create an instance of objectType, based properties in the JSON object</summary>
    /// <param name="objectType">type of object expected</param>
    /// <param name="jObject">contents of JSON object that will be deserialized</param>
    protected abstract T Create(Type objectType, JObject jObject);

    /// <summary>Determines if this converted is designed to deserialization to objects of the specified type.</summary>
    /// <param name="objectType">The target type for deserialization.</param>
    /// <returns>True if the type is supported.</returns>
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        // FrameWork 4.5
        // return typeof(T).GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(objectType.GetTypeInfo());
        // Otherwise
        return typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(objectType);

    /// <summary>Parses the json to the specified type.</summary>
    /// <param name="reader">Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader</param>
    /// <param name="objectType">Target type.</param>
    /// <param name="existingValue">Ignored</param>
    /// <param name="serializer">Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer to use.</param>
    /// <returns>Deserialized Object</returns>
    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.Null)
            return null;

        // Load JObject from stream
        JObject jObject = JObject.Load(reader);

        // Create target object based on JObject
        T target = Create(objectType, jObject);

        //Create a new reader for this jObject, and set all properties to match the original reader.
        JsonReader jObjectReader = jObject.CreateReader();
        jObjectReader.Culture = reader.Culture;
        jObjectReader.DateParseHandling = reader.DateParseHandling;
        jObjectReader.DateTimeZoneHandling = reader.DateTimeZoneHandling;
        jObjectReader.FloatParseHandling = reader.FloatParseHandling;

        // Populate the object properties
        serializer.Populate(jObjectReader, target);

        return target;

    /// <summary>Serializes to the specified type</summary>
    /// <param name="writer">Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter</param>
    /// <param name="value">Object to serialize.</param>
    /// <param name="serializer">Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer to use.</param>
    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        serializer.Serialize(writer, value);

Increasing the maximum post size


LimitRequestBody 1024000000

Char array to hex string C++

I've found good example here Display-char-as-Hexadecimal-String-in-C++:

  std::vector<char> randomBytes(n);[0], n);

  // Displaying bytes: method 1
  // --------------------------
  for (auto& el : randomBytes)
    std::cout << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::hex << (0xff & (unsigned int)el);
  std::cout << '\n';

  // Displaying bytes: method 2
  // --------------------------
  for (auto& el : randomBytes)
    printf("%02hhx", el);
  std::cout << '\n';
  return 0;

Method 1 as shown above is probably the more C++ way:

Cast to an unsigned int
Use std::hex to represent the value as hexadecimal digits
Use std::setw and std::setfill from <iomanip> to format
Note that you need to mask the cast int against 0xff to display the least significant byte:
(0xff & (unsigned int)el).

Otherwise, if the highest bit is set the cast will result in the three most significant bytes being set to ff.

C#: How to add subitems in ListView

Create a listview item

ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem("sdasdasdasd", 0)

Any difference between await Promise.all() and multiple await?

You can check for yourself.

In this fiddle, I ran a test to demonstrate the blocking nature of await, as opposed to Promise.all which will start all of the promises and while one is waiting it will go on with the others.

Is it possible to use JS to open an HTML select to show its option list?

Unfortunately there's a simple answer to this question, and it's "No"

IF EXISTS before INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE for optimization


Don't do it. It forces two scans/seeks instead of one.

If update doesn't find a match on the WHERE clause, the cost of the update statement is just a seek/scan.

If it does find a match, and if you preface it w/ IF EXISTS, it has to find the same match twice. And in a concurrent environment, what was true for the EXISTS may not be true any longer for the UPDATE.

This is precisely why UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT statements allow a WHERE clause. Use it!

how to assign a block of html code to a javascript variable

 var test = "<div class='saved' >"+
 "<div >test.test</div> <div class='remove'>[Remove]</div></div>";

You can add "\n" if you require line-break.

How do I return a char array from a function?

You have to realize that char[10] is similar to a char* (see comment by @DarkDust). You are in fact returning a pointer. Now the pointer points to a variable (str) which is destroyed as soon as you exit the function, so the pointer points to... nothing!

Usually in C, you explicitly allocate memory in this case, which won't be destroyed when the function ends:

char* testfunc()
    char* str = malloc(10 * sizeof(char));
    return str;

Be aware though! The memory pointed at by str is now never destroyed. If you don't take care of this, you get something that is known as a 'memory leak'. Be sure to free() the memory after you are done with it:

foo = testfunc();
// Do something with your foo

How should I resolve java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: protocol = https host = null Exception?

URLs use forward slashes (/), not backward ones (as windows). Try:

serverURLS = "";

The reason why you get the error is that the URL class can't parse the host part of the string and therefore, host is null.

How to set Oracle's Java as the default Java in Ubuntu?

See this; run

sudo  update-java-alternatives --list

to list off all the Java installations on a machine by name and directory, and then run

sudo  update-java-alternatives --set [JDK/JRE name e.g. java-8-oracle]

to choose which JRE/JDK to use.

If you want to use different JDKs/JREs for each Java task, you can run update-alternatives to configure one java executable at a time; you can run

sudo  update-alternatives --config java[Tab]

to see the Java commands that can be configured (java, javac, javah, javaws, etc). And then

sudo  update-alternatives --config [javac|java|javadoc|etc.]

will associate that Java task/command to a particular JDK/JRE.

You may also need to set JAVA_HOME for some applications: from this answer you can use

export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:bin/java::")

for JREs, or

export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/java | sed "s:jre/bin/java::")

for JDKs.

How to move from one fragment to another fragment on click of an ImageView in Android?

inside your onClickListener.onClick, put

getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, new tasks()).commit();

In another word, in your mycontacts.class

public class mycontacts extends Fragment {

    public mycontacts() {

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
                             Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        final View v = super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
        ImageView purple = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
        purple.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                        .replace(, new tasks())
        return view;


now, remember is the container (FrameLayout or other layouts) for the activity that calls the fragment

How to make ng-repeat filter out duplicate results

Or you can write your own filter using lodash.

app.filter('unique', function() {
    return function (arr, field) {
        return _.uniq(arr, function(a) { return a[field]; });

Set the text in a span

Use .text() instead, and change your selector:

$(".ui-datepicker-prev .ui-icon.ui-icon-circle-triangle-w").text('<<');


Sending a mail from a linux shell script

you can use 'email' or 'emailx' command.

(1) $ vim /etc/mail.rc # or # vim /etc/nail.rc

set from = [email protected] #
set smtp = #gmail's smtp server 
set smtp-auth-user = [email protected] #sender's email address
set smtp-auth-password = xxxxxxx #get from gmail, not your email account passwd
set smtp-auth=login

Because if it is not sent from an authorized account, email will get to junk mail list.

(2) $ echo "Pls remember to remove unused ons topics!" | mail -s "waste topics" -a a.txt [email protected] #send to group user '[email protected]'

What is a web service endpoint?

A endpoint is a URL for web service.And Endpoints also is a distributed API.

The Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) endpoint is a URL. It identifies the location on the built-in HTTP service where the web services listener listens for incoming requests.


How to print all information from an HTTP request to the screen, in PHP

file_get_contents('php://input') will not always work.

I have a request with in the headers "content-length=735" and "php://input" is empty string. So depends on how good/valid the HTTP request is.

Compiling and Running Java Code in Sublime Text 2

"shell_cmd": "javac -Xlint  \"${file}\"",
"file_regex": "^(...*?):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)",
"working_dir": "${file_path}",
"selector": "",

"variants": [

    { "shell_cmd":"javac -Xlint  \"${file}\" && java $file_base_name  < input.txt > output.txt",
      "name": "Run"

save this sublime build and run the program with ctrl + shift + B with run variant.Without run variant it will just create .class file but wont run it.

This build will read the input from input.txt and print the output in output.txt.

Note: both input.txt and output.txt must be present in the same working directory as your .java file.

The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security

try giving AppPool ID or Network Services whichever applicable access HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\security also. I was getting the same error .. this worked for me. See the error is also saying that the inaccessible logs are Security Logs.

I also gave permission in eventlog\application .

I gave full access everywhere.

Create a directly-executable cross-platform GUI app using Python

First you will need some GUI library with Python bindings and then (if you want) some program that will convert your python scripts into standalone executables.

Cross-platform GUI libraries with Python bindings (Windows, Linux, Mac)

Of course, there are many, but the most popular that I've seen in wild are:

Complete list is at

Single executable (all platforms)

  • PyInstaller - the most active(Could also be used with PyQt)
  • fbs - if you chose Qt above

Single executable (Windows)

  • py2exe - used to be the most popular

Single executable (Linux)

  • Freeze - works the same way like py2exe but targets Linux platform

Single executable (Mac)

  • py2app - again, works like py2exe but targets Mac OS

Compiling an application for use in highly radioactive environments

Use a cyclic scheduler. This gives you the ability to add regular maintenance times to check the correctness of critical data. The problem most often encountered is corruption of the stack. If your software is cyclical you can reinitialise the stack between cycles. Do not reuse the stacks for interrupt calls, setup a separate stack of each important interrupt call.

Similar to the Watchdog concept is deadline timers. Start a hardware timer before calling a function. If the function does not return before the deadline timer interrupts then reload the stack and try again. If it still fails after 3/5 tries you need reload from ROM.

Split your software into parts and isolate these parts to use separate memory areas and execution times (Especially in a control environment). Example: signal acquisition, prepossessing data, main algorithm and result implementation/transmission. This means a failure in one part will not cause failures through the rest of the program. So while we are repairing the signal acquisition the rest of tasks continues on stale data.

Everything needs CRCs. If you execute out of RAM even your .text needs a CRC. Check the CRCs regularly if you using a cyclical scheduler. Some compilers (not GCC) can generate CRCs for each section and some processors have dedicated hardware to do CRC calculations, but I guess that would fall out side of the scope of your question. Checking CRCs also prompts the ECC controller on the memory to repair single bit errors before it becomes a problem.

WebSockets vs. Server-Sent events/EventSource

Here is a talk about the differences between web sockets and server sent events. Since Java EE 7 a WebSocket API is already part of the specification and it seems that server sent events will be released in the next version of the enterprise edition.

MySQL wait_timeout Variable - GLOBAL vs SESSION

SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE "wait_timeout"; -- 28800
SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "wait_timeout"; -- 28800

At first, wait_timeout = 28800 which is the default value. To change the session value, you need to set the global variable because the session variable is read-only.

SET @@GLOBAL.wait_timeout=300

After you set the global variable, the session variable automatically grabs the value.

SHOW SESSION VARIABLES LIKE "wait_timeout"; -- 300
SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE "wait_timeout"; -- 300

Next time when the server restarts, the session variables will be set to the default value i.e. 28800.

P.S. I m using MySQL 5.6.16

Trying to get the average of a count resultset

You just can put your query as a subquery:

SELECT avg(count)
    SELECT COUNT (*) AS Count
      FROM Table T
     WHERE T.Update_time =
               (SELECT MAX (B.Update_time )
                  FROM Table B
                 WHERE (B.Id = T.Id))
    GROUP BY T.Grouping
    ) as counts

Edit: I think this should be the same:

SELECT count(*) / count(distinct T.Grouping)
  FROM Table T
 WHERE T.Update_time =
           (SELECT MAX (B.Update_time)
              FROM Table B
             WHERE (B.Id = T.Id))

Send a ping to each IP on a subnet

for i in $(seq 1 254); do ping -c1 192.168.11.$i; done

Detecting real time window size changes in Angular 4

To get it on init

public innerWidth: any;
ngOnInit() {
    this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth;

If you wanna keep it updated on resize:

@HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])
onResize(event) {
  this.innerWidth = window.innerWidth;

Getting Exception(org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exception - no content type [M1.13]) when reading xlsx file using Apache POI?

Pretty sure that this exception is thrown when the Excel file is either password protected or the file itself is corrupted. If you just want to read a .xlsx file, try my code below. It's a lot more shorter and easier to read.


static final String excelLoc = "C:/Documents and Settings/Users/Desktop/testing.xlsx";

public static void ReadExcel() {
InputStream inputStream = null;
   try {
        inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(excelLoc));
        Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(inputStream);
        int numberOfSheet = wb.getNumberOfSheets();

        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSheet; i++) {
             Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(i);
             //.... Customize your code here
             // To get sheet name, try -> sheet.getSheetName()
   } catch {}

Git status ignore line endings / identical files / windows & linux environment / dropbox / mled

Issue related to git commands on Windows operating system:

$ git add --all

warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in ...

The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.


$ git config --global core.autocrlf false     
$ git add --all 

No any warning messages come up.

What does the Ellipsis object do?

You can also use the Ellipsis when specifying expected doctest output:

class MyClass(object):
    """Example of a doctest Ellipsis

    >>> thing = MyClass()
    >>> # Match <class '__main__.MyClass'> and <class '%(module).MyClass'>
    >>> type(thing)           # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
    <class '....MyClass'>

SQL Server: the maximum number of rows in table

It depends, but I would say it is better to keep everything in one table for that sake of simplicity.

100,000 rows a day is not really that much of an enormous amount. (Depending on your server hardware). I have personally seen MSSQL handle up to 100M rows in a single table without any problems. As long as your keep your indexes in order it should be all good. The key is to have heaps of memory so that indexes don't have to be swapped out to disk.

On the other hand, it depends on how you are using the data, if you need to make lots of query's, and its unlikely data will be needed that spans multiple days (so you won't need to join the tables) it will be faster to separate out it out into multiple tables. This is often used in applications such as industrial process control where you might be reading the value on say 50,000 instruments every 10 seconds. In this case speed is extremely important, but simplicity is not.

Didn't find class ""?

1: Go to the gradle enable multiDexEnabled and add the multidex library in the dependencies.

android {
   defaultConfig {
      multiDexEnabled true

dependencies {
  // add dependency 
  implementation ''

2: Go to the Manifest file and write android:name=".MyApplication" (Class name(MyApplication) is optional you can write whatever you want ).


3: As you wrote android:name=".MyApplication" Inside Application at Manifest file. it will give you an error because you didn't create MyApplication class. Create MyApplication Class extend it by "application" class or Simply click on.MyApplication, a small red balloon appear on the left side of a syntax click on it, you will see (create MyApplication class) in the menu, click on it and Include below Method Inside that class.

    public class MyApplication extends Application {

    protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {

If you want to get more information then Click on this Link:[]

Hopefully, It works for you.

How to find the process id of a running Java process on Windows? And how to kill the process alone?

After setting the path of your jdk use JPS.Then You can eaisly kill it by Task Manager
JPS will give you all java processes

SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' using CakePHP

If you use MAMP, you might have to set the socket: unix_socket: /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock

Passing data between controllers in Angular JS?

There are three ways to do it,

a) using a service

b) Exploiting depending parent/child relation between controller scopes.

c) In Angular 2.0 "As" keyword will be pass the data from one controller to another.

For more information with example, Please check the below link:

How do I push amended commit to the remote Git repository?

You are seeing a Git safety feature. Git refuses to update the remote branch with your branch, because your branch's head commit is not a direct descendent of the current head commit of the branch that you are pushing to.

If this were not the case, then two people pushing to the same repository at about the same time would not know that there was a new commit coming in at the same time and whoever pushed last would lose the work of the previous pusher without either of them realising this.

If you know that you are the only person pushing and you want to push an amended commit or push a commit that winds back the branch, you can 'force' Git to update the remote branch by using the -f switch.

git push -f origin master

Even this may not work as Git allows remote repositories to refuse non-fastforward pushes at the far end by using the configuration variable receive.denynonfastforwards. If this is the case the rejection reason will look like this (note the 'remote rejected' part):

 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (non-fast forward)

To get around this, you either need to change the remote repository's configuration or as a dirty hack you can delete and recreate the branch thus:

git push origin :master
git push origin master

In general the last parameter to git push uses the format <local_ref>:<remote_ref>, where local_ref is the name of the branch on the local repository and remote_ref is the name of the branch on the remote repository. This command pair uses two shorthands. :master has a null local_ref which means push a null branch to the remote side master, i.e. delete the remote branch. A branch name with no : means push the local branch with the given name to the remote branch with the same name. master in this situation is short for master:master.

Uploading Images to Server android

use below code it helps you....

        BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();

        options.inSampleSize = 4;
        options.inPurgeable = true;
        Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile("your path of image",options);

        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();


        // bitmap object

        byteImage_photo = baos.toByteArray();

                    //generate base64 string of image

                   String encodedImage =Base64.encodeToString(byteImage_photo,Base64.DEFAULT);

  //send this encoded string to server

Using custom std::set comparator

1. Modern C++20 solution

auto cmp = [](int a, int b) { return ... };
std::set<int, decltype(cmp)> s;

We use lambda function as comparator. As usual, comparator should return boolean value, indicating whether the element passed as first argument is considered to go before the second in the specific strict weak ordering it defines.

Online demo

2. Modern C++11 solution

auto cmp = [](int a, int b) { return ... };
std::set<int, decltype(cmp)> s(cmp);

Before C++20 we need to pass lambda as argument to set constructor

Online demo

3. Similar to first solution, but with function instead of lambda

Make comparator as usual boolean function

bool cmp(int a, int b) {
    return ...;

Then use it, either this way:

std::set<int, decltype(cmp)*> s(cmp);

Online demo

or this way:

std::set<int, decltype(&cmp)> s(&cmp);

Online demo

4. Old solution using struct with () operator

struct cmp {
    bool operator() (int a, int b) const {
        return ...

// ...
// later
std::set<int, cmp> s;

Online demo

5. Alternative solution: create struct from boolean function

Take boolean function

bool cmp(int a, int b) {
    return ...;

And make struct from it using std::integral_constant

#include <type_traits>
using Cmp = std::integral_constant<decltype(&cmp), &cmp>;

Finally, use the struct as comparator

std::set<X, Cmp> set;

Online demo

How to remove border of drop down list : CSS

You could simply use:

select {
    border: none;
    outline: none;
    scroll-behavior: smooth;

As the drop down list border is non editable you can not do anything with that but surely this will fix your initial outlook.

Create space at the beginning of a UITextField

This one line of code saved me:

For Xamarin.iOS:

textField.Layer.SublayerTransform = CATransform3D.MakeTranslation(5, 0, 0);

For Swift:

textField.layer.sublayerTransform = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(5, 0, 0);

How do I reset a sequence in Oracle?

A true restart is not possible AFAIK. (Please correct me if I'm wrong!).

However, if you want to set it to 0, you can just delete and recreate it.

If you want to set it to a specific value, you can set the INCREMENT to a negative value and get the next value.

That is, if your sequence is at 500, you can set it to 100 via


Correct use of transactions in SQL Server

Easy approach:

    C [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL UNIQUE,

SET XACT_ABORT ON -- Turns on rollback if T-SQL statement raises a run-time error.
SELECT * FROM T; -- Check before.
SELECT * FROM T; -- Check after.

How to check if a std::thread is still running?

Surely have a mutex-wrapped variable initialised to false, that the thread sets to true as the last thing it does before exiting. Is that atomic enough for your needs?

Differences between .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 in High level in .NET

Here is a great resource from Microsoft which includes a high level features overview for each .NET release since 1.0 up to the present day. It also include information about the associated Visual Studio release and Windows version compatibility.

.NET Framework Versions and Dependencies

Font Awesome not working, icons showing as squares

Please add

@import 'https://****.net/*********/font-awesome.min.css';
@font-face {
    font-family: 'FontAwesome';
    src: url('https://****.net/*********/FontAwesome.otf');
    src: url('https://****.net/*********/FontAwesome.otf?#iefix')

This to top of your css, download and link the css and font correctly, the problem is due to FontAwesome not loading correctly.


Beautiful Soup and extracting a div and its contents by ID

soup.find("tagName",attrs={ "id" : "articlebody" })

Differences in string compare methods in C#

Here are the rules for how these functions work:


  1. null comes before a string
  2. it uses CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo.Compare, which means it will use a culture-dependent comparison. This might mean that ß will compare equal to SS in Germany, or similar


  1. null is not considered equal to anything
  2. unless you specify a StringComparison option, it will use what looks like a direct ordinal equality check, i.e. ß is not the same as SS, in any language or culture

stringValue == otherStringValue

  1. Is not the same as stringValue.Equals().
  2. The == operator calls the static Equals(string a, string b) method (which in turn goes to an internal EqualsHelper to do the comparison.
  3. Calling .Equals() on a null string gets null reference exception, while on == does not.

Object.ReferenceEquals(stringValue, otherStringValue)

Just checks that references are the same, i.e. it isn't just two strings with the same contents, you're comparing a string object with itself.

Note that with the options above that use method calls, there are overloads with more options to specify how to compare.

My advice if you just want to check for equality is to make up your mind whether you want to use a culture-dependent comparison or not, and then use .CompareTo or .Equals, depending on the choice.

if arguments is equal to this string, define a variable like this string

It seems that you are looking to parse commandline arguments into your bash script. I have searched for this recently myself. I came across the following which I think will assist you in parsing the arguments:

I added the snippet below as a tl;dr

#using : after a switch variable means it requires some input (ie, t: requires something after t to validate while h requires nothing.
while getopts “ht:r:p:v” OPTION
     case $OPTION in
             exit 1

if [[ -z $TEST ]] || [[ -z $SERVER ]] || [[ -z $PASSWD ]]
     exit 1

./ -t test -r server -p password -v

printing all contents of array in C#

You can use for loop

    int[] random_numbers = {10, 30, 44, 21, 51, 21, 61, 24, 14}
    int array_length = random_numbers.Length;
    for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++){
        if(i == array_length - 1){
        } else{
              Console.Write($"{random_numbers[i]}, ");

Remove 'b' character do in front of a string literal in Python 3

Here u Go

f = open('test.txt','rb+')

how to run mysql in ubuntu through terminal

You need to log in with the correct username and password. Does the user root have permission to access the database? or did you create a specific user to do this?

The other issue might be that you are not using a password when trying to log in.

EXTRACT() Hour in 24 Hour format

The problem is not with extract, which can certainly handle 'military time'. It looks like you have a default timestamp format which has HH instead of HH24; or at least that's the only way I can see to recreate this:

SQL> select value from nls_session_parameters
  2  where parameter = 'NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT';


SQL> select extract(hour from cast(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
  2  as timestamp)) from dual;


alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS';

Session altered.

SQL> select extract(hour from cast(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
  2  as timestamp)) from dual;

select extract(hour from cast(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') as timestamp)) from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01849: hour must be between 1 and 12

So the simple 'fix' is to set the format to something that does recognise 24-hours:

SQL> alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS';

Session altered.

SQL> select extract(hour from cast(to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
  2  as timestamp)) from dual;


Although you don't need the to_char at all:

SQL> select extract(hour from cast(sysdate as timestamp)) from dual;


What is the best way to create a string array in python?

The simple answer is, "You don't." At the point where you need something to be of fixed length, you're either stuck on old habits or writing for a very specific problem with its own unique set of constraints.

Angular redirect to login page

Refer this code, auth.ts file

import { CanActivate } from '@angular/router';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import {  } from 'angular-2-local-storage';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
constructor(public localStorageService:LocalStorageService, private router: Router){}
canActivate() {
// Imaginary method that is supposed to validate an auth token
// and return a boolean
var logInStatus         =   this.localStorageService.get('logInStatus');
if(logInStatus == 1){
    console.log('****** log in status 1*****')
    return true;
    console.log('****** log in status not 1 *****')
    return false;


// *****And the app.routes.ts file is as follow ******//
      import {  Routes  } from '@angular/router';
      import {  HomePageComponent   } from './home-page/home- page.component';
      import {  WatchComponent  } from './watch/watch.component';
      import {  TeachersPageComponent   } from './teachers-page/teachers-page.component';
      import {  UserDashboardComponent  } from './user-dashboard/user- dashboard.component';
      import {  FormOneComponent    } from './form-one/form-one.component';
      import {  FormTwoComponent    } from './form-two/form-two.component';
      import {  AuthGuard   } from './authguard';
      import {  LoginDetailsComponent } from './login-details/login-details.component';
      import {  TransactionResolver } from './trans.resolver'
      export const routes:Routes    =   [
    { path:'',              component:HomePageComponent                                                 },
    { path:'watch',         component:WatchComponent                                                },
    { path:'teachers',      component:TeachersPageComponent                                         },
    { path:'dashboard',     component:UserDashboardComponent,       canActivate: [AuthGuard],   resolve: { dashboardData:TransactionResolver } },
    { path:'formone',       component:FormOneComponent,                 canActivate: [AuthGuard],   resolve: { dashboardData:TransactionResolver } },
    { path:'formtwo',       component:FormTwoComponent,                 canActivate: [AuthGuard],   resolve: { dashboardData:TransactionResolver } },
    { path:'login-details', component:LoginDetailsComponent,            canActivate: [AuthGuard]    },


Comparing boxed Long values 127 and 128

Java caches the primitive values from -128 to 127. When we compare two Long objects java internally type cast it to primitive value and compare it. But above 127 the Long object will not get type caste. Java caches the output by .valueOf() method.

This caching works for Byte, Short, Long from -128 to 127. For Integer caching works From -128 to java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high or 127, whichever is bigger.(We can set top level value upto which Integer values should get cached by using java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high).

 For example:
    If we set java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high=500;
    then values from -128 to 500 will get cached and 

    Integer a=498;
    Integer b=499;

    Output will be "true".

Float and Double objects never gets cached.

Character will get cache from 0 to 127

You are comparing two objects. so == operator will check equality of object references. There are following ways to do it.

1) type cast both objects into primitive values and compare

    (long)val3 == (long)val4

2) read value of object and compare

    val3.longValue() == val4.longValue()

3) Use equals() method on object comparison.


How do I get the XML root node with C#?

Agree with Jewes, XmlReader is the better way to go, especially if working with a larger XML document or processing multiple in a loop - no need to parse the entire document if you only need the document root.

Here's a simplified version, using XmlReader and MoveToContent().

using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(p_fileName))
  if (xmlReader.MoveToContent() == XmlNodeType.Element)
    rootNodeName = xmlReader.Name;

React-Native Button style not work

As the answer by @plaul mentions TouchableOpacity, here is an example of how you can use that;

    <Text>Press Here</Text>

How to fetch data from local JSON file on react native?

maybe you could use AsyncStorage setItem and getItem...and store the data as string, then use the json parser for convert it again to json...

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string - laravel

You might need to change your object to an array first. I dont know what export does, but I assume its expecting an array.

You can either use


Or if its a simple object, you can just typecast it.

$arr = (array) $Object;

Oracle: how to INSERT if a row doesn't exist

You should use Merge: For example:

MERGE INTO employees e
    USING (SELECT * FROM hr_records WHERE start_date > ADD_MONTHS(SYSDATE, -1)) h
    ON ( = h.emp_id)
    UPDATE SET e.address = h.address
    INSERT (id, address)
    VALUES (h.emp_id, h.address);


MERGE INTO employees e
    USING hr_records h
    ON ( = h.emp_id)
    UPDATE SET e.address = h.address
    INSERT (id, address)
    VALUES (h.emp_id, h.address);

Connecting to MySQL from Android with JDBC

try changing in the gradle file the targetSdkVersion to 8

targetSdkVersion 8

Create a table without a header in Markdown

You may be able to hide a heading if you can add the following CSS:

    th {
        display: none;

This is a bit heavy-handed and doesn’t distinguish between tables, but it may do for a simple task.

How could I convert data from string to long in c#

You won't be able to convert it directly to long because of the decimal point i think you should convert it into decimal and then convert it into long something like this:

String strValue[i] = "1100.25";
long l1 = Convert.ToInt64(Convert.ToDecimal(strValue));

hope this helps!

What is Common Gateway Interface (CGI)?

A CGI script is a console/shell program. In Windows, when you use a "Command Prompt" window, you execute console programs. When a web server executes a CGI script it provides input to the console/shell program using environment variables or "standard input". Standard input is like typing data into a console/shell program; in the case of a CGI script, the web server does the typing. The CGI script writes data out to "standard output" and that output is sent to the client (the web browser) as a HTML page. Standard output is like the output you see in a console/shell program except the web server reads it and sends it out.

A CGI script can be executed from a browser. The URI typically includes a query string that is provided to the CGI script. If the method is "get" then the query string is provided to the CGI Script in an environment variable called QUERY_STRING. If the method is "post" then the query string is provided to the CGI Script using standard input (the CGI Script reads the query string from standard input).

An early use of CGI scripts was to process forms. In the beginning of HTML, HTML forms typically had an "action" attribute and a button designated as the "submit" button. When the submit button is pushed the URI specified in the "action" attribute would be sent to the server with the data from the form sent as a query string. If the "action" specifies a CGI script then the CGI script would be executed and it then produces a HTML page.

RFC 3875 "The Common Gateway Interface (CGI)" partially defines CGI using C, as in saying that environment variables "are accessed by the C library routine getenv() or variable environ".

If you are developing a CGI script using C/C++ and use Microsoft Visual Studio to do that then you would develop a console program.

Gunicorn worker timeout error

Is this endpoint taking too many time?

Maybe you are using flask without asynchronous support, so every request will block the call. To create async support without make difficult, add the gevent worker.

With gevent, a new call will spawn a new thread, and you app will be able to receive more requests

pip install gevent
gunicon .... --worker-class gevent

Simple Android RecyclerView example

Since I cant comment yet im gonna post as an answer the link.. I have found a simple, well organized tutorial on recyclerview

Apart from that when you are going to add a recycler view into you activity what you want to do is as below and how you should do this has been described on the link

  • add RecyclerView component into your layout file
  • make a class which you are going to display as list rows
  • make a layout file which is the layout of a row of you list
  • now we need a custom adapter so create a custom adapter by extending from the parent class RecyclerView.Adapter
  • add recyclerview into your mainActivity oncreate
  • adding separators
  • adding Touch listeners

Find the unique values in a column and then sort them

I would suggest using numpy's sort, as it is anyway what pandas is doing in background:

import numpy as np

But doing all in pandas is valid as well.

simple HTTP server in Java using only Java SE API

This code is better than ours, you only need to add 2 libs: javax.servelet.jar and org.mortbay.jetty.jar.

Class Jetty:

package jetty;

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.mortbay.http.SocketListener;
import org.mortbay.jetty.Server;
import org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHttpContext;

public class Jetty {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Server server = new Server();
            SocketListener listener = new SocketListener();      

            System.out.println("Max Thread :" + listener.getMaxThreads() + " Min Thread :" + listener.getMinThreads());


            ServletHttpContext context = (ServletHttpContext) server.getContext("/");
            context.addServlet("/MO", "jetty.HelloWorldServlet");


        /*//We will create our server running at http://localhost:8070
        Server server = new Server();

        //We will deploy our servlet to the server at the path '/'
        //it will be available at http://localhost:8070
        ServletHttpContext context = (ServletHttpContext) server.getContext("/");
        context.addServlet("/MO", "jetty.HelloWorldServlet");


        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Jetty.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


Servlet class:

package jetty;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

public class HelloWorldServlet extends HttpServlet
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws ServletException, IOException
        String appid = httpServletRequest.getParameter("appid");
        String conta = httpServletRequest.getParameter("conta");

        System.out.println("Appid : "+appid);
        System.out.println("Conta : "+conta);

        PrintWriter out = httpServletResponse.getWriter();
        out.println("Hello World!");

How to delete all the rows in a table using Eloquent?

There is an indirect way:

myModel:where('anyColumnName', 'like', '%%')->delete();


User:where('id', 'like' '%%')->delete();

Laravel query builder information:

How to calculate cumulative normal distribution?

Alex's answer shows you a solution for standard normal distribution (mean = 0, standard deviation = 1). If you have normal distribution with mean and std (which is sqr(var)) and you want to calculate:

from scipy.stats import norm

# cdf(x < val)
print norm.cdf(val, m, s)

# cdf(x > val)
print 1 - norm.cdf(val, m, s)

# cdf(v1 < x < v2)
print norm.cdf(v2, m, s) - norm.cdf(v1, m, s)

Read more about cdf here and scipy implementation of normal distribution with many formulas here.

Google MAP API v3: Center & Zoom on displayed markers

Try this works...

$(function() {
        var myOptions = {
            zoom: 10,
            center: latlng,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),myOptions);
        var latlng_pos=[];
        var j=0;
            latlng_pos[j]=new google.maps.LatLng($(this).find(".latitude").val(),$(this).find(".longitude").val());
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng($(this).find(".latitude").val(),$(this).find(".longitude").val()),
                // position: new google.maps.LatLng(-35.397, 150.640),
                map: map
        // map: an instance of google.maps.Map object
        // latlng: an array of google.maps.LatLng objects
        var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds( );
        for ( var i = 0; i < latlng_pos.length; i++ ) {
            latlngbounds.extend( latlng_pos[ i ] );
        map.fitBounds( latlngbounds );


Get statistics for each group (such as count, mean, etc) using pandas GroupBy?

On groupby object, the agg function can take a list to apply several aggregation methods at once. This should give you the result you need:

df[['col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4']].groupby(['col1', 'col2']).agg(['mean', 'count'])

Remove NA values from a vector

?max shows you that there is an extra parameter na.rm that you can set to TRUE.

Apart from that, if you really want to remove the NAs, just use something like:


What is the difference between a mutable and immutable string in C#?


Short Answer : String is immutable – whereas StringBuilder is mutable.

What does that mean ? Wiki says : In object-oriented, an immutable object is an object whose state cannot be modified after it is created. This is in contrast to a mutable object, which can be modified after it is created.

From the StringBuilder Class documentation:

The String object is immutable. Every time you use one of the methods in the System.String class, you create a new string object in memory, which requires a new allocation of space for that new object.

In situations where you need to perform repeated modifications to a string, the overhead associated with creating a new String object can be costly.

The System.Text.StringBuilder class can be used when you want to modify a string without creating a new object. For example, using the StringBuilder class can boost performance when concatenating many strings together in a loop.

Javascript: formatting a rounded number to N decimals

If you do not really care about rounding, just added a toFixed(x) and then removing trailing 0es and the dot if necessary. It is not a fast solution.

function format(value, decimals) {
    if (value) {
        value = value.toFixed(decimals);            
    } else {
        value = "0";
    if (value.indexOf(".") < 0) { value += "."; }
    var dotIdx = value.indexOf(".");
    while (value.length - dotIdx <= decimals) { value += "0"; } // add 0's

    return value;

Why doesn't calling a Python string method do anything unless you assign its output?

Example for String Methods

Given a list of filenames, we want to rename all the files with extension hpp to the extension h. To do this, we would like to generate a new list called newfilenames, consisting of the new filenames. Fill in the blanks in the code using any of the methods you’ve learned thus far, like a for loop or a list comprehension.

filenames = ["program.c", "stdio.hpp", "sample.hpp", "a.out", "math.hpp", "hpp.out"]
# Generate newfilenames as a list containing the new filenames
# using as many lines of code as your chosen method requires.
newfilenames = []
for i in filenames:
    if i.endswith(".hpp"):
        x = i.replace("hpp", "h")

# Should be ["program.c", "stdio.h", "sample.h", "a.out", "math.h", "hpp.out"]

Reloading the page gives wrong GET request with AngularJS HTML5 mode

We had a server redirect in Express:

app.get('*', function(req, res){

and we were still getting page-refresh issues, even after we added the <base href="/" />.

Solution: make sure you're using real links in you page to navigate; don't type in the route in the URL or you'll get a page-refresh. (silly mistake, I know)


How to generate range of numbers from 0 to n in ES2015 only?

Here's another variation that doesn't use Array.

let range = (n, l=[], delta=1) => {
  if (n < 0) { 
    return l 
  else {
    return range(n - delta, l) 