[javascript] How do you log all events fired by an element in jQuery?

I'd like to see all the events fired by an input field as a user interacts with it. This includes stuff like:

  1. Clicking on it.
  2. Clicking off it.
  3. Tabbing into it.
  4. Tabbing away from it.
  5. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V on the keyboard.
  6. Right click -> Paste.
  7. Right click -> Cut.
  8. Right click -> Copy.
  9. Dragging and dropping text from another application.
  10. Modifying it with Javascript.
  11. Modifying it with a debug tool, like Firebug.

I'd like to display it using console.log. Is this possible in Javascript/jQuery, and if so, how do I do it?

This question is related to javascript jquery events dom-events

The answer is


new Wiretap({
  add: function() {
      //fire when an event is bound to element
  before: function() {
      //fire just before an event executes, arguments are automatic
  after: function() {
      //fire just after an event executes, arguments are automatic

Here is a non-jquery way to monitor events in the console with your code and without the use of monitorEvents() because that only works in Chrome Developer Console. You can also choose to not monitor certain events by editing the no_watch array.

    function getEvents(obj) {
    window["events_list"] = [];
    var no_watch = ['mouse', 'pointer']; // Array of event types not to watch
    var no_watch_reg = new RegExp(no_watch.join("|"));

    for (var prop in obj) {
        if (prop.indexOf("on") === 0) {
            prop = prop.substring(2); // remove "on" from beginning
            if (!prop.match(no_watch_reg)) {
                window.addEventListener(prop, function() {
                    console.log(this.event); // Display fired event in console
                } , false);
    window["events_list"].sort(); // Alphabetical order 


getEvents(document); // Put window, document or any html element here
console.log(events_list); // List every event on element

I have no idea why no-one uses this... (maybe because it's only a webkit thing)

Open console:

monitorEvents(document.body); // logs all events on the body

monitorEvents(document.body, 'mouse'); // logs mouse events on the body

monitorEvents(document.body.querySelectorAll('input')); // logs all events on inputs

I recently found and modified this snippet from an existing SO post that I have not been able to find again but I've found it very useful

// specify any elements you've attached listeners to here
const nodes = [document]

// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events
const logBrowserEvents = () => {
  const AllEvents = {
    AnimationEvent: ['animationend', 'animationiteration', 'animationstart'],
    AudioProcessingEvent: ['audioprocess'],
    BeforeUnloadEvent: ['beforeunload'],
    CompositionEvent: [
    ClipboardEvent: ['copy', 'cut', 'paste'],
    DeviceLightEvent: ['devicelight'],
    DeviceMotionEvent: ['devicemotion'],
    DeviceOrientationEvent: ['deviceorientation'],
    DeviceProximityEvent: ['deviceproximity'],
    DragEvent: [
    Event: [
    FocusEvent: [
    GamepadEvent: ['gamepadconnected', 'gamepaddisconnected'],
    HashChangeEvent: ['hashchange'],
    KeyboardEvent: ['keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup'],
    MessageEvent: ['message'],
    MouseEvent: [
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Events/Mutation_events
    MutationNameEvent: ['DOMAttributeNameChanged', 'DOMElementNameChanged'],
    MutationEvent: [
    OfflineAudioCompletionEvent: ['complete'],
    OtherEvent: ['blocked', 'complete', 'upgradeneeded', 'versionchange'],
    UIEvent: [
    PageTransitionEvent: ['pagehide', 'pageshow'],
    PopStateEvent: ['popstate'],
    ProgressEvent: [
    SensorEvent: ['compassneedscalibration', 'Unimplemented', 'userproximity'],
    StorageEvent: ['storage'],
    SVGEvent: [
    SVGZoomEvent: ['SVGZoom'],
    TimeEvent: ['beginEvent', 'endEvent', 'repeatEvent'],
    TouchEvent: [
    TransitionEvent: ['transitionend'],
    WheelEvent: ['wheel'],

  const RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes = {}

  Object.keys(AllEvents).forEach((DOMEvent) => {
    const DOMEventTypes = AllEvents[DOMEvent]

    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(AllEvents, DOMEvent)) {
      DOMEventTypes.forEach((DOMEventType) => {
        const DOMEventCategory = `${DOMEvent} ${DOMEventType}`

        nodes.forEach((node) => {
            (e) => {
              if (RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes[DOMEventCategory]) return

              RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes[DOMEventCategory] = true

              // NOTE: throttle continuous events
              setTimeout(() => {
                RecentlyLoggedDOMEventTypes[DOMEventCategory] = false
              }, 1000)

              const isActive = e.target === document.activeElement

              // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DocumentOrShadowRoot/activeElement
              const hasActiveElement = document.activeElement !== document.body

              const msg = [
                  ? ['active:', document.activeElement]
                  : []),

              if (isActive) {
// export default logBrowserEvents

There is a nice generic way using the .data('events') collection:

function getEventsList($obj) {
    var ev = new Array(),
        events = $obj.data('events'),
    for(i in events) { ev.push(i); }
    return ev.join(' ');

$obj.on(getEventsList($obj), function(e) {

This logs every event that has been already bound to the element by jQuery the moment this specific event gets fired. This code was pretty damn helpful for me many times.

Btw: If you want to see every possible event being fired on an object use firebug: just right click on the DOM element in html tab and check "Log Events". Every event then gets logged to the console (this is sometimes a bit annoying because it logs every mouse movement...).

Old thread, I know. I needed also something to monitor events and wrote this very handy (excellent) solution. You can monitor all events with this hook (in windows programming this is called a hook). This hook does not affects the operation of your software/program.

In the console log you can see something like this:

console log

Explanation of what you see:

In the console log you will see all events you select (see below "how to use") and shows the object-type, classname(s), id, <:name of function>, <:eventname>. The formatting of the objects is css-like.

When you click a button or whatever binded event, you will see it in the console log.

The code I wrote:

function setJQueryEventHandlersDebugHooks(bMonTrigger, bMonOn, bMonOff)
   jQuery.fn.___getHookName___ = function()    
          // First, get object name
         var sName = new String( this[0].constructor ),
         i = sName.indexOf(' ');
         sName = sName.substr( i, sName.indexOf('(')-i );    

         // Classname can be more than one, add class points to all
         if( typeof this[0].className === 'string' )
           var sClasses = this[0].className.split(' ');
           sClasses = sClasses.join('.');
         // Get id if there is one
         return sName;

   var bTrigger        = (typeof bMonTrigger !== "undefined")?bMonTrigger:true,
       bOn             = (typeof bMonOn !== "undefined")?bMonOn:true,
       bOff            = (typeof bMonOff !== "undefined")?bMonOff:true,
       fTriggerInherited = jQuery.fn.trigger,
       fOnInherited    = jQuery.fn.on,
       fOffInherited   = jQuery.fn.off;

   if( bTrigger )
    jQuery.fn.trigger = function()
     console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':trigger('+arguments[0]+')' );
     return fTriggerInherited.apply(this,arguments);

   if( bOn )
    jQuery.fn.on = function()
     if( !this[0].__hooked__ ) 
       this[0].__hooked__ = true; // avoids infinite loop!
       console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':on('+arguments[0]+') - binded' );
       $(this).on( arguments[0], function(e)
         console.log( $(this).___getHookName___()+':'+e.type );
     var uResult = fOnInherited.apply(this,arguments);
     this[0].__hooked__ = false; // reset for another event
     return uResult;

   if( bOff )
    jQuery.fn.off = function()
     if( !this[0].__unhooked__ ) 
       this[0].__unhooked__ = true; // avoids infinite loop!
       console.log( this.___getHookName___()+':off('+arguments[0]+') - unbinded' );
       $(this).off( arguments[0] );

     var uResult = fOffInherited.apply(this,arguments);
     this[0].__unhooked__ = false; // reset for another event
     return uResult;

Examples how to use it:

Monitor all events:


Monitor all triggers only:


Monitor all ON events only:


Monitor all OFF unbinds only:



  • Use this for debugging only, turn it off when using in product final version
  • If you want to see all events, you have to call this function directly after jQuery is loaded
  • If you want to see only less events, you can call the function on the time you need it
  • If you want to auto execute it, place ( )(); around function

Hope it helps! ;-)

function bindAllEvents (el) {
  for (const key in el) {
      if (key.slice(0, 2) === 'on') {
          el.addEventListener(key.slice(2), e => console.log(e.type));

This uses a bit of ES6 for prettiness, but can easily be translated for legacy browsers as well. In the function attached to the event listeners, it's currently just logging out what kind of event occurred but this is where you could print out additional information, or using a switch case on the e.type, you could only print information on specific events

I know the answer has already been accepted to this, but I think there might be a slightly more reliable way where you don't necessarily have to know the name of the event beforehand. This only works for native events though as far as I know, not custom ones that have been created by plugins. I opted to omit the use of jQuery to simplify things a little.

let input = document.getElementById('inputId');

  .filter(key => key.slice(0, 2) === 'on')
  .map(key => key.slice(2))
  .forEach(eventName => {
    input.addEventListener(eventName, event => {

I hope this helps anyone who reads this.


So I saw another question here that was similar, so another suggestion would be to do the following:


$('body').on("click mousedown mouseup focus blur keydown change mouseup click dblclick mousemove mouseover mouseout mousewheel keydown keyup keypress textInput touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel resize scroll zoom focus blur select change submit reset",function(e){

Just add this to the page and no other worries, will handle rest for you:

$('input').live('click mousedown mouseup focus keydown change blur', function(e) {

You can also use console.log('Input event:' + e.type) to make it easier.

STEP 1: Check the events for an HTML element on the developer console:

enter image description here

STEP 2: Listen to the events we want to capture:

$(document).on('ch-ui-container-closed ch-ui-container-opened', function(evt){

Good Luck...

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