[c#] Zip folder in C#

Following code uses a third-party ZIP component from Rebex:

// add content of the local directory C:\Data\  
// to the root directory in the ZIP archive
// (ZIP archive C:\archive.zip doesn't have to exist) 
Rebex.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.Add(@"C:\archive.zip", @"C:\Data\*", "");

Or if you want to add more folders without need to open and close archive multiple times:

using Rebex.IO.Compression;

// open the ZIP archive from an existing file 
ZipArchive zip = new ZipArchive(@"C:\archive.zip", ArchiveOpenMode.OpenOrCreate);

// add first folder

// add second folder

// close the archive 

You can download the ZIP component here.

Using a free, LGPL licensed SharpZipLib is a common alternative.

Disclaimer: I work for Rebex

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