[android] How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon

I have figured out how this is done for Sony devices.

I've blogged about it here. I've also posted a seperate SO question about this here.

Sony devices use a class named BadgeReciever.

  1. Declare the com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE permission in your manifest file:

  2. Broadcast an Intent to the BadgeReceiver:

    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.ACTIVITY_NAME", "com.yourdomain.yourapp.MainActivity");
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.SHOW_MESSAGE", true);
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.MESSAGE", "99");
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.PACKAGE_NAME", "com.yourdomain.yourapp");
  3. Done. Once this Intent is broadcast the launcher should show a badge on your application icon.

  4. To remove the badge again, simply send a new broadcast, this time with SHOW_MESSAGE set to false:

    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.SHOW_MESSAGE", false);

I've excluded details on how I found this to keep the answer short, but it's all available in the blog. Might be an interesting read for someone.

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