Programs & Examples On #Jboss6.x

Version 6 of the JBoss Application Server

Enable Hibernate logging

I answer to myself. As suggested by Vadzim, I must consider the jboss-logging.xml file and insert these lines:

<logger category="org.hibernate">
     <level name="TRACE"/>

Instead of DEBUG level I wrote TRACE. Now don't look only the console but open the server.log file (debug messages aren't sent to the console but you can configure this mode!).

Remove duplicates from dataframe, based on two columns A,B, keeping row with max value in another column C

I think groupby should work.

df.groupby(['A', 'B']).max()['C']

If you need a dataframe back you can chain the reset index call.

df.groupby(['A', 'B']).max()['C'].reset_index()

How do I make a transparent canvas in html5?

Paint your two canvases onto a third canvas.

I had this same problem and none of the solutions here solved my problem. I had one opaque canvas with another transparent canvas above it. The opaque canvas was completely invisible but the background of the page body was visible. The drawings from the transparent canvas on top were visible while the opaque canvas below it was not.

What are NR and FNR and what does "NR==FNR" imply?

In awk, FNR refers to the record number (typically the line number) in the current file and NR refers to the total record number. The operator == is a comparison operator, which returns true when the two surrounding operands are equal.

This means that the condition NR==FNR is only true for the first file, as FNR resets back to 1 for the first line of each file but NR keeps on increasing.

This pattern is typically used to perform actions on only the first file. The next inside the block means any further commands are skipped, so they are only run on files other than the first.

The condition FNR==NR compares the same two operands as NR==FNR, so it behaves in the same way.

Fastest way to zero out a 2d array in C?

I think that the fastest way to do it by hand is following code. You can compare it's speed to memset function, but it shouldn't be slower.

(change type of ptr and ptr1 pointers if your array type is different then int)

#define SIZE_X 100
#define SIZE_Y 100

int *ptr, *ptr1;
ptr = &array[0][0];
ptr1 = ptr + SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*sizeof(array[0][0]);

while(ptr < ptr1)
    *ptr++ = 0;

Mocking a method to throw an exception (moq), but otherwise act like the mocked object?

This is how I managed to do what I was trying to do:

public void TransferHandlesDisconnect()
    // ... set up config here
    var methodTester = new Mock<Transfer>(configInfo);
    methodTester.CallBase = true;
        .Setup(m => 

    methodTester.Object.TransferFiles("foo1", "foo2");
    Assert.IsTrue(methodTester.Object.Status == TransferStatus.TransferInterrupted);

If there is a problem with this method, I would like to know; the other answers suggest I am doing this wrong, but this was exactly what I was trying to do.

Java says FileNotFoundException but file exists

Reading and writing from and to a file can be blocked by your OS depending on the file's permission attributes.

If you are trying to read from the file, then I recommend using File's setReadable method to set it to true, or, this code for instance:

String arbitrary_path = "C:/Users/Username/Blah.txt";
byte[] data_of_file;
File f = new File(arbitrary_path);
data_of_file = Files.readAllBytes(f);
f.setReadable(false); // do this if you want to prevent un-knowledgeable 
                      //programmers from accessing your file.

If you are trying to write to the file, then I recommend using File's setWritable method to set it to true, or, this code for instance:

String arbitrary_path = "C:/Users/Username/Blah.txt";
byte[] data_of_file = { (byte) 0x00, (byte) 0xFF, (byte) 0xEE };
File f = new File(arbitrary_path);
Files.write(f, byte_array);
f.setWritable(false); // do this if you want to prevent un-knowledgeable 
                      //programmers from changing your file (for security.)

What is the difference between 'my' and 'our' in Perl?

Let us think what an interpreter actually is: it's a piece of code that stores values in memory and lets the instructions in a program that it interprets access those values by their names, which are specified inside these instructions. So, the big job of an interpreter is to shape the rules of how we should use the names in those instructions to access the values that the interpreter stores.

On encountering "my", the interpreter creates a lexical variable: a named value that the interpreter can access only while it executes a block, and only from within that syntactic block. On encountering "our", the interpreter makes a lexical alias of a package variable: it binds a name, which the interpreter is supposed from then on to process as a lexical variable's name, until the block is finished, to the value of the package variable with the same name.

The effect is that you can then pretend that you're using a lexical variable and bypass the rules of 'use strict' on full qualification of package variables. Since the interpreter automatically creates package variables when they are first used, the side effect of using "our" may also be that the interpreter creates a package variable as well. In this case, two things are created: a package variable, which the interpreter can access from everywhere, provided it's properly designated as requested by 'use strict' (prepended with the name of its package and two colons), and its lexical alias.


How do I change the font-size of an <option> element within <select>?

One solution could be to wrap the options inside optgroup:

optgroup { font-size:40px; }
    <option selected="selected" class="service-small">Service area?</option>
    <option class="service-small">Volunteering</option>
    <option class="service-small">Partnership &amp; Support</option>
    <option class="service-small">Business Services</option>

Bootstrap 3 collapsed menu doesn't close on click

I had the same problem, I was using jQuery-1.7.1 and bootstrap 3.2.0. I changed my jQuery version to the latest (jquery-1.11.2) version and everything works well.

What are the parameters for the number Pipe - Angular 2

The parameter has this syntax:


So your example of '1.2-2' means:

  • A minimum of 1 digit will be shown before decimal point
  • It will show at least 2 digits after decimal point
  • But not more than 2 digits

Array to Hash Ruby

Enumerator includes Enumerable. Since 2.1, Enumerable also has a method #to_h. That's why, we can write :-

a = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"]
# => {"item 1"=>"item 2", "item 3"=>"item 4"}

Because #each_slice without block gives us Enumerator, and as per the above explanation, we can call the #to_h method on the Enumerator object.

How to get the current directory in a C program?

Although the question is tagged Unix, people also get to visit it when their target platform is Windows, and the answer for Windows is the GetCurrentDirectory() function:

DWORD WINAPI GetCurrentDirectory(
  _In_  DWORD  nBufferLength,
  _Out_ LPTSTR lpBuffer

These answers apply to both C and C++ code.

Link suggested by user4581301 in a comment to another question, and verified as the current top choice with a Google search ' getcurrentdirectory'.

How do I configure php to enable pdo and include mysqli on CentOS?

You might just have to install the packages.

yum install php-pdo php-mysqli

After they're installed, restart Apache.

httpd restart


apachectl restart

"inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation"

I got the same errors but could not figure out what I was doing wrong.

So I fixed it by running auto-indent on my code and allowing the machine to fix my fault.

If anyone is wondering how I did that. Simple. Go in vim. Type in G=gg.

This will automatically fix everything. Good luck :)

How to check variable type at runtime in Go language

It seems that Go have special form of switch dedicate to this (it is called type switch):

func (e *Easy)SetOption(option Option, param interface{}) {

    switch v := param.(type) { 
        fmt.Printf("unexpected type %T", v)
    case uint64:
        e.code = Code(C.curl_wrapper_easy_setopt_long(e.curl, C.CURLoption(option), C.long(v)))
    case string:
        e.code = Code(C.curl_wrapper_easy_setopt_str(e.curl, C.CURLoption(option), C.CString(v)))

What's is the difference between train, validation and test set, in neural networks?

The training and validation sets are used during training.

for each epoch
    for each training data instance
        propagate error through the network
        adjust the weights
        calculate the accuracy over training data
    for each validation data instance
        calculate the accuracy over the validation data
    if the threshold validation accuracy is met
        exit training
        continue training

Once you're finished training, then you run against your testing set and verify that the accuracy is sufficient.

Training Set: this data set is used to adjust the weights on the neural network.

Validation Set: this data set is used to minimize overfitting. You're not adjusting the weights of the network with this data set, you're just verifying that any increase in accuracy over the training data set actually yields an increase in accuracy over a data set that has not been shown to the network before, or at least the network hasn't trained on it (i.e. validation data set). If the accuracy over the training data set increases, but the accuracy over the validation data set stays the same or decreases, then you're overfitting your neural network and you should stop training.

Testing Set: this data set is used only for testing the final solution in order to confirm the actual predictive power of the network.

Check if value already exists within list of dictionaries?

Here's one way to do it:

if not any(d['main_color'] == 'red' for d in a):
    # does not exist

The part in parentheses is a generator expression that returns True for each dictionary that has the key-value pair you are looking for, otherwise False.

If the key could also be missing the above code can give you a KeyError. You can fix this by using get and providing a default value. If you don't provide a default value, None is returned.

if not any(d.get('main_color', default_value) == 'red' for d in a):
    # does not exist

How do I fix 'Invalid character value for cast specification' on a date column in flat file?

The proper data type for "2010-12-20 00:00:00.0000000" value is DATETIME2(7) / DT_DBTIME2 ().

But used data type for CYCLE_DATE field is DATETIME - DT_DATE. This means milliseconds precision with accuracy down to every third millisecond (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss.mmL where L can be 0,3 or 7).

The solution is to change CYCLE_DATE date type to DATETIME2 - DT_DBTIME2.

Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages

Short (un-precise) definition:

Compiled language: Entire program is translated to machine code at once, then the machine code is run by the CPU.

Interpreted language: Program is read line-by-line and as soon as a line is read the machine instructions for that line are executed by the CPU.

But really, few languages these days are purely compiled or purely interpreted, it often is a mix. For a more detailed description with pictures, see this thread:

What is the difference between compilation and interpretation?

Or my later blog post:

There can be only one auto column

The full error message sounds:

ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

So add primary key to the auto_increment field:

   id INT AUTO_INCREMENT primary key NOT NULL,
   accepted_terms BIT(1) NOT NULL,
   accepted_privacy BIT(1) NOT NULL

How do I find ' % ' with the LIKE operator in SQL Server?

You can use ESCAPE:

WHERE columnName LIKE '%\%%' ESCAPE '\'

What is the difference between a database and a data warehouse?

Data Warehouse vs Database: A data warehouse is specially designed for data analytics, which involves reading large amounts of data to understand relationships and trends across the data. A database is used to capture and store data, such as recording details of a transaction.

Data Warehouse: Suitable workloads - Analytics, reporting, big data. Data source - Data collected and normalized from many sources. Data capture - Bulk write operations typically on a predetermined batch schedule. Data normalization - Denormalized schemas, such as the Star schema or Snowflake schema. Data storage - Optimized for simplicity of access and high-speed query. performance using columnar storage. Data access - Optimized to minimize I/O and maximize data throughput.

Transactional Database: Suitable workloads - Transaction processing. Data source - Data captured as-is from a single source, such as a transactional system. Data capture - Optimized for continuous write operations as new data is available to maximize transaction throughput. Data normalization - Highly normalized, static schemas. Data storage - Optimized for high throughout write operations to a single row-oriented physical block. Data access - High volumes of small read operations.

jQuery delete confirmation box

Try this my friend

  // Confirmation Message On Delete Button._x000D_
  $('.close').click(function() {_x000D_
    return confirm('Are You Sure ?')_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<td class='close'></td>

Interface naming in Java

In my experience, the "I" convention applies to interfaces that are intended to provide a contract to a class, particularly when the interface itself is not an abstract notion of the class.

For example, in your case, I'd only expect to see IUser if the only user you ever intend to have is User. If you plan to have different types of users - NoviceUser, ExpertUser, etc. - I would expect to see a User interface (and, perhaps, an AbstractUser class that implements some common functionality, like get/setName()).

I would also expect interfaces that define capabilities - Comparable, Iterable, etc. - to be named like that, and not like IComparable or IIterable.

Angular and Typescript: Can't find names - Error: cannot find name

The accepted answer doesn't provide a viable fix, and most of the other ones suggest the "triple-slashes" workaround which is not viable anymore, since the browser.d.ts has been removed by the Angular2 latest RC's and thus is not available anymore.

I strongly suggest to install the typings module as suggested by a couple solutions here, yet it's not necessary to do it manually or globally - there's an effective way to do that for your project only and within VS2015 interface. Here's what you need to do:

  • add typings in the project's package.json file.
  • add a script block in the package.json file to execute/update typings after each NPM action.
  • add a typings.json file in the project's root folder containing a reference to core-js (overall better than es6-shim atm).

That's it.

You can also take a look to this other SO thread and/or read this post on my blog for additional details.

C++ Calling a function from another class

in A you have used a definition of B which is not given until then , that's why the compiler is giving error .

Automating the InvokeRequired code pattern

I Kind of like to do it a bit different, i like to call "myself" if needed with an Action,

    private void AddRowToListView(ScannerRow row, bool suspend)
        if (IsFormClosing)

        if (this.InvokeRequired)
            var A = new Action(() => AddRowToListView(row, suspend));
         //as of here the Code is thread-safe

this is a handy pattern, the IsFormClosing is a field that i set to True when I am closing my form as there might be some background threads that are still running...

WPF Data Binding and Validation Rules Best Practices

I think the new preferred way might be to use IDataErrorInfo

Read more here

How to add a custom button to the toolbar that calls a JavaScript function?

See this URL for a easy example

There are a couple of steps:

1) create a plugin folder

2) register your plugin (the URL above says to edit the ckeditor.js file DO NOT do this, as it will break next time a new version is relased. Instead edit the config.js and add a line like so

config.extraPlugins = 'pluginX,pluginY,yourPluginNameHere'; 

3) make a JS file called plugin.js inside your plugin folder Here is my code

(function() {
    //Section 1 : Code to execute when the toolbar button is pressed
    var a = {
        exec: function(editor) {
            var theSelectedText = editor.getSelection().getNative();

    //Section 2 : Create the button and add the functionality to it
    CKEDITOR.plugins.add(b, {
        init: function(editor) {
            editor.addCommand(b, a);
            editor.ui.addButton("addTags", {
                label: 'Add Tag', 
                icon: this.path+"addTag.gif",
                command: b

Get key by value in dictionary

A simple way to do this could be:

list = {'george':16,'amber':19}
search_age = raw_input("Provide age")
for age in list.values():
    name = list[list==search_age].key().tolist()
    print name

This will return a list of the keys with value that match search_age. You can also replace "list==search_age" with any other conditions statement if needed.

How to get maximum value from the Collection (for example ArrayList)?


What is the difference between compare() and compareTo()?

compareTo() is from the Comparable interface.

compare() is from the Comparator interface.

Both methods do the same thing, but each interface is used in a slightly different context.

The Comparable interface is used to impose a natural ordering on the objects of the implementing class. The compareTo() method is called the natural comparison method. The Comparator interface is used to impose a total ordering on the objects of the implementing class. For more information, see the links for exactly when to use each interface.

How can I record a Video in my Android App.?

This demo will helpful for you....


<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" >

    android:layout_alignParentTop="true" />

    android:layout_weight="1" >

Your Main Activity:

 public class Video extends Activity implements OnClickListener,
    SurfaceHolder.Callback {

private static final String TAG = "CAMERA_TUTORIAL";

private SurfaceView mSurfaceView;
private SurfaceHolder mHolder;
private Camera mCamera;
private boolean previewRunning;
private MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder;
private final int maxDurationInMs = 20000;
private final long maxFileSizeInBytes = 500000;
private final int videoFramesPerSecond = 20;
Button btn_record;
boolean mInitSuccesful = false;
File file;
ToggleButton mToggleButton;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    mSurfaceView = (SurfaceView) findViewById(;
    mHolder = mSurfaceView.getHolder();

    mToggleButton = (ToggleButton) findViewById(;
    mToggleButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        // toggle video recording
        public void onClick(View v) {
            if (((ToggleButton) v).isChecked())
            else {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

private void initRecorder(Surface surface) throws IOException {
    // It is very important to unlock the camera before doing setCamera
    // or it will results in a black preview
    if (mCamera == null) 
        mCamera =;

    if (mMediaRecorder == null)
        mMediaRecorder = new MediaRecorder();






    // No limit. Don't forget to check the space on disk.
    mMediaRecorder.setVideoSize(1280, 720);


    try {
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        // This is thrown if the previous calls are not called with the
        // proper order

    mInitSuccesful = true;

private File initFile() {
    // File dir = new
    // File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_MOVIES),
    // this
    File dir = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), this

    if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) {,
                "Failed to create storage directory: "
                        + dir.getAbsolutePath());
        Toast.makeText(Video.this, "not record", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
        file = null;
    } else {
        file = new File(dir.getAbsolutePath(), new SimpleDateFormat(
                "'IMG_'yyyyMMddHHmmss'.mp4'").format(new Date()));
    return file;

public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    try {
        if (!mInitSuccesful)
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

private void shutdown() {
    // Release MediaRecorder and especially the Camera as it's a shared
    // object that can be used by other applications

    // once the objects have been released they can't be reused
    mMediaRecorder = null;
    mCamera = null;

public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {

public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width,
        int height) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void onClick(View v) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub



MediaMetadataRetriever Class

public class MediaMetadataRetriever {

 static {

    // The field below is accessed by native methods
    private int mNativeContext;

    public MediaMetadataRetriever() {

     * Call this method before setDataSource() so that the mode becomes
     * effective for subsequent operations. This method can be called only once
     * at the beginning if the intended mode of operation for a
     * MediaMetadataRetriever object remains the same for its whole lifetime,
     * and thus it is unnecessary to call this method each time setDataSource()
     * is called. If this is not never called (which is allowed), by default the
     * intended mode of operation is to both capture frame and retrieve meta
     * Often, this may not be what one wants, since doing this has negative
     * performance impact on execution time of a call to setDataSource(), since
     * both types of operations may be time consuming.
     * @param mode The intended mode of operation. Can be any combination of 
     *    For neither frame capture nor meta data retrieval
     * 2. MODE_GET_METADATA_ONLY: For meta data retrieval only
     * 3. MODE_CAPTURE_FRAME_ONLY: For frame capture only
     *    For both frame capture and meta data retrieval
    public native void setMode(int mode);

     * @return the current mode of operation. A negative return value indicates
     * some runtime error has occurred.
    public native int getMode();

     * Sets the data source (file pathname) to use. Call this
     * method before the rest of the methods in this class. This method may be
     * time-consuming.
     * @param path The path of the input media file.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the path is invalid.
    public native void setDataSource(String path) throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use.  It is the caller's
     * responsibility to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon
     * as this call returns. Call this method before the rest of the methods in
     * this class. This method may be time-consuming.
     * @param fd the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play
     * @param offset the offset into the file where the data to be played starts,
     * in bytes. It must be non-negative
     * @param length the length in bytes of the data to be played. It must be
     * non-negative.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the arguments are invalid
    public native void setDataSource(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length)
            throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use. It is the caller's
     * responsibility to close the file descriptor. It is safe to do so as soon
     * as this call returns. Call this method before the rest of the methods in
     * this class. This method may be time-consuming.
     * @param fd the FileDescriptor for the file you want to play
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the FileDescriptor is invalid
    public void setDataSource(FileDescriptor fd)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        // intentionally less than LONG_MAX
        setDataSource(fd, 0, 0x7ffffffffffffffL);

     * Sets the data source as a content Uri. Call this method before 
     * the rest of the methods in this class. This method may be time-consuming.
     * @param context the Context to use when resolving the Uri
     * @param uri the Content URI of the data you want to play
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the Uri is invalid
     * @throws SecurityException if the Uri cannot be used due to lack of
     * permission.
    public void setDataSource(Context context, Uri uri)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException {
        if (uri == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        String scheme = uri.getScheme();
        if(scheme == null || scheme.equals("file")) {

        AssetFileDescriptor fd = null;
        try {
            ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
            try {
                fd = resolver.openAssetFileDescriptor(uri, "r");
            } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            if (fd == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            FileDescriptor descriptor = fd.getFileDescriptor();
            if (!descriptor.valid()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            // Note: using getDeclaredLength so that our behavior is the same
            // as previous versions when the content provider is returning
            // a full file.
            if (fd.getDeclaredLength() < 0) {
            } else {
                setDataSource(descriptor, fd.getStartOffset(), fd.getDeclaredLength());
        } catch (SecurityException ex) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (fd != null) {
            } catch(IOException ioEx) {

     * Call this method after setDataSource(). This method retrieves the 
     * meta data value associated with the keyCode.
     * The keyCode currently supported is listed below as METADATA_XXX
     * constants. With any other value, it returns a null pointer.
     * @param keyCode One of the constants listed below at the end of the class.
     * @return The meta data value associate with the given keyCode on success; 
     * null on failure.
    public native String extractMetadata(int keyCode);

     * Call this method after setDataSource(). This method finds a
     * representative frame if successful and returns it as a bitmap. This is
     * useful for generating a thumbnail for an input media source.
     * @return A Bitmap containing a representative video frame, which 
     *         can be null, if such a frame cannot be retrieved.
    public native Bitmap captureFrame();

     * Call this method after setDataSource(). This method finds the optional
     * graphic or album art associated (embedded or external url linked) the 
     * related data source.
     * @return null if no such graphic is found.
    public native byte[] extractAlbumArt();

     * Call it when one is done with the object. This method releases the memory
     * allocated internally.
    public native void release();
    private native void native_setup();
    private static native void native_init();

    private native final void native_finalize();

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        try {
        } finally {

    public static final int MODE_GET_METADATA_ONLY  = 0x01;
    public static final int MODE_CAPTURE_FRAME_ONLY = 0x02;

     * Do not change these values without updating their counterparts
     * in include/media/mediametadataretriever.h!
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_CD_TRACK_NUMBER = 0;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_ALBUM           = 1;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_ARTIST          = 2;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_AUTHOR          = 3;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_COMPOSER        = 4;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_DATE            = 5;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_GENRE           = 6;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_TITLE           = 7;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_YEAR            = 8;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_DURATION        = 9;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_NUM_TRACKS      = 10;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_IS_DRM_CRIPPLED = 11;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_CODEC           = 12;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_RATING          = 13;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_COMMENT         = 14;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_COPYRIGHT       = 15;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_BIT_RATE        = 16;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_FRAME_RATE      = 17;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_FORMAT    = 18;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT    = 19;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH     = 20;
    public static final int METADATA_KEY_WRITER          = 21;
    // Add more here...

How to load data to hive from HDFS without removing the source file?

I found that, when you use EXTERNAL TABLE and LOCATION together, Hive creates table and initially no data will present (assuming your data location is different from the Hive 'LOCATION').

When you use 'LOAD DATA INPATH' command, the data get MOVED (instead of copy) from data location to location that you specified while creating Hive table.

If location is not given when you create Hive table, it uses internal Hive warehouse location and data will get moved from your source data location to internal Hive data warehouse location (i.e. /user/hive/warehouse/).

Invoking Java main method with parameters from Eclipse

If have spaces within your string argument, do the following:

Run > Run Configurations > Java Application > Arguments > Program arguments

  1. Enclose your string argument with quotes
  2. Separate each argument by space or new line

What is Inversion of Control?

Inversion of control is when you go to the grocery store and your wife gives you the list of products to buy.

In programming terms, she passed a callback function getProductList() to the function you are executing - doShopping().

It allows user of the function to define some parts of it, making it more flexible.

Gradle, Android and the ANDROID_HOME SDK location

This works for me:

$ export ANDROID_HOME=/path_to_sdk/
$ ./gradlew

Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application

If you want to work with JAX-RS (e.g. RESTEasy) try this:

public Response get(@QueryParam("url") final String url) {
    String picUrl = URLDecoder.decode(url, "UTF-8");

    return Response.ok(sendPicAsStream(picUrl))
            .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "image/jpg")

private StreamingOutput sendPicAsStream(String picUrl) {
    return output -> {
        try (InputStream is = (new URL(picUrl)).openStream()) {
            ByteStreams.copy(is, output);

using and

Split a string by another string in C#

The previous answers are all correct. I go one step further and make C# work for me by defining an extension method on String:

public static class Extensions
    public static string[] Split(this string toSplit, string splitOn) {
        return toSplit.Split(new string[] { splitOn }, StringSplitOptions.None);

That way I can call it on any string in the simple way I naively expected the first time I tried to accomplish this:

"a big long string with stuff to split on".Split("g str");

Python conversion between coordinates

Using numpy, you can define the following:

import numpy as np

def cart2pol(x, y):
    rho = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
    return(rho, phi)

def pol2cart(rho, phi):
    x = rho * np.cos(phi)
    y = rho * np.sin(phi)
    return(x, y)

How to write inside a DIV box with javascript

If you are using jQuery and you want to add content to the existing contents of the div, you can use .html() within the brackets:

$("#log").html($('#log').html() + " <br>New content!");
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="log">Initial Content</div>

How to fix Error: "Could not find schema information for the attribute/element" by creating schema

This error occurs when your project references out of date schemas. Use Visual Studio to generate new ones.

In Visual Studio, do the following:

  1. Open your app.config or web.config file.
  2. Go to the XML menu and select Create Schema.

This will trigger app#.xsd (Windows app) or web#.xsd (Website) file(s) to generate.

  1. Save the newly generated xsd file(s) to the root of the project.
    • Open up your App.config or web.config file, right-click in the text-editor and select properties and click the ... button next to the value for Schemas.
    • Add the newly generated xsd file(s) using the Add button.
    • Click OK

The Could not find schema information for the attribute/element error(s) should now be resolved.

open the file upload dialogue box onclick the image

<input type="file" id="imgupload" style="display:none"/>
<label for='imgupload'> <button id="OpenImgUpload">Image Upload</button></label>

On click of for= attribute will automatically focus on "file input" and upload dialog box will open

How to change the interval time on bootstrap carousel?

You can simply use the data-interval attribute of the carousel class.

It's default value is set to data-interval="3000" i.e 3seconds.

All you need to do is set it to your desired requirements.

How to make a new List in Java

With Java 9, you are able to do the following to create an immutable List:

List<Integer> immutableList = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

List<Integer> mutableList = new ArrayList<>(immutableList);

SMTP error 554

To resolve problem go to the MDaemon-->setup-->Miscellaneous options-->Server-->SMTP Server Checks commands and headers for RFC Compliance

Which is more efficient, a for-each loop, or an iterator?

If you are just wandering over the collection to read all of the values, then there is no difference between using an iterator or the new for loop syntax, as the new syntax just uses the iterator underwater.

If however, you mean by loop the old "c-style" loop:

for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) {
   Object o = list.get(i);

Then the new for loop, or iterator, can be a lot more efficient, depending on the underlying data structure. The reason for this is that for some data structures, get(i) is an O(n) operation, which makes the loop an O(n2) operation. A traditional linked list is an example of such a data structure. All iterators have as a fundamental requirement that next() should be an O(1) operation, making the loop O(n).

To verify that the iterator is used underwater by the new for loop syntax, compare the generated bytecodes from the following two Java snippets. First the for loop:

List<Integer>  a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Integer integer : a)
// Byte code
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.iterator()Ljava/util/Iterator;
 CHECKCAST java/lang/Integer
 INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Integer.toString()Ljava/lang/String;
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/Iterator.hasNext()Z

And second, the iterator:

List<Integer>  a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Iterator iterator = a.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
  Integer integer = (Integer);
// Bytecode:
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/List.iterator()Ljava/util/Iterator;
 CHECKCAST java/lang/Integer
 INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/Integer.toString()Ljava/lang/String;
 INVOKEINTERFACE java/util/Iterator.hasNext()Z

As you can see, the generated byte code is effectively identical, so there is no performance penalty to using either form. Therefore, you should choose the form of loop that is most aesthetically appealing to you, for most people that will be the for-each loop, as that has less boilerplate code.

How to write a caption under an image?

<div style="margin: 0 auto; text-align: center; overflow: hidden;">
  <div style="float: left;">
    <a href=""><img src="hello.png" width="100px" height="100px"></a>
    caption 1
 <div style="float: left;">
   <a href=""><img src="hi.png" width="100px" height="100px"></a>
   caption 2                      

How can my iphone app detect its own version number?

This is a good thing to handle with a revision control system. That way when you get a bug report from a user, you can check out that revision of code and (hopefully) reproduce the bug running the exact same code as the user.

The idea is that every time you do a build, you will run a script that gets the current revision number of your code and updates a file within your project (usually with some form of token replacement). You can then write an error handling routine that always includes the revision number in the error output, or you can display it on an "About" page.

Serialize Property as Xml Attribute in Element

You will need wrapper classes:

public class SomeIntInfo
    public int Value { get; set; }

public class SomeStringInfo
    public string Value { get; set; }

public class SomeModel
    public SomeStringInfo SomeString { get; set; }

    public SomeIntInfo SomeInfo { get; set; }

or a more generic approach if you prefer:

public class SomeInfo<T>
    public T Value { get; set; }

public class SomeModel
    public SomeInfo<string> SomeString { get; set; }

    public SomeInfo<int> SomeInfo { get; set; }

And then:

class Program
    static void Main()
        var model = new SomeModel
            SomeString = new SomeInfo<string> { Value = "testData" },
            SomeInfo = new SomeInfo<int> { Value = 5 }
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(model.GetType());
        serializer.Serialize(Console.Out, model);

will produce:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ibm850"?>
<SomeModel xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
  <SomeStringElementName Value="testData" />
  <SomeInfoElementName Value="5" />

Detecting Enter keypress on VB.NET

There is no need to set the KeyPreview Property to True. Just add the following function.

Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As System.Windows.Forms.Message, _
                                           ByVal keyData As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) _
                                           As Boolean

    If msg.WParam.ToInt32() = CInt(Keys.Enter) Then
        Return True
    End If
    Return MyBase.ProcessCmdKey(msg, keyData)
End Function

Now, when you press Enter on a TextBox, the control moves to the next control.

On duplicate key ignore?

Mysql has this handy UPDATE INTO command ;)

edit Looks like they renamed it to REPLACE

REPLACE works exactly like INSERT, except that if an old row in the table has the same value as a new row for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index, the old row is deleted before the new row is inserted

How to change value of object which is inside an array using JavaScript or jQuery?

Here is a nice neat clear answer. I wasn't 100% sure this would work but it seems to be fine. Please let me know if a lib is required for this, but I don't think one is. Also if this doesn't work in x browser please let me know. I tried this in Chrome IE11 and Edge they all seemed to work fine.

    var Students = [
        { ID: 1, FName: "Ajay", LName: "Test1", Age: 20},
        { ID: 2, FName: "Jack", LName: "Test2", Age: 21},
        { ID: 3, FName: "John", LName: "Test3", age: 22},
        { ID: 4, FName: "Steve", LName: "Test4", Age: 22}

    Students.forEach(function (Student) {
        if (Student.LName == 'Test1') {
            Student.LName = 'Smith'
        if (Student.LName == 'Test2') {
            Student.LName = 'Black'

    Students.forEach(function (Student) {
        document.write(Student.FName + " " + Student.LName + "<BR>");

Output should be as follows

Ajay Smith

Jack Black

John Test3

Steve Test4

How to add http:// if it doesn't exist in the URL

Scan the string for ://. If it does not have it, prepend http:// to the string... Everything else just use the string as is.

This will work unless you have a rubbish input string.

Code line wrapping - how to handle long lines

I think that moving last operator to the beginning of the next line is a good practice. That way you know right away the purpose of the second line, even it doesn't start with an operator. I also recommend 2 indentation spaces (2 tabs) for a previously broken tab, to differ it from the normal indentation. That is immediately visible as continuing previous line. Therefore I suggest this:

private static final Map<Class<? extends Persistent>, PersistentHelper> class2helper 
            = new HashMap<Class<? extends Persistent>, PersistentHelper>();

How can I display the current branch and folder path in terminal?

For Mac Catilina 10.15.5 and later version:

add in your ~/.zshrc file

function parse_git_branch() {
    git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p'

export PROMPT='%F{grey}%n%f %F{cyan}%~%f %F{green}$(parse_git_branch)%f %F{normal}$%f '

undefined reference to 'std::cout'

Compile the program with:

g++ -Wall -Wextra -Werror -c main.cpp -o main.o
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <- For listing all warnings when your code is compiled.

as cout is present in the C++ standard library, which would need explicit linking with -lstdc++ when using gcc; g++ links the standard library by default.

With gcc, (g++ should be preferred over gcc)

gcc main.cpp -lstdc++ -o main.o

Why is document.body null in my javascript?

Or add this part

<script type="text/javascript">

    var mySpan = document.createElement("span");
    mySpan.innerHTML = "This is my span!"; = "red";

    alert("Why does the span change after this alert? Not before?");


after the HTML, like:

   <script type="text/javascript">
        var mySpan = document.createElement("span");
        mySpan.innerHTML = "This is my span!"; = "red";

        alert("Why does the span change after this alert? Not before?");



Excel add one hour

In cell A1, enter the time.
In cell B2, enter =A1+1/24

How to retrieve available RAM from Windows command line?

PS C:\Users\Rack> systeminfo | findstr "System Memory"
System Boot Time:          5/5/2016, 11:10:41 PM
System Manufacturer:       VMware, Inc.
System Model:              VMware Virtual Platform
System Type:               x64-based PC
System Directory:          C:\Windows\system32
System Locale:             en-us;English (United States)
Total Physical Memory:     40,959 MB
Available Physical Memory: 36,311 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size:  45,054 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 41,390 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use:    3,664 MB

How to send and retrieve parameters using $state.go toParams and $stateParams?

The solution we came to having a state that took 2 parameters was changing:

.state('somestate', {
  url: '/somestate',
  views: {...}


.state('somestate', {
  url: '/somestate?id=:&sub=:',
  views: {...}

How to disable Django's CSRF validation?

To disable CSRF for class based views the following worked for me.
Using django 1.10 and python 3.5.2

from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator

@method_decorator(csrf_exempt, name='dispatch')
class TestView(View):
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        return HttpResponse('Hello world')

When to use reinterpret_cast?

One case when reinterpret_cast is necessary is when interfacing with opaque data types. This occurs frequently in vendor APIs over which the programmer has no control. Here's a contrived example where a vendor provides an API for storing and retrieving arbitrary global data:

// vendor.hpp
typedef struct _Opaque * VendorGlobalUserData;
void VendorSetUserData(VendorGlobalUserData p);
VendorGlobalUserData VendorGetUserData();

To use this API, the programmer must cast their data to VendorGlobalUserData and back again. static_cast won't work, one must use reinterpret_cast:

// main.cpp
#include "vendor.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct MyUserData {
    MyUserData() : m(42) {}
    int m;

int main() {
    MyUserData u;

        // store global data
    VendorGlobalUserData d1;
//  d1 = &u;                                          // compile error
//  d1 = static_cast<VendorGlobalUserData>(&u);       // compile error
    d1 = reinterpret_cast<VendorGlobalUserData>(&u);  // ok

        // do other stuff...

        // retrieve global data
    VendorGlobalUserData d2 = VendorGetUserData();
    MyUserData * p = 0;
//  p = d2;                                           // compile error
//  p = static_cast<MyUserData *>(d2);                // compile error
    p = reinterpret_cast<MyUserData *>(d2);           // ok

    if (p) { cout << p->m << endl; }
    return 0;

Below is a contrived implementation of the sample API:

// vendor.cpp
static VendorGlobalUserData g = 0;
void VendorSetUserData(VendorGlobalUserData p) { g = p; }
VendorGlobalUserData VendorGetUserData() { return g; }

In R, dealing with Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class numeric

The error happens because of you are trying to map a numeric vector to data in geom_errorbar: GVW[1:64,3]. ggplot only works with data.frame.

In general, you shouldn't subset inside ggplot calls. You are doing so because your standard errors are stored in four separate objects. Add them to your original data.frame and you will be able to plot everything in one call.

Here with a dplyr solution to summarise the data and compute the standard error beforehand.

d <- GVW %>% group_by(Genotype,variable) %>%
    summarise(mean = mean(value),se = sd(value) / sqrt(n()))

ggplot(d, aes(x = variable, y = mean, fill = Genotype)) + 
  geom_bar(position = position_dodge(), stat = "identity", 
      colour="black", size=.3) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - se, ymax = mean + se), 
      size=.3, width=.2, position=position_dodge(.9)) +
  xlab("Time") +
  ylab("Weight [g]") +
  scale_fill_hue(name = "Genotype", breaks = c("KO", "WT"), 
      labels = c("Knock-out", "Wild type")) +
  ggtitle("Effect of genotype on weight-gain") +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = 0:20*4) +

Jquery: How to check if the element has certain css class/style

CSS Styles are key-value pairs, not just "tags". By default, each element has a full set of CSS styles assigned to it, most of them is implicitly using the browser defaults and some of them is explicitly redefined in CSS stylesheets.

To get the value assigned to a particular CSS entry of an element and compare it:

if ($('#yourElement').css('position') == 'absolute')
   // true

If you didn't redefine the style, you will get the browser default for that particular element.

jQuery $.ajax(), pass success data into separate function

You can use this keyword to access custom data, passed to $.ajax() function:

        // ... // --> put ajax configuration parameters here
        yourCustomData: {param1: 'any value', time: '1h24'},  // put your custom key/value pair here
        success: successHandler

    function successHandler(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
        alert(this.yourCustomData.param1);  // shows "any value"

Can I install/update WordPress plugins without providing FTP access?

Yes, directly install the plugin in WordPress.

  1. Copy the plugin folder and paste in WordPress plugin folder.
  2. go to admin side (/test/wp-admin) then after go to on the plugin link and check the name of the plugin.
  3. Activate the plugin so Install the plugin easily.

other Option

  1. create the zip file for the plugin code.
  2. go to admin side (/test/wp-admin) then after go to on the plugin link and then click on the add new then browse the plugin zip folder and install the plugin then come out the option activate plugin so so do activate plugin and activate plugin.

Spring Boot War deployed to Tomcat

Solution for people using Gradle

Add plugin to build.gradle

apply plugin: 'war'

Add provided dependency to tomcat

dependencies {
    // other dependencies
    providedRuntime 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat'

Scatter plots in Pandas/Pyplot: How to plot by category

seaborn has a wrapper function scatterplot that does it more efficiently.

sns.scatterplot(data = df, x = 'one', y = 'two', data =  'key1'])

Setting width of spreadsheet cell using PHPExcel

The correct way to set the column width is by using the line as posted by Jahmic, however it is important to note that additionally, you have to apply styling after adding the data, and not before, otherwise on some configurations, the column width is not applied

How to reference a file for variables using Bash?

The short answer

Use the source command.

An example using source

For example:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $playschool

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo $production

Note that the output from sh ./ in this example is:

~$ sh ./ 

This is because the source command actually runs the program. Everything in is executed.

Another way

You could use the built-in export command and getting and setting "environment variables" can also accomplish this.

Running export and echo $ENV should be all you need to know about accessing variables. Accessing environment variables is done the same way as a local variable.

To set them, say:

export variable=value

at the command line. All scripts will be able to access this value.

How to write a confusion matrix in Python?

A numpy-only solution for any number of classes that doesn't require looping:

import numpy as np

classes = 3
true = np.random.randint(0, classes, 50)
pred = np.random.randint(0, classes, 50)

np.bincount(true * classes + pred).reshape((classes, classes))

What's the environment variable for the path to the desktop?

EDIT: Use the accepted answer, this will not work if the default location isn't being used, for example: The user moved the desktop to another drive like D:\Desktop

At least on Windows XP, Vista and 7 you can use the "%UserProfile%\Desktop" safely.

Windows XP en-US it will expand to "C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Desktop"
Windows XP pt-BR it will expand to "C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\Desktop"
Windows 7 en-US it will expand to "C:\Users\YourName\Desktop"
Windows 7 pt-BR it will expand to "C:\Usuarios\YourName\Desktop"

On XP you can't use this to others folders exept for Desktop My documents turning to Meus Documentos and Local Settings to Configuracoes locais Personaly I thinks this is a bad thing when projecting a OS.

Calling a JSON API with Node.js

I think that for simple HTTP requests like this it's better to use the request module. You need to install it with npm (npm install request) and then your code can look like this:

const request = require('request')
     ,url = ''

request(url, (error, response, body)=> {
  if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
    const fbResponse = JSON.parse(body)
    console.log("Got a response: ", fbResponse.picture)
  } else {
    console.log("Got an error: ", error, ", status code: ", response.statusCode)

Get restaurants near my location

Is this what you are looking for?,-123.137784&radius=500&sensor=false&key=*PlacesAPIKey*&types=restaurant

types is optional

How to test REST API using Chrome's extension "Advanced Rest Client"

The discoverability is dismal, but it's quite clever how Advanced Rest Client handles basic authentication. The shortcut abraham mentioned didn't work for me, but a little poking around revealed how it does it.

The first thing you need to do is add the Authorization header: menus

Then, a nifty little thing pops up when you focus the value input (note the "construct" box in the lower right): construct the auth value

Clicking it will bring up a box. It even does OAuth, if you want! convenient inputs

Tada! If you leave the value field blank when you click "construct," it will add the Basic part to it (I assume it will also add the necessary OAuth stuff, too, but I didn't try that, as my current needs were for basic authentication), so you don't need to do anything. fills in the field as needed

Converting PHP result array to JSON

$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Data not found."); 
echo json_encode($rows);

Convert XLS to CSV on command line

How about with PowerShell?

Code should be looks like this, not tested though

$xlCSV = 6
$Excel = New-Object -Com Excel.Application 
$Excel.visible = $False 
$WorkBook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open("YOUDOC.XLS") 

Here is a post explaining how to use it

How Can I Use Windows PowerShell to Automate Microsoft Excel?

How to prevent Browser cache for php site

You can try this:

    header("Expires: Tue, 03 Jul 2001 06:00:00 GMT");
    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
    header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
    header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
    header("Pragma: no-cache");
    header("Connection: close");

Hopefully it will help prevent Cache, if any!

Insertion Sort vs. Selection Sort

Selection Sort: As you start building the sorted sublist, the algorithm ensures that the sorted sublist is always completely sorted, not only in terms of it's own elements but also in terms of the complete array i.e. both sorted and unsorted sublist. Thus the new smallest element once found from the unsorted sublist would just be appended at the end of the sorted sublist.

Insertion Sort: The algorithm again divide the array into two part, but here the element is picked from second part and inserted at correct position to the first part. This never guarantees that the first part is sorted in terms of the complete array, though ofcourse in the final pass every element is at its correct sorted position.

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname

Make sure you run this first:


This forces the driver to register itself, so that Java knows how to handle those database connection strings.

For more information, see the MySQL Connector reference.

Activity transition in Android

Use ActivityCompat.startActivity() works API > 21.

    ActivityOptionsCompat options = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(activity, transitionImage, EXTRA_IMAGE);
    ActivityCompat.startActivity(activity, intent, options.toBundle());

python for increment inner loop

It seems that you want to use step parameter of range function. From documentation:

range(start, stop[, step]) This is a versatile function to create lists containing arithmetic progressions. It is most often used in for loops. The arguments must be plain integers. If the step argument is omitted, it defaults to 1. If the start argument is omitted, it defaults to 0. The full form returns a list of plain integers [start, start + step, start + 2 * step, ...]. If step is positive, the last element is the largest start + i * step less than stop; if step is negative, the last element is the smallest start + i * step greater than stop. step must not be zero (or else ValueError is raised). Example:

 >>> range(10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
 >>> range(1, 11) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
 >>> range(0, 30, 5) [0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
 >>> range(0, 10, 3) [0, 3, 6, 9]
 >>> range(0, -10, -1) [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9]
 >>> range(0) []
 >>> range(1, 0) []

In your case to get [0,2,4] you can use:


OR in your case when is a var:

idx = None
for i in range(len(str1)):
    if idx and i < idx:
    for j in range(len(str2)):
        if str1[i+j] != str2[j]:
        idx = i+j


May also want to use "documentElement":

var elem = document.createElement("div"); = "width:100px;height:100px;position:relative;background:#FF0000;";

git status (nothing to commit, working directory clean), however with changes commited

Delete your .git folder, and reinitialize the git with git init, in my case that's work , because git add command staging the folder and the files in .git folder, if you close CLI after the commit , there will be double folder in staging area that make git system throw this issue.

No more data to read from socket error

This is a very low-level exception, which is ORA-17410.

It may happen for several reasons:

  1. A temporary problem with networking.

  2. Wrong JDBC driver version.

  3. Some issues with a special data structure (on database side).

  4. Database bug.

In my case, it was a bug we hit on the database, which needs to be patched.

pip3: command not found but python3-pip is already installed

Same issue on Fedora 23. I had to reinstall python3-pip to generate the proper pip3 folders in /usr/bin/.

sudo dnf reinstall python3-pip

Finding rows that don't contain numeric data in Oracle

Use this

FROM TableToSearch 
WHERE NOT REGEXP_LIKE(ColumnToSearch, '^-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$');

Can't find the 'libpq-fe.h header when trying to install pg gem

Just for the record:

Ruby on Rails 4 application in OS X with PostgresApp (in this case 0.17.1 version needed - kind of an old project):

gem install pg -v '0.17.1' -- --with-pg-config=/Applications/

Recyclerview and handling different type of row inflation

It is quite tricky but that much hard, just copy the below code and you are done

package com.yuvi.sample.main;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.yuvi.sample.R;

import java.util.List;

 * Created by yubraj on 6/17/15.

public class NavDrawerAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<NavDrawerAdapter.MainViewHolder> {
    List<MainOption> mainOptionlist;
    Context context;
    private static final int TYPE_PROFILE = 1;
    private static final int TYPE_OPTION_MENU = 2;
    private int selectedPos = 0;
    public NavDrawerAdapter(Context context){
        this.mainOptionlist = MainOption.getDrawableDataList();
        this.context = context;

    public int getItemViewType(int position) {
        return (position == 0? TYPE_PROFILE : TYPE_OPTION_MENU);

    public MainViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        switch (viewType){
            case TYPE_PROFILE:
                return new ProfileViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.row_profile, parent, false));
            case TYPE_OPTION_MENU:
                return new MyViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.row_nav_drawer, parent, false));
        return null;

    public void onBindViewHolder(MainViewHolder holder, int position) {
        if(holder.getItemViewType() == TYPE_PROFILE){
            ProfileViewHolder mholder = (ProfileViewHolder) holder;
        else {
            MyViewHolder mHolder = (MyViewHolder) holder;
            MainOption mo = mainOptionlist.get(position);
            mHolder.itemView.setSelected(selectedPos == position);

    private void setUpProfileView(ProfileViewHolder mholder) {


    public int getItemCount() {
        return mainOptionlist.size();

public class MyViewHolder extends MainViewHolder{
    TextView tv_title;
    ImageView iv_icon;

    public MyViewHolder(View v){
        this.tv_title = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
        this.iv_icon = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
        v.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                // Redraw the old selection and the new
                selectedPos = getLayoutPosition();
    public class ProfileViewHolder extends MainViewHolder{
        TextView tv_name, login;
        ImageView iv_profile;

        public ProfileViewHolder(View v){
            this.tv_name = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
            this.iv_profile = (ImageView) v.findViewById(;
            this.login = (TextView) v.findViewById(;

    public void trace(String tag, String message){
        Log.d(tag , message);
    public class MainViewHolder extends  RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
        public MainViewHolder(View v) {


enjoy !!!!

Best XML parser for Java

If you care less about performance, I'm a big fan of Apache Digester, since it essentially lets you map directly from XML to Java Beans.

Otherwise, you have to first parse, and then construct your objects.

Saving a Excel File into .txt format without quotes

PRN solution works only for simple data in the cells, for me it cuts only first 6 signs from 200 characters cell.

These are the main file formats in Excel 2007-2016, Note: In Excel for the Mac the values are +1

51 = xlOpenXMLWorkbook (without macro's in 2007-2016, xlsx)
52 = xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled (with or without macro's in 2007-2016, xlsm)
50 = xlExcel12 (Excel Binary Workbook in 2007-2016 with or without macro's, xlsb)
56 = xlExcel8 (97-2003 format in Excel 2007-2016, xls)

From XlFileFormat FileFormat Property

Keep in mind others FileFormatNumbers for SaveAs method:

FileExtStr = ".csv": FileFormatNum = 6
FileExtStr = ".txt": FileFormatNum = -4158
FileExtStr = ".prn": FileFormatNum = 36

Parsing JSON giving "unexpected token o" error

The source of your error, however, is that you need to place the full JSON string in quotes. The following will fix your sample:

<!doctype HTML>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var cur_ques_details ='{"ques_id":"15","ques_title":"jlkjlkjlkjljl"}';
            var ques_list = JSON.parse(cur_ques_details);

As the other respondents have mentioned, the object is already parsed into a JS object so you don't need to parse it. To demonstrate how to accomplish the same thing without parsing, you can do the following:

<!doctype HTML>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var cur_ques_details ={"ques_id":"15","ques_title":"jlkjlkjlkjljl"};

Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET debugging VS 2010, II7, Win 7 x64

I found this issue too but it was most similar to what @Kirk explained and URL rewriting.

In my case someone had checked in this change to the web.config file for a MVC project:

                <add fileExtension=".aspx" allowed="false" />

Because .aspx file extensions were not allowed on the web server, the /debugattach.aspx URL was denied, preventing the debugger from running. Once I removed this configuration it worked again.

What is the best way to use a HashMap in C++?

A hash_map is an older, unstandardized version of what for standardization purposes is called an unordered_map (originally in TR1, and included in the standard since C++11). As the name implies, it's different from std::map primarily in being unordered -- if, for example, you iterate through a map from begin() to end(), you get items in order by key1, but if you iterate through an unordered_map from begin() to end(), you get items in a more or less arbitrary order.

An unordered_map is normally expected to have constant complexity. That is, an insertion, lookup, etc., typically takes essentially a fixed amount of time, regardless of how many items are in the table. An std::map has complexity that's logarithmic on the number of items being stored -- which means the time to insert or retrieve an item grows, but quite slowly, as the map grows larger. For example, if it takes 1 microsecond to lookup one of 1 million items, then you can expect it to take around 2 microseconds to lookup one of 2 million items, 3 microseconds for one of 4 million items, 4 microseconds for one of 8 million items, etc.

From a practical viewpoint, that's not really the whole story though. By nature, a simple hash table has a fixed size. Adapting it to the variable-size requirements for a general purpose container is somewhat non-trivial. As a result, operations that (potentially) grow the table (e.g., insertion) are potentially relatively slow (that is, most are fairly fast, but periodically one will be much slower). Lookups, which cannot change the size of the table, are generally much faster. As a result, most hash-based tables tend to be at their best when you do a lot of lookups compared to the number of insertions. For situations where you insert a lot of data, then iterate through the table once to retrieve results (e.g., counting the number of unique words in a file) chances are that an std::map will be just as fast, and quite possibly even faster (but, again, the computational complexity is different, so that can also depend on the number of unique words in the file).

1 Where the order is defined by the third template parameter when you create the map, std::less<T> by default.

Regex for empty string or white space

Had similar problem, was looking for white spaces in a string, solution:

  • To search for 1 space:

    var regex = /^.+\s.+$/ ;

    example: "user last_name"

  • To search for multiple spaces:

    var regex = /^.+\s.+$/g ;

    example: "user last name"

What's the right way to pass form element state to sibling/parent elements?

The first solution, with keeping the state in parent component, is the correct one. However, for more complex problems, you should think about some state management library, redux is the most popular one used with react.

Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found

Note that if using the Windows Subsystem for Linux, systemd isn't supported and therefore commands like systemctl won't work:

Failed to connect to bus: No such file or directory

See Blockers for systemd? #994 on GitHub, Microsoft/WSL.

The mongo server can still be started manual via mondgod for development of course.

POST JSON to API using Rails and HTTParty

I solved this by adding .to_json and some heading information

@result =, 
    :body => { :subject => 'This is the screen name', 
               :issue_type => 'Application Problem', 
               :status => 'Open', 
               :priority => 'Normal', 
               :description => 'This is the description for the problem'
    :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' } )

Multiple values in single-value context

No, but that is a good thing since you should always handle your errors.

There are techniques that you can employ to defer error handling, see Errors are values by Rob Pike.

ew := &errWriter{w: fd}
// and so on
if ew.err != nil {
    return ew.err

In this example from the blog post he illustrates how you could create an errWriter type that defers error handling till you are done calling write.

How to call a method in another class in Java?

You should capitalize names of your classes. After doing that do this in your school class,

Classroom cls = new Classroom();

Also I'd recommend you use some kind of IDE such as eclipse, which can help you with your code for instance generate getters and setters for you. Ex: right click Source -> Generate getters and setters

Eloquent ->first() if ->exists()

An answer has already been accepted, but in these situations, a more elegant solution in my opinion would be to use error handling.

    try {
        $user = User::where('mobile', Input::get('mobile'))->first();
    } catch (ErrorException $e) {
        // Do stuff here that you need to do if it doesn't exist.
        return View::make('some.view')->with('msg', $e->getMessage());

regular expression to match exactly 5 digits

No need to care of whether before/after this digit having other type of words

To just match the pattern of 5 digits number anywhere in the string, no matter it is separated by space or not, use this regular expression (?<!\d)\d{5}(?!\d).

Sample JavaScript codes:

var regexp = new RegExp(/(?<!\d)\d{5}(?!\d)/g); 
    var matches = yourstring.match(regexp);
    if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
        for (var i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++) {
            // ... ydo something with matches[i] ...

Here's some quick results.

  • abc12345xyz (?)

  • 12345abcd (?)

  • abcd12345 (?)

  • 0000aaaa2 (?)

  • a1234a5 (?)

  • 12345 (?)

  • <space>12345<space>12345 (??)

Best way to get identity of inserted row?

Create a uuid and also insert it to a column. Then you can easily identify your row with the uuid. Thats the only 100% working solution you can implement. All the other solutions are too complicated or are not working in same edge cases. E.g.:

1) Create row

INSERT INTO table (uuid, name, street, zip) 
        VALUES ('2f802845-447b-4caa-8783-2086a0a8d437', 'Peter', 'Mainstreet 7', '88888');

2) Get created row

SELECT * FROM table WHERE uuid='2f802845-447b-4caa-8783-2086a0a8d437';

Displaying files (e.g. images) stored in Google Drive on a website

Solution provided by Niutech worked for me i.e.<folderID>/<filename>

But there are 2 outstanding issues

  1. You cannot have 2 files with the same name in the same folder in the drive else this link won't work.

  2. It is not yet clear but Google seems to be planning to deprecate image hosting via drive. please see the link below.

Specific Time Range Query in SQL Server

select * from table where 
(dtColumn between #3/1/2009# and #3/31/2009#) and 
(hour(dtColumn) between 6 and 22) and 
(weekday(dtColumn, 1) between 2 and 4) 

Dictionary of dictionaries in Python?

Using collections.defaultdict is a big time-saver when you're building dicts and don't know beforehand which keys you're going to have.

Here it's used twice: for the resulting dict, and for each of the values in the dict.

import collections

def aggregate_names(errors):
    result = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list))
    for real_name, false_name, location in errors:
    return result

Combining this with your code:

dictionary = aggregate_names(previousFunction(string))

Or to test:

    ('Fred', 'Frad', 123),
    ('Jim', 'Jam', 100),
    ('Fred', 'Frod', 200),
    ('Fred', 'Frad', 300)]
print aggregate_names(EXAMPLES)

Play sound on button click android

The best way to do this is here i found after searching for one issue after other in the LogCat

MediaPlayer mp;
mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.sound_one);
mp.setOnCompletionListener(new OnCompletionListener() {
    public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

Not releasing the Media player gives you this error in LogCat:

Android: MediaPlayer finalized without being released

Not resetting the Media player gives you this error in LogCat:

Android: mediaplayer went away with unhandled events

So play safe and simple code to use media player.

To play more than one sounds in same Activity/Fragment simply change the resID while creating new Media player like

mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.sound_two);

and play it !

Have fun!

2D arrays in Python

>>> a = []

>>> for i in xrange(3):
...     a.append([])
...     for j in xrange(3):
...             a[i].append(i+j)
>>> a
[[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]

How do I upload a file to an SFTP server in C# (.NET)?

For another un-free option try edtFTPnet/PRO. It has comprehensive support for SFTP, and also supports FTPS (and of course FTP) if required.

Blocks and yields in Ruby

Yields, to put it simply, allow the method you create to take and call blocks. The yield keyword specifically is the spot where the 'stuff' in the block will be performed.

Error 500: Premature end of script headers

I tried all of the above but found out it was a missing windows compiler.

Downloading and installing this fixed the issue. To see if this is your problem, try to run PHP from command line.

msvcr110.dll is missing from computer error while installing PHP

Why is the jquery script not working?

Wrap your script in the ready function. jsFiddle does that automatically for you.

$(function() {
    $('[id^=\"btnRight\"]').click(function (e) {

    $('[id^=\"btnLeft\"]').click(function (e) {

This is why you should not use third party tools unless you know what they automate/simplify for you.

How to deal with a slow SecureRandom generator?

It sounds like you should be clearer about your RNG requirements. The strongest cryptographic RNG requirement (as I understand it) would be that even if you know the algorithm used to generate them, and you know all previously generated random numbers, you could not get any useful information about any of the random numbers generated in the future, without spending an impractical amount of computing power.

If you don't need this full guarantee of randomness then there are probably appropriate performance tradeoffs. I would tend to agree with Dan Dyer's response about AESCounterRNG from Uncommons-Maths, or Fortuna (one of its authors is Bruce Schneier, an expert in cryptography). I've never used either but the ideas appear reputable at first glance.

I would think that if you could generate an initial random seed periodically (e.g. once per day or hour or whatever), you could use a fast stream cipher to generate random numbers from successive chunks of the stream (if the stream cipher uses XOR then just pass in a stream of nulls or grab the XOR bits directly). ECRYPT's eStream project has lots of good information including performance benchmarks. This wouldn't maintain entropy between the points in time that you replenish it, so if someone knew one of the random numbers and the algorithm you used, technically it might be possible, with a lot of computing power, to break the stream cipher and guess its internal state to be able to predict future random numbers. But you'd have to decide whether that risk and its consequences are sufficient to justify the cost of maintaining entropy.

Edit: here's some cryptographic course notes on RNG I found on the 'net that look very relevant to this topic.

How to find the size of a table in SQL?

And in PostgreSQL:

SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('tablename'));

Brew install docker does not include docker engine?

The following steps work fine on macOS Sierra 10.12.4. Note that after brew installs Docker, the docker command (symbolic link) is not available at /usr/local/bin. Running the Docker app for the first time creates this symbolic link. See the detailed steps below.

  1. Install Docker.

    brew cask install docker
  2. Launch Docker.

    • Press ? + Space to bring up Spotlight Search and enter Docker to launch Docker.
    • In the Docker needs privileged access dialog box, click OK.
    • Enter password and click OK.

    When Docker is launched in this manner, a Docker whale icon appears in the status menu. As soon as the whale icon appears, the symbolic links for docker, docker-compose, docker-credential-osxkeychain and docker-machine are created in /usr/local/bin.

    $ ls -l /usr/local/bin/docker*
    lrwxr-xr-x  1 susam  domain Users  67 Apr 12 14:14 /usr/local/bin/docker -> /Users/susam/Library/Group Containers/
    lrwxr-xr-x  1 susam  domain Users  75 Apr 12 14:14 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose -> /Users/susam/Library/Group Containers/
    lrwxr-xr-x  1 susam  domain Users  90 Apr 12 14:14 /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-osxkeychain -> /Users/susam/Library/Group Containers/
    lrwxr-xr-x  1 susam  domain Users  75 Apr 12 14:14 /usr/local/bin/docker-machine -> /Users/susam/Library/Group Containers/
  3. Click on the docker whale icon in the status menu and wait for it to show Docker is running.

    enter image description here enter image description here

  4. Test that docker works fine.

    $ docker run hello-world
    Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
    78445dd45222: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:c5515758d4c5e1e838e9cd307f6c6a0d620b5e07e6f927b07d05f6d12a1ac8d7
    Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
    Hello from Docker!
    This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
    To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
     1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
     2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
     3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
        executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
     4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
        to your terminal.
    To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
     $ docker run -it ubuntu bash
    Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:
    For more examples and ideas, visit:
    $ docker version
     Version:      17.03.1-ce
     API version:  1.27
     Go version:   go1.7.5
     Git commit:   c6d412e
     Built:        Tue Mar 28 00:40:02 2017
     OS/Arch:      darwin/amd64
     Version:      17.03.1-ce
     API version:  1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
     Go version:   go1.7.5
     Git commit:   c6d412e
     Built:        Fri Mar 24 00:00:50 2017
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
     Experimental: true
  5. If you are going to use docker-machine to create virtual machines, install VirtualBox.

    brew cask install virtualbox

    Note that if VirtualBox is not installed, then docker-machine fails with the following error.

    $ docker-machine create manager
    Running pre-create checks...
    Error with pre-create check: "VBoxManage not found. Make sure VirtualBox is installed and VBoxManage is in the path"

Mercurial undo last commit

Its workaround.

If you not push to server, you will clone into new folder else washout(delete all files) from your repository folder and clone new.

How to reset settings in Visual Studio Code?

Heads up, if clearing the settings doesn't fix your issue you may need to uninstall the extensions as well.

WPF What is the correct way of using SVG files as icons in WPF

Your technique will depend on what XAML object your SVG to XAML converter produces. Does it produce a Drawing? An Image? A Grid? A Canvas? A Path? A Geometry? In each case your technique will be different.

In the examples below I will assume you are using your icon on a button, which is the most common scenario, but note that the same techniques will work for any ContentControl.

Using a Drawing as an icon

To use a Drawing, paint an approriately-sized rectangle with a DrawingBrush:

  <Rectangle Width="100" Height="100">

          <Drawing ... /> <!-- Converted from SVG -->


Using an Image as an icon

An image can be used directly:

  <Image ... />  <!-- Converted from SVG -->

Using a Grid as an icon

A grid can be used directly:

  <Grid ... />  <!-- Converted from SVG -->

Or you can include it in a Viewbox if you need to control the size:

  <Viewbox ...>
    <Grid ... />  <!-- Converted from SVG -->

Using a Canvas as an icon

This is like using an image or grid, but since a canvas has no fixed size you need to specify the height and width (unless these are already set by the SVG converter):

  <Canvas Height="100" Width="100">  <!-- Converted from SVG, with additions -->

Using a Path as an icon

You can use a Path, but you must set the stroke or fill explicitly:

  <Path Stroke="Red" Data="..." /> <!-- Converted from SVG, with additions -->


  <Path Fill="Blue" Data="..." /> <!-- Converted from SVG, with additions -->

Using a Geometry as an icon

You can use a Path to draw your geometry. If it should be stroked, set the Stroke:

  <Path Stroke="Red" Width="100" Height="100">
      <Geometry ... /> <!-- Converted from SVG -->

or if it should be filled, set the Fill:

  <Path Fill="Blue" Width="100" Height="100">
      <Geometry ... /> <!-- Converted from SVG -->

How to data bind

If you're doing the SVG -> XAML conversion in code and want the resulting XAML to appear using data binding, use one of the following:

Binding a Drawing:

  <Rectangle Width="100" Height="100">
      <DrawingBrush Drawing="{Binding Drawing, Source={StaticResource ...}}" />

Binding an Image:

<Button Content="{Binding Image}" />

Binding a Grid:

<Button Content="{Binding Grid}" />

Binding a Grid in a Viewbox:

  <Viewbox ...>
    <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Grid}" />

Binding a Canvas:

  <ContentPresenter Height="100" Width="100" Content="{Binding Canvas}" />

Binding a Path:

<Button Content="{Binding Path}" />  <!-- Fill or stroke must be set in code unless set by the SVG converter -->

Binding a Geometry:

  <Path Width="100" Height="100" Data="{Binding Geometry}" />

How to resize array in C++?

You cannot do that, see this question's answers. You may use std:vector instead.

How to style the parent element when hovering a child element?

there is no CSS selector for selecting a parent of a selected child.

you could do it with JavaScript

Python name 'os' is not defined

Just add:

import os

in the beginning, before:

from settings import PROJECT_ROOT

This will import the python's module os, which apparently is used later in the code of your module without being imported.

Python: How to get stdout after running os.system?

I had to use os.system, since subprocess was giving me a memory error for larger tasks. Reference for this problem here. So, in order to get the output of the os.system command I used this workaround:

import os

batcmd = 'dir'
result_code = os.system(batcmd + ' > output.txt')
if os.path.exists('output.txt'):
    fp = open('output.txt', "r")
    output =

JavaScript function in href vs. onclick

I experienced that the javascript: hrefs did not work when the page was embedded in Outlook's webpage feature where a mail folder is set to instead show an url

Should have subtitle controller already set Mediaplayer error Android

A developer recently added subtitle support to VideoView.

When the MediaPlayer starts playing a music (or other source), it checks if there is a SubtitleController and shows this message if it's not set. It doesn't seem to care about if the source you want to play is a music or video. Not sure why he did that.

Short answer: Don't care about this "Exception".

Edit :

Still present in Lollipop,

If MediaPlayer is only used to play audio files and you really want to remove these errors in the logcat, the code bellow set an empty SubtitleController to the MediaPlayer.

It should not be used in production environment and may have some side effects.

static MediaPlayer getMediaPlayer(Context context){

    MediaPlayer mediaplayer = new MediaPlayer();

    if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
        return mediaplayer;

    try {
        Class<?> cMediaTimeProvider = Class.forName( "" );
        Class<?> cSubtitleController = Class.forName( "" );
        Class<?> iSubtitleControllerAnchor = Class.forName( "$Anchor" );
        Class<?> iSubtitleControllerListener = Class.forName( "$Listener" );

        Constructor constructor = cSubtitleController.getConstructor(new Class[]{Context.class, cMediaTimeProvider, iSubtitleControllerListener});

        Object subtitleInstance = constructor.newInstance(context, null, null);

        Field f = cSubtitleController.getDeclaredField("mHandler");

        try {
            f.set(subtitleInstance, new Handler());
        catch (IllegalAccessException e) {return mediaplayer;}
        finally {

        Method setsubtitleanchor = mediaplayer.getClass().getMethod("setSubtitleAnchor", cSubtitleController, iSubtitleControllerAnchor);

        setsubtitleanchor.invoke(mediaplayer, subtitleInstance, null);
        //Log.e("", "subtitle is setted :p");
    } catch (Exception e) {}

    return mediaplayer;

This code is trying to do the following from the hidden API

SubtitleController sc = new SubtitleController(context, null, null);
sc.mHandler = new Handler();
mediaplayer.setSubtitleAnchor(sc, null)

How to restart kubernetes nodes?

Get nodes

kubectl get nodes


NAME            STATUS     AGE   NotReady   42d   Ready      42d   Ready      42d

Describe node

Here is a NotReady on the node of Then debugging this notready node, and you can read offical documents - Application Introspection and Debugging.

kubectl describe node

Partial Result:

Type          Status          LastHeartbeatTime                       LastTransitionTime                      Reason                  Message
----          ------          -----------------                       ------------------                      ------                  -------
OutOfDisk     Unknown         Sat, 28 Dec 2016 12:56:01 +0000         Sat, 28 Dec 2016 12:56:41 +0000         NodeStatusUnknown       Kubelet stopped posting node status.
Ready         Unknown         Sat, 28 Dec 2016 12:56:01 +0000         Sat, 28 Dec 2016 12:56:41 +0000         NodeStatusUnknown       Kubelet stopped posting node status.

There is a OutOfDisk on my node, then Kubelet stopped posting node status. So, I must free some disk space, using the command of df on my Ubuntu14.04 I can check the details of memory, and using the command of docker rmi image_id/image_name under the role of su I can remove the useless images.

Login in node

Login in by using ssh, like ssh [email protected], and switch to the 'su' by sudo su;

Restart kubelet

/etc/init.d/kubelet restart


stop: Unknown instance: 
kubelet start/running, process 59261

Get nodes again

On the master:

kubectl get nodes


NAME            STATUS    AGE   Ready     42d   Ready     42d   Ready     42d

Ok, that node works fine.

Here is a reference: Kubernetes

Offset a background image from the right using CSS

As proposed here, this is a pretty cross browser solution that works perfectly:

background: url('/img.png') no-repeat right center;
border-right: 10px solid transparent;

I used it since the CSS3 feature of specifying offsets proposed in the answer marked as solving the question is not supported in browsers so well yet. E.g.

Where to place the 'assets' folder in Android Studio?

In Android Studio 4.1.1

Right Click on your module (app for example) -> New -> Folder -> Assets Folder

enter image description here

cannot find zip-align when publishing app

zipalign was moved to build-tools\19.1.0 and build-tools\20.0.0, I assume you should use one of them in depend of your target SDK

React Native: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH

I ran this in the command prompt(have windows 7 os): JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre

where what its = to is the path to that jre folder, so anyone's can be different.

ASP.NET MVC Ajax Error handling

For handling errors from ajax calls on the client side, you assign a function to the error option of the ajax call.

To set a default globally, you can use the function described here:

Xcode 6.1 - How to uninstall command line tools?

If you installed the command line tools separately, delete them using:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

How to select between brackets (or quotes or ...) in Vim?

Use whatever navigation key you want to get inside the parentheses, then you can use either yi( or yi) to copy everything within the matching parens. This also works with square brackets (e.g. yi]) and curly braces. In addition to y, you can also delete or change text (e.g. ci), di]).

I tried this with double and single-quotes and it appears to work there as well. For your data, I do:

write (*, '(a)') 'Computed solution coefficients:'

Move cursor to the C, then type yi'. Move the cursor to a blank line, hit p, and get

Computed solution coefficients:

As CMS noted, this works for visual mode selection as well - just use vi), vi}, vi', etc.

python object() takes no parameters error

You've mixed tabs and spaces. __init__ is actually defined nested inside another method, so your class doesn't have its own __init__ method, and it inherits object.__init__ instead. Open your code in Notepad instead of whatever editor you're using, and you'll see your code as Python's tab-handling rules see it.

This is why you should never mix tabs and spaces. Stick to one or the other. Spaces are recommended.

How to use bitmask?

Briefly bitmask helps to manipulate position of multiple values. There is a good example here ;

Bitflags are a method of storing multiple values, which are not mutually exclusive, in one variable. You've probably seen them before. Each flag is a bit position which can be set on or off. You then have a bunch of bitmasks #defined for each bit position so you can easily manipulate it:

    #define LOG_ERRORS            1  // 2^0, bit 0
    #define LOG_WARNINGS          2  // 2^1, bit 1
    #define LOG_NOTICES           4  // 2^2, bit 2
    #define LOG_INCOMING          8  // 2^3, bit 3
    #define LOG_OUTGOING         16  // 2^4, bit 4
    #define LOG_LOOPBACK         32  // and so on...

// Only 6 flags/bits used, so a char is fine
unsigned char flags;

// initialising the flags
// note that assigning a value will clobber any other flags, so you
// should generally only use the = operator when initialising vars.
flags = LOG_ERRORS;
// sets to 1 i.e. bit 0

//initialising to multiple values with OR (|)
// sets to 1 + 2 + 8 i.e. bits 0, 1 and 3

// setting one flag on, leaving the rest untouched
// OR bitmask with the current value
flags |= LOG_INCOMING;

// testing for a flag
// AND with the bitmask before testing with ==

// testing for multiple flags
// as above, OR the bitmasks

// removing a flag, leaving the rest untouched
// AND with the inverse (NOT) of the bitmask
flags &= ~LOG_OUTGOING;

// toggling a flag, leaving the rest untouched
flags ^= LOG_LOOPBACK;


WARNING: DO NOT use the equality operator (i.e. bitflags == bitmask) for testing if a flag is set - that expression will only be true if that flag is set and all others are unset. To test for a single flag you need to use & and == :


if (flags == LOG_WARNINGS) //DON'T DO THIS
if ((flags & LOG_WARNINGS) == LOG_WARNINGS) // The right way
if ((flags & (LOG_INCOMING | LOG_OUTGOING)) // Test for multiple flags set

You can also search C++ Triks

How to listen for changes to a MongoDB collection?

What you are thinking of sounds a lot like triggers. MongoDB does not have any support for triggers, however some people have "rolled their own" using some tricks. The key here is the oplog.

When you run MongoDB in a Replica Set, all of the MongoDB actions are logged to an operations log (known as the oplog). The oplog is basically just a running list of the modifications made to the data. Replicas Sets function by listening to changes on this oplog and then applying the changes locally.

Does this sound familiar?

I cannot detail the whole process here, it is several pages of documentation, but the tools you need are available.

First some write-ups on the oplog - Brief description - Layout of the local collection (which contains the oplog)

You will also want to leverage tailable cursors. These will provide you with a way to listen for changes instead of polling for them. Note that replication uses tailable cursors, so this is a supported feature.

Present and dismiss modal view controller

First of all, when you put that code in applicationDidFinishLaunching, it might be the case that controllers instantiated from Interface Builder are not yet linked to your application (so "red" and "blue" are still nil).

But to answer your initial question, what you're doing wrong is that you're calling dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: on the wrong controller! It should be like this:

[blue presentModalViewController:red animated:YES];
[red dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

Usually the "red" controller should decide to dismiss himself at some point (maybe when a "cancel" button is clicked). Then the "red" controller could call the method on self:

[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

If it still doesn't work, it might have something to do with the fact that the controller is presented in an animation fashion, so you might not be allowed to dismiss the controller so soon after presenting it.

How to count total lines changed by a specific author in a Git repository?

this is the best way and it also gives you a clear picture of total number of commits by all the user

git shortlog -s -n

How to get current timestamp in milliseconds since 1970 just the way Java gets

If you have access to the C++ 11 libraries, check out the std::chrono library. You can use it to get the milliseconds since the Unix Epoch like this:

#include <chrono>

// ...

using namespace std::chrono;
milliseconds ms = duration_cast< milliseconds >(

Check if a value is an object in JavaScript


Today 2020.09.26 I perform tests on MacOs HighSierra 10.13.6 on Chrome v85, Safari v13.1.2 and Firefox v80 for chosen solutions.


  • solutions C and H are fast/fastest on all browsers for all cases
  • solutions D and G are slow/slowest on all browsers for all cases

enter image description here


I perform 3 tests cases for solutions A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V

  • for small object - you can run it HERE
  • for big object - you can run it HERE
  • for no object - you can run it HERE

Below snippet presents differences between solutions. Solutions A-G give proper answers for chosen cases described by Matt Fenwick

function A(x) {
  return x === Object(x);

function B(x) {
    return _.isObject(x);

function C(x) {
    return x != null && (typeof x === 'object' || typeof x === 'function');

function D(x) { 
  return new function() { return x; }() === x;

function E(x) { 
  return function() { return this === x; }.call(x);

function F(x) { /* Requires ECMAScript 5 or later */
  try {
    return x !== null;
  } catch(err) {
    return false;

function G(x) { /* Requires ECMAScript 5 or later */
  function Constructor() {}
  Constructor.prototype = x;
  return Object.getPrototypeOf(new Constructor()) === x;

function H(x) {
  return typeof x === 'object' && x !== null

function I(x) {
  return (typeof x === "object" && !Array.isArray(x) && x !== null);

function J(x) {
  return x instanceof Object; 

function K(x)
    let t= JSON.stringify(x);
    return t ? t[0] === '{' : false;

function L(x) {
  return === "[object Object]";

function M(o, strict = true) {
  if (o === null || o === undefined) {
    return false;
  const instanceOfObject = o instanceof Object;
  const typeOfObject = typeof o === 'object';
  const constructorUndefined = o.constructor === undefined;
  const constructorObject = o.constructor === Object;
  const typeOfConstructorObject = typeof o.constructor === 'function';
  let r;
  if (strict === true) {
    r = (instanceOfObject || typeOfObject) && (constructorUndefined || constructorObject);
  } else {
    r = (constructorUndefined || typeOfConstructorObject);
  return r;

function N(x) {
    return $.type(x) === 'object';

function O(x) {
    if ( !== '[object Object]') {
        return false;
    } else {
        var prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(x);
        return prototype === null || prototype === Object.prototype;

function P(x) {
  while ( === '[object Object]')
  if    ((x = Object.getPrototypeOf(x))         === null)
  return true
  return false

function Q(x){
      case Number:
      case Function:
      case Boolean:
      case Symbol:
      case Date:
      case String:
      case RegExp:
        return x.constructor === Object;
      case Error:
      case EvalError:
      case RangeError:
      case ReferenceError:
      case SyntaxError:
      case TypeError:
      case URIError:
        return (Object === Error ? Error : x.constructor) === Object;
      case Array:
      case Int8Array:
      case Uint8Array:
      case Uint8ClampedArray:
      case Int16Array:
      case Uint16Array:
      case Int32Array:
      case Uint32Array:
      case Float32Array:
      case Float64Array:
        return (Object === Array ? Array : x.constructor) === Object;
      case Object:
        return (Object === Object ? Object : x.constructor) === Object;
  } catch(ex){
    return x == Object;   

function R(x) {
    return typeof x == 'object' && x instanceof Object && !(x instanceof Array);

function S(x)
    return x != null && x.constructor?.name === "Object"

function T(x) {
    return x?.constructor?.toString().indexOf("Object") > -1;

function U(x)
    return x?.constructor === Object;

function V(x) {
  return x instanceof Object && x.constructor === Object;

// -------------
// -------------

console.log('column: 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 7 8 9 10 11');

.map(f=> console.log(`${}:      ${1*f(new Date())} ${1*f(/./)} ${1*f({})} ${1*f(Object.prototype)} ${1*f(Object.create(null))} ${1*f(()=>{})} - ${1*f("abc")} ${1*f(3)} ${1*f(true)}  ${1*f(null)}  ${1*f(undefined)}`))

Columns legend (test cases):
 1: new Date()
 2: /./ (RegExp)
 3: {}
 4: Object.prototype
 5: Object.create(null)
 6: ()=>{} (function)
 7: "abc" (string)
 8: 3 (number)
 9: true (boolean)
10: null
11: undefined

1 = is object
0 = is NOT object

Theoretically columns 1-6 should have have 1, columns 7-11 shoud have 0
This shippet only presents functions used in performance tests - it not perform tests itself!

And here are example results for chrome

enter image description here

Best way to do multiple constructors in PHP

public function __construct() {
    $parameters = func_get_args();

$o = new MyClass('One', 'Two', 3);

Now $paramters will be an array with the values 'One', 'Two', 3.


I can add that


will give you the number of parameters to the function.

PHP refresh window? equivalent to F5 page reload?

With PHP you just can handle server-side stuff. What you can do is print this in your iframe:


How to validate a form with multiple checkboxes to have atleast one checked

  $('#subscribeForm').validate( {
      rules: {
          list: {
              required: true,
              minlength: 1

I think this will make sure at least one is checked.

how can I Update top 100 records in sql server

What's even cooler is the fact that you can use an inline Table-Valued Function to select which (and how many via TOP) row(s) to update. That is:

SET Column1=@Value1
FROM tvfSelectLatestRowOfMyTableMatchingCriteria(@Param1,@Param2,@Param3)

For the table valued function you have something interesting to select the row to update like:

CREATE FUNCTION tvfSelectLatestRowOfMyTableMatchingCriteria
    @Param1 INT,
    @Param2 INT,
    @Param3 INT
    SELECT TOP(1) MyTable.*
    FROM MyTable
    JOIN MyOtherTable
      ON ...
    JOIN WhoKnowsWhatElse
      ON ...
    WHERE MyTable.SomeColumn=@Param1 AND ...
    ORDER BY MyTable.SomeDate DESC

..., and there lies (in my humble opinion) the true power of updating only top selected rows deterministically while at the same time simplifying the syntax of the UPDATE statement.

How to save a figure in MATLAB from the command line?

Use saveas:

% ...

This way, the figure is plotted, and automatically saved to '.jpg' and '.fig'. You don't need to wait for the plot to appear and click 'save as' in the menu. Way to go if you need to plot/save a lot of figures.

If you really do not want to let the plot appear (it has to be loaded anyway, can't avoid that, else there is also nothing to save), you can hide it:


How to join a slice of strings into a single string?

This is still relevant in 2018.

To String

import strings
stringFiles := strings.Join(fileSlice[:], ",")

Back to Slice again

import strings
fileSlice := strings.Split(stringFiles, ",")

Rails: How to reference images in CSS within Rails 4

In Rails 4, you can reference an image located in assets/images/ in your .SCSS files easily like this:

.some-div {
  background-image: url(image-path('pretty-background-image.jpg'));

When you launch the application in development mode (localhost:3000), you should see something like:

background-image: url("/assets/pretty-background-image.jpg");

In production mode, your assets will have the cache helper numbers:

background-image: url("/assets/pretty-background-image-8b313354987c309e3cd76eabdb376c1e.jpg");

Check if a string has white space

This function checks for other types of whitespace, not just space (tab, carriage return, etc.)

import some from 'lodash/fp/some'
const whitespaceCharacters = [' ', '  ',
  '\b', '\t', '\n', '\v', '\f', '\r', `\"`, `\'`, `\\`,
  '\u0008', '\u0009', '\u000A', '\u000B', '\u000C',
'\u000D', '\u0020','\u0022', '\u0027', '\u005C',
'\u00A0', '\u2028', '\u2029', '\uFEFF']
const hasWhitespace = char => some(
  w => char.indexOf(w) > -1,

console.log(hasWhitespace('a')); // a, false
console.log(hasWhitespace(' ')); // space, true
console.log(hasWhitespace(' ')); // tab, true
console.log(hasWhitespace('\r')); // carriage return, true

If you don't want to use Lodash, then here is a simple some implementation with 2 s:

const ssome = (predicate, list) =>
  const len = list.length;
  for(const i = 0; i<len; i++)
    if(predicate(list[i]) === true) {
      return true;
  return false;

Then just replace some with ssome.

const hasWhitespace = char => some(
  w => char.indexOf(w) > -1,

For those in Node, use:

const { some } = require('lodash/fp');

How to split CSV files as per number of rows specified?

Use the Linux split command:

split -l 20 file.txt new    

Split the file "file.txt" into files beginning with the name "new" each containing 20 lines of text each.

Type man split at the Unix prompt for more information. However you will have to first remove the header from file.txt (using the tail command, for example) and then add it back on to each of the split files.

Change Schema Name Of Table In SQL

Your Code is:


I tried with this query.


Just write create schema exe and execute it

MySQL: update a field only if condition is met

Another solution which, in my opinion, is easier to read would be:

UPDATE test 
    SET something = 1, field = IF(condition is true, 1, field) 
    WHERE id = 123

What this does is set 'field' to 1 (like OP used as example) if the condition is met and use the current value of 'field' if not met. Using the previous value is the same as not changing, so there you go.

Visual Studio 64 bit?

For numerous reasons, No.

Why is explained in this MSDN post.

First, from a performance perspective the pointers get larger, so data structures get larger, and the processor cache stays the same size. That basically results in a raw speed hit (your mileage may vary). So you start in a hole and you have to dig yourself out of that hole by using the extra memory above 4G to your advantage. In Visual Studio this can happen in some large solutions but I think a preferable thing to do is to just use less memory in the first place. Many of VS’s algorithms are amenable to this. Here’s an old article that discusses the performance issues at some length:

Secondly, from a cost perspective, probably the shortest path to porting Visual Studio to 64 bit is to port most of it to managed code incrementally and then port the rest. The cost of a full port of that much native code is going to be quite high and of course all known extensions would break and we’d basically have to create a 64 bit ecosystem pretty much like you do for drivers. Ouch.

The request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found in springboot

Newer versions of ARC(Advaced Rest client) also provides file upload option:

enter image description here

Android: Rotate image in imageview by an angle

For Kotlin,

mImageView.rotation = 90f //angle in float

This will rotate the imageView rather than rotating the image

Also, though its a method in View class. So you can pretty much rotate any view using it.

javascript remove "disabled" attribute from html input

Best answer is just removeAttribute


Changing line colors with ggplot()

color and fill are separate aesthetics. Since you want to modify the color you need to use the corresponding scale:

d + scale_color_manual(values=c("#CC6666", "#9999CC"))

is what you want.

Ruby: How to turn a hash into HTTP parameters?

No need to load up the bloated ActiveSupport or roll your own, you can use Rack::Utils.build_query and Rack::Utils.build_nested_query. Here's a blog post that gives a good example:

require 'rack'

  authorization_token: "foo",
  access_level: "moderator",
  previous: "index"

# => "authorization_token=foo&access_level=moderator&previous=index"

It even handles arrays:

Rack::Utils.build_query( {:a => "a", :b => ["c", "d", "e"]} )
# => "a=a&b=c&b=d&b=e"
Rack::Utils.parse_query _
# => {"a"=>"a", "b"=>["c", "d", "e"]}

Or the more difficult nested stuff:

Rack::Utils.build_nested_query( {:a => "a", :b => [{:c => "c", :d => "d"}, {:e => "e", :f => "f"}] } )
# => "a=a&b[][c]=c&b[][d]=d&b[][e]=e&b[][f]=f"
Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query _
# => {"a"=>"a", "b"=>[{"c"=>"c", "d"=>"d", "e"=>"e", "f"=>"f"}]}

Vue.js : How to set a unique ID for each component instance?

In Vue2, use v-bind.

Say I have an object for a poll

  <div class="options" v-for="option in poll.body.options">
    <div class="poll-item">
      <label v-bind:for="option._id" v-bind:style="{color: option.color}">{{option.text}}</label>
      <input type="radio" v-model="picked" v-bind:value="option._id" v-bind:id="option._id">

How to check if a variable is a dictionary in Python?

You could use if type(ele) is dict or use isinstance(ele, dict) which would work if you had subclassed dict:

d = {'abc': 'abc', 'def': {'ghi': 'ghi', 'jkl': 'jkl'}}
for element in d.values():
    if isinstance(element, dict):
       for k, v in element.items():
           print(k,' ',v)

Capture close event on Bootstrap Modal

I tried using it and didn't work, guess it's just the modal versioin.

Although, it worked as this:

$("#myModal").on("", function () {
    // put your default event here

Just to update the answer =)

Deployment error:Starting of Tomcat failed, the server port 8080 is already in use

Take a look on your running processes, it seems like your current Tomcat instance did not stop. It's still running and NetBeans tries to start a second Tomcat-instance. Thats the reason for your exception, you just have to stop the first instance, or deploy you code on the current running one

Add JsonArray to JsonObject

I think it is a problem(aka. bug) with the API you are using. JSONArray implements Collection (the implementation from which this API is derived does not have JSONArray implement Collection). And JSONObject has an overloaded put() method which takes a Collection and wraps it in a JSONArray (thus causing the problem). I think you need to force the other JSONObject.put() method to be used:


You should file a bug with the vendor, pretty sure their JSONObject.put(String,Collection) method is broken.

Android getResources().getDrawable() deprecated API 22

Try this:

public static List<ProductActivity> getCatalog(Resources res){
    if(catalog == null) {
        catalog.add(new Product("Dead or Alive", res
                "Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy with Grant Blackwood", 29.99));
        catalog.add(new Product("Switch", res
                "Switch by Chip Heath and Dan Heath", 24.99));
        catalog.add(new Product("Watchmen", res
                "Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons", 14.99));

How do I 'overwrite', rather than 'merge', a branch on another branch in Git?

The other answers gave me the right clues, but they didn't completely help.

Here's what worked for me:

$ git checkout email
$ git tag old-email-branch # This is optional
$ git reset --hard staging
$ # Using a custom commit message for the merge below
$ git merge -m 'Merge -s our where _ours_ is the branch staging' -s ours origin/email
$ git push origin email

Without the fourth step of merging with the ours strategy, the push is considered a non-fast-forward update and will be rejected (by GitHub).

How to use SSH to run a local shell script on a remote machine?

Assuming you mean you want to do this automatically from a "local" machine, without manually logging into the "remote" machine, you should look into a TCL extension known as Expect, it is designed precisely for this sort of situation. I've also provided a link to a script for logging-in/interacting via SSH.

Passing command line arguments from Maven as properties in pom.xml

Inside pom.xml








In this example when you run the pom without any argument mvn clean install default profile will execute.

When executed with mvn -Denv=win64 clean install

win64 profile will executed.

Please refer

Where does the .gitignore file belong?

As the other answers stated, you can place .gitignore within any directory in a Git repository. However, if you need to have a private version of .gitignore, you can add the rules to .git/info/exclude file.

How to determine the current shell I'm working on

This is not a very clean solution, but it does what you want.

getshell() {
    local shell="`ps -p $$ | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`"

    # It is important that the shells are listed in descending order of their name length.
        bash dash mksh
        zsh ksh

    local suited=false
    for i in ${shells_array[*]}; do
        if ! [ -z `printf $shell | grep $i` ] && ! $suited; then

    echo $shell

Now you can use $(getshell) --version.

This works, though, only on KornShell-like shells (ksh).

Bizarre Error in Chrome Developer Console - Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS

See if you can recreate the issue in an Incognito tab. If you find that the problem no longer occurs then I would recommend you go through your extensions, perhaps disabling them one at a time. This is commonly the cause as touched on by Nikola

How to print binary tree diagram?

Based on VasyaNovikov answer. Improved with some Java magic: Generics and Functional interface.

 * Print a tree structure in a pretty ASCII fromat.
 * @param prefix Currnet previx. Use "" in initial call!
 * @param node The current node. Pass the root node of your tree in initial call.
 * @param getChildrenFunc A {@link Function} that returns the children of a given node.
 * @param isTail Is node the last of its sibblings. Use true in initial call. (This is needed for pretty printing.)
 * @param <T> The type of your nodes. Anything that has a toString can be used.
private <T> void printTreeRec(String prefix, T node, Function<T, List<T>> getChildrenFunc, boolean isTail) {
    String nodeName = node.toString();
    String nodeConnection = isTail ? "+-- " : "+-- ";
    log.debug(prefix + nodeConnection + nodeName);
    List<T> children = getChildrenFunc.apply(node);
    for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
        String newPrefix = prefix + (isTail ? "    " : "¦   ");
        printTreeRec(newPrefix, children.get(i), getChildrenFunc, i == children.size()-1);

Example initial call:

Function<ChecksumModel, List<ChecksumModel>> getChildrenFunc = node -> getChildrenOf(node)
printTreeRec("", rootNode, getChildrenFunc, true);

Will output something like

+-- rootNode
    +-- childNode1
    +-- childNode2
    ¦   +-- childNode2.1
    ¦   +-- childNode2.2
    ¦   +-- childNode2.3
    +-- childNode3
    +-- childNode4

socket programming multiple client to one server

See O'Reilly "Java Cookbook", Ian Darwin - recipe 17.4 Handling Multiple Clients.

Pay attention that accept() is not thread safe, so the call is wrapped within synchronized.

64: synchronized(servSock) {
65:     clientSocket = servSock.accept();
66: }

Swap two items in List<T>

If order matters, you should keep a property on the "T" objects in your list that denotes sequence. In order to swap them, just swap the value of that property, and then use that in the .Sort(comparison with sequence property)

How to draw a filled circle in Java?

/***Your Code***/
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
/***Your Code***/


Django DB Settings 'Improperly Configured' Error

in my own case in django 1.10.1 running on python2.7.11, I was trying to start the server using django-admin runserver instead of runserver in my project directory.

$(this).val() not working to get text from span using jquery

Here we go:

var  textSpan = $(this).text();

Hope it helps;)

Convert a JSON String to a HashMap

You can use Jackson API as well for this :

    final String json = "....your json...";
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    final MapType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructMapType(
        Map.class, String.class, Object.class);
    final Map<String, Object> data = mapper.readValue(json, type);

Is there a template engine for Node.js?

I have done some work on a pretty complete port of the Django template language for Simon Willisons djangode project (Utilities functions for node.js that borrow some useful concepts from Django).

See the documentation here.

Asynchronous file upload (AJAX file upload) using jsp and javascript

The two common approaches are to submit the form to an invisible iframe, or to use a Flash control such as YUI Uploader. You could also use Java instead of Flash, but this has a narrower install base.

(Shame about the layout table in the first example)

Why does C# XmlDocument.LoadXml(string) fail when an XML header is included?

I figured it out. Read the MSDN documentation and it says to use .Load instead of LoadXml when reading from strings. Found out this works 100% of time. Oddly enough using StringReader causes problems. I think the main reason is that this is a Unicode encoded string and that could cause problems because StringReader is UTF-8 only.

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            byte[] data = body.PayloadEncoding.GetBytes(body.Payload);
            stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(stream);

            // MSDN reccomends we use Load instead of LoadXml when using in memory XML payloads

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column - Laravel

You don't have a field named user_email in the members table ... as for why, I'm not sure as the code "looks" like it should try to join on different fields

Does the Auth::attempt method perform a join of the schema? Run grep -Rl 'class Auth' /path/to/framework and find where the attempt method is and what it does.

ASP.Net Download file to client browser

Just a slight addition to the above solution if you are having problem with downloaded file's name...

Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + file.Name + "\"");

This will return the exact file name even if it contains spaces or other characters.

Currency formatting in Python

Simple python code!

def format_us_currency(value):
    if value.count(',')==0:
        for i in value[::-1]:
            b=','+i+b if n==3 else i+b
            n=1 if n==3 else n+1
        b=b[1:] if b[0]==',' else b
    return '$'+(value.rstrip('0').rstrip('.') if '.' in value else value)

How to save MySQL query output to excel or .txt file?

From Save MySQL query results into a text or CSV file:

MySQL provides an easy mechanism for writing the results of a select statement into a text file on the server. Using extended options of the INTO OUTFILE nomenclature, it is possible to create a comma separated value (CSV) which can be imported into a spreadsheet application such as OpenOffice or Excel or any other application which accepts data in CSV format.

Given a query such as

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders

which returns three columns of data, the results can be placed into the file /tmp/orders.txt using the query:

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.txt'

This will create a tab-separated file, each row on its own line. To alter this behavior, it is possible to add modifiers to the query:

SELECT order_id,product_name,qty FROM orders
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/orders.csv'

In this example, each field will be enclosed in double quotes, the fields will be separated by commas, and each row will be output on a new line separated by a newline (\n). Sample output of this command would look like:

"1","Tech-Recipes sock puppet","14.95" "2","Tech-Recipes chef's hat","18.95"

Keep in mind that the output file must not already exist and that the user MySQL is running as has write permissions to the directory MySQL is attempting to write the file to.


   SELECT Your_Column_Name
    FROM Your_Table_Name
    INTO OUTFILE 'Filename.csv'

Or you could try to grab the output via the client:

You could try executing the query from the your local client and redirect the output to a local file destination:

mysql -user -pass -e "select cols from table where cols not null" > /tmp/output

Hint: If you don't specify an absoulte path but use something like INTO OUTFILE 'output.csv' or INTO OUTFILE './output.csv', it will store the output file to the directory specified by show variables like 'datadir';.

How to use jQuery in chrome extension?

Apart from the solutions already mentioned, you can also download jquery.min.js locally and then use it -

For downloading -

wget ""

manifest.json -

"content_scripts": [
    "js": ["/path/to/jquery.min.js", ...]

in html -

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>

Reference -

How to create a directory if it doesn't exist using Node.js?

The mkdir method has the ability to recursively create any directories in a path that don't exist, and ignore the ones that do.

From the Node v10/11 docs:

// Creates /tmp/a/apple, regardless of whether `/tmp` and /tmp/a exist.
fs.mkdir('/tmp/a/apple', { recursive: true }, (err) => {
    if (err) throw err;

NOTE: You'll need to import the built-in fs module first.

Now here's a little more robust example that leverages native ES Modules (with flag enabled and .mjs extension), handles non-root paths, and accounts for full pathnames:

import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';

createDirectories(pathname) {
   const __dirname = path.resolve();
   pathname = pathname.replace(/^\.*\/|\/?[^\/]+\.[a-z]+|\/$/g, ''); // Remove leading directory markers, and remove ending /file-name.extension
   fs.mkdir(path.resolve(__dirname, pathname), { recursive: true }, e => {
       if (e) {
       } else {

You can use it like createDirectories('/components/widget/widget.js');.

And of course, you'd probably want to get more fancy by using promises with async/await to leverage file creation in a more readable synchronous-looking way when the directories are created; but, that's beyond the question's scope.

Regular Expression: Any character that is NOT a letter or number

This is way way too late, but since there is no accepted answer I'd like to provide what I think is the simplest one: \D - matches all non digit characters.

var x = "123 235-25%";_x000D_
x.replace(/\D/g, '');

Results in x: "12323525"


Heroku 'Permission denied (publickey) fatal: Could not read from remote repository' woes

I use this method to solve this problem Maybe you can try it

"Enable ssh-agent"

  1. Download git

  1. Install it

  2. Enable ssh-agent

C:\Program Files\Git\cmd


The message disapper after I agent enabled Hope this will help you

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

i don't see the main function.

please make sure that it has main function.

example :

int main(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]){


hope that it works well. :)

How can I get all element values from Request.Form without specifying exactly which one with .GetValues("ElementIdName")

You can get all keys in the Request.Form and then compare and get your desired values.

Your method body will look like this: -

List<int> listValues = new List<int>();
foreach (string key in Request.Form.AllKeys)
    if (key.StartsWith("List"))

ASP MVC href to a controller/view

You can also use this very simplified form:

@Html.ActionLink("Come back to Home", "Index", "Home")

Where :
Come back to Home is the text that will appear on the page
Index is the view name
Homeis the controller name

Typescript empty object for a typed variable


Here are two worthy caveats from the comments.

Either you want user to be of type User | {} or Partial<User>, or you need to redefine the User type to allow an empty object. Right now, the compiler is correctly telling you that user is not a User. – jcalz

I don't think this should be considered a proper answer because it creates an inconsistent instance of the type, undermining the whole purpose of TypeScript. In this example, the property Username is left undefined, while the type annotation is saying it can't be undefined. – Ian Liu Rodrigues


One of the design goals of TypeScript is to "strike a balance between correctness and productivity." If it will be productive for you to do this, use Type Assertions to create empty objects for typed variables.

type User = {
    Username: string;
    Email: string;

const user01 = {} as User;
const user02 = <User>{};

user01.Email = "[email protected]";

Here is a working example for you.

Here are type assertions working with suggestion.

AngularJS resource promise

If you want to use asynchronous method you need to use callback function by $promise, here is example:

var Regions = $resource('mocks/regions.json');

$scope.regions = Regions.query();
$scope.regions.$promise.then(function (result) {
    $scope.regions = result;

How to convert the following json string to java object?

Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonObject object = (JsonObject) parser.parse(response);// response will be the json String
YourPojo emp = gson.fromJson(object, YourPojo.class); 

assembly to compare two numbers

First a CMP (comparison) instruction is called then one of the following:

jle - jump to line if less than or equal to
jge - jump to line if greater than or equal to

The lowest assembler works with is bytes, not bits (directly anyway). If you want to know about bit logic you'll need to take a look at circuit design.

When or Why to use a "SET DEFINE OFF" in Oracle Database

By default, SQL Plus treats '&' as a special character that begins a substitution string. This can cause problems when running scripts that happen to include '&' for other reasons:

SQL> insert into customers (customer_name) values ('Marks & Spencers Ltd');
Enter value for spencers: 
old   1: insert into customers (customer_name) values ('Marks & Spencers Ltd')
new   1: insert into customers (customer_name) values ('Marks  Ltd')

1 row created.

SQL> select customer_name from customers;

Marks  Ltd

If you know your script includes (or may include) data containing '&' characters, and you do not want the substitution behaviour as above, then use set define off to switch off the behaviour while running the script:

SQL> set define off
SQL> insert into customers (customer_name) values ('Marks & Spencers Ltd');

1 row created.

SQL> select customer_name from customers;

Marks & Spencers Ltd

You might want to add set define on at the end of the script to restore the default behaviour.