Programs & Examples On #Icicles

Questions and answers related to the Icicles library for Emacs:

How to read a value from the Windows registry

Typically the register key and value are constants in the program. If so, here is an example how to read a DWORD registry value Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled:

#include <windows.h>

DWORD val;
DWORD dataSize = sizeof(val);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegGetValueA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\FileSystem", "LongPathsEnabled", RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr /*type not required*/, &val, &dataSize)) {
  printf("Value is %i\n", val);
  // no CloseKey needed because it is a predefined registry key
else {
  printf("Error reading.\n");

To adapt for other value types, see for complete spec.

Separators for Navigation

Simply use the separator image as a background image on the li.

To get it to only appear in between list items, position the image to the left of the li, but not on the first one.

For example:

#nav li + li {
    background:url('seperator.gif') no-repeat top left;
    padding-left: 10px

This CSS adds the image to every list item that follows another list item - in other words all of them but the first.

NB. Be aware the adjacent selector (li + li) doesn't work in IE6, so you will have to just add the background image to the conventional li (with a conditional stylesheet) and perhaps apply a negative margin to one of the edges.

How do I move a table into a schema in T-SQL

Short answer:

ALTER SCHEMA new_schema TRANSFER old_schema.table_name

I can confirm that the data in the table remains intact, which is probably quite important :)

Long answer as per MSDN docs,

ALTER SCHEMA schema_name 
   TRANSFER [ Object | Type | XML Schema Collection ] securable_name [;]

If it's a table (or anything besides a Type or XML Schema collection), you can leave out the word Object since that's the default.

How to create CSV Excel file C#?

Another good solution to read and write CSV-files is filehelpers (open source).

Converting a date string to a DateTime object using Joda Time library

Use DateTimeFormat:

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
DateTime dt = formatter.parseDateTime(string);

Fitting empirical distribution to theoretical ones with Scipy (Python)?

Try the distfit library.

pip install distfit

# Create 1000 random integers, value between [0-50]
X = np.random.randint(0, 50,1000)

# Retrieve P-value for y
y = [0,10,45,55,100]

# From the distfit library import the class distfit
from distfit import distfit

# Initialize.
# Set any properties here, such as alpha.
# The smoothing can be of use when working with integers. Otherwise your histogram
# may be jumping up-and-down, and getting the correct fit may be harder.
dist = distfit(alpha=0.05, smooth=10)

# Search for best theoretical fit on your empirical data

> [distfit] >fit..
> [distfit] >transform..
> [distfit] >[norm      ] [RSS: 0.0037894] [loc=23.535 scale=14.450] 
> [distfit] >[expon     ] [RSS: 0.0055534] [loc=0.000 scale=23.535] 
> [distfit] >[pareto    ] [RSS: 0.0056828] [loc=-384473077.778 scale=384473077.778] 
> [distfit] >[dweibull  ] [RSS: 0.0038202] [loc=24.535 scale=13.936] 
> [distfit] >[t         ] [RSS: 0.0037896] [loc=23.535 scale=14.450] 
> [distfit] >[genextreme] [RSS: 0.0036185] [loc=18.890 scale=14.506] 
> [distfit] >[gamma     ] [RSS: 0.0037600] [loc=-175.505 scale=1.044] 
> [distfit] >[lognorm   ] [RSS: 0.0642364] [loc=-0.000 scale=1.802] 
> [distfit] >[beta      ] [RSS: 0.0021885] [loc=-3.981 scale=52.981] 
> [distfit] >[uniform   ] [RSS: 0.0012349] [loc=0.000 scale=49.000] 

# Best fitted model
best_distr = dist.model

# Uniform shows best fit, with 95% CII (confidence intervals), and all other parameters
> {'distr': <scipy.stats._continuous_distns.uniform_gen at 0x16de3a53160>,
>  'params': (0.0, 49.0),
>  'name': 'uniform',
>  'RSS': 0.0012349021241149533,
>  'loc': 0.0,
>  'scale': 49.0,
>  'arg': (),
>  'CII_min_alpha': 2.45,
>  'CII_max_alpha': 46.55}

# Ranking distributions

# Plot the summary of fitted distributions

enter image description here

# Make prediction on new datapoints based on the fit

# Retrieve your pvalues with 
# array(['down', 'none', 'none', 'up', 'up'], dtype='<U4')
array([0.02040816, 0.02040816, 0.02040816, 0.        , 0.        ])

# Or in one dataframe

# The plot function will now also include the predictions of y

Best fit

Note that in this case, all points will be significant because of the uniform distribution. You can filter with the dist.y_pred if required.

moment.js, how to get day of week number

If you are specifically looking for the 1-7 approach...

This is the ISO weekday number. moment.js has also taken this into account. Use isoWeekday()

console.log(moment().isoWeekday()); // returns 1-7 where 1 is Monday and 7 is Sunday
<script src=""></script>

Seeing as I wrote this answer on a Tuesday, today this gives me a 2.

Converting string to Date and DateTime

If you want to get the last day of the current month you can do it with the following code.

$last_day_this_month  = date('F jS Y', strtotime(date('F t Y')));

Google Maps shows "For development purposes only"

Watermarked with ?“for development purposes only” is returned when any of the following is true:

  1. The request is missing an API key.
  2. Billing has not been enabled on your account.
  3. The provided billing method is invalid (for example an expired credit card).
  4. A self-imposed daily limit has been exceeded.

How to call a method in MainActivity from another class?

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static MainActivity instance;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        instance = this;

    public static MainActivity getInstance() {
        return instance;

    public void myMethod() {
       // do something...

public Class AnotherClass() {
     // call this method

Creating a Pandas DataFrame from a Numpy array: How do I specify the index column and column headers?

Here simple example to create pandas dataframe by using numpy array.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# create an array 
var1  = np.arange(start=1, stop=21, step=1).reshape(-1)
var2 = np.random.rand(20,1).reshape(-1)

dataset = pd.DataFrame()
dataset['col1'] = var1
dataset['col2'] = var2

How do I specify the platform for MSBuild?

In MSBuild or Teamcity use command line

MSBuild yourproject.sln /property:Configuration=Release /property:Platform=x64

or use shorter form:

MSBuild yourproject.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64

However you need to set up platform in your project anyway, see the answer by Julien Hoarau.

How to exit an Android app programmatically?

How about this.finishAffinity()

From the docs,

Finish this activity as well as all activities immediately below it in the current task that have the same affinity. This is typically used when an application can be launched on to another task (such as from an ACTION_VIEW of a content type it understands) and the user has used the up navigation to switch out of the current task and in to its own task. In this case, if the user has navigated down into any other activities of the second application, all of those should be removed from the original task as part of the task switch. Note that this finish does not allow you to deliver results to the previous activity, and an exception will be thrown if you are trying to do so.

Tomcat startup logs - SEVERE: Error filterStart how to get a stack trace?

Run Following command to show catalina logs on the terminal---

sh; tail -f server/apache-tomcat-8.0.24/logs/catalina.out

Python coding standards/best practices

PEP 8 is good, the only thing that i wish it came down harder on was the Tabs-vs-Spaces holy war.

Basically if you are starting a project in python, you need to choose Tabs or Spaces and then shoot all offenders on sight.

Python convert object to float

  • You can use pandas.Series.astype
  • You can do something like this :

    weather["Temp"] = weather.Temp.astype(float)
  • You can also use pd.to_numeric that will convert the column from object to float

  • For details on how to use it checkout this link :
  • Example :

    s = pd.Series(['apple', '1.0', '2', -3])
    print(pd.to_numeric(s, errors='ignore'))
    print(pd.to_numeric(s, errors='coerce'))
  • Output:

    0    apple
    1      1.0
    2        2
    3       -3
    dtype: object
    0    NaN
    1    1.0
    2    2.0
    3   -3.0
    dtype: float64
  • In your case you can do something like this:

    weather["Temp"] = pd.to_numeric(weather.Temp, errors='coerce')
  • Other option is to use convert_objects
  • Example is as follows

    >> pd.Series([1,2,3,4,'.']).convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
    0     1
    1     2
    2     3
    3     4
    4   NaN
    dtype: float64
  • You can use this as follows:

    weather["Temp"] = weather.Temp.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
  • I have showed you examples because if any of your column won't have a number then it will be converted to NaN... so be careful while using it.

Oracle - How to generate script from sql developer

use the dbms_metadata package, as described here

How to convert date to timestamp in PHP?

There is also strptime() which expects exactly one format:

$a = strptime('22-09-2008', '%d-%m-%Y');
$timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $a['tm_mon']+1, $a['tm_mday'], $a['tm_year']+1900);

Call one constructor from another

In case you need to run something before calling another constructor not after.

public class Sample
    static int preprocess(string theIntAsString)
        return preprocess(int.Parse(theIntAsString));

    static int preprocess(int theIntNeedRounding)
        return theIntNeedRounding/100;

    public Sample(string theIntAsString)
        _intField = preprocess(theIntAsString)

    public Sample(int theIntNeedRounding)
        _intField = preprocess(theIntNeedRounding)

    public int IntProperty  => _intField;

    private readonly int _intField;

And ValueTuple can be very helpful if you need to set more than one field.

Why do Twitter Bootstrap tables always have 100% width?

I was having the same issue, I made the table fixed and then specified my td width. If you have th you can do those as well.

table {
table-layout: fixed;
word-wrap: break-word;

<td width="10%" /td>

I didn't have any luck with .table-nonfluid.

Automatically plot different colored lines

Late answer, but two things to add:

  • For information on how to change the 'ColorOrder' property and how to set a global default with 'DefaultAxesColorOrder', see the "Appendix" at the bottom of this post.
  • There is a great tool on the MATLAB Central File Exchange to generate any number of visually distinct colors, if you have the Image Processing Toolbox to use it. Read on for details.

The ColorOrder axes property allows MATLAB to automatically cycle through a list of colors when using hold on/all (again, see Appendix below for how to set/get the ColorOrder for a specific axis or globally via DefaultAxesColorOrder). However, by default MATLAB only specifies a short list of colors (just 7 as of R2013b) to cycle through, and on the other hand it can be problematic to find a good set of colors for more data series. For 10 plots, you obviously cannot rely on the default ColorOrder.

A great way to define N visually distinct colors is with the "Generate Maximally Perceptually-Distinct Colors" (GMPDC) submission on the MATLAB Central File File Exchange. It is best described in the author's own words:

This function generates a set of colors which are distinguishable by reference to the "Lab" color space, which more closely matches human color perception than RGB. Given an initial large list of possible colors, it iteratively chooses the entry in the list that is farthest (in Lab space) from all previously-chosen entries.

For example, when 25 colors are requested:

25 "maximally perceptually-distinct colors"

The GMPDC submission was chosen on MathWorks' official blog as Pick of the Week in 2010 in part because of the ability to request an arbitrary number of colors (in contrast to MATLAB's built in 7 default colors). They even made the excellent suggestion to set MATLAB's ColorOrder on startup to,


Of course, you can set the ColorOrder for a single axis or simply generate a list of colors to use in any way you like. For example, to generate 10 "maximally perceptually-distinct colors" and use them for 10 plots on the same axis (but not using ColorOrder, thus requiring a loop):

% Starting with X of size N-by-P-by-2, where P is number of plots
mpdc10 = distinguishable_colors(10) % 10x3 color list
hold on
for ii=1:size(X,2),

The process is simplified, requiring no for loop, with the ColorOrder axis property:

% X of size N-by-P-by-2
mpdc10 = distinguishable_colors(10)
ha = axes; hold(ha,'on')
set(ha,'ColorOrder',mpdc10)    % --- set ColorOrder HERE ---
plot(X(:,:,1),X(:,:,2),'-.')   % loop NOT needed, 'Color' NOT needed. Yay!


To get the ColorOrder RGB array used for the current axis,


To get the default ColorOrder for new axes,


Example of setting new global ColorOrder with 10 colors on MATLAB start, in startup.m:


Programmatically change input type of the EditText from PASSWORD to NORMAL & vice versa


final int[] count = {0};

    showandhide.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

            if(count[0] ==0)
            else {

                password.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT |


Minimum 6 characters regex expression

If I understand correctly, you need a regex statement that checks for at least 6 characters (letters & numbers)?


How to read a single character from the user?

If you want to register only one single key press even if the user pressed it for more than once or kept pressing the key longer. To avoid getting multiple pressed inputs use the while loop and pass it.

import keyboard


Quickly create large file on a Windows system

Simple answer in Python: If you need to create a large real text file I just used a simple while loop and was able to create a 5 GB file in about 20 seconds. I know it's crude, but it is fast enough.

outfile = open("outfile.log", "a+")

def write(outfile):
    outfile.write("hello world hello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello worldhello world"+"\n")

while i < 1000000:
    i += 1

Java Switch Statement - Is "or"/"and" possible?

The above are all excellent answers. I just wanted to add that when there are multiple characters to check against, an if-else might turn out better since you could instead write the following.

// switch on vowels, digits, punctuation, or consonants
char c; // assign some character to 'c'
if ("aeiouAEIOU".indexOf(c) != -1) {
  // handle vowel case
} else if ("!@#$%,.".indexOf(c) != -1) {
  // handle punctuation case
} else if ("0123456789".indexOf(c) != -1) {
  // handle digit case
} else {
  // handle consonant case, assuming other characters are not possible

Of course, if this gets any more complicated, I'd recommend a regex matcher.

Is there any way of configuring Eclipse IDE proxy settings via an autoproxy configuration script?

Download proxy script and check last line for return statement Proxy IP and Port.
Add this IP and Port using these step.

   1.  Windows -->Preferences-->General -->Network Connection
   2. Select Active Provider : Manual
   3.  Proxy entries select HTTP--> Click on Edit button
   4.  Then add Host as a proxy IP and port left Required Authentication blank.
   5.  Restart eclipse
   6.  Now Eclipse Marketplace... working.

Read Excel sheet in Powershell

This was extremely helpful for me when trying to automate Cisco SIP phone configuration using an Excel spreadsheet as the source. My only issue was when I tried to make an array and populate it using $array | Add-Member ... as I needed to use it later on to generate the config file. Just defining an array and making it the for loop allowed it to store correctly.

$lastCell = 11 
$startRow, $model, $mac, $nOF, $ext = 1, 1, 5, 6, 7

$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$wb = $"H:\Strike Network\Phones\phones.xlsx")
$sh = $wb.Sheets.Item(1)
$endRow = $sh.UsedRange.SpecialCells($lastCell).Row

$phoneData = for ($i=1; $i -le $endRow; $i++)
                $pModel = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow,$model).Value2
                $pMAC = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow,$mac).Value2
                $nameOnPhone = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow,$nOF).Value2
                $extension = $sh.Cells.Item($startRow,$ext).Value2
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Model = $pModel; MAC = $pMAC; NameOnPhone = $nameOnPhone; Extension = $extension }

I used to have no issues adding information to an array with Add-Member but that was back in PSv2/3, and I've been away from it a while. Though the simple solution saved me manually configuring 100+ phones and extensions - which nobody wants to do.

Routing with multiple Get methods in ASP.NET Web API

Only one route enough for this

config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("DefaultApiWithAction", "{controller}/{action}");

And need to specify attribute HttpGet or HttpPost in all actions.

public IEnumerable<object> TestGet1()
    return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };

public IEnumerable<object> TestGet2()
    return new string[] { "value3", "value4" };

JQuery - how to select dropdown item based on value

You can select dropdown option value by name

// deom
 if( jQuery(this).text() == 'Monday' )


Java : Accessing a class within a package, which is the better way?

No, it doesn't save you memory.

Also note that you don't have to import Math at all. Everything in java.lang is imported automatically.

A better example would be something like an ArrayList

import java.util.ArrayList;
ArrayList<String> i = new ArrayList<String>();

Note I'm importing the ArrayList specifically. I could have done

import java.util.*; 

But you generally want to avoid large wildcard imports to avoid the problem of collisions between packages.

SCP Permission denied (publickey). on EC2 only when using -r flag on directories

The -i flag specifies the private key (.pem file) to use. If you don't specify that flag (as in your first command) it will use your default ssh key (usually under ~/.ssh/).

So in your first command, you are actually asking scp to upload the .pem file itself using your default ssh key. I don't think that is what you want.

Try instead with:

scp -r -i /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs/keypairfile.pem uploads/* ec2-user@publicdns:/var/www/html/uploads

How do you clear a slice in Go?

It all depends on what is your definition of 'clear'. One of the valid ones certainly is:

slice = slice[:0]

But there's a catch. If slice elements are of type T:

var slice []T

then enforcing len(slice) to be zero, by the above "trick", doesn't make any element of


eligible for garbage collection. This might be the optimal approach in some scenarios. But it might also be a cause of "memory leaks" - memory not used, but potentially reachable (after re-slicing of 'slice') and thus not garbage "collectable".

image size (drawable-hdpi/ldpi/mdpi/xhdpi)

MDPI - 32px
HDPI - 48px
XHDPI- 64px

This Cheat Sheet might be handy for you. check the image :-)


"Cannot allocate an object of abstract type" error

In C++ a class with at least one pure virtual function is called abstract class. You can not create objects of that class, but may only have pointers or references to it.

If you are deriving from an abstract class, then make sure you override and define all pure virtual functions for your class.

From your snippet Your class AliceUniversity seems to be an abstract class. It needs to override and define all the pure virtual functions of the classes Graduate and UniversityGraduate.

Pure virtual functions are the ones with = 0; at the end of declaration.

Example: virtual void doSomething() = 0;

For a specific answer, you will need to post the definition of the class for which you get the error and the classes from which that class is deriving.

Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection

close your R studio and run it again as an administrator. That did the magic for me. Hope it works for you and anyone going through this too.

Import data.sql MySQL Docker Container

Trying "docker exec ... < data.sql" in Window PowerShell responses with:

The '<' operator is reserved for future use.

But one can wrap it out with cmd /c to eliminate the issue:

cmd /c "docker exec -i mysql-container mysql -uuser -ppassword name_db < data.sql"

How do I apply CSS3 transition to all properties except background-position?

For anyone looks for a shorthand way, to add transition for all properties except for one specific property with delay, be aware of there're differences among even modern browsers.

A simple demo below shows the difference. Check out full code

div:hover {
  width: 500px;
  height: 500px;
  border-radius: 0;
  transition: all 2s, border-radius 2s 4s;

Chrome will "combine" the two animation (which is like I expect), like below:

enter image description here

While Safari "separates" it (which may not be expected):

enter image description here

A more compatible way is that you assign the specific transition for specific property, if you have a delay for one of them.

Append values to query string

I've wrapped Darin's answer into a nicely reusable extension method.

public static class UriExtensions
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds the specified parameter to the Query String.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="url"></param>
    /// <param name="paramName">Name of the parameter to add.</param>
    /// <param name="paramValue">Value for the parameter to add.</param>
    /// <returns>Url with added parameter.</returns>
    public static Uri AddParameter(this Uri url, string paramName, string paramValue)
        var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
        var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uriBuilder.Query);
        query[paramName] = paramValue;
        uriBuilder.Query = query.ToString();

        return uriBuilder.Uri;

I hope this helps!

View a file in a different Git branch without changing branches

If you're using Emacs, you can type C-x v ~ to see a different revision of the file you're currently editing (tags, branches and hashes all work).

ASP.NET Web API application gives 404 when deployed at IIS 7

I you are using Visual Studio 2012, download and install Update 2 that Microsoft released recently (as of 4/2013).

Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

There are some bug fixes in that update related to the issue.

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

If you want fix the column you should set width. For example:

<td style="width:100px;">some data</td>

Bootstrap 3 offset on right not left

Based on WeNeigh's answer! here is a LESS example

.col-offset-right(@i, @type) when (@i >= 0) {
    .col-@{type}-offset-right-@{i} {
        margin-right: percentage((@i / @grid-columns));
    .col-offset-right(@i - 1, @type);
.col-offset-right(@grid-columns, xs);
.col-offset-right(@grid-columns, sm);
.col-offset-right(@grid-columns, md);
.col-offset-right(@grid-columns, lg);

Python conversion from binary string to hexadecimal

Converting Binary into hex without ignoring leading zeros:

You could use the format() built-in function like this:

"{0:0>4X}".format(int("0000010010001101", 2))

Could not load file or assembly version

Just use MS Web platform Installer 4.5 to install all stuff for MS SQL Server 2008 R2.

And don't forget to reload machine.


Calculate time difference in Windows batch file

Based on previous answers, here are reusable "procedures" and a usage example for calculating the elapsed time:

@echo off

set starttime=%TIME%
echo Start Time: %starttime%

REM ---------------------------------------------
REM ---------------------------------------------

set endtime=%TIME%
echo End Time: %endtime%
call :elapsed_time %starttime% %endtime% duration
echo Duration: %duration%

echo on & goto :eof


:: %~1 - time
:: %~2 - centiseconds output variable
set _time=%~1
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("%_time%") do (
   set /A "_result=(((%%a*60)+1%%b %% 100)*60+1%%c %% 100)*100+1%%d %% 100"
endlocal & set %~2=%_result%
goto :eof

:: %~1 - centiseconds
:: %~2 - time output variable
set _centiseconds=%~1
rem now break the centiseconds down to hors, minutes, seconds and the remaining centiseconds
set /A _h=%_centiseconds% / 360000
set /A _m=(%_centiseconds% - %_h%*360000) / 6000
set /A _s=(%_centiseconds% - %_h%*360000 - %_m%*6000) / 100
set /A _hs=(%_centiseconds% - %_h%*360000 - %_m%*6000 - %_s%*100)
rem some formatting
if %_h% LSS 10 set _h=0%_h%
if %_m% LSS 10 set _m=0%_m%
if %_s% LSS 10 set _s=0%_s%
if %_hs% LSS 10 set _hs=0%_hs%
set _result=%_h%:%_m%:%_s%.%_hs%
endlocal & set %~2=%_result%
goto :eof

:: %~1 - time1 - start time
:: %~2 - time2 - end time
:: %~3 - elapsed time output
set _time1=%~1
set _time2=%~2
call :time_to_centiseconds %_time1% _centi1
call :time_to_centiseconds %_time2% _centi2
set /A _duration=%_centi2%-%_centi1%
call :centiseconds_to_time %_duration% _result
endlocal & set %~3=%_result%
goto :eof

Using an authorization header with Fetch in React Native

I had this identical problem, I was using django-rest-knox for authentication tokens. It turns out that nothing was wrong with my fetch method which looked like this:

    let headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"};
    if (token) {
      headers["Authorization"] = `Token ${token}`;
    return fetch("/api/instruments/", {headers,})
      .then(res => {

I was running apache.

What solved this problem for me was changing WSGIPassAuthorization to 'On' in wsgi.conf.

I had a Django app deployed on AWS EC2, and I used Elastic Beanstalk to manage my application, so in the django.config, I did this:

    command: 'echo "WSGIPassAuthorization On" >> ../wsgi.conf'

How to check if a folder exists

Quite simple:

new File("/Path/To/File/or/Directory").exists();

And if you want to be certain it is a directory:

File f = new File("/Path/To/File/or/Directory");
if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) {

Add a summary row with totals

You could use the ROLLUP operator

            WHEN (GROUPING([Type]) = 1) THEN 'Total'
            ELSE [Type] END AS [TYPE]
        ,SUM([Total Sales]) as Total_Sales
From    Before
        [Type] WITH ROLLUP

Difference between binary tree and binary search tree

To check wheather or not a given Binary Tree is Binary Search Tree here's is an Alternative Approach .

Traverse Tree In Inorder Fashion (i.e. Left Child --> Parent --> Right Child ) , Store Traversed Node Data in a temporary Variable lets say temp , just before storing into temp , Check wheather current Node's data is higher then previous one or not . Then just break it out , Tree is not Binary Search Tree else traverse untill end.

Below is an example with Java:

public static boolean isBinarySearchTree(Tree root)
        return false;

        return false;
    return true;

Maintain temp variable outside

How to draw a rectangle around a region of interest in python

As the other answers said, the function you need is cv2.rectangle(), but keep in mind that the coordinates for the bounding box vertices need to be integers if they are in a tuple, and they need to be in the order of (left, top) and (right, bottom). Or, equivalently, (xmin, ymin) and (xmax, ymax).

How do I float a div to the center?

If for some reason you have position absolute on the div, do this:

<div class="something"></div>

.something {

Is there a good reason I see VARCHAR(255) used so often (as opposed to another length)?

Another reason may be that in very old data access libraries on Windows such as RDO and ADO (COM version not ADO.NET) you had to call a special method, GetChunk, to get data from a column with more than 255 chars. If you limited a varchar column to 255, this extra code wasn't necessary.

Open a PDF using VBA in Excel

Here is a simplified version of this script to copy a pdf into a XL file.

Sub CopyOnePDFtoExcel()

    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim PDF_path As String

    PDF_path = "C:\Users\...\Documents\This-File.pdf"

    'open the pdf file
    ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink PDF_path

    SendKeys "^a", True
    SendKeys "^c"

    Call Shell("TaskKill /F /IM AcroRd32.exe", vbHide)

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")


    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Get width/height of SVG element

This is the consistent cross-browser way I found:

var heightComponents = ['height', 'paddingTop', 'paddingBottom', 'borderTopWidth', 'borderBottomWidth'],
    widthComponents = ['width', 'paddingLeft', 'paddingRight', 'borderLeftWidth', 'borderRightWidth'];

var svgCalculateSize = function (el) {

    var gCS = window.getComputedStyle(el), // using gCS because IE8- has no support for svg anyway
        bounds = {
            width: 0,
            height: 0

    heightComponents.forEach(function (css) { 
        bounds.height += parseFloat(gCS[css]);
    widthComponents.forEach(function (css) {
        bounds.width += parseFloat(gCS[css]);
    return bounds;

Video file formats supported in iPhone

The short answer is the iPhone supports H.264 video, High profile and AAC audio, in container formats .mov, .mp4, or MPEG Segment .ts. MPEG Segment files are used for HTTP Live Streaming.

  • For maximum compatibility with Android and desktop browsers, use H.264 + AAC in an .mp4 container.
  • For extended length videos longer than 10 minutes you must use HTTP Live Streaming, which is H.264 + AAC in a series of small .ts container files (see App Store Review Guidelines rule 2.5.7).


On the iPhone, H.264 is the only game in town. [1]

There are several different feature tiers or "profiles" available in H.264. All modern iPhones (3GS and above) support the High profile. These profiles are basically three different levels of algorithm "tricks" used to compress the video. More tricks give better compression, but require more CPU or dedicated hardware to decode. This is a table that lists the differences between the different profiles.

[1] Interestingly, Apple's own Facetime uses the newer H.265 (HEVC) video codec. However right now (August 2017) there is no Apple-provided library that gives access to a HEVC codec to developers. This is expected to change at some point.

In talking about what video format the iPhone supports, a distinction should be made between what the hardware can support, and what the (much lower) limits are for playback when streaming over a network.

The only data given about hardware video support by Apple about the current generation of iPhones (SE, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus) is that they support

4K [3840x2160] video recording at 30 fps

1080p [1920x1080] HD video recording at 30 fps or 60 fps.

Obviously the phone can play back what it can record, so we can guess that 3840x2160 at 30 fps and 1920x1080 at 60 fps represent design limits of the phone. In addition, the screen size on the 6S Plus and 7 Plus is 1920x1080. So if you're interested in playback on the phone, it doesn't make sense to send over more pixels then the screen can draw.

However, streaming video is a different matter. Since networks are slow and video is huge, it's typical to use lower resolutions, bitrates, and frame rates than the device's theoretical maximum.

The most detailed document giving recommendations for streaming is TN2224 Best Practices for Creating and Deploying HTTP Live Streaming Media for Apple Devices. Figure 3 in that document gives a table of recommended streaming parameters:

Table of Apple recommended video encoding settings This table is from May 2016.

As you can see, Apple recommends the relatively low resolution of 768x432 as the highest recommended resolution for streaming over a cellular network. Of course this is just a recommendation and YMMV.


The question is about video, but that video generally has one or more audio tracks with it. The iPhone supports a few audio formats, but the most modern and by far most widely used is AAC. The iPhone 7 / 7 Plus, 6S Plus / 6S, SE all support AAC bitrates of 8 to 320 Kbps.


The audio and video tracks go inside a container. The purpose of the container is to combine (interleave) the different tracks together, to store metadata, and to support seeking. The iPhone supports

  1. QuickTime .mov,
  2. MP4, and
  3. MPEG-TS.

The .mov and .mp4 file formats are closely related (.mp4 is in fact based on .mov), however .mp4 is an ISO standard that has much wider support.

As noted above, you have to use MPEG-TS for videos longer than 10 minutes.

no matching function for call to ' '

You are trying to pass pointers (which you do not delete, thus leaking memory) where references are needed. You do not really need pointers here:

Complex firstComplexNumber(81, 93);
Complex secondComplexNumber(31, 19);

cout << "Numarul complex este: " << firstComplexNumber << endl;
//                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No need to dereference now

// ...

Complex::distanta(firstComplexNumber, secondComplexNumber);

T-SQL Format integer to 2-digit string

Example for converting one digit number to two digit by adding 0 :

DECLARE @int INT = 9 
        SELECT CASE WHEN @int < 10
                    THEN FORMAT(CAST(@int AS INT),'0#')
                   FORMAT(CAST(@int AS INT),'0')

disable all form elements inside div

If your form inside div simply contains form inputting elements, then this simple query will disable every element inside form tag:

<div id="myForm">
    <form action="">

However, it will also disable other than inputting elements in form, as it's effects will only be seen on input type elements, therefore suitable majorly for every type of forms!

$('#myForm *').attr('disabled','disabled');

Redirect within component Angular 2

first configure routing

import {RouteConfig, Router, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES} from 'angular2/router';


  { path: '/addDisplay', component: AddDisplay, as: 'addDisplay' },
  { path: '/<secondComponent>', component: '<secondComponentName>', as: 'secondComponentAs' },

then in your component import and then inject Router

import {Router} from 'angular2/router'

export class AddDisplay {
  constructor(private router: Router)

the last thing you have to do is to call




how to hide a vertical scroll bar when not needed

Add this class in .css class

.scrol  { 
font: bold 14px Arial; 
border:1px solid black; 
width:100% ; 

and use the class in div. like here.

<div> <p class = "scrol" id = "title">-</p></div>

I have attached image , you see the out put of the above code enter image description here

mysql: SOURCE error 2?

It's probably the file path to your file. If you don't know the exact location of the file you want to use, try to find your file in Finder, then drag the file into Terminal window

mysql> SOURCE dragfilePathHere 

R: Comment out block of code

Most of the editors take some kind of shortcut to comment out blocks of code. The default editors use something like command or control and single quote to comment out selected lines of code. In RStudio it's Command or Control+/. Check in your editor.

It's still commenting line by line, but they also uncomment selected lines as well. For the Mac RGUI it's command-option ' (I'm imagining windows is control option). For Rstudio it's just Command or Control + Shift + C again.

These shortcuts will likely change over time as editors get updated and different software becomes the most popular R editors. You'll have to look it up for whatever software you have.

Convert Variable Name to String?

Totally possible with the python-varname package (python3):

from varname import nameof

s = 'Hey!'

print (nameof(s))



Get the package here:

Android : difference between invisible and gone?


This view is invisible, but it still takes up space for layout purposes.


This view is invisible, and it doesn't take any space for layout purposes.

Use find command but exclude files in two directories


find \( -path "./tmp" -o -path "./scripts" \) -prune -o  -name "*_peaks.bed" -print


find \( -path "./tmp" -o -path "./scripts" \) -prune -false -o  -name "*_peaks.bed"


find \( -path "./tmp" -path "./scripts" \) ! -prune -o  -name "*_peaks.bed"

The order is important. It evaluates from left to right. Always begin with the path exclusion.


Do not use -not (or !) to exclude whole directory. Use -prune. As explained in the manual:

-prune    The primary shall always evaluate as  true;  it
          shall  cause  find  not  to descend the current
          pathname if it is a directory.  If  the  -depth
          primary  is specified, the -prune primary shall
          have no effect.

and in the GNU find manual:

-path pattern
              To ignore  a  whole
              directory  tree,  use  -prune rather than checking
              every file in the tree.

Indeed, if you use -not -path "./pathname", find will evaluate the expression for each node under "./pathname".

find expressions are just condition evaluation.

  • \( \) - groups operation (you can use -path "./tmp" -prune -o -path "./scripts" -prune -o, but it is more verbose).
  • -path "./script" -prune - if -path returns true and is a directory, return true for that directory and do not descend into it.
  • -path "./script" ! -prune - it evaluates as (-path "./script") AND (! -prune). It revert the "always true" of prune to always false. It avoids printing "./script" as a match.
  • -path "./script" -prune -false - since -prune always returns true, you can follow it with -false to do the same than !.
  • -o - OR operator. If no operator is specified between two expressions, it defaults to AND operator.

Hence, \( -path "./tmp" -o -path "./scripts" \) -prune -o -name "*_peaks.bed" -print is expanded to:

[ (-path "./tmp" OR -path "./script") AND -prune ] OR ( -name "*_peaks.bed" AND print )

The print is important here because without it is expanded to:

{ [ (-path "./tmp" OR -path "./script" )  AND -prune ]  OR (-name "*_peaks.bed" ) } AND print

-print is added by find - that is why most of the time, you do not need to add it in you expression. And since -prune returns true, it will print "./script" and "./tmp".

It is not necessary in the others because we switched -prune to always return false.

Hint: You can use find -D opt expr 2>&1 1>/dev/null to see how it is optimized and expanded,
find -D search expr 2>&1 1>/dev/null to see which path is checked.

reactjs giving error Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined

For me I forgot default. So I wrote export class MyComponent instead of export default class MyComponent

Wrap long lines in Python

You could use the following code where indentation doesn't matter:

>>> def fun():
        return ('{0} Here is a really long'
        ' sentence with {1}').format(3, 5)

You just need to enclose string in the parentheses.

What is the python keyword "with" used for?

Explanation from the Preshing on Programming blog:

It’s handy when you have two related operations which you’d like to execute as a pair, with a block of code in between. The classic example is opening a file, manipulating the file, then closing it:

 with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
     f.write('Hi there!')

The above with statement will automatically close the file after the nested block of code. (Continue reading to see exactly how the close occurs.) The advantage of using a with statement is that it is guaranteed to close the file no matter how the nested block exits. If an exception occurs before the end of the block, it will close the file before the exception is caught by an outer exception handler. If the nested block were to contain a return statement, or a continue or break statement, the with statement would automatically close the file in those cases, too.

HTML5 LocalStorage: Checking if a key exists

Quoting from the specification:

The getItem(key) method must return the current value associated with the given key. If the given key does not exist in the list associated with the object then this method must return null.

You should actually check against null.

if (localStorage.getItem("username") === null) {

How to execute Table valued function

A TVF (table-valued function) is supposed to be SELECTed FROM. Try this:

select * from FN('myFunc')

Check which element has been clicked with jQuery

Another option can be to utilize the tagName property of the It doesn't apply exactly here, but let's say I have a class of something that's applied to either a DIV or an A tag, and I want to see if that class was clicked, and determine whether it was the DIV or the A that was clicked. I can do something like:

  if (( == 'a') {
    console.log('You clicked an A element.');
  } else { // DIV, we assume in this example
    console.log('You clicked a DIV element.');

how to print an exception using logger?

Try to log the stack trace like below:

logger.error("Exception :: " , e);

Select all from table with Laravel and Eloquent

There are 3 ways that one can do that.


$entireTable = TableModelName::all();


$posts = Posts::get(); 
  1. put this line before the class in the controller

    use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; // this will import the DB facade into your controller class

Now in the class

$posts = DB::table('posts')->get(); // it will get the entire table
  1. put this line before the class in the controller

    Same import the DB facade like method 2

Now in the controller

$posts = DB::select('SELECT * FROM posts');

Array from dictionary keys in swift

This answer will be for swift dictionary w/ String keys. Like this one below.

let dict: [String: Int] = ["hey": 1, "yo": 2, "sup": 3, "hello": 4, "whassup": 5]

Here's the extension I'll use.

extension Dictionary {
  func allKeys() -> [String] {
    guard self.keys.first is String else {
      debugPrint("This function will not return other hashable types. (Only strings)")
      return []
    return self.flatMap { (anEntry) -> String? in
                          guard let temp = anEntry.key as? String else { return nil }
                          return temp }

And I'll get all the keys later using this.

let componentsArray = dict.allKeys()

Resolving a Git conflict with binary files

You can also overcome this problem with

git mergetool

which causes git to create local copies of the conflicted binary and spawn your default editor on them:

  • {conflicted}.HEAD
  • {conflicted}
  • {conflicted}.REMOTE

Obviously you can't usefully edit binaries files in a text editor. Instead you copy the new {conflicted}.REMOTE file over {conflicted} without closing the editor. Then when you do close the editor git will see that the undecorated working-copy has been changed and your merge conflict is resolved in the usual way.

How to return value from function which has Observable subscription inside?

Observable values can be retrieved from any locations. The source sequence is first pushed onto a special observer that is able to emit elsewhere. This is achieved with the Subject class from the Reactive Extensions (RxJS).

var subject = new Rx.AsyncSubject();  // store-last-value method

Store value onto the observer.; // store value
subject.complete(); // publish only when sequence is completed

To retrieve the value from elsewhere, subscribe to the observer like so:

  next: (response) => {
      //do stuff. The property name "response" references the value

Subjects are both Observables and Observers. There are other Subject types such as BehaviourSubject and ReplaySubject for other usage scenarios.

Don't forget to import RxJS.

var Rx = require('rxjs');

Multiple models in a view

My advice is to make a big view model:

public BigViewModel
    public LoginViewModel LoginViewModel{get; set;}
    public RegisterViewModel RegisterViewModel {get; set;}

In your Index.cshtml, if for example you have 2 partials:

@addTagHelper *,Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers
@model .BigViewModel

@await Html.PartialAsync("_LoginViewPartial", Model.LoginViewModel)

@await Html.PartialAsync("_RegisterViewPartial ", Model.RegisterViewModel )

and in controller:

model=new BigViewModel();
model.LoginViewModel=new LoginViewModel();
model.RegisterViewModel=new RegisterViewModel(); 

Xcode error - Thread 1: signal SIGABRT

SIGABRT is, as stated in other answers, a general uncaught exception. You should definitely learn a little bit more about Objective-C. The problem is probably in your UITableViewDelegate method didSelectRowAtIndexPath.

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

I can't tell you much more until you show us something of the code where you handle the table data source and delegate methods.

Get href attribute on jQuery

var a_href = $('div.cpt').find('h2 a').attr('href');

should be

var a_href = $(this).find('div.cpt').find('h2 a').attr('href');

In the first line, your query searches the entire document. In the second, the query starts from your tr element and only gets the element underneath it. (You can combine the finds if you like, I left them separate to illustrate the point.)

How can I refresh or reload the JFrame?

Here's a short code that might help.

    <yourJFrameName> main = new <yourJFrameName>();    




will run the JFrame again.


will terminate the running window.

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

If you have MySQL as part of a Docker image (say on port 6606) and an Ubuntu install (on port 3306) specifying the port is not enough:

mysql -u root -p -P 6606

will throw:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

as it's trying to connect to localhost by default, specifying your local IP fixes the issue:

mysql -u root -p -P 6606 -h

HTML Agility pack - parsing tables

The most simple what I've found to get the XPath for a particular Element is to install FireBug extension for Firefox go to the site/webpage press F12 to bring up firebug; right select and right click the element on the page that you want to query and select "Inspect Element" Firebug will select the element in its IDE then right click the Element in Firebug and choose "Copy XPath" this function will give you the exact XPath Query you need to get the element you want using HTML Agility Library.

Python DNS module import error

I ran into the same issue with dnspython.

My solution was to build the source from their official GitHub project.

So my steps were:

git clone
cd dnspython/
python install

After doing this, I was able to import the dns module.


It seems the pip install doesn't work for this module. Install from source as described.

C# ASP.NET MVC Return to Previous Page

For ASP.NET Core You can use asp-route-* attribute:

<form asp-action="Login" asp-route-previous="@Model.ReturnUrl">

An example: Imagine that you have a Vehicle Controller with actions




and you can edit any vehicle from Index or from Details, so if you clicked edit from index you must return to index after edit and if you clicked edit from details you must return to details after edit.

//In your viewmodel add the ReturnUrl Property
public class VehicleViewModel
     public string ReturnUrl {get;set;}

<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="Details" asp-route-id="@Model.CarId">Edit</a>

<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="Index" asp-route-id="@item.CarId">Edit</a>

<form asp-action="Edit" asp-route-previous="@Model.ReturnUrl" class="form-horizontal">
        <div class="box-footer">
            <a asp-action="@Model.ReturnUrl" class="btn btn-default">Back to List</a>
            <button type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-warning pull-right">Save</button>

In your controller:

// GET: Vehicle/Edit/5
    public ActionResult Edit(int id,string previous)
            var model = this.UnitOfWork.CarsRepository.GetAllByCarId(id).FirstOrDefault();
            var viewModel = this.Mapper.Map<VehicleViewModel>(model);//if you using automapper
    //or by this code if you are not use automapper
    var viewModel = new VehicleViewModel();

    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previous)
                viewModel.ReturnUrl = previous;
                viewModel.ReturnUrl = "Index";
            return View(viewModel);

    public IActionResult Edit(VehicleViewModel model, string previous)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previous))
                model.ReturnUrl = previous;
                model.ReturnUrl = "Index";
            return RedirectToAction(model.ReturnUrl);

Swift Set to Array

I created a simple extension that gives you an unsorted Array as a property of Set in Swift 4.0.

extension Set {
    var array: [Element] {
        return Array(self)

If you want a sorted array, you can either add an additional computed property, or modify the existing one to suit your needs.

To use this, just call

let array = set.array

MySQL Query GROUP BY day / month / year

.... group by to_char(date, 'YYYY') --> 1989

.... group by to_char(date,'MM') -->05

.... group by to_char(date,'DD') --->23

.... group by to_char(date,'MON') --->MAY

.... group by to_char(date,'YY') --->89

How to get the public IP address of a user in C#

string IP = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"] ?? HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;

How do I delete an entity from symfony2

Symfony is smart and knows how to make the find() by itself :

public function deleteGuestAction(Guest $guest)
    if (!$guest) {
        throw $this->createNotFoundException('No guest found');

    $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();

    return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('GuestBundle:Page:viewGuests.html.twig'));

To send the id in your controller, use {{ path('your_route', {'id':}) }}

How to use basic authorization in PHP curl

$headers = array(
    'Authorization: Basic '. base64_encode($username.':'.$password),
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);

EC2 instance has no public DNS

Just launch another instance (and also delete the one in question if it has no use) and make sure this time you check "Autoatically assign a public IP address to your instance". If not then as slayedbylucifer suggested; assign an Elastic IP (EIP) to the instance and then log in using that IP. Be careful though, if you are running the free AWS tier, an EIP will cost you money-- that's a whole 'nother topic..

Getting a union of two arrays in JavaScript

You can use a jQuery plugin: jQuery Array Utilities

For example the code below

$.union([1, 2, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4, 5, 5])

will return [1,2,3,4,5]

How to make the python interpreter correctly handle non-ASCII characters in string operations?

s.replace(u'Â ', '')              # u before string is important

and make your .py file unicode.

What's the difference between the Window.Loaded and Window.ContentRendered events

I think there is little difference between the two events. To understand this, I created a simple example to manipulation:


<Window x:Class="LoadedAndContentRendered.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="1000" Width="525"

    <Grid Name="RootGrid">        

Code behind

private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

In this case the message Loaded appears the first after the message ContentRendered. This confirms the information in the documentation.

In general, in WPF the Loaded event fires if the element:

is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction.

Since in WPF the Window is the same element, but it should be generally content that is arranged in a root panel (for example: Grid). Therefore, to monitor the content of the Window and created an ContentRendered event. Remarks from MSDN:

If the window has no content, this event is not raised.

That is, if we create a Window:

<Window x:Class="LoadedAndContentRendered.MainWindow"
    Loaded="Window_Loaded" />

It will only works Loaded event.

With regard to access to the elements in the Window, they work the same way. Let's create a Label in the main Grid of Window. In both cases we have successfully received access to Width:

private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("ContentRendered: " + SampleLabel.Width.ToString());

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("Loaded: " + SampleLabel.Width.ToString());

As for the Styles and Templates, at this stage they are successfully applied, and in these events we will be able to access them.

For example, we want to add a Button:

private void Window_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("ContentRendered: " + SampleLabel.Width.ToString());

    Button b1 = new Button();
    b1.Content = "ContentRendered Button";
    b1.Height = 25;
    b1.Width = 200;
    b1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("Loaded: " + SampleLabel.Width.ToString());

    Button b1 = new Button();
    b1.Content = "Loaded Button";
    b1.Height = 25;
    b1.Width = 200;
    b1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

In the case of Loaded event, Button to add to Grid immediately at the appearance of the Window. In the case of ContentRendered event, Button to add to Grid after all its content will appear.

Therefore, if you want to add items or changes before load Window you must use the Loaded event. If you want to do the operations associated with the content of Window such as taking screenshots you will need to use an event ContentRendered.

matrix multiplication algorithm time complexity

The standard way of multiplying an m-by-n matrix by an n-by-p matrix has complexity O(mnp). If all of those are "n" to you, it's O(n^3), not O(n^2). EDIT: it will not be O(n^2) in the general case. But there are faster algorithms for particular types of matrices -- if you know more you may be able to do better.

In a javascript array, how do I get the last 5 elements, excluding the first element?

If you are using lodash, its even simpler with takeRight.

_.takeRight(arr, 5);

docker : invalid reference format

For others come to here:
If you happen to put your docker command in a file, say, check your line separator. In Linux, it should be LR, otherwise you would get the same error.

Responsive background image in div full width

I also tried this style for ionic hybrid app background. this is also having style for background blur effect.

.bg-image {
   position: absolute;
   background: url(../img/bglogin.jpg) no-repeat;
   height: 100%;
   width: 100%;
   background-size: cover;
   bottom: 0px;
   margin: 0 auto;
   background-position: 50%;

  -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
  -moz-filter: blur(5px);
  -o-filter: blur(5px);
  -ms-filter: blur(5px);
  filter: blur(5px);


How to manage startActivityForResult on Android?

How to check the result from the main activity?

You need to override Activity.onActivityResult() then check its parameters:

  • requestCode identifies which app returned these results. This is defined by you when you call startActivityForResult().
  • resultCode informs you whether this app succeeded, failed, or something different
  • data holds any information returned by this app. This may be null.

How can I remove a trailing newline?

I'm bubbling up my regular expression based answer from one I posted earlier in the comments of another answer. I think using re is a clearer more explicit solution to this problem than str.rstrip.

>>> import re

If you want to remove one or more trailing newline chars:

>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]+$', '', '\nx\r\n')

If you want to remove newline chars everywhere (not just trailing):

>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]+', '', '\nx\r\n')

If you want to remove only 1-2 trailing newline chars (i.e., \r, \n, \r\n, \n\r, \r\r, \n\n)

>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n\r\n')
>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n\r')
>>> re.sub(r'[\n\r]{1,2}$', '', '\nx\r\n')

I have a feeling what most people really want here, is to remove just one occurrence of a trailing newline character, either \r\n or \n and nothing more.

>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\n\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\r\n\r\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\r\n', count=1)
>>> re.sub(r'(?:\r\n|\n)$', '', '\nx\n', count=1)

(The ?: is to create a non-capturing group.)

(By the way this is not what '...'.rstrip('\n', '').rstrip('\r', '') does which may not be clear to others stumbling upon this thread. str.rstrip strips as many of the trailing characters as possible, so a string like foo\n\n\n would result in a false positive of foo whereas you may have wanted to preserve the other newlines after stripping a single trailing one.)

C# Error "The type initializer for ... threw an exception

I got this error when I modified an Nlog configuration file and didn't format the XML correctly.

Convert `List<string>` to comma-separated string

To expand on Jon Skeets answer the code for this in .Net 4 is:

string myCommaSeperatedString = string.Join(",",ls);

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

I think of two ways to test for the type of a value:

Method 1:

You can use the isNaN javascript method, which determines if a value is NaN or not. But because in your case you are testing a numerical value converted to string, Javascript is trying to guess the type of the value and converts it to the number 5 which is not NaN. That's why if you console.log out the result, you will be surprised that the code:

if (isNaN(i)) {
    console.log('This is not number');

will not return anything. For this reason a better alternative would be the method 2.

Method 2:

You may use javascript typeof method to test the type of a variable or value

if (typeof i != "number") {
    console.log('This is not number');

Notice that i'm using double equal operator, because in this case the type of the value is a string but Javascript internally will convert to Number.

A more robust method to force the value to numerical type is to use Number.isNaN which is part of new Ecmascript 6 (Harmony) proposal, hence not widespread and fully supported by different vendors.

java doesn't run if structure inside of onclick listener

both your conditions are the same:

if(s < f) {     calc = f - s;     n = s; }else if(f > s){     calc =  s - f;     n = f;  } 


if(s < f)   


}else if(f > s){ 

are the same

change to

}else if(f < s){ 

Precision String Format Specifier In Swift

Swift2 example: Screen width of iOS device formatting the Float removing the decimal

print(NSString(format: "Screen width = %.0f pixels", CGRectGetWidth(self.view.frame)))

How to escape apostrophe (') in MySql?

Standard SQL uses doubled-up quotes; MySQL has to accept that to be reasonably compliant.

'He said, "Don''t!"'

Python SQLite: database is locked

Turned out the problem happened because the path to the db file was actually a samba mounted dir. I moved it and that started working.

Stop Visual Studio from mixing line endings in files

see and

  1. If it does not exist, add a new file called .editorconfig for your project

  2. manipulate editor config to use your preferred behaviour.

I prefer spaces over tabs, and CRLF for all code files.
Here's my .editorconfig

root = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = crlf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true

trim_trailing_whitespace = false

indent_size = 4

indent_size = 2 

Is it safe to clean docker/overlay2/


/# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 39384516   9886300  80% /

Ok, let's first try system prune

#/ docker system prune --volumes
/# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 38613596  10657220  79% /

Not so great, seems like it cleaned up a few megabytes. Let's go crazy now:

/# sudo su
/# service docker stop
/# cd /var/lib/docker
/var/lib/docker# rm -rf *
/# service docker start
/var/lib/docker# df
/dev/xvda1      51467016 8086924  41183892  17% /

Nice! Just remember that this is NOT recommended in anything but a throw-away server. At this point Docker's internal database won't be able to find any of these overlays and it may cause unintended consequences.

How to show and update echo on same line

My favorite way is called do the sleep to 50. here i variable need to be used inside echo statements.

for i in $(seq 1 50); do
  echo -ne "$i%\033[0K\r"
  sleep 50
echo "ended"

SQL Server: Filter output of sp_who2

Slight improvement to Astander's answer. I like to put my criteria at top, and make it easier to reuse day to day:


    --SET @SPID = 10
    --SET @Status = 'BACKGROUND'
    --SET @LOGIN = 'sa'
    --SET @HostName = 'MSSQL-1'
    --SET @BlkBy = 0
    --SET @DBName = 'master'
    --SET @Command = 'SELECT INTO'
    --SET @CPUTime = 1000
    --SET @DiskIO = 1000
    --SET @LastBatch = '10/24 10:00:00'
    --SET @ProgramName = 'Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Query'
    --SET @SPID_1 = 10
    --SET @REQUESTID = 0

            SPID INT,
            Status VARCHAR(MAX),
            LOGIN VARCHAR(MAX),
            HostName VARCHAR(MAX),
            BlkBy VARCHAR(MAX),
            DBName VARCHAR(MAX),
            Command VARCHAR(MAX),
            CPUTime INT,
            DiskIO INT,
            LastBatch VARCHAR(MAX),
            ProgramName VARCHAR(MAX),
            SPID_1 INT,
            REQUESTID INT
    INSERT INTO @Table EXEC sp_who2
    SELECT  *
    FROM    @Table
    (@Spid IS NULL OR SPID = @Spid)
    AND (@Status IS NULL OR Status = @Status)
    AND (@Login IS NULL OR Login = @Login)
    AND (@HostName IS NULL OR HostName = @HostName)
    AND (@BlkBy IS NULL OR BlkBy = @BlkBy)
    AND (@DBName IS NULL OR DBName = @DBName)
    AND (@Command IS NULL OR Command = @Command)
    AND (@CPUTime IS NULL OR CPUTime >= @CPUTime)
    AND (@DiskIO IS NULL OR DiskIO >= @DiskIO)
    AND (@LastBatch IS NULL OR LastBatch >= @LastBatch)
    AND (@ProgramName IS NULL OR ProgramName = @ProgramName)

css to make bootstrap navbar transparent

This works for 4.0.

<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-sm fixed-top navbar-light">
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg fixed-top navbar-dark">

key item is fixed-top, otherwise, white or default page background is displayed even if there is a image top. navbar-light gives dark letters, navbar-dark shows light text.

Why does using an Underscore character in a LIKE filter give me all the results?

Modify your WHERE condition like this:

WHERE mycolumn LIKE '%\_%' ESCAPE '\'

This is one of the ways in which Oracle supports escape characters. Here you define the escape character with the escape keyword. For details see this link on Oracle Docs.

The '_' and '%' are wildcards in a LIKE operated statement in SQL.

The _ character looks for a presence of (any) one single character. If you search by columnName LIKE '_abc', it will give you result with rows having 'aabc', 'xabc', '1abc', '#abc' but NOT 'abc', 'abcc', 'xabcd' and so on.

The '%' character is used for matching 0 or more number of characters. That means, if you search by columnName LIKE '%abc', it will give you result with having 'abc', 'aabc', 'xyzabc' and so on, but no 'xyzabcd', 'xabcdd' and any other string that does not end with 'abc'.

In your case you have searched by '%_%'. This will give all the rows with that column having one or more characters, that means any characters, as its value. This is why you are getting all the rows even though there is no _ in your column values.

Shortest distance between a point and a line segment

Same as this answer, except in Visual Basic. Makes it usable as a User Defined Function in Microsoft Excel and VBA/macros.

The function returns the closest distance from point (x,y) to the segment defined by (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)

Function DistanceToSegment(x As Double, y As Double, x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double)

  Dim A As Double
  A = x - x1
  Dim B As Double
  B = y - y1
  Dim C  As Double
  C = x2 - x1
  Dim D As Double
  D = y2 - y1

  Dim dot As Double
  dot = A * C + B * D
  Dim len_sq As Double
  len_sq = C * C + D * D
  Dim param As Double
  param = -1

  If (len_sq <> 0) Then
      param = dot / len_sq
  End If

  Dim xx As Double
  Dim yy As Double

  If (param < 0) Then
    xx = x1
    yy = y1
  ElseIf (param > 1) Then
    xx = x2
    yy = y2
    xx = x1 + param * C
    yy = y1 + param * D
  End If

  Dim dx As Double
  dx = x - xx
  Dim dy As Double
  dy = y - yy

  DistanceToSegment = Math.Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)

End Function

Python unittest passing arguments

Have a same problem. My solution is after you handle with parsing arguments using argparse or other way, remove arguments from sys.argv

sys.argv = sys.argv[:1]  

If you need you can filter unittest arguments from main.parseArgs()

Getting NetworkCredential for current user (C#)

If the web service being invoked uses windows integrated security, creating a NetworkCredential from the current WindowsIdentity should be sufficient to allow the web service to use the current users windows login. However, if the web service uses a different security model, there isn't any way to extract a users password from the current identity ... that in and of itself would be insecure, allowing you, the developer, to steal your users passwords. You will likely need to provide some way for your user to provide their password, and keep it in some secure cache if you don't want them to have to repeatedly provide it.

Edit: To get the credentials for the current identity, use the following:

Uri uri = new Uri("");
ICredentials credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
NetworkCredential credential = credentials.GetCredential(uri, "Basic");

Select multiple elements from a list

mylist[c(5,7,9)] should do it.

You want the sublists returned as sublists of the result list; you don't use [[]] (or rather, the function is [[) for that -- as Dason mentions in comments, [[ grabs the element.

How to configure custom PYTHONPATH with VM and PyCharm?

In Intellij v2017.2 you can go to:

run > edit configurations > click ... next to the field 'Environment variables' > click the green + sign


value= your_python_path

Maven Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:

It was an Eclipse problem. When I tried to build it from the command line using

mvn package

it worked fine.

csv.Error: iterator should return strings, not bytes

I had this error when running an old python script developped with Python 2.6.4

When updating to 3.6.2, I had to remove all 'rb' parameters from open calls in order to fix this csv reading error.

Create an instance of a class from a string

To create an instance of a class from another project in the solution, you can get the assembly indicated by the name of any class (for example BaseEntity) and create a new instance:

  var newClass = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(BaseEntity)).CreateInstance("MyProject.Entities.User");

Hibernate vs JPA vs JDO - pros and cons of each?

I am using JPA (OpenJPA implementation from Apache which is based on the KODO JDO codebase which is 5+ years old and extremely fast/reliable). IMHO anyone who tells you to bypass the specs is giving you bad advice. I put the time in and was definitely rewarded. With either JDO or JPA you can change vendors with minimal changes (JPA has orm mapping so we are talking less than a day to possibly change vendors). If you have 100+ tables like I do this is huge. Plus you get built0in caching with cluster-wise cache evictions and its all good. SQL/Jdbc is fine for high performance queries but transparent persistence is far superior for writing your algorithms and data input routines. I only have about 16 SQL queries in my whole system (50k+ lines of code).

SQL - Create view from multiple tables

Are you using MySQL or PostgreSQL?

You want to use JOIN syntax, not UNION. For example, using INNER JOIN:

SELECT, POP.year, POP.pop,, INCOME.income

However, this will only show results when each country and year are present in all three tables. If this is not what you want, look into left outer joins (using the same link above).

SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column

As @Brian Riley already said you should either remove 1 column in your select

select countrylanguage.language ,sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage/100)
from countrylanguage
join country on countrylanguage.countrycode = country.code
group by countrylanguage.language
order by sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage) desc ;

or add it to your grouping

select countrylanguage.language, country.code, sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage/100)
from countrylanguage
join country on countrylanguage.countrycode = country.code
group by countrylanguage.language, country.code
order by sum(country.population*countrylanguage.percentage) desc ;

Deploying just HTML, CSS webpage to Tomcat

Here's my step in Ubuntu 16.04 and Tomcat 8.

  1. Copy folder /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT to your folder.

    cp -r /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/ROOT /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/{yourfolder}

  2. Add your html, css, js, to your folder.

  3. Open "http://localhost:8080/{yourfolder}" in browser


  1. If you using chrome web browser and did wrong folder before, then clean web browser's cache(or change another name) otherwise (sometimes) it always 404.

  2. The folder META-INF with context.xml is needed.

How do you embed binary data in XML?

Try Base64 encoding/decoding your binary data. Also look into CDATA sections

Convert Pandas DataFrame to JSON format

instead of using dataframe.to_json(orient = “records”) use dataframe.to_json(orient = “index”) my above code convert the dataframe into json format of dict like {index -> {column -> value}}

Pad a string with leading zeros so it's 3 characters long in SQL Server 2008

For a more dynamic approach try this.

declare @val varchar(5)
declare @maxSpaces int
set @maxSpaces = 3
set @val = '3'
select concat(REPLICATE('0',@maxSpaces-len(@val)),@val)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function pg_connect()

On Gentoo, use USE flag postgres in /etc/portage/make.conf and re emerge "emerge php"

What is the proper way to check and uncheck a checkbox in HTML5?

<input type="checkbox" checked />

HTML5 does not require attributes to have values

Removing empty lines in Notepad++

CTRL+A, Select the TextFX menu -> TextFX Edit -> Delete Blank Lines as suggested above works.

But if lines contains some space, then move the cursor to that line and do a CTRL + H. The "Find what:" sec will show the blank space and in the "Replace with" section, leave it blank. Now all the spaces are removed and now try CTRL+A, Select the TextFX menu -> TextFX Edit -> Delete Blank Lines

Export to CSV using jQuery and html


See below for an explanation.

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  function exportTableToCSV($table, filename) {_x000D_
    var $rows = $table.find('tr:has(td)'),_x000D_
      // Temporary delimiter characters unlikely to be typed by keyboard_x000D_
      // This is to avoid accidentally splitting the actual contents_x000D_
      tmpColDelim = String.fromCharCode(11), // vertical tab character_x000D_
      tmpRowDelim = String.fromCharCode(0), // null character_x000D_
      // actual delimiter characters for CSV format_x000D_
      colDelim = '","',_x000D_
      rowDelim = '"\r\n"',_x000D_
      // Grab text from table into CSV formatted string_x000D_
      csv = '"' + $, row) {_x000D_
        var $row = $(row),_x000D_
          $cols = $row.find('td');_x000D_
        return $, col) {_x000D_
          var $col = $(col),_x000D_
            text = $col.text();_x000D_
          return text.replace(/"/g, '""'); // escape double quotes_x000D_
      .split(tmpColDelim).join(colDelim) + '"';_x000D_
    // Deliberate 'false', see comment below_x000D_
    if (false && window.navigator.msSaveBlob) {_x000D_
      var blob = new Blob([decodeURIComponent(csv)], {_x000D_
        type: 'text/csv;charset=utf8'_x000D_
      // Crashes in IE 10, IE 11 and Microsoft Edge_x000D_
      // See MS Edge Issue #10396033_x000D_
      // Hence, the deliberate 'false'_x000D_
      // This is here just for completeness_x000D_
      // Remove the 'false' at your own risk_x000D_
      window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename);_x000D_
    } else if (window.Blob && window.URL) {_x000D_
      // HTML5 Blob        _x000D_
      var blob = new Blob([csv], {_x000D_
        type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8'_x000D_
      var csvUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);_x000D_
          'download': filename,_x000D_
          'href': csvUrl_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      // Data URI_x000D_
      var csvData = 'data:application/csv;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(csv);_x000D_
          'download': filename,_x000D_
          'href': csvData,_x000D_
          'target': '_blank'_x000D_
  // This must be a hyperlink_x000D_
  $(".export").on('click', function(event) {_x000D_
    // CSV_x000D_
    var args = [$('#dvData>table'), 'export.csv'];_x000D_
    exportTableToCSV.apply(this, args);_x000D_
    // If CSV, don't do event.preventDefault() or return false_x000D_
    // We actually need this to be a typical hyperlink_x000D_
a.export:visited {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  text-decoration: none;_x000D_
  color: #000;_x000D_
  background-color: #ddd;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  padding: 8px;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<a href="#" class="export">Export Table data into Excel</a>_x000D_
<div id="dvData">_x000D_
      <th>Column One</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column Two</th>_x000D_
      <th>Column Three</th>_x000D_
      <td>row1 Col1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row1 Col2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row1 Col3</td>_x000D_
      <td>row2 Col1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row2 Col2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row2 Col3</td>_x000D_
      <td>row3 Col1</td>_x000D_
      <td>row3 Col2</td>_x000D_
      <td>row3 Col3</td>_x000D_
      <td>row4 'Col1'</td>_x000D_
      <td>row4 'Col2'</td>_x000D_
      <td>row4 'Col3'</td>_x000D_
      <td>row5 &quot;Col1&quot;</td>_x000D_
      <td>row5 &quot;Col2&quot;</td>_x000D_
      <td>row5 &quot;Col3&quot;</td>_x000D_
      <td>row6 "Col1"</td>_x000D_
      <td>row6 "Col2"</td>_x000D_
      <td>row6 "Col3"</td>_x000D_

As of 2017

Now uses HTML5 Blob and URL as the preferred method with Data URI as a fallback.

On Internet Explorer

Other answers suggest window.navigator.msSaveBlob; however, it is known to crash IE10/Window 7 and IE11/Windows 10. Whether it works using Microsoft Edge is dubious (see Microsoft Edge issue ticket #10396033).

Merely calling this in Microsoft's own Developer Tools / Console causes the browser to crash:

navigator.msSaveBlob(new Blob(["hello"], {type: "text/plain"}), "test.txt");

?Four years after my first answer, new IE versions include IE10, IE11, and Edge. They all crash on a function that Microsoft invented (slow clap).

Add navigator.msSaveBlob support at your own risk.

As of 2013

Typically this would be performed using a server-side solution, but this is my attempt at a client-side solution. Simply dumping HTML as a Data URI will not work, but is a helpful step. So:

  1. Convert the table contents into a valid CSV formatted string. (This is the easy part.)
  2. Force the browser to download it. The approach would not work in Firefox, so I used <a href="{Data URI here}">.
  3. Assign a default file name using the <a> tag's download attribute, which only works in Firefox and Google Chrome. Since it is just an attribute, it degrades gracefully.



Browsers testing includes:

  • Firefox 20+, Win/Mac (works)
  • Google Chrome 26+, Win/Mac (works)
  • Safari 6, Mac (works, but filename is ignored)
  • IE 9+ (fails)

Content Encoding

The CSV is exported correctly, but when imported into Excel, the character ü is printed out as ä. Excel interprets the value incorrectly.

Introduce var csv = '\ufeff'; and then Excel 2013+ interprets the values correctly.

If you need compatibility with Excel 2007, add UTF-8 prefixes at each data value. See also:

Subprocess changing directory

If you want to have cd functionality (assuming shell=True) and still want to change the directory in terms of the Python script, this code will allow 'cd' commands to work.

import subprocess
import os

def cd(cmd):
    #cmd is expected to be something like "cd [place]"
    cmd = cmd + " && pwd" # add the pwd command to run after, this will get our directory after running cd
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) # run our new command
    out =
    err =
    # read our output
    if out != "":
        os.chdir(out[0:len(out) - 1]) # if we did get a directory, go to there while ignoring the newline 
    if err != "":
        print(err) # if that directory doesn't exist, bash/sh/whatever env will complain for us, so we can just use that

How to print SQL statement in codeigniter model

use get_compiled_select() to retrieve query instead of replace it

How organize uploaded media in WP?

The plugin Media File Manager advanced is amazing and allow you to create folders and subfolders very easily and move files with a simple drag & drop.

Check it at:

What is the Python 3 equivalent of "python -m SimpleHTTPServer"

The equivalent is:

python3 -m http.server

ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token) using cElementTree

A solution for gottcha for me, using Python's ElementTree... this has the invalid token error:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

xml = u"""<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf8'?>
<osm generator="pycrocosm server" version="0.6"><changeset created_at="2017-09-06T19:26:50.302136+00:00" id="273" max_lat="0.0" max_lon="0.0" min_lat="0.0" min_lon="0.0" open="true" uid="345" user="john"><tag k="test" v="????? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ??????????? ????? ?? ????? ???" /><tag k="foo" v="bar" /><discussion><comment data="2015-01-01T18:56:48Z" uid="1841" user="metaodi"><text>Did you verify those street names?</text></comment></discussion></changeset></osm>"""

xmltest = ET.fromstring(xml.encode("utf-8"))

However, it works with the addition of a hyphen in the encoding type:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

Most odd. Someone found this footnote in the python docs:

The encoding string included in XML output should conform to the appropriate standards. For example, “UTF-8” is valid, but “UTF8” is not.

How to add an extra row to a pandas dataframe

Try this:


Warning: this method works only if there are no "holes" in the index. For example, suppose you have a dataframe with three rows, with indices 0, 1, and 3 (for example, because you deleted row number 2). Then, len(df) = 3, so by the above command does not add a new row - it overrides row number 3.

How can I get the index from a JSON object with value?

You can use Array.findIndex.

var data= [{
  "name": "placeHolder",
  "section": "right"
}, {
  "name": "Overview",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "ByFunction",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "Time",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "allFit",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "allbMatches",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "allOffers",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "allInterests",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "allResponses",
  "section": "left"
}, {
  "name": "divChanged",
  "section": "right"
var index = data.findIndex(obj =>"allInterests");


No converter found capable of converting from type to type

Return ABDeadlineType from repository:

public interface ABDeadlineTypeRepository extends JpaRepository<ABDeadlineType, Long> {
    List<ABDeadlineType> findAllSummarizedBy();

and then convert to DeadlineType. Manually or use mapstruct.

Or call constructor from @Query annotation:

public interface DeadlineTypeRepository extends JpaRepository<ABDeadlineType, Long> {

    @Query("select new package.DeadlineType(, a.code) from ABDeadlineType a ")
    List<DeadlineType> findAllSummarizedBy();

Or use @Projection:

@Projection(name = "deadline", types = { ABDeadlineType.class })
public interface DeadlineType {

    String getId();

    String getText();


Update: Spring can work without @Projection annotation:

public interface DeadlineType {
    String getId();    
    String getText();

Why do I get the "Unhandled exception type IOException"?

You should add "throws IOException" to your main method:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

You can read a bit more about checked exceptions (which are specific to Java) in JLS.

How to determine the Schemas inside an Oracle Data Pump Export file

Step 1: Here is one simple example. You have to create a SQL file from the dump file using SQLFILE option.

Step 2: Grep for CREATE USER in the generated SQL file (here tables.sql)

Example here:

$ impdp directory=exp_dir dumpfile=exp_user1_all_tab.dmp  logfile=imp_exp_user1_tab sqlfile=tables.sql

Import: Release - Production on Fri Apr 26 08:29:06 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Username: / as sysdba

Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/PRE_SCHEMA/PROCACT_SCHEMA Job "SYS"."SYS_SQL_FILE_FULL_01" successfully completed at 08:29:12

$ grep "CREATE USER" tables.sql


Lot of datapump options explained here

Java swing application, close one window and open another when button is clicked

Here is an example:

enter image description here

enter image description here

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

public class StartupWindow extends JFrame implements ActionListener
    private JButton btn;

    public StartupWindow()
        super("Simple GUI");

        btn = new JButton("Open the other JFrame!");


    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        String cmd = e.getActionCommand();

            new AnotherJFrame();

    public static void main(String[] args)
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){

            public void run()
                new StartupWindow().setVisible(true);


import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;

public class AnotherJFrame extends JFrame
    public AnotherJFrame()
        super("Another GUI");

        add(new JLabel("Empty JFrame"));

Difference between onStart() and onResume()

Hopefully a simple explanation : -

onStart() -> called when the activity becomes visible, but might not be in the foreground (e.g. an AlertFragment is on top or any other possible use case).

onResume() -> called when the activity is in the foreground, or the user can interact with the Activity.

PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

If you do not need the SSL security then you might want to switch it off.

   * disable SSL
  private void disableSslVerification() {
    try {
      // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
      TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] {
          new X509TrustManager() {
            public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
              return null;

            public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs,
                String authType) {

            public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs,
                String authType) {
          } };

      // Install the all-trusting trust manager
      SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
      sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;

      // Create all-trusting host name verifier
      HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new HostnameVerifier() {
        public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
          return true;

      // Install the all-trusting host verifier
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
    } catch (KeyManagementException e) {

How to change values in a tuple?

First you need to ask, why you want to do this?

But it's possible via:

t = ('275', '54000', '0.0', '5000.0', '0.0')
lst = list(t)
lst[0] = '300'
t = tuple(lst)

But if you're going to need to change things, you probably are better off keeping it as a list

DateTime.TryParseExact() rejecting valid formats

Try C# 7.0

var Dob= DateTime.TryParseExact(s: YourDateString,format: "yyyyMMdd",provider: null,style: 0,out var dt)
 ? dt : DateTime.Parse("1800-01-01");

Is there an equivalent to e.PageX position for 'touchstart' event as there is for click event?

Kinda late, but you need to access the original event, not the jQuery massaged one. Also, since these are multi-touch events, other changes need to be made:

$('#box').live('touchstart', function(e) {
  var xPos = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;

If you want other fingers, you can find them in other indices of the touches list.


$(document).on('touchstart', '#box', function(e) {
  var xPos = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX;

What is deserialize and serialize in JSON?

In the context of data storage, serialization (or serialisation) is the process of translating data structures or object state into a format that can be stored (for example, in a file or memory buffer) or transmitted (for example, across a network connection link) and reconstructed later. [...]
The opposite operation, extracting a data structure from a series of bytes, is deserialization. From Wikipedia

In Python "serialization" does nothing else than just converting the given data structure (e.g. a dict) into its valid JSON pendant (object).

  • Python's True will be converted to JSONs true and the dictionary itself will then be encapsulated in quotes.
  • You can easily spot the difference between a Python dictionary and JSON by their Boolean values:
    • Python: True / False,
    • JSON: true / false
  • Python builtin module json is the standard way to do serialization:

Code example:

data = {
    "president": {
        "name": "Zaphod Beeblebrox",
        "species": "Betelgeusian",
        "male": True,

import json
json_data = json.dumps(data, indent=2) # serialize
restored_data = json.loads(json_data) # deserialize

# serialized json_data now looks like:
# {
#   "president": {
#     "name": "Zaphod Beeblebrox",
#     "species": "Betelgeusian",
#     "male": true
#   }
# }


My C# application is returning 0xE0434352 to Windows Task Scheduler but it is not crashing

I was referencing a mapped drive and I found that the mapped drives are not always available to the user account that is running the scheduled task so I used \\IPADDRESS instead of MAPDRIVELETTER: and I am up and running.

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

Fairly intuitive way of doing this:

a = [1,2,3,4]
b = [2,3,4,5]
ab = []                        #Create empty list
for i in range(0, len(a)):
     ab.append(a[i]*b[i])      #Adds each element to the list

How to re-enable right click so that I can inspect HTML elements in Chrome?

On the very left of the Chrome Developer Tools toolbar there is a button that lets you select an item to inspect regardless of context menu handlers. It looks like a square with arrow pointing to the center.

AngularJS UI Router - change url without reloading state


$state.go($state.current, {myParam: newValue}, {notify: false});

will still reload the controller, meaning you will lose state data.

To avoid it, simply declare the parameter as dynamic:

    name: 'myState',
    url: '/my_state?myParam',
    params: {
        myParam: {
          dynamic: true,    // <----------

Then you don't even need the notify, just calling

$state.go($state.current, {myParam: newValue})

suffices. Neato!

From the documentation:

When dynamic is true, changes to the parameter value will not cause the state to be entered/exited. The resolves will not be re-fetched, nor will views be reloaded.

This can be useful to build UI where the component updates itself when the param values change.

What is the closest thing Windows has to fork()?

I certainly don't know the details on this because I've never done it it, but the native NT API has a capability to fork a process (the POSIX subsystem on Windows needs this capability - I'm not sure if the POSIX subsystem is even supported anymore).

A search for ZwCreateProcess() should get you some more details - for example this bit of information from Maxim Shatskih:

The most important parameter here is SectionHandle. If this parameter is NULL, the kernel will fork the current process. Otherwise, this parameter must be a handle of the SEC_IMAGE section object created on the EXE file before calling ZwCreateProcess().

Though note that Corinna Vinschen indicates that Cygwin found using ZwCreateProcess() still unreliable:

Iker Arizmendi wrote:

> Because the Cygwin project relied solely on Win32 APIs its fork
> implementation is non-COW and inefficient in those cases where a fork
> is not followed by exec.  It's also rather complex. See here (section
> 5.6) for details:

This document is rather old, 10 years or so. While we're still using Win32 calls to emulate fork, the method has changed noticably. Especially, we don't create the child process in the suspended state anymore, unless specific datastructes need a special handling in the parent before they get copied to the child. In the current 1.5.25 release the only case for a suspended child are open sockets in the parent. The upcoming 1.7.0 release will not suspend at all.

One reason not to use ZwCreateProcess was that up to the 1.5.25 release we're still supporting Windows 9x users. However, two attempts to use ZwCreateProcess on NT-based systems failed for one reason or another.

It would be really nice if this stuff would be better or at all documented, especially a couple of datastructures and how to connect a process to a subsystem. While fork is not a Win32 concept, I don't see that it would be a bad thing to make fork easier to implement.

E: Unable to locate package npm

I ran into the same issue on Debian 9.2, this is what I did to overcome it.


sudo apt install curl
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo apt-get install -y npm

Check installed versions

node --version
npm --version

Originally sourced from "How to install Node.js LTS on Debian 9 stretch"

How do I get the coordinates of a mouse click on a canvas element?

First, as others have said, you need a function to get the position of the canvas element. Here's a method that's a little more elegant than some of the others on this page (IMHO). You can pass it any element and get its position in the document:

function findPos(obj) {
    var curleft = 0, curtop = 0;
    if (obj.offsetParent) {
        do {
            curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
            curtop += obj.offsetTop;
        } while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
        return { x: curleft, y: curtop };
    return undefined;

Now calculate the current position of the cursor relative to that:

$('#canvas').mousemove(function(e) {
    var pos = findPos(this);
    var x = e.pageX - pos.x;
    var y = e.pageY - pos.y;
    var coordinateDisplay = "x=" + x + ", y=" + y;

Notice that I've separated the generic findPos function from the event handling code. (As it should be. We should try to keep our functions to one task each.)

The values of offsetLeft and offsetTop are relative to offsetParent, which could be some wrapper div node (or anything else, for that matter). When there is no element wrapping the canvas they're relative to the body, so there is no offset to subtract. This is why we need to determine the position of the canvas before we can do anything else.

Similary, e.pageX and e.pageY give the position of the cursor relative to the document. That's why we subtract the canvas's offset from those values to arrive at the true position.

An alternative for positioned elements is to directly use the values of e.layerX and e.layerY. This is less reliable than the method above for two reasons:

  1. These values are also relative to the entire document when the event does not take place inside a positioned element
  2. They are not part of any standard

How to solve this java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream?


By default, Struts is using Apache “commons-io.jar” for its file upload process. To fix it, you have to include this library into your project dependency library folder.

  1. Get Directly

Get “commons-io.jar” from official website –

  1. Get From Maven

The prefer way is get the “commons-io.jar” from Maven repository

File : pom.xml


How do I install chkconfig on Ubuntu?

But how do I run this? I tried typing: sudo chkconfig.install which doesn't work.

I'm not sure where you got this package or what it contains; A url of download would be helpful. Without being able to look at the contents of chkconfig.install; I'm surprised to find a unix tool like chkconfig to be bundled in a zip archive, maybe it is still yet to be uncompressed, a tar.gz? but maybe it is a shell script?

I should suggest editing it and seeing what you are executing.

sh chkconfig.install or ./chkconfig.install ; which might work....but my suggestion would be to learn to use update-rc.d as the other answers have suggested but do not speak directly to the question...which is pretty hard to answer without being able to look at the data yourself.

"Could not get any response" response when using postman with subdomain

In my case the (corporate) proxy was using a self-signed SSL certificate which Postman disliked. I discovered it by activating View->Show Postman console and retrying the request. The console then showed the certificate error. In Settings->General I disabled SSL certificate verification.

Windows command to convert Unix line endings?

You can do this without additional tools in VBScript:

Do Until WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream
  WScript.StdOut.WriteLine WScript.StdIn.ReadLine

Put the above lines in a file unix2dos.vbs and run it like this:

cscript //NoLogo unix2dos.vbs <C:\path\to\input.txt >C:\path\to\output.txt

or like this:

type C:\path\to\input.txt | cscript //NoLogo unix2dos.vbs >C:\path\to\output.txt

You can also do it in PowerShell:

(Get-Content "C:\path\to\input.txt") -replace "`n", "`r`n" |
  Set-Content "C:\path\to\output.txt"

which could be further simplified to this:

(Get-Content "C:\path\to\input.txt") | Set-Content "C:\path\to\output.txt"

The above statement works without an explicit replacement, because Get-Content implicitly splits input files at any kind of linebreak (CR, LF, and CR-LF), and Set-Content joins the input array with Windows linebreaks (CR-LF) before writing it to a file.

How can I list all foreign keys referencing a given table in SQL Server?

Mysql server has information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS table FYI, you can filter it by table name or referenced table name.

How to compile python script to binary executable

Or use PyInstaller as an alternative to py2exe. Here is a good starting point. PyInstaller also lets you create executables for linux and mac...

Here is how one could fairly easily use PyInstaller to solve the issue at hand:


From the tool's documentation:

PyInstaller analyzes and:

  • Writes myscript.spec in the same folder as the script.
  • Creates a folder build in the same folder as the script if it does not exist.
  • Writes some log files and working files in the build folder.
  • Creates a folder dist in the same folder as the script if it does not exist.
  • Writes the myscript executable folder in the dist folder.

In the dist folder you find the bundled app you distribute to your users.

Multiple -and -or in PowerShell Where-Object statement

By wrapping your comparisons in {} in your first example you are creating ScriptBlocks; so the PowerShell interpreter views it as Where-Object { <ScriptBlock> -and <ScriptBlock> }. Since the -and operator operates on boolean values, PowerShell casts the ScriptBlocks to boolean values. In PowerShell anything that is not empty, zero or null is true. The statement then looks like Where-Object { $true -and $true } which is always true.

Instead of using {}, use parentheses ().

Also you want to use -eq instead of -match since match uses regex and will be true if the pattern is found anywhere in the string (try: 'xlsx' -match 'xls').

Invoke-Command -computername SERVERNAME { 
    Get-ChildItem -path E:\dfsroots\datastore2\public | 
        Where-Object {($_.extension -eq ".xls" -or $_.extension -eq ".xlk") -and ($_.creationtime -ge "06/01/2014")}

A better option is to filter the extensions at the Get-ChildItem command.

Invoke-Command -computername SERVERNAME { 
    Get-ChildItem -path E:\dfsroots\datastore2\public\* -Include *.xls, *.xlk | 
        Where-Object {$_.creationtime -ge "06/01/2014"}

Remove Unnamed columns in pandas dataframe

The approved solution doesn't work in my case, so my solution is the following one:

    ''' The column name in the example case is "Unnamed: 7"
 but it works with any other name ("Unnamed: 0" for example). '''

        df.rename({"Unnamed: 7":"a"}, axis="columns", inplace=True)

        # Then, drop the column as usual.

        df.drop(["a"], axis=1, inplace=True)

Hope it helps others.

What event handler to use for ComboBox Item Selected (Selected Item not necessarily changed)

Use SelectionChangeCommitted(object sender, EventArgs e) event here

How to Solve the XAMPP 1.7.7 - PHPMyAdmin - MySQL Error #2002 in Ubuntu

Go to phpMyAdmin/ edit the line

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'yourpassword';

This problem might occur due to setting of a password to root, thus phpmyadmin is not able to connect to the mysql database.

And the last thing change

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql';


$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysqli';

Now restart your server. and see.

writing integer values to a file using out.write()

Also you can use f-string formatting to write integer to file

For appending use following code, for writing once replace 'a' with 'w'.

for i in s_list:
    with open('path_to_file','a') as file:


How to check cordova android version of a cordova/phonegap project?

For getting all the info about the cordova package use this command:

npm info cordova

Redirecting to URL in Flask

You have to return a redirect:

import os
from flask import Flask,redirect

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return redirect("", code=302)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Bind to PORT if defined, otherwise default to 5000.
    port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000))'', port=port)

See the documentation on flask docs. The default value for code is 302 so code=302 can be omitted or replaced by other redirect code (one in 301, 302, 303, 305, and 307).

Validating with an XML schema in Python

As for "pure python" solutions: the package index lists:

  • pyxsd, the description says it uses xml.etree.cElementTree, which is not "pure python" (but included in stdlib), but source code indicates that it falls back to xml.etree.ElementTree, so this would count as pure python. Haven't used it, but according to the docs, it does do schema validation.
  • minixsv: 'a lightweight XML schema validator written in "pure" Python'. However, the description says "currently a subset of the XML schema standard is supported", so this may not be enough.
  • XSV, which I think is used for the W3C's online xsd validator (it still seems to use the old pyxml package, which I think is no longer maintained)

ASP.NET 2.0 - How to use app_offline.htm

Possible Permission Issue

I know this post is fairly old, but I ran into a similar issue and my file was spelled correctly.

I originally created the app_offline.htm file in another location and then moved it to the root of my application. Because of my setup I then had a permissions issue.

The website acted as if it was not there. Creating the file within the root directory instead of moving it, fixed my problem. (Or you could just fix the permission in properties->security)

Hope it helps someone.

Downloading and unzipping a .zip file without writing to disk

Use the zipfile module. To extract a file from a URL, you'll need to wrap the result of a urlopen call in a BytesIO object. This is because the result of a web request returned by urlopen doesn't support seeking:

from urllib.request import urlopen

from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile

zip_url = ''

with urlopen(zip_url) as f:
    with BytesIO( as b, ZipFile(b) as myzipfile:
        foofile ='foo.txt')

If you already have the file downloaded locally, you don't need BytesIO, just open it in binary mode and pass to ZipFile directly:

from zipfile import ZipFile

zip_filename = ''

with open(zip_filename, 'rb') as f:
    with ZipFile(f) as myzipfile:
        foofile ='foo.txt')

Again, note that you have to open the file in binary ('rb') mode, not as text or you'll get a zipfile.BadZipFile: File is not a zip file error.

It's good practice to use all these things as context managers with the with statement, so that they'll be closed properly.

Root password inside a Docker container

You can SSH in to docker container as root by using

docker exec -it --user root <container_id> /bin/bash

Then change root password using this

passwd root

Make sure sudo is installed check by entering


if it is not installed install it

apt-get install sudo

If you want to give sudo permissions for user dev you can add user dev to sudo group

usermod -aG sudo dev

Now you'll be able to run sudo level commands from your dev user while inside the container or else you can switch to root inside the container by using the password you set earlier.

To test it login as user dev and list the contents of root directory which is normally only accessible to the root user.

sudo ls -la /root

Enter password for dev

If your user is in the proper group and you entered the password correctly, the command that you issued with sudo should run with root privileges.

How should I cast in VB.NET?

At one time, I remember seeing the MSDN library state to use CStr() because it was faster. I do not know if this is true though.

Get Absolute Position of element within the window in wpf

Hm. You have to specify window you clicked in Mouse.GetPosition(IInputElement relativeTo) Following code works well for me

protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        Point p = e.GetPosition(this);

I suspect that you need to refer to the window not from it own class but from other point of the application. In this case Application.Current.MainWindow will help you.

Paging with Oracle

Just want to summarize the answers and comments. There are a number of ways doing a pagination.

Prior to oracle 12c there were no OFFSET/FETCH functionality, so take a look at whitepaper as the @jasonk suggested. It's the most complete article I found about different methods with detailed explanation of advantages and disadvantages. It would take a significant amount of time to copy-paste them here, so I won't do it.

There is also a good article from jooq creators explaining some common caveats with oracle and other databases pagination. jooq's blogpost

Good news, since oracle 12c we have a new OFFSET/FETCH functionality. OracleMagazine 12c new features. Please refer to "Top-N Queries and Pagination"

You may check your oracle version by issuing the following statement


When do you use varargs in Java?

A good rule of thumb would be:

"Use varargs for any method (or constructor) that needs an array of T (whatever type T may be) as input".

That will make calls to these methods easier (no need to do new T[]{...}).

You could extend this rule to include methods with a List<T> argument, provided that this argument is for input only (ie, the list is not modified by the method).

Additionally, I would refrain from using f(Object... args) because its slips towards a programming way with unclear APIs.

In terms of examples, I have used it in DesignGridLayout, where I can add several JComponents in one call:

layout.row().grid(new JLabel("Label")).add(field1, field2, field3);

In the code above the add() method is defined as add(JComponent... components).

Finally, the implementation of such methods must take care of the fact that it may be called with an empty vararg! If you want to impose at least one argument, then you have to use an ugly trick such as:

void f(T arg1, T... args) {...}

I consider this trick ugly because the implementation of the method will be less straightforward than having just T... args in its arguments list.

Hopes this helps clarifying the point about varargs.

Disable Proximity Sensor during call

edit build.prop in folder /system if below line is exist change the value and if not exist add this line and save.(device must be rooted)


Shortcuts in Objective-C to concatenate NSStrings

NSString *result=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@", @"Hello", @"World"];

Escaping Strings in JavaScript

You can also try this for the double quotes:

JSON.stringify(sDemoString).slice(1, -1);
JSON.stringify('my string with "quotes"').slice(1, -1);

How do I iterate through the files in a directory in Java?

I like to use Optional and streams to have a net and clear solution, i use the below code to iterate over a directory. the below cases are handled by the code:

  1. handle the case of empty directory
  2. Laziness

but as mentioned by others, you still have to pay attention for outOfMemory in case you have huge folders

    File directoryFile = new File("put your path here");
    Stream<File> files = Optional.ofNullable(directoryFile// directoryFile
                                                          .listFiles(File::isDirectory)) // filter only directories(change with null if you don't need to filter)
                                 .flatMap(Arrays::stream);// flatmap from Stream<File[]> to Stream<File>

MySQL Removing Some Foreign keys

As everyone said above, you can easily delete a FK. However, I just noticed that it can be necessary to drop the KEY itself at some point. If you have any error message to create another index like the last one, I mean with the same name, it would be useful dropping everything related to that index.

ALTER TABLE your_table_with_fk
  drop FOREIGN KEY name_of_your_fk_from_show_create_table_command_result,
  drop KEY the_same_name_as_above

Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection?

Yes, it is sufficient. The way injection type attacks work, is by somehow getting an interpreter (The database) to evaluate something, that should have been data, as if it was code. This is only possible if you mix code and data in the same medium (Eg. when you construct a query as a string).

Parameterised queries work by sending the code and the data separately, so it would never be possible to find a hole in that.

You can still be vulnerable to other injection-type attacks though. For example, if you use the data in a HTML-page, you could be subject to XSS type attacks.

Secure FTP using Windows batch script

First, make sure you understand, if you need to use Secure FTP (=FTPS, as per your text) or SFTP (as per tag you have used).

Neither is supported by Windows command-line ftp.exe. As you have suggested, you can use WinSCP. It supports both FTPS and SFTP.

Using WinSCP, your batch file would look like (for SFTP):

echo open sftp://ftp_user:[email protected] -hostkey="server's hostkey" >> ftpcmd.dat
echo put c:\directory\%1-export-%date%.csv >> ftpcmd.dat
echo exit >> ftpcmd.dat /script=ftpcmd.dat
del ftpcmd.dat

And the batch file: /log=ftpcmd.log /script=ftpcmd.dat /parameter %1 %date%

Though using all capabilities of WinSCP (particularly providing commands directly on command-line and the %TIMESTAMP% syntax), the batch file simplifies to: /log=ftpcmd.log /command ^
    "open sftp://ftp_user:[email protected] -hostkey=""server's hostkey""" ^
    "put c:\directory\%1-export-%%TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd%%.csv" ^

For the purpose of -hostkey switch, see verifying the host key in script.

Easier than assembling the script/batch file manually is to setup and test the connection settings in WinSCP GUI and then have it generate the script or batch file for you:

Generate batch file

All you need to tweak is the source file name (use the %TIMESTAMP% syntax as shown previously) and the path to the log file.

For FTPS, replace the sftp:// in the open command with ftpes:// (explicit TLS/SSL) or ftps:// (implicit TLS/SSL). Remove the -hostkey switch. /log=ftpcmd.log /command ^
    "open ftps://ftp_user:[email protected] -explicit" ^
    "put c:\directory\%1-export-%%TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd%%.csv" ^

You may need to add the -certificate switch, if your server's certificate is not issued by a trusted authority.

Again, as with the SFTP, easier is to setup and test the connection settings in WinSCP GUI and then have it generate the script or batch file for you.

See a complete conversion guide from ftp.exe to WinSCP.

You should also read the Guide to automating file transfers to FTP server or SFTP server.

Note to using %TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd% instead of %date%: A format of %date% variable value is locale-specific. So make sure you test the script on the same locale you are actually going to use the script on. For example on my Czech locale the %date% resolves to ct 06. 11. 2014, what might be problematic when used as a part of a file name.

For this reason WinSCP supports (locale-neutral) timestamp formatting natively. For example %TIMESTAMP#yyyymmdd% resolves to 20170515 on any locale.

(I'm the author of WinSCP)

How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP?

adb tcpip 5555

Weird, but this only works for me if I have the USB cable connected, then I can unplug the usb and go for it with everything else adb.

and the same when returning to usb,

adb usb

will only work if usb is connected.

It doesn't matter if I issue the

setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555


setprop service.adb.tcp.port -1

then stop & start adbd, I still need the usb cable in or it doesn't work.

So, if my ADB over usb wasn't working, I bet I wouldn't be able to enable ADB over WiFi either.

Python integer incrementing with ++

Yes. The ++ operator is not available in Python. Guido doesn't like these operators.

Darkening an image with CSS (In any shape)

if you want only the background-image to be affected, you can use a linear gradient to do that, just like this:

  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)), url(IMAGE_URL);

If you want it darker, make the alpha value higher, else you want it lighter, make alpha lower

Validate phone number with JavaScript

Where str could be any of these formarts: 555-555-5555 (555)555-5555 (555) 555-5555 555 555 5555 5555555555 1 555 555 5555

function telephoneCheck(str) {_x000D_
  var isphone = /^(1\s|1|)?((\(\d{3}\))|\d{3})(\-|\s)?(\d{3})(\-|\s)?(\d{4})$/.test(str);_x000D_
telephoneCheck("1 555 555 5555");

Preloading CSS Images

If the page elements and their background images are already in the DOM (i.e. you are not creating/changing them dynamically), then their background images will already be loaded. At that point, you may want to look at compression methods :)

Login to Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456

If you're trying to connect using "SQL Server Authentication" then you may want to modify your server authentication:

Within the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio in the object explorer:

  1. Right click on the server and click Properties

  2. Go to the Security page

  3. Under Server authentication choose the SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode radio button

  4. Click OK

  5. Restart SQL Services

Search for executable files using find command

You can use the -executable test flag:

              Matches files which are executable  and  directories  which  are
              searchable  (in  a file name resolution sense).

Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds

My need was to resize text in order to perfectly fit view bounds. Chase's solution only reduces text size, this one enlarges also the text if there is enough space.

To make all fast & precise i used a bisection method instead of an iterative while, as you can see in resizeText() method. That's why you have also a MAX_TEXT_SIZE option. I also included onoelle's tips.

Tested on Android 4.4

 *                    Version 2, December 2004
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <[email protected]>
 * Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
 * copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
 * as the name is changed.
 *  0. You just DO WHAT YOU WANT TO.

import android.content.Context;
import android.text.Layout.Alignment;
import android.text.StaticLayout;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.widget.TextView;

 * Text view that auto adjusts text size to fit within the view.
 * If the text size equals the minimum text size and still does not
 * fit, append with an ellipsis.
 * @author Chase Colburn
 * @since Apr 4, 2011
public class AutoResizeTextView extends TextView {

    // Minimum text size for this text view
    public static final float MIN_TEXT_SIZE = 26;

    // Maximum text size for this text view
    public static final float MAX_TEXT_SIZE = 128;

    private static final int BISECTION_LOOP_WATCH_DOG = 30;

    // Interface for resize notifications
    public interface OnTextResizeListener {
        public void onTextResize(TextView textView, float oldSize, float newSize);

    // Our ellipse string
    private static final String mEllipsis = "...";

    // Registered resize listener
    private OnTextResizeListener mTextResizeListener;

    // Flag for text and/or size changes to force a resize
    private boolean mNeedsResize = false;

    // Text size that is set from code. This acts as a starting point for resizing
    private float mTextSize;

    // Temporary upper bounds on the starting text size
    private float mMaxTextSize = MAX_TEXT_SIZE;

    // Lower bounds for text size
    private float mMinTextSize = MIN_TEXT_SIZE;

    // Text view line spacing multiplier
    private float mSpacingMult = 1.0f;

    // Text view additional line spacing
    private float mSpacingAdd = 0.0f;

    // Add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
    private boolean mAddEllipsis = true;

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    // Default constructor when inflating from XML file
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    // Default constructor override
    public AutoResizeTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * When text changes, set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size.
    protected void onTextChanged(final CharSequence text, final int start, final int before, final int after) {
        mNeedsResize = true;
        // Since this view may be reused, it is good to reset the text size

     * If the text view size changed, set the force resize flag to true
    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
        if (w != oldw || h != oldh) {
            mNeedsResize = true;

     * Register listener to receive resize notifications
     * @param listener
    public void setOnResizeListener(OnTextResizeListener listener) {
        mTextResizeListener = listener;

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(float size) {
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set text size to update our internal reference values
    public void setTextSize(int unit, float size) {
        super.setTextSize(unit, size);
        mTextSize = getTextSize();

     * Override the set line spacing to update our internal reference values
    public void setLineSpacing(float add, float mult) {
        super.setLineSpacing(add, mult);
        mSpacingMult = mult;
        mSpacingAdd = add;

     * Set the upper text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param maxTextSize
    public void setMaxTextSize(float maxTextSize) {
        mMaxTextSize = maxTextSize;

     * Return upper text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMaxTextSize() {
        return mMaxTextSize;

     * Set the lower text size limit and invalidate the view
     * @param minTextSize
    public void setMinTextSize(float minTextSize) {
        mMinTextSize = minTextSize;

     * Return lower text size limit
     * @return
    public float getMinTextSize() {
        return mMinTextSize;

     * Set flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @param addEllipsis
    public void setAddEllipsis(boolean addEllipsis) {
        mAddEllipsis = addEllipsis;

     * Return flag to add ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size
     * @return
    public boolean getAddEllipsis() {
        return mAddEllipsis;

     * Reset the text to the original size
    public void resetTextSize() {
        if(mTextSize > 0) {
            super.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, mTextSize);
            //mMaxTextSize = mTextSize;

     * Resize text after measuring
    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        if(changed || mNeedsResize) {
            int widthLimit = (right - left) - getCompoundPaddingLeft() - getCompoundPaddingRight();
            int heightLimit = (bottom - top) - getCompoundPaddingBottom() - getCompoundPaddingTop();
            resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);

     * Resize the text size with default width and height
    public void resizeText() {
        int heightLimit = getHeight() - getPaddingBottom() - getPaddingTop();
        int widthLimit = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
        resizeText(widthLimit, heightLimit);

     * Resize the text size with specified width and height
     * @param width
     * @param height
    public void resizeText(int width, int height) {
        CharSequence text = getText();
        // Do not resize if the view does not have dimensions or there is no text
        if(text == null || text.length() == 0 || height <= 0 || width <= 0 || mTextSize == 0) {

        // Get the text view's paint object
        TextPaint textPaint = getPaint();

        // Store the current text size
        float oldTextSize = textPaint.getTextSize();

        // Bisection method: fast & precise
        float lower = mMinTextSize;
        float upper = mMaxTextSize;
        int loop_counter=1;
        float targetTextSize = (lower+upper)/2;
        int textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);
        while(loop_counter < BISECTION_LOOP_WATCH_DOG && upper - lower > 1) {
            targetTextSize = (lower+upper)/2;
            textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);
            if(textHeight > height)
                upper = targetTextSize;
                lower = targetTextSize;

        targetTextSize = lower;
        textHeight = getTextHeight(text, textPaint, width, targetTextSize);

        // If we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit, append an ellipsis
        if(mAddEllipsis && targetTextSize == mMinTextSize && textHeight > height) {
            // Draw using a static layout
            // modified: use a copy of TextPaint for measuring
            TextPaint paintCopy = new TextPaint(textPaint);
            StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(text, paintCopy, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, false);
            // Check that we have a least one line of rendered text
            if(layout.getLineCount() > 0) {
                // Since the line at the specific vertical position would be cut off,
                // we must trim up to the previous line
                int lastLine = layout.getLineForVertical(height) - 1;
                // If the text would not even fit on a single line, clear it
                if(lastLine < 0) {
                // Otherwise, trim to the previous line and add an ellipsis
                else {
                    int start = layout.getLineStart(lastLine);
                    int end = layout.getLineEnd(lastLine);
                    float lineWidth = layout.getLineWidth(lastLine);
                    float ellipseWidth = paintCopy.measureText(mEllipsis);

                    // Trim characters off until we have enough room to draw the ellipsis
                    while(width < lineWidth + ellipseWidth) {
                        lineWidth = paintCopy.measureText(text.subSequence(start, --end + 1).toString());
                    setText(text.subSequence(0, end) + mEllipsis);

        // Some devices try to auto adjust line spacing, so force default line spacing
        // and invalidate the layout as a side effect
        setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, targetTextSize);
        setLineSpacing(mSpacingAdd, mSpacingMult);

        // Notify the listener if registered
        if(mTextResizeListener != null) {
            mTextResizeListener.onTextResize(this, oldTextSize, targetTextSize);

        // Reset force resize flag
        mNeedsResize = false;

    // Set the text size of the text paint object and use a static layout to render text off screen before measuring
    private int getTextHeight(CharSequence source, TextPaint originalPaint, int width, float textSize) {
        // modified: make a copy of the original TextPaint object for measuring
        // (apparently the object gets modified while measuring, see also the
        // docs for TextView.getPaint() (which states to access it read-only)
        TextPaint paint = new TextPaint(originalPaint);
        // Update the text paint object
        // Measure using a static layout
        StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(source, paint, width, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, true);
        return layout.getHeight();


adb command for getting ip address assigned by operator

You can get the device ip address by this way:

adb shell ip route > addrs.txt
#Case 1:Nexus 7
# dev wlan0  proto kernel  scope link  src

#Case 2: Smartsian T1,Huawei C8813
#default via dev eth0  metric 30
# via dev eth0  metric 30
# via dev eth0  metric 30
# dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src metric 30
# dev eth0  scope link  metric 30

ip_addrs=$(awk {'if( NF >=9){print $9;}'} addrs.txt)

echo "the device ip address is $ip_addrs"

How do you return a JSON object from a Java Servlet

Just write a string to the output stream. You might set the MIME-type to text/javascript (edit: application/json is apparently officialer) if you're feeling helpful. (There's a small but nonzero chance that it'll keep something from messing it up someday, and it's a good practice.)

Hide axis values but keep axis tick labels in matplotlib

Not sure this is the best way, but you can certainly replace the tick labels like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = range(10)
y = range(10)
plt.xticks(x," ")

In Python 3.4 this generates a simple line plot with no tick labels on the x-axis. A simple example is here:

This related question also has some better suggestions: Hiding axis text in matplotlib plots

I'm new to python. Your mileage may vary in earlier versions. Maybe others can help?