Programs & Examples On #Cpu registers

CPU registers are small, fast memory storage used by processors to hold data that is being immediately worked with.

How do AX, AH, AL map onto EAX?

| 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 | ------> EAX

|                     0100 0101 0110 0111 | ------> AX

|                               0110 0111 | ------> AL

|                     0100 0101           | ------> AH

How to print register values in GDB?

info registers shows all the registers; info registers eax shows just the register eax. The command can be abbreviated as i r

What are callee and caller saved registers?

Caller-Saved (AKA volatile or call-clobbered) Registers

  • The values in caller-saved registers are short term and are not preserved from call to call  
  • It holds temporary (i.e. short term) data

Callee-Saved (AKA non-volatile or call-preserved) Registers

  • The callee-saved registers hold values across calls and are long term
  • It holds non-temporary (i.e. long term) data that is used through multiple functions/calls

SQL Server: How to use UNION with two queries that BOTH have a WHERE clause?

Notice that each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns. The columns must also have similar data types. Also, the columns in each SELECT statement must be in the same order. you are selecting

t1.ID, t2.ReceivedDate from Table t1


t2.ID from Table t2

which is incorrect.

so you have to write

t1.ID, t1.ReceivedDate from Table t1 union t2.ID, t2.ReceivedDate from Table t1

you can use sub query here

 SELECT tbl1.ID, tbl1.ReceivedDate FROM
      (select top 2 t1.ID, t1.ReceivedDate
      from tbl1 t1
      where t1.ItemType = 'TYPE_1'
      order by ReceivedDate desc
      ) tbl1 
    SELECT tbl2.ID, tbl2.ReceivedDate FROM
     (select top 2 t2.ID, t2.ReceivedDate
      from tbl2 t2
      where t2.ItemType = 'TYPE_2'
      order by t2.ReceivedDate desc
     ) tbl2 

so it will return only distinct values by default from both table.

Pass a PHP string to a JavaScript variable (and escape newlines)

Don't run it though addslashes(); if you're in the context of the HTML page, the HTML parser can still see the </script> tag, even mid-string, and assume it's the end of the JavaScript:

    $value = 'XXX</script><script>alert(document.cookie);</script>';

<script type="text/javascript">
    var foo = <?= json_encode($value) ?>; // Use this
    var foo = '<?= addslashes($value) ?>'; // Avoid, allows XSS!

Easy way to password-protect php page

This helped me a lot and save me much time, its easy to use, and work well, i've even take the risque of change it and it still works.

Fairly good if you dont want to lost to much time on doing it :)

Fiddler not capturing traffic from browsers

I had the same problem, but it turned out to be a chrome extension called hola (or Proxy SwitchySharp), that messed with the proxy settings. Removing Hola fixed the problem

How to attach a file using mail command on Linux?

Using ubuntu 10.4, this is how the mutt solution is written

echo | mutt -a -- [email protected]

SQL error "ORA-01722: invalid number"

As this error comes when you are trying to insert non-numeric value into a numeric column in db it seems that your last field might be numeric and you are trying to send it as a string in database. check your last value.

MongoDB - Update objects in a document's array (nested updating)

For question #1, let's break it into two parts. First, increment any document that has "items.item_name" equal to "my_item_two". For this you'll have to use the positional "$" operator. Something like: {user_id : 123456 , "items.item_name" : "my_item_two" } , 
                {$inc : {"items.$.price" : 1} } , 
                false , 

Note that this will only increment the first matched subdocument in any array (so if you have another document in the array with "item_name" equal to "my_item_two", it won't get incremented). But this might be what you want.

The second part is trickier. We can push a new item to an array without a "my_item_two" as follows: {user_id : 123456, "items.item_name" : {$ne : "my_item_two" }} , 
                {$addToSet : {"items" : {'item_name' : "my_item_two" , 'price' : 1 }} } ,
                false , 

For your question #2, the answer is easier. To increment the total and the price of item_three in any document that contains "my_item_three," you can use the $inc operator on multiple fields at the same time. Something like: {"items.item_name" : {$ne : "my_item_three" }} ,
               {$inc : {total : 1 , "items.$.price" : 1}} ,
               false ,

How to prevent a file from direct URL Access?

Based on your comments looks like this is what you need:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(www\.)?localhost/ [NC] 
RewriteRule \.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ - [F,NC]

I have tested it on my localhost and it seems to be working fine.

List only stopped Docker containers

docker container list -f "status=exited"


docker container ls -f "status=exited"


 docker ps -f "status=exited"

HTML Drag And Drop On Mobile Devices

jQuery UI Touch Punch just solves it all.

It's a Touch Event Support for jQuery UI. Basically, it just wires touch event back to jQuery UI. Tested on iPad, iPhone, Android and other touch-enabled mobile devices. I used jQuery UI sortable and it works like a charm.

How to change the window title of a MATLAB plotting figure?

First you must create an empty figure with the following command.

figure('name','Title of the window here');

By doing this, the newly created figure becomes you active figure. Immediately after calling a plot() command, it will print your plotting onto this figure. So your window will have a title.

This is the code you must use:

figure('name','Title of the window here');

hold on

x = [0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1; 1.2; 1.4; 1.6; 1.8; 2; 2.2; 2.4; 2.6; 2.8; 3; 3.2; 3.4; 3.6; 3.8; 4; 4.2; 4.4; 4.6; 4.8; 5; 5.2; 5.4; 5.6; 5.8; 6; 6.2; 6.4; 6.6; 6.8; 7; 7.2; 7.4; 7.6; 7.8; 8; 8.2; 8.4; 8.6; 8.8; 9; 9.2; 9.4; 9.6; 9.8; 10; 10.2; 10.4; 10.6; 10.8; 11; 11.2; 11.4; 11.6; 11.8; 12; 12.2; 12.4; 12.6; 12.8; 13; 13.2; 13.4; 13.6; 13.8; 14; 14.2; 14.4; 14.6; 14.8; 15; 15.2; 15.4; 15.6; 15.8; 16; 16.2; 16.4; 16.6; 16.8; 17; 17.2; 17.4; 17.6; 17.8; 18; 18.2; 18.4; 18.6; 18.8];
y = [0; 0.198669; 0.389418; 0.564642; 0.717356; 0.841471; 0.932039; 0.98545; 0.999574; 0.973848; 0.909297; 0.808496; 0.675463; 0.515501; 0.334988; 0.14112; -0.0583741; -0.255541; -0.44252; -0.611858; -0.756802; -0.871576; -0.951602; -0.993691; -0.996165; -0.958924; -0.883455; -0.772764; -0.631267; -0.464602; -0.279415; -0.0830894; 0.116549; 0.311541; 0.494113; 0.656987; 0.793668; 0.898708; 0.96792; 0.998543; 0.989358; 0.940731; 0.854599; 0.734397; 0.584917; 0.412118; 0.22289; 0.0247754; -0.174327; -0.366479; -0.544021; -0.699875; -0.827826; -0.922775; -0.980936; -0.99999; -0.979178; -0.919329; -0.822829; -0.693525; -0.536573; -0.358229; -0.165604; 0.033623; 0.23151; 0.420167; 0.592074; 0.740376; 0.859162; 0.943696; 0.990607; 0.998027; 0.965658; 0.894791; 0.788252; 0.650288; 0.486399; 0.303118; 0.107754; -0.0919069; -0.287903; -0.472422; -0.638107; -0.778352; -0.887567; -0.961397; -0.9969; -0.992659; -0.948844; -0.867202; -0.750987; -0.604833; -0.434566; -0.246974; -0.0495356];
plot(x, y, '--b');

x = [0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1; 1.2; 1.4; 1.6; 1.8; 2; 2.2; 2.4; 2.6; 2.8; 3; 3.2; 3.4; 3.6; 3.8; 4; 4.2; 4.4; 4.6; 4.8; 5; 5.2; 5.4; 5.6; 5.8; 6; 6.2; 6.4; 6.6; 6.8; 7; 7.2; 7.4; 7.6; 7.8; 8; 8.2; 8.4; 8.6; 8.8; 9; 9.2; 9.4; 9.6; 9.8; 10; 10.2; 10.4; 10.6; 10.8; 11; 11.2; 11.4; 11.6; 11.8; 12; 12.2; 12.4; 12.6; 12.8; 13; 13.2; 13.4; 13.6; 13.8; 14; 14.2; 14.4; 14.6; 14.8; 15; 15.2; 15.4; 15.6; 15.8; 16; 16.2; 16.4; 16.6; 16.8; 17; 17.2; 17.4; 17.6; 17.8; 18; 18.2; 18.4; 18.6; 18.8];
y = [-1; -0.980133; -0.921324; -0.825918; -0.697718; -0.541836; -0.364485; -0.172736; 0.0257666; 0.223109; 0.411423; 0.583203; 0.731599; 0.850695; 0.935744; 0.983355; 0.991629; 0.960238; 0.890432; 0.784994; 0.648128; 0.48529; 0.302972; 0.108443; -0.0905427; -0.286052; -0.470289; -0.635911; -0.776314; -0.885901; -0.960303; -0.996554; -0.993208; -0.950399; -0.869833; -0.754723; -0.609658; -0.44042; -0.253757; -0.057111; 0.141679; 0.334688; 0.514221; 0.673121; 0.805052; 0.904756; 0.968256; 0.993023; 0.978068; 0.923987; 0.832937; 0.708548; 0.555778; 0.380717; 0.190346; -0.00774649; -0.205663; -0.395514; -0.56973; -0.721365; -0.844375; -0.933855; -0.986238; -0.999436; -0.972923; -0.907755; -0.806531; -0.673287; -0.513333; -0.333047; -0.139617; 0.0592467; 0.255615; 0.44166; 0.609964; 0.753818; 0.867487; 0.946439; 0.987526; 0.989111; 0.95113; 0.875097; 0.764044; 0.622398; 0.455806; 0.27091; 0.0750802; -0.123876; -0.318026; -0.499631; -0.66145; -0.797032; -0.900972; -0.969126; -0.998776];
plot(x, y, '-r');

hold off

title('My plot title');
xlabel('My x-axis title');
ylabel('My y-axis title');

Colorplot of 2D array matplotlib

I'm afraid your posted example is not working, since X and Y aren't defined. So instead of pcolormesh let's use imshow:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

H = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
              [5, 6, 7, 8],
              [9, 10, 11, 12],
              [13, 14, 15, 16]])  # added some commas and array creation code

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3.2))

ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

cax = fig.add_axes([0.12, 0.1, 0.78, 0.8])

filtering NSArray into a new NSArray in Objective-C

NSArray and NSMutableArray provide methods to filter array contents. NSArray provides filteredArrayUsingPredicate: which returns a new array containing objects in the receiver that match the specified predicate. NSMutableArray adds filterUsingPredicate: which evaluates the receiver’s content against the specified predicate and leaves only objects that match. These methods are illustrated in the following example.

NSMutableArray *array =
    [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:@"Bill", @"Ben", @"Chris", @"Melissa", nil];

NSPredicate *bPredicate =
    [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF beginswith[c] 'b'"];
NSArray *beginWithB =
    [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:bPredicate];
// beginWithB contains { @"Bill", @"Ben" }.

NSPredicate *sPredicate =
    [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF contains[c] 's'"];
[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:sPredicate];
// array now contains { @"Chris", @"Melissa" }

How to sort an array in Bash

If you don't need to handle special shell characters in the array elements:

array=(a c b f 3 5)
sorted=($(printf '%s\n' "${array[@]}"|sort))

With bash you'll need an external sorting program anyway.

With zsh no external programs are needed and special shell characters are easily handled:

% array=('a a' c b f 3 5); printf '%s\n' "${(o)array[@]}" 
a a

ksh has set -s to sort ASCIIbetically.

Check if item is in an array / list

You have to use .values for arrays. for example say you have dataframe which has a column name ie, test['Name'], you can do

if name in test['Name'].values :

for a normal list you dont have to use .values

Correct format specifier to print pointer or address?

Use %p, for "pointer", and don't use anything else*. You aren't guaranteed by the standard that you are allowed to treat a pointer like any particular type of integer, so you'd actually get undefined behaviour with the integral formats. (For instance, %u expects an unsigned int, but what if void* has a different size or alignment requirement than unsigned int?)

*) [See Jonathan's fine answer!] Alternatively to %p, you can use pointer-specific macros from <inttypes.h>, added in C99.

All object pointers are implicitly convertible to void* in C, but in order to pass the pointer as a variadic argument, you have to cast it explicitly (since arbitrary object pointers are only convertible, but not identical to void pointers):

printf("x lives at %p.\n", (void*)&x);

Composer install error - requires ext_curl when it's actually enabled

In my case I moved from PHP5 to PHP7 and I ve got this error, Simply go to your /bin/php/php7/php.ini , then uncomment extension=php_curl.dll and restart your server, re-run your composer install.

LINQ: combining join and group by

I met the same problem as you.

I push two tables result into t1 object and group t1.

 from p in Products                         
  join bp in BaseProducts on p.BaseProductId equals bp.Id
  select new {
  } into t1
 group t1 by t1.p.SomeId into g
 select new ProductPriceMinMax { 
  SomeId = g.FirstOrDefault().p.SomeId, 
  CountryCode = g.FirstOrDefault().p.CountryCode, 
  MinPrice = g.Min(m => m.bp.Price), 
  MaxPrice = g.Max(m => m.bp.Price),
  BaseProductName = g.FirstOrDefault().bp.Name

Start redis-server with config file

I think that you should make the reference to your config file

26399:C 16 Jan 08:51:13.413 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use ./redis-server /path/to/redis.conf

you can try to start your redis server like

./redis-server /path/to/redis-stable/redis.conf

How do I convert from int to Long in Java?

We shall get the long value by using Number reference.

public static long toLong(Number number){
    return number.longValue();

It works for all number types, here is a test:

public static void testToLong() throws Exception {
    assertEquals(0l, toLong(0));   // an int
    assertEquals(0l, toLong((short)0)); // a short
    assertEquals(0l, toLong(0l)); // a long
    assertEquals(0l, toLong((long) 0)); // another long
    assertEquals(0l, toLong(0.0f));  // a float
    assertEquals(0l, toLong(0.0));  // a double


What does MissingManifestResourceException mean and how to fix it?

I had this problem when I added another class in the file just before the class which derived from Form. Adding it after fixed the problem.

Combine two data frames by rows (rbind) when they have different sets of columns

An alternative with data.table:

df1 = data.frame(a = c(1:5), b = c(6:10))
df2 = data.frame(a = c(11:15), b = c(16:20), c = LETTERS[1:5])
rbindlist(list(df1, df2), fill = TRUE)

rbind will also work in data.table as long as the objects are converted to data.table objects, so

rbind(setDT(df1), setDT(df2), fill=TRUE)

will also work in this situation. This can be preferable when you have a couple of data.tables and don't want to construct a list.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xa5 in position 0: invalid start byte

This solution worked for me:

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv("training.csv", encoding = 'unicode_escape')

Convert a date format in PHP

$newDate = preg_replace("/(\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)/","$3-$2-$1",$originalDate);

This code works for every date format.

You can change the order of replacement variables such $3-$1-$2 due to your old date format.

Inline IF Statement in C#

You can do inline ifs with

return y == 20 ? 1 : 2;

which will give you 1 if true and 2 if false.

What's the HTML to have a horizontal space between two objects?

I think what you mean is putting 2 paragraphs (for example) in 2 columns instead of one below the other? In that case, I think float is your solution.

<div style="float: left"> <!-- would cause this to hang on the left -->
<div style="float: right"> <!-- would cause this to hang on the right-->

Here's an example: SSL handshake aborted: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error

My Answer is close to the above answers but you need to write the class exactly without changing anything.

public class TLSSocketFactory extends SSLSocketFactory {

private SSLSocketFactory delegate;

public TLSSocketFactory() throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
    context.init(null, null, null);
    delegate = context.getSocketFactory();

public String[] getDefaultCipherSuites() {
    return delegate.getDefaultCipherSuites();

public String[] getSupportedCipherSuites() {
    return delegate.getSupportedCipherSuites();

public Socket createSocket() throws IOException {
    return enableTLSOnSocket(delegate.createSocket());

public Socket createSocket(Socket s, String host, int port, boolean autoClose) throws IOException {
    return enableTLSOnSocket(delegate.createSocket(s, host, port, autoClose));

public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
    return enableTLSOnSocket(delegate.createSocket(host, port));

public Socket createSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress localHost, int localPort) throws IOException, UnknownHostException {
    return enableTLSOnSocket(delegate.createSocket(host, port, localHost, localPort));

public Socket createSocket(InetAddress host, int port) throws IOException {
    return enableTLSOnSocket(delegate.createSocket(host, port));

public Socket createSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddress, int localPort) throws IOException {
    return enableTLSOnSocket(delegate.createSocket(address, port, localAddress, localPort));

private Socket enableTLSOnSocket(Socket socket) {
    if(socket != null && (socket instanceof SSLSocket)) {
        ((SSLSocket)socket).setEnabledProtocols(new String[] {"TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"});
    return socket;


and to use it with HttpsURLConnection

HttpsURLConnection  conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();

int sdk = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
            if (sdk < Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
                if (url.toString().startsWith("https")) {
                    try {
                        TLSSocketFactory sc = new TLSSocketFactory();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        String sss = e.toString();

What is the best way to paginate results in SQL Server

Use case wise the following seem to be easy to use and fast. Just set the page number.

use AdventureWorks
DECLARE @RowsPerPage INT = 10, @PageNumber INT = 6;
with result as(
SELECT SalesOrderDetailID, SalesOrderID, ProductID,
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
where 1=1
select SalesOrderDetailID, SalesOrderID, ProductID from result
WHERE result.RowNum BETWEEN ((@PageNumber-1)*@RowsPerPage)+1
AND @RowsPerPage*(@PageNumber)

also without CTE

use AdventureWorks
DECLARE @RowsPerPage INT = 10, @PageNumber INT = 6
SELECT SalesOrderDetailID, SalesOrderID, ProductID
SELECT SalesOrderDetailID, SalesOrderID, ProductID,
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
where 1=1
WHERE SOD.RowNum BETWEEN ((@PageNumber-1)*@RowsPerPage)+1
AND @RowsPerPage*(@PageNumber)

String to byte array in php

In PHP, strings are bytestreams. What exactly are you trying to do?

Re: edit

Ps. Why do I need this at all!? Well I need to send via fputs() bytearray to server written in java...

fputs takes a string as argument. Most likely, you just need to pass your string to it. On the Java side of things, you should decode the data in whatever encoding, you're using in php (the default is iso-8859-1).

How do I get my solution in Visual Studio back online in TFS?

Go to File > Source Control > Go Online, select the files you changed, and finish the process.

Access to the path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myapp\App_Data' is denied

For me i had already created a folder with name excel in wwroot D:\working directory\OnlineExam\wwwroot\excel And i was trying to copy a file with name excel which was already existing as a folder name. the path which was required was D:\working directory\OnlineExam\wwwroot\excel\finance.csv so according i changed the code as below

string copyPath = Path.Combine(_webHostEnvironment.WebRootPath, "excel\\finance");
                    questionExcelUpload.Upload.CopyTo(new FileStream(copyPath, FileMode.Create));

Basically check if a folder or a file with same name as your path exist already.

Hide particular div onload and then show div after click

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#preview').on('click', function() {
        $('#div1').hide(300, function() { // first hide div1
            // then show div2

You missed # before div2

Working Sample

Byte Array and Int conversion in Java

Instead of allocating space, et al, an approach using ByteBuffer from java.nio....

byte[] arr = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x01};

// say we want to consider indices 1, 2, 3, 4 {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48};
ByteBuffer bf = ByteBuffer.wrap(arr, 1, 4); // big endian by default
int num = bf.getInt();    // 72

Now, to go the other way.

ByteBuffer newBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
byte[] bytes = newBuf.array();  // [0, 0, 0, 72] {0x48 = 72}

"The operation is not valid for the state of the transaction" error and transaction scope

I also come across same problem, I changed transaction timeout to 15 minutes and it works. I hope this helps.

TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions();
options.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
options.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0);
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,options))


How to declare a global variable in C++

You declare the variable as extern in a common header:

extern int x;

And define it in an implementation file.

int x = 1337;

You can then include the header everywhere you need access to it.

I suggest you also wrap the variable inside a namespace.

What is Dispatcher Servlet in Spring?

You can say Dispatcher Servlet acts as an entry and exit point for any request. Whenever a request comes it first goes to the Dispatcher Servlet(DS) where the DS then tries to identify its handler method ( the methods you define in the controller to handle the requests ), once the handler mapper (The DS asks the handler mapper) returns the controller the dispatcher servlet knows the controller which can handle this request and can now go to this controller to further complete the processing of the request. Now the controller can respond with an appropriate response and then the DS goes to the view resolver to identify where the view is located and once the view resolver tells the DS it then grabs that view and returns it back to you as the final response. I am adding an image which I took from YouTube from the channel Java Guides.

Dispatcher Servlet in Action

Private Variables and Methods in Python

Please note that there is no such thing as "private method" in Python. Double underscore is just name mangling:

>>> class A(object):
...     def __foo(self):
...         pass
>>> a = A()
>>> A.__dict__.keys()
['__dict__', '_A__foo', '__module__', '__weakref__', '__doc__']
>>> a._A__foo()

So therefore __ prefix is useful when you need the mangling to occur, for example to not clash with names up or below inheritance chain. For other uses, single underscore would be better, IMHO.

EDIT, regarding confusion on __, PEP-8 is quite clear on that:

If your class is intended to be subclassed, and you have attributes that you do not want subclasses to use, consider naming them with double leading underscores and no trailing underscores. This invokes Python's name mangling algorithm, where the name of the class is mangled into the attribute name. This helps avoid attribute name collisions should subclasses inadvertently contain attributes with the same name.

Note 3: Not everyone likes name mangling. Try to balance the need to avoid accidental name clashes with potential use by advanced callers.

So if you don't expect subclass to accidentally re-define own method with same name, don't use it.

Python "TypeError: unhashable type: 'slice'" for encoding categorical data

Your x and y values ??are not running so first of all youre begin to write this point

 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 import matplotlib as plt



point of value have publish

jQuery - add additional parameters on submit (NOT ajax)

This one did it for me:

var input = $("<input>")
               .attr("type", "hidden")
               .attr("name", "mydata").val("bla");

is based on the Daff's answer, but added the NAME attribute to let it show in the form collection and changed VALUE to VAL Also checked the ID of the FORM (form1 in my case)

used the Firefox firebug to check whether the element was inserted.

Hidden elements do get posted back in the form collection, only read-only fields are discarded.


Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

You're getting into looping most likely due to these rules:

RewriteRule ^(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]

Just comment it out and try again in a new browser.

Using IQueryable with Linq

In essence its job is very similar to IEnumerable<T> - to represent a queryable data source - the difference being that the various LINQ methods (on Queryable) can be more specific, to build the query using Expression trees rather than delegates (which is what Enumerable uses).

The expression trees can be inspected by your chosen LINQ provider and turned into an actual query - although that is a black art in itself.

This is really down to the ElementType, Expression and Provider - but in reality you rarely need to care about this as a user. Only a LINQ implementer needs to know the gory details.

Re comments; I'm not quite sure what you want by way of example, but consider LINQ-to-SQL; the central object here is a DataContext, which represents our database-wrapper. This typically has a property per table (for example, Customers), and a table implements IQueryable<Customer>. But we don't use that much directly; consider:

using(var ctx = new MyDataContext()) {
    var qry = from cust in ctx.Customers
              where cust.Region == "North"
              select new { cust.Id, cust.Name };
    foreach(var row in qry) {
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", row.Id, row.Name);

this becomes (by the C# compiler):

var qry = ctx.Customers.Where(cust => cust.Region == "North")
                .Select(cust => new { cust.Id, cust.Name });

which is again interpreted (by the C# compiler) as:

var qry = Queryable.Select(
                  cust => cust.Region == "North"),
              cust => new { cust.Id, cust.Name });

Importantly, the static methods on Queryable take expression trees, which - rather than regular IL, get compiled to an object model. For example - just looking at the "Where", this gives us something comparable to:

var cust = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Customer), "cust");
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Customer,bool>>(
                      Expression.Property(cust, "Region"),
                  ), cust);

... Queryable.Where(ctx.Customers, lambda) ...

Didn't the compiler do a lot for us? This object model can be torn apart, inspected for what it means, and put back together again by the TSQL generator - giving something like:

 SELECT c.Id, c.Name
 FROM [dbo].[Customer] c
 WHERE c.Region = 'North'

(the string might end up as a parameter; I can't remember)

None of this would be possible if we had just used a delegate. And this is the point of Queryable / IQueryable<T>: it provides the entry-point for using expression trees.

All this is very complex, so it is a good job that the compiler makes it nice and easy for us.

For more information, look at "C# in Depth" or "LINQ in Action", both of which provide coverage of these topics.

How to get a file or blob from an object URL?

Unfortunately @BrianFreud's answer doesn't fit my needs, I had a little different need, and I know that is not the answer for @BrianFreud's question, but I am leaving it here because a lot of persons got here with my same need. I needed something like 'How to get a file or blob from an URL?', and the current correct answer does not fit my needs because its not cross-domain.

I have a website that consumes images from an Amazon S3/Azure Storage, and there I store objects named with uniqueidentifiers:

sample: http://****

Some of this images should be download from our system interface. To avoid passing this traffic through my HTTP server, since this objects does not require any security to be accessed (except by domain filtering), I decided to make a direct request on user's browser and use local processing to give the file a real name and extension.

To accomplish that I have used this great article from Henry Algus:

1. First step: Add binary support to jquery

* jquery.binarytransport.js
* @description. jQuery ajax transport for making binary data type requests.
* @version 1.0 
* @author Henry Algus <[email protected]>

// use this transport for "binary" data type
$.ajaxTransport("+binary", function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
    // check for conditions and support for blob / arraybuffer response type
    if (window.FormData && ((options.dataType && (options.dataType == 'binary')) || ( && ((window.ArrayBuffer && instanceof ArrayBuffer) || (window.Blob && instanceof Blob))))) {
        return {
            // create new XMLHttpRequest
            send: function (headers, callback) {
                // setup all variables
                var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
        url = options.url,
        type = options.type,
        async = options.async || true,
        // blob or arraybuffer. Default is blob
        dataType = options.responseType || "blob",
        data = || null,
        username = options.username || null,
        password = options.password || null;

                xhr.addEventListener('load', function () {
                    var data = {};
                    data[options.dataType] = xhr.response;
                    // make callback and send data
                    callback(xhr.status, xhr.statusText, data, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders());

      , url, async, username, password);

                // setup custom headers
                for (var i in headers) {
                    xhr.setRequestHeader(i, headers[i]);

                xhr.responseType = dataType;
            abort: function () {

2. Second step: Make a request using this transport type.

function downloadArt(url)
    $.ajax(url, {
        dataType: "binary",
        processData: false
    }).done(function (data) {
        // just my logic to name/create files
        var filename = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '.png';
        var blob = new Blob([data], { type: 'image/png' });

        saveAs(blob, filename);

Now you can use the Blob created as you want to, in my case I want to save it to disk.

3. Optional: Save file on user's computer using FileSaver

I have used FileSaver.js to save to disk the downloaded file, if you need to accomplish that, please use this javascript library:

I expect this to help others with more specific needs.

How do I fix the indentation of selected lines in Visual Studio

Selecting the text to fix, and CtrlK, CtrlF shortcut certainly works. However, I generally find that if a particular method (for instance) has it's indentation messed up, simply removing the closing brace of the method, and re-adding, in fact fixes the indentation anyway, thereby doing without the need to select the code before hand, ergo is quicker. ymmv.

IntelliJ inspection gives "Cannot resolve symbol" but still compiles code

Invalidate Caches worked for me but after running the application had the same error.

So I tried (Intellij):

1 - Menu bar - Refactor | Build | Run | Tools - click Build then Rebuild Project

2 - MVN clean

3 - Right click on project > Maven > Generate Sources and Update Folder

Hope this works for you.


What is the parameter "next" used for in Express?

I also had problem understanding next() , but this helped

var app = require("express")();

app.get("/", function(httpRequest, httpResponse, next){
    next(); //remove this and see what happens 

app.get("/", function(httpRequest, httpResponse, next){
    httpResponse.write(" World !!!");


How can I see what has changed in a file before committing to git?

git diff

Show changes between the working tree and the index or a tree, changes between the index and a tree, changes between two trees, or changes between two files on disk.

Android design support library for API 28 (P) not working

Note: You should not use the and dependencies in your app at the same time.

Add Material Components for Android in your build.gradle(app) file

dependencies {
    // ...
    implementation ''
    // ...

If your app currently depends on the original Design Support Library, you can make use of the Refactor to AndroidX… option provided by Android Studio. Doing so will update your app’s dependencies and code to use the newly packaged androidx and libraries.

If you don’t want to switch over to the new androidx and packages yet, you can use Material Components via the dependency.

JavaScript module pattern with example

I would really recommend anyone entering this subject to read Addy Osmani's free book:

"Learning JavaScript Design Patterns".

This book helped me out immensely when I was starting into writing more maintainable JavaScript and I still use it as a reference. Have a look at his different module pattern implementations, he explains them really well.

Plot Normal distribution with Matplotlib

Assuming you're getting norm from scipy.stats, you probably just need to sort your list:

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

h = [186, 176, 158, 180, 186, 168, 168, 164, 178, 170, 189, 195, 172,
     187, 180, 186, 185, 168, 179, 178, 183, 179, 170, 175, 186, 159,
     161, 178, 175, 185, 175, 162, 173, 172, 177, 175, 172, 177, 180]
hmean = np.mean(h)
hstd = np.std(h)
pdf = stats.norm.pdf(h, hmean, hstd)
plt.plot(h, pdf) # including h here is crucial

And so I get: enter image description here

Bootstrap 3 truncate long text inside rows of a table in a responsive way

I did it this way (you need to add a class text to <td> and put the text between a <span>:


<td class="text"><span>looooooong teeeeeeeeext</span></td>


.table td.text {
    max-width: 177px;
    span {
        white-space: nowrap;
        overflow: hidden;
        text-overflow: ellipsis;
        display: inline-block;
        max-width: 100%;

CSS equivalent

.table td.text {
    max-width: 177px;
.table td.text span {
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    display: inline-block;
    max-width: 100%;

And it will still be mobile responsive (forget it with layout=fixed) and will keep the original behaviour.

PS: Of course 177px is a custom size (put whatever you need).

Constantly print Subprocess output while process is running


tried your code and corrected it for 3.4 and windows dir.cmd is a simple dir command, saved as cmd-file

import subprocess
c = "dir.cmd"

def execute(command):
    popen = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,bufsize=1)
    lines_iterator = iter(popen.stdout.readline, b"")
    while popen.poll() is None:
        for line in lines_iterator:
            nline = line.rstrip()
            print(nline.decode("latin"), end = "\r\n",flush =True) # yield line


What are the differences between Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio?

For me, Visual Studio on Mac doesn't support Node.js (editing and debugging) whereas Visual Studio Code does this very well.

jQuery .slideRight effect

If you're willing to include the jQuery UI library, in addition to jQuery itself, then you can simply use hide(), with additional arguments, as follows:



JS Fiddle demo.

Without using jQuery UI, you could achieve your aim just using animate():

                            // to move it towards the right and, probably, off-screen.
                            // once it's finished moving to the right, just 
                            // removes the the element from the display, you could use
                            // `remove()` instead, or whatever.


JS Fiddle demo

If you do choose to use jQuery UI, then I'd recommend linking to the Google-hosted code, at:

How to set Google Chrome in WebDriver

public void setUp() throws Exception {

 System.setProperty("","Absolute path of Chrome driver");

 driver =new ChromeDriver();
 baseUrl = "URL/";

    driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Extract MSI from EXE

The only way to do that is running the exe and collect the MSI. The thing you must take care of is that if you are tranforming the MSI using MST they might get lost.

I use this batch commandline:

SET TMP=c:\msipath

MD "%TMP%"


start /d "c:\install" install.exe /L1033

PING -n 1 -w 10000 >NUL

for /R "%TMP%" %%f in (*.msi) do copy "%%f" "%TMP%"

taskkill /F /IM msiexec.exe /T

What is w3wp.exe?

Chris pretty much sums up what w3wp is. In order to disable the warning, go to this registry key:


And set the value DisableAttachSecurityWarning to 1.

How can I display a messagebox in ASP.NET?

This method works fine for me:

private void alert(string message)
    Response.Write("<script>alert('" + message + "')</script>");


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    alert("Hello world!");

And when your page load yo will see something like this:

enter image description here

I'm using .NET Framework 4.5 in Firefox.

How to fill OpenCV image with one solid color?

Here's how to do with cv2 in Python:

# Create a blank 300x300 black image
image = np.zeros((300, 300, 3), np.uint8)
# Fill image with red color(set each pixel to red)
image[:] = (0, 0, 255)

Here's more complete example how to create new blank image filled with a certain RGB color

import cv2
import numpy as np

def create_blank(width, height, rgb_color=(0, 0, 0)):
    """Create new image(numpy array) filled with certain color in RGB"""
    # Create black blank image
    image = np.zeros((height, width, 3), np.uint8)

    # Since OpenCV uses BGR, convert the color first
    color = tuple(reversed(rgb_color))
    # Fill image with color
    image[:] = color

    return image

# Create new blank 300x300 red image
width, height = 300, 300

red = (255, 0, 0)
image = create_blank(width, height, rgb_color=red)
cv2.imwrite('red.jpg', image)

Round to 5 (or other number) in Python

Here is my C code. If I understand it correctly, it should supposed to be something like this;

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
int number;

printf("Enter number: \n");
scanf("%d" , &number);

if(number%5 == 0)
    printf("It is multiple of 5\n");
    while(number%5 != 0)

and this also rounds to nearest multiple of 5 instead of just rounding up;

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
int number;

printf("Enter number: \n");
scanf("%d" , &number);

if(number%5 == 0)
    printf("It is multiple of 5\n");
    while(number%5 != 0)
        if (number%5 < 3)
  printf("nearest multiple of 5 is: %d\n",number);

AngularJS: ng-show / ng-hide not working with `{{ }}` interpolation

Since ng-show is an angular attribute i think, we don't need to put the evaluation flower brackets ({{}})..

For attributes like class we need to encapsulate the variables with evaluation flower brackets ({{}}).

Crystal Reports - Adding a parameter to a 'Command' query

The solution I came up with was as follows:

  1. Create the SQL query in your favorite query dev tool
  2. In Crystal Reports, within the main report, create parameter to pass to the subreport
  3. Create sub report, using the 'Add Command' option in the 'Data' portion of the 'Report Creation Wizard' and the SQL query from #1.
  4. Once the subreport is added to the main report, right click on the subreport, choose 'Change Subreport Links...', select the link field, and uncheck 'Select data in subreport based on field:'

    NOTE: You may have to initially add the parameter with the 'Select data in subreport based on field:' checked, then go back to 'Change Subreport Links ' and uncheck it after the subreport has been created.

  5. In the subreport, click the 'Report' menu, 'Select Expert', use the 'Formula Editor', set the SQL column from #1 either equal to or like the parameter(s) selected in #4.

                    (Subreport SQL Column)  (Parameter from Main Report)
            Example:  {Command.Project} like {?Pm-?Proj_Name}

Which websocket library to use with Node.js?

Update: This answer is outdated as newer versions of libraries mentioned are released since then.

Socket.IO v0.9 is outdated and a bit buggy, and Engine.IO is the interim successor. Socket.IO v1.0 (which will be released soon) will use Engine.IO and be much better than v0.9. I'd recommend you to use Engine.IO until Socket.IO v1.0 is released.

"ws" does not support fallback, so if the client browser does not support websockets, it won't work, unlike Socket.IO and Engine.IO which uses long-polling etc if websockets are not available. However, "ws" seems like the fastest library at the moment.

See my article comparing Socket.IO, Engine.IO and Primus:

Center Triangle at Bottom of Div

I know this isn't a direct answer to your question, but you could also consider using clip-path, as in this question:

Bubble Sort Homework

#A very simple function, can be optimized (obviously) by decreasing the problem space of the 2nd array. But same O(n^2) complexity.

def bubble(arr):
    l = len(arr)        
    for a in range(l):
        for b in range(l-1):
            if (arr[a] < arr[b]):
            arr[a], arr[b] = arr[b], arr[a]
    return arr 

Using dig to search for SPF records

The dig utility is pretty convenient to use. The order of the arguments don't really matter.I'll show you some easy examples.
To get all root name servers use

# dig

To get a TXT record of a specific host use

# dig txt
# dig txt

To query a specific name server just add @nameserver.tld

# dig txt

The SPF RFC4408 says that SPF records can be stored as SPF or TXT. However nearly all use only TXT records at the moment. So you are pretty safe if you only fetch TXT records.

I made a SPF checker for visualising the SPF records of a domain. It might help you to understand SPF records better. You can find it here:

Failed to resolve:


compile ''


`compile ''`

worked for me fine.

How can I convert a string to upper- or lower-case with XSLT?

In XSLT 1.0 the upper-case() and lower-case() functions are not available. If you're using a 1.0 stylesheet the common method of case conversion is translate():

<xsl:variable name="lowercase" select="'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'" />
<xsl:variable name="uppercase" select="'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'" />

<xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:value-of select="translate(doc, $lowercase, $uppercase)" />

What is the best way to parse html in C#?

Try this script.

When I use it with this url,

script SS_URLs.txt URL("")

It shows me all the links on the page for this thread.

You can modify that script to check for images, variables, whatever.

Get random boolean in Java

The easiest way to initialize a random number generator is to use the parameterless constructor, for example

Random generator = new Random();

However, in using this constructor you should recognize that algorithmic random number generators are not truly random, they are really algorithms that generate a fixed but random-looking sequence of numbers.

You can make it appear more 'random' by giving the Random constructor the 'seed' parameter, which you can dynamically built by for example using system time in milliseconds (which will always be different)

How do you see recent SVN log entries?

Pipe the output through less or other pager:

svn log | less

utf-8 special characters not displaying

I solve my issue by using utf8_encode();

$str = "kamé";

echo utf8_encode($str);

Hope this help someone.

How do I turn a C# object into a JSON string in .NET?

You can achieve this by using Newtonsoft.json. Install Newtonsoft.json from NuGet. And then:

using Newtonsoft.Json;

var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj);

Prevent Sequelize from outputting SQL to the console on execution of query?

All of these answers are turned off the logging at creation time.

But what if we need to turn off the logging on runtime ?

By runtime i mean after initializing the sequelize object using new Sequelize(.. function.

I peeked into the github source, found a way to turn off logging in runtime.

// Somewhere your code, turn off the logging
sequelize.options.logging = false

// Somewhere your code, turn on the logging
sequelize.options.logging = true 

How to change password using TortoiseSVN?

On the server.. In our environment, we're running Apache2 on Windows Server 2003.
Suppose Apache is serving our repository from C:\repo\MyProject

The actual repository is in C:\repo\MyProject\db

and the configuration is in C:\repo\MyProject\conf

So the passwords are in: C:\repo\MyProject.htaccess

They're encrypted, a tool similar to this:

How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?

You specify the named capture group string by passing it to the indexer of the Groups property of a resulting Match object.

Here is a small example:

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class Program
    static void Main()
        String sample = "hello-world-";
        Regex regex = new Regex("-(?<test>[^-]*)-");

        Match match = regex.Match(sample);

        if (match.Success)

Is there a label/goto in Python?

I have my own way of doing gotos. I use separate python scripts.

If I want to loop:

print("test test")
a = a + 1

if a == 10:

print(a + " equals 10")

(NOTE: This technique only works on Python 2.x versions)

JavaScript: Collision detection

//Off the cuff, Prototype style. 
//Note, this is not optimal; there should be some basic partitioning and caching going on. 
(function () { 
    var elements = []; 
    Element.register = function (element) { 
        for (var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { 
            if (elements[i]==element) break; 
        if (arguments.length>1)  
            for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)  
    Element.collide = function () { 
        for (var outer=0; outer < elements.length; outer++) { 
            var e1 = Object.extend( 
            for (var inner=outer; inner<elements.length; innter++) { 
                var e2 = Object.extend( 
                if (     
                    (e1.left+e1.width)>=e2.left && e1.left<=(e2.left+e2.width) && 
                    (> &&<=( 
                ) { 
                    $(elements[inner]).fire(':collision', {element: $(elements[outer])}); 
                    $(elements[outer]).fire(':collision', {element: $(elements[inner])}); 

$(myElementA).observe(':collision', function (ev) { 
    console.log('Damn, '+ev.memo.element+', that hurt!'); 
//detect collisions every 100ms 
setInterval(Element.collide, 100);

Command line for looking at specific port

This command will show all the ports and their destination address:

netstat -f 

XPath to select element based on childs child value

Almost there. In your predicate, you want a relative path, so change

./book[/author/name = 'John'] 

to either

./book[author/name = 'John'] 


./book[./author/name = 'John'] 

and you will match your element. Your current predicate goes back to the root of the document to look for an author.

How to set session attribute in java?

By default session object is available on jsp page(implicit object). It will not available in normal POJO java class. You can get the reference of HttpSession object on Servelt by using HttpServletRequest

HttpSession s=request.getSession()

You can get session on an ActionSupport based Action POJO class as follows

 ActionContext ctx= ActionContext.getContext();
   Map m=ctx.getSession();
   m.put("name", value);

look at:

Java method: Finding object in array list given a known attribute value

A while applies to the expression or block after the while.

You dont have a block, so your while ends with the expression dog=al.get(i);

while(dog.getId()!=id && i<length)

Everything after that happens only once.

There's no reason to new up a Dog, as you're never using the dog you new'd up; you immediately assign a Dog from the array to your dog reference.

And if you need to get a value for a key, you should use a Map, not an Array.

Edit: this was donwmodded why??

Comment from OP:

One further question with regards to not having to make a new instance of a Dog. If I am just taking out copies of the objects from the array list, how can I then take it out from the array list without having an object in which I put it? I just noticed as well that I didn't bracket the while-loop.

A Java reference and the object it refers to are different things. They're very much like a C++ reference and object, though a Java reference can be re-pointed like a C++ pointer.

The upshot is that Dog dog; or Dog dog = null gives you a reference that points to no object. new Dog() creates an object that can be pointed to.

Following that with a dog = al.get(i) means that the reference now points to the dog reference returned by al.get(i). Understand, in Java, objects are never returned, only references to objects (which are addresses of the object in memory).

The pointer/reference/address of the Dog you newed up is now lost, as no code refers to it, as the referent was replaced with the referent you got from al.get(). Eventually the Java garbage collector will destroy that object; in C++ you'd have "leaked" the memory.

The upshot is that you do need to create a variable that can refer to a Dog; you don't need to create a Dog with new.

(In truth you don't need to create a reference, as what you really ought to be doing is returning what a Map returns from its get() function. If the Map isn't parametrized on Dog, like this: Map<Dog>, then you'll need to cast the return from get, but you won't need a reference: return (Dog) map.get(id); or if the Map is parameterized, return map.get(id). And that one line is your whole function, and it'll be faster than iterating an array for most cases.)

How to normalize a vector in MATLAB efficiently? Any related built-in function?

I took Mr. Fooz's code and also added Arlen's solution too and here are the timings that I've gotten for Octave:

clc; clear all;
V = rand(1024*1024*32,1);
N = 10;
tic; for i=1:N, V1 = V/norm(V);         end; toc % 7.0 s
tic; for i=1:N, V2 = V/sqrt(sum(V.*V)); end; toc % 6.4 s
tic; for i=1:N, V3 = V/sqrt(V'*V);      end; toc % 5.5 s
tic; for i=1:N, V4 = V/sqrt(sum(V.^2)); end; toc % 6.6 s
tic; for i=1:N, V1 = V/norm(V);         end; toc % 7.1 s
tic; for i=1:N, d = 1/norm(V); V1 = V*d;end; toc % 4.7 s

Then, because of something I'm currently looking at, I tested out this code for ensuring that each row sums to 1:

clc; clear all;
m = 2048;
V = rand(m);
N = 100;
tic; for i=1:N, V1 = V ./ (sum(V,2)*ones(1,m));                end; toc % 8.2 s
tic; for i=1:N, V2 = bsxfun(@rdivide, V, sum(V,2));            end; toc % 5.8 s
tic; for i=1:N, V3 = bsxfun(@rdivide, V, V*ones(m,1));         end; toc % 5.7 s
tic; for i=1:N, V4 = V ./ (V*ones(m,m));                       end; toc % 77.5 s
tic; for i=1:N, d = 1./sum(V,2);V5 = bsxfun(@times, V, d);     end; toc % 2.83 s
tic; for i=1:N, d = 1./(V*ones(m,1));V6 = bsxfun(@times, V, d);end; toc % 2.75 s
tic; for i=1:N, V1 = V ./ (sum(V,2)*ones(1,m));                end; toc % 8.2 s

Seaborn plots not showing up

If you plot in IPython console (where you can't use %matplotlib inline) instead of Jupyter notebook, and don't want to run repeatedly, you can start IPython console with ipython --pylab:

$ ipython --pylab     
Python 3.6.6 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Jun 28 2018, 17:14:51) 
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.0.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
Using matplotlib backend: Qt5Agg

In [1]: import seaborn as sns

In [2]: tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")

In [3]: sns.relplot(x="total_bill", y="tip", data=tips) # you can see the plot now

See line breaks and carriage returns in editor

VI shows newlines (LF character, code x0A) by showing the subsequent text on the next line.

Use the -b switch for binary mode. Eg vi -b filename or vim -b filename --.

It will then show CR characters (x0D), which are not normally used in Unix style files, as the characters ^M.

How to return multiple objects from a Java method?


public void buildResponse(String data, Map response);

How do I concatenate strings in Swift?

let the_string = "Swift"
let resultString = "\(the_string) is a new Programming Language"

Finding the 'type' of an input element

If you are using jQuery you can easily check the type of any element.

    var type = $(elementId).attr('type');
    if(type == "text") //inputBox
     console.log("input text" + $(elementId).val().size());

similarly you can check the other types and take appropriate action.

.ssh directory not being created

Is there a step missing?

Yes. You need to create the directory:

mkdir ${HOME}/.ssh

Additionally, SSH requires you to set the permissions so that only you (the owner) can access anything in ~/.ssh:

% chmod 700 ~/.ssh

Should the .ssh dir be generated when I use the ssh-keygen command?

No. This command generates an SSH key pair but will fail if it cannot write to the required directory:

% ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/xxx/.ssh/id_rsa): /Users/tmp/does_not_exist
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
open /Users/tmp/does_not_exist failed: No such file or directory.
Saving the key failed: /Users/tmp/does_not_exist.

Once you've created your keys, you should also restrict who can read those key files to just yourself:

% chmod -R go-wrx ~/.ssh/*

Using Eloquent ORM in Laravel to perform search of database using LIKE

If you need to frequently use LIKE, you can simplify the problem a bit. A custom method like () can be created in the model that inherits the Eloquent ORM:

public  function scopeLike($query, $field, $value){
        return $query->where($field, 'LIKE', "%$value%");

So then you can use this method in such way:

User::like('name', 'Tomas')->get();

How to check the multiple permission at single request in Android M?

For Asking Multiple Permission At Once You Can Use this Method link

compile 'com.kishan.askpermission:askpermission:1.0.3'

If you got conflicting in support library then

compile('com.kishan.askpermission:askpermission:1.0.3', {
    exclude group: ''

Now ask for Permission

new AskPermission.Builder(this)
    .setPermissions(Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
    .setCallback(/* PermissionCallback */)
    .setErrorCallback(/* ErrorCallback */)
    .request(/* Request Code */);

permission granted callback

  public void onPermissionsGranted(int requestCode) {
// your code  }

permission denied callback

 public void onPermissionsDenied(int requestCode) {
// your code} 


public void onShowRationalDialog(PermissionInterface permissionInterface, int requestCode) {
// Alert user by Dialog or any other layout that you want.
// When user press OK you must need to call below method.


public void onShowSettings(PermissionInterface permissionInterface, int requestCode) {
// Alert user by Dialog or any other layout that you want.
// When user press OK you must need to call below method.
// It will open setting screen.


How do I export an Android Studio project?

Apparently, there's a lot of "dead wood" in the "build" directories of a project.

Under linux/unix, a simple way to get a clean, private backup is to use the "tar" command along with the "--exclude=String" option.

For example, to create an archive of all my apps while excluding the build directories, I have a script that creates the following 2 commands :

cd $HOME/android/Studio
tar cvf MyBackup-2017-07-13.tar Projects --exclude=build

Javascript: How to remove the last character from a div or a string?

var string = "Hello";
var str = string.substring(0, string.length-1);

How to check if the key pressed was an arrow key in Java KeyListener?

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
    if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT ) {
            //Right arrow key code
    } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT ) {
            //Left arrow key code
    } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP ) {
            //Up arrow key code
    } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN ) {
            //Down arrow key code


The KeyEvent codes are all a part of the API:

Converting string from snake_case to CamelCase in Ruby

I feel a little uneasy to add more answers here. Decided to go for the most readable and minimal pure ruby approach, disregarding the nice benchmark from @ulysse-bn. While :class mode is a copy of @user3869936, the :method mode I don't see in any other answer here.

  def snake_to_camel_case(str, mode: :class)
    case mode
    when :class
    when :method
      str.split('_').inject { |m, p| m + p.capitalize }
      raise "unknown mode #{mode.inspect}"

Result is:

[28] pry(main)> snake_to_camel_case("asd_dsa_fds", mode: :class)
=> "AsdDsaFds"
[29] pry(main)> snake_to_camel_case("asd_dsa_fds", mode: :method)
=> "asdDsaFds"

OnClick Send To Ajax

Tried and working. you are using,

<textarea name='Status'> </textarea>
<input type='button' onclick='UpdateStatus()' value='Status Update'>

I am using javascript , (don't know about php), use id ="status" in textarea like

<textarea name='Status' id="status"> </textarea>
<input type='button' onclick='UpdateStatus()' value='Status Update'>

then make a call to servlet sending the status to backend for updating using whatever strutucre(like MVC in java or anyother) you like, like this in your UI in script tag

function UpdateStatus(){

//make an ajax call and get status value using the same 'id'
var var1= document.getElementById("status").value;

        type:"GET",//or POST
                           //  (or whatever your url is)
        //can send multipledata like {data1:var1,data2:var2,data3:var3
        //can use dataType:'text/html' or 'json' if response type expected 
               // process on data
               alert("got response as "+"'"+responsedata+"'");



and jsp is like

the servlet will look like:   //webservlet("/zcvdzv") is just for url annotation

public class Testajax extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public Testajax() {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    String data1=request.getParameter("data1");
    //do processing on datas pass in other java class to add to DB
    // i am adding or concatenate
    String data="i Got : "+"'"+data1+"' ";
    System.out.println(" data1 : "+data1+"\n data "+data);
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    doGet(request, response);


SQL state [99999]; error code [17004]; Invalid column type: 1111 With Spring SimpleJdbcCall

Finally I solve the issues using below code. This type of error will happen when there is a mismatch between In/Out parameter as declare in procedure and in java code declareParameters. Here we need to defined oracle return tab

public class ManualSaleStoredProcedureDao {

private SimpleJdbcCall getAllSytemUsers;

public List<SystemUser> getAllSytemUsers(String clientCode) {

    MapSqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource();
    in.addValue("pi_client_code", clientCode);
    Map<String, Object> result = getAllSytemUsers.execute(in);
    List<SystemUser> systemUsers = (List<SystemUser>) result
    return systemUsers;


public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {

    getAllSytemUsers = new SimpleJdbcCall(dataSource)
                    new SqlParameter(
                    new SqlInOutParameter(
                            new OracleSystemUser()));


Why is jquery's .ajax() method not sending my session cookie?

There are already a lot of good responses to this question, but I thought it may be helpful to clarify the case where you would expect the session cookie to be sent because the cookie domain matches, but it is not getting sent because the AJAX request is being made to a different subdomain. In this case, I have a cookie that is assigned to the * domain, and I am wanting it to be included in an AJAX request to". By default, the cookie does not get sent. You do not need to disable HTTPONLY on the session cookie to resolve this issue. You only need to do what wombling suggested ( and do the following.

1) Add the following to your ajax request.

xhrFields: { withCredentials:true }

2) Add the following to your response headers for resources in the different subdomain.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin :
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials : true

Fastest way to check if a string matches a regexp in ruby?

Depending on how complicated your regular expression is, you could possibly just use simple string slicing. I'm not sure about the practicality of this for your application or whether or not it would actually offer any speed improvements.

=> 'stsen' # evaluates to true
=> nil # evaluates to false

Excel VBA Loop on columns

If you want to stick with the same sort of loop then this will work:

Option Explicit

Sub selectColumns()

Dim topSelection As Integer
Dim endSelection As Integer
topSelection = 2
endSelection = 10

Dim columnSelected As Integer
columnSelected = 1
   With Excel.ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
        .Range(.Cells(columnSelected, columnSelected), .Cells(endSelection, columnSelected)).Select
   End With
   columnSelected = columnSelected + 1
Loop Until columnSelected > 10

End Sub


If in reality you just want to loop through every cell in an area of the spreadsheet then use something like this:

Sub loopThroughCells()

'this is the starting point
Dim rwMin As Integer
Dim colMin As Integer
rwMin = 2
colMin = 2

'this is the ending point
Dim rwMax As Integer
Dim colMax As Integer
rwMax = 10
colMax = 5

Dim rwIndex As Integer
Dim colIndex As Integer

For rwIndex = rwMin To rwMax
        For colIndex = colMin To colMax
            Cells(rwIndex, colIndex).Select
        Next colIndex
Next rwIndex

End Sub

How to start/stop/restart a thread in Java?

You can start a thread like:

    Thread thread=new Thread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        //Do you task
                    }catch (Exception ex){

To stop a Thread:

   thread.join();//it will kill you thread

   //if you want to know whether your thread is alive or dead you can use
System.out.println("Thread is "+thread.isAlive());

Its advisable to create a new thread rather than restarting it.

How to set the text/value/content of an `Entry` widget using a button in tkinter

You might want to use insert method. You can find the documentation for the Tkinter Entry Widget here.

This script inserts a text into Entry. The inserted text can be changed in command parameter of the Button.

from tkinter import *

def set_text(text):

win = Tk()

e = Entry(win,width=10)

b1 = Button(win,text="animal",command=lambda:set_text("animal"))

b2 = Button(win,text="plant",command=lambda:set_text("plant"))


How do I prevent 'git diff' from using a pager?

As it says on man git, you can use --no-pager on any command.

I use it on:

git --no-pager diff
git --no-pager log --oneline --graph --decorate --all -n 10

Then use an alias to avoid using (and remembering) long commands.

How to draw a graph in LaTeX?

In my experience, I always just use an external program to generate the graph (mathematica, gnuplot, matlab, etc.) and export the graph as a pdf or eps file. Then I include it into the document with includegraphics.

Java - creating a new thread

You need to do two things:

  • Start the thread
  • Wait for the thread to finish (die) before proceeding



If you don't start() it, nothing will happen - creating a Thread doesn't execute it.

If you don't join) it, your main thread may finish and exit and the whole program exit before the other thread has been scheduled to execute. It's indeterminate whether it runs or not if you don't join it. The new thread may usually run, but may sometimes not run. Better to be certain.

Checking if a website is up via Python

Requests and httplib2 are great options:

# Using requests.
import requests
request = requests.get(value)
if request.status_code == 200:
    return True
return False

# Using httplib2.
import httplib2

    http = httplib2.Http()
    response = http.request(value, 'HEAD')

    if int(response[0]['status']) == 200:
        return True
return False

If using Ansible, you can use the fetch_url function:

from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url

module = AnsibleModule(

    response, info = fetch_url(module, url)
    if info['status'] == 200:
        return True

except Exception:

return False

Set order of columns in pandas dataframe

You could also do something like df = df[['x', 'y', 'a', 'b']]

import pandas as pd
frame = pd.DataFrame({'one thing':[1,2,3,4],'second thing':[0.1,0.2,1,2],'other thing':['a','e','i','o']})
frame = frame[['second thing', 'other thing', 'one thing']]
print frame
   second thing other thing  one thing
0           0.1           a          1
1           0.2           e          2
2           1.0           i          3
3           2.0           o          4

Also, you can get the list of columns with:

cols = list(df.columns.values)

The output will produce something like this:

['x', 'y', 'a', 'b']

Which is then easy to rearrange manually.

Where to put a textfile I want to use in eclipse?

Suppose you have a project called "TestProject" on Eclipse and your workspace folder is located at E:/eclipse/workspace. When you build an Eclipse project, your classpath is then e:/eclipse/workspace/TestProject. When you try to read "staedteliste.txt", you're trying to access the file at e:/eclipse/workspace/TestProject/staedteliste.txt.

If you want to have a separate folder for your project, then create the Files folder under TestProject and then access the file with (the relative path) /Files/staedteliste.txt. If you put the file under the src folder, then you have to access it using /src/staedteliste.txt. A Files folder inside the src folder would be /src/Files/staedteliste.txt

Instead of using the the relative path you can use the absolute one by adding e:/eclipse/workspace/ at the beginning, but using the relative path is better because you can move the project without worrying about refactoring as long as the project folder structure is the same.

How to inject a Map using the @Value Spring Annotation?

You can inject values into a Map from the properties file using the @Value annotation like this.

The property in the properties file.


In your code.

@Value("#{${propertyname}}")  private Map<String,String> propertyname;

Note the hashtag as part of the annotation.

How to check if a Constraint exists in Sql server?

Are you looking at something like this, below is tested in SQL Server 2005

SELECT * FROM sys.check_constraints WHERE 
object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[CK_accounts]') AND 
parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo]. [accounts]')

Windows path in Python

Use the os.path module.

os.path.join( "C:", "meshes", "as" )

Or use raw strings


I would also recommend no spaces in the path or file names. And you could use double backslashes in your strings.


Find index of last occurrence of a sub-string using T-SQL

I know that it will be inefficient but have you considered casting the text field to varchar so that you can use the solution provided by the website you found? I know that this solution would create issues as you could potentially truncate the record if the length in the text field overflowed the length of your varchar (not to mention it would not be very performant).

Since your data is inside a text field (and you are using SQL Server 2000) your options are limited.

How to assign string to bytes array

Besides the methods mentioned above, you can also do a trick as

s := "hello"
b := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer((*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))))

Go Play:

You should never use this :-)

Having services in React application

I also came from Angular.js area and the services and factories in React.js are more simple.

You can use plain functions or classes, callback style and event Mobx like me :)

// Here we have Service class > dont forget that in JS class is Function_x000D_
class HttpService {_x000D_
  constructor() {_x000D_ = "Hello data from HttpService";_x000D_
    this.getData = this.getData.bind(this);_x000D_
  getData() {_x000D_
// Making Instance of class > it's object now_x000D_
const http = new HttpService();_x000D_
// Here is React Class extended By React_x000D_
class ReactApp extends React.Component {_x000D_
  state = {_x000D_
    data: ""_x000D_
  componentDidMount() {_x000D_
    const data = http.getData();_x000D_
      data: data_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return <div>{}</div>;_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<ReactApp />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">_x000D_
  <title>JS Bin</title>_x000D_
  <div id="root"></div>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_

Here is simple example :

Opening PDF String in new window with javascript

An updated version of answer by @Noby Fujioka:

function showPdfInNewTab(base64Data, fileName) {  
  let pdfWindow ="");
  pdfWindow.document.write("<html<head><title>"+fileName+"</title><style>body{margin: 0px;}iframe{border-width: 0px;}</style></head>");
  pdfWindow.document.write("<body><embed width='100%' height='100%' src='data:application/pdf;base64, " + encodeURI(base64Data)+"#toolbar=0&navpanes=0&scrollbar=0'></embed></body></html>");

SVG gradient using CSS

Here is a solution where you can add a gradient and change its colours using only CSS:

// JS is not required for the solution. It's used only for the interactive demo._x000D_
const svg = document.querySelector('svg');_x000D_
document.querySelector('#greenButton').addEventListener('click', () => svg.setAttribute('class', 'green'));_x000D_
document.querySelector('#redButton').addEventListener('click', () => svg.setAttribute('class', 'red'));
_x000D_ stop:nth-child(1) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #60c50b;_x000D_
}_x000D_ stop:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #139a26;_x000D_
_x000D_ stop:nth-child(1) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #c84f31;_x000D_
}_x000D_ stop:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  stop-color: #dA3448;_x000D_
<svg class="green" width="100" height="50" version="1.1" xmlns="">_x000D_
  <linearGradient id="gradient">_x000D_
    <stop offset="0%" />_x000D_
    <stop offset="100%" />_x000D_
  <rect width="100" height="50" fill="url(#gradient)" />_x000D_
<button id="greenButton">Green</button>_x000D_
<button id="redButton">Red</button>
_x000D_ how to deserialize without using the default constructor?

Json.Net prefers to use the default (parameterless) constructor on an object if there is one. If there are multiple constructors and you want Json.Net to use a non-default one, then you can add the [JsonConstructor] attribute to the constructor that you want Json.Net to call.

public Result(int? code, string format, Dictionary<string, string> details = null)

It is important that the constructor parameter names match the corresponding property names of the JSON object (ignoring case) for this to work correctly. You do not necessarily have to have a constructor parameter for every property of the object, however. For those JSON object properties that are not covered by the constructor parameters, Json.Net will try to use the public property accessors (or properties/fields marked with [JsonProperty]) to populate the object after constructing it.

If you do not want to add attributes to your class or don't otherwise control the source code for the class you are trying to deserialize, then another alternative is to create a custom JsonConverter to instantiate and populate your object. For example:

class ResultConverter : JsonConverter
    public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
        return (objectType == typeof(Result));

    public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
        // Load the JSON for the Result into a JObject
        JObject jo = JObject.Load(reader);

        // Read the properties which will be used as constructor parameters
        int? code = (int?)jo["Code"];
        string format = (string)jo["Format"];

        // Construct the Result object using the non-default constructor
        Result result = new Result(code, format);

        // (If anything else needs to be populated on the result object, do that here)

        // Return the result
        return result;

    public override bool CanWrite
        get { return false; }

    public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Then, add the converter to your serializer settings, and use the settings when you deserialize:

JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
settings.Converters.Add(new ResultConverter());
Result result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Result>(jsontext, settings);

"End of script output before headers" error in Apache

Internal error is due to a HIDDEN character at end of shebang line !! ie line #!/usr/bin/perl

By adding - or -w at end moves the character away from "perl" allowing the path to the perl processor to be found and script to execute.

HIDDEN character is created by the editor used to create the script

Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb?

This works if your Android device is rooted by any means (not sure if it works for non-rooted).

  1. adb shell - access the shell
  2. su - become the superuser.

You can now read all files in all directories.

For Restful API, can GET method use json data?

To answer your question, yes you may pass JSON in the URI as part of a GET request (provided you URL-encode). However, considering your reason for doing this is due to the length of the URI, using JSON will be self-defeating (introducing more characters than required).

I suggest you send your parameters in body of a POST request, either in regular CGI style (param1=val1&param2=val2) or JSON (parsed by your API upon receipt)

No Exception while type casting with a null in java

Many answers here already mention

You can cast null to any reference type


If the argument is null, then a string equal to "null"

I wondered where that is specified and looked it up the Java Specification:

The null reference can always be assigned or cast to any reference type (§5.2, §5.3, §5.5).

If the reference is null, it is converted to the string "null" (four ASCII characters n, u, l, l).

How to change port for jenkins window service when 8080 is being used

Use Default Port

If the default port 8080 has been bind with other process, Then kill that process.

DOS> netstat -a -o -n

Find the process id (PID) XXXX of the process which occupied 8080.

DOS> taskkill /F /PID XXXX

Now, start Jenkins (on default port)

DOS> Java -jar jenkins.war

Use Custom Port

DOS> Java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=8008

Why doesn't height: 100% work to expand divs to the screen height?

Try to play around also with the calc and overflow functions

.myClassName {
    overflow: auto;
    height: calc(100% - 1.5em);

jquery get height of iframe content when loaded

Accepted answer's $('iframe').load will now produce a.indexOf is not a function error. Can be updated to:

$('iframe').on('load', function() {
  // ...

Few others similar to .load deprecated since jQuery 1.8: "Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function" error when opening new foundation project

Does Python have an argc argument?

I often use a quick-n-dirty trick to read a fixed number of arguments from the command-line:

[filename] = sys.argv[1:]

in_file = open(filename)   # Don't need the "r"

This will assign the one argument to filename and raise an exception if there isn't exactly one argument.

Oracle: not a valid month

To know the actual date format, insert a record by using sysdate. That way you can find the actual date format. for example

insert into emp values(7936, 'Mac', 'clerk', 7782, sysdate, 1300, 300, 10);

now, select the inserted record.

select ename, hiredate from emp where ename='Mac';

the result is

Mac     06-JAN-13

voila, now your actual date format is found.

How to cut a string after a specific character in unix

This should do the trick:

$ echo "$var" | awk -F':' '{print $NF}'

How to toggle a boolean?

If you don't mind the boolean being converted to a number (that is either 0 or 1), you can use the Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator. Like so:

bool ^= true;   //- toggle value.

This is especially good if you use long, descriptive boolean names, EG:

var inDynamicEditMode   = true;     // Value is: true (boolean)
inDynamicEditMode      ^= true;     // Value is: 0 (number)
inDynamicEditMode      ^= true;     // Value is: 1 (number)
inDynamicEditMode      ^= true;     // Value is: 0 (number)

This is easier for me to scan than repeating the variable in each line.

This method works in all (major) browsers (and most programming languages).

How to add more than one machine to the trusted hosts list using winrm

The suggested answer by Loïc MICHEL blindly writes a new value to the TrustedHosts entry.
I believe, a better way would be to first query TrustedHosts.
As Jeffery Hicks posted in 2010, first query the TrustedHosts entry:

PS C:\> $current=(get-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts).value
PS C:\> $current+=",testdsk23,alpha123"
PS C:\> set-item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts –value $current

Textarea that can do syntax highlighting on the fly?

The only editor I know of that has syntax highlighting and a fallback to a textarea is Mozilla Bespin. Google around for embedding Bespin to see how to embed the editor. The only site I know of that uses this right now is the very alpha Mozilla Jetpack Gallery (in the submit a Jetpack page) and you may want to see how they include it.

There's also a blog post on embedding and reusing the Bespin editor that may help you.

How to add elements to an empty array in PHP?

$cart = array();
$cart[] = 11;
$cart[] = 15;

// etc

//Above is correct. but below one is for further understanding

$cart = array();
for($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++){
          $cart[] = $i;  

//if you write $cart = [$i]; you will only take last $i value as first element in array.

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Thread pooling in C++11

You can use C++ Thread Pool Library,

Then the code your wrote can be replaced with the following

#include <ctpl.h>  // or <ctpl_stl.h> if ou do not have Boost library

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    ctpl::thread_pool p(2 /* two threads in the pool */);
    int arr[4] = {0};
    std::vector<std::future<void>> results(4);
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { // for 8 iterations,
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
            results[j] = p.push([&arr, j](int){ arr[j] +=2; });
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
        arr[4] = std::min_element(arr, arr + 4);

You will get the desired number of threads and will not create and delete them over and over again on the iterations.

Bootstrap 3 dropdown select

;(function ($) {
    $.fn.bootselect = function (options) {
        this.each(function () {
            var os = jQuery(this).find('option');
            var parent = this.parentElement;
            var css = jQuery(this).attr('class').split('input').join('btn').split('form-control').join('');
            var vHtml = jQuery(this).find('option[value="' + jQuery(this).val() + '"]').html();
            var html = '<div class="btn-group" role="group">' + '<button type="button" data-toggle="dropdown" value="1" class="btn btn-default ' + css + ' dropdown-toggle">' +
                vHtml + '<span class="caret"></span>' + '</button>' + '<ul class="dropdown-menu">';
            var i = 0;
            while (i < os.length) {
                html += '<li><a href="#" data-value="' + jQuery(os[i]).val() + '" html-attr="' + jQuery(os[i]).html() + '">' + jQuery(os[i]).html() + '</a></li>';
            html += '</ul>' + '</div>';
            var that = this;
            jQuery(parent).find('ul.dropdown-menu > li > a').on('click', function () {
                jQuery(parent).find('button.btn').html(jQuery(this).html() + '<span class="caret"></span>');
                jQuery(that).find('option[value="' + jQuery(this).attr('data-value') + '"]')[0].selected = true;


How to determine MIME type of file in android?

// new processing the mime type out of Uri which may return null in some cases
String mimeType = getContentResolver().getType(uri);
// old processing the mime type out of path using the extension part if new way returned null
if (mimeType == null){mimeType URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(path);}

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in junit

  1. Right click your project in Package Explorer > click Properties
  2. go to Java Build Path > Libraries tab
  3. click on 'Add Library' button
  4. select JUnit
  5. click Next.
  6. select in dropdown button JUnit4 or other new versions.
  7. click finish.
  8. Then Ok.

Java 32-bit vs 64-bit compatibility

yo where wrong! To this theme i wrote an question to oracle. The answer was.

"If you compile your code on an 32 Bit Machine, your code should only run on an 32 Bit Processor. If you want to run your code on an 64 Bit JVM you have to compile your class Files on an 64 Bit Machine using an 64-Bit JDK."

Get ConnectionString from appsettings.json instead of being hardcoded in .NET Core 2.0 App

STEP 1: Include the following in OnConfiguring()

    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
        IConfigurationRoot configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

STEP 2: Create appsettings.json:

    "ConnectionStrings": {       
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=YOURSERVERNAME; Database=YOURDATABASENAME; Trusted_Connection=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=true"        

STEP 3: Hard copy appsettings.json to the correct directory

  Hard copy appsettings.json.config to the directory specified in the AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory directory. 
  Use your debugger to find out which directory that is.        

Assumption: you have already included package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json (get it from Nuget) in your project.

Returning anonymous type in C#

C# compiler is a two phase compiler. In the first phase it just checks namespaces, class hierarchies, Method signatures etc. Method bodies are compiled only during the second phase.

Anonymous types are not determined until the method body is compiled.

So the compiler has no way of determining the return type of the method during the first phase.

That is the reason why anonymous types can not be used as return type.

As others have suggested if you are using .net 4.0 or grater, you can use Dynamic.

If I were you I would probably create a type and return that type from the method. That way it is easy for the future programmers who maintains your code and more readable.

Javascript/Jquery to change class onclick?

      <div class="liveChatContainer online">
        <div class="actions" id="change">
         <span class="item title">Need help?</span>
              <a href="/test" onclick="demo()"><i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i>Chat</a>
              <a href="/test"><i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i>Call</a>
              <a href="/test"><i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i>Email</a>
              <a href="#" class="liveChatLabel">Contact</a>
               background-color: red;

          function demo(){

Regarding Java switch statements - using return and omitting breaks in each case

Though the question is old enough it still can be referenced nowdays.

Semantically that is exactly what Java 12 introduced (, thus, exactly in that simple example provided I can't see any problem or cons.

How to get the part of a file after the first line that matches a regular expression?

As a simple approximation you could use

grep -A100000 TERMINATE file

which greps for TERMINATE and outputs up to 100000 lines following that line.

From man page

-A NUM, --after-context=NUM

Print NUM lines of trailing context after matching lines. Places a line containing a group separator (--) between contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching option, this has no effect and a warning is given.

How to upgrade pip3?

pip3 install --upgrade pip worked for me

JQuery string contains check

var str2 = "DEFG";;

it will return the position of the match, or -1 if it isn't found.

How to center the elements in ConstraintLayout

There is a simpler way. If you set layout constraints as follows and your EditText is fixed sized, it will get centered in the constraint layout:


The left/right pair centers the view horizontally and top/bottom pair centers it vertically. This is because when you set the left, right or top,bottom constraints bigger than the view it self, the view gets centered between the two constraints i.e the bias is set to 50%. You can also move view up/down or right/left by setting the bias your self. Play with it a bit and you will see how it affects the views position.

How can I get the browser's scrollbar sizes?

This life-hack decision will give you opportunity to find browser scrollY width (vanilla JavaScript). Using this example you can get scrollY width on any element including those elements that shouldn't have to have scroll according to your current design conception,:

getComputedScrollYWidth     (el)  {

  let displayCSSValue  ; // CSS value
  let overflowYCSSValue; // CSS value

  // SAVE current original STYLES values
    displayCSSValue   =;
    overflowYCSSValue =;

  // SET TEMPORALLY styles values
  {   = 'block'; = 'scroll';

  // SAVE SCROLL WIDTH of the current browser.
  const scrollWidth = el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth;

  // REPLACE temporally STYLES values by original
  {   = displayCSSValue; = overflowYCSSValue;

  return scrollWidth;

generate model using user:references vs user_id:integer

Both will generate the same columns when you run the migration. In rails console, you can see that this is the case:

:001 > Micropost
=> Micropost(id: integer, user_id: integer, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)

The second command adds a belongs_to :user relationship in your Micropost model whereas the first does not. When this relationship is specified, ActiveRecord will assume that the foreign key is kept in the user_id column and it will use a model named User to instantiate the specific user.

The second command also adds an index on the new user_id column.

How to get rid of punctuation using NLTK tokenizer?

I think you need some sort of regular expression matching (the following code is in Python 3):

import string
import re
import nltk

s = "I can't do this now, because I'm so tired.  Please give me some time."
l = nltk.word_tokenize(s)
ll = [x for x in l if not re.fullmatch('[' + string.punctuation + ']+', x)]


['I', 'ca', "n't", 'do', 'this', 'now', ',', 'because', 'I', "'m", 'so', 'tired', '.', 'Please', 'give', 'me', 'some', 'time', '.']
['I', 'ca', "n't", 'do', 'this', 'now', 'because', 'I', "'m", 'so', 'tired', 'Please', 'give', 'me', 'some', 'time']

Should work well in most cases since it removes punctuation while preserving tokens like "n't", which can't be obtained from regex tokenizers such as wordpunct_tokenize.

Types in Objective-C on iOS

Update for the new 64bit arch

CHAR_MIN:   -128
CHAR_MAX:   127
SHRT_MIN:   -32768
SHRT_MAX:   32767
INT_MIN:    -2147483648
INT_MAX:    2147483647
LONG_MIN:   -9223372036854775808
LONG_MAX:   9223372036854775807
ULONG_MAX:  18446744073709551615
LLONG_MIN:  -9223372036854775808
LLONG_MAX:  9223372036854775807
ULLONG_MAX: 18446744073709551615

Split an integer into digits to compute an ISBN checksum

Just create a string out of it.

myinteger = 212345
number_string = str(myinteger)

That's enough. Now you can iterate over it:

for ch in number_string:
    print ch # will print each digit in order

Or you can slice it:

print number_string[:2] # first two digits
print number_string[-3:] # last three digits
print number_string[3] # forth digit

Or better, don't convert the user's input to an integer (the user types a string)

isbn = raw_input()
for pos, ch in enumerate(reversed(isbn)):
    print "%d * %d is %d" % pos + 2, int(ch), int(ch) * (pos + 2)

For more information read a tutorial.

python convert list to dictionary

If you are still thinking what the! You would not be alone, its actually not that complicated really, let me explain.

How to turn a list into a dictionary using built-in functions only

We want to turn the following list into a dictionary using the odd entries (counting from 1) as keys mapped to their consecutive even entries.

l = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]


To create a dictionary we can use the built in dict function for Mapping Types as per the manual the following methods are supported.

dict(one=1, two=2)
dict({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
dict(zip(('one', 'two'), (1, 2)))
dict([['two', 2], ['one', 1]])

The last option suggests that we supply a list of lists with 2 values or (key, value) tuples, so we want to turn our sequential list into:

l = [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e",]]

We are also introduced to the zip function, one of the built-in functions which the manual explains:

returns a list of tuples, where the i-th tuple contains the i-th element from each of the arguments

In other words if we can turn our list into two lists a, c, e and b, d then zip will do the rest.

slice notation

Slicings which we see used with Strings and also further on in the List section which mainly uses the range or short slice notation but this is what the long slice notation looks like and what we can accomplish with step:

>>> l[::2]
['a', 'c', 'e']

>>> l[1::2]
['b', 'd']

>>> zip(['a', 'c', 'e'], ['b', 'd'])
[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]

>>> dict(zip(l[::2], l[1::2]))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}

Even though this is the simplest way to understand the mechanics involved there is a downside because slices are new list objects each time, as can be seen with this cloning example:

>>> a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> b = a
>>> b
[1, 2, 3]

>>> b is a

>>> b = a[:]
>>> b
[1, 2, 3]

>>> b is a

Even though b looks like a they are two separate objects now and this is why we prefer to use the grouper recipe instead.

grouper recipe

Although the grouper is explained as part of the itertools module it works perfectly fine with the basic functions too.

Some serious voodoo right? =) But actually nothing more than a bit of syntax sugar for spice, the grouper recipe is accomplished by the following expression.


Which more or less translates to two arguments of the same iterator wrapped in a list, if that makes any sense. Lets break it down to help shed some light.

zip for shortest

>>> l*2
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

>>> [l]*2
[['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']]

>>> [iter(l)]*2
[<listiterator object at 0x100486450>, <listiterator object at 0x100486450>]

>>> zip([iter(l)]*2)
[(<listiterator object at 0x1004865d0>,),(<listiterator object at 0x1004865d0>,)]

>>> zip(*[iter(l)]*2)
[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]

>>> dict(zip(*[iter(l)]*2))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}

As you can see the addresses for the two iterators remain the same so we are working with the same iterator which zip then first gets a key from and then a value and a key and a value every time stepping the same iterator to accomplish what we did with the slices much more productively.

You would accomplish very much the same with the following which carries a smaller What the? factor perhaps.

>>> it = iter(l)     
>>> dict(zip(it, it))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}

What about the empty key e if you've noticed it has been missing from all the examples which is because zip picks the shortest of the two arguments, so what are we to do.

Well one solution might be adding an empty value to odd length lists, you may choose to use append and an if statement which would do the trick, albeit slightly boring, right?

>>> if len(l) % 2:
...     l.append("")

>>> l
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', '']

>>> dict(zip(*[iter(l)]*2))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'e': ''}

Now before you shrug away to go type from itertools import izip_longest you may be surprised to know it is not required, we can accomplish the same, even better IMHO, with the built in functions alone.

map for longest

I prefer to use the map() function instead of izip_longest() which not only uses shorter syntax doesn't require an import but it can assign an actual None empty value when required, automagically.

>>> l = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
>>> l
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

>>> dict(map(None, *[iter(l)]*2))
{'a': 'b', 'c': 'd', 'e': None} 

Comparing performance of the two methods, as pointed out by KursedMetal, it is clear that the itertools module far outperforms the map function on large volumes, as a benchmark against 10 million records show.

$ time python -c 'dict(map(None, *[iter(range(10000000))]*2))'
real    0m3.755s
user    0m2.815s
sys     0m0.869s
$ time python -c 'from itertools import izip_longest; dict(izip_longest(*[iter(range(10000000))]*2, fillvalue=None))'
real    0m2.102s
user    0m1.451s
sys     0m0.539s

However the cost of importing the module has its toll on smaller datasets with map returning much quicker up to around 100 thousand records when they start arriving head to head.

$ time python -c 'dict(map(None, *[iter(range(100))]*2))'
real    0m0.046s
user    0m0.029s
sys     0m0.015s
$ time python -c 'from itertools import izip_longest; dict(izip_longest(*[iter(range(100))]*2, fillvalue=None))'
real    0m0.067s
user    0m0.042s
sys     0m0.021s

$ time python -c 'dict(map(None, *[iter(range(100000))]*2))'
real    0m0.074s
user    0m0.050s
sys     0m0.022s
$ time python -c 'from itertools import izip_longest; dict(izip_longest(*[iter(range(100000))]*2, fillvalue=None))'
real    0m0.075s
user    0m0.047s
sys     0m0.024s

See nothing to it! =)


Get list of JSON objects with Spring RestTemplate

i actually deveopped something functional for one of my projects before and here is the code :

 * @param url             is the URI address of the WebService
 * @param parameterObject the object where all parameters are passed.
 * @param returnType      the return type you are expecting. Exemple : someClass.class

public static <T> T getObject(String url, Object parameterObject, Class<T> returnType) {
    try {
        ResponseEntity<T> res;
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(0, new StringHttpMessageConverter(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        ((SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory) restTemplate.getRequestFactory()).setConnectTimeout(2000);
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        HttpEntity<T> entity = new HttpEntity<T>((T) parameterObject, headers);
        String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(, org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.POST, entity, returnType).getBody());
        return new Gson().fromJson(json, returnType);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

 * @param url             is the URI address of the WebService
 * @param parameterObject the object where all parameters are passed.
 * @param returnType      the type of the returned object. Must be an array. Exemple : someClass[].class
public static <T> List<T> getListOfObjects(String url, Object parameterObject, Class<T[]> returnType) {
    try {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter());
        restTemplate.getMessageConverters().add(0, new StringHttpMessageConverter(Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        ((SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory) restTemplate.getRequestFactory()).setConnectTimeout(2000);
        HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
        HttpEntity<T> entity = new HttpEntity<T>((T) parameterObject, headers);
        ResponseEntity<Object[]> results =, org.springframework.http.HttpMethod.POST, entity, Object[].class);
        String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(results.getBody());
        T[] arr = new Gson().fromJson(json, returnType);
        return Arrays.asList(arr);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

I hope that this will help somebody !

How do I get the last four characters from a string in C#?

Use a generic Last<T>. That will work with ANY IEnumerable, including string.

public static IEnumerable<T> Last<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, int nLastElements)
    int count = Math.Min(enumerable.Count(), nLastElements);
    for (int i = enumerable.Count() - count; i < enumerable.Count(); i++)
        yield return enumerable.ElementAt(i);

And a specific one for string:

public static string Right(this string str, int nLastElements)
    return new string(str.Last(nLastElements).ToArray());

HTTP post XML data in C#

In General:

An example of an easy way to post XML data and get the response (as a string) would be the following function:

public string postXMLData(string destinationUrl, string requestXml)
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(destinationUrl);
    byte[] bytes;
    bytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(requestXml);
    request.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding='utf-8'";
    request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
    request.Method = "POST";
    Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
    requestStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
    HttpWebResponse response;
    response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
        Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
        string responseStr = new StreamReader(responseStream).ReadToEnd();
        return responseStr;
    return null;

In your specific situation:

Instead of:

request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";


request.ContentType = "text/xml; encoding='utf-8'";

Also, remove:

string postData = "XMLData=" + Sendingxml;

And replace:

byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);


byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Sendingxml.ToString());

How to extract text from a PDF file?

I found a solution here PDFLayoutTextStripper

It's good because it can keep the layout of the original PDF.

It's written in Java but I have added a Gateway to support Python.

Sample code:

from py4j.java_gateway import JavaGateway

gw = JavaGateway()
result = gw.entry_point.strip('samples/bus.pdf')

# result is a dict of {
#   'success': 'true' or 'false',
#   'payload': pdf file content if 'success' is 'true'
#   'error': error message if 'success' is 'false'
# }

print result['payload']

Sample output from PDFLayoutTextStripper: enter image description here

You can see more details here Stripper with Python

Submitting a multidimensional array via POST with php

I made a function which handles arrays as well as single GET or POST values

function subVal($varName, $default=NULL,$isArray=FALSE ){ // $isArray toggles between (multi)array or single mode

    $retVal = "";
    $retArray = array();

    if($isArray) {
        if(isset($_POST[$varName])) {
            foreach ( $_POST[$varName] as $var ) {  // multidimensional POST array elements

    elseif (isset($_POST[$varName]) )  {  // simple POST array element
        $retVal = $_POST[$varName];

    else {
        if (isset($_GET[$varName]) ) {
            $retVal = $_GET[$varName];    // simple GET array element
        else {
            $retVal = $default;

    return $retVal;



$curr_topdiameter = subVal("topdiameter","",TRUE)[3];
$user_name = subVal("user_name","");

Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), 10.8 (Mountain Lion)?

There's a great guide here:

However, it didn't work for me first try. I found this tip: run "httpd -t" in Terminao to check the syntax of your config files. Turns out using copy & paste from the tutorial introduced some strange characters. After fixing this, it worked great. There are some links from the guide for adding MySQL as well.

This worked much better for me than MAMP. With MAMP, I was having delays of about 20 seconds or so before changes to the .php file would be reflected in the browser when you refresh, even if you cleared the cache, history, cookies, etc.

This problem was resolved in MAMP PRO, but MAMP PRO had a new issue of its own: the .php files would be downloaded instead of being rendered as a page in the browser! I contacted support and they didn't know what was going on.

The built-in Apache server didn't have any of these issues. Definitely the way to go. The guide below is almost identical to the one above, but it has user comments that are helpful:

How to fix "Your Ruby version is 2.3.0, but your Gemfile specified 2.2.5" while server starting

If you are using rbenv then make sure that you run the "rbenv rehash" command after you set local or global ruby version. It solved the issue for me.

rbenv rehash

Adding ASP.NET MVC5 Identity Authentication to an existing project

Configuring Identity to your existing project is not hard thing. You must install some NuGet package and do some small configuration.

First install these NuGet packages with Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin 
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework
PM> Install-Package Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb 

Add a user class and with IdentityUser inheritance:

public class AppUser : IdentityUser
    //add your custom properties which have not included in IdentityUser before
    public string MyExtraProperty { get; set; }  

Do same thing for role:

public class AppRole : IdentityRole
    public AppRole() : base() { }
    public AppRole(string name) : base(name) { }
    // extra properties here 

Change your DbContext parent from DbContext to IdentityDbContext<AppUser> like this:

public class MyDbContext : IdentityDbContext<AppUser>
    // Other part of codes still same 
    // You don't need to add AppUser and AppRole 
    // since automatically added by inheriting form IdentityDbContext<AppUser>

If you use the same connection string and enabled migration, EF will create necessary tables for you.

Optionally, you could extend UserManager to add your desired configuration and customization:

public class AppUserManager : UserManager<AppUser>
    public AppUserManager(IUserStore<AppUser> store)
        : base(store)

    // this method is called by Owin therefore this is the best place to configure your User Manager
    public static AppUserManager Create(
        IdentityFactoryOptions<AppUserManager> options, IOwinContext context)
        var manager = new AppUserManager(
            new UserStore<AppUser>(context.Get<MyDbContext>()));

        // optionally configure your manager
        // ...

        return manager;

Since Identity is based on OWIN you need to configure OWIN too:

Add a class to App_Start folder (or anywhere else if you want). This class is used by OWIN. This will be your startup class.

namespace MyAppNamespace
    public class IdentityConfig
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            app.CreatePerOwinContext(() => new MyDbContext());
            app.CreatePerOwinContext<RoleManager<AppRole>>((options, context) =>
                new RoleManager<AppRole>(
                    new RoleStore<AppRole>(context.Get<MyDbContext>())));

            app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
                AuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie,
                LoginPath = new PathString("/Home/Login"),

Almost done just add this line of code to your web.config file so OWIN could find your startup class.

    <!-- other setting here -->
    <add key="owin:AppStartup" value="MyAppNamespace.IdentityConfig" />

Now in entire project you could use Identity just like any new project had already installed by VS. Consider login action for example

public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel login)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
        var userManager = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<AppUserManager>();
        var authManager = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication;

        AppUser user = userManager.Find(login.UserName, login.Password);
        if (user != null)
            var ident = userManager.CreateIdentity(user, 
            //use the instance that has been created. 
                new AuthenticationProperties { IsPersistent = false }, ident);
            return Redirect(login.ReturnUrl ?? Url.Action("Index", "Home"));
    ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid username or password");
    return View(login);

You could make roles and add to your users:

public ActionResult CreateRole(string roleName)
    var roleManager=HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<RoleManager<AppRole>>();

    if (!roleManager.RoleExists(roleName))
        roleManager.Create(new AppRole(roleName));
    // rest of code

You could also add a role to a user, like this:

UserManager.AddToRole(UserManager.FindByName("username").Id, "roleName");

By using Authorize you could guard your actions or controllers:

public ActionResult MySecretAction() {}


[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]]
public ActionResult MySecretAction() {}

You can also install additional packages and configure them to meet your requirement like Microsoft.Owin.Security.Facebook or whichever you want.

Note: Don't forget to add relevant namespaces to your files:

using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework;
using Microsoft.Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies;
using Owin;

You could also see my other answers like this and this for advanced use of Identity.

TSQL Default Minimum DateTime

Sometimes you inherit brittle code that is already expecting magic values in a lot of places. Everyone is correct, you should use NULL if possible. However, as a shortcut to make sure every reference to that value is the same, I like to put "constants" (for lack of a better name) in SQL in a scaler function and then call that function when I need the value. That way if I ever want to update them all to be something else, I can do so easily. Or if I want to change the default value moving forward, I only have one place to update it.

The following code creates the function and a table using it for the default DateTime value. Then inserts and select from the table without specifying the value for Modified. Then cleans up after itself. I hope this helps.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DateTime_MinValue ( )
        DECLARE @dateTime_min DATETIME ;
        SET @dateTime_min = '1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM'
        RETURN @dateTime_min ;
    END ;

  TestTableId INT IDENTITY(1, 1)
                  PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ,
  Value VARCHAR(50) ,
  Modified DATETIME DEFAULT dbo.DateTime_MinValue()
) ;

        ( Value )
VALUES  ( 'Value' ) ;

SELECT  TestTableId ,
        VALUE ,
FROM    TestTable ;

DROP TABLE TestTable ;
DROP FUNCTION dbo.DateTime_MinValue ;

Check if an array contains duplicate values

You got the return values the wrong way round:

  • As soon as you find two values that are equal, you can conclude that the array is not unique and return false.

  • At the very end, after you've checked all the pairs, you can return true.

If you do this a lot, and the arrays are large, you might want to investigate the possibility of sorting the array and then only comparing adjacent elements. This will have better asymptotic complexity than your current method.

Best way to get hostname with php

I am running PHP version 5.4 on shared hosting and both of these both successfully return the same results:



Marquee text in Android

I have tried all of the above, but for me its didn't work. When I add


then it's worked perfectly for me. I don't know why. But I am happy to work it.

Here is my full answer.



Python: "Indentation Error: unindent does not match any outer indentation level"

Maybe it's this part:

if speed      > self.buginfo["maxspeed"]: self.buginfo["maxspeed"] = speed
if generation > self.buginfo["maxgen"]  : self.buginfo["maxgen"]   = generation

Try to remove the extra space to make it look aligned.

Edit: from pep8


      x = 1
      y = 2
      long_variable = 3


      x             = 1
      y             = 2
      long_variable = 3

Try to follow that coding style.

UIButton: set image for selected-highlighted state

In swift you can do:

button.setImage(UIImage(named: "selected"), 
                forState: UIControlState.selected.union(.highlighted))

New Line Issue when copying data from SQL Server 2012 to Excel

Once Data is exported to excel, highlight the date column and format to fit your needs or use the custom field. Worked for me like a charm!

How do you list the primary key of a SQL Server table?

Thanks Guy.

With a slight variation I used it to find all the primary keys for all the tables.

SELECT A.Name,Col.Column_Name from 
    (select NAME from dbo.sysobjects where xtype='u') AS A
    Col.Constraint_Name = Tab.Constraint_Name
    AND Col.Table_Name = Tab.Table_Name
    AND Constraint_Type = 'PRIMARY KEY '
    AND Col.Table_Name = A.Name

convert array into DataFrame in Python

In general you can use pandas rename function here. Given your dataframe you could change to a new name like this. If you had more columns you could also rename those in the dictionary. The 0 is the current name of your column

import pandas as pd    
import numpy as np   
e = np.random.normal(size=100)  
e_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(e)      

e_dataframe.rename(index=str, columns={0:'new_column_name'})

Git - How to fix "corrupted" interactive rebase?

I have tried all the above steps mentioned but nothing worked for me. Finally, restarting the computer worked for this issue :D

How to get current route

WAY 1: Using Angular: this.router.url

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

// Step 1: import the router 
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

    template: 'The href is: {{href}}'
    Other component settings
export class Component {
    public href: string = "";

    //Step 2: Declare the same in the constructure.
    constructor(private router: Router) {}

    ngOnInit() {
        this.href = this.router.url;
        // Do comparision here.....

WAY 2 Window.location as we do in the Javascript, If you don't want to use the router

this.href= window.location.href;

How to convert "0" and "1" to false and true

You can use that form:

return returnValue.Equals("1") ? true : false;

Or more simply (thanks to Jurijs Kastanovs):

return returnValue.Equals("1");

What are Unwind segues for and how do you use them?

For example if you navigate from viewControllerB to viewControllerA then in your viewControllerA below delegate will call and data will share.

@IBAction func unWindSeague (_ sender : UIStoryboardSegue) {
        if sender.source is ViewControllerB  {
            if let _ = sender.source as? ViewControllerB {
                self.textLabel.text = "Came from B = B->A , B exited"

  • Unwind Seague Source View Controller ( You Need to connect Exit Button to VC’s exit icon and connect it to unwindseague:

enter image description here

  • Unwind Seague Completed -> TextLabel of viewControllerA is Changed.

enter image description here

Find the index of a char in string?

The String class exposes some methods to enable this, such as IndexOf and LastIndexOf, so that you may do this:

Dim myText = "abcde"
Dim dIndex = myText.IndexOf("d")
If (dIndex > -1) Then

End If

What values can I pass to the event attribute of the f:ajax tag?

The event attribute of <f:ajax> can hold at least all supported DOM events of the HTML element which is been generated by the JSF component in question. An easy way to find them all out is to check all on* attribues of the JSF input component of interest in the JSF tag library documentation and then remove the "on" prefix. For example, the <h:inputText> component which renders <input type="text"> lists the following on* attributes (of which I've already removed the "on" prefix so that it ultimately becomes the DOM event type name):

  • blur
  • change
  • click
  • dblclick
  • focus
  • keydown
  • keypress
  • keyup
  • mousedown
  • mousemove
  • mouseout
  • mouseover
  • mouseup
  • select

Additionally, JSF has two more special event names for EditableValueHolder and ActionSource components, the real HTML DOM event being rendered depends on the component type:

  • valueChange (will render as change on text/select inputs and as click on radio/checkbox inputs)
  • action (will render as click on command links/buttons)

The above two are the default events for the components in question.

Some JSF component libraries have additional customized event names which are generally more specialized kinds of valueChange or action events, such as PrimeFaces <p:ajax> which supports among others tabChange, itemSelect, itemUnselect, dateSelect, page, sort, filter, close, etc depending on the parent <p:xxx> component. You can find them all in the "Ajax Behavior Events" subsection of each component's chapter in PrimeFaces Users Guide.

Understanding events and event handlers in C#

Just to add to the existing great answers here - building on the code in the accepted one, which uses a delegate void MyEventHandler(string foo)...

Because the compiler knows the delegate type of the SomethingHappened event, this:

myObj.SomethingHappened += HandleSomethingHappened;

Is totally equivalent to:

myObj.SomethingHappened += new MyEventHandler(HandleSomethingHappened);

And handlers can also be unregistered with -= like this:

// -= removes the handler from the event's list of "listeners":
myObj.SomethingHappened -= HandleSomethingHappened;

For completeness' sake, raising the event can be done like this, only in the class that owns the event:

//Firing the event is done by simply providing the arguments to the event:
var handler = SomethingHappened; // thread-local copy of the event
if (handler != null) // the event is null if there are no listeners!
    handler("Hi there!");

The thread-local copy of the handler is needed to make sure the invocation is thread-safe - otherwise a thread could go and unregister the last handler for the event immediately after we checked if it was null, and we would have a "fun" NullReferenceException there.

C# 6 introduced a nice short hand for this pattern. It uses the null propagation operator.

SomethingHappened?.Invoke("Hi there!");

SQL Server insert if not exists best practice

Ok, this was asked 7 years ago, but I think the best solution here is to forego the new table entirely and just do this as a custom view. That way you're not duplicating data, there's no worry about unique data, and it doesn't touch the actual database structure. Something like this:

CREATE VIEW vw_competitions
   Id int
   CompetitionName nvarchar(75)
   CompetitionType nvarchar(50)
   OtherField1 int
   OtherField2 nvarchar(64)  --add the fields you want viewed from the Competition table
  FROM Competitions

Other items can be added here like joins on other tables, WHERE clauses, etc. This is most likely the most elegant solution to this problem, as you now can just query the view:

FROM vw_competitions

...and add any WHERE, IN, or EXISTS clauses to the view query.

How to center the text in a JLabel?

The following constructor, JLabel(String, int), allow you to specify the horizontal alignment of the label.

JLabel label = new JLabel("The Label", SwingConstants.CENTER);

How do I use brew installed Python as the default Python?

I believe there are means to make homebrew python default, but in my opinion the proper way to solve a problem is not to mess with system python paths: it is better to create a virtualenv in which homebrew python would be default (by using virtualenv --python option). Using tools like python_select is almost always a bad idea.

How to enable scrolling on website that disabled scrolling?

Try this:

window.onmousewheel = document.onmousewheel = null
window.ontouchmove = null 
window.onwheel = null 

How to fix libeay32.dll was not found error

I encountered the same problem when I tried to install curl in my 32 bit win 7 machine. As answered by Buravchik it is indeed dependency of SSL and installing openssl fixed it. Just a point to take care is that while installing openssl you will get a prompt to ask where do you wish to put the dependent DLLS. Make sure to put it in windows system directory as other programs like curl and wget will also be needing it.

enter image description here

How to create a density plot in matplotlib?

Five years later, when I Google "how to create a kernel density plot using python", this thread still shows up at the top!

Today, a much easier way to do this is to use seaborn, a package that provides many convenient plotting functions and good style management.

import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
data = [1.5]*7 + [2.5]*2 + [3.5]*8 + [4.5]*3 + [5.5]*1 + [6.5]*8
sns.kdeplot(np.array(data), bw=0.5)

enter image description here

Regex - how to match everything except a particular pattern

If you want to match a word A in a string and not to match a word B. For example: If you have a text:

1. I have a two pets - dog and a cat
2. I have a pet - dog

If you want to search for lines of text that HAVE a dog for a pet and DOESN'T have cat you can use this regular expression:


It will find only second line:

2. I have a pet - dog

How to read from stdin with fgets()?

Exits the loop if the line is empty(Improving code).

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// The value BUFFERSIZE can be changed to customer's taste . Changes the
// size of the base array (string buffer )    
#define BUFFERSIZE 10

int main(void)
    char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
    char cChar;
    printf("Enter a message: \n");
    while(*(fgets(buffer, BUFFERSIZE, stdin)) != '\n')
        // For concatenation
        // fgets reads and adds '\n' in the string , replace '\n' by '\0' to 
        // remove the line break .
/*      if(buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n')
            buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0'; */
        printf("%s", buffer);
        // Corrects the error mentioned by Alain BECKER.       
        // Checks if the string buffer is full to check and prevent the 
        // next character read by fgets is '\n' .
        if(strlen(buffer) == (BUFFERSIZE - 1) && (buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] != '\n'))
            // Prevents end of the line '\n' to be read in the first 
            // character (Loop Exit) in the next loop. Reads
            // the next char in stdin buffer , if '\n' is read and removed, if
            // different is returned to stdin 
            cChar = fgetc(stdin);
            if(cChar != '\n')
                ungetc(cChar, stdin);
            // To print correctly if '\n' is removed.
    return 0;

Exit when Enter is pressed.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define BUFFERSIZE 16

int main(void)
    char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
    printf("Enter a message: \n");
        assert(fgets(buffer, BUFFERSIZE, stdin) != NULL);
        // Verifies that the previous character to the last character in the
        // buffer array is '\n' (The last character is '\0') if the
        // character is '\n' leaves loop.
        if(buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] == '\n')
            // fgets reads and adds '\n' in the string, replace '\n' by '\0' to 
            // remove the line break .
            buffer[strlen(buffer) - 1] = '\0';
            printf("%s", buffer);
        printf("%s", buffer);   
    return 0;

Concatenation and dinamic allocation(linked list) to a single string.

/* Autor : Tiago Portela
   Email : [email protected]
   Sobre : Compilado com TDM-GCC 5.10 64-bit e LCC-Win32 64-bit;
   Obs : Apenas tentando aprender algoritimos, sozinho, por hobby. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define BUFFERSIZE 8

typedef struct _Node {
    char *lpBuffer;
    struct _Node *LpProxNode;
} Node_t, *LpNode_t;

int main(void)
    char acBuffer[BUFFERSIZE] = {0};
    LpNode_t lpNode = (LpNode_t)malloc(sizeof(Node_t));
    LpNode_t lpHeadNode = lpNode;
    char* lpBuffer = (char*)calloc(1,sizeof(char));
    char cChar;

    printf("Enter a message: \n");
    // Exit when Enter is pressed
/*  while(true)
        assert(fgets(acBuffer, BUFFERSIZE, stdin)!=NULL);
        lpNode->lpBuffer = (char*)malloc((strlen(acBuffer) + 1) * sizeof(char));
        strcpy(lpNode->lpBuffer, acBuffer);
        if(lpNode->lpBuffer[strlen(acBuffer) - 1] == '\n')
            lpNode->lpBuffer[strlen(acBuffer) - 1] = '\0';
            lpNode->LpProxNode = NULL;
        lpNode->LpProxNode = (LpNode_t)malloc(sizeof(Node_t));
        lpNode = lpNode->LpProxNode;

    // Exits the loop if the line is empty(Improving code).
        assert(fgets(acBuffer, BUFFERSIZE, stdin)!=NULL);
        lpNode->lpBuffer = (char*)malloc((strlen(acBuffer) + 1) * sizeof(char));
        strcpy(lpNode->lpBuffer, acBuffer);
        if(acBuffer[strlen(acBuffer) - 1] == '\n')
            lpNode->lpBuffer[strlen(acBuffer) - 1] = '\0';
        if(strlen(acBuffer) == (BUFFERSIZE - 1) && (acBuffer[strlen(acBuffer) - 1] != '\n'))
            cChar = fgetc(stdin);
            if(cChar != '\n')
                ungetc(cChar, stdin);
        if(acBuffer[0] == '\n')
            lpNode->LpProxNode = NULL;
        lpNode->LpProxNode = (LpNode_t)malloc(sizeof(Node_t));
        lpNode = lpNode->LpProxNode;

    printf("\nPseudo String :\n");
    lpNode = lpHeadNode;
    while(lpNode != NULL)
        printf("%s", lpNode->lpBuffer);
        lpNode = lpNode->LpProxNode;

    printf("\n\nMemory blocks:\n");
    lpNode = lpHeadNode;
    while(lpNode != NULL)
        printf("Block \"%7s\" size = %lu\n", lpNode->lpBuffer, (long unsigned)(strlen(lpNode->lpBuffer) + 1));
        lpNode = lpNode->LpProxNode;

    printf("\nConcatenated string:\n");
    lpNode = lpHeadNode;
    while(lpNode != NULL)
        lpBuffer = (char*)realloc(lpBuffer, (strlen(lpBuffer) + strlen(lpNode->lpBuffer)) + 1);
        strcat(lpBuffer, lpNode->lpBuffer);
        lpNode = lpNode->LpProxNode;
    printf("%s", lpBuffer);

    // Deallocate memory
    lpNode = lpHeadNode;
    while(lpNode != NULL)
        lpHeadNode = lpNode->LpProxNode;
        lpNode = lpHeadNode;
    lpBuffer = (char*)realloc(lpBuffer, 0);
    lpBuffer = NULL;
    if((lpNode == NULL) && (lpBuffer == NULL))

        printf("Deallocate memory = %s", (char*)lpNode);

    return 0;

How do I create a URL shortener?

For a quality Node.js / JavaScript solution, see the id-shortener module, which is thoroughly tested and has been used in production for months.

It provides an efficient id / URL shortener backed by pluggable storage defaulting to Redis, and you can even customize your short id character set and whether or not shortening is idempotent. This is an important distinction that not all URL shorteners take into account.

In relation to other answers here, this module implements the Marcel Jackwerth's excellent accepted answer above.

The core of the solution is provided by the following Redis Lua snippet:

local sequence ='incr', KEYS[1])

local chars = '0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
local remaining = sequence
local slug = ''

while (remaining > 0) do
  local d = (remaining % 60)
  local character = string.sub(chars, d + 1, d + 1)

  slug = character .. slug
  remaining = (remaining - d) / 60
end'hset', KEYS[2], slug, ARGV[1])

return slug

Convert SQL Server result set into string

Both answers are valid, but don't forget to initializate the value of the variable, by default is NULL and with T-SQL:

NULL + "Any text" => NULL

It's a very common mistake, don't forget it!

Also is good idea to use ISNULL function:

SELECT @result = @result + ISNULL(StudentId + ',', '') FROM Student

How to use execvp()

In cpp, you need to pay special attention to string types when using execvp:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace std;

const size_t MAX_ARGC = 15; // 1 command + # of arguments
char* argv[MAX_ARGC + 1]; // Needs +1 because of the null terminator at the end
// c_str() converts string to const char*, strdup converts const char* to char*
argv[0] = strdup(command.c_str());

// start filling up the arguments after the first command
size_t arg_i = 1;
while (cin && arg_i < MAX_ARGC) {
    string arg;
    cin >> arg;
    if (arg.empty()) {
        argv[arg_i] = nullptr;
    } else {
        argv[arg_i] = strdup(arg.c_str());

// Run the command with arguments
if (execvp(command.c_str(), argv) == -1) {
    // Print error if command not found
    cerr << "command '" << command << "' not found\n";

Reference: execlp?execvp?????

How to get the date and time values in a C program?

instead of files use pipes and if u wana use C and not C++ u can use popen like this


FILE *fp= popen("date +F","r");

and use *fp as a normal file pointer with fgets and all

if u wana use c++ strings, fork a child, invoke the command and then pipe it to the parent.

   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <iostream>
   #include <string>
   using namespace std;

   string currentday;
   int dependPipe[2];

   pipe(dependPipe);// make the pipe

           dup2(dependPipe[0],0);//convert parent's std input to pipe's output

    } else {//child
        dup2(dependPipe[1],1);//convert child's std output to pipe's input

        system("date +%F");

// make a similar 1 for date +T but really i recommend u stick with stuff in time.h GL

Removing spaces from string

When I am reading numbers from contact book, then it doesn't worked I used

number=number.replaceAll("\\s+", "");

It worked and for url you may use

url=url.replaceAll(" ", "%20");

C++ callback using class member

What you want to do is to make an interface which handles this code and all your classes implement the interface.

class IEventListener{
   void OnEvent(int x) = 0;  // renamed Callback to OnEvent removed the instance, you can add it back if you want.

class MyClass :public IEventListener
    void OnEvent(int x); //typically such a function is NOT static. This wont work if it is static.

class YourClass :public IEventListener

Note that for this to work the "Callback" function is non static which i believe is an improvement. If you want it to be static, you need to do it as JaredC suggests with templates.

Testing two JSON objects for equality ignoring child order in Java

For comparing jsons I recommend using JSONCompare:

// Compare by regex
String expected = "{\"a\":\".*me.*\"}";
String actual = "{\"a\":\"some text\"}";
JSONCompare.assertEquals(expected, actual);  // True

// Check expected array has no extra elements
String expected = "[1,\"test\",4,\"!.*\"]";
String actual = "[4,1,\"test\"]";
JSONCompare.assertEquals(expected, actual);  // True

// Check expected array has no numbers
String expected = "[\"\\\\\\d+\"]";
String actual = "[\"text\",\"test\"]";
JSONCompare.assertEquals(expected, actual);  // True

// Check expected array has no numbers
String expected = "[\"\\\\\\d+\"]";
String actual = "[2018]";
JSONCompare.assertNotEquals(expected, actual);  // True

JPA OneToMany and ManyToOne throw: Repeated column in mapping for entity column (should be mapped with insert="false" update="false")

You should never use the unidirectional @OneToMany annotation because:

  1. It generates inefficient SQL statements
  2. It creates an extra table which increases the memory footprint of your DB indexes

Now, in your first example, both sides are owning the association, and this is bad.

While the @JoinColumn would let the @OneToMany side in charge of the association, it's definitely not the best choice. Therefore, always use the mappedBy attribute on the @OneToMany side.

public class User{
    @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="user")
    public List<APost> aPosts;

    @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="user")
    public List<BPost> bPosts;

public class BPost extends Post {

    public User user;

public class APost extends Post {

     public User user;

How do I make a WinForms app go Full Screen

And for the menustrip-question, try set

MenuStrip1.Parent = Nothing

when in fullscreen mode, it should then disapear.

And when exiting fullscreenmode, reset the menustrip1.parent to the form again and the menustrip will be normal again.

how to display a javascript var in html body

<script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
        function get_param(param) {_x000D_
   var search =;_x000D_
   var compareKeyValuePair = function(pair) {_x000D_
      var key_value = pair.split('=');_x000D_
      var decodedKey = decodeURIComponent(key_value[0]);_x000D_
      var decodedValue = decodeURIComponent(key_value[1]);_x000D_
      if(decodedKey == param) return decodedValue;_x000D_
      return null;_x000D_
   var comparisonResult = null;_x000D_
   if(search.indexOf('&') > -1) {_x000D_
      var params = search.split('&');_x000D_
      for(var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {_x000D_
         comparisonResult = compareKeyValuePair(params[i]); _x000D_
         if(comparisonResult !== null) {_x000D_
   } else {_x000D_
      comparisonResult = compareKeyValuePair(search);_x000D_
   return comparisonResult;_x000D_
var parcelNumber = get_param('parcelNumber'); //abc_x000D_
var registryId  = get_param('registryId'); //abc_x000D_
var registrySectionId = get_param('registrySectionId'); //abc_x000D_
var apartmentNumber = get_param('apartmentNumber'); //abc_x000D_

then in the page i call the values like so:

 <td class="tinfodd"> <script  type="text/javascript">_x000D_

How to convert List<string> to List<int>?

intList = Array.ConvertAll(stringList, int.Parse).ToList();

How to display multiple notifications in android

Using Shared Preferences worked for me

SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(Activity.class.getSimpleName(), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int notificationNumber = prefs.getInt("notificationNumber", 0);

notificationManager.notify(notificationNumber , notification);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt("notificationNumber", notificationNumber);

Trim string in JavaScript?

The trim from jQuery is convenient if you are already using that framework.

$.trim('  your string   ');

I tend to use jQuery often, so trimming strings with it is natural for me. But it's possible that there is backlash against jQuery out there? :)

Most efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array

I saw a more concise method of getting Array.prototype methods in general that works just as well. Converting an HTMLCollection object into an Array object is demonstrated below:

[] yourHTMLCollectionObject );

And, as mentioned in the comments, for old browsers such as IE7 and earlier, you simply have to use a compatibility function, like:

function toArray(x) {
    for(var i = 0, a = []; i < x.length; i++)

    return a

I know this is an old question, but I felt the accepted answer was a little incomplete; so I thought I'd throw this out there FWIW.

How do I interpret precision and scale of a number in a database?

Precision, Scale, and Length in the SQL Server 2000 documentation reads:

Precision is the number of digits in a number. Scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5 and a scale of 2.

Changing Jenkins build number

Perhaps a combination of these plugins may come in handy: