[java] Testing two JSON objects for equality ignoring child order in Java

If you are already using JUnit, the latest version now employs Hamcrest. It is a generic matching framework (especially useful for unit testing) that can be extended to build new matchers.

There is a small open source library called hamcrest-json with JSON-aware matches. It is well documented, tested, and supported. Below are some useful links:

Example code using objects from the JSON library org.json.simple:


Optionally, you may (1) allow "any-order" arrays and (2) ignore extra fields.

Since there are a variety of JSON libraries for Java (Jackson, GSON, json-lib, etc.), it is useful that hamcrest-json supports JSON text (as java.lang.String), as well as natively supporting objects from Douglas Crockford's JSON library org.json.

Finally, if you are not using JUnit, you can use Hamcrest directly for assertions. (I wrote about it here.)

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