In Java 8 and JUnit 5 (Jupiter) we can assert for exceptions as follows.
Using org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows
public static < T extends Throwable > T assertThrows(Class< T > expectedType, Executable executable)
Asserts that execution of the supplied executable throws an exception of the expectedType and returns the exception.
If no exception is thrown, or if an exception of a different type is thrown, this method will fail.
If you do not want to perform additional checks on the exception instance, simply ignore the return value.
public void itShouldThrowNullPointerExceptionWhenBlahBlah() {
//do whatever you want to do here
//ex : objectName.thisMethodShoulThrowNullPointerExceptionForNullParameter(null);
That approach will use the Functional Interface Executable
in org.junit.jupiter.api
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