[javascript] Javascript/Jquery to change class onclick?

I want to change a class onclick. What I have at the moment:

function changeclass() {

var NAME = document.getElementById("myclass")



But, ofcourse, its not working. Also, it should revert to previuos state onclick again.

My html:

<div id="showhide" class="meta-info" onclick="changeclass();">

So, whenever I press on #showhide myclass should change to mynewclass. Thanks for help in advance!

This question is related to javascript

The answer is

I would think this: http://jsfiddle.net/Skooljester/S3y5p/1/ should do it. If I don't have the class names 100% correct you can just change them to whatever you need them to be.

Your getElementById is looking for an element with id "myclass", but in your html the id of the DIV is showhide. Change to:

function changeclass() {

var NAME = document.getElementById("showhide")



Unless you are trying to target a different element with the id "myclass", then you need to make sure such an element exists.

      <div class="liveChatContainer online">
        <div class="actions" id="change">
         <span class="item title">Need help?</span>
              <a href="/test" onclick="demo()"><i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i>Chat</a>
              <a href="/test"><i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i>Call</a>
              <a href="/test"><i class="fa fa-smile-o"></i>Email</a>
              <a href="#" class="liveChatLabel">Contact</a>
               background-color: red;

          function demo(){

I think you mean that you want want an onclick event that changes a class.

Here is the answer if someone visits this question and is literally looking to assign a class and it's onclick with JQUERY.

It is somewhat counter-intuitive, but if you want to change the onclick event by changing the class you need to declare the onclick event to apply to elements of a parent object.


<div id="containerid">
     Text <a class="myClass" href="#" />info</a>
     Other Text <div class="myClass">other info</div>
<div id="showhide" class="meta-info">hide info</div>

Document Ready

$(function() {
     $("#containerid").on("click",".myclass",function(e){ /*do stuff*/ }
     $("#containerid").on("click",".mynewclass",function(e){ /*do different stuff*/ }
     $("#showhide").click(function() {changeclass()}

Slight Tweak to Your Javascript

function changeclass() {

If you can't reliably identify a parent object you can do something like this.

$(function() {

If you just want to hide the items you might find it simpler to use .hide() and .show().

Another example is:

$(".myClass").on("click", function () {
   var $this = $(this);

   if ($this.hasClass("show") {
   } else {

Just using this will add "mynewclass" to the element with the id myElement and revert it on the next call.

<div id="showhide" class="meta-info" onclick="changeclass(this);">

function changeclass(element) {

Or for a slighly more jQuery way (you would run this after the DOM is loaded)

<div id="showhide" class="meta-info">

$('#showhide').click(function() {

See a working example of this here: http://jsfiddle.net/S76WN/

For a super succinct with jQuery approach try:

<div onclick="$(this).toggleClass('newclass')">click me</div>

Or pure JS:

<div onclick="this.classList.toggle('newclass');">click me</div>