I will provide a detailed differences between Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code below.
If you really look at it the most obvious difference is that .NET has been split into two:
All native user interface technologies (Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Forms, etc.) are part of the framework, not the core.
The "Visual" in Visual Studio (from Visual Basic) was largely synonymous with visual UI (drag & drop WYSIWYG) design, so in that sense, Visual Studio Code is Visual Studio without the Visual!
The second most obvious difference is that Visual Studio tends to be oriented around projects & solutions.
Visual Studio Code:
Visual Studio:
Visual Studio is aimed to be the world’s best IDE (integrated development environment), which provide full stack develop toolsets, including a powerful code completion component called IntelliSense, a debugger which can debug both source code and machine code, everything about ASP.NET development, and something about SQL development.
In the latest version of Visual Studio, you can develop cross-platform application without leaving the IDE. And Visual Studio takes more than 8 GB disk space (according to the components you select).
In brief, Visual Studio is an ultimate development environment, and it’s quite heavy.
Reference: https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-Visual-Studio-and-Visual-Studio-Code