Programs & Examples On #Google gauges

Code snippet or shortcut to create a constructor in Visual Studio

I have created some handy code snippets that'll create overloaded constructors as well. You're welcome to use them:

For example: 'ctor2' would create a constructor with two arguments and allow you to tab through them one by one like this:

public MyClass(ArgType argName, ArgType argName)


How to code a very simple login system with java

Map<String, String> d = new HashMap<>();

void input(String u, String p, String e) {
    if (e.equals("login")) login(u, p);
    else if (e.equals("register")) register(u, p);

void read() {
    d = new HashMap<>();
    String s = "";
    try {
        s = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("data.txt")));
    }catch(IOException e) {
    String [] pairs = s.split("\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
        d.put(pairs[i].split(",")[0], pairs[i].split(",")[1]);

void write() {
    try (FileWriter m = new FileWriter("data.txt")) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : d.entrySet()) {
            m.write(entry.getKey() + "," + entry.getValue() + "\n");    
    }catch (IOException e) {

boolean login(String u, String p) {
    return (d.get(u).equals(p)) ? true : false;

boolean register(String u, String p) {
    if (d.containsKey(u)) return false;
    d.put(u, p);
    return true;

Find if a textbox is disabled or not using jquery

You can find if the textbox is disabled using is method by passing :disabled selector to it. Try this.

     //textbox is disabled

Convert web page to image

Give it a try: — this is a web-application that can convert web-pages into images (jpg, png) or into pdf and has some options.

How to search for an element in a golang slice

You can use sort.Slice() plus sort.Search()

type Person struct {
    Name string

func main() {
    crowd := []Person{{"Zoey"}, {"Anna"}, {"Benni"}, {"Chris"}}

    sort.Slice(crowd, func(i, j int) bool {
        return crowd[i].Name <= crowd[j].Name

    needle := "Benni"
    idx := sort.Search(len(crowd), func(i int) bool {
        return string(crowd[i].Name) >= needle

    if crowd[idx].Name == needle {
        fmt.Println("Found:", idx, crowd[idx])
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Found noting: ", idx)


Why is the Java main method static?

The method is static because otherwise there would be ambiguity: which constructor should be called? Especially if your class looks like this:

public class JavaClass{
  protected JavaClass(int x){}
  public void main(String[] args){

Should the JVM call new JavaClass(int)? What should it pass for x?

If not, should the JVM instantiate JavaClass without running any constructor method? I think it shouldn't, because that will special-case your entire class - sometimes you have an instance that hasn't been initialized, and you have to check for it in every method that could be called.

There are just too many edge cases and ambiguities for it to make sense for the JVM to have to instantiate a class before the entry point is called. That's why main is static.

I have no idea why main is always marked public though.

Error: [ng:areq] from angular controller

The error will be seen when your controller could not be found in the application. You need to make sure that you are correct using values in ng-app and ng-controller directives

Which font is used in Visual Studio Code Editor and how to change fonts?

In the default settings, VS Code uses the following fonts (14 pt) in descending order:

  • Monaco
  • Menlo
  • Consolas
  • "Droid Sans Mono"
  • "Inconsolata"
  • "Courier New"
  • monospace (fallback)

How to verify: VS Code runs in a browser. In the first version, you could hit F12 to open the Developer Tools. Inspecting the DOM, you can find a containing several s that make up that line of code. Inspecting one of those spans, you can see that font-family is just the list above.

relevant areas

How do I escape a reserved word in Oracle?

double quotes worked in oracle when I had the keyword as one of the column name.


select t."size" from table t 

Extracting .jar file with command line

Given a file named Me.Jar:

  1. Go to cmd
  2. Hit Enter
  3. Use the Java jar command -- I am using jdk1.8.0_31 so I would type

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin\jar xf me.jar

That should extract the file to the folder bin. Look for the file .class in my case my Me.jar contains a Valentine.class

Type java Valentine and press Enter and your message file will be opened.

How to set String's font size, style in Java using the Font class?

Font myFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 12);, then use a setFont method on your components like

JButton b = new JButton("Hello World");

SVG drop shadow using css3

Here's an example of applying dropshadow to some svg using the 'filter' property. If you want to control the opacity of the dropshadow have a look at this example. The slope attribute controls how much opacity to give to the dropshadow.

Relevant bits from the example:

<filter id="dropshadow" height="130%">
  <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="3"/> <!-- stdDeviation is how much to blur -->
  <feOffset dx="2" dy="2" result="offsetblur"/> <!-- how much to offset -->
    <feFuncA type="linear" slope="0.5"/> <!-- slope is the opacity of the shadow -->
    <feMergeNode/> <!-- this contains the offset blurred image -->
    <feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/> <!-- this contains the element that the filter is applied to -->
<circle r="10" style="filter:url(#dropshadow)"/>

Box-shadow is defined to work on CSS boxes (read: rectangles), while svg is a bit more expressive than just rectangles. Read the SVG Primer to learn a bit more about what you can do with SVG filters.

Rounding integer division (instead of truncating)

double a=59.0/4;
int b=59/4;
  1. let exact float value of 59.0/4 be x(here it is 14.750000)
  2. let smallest integer less than x be y(here it is 14)
  3. if x-y<0.5 then y is the solution
  4. else y+1 is the solution

Sending multipart/formdata with jQuery.ajax

I just built this function based on some info I read.

Use it like using .serialize(), instead just put .serializefiles();.
Working here in my tests.

//USAGE: $("#form").serializefiles();
(function($) {
$.fn.serializefiles = function() {
    var obj = $(this);
    var formData = new FormData();
    $.each($(obj).find("input[type='file']"), function(i, tag) {
        $.each($(tag)[0].files, function(i, file) {
            formData.append(, file);
    var params = $(obj).serializeArray();
    $.each(params, function (i, val) {
        formData.append(, val.value);
    return formData;

C# DropDownList with a Dictionary as DataSource

If the DropDownList is declared in your aspx page and not in the codebehind, you can do it like this.


<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlStatus" runat="server" DataSource="<%# Statuses %>"
     DataValueField="Key" DataTextField="Value"></asp:DropDownList>


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // or use Page.DataBind() to bind everything

public Dictionary<int, string> Statuses
        // do database/webservice lookup here to populate Dictionary

NSArray + remove item from array

NSArray is not mutable, that is, you cannot modify it. You should take a look at NSMutableArray. Check out the "Removing Objects" section, you'll find there many functions that allow you to remove items:

[anArray removeObjectAtIndex: index];
[anArray removeObject: item];
[anArray removeLastObject];

Loading PictureBox Image from resource file with path (Part 3) first you need to import the image into your project.

1) Select the PictureBox in the Form Design View

2) Open PictureBox Tasks
(it's the little arrow printed to right on the edge of the PictureBox)

3) Click on "Choose image..."

4) Select the second option "Project resource file:"
(this option will create a folder called "Resources" which you can access with Properties.Resources)

5) Click on "Import..." and select your image from your computer
(now a copy of the image will be saved in "Resources" folder created at step 4)

6) Click on "OK"

Now the image is in your project and you can use it with the Properties command. Just type this code when you want to change the picture in the PictureBox:

pictureBox1.Image = Properties.Resources.MyImage;

MyImage represent the name of the image...
After typing "Properties.Resources.", all imported image files are displayed...

Why use @PostConstruct?

Consider the following scenario:

public class Car {
  private Engine engine;  

  public Car() {

Since Car has to be instantiated prior to field injection, the injection point engine is still null during the execution of the constructor, resulting in a NullPointerException.

This problem can be solved either by JSR-330 Dependency Injection for Java constructor injection or JSR 250 Common Annotations for the Java @PostConstruct method annotation.


JSR-250 defines a common set of annotations which has been included in Java SE 6.

The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization. This method MUST be invoked before the class is put into service. This annotation MUST be supported on all classes that support dependency injection.

JSR-250 Chap. 2.5 javax.annotation.PostConstruct

The @PostConstruct annotation allows for the definition of methods to be executed after the instance has been instantiated and all injects have been performed.

public class Car {
  private Engine engine;  

  public void postConstruct() {

Instead of performing the initialization in the constructor, the code is moved to a method annotated with @PostConstruct.

The processing of post-construct methods is a simple matter of finding all methods annotated with @PostConstruct and invoking them in turn.

private  void processPostConstruct(Class type, T targetInstance) {
  Method[] declaredMethods = type.getDeclaredMethods();
      .filter(method -> method.getAnnotation(PostConstruct.class) != null) 
      .forEach(postConstructMethod -> {
         try {
           postConstructMethod.invoke(targetInstance, new Object[]{});
        } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) {      
          throw new RuntimeException(ex);

The processing of post-construct methods has to be performed after instantiation and injection have been completed.

Extract year from date

When you convert your variable to Date:

date <-  as.Date('10/30/2018','%m/%d/%Y')

you can then cut out the elements you want and make new variables, like year:

year <- as.numeric(format(date,'%Y'))

or month:

month <- as.numeric(format(date,'%m'))

How to install an apk on the emulator in Android Studio?

enter image description here

When you start Android studio Look for Profile or Debug apk.

After clicking you get the option to browse for the saved apk and you will be bale to later run it using emulator

TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while plot showing

Take note of what is printed for x. You are trying to convert an array (basically just a list) into an int. length-1 would be an array of a single number, which I assume numpy just treats as a float. You could do this, but it's not a purely-numpy solution.

EDIT: I was involved in a post a couple of weeks back where numpy was slower an operation than I had expected and I realised I had fallen into a default mindset that numpy was always the way to go for speed. Since my answer was not as clean as ayhan's, I thought I'd use this space to show that this is another such instance to illustrate that vectorize is around 10% slower than building a list in Python. I don't know enough about numpy to explain why this is the case but perhaps someone else does?

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime

time_start =

# My original answer
def f(x):
    rebuilt_to_plot = []
    for num in x:
    return rebuilt_to_plot

for t in range(10000):
    x = np.arange(1, 15.1, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, f(x))

time_end =

# Answer by ayhan
def f_1(x):

for t in range(10000):
    f2 = np.vectorize(f_1)
    x = np.arange(1, 15.1, 0.1)
    plt.plot(x, f2(x))

time_end_2 =

print time_end - time_start
print time_end_2 - time_end

Checking Value of Radio Button Group via JavaScript?

If you wrap your form elements in a form tag with a name attribute you can easily get the value using document.formName.radioGroupName.value.

<form name="myForm">
    <input type="radio" id="genderm" name="gender" value="male" />
    <label for="genderm">Male</label>
    <input type="radio" id="genderf" name="gender" value="female" />
    <label for="genderf">Female</label>

    var selected = document.forms.myForm.gender.value;

Purpose of Unions in C and C++

In C it was a nice way to implement something like an variant.

enum possibleTypes{

struct Value{

    union Value {
      int iVal_;
      double dval;
      char cVal;
    } value_;
    possibleTypes discriminator_;

  case eInt: val.value_.iVal_; break;

In times of litlle memory this structure is using less memory than a struct that has all the member.

By the way C provides

    typedef struct {
      unsigned int mantissa_low:32;      //mantissa
      unsigned int mantissa_high:20;
      unsigned int exponent:11;         //exponent
      unsigned int sign:1;
    } realVal;

to access bit values.

How to write a Python module/package?

Once you have defined your chosen commands, you can simply drag and drop the saved file into the Lib folder in your python program files.

>>> import mymodule 
>>> mymodule.myfunc()

Java List.add() UnsupportedOperationException

You cannot modify a result from a LDAP query. Your problem is in this line:


The seeAlso list is unmodifiable.

How do I remove a MySQL database?

If you are working in XAMPP and your query of drop database doesn't work then you can go to the operations tag where you find the column (drop the database(drop)), click that button and your database will be deleted.

Add Keypair to existing EC2 instance

You can just add a new key to the instance by the following command:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ domain_alias

You can configure domain_alias in ~/.ssh config

host domain_alias
  User ubuntu
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ec2.pem

Bootstrap modal: close current, open new

As mentioned above In the html in the same button, you can ask to close the current modal with data-dismiss and open a new modal directly with data-target:

<button class="btn btn-success" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalRegistration" data-dismiss="modal">Register</button>

But this will cause scroll-bar disappear and you will notice that if the second modal was longer that the first one

So the solution is to add the following style in the modal inline style :

Style = "overflow-y : scroll ; "

jQuery .search() to any string

Ah, that would be because RegExp is not jQuery. :)

Try this page. jQuery.attr doesn't return a String so that would certainly cause in this regard. Fortunately I believe you can just use .text() to return the String representation.

Something like:


Get records of current month

Try this query:

FROM table 

Use YAML with variables

if your requirement is like parsing an replacing multiple variable and then use it as a hash/or anything then you can do something like this

require 'yaml'
require 'json'
yaml = YAML.load_file("xxxx.yaml")
blueprint = yaml.to_json % { var_a: "xxxx", var_b: "xxxx"}
hash = JSON.parse(blueprint)

inside the yaml just put variables like this


Expansion of variables inside single quotes in a command in Bash

Inside single quotes everything is preserved literally, without exception.

That means you have to close the quotes, insert something, and then re-enter again.


Word concatenation is simply done by juxtaposition. As you can verify, each of the above lines is a single word to the shell. Quotes (single or double quotes, depending on the situation) don't isolate words. They are only used to disable interpretation of various special characters, like whitespace, $, ;... For a good tutorial on quoting see Mark Reed's answer. Also relevant: Which characters need to be escaped in bash?

Do not concatenate strings interpreted by a shell

You should absolutely avoid building shell commands by concatenating variables. This is a bad idea similar to concatenation of SQL fragments (SQL injection!).

Usually it is possible to have placeholders in the command, and to supply the command together with variables so that the callee can receive them from the invocation arguments list.

For example, the following is very unsafe. DON'T DO THIS

script="echo \"Argument 1 is: $myvar\""
/bin/sh -c "$script"

If the contents of $myvar is untrusted, here is an exploit:

myvar='foo"; echo "you were hacked'

Instead of the above invocation, use positional arguments. The following invocation is better -- it's not exploitable:

script='echo "arg 1 is: $1"'
/bin/sh -c "$script" -- "$myvar"

Note the use of single ticks in the assignment to script, which means that it's taken literally, without variable expansion or any other form of interpretation.

Group by month and year in MySQL

GROUP BY YEAR(t.summaryDateTime), MONTH(t.summaryDateTime);

is what you want.

How to upsert (update or insert) in SQL Server 2005

You can check if the row exists, and then INSERT or UPDATE, but this guarantees you will be performing two SQL operations instead of one:

  1. check if row exists
  2. insert or update row

A better solution is to always UPDATE first, and if no rows were updated, then do an INSERT, like so:

update table1 
set name = 'val2', itemname = 'val3', itemcatName = 'val4', itemQty = 'val5'
where id = 'val1'

if @@ROWCOUNT = 0
  insert into table1(id, name, itemname, itemcatName, itemQty)
  values('val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4', 'val5')

This will either take one SQL operations, or two SQL operations, depending on whether the row already exists.

But if performance is really an issue, then you need to figure out if the operations are more likely to be INSERT's or UPDATE's. If UPDATE's are more common, do the above. If INSERT's are more common, you can do that in reverse, but you have to add error handling.

  insert into table1(id, name, itemname, itemcatName, itemQty)
  values('val1', 'val2', 'val3', 'val4', 'val5')
  update table1 
  set name = 'val2', itemname = 'val3', itemcatName = 'val4', itemQty = 'val5'
  where id = 'val1'

To be really certain if you need to do an UPDATE or INSERT, you have to do two operations within a single TRANSACTION. Theoretically, right after the first UPDATE or INSERT (or even the EXISTS check), but before the next INSERT/UPDATE statement, the database could have changed, causing the second statement to fail anyway. This is exceedingly rare, and the overhead for transactions may not be worth it.

Alternately, you can use a single SQL operation called MERGE to perform either an INSERT or an UPDATE, but that's also probably overkill for this one-row operation.

Consider reading about SQL transaction statements, race conditions, SQL MERGE statement.

PHP date yesterday

strtotime(), as in date("F j, Y", strtotime("yesterday"));

JAVA - using FOR, WHILE and DO WHILE loops to sum 1 through 100

Well, a for or while loop differs from a do while loop. A do while executes the statements atleast once, even if the condition turns out to be false.

The for loop you specified is absolutely correct.

Although i will do all the loops for you once again.

int sum = 0;
// for loop

for (int i = 1; i<= 100; i++){
    sum = sum + i;

// while loop

sum = 0;
int j = 1;

    sum = sum + j;


// do while loop

sum = 0;
j = 1;

    sum = sum + j;


In the last case condition j <= 100 is because, even if the condition of do while turns false, it will still execute once but that doesn't matter in this case as the condition turns true, so it continues to loop just like any other loop statement.

Swift Alamofire: How to get the HTTP response status code

        .request(.GET, "REQUEST_URL", parameters: parms, headers: headers)
        .validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
        .responseJSON{ response in

            switch response.result{
            case .Success:
                if let JSON = response.result.value
            case .Failure(let error):

How to escape double quotes in a title attribute

The escape code &#34; can also be used instead of &quot;.

Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

The stl contains a bunch of methods that should be used dependent to the problem.


Now it contains on your data what algorithm to use. This Artikel contains a perfect table to help choosing the right algorithm.

In the special case where min max should be determined and you are using std::vector or ???* array


can be used.

Output ("echo") a variable to a text file

Note: The answer below is written from the perspective of Windows PowerShell.
However, it applies to the cross-platform PowerShell Core edition (v6+) as well, except that the latter - commendably - consistently defaults to BOM-less UTF-8 character encoding, which is the most widely compatible one across platforms and cultures.

To complement bigtv's helpful answer helpful answer with a more concise alternative and background information:

# > $file is effectively the same as | Out-File $file
# Objects are written the same way they display in the console.
# Default character encoding is UTF-16LE (mostly 2 bytes per char.), with BOM.
# Use Out-File -Encoding <name> to change the encoding.
$env:computername > $file

# Set-Content calls .ToString() on each object to output.
# Default character encoding is "ANSI" (culture-specific, single-byte).
# Use Set-Content -Encoding <name> to change the encoding.
# Use Set-Content rather than Add-Content; the latter is for *appending* to a file.
$env:computername | Set-Content $file 

When outputting to a text file, you have 2 fundamental choices that use different object representations and, in Windows PowerShell (as opposed to PowerShell Core), also employ different default character encodings:

  • Out-File (or >) / Out-File -Append (or >>):

    • Suitable for output objects of any type, because PowerShell's default output formatting is applied to the output objects.

      • In other words: you get the same output as when printing to the console.
    • The default encoding, which can be changed with the -Encoding parameter, is Unicode, which is UTF-16LE in which most characters are encoded as 2 bytes. The advantage of a Unicode encoding such as UTF-16LE is that it is a global alphabet, capable of encoding all characters from all human languages.

      • In PSv5.1+, you can change the encoding used by > and >>, via the $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable, taking advantage of the fact that > and >> are now effectively aliases of Out-File and Out-File -Append. To change to UTF-8, for instance, use:
  • Set-Content / Add-Content:

    • For writing strings and instances of types known to have meaningful string representations, such as the .NET primitive data types (Booleans, integers, ...).

      • .psobject.ToString() method is called on each output object, which results in meaningless representations for types that don't explicitly implement a meaningful representation; [hashtable] instances are an example:
        @{ one = 1 } | Set-Content t.txt writes literal System.Collections.Hashtable to t.txt, which is the result of @{ one = 1 }.ToString().
    • The default encoding, which can be changed with the -Encoding parameter, is Default, which is the system's "ANSI" code page, a the single-byte culture-specific legacy encoding for non-Unicode applications, most commonly Windows-1252.
      Note that the documentation currently incorrectly claims that ASCII is the default encoding.

    • Note that Add-Content's purpose is to append content to an existing file, and it is only equivalent to Set-Content if the target file doesn't exist yet.
      Furthermore, the default or specified encoding is blindly applied, irrespective of the file's existing contents' encoding.

Out-File / > / Set-Content / Add-Content all act culture-sensitively, i.e., they produce representations suitable for the current culture (locale), if available (though custom formatting data is free to define its own, culture-invariant representation - see Get-Help about_format.ps1xml). This contrasts with PowerShell's string expansion (string interpolation in double-quoted strings), which is culture-invariant - see this answer of mine.

As for performance: Since Set-Content doesn't have to apply default formatting to its input, it performs better.

As for the OP's symptom with Add-Content:

Since $env:COMPUTERNAME cannot contain non-ASCII characters, Add-Content's output, using "ANSI" encoding, should not result in ? characters in the output, and the likeliest explanation is that the ? were part of the preexisting content in output file $file, which Add-Content appended to.

How do I open a Visual Studio project in design view?

You can double click directly on the .cs file representing your form in the Solution Explorer :

Solution explorer with Design View circled

This will open Form1.cs [Design], which contains the drag&drop controls.

If you are directly in the code behind (The file named Form1.cs, without "[Design]"), you can press Shift + F7 (or only F7 depending on the project type) instead to open it.

From the design view, you can switch back to the Code Behind by pressing F7.

How to get local server host and port in Spring Boot?

IP Address

You can get network interfaces with NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(), then the IP addresses off the NetworkInterface objects returned with .getInetAddresses(), then the string representation of those addresses with .getHostAddress().


If you make a @Configuration class which implements ApplicationListener<EmbeddedServletContainerInitializedEvent>, you can override onApplicationEvent to get the port number once it's set.

public void onApplicationEvent(EmbeddedServletContainerInitializedEvent event) {
    int port = event.getEmbeddedServletContainer().getPort();

A completely free agile software process tool

Try . It is free to use. And it has lot of cool features. Perfect for scrum teams.

HTML5 Canvas background image

Canvas does not using .png file as background image. changing to other file extensions like gif or jpg works fine.

Convert from DateTime to INT

Or, once it's already in SSIS, you could create a derived column (as part of some data flow task) with:


But you'd have to test to doublecheck.

How to make System.out.println() shorter

As Bakkal explained, for the keyboard shortcuts, in netbeans you can go to tools->options->editor->code templates and add or edit your own shortcuts.

In Eclipse it's on templates.

How to post pictures to instagram using API

For anyone who is searching for a solution about posting to Instagram using AWS lambda and puppeteer (chrome-aws-lambda). Noted that this solution allow you to post 1 photo for each post only. If you are not using lambda, just replace chrome-aws-lambda with puppeteer.

For the first launch of lambda, it is normal that will not work because instagram detects “Suspicious login attempt”. Just goto instagram page using your PC and approve it, everything should be fine.

Here's my code, feel free to optimize it:

// instagram.js
const chromium = require('chrome-aws-lambda');

const username = process.env.IG_USERNAME;
const password = process.env.IG_PASSWORD; = async function(fileToUpload, caption){
    const browser = await chromium.puppeteer.launch({
        args: [...chromium.args, '--window-size=520,700'],
        defaultViewport: chromium.defaultViewport,
        executablePath: await chromium.executablePath,
        headless: false,
        ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 10_3_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/603.2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) FxiOS/7.5b3349 Mobile/14F89 Safari/603.2.4');
    await page.goto('', {waitUntil: 'networkidle2'});
    const [buttonLogIn] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Log In')]");
    if (buttonLogIn) {

    await page.waitFor('input[name="username"]');
    await page.type('input[name="username"]', username)
    await page.type('input[name="password"]', password)
    await'form button[type="submit"]');

    await page.waitFor(3000);
    const [buttonSaveInfo] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Not Now')]");
    if (buttonSaveInfo) {

    await page.waitFor(3000);
    const [buttonNotificationNotNow] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Not Now')]");
    const [buttonNotificationCancel] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Cancel')]");
    if (buttonNotificationNotNow) {
    } else if (buttonNotificationCancel) {

    await page.waitFor('form[enctype="multipart/form-data"]');
    const inputUploadHandle = await page.$('form[enctype="multipart/form-data"] input[type=file]');

    await page.waitFor(5000);
    const [buttonPopUpNotNow] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Not Now')]");
    const [buttonPopUpCancel] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Cancel')]");
    if (buttonPopUpNotNow) {
    } else if (buttonPopUpCancel) {

    await inputUploadHandle.uploadFile(fileToUpload);

    await page.waitFor(3000);
    const [buttonNext] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Next')]");

    await page.waitFor(3000);
    await page.type('textarea', caption);

    const [buttonShare] = await page.$x("//button[contains(., 'Share')]");
    await page.waitFor(3000);

    return true;
// handler.js

await'/tmp/image.png', '#text');

it must be local file path, if it is url, download it to /tmp folder first.

HTTP Status 404 - The requested resource (/) is not available

Sometimes cleaning the server works. It worked for me many times.This is only applicable if the program worked earlier but suddenly it stops working.
" Right click on Tomcat Server -> Clean. Then restart the server."

What is the opposite of evt.preventDefault();

There is no opposite method of event.preventDefault() to understand why you first have to look into what event.preventDefault() does when you call it.

Underneath the hood, the functionality for preventDefault is essentially calling a return false which halts any further execution. If you’re familiar with the old ways of Javascript, it was once in fashion to use return false for canceling events on things like form submits and buttons using return true (before jQuery was even around).

As you probably might have already worked out based on the simple explanation above: the opposite of event.preventDefault() is nothing. You just don’t prevent the event, by default the browser will allow the event if you are not preventing it.

See below for an explanation:

;(function($, window, document, undefined)) {

    $(function() {
        // By default deny the submit
        var allowSubmit = false;

        $("#someform").on("submit", function(event) {

            if (!allowSubmit) {

                // Your code logic in here (maybe form validation or something)
                // Then you set allowSubmit to true so this code is bypassed

                allowSubmit = true;


})(jQuery, window, document);

In the code above you will notice we are checking if allowSubmit is false. This means we will prevent our form from submitting using event.preventDefault and then we will do some validation logic and if we are happy, set allowSubmit to true.

This is really the only effective method of doing the opposite of event.preventDefault() – you can also try removing events as well which essentially would achieve the same thing.

CSS3 equivalent to jQuery slideUp and slideDown?

    try this for slide up slide down with animation 
give your **height

        @keyframes slide_up{
                min-height: 0;
                height: 0px;
                opacity: 0;
                height: 560px;
                opacity: 1;

        @keyframes slide_down{
                height: 560px;
                opacity: 1;
                min-height: 0;
                height: 0px;
                opacity: 0;

What's the difference between the Window.Loaded and Window.ContentRendered events

If you're using data binding, then you need to use the ContentRendered event.

For the code below, the Header is NULL when the Loaded event is raised. However, Header gets its value when the ContentRendered event is raised.

<MenuItem Header="{Binding NewGame_Name}" Command="{Binding NewGameCommand}" />

Change key pair for ec2 instance

This answer is useful in the case you no longer have SSH access to the existing server (i.e. you lost your private key).

If you still have SSH access, please use one of the answers below.

Here is what I did, thanks to Eric Hammond's blog post:

  1. Stop the running EC2 instance
  2. Detach its /dev/xvda1 volume (let's call it volume A) - see here
  3. Start new t1.micro EC2 instance, using my new key pair. Make sure you create it in the same subnet, otherwise you will have to terminate the instance and create it again. - see here
  4. Attach volume A to the new micro instance, as /dev/xvdf (or /dev/sdf)
  5. SSH to the new micro instance and mount volume A to /mnt/tmp
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp; sudo mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/tmp
  1. Copy ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to /mnt/tmp/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
  2. Logout
  3. Terminate micro instance
  4. Detach volume A from it
  5. Attach volume A back to the main instance as /dev/xvda
  6. Start the main instance
  7. Login as before, using your new .pem file

That's it.

Why doesn't Console.Writeline, Console.Write work in Visual Studio Express?

Console.WriteLine writes your output to the console window opened by your application (think black window with white text that appears when you open the Command Prompt.) Try System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine instead.

LaTeX Optional Arguments

All of the above show hard it can be to make a nice, flexible (or forbid an overloaded) function in LaTeX!!! (that TeX code looks like greek to me)

well, just to add my recent (albeit not as flexible) development, here's what I've recently used in my thesis doc, with

\usepackage{ifthen}  % provides conditonals...

Start the command, with the "optional" command set blank by default:

\newcommand {\figHoriz} [4] []  {

I then have the macro set a temporary variable, \temp{}, differently depending on whether or not the optional argument is blank. This could be extended to any passed argument.

\ifthenelse { \equal {#1} {} }  %if short caption not specified, use long caption (no slant)
    { \def\temp {\caption[#4]{\textsl{#4}}} }   % if #1 == blank
    { \def\temp {\caption[#1]{\textsl{#4}}} }   % else (not blank)

Then I run the macro using the \temp{} variable for the two cases. (Here it just sets the short-caption to equal the long caption if it wasn't specified by the user).

        \includegraphics[width=350 pt]{#3}
        \temp   %see above for caption etc.

In this case I only check for the single, "optional" argument that \newcommand{} provides. If you were to set it up for, say, 3 "optional" args, you'd still have to send the 3 blank args... eg.

\MyCommand {first arg} {} {} {}

which is pretty silly, I know, but that's about as far as I'm going to go with LaTeX - it's just not that sensical once I start looking at TeX code... I do like Mr. Robertson's xparse method though, perhaps I'll try it...

update to python 3.7 using anaconda

Python 3.7 is now available to be installed, but many packages have not been updated yet. As noted by another answer here, there is a GitHub issue tracking the progress of Anaconda building all the updated packages.

Until someone creates a conda package for Python 3.7, you can't install it. Unfortunately, something like 3500 packages show up in a search for "python" on ( so I couldn't see if anyone has done that yet.

You might be able to build your own package, depending on what OS you want it for. You can start with the recipe that conda-forge uses to build Python:

In the past, I think Continuum have generally waited until a stable release to push out packages for new Pythons, but I don't work there, so I don't know what their actual policy is.

Is there any "font smoothing" in Google Chrome?

I had the same problem, and I found the solution in this post of Sam Goddard,

The solution if to defined the call to the font twice. First as it is recommended, to be used for all the browsers, and after a particular call only for Chrome with a special media query:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'chunk-webfont';
  src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.eot');
  src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('eot'),
  url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
  url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
  url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.svg') format('svg');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
  @font-face {
    font-family: 'chunk-webfont';
    src: url('../../includes/fonts/chunk-webfont.svg') format('svg');

enter image description here

With this method the font will render good in all browsers. The only negative point that I found is that the font file is also downloaded twice.

You can find an spanish version of this article in my page

Android Facebook 4.0 SDK How to get Email, Date of Birth and gender of User

Following is the code to find email id, name and profile url etc

    private CallbackManager callbackManager;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//TODO on click of fb custom button call handleFBLogin()
     callbackManager = CallbackManager.Factory.create();

    private void handleFBLogin() {
            AccessToken accessToken = AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken();
            boolean isLoggedIn = accessToken != null && !accessToken.isExpired();

            if (isLoggedIn && Store.isUserExists(ActivitySignIn.this)) {

            LoginManager.getInstance().logInWithReadPermissions(ActivitySignIn.this, Arrays.asList("public_profile", "email"));
                    new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
                        public void onSuccess(final LoginResult loginResult) {
                            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {

                        public void onCancel() {
                            Toast.makeText(ActivitySignIn.this, "CANCELED", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

                        public void onError(FacebookException exception) {
                            Toast.makeText(ActivitySignIn.this, "ERROR" + exception.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

private void setFacebookData(final LoginResult loginResult) {
        GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newMeRequest(
                new GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback() {
                    public void onCompleted(JSONObject object, GraphResponse response) {
                        // Application code
                        try {
                            Log.i("Response", response.toString());

                            String email = response.getJSONObject().getString("email");
                            String firstName = response.getJSONObject().getString("first_name");
                            String lastName = response.getJSONObject().getString("last_name");
                            String profileURL = "";
                            if (Profile.getCurrentProfile() != null) {
                                profileURL = ImageRequest.getProfilePictureUri(Profile.getCurrentProfile().getId(), 400, 400).toString();

                           //TODO put your code here
                        } catch (JSONException e) {
                            Toast.makeText(ActivitySignIn.this, R.string.error_occurred_try_again, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
        parameters.putString("fields", "id,email,first_name,last_name");
      protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
            callbackManager.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

How do you use window.postMessage across domains?

You should post a message from frame to parent, after loaded.

frame script:

$(document).ready(function() {
    window.parent.postMessage("I'm loaded", "*");

And listen it in parent:

function listenMessage(msg) {

if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener("message", listenMessage, false);
} else {
    window.attachEvent("onmessage", listenMessage);

Use this link for more info:

Windows could not start the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) on Local Computer... (error code 3417)

Re-entering credentials will help to start the services:

  1. Start > Services
  2. Right click on SQL Sever > Properties
  3. Log On
  4. Re-enter credentials and apply
  5. Start the services now

Show a PDF files in users browser via PHP/Perl

    $url ="https://yourFile.pdf";
    $content = file_get_contents($url);

    header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
    header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($content));
    header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="YourFileName.pdf"');
    header('Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate');
    header('Pragma: public');


Tested and works fine. If you want the file to download instead, replace

    Content-Disposition: inline


    Content-Disposition: attachment

Open Google Chrome from VBA/Excel

I found an easier way to do it and it works perfectly even if you don't know the path where the chrome is located.

First of all, you have to paste this code in the top of the module.

Option Explicit
Private pWebAddress As String
Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long

After that you have to create this two modules:

Sub LoadExplorer()
    LoadFile "Chrome.exe" ' Here you are executing the chrome. exe
End Sub

Sub LoadFile(FileName As String)
    ShellExecute 0, "Open", FileName, "http://test.123", "", 1 ' You can change the URL.
End Sub

With this you will be able (if you want) to set a variable for the url or just leave it like hardcode.

Ps: It works perfectly for others browsers just changing "Chrome.exe" to opera, bing, etc.

How to configure log4j with a properties file

I believe the directory it needs to be in the java classpath. In your case adding the CWD to the classpath should work.

Setting Timeout Value For .NET Web Service

After creating your client specifying the binding and endpoint address, you can assign an OperationTimeout,

client.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0);

Access parent URL from iframe

For pages on the same domain and different subdomain, you can set the document.domain property via javascript.

Both the parent frame and the iframe need to set their document.domain to something that is common betweeen them.

i.e. and could each use either or just and be compatible (no, you can't set them both to com, for security reasons...)

also, note that document.domain is a one way street. Consider running the following three statements in order:

// assume we're starting at
document.domain = "" // works
document.domain = "" // works
document.domain = "" // throws a security exception

Modern browsers can also use window.postMessage to talk across origins, but it won't work in IE6.

How to check if String value is Boolean type in Java?

Actually, checking for a Boolean type in a String (which is a type) is impossible. Basically you're asking how to do a 'string compare'.

Like others stated. You need to define when you want to return "true" or "false" (under what conditions). Do you want it to be case(in)sensitive? What if the value is null?

I think Boolean.valueOf() is your friend, javadoc says:

Returns a Boolean with a value represented by the specified String. The Boolean returned represents the value true if the string argument is not null and is equal, ignoring case, to the string "true".

Example: Boolean.valueOf("True") returns true.
Example: Boolean.valueOf("yes") returns false.

Best way to store date/time in mongodb

One datestamp is already in the _id object, representing insert time

So if the insert time is what you need, it's already there:

Login to mongodb shell

ubuntu@ip-10-0-1-223:~$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to:

Create your database by inserting items

> db.penguins.insert({"penguin": "skipper"})
> db.penguins.insert({"penguin": "kowalski"})

Lets make that database the one we are on now

> use penguins
switched to db penguins

Get the rows back:

> db.penguins.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5498da1bf83a61f58ef6c6d5"), "penguin" : "skipper" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5498da28f83a61f58ef6c6d6"), "penguin" : "kowalski" }

Get each row in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss format:

> db.penguins.find().forEach(function (doc){ d = doc._id.getTimestamp(); print(d.getFullYear()+"-"+(d.getMonth()+1)+"-"+d.getDate() + " " + d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds()) })
2014-12-23 3:4:41
2014-12-23 3:4:53

If that last one-liner confuses you I have a walkthrough on how that works here:

Find largest and smallest number in an array

Unless you really must implement your own solution, you can use std::minmax_element. This returns a pair of iterators, one to the smallest element and one to the largest.

#include <algorithm>

auto minmax = std::minmax_element(std::begin(values), std::end(values));

std::cout << "min element " << *(minmax.first) << "\n";
std::cout << "max element " << *(minmax.second) << "\n";

Maven plugin not using Eclipse's proxy settings

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



Window > Preferences > Maven > User Settings

enter image description here

ASP.NET Core configuration for .NET Core console application

Just piling on... similar to Feiyu Zhou's post. Here I'm adding the machine name.

public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
          .ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, builder) =>
            var env = context.HostingEnvironment;
            var hostname = Environment.MachineName;
            builder.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true)
              .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)
              .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{hostname}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);
            if (args != null)

How to set the action for a UIBarButtonItem in Swift

Swift 5 & iOS 13+ Programmatic Example

  1. You must mark your function with @objc, see below example!
  2. No parenthesis following after the function name! Just use #selector(name).
  3. private or public doesn't matter; you can use private.

Code Example

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    let menuButtonImage = UIImage(systemName: "flame")
    let menuButton = UIBarButtonItem(image: menuButtonImage, style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(didTapMenuButton))
    navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = menuButton

@objc public func didTapMenuButton() {
    print("Hello World")

Google Maps API v3 adding an InfoWindow to each marker

for Earth plugin APIs, create the balloon outside your loop and pass your counter to the function to get unique contents for each placemark!

function createBalloon(placemark, i, event) {
            var p = placemark;
            var j = i;
  , 'click', function (event) {
                    // prevent the default balloon from popping up
                    var balloon = ge.createHtmlStringBalloon('');

                    balloon.setContentString('iframePath#' + j);


jQuery "on create" event for dynamically-created elements

As mentioned in several other answers, mutation events have been deprecated, so you should use MutationObserver instead. Since nobody has given any details on that yet, here it goes...

Basic JavaScript API

The API for MutationObserver is fairly simple. It's not quite as simple as the mutation events, but it's still okay.

function callback(records) {_x000D_
  records.forEach(function (record) {_x000D_
    var list = record.addedNodes;_x000D_
    var i = list.length - 1;_x000D_
 for ( ; i > -1; i-- ) {_x000D_
   if (list[i].nodeName === 'SELECT') {_x000D_
     // Insert code here..._x000D_
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);_x000D_
var targetNode = document.body;_x000D_
observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });
  // For testing_x000D_
  setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
    var $el = document.createElement('select');_x000D_
  }, 500);_x000D_

Let's break that down.

var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);

This creates the observer. The observer isn't watching anything yet; this is just where the event listener gets attached.

observer.observe(targetNode, { childList: true, subtree: true });

This makes the observer start up. The first argument is the node that the observer will watch for changes on. The second argument is the options for what to watch for.

  • childList means I want to watch for child elements being added or removed.
  • subtree is a modifier that extends childList to watch for changes anywhere in this element's subtree (otherwise, it would just look at changes directly within targetNode).

The other two main options besides childList are attributes and characterData, which mean about what they sound like. You must use one of those three.

function callback(records) {
  records.forEach(function (record) {

Things get a little tricky inside the callback. The callback receives an array of MutationRecords. Each MutationRecord can describe several changes of one type (childList, attributes, or characterData). Since I only told the observer to watch for childList, I won't bother checking the type.

var list = record.addedNodes;

Right here I grab a NodeList of all the child nodes that were added. This will be empty for all the records where nodes aren't added (and there may be many such records).

From there on, I loop through the added nodes and find any that are <select> elements.

Nothing really complex here.


...but you asked for jQuery. Fine.

(function($) {

  var observers = [];

  $.event.special.domNodeInserted = {

    setup: function setup(data, namespaces) {
      var observer = new MutationObserver(checkObservers);

      observers.push([this, observer, []]);

    teardown: function teardown(namespaces) {
      var obs = getObserverData(this);


      observers = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
        return item !== obs;

    remove: function remove(handleObj) {
      var obs = getObserverData(this);

      obs[2] = obs[2].filter(function(event) {
        return event[0] !== handleObj.selector && event[1] !== handleObj.handler;

    add: function add(handleObj) {
      var obs = getObserverData(this);

      var opts = $.extend({}, {
        childList: true,
        subtree: true

      obs[1].observe(this, opts);

      obs[2].push([handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler]);

  function getObserverData(element) {
    var $el = $(element);

    return $.grep(observers, function(item) {
      return $[0]);

  function checkObservers(records, observer) {
    var obs = $.grep(observers, function(item) {
      return item[1] === observer;

    var triggers = obs[2];

    var changes = [];

    records.forEach(function(record) {
      if (record.type === 'attributes') {
        if (changes.indexOf( === -1) {


      $(record.addedNodes).toArray().forEach(function(el) {
        if (changes.indexOf(el) === -1) {

    triggers.forEach(function checkTrigger(item) {
      changes.forEach(function(el) {
        var $el = $(el);

        if ($[0])) {


This creates a new event called domNodeInserted, using the jQuery special events API. You can use it like so:

$(document).on("domNodeInserted", "select", function () {

I would personally suggest looking for a class because some libraries will create select elements for testing purposes.

Naturally, you can also use .off("domNodeInserted", ...) or fine-tune the watching by passing in data like this:

$(document.body).on("domNodeInserted", "select.test", {
  attributes: true,
  subtree: false
}, function () {

This would trigger checking for the appearance of a select.test element whenever attributes changed for elements directly inside the body.

You can see it live below or on jsFiddle.

(function($) {_x000D_
  $(document).on("domNodeInserted", "select", function() {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  // For testing_x000D_
  setTimeout(function() {_x000D_
    var $el = document.createElement('select');_x000D_
  }, 500);_x000D_
  (function($) {_x000D_
    var observers = [];_x000D_
    $.event.special.domNodeInserted = {_x000D_
      setup: function setup(data, namespaces) {_x000D_
        var observer = new MutationObserver(checkObservers);_x000D_
        observers.push([this, observer, []]);_x000D_
      teardown: function teardown(namespaces) {_x000D_
        var obs = getObserverData(this);_x000D_
        observers = $.grep(observers, function(item) {_x000D_
          return item !== obs;_x000D_
      remove: function remove(handleObj) {_x000D_
        var obs = getObserverData(this);_x000D_
        obs[2] = obs[2].filter(function(event) {_x000D_
          return event[0] !== handleObj.selector && event[1] !== handleObj.handler;_x000D_
      add: function add(handleObj) {_x000D_
        var obs = getObserverData(this);_x000D_
        var opts = $.extend({}, {_x000D_
          childList: true,_x000D_
          subtree: true_x000D_
        obs[1].observe(this, opts);_x000D_
        obs[2].push([handleObj.selector, handleObj.handler]);_x000D_
    function getObserverData(element) {_x000D_
      var $el = $(element);_x000D_
      return $.grep(observers, function(item) {_x000D_
        return $[0]);_x000D_
    function checkObservers(records, observer) {_x000D_
      var obs = $.grep(observers, function(item) {_x000D_
        return item[1] === observer;_x000D_
      var triggers = obs[2];_x000D_
      var changes = [];_x000D_
      records.forEach(function(record) {_x000D_
        if (record.type === 'attributes') {_x000D_
          if (changes.indexOf( === -1) {_x000D_
        $(record.addedNodes).toArray().forEach(function(el) {_x000D_
          if (changes.indexOf(el) === -1) {_x000D_
      triggers.forEach(function checkTrigger(item) {_x000D_
        changes.forEach(function(el) {_x000D_
          var $el = $(el);_x000D_
          if ($[0])) {_x000D_


This jQuery code is a fairly basic implementation. It does not trigger in cases where modifications elsewhere make your selector valid.

For example, suppose your selector is .test select and the document already has a <select>. Adding the class test to <body> will make the selector valid, but because I only check and record.addedNodes, the event would not fire. The change has to happen to the element you wish to select itself.

This could be avoided by querying for the selector whenever mutations happen. I chose not to do that to avoid causing duplicate events for elements that had already been handled. Properly dealing with adjacent or general sibling combinators would make things even trickier.

For a more comprehensive solution, see, as mentioned in Damien Ó Ceallaigh's answer. However, the author of that library has announced that the library is old and suggests that you shouldn't use jQuery for this.

Reading and writing binary file

Here is a short example, the C++ way using rdbuf. I got this from the web. I can't find my original source on this:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

int main () 
  std::ifstream f1 ("C:\\me.txt",std::fstream::binary);

  std::ofstream f2 ("C:\\me2.doc",std::fstream::trunc|std::fstream::binary);


  return 0;

Why does git say "Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files"?

Theres a simple solution to it. But for that you will first need to learn the following


To remove conficts, you can use

git mergetool

The above command basically opens local file, mixed file, remote file (3 files in total), for each conflicted file. The local & remote files are just for your reference, and using them you can choose what to include (or not) in the mixed file. And just save and quit the file.

Why is this program erroneously rejected by three C++ compilers?

Try switching input interface. C++ expects a keyboard to be plugged in to your computer, not a scanner. There may be peripherals conflict issues here. I didn't check in ISO Standard if keyboard input interface is mandatory, but that is true for all compilers I ever used. But maybe scanner input is now available in C99, and in this case your program should indeed work. If not you'll have to wait the next standard release and upgrade of compilers.

Convert SVG to image (JPEG, PNG, etc.) in the browser

This seems to work in most browsers:

function copyStylesInline(destinationNode, sourceNode) {
   var containerElements = ["svg","g"];
   for (var cd = 0; cd < destinationNode.childNodes.length; cd++) {
       var child = destinationNode.childNodes[cd];
       if (containerElements.indexOf(child.tagName) != -1) {
            copyStylesInline(child, sourceNode.childNodes[cd]);
       var style = sourceNode.childNodes[cd].currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle(sourceNode.childNodes[cd]);
       if (style == "undefined" || style == null) continue;
       for (var st = 0; st < style.length; st++){
  [st], style.getPropertyValue(style[st]));

function triggerDownload (imgURI, fileName) {
  var evt = new MouseEvent("click", {
    view: window,
    bubbles: false,
    cancelable: true
  var a = document.createElement("a");
  a.setAttribute("download", fileName);
  a.setAttribute("href", imgURI);
  a.setAttribute("target", '_blank');

function downloadSvg(svg, fileName) {
  var copy = svg.cloneNode(true);
  copyStylesInline(copy, svg);
  var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
  var bbox = svg.getBBox();
  canvas.width = bbox.width;
  canvas.height = bbox.height;
  var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, bbox.width, bbox.height);
  var data = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(copy);
  var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
  var img = new Image();
  var svgBlob = new Blob([data], {type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8"});
  var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(svgBlob);
  img.onload = function () {
    ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
    if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob)
        var blob = canvas.msToBlob();         
        navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName);
    else {
        var imgURI = canvas
            .replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
        triggerDownload(imgURI, fileName);
  img.src = url;

How to detect orientation change?

I know this question is for Swift, but since it's one of the top links for a Google search and if you're looking for the same code in Objective-C:

// add the observer
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(rotated:) name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object:nil];

// remove the observer
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIDeviceOrientationDidChangeNotification object:nil];

// method signature
- (void)rotated:(NSNotification *)notification {
    // do stuff here

What does "#include <iostream>" do?

# indicates that the following line is a preprocessor directive and should be processed by the preprocessor before compilation by the compiler.

So, #include is a preprocessor directive that tells the preprocessor to include header files in the program.

< > indicate the start and end of the file name to be included.

iostream is a header file that contains functions for input/output operations (cin and cout).

Now to sum it up C++ to English translation of the command, #include <iostream> is:

Dear preprocessor, please include all the contents of the header file iostream at the very beginning of this program before compiler starts the actual compilation of the code.

Passing std::string by Value or Reference

There are multiple answers based on what you are doing with the string.

1) Using the string as an id (will not be modified). Passing it in by const reference is probably the best idea here: (std::string const&)

2) Modifying the string but not wanting the caller to see that change. Passing it in by value is preferable: (std::string)

3) Modifying the string but wanting the caller to see that change. Passing it in by reference is preferable: (std::string &)

4) Sending the string into the function and the caller of the function will never use the string again. Using move semantics might be an option (std::string &&)

How can I install a previous version of Python 3 in macOS using homebrew?

Short Answer

To make a clean install of Python 3.6.5 use:

brew unlink python # ONLY if you have installed (with brew) another version of python 3
brew install --ignore-dependencies

If you prefer to recover a previously installed version, then:

brew info python           # To see what you have previously installed
brew switch python 3.x.x_x # Ex. 3.6.5_1

Long Answer

There are two formulas for installing Python with Homebrew: python@2 and python.
The first is for Python 2 and the second for Python 3.

Note: You can find outdated answers on the web where it is mentioned python3 as the formula name for installing Python version 3. Now it's just python!

By default, with these formulas you can install the latest version of the corresponding major version of Python. So, you cannot directly install a minor version like 3.6.


With brew, you can install a package using the address of the formula, for example in a git repository.

brew install https://the/address/to/the/formula/FORMULA_NAME.rb

Or specifically for Python 3

brew install

The address you must specify is the address to the last commit of the formula (python.rb) for the desired version. You can find the commint identifier by looking at the history for homebrew-core/Formula/python.rb

Python > 3.6.5

In the link above you will not find a formula for a version of Python above 3.6.5. After the maintainers of that (official) repository released Python 3.7, they only submit updates to the recipe of Python 3.7.

As explained above, with homebrew you have only Python 2 (python@2) and Python 3 (python), there is no explicit formula for Python 3.6.

Although those minor updates are mostly irrelevant in most cases and for most users, I will search if someone has done an explicit formula for 3.6.

How to upgrade docker-compose to latest version

If you have homebrew you can also install via brew

$ brew install docker-compose

This is a good way to install on a Mac OS system

No line-break after a hyphen

You could also wrap the relevant text with

<span style="white-space: nowrap;"></span>

Rename multiple files in a directory in Python

It seems that your problem is more in determining the new file name rather than the rename itself (for which you could use the os.rename method).

It is not clear from your question what the pattern is that you want to be renaming. There is nothing wrong with string manipulation. A regular expression may be what you need here.

Min width in window resizing

You can set min-width property of CSS for body tag. Since this property is not supported by IE6, you can write like:

   min-width:1000px;        /* Suppose you want minimum width of 1000px */
   width: auto !important;  /* Firefox will set width as auto */
   width:1000px;            /* As IE6 ignores !important it will set width as 1000px; */


   min-width:1000px; // Suppose you want minimum width of 1000px
   _width: expression( document.body.clientWidth > 1000 ? "1000px" : "auto" ); /* sets max-width for IE6 */

Create a circular button in BS3

you can do something like adding a class to add border radius


<a href="#" class="btn btn-default btn-circle"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></a>


.btn-circle {
  width: 30px;
  height: 30px;
  text-align: center;
  padding: 6px 0;
  font-size: 12px;
  line-height: 1.42;
  border-radius: 15px;

in case you wanted to change dimension you need to change the font size or padding accordingly

How can I find the maximum value and its index in array in MATLAB?

For a matrix you can use this:

[M,I] = max(A(:))

I is the index of A(:) containing the largest element.

Now, use the ind2sub function to extract the row and column indices of A corresponding to the largest element.

[I_row, I_col] = ind2sub(size(A),I)


sys.path different in Jupyter and Python - how to import own modules in Jupyter?

You can use absolute imports:


# In the file.ipynb importing the file
from import config

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/juli/logging/LogFactory

  1. install tomcat

    # yum install tomcat6*

  2. edit tomcat conf file

    # vim /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml

something like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="admin"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
  <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
  <user username="TomcatAdmin" password="tomcat" roles="admin,manager"/>
  1. create root directory for your J2EE project, example:

    $ mkdir -p ~/Project/java/

  2. do symbolic link, /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/ to ~/Project/java/

    # ln -s /home//Project/java//dist/.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/.war

Note: war archive file is created automatcaly when you use netbeans

0r you can do:

# ln -s /home/<login>/Project/java/<myProject>/webapps /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/<myProject>
  1. check /etc/hosts file, this file must contain the machine name, mine hosts file

    jonathan localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

  2. start httpd service

    # service httpd start

  3. check loclahost web page

  4. start tomcat6

    # service tomcat6 start

  5. check localhost:8080 web page

  6. check that tomcat show your project
    if not:

    • check symbolic link and restart tomcat6 service
    • or add manualy with tomcat manager web page
      a) Set project name
      b) Se path to web.xml file
      c) Valid
      d) start your project (from web page)

for fedora 13 and under they are some problem, how fix it:

# chmod -R g+w /var/log/tomcat6 /etc/tomcat6/Catalina  
# chmod -R g+w /usr/share/tomcat6/work/  

check in log files located in /var/log/tomcat6/ if they are anymore "permission denied" message

Excel Macro : How can I get the timestamp in "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" format?

this worked best for me:

        Cells(partcount + 5, "N").Value = Date + Time
        Cells(partcount + 5, "N").NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM"

MySQL - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

I had faced same issue while creating foreign constraints on table. the simple way of coming out of this issue are first take backup of your parent and child table then truncate child table and again try to make a relation. hope this will solve the problem.

What's the easiest way to escape HTML in Python?

cgi.escape extended

This version improves cgi.escape. It also preserves whitespace and newlines. Returns a unicode string.

def escape_html(text):
    """escape strings for display in HTML"""
    return cgi.escape(text, quote=True).\
           replace(u'\n', u'<br />').\
           replace(u'\t', u'&emsp;').\
           replace(u'  ', u' &nbsp;')

for example

>>> escape_html('<foo>\nfoo\t"bar"')
u'&lt;foo&gt;<br />foo&emsp;&quot;bar&quot;'

File Upload using AngularJS

You can use a FormData object which is safe and fast:

// Store the file object when input field is changed
$scope.contentChanged = function(event){
    if (!event.files.length)
        return null;

    $scope.content = new FormData();
    $scope.content.append('fileUpload', event.files[0]); 

// Upload the file over HTTP
$scope.upload = function(){
        method: 'POST', 
        url: '/remote/url',
        headers: {'Content-Type': undefined },
        data: $scope.content,
    }).success(function(response) {
        // Uploading complete
        console.log('Request finished', response);

Foreach Control in form, how can I do something to all the TextBoxes in my Form?

I found this to work very well, but initially I have my textboxes on a panel so none of my textboxes cleared as expected so I added


Which got me to thinking that is you have lots of textboxes for different functions and only some need to be cleared out, perhaps using the multiple panel hierarchies you can target just a few and not all.

foreach ( TextBox tb in this.Controls.OfType<TextBox>()) {

Best place to insert the Google Analytics code

As google says:

Paste it into your web page, just before the closing </head> tag.

One of the main advantages of the asynchronous snippet is that you can position it at the top of the HTML document. This increases the likelihood that the tracking beacon will be sent before the user leaves the page. It is customary to place JavaScript code in the <head> section, and we recommend placing the snippet at the bottom of the <head> section for best performance

In Node.js, how do I "include" functions from my other files?

I just want to add, in case you need just certain functions imported from your tools.js, then you can use a destructuring assignment which is supported in node.js since version 6.4 - see

Example: (both files are in the same folder)


module.exports = {
    sum: function(a,b) {
        return a + b;
    isEven: function(a) {
        return a % 2 == 0;


const { isEven } = require('./tools.js');


output: true

This also avoids that you assign those functions as properties of another object as its the case in the following (common) assignment:

const tools = require('./tools.js');

where you need to call tools.isEven(10).


Don't forget to prefix your file name with the correct path - even if both files are in the same folder, you need to prefix with ./

From Node.js docs:

Without a leading '/', './', or '../' to indicate a file, the module must either be a core module or is loaded from a node_modules folder.

How to return XML in ASP.NET?

I've found the proper way to return XML to a client in ASP.NET. I think if I point out the wrong ways, it will make the right way more understandable.






Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;


Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; //Must be 'text/xml'
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //We'd like UTF-8
doc.Save(Response.Output); //Save to the text-writer
      //using the encoding of the text-writer
      //(which comes from response.contentEncoding)

Use a TextWriter

Do not use Response.OutputStream

Do use Response.Output

Both are streams, but Output is a TextWriter. When an XmlDocument saves itself to a TextWriter, it will use the encoding specified by that TextWriter. The XmlDocument will automatically change the xml declaration node to match the encoding used by the TextWriter. e.g. in this case the XML declaration node:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

would become

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This is because the TextWriter has been set to UTF-8. (More on this in a moment). As the TextWriter is fed character data, it will encode it with the byte sequences appropriate for its set encoding.



In this example the document is incorrectly saved to the OutputStream, which performs no encoding change, and may not match the response's content-encoding or the XML declaration node's specified encoding.



The XML document is correctly saved to a TextWriter object, ensuring the encoding is properly handled.

Set Encoding

The encoding given to the client in the header:

Response.ContentEncoding = ...

must match the XML document's encoding:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="..."?>

must match the actual encoding present in the byte sequences sent to the client. To make all three of these things agree, set the single line:

Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

When the encoding is set on the Response object, it sets the same encoding on the TextWriter. The encoding set of the TextWriter causes the XmlDocument to change the xml declaration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

when the document is Saved:


Save to the response Output

You do not want to save the document to a binary stream, or write a string:



Here the XML is incorrectly saved to a binary stream. The final byte encoding sequence won't match the XML declaration, or the web-server response's content-encoding.



Here the XML is incorrectly converted to a string, which does not have an encoding. The XML declaration node is not updated to reflect the encoding of the response, and the response is not properly encoded to match the response's encoding. Also, storing the XML in an intermediate string wastes memory.

You don't want to save the XML to a string, or stuff the XML into a string and response.Write a string, because that:

- doesn't follow the encoding specified
- doesn't set the XML declaration node to match
- wastes memory

Do use doc.Save(Response.Output);

Do not use doc.Save(Response.OutputStream);

Do not use Response.Write(doc.ToString());

Do not use 'Response.Write(doc.InnerXml);`

Set the content-type

The Response's ContentType must be set to "text/xml". If not, the client will not know you are sending it XML.

Final Answer

Response.Clear(); //Optional: if we've sent anything before
Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; //Must be 'text/xml'
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; //We'd like UTF-8
doc.Save(Response.Output); //Save to the text-writer
    //using the encoding of the text-writer
    //(which comes from response.contentEncoding)
Response.End(); //Optional: will end processing

Complete Example

Rob Kennedy had the good point that I failed to include the start-to-finish example.


<%@ WebHandler Language="C#" Class="Handler" %>

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Data.Common;

//Why a "Handler" and not a full ASP.NET form?
//Because many people online critisized my original solution
//that involved the aspx (and cutting out all the HTML in the front file),
//noting the overhead of a full viewstate build-up/tear-down and processing,
//when it's not a web-form at all. (It's a pure processing.)

public class Handler : IHttpHandler
   public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
      //GetXmlToShow will look for parameters from the context
      XmlDocument doc = GetXmlToShow(context);

      //Don't forget to set a valid xml type.
      //If you leave the default "text/html", the browser will refuse to display it correctly
      context.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";

      //We'd like UTF-8.
      context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
      //context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UnicodeEncoding; //But no reason you couldn't use UTF-16:
      //context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF32; //Or UTF-32
      //context.Response.ContentEncoding = new System.Text.Encoding(500); //Or EBCDIC (500 is the code page for IBM EBCDIC International)
      //context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII; //Or ASCII
      //context.Response.ContentEncoding = new System.Text.Encoding(28591); //Or ISO8859-1
      //context.Response.ContentEncoding = new System.Text.Encoding(1252); //Or Windows-1252 (a version of ISO8859-1, but with 18 useful characters where they were empty spaces)

      //Tell the client don't cache it (it's too volatile)
      //Commenting out NoCache allows the browser to cache the results (so they can view the XML source)
      //But leaves the possiblity that the browser might not request a fresh copy

      //And now we tell the browser that it expires immediately, and the cached copy you have should be refreshed
      context.Response.Expires = -1;

      context.Response.Cache.SetAllowResponseInBrowserHistory(true); //"works around an Internet&nbsp;Explorer bug"

      doc.Save(context.Response.Output); //doc saves itself to the textwriter, using the encoding of the text-writer (which comes from response.contentEncoding)

      #region Notes
       * 1. Use Response.Output, and NOT Response.OutputStream.
       *  Both are streams, but Output is a TextWriter.
       *  When an XmlDocument saves itself to a TextWriter, it will use the encoding
       *  specified by the TextWriter. The XmlDocument will automatically change any
       *  XML declaration node, i.e.:
       *     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
       *  to match the encoding used by the Response.Output's encoding setting
       * 2. The Response.Output TextWriter's encoding settings comes from the
       *  Response.ContentEncoding value.
       * 3. Use doc.Save, not Response.Write(doc.ToString()) or Response.Write(doc.InnerXml)
       * 3. You DON'T want to save the XML to a string, or stuff the XML into a string
       *  and response.Write that, because that
       *   - doesn't follow the encoding specified
       *   - wastes memory
       * To sum up: by Saving to a TextWriter: the XML Declaration node, the XML contents,
       * and the HTML Response content-encoding will all match.
      #endregion Notes

   private XmlDocument GetXmlToShow(HttpContext context)
      //Use context.Request to get the account number they want to return
      //GET /GetPatronInformation.ashx?accountNumber=619

      //Or since this is sample code, pull XML out of your rear:
      XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
      doc.LoadXml("<Patron><Name>Rob Kennedy</Name></Patron>");

      return doc;

   public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } }

Using a dictionary to count the items in a list

>>> L = ['apple','red','apple','red','red','pear']
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d = defaultdict(int)
>>> for i in L:
...   d[i] += 1
>>> d
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {'pear': 1, 'apple': 2, 'red': 3})

Warnings Your Apk Is Using Permissions That Require A Privacy Policy: (android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)

See steb by step and you will understood

public static String getVideoTitle(String youtubeVideoUrl) {
        Log.e(youtubeVideoUrl.toString() + " In GetVideoTitle Menu".toString() ,"hiii" );
        try {

            if (youtubeVideoUrl != null) {
                URL embededURL = new URL("" +
                        youtubeVideoUrl + "&format=json"
                Log.e(youtubeVideoUrl.toString() + " In EmbedJson Try Function ".toString() ,"hiii" );
                Log.e(embededURL.toString() + " In EmbedJson Retrn value ".toString() ,"hiii" );
                Log.e(new JSONObject(IOUtils.toString(embededURL)).getString("provider_name").toString() + " In EmbedJson Retrn value ".toString() ,"hiii" );

                return new JSONObject(IOUtils.toString(embededURL)).getString("provider_name").toString();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e(" In catch Function ".toString() ,"hiii" );

        return null;

CSS overflow-x: visible; and overflow-y: hidden; causing scrollbar issue

I used the content+wrapper approach ... but I did something different than mentioned so far: I made sure that my wrapper's boundaries did NOT line up with the content's boundaries in the direction that I wanted to be visible.

Important NOTE: It was easy enough to get the content+wrapper, same-bounds approach to work on one browser or another depending on various css combinations of position, overflow-*, etc ... but I never could use that approach to get them all correct (Edge, Chrome, Safari, ...).

But when I had something like:

  <div id="hack_wrapper" // created solely for this purpose
       style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; overflow-x:hidden;">
      <div id="content_wrapper"
           style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:15%; overflow:visible;">         
          ... content with too-much horizontal content ... 

... all browsers were happy.

$location / switching between html5 and hashbang mode / link rewriting

The documentation is not very clear about AngularJS routing. It talks about Hashbang and HTML5 mode. In fact, AngularJS routing operates in three modes:

  • Hashbang Mode
  • HTML5 Mode
  • Hashbang in HTML5 Mode

For each mode there is a a respective LocationUrl class (LocationHashbangUrl, LocationUrl and LocationHashbangInHTML5Url).

In order to simulate URL rewriting you must actually set html5mode to true and decorate the $sniffer class as follows:

$provide.decorator('$sniffer', function($delegate) {
  $delegate.history = false;
  return $delegate;

I will now explain this in more detail:

Hashbang Mode


  .when('/path', {
    templateUrl: 'path.html',

This is the case when you need to use URLs with hashes in your HTML files such as in

<a href="index.html#!/path">link</a>

In the Browser you must use the following Link:!/base/path

As you can see in pure Hashbang mode all links in the HTML files must begin with the base such as "index.html#!".

HTML5 Mode


  .when('/path', {
    templateUrl: 'path.html',

You should set the base in HTML-file

    <base href="/">

In this mode you can use links without the # in HTML files

<a href="/path">link</a>

Link in Browser:

Hashbang in HTML5 Mode

This mode is activated when we actually use HTML5 mode but in an incompatible browser. We can simulate this mode in a compatible browser by decorating the $sniffer service and setting history to false.


$provide.decorator('$sniffer', function($delegate) {
  $delegate.history = false;
  return $delegate;
  .when('/path', {
    templateUrl: 'path.html',

Set the base in HTML-file:

    <base href="/">

In this case the links can also be written without the hash in the HTML file

<a href="/path">link</a>

Link in Browser:!/base/path

Why isn't .ico file defined when setting window's icon?

Got stuck on that too...

Finally managed to set the icon i wanted using the following code:

from tkinter import *'wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, PhotoImage(file='resources/icon.png'))

A top-like utility for monitoring CUDA activity on a GPU

Just use watch nvidia-smi, it will output the message by 2s interval in default.

For example, as the below image:

enter image description here

You can also use watch -n 5 nvidia-smi (-n 5 by 5s interval).

Calling a stored procedure in Oracle with IN and OUT parameters

If you set the server output in ON mode before the entire code, it works, otherwise put_line() will not work. Try it!

The code is,

set serveroutput on;

And then call the function as it is:

amount NUMBER;
PROC1(1000001, amount);

Error - is not marked as serializable

You need to add a Serializable attribute to the class which you want to serialize.

public class OrgPermission

HTML SELECT - Change selected option by VALUE using JavaScript

document.getElementById('drpSelectSourceLibrary').value = 'Seven';

DataTable, How to conditionally delete rows

You could query the dataset and then loop the selected rows to set them as delete.

var rows = dt.Select("col1 > 5");
foreach (var row in rows)

... and you could also create some extension methods to make it easier ...

myTable.Delete("col1 > 5");

public static DataTable Delete(this DataTable table, string filter)
    return table;
public static void Delete(this IEnumerable<DataRow> rows)
    foreach (var row in rows)

How to set page content to the middle of screen?


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="main_body">
          some text


   width: 100%;
   Height: 100%;
    background: #ff3333;
    width: 200px;
    position: absolute;

JS ( jQuery )

    var windowHeight = $(window).height();
    var windowWidth = $(window).width();
    var main = $("#main_body");    
    $("#main_body").css({ top: ((windowHeight / 2) - (main.height() / 2)) + "px",
                          left:((windowWidth / 2) - (main.width() / 2)) + "px" });

See example here

Extract text from a string

Using -replace

 $string = '% O0033(SUB RAD MSD 50R III) G91G1X-6.4Z-2.F500 G3I6.4Z-8.G3I6.4 G3R3.2X6.4F500 G91G0Z5. G91G1X-10.4 G3I10.4 G3R5.2X10.4 G90G0Z2. M99 %'
 $program = $string -replace '^%\sO\d{4}\((.+?)\).+$','$1'


How to pass in a react component into another react component to transclude the first component's content?

You can pass it as a normal prop: foo={<ComponentOne />}

For example:

const ComponentOne = () => <div>Hello world!</div>
const ComponentTwo = () => (
    <div>Hola el mundo!</div>
    <ComponentThree foo={<ComponentOne />} />
const ComponentThree = ({ foo }) => <div>{foo}</div>

In jQuery, what's the best way of formatting a number to 2 decimal places?

If you're doing this to several fields, or doing it quite often, then perhaps a plugin is the answer.
Here's the beginnings of a jQuery plugin that formats the value of a field to two decimal places.
It is triggered by the onchange event of the field. You may want something different.

<script type="text/javascript">

    // mini jQuery plugin that formats to two decimal places
    (function($) {
        $.fn.currencyFormat = function() {
            this.each( function( i ) {
                $(this).change( function( e ){
                    if( isNaN( parseFloat( this.value ) ) ) return;
                    this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);
            return this; //for chaining
    })( jQuery );

    // apply the currencyFormat behaviour to elements with 'currency' as their class
    $( function() {

<input type="text" name="one" class="currency"><br>
<input type="text" name="two" class="currency">

Link to a section of a webpage


Use <section>.

and use <a href="page.html#tips">Visit the Useful Tips Section</a>

How can I disable all views inside the layout?


  • Android studio 3.1.4
  • Kotlin 1.2.70
  • checked in minSdkVersion 19


fun View.forEachChildView(closure: (View) -> Unit) {
    val groupView = this as? ViewGroup ?: return
    val size = groupView.childCount - 1
    for (i in 0..size) {


val layout = LinearLayout(context!!)
layout.forEachChildView {  it.isEnabled = false  }

val view = View(context!!)
view.forEachChildView {  it.isEnabled = false  }

val fragment = Fragment.instantiate(context, "fragment_id")
fragment.view?.forEachChildView {  it.isEnabled = false  }

How to get commit history for just one branch?

Note: if you limit that log to the last n commit (last 3 commits for instance, git log -3), make sure to put a space between 'n' and your branch:

git log -3 master..

Before Git 2.1 (August 2014), this mistake: git log -3master.. would actually show you the last 3 commits of the current branch (here my_experiment), ignoring the master limit (meaning if my_experiment contains only one commit, 3 would still be listed, 2 of them from master)

See commit e3fa568 by Junio C Hamano (gitster):

revision: parse "git log -<count>" more carefully

This mistyped command line simply ignores "master" and ends up showing two commits from the current HEAD:

$ git log -2master

because we feed "2master" to atoi() without making sure that the whole string is parsed as an integer.

Use the strtol_i() helper function instead.

Maximum value for long integer

Direct answer to title question:

Integers are unlimited in size and have no maximum value in Python.

Answer which addresses stated underlying use case:

According to your comment of what you're trying to do, you are currently thinking something along the lines of

minval = MAXINT;
for (i = 1; i < num_elems; i++)
    if a[i] < a[i-1]
        minval = a[i];

That's not how to think in Python. A better translation to Python (but still not the best) would be

minval = a[0]  # Just use the first value
for i in range(1, len(a)):
    minval = min(a[i], a[i - 1])

Note that the above doesn't use MAXINT at all. That part of the solution applies to any programming language: You don't need to know the highest possible value just to find the smallest value in a collection.

But anyway, what you really do in Python is just

minval = min(a)

That is, you don't write a loop at all. The built-in min() function gets the minimum of the whole collection.

Does :before not work on img elements?

Just give the Image "position: relative" and it will work

Call a Class From another class

If your class2 looks like this having static members

public class2
    static int var = 1;

    public static void myMethod()
      // some code


Then you can simply call them like

class2.var = 1;

If you want to access non-static members then you would have to instantiate an object.

class2 object = new class2();
object.myMethod();  // non static method
object.var = 1;     // non static variable

jQuery Multiple ID selectors

it should. Typically that's how you do multiple selectors. Otherwise it may not like you trying to assign the return values of three uploads to the same var.

I would suggest using .each or maybe push the returns to an array rather than assigning them to that value.

Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0

I copied and pasted my connection string configuration into my test project and started running into this error. The connection string worked fine in my WebAPI project. Here is my fix.

var connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"];
var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new SqlConnection(connection.ConnectionString));

How to open the command prompt and insert commands using Java?

The following works for me on Snow Leopard:

Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
String[] testArgs = {"touch", "TEST"};

Thing is, if you want to read the output of that command, you need to read the input stream of the process. For instance,

Process pr = rt.exec(arguments);
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream()));

Allows you to read the line-by-line output of the command pretty easily.

The problem might also be that MS-DOS does not interpret your order of arguments to mean "start a new command prompt". Your array should probably be:

{"start", "cmd.exe", "\c"}

To open commands in the new command prompt, you'd have to use the Process reference. But I'm not sure why you'd want to do that when you can just use exec, as the person before me commented.

How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown

The usual code (below) does not work for me:

$('#myModal').on('', function () {

I found the solution:

$('body').on('', '#myModal', function () {
    $('input:visible:enabled:first', this).focus();

How to add font-awesome to Angular 2 + CLI project

This post describes how to integrate Fontawesome 5 into Angular 6 (Angular 5 and previous versions will also work, but then you have to adjust my writings)

Option 1: Add the css-Files

Pro: Every icon will be included

Contra: Every icon will be included (bigger app size because all fonts are included)

Add the following package:

npm install @fortawesome/fontawesome-free-webfonts

Afterwards add the following lines to your angular.json:

"app": {
"styles": [

Option 2: Angular package

Pro: Smaller app size

Contra: You have to include every icon you want to use seperatly

Use the FontAwesome 5 Angular package:

npm install @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome

Just follow their documentation to add the icons. They use the svg-icons, so you only have to add the svgs / icons, you really use.

How to trigger an event after using event.preventDefault()

Override the property isDefaultPrevented like this:


  // in async handler (ajax/timer) do these actions:
    // override prevented flag to prevent jquery from discarding event
    evt.isDefaultPrevented = function(){ return false; }
    // retrigger with the exactly same event data
  }, 1000);

IMHO, this is most complete way of retriggering the event with the exactly same data.

Pass all variables from one shell script to another?

Fatal Error gave a straightforward possibility: source your second script! if you're worried that this second script may alter some of your precious variables, you can always source it in a subshell:

( . ./ )

The parentheses will make the source happen in a subshell, so that the parent shell will not see the modifications could perform.

There's another possibility that should definitely be referenced here: use set -a.

From the POSIX set reference:

-a: When this option is on, the export attribute shall be set for each variable to which an assignment is performed; see the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 4.21, Variable Assignment. If the assignment precedes a utility name in a command, the export attribute shall not persist in the current execution environment after the utility completes, with the exception that preceding one of the special built-in utilities causes the export attribute to persist after the built-in has completed. If the assignment does not precede a utility name in the command, or if the assignment is a result of the operation of the getopts or read utilities, the export attribute shall persist until the variable is unset.

From the Bash Manual:

-a: Mark variables and function which are modified or created for export to the environment of subsequent commands.

So in your case:

set -a
# ...
# Here put all the variables that will be marked for export
# and that will be available from within test2 (and all other commands).
# If test2 modifies the variables, the modifications will never be
# seen in the present script!
set +a


 # Here, even if test2 modifies TESTVARIABLE, you'll still have
 # TESTVARIABLE=hellohelloheloo

Observe that the specs only specify that with set -a the variable is marked for export. That is:

set -a
set +a
bash -c 'echo "$a"'

will echo c and not an empty line nor b (that is, set +a doesn't unmark for export, nor does it “save” the value of the assignment only for the exported environment). This is, of course, the most natural behavior.

Conclusion: using set -a/set +a can be less tedious than exporting manually all the variables. It is superior to sourcing the second script, as it will work for any command, not only the ones written in the same shell language.

How can I have linebreaks in my long LaTeX equations?

Not yet mentioned here, another choice is environment aligned, again from package amsmath:



    A & = B + C\\
      & = D + E + F\\
      & = G


This outputs:

screenshot of output (detail)

How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift

For a new version of Swift try this

override var shouldAutorotate: Bool {
    return false

override var supportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask {
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMask.portrait

override var preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation: UIInterfaceOrientation {
    return UIInterfaceOrientation.portrait

CSS3 Transition not working

Transition is more like an animation.

div.sicon a {
    background:-moz-radial-gradient(left, #ffffff 24%, #cba334 88%);
    transition: background 0.5s linear;
    -moz-transition: background 0.5s linear; /* Firefox 4 */
    -webkit-transition: background 0.5s linear; /* Safari and Chrome */
    -o-transition: background 0.5s linear; /* Opera */
    -ms-transition: background 0.5s linear; /* Explorer 10 */

So you need to invoke that animation with an action.

div.sicon a:hover {
    background:-moz-radial-gradient(left, #cba334 24%, #ffffff 88%);

Also check for browser support and if you still have some problem with whatever you're trying to do! Check css-overrides in your stylesheet and also check out for behavior: ***.htc css hacks.. there may be something overriding your transition!

You should check this out:

Ansible: copy a directory content to another directory

Resolved answer: To copy a directory's content to another directory I use the next:

- name: copy consul_ui files
  command: cp -r /home/{{ user }}/dist/{{ item }} /usr/share/nginx/html
   - "index.html"
   - "static/"

It copies both items to the other directory. In the example, one of the items is a directory and the other is not. It works perfectly.

You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/2.3.0 directory

Ubuntu 20.04:

Option 1 - set up a gem installation directory for your user account

For bash (for zsh, we would use .zshrc of course)

echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Option 2 - use snap

Uninstall the apt-version (ruby-full) and reinstall it with snap

sudo apt-get remove ruby
sudo snap install ruby --classic

javax vs java package

Some packages like javax.swing were not included in java standard library at first. Sun company decided to consider them official and included them into the early versions of java as standard libraries or standard extensions.

By convention, all the standard extensions start with an X while they can get promoted to first-class over time like what happened for javax.swing.

CSS: Hover one element, effect for multiple elements?

This worked for me in Firefox and Chrome and IE8...

        <style type="text/css">
        div.section:hover div.image, div.section:hover div.layer {
            border: solid 1px red;
        <div class="section">
            <div class="image"><img src="myImage.jpg" /></div>
            <div class="layer">Lorem Ipsum</div>

... you may want to test this with IE6 as well (I'm not sure if it'll work there).

Should I size a textarea with CSS width / height or HTML cols / rows attributes?

The size of a textarea can be specified by the cols and rows attributes, or even better; through CSS' height and width properties. The cols attribute is supported in all major browsers. One main difference is that <TEXTAREA ...> is a container tag: it has a start tag ().

Validate email address textbox using JavaScript

Validating email is a very important point while validating an HTML form. In this page we have discussed how to validate an email using JavaScript :

An email is a string (a subset of ASCII characters) separated into two parts by @ symbol. a "personal_info" and a domain, that is personal_info@domain. The length of the personal_info part may be up to 64 characters long and domain name may be up to 253 characters. The personal_info part contains the following ASCII characters.

  1. Uppercase (A-Z) and lowercase (a-z) English letters.
  2. Digits (0-9).
  3. Characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~
  4. Character . ( period, dot or fullstop) provided that it is not the first or last character and it will not come one after the other.

The domain name [for example com, org, net, in, us, info] part contains letters, digits, hyphens, and dots.

Example of valid email id

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Example of invalid email id [@ is not present]

[email protected] [ tld (Top Level domain) can not start with dot "." ] [ No character before @ ]

[email protected] [ ".b" is not a valid tld ]

[email protected] [ tld can not start with dot "." ]

[email protected] [ an email should not be start with "." ]

mysite()* [ here the regular expression only allows character, digit, underscore, and dash ]

[email protected] [double dots are not allowed]

JavaScript code to validate an email id

function ValidateEmail(mail) {
        if (/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w {2, 3})+$/.test(myForm.emailAddr.value)) {
            return (true)
        alert("You have entered an invalid email address!")
        return (false)

Align image in center and middle within div

Basically, setting right and left margin to auto will cause the image to center align.

<div id="over" style="position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%>
<img src="img.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;">

Detailed 500 error message, ASP + IIS 7.5

TLDR:First determine where in the pipeline you're getting the error from (scroll looking for screenshots of something that resembles your error), make changes to get something new, repeat.

First determine what error message you are actually seeing.

If you are seeing the file located here...


...which generally looks like this:

IIS Default 500 error

...then you know you are seeing the currently configured error page in **IIS ** and you do NOT need to change the customErrors setting, asp error detail setting, or "show friendly http errors" browser setting.

You may want to look at the above referenced path instead of trusting my screenshot just in case somebody changed it.

"Yes, I see the above described error..."

In this case, you are seeing the setting of <httpErrors> or in IIS Manager it's Error Pages --> Edit Feature Settings. The default for this is errorMode=DetailedLocalOnly at the server node level (as opposed to the site level) which means that while you will see this configured error page while remote, you should be able to log on locally to the server and see the full error which should look something like this:

Detailed HTTP Error

You should have everything that you need at that point to fix the current error.

"But I don't see the detailed error even browsing on the server"

That leaves a couple of possibilities.

  1. The browser you are using on the server is configured to use a proxy in its connection settings so it is not being seen as "local".
  2. You're not actually browsing to the site you think you are browsing to - this commonly happens when there's a load balancer involved. Do a ping check to see if dns gives you an IP on the server or somewhere else.
  3. You're site's httpErrors settings is set for "Custom" only. Change it to "DetailedLocalOnly". However, if you have a configuration error, this may not work since the site level httpErrors is also a configuration item. In that case proceed to #4
  4. The default for httpErrors for all sites is set for "Custom". In this case you need to click on the top level server node in IIS Manager (and not a particular site) and change the httpErrors settings there to DetailedLocalOnly. If this is an internal server and you're not worried about divulging sensitive information, you could also set it to "Detailed" which will allow you to see the error from clients other than the server.
  5. You're missing a module on the server like UrlRewrite (this one bites me a lot, and it often gives the generic message regardless of the httpErrors settings).

"Logging on to the server is not an option for me"

Change your site's httpErrors to "Detailed" so you can see it remotely. But if it doesn't work your error might already be a config error, see #3 immediately above. So you might be stuck with #4 or #5 and you're going to need somebody from your server team.

"I'm not seeing the error page described above. I'm seeing something different"

If you see this...

enter image description here

...and you expect to see something like this...

enter image description here

...then you need to change "Send errors to browser" to true in IIS Manager, under Site --> IIS --> ASP --> Debugging Properties

If you see this...

ie friendly errors 1

or this...

ie friendly errors 2 need to disable friendly errors in your browser or use fiddler's webview to look at the actual response vs what your browser chooses to show you.

If you see this...

Custom errors enabled

...then custom errors is working but you don't have a custom error page (of course at this point were talking about .net and not classic asp). You need to change your customErrors tag in your web.config to RemoteOnly to view on the server, or Off to view remotely.

If you see something that is styled like your site, then custom errors is likely On or RemoteOnly and it's displaying the custom page (Views->Shared->Error.cshtml in MVC for example). That said, it is unlikely but possible that somebody changed the pages in IIS for httpErrors so see the first section on that.

How to calculate the median of an array?

public int[] data={31, 29, 47, 48, 23, 30, 21
        , 40, 23, 39, 47, 47, 42, 44, 23, 26, 44, 32, 20, 40};

public double median()
        double result=0;

            System.out.println(" uneven size : "+result);
            int middle_pair_first_index =(size-1)/2;
            System.out.println(" Even size : "+result);

        return result;

JTable won't show column headers

As said in previous answers the 'normal' way is to add it to a JScrollPane, but sometimes you don't want it to scroll (don't ask me when:)). Then you can add the TableHeader yourself. Like this:

JPanel tablePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JTable table = new JTable();
tablePanel.add(table, BorderLayout.CENTER);
tablePanel.add(table.getTableHeader(), BorderLayout.NORTH);

Appending a line to a file only if it does not already exist

Using sed: It will insert at the end of line. You can also pass in variables as usual of course.

grep -qxF "port=9033" $light.conf
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  sed -i "$ a port=9033" $light.conf
    echo "port=9033 already added"

Using oneliner sed

grep -qxF "port=9033" $lightconf || sed -i "$ a port=9033" $lightconf

Using echo may not work under root, but will work like this. But it will not let you automate things if you are looking to do it since it might ask for password.

I had a problem when I was trying to edit from the root for a particular user. Just adding the $username before was a fix for me.

grep -qxF "port=9033" light.conf
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
  sudo -u $user_name echo "port=9033" >> light.conf
    echo "already there"    

How to create a popup window (PopupWindow) in Android

Here, I am giving you a demo example. See this and customize it according to your need.

public class ShowPopUp extends Activity {
    PopupWindow popUp;
    boolean click = true;

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        popUp = new PopupWindow(this);
        LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(this);
        LinearLayout mainLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
        TextView tv = new TextView(this);
        Button but = new Button(this);
        but.setText("Click Me");
        but.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                if (click) {
                     popUp.showAtLocation(layout, Gravity.BOTTOM, 10, 10);
                     popUp.update(50, 50, 300, 80);
                     click = false;
                } else {
                     click = true;

        LayoutParams params = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
        tv.setText("Hi this is a sample text for popup window");
        layout.addView(tv, params);
        // popUp.showAtLocation(layout, Gravity.BOTTOM, 10, 10);
        mainLayout.addView(but, params);

Hope this will solve your issue.

Multiple submit buttons in an HTML form

Changing the tab order should be all it takes to accomplish this. Keep it simple.

Another simple option would be to put the back button after the submit button in the HTML code but float it to the left so it appears on the page before the submit button.

How do I perform a Perl substitution on a string while keeping the original?

The one-liner solution is more useful as a shibboleth than good code; good Perl coders will know it and understand it, but it's much less transparent and readable than the two-line copy-and-modify couplet you're starting with.

In other words, a good way to do this is the way you're already doing it. Unnecessary concision at the cost of readability isn't a win.

Java generating Strings with placeholders

You won't need a library; if you are using a recent version of Java, have a look at String.format:

String.format("Hello %s!", "world");

jQuery - select all text from a textarea

To stop the user from getting annoyed when the whole text gets selected every time they try to move the caret using their mouse, you should do this using the focus event, not the click event. The following will do the job and works around a problem in Chrome that prevents the simplest version (i.e. just calling the textarea's select() method in a focus event handler) from working.



<textarea id="foo">Some text</textarea>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var textBox = document.getElementById("foo");
    textBox.onfocus = function() {;

        // Work around Chrome's little problem
        textBox.onmouseup = function() {
            // Prevent further mouseup intervention
            textBox.onmouseup = null;
            return false;

jQuery version:

$("#foo").focus(function() {
    var $this = $(this);

    // Work around Chrome's little problem
    $this.mouseup(function() {
        // Prevent further mouseup intervention
        return false;

Mongoose: Find, modify, save

The user parameter of your callback is an array with find. Use findOne instead of find when querying for a single instance.

User.findOne({username: oldUsername}, function (err, user) {
    user.username = newUser.username;
    user.password = newUser.password;
    user.rights = newUser.rights; (err) {
        if(err) {

How return error message in spring mvc @Controller

As Sotirios Delimanolis already pointed out in the comments, there are two options:

Return ResponseEntity with error message

Change your method like this:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity getUser(@RequestHeader(value="Access-key") String accessKey,
                              @RequestHeader(value="Secret-key") String secretKey) {
    try {
        // see note 1
        return ResponseEntity
            .body(this.userService.chkCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, timestamp));
    catch(ChekingCredentialsFailedException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(); // see note 2
        return ResponseEntity
            .body("Error Message");

Note 1: You don't have to use the ResponseEntity builder but I find it helps with keeping the code readable. It also helps remembering, which data a response for a specific HTTP status code should include. For example, a response with the status code 201 should contain a link to the newly created resource in the Location header (see Status Code Definitions). This is why Spring offers the convenient build method ResponseEntity.created(URI).

Note 2: Don't use printStackTrace(), use a logger instead.

Provide an @ExceptionHandler

Remove the try-catch block from your method and let it throw the exception. Then create another method in a class annotated with @ControllerAdvice like this:

public class ExceptionHandlerAdvice {

    public ResponseEntity handleException(ChekingCredentialsFailedException e) {
        // log exception
        return ResponseEntity
                .body("Error Message");

Note that methods which are annotated with @ExceptionHandler are allowed to have very flexible signatures. See the Javadoc for details.

Postfix is installed but how do I test it?

(I just got this working, with my main issue being that I don't have a real internet hostname, so answering this question in case it helps someone)

You need to specify a hostname with HELO. Even so, you should get an error, so Postfix is probably not running.

Also, the => is not a command. The '.' on a single line without any text around it is what tells Postfix that the entry is complete. Here are the entries I used:

telnet localhost 25
(says connected)
(returns a bunch of 250 codes)
MAIL FROM: [email protected]
RCPT TO: (use a real email address you want to send to)
DATA (type whatever you want on muliple lines)
. (this on a single line tells Postfix that the DATA is complete)

You should get a response like:

250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 6E414C4643A

The email will probably end up in a junk folder. If it is not showing up, then you probably need to setup the 'Postfix on hosts without a real Internet hostname'. Here is the breakdown on how I completed that step on my Ubuntu box:

sudo vim /etc/postfix/
smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic (add this line somewhere)
(edit or create the file 'generic' if it doesn't exist)
sudo vim /etc/postfix/generic
(add these lines, I don't think it matters what names you use, at least to test)
[email protected]             [email protected]
[email protected]             [email protected]
@localdomain.local                [email protected]
then run:
postmap /etc/postfix/generic (this needs to be run whenever you change the 
generic file)

Happy Trails

How to convert a string to utf-8 in Python

Translate with ord() and unichar(). Every unicode char have a number asociated, something like an index. So Python have a few methods to translate between a char and his number. Downside is a ñ example. Hope it can help.

>>> C = 'ñ'
>>> U = C.decode('utf8')
>>> U
>>> ord(U)
>>> unichr(241)
>>> print unichr(241).encode('utf8')

"Unable to locate tools.jar" when running ant

There are two directories that looks like JDK.

  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02
  C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\

This may be due to both 64 bit and 32 bit JDK installed? What ever may be the case, the java.exe seen by ant.bat should from the JDK. If the JRE's java.exe comes first in the path, that will be used to guess the JDK location.

Put 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_02\bin' or 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_02' as the first argument in the path.

Further steps:

You can take output of ant -diagnostics and look for interesting keys. (assuming Sun/Oracle JDK).


(in my case tools.jar appears in java.class.path)

PHPExcel How to apply styles and set cell width and cell height to cell generated dynamically

You can use


or define auto-size:


How to get response body using HttpURLConnection, when code other than 2xx is returned?

This is an easy way to get a successful response from the server like PHP echo otherwise an error message.

BufferedReader br = null;
if (conn.getResponseCode() == 200) {
    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
    String strCurrentLine;
        while ((strCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
} else {
    br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getErrorStream()));
    String strCurrentLine;
        while ((strCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) {

pandas: multiple conditions while indexing data frame - unexpected behavior

As you can see, the AND operator drops every row in which at least one value equals -1. On the other hand, the OR operator requires both values to be equal to -1 to drop them.

That's right. Remember that you're writing the condition in terms of what you want to keep, not in terms of what you want to drop. For df1:

df1 = df[(df.a != -1) & (df.b != -1)]

You're saying "keep the rows in which df.a isn't -1 and df.b isn't -1", which is the same as dropping every row in which at least one value is -1.

For df2:

df2 = df[(df.a != -1) | (df.b != -1)]

You're saying "keep the rows in which either df.a or df.b is not -1", which is the same as dropping rows where both values are -1.

PS: chained access like df['a'][1] = -1 can get you into trouble. It's better to get into the habit of using .loc and .iloc.

plot legends without border and with white background

As documented in ?legend you do this like so:

plot(1:10,type = "n")
abline(v=seq(1,10,1), col='grey', lty='dotted')
legend(1, 5, "This legend text should not be disturbed by the dotted grey lines,\nbut the plotted dots should still be visible",box.lwd = 0,box.col = "white",bg = "white")

enter image description here

Line breaks are achieved with the new line character \n. Making the points still visible is done simply by changing the order of plotting. Remember that plotting in R is like drawing on a piece of paper: each thing you plot will be placed on top of whatever's currently there.

Note that the legend text is cut off because I made the plot dimensions smaller (windows.options does not exist on all R platforms).

What do Push and Pop mean for Stacks?

Ok. As the other answerers explained, a stack is a last-in, first-out data structure. You add an element to the top of the stack with a Push operation. You take an element off the top with a Pop operation. The elements are removed in reverse order to the order they were put inserted (hence Last In, First Out). For example, if you push the elments 1,2,3 in that order, the number 3 will be at the top of the stack. A Pop operation will remove it (it was the last in) and leave 2 at the top of the stack.

Regarding the rest of the lecture, the lecturer tried to describe a stack-based machine that evaluates arithmetic expressions. The machine operates by continuously popping 3 elements from the top of the stack. The first two elements are operands and the third is an operator (+, -, *, /). It then applies this operator on the operands, and pushes the result onto the stack. The process continues until there is only one element on the stack, which is the value of the expression.

So, suppose we begin by pushing the values "+/*23-21*5-41" in left-to-right order onto the stack. We then pop 3 elements from the top. The last in is first out, which means the first 3 element are "1", "4", and "-" in that order. We push the number 3 (the result of 4-1) onto the stack, then pop the three topmost elements: 3, 5, *. Push the result, 15, onto the stack, and so on.

If you can decode JWT, how are they secure?

Only JWT's privateKey, which is on your server will decrypt the encrypted JWT. Those who know the privateKey will be able to decrypt the encrypted JWT.

Hide the privateKey in a secure location in your server and never tell anyone the privateKey.

Get current cursor position in a textbox

It looks OK apart from the space in your ID attribute, which is not valid, and the fact that you're replacing the value of your input before checking the selection.

function textbox()_x000D_
        var ctl = document.getElementById('Javascript_example');_x000D_
        var startPos = ctl.selectionStart;_x000D_
        var endPos = ctl.selectionEnd;_x000D_
        alert(startPos + ", " + endPos);_x000D_
<input id="Javascript_example" name="one" type="text" value="Javascript example" onclick="textbox()">

Also, if you're supporting IE <= 8 you need to be aware that those browsers do not support selectionStart and selectionEnd.

Add Class to Object on Page Load

I would recommend using jQuery with this function:


This will add the expand class to an element with id of about when the dom is ready on page load.

How to start a background process in Python?

You probably want to start investigating the os module for forking different threads (by opening an interactive session and issuing help(os)). The relevant functions are fork and any of the exec ones. To give you an idea on how to start, put something like this in a function that performs the fork (the function needs to take a list or tuple 'args' as an argument that contains the program's name and its parameters; you may also want to define stdin, out and err for the new thread):

    pid = os.fork()
except OSError, e:
    ## some debug output
if pid == 0:
    ## eventually use os.putenv(..) to set environment variables
    ## os.execv strips of args[0] for the arguments
    os.execv(args[0], args)

Running Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, and Internet Explorer 8 on the same machine

Very good option is update to Internet Explorer 10. You will find very useful developers tools including compatibility with from IE5 to IE 10 including quirks mode. If switch the IE version i menu, the page rendering of the page is changing immediately.

Very good feature of this mode is javascript and HTML (firebug like) debugger, which works in compatibility mode. It means, you can debug javascript in very old IE with the newest debugger, which is very cool feature. You cannot do that with virtual machine. Yes, you can have virtual machine for checking the final result. enter image description here

Java; String replace (using regular expressions)?

You'll want to look into capturing in regex to handle wrapping the 3 in ^3.

How to install both Python 2.x and Python 3.x in Windows

Only Works if your running your code in your Python IDE

I have both Python 2.7 and Python 3.3 installed on my windows operating system. If I try to launch a file, it will usually open up on the python 2.7 IDE. How I solved this issue, was when I choose to run my code on python 3.3, I open up python 3.3 IDLE(Python GUI), select file, open my file with the IDLE and save it. Then when I run my code, it runs to the IDLE that I currently opened it with. It works vice versa with 2.7.

Using npm behind corporate proxy .pac

Try this, Set proxy in npm as follows

npm config set proxy "http://<user-name>:<password>@<proxy-url>:<port>"
npm config set https-proxy "http://<user-name>:<password>@<proxy-url>:<port>"
npm config set strict-ssl false
npm config set registry ""

JQuery addclass to selected div, remove class if another div is selected

Are you looking something like this short and effective:


you can simply add a general class 'active' for selected div. when a div is clicked, remove the 'active' class, and add it to the clicked div.

Removing an activity from the history stack

This is likely not the ideal way to do it. If someone has a better way, I will be looking forward to implementing it. Here's how I accomplished this specific task with pre-version-11 sdk.

in each class you want to go away when it's clear time, you need to do this:

    ... interesting code stuff ...
    Intent i = new Intent(MyActivityThatNeedsToGo.this, NextActivity.class);
    startActivityForResult(i, 0);

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (resultCode == R.string.unwind_stack_result_id) {

then the one that needs to set off the chain of pops from the stack needs to just call this when you want to initiate it:


Then the activities aren't on the stack!
Remember folks, that you can start an activity, and then begin cleaning up behind it, execution does not follow a single (the ui) thread.

Convert from List into IEnumerable format

You don't need to convert it. List<T> implements the IEnumerable<T> interface so it is already an enumerable.

This means that it is perfectly fine to have the following:

public IEnumerable<Book> GetBooks()
    List<Book> books = FetchEmFromSomewhere();    
    return books;

as well as:

public void ProcessBooks(IEnumerable<Book> books)
    // do something with those books

which could be invoked:

List<Book> books = FetchEmFromSomewhere();    

Time part of a DateTime Field in SQL

I know this is an old question, but since the other answers all

  • return strings (rather than datetimes),
  • rely on the internal representation of dates (conversion to float, int, and back) or
  • require SQL Server 2008 or beyond,

I thought I'd add a "pure" option which only requires datetime operations and works with SQL Server 2005+:

SELECT DATEADD(dd, -DATEDIFF(dd, 0, mydatetime), mydatetime)

This calculates the difference (in whole days) between date zero (1900-01-01) and the given date and then subtracts that number of days from the given date, thereby setting its date component to zero.

JavaScript string with new line - but not using \n

I don't think you understand how \n works. The resulting string still just contains a byte with value 10. This is represented in javascript source code with \n.

The code snippet you posted doesn't actually work, but if it did, the newline would be equivalent to \n, unless it's a windows-style newline, in which case it would be \r\n. (but even that the replace would still work).

Python coding standards/best practices

I follow the Python Idioms and Efficiency guidelines, by Rob Knight. I think they are exactly the same as PEP 8, but are more synthetic and based on examples.

If you are using wxPython you might also want to check Style Guide for wxPython code, by Chris Barker, as well.

Invoke JSF managed bean action on page load

@PostConstruct is run ONCE in first when Bean Created. the solution is create a Unused property and Do your Action in Getter method of this property and add this property to your .xhtml file like this :

<h:inputHidden  value="#{loginBean.loginStatus}"/>

and in your bean code:

public void setLoginStatus(String loginStatus) {
    this.loginStatus = loginStatus;

public String getLoginStatus()  {
    // Do your stuff here.
    return loginStatus;

getColor(int id) deprecated on Android 6.0 Marshmallow (API 23)

If you don't necessarily need the resources, use parseColor(String):

Sprintf equivalent in Java

Strings are immutable types. You cannot modify them, only return new string instances.

Because of that, formatting with an instance method makes little sense, as it would have to be called like:

String formatted = "%s: %s".format(key, value);

The original Java authors (and .NET authors) decided that a static method made more sense in this situation, as you are not modifying the target, but instead calling a format method and passing in an input string.

Here is an example of why format() would be dumb as an instance method. In .NET (and probably in Java), Replace() is an instance method.

You can do this:

 "I Like Wine".Replace("Wine","Beer");

However, nothing happens, because strings are immutable. Replace() tries to return a new string, but it is assigned to nothing.

This causes lots of common rookie mistakes like:

inputText.Replace(" ", "%20");

Again, nothing happens, instead you have to do:

inputText = inputText.Replace(" ","%20");

Now, if you understand that strings are immutable, that makes perfect sense. If you don't, then you are just confused. The proper place for Replace() would be where format() is, as a static method of String:

 inputText = String.Replace(inputText, " ", "%20");

Now there is no question as to what's going on.

The real question is, why did the authors of these frameworks decide that one should be an instance method, and the other static? In my opinion, both are more elegantly expressed as static methods.

Regardless of your opinion, the truth is that you are less prone to make a mistake using the static version, and the code is easier to understand (No Hidden Gotchas).

Of course there are some methods that are perfect as instance methods, take String.Length()

int length = "123".Length();

In this situation, it's obvious we are not trying to modify "123", we are just inspecting it, and returning its length. This is a perfect candidate for an instance method.

My simple rules for Instance Methods on Immutable Objects:

  • If you need to return a new instance of the same type, use a static method.
  • Otherwise, use an instance method.

ByRef argument type mismatch in Excel VBA

I don't know why, but it is very important to declare the variables separately if you want to pass variables (as variables) into other procedure or function.

For example there is a procedure which make some manipulation with data: based on ID returns Part Number and Quantity information. ID as constant value, other two arguments are variables.

Public Sub GetPNQty(ByVal ID As String, PartNumber As String, Quantity As Long)

the next main code gives me a "ByRef argument mismatch":

Sub KittingScan()  
Dim BoxPN As String
Dim BoxQty, BoxKitQty As Long

  Call GetPNQty(InputBox("Enter ID:"), BoxPN, BoxQty) 

End sub

and the next one is working as well:

Sub KittingScan()
Dim BoxPN As String
Dim BoxQty As Long
Dim BoxKitQty As Long

  Call GetPNQty(InputBox("Enter ID:"), BoxPN, BoxQty)

End sub

jQuery scrollTop not working in Chrome but working in Firefox

A better way to solve this problem is to use a function like this:

function scrollToTop(callback, q) {

    if ($('html').scrollTop()) {
        $('html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, function() {
            console.log('html scroll');

    if ($('body').scrollTop()) {
        $('body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, function() {
            console.log('body scroll');


This will work across all browsers and prevents FireFox from scrolling up twice (which is what happens if you use the accepted answer - $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow");).

What is the best way to modify a list in a 'foreach' loop?

The collection used in foreach is immutable. This is very much by design.

As it says on MSDN:

The foreach statement is used to iterate through the collection to get the information that you want, but can not be used to add or remove items from the source collection to avoid unpredictable side effects. If you need to add or remove items from the source collection, use a for loop.

The post in the link provided by Poko indicates that this is allowed in the new concurrent collections.

SQL Order By Count

Try using below Query:

    COUNT(*) AS Total_Count
    Total_Count DESC

Docker-compose: node_modules not present in a volume after npm install succeeds

The node_modules folder is overwritten by the volume and no more accessible in the container. I'm using the native module loading strategy to take out the folder from the volume:

/data/node_modules/ # dependencies installed here
/data/app/ # code base


COPY package.json /data/
WORKDIR /data/
RUN npm install
ENV PATH /data/node_modules/.bin:$PATH

COPY . /data/app/
WORKDIR /data/app/

The node_modules directory is not accessible from outside the container because it is included in the image.

Does svn have a `revert-all` command?

You could do:

svn revert -R .

This will not delete any new file not under version control. But you can easily write a shell script to do that like:

for file in `svn status|grep "^ *?"|sed -e 's/^ *? *//'`; do rm $file ; done

Date vs DateTime

Create a wrapper class. Something like this:

public class Date:IEquatable<Date>,IEquatable<DateTime>
        public Date(DateTime date)
            value = date.Date;

        public bool Equals(Date other)
            return other != null && value.Equals(other.value);

        public bool Equals(DateTime other)
            return value.Equals(other);

        public override string ToString()
            return value.ToString();
        public static implicit operator DateTime(Date date)
            return date.value;
        public static explicit operator Date(DateTime dateTime)
            return new Date(dateTime);

        private DateTime value;

And expose whatever of value you want.

Why would you use Expression<Func<T>> rather than Func<T>?

I don't see any answers yet that mention performance. Passing Func<>s into Where() or Count() is bad. Real bad. If you use a Func<> then it calls the IEnumerable LINQ stuff instead of IQueryable, which means that whole tables get pulled in and then filtered. Expression<Func<>> is significantly faster, especially if you are querying a database that lives another server.

Datetime in where clause

Assuming we're talking SQL Server DateTime

Note: BETWEEN includes both ends of the range, so technically this pattern will be wrong:

errorDate BETWEEN '12/20/2008' AND '12/21/2008'

My preferred method for a time range like that is:

'20081220' <= errorDate AND errordate < '20081221'

Works with common indexes (range scan, SARGable, functionless) and correctly clips off midnight of the next day, without relying on SQL Server's time granularity (e.g. 23:59:59.997)

How to use and style new AlertDialog from appCompat 22.1 and above

    <item name="editTextColor">@color/white</item>
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/white</item>
    <item name="android:textColorHint">@color/gray</item>
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">@color/gray</item>
    <item name="colorControlNormal">@color/gray</item>
    <item name="colorControlActivated">@color/white</item>
    <item name="colorControlHighlight">#30FFFFFF</item>

Visual Studio Error: (407: Proxy Authentication Required)

The situation is essentially that VS is not set up to go through a proxy to get to the resources it's trying to get to (when using FTP). This is the cause of the 407 error you're getting. I did some research on this and there are a few things that you can try to get this debugged. Fundamentally this is a bit of a flawed area in the product that is supposed to be reviewed in a later release.

Here are some solutions, in order of less complex to more complex:

  • If possible don't use the proxy for the specified domains that you're trying to get to.
  • Set up your proxy settings correctly Internet Explorer (even if you don't use it) as that affects system wide settings. Even go so far as to connect to the internet with internet explorer and leave it connected then go back and try again from VS.
  • In the devenv.exe.config add <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" /> as laid out below:
  • <configuration>
          <servicePointManager expect100Continue="false" />

  • Add defaultProxy settings as follows:
  • <>
      <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" enabled="true">
          <proxy proxyaddress="http://your.proxyserver.ip:port"/>

  • Alternately you could try telling it to use system default (which should pull from internet explorer) like so:

    <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" enabled="true">
        <proxy usesystemdefault="True" />

  • There is an older solution involving creating a plugin here
  • Hope this solves it for you.

    setValue:forUndefinedKey: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key

    You're probably setting a value for a key in the alertView, which is not allowed. The key is in this case LoginScreen. I don't see any call to setValue(), so I assume it's somewhere else in the code.

    sort csv by column

    import operator
    sortedlist = sorted(reader, key=operator.itemgetter(3), reverse=True)

    or use lambda

    sortedlist = sorted(reader, key=lambda row: row[3], reverse=True)

    What is the difference between an IntentService and a Service?

    Service: Works in the main thread so it will cause an ANR (Android Not Responding) after a few seconds.

    IntentService: Service with another background thread working separately to do something without interacting with the main thread.

    How to print all key and values from HashMap in Android?

    First, there are errors in your code, ie. you are missing a semicolon and a closing parenthesis in the for loop.

    Then, if you are trying to append values to the view, you should use textview.appendText(), instead of .setText().

    There's a similar question here: how to change text in Android TextView

    NoClassDefFoundError on Maven dependency

    This is due to Morphia jar not being part of your output war/jar. Eclipse or local build includes them as part of classpath, but remote builds or auto/scheduled build don't consider them part of classpath.

    You can include dependent jars using plugin.

    Add below snippet into your pom's plugins section


    How to import a csv file into MySQL workbench?

    If the server resides on a remote machine, make sure the file in in the remote machine and not in your local machine.

    If the file is in the same machine where the mysql server is, make sure the mysql user has permissions to read/write the file, or copy teh file into the mysql schema directory:

    In my case in ubuntu it was: /var/lib/mysql/db_myschema/myfile.csv

    Also, not relative to this problem, but if you have problems with the new lines, use sublimeTEXT to change the line endings to WINDOWS format, save the file and retry.

    Detect a finger swipe through JavaScript on the iPhone and Android

    jQuery Mobile also includes swipe support:


    $("#divId").on("swipe", function(event) {
        alert("It's a swipe!");

    Good MapReduce examples

    One of the best examples of Hadoop-like MapReduce implementation.

    Keep in mind though that they are limited to key-value based implementations of the MapReduce idea (so they are limiting in applicability).

    How to insert DECIMAL into MySQL database

    MySql decimal types are a little bit more complicated than just left-of and right-of the decimal point.

    The first argument is precision, which is the number of total digits. The second argument is scale which is the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

    Thus, (4,2) can be anything from -99.99 to 99.99.

    As for why you're getting 99.99 instead of the desired 3.80, the value you're inserting must be interpreted as larger than 99.99, so the max value is used. Maybe you could post the code that you are using to insert or update the table.


    Corrected a misunderstanding of the usage of scale and precision, per

    Keyboard shortcut to "untab" (move a block of code to the left) in eclipse / aptana?

    Here is a general answer for untab :-

    In Python IDLE :- Ctrl + [

    In elipse :- Shitft + Tab

    In Visual Studio :- Shift+ Tab

    Reading an Excel file in python using pandas

    Here is an updated method with syntax that is more common in python code. It also prevents you from opening the same file multiple times.

    import pandas as pd
    sheet1, sheet2 = None, None
    with pd.ExcelFile("PATH\FileName.xlsx") as reader:
        sheet1 = pd.read_excel(reader, sheet_name='Sheet1')
        sheet2 = pd.read_excel(reader, sheet_name='Sheet2')

    Converting string to title case

    For the ones who are looking to do it automatically on keypress I did it with following code in on a custom textboxcontrol - you can obviously also do it with a normal textbox - but I like the possibility to add recurring code for specific controls via custom controls it suits the concept of OOP.

    Imports System.Windows.Forms
    Imports System.Drawing
    Imports System.ComponentModel
    Public Class MyTextBox
        Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
        Private LastKeyIsNotAlpha As Boolean = True
        Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyPress(e As KeyPressEventArgs)
            If _ProperCasing Then
                Dim c As Char = e.KeyChar
                If Char.IsLetter(c) Then
                    If LastKeyIsNotAlpha Then
                        e.KeyChar = Char.ToUpper(c)
                        LastKeyIsNotAlpha = False
                    End If
                    LastKeyIsNotAlpha = True
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
        Private _ProperCasing As Boolean = False
        <Category("Behavior"), Description("When Enabled ensures for automatic proper casing of string"), Browsable(True)>
        Public Property ProperCasing As Boolean
                Return _ProperCasing
            End Get
            Set(value As Boolean)
                _ProperCasing = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class

    How to create an Explorer-like folder browser control?

    Take a look at Shell MegaPack control set. It provides Windows Explorer like folder/file browsing with most of the features and functionality like context menus, renaming, drag-drop, icons, overlay icons, thumbnails, etc

    "git rm --cached x" vs "git reset head --? x"?

    Perhaps an example will help:

    git rm --cached asd
    git commit -m "the file asd is gone from the repository"


    git reset HEAD -- asd
    git commit -m "the file asd remains in the repository"

    Note that if you haven't changed anything else, the second commit won't actually do anything.

    ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for 'root' With All Privileges

    First, Identify the user you are logged in as:

     select user();
     select current_user();

    The result for the first command is what you attempted to login as, the second is what you actually connected as. Confirm that you are logged in as root@localhost in mysql.

    Grant_priv to root@localhost. Here is how you can check.

    mysql> SELECT host,user,password,Grant_priv,Super_priv FROM mysql.user;
    | host      | user             | password                                  | Grant_priv | Super_priv |
    | localhost | root             | ***************************************** | N          | Y          |
    | localhost | debian-sys-maint | ***************************************** | Y          | Y          |
    | localhost | staging          | ***************************************** | N          | N          |

    You can see that the Grant_priv is set to N for root@localhost. This needs to be Y. Below is how to fixed this:

    UPDATE mysql.user SET Grant_priv='Y', Super_priv='Y' WHERE User='root';
    GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost';

    I logged back in, it was fine.

    Stop node.js program from command line

    You can use fuser to get what you want to be done.

    In order to obtain the process ids of the tasks running on a port you can do:

    fuser <<target_port>>/tcp

    Let's say the port is 8888, the command becomes:

    fuser 8888/tcp

    And to kill a process that is running on a port, simply add -k switch.

    fuser <<target_port>>/tcp -k

    Example (port is 8888):

    fuser 8888/tcp -k

    That's it! It will close the process listening on the port. I usually do this before running my server application.

    Regex to match only uppercase "words" with some exceptions

    For the first case you propose you can use: '[[:blank:]]+[A-Z0-9]+[[:blank:]]+', for example:

    echo "The thing P1 must connect to the J236 thing in the Foo position" | grep -oE '[[:blank:]]+[A-Z0-9]+[[:blank:]]+'

    In the second case maybe you need to use something else and not a regex, maybe a script with a dictionary of technical words...

    Cheers, Fernando

    Sorting string array in C#

    If you have problems with numbers (say 1, 2, 10, 12 which will be sorted 1, 10, 12, 2) you can use LINQ:

    var arr = arr.OrderBy(x=>x).ToArray();