[c++] Reading and writing binary file

Here is implementation of standard C++ 14 using vectors and tuples to Read and Write Text,Binary and Hex files.

Snippet code :

try {
if (file_type == BINARY_FILE) {

    /*Open the stream in binary mode.*/
    std::ifstream bin_file(file_name, std::ios::binary);

    if (bin_file.good()) {
        /*Read Binary data using streambuffer iterators.*/
        std::vector<uint8_t> v_buf((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(bin_file)), (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
        vec_buf = v_buf;

    else {
        throw std::exception();


else if (file_type == ASCII_FILE) {

    /*Open the stream in default mode.*/
    std::ifstream ascii_file(file_name);
    string ascii_data;

    if (ascii_file.good()) {
        /*Read ASCII data using getline*/
        while (getline(ascii_file, ascii_data))
            str_buf += ascii_data + "\n";

    else {
        throw std::exception();

else if (file_type == HEX_FILE) {

    /*Open the stream in default mode.*/
    std::ifstream hex_file(file_name);

    if (hex_file.good()) {
        /*Read Hex data using streambuffer iterators.*/
        std::vector<char> h_buf((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(hex_file)), (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
        string hex_str_buf(h_buf.begin(), h_buf.end());
        hex_buf = hex_str_buf;

    else {
        throw std::exception();


Full Source code can be found here

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