[python] Maximum value for long integer

How can I assign the maximum value for a long integer to a variable, similar, for example, to C++'s LONG_MAX.

This question is related to python

The answer is

A) For a cheap comparison / arithmetics dummy use math.inf. Or math.nan, which compares FALSE in any direction (including nan == nan) except identity check (is) and renders any arithmetics (like nan - nan) nan. Or a reasonably high real integer number according to your use case (e.g. sys.maxsize). For a bitmask dummy (e.g. in mybits & bitmask) use -1.

B) To get the platform primitive maximum signed long int (or long long):

>>> 256 ** sys.int_info.sizeof_digit // 2 - 1  # Python’s internal primitive
>>> 256 ** ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long) // 2 - 1  # CPython
>>> 256 ** ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longlong) // 2 - 1  # CPython
>>> 2**63 - 1  # Java / JPython primitive long

C) The maximum Python integer could be estimated by a long running loop teasing for a memory overflow (try 256**int(8e9) - can be stopped by KeyboardInterrupt). But it cannot not be used reasonably, because its representation already consumes all the memory and its much greater than sys.float_info.max.

In python3, you can send the float value into the int function the get that number 1.7976931348623157e+308 in integer representation.

import sys    

You can use: max value of float is


for negative


Python long can be arbitrarily large. If you need a value that's greater than any other value, you can use float('inf'), since Python has no trouble comparing numeric values of different types. Similarly, for a value lesser than any other value, you can use float('-inf').

Direct answer to title question:

Integers are unlimited in size and have no maximum value in Python.

Answer which addresses stated underlying use case:

According to your comment of what you're trying to do, you are currently thinking something along the lines of

minval = MAXINT;
for (i = 1; i < num_elems; i++)
    if a[i] < a[i-1]
        minval = a[i];

That's not how to think in Python. A better translation to Python (but still not the best) would be

minval = a[0]  # Just use the first value
for i in range(1, len(a)):
    minval = min(a[i], a[i - 1])

Note that the above doesn't use MAXINT at all. That part of the solution applies to any programming language: You don't need to know the highest possible value just to find the smallest value in a collection.

But anyway, what you really do in Python is just

minval = min(a)

That is, you don't write a loop at all. The built-in min() function gets the minimum of the whole collection.

Unlike C/C++ Long in Python have unlimited precision. Refer the section Numeric Types in python for more information.To determine the max value of integer you can just refer sys.maxint. You can get more details from the documentation of sys.

long type in Python 2.x uses arbitrary precision arithmetic and has no such thing as maximum possible value. It is limited by the available memory. Python 3.x has no special type for values that cannot be represented by the native machine integer — everything is int and conversion is handled behind the scenes.