Programs & Examples On #Catransaction

CATransaction allows you to make batch updates to the Core Animation render tree, and it also allows to trigger implicit animations just by setting layer properties inside of a CATransaction.

Detect current device with UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() in Swift

Swift 3.0:

let userInterface = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom

if(userInterface == .pad){
}else if(userInterface == .phone){
}else if(userInterface == .carPlay){
}else if(userInterface == .tv){

How do I join two SQLite tables in my Android application?

In addition to @pawelzieba's answer, which definitely is correct, to join two tables, while you can use an INNER JOIN like this

SELECT * FROM expense INNER JOIN refuel
ON exp_id = expense_id
WHERE refuel_id = 1

via raw query like this -

String rawQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + RefuelTable.TABLE_NAME + " INNER JOIN " + ExpenseTable.TABLE_NAME
        + " ON " + RefuelTable.EXP_ID + " = " + ExpenseTable.ID
        + " WHERE " + RefuelTable.ID + " = " +  id;
Cursor c = db.rawQuery(

because of SQLite's backward compatible support of the primitive way of querying, we turn that command into this -

FROM expense, refuel
WHERE exp_id = expense_id AND refuel_id = 1

and hence be able to take advanatage of the SQLiteDatabase.query() helper method

Cursor c = db.query(
        RefuelTable.TABLE_NAME + " , " + ExpenseTable.TABLE_NAME,
        Utils.concat(RefuelTable.PROJECTION, ExpenseTable.PROJECTION),
        RefuelTable.EXP_ID + " = " + ExpenseTable.ID + " AND " + RefuelTable.ID + " = " +  id,

For a detailed blog post check this

How can I convert a std::string to int?

atoi is a built-in function that converts a string to an integer, assuming that the string begins with an integer representation.

mongodb count num of distinct values per field/key

Here is example of using aggregation API. To complicate the case we're grouping by case-insensitive words from array property of the document.

        $match: {
            keywords: { $not: {$size: 0} }
    { $unwind: "$keywords" },
        $group: {
            _id: {$toLower: '$keywords'},
            count: { $sum: 1 }
        $match: {
            count: { $gte: 2 }
    { $sort : { count : -1} },
    { $limit : 100 }

that give result such as

{ "_id" : "inflammation", "count" : 765 }
{ "_id" : "obesity", "count" : 641 }
{ "_id" : "epidemiology", "count" : 617 }
{ "_id" : "cancer", "count" : 604 }
{ "_id" : "breast cancer", "count" : 596 }
{ "_id" : "apoptosis", "count" : 570 }
{ "_id" : "children", "count" : 487 }
{ "_id" : "depression", "count" : 474 }
{ "_id" : "hiv", "count" : 468 }
{ "_id" : "prognosis", "count" : 428 }

Changing Locale within the app itself

I couldn't used android:anyDensity="true" because objects in my game would be positioned completely different... seems this also does the trick:

// creating locale
Locale locale2 = new Locale(loc); 
Configuration config2 = new Configuration();
config2.locale = locale2;

// updating locale
mContext.getResources().updateConfiguration(config2, null);

Python unicode equal comparison failed

You may use the == operator to compare unicode objects for equality.

>>> s1 = u'Hello'
>>> s2 = unicode("Hello")
>>> type(s1), type(s2)
(<type 'unicode'>, <type 'unicode'>)
>>> s1==s2
>>> s3='Hello'.decode('utf-8')
>>> type(s3)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> s1==s3

But, your error message indicates that you aren't comparing unicode objects. You are probably comparing a unicode object to a str object, like so:

>>> u'Hello' == 'Hello'
>>> u'Hello' == '\x81\x01'
__main__:1: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal

See how I have attempted to compare a unicode object against a string which does not represent a valid UTF8 encoding.

Your program, I suppose, is comparing unicode objects with str objects, and the contents of a str object is not a valid UTF8 encoding. This seems likely the result of you (the programmer) not knowing which variable holds unicide, which variable holds UTF8 and which variable holds the bytes read in from a file.

I recommend, especially the advice to create a "Unicode Sandwich."

Using isKindOfClass with Swift

The proper Swift operator is is:

if touch.view is UIPickerView {
    // touch.view is of type UIPickerView

Of course, if you also need to assign the view to a new constant, then the if let ... as? ... syntax is your boy, as Kevin mentioned. But if you don't need the value and only need to check the type, then you should use the is operator.

How do you add a timed delay to a C++ program?

You can also use select(2) if you want microsecond precision (this works on platform that don't have usleep(3))

The following code will wait for 1.5 second:

#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>`

int main() {
    struct timeval t;
    t.tv_sec = 1;
    t.tv_usec = 500000;
    select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &t);


how to stop Javascript forEach?

You can use Lodash's forEach function if you don't mind using 3rd party libraries.


var _ = require('lodash');

_.forEach(comments, function (comment) {

    if (...) {
        return false;     // Exits the loop.

Serialize Property as Xml Attribute in Element

Kind of, use the XmlAttribute instead of XmlElement, but it won't look like what you want. It will look like the following:

<SomeModel SomeStringElementName="testData"> 

The only way I can think of to achieve what you want (natively) would be to have properties pointing to objects named SomeStringElementName and SomeInfoElementName where the class contained a single getter named "value". You could take this one step further and use DataContractSerializer so that the wrapper classes can be private. XmlSerializer won't read private properties.

// TODO: make the class generic so that an int or string can be used.
public class SerializationClass
    public SerializationClass(string value)
        this.Value = value;

    public string Value { get; }

public class SomeModel                     
    public string SomeString { get; set; }                     

    public int SomeInfo { get; set; }  

    public SerializationClass SomeStringElementName
        get { return new SerializationClass(this.SomeString); }

Why calling react setState method doesn't mutate the state immediately?

Watch out the react lifecycle methods!

I worked for several hours to find out that getDerivedStateFromProps will be called after every setState().

Databound drop down list - initial value

dropdownlist.Items.Insert(0, new Listitem("--Select One--", "0");

How do I change the figure size for a seaborn plot?

You can also set figure size by passing dictionary to rc parameter with key 'figure.figsize' in seaborn set method:

import seaborn as sns


Other alternative may be to use figure.figsize of rcParams to set figure size as below:

from matplotlib import rcParams

# figure size in inches
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 11.7,8.27

More details can be found in matplotlib documentation

Does Visual Studio Code have box select/multi-line edit?

For multiple select in Visual Studio Code, hold down the Alt key and starting clicking wherever you want to edit.

Visual Studio Code supports multiple line edit.

"The file "" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it" when running app in Xcode 6 Beta 4

I found that changing my compiler to LLVM 6.0 in the Build Options was enough for me (xcode 6.1)

enter image description here

Convert double to float in Java

Converting from double to float will be a narrowing conversion. From the doc:

A narrowing primitive conversion may lose information about the overall magnitude of a numeric value and may also lose precision and range.

A narrowing primitive conversion from double to float is governed by the IEEE 754 rounding rules (§4.2.4). This conversion can lose precision, but also lose range, resulting in a float zero from a nonzero double and a float infinity from a finite double. A double NaN is converted to a float NaN and a double infinity is converted to the same-signed float infinity.

So it is not a good idea. If you still want it you can do it like:

double d = 3.0;
float f = (float) d;

Try-catch-finally-return clarification

Here is some code that show how it works.

class Test
    public static void main(String args[]) 

    public static String test()
        try {
            throw new Exception();
        } catch(Exception e) {
            return "return"; 
        } finally {  
            return "return in finally"; 

The results is:

return in finally

check if array is empty (vba excel)

Arr1 becomes an array of 'Variant' by the first statement of your code:

Dim arr1() As Variant

Array of size zero is not empty, as like an empty box exists in real world.

If you define a variable of 'Variant', that will be empty when it is created.

Following code will display "Empty".

Dim a as Variant

If IsEmpty(a) then
  MsgBox("Not Empty")
End If

What is the use of style="clear:both"?

clear:both makes the element drop below any floated elements that precede it in the document.

You can also use clear:left or clear:right to make it drop below only those elements that have been floated left or right.

+------------+ +--------------------+
|            | |                    |
| float:left | |   without clear    |
|            | |                    |
|            | +--------------------+
|            | +--------------------+
|            | |                    |
|            | |  with clear:right  |
|            | |  (no effect here,  |
|            | |   as there is no   |
|            | |   float:right      |
|            | |   element)         |
|            | |                    |
|            | +--------------------+
|            |
|                     |
|   with clear:left   |
|    or clear:both    |
|                     |

Is it possible to forward-declare a function in Python?

I apologize for reviving this thread, but there was a strategy not discussed here which may be applicable.

Using reflection it is possible to do something akin to forward declaration. For instance lets say you have a section of code that looks like this:

# We want to call a function called 'foo', but it hasn't been defined yet.
function_name = 'foo'
# Calling at this point would produce an error

# Here is the definition
def foo():

# Note that at this point the function is defined
    # Time for some reflection...

So in this way we have determined what function we want to call before it is actually defined, effectively a forward declaration. In python the statement globals()[function_name]() is the same as foo() if function_name = 'foo' for the reasons discussed above, since python must lookup each function before calling it. If one were to use the timeit module to see how these two statements compare, they have the exact same computational cost.

Of course the example here is very useless, but if one were to have a complex structure which needed to execute a function, but must be declared before (or structurally it makes little sense to have it afterwards), one can just store a string and try to call the function later.

How to pass object with NSNotificationCenter

Swift 5.1 Custom Object/Type

// MARK: - NotificationName
// Extending notification name to avoid string errors.
extension Notification.Name {
    static let yourNotificationName = Notification.Name("yourNotificationName")

// MARK: - CustomObject
class YourCustomObject {
    // Any stuffs you would like to set in your custom object as always.
    init() {}

// MARK: - Notification Sender Class
class NotificatioSenderClass {

     // Just grab the content of this function and put it to your function responsible for triggering a notification.
    func postNotification(){
        // Note: - This is the important part pass your object instance as object parameter.
        let yourObjectInstance = YourCustomObject() .yourNotificationName, object: yourObjectInstance)

// MARK: -Notification  Receiver class
class NotificationReceiverClass: UIViewController {
    // MARK: - ViewController Lifecycle
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Register your notification listener
        NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(didReceiveNotificationWithCustomObject), name: .yourNotificationName, object: nil)

    // MARK: - Helpers
    @objc private func didReceiveNotificationWithCustomObject(notification: Notification){
        // Important: - Grab your custom object here by casting the notification object.
        guard let yourPassedObject = notification.object as? YourCustomObject else {return}
        // That's it now you can use your custom object

      // MARK: - Deinit
  deinit {
      // Save your memory by releasing notification listener
      NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self, name: .yourNotificationName, object: nil)


WAMP 403 Forbidden message on Windows 7

hi there are 2 solutions :

  1. change the port 80 to 81 in the text file (httpd.conf) and click

  2. change setting the network go to control panel--network and internet--network and sharing center

click-->local area connection select-->propertis check true in the -allow other ..... and --- allo other .....

Why doesn't list have safe "get" method like dictionary?

This guy worked for me:

list_get = lambda l, x: l[x:x+1] and l[x] or 0

lambdas are great for one liner helper functions like this

How to get the directory of the currently running file?

dir, err := os.Getwd()
    if err != nil {

this is for golang version: go version go1.13.7 linux/amd64

works for me, for go run main.go. If I run go build -o fileName, and put the final executable in some other folder, then that path is given while running the executable.

How to Set Focus on Input Field using JQuery

Try this, to set the focus to the first input field:


Evaluate a string with a switch in C++

As said before, switch can be used only with integer values. So, you just need to convert your "case" values to integer. You can achieve it by using constexpr from c++11, thus some calls of constexpr functions can be calculated in compile time.

something like that...

switch (str2int(s))
  case str2int("Value1"):
  case str2int("Value2"):

where str2int is like (implementation from here):

constexpr unsigned int str2int(const char* str, int h = 0)
    return !str[h] ? 5381 : (str2int(str, h+1) * 33) ^ str[h];

Another example, the next function can be calculated in compile time:

constexpr int factorial(int n)
    return n <= 1 ? 1 : (n * factorial(n-1));

int f5{factorial(5)};
// Compiler will run factorial(5) 
// and f5 will be initialized by this value. 
// so programm instead of wasting time for running function, 
// just will put the precalculated constant to f5 

Set the space between Elements in Row Flutter


start - Place the children as close to the start of the main axis as possible.

enter image description here

end - Place the children as close to the end of the main axis as possible.

enter image description here

center - Place the children as close to the middle of the main axis as possible.

enter image description here

spaceBetween - Place the free space evenly between the children.

enter image description here

spaceAround - Place the free space evenly between the children as well as half of that space before and after the first and last child.

enter image description here

spaceEvenly - Place the free space evenly between the children as well as before and after the first and last child.

enter image description here


  child: Row(
        mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
        children: <Widget>[

Regex to match 2 digits, optional decimal, two digits

To build on Lee's answer, you need to anchor the expression to satisfy the requirement of not having more than 2 numbers before the decimal.

If each number is a separate string, you can use the string anchors:


If each number is within a string, you can use the word anchors:


Deleting Row in SQLite in Android

Try like that may you get your solution

String table = "beaconTable";
String whereClause = "_id=?";
String[] whereArgs = new String[] { String.valueOf(row) };
db.delete(table, whereClause, whereArgs);

Select SQL Server database size

Also compare the results with the following query's result

EXEC sp_helpdb @dbname= 'MSDB'

It produces result similar to the following

enter image description here

There is a good article - Different ways to determine free space for SQL Server databases and database files

Shadow Effect for a Text in Android?

TextView textv = (TextView) findViewById(;
textv.setShadowLayer(1, 0, 0, Color.BLACK);

How to check if an object implements an interface?


if (gor instanceof Monster) {

What's the correct way to communicate between controllers in AngularJS?

I liked the way how $rootscope.emit was used to achieve intercommunication. I suggest the clean and performance effective solution without polluting global space.

module.factory("eventBus",function (){
    var obj = {};
    obj.handlers = {};
    obj.registerEvent = function (eventName,handler){
        if(typeof this.handlers[eventName] == 'undefined'){
        this.handlers[eventName] = [];  
    obj.fireEvent = function (eventName,objData){
           for(var i=0;i<this.handlers[eventName].length;i++){

    return obj;


//In controller 1 write:
function handler(data){

//In controller 2 write:

Two models in one view in ASP MVC 3

To use the tuple you need to do the following, in the view change the model to:

@model Tuple<Person,Order>

to use @html methods you need to do the following i.e:

@Html.DisplayNameFor(tuple => tuple.Item1.PersonId)


@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id=Model.Item1.Id }) |

Item1 indicates the first parameter passed to the Tuple method and you can use Item2 to access the second model and so on.

in your controller you need to create a variable of type Tuple and then pass it to the view:

    public ActionResult Details(int id = 0)
        Person person = db.Persons.Find(id);
        if (person == null)
            return HttpNotFound();
        var tuple = new Tuple<Person, Order>(person,new Order());

        return View(tuple);

Another example : Multiple models in a view

Create table in SQLite only if it doesn't exist already



How to set ChartJS Y axis title?

For Chart.js 2.x refer to andyhasit's answer -

For Chart.js 1.x, you can tweak the options and extend the chart type to do this, like so

    name: "LineAlt",
    draw: function () {
        Chart.types.Line.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);

        var ctx = this.chart.ctx;;
        // text alignment and color
        ctx.textAlign = "center";
        ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";
        ctx.fillStyle = this.options.scaleFontColor;
        // position
        var x = this.scale.xScalePaddingLeft * 0.4;
        var y = this.chart.height / 2;
        // change origin
        ctx.translate(x, y);
        // rotate text
        ctx.rotate(-90 * Math.PI / 180);
        ctx.fillText(this.datasets[0].label, 0, 0);

calling it like this

var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
var myLineChart = new Chart(ctx).LineAlt(data, {
    // make enough space on the right side of the graph
    scaleLabel: "          <%=value%>"

Notice the space preceding the label value, this gives us space to write the y axis label without messing around with too much of Chart.js internals

Fiddle -

enter image description here

Reverse Y-Axis in PyPlot

Use matplotlib.pyplot.axis()

axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

So you could add something like this at the end:

plt.axis([min(x_arr), max(x_arr), max(y_arr), 0])

Although you might want padding at each end so that the extreme points don't sit on the border.

Loop inside React JSX

It's funny how people give "creative" answers using a newer syntax or uncommon ways to create an array. In my experience working with JSX, I have seen these tricks only used by inexperienced React programmers.

The simpler the solution - the better it is for future maintainers. And since React is a web framework, usually this type of (table) data comes from the API. Therefore, the simplest and most practical way would be:

const tableRows = [
   {id: 1, title: 'row1'}, 
   {id: 2, title: 'row2'}, 
   {id: 3, title: 'row3'}
]; // Data from the API (domain-driven names would be better of course)

return ( => <ObjectRow key={} {...row} />)

Change One Cell's Data in mysql

Try the following:

UPDATE TableName SET ValueName=@parameterName WHERE

How to check if a column exists before adding it to an existing table in PL/SQL?

To check column exists

select column_name as found
from user_tab_cols
where table_name = '__TABLE_NAME__'
and column_name = '__COLUMN_NAME__'

Reference link

Using jquery to delete all elements with a given id

As already said, only one element can have a specific ID. Use classes instead. Here is jQuery-free version to remove the nodes:

var form = document.getElementById('your-form-id');
var spans = form.getElementsByTagName('span');

for(var i = spans.length; i--;) {
    var span = spans[i];
    if(span.className.match(/\btheclass\b/)) {

getElementsByTagName is the most cross-browser-compatible method that can be used here. getElementsByClassName would be much better, but is not supported by Internet Explorer <= IE 8.

Working Demo

How to Free Inode Usage?

We faced similar issue recently, In case if a process refers to a deleted file, the Inode shall not be released, so you need to check lsof /, and kill/ restart the process will release the inodes.

Correct me if am wrong here.

Which MySQL datatype to use for an IP address?

Since IPv4 addresses are 4 byte long, you could use an INT (UNSIGNED) that has exactly 4 bytes:


And INET_ATON and INET_NTOA to convert them:

INSERT INTO `table` (`ipv4`) VALUES (INET_ATON(""));
SELECT INET_NTOA(`ipv4`) FROM `table`;

For IPv6 addresses you could use a BINARY instead:

`ipv6` BINARY(16)

And use PHP’s inet_pton and inet_ntop for conversion:

'INSERT INTO `table` (`ipv6`) VALUES ("'.mysqli_real_escape_string(inet_pton('2001:4860:a005::68')).'")'
'SELECT `ipv6` FROM `table`'
$ipv6 = inet_pton($row['ipv6']);

XPath Query: get attribute href from a tag

For the following HTML document:

    <a href="">Example</a> 
    <a href="">SO</a> 

The xpath query /html/body//a/@href (or simply //a/@href) will return:

To select a specific instance use /html/body//a[N]/@href,

    $ /html/body//a[2]/@href

To test for strings contained in the attribute and return the attribute itself place the check on the tag not on the attribute:

    $ /html/body//a[contains(@href,'example')]/@href

Mixing the two:

    $ /html/body//a[contains(@href,'com')][2]/@href

Angular error: "Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'"

first import FormsModule and then use ngModel in your component.ts

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

 imports: [ 

HTML Code:

<input type='text' [(ngModel)] ="usertext" />

Eclipse/Java code completion not working

If you're experiencing this in an enum, or when initializing an array with anonymous classes, it's a known bug in Eclipse. See Eclipse content assist not working in enum constant parameter list.

How do I configure git to ignore some files locally?

Update: Consider using git update-index --skip-worktree [<file>...] instead, thanks @danShumway! See Borealid's explanation on the difference of the two options.

Old answer:

If you need to ignore local changes to tracked files (we have that with local modifications to config files), use git update-index --assume-unchanged [<file>...].

How do I get PHP errors to display?


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

This is the best way to write it, but a syntax error gives blank output, so use the console to check for syntax errors. The best way to debug PHP code is to use the console; run the following:

php -l phpfilename.php

How to make a pure css based dropdown menu?

View code online on:

HTML code:

<body id="body">
<div id="navigation">
        Pure CSS Drop-down Menu
  <div id="nav" class="nav">
        <li><a href="#">Menu1</a></li>
            <a href="#">Menu2</a>
                <li><a href="#">Sub-Menu1</a></li>
                    <a href="#">Sub-Menu2</a>
                        <li><a href="#">Demo1</a></li>
                      <li><a href="#">Demo2</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Sub-Menu3</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Sub-Menu4</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Menu3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Menu4</a></li>

Css code:


#navigation h2{

.nav ul{

.nav ul li{

.nav ul li a{

.nav ul li a:hover{
.nav ul li ul{

.nav ul li:hover ul{

.nav ul li ul li{

.nav ul li ul li ul{

.nav ul li ul li:hover ul{

What is a good game engine that uses Lua?

I can second the previous posters enthusiasm for the Gideros Lua game engine, whilst focusing currently on Mobile (iOS and Android - Windows phone 8 is in the works), desktop support for Mac, PC (possibly Linux) is also planned for the not too distant future.

Google for "Gideros Mobile"

Different ways of adding to Dictionary

The performance is almost a 100% identical. You can check this out by opening the class in

This is the This indexer:

public TValue this[TKey key]
        int index = this.FindEntry(key);
        if (index >= 0)
            return this.entries[index].value;
        return default(TValue);
        this.Insert(key, value, false);

And this is the Add method:

public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
    this.Insert(key, value, true);

I won't post the entire Insert method as it's rather long, however the method declaration is this:

private void Insert(TKey key, TValue value, bool add)

And further down in the function, this happens:

if ((this.entries[i].hashCode == num) && this.comparer.Equals(this.entries[i].key, key))
    if (add)

Which checks if the key already exists, and if it does and the parameter add is true, it throws the exception.

So for all purposes and intents the performance is the same.

Like a few other mentions, it's all about whether you need the check, for attempts at adding the same key twice.

Sorry for the lengthy post, I hope it's okay.

Asynchronous method call in Python?

You can implement a decorator to make your functions asynchronous, though that's a bit tricky. The multiprocessing module is full of little quirks and seemingly arbitrary restrictions – all the more reason to encapsulate it behind a friendly interface, though.

from inspect import getmodule
from multiprocessing import Pool

def async(decorated):
    r'''Wraps a top-level function around an asynchronous dispatcher.

        when the decorated function is called, a task is submitted to a
        process pool, and a future object is returned, providing access to an
        eventual return value.

        The future object has a blocking get() method to access the task
        result: it will return immediately if the job is already done, or block
        until it completes.

        This decorator won't work on methods, due to limitations in Python's
        pickling machinery (in principle methods could be made pickleable, but
        good luck on that).
    # Keeps the original function visible from the module global namespace,
    # under a name consistent to its __name__ attribute. This is necessary for
    # the multiprocessing pickling machinery to work properly.
    module = getmodule(decorated)
    decorated.__name__ += '_original'
    setattr(module, decorated.__name__, decorated)

    def send(*args, **opts):
        return async.pool.apply_async(decorated, args, opts)

    return send

The code below illustrates usage of the decorator:

def printsum(uid, values):
    summed = 0
    for value in values:
        summed += value

    print("Worker %i: sum value is %i" % (uid, summed))

    return (uid, summed)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from random import sample

    # The process pool must be created inside __main__.
    async.pool = Pool(4)

    p = range(0, 1000)
    results = []
    for i in range(4):
        result = printsum(i, sample(p, 100))

    for result in results:
        print("Worker %i: sum value is %i" % result.get())

In a real-world case I would ellaborate a bit more on the decorator, providing some way to turn it off for debugging (while keeping the future interface in place), or maybe a facility for dealing with exceptions; but I think this demonstrates the principle well enough.

C# MessageBox dialog result

If you're using WPF and the previous answers don't help, you can retrieve the result using:

var result = MessageBox.Show("Message", "caption", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);

if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
    // Do something

How to use SQL Select statement with IF EXISTS sub query?


JavaScript REST client Library

You can also use mvc frameworks like Backbone.js that will provide a javascript model of the data. Changes to the model will be translated into REST calls.

Do I need Content-Type: application/octet-stream for file download?


The content-type should be whatever it is known to be, if you know it. application/octet-stream is defined as "arbitrary binary data" in RFC 2046, and there's a definite overlap here of it being appropriate for entities whose sole intended purpose is to be saved to disk, and from that point on be outside of anything "webby". Or to look at it from another direction; the only thing one can safely do with application/octet-stream is to save it to file and hope someone else knows what it's for.

You can combine the use of Content-Disposition with other content-types, such as image/png or even text/html to indicate you want saving rather than display. It used to be the case that some browsers would ignore it in the case of text/html but I think this was some long time ago at this point (and I'm going to bed soon so I'm not going to start testing a whole bunch of browsers right now; maybe later).

RFC 2616 also mentions the possibility of extension tokens, and these days most browsers recognise inline to mean you do want the entity displayed if possible (that is, if it's a type the browser knows how to display, otherwise it's got no choice in the matter). This is of course the default behaviour anyway, but it means that you can include the filename part of the header, which browsers will use (perhaps with some adjustment so file-extensions match local system norms for the content-type in question, perhaps not) as the suggestion if the user tries to save.


Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="picture.png"

Means "I don't know what the hell this is. Please save it as a file, preferably named picture.png".

Content-Type: image/png
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="picture.png"

Means "This is a PNG image. Please save it as a file, preferably named picture.png".

Content-Type: image/png
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="picture.png"

Means "This is a PNG image. Please display it unless you don't know how to display PNG images. Otherwise, or if the user chooses to save it, we recommend the name picture.png for the file you save it as".

Of those browsers that recognise inline some would always use it, while others would use it if the user had selected "save link as" but not if they'd selected "save" while viewing (or at least IE used to be like that, it may have changed some years ago).

Call a function on click event in Angular 2

The line in your controller code, which reads $scope.myFunc={ should be $scope.myFunc = function() { the function() part is important to indicate, it is a function!

The updated controller code would be

    $scope.myFunc = function() {
    console.log("function called");

How to create a .gitignore file

I want my contribution as well. This time, animated one :)

VIM (mini tutorial):

i   - start editing
ESC - get back to normal mode
:w  - save 
:q  - quit

enter image description here

How do I accomplish an if/else in mustache.js?

Note, you can use {{.}} to render the current context item.



DataTables fixed headers misaligned with columns in wide tables

Instead using sScrollX,sScrollY use separate div style


Add below after datatable call in script

 jQuery('.dataTable').wrap('<div class="scrollStyle" />');

Its working perfectly after many tries.

What is web.xml file and what are all things can I do with it?

I am trying to figure out exactly how this works too. This site might be helpful to you. It has all of the possible tags for web.xml along with examples and descriptions of each tag.

Get only part of an Array in Java?

You could wrap your array as a list, and request a sublist of it.

MyClass[] array = ...;
List<MyClass> subArray = Arrays.asList(array).subList(index, array.length);

Turn a string into a valid filename?

Here, this should cover all the bases. It handles all types of issues for you, including (but not limited too) character substitution.

Works in Windows, *nix, and almost every other file system. Allows printable characters only.

def txt2filename(txt, chr_set='normal'):
    """Converts txt to a valid Windows/*nix filename with printable characters only.

        txt: The str to convert.
        chr_set: 'normal', 'universal', or 'inclusive'.
            'universal':    ' -.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
            'normal':       Every printable character exept those disallowed on Windows/*nix.
            'extended':     All 'normal' characters plus the extended character ASCII codes 128-255

    FILLER = '-'

    # Step 1: Remove excluded characters.
    if chr_set == 'universal':
        # Lookups in a set are O(n) vs O(n * x) for a str.
        printables = set(' -.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
        if chr_set == 'normal':
            max_chr = 127
        elif chr_set == 'extended':
            max_chr = 256
            raise ValueError(f'The chr_set argument may be normal, extended or universal; not {chr_set=}')
        EXCLUDED_CHRS = set(r'<>:"/\|?*')               # Illegal characters in Windows filenames.
        EXCLUDED_CHRS.update(chr(127))                  # DEL (non-printable).
        printables = set(chr(x)
                         for x in range(32, max_chr)
                         if chr(x) not in EXCLUDED_CHRS)
    result = ''.join(x if x in printables else FILLER   # Allow printable characters only.
                     for x in txt)

    # Step 2: Device names, '.', and '..' are invalid filenames in Windows.
                   'COM5,COM6,COM7,COM8,COM9,LPT1,LPT2,' \
                   'LPT3,LPT4,LPT5,LPT6,LPT7,LPT8,LPT9,' \
                   'CONIN$,CONOUT$,..,.'.split()        # This list is an O(n) operation.
    if result in DEVICE_NAMES:
        result = f'-{result}-'

    # Step 3: Maximum length of filename is 255 bytes in Windows and Linux (other *nix flavors may allow longer names).
    result = result[:255]

    # Step 4: Windows does not allow filenames to end with '.' or ' ' or begin with ' '.
    result = re.sub(r'^[. ]', FILLER, result)
    result = re.sub(r' $', FILLER, result)

    return result

This solution needs no external libraries. It substitutes non-printable filenames too because they are not always simple to deal with.

Changing cell color using apache poi

For apache POI 3.9 you can use the code bellow:

HSSFCellStyle style = workbook.createCellStyle()
style.setFillPattern((short) FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND.ordinal())

The methods for 3.9 version accept short and you should pay attention to the inputs.

Oracle "SQL Error: Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 1"

I think its related with jdbc.

I have a similar problem (missing param) when I have a where condition like this:

a = :namedparameter and b = :namedparameter

It's ok, When I have like this:

a = :namedparameter and b = :namedparameter2  (the two param has the same value)

So it's a problem with named parameters. I think there is a bug around named parameter handling, it looks like if only the first parameter get the right value, the second is not set by driver classes. Maybe its not a bug, only I don't know something, but anyway I guess that's the reason for the difference between the SQL dev and the sqlplus running for you, because as far as I know SQL developer uses jdbc driver.

MySQL - UPDATE query with LIMIT

I would suggest a two step query

I'm assuming you have an autoincrementing primary key because you say your PK is (max+1) which sounds like the definition of an autioincrementing key.
I'm calling the PK id, substitute with whatever your PK is called.

1 - figure out the primary key number for column 1000.

SELECT @id:= id FROM smartmeter_usage LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1000

2 - update the table.

UPDATE smartmeter_usage.users_reporting SET panel_id = 3 
WHERE panel_id IS NULL AND id >= @id 
LIMIT 1000

Please test to see if I didn't make an off-by-one error; you may need to add or subtract 1 somewhere.

How to parse this string in Java?

If it's a File, you can get the parts by creating an instanceof File and then ask for its segments.

This is good because it'll work regardless of the direction of the slashes; it's platform independent (except for the "drive letters" in windows...)

How to display Wordpress search results?

you need to include the Wordpress loop in your search.php this is example

search.php template file:

<?php get_header(); ?>
$args = array(
                's' =>$s
    // The Query
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
        _e("<h2 style='font-weight:bold;color:#000'>Search Results for: ".get_query_var('s')."</h2>");
        while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) {
                        <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>
        <h2 style='font-weight:bold;color:#000'>Nothing Found</h2>
        <div class="alert alert-info">
          <p>Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some different keywords.</p>
<?php } ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

What happened to console.log in IE8?

There are so many Answers. My solution for this was:

globalNamespace.globalArray = new Array();
if (typeof console === "undefined" || typeof console.log === "undefined") {
    console = {};
    console.log = function(message) {globalNamespace.globalArray.push(message)};   

In short, if console.log doesn't exists (or in this case, isn't opened) then store the log in a global namespace Array. This way, you're not pestered with millions of alerts and you can still view your logs with the developer console opened or closed.

Run parallel multiple commands at once in the same terminal

Use GNU Parallel:

(echo command1; echo command2) | parallel
parallel ::: command1 command2

To kill:

parallel ::: command1 command2 &
kill -TERM $PID
kill -TERM $PID

How to convert flat raw disk image to vmdk for virtualbox or vmplayer?

On windows, use to convert raw files created by dd or winhex to vmdk. raw2vmdk v0.1.3.2 has a bug - once the vmdk file is created, edit the vmdk file and fix the path to the raw file (in my case instead of D:\Temp\flash_16gb.raw (created by winhex) the generated path was D:Tempflash_16gb.raw). Then, open it in a vmware virtual machine version 6.5-7 (5.1 was refusing to attach the vmdk harddrive). howgh!

How to convert a multipart file to File?

if you don't want to use MultipartFile.transferTo(). You can write file like this

    val dir = File(filePackagePath)
    if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs()

    val file = File("$filePackagePath${multipartFile.originalFilename}").apply {

    FileOutputStream(file).use {

how to include glyphicons in bootstrap 3

I think your particular problem isn't how to use Glyphicons but understanding how Bootstrap files work together.

Bootstrap requires a specific file structure to work. I see from your code you have this:

<link href="bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">

Your Bootstrap.css is being loaded from the same location as your page, this would create a problem if you didn't adjust your file structure.

But first, let me recommend you setup your folder structure like so:

/css      <-- Bootstrap.css here
/fonts    <-- Bootstrap fonts here
/js       <-- Bootstrap JavaScript here

If you notice, this is also how Bootstrap structures its files in its download ZIP.

You then include your Bootstrap file like so:

<link href="css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="./css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<link href="/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">

Depending on your server structure or what you're going for.

The first and second are relative to your file's current directory. The second one is just more explicit by saying "here" (./) first then css folder (/css).

The third is good if you're running a web server, and you can just use relative to root notation as the leading "/" will be always start at the root folder.

So, why do this?

Bootstrap.css has this specific line for Glyphfonts:

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
    src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot');
    src: url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff') format('woff'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg#glyphicons-halflingsregular') format('svg');

What you can see is that that Glyphfonts are loaded by going up one directory ../ and then looking for a folder called /fonts and THEN loading the font file.

The URL address is relative to the location of the CSS file. So, if your CSS file is at the same location like this:


The CSS file is going one level deeper than looking for a /fonts folder.

So, let's say the actual location of these files are:


The CSS file would technically be looking for a folder at:


but your folder is actually in:


So see if that helps. You don't have to do anything 'special' to load Bootstrap Glyphicons, except make sure your folder structure is set up appropriately.

When you get that fixed, your HTML should simply be:

<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span>

Note, you need both classes. The first class glyphicon sets up the basic styles while glyphicon-comment sets the specific image.

How to upload a file and JSON data in Postman?

If you want to make a PUT request, just do everything as a POST request but add _method => PUT to your form-data parameters.

How to set a binding in Code?

In addition to the answer of Dyppl, I think it would be nice to place this inside the OnDataContextChanged event:

private void OnDataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    // Unforunately we cannot bind from the viewmodel to the code behind so easily, the dependency property is not available in XAML. (for some reason).
    // To work around this, we create the binding once we get the viewmodel through the datacontext.
    var newViewModel = e.NewValue as MyViewModel;

    var executablePathBinding = new Binding
        Source = newViewModel,
        Path = new PropertyPath(nameof(newViewModel.ExecutablePath))

    BindingOperations.SetBinding(LayoutRoot, ExecutablePathProperty, executablePathBinding);

We have also had cases were we just saved the DataContext to a local property and used that to access viewmodel properties. The choice is of course yours, I like this approach because it is more consistent with the rest. You can also add some validation, like null checks. If you actually change your DataContext around, I think it would be nice to also call:

BindingOperations.ClearBinding(myText, TextBlock.TextProperty);

to clear the binding of the old viewmodel (e.oldValue in the event handler).

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

You're out of memory. Try adding -Xmx256m to your java command line. The 256m is the amount of memory to give to the JVM (256 megabytes). It usually defaults to 64m.

Session timeout in ASP.NET

The default session timeout is defined into IIS to 20 minutes

Follow the procedures below for each site hosted on the IIS 8.5 web

IIS Timeout configuration

Open the IIS 8.5 Manager.

Click the site name.

Select "Configuration Editor" under the "Management" section.

From the "Section:" drop-down list at the top of the configuration editor, locate "system.web/sessionState".

Set the "timeout" to "00:20:00 or less”, using the lowest value possible depending upon the application. Acceptable values are 5 minutes for high-value applications, 10 minutes for medium-value applications, and 20 minutes for low-value applications.

In the "Actions" pane, click "Apply".

how to return a char array from a function in C

char *substring(int i,int j,char *ch)
    int n,k=0;
    char *ch1;


    return (char *)ch1;

int main()
    int i=0,j=2;
    char s[]="String";
    char *test;

    free(test); //free the test 
    return 0;

This will compile fine without any warning

  1. #include stdlib.h
  2. pass test=substring(i,j,s);
  3. remove m as it is unused
  4. either declare char substring(int i,int j,char *ch) or define it before main

How to find value using key in javascript dictionary

Arrays in JavaScript don't use strings as keys. You will probably find that the value is there, but the key is an integer.

If you make Dict into an object, this will work:

var dict = {};
var addPair = function (myKey, myValue) {
    dict[myKey] = myValue;
var giveValue = function (myKey) {
    return dict[myKey];

The myKey variable is already a string, so you don't need more quotes.

LINQ query to select top five

[Offering a somewhat more descriptive answer than the answer provided by @Ajni.]

This can also be achieved using LINQ fluent syntax:

var list = ctn.Items
    .Where(t=> t.DeliverySelection == true && t.Delivery.SentForDelivery == null)
    .OrderBy(t => t.Delivery.SubmissionDate)

Note that each method (Where, OrderBy, Take) that appears in this LINQ statement takes a lambda expression as an argument. Also note that the documentation for Enumerable.Take begins with:

Returns a specified number of contiguous elements from the start of a sequence.

How to use bootstrap-theme.css with bootstrap 3?

For an example of the css styles have a look at:

If you want to see how the example looks without the bootstrap-theme.css file open up your browser developer tools and delete the link from the <head> of the example and then you can compare it.

I know this is an old question but posted it just in case anyone is looking for an example of how it looks like I was.


bootstrap.css = main css framework (grids, basic styles, etc)

bootstrap-theme.css = extended styling (3D buttons, gradients etc). This file is optional and does not effect the functionality of bootstrap at all, it only enhances the appearance.

Update 2

With the release of v3.2.0 Bootstrap have added an option to view the theme css on the doc pages. If you go to one of the doc pages (css, components, javascript) you should see a "Preview theme" link at the bottom of the side nav which you can use to turn the theme css on and off.

How to change style of a default EditText


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/edittext_pressed" android:state_pressed="true" /> <!-- pressed -->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/edittext_disable" android:state_enabled="false" /> <!-- focused -->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/edittext_default" /> <!-- default -->


       <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="" >
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#BBDEFB" />
            <padding android:bottom="2dp" />
    <item android:bottom="5dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#fff" />

                android:right="0dp" />
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#fff" />


 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="" >
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#00f" />
            <padding android:bottom="2dp" />
    <item android:bottom="5dp">
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#fff" />

                android:right="0dp" />
        <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
            <solid android:color="#fff" />



    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <layer-list xmlns:android="" >
            <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
                <solid android:color="#aaaaaa" />
                <padding android:bottom="2dp" />
        <item android:bottom="5dp">
            <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
                <solid android:color="#fff" />

                    android:right="0dp" />
            <shape android:shape="rectangle" >
                <solid android:color="#fff" />


it works fine without nine-patch Api 10+ enter image description here

Check whether an input string contains a number in javascript

parseInt provides integers when the string begins with the representation of an integer:

(parseInt '1a')  is  1 perhaps:

isInteger = (s)->
  s is (parseInt s).toString()  and  s isnt 'NaN'

(isInteger 'a') is false
(isInteger '1a') is false
(isInteger 'NaN') is false
(isInteger '-42') is true

Pardon my CoffeeScript.

Accessing attributes from an AngularJS directive

See section Attributes from documentation on directives.

observing interpolated attributes: Use $observe to observe the value changes of attributes that contain interpolation (e.g. src="{{bar}}"). Not only is this very efficient but it's also the only way to easily get the actual value because during the linking phase the interpolation hasn't been evaluated yet and so the value is at this time set to undefined.

ng-repeat finish event

I found an answer here well practiced, but it was still necessary to add a delay

Create the following directive:

angular.module('MyApp').directive('emitLastRepeaterElement', function() {
return function(scope) {
    if (scope.$last){
}; });

Add it to your repeater as an attribute, like this:

<div ng-repeat="item in items" emit-last-repeater-element></div>

According to Radu,:

$scope.eventoSelecionado.internamento_evolucoes.forEach(ie => {mycode});

For me it works, but I still need to add a setTimeout

$scope.eventoSelecionado.internamento_evolucoes.forEach(ie => {
setTimeout(function() { 
}, 100); });

How to fix error with xml2-config not found when installing PHP from sources?


"sudo zypper install libxml2-devel"

It will install any other dependencies or required packages/libraries

How to add a constant column in a Spark DataFrame?

Spark 2.2+

Spark 2.2 introduces typedLit to support Seq, Map, and Tuples (SPARK-19254) and following calls should be supported (Scala):

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.typedLit

df.withColumn("some_array", typedLit(Seq(1, 2, 3)))
df.withColumn("some_struct", typedLit(("foo", 1, 0.3)))
df.withColumn("some_map", typedLit(Map("key1" -> 1, "key2" -> 2)))

Spark 1.3+ (lit), 1.4+ (array, struct), 2.0+ (map):

The second argument for DataFrame.withColumn should be a Column so you have to use a literal:

from pyspark.sql.functions import lit

df.withColumn('new_column', lit(10))

If you need complex columns you can build these using blocks like array:

from pyspark.sql.functions import array, create_map, struct

df.withColumn("some_array", array(lit(1), lit(2), lit(3)))
df.withColumn("some_struct", struct(lit("foo"), lit(1), lit(.3)))
df.withColumn("some_map", create_map(lit("key1"), lit(1), lit("key2"), lit(2)))

Exactly the same methods can be used in Scala.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{array, lit, map, struct}

df.withColumn("new_column", lit(10))
df.withColumn("map", map(lit("key1"), lit(1), lit("key2"), lit(2)))

To provide names for structs use either alias on each field:

    struct(lit("foo").alias("x"), lit(1).alias("y"), lit(0.3).alias("z"))

or cast on the whole object

    struct(lit("foo"), lit(1), lit(0.3)).cast("struct<x: string, y: integer, z: double>")

It is also possible, although slower, to use an UDF.


The same constructs can be used to pass constant arguments to UDFs or SQL functions.

Convert character to ASCII numeric value in java

An easy way for this is:

    int character = 'a';

If you print "character", you get 97.

ASP.NET MVC JsonResult Date Format

Format the date within the query.

var _myModel = from _m in model.ModelSearch(word)
    select new { date = ((DateTime)_m.Date).ToShortDateString() };

The only problem with this solution is that you won't get any results if ANY of the date values are null. To get around this you could either put conditional statements in your query BEFORE you select the date that ignores date nulls or you could set up a query to get all the results and then loop through all of that info using a foreach loop and assign a value to all dates that are null BEFORE you do your SELECT new.

Example of both:

var _test = from _t in adc.ItemSearchTest(word)
                        where _t.Date != null
                        select new { date = ((DateTime)_t.Date).ToShortDateString() };

The second option requires another query entirely so you can assign values to all nulls. This and the foreach loop would have to be BEFORE your query that selects the values.

var _testA = from _t in adc.ItemSearchTest(word)
                         select _i;

            foreach (var detail in _testA)
                if (detail.Date== null)
                    detail.Date= Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/0001");

Just an idea which I found easier than all of the javascript examples.

What is the right way to treat argparse.Namespace() as a dictionary?

You can access the namespace's dictionary with vars():

>>> import argparse
>>> args = argparse.Namespace()
>>> = 1
>>> = [1,2,3]
>>> d = vars(args)
>>> d
{'foo': 1, 'bar': [1, 2, 3]}

You can modify the dictionary directly if you wish:

>>> d['baz'] = 'store me'
>>> args.baz
'store me'

Yes, it is okay to access the __dict__ attribute. It is a well-defined, tested, and guaranteed behavior.

In NetBeans how do I change the Default JDK?

If I remember correctly, you'll need to set the netbeans_jdkhome property in your netbeans config file. Should be in your etc/netbeans.conf file.

How do I move a file from one location to another in Java?

Files.move(source, target, REPLACE_EXISTING);

You can use the Files object

Read more about Files

How to delete an SVN project from SVN repository

"Obliberating" contents from a svn repository, i.e. wiping this contents from the disc, can be done as described in this article

It requires access to the server side svn repository, thus you must have some admin privileges.

It works by (a) dumping the repository content into a file, (b) excluding some contents and (c) wiping and re-creating the plain repository again and eventually by (d) loading the filtered repository contents:

svnadmin dump "path/to/svnrepo" > svnrepo.txt                    // (a)
svndumpfilter exclude "my/folder" < svnrepo.txt > filtered.txt   // (b)
rm -rf "path/to/svnrepo" && svnadmin create "path/to/svnrepo"    // (c)
svnadmin load "path/to/svnrepo" < filtered.txt                   // (d)

The repository counter is unchanged by this operations. However, your repository is now "missing" all those revision numbers used to create that contents you removed in step (b).

Subversion 1.7.5 appears to handle this "missing" revisions pretty well. Using "svn ls -r $missing" for example, reports the very same as "svn ls -r $(( missing - 1))".

Contrary to this, my (pretty old) VIEWVC reports "no contents" when querying a "missing" revision.

Java Multithreading concept and join() method

I'm not able to understand the flow of execution of the program, And when ob1 is created then the constructor is called where t.start() is written but still run() method is not executed rather main() method continues execution. So why is this happening?

This depends on Thread Scheduler as main shares the same priority order. Calling start() doesn't mean run() will be called immediately, it depends on thread scheduler when it chooses to run your thread.

join() method is used to wait until the thread on which it is called does not terminates, but here in output we see alternate outputs of the thread why??

This is because of the Thread.sleep(1000) in your code. Remove that line and you will see ob1 finishes before ob2 which in turn finishes before ob3 (as expected with join()). Having said that it all depends on when ob1 ob2 and ob3 started. Calling sleep will pause thread execution for >= 1 second (in your code), giving scheduler a chance to call other threads waiting (same priority).

How to add an auto-incrementing primary key to an existing table, in PostgreSQL?

(Updated - Thanks to the people who commented)

Modern Versions of PostgreSQL

Suppose you have a table named test1, to which you want to add an auto-incrementing, primary-key id (surrogate) column. The following command should be sufficient in recent versions of PostgreSQL:


Older Versions of PostgreSQL

In old versions of PostgreSQL (prior to 8.x?) you had to do all the dirty work. The following sequence of commands should do the trick:

  ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('test_id_seq');
  UPDATE test1 SET id = nextval('test_id_seq');

Again, in recent versions of Postgres this is roughly equivalent to the single command above.

How do you get the length of a string?

You don't need to use jquery.

var myString = 'abc';
var n = myString.length;

n will be 3.

How can I view the Git history in Visual Studio Code?

You will find the right icon to click, when you open a file or the welcome page, in the upper right corner.

Enter image description here

And you can add a keyboard shortcut:

Enter image description here

Python CSV error: line contains NULL byte

I had the same problem opening a CSV produced from a webservice which inserted NULL bytes in empty headers. I did the following to clean the file:

with ('my.csv', 'rb', 'utf-8') as myfile:
    data =
    # clean file first if dirty
    if data.count( '\x00' ):
        print 'Cleaning...'
        with'my.csv.tmp', 'w', 'utf-8') as of:
            for line in data:
                of.write(line.replace('\x00', ''))

        shutil.move( 'my.csv.tmp', 'my.csv' )

with ('my.csv', 'rb', 'utf-8') as myfile:
    myreader = csv.reader(myfile, delimiter=',')
    # Continue with your business logic here...

Disclaimer: Be aware that this overwrites your original data. Make sure you have a backup copy of it. You have been warned!

How to label scatterplot points by name?

Well I did not think this was possible until I went and checked. In some previous version of Excel I could not do this. I am currently using Excel 2013.

This is what you want to do in a scatter plot:

  1. right click on your data point

  2. select "Format Data Labels" (note you may have to add data labels first)

  3. put a check mark in "Values from Cells"
  4. click on "select range" and select your range of labels you want on the points

Example Graph

UPDATE: Colouring Individual Labels

In order to colour the labels individually use the following steps:

  1. select a label. When you first select, all labels for the series should get a box around them like the graph above.
  2. Select the individual label you are interested in editing. Only the label you have selected should have a box around it like the graph below.
  3. On the right hand side, as shown below, Select "TEXT OPTIONS".
  4. Expand the "TEXT FILL" category if required.
  5. Second from the bottom of the category list is "COLOR", select the colour you want from the pallet.

If you have the entire series selected instead of the individual label, text formatting changes should apply to all labels instead of just one.


Overriding css style?

Instead of override you can add another class to the element and then you have an extra abilities. for example:


<div class="style1 style2"></div>


//only style for the first stylesheet
.style1 {
   width: 100%;      
//only style for second stylesheet
.style2 {
   width: 50%;     
//override all
.style1.style2 { 
   width: 70%;

Python socket receive - incoming packets always have a different size

The answer by Larry Hastings has some great general advice about sockets, but there are a couple of mistakes as it pertains to how the recv(bufsize) method works in the Python socket module.

So, to clarify, since this may be confusing to others looking to this for help:

  1. The bufsize param for the recv(bufsize) method is not optional. You'll get an error if you call recv() (without the param).
  2. The bufferlen in recv(bufsize) is a maximum size. The recv will happily return fewer bytes if there are fewer available.

See the documentation for details.

Now, if you're receiving data from a client and want to know when you've received all of the data, you're probably going to have to add it to your protocol -- as Larry suggests. See this recipe for strategies for determining end of message.

As that recipe points out, for some protocols, the client will simply disconnect when it's done sending data. In those cases, your while True loop should work fine. If the client does not disconnect, you'll need to figure out some way to signal your content length, delimit your messages, or implement a timeout.

I'd be happy to try to help further if you could post your exact client code and a description of your test protocol.

How to export a MySQL database to JSON?

It may be asking too much of MySQL to expect it to produce well formed json directly from a query. Instead, consider producing something more convenient, like CSV (using the INTO OUTFILE '/path/to/output.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' snippet you already know) and then transforming the results into json in a language with built in support for it, like python or php.

Edit python example, using the fine SQLAlchemy:

class Student(object):
    '''The model, a plain, ol python class'''
    def __init__(self, name, email, enrolled): = name = email
        self.enrolled = enrolled

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Student(%r, %r)>" % (,

    def make_dict(self):
        return {'name':, 'email':}

import sqlalchemy
metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
students_table = sqlalchemy.Table('students', metadata,
        sqlalchemy.Column('id', sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True),
        sqlalchemy.Column('name', sqlalchemy.String(100)),
        sqlalchemy.Column('email', sqlalchemy.String(100)),
        sqlalchemy.Column('enrolled', sqlalchemy.Date)

# connect the database.  substitute the needed values.
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql://user:pass@host/database')

# if needed, create the table:

# map the model to the table
import sqlalchemy.orm
sqlalchemy.orm.mapper(Student, students_table)

# now you can issue queries against the database using the mapping:
non_students = engine.query(Student).filter_by(enrolled=None)

# and lets make some json out of it:
import json
non_students_dicts = ( student.make_dict() for student in non_students)
students_json = json.dumps(non_students_dicts)

Insert NULL value into INT column

Does the column allow null?

Seems to work. Just tested with phpMyAdmin, the column is of type int that allows nulls:

INSERT INTO `database`.`table` (`column`) VALUES (NULL);

How do I get interactive plots again in Spyder/IPython/matplotlib?

After applying : Tools > preferences > Graphics > Backend > Automatic Just restart the kernel enter image description here

And you will surely get Interactive Plot. Happy Coding!

Select2 open dropdown on focus

a bit late... but to share my code using select2 4.0.0

$("#my_id").next(".select2").find(".select2-selection").focus(function() {

ValidateAntiForgeryToken purpose, explanation and example

Microsoft provides us built-in functionality which we use in our application for security purposes, so no one can hack our site or invade some critical information.

From Purpose Of ValidateAntiForgeryToken In MVC Application by Harpreet Singh:

Use of ValidateAntiForgeryToken

Let’s try with a simple example to understand this concept. I do not want to make it too complicated, that’s why I am going to use a template of an MVC application, already available in Visual Studio. We will do this step by step. Let’s start.

  1. Step 1 - Create two MVC applications with default internet template and give those names as CrossSite_RequestForgery and Attack_Application respectively.

  2. Now, open CrossSite_RequestForgery application's Web Config and change the connection string with the one given below and then save.


<connectionStrings> <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=local\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=CSRF;
Integrated Security=true;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> 
  1. Now, click on Tools >> NuGet Package Manager, then Package Manager Console

  2. Now, run the below mentioned three commands in Package Manager Console to create the database.

Enable-Migrations add-migration first update-database

Important Notes - I have created database with code first approach because I want to make this example in the way developers work. You can create database manually also. It's your choice.

  1. Now, open Account Controller. Here, you will see a register method whose type is post. Above this method, there should be an attribute available as [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]. Comment this attribute. Now, right click on register and click go to View. There again, you will find an html helper as @Html.AntiForgeryToken() . Comment this one also. Run the application and click on register button. The URL will be open as:


Notes- I know now the question being raised in all readers’ minds is why these two helpers need to be commented, as everyone knows these are used to validate request. Then, I just want to let you all know that this is just because I want to show the difference after and before applying these helpers.

  1. Now, open the second application which is Attack_Application. Then, open Register method of Account Controller. Just change the POST method with the simple one, shown below.

    Registration Form
    1. @Html.LabelFor(m => m.UserName) @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName)
    2. @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Password) @Html.PasswordFor(m => m.Password)
    3. @Html.LabelFor(m => m.ConfirmPassword) @Html.PasswordFor(m => m.ConfirmPassword)

7.Now, suppose you are a hacker and you know the URL from where you can register user in CrossSite_RequestForgery application. Now, you created a Forgery site as Attacker_Application and just put the same URL in post method.

8.Run this application now and fill the register fields and click on register. You will see you are registered in CrossSite_RequestForgery application. If you check the database of CrossSite_RequestForgery application then you will see and entry you have entered.

  1. Important - Now, open CrossSite_RequestForgery application and comment out the token in Account Controller and register the View. Try to register again with the same process. Then, an error will occur as below.

Server Error in '/' Application. ________________________________________ The required anti-forgery cookie "__RequestVerificationToken" is not present.

This is what the concept says. What we add in View i.e. @Html.AntiForgeryToken() generates __RequestVerificationToken on load time and [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] available on Controller method. Match this token on post time. If token is the same, then it means this is a valid request.

Bash script to calculate time elapsed

start=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S);
for x in {1..5};
do echo $x;
sleep 1; done;
end=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S);
        do echo -n "-";
        echo ${elapsed});
echo -e "Start  : ${start}\nStop   : ${end}\nElapsed: ${ftime}"

Start  : 20171108005304
Stop   : 20171108005310
Elapsed: -------------6

How to use a global array in C#?

Your class shoud look something like this:

class Something {     int[] array; //global array, replace type of course     void function1() {        array = new int[10]; //let say you declare it here that will be 10 integers in size     }     void function2() {        array[0] = 12; //assing value at index 0 to 12.     } } 

That way you array will be accessible in both functions. However, you must be careful with global stuff, as you can quickly overwrite something.

Image resizing client-side with JavaScript before upload to the server

If you were resizing before uploading I just found out this

It does all the magic for you in any imaginable method.

Unfortunately HTML5 resize only is supported with Mozilla browser, but you can redirect other browsers to Flash and Silverlight.

I just tried it and it worked with my android!

I was using in flash, it does the job very well, but the resize size is very small. (cannot remember the limit) and does not go back to html4 when flash is not available.

how can get index & count in vuejs

In case, your data is in the following structure, you get string as an index

items = {

In this case, you can use extra variable to get the index in number:

  <li v-for="(item, key, index) in items">
    {{ item }} - {{ key }} - {{ index }}


Pythonic way of checking if a condition holds for any element of a list


if any(t < 0 for t in x):
    # do something

Also, if you're going to use "True in ...", make it a generator expression so it doesn't take O(n) memory:

if True in (t < 0 for t in x):

How to resolve javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException issue?

The problem is, you are creating a transport object and using it's connect method to authenticate yourself. But then you use a static method to send the message which ignores authentication done by the object.

So, you should either use the sendMessage(message, message.getAllRecipients()) method on the object or use an authenticator as suggested by others to get authorize through the session.

Here's the Java Mail FAQ, you need to read.

Remove empty space before cells in UITableView

I just found a solution for this. In my case, i was using TabBarViewController, A just uncheck the option 'Adjust Scroll View Insets'. Issues goes away.

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

In production site this seems suitable:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<allow-access-from domain="" />
<allow-access-from domain="" />

Vertically center text in a 100% height div?

The best and easiest way to do it (currently in 2015 2020) is using flexbox:

.parent-selector {
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;

And that's it :D

Check-out this working example:

div {_x000D_
    border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
    height: 150px;_x000D_
    width: 350px;_x000D_
    justify-content: center;_x000D_
    /* Actual code */_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    align-items: center;_x000D_

Old answer: You can use vertical-align: middle if you specify also display: table-cell;

.div {
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;

Working example:

div {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid red;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
  width: 350px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  /* Actual code */_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_

If it does not work you can try setting its parent as display: table;:

.parent-selector {
    display: table;

Edit: You have this method plus all the methods covered on this question in this other question: How do I vertically center text with CSS?

Finding square root without using sqrt function?

After looking at the previous responses, I hope this will help resolve any ambiguities. In case the similarities in the previous solutions and my solution are illusive, or this method of solving for roots is unclear, I've also made a graph which can be found here.

This is a working root function capable of solving for any nth-root

(default is square root for the sake of this question)

#include <cmath> 
// for "pow" function

double sqrt(double A, double root = 2) {
    const double e = 2.71828182846;
    return pow(e,(pow(10.0,9.0)/root)*(1.0-(pow(A,-pow(10.0,-9.0)))));


click here for graph

This works via Taylor series, logarithmic properties, and a bit of algebra.

Take, for example:

log A = N

*Note: for square-root, N = 2; for any other root you only need to change the one variable, N.

1) Change the base, convert the base 'x' log function to natural log,

log A   =>   ln(A)/ln(x) = N

2) Rearrange to isolate ln(x), and eventually just 'x',

ln(A)/N = ln(x)

3) Set both sides as exponents of 'e',

e^(ln(A)/N) = e^(ln(x))  >~{ e^ln(x) == x }~>  e^(ln(A)/N) = x

4) Taylor series represents "ln" as an infinite series,

ln(x) = (k=1)Sigma: (1/k)(-1^(k+1))(k-1)^n

           <~~~ expanded ~~~>

[(x-1)] - [(1/2)(x-1)^2] + [(1/3)(x-1)^3] - [(1/4)(x-1)^4] + . . .

*Note: Continue the series for increased accuracy. For brevity, 10^9 is used in my function which expresses the series convergence for the natural log with about 7 digits, or the 10-millionths place, for precision,

ln(x) = 10^9(1-x^(-10^(-9)))

5) Now, just plug in this equation for natural log into the simplified equation obtained in step 3.

e^[((10^9)/N)(1-A^(-10^-9)] = nth-root of (A)

6) This implementation might seem like overkill; however, its purpose is to demonstrate how you can solve for roots without having to guess and check. Also, it would enable you to replace the pow function from the cmath library with your own pow function:

double power(double base, double exponent) {
    if (exponent == 0) return 1;
    int wholeInt = (int)exponent;
    double decimal = exponent - (double)wholeInt;
    if (decimal) {
        int powerInv = 1/decimal;
        if (!wholeInt) return root(base,powerInv);
        else return power(root(base,powerInv),wholeInt,true);
    return power(base, exponent, true);

double power(double base, int exponent, bool flag) {
    if (exponent < 0) return 1/power(base,-exponent,true);
    if (exponent > 0) return base * power(base,exponent-1,true);
    else return 1;

int root(int A, int root) {
    return power(E,(1000000000000/root)*(1-(power(A,-0.000000000001))));

angular.service vs angular.factory

The factory pattern is more flexible as it can return functions and values as well as objects.

There isn't a lot of point in the service pattern IMHO, as everything it does you can just as easily do with a factory. The exceptions might be:

  • If you care about the declared type of your instantiated service for some reason - if you use the service pattern, your constructor will be the type of the new service.
  • If you already have a constructor function that you're using elsewhere that you also want to use as a service (although probably not much use if you want to inject anything into it!).

Arguably, the service pattern is a slightly nicer way to create a new object from a syntax point of view, but it's also more costly to instantiate. Others have indicated that angular uses "new" to create the service, but this isn't quite true - it isn't able to do that because every service constructor has a different number of parameters. What angular actually does is use the factory pattern internally to wrap your constructor function. Then it does some clever jiggery pokery to simulate javascript's "new" operator, invoking your constructor with a variable number of injectable arguments - but you can leave out this step if you just use the factory pattern directly, thus very slightly increasing the efficiency of your code.

Creating an IFRAME using JavaScript

It is better to process HTML as a template than to build nodes via JavaScript (HTML is not XML after all.) You can keep your IFRAME's HTML syntax clean by using a template and then appending the template's contents into another DIV.

<div id="placeholder"></div>

<script id="iframeTemplate" type="text/html">
    <iframe src="...">
        <!-- replace this line with alternate content -->

<script type="text/javascript">
var element,

element = document.getElementById("placeholder");
template = document.getElementById("iframeTemplate");
html = template.innerHTML;

element.innerHTML = html;

How to hide a button programmatically?

Please try this: playButton = (Button) findViewById(; playButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); I think this will do it.

MySQL Insert query doesn't work with WHERE clause

INSERT INTO Users(weight, desiredWeight )
SELECT '$userWeight', '$userDesiredWeight'  
FROM (select 1 a ) dummy
WHERE '$userWeight' != '' AND '$userDesiredWeight'!='';

using awk with column value conditions

If you're looking for a particular string, put quotes around it:

awk '$1 == "findtext" {print $3}'

Otherwise, awk will assume it's a variable name.

Where is the Postgresql config file: 'postgresql.conf' on Windows?

On my machine:

C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 6.1-20121026-233219\PostgreSQL\data

How to Check whether Session is Expired or not in

I use the @Adi-lester answer and add some methods.

Method to verify if Session is Alive

public static void SessionIsAlive(HttpSessionStateBase Session)
    if (Session.Contents.Count == 0)

Create session var in Page Load

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Session["user_id"] = 1;

Create SaveData method (but you can use it in all methods)

protected void SaveData()
    // Verify if Session is Alive

    //Save Data Process
    // bla
    // bla
    // bla

Getting URL parameter in java and extract a specific text from that URL

public static String getQueryMap(String query) {        
    String[] params = query.split("&");     
    for (String param : params) {           
       String name = param.split("=")[0];
       if ("YourParam".equals(name)) {
           return param.split("=")[1]; 
    return null;

HTML Best Practices: Should I use &rsquo; or the special keyboard shortcut?

With &rsquo; you know for certain that the output will be correct, no matter what.

I wish &apos; would output the proper apostrophe and not the typewriter apostrophe.

How to get ER model of database from server with Workbench

I want to enhance Mr. Kamran Ali's answer with pictorial view.

Pictorial View is given step by step:

  1. Go to "Database" Menu option
  2. Select the "Reverse Engineer" option.

enter image description here

  1. A wizard will come. Select from "Stored Connection" and press "Next" button.

enter image description here

  1. Then "Next""Finish"

Enjoy :)

Check if returned value is not null and if so assign it, in one line, with one method call

Using Java 1.8 you can use Optional

public class Main  {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //example call, the methods are just dumb templates, note they are static
        FutureMeal meal = getChicken().orElse(getFreeRangeChicken());

        //another possible way to call this having static methods is
        FutureMeal meal = getChicken().orElseGet(Main::getFreeRangeChicken); //method reference

        //or if you would use a Instance of Main and call getChicken and getFreeRangeChicken
        // as nonstatic methods (assume static would be replaced with public for this)
        Main m = new Main();
        FutureMeal meal = m.getChicken().orElseGet(m::getFreeRangeChicken); //method reference

        FutureMeal meal = m.getChicken().orElse(m.getFreeRangeChicken()); //method call


    static Optional<FutureMeal> getChicken(){

        //instead of returning null, you would return Optional.empty() 
        //here I just return it to demonstrate
        return Optional.empty();

        //if you would return a valid object the following comment would be the code
        //FutureMeal ret = new FutureMeal(); //your return object
        //return Optional.of(ret);            


    static FutureMeal getFreeRangeChicken(){
        return new FutureMeal();

You would implement a logic for getChicken to return either Optional.empty() instead of null, or Optional.of(myReturnObject), where myReturnObject is your chicken.

Then you can call getChicken() and if it would return Optional.empty() the orElse(fallback) would give you whatever the fallback would be, in your case the second method.

IE7 Z-Index Layering Issues

In IE positioned elements generate a new stacking context, starting with a z-index value of 0. Therefore z-index doesn’t work correctly.

Try give the parent element a higher z-index value (can be even higher than the child’s z-index value itself) to fix the bug.

How to pass password automatically for rsync SSH command?

Use a ssh key.

Look at ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id.

After that you can use an rsync this way :

rsync -a --stats --progress --delete /home/path server:path

jQuery: what is the best way to restrict "number"-only input for textboxes? (allow decimal points)

Please add in the bottom of the script:

if(this.value.length == 1 && this.value == 0)
 this.value = "";

SVN icon overlays not showing properly

To fix this go to TortoiseSVN > settings > Icon Overlays > Status cache changed from default to shell.

If the drive A or B is used check the Drive type as A and B.

Save and load MemoryStream to/from a file

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace ImageWriterUtil
    public class ImageWaterMarkBuilder
        //private ImageWaterMarkBuilder()
        Stream imageStream;
        string watermarkText = "©8Bytes.Technology";
        Font font = new System.Drawing.Font("Brush Script MT", 30, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
        Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
        Point position;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddStream(Stream imageStream)
            this.imageStream = imageStream;
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddWaterMark(string watermarkText)
            this.watermarkText = watermarkText;
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddFont(Font font)
            this.font = font;
            return this;

        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddFontColour(Color color)
            this.brush = new SolidBrush(color);
            return this;
        public ImageWaterMarkBuilder AddPosition(Point position)
            this.position = position;
            return this;

        public void CompileAndSave(string filePath)

            //Read the File into a Bitmap.
            using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(this.imageStream, false))
                using (Graphics grp = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))

                    //Determine the size of the Watermark text.
                    SizeF textSize = new SizeF();
                    textSize = grp.MeasureString(watermarkText, font);

                    //Position the text and draw it on the image.
                    if (position == null)
                        position = new Point((bmp.Width - ((int)textSize.Width + 10)), (bmp.Height - ((int)textSize.Height + 10)));
                    grp.DrawString(watermarkText, font, brush, position);

                    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        //Save the Watermarked image to the MemoryStream.
                        bmp.Save(memoryStream, ImageFormat.Png);
                        memoryStream.Position = 0;
                       // string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
                        // outPuthFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath), fileName + "_outputh.png");
                        using (FileStream file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Write))
                            byte[] bytes = new byte[memoryStream.Length];
                            memoryStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)memoryStream.Length);
                            file.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);


Usage :-


how to put focus on TextBox when the form load?

it's worked for me set tabindex to 0 this.yourtextbox.TabIndex = 0;

How to avoid a System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException?

I got this exception while coping a object(variable) Matrix Array into Excel sheet. The solution to this is, Matrix array Index(i,j) must start from (0,0) whereas Excel sheet should start with Matrix Array index (i,j) from (1,1) .

I hope you this concept.

How can I replace non-printable Unicode characters in Java?

I have redesigned the code for phone numbers +9 (987) 124124 Extract digits from a string in Java

 public static String stripNonDigitsV2( CharSequence input ) {
    if (input == null)
        return null;
    if ( input.length() == 0 )
        return "";

    char[] result = new char[input.length()];
    int cursor = 0;
    CharBuffer buffer = CharBuffer.wrap( input );
    int i=0;
    while ( i< buffer.length()  ) { //buffer.hasRemaining()
        char chr = buffer.get(i);
        if (chr=='u'){

        if ( chr > 39 && chr < 58 )
            result[cursor++] = chr;

    return new String( result, 0, cursor );

What Does 'zoom' do in CSS?

Only IE and WebKit support zoom, and yes, in theory it does exactly what you're saying.

Try it out on an image to see it's full effect :)

Entity Framework Migrations renaming tables and columns

If you don't like writing/changing the required code in the Migration class manually, you can follow a two-step approach which automatically make the RenameColumn code which is required:

Step One Use the ColumnAttribute to introduce the new column name and then add-migration (e.g. Add-Migration ColumnChanged)

public class ReportPages
    [Column("Section_Id")]                 //Section_Id
    public int Group_Id{get;set}

Step-Two change the property name and again apply to same migration (e.g. Add-Migration ColumnChanged -force) in the Package Manager Console

public class ReportPages
    [Column("Section_Id")]                 //Section_Id
    public int Section_Id{get;set}

If you look at the Migration class you can see the automatically code generated is RenameColumn.

Write HTML to string

You could use System.Xml.Linq objects. They were totally redesigned from the old System.Xml days which made constructing XML from scratch really annoying.

Other than the doctype I guess, you could easily do something like:

var html = new XElement("html",
    new XElement("head",
        new XElement("title", "My Page")
    new XElement("body",
        "this is some text"

What is the maximum length of data I can put in a BLOB column in MySQL?

A BLOB can be 65535 bytes maximum. If you need more consider using a MEDIUMBLOB for 16777215 bytes or a LONGBLOB for 4294967295 bytes.

Hope, it will help you.

Tomcat: How to find out running tomcat version

execute the script in your tomcat/bin directory:

sh tomcat/bin/

Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.42
Server built:   Jul 2 2013 08:57:41
Server number:
OS Name:        Linux
OS Version:     2.6.32-042stab084.26
Architecture:   amd64
JVM Version:    1.7.0_21-b11
JVM Vendor:     Oracle Corporation

JavaScript function in href vs. onclick

it worked for me using this line of code:

<a id="LinkTest" title="Any Title"  href="#" onclick="Function(); return false; ">text</a>

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

The Difference between GIT Fetch and GIT Pull can be explained with the following scenario: (Keeping in mind that pictures speak louder than words!, I have provided pictorial representation)

Let's take an example that you are working on a project with your team members. So there will be one main Branch of the project and all the contributors must fork it to their own local repository and then work on this local branch to modify/Add modules then push back to the main branch.

So, Initial State of the two Branches when you forked the main project on your local repository will be like this- (A, B and C are Modules already completed of the project)

enter image description here

Now, you have started working on the new module (suppose D) and when you have completed the D module you want to push it to the main branch, But meanwhile what happens is that one of your teammates has developed new Module E, F and modified C.
So now what has happened is that your local repository is lacking behind the original progress of the project and thus pushing of your changes to the main branch can lead to conflict and may cause your Module D to malfunction.

enter image description here

To avoid such issues and to work parallel with the original progress of the project there are Two ways:

1. Git Fetch- This will Download all the changes that have been made to the origin/main branch project which are not present in your local branch. And will wait for the Git Merge command to apply the changes that have been fetched to your Repository or branch.

enter image description here

So now You can carefully monitor the files before merging it to your repository. And you can also modify D if required because of Modified C.

enter image description here

2. Git Pull- This will update your local branch with the origin/main branch i.e. actually what it does is a combination of Git Fetch and Git merge one after another. But this may Cause Conflicts to occur, so it’s recommended to use Git Pull with a clean copy.

enter image description here

Should I use encodeURI or encodeURIComponent for encoding URLs?

Other answers describe the purposes. Here are the characters each function will actually convert:

control = '\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F'
        + '\x10\x11\x12\x13\x14\X15\x16\x17\x18\x19\x1A\x1B\x1C\x1D\x1E\x1F'
                                                                    + '\x7F'
encodeURI         (control + ' "%<>[\\]^`{|}'                             )
encodeURIComponent(control + ' "%<>[\\]^`{|}' + '#$&,:;=?' + '+/@'        )
escape            (control + ' "%<>[\\]^`{|}' + '#$&,:;=?' +       "!'()~")

All characters above are converted to percent-hexadecimal codes. Space to %20, percent to %25, etc. The characters below pass through unchanged.

Here are the characters the functions will NOT convert:

pass_thru = '*-._0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

encodeURI         (pass_thru + '#$&,:;=?' + '+/@' + "!'()~")
encodeURIComponent(pass_thru +                      "!'()~")
escape            (pass_thru +              '+/@'          )

Android: ScrollView force to bottom

i tried that successful.

scrollView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, scrollView.getHeight());
}, 1000);

Check if a class `active` exist on element with jquery

If Condition to check, currently class active or not


How to run a single RSpec test?

In rails 5,

I used this way to run single test file(all the tests in one file)

rails test -n /TopicsControllerTest/ -v

Class name can be used to match to the desired file TopicsControllerTest

My class class TopicsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest

Output :

enter image description here

If You want you can tweak the regex to match to single test method \TopicsControllerTest#test_Should_delete\

rails test -n /TopicsControllerTest#test_Should_delete/ -v

Bootstrap 3 Horizontal Divider (not in a dropdown)

Yes there is, you can simply put <hr> in your code where you want it, I already use it in one of my admin panel side bar.

Send json post using php

You can use CURL for this purpose see the example code:

$url = "your url";    
$content = json_encode("your data to be sent");

$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
        array("Content-type: application/json"));
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $content);

$json_response = curl_exec($curl);

$status = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

if ( $status != 201 ) {
    die("Error: call to URL $url failed with status $status, response $json_response, curl_error " . curl_error($curl) . ", curl_errno " . curl_errno($curl));


$response = json_decode($json_response, true);

Error: Unexpected value 'undefined' imported by the module

The issue is that there is at least one import for which source file is missing.

For example I got the same error when I was using

       import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';

But the file './app-routing.module' was not there in given path.

I removed this import and error went away.

Checking for NULL pointer in C/C++

The C Programming Language (K&R) would have you check for null == ptr to avoid an accidental assignment.

Open Source Javascript PDF viewer

Well it's not even close to the full spec, but there is a JavaScript and Canvas based PDF viewer out there.

What is the LD_PRELOAD trick?

If you set LD_PRELOAD to the path of a shared object, that file will be loaded before any other library (including the C runtime, So to run ls with your special malloc() implementation, do this:

$ LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/my/ /bin/ls

Getting value of HTML Checkbox from onclick/onchange events

For React.js, you can do this with more readable code. Hope it helps.

handleCheckboxChange(e) {
  console.log('value of checkbox : ',;
render() {
  return <input type="checkbox" onChange={this.handleCheckboxChange.bind(this)} />

Take a list of numbers and return the average

If you have the numpy package:

In [16]: x = [1,2,3,4]    
    ...: import numpy
    ...: numpy.average(x)

Out[16]: 2.5

jQuery changing style of HTML element

changing style with jquery

Try This


You can also change multiple attribute in a single query

Try This

$('#replace-div').css({'padding-top': '5px' , 'margin' : '10px'});

.htaccess redirect http to https

Add this code at the end of your .htaccess file

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

hibernate - get id after save object

or in a better way we can have like this

Let's say your primary key is an Integer and object you save is "ticket", then you can get it like this. When you save the object, id is always returned

//unboxing will occur here so that id here will be value type not the reference type. Now you can check id for 0 in case of save failure. like below:

int id = (Integer); 
   your call was not success. 
else '
   your call to was successful.

Changing the size of a column referenced by a schema-bound view in SQL Server

If anyone wants to "Increase the column width of the replicated table" in SQL Server 2008, then no need to change the property of "replicate_ddl=1". Simply follow below steps --

  1. Open SSMS
  2. Connect to Publisher database
  3. run command -- ALTER TABLE [Table_Name] ALTER COLUMN [Column_Name] varchar(22)
  4. It will increase the column width from varchar(x) to varchar(22) and same change you can see on subscriber (transaction got replicated). So no need to re-initialize the replication

Hope this will help all who are looking for it.

Get height and width of a layout programmatically

As I just ran into this problem thought I would write it for kotlin,

my_view.viewTreeObserver.addOnGlobalLayoutListener {
       // here your view is measured
       // get height using my_view.height
       // get width using my_view.width

or {
       // here your view is measured
       // get height using my_view.height
       // get width using my_view.width

Is there a method that calculates a factorial in Java?

You can use recursion version as well.

static int myFactorial(int i) {
    if(i == 1)
        System.out.prinln(i * (myFactorial(--i)));

Recursion is usually less efficient because of having to push and pop recursions, so iteration is quicker. On the other hand, recursive versions use fewer or no local variables which is advantage.

ORA-00972 identifier is too long alias column name

As others have referred, names in Oracle SQL must be less or equal to 30 characters. I would add that this rule applies not only to table names but to field names as well. So there you have it.

Installing OpenCV on Windows 7 for Python 2.7

Installing OpenCV on Windows 7 for Python 2.7

WPF C# button style

<!--Customize button -->

<LinearGradientBrush x:Key="Buttongradient" StartPoint="0.500023,0.999996" EndPoint="0.500023,4.37507e-006">
    <GradientStop Color="#5e5e5e" Offset="1" />
    <GradientStop Color="#0b0b0b" Offset="0" />

<Style x:Key="hhh" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
    <Setter Property="Background" Value="{DynamicResource Buttongradient}"/>
    <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" />
    <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="15" />
    <Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="True" />
    <Setter Property="Template">
            <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
                <Border CornerRadius="4" Background="{TemplateBinding Background}" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="0.5">
                        <DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="0" BlurRadius="2"></DropShadowEffect>


                        <Path Width="9" Height="16.5" Stretch="Fill" Fill="#000"  HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="16.5,0,0,0" Data="F1 M 30.0833,22.1667L 50.6665,37.6043L 50.6665,38.7918L 30.0833,53.8333L 30.0833,22.1667 Z " Opacity="0.2">

                        <Path x:Name="PathIcon" Width="8" Height="15"  Stretch="Fill" Fill="#4C87B3" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="17,0,0,0" Data="F1 M 30.0833,22.1667L 50.6665,37.6043L 50.6665,38.7918L 30.0833,53.8333L 30.0833,22.1667 Z ">
                                <DropShadowEffect ShadowDepth="0" BlurRadius="5"></DropShadowEffect>

                        <Line  HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="40,0,0,0" Name="line4" Stroke="Black" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="2" Y1="0" Y2="640" Opacity="0.5" />
                        <ContentPresenter x:Name="MyContentPresenter" Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,0,0,0" />

                    <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="#E59400" />
                        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" />
                        <Setter TargetName="PathIcon" Property="Fill" Value="Black" />

                    <Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Background" Value="OrangeRed" />
                        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" />

Python concatenate text files

This should do it

For large files:

filenames = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', ...]
with open('path/to/output/file', 'w') as outfile:
    for fname in filenames:
        with open(fname) as infile:
            for line in infile:

For small files:

filenames = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', ...]
with open('path/to/output/file', 'w') as outfile:
    for fname in filenames:
        with open(fname) as infile:

… and another interesting one that I thought of:

filenames = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', ...]
with open('path/to/output/file', 'w') as outfile:
    for line in itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.imap(open, filnames)):

Sadly, this last method leaves a few open file descriptors, which the GC should take care of anyway. I just thought it was interesting

Detect when browser receives file download

"How to detect when browser receives file download?"
I faced the same problem with that config:
struts 1.2.9
IE 11
java 5

My solution with a cookie:
- Client side:
When submitting your form, call your javascript function to hide your page and load your waiting spinner

function loadWaitingSpinner(){
... hide your page and show your spinner ...

Then, call a function that will check every 500ms whether a cookie is coming from server.

function checkCookie(){
    var verif = setInterval(isWaitingCookie,500,verif);

If the cookie is found, stop checking every 500ms, expire the cookie and call your function to come back to your page and remove the waiting spinner (removeWaitingSpinner()). It is important to expire the cookie if you want to be able to download another file again!

function isWaitingCookie(verif){
    var loadState = getCookie("waitingCookie");
    if (loadState == "done"){
        document.cookie = "attenteCookie=done; expires=Tue, 31 Dec 1985 21:00:00 UTC;";
    function getCookie(cookieName){
        var name = cookieName + "=";
        var cookies = document.cookie
        var cs = cookies.split(';');
        for (var i = 0; i < cs.length; i++){
            var c = cs[i];
            while(c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
                c = c.substring(1);
            if (c.indexOf(name) == 0){
                return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
        return "";
function removeWaitingSpinner(){
... come back to your page and remove your spinner ...

- Server side:
At the end of your server process, add a cookie to the response. That cookie will be sent to the client when your file will be ready for download.

Cookie waitCookie = new Cookie("waitingCookie", "done");

I hope to help someone!

How to overcome TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Note: This answer does not explicitly answer the asked question. the other answers do it. Since the question is specific to a scenario and the raised exception is general, This answer points to the general case.

Hash values are just integers which are used to compare dictionary keys during a dictionary lookup quickly.

Internally, hash() method calls __hash__() method of an object which are set by default for any object.

Converting a nested list to a set

>>> a = [1,2,3,4,[5,6,7],8,9]
>>> set(a)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

This happens because of the list inside a list which is a list which cannot be hashed. Which can be solved by converting the internal nested lists to a tuple,

>>> set([1, 2, 3, 4, (5, 6, 7), 8, 9])
set([1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, (5, 6, 7)])

Explicitly hashing a nested list

>>> hash([1, 2, 3, [4, 5,], 6, 7])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

>>> hash(tuple([1, 2, 3, [4, 5,], 6, 7]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

>>> hash(tuple([1, 2, 3, tuple([4, 5,]), 6, 7]))

The solution to avoid this error is to restructure the list to have nested tuples instead of lists.

How can I set a custom date time format in Oracle SQL Developer?

SQL Developer Version

Step 1: Go to Tools -> Preferences

Step 2: Select Database -> NLS

Step 3: Go to Date Format and Enter DD-MON-RR HH24: MI: SS

Step 4: Click OK.

Is it necessary to use # for creating temp tables in SQL server?

Yes. You need to prefix the table name with "#" (hash) to create temporary tables.

If you do NOT need the table later, go ahead & create it. Temporary Tables are very much like normal tables. However, it gets created in tempdb. Also, it is only accessible via the current session i.e. For EG: if another user tries to access the temp table created by you, he'll not be able to do so.

"##" (double-hash creates "Global" temp table that can be accessed by other sessions as well.

Refer the below link for the Basics of Temporary Tables:

If the content of your table is less than 5000 rows & does NOT contain data types such as nvarchar(MAX), varbinary(MAX), consider using Table Variables.

They are the fastest as they are just like any other variables which are stored in the RAM. They are stored in tempdb as well, not in RAM.

 column1 int,
 column2 int,
 someInt int,
 someVarChar nvarchar(50)

SELECT column1, 
  FROM table2
 WHERE table2.ID = 7;

More Info on Table Variables:

How do I remove the blue styling of telephone numbers on iPhone/iOS?

This did it for me:

.appleLinks a {color:#000000;}
.appleLinksWhite a {color:#ffffff;}

You can find more info here.

How to write to files using utl_file in oracle

Here is a robust function for using UTL_File.putline that includes the necessary error handling. It also handles headers, footers and a few other exceptional cases.

PROCEDURE usp_OUTPUT_ToFileAscii(p_Path IN VARCHAR2, p_FileName IN VARCHAR2, p_Input IN refCursor, p_Header in VARCHAR2, p_Footer IN VARCHAR2, p_WriteMode VARCHAR2) IS

              vLine VARCHAR2(30000);
              vFile UTL_FILE.file_type; 
              vExists boolean;
              vLength number;
              vBlockSize number;

        UTL_FILE.fgetattr(p_path, p_FileName, vExists, vLength, vBlockSize);

                 FETCH p_Input INTO vLine;
         IF p_input%ROWCOUNT > 0
            IF vExists THEN
               vFile := UTL_FILE.FOPEN_NCHAR(p_Path, p_FileName, p_WriteMode);
               --even if the append flag is passed if the file doesn't exist open it with W.
                vFile := UTL_FILE.FOPEN(p_Path, p_FileName, 'W');
            END IF;
            --GET HANDLE TO FILE
            IF p_Header IS NOT NULL THEN 
              UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(vFile, p_Header);
            END IF;
            UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(vFile, vLine);
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Record count > 0');

                FETCH p_Input INTO vLine;

                EXIT WHEN p_Input%NOTFOUND;

                UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(vFile, vLine);

             END LOOP;

             IF p_Footer IS NOT NULL THEN 
                UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(vFile, p_Footer);
             END IF;

             CLOSE p_Input;
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Record count = 0');

        END IF; 

           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('invalid_path'); 

           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('invalid_mode'); 

           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('invalid_filehandle'); 

           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('invalid_operation'); 

           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('read_error');

          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('write_error'); 

          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('internal_error'); 
          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('other write error'); 

What exactly do "u" and "r" string flags do, and what are raw string literals?

'raw string' means it is stored as it appears. For example, '\' is just a backslash instead of an escaping.

What is the correct syntax for 'else if'?

Here is a little refactoring of your function (it does not use "else" or "elif"):

def function(a):
    if a not in (1, 2):
        a = 3
    print(str(a) + "a")

@ghostdog74: Python 3 requires parentheses for "print".

Firebase cloud messaging notification not received by device

I had the same problem and it is solved by defining enabled, exported to true in my service

                <action android:name=""/>

Best way to find the intersection of multiple sets?

Here I'm offering a generic function for multiple set intersection trying to take advantage of the best method available:

def multiple_set_intersection(*sets):
    """Return multiple set intersection."""
        return set.intersection(*sets)
    except TypeError: # this is Python < 2.6 or no arguments

    try: a_set= sets[0]
    except IndexError: # no arguments
        return set() # return empty set

    return reduce(a_set.intersection, sets[1:])

Guido might dislike reduce, but I'm kind of fond of it :)

Converting double to integer in Java

is there a possibility that casting a double created via Math.round() will still result in a truncated down number

No, round() will always round your double to the correct value, and then, it will be cast to an long which will truncate any decimal places. But after rounding, there will not be any fractional parts remaining.

Here are the docs from Math.round(double):

Returns the closest long to the argument. The result is rounded to an integer by adding 1/2, taking the floor of the result, and casting the result to type long. In other words, the result is equal to the value of the expression:

(long)Math.floor(a + 0.5d)

HashMap: One Key, multiple Values

For example:

Map<Object,Pair<Integer,String>> multiMap = new HashMap<Object,Pair<Integer,String>>();

where the Pair is a parametric class

public class Pair<A, B> {
    A first = null;
    B second = null;

    Pair(A first, B second) {
        this.first = first;
        this.second = second;

    public A getFirst() {
        return first;

    public void setFirst(A first) {
        this.first = first;

    public B getSecond() {
        return second;

    public void setSecond(B second) {
        this.second = second;


How can I strip first and last double quotes?

To remove the first and last characters, and in each case do the removal only if the character in question is a double quote:

import re

s = re.sub(r'^"|"$', '', s)

Note that the RE pattern is different than the one you had given, and the operation is sub ("substitute") with an empty replacement string (strip is a string method but does something pretty different from your requirements, as other answers have indicated).

Python Pandas Counting the Occurrences of a Specific value

An elegant way to count the occurrence of '?' or any symbol in any column, is to use built-in function isin of a dataframe object.

Suppose that we have loaded the 'Automobile' dataset into df object. We do not know which columns contain missing value ('?' symbol), so let do:


DataFrame.isin(values) official document says:

it returns boolean DataFrame showing whether each element in the DataFrame is contained in values

Note that isin accepts an iterable as input, thus we need to pass a list containing the target symbol to this function. df.isin(['?']) will return a boolean dataframe as follows.

    symboling   normalized-losses   make    fuel-type   aspiration-ratio ...
0   False       True                False   False       False
1   False       True                False   False       False
2   False       True                False   False       False
3   False       False               False   False       False
4   False       False               False   False       False
5   False       True                False   False       False

To count the number of occurrence of the target symbol in each column, let's take sum over all the rows of the above dataframe by indicating axis=0. The final (truncated) result shows what we expect:

symboling             0
normalized-losses    41
bore                  4
stroke                4
compression-ratio     0
horsepower            2
peak-rpm              2
city-mpg              0
highway-mpg           0
price                 4

How do I resolve "Please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component"?

'It' requires a dll file called cvextern.dll . 'It' can be either your own cs file or some other third party dll which you are using in your project.

To call native dlls to your own cs file, copy the dll into your project's root\lib directory and add it as an existing item. (Add -Existing item) and use Dllimport with correct location.

For third party , copy the native library to the folder where the third party library resides and add it as an existing item.

After building make sure that the required dlls are appearing in Build folder. In some cases it may not appear or get replaced in Build folder. Delete the Build folder manually and build again.

6 digits regular expression

You can use range quantifier {min,max} to specify minimum of 1 digit and maximum of 6 digits as:



^     : Start anchor
[0-9] : Character class to match one of the 10 digits
{1,6} : Range quantifier. Minimum 1 repetition and maximum 6.
$     : End anchor

Why did your regex not work ?

You were almost close on the regex:


Since you had escaped the ? by preceding it with the \, the ? was no more acting as a regex meta-character ( for 0 or 1 repetitions) but was being treated literally.

To fix it just remove the \ and you are there.

See it on rubular.

The quantifier based regex is shorter, more readable and can easily be extended to any number of digits.

Your second regex:


is equivalent to:


which matches strings with exactly one digit. They are equivalent because a character class [aaaab] is same as [ab].

Java Embedded Databases Comparison

I use Apache Derby for pretty much all of my embedded database needs. You can also use Sun's Java DB that is based on Derby but the latest version of Derby is much newer. It supports a lot of options that commercial, native databases support but is much smaller and easier to embed. I've had some database tables with more than a million records with no issues.

I used to use HSQLDB and Hypersonic about 3 years ago. It has some major performance issues at the time and I switch to Derby from it because of those issues. Derby has been solid even when it was in incubator at Apache.

How to convert An NSInteger to an int?

If you want to do this inline, just cast the NSUInteger or NSInteger to an int:

int i = -1;
NSUInteger row = 100;
i > row // true, since the signed int is implicitly converted to an unsigned int
i > (int)row // false

How do I change JPanel inside a JFrame on the fly?

1) Setting the first Panel:

JFrame frame=new JFrame();
frame.getContentPane().add(new JPanel());

2)Replacing the panel:

frame.getContentPane().add(new JPanel());

Also notice that you must do this in the Event's Thread, to ensure this use the SwingUtilities.invokeLater or the SwingWorker


This could also be an issue of building the code using a 64 bit configuration. You can try to select x86 as the build platform which can solve this issue. To do this right-click the solution and select Configuration Manager From there you can change the Platform of the project using the 32-bit .dll to x86

Cannot set some HTTP headers when using System.Net.WebRequest

I had the same exception when my code tried to set the "Accept" header value like this:

WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("http://someServer:6405/biprws/logon/long");
request.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/json");

The solution was to change it to this:

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://someServer:6405/biprws/logon/long");
request.Accept = "application/json";

pandas unique values multiple columns

for those of us that love all things pandas, apply, and of course lambda functions:

df['Col3'] = df[['Col1', 'Col2']].apply(lambda x: ''.join(x), axis=1)

Purpose of __repr__ method?

An example to see the differences between them (I copied from this source),

>>> x=4
>>> repr(x)
>>> str(x)
>>> y='stringy'
>>> repr(y)
>>> str(y)

The returns of repr() and str() are identical for int x, but there's a difference between the return values for str y -- one is formal and the other is informal. One of the most important differences between the formal and informal representations is that the default implementation of __repr__ for a str value can be called as an argument to eval, and the return value would be a valid string object, like this:

>>> repr(y)
"'a string'"
>>> y2=eval(repr(y))
>>> y==y2

If you try to call the return value of __str__ as an argument to eval, the result won't be valid.

How to iterate using ngFor loop Map containing key as string and values as map iteration

The below code useful to display in the map insertion order.

    <li *ngFor="let recipient of map | keyvalue: asIsOrder">
        {{recipient.key}} --> {{recipient.value}}

.ts file add the below code.

asIsOrder(a, b) {
    return 1;

How to check if two arrays are equal with JavaScript?

This method sucks, but I've left it here for reference so others avoid this path:

Using Option 1 from @ninjagecko worked best for me:

Array.prototype.equals = function(array) {
    return array instanceof Array && JSON.stringify(this) === JSON.stringify(array) ;

a = [1, [2, 3]]
a.equals([[1, 2], 3]) // false
a.equals([1, [2, 3]]) // true

It will also handle the null and undefined case, since we're adding this to the prototype of array and checking that the other argument is also an array.

Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function "int __cdecl invoke_main(void)" (?invoke_main@@YAHXZ)

I faced the same problem too and I found out that I selected "new Win32 application" instead of "new Win32 console application". Problem solved when I switched. Hope this can help you.

Changing the URL in react-router v4 without using Redirect or Link

Try this,


warning works for versions prior to v4



for v4 and above

jQuery hide and show toggle div with plus and minus icon

I would say the most elegant way is this:

<div class="toggle"></div>
<div class="content">...</div>

then css:

width:48px;  background:url("");

and js:

  var $content = $(".content").hide();
  $(".toggle").on("click", function(e){


How to get the size of a JavaScript object?

i want to know if my memory reduction efforts actually help in reducing memory

Following up on this comment, here's what you should do: Try to produce a memory problem - Write code that creates all these objects and graudally increase the upper limit until you ran into a problem (Browser crash, Browser freeze or an Out-Of-memory error). Ideally you should repeat this experiment with different browsers and different operating system.

Now there are two options: option 1 - You didn't succeed in producing the memory problem. Hence, you are worrying for nothing. You don't have a memory issue and your program is fine.

option 2- you did get a memory problem. Now ask yourself whether the limit at which the problem occurred is reasonable (in other words: is it likely that this amount of objects will be created at normal use of your code). If the answer is 'No' then you're fine. Otherwise you now know how many objects your code can create. Rework the algorithm such that it does not breach this limit.

Watching variables in SSIS during debug

I know this is very old and possibly talking about an older version of Visual studio and so this might not have been an option before but anyway, my way would be when at a breakpoint use the locals window to see all current variable values ( Debug >> Windows >> Locals )

How to Ping External IP from Java Android

This is a simple ping I use in one of the projects:

public static class Ping {
    public String net = "NO_CONNECTION";
    public String host = "";
    public String ip = "";
    public int dns = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    public int cnt = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

public static Ping ping(URL url, Context ctx) {
    Ping r = new Ping();
    if (isNetworkConnected(ctx)) { = getNetworkType(ctx);
        try {
            String hostAddress;
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            hostAddress = InetAddress.getByName(url.getHost()).getHostAddress();
            long dnsResolved = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Socket socket = new Socket(hostAddress, url.getPort());
            long probeFinish = System.currentTimeMillis();
            r.dns = (int) (dnsResolved - start);
            r.cnt = (int) (probeFinish - dnsResolved);
   = url.getHost();
            r.ip = hostAddress;
        catch (Exception ex) {
            Timber.e("Unable to ping");
    return r;

public static boolean isNetworkConnected(Context context) {
    ConnectivityManager cm =
            (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
    return activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnectedOrConnecting();

public static String getNetworkType(Context context) {
    ConnectivityManager cm =
            (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
    if (activeNetwork != null) {
        return activeNetwork.getTypeName();
    return null;

Usage: ping(new URL(""), this);

Result: {"cnt":100,"dns":109,"host":"","ip":"","net":"WIFI"}

How to use glyphicons in bootstrap 3.0

This might help. It contains many examples which will be useful in understanding.

How to PUT a json object with an array using curl

Your command line should have a -d/--data inserted before the string you want to send in the PUT, and you want to set the Content-Type and not Accept.

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '[JSON]' \

Using the exact JSON data from the question, the full command line would become:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT \
    -d '{"tags":["tag1","tag2"],
         "question":"Which band?",
                    {"id":"a1","answer":"answer2"}]}' \

Note: JSON data wrapped only for readability, not valid for curl request.

C# Sort and OrderBy comparison

Why not measure it:

class Program
    class NameComparer : IComparer<string>
        public int Compare(string x, string y)
            return string.Compare(x, y, true);

    class Person
        public Person(string id, string name)
            Id = id;
            Name = name;
        public string Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    static void Main()
        List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
        persons.Add(new Person("P005", "Janson"));
        persons.Add(new Person("P002", "Aravind"));
        persons.Add(new Person("P007", "Kazhal"));


        const int COUNT = 1000000;
        Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Sort: {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("OrderBy: {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

    static void Sort(List<Person> list)
        list.Sort((p1, p2) => string.Compare(p1.Name, p2.Name, true));

    static void OrderBy(List<Person> list)
        var result = list.OrderBy(n => n.Name, new NameComparer()).ToArray();

On my computer when compiled in Release mode this program prints:

Sort: 1162ms
OrderBy: 1269ms


As suggested by @Stefan here are the results of sorting a big list fewer times:

List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
    persons.Add(new Person("P" + i.ToString(), "Janson" + i.ToString()));


const int COUNT = 30;
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Sort: {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++)
Console.WriteLine("OrderBy: {0}ms", watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


Sort: 8965ms
OrderBy: 8460ms

In this scenario it looks like OrderBy performs better.


And using random names:

List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
    persons.Add(new Person("P" + i.ToString(), RandomString(5, true)));


private static Random randomSeed = new Random();
public static string RandomString(int size, bool lowerCase)
    var sb = new StringBuilder(size);
    int start = (lowerCase) ? 97 : 65;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        sb.Append((char)(26 * randomSeed.NextDouble() + start));
    return sb.ToString();


Sort: 8968ms
OrderBy: 8728ms

Still OrderBy is faster