Programs & Examples On #Set operations

Set operations as a branch of set theory which includes operations such as: Union, Intersection, Subset, Set Difference, Symmetrical Set Difference, and Set Equality.

Use Font Awesome Icons in CSS

Further to the answer from Diodeus above, you need the font-family: FontAwesome rule (assuming you have the @font-face rule for FontAwesome declared already in your CSS). Then it is a matter of knowing which CSS content value corresponds to which icon.

I have listed them all here:

Is there a way to get colored text in GitHubflavored Markdown?

You cannot get green/red text, but you can get green/red highlighted text using the diff language template. Example:

+ this text is highlighted in green
- this text is highlighted in red

Laravel 5.1 - Checking a Database Connection

You can use alexw's solution with the Artisan. Run following commands in the command line.

php artisan tinker

If connection is OK, you should see

CONNECTION_STATUS: "Connection OK; waiting to send.",

near the end of the response.

How to crop an image using PIL?

(left, upper, right, lower) means two points,

  1. (left, upper)
  2. (right, lower)

with an 800x600 pixel image, the image's left upper point is (0, 0), the right lower point is (800, 600).

So, for cutting the image half:

from PIL import Image
img ="ImageName.jpg")

img_left_area = (0, 0, 400, 600)
img_right_area = (400, 0, 800, 600)

img_left = img.crop(img_left_area)
img_right = img.crop(img_right_area)

enter image description here

Coordinate System

The Python Imaging Library uses a Cartesian pixel coordinate system, with (0,0) in the upper left corner. Note that the coordinates refer to the implied pixel corners; the centre of a pixel addressed as (0, 0) actually lies at (0.5, 0.5).

Coordinates are usually passed to the library as 2-tuples (x, y). Rectangles are represented as 4-tuples, with the upper left corner given first. For example, a rectangle covering all of an 800x600 pixel image is written as (0, 0, 800, 600).

How to add a .dll reference to a project in Visual Studio

Another method is by using the menu within visual studio. Project -> Add Reference... I recommend copying the needed .dll to your resource folder, or local project folder.

Smooth scrolling with just pure css

You need to use the target selector.

Here is a fiddle with another example:

How to automatically update your docker containers, if base-images are updated

Here is a simplest way to update docker container automatically

Put the job via $ crontab -e:

0 * * * * sh ~/.docker/

Create dir ~/.docker with file

if grep -Fqe "Image is up to date" << EOF
`docker pull ubuntu:latest`
    echo "no update, just do cleaning"
    docker system prune --force
    echo "newest exist, recompose!"
    cd /path/to/your/compose/file
    docker-compose down --volumes
    docker-compose up -d

How to add target="_blank" to JavaScript window.location?

I have created a function that allows me to obtain this feature:

function redirect_blank(url) {
  var a = document.createElement('a');"_blank";

How can I access each element of a pair in a pair list?

When you say pair[0], that gives you ("a", 1). The thing in parentheses is a tuple, which, like a list, is a type of collection. So you can access the first element of that thing by specifying [0] or [1] after its name. So all you have to do to get the first element of the first element of pair is say pair[0][0]. Or if you want the second element of the third element, it's pair[2][1].

The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xxxxxxx', database 'zzzzzzz', schema 'dbo'

You don't have the right to execute it, although you have enough permissions to create it.

For more information, see GRANT Object Permissions (Transact-SQL)

Delete many rows from a table using id in Mysql

Use IN Clause

   DELETE from tablename where id IN (1,2);

OR you can merge the use of BETWEEN and NOT IN to decrease the numbers you have to mention.

DELETE from tablename 
where (id BETWEEN 1 AND 255) 
AND (id NOT IN (254));

Why doesn't adding CORS headers to an OPTIONS route allow browsers to access my API?

Below worked for me, hope it helps someone!

const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');
let app = express();

app.use(cors({ origin: true }));

Got reference from

T-SQL Format integer to 2-digit string

You're all doing too much work:


-- for a function, same idea: 
create function zeroPad( @yourNum int, @wid int)
  return right( 1000000+@yourNum), @wid)

How can I use an http proxy with node.js http.Client?

I think there a better alternative to the answers as of 2019. We can use the global-tunnel-ng package to initialize proxy and not pollute the http or https based code everywhere. So first install global-tunnel-ng package:

npm install global-tunnel-ng

Then change your implementations to initialize proxy if needed as:

const globalTunnel = require('global-tunnel-ng');

  host: '',
  port: 8080

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

By adding a few more headers I was able to get the data:

import urllib2,cookielib

site= ""
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
       'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
       'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
       'Accept-Encoding': 'none',
       'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
       'Connection': 'keep-alive'}

req = urllib2.Request(site, headers=hdr)

    page = urllib2.urlopen(req)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:

content =
print content

Actually, it works with just this one additional header:

'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',

Best way to get whole number part of a Decimal number

You just need to cast it, as such:

int intPart = (int)343564564.4342

If you still want to use it as a decimal in later calculations, then Math.Truncate (or possibly Math.Floor if you want a certain behaviour for negative numbers) is the function you want.

Understanding REST: Verbs, error codes, and authentication

Simply put, you are doing this completely backward.

You should not be approaching this from what URLs you should be using. The URLs will effectively come "for free" once you've decided upon what resources are necessary for your system AND how you will represent those resources, and the interactions between the resources and application state.

To quote Roy Fielding

A REST API should spend almost all of its descriptive effort in defining the media type(s) used for representing resources and driving application state, or in defining extended relation names and/or hypertext-enabled mark-up for existing standard media types. Any effort spent describing what methods to use on what URIs of interest should be entirely defined within the scope of the processing rules for a media type (and, in most cases, already defined by existing media types). [Failure here implies that out-of-band information is driving interaction instead of hypertext.]

Folks always start with the URIs and think this is the solution, and then they tend to miss a key concept in REST architecture, notably, as quoted above, "Failure here implies that out-of-band information is driving interaction instead of hypertext."

To be honest, many see a bunch of URIs and some GETs and PUTs and POSTs and think REST is easy. REST is not easy. RPC over HTTP is easy, moving blobs of data back and forth proxied through HTTP payloads is easy. REST, however, goes beyond that. REST is protocol agnostic. HTTP is just very popular and apt for REST systems.

REST lives in the media types, their definitions, and how the application drives the actions available to those resources via hypertext (links, effectively).

There are different view about media types in REST systems. Some favor application specific payloads, while others like uplifting existing media types in to roles that are appropriate for the application. For example, on the one hand you have specific XML schemas designed suited to your application versus using something like XHTML as your representation, perhaps through microformats and other mechanisms.

Both approaches have their place, I think, the XHTML working very well in scenarios that overlap both the human driven and machine driven web, whereas the former, more specific data types I feel better facilitate machine to machine interactions. I find the uplifting of commodity formats can make content negotiation potentially difficult. "application/xml+yourresource" is much more specific as a media type than "application/xhtml+xml", as the latter can apply to many payloads which may or may not be something a machine client is actually interested in, nor can it determine without introspection.

However, XHTML works very well (obviously) in the human web where web browsers and rendering is very important.

You application will guide you in those kinds of decisions.

Part of the process of designing a REST system is discovering the first class resources in your system, along with the derivative, support resources necessary to support the operations on the primary resources. Once the resources are discovered, then the representation of those resources, as well as the state diagrams showing resource flow via hypertext within the representations because the next challenge.

Recall that each representation of a resource, in a hypertext system, combines both the actual resource representation along with the state transitions available to the resource. Consider each resource a node in a graph, with the links being the lines leaving that node to other states. These links inform clients not only what can be done, but what is required for them to be done (as a good link combines the URI and the media type required).

For example, you may have:

<link href="" rel="users" type="application/xml+usercollection"/>
<link href="" rel="search" type="application/xml+usersearchcriteria"/>

Your documentation will talk about the rel field named "users", and the media type of "application/xml+youruser".

These links may seem redundant, they're all talking to the same URI, pretty much. But they're not.

This is because for the "users" relation, that link is talking about the collection of users, and you can use the uniform interface to work with the collection (GET to retrieve all of them, DELETE to delete all of them, etc.)

If you POST to this URL, you will need to pass a "application/xml+usercollection" document, which will probably only contain a single user instance within the document so you can add the user, or not, perhaps, to add several at once. Perhaps your documentation will suggest that you can simply pass a single user type, instead of the collection.

You can see what the application requires in order to perform a search, as defined by the "search" link and it's mediatype. The documentation for the search media type will tell you how this behaves, and what to expect as results.

The takeaway here, though, is the URIs themselves are basically unimportant. The application is in control of the URIs, not the clients. Beyond a few 'entry points', your clients should rely on the URIs provided by the application for its work.

The client needs to know how to manipulate and interpret the media types, but doesn't much need to care where it goes.

These two links are semantically identical in a clients eyes:

<link href="" rel="search" type="application/xml+usersearchcriteria"/>
<link href="" rel="search" type="application/xml+usersearchcriteria"/>

So, focus on your resources. Focus on their state transitions in the application and how that's best achieved.

How to tell which commit a tag points to in Git?

git show-ref --tags

For example, git show-ref --abbrev=7 --tags will show you something like the following:

f727215 refs/tags/v2.16.0
56072ac refs/tags/v2.17.0
b670805 refs/tags/v2.17.1
250ed01 refs/tags/v2.17.2

$(window).scrollTop() vs. $(document).scrollTop()

I've just had some of the similar problems with scrollTop described here.

In the end I got around this on Firefox and IE by using the selector $('*').scrollTop(0);

Not perfect if you have elements you don't want to effect but it gets around the Document, Body, HTML and Window disparity. If it helps...

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

install php70w-common.

It provides php-api, php-bz2, php-calendar, php-ctype, php-curl, php-date, php-exif, php-fileinfo, php-filter, php-ftp, php-gettext, php-gmp, php-hash, php-iconv, php-json, php-libxml, php-openssl, php-pcre, php-pecl-Fileinfo, php-pecl-phar, php-pecl-zip, php-reflection, php-session, php-shmop, php-simplexml, php-sockets, php-spl, php-tokenizer, php-zend-abi, php-zip, php-zlib.

Where should my npm modules be installed on Mac OS X?

Second Thomas David Kehoe, with the following caveat --

If you are using node version manager (nvm), your global node modules will be stored under whatever version of node you are using at the time you saved the module.

So ~/.nvm/versions/node/{version}/lib/node_modules/.

Merge PDF files

Merge all pdf files that are present in a dir

Put the pdf files in a dir. Launch the program. You get one pdf with all the pdfs merged.

import os
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger

x = [a for a in os.listdir() if a.endswith(".pdf")]

merger = PdfFileMerger()

for pdf in x:
    merger.append(open(pdf, 'rb'))

with open("result.pdf", "wb") as fout:

How do I change button size in Python?

Configuring a button (or any widget) in Tkinter is done by calling a configure method "config"

To change the size of a button called button1 you simple call

button1.config( height = WHATEVER, width = WHATEVER2 )

If you know what size you want at initialization these options can be added to the constructor.

button1 = Button(self, text = "Send", command = self.response1, height = 100, width = 100) 

Rename master branch for both local and remote Git repositories

I believe the key is the realization that you are performing a double rename: master to master-old and also master-new to master.

From all the other answers I have synthesized this:

doublerename master-new master master-old

where we first have to define the doublerename Bash function:

# doublerename NEW CURRENT OLD
#   - arguments are branch names
#   - see COMMIT_MESSAGE below
#   - the result is pushed to origin, with upstream tracking info updated
doublerename() {
  local NEW=$1
  local CUR=$2
  local OLD=$3
  local COMMIT_MESSAGE="Double rename: $NEW -> $CUR -> $OLD.

This commit replaces the contents of '$CUR' with the contents of '$NEW'.
The old contents of '$CUR' now lives in '$OLD'.
The name '$NEW' will be deleted.

This way the public history of '$CUR' is not rewritten and clients do not have
to perform a Rebase Recovery.

  git branch --move $CUR $OLD
  git branch --move $NEW $CUR

  git checkout $CUR
  git merge -s ours $OLD -m $COMMIT_MESSAGE

  git push --set-upstream --atomic origin $OLD $CUR :$NEW

This is similar to a history-changing git rebase in that the branch contents is quite different, but it differs in that the clients can still safely fast-forward with git pull master.

What does the function then() mean in JavaScript?

.then returns a promise in async function.

Good Example would be:

var doSome = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
    resolve('I am doing something');


To add another logic to it, you can also add the reject('I am the rejected param') call the function and console.log it.

How do I parse command line arguments in Java?

airline @ Github looks good. It is based on annotation and is trying to emulate Git command line structures.

javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25

Try to set the property when starting JVM, for example, add

You can't set it when code running, as the just read it when jvm starting.

And about the root cause, this article give some hint: Why do I need only on some windows 7 systems?.

Embedding VLC plugin on HTML page

test.html is will be helpful for how to use VLC WebAPI.

test.html is located in the directory where VLC was installed.

e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\sdk\activex\test.html

The following code is a quote from the test.html.


<object classid="clsid:9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921" width="640" height="360" id="vlc" events="True">
  <param name="MRL" value="" />
  <param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" />
  <param name="AutoLoop" value="False" />
  <param name="AutoPlay" value="False" />
  <param name="Volume" value="50" />
  <param name="toolbar" value="true" />
  <param name="StartTime" value="0" />
  <EMBED pluginspage=""
    text="Waiting for video"


You can get vlc object from getVLC().
It works on IE 10 and Chrome.

function getVLC(name)
    if (window.document[name])
        return window.document[name];
    if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1)
        if (document.embeds && document.embeds[name])
            return document.embeds[name];
    else // if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")!=-1)
        return document.getElementById(name);

var vlc = getVLC("vlc");

// do something.
// e.g.;

How to make return key on iPhone make keyboard disappear?

You can add an IBAction to the uiTextField(the releation event is "Did End On Exit"),and the IBAction may named hideKeyboard,

    [uitextfield resignFirstResponder];

also,you can apply it to the other textFields or buttons,for example,you may add a hidden button to the view,when you click it to hide the keyboard.

Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function

That would only happen if PostCode is missing a space. You could add conditionality such that all of PostCode is retrieved should a space not be found as follows

select SUBSTRING(PostCode, 1 ,
case when  CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode ) = 0 then LEN(PostCode) 
else CHARINDEX(' ', PostCode) -1 end)

How to close existing connections to a DB

Perfect solution provided by

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[KillConnectionsHost]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[KillConnectionsHost]

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[KillConnectionsHost]    Script Date: 10/26/2012 13:59:39 ******/



CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[KillConnectionsHost] @hostname varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @spid int
    DECLARE @sql varchar(MAX)

        SELECT spid FROM sys.sysprocesses P
            JOIN sys.sysdatabases D ON (D.dbid = P.dbid)
            JOIN sys.sysusers U ON (P.uid = U.uid)
            WHERE hostname = @hostname AND hostname != ''
            AND P.spid != @@SPID

    OPEN cur

        INTO @spid

        PRINT CONVERT(varchar, @spid)

        SET @sql = 'KILL ' + RTRIM(@spid)
        PRINT @sql

        FETCH NEXT FROM cur
            INTO @spid

    CLOSE cur

what is Array.any? for javascript

The JavaScript native .some() method does exactly what you're looking for:

function isBiggerThan10(element, index, array) {
  return element > 10;

[2, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBiggerThan10);  // false
[12, 5, 8, 1, 4].some(isBiggerThan10); // true

remote: repository not found fatal: not found

In my case, it was different! But I think sharing my experience might help someone!

In MAC, the 'keychain access' has saved my previous 'Github' password. I was trying with a new GitHub repository, and it never worked. When I removed the old GitHub password from 'keychain access' from my MAC machine it worked! I hope it helps someone.

Is it possible to disable the network in iOS Simulator?

Just updating the answer to the current date. Since Xcode 4 (?) there is a preferences pane in /Applications/Utilities called Network Link Conditioner. Either you use one of the existent profiles or you create your own custom profile with 0 Kbps Up/Downlink and 100% dropped.

How can a Javascript object refer to values in itself?

This is not JSON. JSON was designed to be simple; allowing arbitrary expressions is not simple.

In full JavaScript, I don't think you can do this directly. You cannot refer to this until the object called obj is fully constructed. So you need a workaround, that someone with more JavaScript-fu than I will provide.

WCF Exception: Could not find a base address that matches scheme http for the endpoint

My issue was also caused by missing https binding in IIS: Selected default website > On the far right pane selected Bindings > add > https

Choose 'IIS Express Development Certificate' and set port to 443

Bootstrap with jQuery Validation Plugin

For full compatibility with Bootstrap 3 I added support for input-group, radio and checkbox, that was missing in the other solutions.

Update 10/20/2017: Inspected suggestions of the other answers and added additional support for special markup of radio-inline, better error placement for a group of radios or checkboxes and added support for a custom .novalidation class to prevent validation of controls. Hope this helps and thanks for the suggestions.

After including the validation plugin add the following call:

    errorElement: "span",
    errorClass: "help-block",
    highlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
        // Only validation controls
        if (!$(element).hasClass('novalidation')) {
    unhighlight: function (element, errorClass, validClass) {
        // Only validation controls
        if (!$(element).hasClass('novalidation')) {
    errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
        if (element.parent('.input-group').length) {
        else if (element.prop('type') === 'radio' && element.parent('.radio-inline').length) {
        else if (element.prop('type') === 'checkbox' || element.prop('type') === 'radio') {
        else {

This works for all Bootstrap 3 form classes. If you use a horizontal form you have to use the following markup. This ensures that the help-block text respects the validation states ("has-error", ...) of the form-group.

<div class="form-group">
    <div class="col-lg-12">
        <div class="checkbox">
            <label id="LabelConfirm" for="CheckBoxConfirm">
                <input type="checkbox" name="CheckBoxConfirm" id="CheckBoxConfirm" required="required" />
                I have read all the information 

How to justify navbar-nav in Bootstrap 3

You can justify the navbar contents by using:

@media (min-width: 768px){
     margin: 0 auto;
     display: table;
     table-layout: fixed;
     float: none;

See this live:

Good luck!

react router v^4.0.0 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'location' of undefined


import { Router, Route, Link, browserHistory } from 'react-router';


import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

It will start working. It is because react-router-dom exports BrowserRouter

How to access Anaconda command prompt in Windows 10 (64-bit)

How to add anaconda installation directory to your PATH variables

1. open environmental variables window

Do this by either going to my computer and then right clicking the background for the context menu > "properties". On the left side open "advanced system settings" or just search for "env..." in start menu ([Win]+[s] keys).

Then click on environment variables

If you struggle with this step read this explanation.

2. Edit Path in the user environmental variables section and add three new entries:

  • D:\path\to\anaconda3
  • D:\path\to\anaconda3\Scripts
  • D:\path\to\anaconda3\Library\bin

D:\path\to\anaconda3 should be the folder where you have installed anaconda

Click [OK] on all opened windows.

If you did everything correctly, you can test a conda command by opening a new powershell window.

conda --version

This should output something like: conda 4.8.2

How to update multiple columns in single update statement in DB2

The update statement in all versions of SQL looks like:

update table
    set col1 = expr1,
        col2 = expr2,
        . . .
        coln = exprn
    where some condition

So, the answer is that you separate the assignments using commas and don't repeat the set statement.

Keep values selected after form submission

I don't work in WordPress much, but for forms outside of WordPress, this works well.


location = "";  // Declare variable

if($_POST) {
    if(!$_POST["location"]) {
        $error .= "Location is required.<br />"; // If not selected, add string to error message
        $location = $_POST["location"];          // If selected, assign to variable


<select name="location">
    <option value="0">Choose...</option>
    <option value="1" <?php if (isset($location) && $location == "1") echo "selected" ?>>location 1</option>
    <option value="2" <?php if (isset($location) && $location == "2") echo "selected" ?>>location 2</option>

Background color not showing in print preview

I used purgatory101's answer but had trouble keeping all colours (icons, backgrounds, text colours etc...), especially that CSS stylesheets cannot be used with libraries which dynamically change DOM element's colours. Therefore here is a script that changes element's styles (background-colour and colour) before printing and clears styles once printing is done. It is useful to avoid writing a lot of CSS in a @media print stylesheet as it works whatever the page structure.

There is a part of the script that is specially made to keep FontAwesome icons color (or any element that uses a :before selector to insert coloured content).

JSFiddle showing the script in action

Compatibility: works in Chrome, I did not test other browsers.

function setColors(selector) {
  var elements = $(selector);
  for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    var eltBackground = $(elements[i]).css('background-color');
    var eltColor = $(elements[i]).css('color');

    var elementStyle = elements[i].style;
    if (eltBackground) {
      elementStyle.oldBackgroundColor = {
        value: elementStyle.backgroundColor,
        importance: elementStyle.getPropertyPriority('background-color'),
      elementStyle.setProperty('background-color', eltBackground, 'important');
    if (eltColor) {
      elementStyle.oldColor = {
        value: elementStyle.color,
        importance: elementStyle.getPropertyPriority('color'),
      elementStyle.setProperty('color', eltColor, 'important');

function resetColors(selector) {
  var elements = $(selector);
  for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
    var elementStyle = elements[i].style;

    if (elementStyle.oldBackgroundColor) {
      elementStyle.setProperty('background-color', elementStyle.oldBackgroundColor.value, elementStyle.oldBackgroundColor.importance);
      delete elementStyle.oldBackgroundColor;
    } else {
      elementStyle.setProperty('background-color', '', '');
    if (elementStyle.oldColor) {
      elementStyle.setProperty('color', elementStyle.oldColor.value, elementStyle.oldColor.importance);
      delete elementStyle.oldColor;
    } else {
      elementStyle.setProperty('color', '', '');

function setIconColors(icons) {
  var css = '';
  $(icons).each(function (k, elt) {
    var selector = $(elt)
      .map(function () { return this.tagName; })

    var id = $(elt).attr('id');
    if (id) {
      selector += '#' + id;

    var classNames = $(elt).attr('class');
    if (classNames) {
      selector += '.' + $.trim(classNames).replace(/\s/gi, '.');

    css += selector + ':before { color: ' + $(elt).css('color') + ' !important; }';
  $('head').append('<style id="print-icons-style">' + css + '</style>');

function resetIconColors() {

And then modify the window.print function to make it set the styles before printing and resetting them after.

window._originalPrint = window.print;
window.print = function() {
  setColors('body *');
  setIconColors('body .fa');
  setTimeout(function () {
    resetColors('body *');
  }, 100);

The part that finds icons paths to create CSS for :before elements is a copy from this SO answer

iPhone/iOS JSON parsing tutorial

SBJSON *parser = [[SBJSON alloc] init];

NSString *url_str=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Example APi Here"];

url_str = [url_str stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

NSURLRequest *request =[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url_str]];

NSData *response = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request  returningResponse:nil error:nil];

NSString *json_string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:response1 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]

NSDictionary *statuses = [parser2 objectWithString:json_string error:nil];

 NSArray *news_array=[[statuses3 objectForKey:@"sold_list"] valueForKey:@"list"];

    for(NSDictionary *news in news_array)

    @try {
        [title_arr addObject:[news valueForKey:@"gtitle"]];    //values Add to title array

    @catch (NSException *exception) {

        [title_arr addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@""]];

IntelliJ cannot find any declarations

Most of the times there has been a problem with building the cache of the IDE, or something related.

Most probably, File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart, will resolve this problem, just let the IDE finalize it's caching.

How to check if a string is a number?

In this part of your code:

if(tmp[j] > 57 && tmp[j] < 48)
  isDigit = 0;
  isDigit = 1;

Your if condition will always be false, resulting in isDigit always being set to 1. You are probably wanting:

if(tmp[j] > '9' || tmp[j] < '0')
  isDigit = 0;
  isDigit = 1;

But. this can be simplified to:

isDigit = isdigit(tmp[j]);

However, the logic of your loop seems kind of misguided:

int isDigit = 0;
int j=0;
while(j<strlen(tmp) && isDigit == 0){
  isDigit = isdigit(tmp[j]);

As tmp is not a constant, it is uncertain whether the compiler will optimize the length calculation out of each iteration.

As @andlrc suggests in a comment, you can instead just check for digits, since the terminating NUL will fail the check anyway.

while (isdigit(tmp[j])) ++j; How can I remove an item from a dropdownlist?


How to create a circle icon button in Flutter?

  onPressed: () {},
  constraints: BoxConstraints(),
  elevation: 2.0,
  fillColor: Colors.white,
  child: Icon(
    size: 35.0,
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(15.0),
  shape: CircleBorder(),

note down constraints: BoxConstraints(), it's for not allowing padding in left.

Happy fluttering!!

Using two values for one switch case statement

The fallthrough answers by others are good ones.

However another approach would be extract methods out of the contents of your case statements and then just call the appropriate method from each case.

In the example below, both case 'text1' and case 'text4' behave the same:

switch (name) {
        case text1: {
        case text2: {
        case text3: {
        case text4: {

I personally find this style of writing case statements more maintainable and slightly more readable, especially when the methods you call have good descriptive names.

Get specific object by id from array of objects in AngularJS

I just want to add something to Willemoes answer. The same code written directly inside the HTML will look like this:

{{(FooController.results | filter : {id: 1})[0].name }}

Assuming that "results" is a variable of your FooController and you want to display the "name" property of the filtered item.

How to make a local variable (inside a function) global

Simply declare your variable outside any function:

globalValue = 1

def f(x):
    print(globalValue + x)

If you need to assign to the global from within the function, use the global statement:

def f(x):
    global globalValue
    print(globalValue + x)
    globalValue += 1

Error in Python IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data.csv'

You need to either provide the absolute path to data.csv, or run your script in the same directory as data.csv.

Custom designing EditText

// background add in layout

A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at 1 [character 2 line 1] with '{' error

I had similar issue due to a small mistake, when i was trying to convert a List to json. If a List is converted to json it will return JSONArray not JSONObject.

how to remove multiple columns in r dataframe?

@Ahmed Elmahy following approach should help you out, when you have got a vector of column names you want to remove from your dataframe:

test_df <- data.frame(col1 = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"), col2 = seq(1, 5), col3 = rep(3, 5))
rm_col <- c("col2")
test_df[, !(colnames(test_df) %in% rm_col), drop = FALSE]

All the best, ExploreR

What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?

Your question is already three years old and there are some details not covered in other answers:

Most people I know use HomeBrew or MacPorts, I prefer MacPorts because of its clean cut of what is a default Mac OS X environment and my development setup. Just move out your /opt folder and test your packages with a normal user Python environment

MacPorts is only portable within Mac, but with easy_install or pip you will learn how to setup your environment in any platform (Win/Mac/Linux/Bsd...). Furthermore it will always be more up to date and with more packages

I personally let MacPorts handle my Python modules to keep everything updated. Like any other high level package manager (ie: apt-get) it is much better for the heavy lifting of modules with lots of binary dependencies. There is no way I would build my Qt bindings (PySide) with easy_install or pip. Qt is huge and takes a lot to compile. As soon as you want a Python package that needs a library used by non Python programs, try to avoid easy_install or pip

At some point you will find that there are some packages missing within MacPorts. I do not believe that MacPorts will ever give you the whole CheeseShop. For example, recently I needed the Elixir module, but MacPorts only offers py25-elixir and py26-elixir, no py27 version. In cases like these you have:

pip-2.7 install --user elixir

( make sure you always type pip-(version) )

That will build an extra Python library in your home dir. Yes, Python will work with more than one library location: one controlled by MacPorts and a user local one for everything missing within MacPorts.

Now notice that I favor pip over easy_install. There is a good reason you should avoid setuptools and easy_install. Here is a good explanation and I try to keep away from them. One very useful feature of pip is giving you a list of all the modules (along their versions) that you installed with MacPorts, easy_install and pip itself:

pip-2.7 freeze

If you already started using easy_install, don't worry, pip can recognize everything done already by easy_install and even upgrade the packages installed with it.

If you are a developer keep an eye on virtualenv for controlling different setups and combinations of module versions. Other answers mention it already, what is not mentioned so far is the Tox module, a tool for testing that your package installs correctly with different Python versions.

Although I usually do not have version conflicts, I like to have virtualenv to set up a clean environment and get a clear view of my packages dependencies. That way I never forget any dependencies in my

If you go for MacPorts be aware that multiple versions of the same package are not selected anymore like the old Debian style with an extra python_select package (it is still there for compatibility). Now you have the select command to choose which Python version will be used (you can even select the Apple installed ones):

$  port select python
Available versions for python:
    python27 (active)

$ port select python python32

Add tox on top of it and your programs should be really portable

How is malloc() implemented internally?

The sbrksystem call moves the "border" of the data segment. This means it moves a border of an area in which a program may read/write data (letting it grow or shrink, although AFAIK no malloc really gives memory segments back to the kernel with that method). Aside from that, there's also mmap which is used to map files into memory but is also used to allocate memory (if you need to allocate shared memory, mmap is how you do it).

So you have two methods of getting more memory from the kernel: sbrk and mmap. There are various strategies on how to organize the memory that you've got from the kernel.

One naive way is to partition it into zones, often called "buckets", which are dedicated to certain structure sizes. For example, a malloc implementation could create buckets for 16, 64, 256 and 1024 byte structures. If you ask malloc to give you memory of a given size it rounds that number up to the next bucket size and then gives you an element from that bucket. If you need a bigger area malloc could use mmap to allocate directly with the kernel. If the bucket of a certain size is empty malloc could use sbrk to get more space for a new bucket.

There are various malloc designs and there is propably no one true way of implementing malloc as you need to make a compromise between speed, overhead and avoiding fragmentation/space effectiveness. For example, if a bucket runs out of elements an implementation might get an element from a bigger bucket, split it up and add it to the bucket that ran out of elements. This would be quite space efficient but would not be possible with every design. If you just get another bucket via sbrk/mmap that might be faster and even easier, but not as space efficient. Also, the design must of course take into account that "free" needs to make space available to malloc again somehow. You don't just hand out memory without reusing it.

If you're interested, the OpenSER/Kamailio SIP proxy has two malloc implementations (they need their own because they make heavy use of shared memory and the system malloc doesn't support shared memory). See:

Then you could also have a look at the GNU libc malloc implementation, but that one is very complicated, IIRC.

Play an audio file using jQuery when a button is clicked

JSFiddle Demonstration

This is what I use with JQuery:

$('.button').on('click', function () { 
    var obj = document.createElement("audio");
        obj.src = "linktoyourfile.wav";; 

DB query builder toArray() laravel 4

And another solution

$objectData = DB::table('user')
    ->select('column1', 'column2')
    ->where('name', '=', 'Jhon')
$arrayData = array_map(function($item) {
    return (array)$item; 
}, $objectData->toArray());

It good in case when you need only several columns from entity.

How to compare two dates along with time in java

An alternative is Joda-Time.

Use DateTime

DateTime date = new DateTime(new Date());

How to solve "sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed: agent refused operation"?

What worked here : on the client

1) ssh-add

2) ssh-copy-id user@server

The keys has been created some time ago with plain "ssh-keygen -t rsa" I sw the error message because I copied across my ssh public key from client to server (with ssh-id-copy) without running ssh-add first, since I erroneously assumed I'd added them some time earlier.

List names of all tables in a SQL Server 2012 schema

Your should really use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views in your database:

USE <your_database_name>

You can then filter that by table schema and/or table type, e.g.


SQL Query - Concatenating Results into One String

DECLARE @CodeNameString varchar(max)
SET @CodeNameString=''

SELECT @CodeNameString=@CodeNameString+CodeName FROM AccountCodes ORDER BY Sort
SELECT @CodeNameString

How to pass json POST data to Web API method as an object?

Microsoft gave a good example of doing this:

First validate the request

if (ModelState.IsValid)

and than use the serialized data.

Content = new StringContent(update.Status)

Here 'Status' is a field in the complex type. Serializing is done by .NET, no need to worry about that.

How do I obtain a list of all schemas in a Sql Server database

If you are using Sql Server Management Studio, you can obtain a list of all schemas, create your own schema or remove an existing one by browsing to:

Databases - [Your Database] - Security - Schemas


How to grep a string in a directory and all its subdirectories?

grep -r -e string directory

-r is for recursive; -e is optional but its argument specifies the regex to search for. Interestingly, POSIX grep is not required to support -r (or -R), but I'm practically certain that System V grep did, so in practice they (almost) all do. Some versions of grep support -R as well as (or conceivably instead of) -r; AFAICT, it means the same thing.

Oracle Error ORA-06512

ORA-06512 is part of the error stack. It gives us the line number where the exception occurred, but not the cause of the exception. That is usually indicated in the rest of the stack (which you have still not posted).

In a comment you said

"still, the error comes when pNum is not between 12 and 14; when pNum is between 12 and 14 it does not fail"

Well, your code does this:

IF ((pNum < 12) OR (pNum > 14)) THEN     

That is, it raises an exception when pNum is not between 12 and 14. So does the rest of the error stack include this line?

ORA-06510: PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception

If so, all you need to do is add an exception block to handle the error. Perhaps:


    IF ((pNum < 12) OR (pNum > 14)) THEN     
        RAISE vSOME_EX;
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  'INSERT INTO M'||pNum||'GR (CV, SUP, IDM'||pNum||') VALUES('||pCv||', '||pSup||', '||pIdM||')';
    END IF;
    when vsome_ex then
                                 , 'This is not a valid table:  M'||pNum||'GR');


The documentation covers handling PL/SQL exceptions in depth.

Nginx 403 error: directory index of [folder] is forbidden

Here's how I managed to fix it on my Kali machine:

  • Locate to the directory:

    cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

  • Edit the 'default' configuration file:

    sudo nano default

  • Add the following lines in the location block:

    location /yourdirectory {
      autoindex on;
      autoindex_exact_size off;
  • Note that I have activated auto-indexing in a specific directory /yourdirectory only. Otherwise, it will be enabled for all of your folders on your computer and you don't want it.

  • Now restart your server and it should be working now:

    sudo service nginx restart

How to add a recyclerView inside another recyclerView

I ran into similar problem a while back and what was happening in my case was the outer recycler view was working perfectly fine but the the adapter of inner/second recycler view had minor issues all the methods like constructor got initiated and even getCount() method was being called, although the final methods responsible to generate view ie..

1. onBindViewHolder() methods never got called. --> Problem 1.

2. When it got called finally it never show the list items/rows of recycler view. --> Problem 2.

Reason why this happened :: When you put a recycler view inside another recycler view, then height of the first/outer recycler view is not auto adjusted. It is defined when the first/outer view is created and then it remains fixed. At that point your second/inner recycler view has not yet loaded its items and thus its height is set as zero and never changes even when it gets data. Then when onBindViewHolder() in your second/inner recycler view is called, it gets items but it doesn't have the space to show them because its height is still zero. So the items in the second recycler view are never shown even when the onBindViewHolder() has added them to it.

Solution :: you have to create your custom LinearLayoutManager for the second recycler view and that is it. To create your own LinearLayoutManager: Create a Java class with the name CustomLinearLayoutManager and paste the code below into it. NO CHANGES REQUIRED

public class CustomLinearLayoutManager extends LinearLayoutManager {

    private static final String TAG = CustomLinearLayoutManager.class.getSimpleName();

    public CustomLinearLayoutManager(Context context) {


    public CustomLinearLayoutManager(Context context, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) {
        super(context, orientation, reverseLayout);

    private int[] mMeasuredDimension = new int[2];

    public void onMeasure(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state, int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {

        final int widthMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(widthSpec);
        final int heightMode = View.MeasureSpec.getMode(heightSpec);
        final int widthSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(widthSpec);
        final int heightSize = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(heightSpec);

        int width = 0;
        int height = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < getItemCount(); i++) {
            measureScrapChild(recycler, i, View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),
                    View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),

            if (getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL) {
                width = width + mMeasuredDimension[0];
                if (i == 0) {
                    height = mMeasuredDimension[1];
            } else {
                height = height + mMeasuredDimension[1];
                if (i == 0) {
                    width = mMeasuredDimension[0];
        switch (widthMode) {
            case View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
                width = widthSize;
            case View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
            case View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:

        switch (heightMode) {
            case View.MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:
                height = heightSize;
            case View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:
            case View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:

        setMeasuredDimension(width, height);

    private void measureScrapChild(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, int position, int widthSpec,
                                   int heightSpec, int[] measuredDimension) {
        try {
            View view = recycler.getViewForPosition(position);

            if (view != null) {
                RecyclerView.LayoutParams p = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();

                int childWidthSpec = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(widthSpec,
                        getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(), p.width);

                int childHeightSpec = ViewGroup.getChildMeasureSpec(heightSpec,
                        getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom(), p.height);

                view.measure(childWidthSpec, childHeightSpec);
                measuredDimension[0] = view.getMeasuredWidth() + p.leftMargin + p.rightMargin;
                measuredDimension[1] = view.getMeasuredHeight() + p.bottomMargin + p.topMargin;
        } catch (Exception e) {

Why have header files and .cpp files?

Well, the main reason would be for separating the interface from the implementation. The header declares "what" a class (or whatever is being implemented) will do, while the cpp file defines "how" it will perform those features.

This reduces dependencies so that code that uses the header doesn't necessarily need to know all the details of the implementation and any other classes/headers needed only for that. This will reduce compilation times and also the amount of recompilation needed when something in the implementation changes.

It's not perfect, and you would usually resort to techniques like the Pimpl Idiom to properly separate interface and implementation, but it's a good start.

How to refresh page on back button click?

did you try something like this? not tested...

    $('.ajaxAnchor').on('click', function (event){ 
        var url = $(this).attr('href');
        $.get(url, function(data) {
            var shortened = url.substring(0,url.length - 5);
            window.location.hash = shortened;

jQuery change event on dropdown

Or you can use this javascript

$(function () {
    $("#projectKey").change(function () {
        alert($('#projectKey option:selected').text());

Why would one omit the close tag?

As my question was marked as duplicate of this one, I think it's O.K. to post why NOT omitting closing tag ?> can be for some reasons desired.

  • With complete Processing Instructions Syntax (<?php ... ?>) PHP source is valid SGML document, which can be parsed and processed without problems with SGML parser. With additional restrictions it can be valid XML/XHTML as well.

Nothing prevents you from writing valid XML/HTML/SGML code. PHP documentation is aware of this. Excerpt:

Note: Also note that if you are embedding PHP within XML or XHTML you will need to use the < ?php ?> tags to remain compliant with standards.

Of course PHP syntax is not strict SGML/XML/HTML and you create a document, which is not SGML/XML/HTML, just like you can turn HTML into XHTML to be XML compliant or not.

  • At some point you may want to concatenate sources. This will be not as easy as simply doing cat source1.php source2.php if you have inconsistency introduced by omitting closing ?> tags.

  • Without ?> it's harder to tell if document was left in PHP escape mode or PHP ignore mode (PI tag <?php may have been opened or not). Life is easier if you consistently leave your documents in PHP ignore mode. It's just like work with well formatted HTML documents compared to documents with unclosed, badly nested tags etc.

  • It seems that some editors like Dreamweaver may have problems with PI left open [1].

How to escape JSON string?

The methods offered here are faulty.
Why venture that far when you could just use System.Web.HttpUtility.JavaScriptEncode ?

If you're on a lower framework, you can just copy paste it from mono

Courtesy of the mono-project @

    public static string JavaScriptStringEncode(string value, bool addDoubleQuotes)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
            return addDoubleQuotes ? "\"\"" : string.Empty;

        int len = value.Length;
        bool needEncode = false;
        char c;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            c = value[i];

            if (c >= 0 && c <= 31 || c == 34 || c == 39 || c == 60 || c == 62 || c == 92)
                needEncode = true;

        if (!needEncode)
            return addDoubleQuotes ? "\"" + value + "\"" : value;

        var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
        if (addDoubleQuotes)

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            c = value[i];
            if (c >= 0 && c <= 7 || c == 11 || c >= 14 && c <= 31 || c == 39 || c == 60 || c == 62)
                sb.AppendFormat("\\u{0:x4}", (int)c);
            else switch ((int)c)
                    case 8:

                    case 9:

                    case 10:

                    case 12:

                    case 13:

                    case 34:

                    case 92:


        if (addDoubleQuotes)

        return sb.ToString();

This can be compacted into

public class SimpleJSON

    private static  bool NeedEscape(string src, int i)
        char c = src[i];
        return c < 32 || c == '"' || c == '\\'
            // Broken lead surrogate
            || (c >= '\uD800' && c <= '\uDBFF' &&
                (i == src.Length - 1 || src[i + 1] < '\uDC00' || src[i + 1] > '\uDFFF'))
            // Broken tail surrogate
            || (c >= '\uDC00' && c <= '\uDFFF' &&
                (i == 0 || src[i - 1] < '\uD800' || src[i - 1] > '\uDBFF'))
            // To produce valid JavaScript
            || c == '\u2028' || c == '\u2029'
            // Escape "</" for <script> tags
            || (c == '/' && i > 0 && src[i - 1] == '<');

    public static string EscapeString(string src)
        System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

        int start = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < src.Length; i++)
            if (NeedEscape(src, i))
                sb.Append(src, start, i - start);
                switch (src[i])
                    case '\b': sb.Append("\\b"); break;
                    case '\f': sb.Append("\\f"); break;
                    case '\n': sb.Append("\\n"); break;
                    case '\r': sb.Append("\\r"); break;
                    case '\t': sb.Append("\\t"); break;
                    case '\"': sb.Append("\\\""); break;
                    case '\\': sb.Append("\\\\"); break;
                    case '/': sb.Append("\\/"); break;
                start = i + 1;
        sb.Append(src, start, src.Length - start);
        return sb.ToString();

Hive query output to file

This will put the results in tab delimited file(s) under a directory:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE id > 100;

How can I get the class name from a C++ object?

Do you want [classname] to be 'one' and [objectname] to be 'A'?

If so, this is not possible. These names are only abstractions for the programmer, and aren't actually used in the binary code that is generated. You could give the class a static variable classname, which you set to 'one' and a normal variable objectname which you would assign either directly, through a method or the constructor. You can then query these methods for the class and object names.

How to add data into ManyToMany field?

In case someone else ends up here struggling to customize admin form Many2Many saving behaviour, you can't call self.instance.my_m2m.add(obj) in your override, as later populates your m2m from self.cleaned_data['my_m2m'] which overwrites your changes. Instead call:

my_m2ms = list(self.cleaned_data['my_m2ms'])
self.cleaned_data['my_m2ms'] = my_m2ms

(It is fine to convert the incoming QuerySet to a list - the ManyToManyField does that anyway.)

How to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file

If you want to log to the same file:

command1 >> log_file 2>&1

If you want different files:

command1 >> log_file 2>> err_file

What is this date format? 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z

There are other ways to parse it rather than the first answer. To parse it:

(1) If you want to grab information about date and time, you can parse it to a ZonedDatetime(since Java 8) or Date(old) object:

// ZonedDateTime's default format requires a zone ID(like [Australia/Sydney]) in the end.
// Here, we provide a format which can parse the string correctly.
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME;
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse("2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z", dtf);


// 'T' is a literal.
// 'X' is ISO Zone Offset[like +01, -08]; For UTC, it is interpreted as 'Z'(Zero) literal.
String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX";

// since no built-in format, we provides pattern directly.
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);

Date myDate = df.parse("2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z");

(2) If you don't care the date and time and just want to treat the information as a moment in nanoseconds, then you can use Instant:

// The ISO format without zone ID is Instant's default.
// There is no need to pass any format.
Instant ins = Instant.parse("2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z");

MongoDB: Server has startup warnings ''Access control is not enabled for the database''

Mongodb v3.4

You need to do the following to create a secure database:

Make sure the user starting the process has permissions and that the directories exist (/data/db in this case).

1) Start MongoDB without access control.

mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /data/db

2) Connect to the instance.

mongo --port 27017

3) Create the user administrator (in the admin authentication database).

use admin
    user: "myUserAdmin",
    pwd: "abc123",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

4) Re-start the MongoDB instance with access control.

mongod --auth --port 27017 --dbpath /data/db

5) Connect and authenticate as the user administrator.

mongo --port 27017 -u "myUserAdmin" -p "abc123" --authenticationDatabase "admin"

6) Create additional users as needed for your deployment (e.g. in the test authentication database).

use test
    user: "myTester",
    pwd: "xyz123",
    roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "test" },
             { role: "read", db: "reporting" } ]

7) Connect and authenticate as myTester.

mongo --port 27017 -u "myTester" -p "xyz123" --authenticationDatabase "test"

I basically just explained the short version of the official docs here:

Django: multiple models in one template using forms

This really isn't too hard to implement with ModelForms. So lets say you have Forms A, B, and C. You print out each of the forms and the page and now you need to handle the POST.

if request.POST():
    a_valid = formA.is_valid()
    b_valid = formB.is_valid()
    c_valid = formC.is_valid()
    # we do this since 'and' short circuits and we want to check to whole page for form errors
    if a_valid and b_valid and c_valid:
        a =
        b =
        c =
        b.foreignkeytoA = a
        c.foreignkeytoB = b

Here are the docs for custom validation.

setHintTextColor() in EditText

Default Colors:


For Color code:


How to detect the device orientation using CSS media queries?

CSS to detect screen orientation:

 @media screen and (orientation:portrait) { … }
 @media screen and (orientation:landscape) { … }

The CSS definition of a media query is at

Java URL encoding of query string parameters

I would not use URLEncoder. Besides being incorrectly named (URLEncoder has nothing to do with URLs), inefficient (it uses a StringBuffer instead of Builder and does a couple of other things that are slow) Its also way too easy to screw it up.

Instead I would use URIBuilder or Spring's org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils.encodeQuery or Commons Apache HttpClient. The reason being you have to escape the query parameters name (ie BalusC's answer q) differently than the parameter value.

The only downside to the above (that I found out painfully) is that URL's are not a true subset of URI's.

Sample code:

import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;

URIBuilder ub = new URIBuilder("");
ub.addParameter("q", "random word £500 bank \$");
String url = ub.toString();

// Result:

Since I'm just linking to other answers I marked this as a community wiki. Feel free to edit.

Is there an "if -then - else " statement in XPath?

according to pkarat's, law you can achieve conditional XPath in version 1.0.

For your case, follow the concept:


This will definitely work. See how it works. Give two inputs


For 1st input: it contains : so condition true, string before : will be the output, say praba is your output. 2nd condition will be false so no problems.

For 2nd input: it does not contain : so condition fails, coming to 2nd condition the string doesn't contain : so condition true... therefore output karan will be thrown.

Finally your output would be praba,karan.

How To Raise Property Changed events on a Dependency Property?

I question the logic of raising a PropertyChanged event on the second property when it's the first property that's changing. If the second properties value changes then the PropertyChanged event could be raised there.

At any rate, the answer to your question is you should implement INotifyPropertyChange. This interface contains the PropertyChanged event. Implementing INotifyPropertyChanged lets other code know that the class has the PropertyChanged event, so that code can hook up a handler. After implementing INotifyPropertyChange, the code that goes in the if statement of your OnPropertyChanged is:

if (PropertyChanged != null)
    PropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("MySecondProperty"));

Postgresql query between date ranges

SELECT user_id 
FROM user_logs 
WHERE login_date BETWEEN '2014-02-01' AND '2014-03-01'

Between keyword works exceptionally for a date. it assumes the time is at 00:00:00 (i.e. midnight) for dates.

How to get value of selected radio button?

If the buttons are in a form
var myform = new FormData(getformbywhatever); myform.get("rate");
QuerySelector above is a better solution. However, this method is easy to understand, especially if you don't have a clue about CSS. Plus, input fields are quite likely to be in a form anyway.
Didn't check, there are other similar solutions, sorry for the repetition

Convert a PHP object to an associative array

You can also create a function in PHP to convert an object array:

function object_to_array($object) {
    return (array) $object;

How do I bind to list of checkbox values with AngularJS?

If you have multiple checkboxes on the same form

The controller code

vm.doYouHaveCheckBox = ['aaa', 'ccc', 'bbb'];
vm.desiredRoutesCheckBox = ['ddd', 'ccc', 'Default'];
vm.doYouHaveCBSelection = [];
vm.desiredRoutesCBSelection = [];

View code

<div ng-repeat="doYouHaveOption in vm.doYouHaveCheckBox">
    <div class="action-checkbox">
        <input id="{{doYouHaveOption}}" type="checkbox" value="{{doYouHaveOption}}" ng-checked="vm.doYouHaveCBSelection.indexOf(doYouHaveOption) > -1" ng-click="vm.toggleSelection(doYouHaveOption,vm.doYouHaveCBSelection)" />
        <label for="{{doYouHaveOption}}"></label>

<div ng-repeat="desiredRoutesOption in vm.desiredRoutesCheckBox">
     <div class="action-checkbox">
          <input id="{{desiredRoutesOption}}" type="checkbox" value="{{desiredRoutesOption}}" ng-checked="vm.desiredRoutesCBSelection.indexOf(desiredRoutesOption) > -1" ng-click="vm.toggleSelection(desiredRoutesOption,vm.desiredRoutesCBSelection)" />
          <label for="{{desiredRoutesOption}}"></label>

Strtotime() doesn't work with dd/mm/YYYY format

I haven't found a better solution. You can use explode(), preg_match_all(), etc.

I have a static helper function like this

class Date {

    public static function ausStrToTime($str) {
        $dateTokens = explode('/', $str);
        return strtotime($dateTokens[1] . '/' . $dateTokens[0] . '/' . $dateTokens[2]); 



There is probably a better name for that, but I use ausStrToTime() because it works with Australian dates (which I often deal with, being an Australian). A better name would probably be the standardised name, but I'm not sure what that is.

How to use BeanUtils.copyProperties?

There are two BeanUtils.copyProperties(parameter1, parameter2) in Java.

One is

org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils.copyProperties(Object dest, Object orig)

Another is

org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.copyProperties(Object source, Object target)

Pay attention to the opposite position of parameters.

Differences between time complexity and space complexity?

The time and space complexities are not related to each other. They are used to describe how much space/time your algorithm takes based on the input.

  • For example when the algorithm has space complexity of:

    • O(1) - constant - the algorithm uses a fixed (small) amount of space which doesn't depend on the input. For every size of the input the algorithm will take the same (constant) amount of space. This is the case in your example as the input is not taken into account and what matters is the time/space of the print command.
    • O(n), O(n^2), O(log(n))... - these indicate that you create additional objects based on the length of your input. For example creating a copy of each object of v storing it in an array and printing it after that takes O(n) space as you create n additional objects.
  • In contrast the time complexity describes how much time your algorithm consumes based on the length of the input. Again:

    • O(1) - no matter how big is the input it always takes a constant time - for example only one instruction. Like

      function(list l) {
          print("i got a list");
    • O(n), O(n^2), O(log(n)) - again it's based on the length of the input. For example

      function(list l) {
           for (node in l) {

Note that both last examples take O(1) space as you don't create anything. Compare them to

function(list l) {
    list c;
    for (node in l) {

which takes O(n) space because you create a new list whose size depends on the size of the input in linear way.

Your example shows that time and space complexity might be different. It takes v.length * print.time to print all the elements. But the space is always the same - O(1) because you don't create additional objects. So, yes, it is possible that an algorithm has different time and space complexity, as they are not dependent on each other.

What is the difference between HAVING and WHERE in SQL?

HAVING: is used to check conditions after the aggregation takes place.
WHERE: is used to check conditions before the aggregation takes place.

This code:

select City, CNT=Count(1)
From Address
Where State = 'MA'
Group By City

Gives you a table of all cities in MA and the number of addresses in each city.

This code:

select City, CNT=Count(1)
From Address
Where State = 'MA'
Group By City
Having Count(1)>5

Gives you a table of cities in MA with more than 5 addresses and the number of addresses in each city.

Access denied for user 'test'@'localhost' (using password: YES) except root user

Do not grant all privileges over all databases to a non-root user, it is not safe (and you already have "root" with that role)

GRANT <privileges> ON database.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

This statement creates a new user and grants selected privileges to it. I.E.:

GRANT INSERT, SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE ON database.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Take a look at the docs to see all privileges detailed

EDIT: you can look for more info with this query (log in as "root"):

select Host, User from mysql.user;

To see what happened

Difference between Console.Read() and Console.ReadLine()?

Console.Read() is used to read next charater from the standard input stream. When we want to read only the single character then use Console.Read().

Console.ReadLine() is used to read aline of characters from the standard input stream. when we want to read a line of characters use Console.ReadLine().

How to resolve the "ADB server didn't ACK" error?

if you are using any mobile suit like mobogenie or something that might also will make this issue. try killing that too from the task manager.

Note : i faced the same issue, tried the above solution. That didn't work, finally found out this solution.May useful for someone else!..

How to get UTC time in Python?

you could use datetime library to get UTC time even local time.

import datetime

utc_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() 
print(utc_time.strftime('%Y%m%d %H%M%S'))

How do I set cell value to Date and apply default Excel date format?

CellStyle cellStyle = wb.createCellStyle();
CreationHelper createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper();
    createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat("m/d/yy h:mm"));
cell = row.createCell(1);
cell.setCellValue(new Date());

Spaces cause split in path with PowerShell

Not sure if someone still needs it... I needed to invoke msbuild in powershell and following worked fine:

$MSBuild = "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"

& $MSBuild $PathToSolution /p:OutDir=$OutDirVar /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release

sed with literal string--not input file

Works like you want:

echo "A,B,C" | sed s/,/\',\'/g

How to change an image on click using CSS alone?

You could use an <a> tag with different styles:

a:link    { }
a:visited { }
a:hover   { }
a:active  { }

I'd recommend using that in conjunction with CSS sprites:

iptables LOG and DROP in one rule

nflog is better

sudo apt-get -y install ulogd2

ICMP Block rule example:

# Drop ICMP (PING)
$iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p icmp -j NFLOG --nflog-prefix 'ICMP Block'
$iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p icmp -j DROP

And you can search prefix "ICMP Block" in log:


php/mySQL on XAMPP: password for phpMyAdmin and mysql_connect different?

if you open localhost/phpmyadmin you will find a tab called "User accounts". There you can define all your users that can access the mysql database, set their rights and even limit from where they can connect.

Is it possible to capture the stdout from the sh DSL command in the pipeline

Try this:

def get_git_sha(git_dir='') {
    dir(git_dir) {
        return sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()

node(BUILD_NODE) {
    repo_SHA = get_git_sha('src/FooBar.git')
    echo repo_SHA

Tested on:

  • Jenkins ver. 2.19.1
  • Pipeline 2.4

How can I get around MySQL Errcode 13 with SELECT INTO OUTFILE?

Which particular version of Ubuntu is this and is this Ubuntu Server Edition?

Recent Ubuntu Server Editions (such as 10.04) ship with AppArmor and MySQL's profile might be in enforcing mode by default. You can check this by executing sudo aa-status like so:

# sudo aa-status
5 profiles are loaded.
5 profiles are in enforce mode.
0 profiles are in complain mode.
1 processes have profiles defined.
1 processes are in enforce mode :
   /usr/sbin/mysqld (1089)
0 processes are in complain mode.

If mysqld is included in enforce mode, then it is the one probably denying the write. Entries would also be written in /var/log/messages when AppArmor blocks the writes/accesses. What you can do is edit /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld and add /data/ and /data/* near the bottom like so:

/usr/sbin/mysqld  {  
    /var/log/mysql/ r,  
    /var/log/mysql/* rw,  
    /var/run/mysqld/ w,  
    /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock w,  
    **/data/ r,  
    /data/* rw,**  

And then make AppArmor reload the profiles.

# sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload

WARNING: the change above will allow MySQL to read and write to the /data directory. We hope you've already considered the security implications of this.

Update Tkinter Label from variable

This is the easiest one , Just define a Function and then a Tkinter Label & Button . Pressing the Button changes the text in the label. The difference that you would when defining the Label is that use the text variable instead of text. Code is tested and working.

    from tkinter import *
    master = Tk()
    def change_text():
        my_var.set("Second click")
    my_var = StringVar()
    my_var.set("First click")
    label = Label(mas,textvariable=my_var,fg="red")
    button = Button(mas,text="Submit",command = change_text)

Making a request to a RESTful API using python

Using requests:

import requests
url = ''
data = '''{
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "text": {
            "record.document": "SOME_JOURNAL"
          "text": {
            "record.articleTitle": "farmers"
      "must_not": [],
      "should": []
  "from": 0,
  "size": 50,
  "sort": [],
  "facets": {}
response =, data=data)

Depending on what kind of response your API returns, you will then probably want to look at response.text or response.json() (or possibly inspect response.status_code first). See the quickstart docs here, especially this section.

Removing double quotes from a string in Java

You can just go for String replace method.-

line1 = line1.replace("\"", "");

Plotting multiple lines, in different colors, with pandas dataframe

If you have seaborn installed, an easier method that does not require you to perform pivot:

import seaborn as sns

sns.lineplot(data=df, x='x', y='y', hue='color')

Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java


In Java 8 and later it could be done in one line using class java.time.LocalTime.

In the formatting pattern, lowercase hh means 12-hour clock while uppercase HH means 24-hour clock.

Code example:

String result =                                       // Text representing the value of our date-time object.
    LocalTime.parse(                                  // Class representing a time-of-day value without a date and without a time zone.
        "03:30 PM" ,                                  // Your `String` input text.
        DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(                  // Define a formatting pattern to match your input text.
            "hh:mm a" ,
            Locale.US                                 // `Locale` determines the human language and cultural norms used in localization. Needed here to translate the `AM` & `PM` value.
        )                                             // Returns a `DateTimeFormatter` object.
    )                                                 // Return a `LocalTime` object.
    .format( DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm") )   // Generate text in a specific format. Returns a `String` object.

See this code run live at


See Oracle Tutorial.

Where can I find php.ini?


will tell you its location, or from the command line

php -i

iPhone system font

UIFont *systemFont = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:[UIFont systemFontSize]];

This will give you the system font with the default system font size applied for the label texts by default.

Is it possible to set transparency in CSS3 box-shadow?

I suppose rgba() would work here. After all, browser support for both box-shadow and rgba() is roughly the same.

/* 50% black box shadow */
box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

div {_x000D_
    width: 200px;_x000D_
    height: 50px;_x000D_
    line-height: 50px;_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
    background-color: red;_x000D_
    margin: 10px;_x000D_
div.a {_x000D_
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #000;_x000D_
div.b {_x000D_
  box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);_x000D_
<div class="a">100% black shadow</div>_x000D_
<div class="b">50% black shadow</div>

oracle SQL how to remove time from date

We can use TRUNC function in Oracle DB. Here is an example.


Output: 1/1/2018

Allow user to select camera or gallery for image

For those getting error on 4.4 upward while trying to use the Image selection can use the code below.

Rather than creating a Dialog with a list of Intent options, it is much better to use Intent.createChooser in order to get access to the graphical icons and short names of the various 'Camera', 'Gallery' and even Third Party filesystem browser apps such as 'Astro', etc.

This describes how to use the standard chooser-intent and add additional intents to that.

private void openImageIntent(){

    // Determine Uri of camera image to save.
    final File root = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + File.separator + "amfb" + File.separator);
    final String fname = "img_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg";
    final File sdImageMainDirectory = new File(root, fname);
    outputFileUri = Uri.fromFile(sdImageMainDirectory);

    // Camera.
    final List<Intent> cameraIntents = new ArrayList<Intent>();
    final Intent captureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
    final PackageManager packageManager = getPackageManager();
    final List<ResolveInfo> listCam = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(captureIntent, 0);
    for (ResolveInfo res : listCam){
        final String packageName = res.activityInfo.packageName;
        final Intent intent = new Intent(captureIntent);
        intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(res.activityInfo.packageName,;
        intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, outputFileUri);

    final Intent galleryIntent = new Intent();

    // Chooser of filesystem options.
    final Intent chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(galleryIntent, "Select Source");
    // Add the camera options.
    chooserIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_INITIAL_INTENTS, cameraIntents.toArray(new Parcelable[]{}));
    startActivityForResult(chooserIntent, CAMERA_CAPTURE_IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE);


protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    //super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
        if (requestCode == CAMERA_CAPTURE_IMAGE_REQUEST_CODE) {
            final boolean isCamera;
            if (data == null) {
                isCamera = true;
            } else {
                final String action = data.getAction();
                if (action == null) {
                    isCamera = false;
                } else {
                    isCamera = action.equals(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

            Uri selectedImageUri;
            if (isCamera) {
                selectedImageUri = outputFileUri;
                //Bitmap factory
                BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
                // downsizing image as it throws OutOfMemory Exception for larger
                // images
                options.inSampleSize = 8;
                final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(selectedImageUri.getPath(), options);
            } else {
                selectedImageUri = data == null ? null : data.getData();
                Log.d("ImageURI", selectedImageUri.getLastPathSegment());
                // /Bitmap factory
                BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
                // downsizing image as it throws OutOfMemory Exception for larger
                // images
                options.inSampleSize = 8;
                try {//Using Input Stream to get uri did the trick
                    InputStream input = getContentResolver().openInputStream(selectedImageUri);
                    final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(input);
                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } else if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED){
        // user cancelled Image capture
                "User cancelled image capture", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
    } else {
        // failed to capture image
                "Sorry! Failed to capture image", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)

Difference between datetime and timestamp in sqlserver?

According to the documentation, timestamp is a synonym for rowversion - it's automatically generated and guaranteed1 to be unique. datetime isn't - it's just a data type which handles dates and times, and can be client-specified on insert etc.

1 Assuming you use it properly, of course. See comments.

From a Sybase Database, how I can get table description ( field names and types)?

For Sybase ASE, sp_columns table_name will return all the table metadata you are looking for.

Bootstrap full-width text-input within inline-form

Try something like below to achieve your desired result

input {
    max-width: 100%;

In Laravel, the best way to pass different types of flash messages in the session

I usually do this

in my store() function i put success alert once it saved properly.

\Session::flash('flash_message','Office successfully updated.');

in my destroy() function, I wanted to color the alert red so to notify that its deleted

\Session::flash('flash_message_delete','Office successfully deleted.');

Notice, we create two alerts with different flash names.

And in my view, I will add condtion to when the right time the specific alert will be called

    <div class="alert alert-success"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span><em> {!! session('flash_message') !!}</em></div>
    <div class="alert alert-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span><em> {!! session('flash_message_delete') !!}</em></div>

Here you can find different flash message stlyes Flash Messages in Laravel 5

Tab space instead of multiple non-breaking spaces ("nbsp")?

Below are the 3 different ways provided by HTML to insert empty space

  1. Type &nbsp; to add a single space.
  2. Type &ensp; to add 2 spaces.
  3. Type &emsp; to add 4 spaces.

Start and stop a timer PHP

Also you can use HRTime package. It has a class StopWatch.

How to run Maven from another directory (without cd to project dir)?

I don't think maven supports this. If you're on Unix, and don't want to leave your current directory, you could use a small shell script, a shell function, or just a sub-shell:

user@host ~/project$ (cd ~/some/location; mvn install)
[ ... mvn build ... ]
user@host ~/project$

As a bash function (which you could add to your ~/.bashrc):

function mvn-there() {
  (cd $DIR; mvn "$@")     

user@host ~/project$ mvn-there ~/some/location install)
[ ... mvn build ... ]
user@host ~/project$

I realize this doesn't answer the specific question, but may provide you with what you're after. I'm not familiar with the Windows shell, though you should be able to reach a similar solution there as well.


Read a text file line by line in Qt

Here's the example from my code. So I will read a text from 1st line to 3rd line using readLine() and then store to array variable and print into textfield using for-loop :

QFile file("file.txt");

    if(! | QIODevice::Text))

    QTextStream in(&file);
    QString line[3] = in.readLine();
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)

How can I read comma separated values from a text file in Java?

You may use the String.split() method:

String[] tokens = str.split(",");

After that, use Double.parseDouble() method to parse the string value to a double.

double latitude = Double.parseDouble(tokens[0]);
double longitude = Double.parseDouble(tokens[1]);

Similar parse methods exist in the other wrapper classes as well - Integer, Boolean, etc.

How to insert a newline in front of a pattern?

In sed, you can't add newlines in the output stream easily. You need to use a continuation line, which is awkward, but it works:

$ sed 's/regexp/\


$ echo foo | sed 's/.*/\


See here for details. If you want something slightly less awkward you could try using perl -pe with match groups instead of sed:

$ echo foo | perl -pe 's/(.*)/\n$1/'


$1 refers to the first matched group in the regular expression, where groups are in parentheses.

How to split a dos path into its components in Python

Below line of code can handle:

  1. C:/path/path
  2. C://path//path
  3. C:\path\path
  4. C:\path\path

path = re.split(r'[///\]', path)

Apache Maven install "'mvn' not recognized as an internal or external command" after setting OS environmental variables?

I had the same issue, there was no issue in my syntax, but when I moved the M2, M2_HOME, JAVA_HOME environment variables from user to system it started working. Path variables stayed the same.

Move to next item using Java 8 foreach loop in stream

Using return; will work just fine. It will not prevent the full loop from completing. It will only stop executing the current iteration of the forEach loop.

Try the following little program:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();
    stringList.add("c"); -> {
        if (str.equals("b")) return; // only skips this iteration.




Notice how the return; is executed for the b iteration, but c prints on the following iteration just fine.

Why does this work?

The reason the behavior seems unintuitive at first is because we are used to the return statement interrupting the execution of the whole method. So in this case, we expect the main method execution as a whole to be halted.

However, what needs to be understood is that a lambda expression, such as:

str -> {
    if (str.equals("b")) return;


... really needs to be considered as its own distinct "method", completely separate from the main method, despite it being conveniently located within it. So really, the return statement only halts the execution of the lambda expression.

The second thing that needs to be understood is that:

... is really just a normal loop under the covers that executes the lambda expression for every iteration.

With these 2 points in mind, the above code can be rewritten in the following equivalent way (for educational purposes only):

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<String> stringList = new ArrayList<>();

    for(String s : stringList) {

private static void lambdaExpressionEquivalent(String str) {
    if (str.equals("b")) {


With this "less magic" code equivalent, the scope of the return statement becomes more apparent.

Converting Array to List

If you are dealing with String[] instead of int[], We can use

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

Simple way to create matrix of random numbers

numpy.random.rand(row, column) generates random numbers between 0 and 1, according to the specified (m,n) parameters given. So use it to create a (m,n) matrix and multiply the matrix for the range limit and sum it with the high limit.

Analyzing: If zero is generated just the low limit will be held, but if one is generated just the high limit will be held. In order words, generating the limits using rand numpy you can generate the extreme desired numbers.

import numpy as np

high = 10
low = 5
m,n = 2,2

a = (high - low)*np.random.rand(m,n) + low


a = array([[5.91580065, 8.1117106 ],
          [6.30986984, 5.720437  ]])

How to set text color to a text view programmatically

TextView tt;
int color = Integer.parseInt("bdbdbd", 16)+0xFF000000;


tt.setBackgroundColor(Integer.parseInt("d4d446", 16)+0xFF000000);




Java/Android String to Color conversion

jQuery Scroll to bottom of page/iframe

If you want a nice slow animation scroll, for any anchor with href="#bottom" this will scroll you to the bottom:

$("a[href='#bottom']").click(function() {
  $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, "slow");
  return false;

Feel free to change the selector.

How to insert a character in a string at a certain position?

As mentioned in comments, a StringBuilder is probably a faster implementation than using a StringBuffer. As mentioned in the Java docs:

This class provides an API compatible with StringBuffer, but with no guarantee of synchronization. This class is designed for use as a drop-in replacement for StringBuffer in places where the string buffer was being used by a single thread (as is generally the case). Where possible, it is recommended that this class be used in preference to StringBuffer as it will be faster under most implementations.

Usage :

String str = Integer.toString(j);
str = new StringBuilder(str).insert(str.length()-2, ".").toString();

Or if you need synchronization use the StringBuffer with similar usage :

String str = Integer.toString(j);
str = new StringBuffer(str).insert(str.length()-2, ".").toString();

"Prevent saving changes that require the table to be re-created" negative effects

Tools --> Options --> Designers node --> Uncheck " Prevent saving changes that require table recreation ".

How do I perform query filtering in django templates

I just add an extra template tag like this:

def in_category(things, category):
    return things.filter(category=category)

Then I can do:

{% for category in categories %}
  {% for thing in things|in_category:category %}
    {{ thing }}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Cannot find vcvarsall.bat when running a Python script

Here's a simple solution. I'm using Python 2.7 and Windows 7.

What you're trying to install requires a C/C++ compiler but Python isn't finding it. A lot of Python packages are actually written in C/C++ and need to be compiled. vcvarsall.bat is needed to compile C++ and pip is assuming your machine can do that.

  1. Try upgrading setuptools first, because v6.0 and above will automatically detect a compiler. You might already have a compiler but Python can't find it. Open up a command line and type:

    pip install --upgrade setuptools

  2. Now try and install your package again:

    pip install [yourpackagename]

  3. If that didn't work, then it's certain you don't have a compiler, so you'll need to install one:

  4. Now try again:

    pip install [yourpackagename]

And there you go. It should work for you.

"The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version." What does this mean?

I got this problem after upgrading a project from netcoreapp2.0 to netcoreapp2.2.

I'd done this just by editing the TargetFramework entry in the .csproj file and neglected to also make the change launch.json.

"program": "${workspaceFolder}/src/MyProject/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/MyProject.dll"

This meant that VS Code was always loading the old 2.0 version of the project. I only discovered it after deleting everything in /bin and /obj and then it wouldn't run at all until I spotted the 2.0 in the path above.

Set value of hidden field in a form using jQuery's ".val()" doesn't work

I had same problem. oddly enough google chrome and possibly others (not sure) did not like


input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="1" />

(no change)


input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="1" />

(no change)

but this works!!!!


input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="no" />



input type="hidden" id="thing" name="thing" value="yes" />


must be a "string thing"

How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Text 2?

I'm using tidy together with custom build system to prettify HTML.

I have HTMLTidy.sublime-build in my Packages/User/ directory:

  "cmd": ["tidy", "-config", "$packages/User/tidy_config.cfg", "$file"]

and tidy_config.cfg file in the same directory:

indent: auto
tab-size: 4
show-warnings: no
write-back: yes
quiet: yes
indent-cdata: yes
tidy-mark: no
wrap: 0

And just select build system and press ctrl+b or cmd+b to reformat file content. One minor issue with that is that ST2 does not automatically reload the file so to see the results you have to switch to some other file and back (or to other application and back).

On Mac I've used macports to install tidy, on Windows you'd have to download it yourself and specify working directory in the build system, where tidy is located:

"working_dir": "c:\\HTMLTidy\\"

or add it to the PATH.

How to check if a variable is set in Bash?

if [[ ${1:+isset} ]]
then echo "It was set and not null." >&2
else echo "It was not set or it was null." >&2

if [[ ${1+isset} ]]
then echo "It was set but might be null." >&2
else echo "It was was not set." >&2

How to Exit a Method without Exiting the Program?

@John, Earlz and Nathan. The way I learned it at uni is: functions return values, methods don't. In some languages the syntax is/was actually different. Example (no specific language):

Method SetY(int y) ...
Function CalculateY(int x) As Integer ...

Most languages now use the same syntax for both versions, using void as a return type to say there actually isn't a return type. I assume it's because the syntax is more consistent and easier to change from method to function, and vice versa.

Read data from SqlDataReader

For a single result:

if (reader.Read())

For multiple results:

while (reader.Read())

Do while loop in SQL Server 2008

You can also use an exit variable if you want your code to be a bit more readable:

DECLARE @Flag int = 0
DECLARE @Done bit = 0

    SET @Flag = @Flag + 1
    PRINT @Flag
    IF @Flag >= 5 SET @Done = 1

This would probably be more relevant when you have a more complicated loop and are trying to keep track of the logic. As stated loops are expensive so try and use other methods if you can.

JQuery: How to get selected radio button value?

Probably the best method (particularly if you want to be able to post a default value), would be to have a hidden radio button that starts out as selected and has your default value. So something like this:

<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="0" checked="checked" style="display:none;" />
<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="1" />1
<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="2" />2
<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="3" />3

If you can't modify your html directly, you could add it via script:

$(function() {
    $('input[name=myradiobutton]:radio:first').before('<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="0" checked="checked" style="display:none;" />');

Here's a demo of that:

how to convert object to string in java

Looking at the output, it seems that your "temp" is a String array. You need to loop across the array to display each value.

Android JSONObject - How can I loop through a flat JSON object to get each key and value

You'll need to use an Iterator to loop through the keys to get their values.

Here's a Kotlin implementation, you will realised that the way I got the string is using optString(), which is expecting a String or a nullable value.

val keys = jsonObject.keys()
while (keys.hasNext()) {
    val key =
    val value = targetJson.optString(key)        

How to set enum to null

I'm assuming c++ here. If you're using c#, the answer is probably the same, but the syntax will be a bit different. The enum is a set of int values. It's not an object, so you shouldn't be setting it to null. Setting something to null means you are pointing a pointer to an object to address zero. You can't really do that with an int. What you want to do with an int is to set it to a value you wouldn't normally have it at so that you can tel if it's a good value or not. So, set your colour to -1

Color color = -1;

Or, you can start your enum at 1 and set it to zero. If you set the colour to zero as it is right now, you will be setting it to "red" because red is zero in your enum.


enum Color {
red =1
//red is 1, blue is 2, green is 3
Color mycolour = 0;

Anaconda-Navigator - Ubuntu16.04

Try this:

First go to the anaconda3 binaries directory by running

 cd anaconda3/bin

and now use this following command to open the anaconda-navigator


Group by month and year in MySQL

I prefer

    MONTHNAME(t.summaryDateTime) as month, YEAR(t.summaryDateTime) as year
    trading_summary t 

Call removeView() on the child's parent first

All you have to do is post() a Runnable that does the addView().

DateTime.MinValue and SqlDateTime overflow

I am using this function to tryparse

public static bool TryParseSqlDateTime(string someval, DateTimeFormatInfo dateTimeFormats, out DateTime tryDate)
        bool valid = false;
        tryDate = (DateTime)System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MinValue;
        System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime sdt;
        if (DateTime.TryParse(someval, dateTimeFormats, DateTimeStyles.None, out tryDate))
                sdt = new System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime(tryDate);
                valid = true;
            catch (System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException ex)


        return valid;

SQL Error with Order By in Subquery

Good day

for some guys the order by in the sub-query is questionable. the order by in sub-query is a must to use if you need to delete some records based on some sorting. like

delete from someTable Where ID in (select top(1) from sometable where condition order by insertionstamp desc)

so that you can delete the last insertion form table. there are three way to do this deletion actually.

however, the order by in the sub-query can be used in many cases.

for the deletion methods that uses order by in sub-query review below link

i hope it helps. thanks you all

Changing SqlConnection timeout

Old post but as it comes up for what I was searching for I thought I'd add some information to this topic. I was going to add a comment but I don't have enough rep.

As others have said:

connection.ConnectionTimeout is used for the initial connection

command.CommandTimeout is used for individual searches, updates, etc.


connection.ConnectionTimeout is also used for committing and rolling back transactions.

Yes, this is an absolutely insane design decision.

So, if you are running into a timeout on commit or rollback you'll need to increase this value through the connection string.

Stopping fixed position scrolling at a certain point?

Just improvised mVChr code

$(".sidebar").css('position', 'fixed')

    var windw = this;

    $.fn.followTo = function(pos) {
        var $this = this,
                $window = $(windw);

        $window.scroll(function(e) {
            if ($window.scrollTop() > pos) {
                topPos = pos + $($this).height();
                    position: 'absolute',
                    top: topPos
            } else {
                    position: 'fixed',
                    top: 250 //set your value

    var height = $("body").height() - $("#footer").height() ;

Compare two objects with .equals() and == operator

The "==" operator returns true only if the two references pointing to the same object in memory. The equals() method on the other hand returns true based on the contents of the object.


String personalLoan = new String("cheap personal loans");
String homeLoan = new String("cheap personal loans");

//since two strings are different object result should be false
boolean result = personalLoan == homeLoan;
System.out.println("Comparing two strings with == operator: " + result);

//since strings contains same content , equals() should return true
result = personalLoan.equals(homeLoan);
System.out.println("Comparing two Strings with same content using equals method: " + result);

homeLoan = personalLoan;
//since both homeLoan and personalLoan reference variable are pointing to same object
//"==" should return true
result = (personalLoan == homeLoan);
System.out.println("Comparing two reference pointing to same String with == operator: " + result);

Output: Comparing two strings with == operator: false Comparing two Strings with same content using equals method: true Comparing two references pointing to same String with == operator: true

You can also get more details from the link:

Using a SELECT statement within a WHERE clause

In your case scenario, Why not use GROUP BY and HAVING clause instead of JOINING table to itself. You may also use other useful function. see this link

Python Matplotlib figure title overlaps axes label when using twiny

Forget using plt.title and place the text directly with plt.text. An over-exaggerated example is given below:

import pylab as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,10))

figure_title = "Normal title"
ax1  = plt.subplot(1,2,1)

plt.title(figure_title, fontsize = 20)

figure_title = "Raised title"
ax2  = plt.subplot(1,2,2)

plt.text(0.5, 1.08, figure_title,
         transform = ax2.transAxes)

enter image description here

Show/Hide Multiple Divs with Jquery

If you want to be able to show / hide singular divs and / or groups of divs with less code, just apply several classes to them, to insert them into groups if needed.

Example :

.group1 {}
.group2 {}
.group3 {}

<div class="group3"></div>
<div class="group1 group2"></div>
<div class="group1 group3 group2"></div>

Then you just need to use an identifier to link the action to he target, and with 5,6 lines of jquery code you have everything you need.

How can I get Apache gzip compression to work?

In my case append only this line worked

SetOutputFilter DEFLATE

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2ef3, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002ef3

Upping the directive in the virtualhost for KeepAliveTimeout to 60 solved this for me.

Difference between x86, x32, and x64 architectures?

x86 refers to the Intel processor architecture that was used in PCs. Model numbers were 8088 (8 bit bus version of 8086 and used in the first IBM PC), 8086, 286, 386, 486. After which they switched to names instead of numbers to stop AMD from copying the processor names. Pentium etc, never a Hexium :).

x64 is the architecture name for the extensions to the x86 instruction set that enable 64-bit code. Invented by AMD and later copied by Intel when they couldn't get their own 64-bit arch to be competitive, Itanium didn't fare well. Other names for it are x86_64, AMD's original name and commonly used in open source tools. And amd64, AMD's next name and commonly used in Microsoft tools. Intel's own names for it (EM64T and "Intel 64") never caught on.

x32 is a fuzzy term that's not associated with hardware. It tends to be used to mean "32-bit" or "32-bit pointer architecture", Linux has an ABI by that name.

How to convert an entire MySQL database characterset and collation to UTF-8?

For databases that have a high number of tables you can use a simple php script to update the charset of the database and all of the tables using the following:

$conn = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $database);

if ($conn->connect_error) {
  die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

$alter_database_charset_sql = "ALTER DATABASE ".$database." CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci";
mysqli_query($conn, $alter_database_charset_sql);

$show_tables_result = mysqli_query($conn, "SHOW TABLES");
$tables  = mysqli_fetch_all($show_tables_result);

foreach ($tables as $index => $table) {
  $alter_table_sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$table[0]." CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8  COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci";
  $alter_table_result = mysqli_query($conn, $alter_table_sql);
  echo "<pre>";
  echo "</pre>";

Assign keyboard shortcut to run procedure

Write a vba proc like:

Sub E_1()
    Call sndPlaySound32(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\e1.wav", 0)
    Range("AG" & (ActiveCell.Row)).Select 'go to column AG in the same row
End Sub

then go to developer tab, macros, select the macro, click options, then add a shortcut letter or button.

C#: How would I get the current time into a string?

DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm tt")

Here are some common format strings

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

Your answer suffers from the multiple-evaluation problem, so (eg)

macro( read_int(file1), read_int(file2) );

will do something unexpected and probably unwanted.

What do the different readystates in XMLHttpRequest mean, and how can I use them?

The full list of readyState values is:

State  Description
0      The request is not initialized
1      The request has been set up
2      The request has been sent
3      The request is in process
4      The request is complete


In practice you almost never use any of them except for 4.

Some XMLHttpRequest implementations may let you see partially received responses in responseText when readyState==3, but this isn't universally supported and shouldn't be relied upon.

Changing upload_max_filesize on PHP

Since I just ran in to this problem on a shared host and was unable to add the values to my .htaccess file I thought I'd share my solution.

I made an ini file with the values in it. Simple as that:

Make a file called ".user.ini" and add your values

upload_max_filesize = 150M
post_max_size = 150M

Boom, problem solved.

Oracle - how to remove white spaces?

Use the following to insure there is no whitespace in your output:

select first_name || ',' || last_name from table x;




Which is the correct C# infinite loop, for (;;) or while (true)?

The C# compiler will transform both

    // ...


while (true)
    // ...


    // ...
    goto label;

The CIL for both is the same. Most people find while(true) to be easier to read and understand. for(;;) is rather cryptic.


I messed a little more with .NET Reflector, and I compiled both loops with the "Optimize Code" on in Visual Studio.

Both loops compile into (with .NET Reflector):

    goto Label_0000;

Raptors should attack soon.

Angular 2 optional route parameter

{path: 'users', redirectTo: 'users/', pathMatch: 'full'},
{path: 'users/:userId', component: UserComponent}

This way the component isn't re-rendered when the parameter is added.

Apache giving 403 forbidden errors

Notice that another issue that might be causing this is that, the "FollowSymLinks" option of a parent directory might have been mistakenly overwritten by the options of your project's directory. This was the case for me and made me pull my hair until I found out the cause!

Here's an example of such a mistake:

<Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all denied

<Directory /var/www/>
        Options Indexes # <--- NOT OK! It's overwriting the above option of the "/" directory.
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted

So now if you check the Apache's log message(tail -n 50 -f /var/www/html/{the_error_log_file_of_your_site}) you'll see such an error:

Options FollowSymLinks and SymLinksIfOwnerMatch are both off, so the RewriteRule directive
is also forbidden due to its similar ability to circumvent directory restrictions

That's because Indexes in the above rules for /var/www directory is overwriting the FolowSymLinks of the / directory. So now that you know the cause, in order to fix it, you can do many things depending on your need. For instance:

<Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all denied

<Directory /var/www/>
        Options FollowSymLinks Indexes # <--- OK.
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted

Or even this:

<Directory />
        Options FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all denied

<Directory /var/www/>
        Options -Indexes # <--- OK as well! It will NOT cause an overwrite.
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted

The example above will not cause the overwrite issue, because in Apache, if an option is "+" it will overwrite the "+"s only, and if it's a "-", it will overwrite the "-"s... (Don't ask me for a reference on that though, it's just my interpretation of an Apache's error message(checked through journalctl -xe) which says: Either all Options must start with + or -, or no Option may. when an option has a sign, but another one doesn't(E.g., FollowSymLinks -Indexes). So it's my personal conclusion -thus should be taken with a grain of salt- that if I've used -Indexes as the option, that will be considered as a whole distinct set of options by the Apache from the other option in the "/" which doesn't have any signs on it, and so no annoying rewrites will occur in the end, which I could successfully confirm by the above rules in a project directory of my own).

Hope that this will help you pull much less of your hair! :)

Laravel 5 Class 'form' not found

You can also try running the following commands in Terminal or Command:

  1. composer dump-auto or composer dump-auto -o
  2. php artisan cache:clear
  3. php artisan config:clear

The above worked for me.

ORACLE convert number to string

Using the FM format model modifier to get close, as you won't get the trailing zeros after the decimal separator; but you will still get the separator itself, e.g. 50.. You can use rtrim to get rid of that:

select to_char(a, '99D90'),
    to_char(a, '90D90'),
    to_char(a, 'FM90D99'),
    rtrim(to_char(a, 'FM90D99'), to_char(0, 'D'))
from (
    select 50 a from dual
    union all select 50.57 from dual
    union all select 5.57 from dual
    union all select 0.35 from dual
    union all select 0.4 from dual
order by a;

------ ------ ------ ------
   .35   0.35 0.35   0.35
   .40   0.40 0.4    0.4
  5.57   5.57 5.57   5.57
 50.00  50.00 50.    50
 50.57  50.57 50.57  50.57

Note that I'm using to_char(0, 'D') to generate the character to trim, to match the decimal separator - so it looks for the same character, , or ., as the first to_char adds.

The slight downside is that you lose the alignment. If this is being used elsewhere it might not matter, but it does then you can also wrap it in an lpad, which starts to make it look a bit complicated:

lpad(rtrim(to_char(a, 'FM90D99'), to_char(0, 'D')), 6)

------ ------ ------ ------ ------------------------
   .35   0.35 0.35   0.35     0.35
   .40   0.40 0.4    0.4       0.4
  5.57   5.57 5.57   5.57     5.57
 50.00  50.00 50.    50         50
 50.57  50.57 50.57  50.57   50.57

What does "pending" mean for request in Chrome Developer Window?

I had the same issue on OSX Mavericks, it turned out that Sophos anti-virus was blocking certain requests, once I uninstalled it the issue went away.

If you think that it might be caused by an extension one easy way to try and test this is to open chrome with the '--disable-extensions flag to see if it fixes the problem. If that doesn't fix it consider looking beyond the browser to see if any other application might be causing the problem, specifically security apps which can affect requests.

Node update a specific package

Most of the time you can just npm update (or yarn upgrade) a module to get the latest non breaking changes (respecting the semver specified in your package.json) (<-- read that last part again).

npm update browser-sync
yarn upgrade browser-sync
  • Use npm|yarn outdated to see which modules have newer versions
  • Use npm update|yarn upgrade (without a package name) to update all modules
  • Include --save-dev|--dev if you want to save the newer version numbers to your package.json. (NOTE: as of npm v5.0 this is only necessary for devDependencies).

Major version upgrades:

In your case, it looks like you want the next major version (v2.x.x), which is likely to have breaking changes and you will need to update your app to accommodate those changes. You can install/save the latest 2.x.x by doing:

npm install browser-sync@2 --save-dev
yarn add browser-sync@2 --dev

...or the latest 2.1.x by doing:

npm install [email protected] --save-dev
yarn add [email protected] --dev

...or the latest and greatest by doing:

npm install browser-sync@latest --save-dev
yarn add browser-sync@latest --dev

Note: the last one is no different than doing this:

npm uninstall browser-sync --save-dev
npm install browser-sync --save-dev
yarn remove browser-sync --dev
yarn add browser-sync --dev

The --save-dev part is important. This will uninstall it, remove the value from your package.json, and then reinstall the latest version and save the new value to your package.json.

In Oracle SQL: How do you insert the current date + time into a table?

You may try with below query :

INSERT INTO errortable (dateupdated,table1id)
VALUES (to_date(to_char(sysdate,'dd/mon/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'), 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss' ),1083 );

To view the result of it:

SELECT to_char(hire_dateupdated, 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') 
FROM errortable 
    WHERE table1id = 1083;

WCF, Service attribute value in the ServiceHost directive could not be found

  1. Make sure markup (svc) file has service attribute with namespace.classname and codebehind will be classname.svc.cs

  2. Rebuild the solution

  3. Restart the app pools from local IIS once.

You seem to not be depending on "@angular/core". This is an error

You create new project with:

ng new firstngapp

In your example you are missing new. This would create folder, generate files and run npm install for you. It seems that you've created folder but there's no Angular CLI app in it.

And for starting the app use:

ng serve

npm start is only used if you have ejected from cli.

Apache won't follow symlinks (403 Forbidden)

The 403 error may also be caused by an encrypted file system, e.g. a symlink to an encrypted home folder.

If your symlink points into the encrypted folder, the apache user (e.g. www-data) cannot access the contents, even if apache and file/folder permissions are set correctly. Access of the www-data user can be tested with such a call:

sudo -u www-data ls -l /var/www/html/<your symlink>/

There are workarounds/solutions to this, e.g. adding the www-data user to your private group (exposes the encrypted data to the web user) or by setting up an unencrypted rsynced folder (probably rather secure). I for myself will probably go for an rsync solution during development.

A convenient tool for my purposes is lsyncd. This allows me to work directly in my encrypted home folder and being able to see changes almost instantly in the apache web page. The synchronization is triggered by changes in the file system, calling an rsync. As I'm only working on rather small web pages and scripts, the syncing is very fast. I decided to use a short delay of 1 second before the rsync is started, even though it is possible to set a delay of 0 seconds.

Installing lsyncd (in Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install lsyncd

Starting the background service:

lsyncd -delay 1 -rsync /home/<me>/<work folder>/ /var/www/html/<web folder>/

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named customerManager

A bit too late but I got the same issue and fixed it switching schemalocation into schemaLocation in the persistence.xml file (line 1).

How to Lazy Load div background images

Using jQuery I could load image with the check on it's existence. Added src to a plane base64 hash string with original image height width and then replaced it with the required url.

$('[data-src]').each(function() {
  var $image_place_holder_element = $(this);
  var image_url = $(this).data('src');
  $("<div class='hidden-class' />").load(image_url, function(response, status, xhr) {
    if (!(status == "error")) {
      $image_place_holder_element.attr('src', image_url);

Of course I used and modified few stack answers. Hope it helps someone.

Efficient way to rotate a list in python

A collections.deque is optimized for pulling and pushing on both ends. They even have a dedicated rotate() method.

from collections import deque
items = deque([1, 2])
items.append(3)        # deque == [1, 2, 3]
items.rotate(1)        # The deque is now: [3, 1, 2]
items.rotate(-1)       # Returns deque to original state: [1, 2, 3]
item = items.popleft() # deque == [2, 3]

Using Python's os.path, how do I go up one directory?

For a paranoid like me, I'd prefer this one

    __file__.rsplit('/', 2)[0] + '/templates',

How to get a Fragment to remove itself, i.e. its equivalent of finish()?

If you are using the new Navigation Component, is simple as


It will do all the FragmentTransaction in behind for you.

Searching for UUIDs in text with regex

For bash:

grep -E "[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89aAbB][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}"

For example:

$> echo "f2575e6a-9bce-49e7-ae7c-bff6b555bda4" | grep -E "[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89aAbB][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}"

How do I create a transparent Activity on Android?

Add the following style in your res/values/styles.xml file (if you don’t have one, create it.) Here’s a complete file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <style name="Theme.Transparent" parent="android:Theme">
    <item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/transparent</item>
    <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item>
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowIsFloating">true</item>
    <item name="android:backgroundDimEnabled">false</item>

(The value @color/transparent is the color value #00000000 which I put in the res/values/color.xml file. You can also use @android:color/transparent in later Android versions.)

Then apply the style to your activity, for example:

<activity android:name=".SampleActivity" android:theme="@style/Theme.Transparent">

You are trying to add a non-nullable field 'new_field' to userprofile without a default

What Django actually says is:

Userprofile table has data in it and there might be new_field values which are null, but I do not know, so are you sure you want to mark property as non nullable, because if you do you might get an error if there are values with NULL

If you are sure that none of values in the userprofile table are NULL - fell free and ignore the warning.

The best practice in such cases would be to create a RunPython migration to handle empty values as it states in option 2

2) Ignore for now, and let me handle existing rows with NULL myself (e.g. because you added a RunPython or RunSQL operation to handle NULL values in a previous data migration)

In RunPython migration you have to find all UserProfile instances with empty new_field value and put a correct value there (or a default value as Django asks you to set in the model). You will get something like this:

# please keep in mind that new_value can be an empty string. You decide whether it is a correct value.
for profile in UserProfile.objects.filter(new_value__isnull=True).iterator():
    profile.new_value = calculate_value(profile) # better to use batch save

Have fun!

Chrome violation : [Violation] Handler took 83ms of runtime

"Chrome violations" don't represent errors in either Chrome or your own web app. They are instead warnings to help you improve your app. In this case, Long running JavaScript and took 83ms of runtime are alerting you there's probably an opportunity to speed up your script.

("Violation" is not the best terminology; it's used here to imply the script "violates" a pre-defined guideline, but "warning" or similar would be clearer. These messages first appeared in Chrome in early 2017 and should ideally have a "More info" prompt to elaborate on the meaning and give suggested actions to the developer. Hopefully those will be added in the future.)

Android device is not connected to USB for debugging (Android studio)

I've been having this issue on Mac OSX Mavericks using Android Studio, using my Samsung Galaxy Express , I did a little trick, Run -> Edit Configurations - > Run -> Show chooser dialog. When I "play" and the dialog appeared, I connected my device and it did appear. ;)

socket.error: [Errno 10013] An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

I had to allow ..\python27\python.exe in windows firewall. I don't need to do this on WinXP or Win8.

How to disable XDebug

If you are using php-fpm the following should be sufficient:

sudo phpdismod xdebug
sudo service php-fpm restart

Notice, that you will need to tweak this depending on your php version. For instance running php 7.0 you would do:

sudo phpdismod xdebug
sudo service php7.0-fpm restart

Since, you are running php-fpm there should be no need to restart the actual webserver. In any case if you don't use fpm then you could simply restart your webserver using any of the below commands:

sudo service apache2 restart
sudo apache2ctl restart

Incorrect syntax near ''

I was using ADO.NET and was using SQL Command as:

 string query =
"SELECT * " +
"FROM table_name" +
"Where id=@id";

the thing was i missed a whitespace at the end of "FROM table_name"+ So basically it said

string query = "SELECT * FROM table_nameWHERE id=@id";

and this was causing the error.

Hope it helps

How to convert string to XML using C#

// using System.Xml;

String rawXml =
          <person firstname=""Riley"" lastname=""Scott"" />
          <person firstname=""Thomas"" lastname=""Scott"" />

XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

I think this should work.

How to get selected value from Dropdown list in JavaScript

Here is a simple example to get the selected value of dropdown in javascript

First we design the UI for dropdown

<div class="col-xs-12">
<select class="form-control" id="language">

Next we need to write script to get the selected item

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#language').change(function () {
        var doc = document.getElementById("language");
        alert("You selected " + doc.options[doc.selectedIndex].value);

Now When change the dropdown the selected item will be alert.

jQuery: how to trigger anchor link's click event

Try the following:


As simple as that.

Java: Detect duplicates in ArrayList?

If you are looking to avoid having duplicates at all, then you should just cut out the middle process of detecting duplicates and use a Set.