Programs & Examples On #Ms publisher

Object variable or With block variable not set (Error 91)

As I wrote in my comment, the solution to your problem is to write the following:

Set hyperLinkText = hprlink.Range

Set is needed because TextRange is a class, so hyperLinkText is an object; as such, if you want to assign it, you need to make it point to the actual object that you need.

How to make a machine trust a self-signed Java application

I was having the same issue. So I went to the Java options through Control Panel. Copied the web address that I was having an issue with to the exceptions and it was fixed.

How to disable XDebug

Comment extension in php.ini and restart Apache. Here is a simple script (you can assign shortcut to it)


define('PATH_TO_PHP_INI', 'c:/xampp/php/php.ini');
define('PATH_TO_HTTPD', 'c:/xampp/apache/bin/httpd.exe');
define('REXP_EXTENSION', '(zend_extension\s*=.*?php_xdebug)');

$s = file_get_contents(PATH_TO_PHP_INI);
$replaced = preg_replace('/;' . REXP_EXTENSION . '/', '$1', $s);
$isOn = $replaced != $s;
if (!$isOn) {
    $replaced = preg_replace('/' . REXP_EXTENSION . '/', ';$1', $s);
echo 'xdebug is ' . ($isOn ? 'ON' : 'OFF') . " now. Restarting apache...\n\n";
file_put_contents(PATH_TO_PHP_INI, $replaced);

passthru(PATH_TO_HTTPD . ' -k restart');

Writing a Python list of lists to a csv file

Python's built-in CSV module can handle this easily:

import csv

with open("output.csv", "wb") as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

This assumes your list is defined as a, as it is in your question. You can tweak the exact format of the output CSV via the various optional parameters to csv.writer() as documented in the library reference page linked above.

Update for Python 3

import csv

with open("out.csv", "w", newline="") as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)

How do I rename a MySQL schema?

If you're on the Model Overview page you get a tab with the schema. If you rightclick on that tab you get an option to "edit schema". From there you can rename the schema by adding a new name, then click outside the field. This goes for MySQL Workbench 5.2.30 CE

Edit: On the model overview it's under Physical Schemata


enter image description here

How to stop a PowerShell script on the first error?

I'm new to powershell but this seems to be most effective:

doSomething -arg myArg
if (-not $?) {throw "Failed to doSomething"}

What is event bubbling and capturing?

There's also the Event.eventPhase property which can tell you if the event is at target or comes from somewhere else, and it is fully supported by browsers.

Expanding on the already great snippet from the accepted answer, this is the output using the eventPhase property

var logElement = document.getElementById('log');

function log(msg) {
  if (logElement.innerHTML == "<p>No logs</p>")
    logElement.innerHTML = "";
  logElement.innerHTML += ('<p>' + msg + '</p>');

function humanizeEvent(eventPhase){
    case 1: //Event.CAPTURING_PHASE
      return "Event is being propagated through the target's ancestor objects";
    case 2: //Event.AT_TARGET
      return "The event has arrived at the event's target";
    case 3: //Event.BUBBLING_PHASE
      return "The event is propagating back up through the target's ancestors in reverse order";
function capture(e) {
  log('capture: ' + this.firstChild.nodeValue.trim() + "; " + 

function bubble(e) {
  log('bubble: ' + this.firstChild.nodeValue.trim() + "; " + 

var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
  divs[i].addEventListener('click', capture, true);
  divs[i].addEventListener('click', bubble, false);
p {
  line-height: 0;

div {
  padding: 5px;

  background: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #aaa;
  cursor: pointer;

div:hover {
  border: 1px solid #faa;
  background: #fdd;
<button onclick="document.getElementById('log').innerHTML = '<p>No logs</p>';">Clear logs</button>
<section id="log"></section>

Passing arguments to AsyncTask, and returning results

You can receive returning results like that: AsyncTask class

protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {
    if (host.isEmpty() || dbName.isEmpty() || user.isEmpty() || pass.isEmpty() || port.isEmpty()) {
        try {
            throw new SQLException("Database credentials missing");
        } catch (SQLException e) {

    try {
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

    try {
        this.conn = DriverManager.getConnection( + ':' + this.port + '/' + this.dbName, this.user, this.pass);
    } catch (SQLException e) {

    return true;

receiving class:

boolean result =_store.get();

Hoping it will help.

How to convert a HTMLElement to a string

The element outerHTML property (note: supported by Firefox after version 11) returns the HTML of the entire element.


<div id="new-element-1">Hello world.</div>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--

var element = document.getElementById("new-element-1");
var elementHtml = element.outerHTML;
// <div id="new-element-1">Hello world.</div>


Similarly, you can use innerHTML to get the HTML contained within a given element, or innerText to get the text inside an element (sans HTML markup).

See Also

  1. outerHTML - Javascript Property
  2. Javascript Reference - Elements

Creating runnable JAR with Gradle

  1. Configure Main Class to your Manifest

If you are using gradle project, just add the following into your build.gradle

jar {
    manifest {
               'Main-Class': 'pokerhandscorer.PokerHandScorer'
  • Where 'pokerhandscorer' is the name of the package name, and PokerHandScorer is the main class name

This creates a jar file into your \build\libs{jarFilename}.jar

  1. Run jar file using java -jar /{path}/{jarFileName.jar}

java -jar /{path}/{jarFileName.jar}

Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine

Windows (x64 and Win32) and C++11

The number of groups of logical processors sharing a single processor core. (Using GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx, see GetLogicalProcessorInformation as well)

size_t NumberOfPhysicalCores() noexcept {

    DWORD length = 0;
    const BOOL result_first = GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx(RelationProcessorCore, nullptr, &length);
    assert(GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER);

    std::unique_ptr< uint8_t[] > buffer(new uint8_t[length]);
            reinterpret_cast< PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION_EX >(buffer.get());

    const BOOL result_second = GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx(RelationProcessorCore, info, &length);
    assert(result_second != FALSE);

    size_t nb_physical_cores = 0;
    size_t offset = 0;
    do {
            reinterpret_cast< PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION_EX >(buffer.get() + offset);
        offset += current_info->Size;
    } while (offset < length);
    return nb_physical_cores;

Note that the implementation of NumberOfPhysicalCores is IMHO far from trivial (i.e. "use GetLogicalProcessorInformation or GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx"). Instead it is rather subtle if one reads the documentation (explicitly present for GetLogicalProcessorInformation and implicitly present for GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx) at MSDN.

The number of logical processors. (Using GetSystemInfo)

size_t NumberOfSystemCores() noexcept {
    SYSTEM_INFO system_info;
    ZeroMemory(&system_info, sizeof(system_info));
    return static_cast< size_t >(system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors);

Note that both methods can easily be converted to C/C++98/C++03.

Create a batch file to run an .exe with an additional parameter

in batch file abc.bat

cd c:\user\ben_dchost\documents\
executible.exe -flag1 -flag2 -flag3 

I am assuming that your executible.exe is present in c:\user\ben_dchost\documents\ I am also assuming that the parameters it takes are -flag1 -flag2 -flag3


For the command you say you want to execute, do:

cd C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\BGInfo\
bginfo.exe dc_bginfo.bgi

Hope this helps

Filter Java Stream to 1 and only 1 element

I went with the direct-approach and just implemented the thing:

public class CollectSingle<T> implements Collector<T, T, T>, BiConsumer<T, T>, Function<T, T>, Supplier<T> {
T value;

public Supplier<T> supplier() {
    return this;

public BiConsumer<T, T> accumulator() {
    return this;

public BinaryOperator<T> combiner() {
    return null;

public Function<T, T> finisher() {
    return this;

public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
    return Collections.emptySet();

@Override //accumulator
public void accept(T ignore, T nvalue) {
    if (value != null) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Collect single only supports single element, "
                + value + " and " + nvalue + " found.");
    value = nvalue;

@Override //supplier
public T get() {
    value = null; //reset for reuse
    return value;

@Override //finisher
public T apply(T t) {
    return value;


with the JUnit test:

public class CollectSingleTest {

public void collectOne( ) {
    List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>();
    Integer o = new CollectSingle<>());

@Test(expected = UnsupportedOperationException.class)
public void failOnTwo( ) {
    List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<>();
    Integer o = new CollectSingle<>());


This implementation not threadsafe.

Rolling or sliding window iterator?

I like tee():

from itertools import tee, izip

def window(iterable, size):
    iters = tee(iterable, size)
    for i in xrange(1, size):
        for each in iters[i:]:
            next(each, None)
    return izip(*iters)

for each in window(xrange(6), 3):
    print list(each)


[0, 1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]
[2, 3, 4]
[3, 4, 5]

How do I erase an element from std::vector<> by index?

The previous answers assume that you always have a signed index. Sadly, std::vector uses size_type for indexing, and difference_type for iterator arithmetic, so they don't work together if you have "-Wconversion" and friends enabled. This is another way to answer the question, while being able to handle both signed and unsigned:

To remove:

template<class T, class I, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value>::type>
void remove(std::vector<T> &v, I index)
    const auto &iter = v.cbegin() + gsl::narrow_cast<typename std::vector<T>::difference_type>(index);

To take:

template<class T, class I, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<I>::value>::type>
T take(std::vector<T> &v, I index)
    const auto &iter = v.cbegin() + gsl::narrow_cast<typename std::vector<T>::difference_type>(index);

    auto val = *iter;

    return val;

What does the explicit keyword mean?

Suppose, you have a class String:

class String {
    String(int n); // allocate n bytes to the String object
    String(const char *p); // initializes object with char *p

Now, if you try:

String mystring = 'x';

The character 'x' will be implicitly converted to int and then the String(int) constructor will be called. But, this is not what the user might have intended. So, to prevent such conditions, we shall define the constructor as explicit:

class String {
    explicit String (int n); //allocate n bytes
    String(const char *p); // initialize sobject with string p

Mockito: Inject real objects into private @Autowired fields

Mockito is not a DI framework and even DI frameworks encourage constructor injections over field injections.
So you just declare a constructor to set dependencies of the class under test :

private SomeService serviceMock;

private Demo demo;

/* ... */
public void beforeEach(){
   demo = new Demo(serviceMock);

Using Mockito spy for the general case is a terrible advise. It makes the test class brittle, not straight and error prone : What is really mocked ? What is really tested ?
@InjectMocks and @Spy also hurts the overall design since it encourages bloated classes and mixed responsibilities in the classes.
Please read the spy() javadoc before using that blindly (emphasis is not mine) :

Creates a spy of the real object. The spy calls real methods unless they are stubbed. Real spies should be used carefully and occasionally, for example when dealing with legacy code.

As usual you are going to read the partial mock warning: Object oriented programming tackles complexity by dividing the complexity into separate, specific, SRPy objects. How does partial mock fit into this paradigm? Well, it just doesn't... Partial mock usually means that the complexity has been moved to a different method on the same object. In most cases, this is not the way you want to design your application.

However, there are rare cases when partial mocks come handy: dealing with code you cannot change easily (3rd party interfaces, interim refactoring of legacy code etc.) However, I wouldn't use partial mocks for new, test-driven & well-designed code.

Angular HttpPromise: difference between `success`/`error` methods and `then`'s arguments

.then() is chainable and will wait for previous .then() to resolve.

.success() and .error() can be chained, but they will all fire at once (so not much point to that)

.success() and .error() are just nice for simple calls (easy makers):


so you don't have to type this:

  var user =;

But generally i handler all errors with .catch():

      // successHandler
      // do some stuff
      return $http.get('/somethingelse') // get more data

If you need to support <= IE8 then write your .catch() and .finally() like this (reserved methods in IE):


Working Examples:

Here's something I wrote in more codey format to refresh my memory on how it all plays out with handling errors etc:

Display date/time in user's locale format and time offset

You can use new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60 for the timezone. There is also a toLocaleString() method for displaying a date using the user's locale.

Here's the whole list: Working with Dates

How to map with index in Ruby?

I have always enjoyed the syntax of this style:

a = [1, 2, 3, 4] { |el, index| el + index }
# => [1, 3, 5, 7]

Invoking each_with_index gets you an enumerator you can easily map over with your index available.

How to debug on a real device (using Eclipse/ADT)

With an Android-powered device, you can develop and debug your Android applications just as you would on the emulator.

1. Declare your application as "debuggable" in AndroidManifest.xml.

    ... >

2. On your handset, navigate to Settings > Security and check Unknown sources

enter image description here

3. Go to Settings > Developer Options and check USB debugging
Note that if Developer Options is invisible you will need to navigate to Settings > About Phone and tap on Build number several times until you are notified that it has been unlocked.

enter image description here

4. Set up your system to detect your device.
Follow the instructions below for your OS:

Windows Users

Install the Google USB Driver from the ADT SDK Manager
(Support for: ADP1, ADP2, Verizon Droid, Nexus One, Nexus S).

enter image description here

For devices not listed above, install an OEM driver for your device

Mac OS X

Your device should automatically work; Go to the next step

Ubuntu Linux

Add a udev rules file that contains a USB configuration for each type of device you want to use for development. In the rules file, each device manufacturer is identified by a unique vendor ID, as specified by the ATTR{idVendor} property. For a list of vendor IDs, click here. To set up device detection on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules.
  2. Use this format to add each vendor to the file:
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
    In this example, the vendor ID is for HTC. The MODE assignment specifies read/write permissions, and GROUP defines which Unix group owns the device node.
  3. Now execute: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Note: The rule syntax may vary slightly depending on your environment. Consult the udev documentation for your system as needed. For an overview of rule syntax, see this guide to writing udev rules.

5. Run the project with your connected device.

With Eclipse/ADT: run or debug your application as usual. You will be presented with a Device Chooser dialog that lists the available emulator(s) and connected device(s).

With ADB: issue commands with the -d flag to target your connected device.

Still need help? Click here for the full guide.

Asynchronous Process inside a javascript for loop

JavaScript code runs on a single thread, so you cannot principally block to wait for the first loop iteration to complete before beginning the next without seriously impacting page usability.

The solution depends on what you really need. If the example is close to exactly what you need, @Simon's suggestion to pass i to your async process is a good one.

Iterate through the fields of a struct in Go

Taking Chetan Kumar solution and in case you need to apply to a map[string]int

package main

import (

type BaseStats struct {
    Hp           int
    HpMax        int
    Mp           int
    MpMax        int
    Strength     int
    Speed        int
    Intelligence int

type Stats struct {
    Base map[string]int
    Modifiers []string

func StatsCreate(stats BaseStats) Stats {
    s := Stats{
        Base: make(map[string]int),

    //Iterate through the fields of a struct
    v := reflect.ValueOf(stats)
    typeOfS := v.Type()

    for i := 0; i< v.NumField(); i++ {
        val := v.Field(i).Interface().(int)
        s.Base[typeOfS.Field(i).Name] = val
    return s

func (s Stats) GetBaseStat(id string) int {
    return s.Base[id]

func main() {
    m := StatsCreate(BaseStats{300, 300, 300, 300, 10, 10, 10})


Saving a text file on server using JavaScript

It's not possible to save content to the website using only client-side scripting such as JavaScript and jQuery, but by submitting the data in an AJAX POST request you could perform the other half very easily on the server-side.

However, I would not recommend having raw content such as scripts so easily writeable to your hosting as this could easily be exploited. If you want to learn more about AJAX POST requests, you can read the jQuery API page:

And here are some things you ought to be aware of if you still want to save raw script files on your hosting. You have to be very careful with security if you are handling files like this!

File uploading (most of this applies if sending plain text too if javascript can choose the name of the file)

How to fix Error: laravel.log could not be opened?

In Laravel, you should set ACL on storage and cache directory so that web server user can read/write on the directory. Open a new terminal and run following:

HTTPDUSER=$(ps axo user,comm | grep -E '[a]pache|[h]ttpd|[_]www|[w]ww-data|[n]ginx' | grep -v root | head -1 | cut -d\  -f1)

sudo setfacl -dR -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX bootstrap/cache storage/
sudo setfacl -R -m u:"$HTTPDUSER":rwX -m u:$(whoami):rwX bootstrap/cache storage/


How to set background color in jquery

You actually got it. Just forgot some quotes.

$(this).css({backgroundColor: 'red'});


$(this).css('background-color', 'red');

You don't need to pass over a map/object to set only one property. You can just put pass it as string. Note that if passing an object you cannot use a -. All CSS properties which have such a character are mapped with capital letters.

Reference: .css()

How to get selected value of a dropdown menu in ReactJS

Just use onChange event of the <select> object. Selected value is in then.

By the way, it's a bad practice to use id="...". It's better to use ref=">.."

Check if string matches pattern

Please try the following:

import re

name = ["A1B1", "djdd", "B2C4", "C2H2", "jdoi","1A4V"]

# Match names.
for element in name:
     m = re.match("(^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\d)", element)
     if m:

Put icon inside input element in a form

You can try this:

input[type='text'] {
    background-image: url(images/comment-author.gif);
    background-position: 7px 7px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

Git push hangs when pushing to Github?

Will usually see myself running into this problem when pushing a large quantity of files.

If you can be patient and let the files finishing uploading, you might not need to do anything at all. Good luck –

Android device chooser - My device seems offline

I had the same problem with my Galaxy S4, when connected to a Win 7 64 machine, not showing up as an available device in Eclipse. Tried rebooting phone, starting/restarting adb, switching from usb 3 to usb 2 port... none of which helped. Downloaded Samsung drivers from here:

installed drivers and then when I reconnected my phone, windows installed the new drivers (took a min or so). I then restarted Eclipse and was able to see the phone and run the app.

I also tried this with the usb 3 port and it works as well.

Get current user id in ASP.NET Identity 2.0

Just in case you are like me and the Id Field of the User Entity is an Int or something else other than a string,

using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;

int userId = User.Identity.GetUserId<int>();

will do the trick

Slide right to left?

Use this:

$('#pollSlider-button').animate({"margin-right": '+=200'});

Live demo

Improved version

Some code has been added to the demo, to prevent double margin on double click:

Use it with easing ;)

  • Extra JavaScript codes removed.

  • Class names & some CSS codes changed

  • Added feature to find if is expanded or collapsed

  • Changed whether use easing effect or not

  • Changed animation speed

Handling onchange event in HTML.DropDownList Razor MVC

The way of dknaack does not work for me, I found this solution as well:

@Html.DropDownList("Chapters", ViewBag.Chapters as SelectList, 
                    "Select chapter", new { @onchange = "location = this.value;" })


@Html.DropDownList(controlName, + cast, "Default value", @onchange event)

In the controller you can add:

DbModel db = new DbModel();    //entity model of Entity Framework

ViewBag.Chapters = new SelectList(db.T_Chapter, "Id", "Name");

Java - creating a new thread

run() method is called by start(). That happens automatically. You just need to call start(). For a complete tutorial on creating and calling threads see my blog

How to integrate sourcetree for gitlab

It worked for me, but only with ssh key and not with username and password.

After i added the ssh key to sourcetree, i changed the settings under Tools -> Options -> SSH-Client to work with PuTTY/Plink.

I run into trouble after i added the ssh key, because i forgot to restart sourceTree. "this is necessary so that there is an instance of ssh-agent running that SourceTree can talk to with your key loaded." See here:

C# ListView Column Width Auto

There is another useful method called AutoResizeColumn which allows you to auto size a specific column with the required parameter.

You can call it like this:

listview1.AutoResizeColumn(1, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent);
listview1.AutoResizeColumn(2, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent);
listview1.AutoResizeColumn(3, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize);
listview1.AutoResizeColumn(4, ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize);

How to get single value from this multi-dimensional PHP array

Use array_shift function

$myarray = array_shift($myarray);

This will move array elements one level up and you can access any array element without using [0] key

echo $myarray['email'];  

will show [email protected]

Setting the correct encoding when piping stdout in Python

Your code works when run in an script because Python encodes the output to whatever encoding your terminal application is using. If you are piping you must encode it yourself.

A rule of thumb is: Always use Unicode internally. Decode what you receive, and encode what you send.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
print u"åäö".encode('utf-8')

Another didactic example is a Python program to convert between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8, making everything uppercase in between.

import sys
for line in sys.stdin:
    # Decode what you receive:
    line = line.decode('iso8859-1')

    # Work with Unicode internally:
    line = line.upper()

    # Encode what you send:
    line = line.encode('utf-8')

Setting the system default encoding is a bad idea, because some modules and libraries you use can rely on the fact it is ASCII. Don't do it.

__proto__ VS. prototype in JavaScript


prototype is a property of a Function. It is the blueprint for creating objects by using that (constructor) function with new keyword.


__proto__ is used in the lookup chain to resolve methods, properties. when an object is created (using constructor function with new keyword), __proto__ is set to (Constructor) Function.prototype

function Robot(name) { = name;
var robot = new Robot();

// the following are true   
robot.__proto__ == Robot.prototype
robot.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype

Here is my (imaginary) explanation to clear the confusion:

Imagine there is an imaginary class (blueprint/coockie cutter) associated with function. That imaginary class is used to instantiate objects. prototype is the extention mechanism (extention method in C#, or Swift Extension) to add things to that imaginary class.

function Robot(name) { = name;

The above can be imagined as:

// imaginary class
class Robot extends Object{

    static prototype = Robot.class  
    // Robot.prototype is the way to add things to Robot class
    // since Robot extends Object, therefore Robot.prototype.__proto__ == Object.prototype

    var __proto__;

    var name = "";

    // constructor
    function Robot(name) {

        this.__proto__ = prototype;
        prototype = undefined; = name;



var robot = new Robot();

robot.__proto__ == Robot.prototype
robot.prototype == undefined
robot.__proto__.__proto__ == Object.prototype

Now adding method to the prototype of Robot:

Robot.prototype.move(x, y) = function(x, y){ Robot.position.x = x; Robot.position.y = y};
// Robot.prototype.move(x, y) ===(imagining)===> Robot.class.move(x, y)

The above can be imagined as extension of Robot class:

// Swift way of extention
extension Robot{
    function move(x, y){    
        Robot.position.x = x; Robot.position.y = y

Which in turn,

// imaginary class
class Robot{

    static prototype = Robot.class // Robot.prototype way to extend Robot class
    var __proto__;

    var name = "";

    // constructor
    function Robot(name) {

        this.__proto__ = prototype;
        prototype = undefined; = name;

    // added by prototype (as like C# extension method)
    function move(x, y){ 
        Robot.position.x = x; Robot.position.y = y

How to make asynchronous HTTP requests in PHP

 * Asynchronously execute/include a PHP file. Does not record the output of the file anywhere. 
 * @param string $filename              file to execute, relative to calling script
 * @param string $options               (optional) arguments to pass to file via the command line
function asyncInclude($filename, $options = '') {
    exec("/path/to/php -f {$filename} {$options} >> /dev/null &");

jdk7 32 bit windows version to download

Look for "Windows x86", it's the 32 bit version.

Import SQL file by command line in Windows 7


  C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql -u {username} -p {databasename} < {filepath}

if username=root ,filepath='C:/test.sql', databasename='test' ,password ='' then command will be

  C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql -u root  test < C:/test.sql

Remove decimal values using SQL query

As I understand your question, You have one table with column as datatype decimal(18,9). And the column contains the data as follows:-


Now if you want to show record on UI without decimal value means like (12,15,18,20) then there are two options:-

  1. Either cast this column as int in Select Clause
  2. or may be you want to update this column value like (12,15,18,20).

To apply, First very simple just use the cast in select clause

select CAST(count AS INT) from tablename;

But if you want to update your column data with int value then you have to update you column datatype

and to do that

ALTER TABLE tablename ALTER COLUMN columnname decimal(9,0)

Then execute this

UPDATE tablename
   SET count = CAST(columnname AS INT)

Shell Script Syntax Error: Unexpected End of File

In my case, I found that placing a here document (like sqplus ... << EOF) statements indented also raise the same error as shown below:

./dbuser_case.ksh: line 25: syntax error: unexpected end of file

So after removing the indentation for this, then it went fine.

Hope it helps...

How to hide axes and gridlines in Matplotlib (python)

# Hide grid lines

# Hide axes ticks

Note, you need matplotlib>=1.2 for set_zticks() to work.

How to create full path with node's fs.mkdirSync?

I solved the problem this way - similar to other recursive answers but to me this is much easier to understand and read.

const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

function mkdirRecurse(inputPath) {
  if (fs.existsSync(inputPath)) {
  const basePath = path.dirname(inputPath);
  if (fs.existsSync(basePath)) {

How to add a class to a given element?

You can use the API querySelector to select your element and then create a function with the element and the new classname as parameters. Using classlist for modern browsers, else for IE8. Then you can call the function after an event.

 //select the dom element
 var addClassVar = document.querySelector('.someclass');

 //define the addclass function
 var addClass = function(el,className){
   if (el.classList){
   else {
     el.className += ' ' + className;

//call the function
addClass(addClassVar, 'newClass');

How to determine the content size of a UIWebView?

Resurrecting this question because I found Ortwin's answer to only work MOST of the time...

The webViewDidFinishLoad method may be called more than once, and the first value returned by sizeThatFits is only some portion of what the final size should be. Then for whatever reason the next call to sizeThatFits when webViewDidFinishLoad fires again will incorrectly return the same value it did before! This will happen randomly for the same content as if it's some kind of concurrency problem. Maybe this behaviour has changed over time, because I'm building for iOS 5 and have also found that sizeToFit works in much the same way (although previously this didn't?)

I have settled on this simple solution:

- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)aWebView
    CGFloat height = [[aWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.height"] floatValue];
    CGFloat width = [[aWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"document.width"] floatValue];
    CGRect frame = aWebView.frame;
    frame.size.height = height;
    frame.size.width = width;
    aWebView.frame = frame;

Swift (2.2):

func webViewDidFinishLoad(webView: UIWebView) {

    if let heightString = webView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("document.height"),
        widthString = webView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString("document.width"),
        height = Float(heightString),
        width = Float(widthString) {

        var rect = webView.frame
        rect.size.height = CGFloat(height)
        rect.size.width = CGFloat(width)
        webView.frame = rect

Update: I have found as mentioned in the comments this doesn't seem to catch the case where the content has shrunk. Not sure if it's true for all content and OS version, give it a try.

How to fix error Base table or view not found: 1146 Table laravel relationship table?

Schema::table is to modify an existing table, use Schema::create to create new.

How to append contents of multiple files into one file

Another option is sed:

sed r 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > merge.txt 


sed h 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > merge.txt 


sed -n p 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt > merge.txt # -n is mandatory here

Or without redirection ...

sed wmerge.txt 1.txt 2.txt 3.txt

Note that last line write also merge.txt (not wmerge.txt!). You can use w"merge.txt" to avoid confusion with the file name, and -n for silent output.

Of course, you can also shorten the file list with wildcards. For instance, in case of numbered files as in the above examples, you can specify the range with braces in this way:

sed -n w"merge.txt" {1..3}.txt

PHP: how can I get file creation date?

Use filectime. For Windows it will return the creation time, and for Unix the change time which is the best you can get because on Unix there is no creation time (in most filesystems).

Note also that in some Unix texts the ctime of a file is referred to as being the creation time of the file. This is wrong. There is no creation time for Unix files in most Unix filesystems.

Free c# QR-Code generator

You can look at Open Source QR Code Library or messagingtoolkit-qrcode. I have not used either of them so I can not speak of their ease to use.

What is difference between sleep() method and yield() method of multi threading?

sleep() causes the thread to definitely stop executing for a given amount of time; if no other thread or process needs to be run, the CPU will be idle (and probably enter a power saving mode).

yield() basically means that the thread is not doing anything particularly important and if any other threads or processes need to be run, they should. Otherwise, the current thread will continue to run.

Why does my favicon not show up?

Favicons only work when served from a web-server which sets mime-types correctly for served content. Loading from a local file might not work in chromium. Loading from an incorrectly configured web-server will not work.

Web-servers such as lighthttpd must be configured manually to set the mime type correctly.

Because of the likelihood that mimetype assignment will not work in all environments, I would suggest you use an inline base64 encoded ico file instead. This will load faster as well, as it reduces the number of http requests sent to the server.

On POSIX based systems you can base64 encode a file with the base64 command.

To create a base64 encoded ico line use the command:

$ base64 favicon.ico --wrap 0

And insert the output into the line:

<link href="" rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" />

Replacing the word HERE like so:


typeof !== "undefined" vs. != null

You shouldn't really worry about undefined being renamed. If someone renames undefined, you will be in a lot more trouble than just a few if checks failing. If you really want to protect your code, wrap it in an IFFE (immediately invoked function expression) like this:

(function($, Backbone, _, undefined) {
    //undefined is undefined here.
})(jQuery, Backbone, _);

If you're working with global variables (which is wrong already) in a browser enviroment, I'd check for undefined like this:

if(window.neverDefined === undefined) {
    //Code works

Since global variables are a part of the window object, you can simply check against undefined instead of casting to a string and comparing strings.

On top of that, why are your variables not defined? I've seen a lot of code where they check a variables existence and perform some action based on that. Not once have I seen where this approach has been correct.

How to permanently add a private key with ssh-add on Ubuntu?

Adding the following lines in "~/.bashrc" solved the issue for me. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 desktop.

eval `gnome-keyring-daemon --start`
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(ls /run/user/$(id -u $USERNAME)/keyring*/ssh|head -1)"
export SSH_AGENT_PID="$(pgrep gnome-keyring)"

Get ID from URL with jQuery

Get a substring after the last index of /.

var url = '';
var id = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
alert(id); // 234234234

It's just basic JavaScript, no jQuery involved.

grep without showing path/file:line

From the man page:

-h, --no-filename
    Suppress the prefixing of file names on output. This is the default when there
    is only one file (or only standard input) to search.

How do I delete multiple rows with different IDs?

  • You can make this.




DELETE tb_SampleTest WHERE CODE IN( SELECT Item.value('.', 'VARCHAR(20)') FROM @CODE.nodes('RecordList/ID') AS x(Item) )



  • <'RecordList'><'ID'>1<'/ID'><'ID'>2<'/ID'><'/RecordList'>

Calculating a 2D Vector's Cross Product

Implementation 1 returns the magnitude of the vector that would result from a regular 3D cross product of the input vectors, taking their Z values implicitly as 0 (i.e. treating the 2D space as a plane in the 3D space). The 3D cross product will be perpendicular to that plane, and thus have 0 X & Y components (thus the scalar returned is the Z value of the 3D cross product vector).

Note that the magnitude of the vector resulting from 3D cross product is also equal to the area of the parallelogram between the two vectors, which gives Implementation 1 another purpose. In addition, this area is signed and can be used to determine whether rotating from V1 to V2 moves in an counter clockwise or clockwise direction. It should also be noted that implementation 1 is the determinant of the 2x2 matrix built from these two vectors.

Implementation 2 returns a vector perpendicular to the input vector still in the same 2D plane. Not a cross product in the classical sense but consistent in the "give me a perpendicular vector" sense.

Note that 3D euclidean space is closed under the cross product operation--that is, a cross product of two 3D vectors returns another 3D vector. Both of the above 2D implementations are inconsistent with that in one way or another.

Hope this helps...

What does "publicPath" in Webpack do?

the publicPath is just used for dev purpose, I was confused at first time I saw this config property, but it makes sense now that I've used webpack for a while

suppose you put all your js source file under src folder, and you config your webpack to build the source file to dist folder with output.path.

But you want to serve your static assets under a more meaningful location like webroot/public/assets, this time you can use out.publicPath='/webroot/public/assets', so that in your html, you can reference your js with <script src="/webroot/public/assets/bundle.js"></script>.

when you request webroot/public/assets/bundle.js the webpack-dev-server will find the js under the dist folder


thanks for Charlie Martin to correct my answer

original: the publicPath is just used for dev purpose, this is not just for dev purpose

No, this option is useful in the dev server, but its intention is for asynchronously loading script bundles in production. Say you have a very large single page application (for example Facebook). Facebook wouldn't want to serve all of its javascript every time you load the homepage, so it serves only whats needed on the homepage. Then, when you go to your profile, it loads some more javascript for that page with ajax. This option tells it where on your server to load that bundle from

Check if a string is not NULL or EMPTY

If the variable is a parameter then you could use advanced function parameter binding like below to validate not null or empty:

Param (

Hot to get all form elements values using jQuery?

You can use a serialize() function of JQuery:

    var datastring = $("#preview_form").serialize();
            type: "POST",
            url: "your url.php",
            data: datastring,
            success: function(data) {
                 alert('Data send');

And read in PHP:

echo $_POST['datastring']['dialog_box_textarea_1'];
echo $_POST['datastring']['radiobutton_1'];

And get ***data-**** to tag HTML5 you can see this example:

<div id="texto" data-author="Ricardo Miranda" data-date="2012-06-21">
<h4>Lorem ipsum</h4>
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ius integre eligendi et,
    sea ut expetendis conclusionemque,
    mel at ornatus invenire. His ad moderatius definiebas omittantur,
    liber saepe albucius sea cu.
    Audire tamquam dolores vis ne, mediocrem consulatu eum ex.
    Duo te agam saepe convenire, et fugit iisque his.

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    alert("The text is write " + $('#texto').data('author'));


<div id="texto" data-author='{"nombre":"Ricardo","apellido":"Miranda"}' data-date="2012-06-21">

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    alert("The text is write " + $('#texto').data('author').apellido + ", " +

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 service fails to start

It looks like not all of your prerequisites are really working as they should be. Also, you'll want to make sure that you are installing from the console itself and not through any kind of remote session at all. (I know, this is a pain in the a@@, but sometimes it makes a difference.)

You can acess the SQL Server 2005 Books Online on the Web at: This documentation should help you decipher the logs.

Bonus tidbit: Once you get that far, if you plan on installing SP2 without getting an installation that fails and rolls back, another little pearl of wisdom is described here: (My issue was that the "SQL Server VSS Writer" (Service) was not even installed.) Good luck!

Java: recommended solution for deep cloning/copying an instance

I'd recommend the DIY way which, combined with a good hashCode() and equals() method should be easy to proof in a unit test.

Create directory if it does not exist

There are three ways I know to create a directory using PowerShell:

Method 1: PS C:\> New-Item -ItemType Directory -path "C:\livingston"

Enter image description here

Method 2: PS C:\> []::CreateDirectory("C:\livingston")

Enter image description here

Method 3: PS C:\> md "C:\livingston"

Enter image description here

Can't start Tomcat as Windows Service

In my case it helps if you don't install the x86 version over the x64 version... DOH!!!

Multiple IF statements between number ranges

It's a little tricky because of the nested IFs but here is my answer (confirmed in Google Spreadsheets):

=IF(AND(A2>=0,    A2<500),  "Less than 500", 
 IF(AND(A2>=500,  A2<1000), "Between 500 and 1000", 
 IF(AND(A2>=1000, A2<1500), "Between 1000 and 1500", 
 IF(AND(A2>=1500, A2<2000), "Between 1500 and 2000", "Undefined"))))

PHPmailer sending HTML CODE

do like this-paste your html code inside your separate html file using GET method.

    $mail->WordWrap = 70;                                 
    $mail->addAttachment= $_GET['addattachment']; $mail->AltBody   
    =$_GET['AltBody'];  $mail->Subject = $_GET['subject']; $mail->Body = $_GET['body'];

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. (Adding integers)

The maximum value of an integer (which is signed) is 2147483647. If that value overflows, an exception is thrown to prevent unexpected behavior of your program.

If that exception wouldn't be thrown, you'd have a value of -2145629296 for your Volume, which is most probably not wanted.

Solution: Use an Int64 for your volume. With a max value of 9223372036854775807, you're probably more on the safe side.

Running sites on "localhost" is extremely slow

I had the same problem with PHP. I solved it by changing "localhost" to "" in database connection parameters like someone suggested here: . I think it may work for you too, give it a try.

What would be the Unicode character for big bullet in the middle of the character?

You can use a span with 50% border radius.

     background: rgb(66, 183, 42);_x000D_
     border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
     display: inline-block;_x000D_
     height: 20px;_x000D_
     margin-left: 4px;_x000D_
     margin-right: 4px;_x000D_
     width: 20px;_x000D_
<span class="mydot"></span>

Null check in an enhanced for loop

Another way to effectively guard against a null in a for loop is to wrap your collection with Google Guava's Optional<T> as this, one hopes, makes the possibility of an effectively empty collection clear since the client would be expected to check if the collection is present with Optional.isPresent().

Invalid column name sql error

Always try to use parametrized sql query to keep safe from malicious occurrence, so you could rearrange you code as below:

Also make sure that your table has column name matches to Name, PhoneNo ,Address.

using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Data (Name, PhoneNo, Address) VALUES (@Name, @PhoneNo, @Address)");
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    cmd.Connection = connection;
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", txtName.Text);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PhoneNo", txtPhone.Text);
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address", txtAddress.Text);

Deserialize JSON array(or list) in C#

Download Json.NET from here

name deserializedName = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<name>(jsonData);

Comparison between Corona, Phonegap, Titanium

I registered with stackoverflow just for the purpose of commenting on the mostly voted answer on top. The bad thing is stackoverflow does not allow new members to post comments. So I have to make this comment more look like an answer.

Rory Blyth's answer contains some valid points about the two javascript mobile frameworks. However, his key points are incorrect. The truth is that Titanium and PhoneGap are more similar than different. They both expose mobile phone functions through a set of javascript APIs, and the application's logic (html, css, javascript) runs inside a native WebView control.

  1. PhoneGap is not just a native wrapper of a web app. Through the PhoneGap javascript APIs, the "web app" has access to the mobile phone functions such as Geolocation, Accelerometer Camera, Contacts, Database, File system, etc. Basically any function that the mobile phone SDK provides can be "bridged" to the javascript world. On the other hand, a normal web app that runs on the mobile web browser does not have access to most of these functions (security being the primary reason). Therefore, a PhoneGap app is more of a mobile app than a web app. You can certainly use PhoneGap to wrap a web app that does not use any PhoneGap APIs at all, but that is not what PhoneGap was created for.

  2. Titanium does NOT compile your html, css or javascript code into "native bits". They are packaged as resources to the executable bundle, much like an embedded image file. When the application runs, these resources are loaded into a UIWebView control and run there (as javascript, not native bits, of course). There is no such thing as a javascript-to-native-code (or to-objective-c) compiler. This is done the same way in PhoneGap as well. From architectural standpoint, these two frameworks are very similar.

Now, are they any different? Yes. First, Titanium appears to be more feature rich than PhoneGap by bridging more mobile phone functions to javascript. Most noticeably, PhoneGap does not expose many (if any) native UI components to javascript. Titanium, on the other hand, has a comprehensive UI APIs that can be called in javascript to create and control all kinds of native UI controls. Utilizaing these UI APIs, a Titanium app can look more "native" than a PhoneGap app. Second, PhoneGap supports more mobile phone platforms than Titanium does. PhoneGap APIs are more generic and can be used on different platforms such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Symbian, etc. Titanium is primarily targeting iPhone and Android at least for now. Some of its APIs are platform specific (like the iPhone UI APIs). The use of these APIs will reduce the cross-platform capability of your application.

So, if your concern for your app is to make it more "native" looking, Titanium is a better choice. If you want to be able to "port" your app to another platform more easily, PhoneGap will be better.

Updated 8/13/2010: Link to a Titanium employee's answer to Mickey's question.

Updated 12/04/2010: I decided to give this post an annual review to keep its information current. Many things have changes in a year that made some of the information in the initial post outdated.

The biggest change came from Titanium. Earlier this year, Appcelerator released Titanium 1.0, which departed drastically from its previous versions from the architectural standpoint. In 1.0, the UIWebView control is no longer in use. Instead, you call Titanium APIs for any UI functions. This change means a couple things:

  1. Your app UI becomes completely native. There is no more web UI in your app since the native Titanium APIs take over control of all your UI needs. Titanium deserves a lot of credit by pioneering on the "Cross-Platform Native UI" frontier. It gives programmers who prefer the look and feel of native UI but dislike the official programming language an alternative.

  2. You won't be able to use HTML or CSS in your app, as the web view is gone. (Note: you can still create web view in Titanium. But there are few Titanium features that you can take advantage of in the web view.)Titanium Q&A: What happened to HTML & CSS?

  3. You won't be able to use popular JS libraries such as JQuery that assume the existence of an DOM object. You continue to use JavaScript as your coding language. But that is pretty much the only web technology you can utilize if you come to Titanium 1.0 as a web programmer.

Titanium video: What is new in Titanium 1.0.

Now, does Titanium 1.0 compile your JavaScript into "native bits"? No. Appcelerator finally came clean on this issue with this developer blog:Titanium Guides Project: JS Environment. We programmers are more genuine people than those in the Marketing department, aren't we? :-)

Move on to PhoneGap. There are not many new things to say about PhoneGap. My perception is that PhoneGap development was not very active until IBM jumped on board later this year. Some people even argued that IBM is contributing more code to PhoneGap than Nitobi is. That being true or not, it is good to know that PhoneGap is being active developed.

PhoneGap continues to base itself on web technologies, namely HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It does not look like PhoneGap has any plan to bridge native UI features to JavaScript as Titanium is doing. While Web UI still lags behind native UI on performance and native look and feel, such gap is being rapidly closed. There are two trends in web technologies that ensure bright feature to mobile web UI in terms of performance:

  1. JavaScript engine moving from an interpreter to a virtual machine. JavaScript is JIT compiled into native code for faster execution. Safari JS engine: SquirrelFish Extreme

  2. Web page rendering moving from relying on CPU to using GPU acceleration. Graphic intensive tasks such as page transition and 3D animation become a lot smoother with the help of hardware acceleration. GPU Accelerated Compositing in Chrome

Such improvements that are originated from desktop browsers are being delivered to mobile browsers quickly. In fact, since iOS 3.2 and Android 2.0, the mobile web view control has become much more performing and HTML5 friendly. The future of mobile web is so promising that it has attracted a big kid to town: JQuery has recently announced its mobile web framework. With JQuery Mobile providing UI gadgets, and PhoneGap providing phone features, they two combined creates a perfect mobile web platform in my opinion.

I should also mention Sencha Touch as another mobile web UI gadget framework. Sencha Touch version 1.0 was recently released under a dual licensing model that includes GPLv3. Sencha Touch works well with PhoneGap just as JQuery Mobile does.

If you are a GWT programmer(like me), you may want to check out GWT Mobile, an open source project for creating mobile web apps with GWT. It includes a PhoneGap GWT wrapper that enables the use of PhoneGap in GWT.

How to convert Java String into byte[]?

The object your method decompressGZIP() needs is a byte[].

So the basic, technical answer to the question you have asked is:

byte[] b = string.getBytes();
byte[] b = string.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
byte[] b = string.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); // Java 7+ only

However the problem you appear to be wrestling with is that this doesn't display very well. Calling toString() will just give you the default Object.toString() which is the class name + memory address. In your result [B@38ee9f13, the [B means byte[] and 38ee9f13 is the memory address, separated by an @.

For display purposes you can use:


But this will just display as a sequence of comma-separated integers, which may or may not be what you want.

To get a readable String back from a byte[], use:

String string = new String(byte[] bytes, Charset charset);

The reason the Charset version is favoured, is that all String objects in Java are stored internally as UTF-16. When converting to a byte[] you will get a different breakdown of bytes for the given glyphs of that String, depending upon the chosen charset.

How to perform runtime type checking in Dart?

Dart Object type has a runtimeType instance member (source is from dart-sdk v1.14, don't know if it was available earlier)

class Object {
  external Type get runtimeType;


Object o = 'foo';
assert(o.runtimeType == String);

How to destroy JWT Tokens on logout?

You cannot manually expire a token after it has been created. Thus, you cannot log out with JWT on the server-side as you do with sessions.

JWT is stateless, meaning that you should store everything you need in the payload and skip performing a DB query on every request. But if you plan to have a strict log out functionality, that cannot wait for the token auto-expiration, even though you have cleaned the token from the client-side, then you might need to neglect the stateless logic and do some queries. so what's a solution?

  • Set a reasonable expiration time on tokens

  • Delete the stored token from client-side upon log out

  • Query provided token against The Blacklist on every authorized request


“Blacklist” of all the tokens that are valid no more and have not expired yet. You can use a DB that has a TTL option on documents which would be set to the amount of time left until the token is expired.


Redis is a good option for blacklist, which will allow fast in-memory access to the list. Then, in the middleware of some kind that runs on every authorized request, you should check if the provided token is in The Blacklist. If it is you should throw an unauthorized error. And if it is not, let it go and the JWT verification will handle it and identify if it is expired or still active.

For more information, see How to log out when using JWT. by Arpy Vanyan

Apache is not running from XAMPP Control Panel ( Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly. This may be due to a blocked port)

Had the same problem and none of the above solutions worked. So, by reading carefully the logs, I found this message :

10:55:42 [Apache] Port 443 in use by ""C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vmware-hostd.exe" -u "C:\ProgramData\VMware\hostd\config.xml"" with PID 1908!

enter image description here

In my case, I had just to stop the VMWare service which was running automatically.

enter image description here

The key is to read carefully the message given by XAMPP Panel when started.

Hope this help!

Disabling and enabling a html input button

You can do this fairly easily with just straight JavaScript, no libraries required.

Enable a button


Disable a button


No external libraries necessary.

Global variables in R

As Christian's answer with assign() shows, there is a way to assign in the global environment. A simpler, shorter (but not better ... stick with assign) way is to use the <<- operator, ie

    a <<- "new" 

inside the function.

How to connect PHP with Microsoft Access database

The problem is a simple typo. You named your variable 'conc' on line 2 but then referenced 'conn' on line 4.

How to get my Android device Internal Download Folder path

if a device has an SD card, you use:


if you don't have an SD card, you use:


if there is no SD card, you can create your own directory on the device locally.

    //if there is no SD card, create new directory objects to make directory on device
        if (Environment.getExternalStorageState() == null) {
                        //create new file directory object
            directory = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory()
                    + "/RobotiumTestLog/");
            photoDirectory = new File(Environment.getDataDirectory()
                    + "/Robotium-Screenshots/");
             * this checks to see if there are any previous test photo files
             * if there are any photos, they are deleted for the sake of
             * memory
            if (photoDirectory.exists()) {
                File[] dirFiles = photoDirectory.listFiles();
                if (dirFiles.length != 0) {
                    for (int ii = 0; ii <= dirFiles.length; ii++) {
            // if no directory exists, create new directory
            if (!directory.exists()) {

            // if phone DOES have sd card
        } else if (Environment.getExternalStorageState() != null) {
            // search for directory on SD card
            directory = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
                    + "/RobotiumTestLog/");
            photoDirectory = new File(
                            + "/Robotium-Screenshots/");
            if (photoDirectory.exists()) {
                File[] dirFiles = photoDirectory.listFiles();
                if (dirFiles.length > 0) {
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < dirFiles.length; ii++) {
                    dirFiles = null;
            // if no directory exists, create new directory to store test
            // results
            if (!directory.exists()) {
        }// end of SD card checking

add permissions on your manifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Happy coding..

ImportError: No module named mysql.connector using Python2

If you have this error on PYCHARM: ImportError: No module named mysql.connector

Try this solution: Open Pycharm go to File->Settings-> Project->Python Interpreter inside Pycharm, Then press + icon to install mysql-connector. Problem solved!

How to pass an object from one activity to another on Android

Create your own class Customer as following:

import import;
public class Customer implements Serializable
    private String name;
    private String city;

    public Customer()

    public Customer(String name, String city)
    { name;;
    public String getName() 
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) 
    { = name;
    public String getCity() 
        return city;
    public void setCity(String city) 
    { city;


In your onCreate() method

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 

    Customer cust=new Customer();

    Intent intent=new Intent(abc.this,xyz.class);

In xyz activity class you need to use the following code:

Intent intent=getIntent();
Customer cust=(Customer)intent.getSerializableExtra("bundle");

Unit Testing C Code

I'm currently using the CuTest unit test framework:

It's ideal for embedded systems as it's very lightweight and simple. I had no problems getting it to work on the target platform as well as on the desktop. In addition to writing the unit tests, all that's required is:

  • a header file included wherever you're calling the CuTest routines
  • a single additional 'C' file to be compiled/linked into the image
  • some simple code added to to main to set up and call the unit tests - I just have this in a special main() function that gets compiled if UNITTEST is defined during the build.

The system needs to support a heap and some stdio functionality (which not all embedded systems have). But the code is simple enough that you could probably work in alternatives to those requirements if your platform doesn't have them.

With some judicious use of extern "C"{} blocks it also supports testing C++ just fine.

Understanding `scale` in R

This is a late addition but I was looking for information on the scale function myself and though it might help somebody else as well.

To modify the response from Ricardo Saporta a little bit.
Scaling is not done using standard deviation, at least not in version 3.6.1 of R, I base this on "Becker, R. (2018). The new S language. CRC Press." and my own experimentation. <- X/sqrt(sum(X^2)/(length(X)-1))
X.aut.scaled <- scale(X, center = F)

The result of these rows are exactly the same, I show it without centering because of simplicity.

I would respond in a comment but did not have enough reputation.

Using scp to copy a file to Amazon EC2 instance?

scp -i ~/path to pem file/file.pem -r(for directory) /PATH OF LOCAL/localfile user@hostname:PATH OF SERVER/serverdirectory

String's Maximum length in Java - calling length() method

As mentioned in Takahiko Kawasaki's answer, java represents Unicode strings in the form of modified UTF-8 and in JVM-Spec CONSTANT_UTF8_info Structure, 2 bytes are allocated to length (and not the no. of characters of String).
To extend the answer, the ASM jvm bytecode library's putUTF8 method, contains this:

public ByteVector putUTF8(final String stringValue) {
    int charLength = stringValue.length();
    if (charLength > 65535) {   
   // If no. of characters> 65535, than however UTF-8 encoded length, wont fit in 2 bytes.
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTF8 string too large");
    for (int i = 0; i < charLength; ++i) {
      char charValue = stringValue.charAt(i);
      if (charValue >= '\u0001' && charValue <= '\u007F') {
        // Unicode code-point encoding in utf-8 fits in 1 byte.
        currentData[currentLength++] = (byte) charValue;
      } else {
        // doesnt fit in 1 byte.
        length = currentLength;
        return encodeUtf8(stringValue, i, 65535);

But when code-point mapping > 1byte, it calls encodeUTF8 method:

final ByteVector encodeUtf8(final String stringValue, final int offset, final int maxByteLength /*= 65535 */) {
    int charLength = stringValue.length();
    int byteLength = offset;
    for (int i = offset; i < charLength; ++i) {
      char charValue = stringValue.charAt(i);
      if (charValue >= 0x0001 && charValue <= 0x007F) {
      } else if (charValue <= 0x07FF) {
        byteLength += 2;
      } else {
        byteLength += 3;

In this sense, the max string length is 65535 bytes, i.e the utf-8 encoding length. and not char count
You can find the modified-Unicode code-point range of JVM, from the above utf8 struct link.

Drop multiple tables in one shot in MySQL

A lazy way of doing this if there are alot of tables to be deleted.

  1. Get table using the below

    • For sql server - SELECT CONCAT(name,',') Table_Name FROM SYS.tables;
  2. Copy and paste the table names from the result set and paste it after the DROP command.

Is there any way to specify a suggested filename when using data: URI?

Chrome makes this very simple these days:

function saveContent(fileContents, fileName)
    var link = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
    link.href = 'data:,' + fileContents;;

CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA added to NgModule.schemas still showing Error

Just read this post and according to the angular 2 docs:

Defines a schema that will allow:

any non-Angular elements with a - in their name,
any properties on elements with a - in their name which is the common rule for custom elements.

So just in case anyone runs into this problem, once you have added CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA to your NgModule, make sure that whatever new custom element you use has a 'dash' in its name eg. or etc.

Convert a object into JSON in REST service by Spring MVC

Finally I got solution using Jackson library along with Spring MVC. I got this solution from an example of Journal Dev( )

So, the code changes I have done are:

  • Include the library in Maven.
  • Add JSON conversion Servlet into servlet-context.xml.
  • Change the Model into Serializable.

I didn't made any changes to my REST service controller. By default it converts into JSON.

Ansible date variable

The filter option filters only the first level subkey below ansible_facts

How to build a Debian/Ubuntu package from source?

you can use the special package "checkinstall" for all packages which are not even in debian/ubuntu yet.

You can use "uupdate" (apt-get install devscripts) to build a package from source with existing debian sources:

Example for libdrm2:

apt-get build-dep libdrm2
apt-get source libdrm2
cd libdrm-2.3.1
uupdate ~/Downloads/libdrm-2.4.1.tar.gz
cd ../libdrm-2.4.1
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -nc

How to tell which commit a tag points to in Git?

You could as well get more easy-to-interpret picture of where tags point to using

git log --graph |git name-rev --stdin --tags |less

and then scroll to the tag you're looking for via /.

More compact view (--pretty=oneline) plus all heads (-a) could also help:

git log -a --pretty=oneline --graph |git name-rev --stdin --tags |less

Looks a bit terrifying, but could also be aliased in ~/.gitconfig if necessary.


ls-tags = !git log -a --pretty=oneline --graph |git name-rev --stdin --tags |less

Setting WPF image source in code

Put the frame in a VisualBrush:

VisualBrush brush = new VisualBrush { TileMode = TileMode.None };

brush.Visual = frame;

brush.AlignmentX = AlignmentX.Center;
brush.AlignmentY = AlignmentY.Center;
brush.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;

Put the VisualBrush in GeometryDrawing

GeometryDrawing drawing = new GeometryDrawing();

drawing.Brush = brush;

// Brush this in 1, 1 ratio
RectangleGeometry rect = new RectangleGeometry { Rect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1) };
drawing.Geometry = rect;

Now put the GeometryDrawing in a DrawingImage:

new DrawingImage(drawing);

Place this on your source of the image, and voilà!

You could do it a lot easier though:

        <BitmapImage UriSource="/yourassembly;component/YourImage.PNG"></BitmapImage>

And in code:

BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage { UriSource="/yourassembly;component/YourImage.PNG" };

How can I plot with 2 different y-axes?

If you can give up the scales/axis labels, you can rescale the data to (0, 1) interval. This works for example for different 'wiggle' trakcs on chromosomes, when you're generally interested in local correlations between the tracks and they have different scales (coverage in thousands, Fst 0-1).

# rescale numeric vector into (0, 1) interval
# clip everything outside the range 
rescale <- function(vec, lims=range(vec), clip=c(0, 1)) {
  # find the coeficients of transforming linear equation
  # that maps the lims range to (0, 1)
  slope <- (1 - 0) / (lims[2] - lims[1])
  intercept <- - slope * lims[1]

  xformed <- slope * vec + intercept

  # do the clipping
  xformed[xformed < 0] <- clip[1]
  xformed[xformed > 1] <- clip[2]


Then, having a data frame with chrom, position, coverage and fst columns, you can do something like:

ggplot(d, aes(position)) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = rescale(fst))) + 
  geom_line(aes(y = rescale(coverage))) +

The advantage of this is that you're not limited to two trakcs.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name

According to the stack trace, your issue is that your app cannot find org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource, as per this line:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource

I see that you have commons-dbcp in your list of jars, but for whatever reason, your app is not finding the BasicDataSource class in it.

When to use SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

The only portable way to achieve consistency between rooms and tags and making sure rooms are never returned after they had been deleted is locking them with SELECT FOR UPDATE.

However in some systems locking is a side effect of concurrency control, and you achieve the same results without specifying FOR UPDATE explicitly.

To solve this problem, Thread 1 should SELECT id FROM rooms FOR UPDATE, thereby preventing Thread 2 from deleting from rooms until Thread 1 is done. Is that correct?

This depends on the concurrency control your database system is using.

  • MyISAM in MySQL (and several other old systems) does lock the whole table for the duration of a query.

  • In SQL Server, SELECT queries place shared locks on the records / pages / tables they have examined, while DML queries place update locks (which later get promoted to exclusive or demoted to shared locks). Exclusive locks are incompatible with shared locks, so either SELECT or DELETE query will lock until another session commits.

  • In databases which use MVCC (like Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL with InnoDB), a DML query creates a copy of the record (in one or another way) and generally readers do not block writers and vice versa. For these databases, a SELECT FOR UPDATE would come handy: it would lock either SELECT or the DELETE query until another session commits, just as SQL Server does.

When should one use REPEATABLE_READ transaction isolation versus READ_COMMITTED with SELECT ... FOR UPDATE?

Generally, REPEATABLE READ does not forbid phantom rows (rows that appeared or disappeared in another transaction, rather than being modified)

  • In Oracle and earlier PostgreSQL versions, REPEATABLE READ is actually a synonym for SERIALIZABLE. Basically, this means that the transaction does not see changes made after it has started. So in this setup, the last Thread 1 query will return the room as if it has never been deleted (which may or may not be what you wanted). If you don't want to show the rooms after they have been deleted, you should lock the rows with SELECT FOR UPDATE

  • In InnoDB, REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE are different things: readers in SERIALIZABLE mode set next-key locks on the records they evaluate, effectively preventing the concurrent DML on them. So you don't need a SELECT FOR UPDATE in serializable mode, but do need them in REPEATABLE READ or READ COMMITED.

Note that the standard on isolation modes does prescribe that you don't see certain quirks in your queries but does not define how (with locking or with MVCC or otherwise).

When I say "you don't need SELECT FOR UPDATE" I really should have added "because of side effects of certain database engine implementation".

Lightweight Javascript DB for use in Node.js

NeDB seems to be what you are looking for. From the blurb:

Embedded persistent database for Node.js, written in Javascript, with no dependency (except npm modules of course). You can think of it as a SQLite for Node.js projects, which can be used with a simple require statement. The API is a subset of MongoDB's. You can use it as a persistent or an in-memory only datastore.

How to hash a password's and Christian Gollhardt's answers are great, thank you very much. But after running this code on production with millions of record, I discovered there is a memory leak. RNGCryptoServiceProvider and Rfc2898DeriveBytes classes are derived from IDisposable but we don't dispose of them. I will write my solution as an answer if someone needs with disposed version.

public static class SecurePasswordHasher
    /// <summary>
    /// Size of salt.
    /// </summary>
    private const int SaltSize = 16;

    /// <summary>
    /// Size of hash.
    /// </summary>
    private const int HashSize = 20;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a hash from a password.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
    /// <param name="iterations">Number of iterations.</param>
    /// <returns>The hash.</returns>
    public static string Hash(string password, int iterations)
        // Create salt
        using (var rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider())
            byte[] salt;
            rng.GetBytes(salt = new byte[SaltSize]);
            using (var pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iterations))
                var hash = pbkdf2.GetBytes(HashSize);
                // Combine salt and hash
                var hashBytes = new byte[SaltSize + HashSize];
                Array.Copy(salt, 0, hashBytes, 0, SaltSize);
                Array.Copy(hash, 0, hashBytes, SaltSize, HashSize);
                // Convert to base64
                var base64Hash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);

                // Format hash with extra information
                return $"$HASH|V1${iterations}${base64Hash}";


    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a hash from a password with 10000 iterations
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
    /// <returns>The hash.</returns>
    public static string Hash(string password)
        return Hash(password, 10000);

    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if hash is supported.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="hashString">The hash.</param>
    /// <returns>Is supported?</returns>
    public static bool IsHashSupported(string hashString)
        return hashString.Contains("HASH|V1$");

    /// <summary>
    /// Verifies a password against a hash.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
    /// <param name="hashedPassword">The hash.</param>
    /// <returns>Could be verified?</returns>
    public static bool Verify(string password, string hashedPassword)
        // Check hash
        if (!IsHashSupported(hashedPassword))
            throw new NotSupportedException("The hashtype is not supported");

        // Extract iteration and Base64 string
        var splittedHashString = hashedPassword.Replace("$HASH|V1$", "").Split('$');
        var iterations = int.Parse(splittedHashString[0]);
        var base64Hash = splittedHashString[1];

        // Get hash bytes
        var hashBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Hash);

        // Get salt
        var salt = new byte[SaltSize];
        Array.Copy(hashBytes, 0, salt, 0, SaltSize);

        // Create hash with given salt
        using (var pbkdf2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(password, salt, iterations))
            byte[] hash = pbkdf2.GetBytes(HashSize);

            // Get result
            for (var i = 0; i < HashSize; i++)
                if (hashBytes[i + SaltSize] != hash[i])
                    return false;

            return true;



// Hash
var hash = SecurePasswordHasher.Hash("mypassword");

// Verify
var result = SecurePasswordHasher.Verify("mypassword", hash);

Better way of getting time in milliseconds in javascript?

I know this is a pretty old thread, but to keep things up to date and more relevant, you can use the more accurate functionality to get finer grain timing in javascript.

window.performance = window.performance || {}; = (function() {
    return       ||
        performance.mozNow    ||
        performance.msNow     ||
        performance.oNow      ||
        performance.webkitNow ||             /*none found - fallback to browser default */

Search for an item in a Lua list

you can use this solution:

items = { 'a', 'b' }
for k,v in pairs(items) do 
 if v == 'a' then 
  --do something
  --do something


items = {'a', 'b'}
for k,v in pairs(items) do 
  while v do
    if v == 'a' then 
      return found
return nothing

Use space as a delimiter with cut command

You can also say:

cut -d\  -f 2

Note that there are two spaces after the backslash.

How to debug "ImagePullBackOff"?

I forgot to push the image tagged 1.0.8 to the ECR (AWS images hub)... If you are using Helm and upgrade by:

helm upgrade minta-user ./src/services/user/helm-chart

make sure that image tag inside values.yaml is pushed (to ECR or Docker Hub, etc) for example: (this is my helm-chart/values.yaml)

replicaCount: 1

   tag: 1.0.8

you need to make sure that the image:1.0.8 is pushed!

Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found

The path for the latest JDK. It worked very well.

enter image description here

INSERT INTO @TABLE EXEC @query with SQL Server 2000

The documentation is misleading.
I have the following code running in production

DECLARE @table TABLE (UserID varchar(100))
DECLARE @sql varchar(1000)
SET @sql = 'spSelUserIDList'
/* Will also work
   SET @sql = 'SELECT UserID FROM UserTable'


SELECT * FROM @table

Link to Flask static files with url_for

In my case I had special instruction into nginx configuration file:

location ~ \.(js|css|png|jpg|gif|swf|ico|pdf|mov|fla|zip|rar)$ {
            try_files $uri =404;

All clients have received '404' because nginx nothing known about Flask.

I hope it help someone.

How to merge two json string in Python?

As of Python 3.5, you can merge two dicts with:

merged = {**dictA, **dictB}



jsonMerged = {**json.loads(jsonStringA), **json.loads(jsonStringB)}
asString = json.dumps(jsonMerged)


Open URL in Java to get the content

Following code should work,

URL url = new URL("");
InputStream is = url.openConnection().getInputStream();

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( is )  );

String line = null;
while( ( line = reader.readLine() ) != null )  {

How to scale images to screen size in Pygame

If you scale 1600x900 to 1280x720 you have

scale_x = 1280.0/1600
scale_y = 720.0/900

Then you can use it to find button size, and button position

button_width  = 300 * scale_x
button_height = 300 * scale_y

button_x = 1440 * scale_x
button_y = 860  * scale_y

If you scale 1280x720 to 1600x900 you have

scale_x = 1600.0/1280
scale_y = 900.0/720

and rest is the same.

I add .0 to value to make float - otherwise scale_x, scale_y will be rounded to integer - in this example to 0 (zero) (Python 2.x)

Linux command to translate DomainName to IP

Use this

$ dig +short

or this

$ host has address mail is handled by 30 mail is handled by 40 mail is handled by 50 mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20

How do I get the last character of a string?

The other answers contain a lot of needless text and code. Here are two ways to get the last character of a String:


char lastChar = myString.charAt(myString.length() - 1);


String lastChar = myString.substring(myString.length() - 1);

MySQL Error: #1142 - SELECT command denied to user

You should have to just clear sessions data thats it everything will work

Returning JSON object from an ASP.NET page

With ASP.NET Web Pages you can do this on a single page as a basic GET example (the simplest possible thing that can work.

var json = Json.Encode(new {
    orientation = Cache["orientation"],
    alerted = Cache["alerted"] as bool?,
    since = Cache["since"] as DateTime?

React - uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setState' of undefined

you have to bind new event with this keyword as i mention below...

class Counter extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

        this.state = {
            count : 1
        }; =;

    delta() {
            count : this.state.count++

    render() {
        return (
                <button onClick={}>+</button>

How to prevent the "Confirm Form Resubmission" dialog?

I had a situation where I could not use any of the above answers. My case involved working with search page where users would get "confirm form resubmission" if the clicked back after navigating to any of the search results. I wrote the following javascript which worked around the issue. It isn't a great fix as it is a bit blinky, and it doesn't work on IE8 or earlier. Still, though this might be useful or interesting for someone dealing with this issue.

jQuery(document).ready(function () {

//feature test
if (!history)

var searchBox = jQuery("#searchfield");

    //This occurs when the user get here using the back button
if (history.state && history.state.searchTerm != null && history.state.searchTerm != "" && history.state.loaded != null && history.state.loaded == 0) {


    //don't chain reloads
    history.replaceState({ searchTerm: history.state.searchTerm, page:, loaded: 1 }, "", document.URL);

    //perform POST


    //This occurs the first time the user hits this page.
history.replaceState({ searchTerm: searchBox.val(), page: pageNumber, loaded: 0 }, "", document.URL);


Install MySQL on Ubuntu without a password prompt

This should do the trick

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
sudo -E apt-get -q -y install mysql-server

Of course, it leaves you with a blank root password - so you'll want to run something like

mysqladmin -u root password mysecretpasswordgoeshere

Afterwards to add a password to the account.

How to create Select List for Country and States/province in MVC

So many ways to do this... for #NetCore use Lib..

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq; // only required when .AsEnumerable() is used
    using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering;


namespace MyProject.Models
  public class MyModel
    [Display(Name = "State")]
    public string StatePick { get; set; }
    public string state { get; set; }
    [StringLength(35, ErrorMessage = "State cannot be longer than 35 characters.")]
    public SelectList StateList { get; set; }


namespace MyProject.Controllers
    /// <summary>
    /// create SelectListItem from strings
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="isValue">defaultValue is SelectListItem.Value is true, SelectListItem.Text if false</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private SelectListItem newItem(string value, string text, string defaultValue = "", bool isValue = false)
        SelectListItem ss = new SelectListItem();
        ss.Text = text;
        ss.Value = value;

        // select default by Value or Text
        if (isValue && ss.Value == defaultValue || !isValue && ss.Text == defaultValue)
            ss.Selected = true;

        return ss;

    /// <summary>
    /// this pulls the state name from _context and sets it as the default for the selectList
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="myState">sets default value for list of states</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private SelectList getStateList(string myState = "")
        List<SelectListItem> states = new List<SelectListItem>();
        SelectListItem chosen = new SelectListItem();

        // set default selected state to OHIO
        string defaultValue = "OH";
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myState))
            defaultValue = myState;

            states.Add(newItem("AL", "Alabama", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("AK", "Alaska", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("AZ", "Arizona", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("AR", "Arkansas", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("CA", "California", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("CO", "Colorado", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("CT", "Connecticut", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("DE", "Delaware", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("DC", "District of Columbia", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("FL", "Florida", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("GA", "Georgia", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("HI", "Hawaii", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("ID", "Idaho", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("IL", "Illinois", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("IN", "Indiana", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("IA", "Iowa", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("KS", "Kansas", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("KY", "Kentucky", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("LA", "Louisiana", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("ME", "Maine", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("MD", "Maryland", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("MA", "Massachusetts", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("MI", "Michigan", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("MN", "Minnesota", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("MS", "Mississippi", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("MO", "Missouri", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("MT", "Montana", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("NE", "Nebraska", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("NV", "Nevada", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("NH", "New Hampshire", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("NJ", "New Jersey", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("NM", "New Mexico", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("NY", "New York", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("NC", "North Carolina", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("ND", "North Dakota", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("OH", "Ohio", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("OK", "Oklahoma", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("OR", "Oregon", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("PA", "Pennsylvania", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("RI", "Rhode Island", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("SC", "South Carolina", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("SD", "South Dakota", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("TN", "Tennessee", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("TX", "Texas", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("UT", "Utah", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("VT", "Vermont", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("VA", "Virginia", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("WA", "Washington", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("WV", "West Virginia", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("WI", "Wisconsin", defaultValue, true));
            states.Add(newItem("WY", "Wyoming", defaultValue, true));

            foreach (SelectListItem state in states)
                if (state.Selected)
                    chosen = state;
        catch (Exception err)
            string ss = "ERR!   " + err.Source + "   " + err.GetType().ToString() + "\r\n" + err.Message.Replace("\r\n", "   ");
            ss = this.sendError("Online getStateList Request", ss, _errPassword);
            // return error

        // .AsEnumerable() is not required in the pass.. it is an extension of Linq
        SelectList myList = new SelectList(states.AsEnumerable(), "Value", "Text", chosen);

        object val = myList.SelectedValue;

        return myList;

    public ActionResult pickState(MyModel pData)
        if (pData.StateList == null)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pData.StatePick)) // state abbrev, value collected onchange
                pData.StateList = getStateList();
                pData.StateList = getStateList(pData.StatePick);

            // assign values to state list items
                SelectListItem si = (SelectListItem)pData.StateList.SelectedValue;
                pData.state = si.Value;
                pData.StatePick = si.Value;
            catch { }
    return View(pData);


@model MyProject.Models.MyModel

ViewBag.Title = "United States of America";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<h2>@ViewBag.Title - Where are you...</h2>

@using (Html.BeginForm()) {


    <div class="editor-label">
        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.state)
    <div class="display-field">            
        @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.StatePick, Model.StateList, new { OnChange = "state.value = this.value;" })
        @Html.EditorFor(model => model.state)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.StateList)

@Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index")

Custom Date/Time formatting in SQL Server

Not answering your question specifically, but isn't that something that should be handled by the presentation layer of your application. Doing it the way you describe creates extra processing on the database end as well as adding extra network traffic (assuming the database exists on a different machine than the application), for something that could be easily computed on the application side, with more rich date processing libraries, as well as being more language agnostic, especially in the case of your first example which contains the abbreviated month name. Anyway the answers others give you should point you in the right direction if you still decide to go this route.

Why are primes important in cryptography?

I would suggest the book A Mathematical Journey In Code. The book has a nice down to earth feel, which is surprising, since it is about cryptography. The book summarizes Sarah Flannery’s journey from learning puzzles as a child to creating the Cayley-Purser (CP) algorithm at the age of 16. It gives an amazingly detailed explanation of one way functions, number theory, and prime numbers and how they relate to cryptography.

What makes this book even more specific to your question is Sarah tried to implement a new public key algorithm using matrix's. It was much faster then using prime numbers but a loop hole was found that could exploit it. It turns out her algorithm was better used as a private encryption mechanism. The book is a great testament to using prime numbers for encryption as it has stood the test of time and the challenges of very smart individuals.

How to select all and copy in vim?

There are a few important informations missing from your question:

  • output of $ vim --version?
  • OS?
  • CLI or GUI?
  • local or remote?
  • do you use tmux? screen?

If your Vim was built with clipboard support, you are supposed to use the clipboard register like this, in normal mode:


If your Vim doesn't have clipboard support, you can manage to copy text from Vim to your OS clipboard via other programs. This pretty much depends on your OS but you didn't say what it is so we can't really help.

However, if your Vim is crippled, the best thing to do is to install a proper build with clipboard support but I can't tell you how either because I don't know what OS you use.


On debian based systems, the following command will install a proper Vim with clipboard, ruby, python… support.

$ sudo apt-get install vim-gnome

Swift: Determine iOS Screen size

In Swift 3.0

let screenSize = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenWidth = screenSize.width
let screenHeight = screenSize.height

In older swift: Do something like this:

let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds

then you can access the width and height like this:

let screenWidth = screenSize.width
let screenHeight = screenSize.height

if you want 75% of your screen's width you can go:

let screenWidth = screenSize.width * 0.75

Swift 4.0

// Screen width.
public var screenWidth: CGFloat {
    return UIScreen.main.bounds.width

// Screen height.
public var screenHeight: CGFloat {
    return UIScreen.main.bounds.height

In Swift 5.0

let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds

appcompat-v7:21.0.0': No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:actionModeShareDrawable'

My problem was that I had other libraries that my project referenced and those libraries had another version of appcompat referenced. This is what I did to resolve the issue:

(You should back up your project before doing this)

1) I deleted all the appcompat layout folders (ex: /res/layout-v11).

2) Solved the problems that arose from that, usually an error in menu.xml

3) Back to main project and add appcompat library, clean, and everything works!

Does JSON syntax allow duplicate keys in an object?

Asking for purpose, there are different answers:

Using JSON to serialize objects (JavaScriptObjectNotation), each dictionary element maps to an indivual object property, so different entries defining a value for the same property has no meaning.

However, I came over the same question from a very specific use case: Writing JSON samples for API testing, I was wondering how to add comments into our JSON file without breaking the usability. The JSON spec does not know comments, so I came up with a very simple approach:

To use duplicate keys to comment our JSON samples. Example:

{ "property1" : "value1", "REMARK" : "... prop1 controls ...", "property2" : "value2", "REMARK" : "... value2 raises an exception ...", }

The JSON serializers which we are using have no problems with these "REMARK" duplicates and our application code simply ignores this little overhead.

So, even though there is no meaning on the application layer, these duplicates for us provide a valuable workaround to add comments to our testing samples without breaking the usability of the JSON.

PHP, Get tomorrows date from date

echo date ('Y-m-d',strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($your_date)));

What is the simplest way to swap each pair of adjoining chars in a string with Python?

One more way:

>>> s='123456'
>>> ''.join([''.join(el) for el in zip(s[1::2], s[0::2])])

What does the 'export' command do?

In simple terms, environment variables are set when you open a new shell session. At any time if you change any of the variable values, the shell has no way of picking that change. that means the changes you made become effective in new shell sessions. The export command, on the other hand, provides the ability to update the current shell session about the change you made to the exported variable. You don't have to wait until new shell session to use the value of the variable you changed.

Add views in UIStackView programmatically

In Swift 4.2

let redView = UIView()
redView.backgroundColor = .red

let blueView = UIView()
blueView.backgroundColor = .blue

let stackView = UIStackView(arrangedSubviews: [redView, blueView])
stackView.axis = .vertical
stackView.distribution = .fillEqually


// stackView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 200)

// autolayout constraint
stackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

    stackView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
    stackView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leftAnchor),
    stackView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.rightAnchor),
    stackView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 200)

Responsive bootstrap 3 timepicker?

Kendo UI provides the best and ultimate collection of JavaScript UI components with libraries for jQuery, Angular, React, and Vue. You can quickly build eye-catching, high-performance, responsive web applications regardless of your JavaScript framework choice. Here is a timepicker UI component from them:

Also below is an alternate and a simple solution

<link href="css/timepicker.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

<div class="row">
    <div class="col">
        <label class="label-in">Time</label>
        <input class="timepicker" id="event-time" type="text" value="" required="">

<script src="Scripts/ClockPicker.js"></script>

Here is yet another popular framework Bootstrap Time Picker from mdbootstrap

how to call a variable in code behind to aspx page

First you have to make sure the access level of the variable is protected or public. If the variable or property is private the page won't have access to it.

Code Behind

protected String Clients { get; set; }


<span><%=Clients %> </span>

How to redirect stderr and stdout to different files in the same line in script?

Multiple commands' output can be redirected. This works for either the command line or most usefully in a bash script. The -s directs the password prompt to the screen.

Hereblock cmds stdout/stderr are sent to seperate files and nothing to display.

sudo -s -u username <<'EOF' 2>err 1>out
ls; pwd;

Hereblock cmds stdout/stderr are sent to a single file and display.

sudo -s -u username <<'EOF' 2>&1 | tee out
ls; pwd;

Hereblock cmds stdout/stderr are sent to separate files and stdout to display.

sudo -s -u username <<'EOF' 2>err | tee out
ls; pwd;

Depending on who you are(whoami) and username a password may or may not be required.

Python vs. Java performance (runtime speed)

There is no good answer as Python and Java are both specifications for which there are many different implementations. For example, CPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy are just a handful of Python implementations out there. For Java, there is the HotSpot VM, the Mac OS X Java VM, OpenJRE, etc. Jython generates Java bytecode, and so it would be using more-or-less the same underlying Java. CPython implements quite a handful of things directly in C, so it is very fast, but then again Java VMs also implement many functions in C. You would probably have to measure on a function-by-function basis and across a variety of interpreters and VMs in order to make any reasonable statement.

percentage of two int?

One of them has to be a float going in. One possible way of ensuring that is:

float percent = (float) n/v * 100;

Otherwise, you're doing integer division, which truncates the numbers. Also, you should be using double unless there's a good reason for the float.

The next issue you'll run into is that some of your percentages might look like 24.9999999999999% instead of 25%. This is due to precision loss in floating point representation. You'll have to decide how to deal with that, too. Options include a DecimalFormat to "fix" the formatting or BigDecimal to represent exact values.

Best way to repeat a character in C#

What about this:

string tabs = new String('\t', n);

Where n is the number of times you want to repeat the string.

Or better:

static string Tabs(int n)
    return new String('\t', n);

Why does jQuery or a DOM method such as getElementById not find the element?

If script execution order is not the issue, another possible cause of the problem is that the element is not being selected properly:

  • getElementById requires the passed string to be the ID verbatim, and nothing else. If you prefix the passed string with a #, and the ID does not start with a #, nothing will be selected:

      <div id="foo"></div>
      // Error, selected element will be null:
      // Fix:
  • Similarly, for getElementsByClassName, don't prefix the passed string with a .:

      <div class="bar"></div>
      // Error, selected element will be undefined:
      // Fix:
  • With querySelector, querySelectorAll, and jQuery, to match an element with a particular class name, put a . directly before the class. Similarly, to match an element with a particular ID, put a # directly before the ID:

      <div class="baz"></div>
      // Error, selected element will be null:
      // Fix:

    The rules here are, in most cases, identical to those for CSS selectors, and can be seen in detail here.

  • To match an element which has two or more attributes (like two class names, or a class name and a data- attribute), put the selectors for each attribute next to each other in the selector string, without a space separating them (because a space indicates the descendant selector). For example, to select:

      <div class="foo bar"></div>

    use the query string To select

      <div class="foo" data-bar="someData"></div>

    use the query string .foo[data-bar="someData"]. To select the <span> below:

      <div class="parent">
        <span data-username="bob"></span>

    use div.parent > span[data-username="bob"].

  • Capitalization and spelling does matter for all of the above. If the capitalization is different, or the spelling is different, the element will not be selected:

      <div class="result"></div>
      // Error, selected element will be null:
      // Fix:
  • You also need to make sure the methods have the proper capitalization and spelling. Use one of:


    Any other spelling or capitalization will not work. For example, document.getElementByClassName will throw an error.

  • Make sure you pass a string to these selector methods. If you pass something that isn't a string to querySelector, getElementById, etc, it almost certainly won't work.

  • If the HTML attributes on elements you want to select are surrounded by quotes, they must be plain straight quotes (either single or double); curly quotes like or will not work if you're trying to select by ID, class, or attribute.

What is an IIS application pool?

An application pool is like a pond, if I create 2 application pools, first application pool has 100 fishes and another application pool has 200 fishes, here fish is like an application in application pool. They are managed by worker processes. Best advantage is: if pound number-1 has bad water and cases all fish are effected then there is security of fish in pound number-2. Like this if any application pool is effected by any problem but there is not any effect of this problem in application pool 2 so security in improve, and another profit is that is you provide all necessary authentication and rights to all applications in a single application pool.

Tree data structure in C#

Here is my implementation of BST

class BST
    public class Node
        public Node Left { get; set; }
        public object Data { get; set; }
        public Node Right { get; set; }

        public Node()
            Data = null;

        public Node(int Data)
            this.Data = (object)Data;

        public void Insert(int Data)
            if (this.Data == null)
                this.Data = (object)Data;
            if (Data > (int)this.Data)
                if (this.Right == null)
                    this.Right = new Node(Data);
            if (Data <= (int)this.Data)
                if (this.Left == null)
                    this.Left = new Node(Data);

        public void TraverseInOrder()
            if(this.Left != null)
            Console.Write("{0} ", this.Data);
            if (this.Right != null)

    public Node Root { get; set; }
    public BST()
        Root = new Node();

Get current value when change select option - Angular2

For me, passing ($ as suggested by @microniks did not work. What worked was ($event.value) instead. I am using Angular 4.2.x and Angular Material 2

<select (change)="onItemChange($event.value)">
    <option *ngFor="#value of values" [value]="value.key">

T-SQL substring - separating first and last name

The easiest way I can find to do it is:

  SUBSTRING(FullName, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', FullName) - 1) AS FirstName,

Add default value of datetime field in SQL Server to a timestamp

The syntax for this when creating a new table is:

    MYTableID INT IDENTITY(1,1),


Homebrew install specific version of formula?

I've discovered a better alternative solution then the other complex solutions.

brew install

This will download and install PostgreSQL 8.4.8

I found this solution by starting to follow the steps of searching the repo and a comment in the repo .

After a little research found that someone has a collection of rare formulars to brew up with.

If your looking for MySQL 5.1.x, give this a try.

brew install

Send data from javascript to a mysql database

The other posters are correct you cannot connect to MySQL directly from javascript. This is because JavaScript is at client side & mysql is server side.

So your best bet is to use ajax to call a handler as quoted above if you can let us know what language your project is in we can better help you ie php/java/.net

If you project is using php then the example from Merlyn is a good place to start, I would personally use jquery.ajax() to cut down you code and have a better chance of less cross browser issues.

How to send a stacktrace to log4j?

The answer from skaffman is definitely the correct answer. All logger methods such as error(), warn(), info(), debug() take Throwable as a second parameter:

try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("error: ", e);

However, you can extract stacktrace as a String as well. Sometimes it could be useful if you wish to take advantage of formatting feature using "{}" placeholder - see method void info(String var1, Object... var2); In this case say you have a stacktrace as String, then you can actually do something like this:

try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
String stacktrace = TextUtils.getStacktrace(e);
logger.error("error occurred for usename {} and group {}, details: {}",username, group, stacktrace);

This will print parametrized message and the stacktrace at the end the same way it does for method: logger.error("error: ", e);

I actually wrote an open source library that has a Utility for extraction of a stacktrace as a String with an option to smartly filter out some noise out of stacktrace. I.e. if you specify the package prefix that you are interested in your extracted stacktrace would be filtered out of some irrelevant parts and leave you with very consized info. Here is the link to the article that explains what utilities the library has and where to get it (both as maven artifacts and git sources) and how to use it as well. Open Source Java library with stack trace filtering, Silent String parsing Unicode converter and Version comparison See the paragraph "Stacktrace noise filter"

CSS3 Spin Animation

The only answer which gives the correct 359deg:

@keyframes spin {
  from { transform: rotate(0deg); }
  to { transform: rotate(359deg); }

&.active {
  animation: spin 1s linear infinite;

Here's a useful gradient so you can prove it is spinning (if its a circle):

background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #000000 0%,#ffffff 100%);

Best way to randomize an array with .NET

        int[] numbers = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
        List<int> numList = new List<int>();

        Console.WriteLine("Original Order");
        for (int i = 0; i < numList.Count; i++)
            Console.Write(String.Format("{0} ",numList[i]));

        Random random = new Random();
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nRandom Order");
        for (int i = 0; i < numList.Capacity; i++)
            int randomIndex = random.Next(numList.Count);
            Console.Write(String.Format("{0} ", numList[randomIndex]));

How to import functions from different js file in a Vue+webpack+vue-loader project

After a few hours of messing around I eventually got something that works, partially answered in a similar issue here: How do I include a JavaScript file in another JavaScript file?

BUT there was an import that was screwing the rest of it up:

Use require in .vue files

  var mylib = require('./mylib');
  export default {

Exports in mylib

 exports.myfunc = () => {....}

Avoid import

The actual issue in my case (which I didn't think was relevant!) was that mylib.js was itself using other dependencies. The resulting error seems to have nothing to do with this, and there was no transpiling error from webpack but anyway I had:

import models from './model/models'
import axios from 'axios'

This works so long as I'm not using mylib in a .vue component. However as soon as I use mylib there, the error described in this issue arises.

I changed to:

let models = require('./model/models');
let axios = require('axios');

And all works as expected.

How do I install jmeter on a Mac?

  1. Download file
  2. Unzip it
  3. Open terminal-> go to apache-Jmeter/bin
  4. sh

How do I populate a JComboBox with an ArrayList?

Use the toArray() method of the ArrayList class and pass it into the constructor of the JComboBox

See the JavaDoc and tutorial for more info.

Export to CSV using MVC, C# and jQuery

Simple excel file create in mvc 4

public ActionResult results() { return File(new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes("string data"), "application/csv", "filename.csv"); }

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

public const int NUMBER = 9;

You'd need to put it in a class somewhere, and the usage would be ClassName.NUMBER

How to open an external file from HTML

A simple link to the file is the obvious solution here. You just have to make shure that the link is valid and that it really points to a file ...

How can I make IntelliJ IDEA update my dependencies from Maven?

For some reason IntelliJ (at least in version 2019.1.2) ignores dependencies in local .m2 directory. None of above solutions worked for me. The only thing finally forced IntelliJ to discover local dependencies was:

  1. Close project
  2. Open project clicking on pom.xml (not on a project directory)
  3. Click Open as Project

List item

  1. Click Delete Existing Project and Import

enter image description here

How to pass List from Controller to View in MVC 3

Passing data to view is simple as passing object to method. Take a look at Controller.View Method

protected internal ViewResult View(
    Object model

Something like this


List<MyObject> list = new List<MyObject>();

return View(list);


@model List<MyObject>

// and property Model is type of List<MyObject>

@foreach(var item in Model)

Android Percentage Layout Height

android:layout_weight=".YOURVALUE" is best way to implement in percentage

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:text="@string/logText" >


Is it possible to Turn page programmatically in UIPageViewController?

I also needed a button to navigate left on a PageViewController, one that should do exactly what you would expect from the swipe motion.

Since I had a few rules already in place inside "pageViewController:viewControllerBeforeViewController" for dealing with the natural swipe navigation, I wanted the button to re-use all that code, and simply could not afford to use specific indexes to reach pages as the previous answers did. So, I had to take an alternate solution.

Please note that the following code is for a Page View Controller that is a property inside my custom ViewController, and has its spine set to mid.

Here is the code I wrote for my Navigate Left button:

- (IBAction)btnNavigateLeft_Click:(id)sender {

    // Calling the PageViewController to obtain the current left page
    UIViewController *currentLeftPage = [_pageController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0];

    // Creating future pages to be displayed
    NSArray *newDisplayedPages = nil;
    UIViewController *newRightPage = nil;
    UIViewController *newLeftPage = nil;

    // Calling the delegate to obtain previous pages
    // My "pageViewController:viewControllerBeforeViewController" method returns nil if there is no such page (first page of the book).
    newRightPage = [self pageViewController:_pageController viewControllerBeforeViewController:currentLeftPage];
    if (newRightPage) {
        newLeftPage = [self pageViewController:_pageController viewControllerBeforeViewController:newRightPage];

    if (newLeftPage) {
        newDisplayedPages = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:newLeftPage, newRightPage, nil];

    // If there are two new pages to display, show them with animation.
    if (newDisplayedPages) {
        [_pageController setViewControllers:newDisplayedPages direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionReverse animated:YES completion:nil];

You can do something very similar to make a right navigation button from here.

ORA-12528: TNS Listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections. Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN

If you are using 11G XE with Windows, along with tns listener restart, make sure Windows Event Log service is started.

Allow only numeric value in textbox using Javascript

Javascript For only numeric value in textbox ::

<input type="text" id="textBox" runat="server" class="form-control" onkeydown="return onlyNos(event)" tabindex="0" /> 

    <!--Only Numeric value in Textbox Script -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function onlyNos(e, t) {
                try {
                    if (window.event) {
                        var charCode = window.event.keyCode;
                    else if (e) {
                        var charCode = e.which;
                    else { return true; }
                    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) {
                        return false;
                    return true;
                catch (err) {
        <!--Only Numeric value in Textbox Script -->

A better way to check if a path exists or not in PowerShell

The alias solution you posted is clever, but I would argue against its use in scripts, for the same reason I don't like using any aliases in scripts; it tends to harm readability.

If this is something you want to add to your profile so you can type out quick commands or use it as a shell, then I could see that making sense.

You might consider piping instead:

if ($path | Test-Path) { ... }
if (-not ($path | Test-Path)) { ... }
if (!($path | Test-Path)) { ... }

Alternatively, for the negative approach, if appropriate for your code, you can make it a positive check then use else for the negative:

if (Test-Path $path) {
    throw "File already exists."
} else {
   # The thing you really wanted to do.

How do I set a fixed background image for a PHP file?

It's not a good coding to put PHP code into CSS


that's it

No space left on device

Maybe you are out of inodes. Try df -i

                     2591792  136322 2455470    6% /home
/dev/sdb1            1887488 1887488       0  100% /data

Disk used 6% but inode table full.

How to Get JSON Array Within JSON Object?

I guess this will help you.

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(jsonStr);

JSONArray ja_data = jsonObj.getJSONArray("data");
int length = jsonObj.length();
for(int i=0; i<length; i++) {
  JSONObject jsonObj = ja_data.getJSONObject(i);
  Toast.makeText(this, jsonObj.getString("Name"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

  // getting inner array Ingredients
  JSONArray ja = jsonObj.getJSONArray("Ingredients");
  int len = ja.length();

  ArrayList<String> Ingredients_names = new ArrayList<>();
  for(int j=0; j<len; j++) {
    JSONObject json = ja.getJSONObject(j);

How do I make a stored procedure in MS Access?

Access 2010 has both stored procedures, and also has table triggers. And, both features are available even when you not using a server (so, in 100% file based mode).

If you using SQL Server with Access, then of course the stored procedures are built using SQL Server and not Access.

For Access 2010, you open up the table (non-design view), and then choose the table tab. You see options there to create store procedures and table triggers.

For example:


Note that the stored procedure language is its own flavor just like Oracle or SQL Server (T-SQL). Here is example code to update an inventory of fruits as a result of an update in the fruit order table alt text

Keep in mind these are true engine-level table triggers. In fact if you open up that table with VB6, VB.NET, FoxPro or even modify the table on a computer WITHOUT Access having been installed, the procedural code and the trigger at the table level will execute. So, this is a new feature of the data engine jet (now called ACE) for Access 2010. As noted, this is procedural code that runs, not just a single statement.

How to run a PowerShell script without displaying a window?

I have created a small tool passing the call to any console tool you want to start windowless through to the original file:

After compiling just rename the executable to "<targetExecutableName>w.exe" (append a "w"), and put it next to the original executable. You can then call e.G. powershellw.exe with the usual parameters and it wont pop up a window.

If someone has an idea how to check whether the created process is waiting for input, ill be happy to include your solution :)

Android Shared preferences for creating one time activity (example)

Write to Shared Preferences

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
editor.putInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), newHighScore);

Read from Shared Preferences

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int defaultValue = getResources().getInteger(R.string.saved_high_score_default);
long highScore = sharedPref.getInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), defaultValue);

Number of elements in a javascript object

To do this in any ES5-compatible environment


(Browser support from here)
(Doc on Object.keys here, includes method you can add to non-ECMA5 browsers)

How to generate random number in Bash?

I like this trick:

echo ${RANDOM:0:1} # random number between 1 and 9
echo ${RANDOM:0:2} # random number between 1 and 99


How do I convert a factor into date format?

You were close. format= needs to be added to the as.Date call:

mydate <- factor("1/15/2006 0:00:00")
as.Date(mydate, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
## [1] "2006-01-15"

How can I check if a string contains ANY letters from the alphabet?

I liked the answer provided by @jean-françois-fabre, but it is incomplete.
His approach will work, but only if the text contains purely lower- or uppercase letters:

>>> text = "(555).555-5555 extA. 5555"
>>> text.islower()
>>> text.isupper()

The better approach is to first upper- or lowercase your string and then check.

>>> string1 = "(555).555-5555 extA. 5555"
>>> string2 = '555 (234) - 123.32   21'

>>> string1.upper().isupper()
>>> string2.upper().isupper()

Can regular JavaScript be mixed with jQuery?

You can, but be aware of the return types with jQuery functions. jQuery won't always use the exact same JavaScript object type, although generally they will return subclasses of what you would expect to be returned from a similar JavaScript function.

How to implement custom JsonConverter in JSON.NET to deserialize a List of base class objects?

Just thought i would share a solution also based on this that works with the Knowntype attribute using reflection , had to get derived class from any base class, solution can benefit from recursion to find the best matching class though i didn't need it in my case, matching is done by the type given to the converter if it has KnownTypes it will scan them all until it matches a type that has all the properties inside the json string, first one to match will be chosen.

usage is as simple as:

 string json = "{ Name:\"Something\", LastName:\"Otherthing\" }";
 var ret  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<A>(json, new KnownTypeConverter());

in the above case ret will be of type B.

JSON classes:

public class A
   public string Name { get; set; }

public class B : A
   public string LastName { get; set; }

Converter code:

/// <summary>
    /// Use KnownType Attribute to match a divierd class based on the class given to the serilaizer
    /// Selected class will be the first class to match all properties in the json object.
    /// </summary>
    public  class KnownTypeConverter : JsonConverter
        public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType)
            return System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(objectType).Any(v => v is KnownTypeAttribute);

        public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
            // Load JObject from stream
            JObject jObject = JObject.Load(reader);

            // Create target object based on JObject
            System.Attribute[] attrs = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(objectType);  // Reflection. 

                // Displaying output. 
            foreach (System.Attribute attr in attrs)
                if (attr is KnownTypeAttribute)
                    KnownTypeAttribute k = (KnownTypeAttribute) attr;
                    var props = k.Type.GetProperties();
                    bool found = true;
                    foreach (var f in jObject)
                        if (!props.Any(z => z.Name == f.Key))
                            found = false;

                    if (found)
                        var target = Activator.CreateInstance(k.Type);
                        return target;
            throw new ObjectNotFoundException();

            // Populate the object properties


        public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

I want to compare two lists in different worksheets in Excel to locate any duplicates

Without VBA...

If you can use a helper column, you can use the MATCH function to test if a value in one column exists in another column (or in another column on another worksheet). It will return an Error if there is no match

To simply identify duplicates, use a helper column

Assume data in Sheet1, Column A, and another list in Sheet2, Column A. In your helper column, row 1, place the following formula:

=If(IsError(Match(A1, 'Sheet2'!A:A,False)),"","Duplicate")

Drag/copy this forumla down, and it should identify the duplicates.

To highlight cells, use conditional formatting:

With some tinkering, you can use this MATCH function in a Conditional Formatting rule which would highlight duplicate values. I would probably do this instead of using a helper column, although the helper column is a great way to "see" results before you make the conditional formatting rule.

Something like:


Conditional formatting for Excel 2010

For Excel 2007 and prior, you cannot use conditional formatting rules that reference other worksheets. In this case, use the helper column and set your formatting rule in column A like:


This screenshot is from the 2010 UI, but the same rule should work in 2007/2003 Excel.

Conditional formatting using helper column for rule

R Apply() function on specific dataframe columns

Using an example data.frame and example function (just +1 to all values)

A <- function(x) x + 1
wifi <- data.frame(replicate(9,1:4))

#  X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
#1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
#2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
#3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3  3
#4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  4

data.frame(wifi[1:3], apply(wifi[4:9],2, A) )
cbind(wifi[1:3], apply(wifi[4:9],2, A) )

#  X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
#1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
#2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3
#3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4
#4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5

Or even:

data.frame(wifi[1:3], lapply(wifi[4:9], A) )
cbind(wifi[1:3], lapply(wifi[4:9], A) )

#  X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
#1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2
#2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3  3  3
#3  3  3  3  4  4  4  4  4  4
#4  4  4  4  5  5  5  5  5  5

C++ style cast from unsigned char * to const char *

char * and const unsigned char * are considered unrelated types. So you want to use reinterpret_cast.

But if you were going from const unsigned char* to a non const type you'd need to use const_cast first. reinterpret_cast cannot cast away a const or volatile qualification.

What is the proper way to re-throw an exception in C#?

You should always use following syntax to rethrow an exception, else you'll stomp the stack trace:


If you print the trace resulting from "throw ex", you'll see that it ends on that statement and not at the real source of the exception.

Basically, it should be deemed a criminal offense to use "throw ex".

Commit history on remote repository

I'm not sure when filtering was added but it's a way to exclude the object blobs if you only want to fetch the history/ref-logs:

git clone --filter=blob:none --no-checkout --single-branch --branch master git://some.repo.git .
git log

How to increment a JavaScript variable using a button press event

Use type = "button" instead of "submit", then add an onClick handler for it.

For example:

<input type="button" value="Increment" onClick="myVar++;" />

Unable to capture screenshot. Prevented by security policy. Galaxy S6. Android 6.0

Go to Phone Settings --> Developer Options --> Simulate Secondary Displays and turn it to None. If you don't see Developer Options in the settings menu (it should be at the bottom, go Settings ==> About phone and tap on the Build number a lot of times)

Excel VBA - select a dynamic cell range

So it depends on how you want to pick the incrementer, but this should work:

Range("A1:" & Cells(1, i).Address).Select

Where i is the variable that represents the column you want to select (1=A, 2=B, etc.). Do you want to do this by column letter instead? We can adjust if so :)

If you want the beginning to be dynamic as well, you can try this:

Sub SelectCols()

    Dim Col1 As Integer
    Dim Col2 As Integer

    Col1 = 2
    Col2 = 4

    Range(Cells(1, Col1), Cells(1, Col2)).Select

End Sub

Spring @ContextConfiguration how to put the right location for the xml

Simple solution is

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "file:src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml" })

from spring forum

No plot window in matplotlib works but blocks (you need to close the window).

A much more convenient solution is to do pylab.ion() (interactive mode on) when you start: all (the pylab equivalents of) pyplot.* commands display their plot immediately. More information on the interactive mode can be found on the official web site.

I also second using the even more convenient ipython -pylab (--pylab, in newer versions), which allows you to skip the from … import … part (%pylab works, too, in newer IPython versions).

Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/json warning in Chrome Developer Tools

I took a different approach. I switched to use $.post and the error has gone since then.

Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in JavaScript?

In most cases they are essentially the same, but the second version saves memory because there is only one instance of the function instead of a separate function for each object.

A reason to use the first form is to access "private members". For example:

var A = function () {
    var private_var = ...;

    this.x = function () {
        return private_var;

    this.setX = function (new_x) {
        private_var = new_x;

Because of javascript's scoping rules, private_var is available to the function assigned to this.x, but not outside the object.

Is it possible to write data to file using only JavaScript?

You can create files in browser using Blob and URL.createObjectURL. All recent browsers support this.

You can not directly save the file you create, since that would cause massive security problems, but you can provide it as a download link for the user. You can suggest a file name via the download attribute of the link, in browsers that support the download attribute. As with any other download, the user downloading the file will have the final say on the file name though.

var textFile = null,
  makeTextFile = function (text) {
    var data = new Blob([text], {type: 'text/plain'});

    // If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
    // manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
    if (textFile !== null) {

    textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

    // returns a URL you can use as a href
    return textFile;

Here's an example that uses this technique to save arbitrary text from a textarea.

If you want to immediately initiate the download instead of requiring the user to click on a link, you can use mouse events to simulate a mouse click on the link as Lifecube's answer did. I've created an updated example that uses this technique.

  var create = document.getElementById('create'),
    textbox = document.getElementById('textbox');

  create.addEventListener('click', function () {
    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.setAttribute('download', 'info.txt');
    link.href = makeTextFile(textbox.value);

    // wait for the link to be added to the document
    window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
      var event = new MouseEvent('click');

  }, false);

C++ Convert string (or char*) to wstring (or wchar_t*)

From char* to wstring:

char* str = "hello worlddd";
wstring wstr (str, str+strlen(str));

From string to wstring:

string str = "hello worlddd";
wstring wstr (str.begin(), str.end());

Note this only works well if the string being converted contains only ASCII characters.

Unicode via CSS :before

The code points used in icon font tricks are usually Private Use code points, which means that they have no generally defined meaning and should not be used in open information interchange, only by private agreement between interested parties. However, Private Use code points can be represented as any other Unicode value, e.g. in CSS using a notation like \f066, as others have answered. You can even enter the code point as such, if your document is UTF-8 encoded and you know how to type an arbitrary Unicode value by its number in your authoring environment (but of course it would normally be displayed using a symbol for an unknown character).

However, this is not the normal way of using icon fonts. Normally you use a CSS file provided with the font and use constructs like <span class="icon-resize-small">foo</span>. The CSS code will then take care of inserting the symbol at the start of the element, and you don’t need to know the code point number.

Call to a member function on a non-object

There's an easy way to produce this error:

    $joe = null;

Will render the error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function anything() on a non-object in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/casMail/dao/server.php on line 23

It would be a lot better if PHP would just say,

Fatal error: Call from Joe is not defined because (a) joe is null or (b) joe does not define anything() in on line <##>.

Usually you have build your class so that $joe is not defined in the constructor or

Disable / Check for Mock Location (prevent gps spoofing)

If you happened to know the general location of cell towers, you could check to see if the current cell tower matches the location given (within an error margin of something large, like 10 or more miles).

For example, if your app unlocks features only if the user is in a specific location (your store, for example), you could check gps as well as cell towers. Currently, no gps spoofing app also spoofs the cell towers, so you could see if someone across the country is simply trying to spoof their way into your special features (I'm thinking of the Disney Mobile Magic app, for one example).

This is how the Llama app manages location by default, since checking cell tower ids are much less battery intensive than gps. It isn't useful for very specific locations, but if home and work are several miles away, it can distinguish between the two general locations very easily.

Of course, this would require the user to have a cell signal at all. And you would have to know all the cell towers ids in the area --on all network providers-- or you would run the risk of a false negative.

Allow Google Chrome to use XMLHttpRequest to load a URL from a local file

startup chrome with --disable-web-security

On Windows:

chrome.exe --disable-web-security

On Mac:

open /Applications/Google\ --args --disable-web-security

This will allow for cross-domain requests.
I'm not aware of if this also works for local files, but let us know !

And mention, this does exactly what you expect, it disables the web security, so be careful with it.

How do I convert a file path to a URL in ASP.NET

The problem with all these answers is that they do not take virtual directories into account.


Site named "" rooted at c:\domains\site
virtual directory "~/files" at c:\data\files
virtual directory "~/files/vip" at c:\data\VIPcust\files


  = "c:\data\VIPcust\files\readme.txt"

But there is no way to do this:

   = ""

because there is no way to get a complete list of virtual directories.

MySQL: Delete all rows older than 10 minutes

If time_created is a unix timestamp (int), you should be able to use something like this:

DELETE FROM locks WHERE time_created < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 600);

(600 seconds = 10 minutes - obviously)

Otherwise (if time_created is mysql timestamp), you could try this:

DELETE FROM locks WHERE time_created < (NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)

bootstrap datepicker setDate format dd/mm/yyyy

Changing to format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' didn't work for me, and changing that to dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy' added year multiple times, The finest one for me was,

dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'

float:left; vs display:inline; vs display:inline-block; vs display:table-cell;

Of the options you asked about:

  • float:left;
    I dislike floats because of the need to have additional markup to clear the float. As far as I'm concerned, the whole float concept was poorly designed in the CSS specs. Nothing we can do about that now though. But the important thing is it does work, and it works in all browsers (even IE6/7), so use it if you like it.

The additional markup for clearing may not be necessary if you use the :after selector to clear the floats, but this isn't an option if you want to support IE6 or IE7.

  • display:inline;
    This shouldn't be used for layout, with the exception of IE6/7, where display:inline; zoom:1 is a fall-back hack for the broken support for inline-block.

  • display:inline-block;
    This is my favourite option. It works well and consistently across all browsers, with a caveat for IE6/7, which support it for some elements. But see above for the hacky solution to work around this.

The other big caveat with inline-block is that because of the inline aspect, the white spaces between elements are treated the same as white spaces between words of text, so you can get gaps appearing between elements. There are work-arounds to this, but none of them are ideal. (the best is simply to not have any spaces between the elements)

  • display:table-cell;
    Another one where you'll have problems with browser compatibility. Older IEs won't work with this at all. But even for other browsers, it's worth noting that table-cell is designed to be used in a context of being inside elements that are styled as table and table-row; using table-cell in isolation is not the intended way to do it, so you may experience different browsers treating it differently.

Other techniques you may have missed? Yes.

  • Since you say this is for a multi-column layout, there is a CSS Columns feature that you might want to know about. However it isn't the most well supported feature (not supported by IE even in IE9, and a vendor prefix required by all other browsers), so you may not want to use it. But it is another option, and you did ask.

  • There's also CSS FlexBox feature, which is intended to allow you to have text flowing from box to box. It's an exciting feature that will allow some complex layouts, but this is still very much in development -- see

Hope that helps.