[javascript] Does JavaScript guarantee object property order?

This whole answer is in the context of spec compliance, not what any engine does at a particular moment or historically.

Generally, no

The actual question is very vague.

will the properties be in the same order that I added them

In what context?

The answer is: it depends on a number of factors. In general, no.

Sometimes, yes

Here is where you can count on property key order for plain Objects:

  • ES2015 compliant engine
  • Own properties
  • Object.getOwnPropertyNames(), Reflect.ownKeys(), Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(O)

In all cases these methods include non-enumerable property keys and order keys as specified by [[OwnPropertyKeys]] (see below). They differ in the type of key values they include (String and / or Symbol). In this context String includes integer values.


Returns O's own String-keyed properties (property names).


Returns O's own String- and Symbol-keyed properties.


Returns O's own Symbol-keyed properties.


The order is essentially: integer-like Strings in ascending order, non-integer-like Strings in creation order, Symbols in creation order. Depending which function invokes this, some of these types may not be included.

The specific language is that keys are returned in the following order:

  1. ... each own property key P of O [the object being iterated] that is an integer index, in ascending numeric index order

  2. ... each own property key P of O that is a String but is not an integer index, in property creation order

  3. ... each own property key P of O that is a Symbol, in property creation order


If you're interested in ordered maps you should consider using the Map type introduced in ES2015 instead of plain Objects.