Programs & Examples On #Clientbundle

An image bundle is a construct used to improve application performance by reducing the number of round trip HTTP requests to the server to fetch images.

No provider for HttpClient

I found slimier problem. Please import the HttpClientModule in your app.module.ts file as follow:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';

  declarations: [

imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Is it possible to pull just one file in Git?

You can fetch and then check out only one file in this way:

git fetch
git checkout -m <revision> <yourfilepath>
git add <yourfilepath>
git commit

Regarding the git checkout command:

  • <revision> -- a branch name, i.e. origin/master
  • <yourfilepath> does not include the repository name (that you can get from clicking copy path button on a file page on GitHub), i.e.

Error when using scp command "bash: scp: command not found"

Check if scp is installed or not on from where you want want to copy check using which scp

If it's already installed, it will print you a path like /usr/bin/scp Else, install scp using:

yum -y install openssh-clients

Then copy command

scp -r [email protected]:/var/www/html/database_backup/restore_fullbackup/backup_20140308-023002.sql  /var/www/html/db_bkp/

$apply already in progress error

In my case i use $apply with angular calendar UI to link some event:

$scope.eventClick = function(event){           
    $scope.$apply( function() {
        $location.path('/event/' +;

After reading the doc of the problem:$rootScope/inprog

The part Inconsistent API (Sync/Async) is very interesting:

For example, imagine a 3rd party library that has a method which will retrieve data for us. Since it may be making an asynchronous call to a server, it accepts a callback function, which will be called when the data arrives.

Since, the MyController constructor is always instantiated from within an $apply call, our handler is trying to enter a new $apply block from within one.

I change the code to :

$scope.eventClick = function(event){           
    $timeout(function() {
        $location.path('/event/' +;
    }, 0);

Works like a charm !

Here we have used $timeout to schedule the changes to the scope in a future call stack. By providing a timeout period of 0ms, this will occur as soon as possible and $timeout will ensure that the code will be called in a single $apply block.

Node.js get file extension

import extname in order to return the extension the file:

import { extname } from 'path';

where file is the file 'name' of form

Placeholder Mixin SCSS/CSS

You're looking for the @content directive:

@mixin placeholder {
  ::-webkit-input-placeholder {@content}
  :-moz-placeholder           {@content}
  ::-moz-placeholder          {@content}
  :-ms-input-placeholder      {@content}  

@include placeholder {
    color: white;

SASS Reference has more information, which can be found here:

As of Sass 3.4, this mixin can be written like so to work both nested and unnested:

@mixin optional-at-root($sel) {
  @at-root #{if(not &, $sel, selector-append(&, $sel))} {

@mixin placeholder {
  @include optional-at-root('::-webkit-input-placeholder') {

  @include optional-at-root(':-moz-placeholder') {

  @include optional-at-root('::-moz-placeholder') {

  @include optional-at-root(':-ms-input-placeholder') {


.foo {
  @include placeholder {
    color: green;

@include placeholder {
  color: red;


.foo::-webkit-input-placeholder {
  color: green;
.foo:-moz-placeholder {
  color: green;
.foo::-moz-placeholder {
  color: green;
.foo:-ms-input-placeholder {
  color: green;

::-webkit-input-placeholder {
  color: red;
:-moz-placeholder {
  color: red;
::-moz-placeholder {
  color: red;
:-ms-input-placeholder {
  color: red;

Check that a variable is a number in UNIX shell

if echo $var | egrep -q '^[0-9]+$'

Actually this does not work if var is multiline.



Especially if var comes from a file :

var=`cat var.txt`

This is the simplest :

if [ "$var" -eq "$var" ] 2> /dev/null
then echo yes
else echo no

How to find if div with specific id exists in jQuery?

You can use .length after the selector to see if it matched any elements, like this:

if($("#" + name).length == 0) {
  //it doesn't exist

The full version:

$("li.friend").live('click', function(){
  name = $(this).text();
  if($("#" + name).length == 0) {
    $("div#chatbar").append("<div class='labels'><div id='" + name + "' style='display:none;'></div>" + name + "</div>");
  } else {
    alert('this record already exists');

Or, the non-jQuery version for this part (since it's an ID):

$("li.friend").live('click', function(){
  name = $(this).text();
  if(document.getElementById(name) == null) {
    $("div#chatbar").append("<div class='labels'><div id='" + name + "' style='display:none;'></div>" + name + "</div>");
  } else {
    alert('this record already exists');

Show "loading" animation on button click

            //do processing
            $(this).attr("label", $(this).text()).text("loading ....").animate({ disabled: true }, 1000, function () {
                //original event call
                $.when($(elm).delay(1000).one("click")).done(function () {//processing finalized
                    $(this).text($(this).attr("label")).animate({ disabled: false }, 1000, function () {

How to add an object to an ArrayList in Java

You have to use new operator here to instantiate. For example:

Contacts.add(new Data(name, address, contact));

Make javascript alert Yes/No Instead of Ok/Cancel

You cannot do that with the native confirm() as it is the browser’s method.

You have to create a plugin for a confirm box (or try one created by someone else). And they often look better, too.

Additional Tip: Change your English sentence to something like

Really, Delete this Thing?

.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

Steps to start Apache httpd.exe (I am using x64 VC11 example here)

Be sure that you have installed Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 : VC11 vcredist_x64/86.exe

You may need to have Visual Studio 2012 Update 3 (VS2012.3) (vcredirect.exe)

Unzip and copy paste in


Unzip and copy paste them in


For further info on the modules see the Apache Lounge VC10 Win64 download page and/or the readme in the .zip's there.



un-comment (remove # sign) starting below this like copy pasted list in here

# Example:
# LoadModule foo_module modules/

LoadModule access_compat_module modules/
LoadModule actions_module modules/
LoadModule alias_module modules/
LoadModule allowmethods_module modules/
LoadModule asis_module modules/
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
LoadModule authn_core_module modules/
LoadModule authn_dbd_module modules/
LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
LoadModule authn_socache_module modules/
LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/
LoadModule authz_core_module modules/
LoadModule authz_dbd_module modules/
LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
LoadModule buffer_module modules/
LoadModule cache_module modules/
LoadModule cache_disk_module modules/
LoadModule cern_meta_module modules/
LoadModule cgi_module modules/
LoadModule charset_lite_module modules/
LoadModule data_module modules/
LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
LoadModule dav_lock_module modules/
LoadModule dbd_module modules/
LoadModule deflate_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule dumpio_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule expires_module modules/
LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/
LoadModule file_cache_module modules/
LoadModule filter_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule heartbeat_module modules/
LoadModule heartmonitor_module modules/
LoadModule ident_module modules/
LoadModule imagemap_module modules/
LoadModule include_module modules/
LoadModule info_module modules/
LoadModule isapi_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_bybusyness_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_byrequests_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_bytraffic_module modules/
LoadModule lbmethod_heartbeat_module modules/
LoadModule ldap_module modules/
LoadModule logio_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule log_debug_module modules/
LoadModule log_forensic_module modules/
LoadModule lua_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_express_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_fcgi_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_html_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_scgi_module modules/
LoadModule ratelimit_module modules/
LoadModule reflector_module modules/
LoadModule remoteip_module modules/
LoadModule request_module modules/
LoadModule reqtimeout_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule sed_module modules/
LoadModule session_module modules/
LoadModule session_cookie_module modules/
LoadModule session_crypto_module modules/
LoadModule session_dbd_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule slotmem_plain_module modules/
LoadModule slotmem_shm_module modules/
LoadModule socache_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule socache_memcache_module modules/
LoadModule socache_shmcb_module modules/
LoadModule speling_module modules/
LoadModule ssl_module modules/
LoadModule status_module modules/
LoadModule substitute_module modules/
LoadModule unique_id_module modules/
LoadModule userdir_module modules/
LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
LoadModule version_module modules/
LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
LoadModule watchdog_module modules/
LoadModule xml2enc_module modules/

Then find


and double click on it.

Then in Command Prompt (CMD.exe) type


and press enter. It shows any error remaining.

Build with the latest Update 3 Visual Studio® 2012 aka VC11. VC11 has improvements, fixes and optimizations over VC10 in areas like Performance, MemoryManagement and Stability. For example code quality tuning and improvements done across different code generation areas for "speed". And makes more use of modern processors and win7, win8, 2008 and Server 2012 internal features.

The VC11 binaries loads VC11, VC10 and VC9 modules, and does not run on XP and 2003. Minimum system required: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012 / R2

After you have downloaded and before you attempt to install it, you should make sure that it is intact and has not been tampered with. Use the PGP Signature and/or the SHA Checksums to verify the integrity.

Thank you

What is an optional value in Swift?

When i started to learn Swift it was very difficult to realize why optional.

Lets think in this way. Let consider a class Person which has two property name and company.

class Person: NSObject {
    var name : String //Person must have a value so its no marked as optional
    var companyName : String? ///Company is optional as a person can be unemployed that is nil value is possible
    init(name:String,company:String?) {
        = name
        self.companyName = company

Now lets create few objects of Person

var tom:Person = Person.init(name: "Tom", company: "Apple")//posible
var bob:Person = Person.init(name: "Bob", company:nil) // also Possible because company is marked as optional so we can give Nil

But we can not pass Nil to name

var personWithNoName:Person = Person.init(name: nil, company: nil)

Now Lets talk about why we use optional?. Lets consider a situation where we want to add Inc after company name like apple will be apple Inc. We need to append Inc after company name and print.

print(tom.companyName+" Inc") ///Error saying optional is not unwrapped.
print(tom.companyName!+" Inc") ///Error Gone..we have forcefully unwrap it which is wrong approach..Will look in Next line
print(bob.companyName!+" Inc") ///Crash!!!because bob has no company and nil can be unwrapped.

Now lets study why optional takes into place.

if let companyString:String = bob.companyName{///Compiler safely unwrap company if not nil.If nil,no unwrap.
    print(companyString+" Inc") //Will never executed and no crash!!!

Lets replace bob with tom

if let companyString:String = tom.companyName{///Compiler safely unwrap company if not nil.If nil,no unwrap.
    print(companyString+" Inc") //Will executed and no crash!!!

And Congratulation! we have properly deal with optional?

So the realization points are

  1. We will mark a variable as optional if its possible to be nil
  2. If we want to use this variable somewhere in code compiler will remind you that we need to check if we have proper deal with that variable if it contain nil.

Thank you...Happy Coding

REST API error code 500 handling

It is a server error, not a client error. If server errors weren't to be returned to the client, there wouldn't have been created an entire status code class for them (i.e. 5xx).

You can't hide the fact that you either made a programming error or some service you rely on is unavailable, and that certainly isn't the client's fault. Returning any other range of code in those cases than the 5xx series would make no sense.

RFC 7231 mentions in section 6.6. Server Error 5xx:

The 5xx (Server Error) class of status code indicates that the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of performing the requested method.

This is exactly the case. There's nothing "internal" about the code "500 Internal Server Error" in the sense that it shouldn't be exposed to the client.

Delete sql rows where IDs do not have a match from another table

WHERE fileid NOT IN 
       (SELECT id 
        FROM files 
        WHERE id is NOT NULL/*This line is unlikely to be needed 
                               but using NOT IN...*/

Parsing string as JSON with single quotes?

The JSON standard requires double quotes and will not accept single quotes, nor will the parser.

If you have a simple case with no escaped single quotes in your strings (which would normally be impossible, but this isn't JSON), you can simple str.replace(/'/g, '"') and you should end up with valid JSON.

Process to convert simple Python script into Windows executable

you may want to see if your app can run under IronPython. If so, you can compile it to an exe

UNIX export command


The commands env, set, and printenv display all environment variables and their values. env and set are also used to set environment variables and are often incorporated directly into the shell. printenv can also be used to print a single variable by giving that variable name as the sole argument to the command.

In Unix, the following commands can also be used, but are often dependent on a certain shell.

export VARIABLE=value  # for Bourne, bash, and related shells
setenv VARIABLE value  # for csh and related shells

You can have a look at this at

Downloading MySQL dump from command line

Just type mysqldump or mysqldump --help in your cmd will show how to use

Here is my cmd result

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin>mysqldump
Usage: mysqldump [OPTIONS] database [tables]
OR     mysqldump [OPTIONS] --databases [OPTIONS] DB1 [DB2 DB3...]
OR     mysqldump [OPTIONS] --all-databases [OPTIONS]
For more options, use mysqldump --help

Use jQuery to change an HTML tag?

You can achieve by data-* attribute like data-replace="replaceTarget,replaceBy" so with help of jQuery to get replaceTarget & replaceBy value by .split() method after getting values then use .replaceWith() method.
This data-* attribute technique to easily manage any tag replacement without changing below (common code for all tag replacement).

I hope below snippet will help you lot.

$(document).on('click', '[data-replace]', function(){_x000D_
  var replaceTarget = $(this).attr('data-replace').split(',')[0];_x000D_
  var replaceBy = $(this).attr('data-replace').split(',')[1];_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<p id="abc">Hello World #1</p>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#abc,<h1/>">P change with H1 tag</a>_x000D_
<h2 id="xyz">Hello World #2</h2>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#xyz,<p/>">H1 change with P tag</a>_x000D_
<b id="bold">Hello World #2</b><br>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#bold,<i/>">B change with I tag</a>_x000D_
<i id="italic">Hello World #2</i><br>_x000D_
<a href="#" data-replace="#italic,<b/>">I change with B tag</a>

How can I get the IP address from NIC in Python?

This will gather all IPs on the host and filter out loopback/link-local and IPv6. This can also be edited to allow for IPv6 only, or both IPv4 and IPv6, as well as allowing loopback/link-local in IP list.

from socket import getaddrinfo, gethostname
import ipaddress

def get_ip(ip_addr_proto="ipv4", ignore_local_ips=True):
    # By default, this method only returns non-local IPv4 Addresses
    # To return IPv6 only, call get_ip('ipv6')
    # To return both IPv4 and IPv6, call get_ip('both')
    # To return local IPs, call get_ip(None, False)
    # Can combime options like so get_ip('both', False)

    af_inet = 2
    if ip_addr_proto == "ipv6":
        af_inet = 30
    elif ip_addr_proto == "both":
        af_inet = 0

    system_ip_list = getaddrinfo(gethostname(), None, af_inet, 1, 0)
    ip_list = []

    for ip in system_ip_list:
        ip = ip[4][0]

            ip_address_valid = True
        except ValueError:
            ip_address_valid = False
            if ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_loopback and ignore_local_ips or ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_link_local and ignore_local_ips:
            elif ip_address_valid:

    return ip_list

print(f"Your IP Address is: {get_ip()}")

Returns Your IP Address is: ['']

If I run get_ip('both', False), it returns

Your IP Address is: ['::1', 'fe80::1', '', '', 'fe80::cb9:d2dd:a505:423a']

Named parameters in JDBC

You can't use named parameters in JDBC itself. You could try using Spring framework, as it has some extensions that allow the use of named parameters in queries.

Margin-Top not working for span element?

Unlike div, p 1 which are Block Level elements which can take up margin on all sides,span2 cannot as it's an Inline element which takes up margins horizontally only.

From the specification:

Margin properties specify the width of the margin area of a box. The 'margin' shorthand property sets the margin for all four sides while the other margin properties only set their respective side. These properties apply to all elements, but vertical margins will not have any effect on non-replaced inline elements.

Demo 1 (Vertical margin not applied as span is an inline element)

Solution? Make your span element, display: inline-block; or display: block;.

Demo 2

Would suggest you to use display: inline-block; as it will be inline as well as block. Making it block only will result in your element to render on another line, as block level elements take 100% of horizontal space on the page, unless they are made inline-block or they are floated to left or right.

1. Block Level Elements - MDN Source

2. Inline Elements - MDN Resource

How do I clear the dropdownlist values on button click event using jQuery?


That will remove all <option> elements underneath the dropdown element.

If you want to unselect selected items, go with the code from Russ.

What is the best method to merge two PHP objects?

Let's keep it simple!

function copy_properties($from, $to, $fields = null) {
    // copies properties/elements (overwrites duplicates)
    // can take arrays or objects 
    // if fields is set (an array), will only copy keys listed in that array
    // returns $to with the added/replaced properties/keys
    $from_array = is_array($from) ? $from : get_object_vars($from);
    foreach($from_array as $key => $val) {
        if(!is_array($fields) or in_array($key, $fields)) {
            if(is_object($to)) {
                $to->$key = $val;
            } else {
                $to[$key] = $val;

If that doesn't answer your question, it will surely help towards the answer. Credit for the code above goes to myself :)

How to create local notifications?

In appdelegate.m file write the follwing code in applicationDidEnterBackground to get the local notification

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
   UILocalNotification *notification = [[UILocalNotification alloc]init];
   notification.repeatInterval = NSDayCalendarUnit;
   [notification setAlertBody:@"Hello world"];
   [notification setFireDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1]];
   [notification setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone  defaultTimeZone]];
   [application setScheduledLocalNotifications:[NSArray arrayWithObject:notification]];

Check if a key is down?

$('#mytextbox').keydown(function (e) {
            if (e.keyCode == 13) {
                if (e.altKey) {
                    alert("alt is pressed");

if you press alt + enter, you will see the alert.

Is there a command to list all Unix group names?

If you want all groups known to the system, I would recommend using getent group instead of parsing /etc/group:

getent group

The reason is that on networked systems, groups may not only read from /etc/group file, but also obtained through LDAP or Yellow Pages (the list of known groups comes from the local group file plus groups received via LDAP or YP in these cases).

If you want just the group names you can use:

getent group | cut -d: -f1

How much does it cost to develop an iPhone application?

I am a very good iPhone app developer, and I charge over $150 per hour for my services. I have a ton of experience building iPhone apps and their server side components. I have also been called in on several occasions to fix offshore developed apps. Here's my take.

  • Design costs money, good design costs lots of money. Expect several designer weeks of work per app screen. Offshore teams do not do design.
  • Server development and infrastructure is critical if the app is to succeed. A slow server response, or an overloaded server will hamper your app, and crimp sales and satisfaction. The server side of the equation will cost the most and take the most time to develop. Those who offshore their server development will find that quality and uptime are both terrible, in my experience.
  • App development if done right takes time too. A professional developer will ensure all HIG rules are followed, the app is properly structured and contains no known errors, it performs well, and it passes the app store validations. Offshore teams just cut code.

I'm just about to release a shopping app for a client. The design work was done by 2 client in-house designers over 2 weeks, quick because they had all the image assets already. Think 2 people x 10 days x 8 hours = ~$24,000. The server side had to be modified to provide data for the iPhone app. We used their in-house team and in-house platform and in-house API, 2 developers, 4 weeks, or about $50,000 and that's because they already have a web shop and API. Cost them about $400,000 to get there (excluding platform). And I wrote the app side in 3 weeks, given that a lot of my code is duplicated from previous projects, another ~$25,000, the cheapest app I ever did.

Total spent: ~$100,000, and that's insanely cheap!

And they will give this away for free so clients will buy from their store from their iPhones.

For your app, Peter, if you have the servers and the APIs and the design, I'd guess at $30,000 to $60,000 depending on complexity. If you do not have the design, double it. If you do not have the APIs, double again...

Create <div> and append <div> dynamically

Well, I don't know how dynamic this is is, but sometimes this might save your debugging life:

var daString="<div id=\'block\' class=\'block\'><div class=\'block-2\'></div></div>";
var daParent=document.getElementById("the ID of whatever your parent is goes in here");

"Rat javascript" If I did it correctly. Works for me directly when the div and contents are not themselves dynamic of course, or you can even manipulate the string to change that too, though the string manipulating is complex than the "" approach, this gives some very welcome flexibility, and is a great debugging tool too :) Hope it helps.

Regular expression for exact match of a string

if you have a the input password in a variable and you want to match exactly 123456 then anchors will help you:


in perl the test for matching the password would be something like

print "MATCH_OK" if ($input_pass=~/^123456$/);


bart kiers is right tho, why don't you use a strcmp() for this? every language has it in its own way

as a second thought, you may want to consider a safer authentication mechanism :)

Is there a way to use use text as the background with CSS?

Ciro's solution about an SVG Data URI background containing the text is very clever.

However, it won't work in IE if you just add the plain SVG source to the data URI.

In order to get around this and make it work in IE9 and up, encode the SVG to base64. This is a great tool.

So this:

background:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=""><text x="5%" y="5%" font-size="30" fill="red">I love SVG!</text></svg>');

Becomes this:


Tested and it works in IE9-10-11, WebKit (Chrome 37, Opera 23) and Gecko (Firefox 31).

Windows 7 - Add Path

Try this in cmd:

cd address_of_sumatrapdf.exe_file && sumatrapdf.exe

Where you should put the address of your .exe file instead of adress_of_sumatrapdf.exe_file.

Javascript replace all "%20" with a space

The percentage % sign followed by two hexadecimal numbers (UTF-8 character representation) typically denotes a string which has been encoded to be part of a URI. This ensures that characters that would otherwise have special meaning don't interfere. In your case %20 is immediately recognisable as a whitespace character - while not really having any meaning in a URI it is encoded in order to avoid breaking the string into multiple "parts".

Don't get me wrong, regex is the bomb! However any web technology worth caring about will already have tools available in it's library to handle standards like this for you. Why re-invent the wheel...?

var str = 'xPasswords%20do%20not%20match';
console.log( decodeURI(str) ); // "xPasswords do not match"

Javascript has both decodeURI and decodeURIComponent which differ slightly in respect to their encodeURI and encodeURIComponent counterparts - you should familiarise yourself with the documentation.

How do I make a Docker container start automatically on system boot?

I have a similar issue running Linux systems. After the system was booted, a container with a restart policy of "unless-stopped" would not restart automatically unless I typed a command that used docker in some way such as "docker ps". I was surprised as I expected that command to just report some status information. Next I tried the command "systemctl status docker". On a system where no docker commands had been run, this command reported the following:

? docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine

   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)

     Active: inactive (dead)    TriggeredBy: ? docker.socket

On a system where "docker ps" had been run with no other Docker commands, I got the following:

? docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)

    Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-11-22 08:33:23 PST; 1h 25min ago

TriggeredBy: ? docker.socket

   Main PID: 3135 (dockerd)
      Tasks: 13

    Memory: 116.9M
     CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
             +-3135 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
 ... [various messages not shown ]

The most likely explanation is that Docker waits for some docker command before fully initializing and starting containers. You could presumably run "docker ps" in a systemd unit file at a point after all the services your containers need have been initialized. I've tested this by putting a file named docker-onboot.service in the directory /lib/systemd/system with the following contents:

# This service is provided to force Docker containers
# that should automatically restart to restart when the system
# is booted. While the Docker daemon will start automatically,
# it will not be fully initialized until some Docker command
# is actually run.  This unit merely runs "docker ps": any
# Docker command will result in the Docker daemon completing
# its initialization, at which point all containers that can be
# automatically restarted after booting will be restarted.
Description=Docker-Container Startup on Boot
After=docker.socket containerd.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker ps


So far (one test, with this service enabled), the container started when the computer was booted. I did not try a dependency on docker.service because docker.service won't start until a docker command is run. The next test will be with the docker-onboot disabled (to see if the WantedBy dependency will automatically start it).

How to install and run Typescript locally in npm?

To install TypeScript local in project as a development dependency you can use --save-dev key

npm install --save-dev typescript

It's also writes the typescript into your package.json

You also need to have a tsconfig.json file. For example

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES5",
    "module": "system",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "removeComments": false,
    "noImplicitAny": false
  "exclude": [

For more information about the tsconfig you can see here

How to get data by SqlDataReader.GetValue by column name

You can also do this.

//find the index of the CompanyName column
int columnIndex = thisReader.GetOrdinal("CompanyName"); 
//Get the value of the column. Will throw if the value is null.
string companyName = thisReader.GetString(columnIndex);

How to re-enable right click so that I can inspect HTML elements in Chrome?

Hi i have a shorter version. this does same as a best answer. (it works on chrome 74.03)

document.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(e => e.oncontextmenu = null)

ngFor with index as value in attribute

The other answers are correct but you can omit the [] altogether and just use

    <li *ngFor="let item of items; let i = index">{{i + 1}}</li>

Npm install cannot find module 'semver'

I had the same issue but it was caused by a broken package-lock.json file.

Deleting package-lock.json and running npm install again fixed it for me.

How can I see function arguments in IPython Notebook Server 3?

In 1.0, the functionality was bound to ( and tab and shift-tab, in 2.0 tab was deprecated but still functional in some unambiguous cases completing or inspecting were competing in many cases. Recommendation was to always use shift-Tab. ( was also added as deprecated as confusing in Haskell-like syntax to also push people toward Shift-Tab as it works in more cases. in 3.0 the deprecated bindings have been remove in favor of the official, present for 18+ month now Shift-Tab.

So press Shift-Tab.

Java Command line arguments

Your main method has a String[] argument. That contain the arguments that have been passed to your applications (it's often called args, but that's not a requirement).

For Restful API, can GET method use json data?

In theory, there's nothing preventing you from sending a request body in a GET request. The HTTP protocol allows it, but have no defined semantics, so it's up to you to document what exactly is going to happen when a client sends a GET payload. For instance, you have to define if parameters in a JSON body are equivalent to querystring parameters or something else entirely.

However, since there are no clearly defined semantics, you have no guarantee that implementations between your application and the client will respect it. A server or proxy might reject the whole request, or ignore the body, or anything else. The REST way to deal with broken implementations is to circumvent it in a way that's decoupled from your application, so I'd say you have two options that can be considered best practices.

The simple option is to use POST instead of GET as recommended by other answers. Since POST is not standardized by HTTP, you'll have to document how exactly that's supposed to work.

Another option, which I prefer, is to implement your application assuming the GET payload is never tampered with. Then, in case something has a broken implementation, you allow clients to override the HTTP method with the X-HTTP-Method-Override, which is a popular convention for clients to emulate HTTP methods with POST. So, if a client has a broken implementation, it can write the GET request as a POST, sending the X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET method, and you can have a middleware that's decoupled from your application implementation and rewrites the method accordingly. This is the best option if you're a purist.

Python Image Library fails with message "decoder JPEG not available" - PIL

The followed works on ubuntu 12.04:

pip uninstall PIL
apt-get install libjpeg-dev
apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
apt-get install zlib1g-dev
apt-get install libpng12-dev
pip install PIL --upgrade

when your see "-- JPEG support avaliable" that means it works.

But, if it still doesn't work when your edit your jpeg image, check the python path !! my python path missed /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL-1.1.7-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/, so I edit the ~/.bashrc add the following code to this file:

Edit: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PIL-1.1.7-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/

then, finally, it works!!

Clear the entire history stack and start a new activity on Android

I found too simple hack just do this add new element in AndroidManifest as:-

<activity android:name=".activityName"

the android:noHistory will clear your unwanted activity from Stack.

Get the last three chars from any string - Java

Alternative way for "insufficient string length or null" save:

String numbers = defaultValue();
   numbers = word.substring(word.length() - 3);
} catch(Exception e) {
   System.out.println("Insufficient String length");

How do I store the select column in a variable?

select @EmpID = ID from dbo.Employee


set @EmpID =(select id from dbo.Employee)

Note that the select query might return more than one value or rows. so you can write a select query that must return one row.

If you would like to add more columns to one variable(MS SQL), there is an option to use table defined variable

DECLARE @sampleTable TABLE(column1 type1)
INSERT INTO @sampleTable
SELECT columnsNumberEqualInsampleTable FROM .. WHERE ..

As table type variable do not exist in Oracle and others, you would have to define it:

DECLARE TYPE type_name IS TABLE OF (column_type | variable%TYPE | table.column%TYPE [NOT NULL] INDEX BY BINARY INTEGER;

-- Then to declare a TABLE variable of this type: variable_name type_name;

-- Assigning values to a TABLE variable: variable_name(n).field_name := 'some text';

-- Where 'n' is the index value

memory error in python

you could try to create the same script that popups that error, dividing the script into several script by importing from external script. Example, expect an error Memory error, so i divide into several scripts all of them have to get into a folder "hellohello" into that folder create into init write import h,e,ll,o and then on ide you write import hellohello

How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?

1. From Package Explorer open the Filters... dialog:

enter image description here

2. Then uncheck .* resources option:

enter image description here

PHP class not found but it's included

Check to make sure your environment isn't being picky about your opening tags. My configuration requires:


If i try to use:


Then I get the same error as you.

python pandas convert index to datetime

It should work as expected. Try to run the following example.

import pandas as pd
import io

data = """value          
"2015-09-25 00:46"    71.925000
"2015-09-25 00:47"    71.625000
"2015-09-25 00:48"    71.333333
"2015-09-25 00:49"    64.571429
"2015-09-25 00:50"    72.285714"""

df = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(data), delim_whitespace=True)

# Converting the index as date
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)

# Extracting hour & minute
df['A'] = df.index.hour
df['B'] = df.index.minute

#                          value  A   B
# 2015-09-25 00:46:00  71.925000  0  46
# 2015-09-25 00:47:00  71.625000  0  47
# 2015-09-25 00:48:00  71.333333  0  48
# 2015-09-25 00:49:00  64.571429  0  49
# 2015-09-25 00:50:00  72.285714  0  50

extract column value based on another column pandas dataframe

You can try query, which is less typing:


python selenium click on button

try this:

download firefox, add the plugin "firebug" and "firepath"; after install them go to your webpage, start firebug and find the xpath of the element, it unique in the page so you can't make any mistake.

See picture: instruction

browser.find_element_by_xpath('just copy and paste the Xpath').click()

Load view from an external xib file in storyboard

My full example is here, but I will provide a summary below.


Add a .swift and .xib file each with the same name to your project. The .xib file contains your custom view layout (using auto layout constraints preferably).

Make the swift file the xib file's owner.

enter image description here Code

Add the following code to the .swift file and hook up the outlets and actions from the .xib file.

import UIKit
class ResuableCustomView: UIView {

    let nibName = "ReusableCustomView"
    var contentView: UIView?

    @IBOutlet weak var label: UILabel!
    @IBAction func buttonTap(_ sender: UIButton) {
        label.text = "Hi"

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

        guard let view = loadViewFromNib() else { return }
        view.frame = self.bounds
        contentView = view

    func loadViewFromNib() -> UIView? {
        let bundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
        let nib = UINib(nibName: nibName, bundle: bundle)
        return nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView

Use it

Use your custom view anywhere in your storyboard. Just add a UIView and set the class name to your custom class name.

enter image description here

For a while Christopher Swasey's approach was the best approach I had found. I asked a couple of the senior devs on my team about it and one of them had the perfect solution! It satisfies every one of the concerns that Christopher Swasey so eloquently addressed and it doesn't require boilerplate subclass code(my main concern with his approach). There is one gotcha, but other than that it is fairly intuitive and easy to implement.

  1. Create a custom UIView class in a .swift file to control your xib. i.e. MyCustomClass.swift
  2. Create a .xib file and style it as you want. i.e. MyCustomClass.xib
  3. Set the File's Owner of the .xib file to be your custom class (MyCustomClass)
  4. GOTCHA: leave the class value (under the identity Inspector) for your custom view in the .xib file blank. So your custom view will have no specified class, but it will have a specified File's Owner.
  5. Hook up your outlets as you normally would using the Assistant Editor.
    • NOTE: If you look at the Connections Inspector you will notice that your Referencing Outlets do not reference your custom class (i.e. MyCustomClass), but rather reference File's Owner. Since File's Owner is specified to be your custom class, the outlets will hook up and work propery.
  6. Make sure your custom class has @IBDesignable before the class statement.
  7. Make your custom class conform to the NibLoadable protocol referenced below.
    • NOTE: If your custom class .swift file name is different from your .xib file name, then set the nibName property to be the name of your .xib file.
  8. Implement required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) and override init(frame: CGRect) to call setupFromNib() like the example below.
  9. Add a UIView to your desired storyboard and set the class to be your custom class name (i.e. MyCustomClass).
  10. Watch IBDesignable in action as it draws your .xib in the storyboard with all of it's awe and wonder.

Here is the protocol you will want to reference:

public protocol NibLoadable {
    static var nibName: String { get }

public extension NibLoadable where Self: UIView {

    public static var nibName: String {
        return String(describing: Self.self) // defaults to the name of the class implementing this protocol.

    public static var nib: UINib {
        let bundle = Bundle(for: Self.self)
        return UINib(nibName: Self.nibName, bundle: bundle)

    func setupFromNib() {
        guard let view = Self.nib.instantiate(withOwner: self, options: nil).first as? UIView else { fatalError("Error loading \(self) from nib") }
        view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        view.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
        view.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
        view.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true
        view.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor, constant: 0).isActive = true

And here is an example of MyCustomClass that implements the protocol (with the .xib file being named MyCustomClass.xib):

class MyCustomClass: UIView, NibLoadable {

    @IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel!

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    override init(frame: CGRect) {
        super.init(frame: frame)


NOTE: If you miss the Gotcha and set the class value inside your .xib file to be your custom class, then it will not draw in the storyboard and you will get a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error when you run the app because it gets stuck in an infinite loop of trying to initialize the class from the nib using the init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) method which then calls Self.nib.instantiate and calls the init again.

Facebook OAuth "The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"

The way I fixed it: I went to the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs textbox and set the exact URL, not just the domain:



(the url may be different in your case, check it in the address bar of the browser).

This was caused by the setting Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs, which was locked in the Yes position.

How does collections.defaultdict work?

Dictionaries are a convenient way to store data for later retrieval by name (key). Keys must be unique, immutable objects, and are typically strings. The values in a dictionary can be anything. For many applications, the values are simple types such as integers and strings.

It gets more interesting when the values in a dictionary are collections (lists, dicts, etc.) In this case, the value (an empty list or dict) must be initialized the first time a given key is used. While this is relatively easy to do manually, the defaultdict type automates and simplifies these kinds of operations. A defaultdict works exactly like a normal dict, but it is initialized with a function (“default factory”) that takes no arguments and provides the default value for a nonexistent key.

A defaultdict will never raise a KeyError. Any key that does not exist gets the value returned by the default factory.

from collections import defaultdict
ice_cream = defaultdict(lambda: 'Vanilla')

ice_cream['Sarah'] = 'Chunky Monkey'
ice_cream['Abdul'] = 'Butter Pecan'

>>>Chunky Monkey


Here is another example on How using defaultdict, we can reduce complexity

from collections import defaultdict
# Time complexity O(n^2)
def delete_nth_naive(array, n):
    ans = []
    for num in array:
        if ans.count(num) < n:
    return ans

# Time Complexity O(n), using hash tables.
def delete_nth(array,n):
    result = []
    counts = defaultdict(int)

    for i in array:
        if counts[i] < n:
            counts[i] += 1
    return result

x = [1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3]
print(delete_nth(x, n=2))
print(delete_nth_naive(x, n=2))

In conclusion, whenever you need a dictionary, and each element’s value should start with a default value, use a defaultdict.

Way to *ngFor loop defined number of times instead of repeating over array?

Within your component, you can define an array of number (ES6) as described below:

export class SampleComponent {
  constructor() {
    this.numbers = Array(5).fill(0).map((x,i)=>i);

See this link for the array creation: Tersest way to create an array of integers from 1..20 in JavaScript.

You can then iterate over this array with ngFor:

  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let number of numbers">{{number}}</li>
export class SampleComponent {

Or shortly:

  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let number of [0,1,2,3,4]">{{number}}</li>
export class SampleComponent {

Hope it helps you, Thierry

Edit: Fixed the fill statement and template syntax.

Stretch image to fit full container width bootstrap

First of all if the size of the image is smaller than the container, then only "img-fluid" class will not solve your problem. you have to set the width of image to 100%, for that you can use Bootstrap class "w-100". keep in mind that "container-fluid" and "col-12" class sets left and right padding to 15px and "row" class sets left and right margin to "-15px" by default. make sure to set them to 0.

Note: "px-0" is a bootstrap class which sets left and right padding to 0 and
"mx-0" is a bootstrap class which sets left and right margin to 0

P.S. i am using Bootstrap 4.0 version.

 <div class="container-fluid px-0">
        <div class="row mx-0">
            <div class="col-12 px-0">
            <img src="images/top.jpg" class="img-fluid w-100">

Backporting Python 3 open(encoding="utf-8") to Python 2

If you are using six, you can try this, by which utilizing the latest Python 3 API and can run in both Python 2/3:

import six

if six.PY2:
    # FileNotFoundError is only available since Python 3.3
    FileNotFoundError = IOError
    from io import open

fname = 'index.rst'
    with open(fname, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        # do_something_with_f ...
except FileNotFoundError:

And, Python 2 support abandon is just deleting everything related to six.

How to change a string into uppercase

>>> s = 'sdsd'
>>> s.upper()

See String Methods.

Browse files and subfolders in Python

I had a similar thing to work on, and this is how I did it.

import os

rootdir = os.getcwd()

for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
    for file in files:
        #print os.path.join(subdir, file)
        filepath = subdir + os.sep + file

        if filepath.endswith(".html"):
            print (filepath)

Hope this helps.

How to change the port of Tomcat from 8080 to 80?

On Ubuntu and Debian systems, there are several steps needed:

  1. In server.xml, change the line <Connector connectionTimeout="20000" port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" redirectPort="8443"/> to have port="80".

  2. Install the recommended (not required) authbind package, with a command like:

    sudo apt-get install authbind

  3. Enable authbind in the server.xml file (in either /etc/tomcat6 or /etc/tomcat7) by uncommenting and setting the line like:


All three steps are needed.

ASP.NET Core 1.0 on IIS error 502.5

I got the same problem and the reason in my case was that the EF core was trying to read connection string from appsettings.development.json file. I opened it and found the connection string was commented.

//  "ConnectionStrings": {
//    "DefaultConnection": "Server=vaio;Database=Goldentaurus;Trusted_Connection=True;",
//    "IdentityConnection": "Server=vaio;Database=GTIdentity;Trusted_Connection=True;"
//  }

I then uncommitted them like below and the problem solved:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=vaio;Database=Goldentaurus;Trusted_Connection=True;",
    "IdentityConnection": "Server=vaio;Database=GTIdentity;Trusted_Connection=True;"

'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

To solve this problem please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the maven zip file from
  2. Extract the maven zip file
  3. Open the environment variable and in user variable section click on new button and make a variable called MAVEN_HOME and assign it the value of bin path of extracted maven zip
  4. Now in System Variable click on Path and click on Edit button --> Now Click on New button and paste the bin path of maven zip
  5. Now click on OK button
  6. Open CMD and type mvn -version
  7. Installed Maven version will be displayed and your setup is completed

How to enable scrolling on website that disabled scrolling?

Try ur code to add 'script' is last line or make test ur console (F12) enable scrolling

(function() {
  for (div=0; div < document.querySelectorAll('div').length; div++) {
    document.querySelectorAll('div')[div].style.overflow = "auto";

SQL Data Reader - handling Null column values

Old question but maybe someone still need an answer

in real i worked around this issue like that

For int :

public static object GatDataInt(string Query, string Column)
        SqlConnection DBConn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
        if (DBConn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
        SqlCommand CMD = new SqlCommand(Query, DBConn);
        SqlDataReader RDR = CMD.ExecuteReader();
        if (RDR.Read())
            var Result = RDR[Column];
            return Result;
        return 0;

the same for string just return "" instead of 0 as "" is empty string

so you can use it like

int TotalPoints = GatDataInt(QueryToGetTotalPoints, TotalPointColumn) as int?;


string Email = GatDatastring(QueryToGetEmail, EmailColumn) as string;

very flexible so you can insert any query to read any column and it'll never return with error

Are the shift operators (<<, >>) arithmetic or logical in C?

GCC does

  1. for -ve - > Arithmetic Shift

  2. For +ve -> Logical Shift

How to set background color of an Activity to white programmatically?

View randview = new View(getBaseContext());
randview = (View)findViewById(;

worked for me. thank you.

Convert a String of Hex into ASCII in Java

To this case, I have a hexadecimal data format into an int array and I want to convert them on String.

int[] encodeHex = new int[] { 0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f }; // Hello encode
for (int i = 0; i < encodeHex.length; i++) {
   System.out.print((char) (encodeHex[i]));

How to handle iframe in Selenium WebDriver using java

In Webdriver, you should use driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); to get out of a frame. You need to get out of all the frames first, then switch into outer frame again.

// between step 4 and step 5
// remove selenium.selectFrame("relative=up");
driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); // you are now outside both frames
// now continue step 6

How do I get the RootViewController from a pushed controller?

I encounter a strange condition.

self.viewControllers.first is not root viewController always.

Generally, self.viewControllers.first is root viewController indeed. But sometimes it's not.

class MyCustomMainNavigationController: UINavigationController {

    function configureForView(_ v: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
        let root = self.viewControllers.first
        let isRoot = (v == root)
        // Update UI based on isRoot
        // ....

extension MyCustomMainNavigationController: UINavigationControllerDelegate {
    func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, 
        willShow viewController: UIViewController, 
        animated: Bool) {

        self.configureForView(viewController, animated: animated)

My issue:

Generally, self.viewControllers.first is root viewController. But, when I call popToRootViewController(animated:), and then it triggers navigationController(_:willShow:animated:). At this moment, self.viewControllers.first is NOT root viewController, it's the last viewController which will disappear.


  • self.viewControllers.first is not always root viewController. Sometime, it will be the last viewController.

So, I suggest to keep rootViewController by property when self.viewControllers have ONLY one viewController. I get root viewController in viewDidLoad() of custom UINavigationController.

class MyCustomMainNavigationController: UINavigationController {
    fileprivate var myRoot: UIViewController!
    override func viewDidLoad() {


        // My UINavigationController is defined in storyboard. 
        // So at this moment, 
        // I can get root viewController by `self.topViewController!`
        let v = self.topViewController!
        self.myRoot = v



  • iPhone 7 with iOS 14.0.1
  • Xcode 12.0.1 (12A7300)

Javascript extends class

Take a look at Simple JavaScript Inheritance and Inheritance Patterns in JavaScript.

The simplest method is probably functional inheritance but there are pros and cons.

How to start working with GTest and CMake

The OP is using Windows, and a much easier way to use GTest today is with vcpkg+cmake.

Install vcpkg as per , and make sure you can run vcpkg from the cmd line. Take note of the vcpkg installation folder, eg. C:\bin\programs\vcpkg.

Install gtest using vcpkg install gtest: this will download, compile, and install GTest.

Use a CmakeLists.txt as below: note we can use targets instead of including folders.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15)
project(sample CXX)
find_package(GTest REQUIRED)
add_executable(test1 test.cpp source.cpp)
target_link_libraries(test1 GTest::GTest GTest::Main)
add_test(test-1 test1)

Run cmake with: (edit the vcpkg folder if necessary, and make sure the path to the vcpkg.cmake toolchain file is correct)

cmake -B build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\bin\programs\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake

and build using cmake --build build as usual. Note that, vcpkg will also copy the required gtest(d).dll/gtest(d)_main.dll from the install folder to the Debug/Release folders.

Test with cd build & ctest.

How to set background color of HTML element using css properties in JavaScript

Add this script element to your body element:

  <script type="text/javascript"> = "#AAAAAA";

The following artifacts could not be resolved: javax.jms:jms:jar:1.1

If anyone still wants to use jms1.1 then add the public jboss repository and maven will find it...




      <name> Maven repository</name>

It works -

F:\mvn-repo-stuff>mvn verify
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building mvn-repo-stuff 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Downloaded: (677 B at 0.8 KB/sec)
[WARNING] The artifact xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:2.0.2 has been relocated to xml-apis:xml-apis:jar:1.0.b2
Downloaded: (26 KB at 8.5 KB/sec)

javascript: calculate x% of a number

If you want to pass the % as part of your function you should use the following alternative:

function fpercentStr(quantity, percentString)
    var percent = new Number(percentString.replace("%", ""));
    return fpercent(quantity, percent);

function fpercent(quantity, percent)
    return quantity * percent / 100;
document.write("test 1:  " + fpercent(10000, 35.873))
document.write("test 2:  " + fpercentStr(10000, "35.873%"))

Iterating over each line of ls -l output

You can also try the find command. If you only want files in the current directory:

find . -d 1 -prune -ls

Run a command on each of them?

find . -d 1 -prune -exec echo {} \;

Count lines, but only in files?

find . -d 1 -prune -type f -exec wc -l {} \;

Check if value exists in the array (AngularJS)

U can use something like this....

  function (field,value) {

         var newItemOrder= value;
          // Make sure user hasnt already added this item
        angular.forEach(arr, function(item) {
            if (newItemOrder == item.value) {

            } });


When should the xlsm or xlsb formats be used?

They're all similar in that they're essentially zip files containing the actual file components. You can see the contents just by replacing the extension with .zip and opening them up. The difference with xlsb seems to be that the components are not XML-based but are in a binary format: supposedly this is beneficial when working with large files.

Why is 1/1/1970 the "epoch time"?

Epoch reference date

An epoch reference date is a point on the timeline from which we count time. Moments before that point are counted with a negative number, moments after are counted with a positive number.

Many epochs in use

Why is 1 January 1970 00:00:00 considered the epoch time?

No, not the epoch, an epoch. There are many epochs in use.

This choice of epoch is arbitrary.

Major computers systems and libraries use any of at least a couple dozen various epochs. One of the most popular epochs is commonly known as Unix Time, using the 1970 UTC moment you mentioned.

While popular, Unix Time’s 1970 may not be the most common. Also in the running for most common would be January 0, 1900 for countless Microsoft Excel & Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets, or January 1, 2001 used by Apple’s Cocoa framework in over a billion iOS/macOS machines worldwide in countless apps. Or perhaps January 6, 1980 used by GPS devices?

Many granularities

Different systems use different granularity in counting time.

Even the so-called “Unix Time” varies, with some systems counting whole seconds and some counting milliseconds. Many database such as Postgres use microseconds. Some, such as the modern java.time framework in Java 8 and later, use nanoseconds. Some use still other granularities.

ISO 8601

Because there is so much variance in the use of an epoch reference and in the granularities, it is generally best to avoid communicating moments as a count-from-epoch. Between the ambiguity of epoch & granularity, plus the inability of humans to perceive meaningful values (and therefore miss buggy values), use plain text instead of numbers.

The ISO 8601 standard provides an extensive set of practical well-designed formats for expressing date-time values as text. These formats are easy to parse by machine as well as easy to read by humans across cultures.

These include:

Hibernate Criteria Restrictions AND / OR combination

think works

Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria(clazz); 
Criterion rest1= Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq(A, "X"), 
 "B", Arrays.asList("X",Y)));
Criterion rest2= Restrictions.and(Restrictions.eq(A, "Y"), 
           Restrictions.eq(B, "Z"));
criteria.add(Restrictions.or(rest1, rest2));

Is there a way to make mv create the directory to be moved to if it doesn't exist?

I frequently stumble upon this issue while bulk moving files to new subdirectories. Ideally, I want to do this:

mv * newdir/  

Most of the answers in this thread propose to mkdir and then mv, but this results in:

mkdir newdir && mv * newdir 
mv: cannot move 'newdir/' to a subdirectory of itself

The problem I face is slightly different in that I want to blanket move everything, and, if I create the new directory before moving then it also tries to move the new directory to itself. So, I work around this by using the parent directory:

mkdir ../newdir && mv * ../newdir && mv ../newdir .

Caveats: Does not work in the root folder (/).

How to execute a Ruby script in Terminal?

Assuming ruby interpreter is in your PATH (it should be), you simply run

ruby your_file.rb

fatal: git-write-tree: error building trees

maybe there are some unmerged paths in your git repository that you have to resolve before stashing.

How can I avoid running ActiveRecord callbacks?

Looks like one way to handle this in Rails 2.3 (since update_without_callbacks is gone, etc.), would be to use update_all, which is one of the methods that skips callbacks as per section 12 of the Rails Guide to validations and callbacks.

Also, note that if you are doing something in your after_ callback, that does a calculation based on many association (i.e. a has_many assoc, where you also do accepts_nested_attributes_for), you will need to reload the association, in case as part of the save, one of its members was deleted.

C++ display stack trace on exception

Since the stack is already unwound when entering the catch block, the solution in my case was to not catch certain exceptions which then lead to a SIGABRT. In the signal handler for SIGABRT I then fork() and execl() either gdb (in debug builds) or Google breakpads stackwalk (in release builds). Also I try to only use signal handler safe functions.


static const char BACKTRACE_START[] = "<2>--- backtrace of entire stack ---\n";
static const char BACKTRACE_STOP[] = "<2>--- backtrace finished ---\n";

static char *ltrim(char *s)
    while (' ' == *s) {
    return s;

void Backtracer::print()
    int child_pid = ::fork();
    if (child_pid == 0) {
        // redirect stdout to stderr
        ::dup2(2, 1);

        // create buffer for parent pid (2+16+1 spaces to allow up to a 64 bit hex parent pid)
        char pid_buf[32];
        const char* stem = "                   ";
        const char* s = stem;
        char* d = &pid_buf[0];
        while (static_cast<bool>(*s))
            *d++ = *s++;
        *d-- = '\0';
        char* hexppid = d;

        // write parent pid to buffer and prefix with 0x
        int ppid = getppid();
        while (ppid != 0) {
            *hexppid = ((ppid & 0xF) + '0');
            if(*hexppid > '9') {
                *hexppid += 'a' - '0' - 10;
            ppid >>= 4;
        *hexppid-- = 'x';
        *hexppid = '0';

        // invoke GDB
        char name_buf[512];
        name_buf[::readlink("/proc/self/exe", &name_buf[0], 511)] = 0;
        ssize_t r = ::write(STDERR_FILENO, &BACKTRACE_START[0], sizeof(BACKTRACE_START));
                "/usr/bin/gdb", "--batch", "-n", "-ex", "thread apply all bt full", "-ex", "quit",
                &name_buf[0], ltrim(&pid_buf[0]), nullptr);
        ::exit(1); // if GDB failed to start
    } else if (child_pid == -1) {
        ::exit(1); // if forking failed
    } else {
        // make it work for non root users
        if (0 != getuid()) {
            ::prctl(PR_SET_PTRACER, PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY, 0, 0, 0);
        ::waitpid(child_pid, nullptr, 0);
        ssize_t r = ::write(STDERR_FILENO, &BACKTRACE_STOP[0], sizeof(BACKTRACE_STOP));


static bool dumpCallback(const google_breakpad::MinidumpDescriptor& descriptor, void* context, bool succeeded)
    int child_pid = ::fork();
    if (child_pid == 0) {
        ::dup2(open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY), 2); // ignore verbose output on stderr
        ::execl("/usr/bin/minidump_stackwalk", "/usr/bin/minidump_stackwalk", descriptor.path(), "/usr/share/breakpad-syms", nullptr);
        ::exit(1); // if minidump_stackwalk failed to start
    } else if (child_pid == -1) {
        ::exit(1); // if forking failed
    } else {
        ::waitpid(child_pid, nullptr, 0);
    ::remove(descriptor.path()); // this is not signal safe anymore but should still work
    return succeeded;

Edit: To make it work for breakpad I also had to add this:

    ssize_t r = ::write(STDERR_FILENO, EXCEPTION, sizeof(EXCEPTION));
    google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidump(std::string("/tmp"), dumpCallback, NULL);
    exit(1); // avoid creating a second dump by not calling std::abort

Source: How to get a stack trace for C++ using gcc with line number information? and Is it possible to attach gdb to a crashed process (a.k.a "just-in-time" debugging)

Is it possible to validate the size and type of input=file in html5

I could do this (demo):

<!doctype html>
<script src=""></script>
    <form >
        <input type="file" id="f" data-max-size="32154" />
        <input type="submit" />
        var isOk = true;
            if(typeof this.files[0] !== 'undefined'){
                var maxSize = parseInt($(this).attr('max-size'),10),
                size = this.files[0].size;
                isOk = maxSize > size;
                return isOk;
        return isOk;

Check if a div exists with jquery

As karim79 mentioned, the first is the most concise. However I could argue that the second is more understandable as it is not obvious/known to some Javascript/jQuery programmers that non-zero/false values are evaluated to true in if-statements. And because of that, the third method is incorrect.

Enable PHP Apache2

You have two ways to enable it.

First, you can set the absolute path of the php module file in your httpd.conf file like this:

LoadModule php5_module /path/to/mods-available/

Second, you can link the module file to the mods-enabled directory:

ln -s /path/to/mods-available/ /path/to/mods-enabled/

Bootstrap date time picker

In order to run the bootstrap date time picker you need to include Moment.js as well. Here is the working code sample in your case.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <html lang="en">_x000D_
      <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
      <script src=""></script>_x000D_
      <script src=""></script>_x000D_
      <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.css"> -->_x000D_
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> _x000D_
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> _x000D_
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
       <div class="container">_x000D_
          <div class="row">_x000D_
            <div class='col-sm-6'>_x000D_
                <div class="form-group">_x000D_
                    <div class='input-group date' id='datetimepicker1'>_x000D_
                        <input type='text' class="form-control" />_x000D_
                        <span class="input-group-addon">_x000D_
                            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>_x000D_
            <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
                $(function () {_x000D_

Add timer to a Windows Forms application


Then add a button or something on the form and inside its event, just open this app ie:


Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Free Desktop Timer\DesktopTimer");


Conversion hex string into ascii in bash command line

This code will convert the text 0xA7.0x9B.0x46.0x8D.0x1E.0x52.0xA7.0x9B.0x7B.0x31.0xD2 into a stream of 11 bytes with equivalent values. These bytes will be written to standard out.

TESTDATA=$(echo '0xA7.0x9B.0x46.0x8D.0x1E.0x52.0xA7.0x9B.0x7B.0x31.0xD2' | tr '.' ' ')
for c in $TESTDATA; do
    echo $c | xxd -r

As others have pointed out, this will not result in a printable ASCII string for the simple reason that the specified bytes are not ASCII. You need post more information about how you obtained this string for us to help you with that.

How it works: xxd -r translates hexadecimal data to binary (like a reverse hexdump). xxd requires that each line start off with the index number of the first character on the line (run hexdump on something and see how each line starts off with an index number). In our case we want that number to always be zero, since each execution only has one line. As luck would have it, our data already has zeros before every character as part of the 0x notation. The lower case x is ignored by xxd, so all we have to do is pipe each 0xhh character to xxd and let it do the work.

The tr translates periods to spaces so that for will split it up correctly.

Using braces with dynamic variable names in PHP

Wrap them in {}:

${"file" . $i} = file($filelist[$i]);

Working Example

Using ${} is a way to create dynamic variables, simple example:

${'a' . 'b'} = 'hello there';
echo $ab; // hello there

Why is HttpContext.Current null?

Clearly HttpContext.Current is not null only if you access it in a thread that handles incoming requests. That's why it works "when i use this code in another class of a page".

It won't work in the scheduling related class because relevant code is not executed on a valid thread, but a background thread, which has no HTTP context associated with.

Overall, don't use Application["Setting"] to store global stuffs, as they are not global as you discovered.

If you need to pass certain information down to business logic layer, pass as arguments to the related methods. Don't let your business logic layer access things like HttpContext or Application["Settings"], as that violates the principles of isolation and decoupling.

Update: Due to the introduction of async/await it is more often that such issues happen, so you might consider the following tip,

In general, you should only call HttpContext.Current in only a few scenarios (within an HTTP module for example). In all other cases, you should use

instead of HttpContext.Current.

How to use Bootstrap in an Angular project?

Procedure with Angular 6+ & Bootstrap 4+ :

  1. Open a shell on the folder of your project
  2. Install bootstrap with the command : npm install --save [email protected]
  3. Bootstrap need the dependency jquery, so if you don't have it, you can install it with the command : npm install --save jquery 1.9.1
  4. You may need to fix vulnerability with the command : npm audit fix
  5. In your main style.scss file, add the following line : @import "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";


Add this line to your main index.html file : <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm" crossorigin="anonymous">

How to display an alert box from C# in ASP.NET?

Response.Write("<script>alert('Data inserted successfully')</script>");

Phone Number Validation MVC

To display a phone number with (###) ###-#### format, you can create a new HtmlHelper.



HtmlHelper Extension

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static HtmlString DisplayForPhone(this HtmlHelper helper, string phone)
        if (phone == null)
            return new HtmlString(string.Empty);
        string formatted = phone;
        if (phone.Length == 10)
            formatted = $"({phone.Substring(0,3)}) {phone.Substring(3,3)}-{phone.Substring(6,4)}";
        else if (phone.Length == 7)
            formatted = $"{phone.Substring(0,3)}-{phone.Substring(3,4)}";
        string s = $"<a href='tel:{phone}'>{formatted}</a>";
        return new HtmlString(s);

What is the fastest way to send 100,000 HTTP requests in Python?

Twistedless solution:

from urlparse import urlparse
from threading import Thread
import httplib, sys
from Queue import Queue

concurrent = 200

def doWork():
    while True:
        url = q.get()
        status, url = getStatus(url)
        doSomethingWithResult(status, url)

def getStatus(ourl):
        url = urlparse(ourl)
        conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url.netloc)   
        conn.request("HEAD", url.path)
        res = conn.getresponse()
        return res.status, ourl
        return "error", ourl

def doSomethingWithResult(status, url):
    print status, url

q = Queue(concurrent * 2)
for i in range(concurrent):
    t = Thread(target=doWork)
    t.daemon = True
    for url in open('urllist.txt'):
except KeyboardInterrupt:

This one is slighty faster than the twisted solution and uses less CPU.

How to inject window into a service?

To get it to work on Angular 2.1.1 I had to @Inject window using a string

  constructor( @Inject('Window') private window: Window) { }

and then mock it like this

beforeEach(() => {
  let windowMock: Window = <any>{ };
    providers: [
      { provide: 'Window', useFactory: (() => { return windowMock; }) }

and in the ordinary @NgModule I provide it like this

{ provide: 'Window', useValue: window }

How to change identity column values programmatically?

You can insert new rows with modified values and then delete old rows. Following example change ID to be same as foreign key PersonId


INSERT INTO [PersonApiLogin](
SELECT [PersonId]
FROM [db304].[dbo].[PersonApiLogin]

DELETE FROM [PersonApiLogin]
WHERE [PersonId] <> ID

How to iterate over a column vector in Matlab?

In Matlab, you can iterate over the elements in the list directly. This can be useful if you don't need to know which element you're currently working on.

Thus you can write

for elm = list
%# do something with the element

Note that Matlab iterates through the columns of list, so if list is a nx1 vector, you may want to transpose it.

ConfigurationManager.AppSettings - How to modify and save?

I know I'm late :) But this how i do it:

public static void AddOrUpdateAppSettings(string key, string value)
        var configFile = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
        var settings = configFile.AppSettings.Settings;
        if (settings[key] == null)
            settings.Add(key, value);
            settings[key].Value = value;
    catch (ConfigurationErrorsException)
        Console.WriteLine("Error writing app settings");

For more information look at MSDN

How to count rows with SELECT COUNT(*) with SQLAlchemy?

Query for just a single known column:


How to construct a REST API that takes an array of id's for the resources

I find another way of doing the same thing by using @PathParam. Here is the code sample.

public Object getData(@PathParam("zrssIds") String Ids)
  System.out.println("zrssIds = " + Ids);
  //Here you need to use String tokenizer to make the array from the string.

Call the service by using following url.



http://localhost:8080/[War File Name]/[Servlet Mapping]/[Class Path]/data/xml/12,13,56,76

UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version in WebSphere AS 7

WebSphere Application Server V7 does support Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 6 (see Specifications and API documentation in the Network Deployment (All operating systems), Version 7.0 Information Center) and it's since the release V8.5 when Java 7 has been supported.

I couldn't find the Java 6 SDK documentation, and could only consult IBM JVM Messages in Java 7 Windows documentation. Alas, I couldn't find the error message in the documentation either.

Since java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError is "Thrown when the Java Virtual Machine attempts to read a class file and determines that the major and minor version numbers in the file are not supported.", you ran into an issue of building the application with more recent version of Java than the one supported by the runtime environment, i.e. WebSphere Application Server 7.0.

I may be mistaken, but I think that offset=6 in the message is to let you know what position caused the incompatibility issue to occur. It's irrelevant for you, for me, and for many other people, but some might find it useful, esp. when they generate bytecode themselves.

Run the versionInfo command to find out about the Installed Features of WebSphere Application Server V7, e.g.

WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2005, 2008; All rights reserved.
WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 10/18/11

IBM WebSphere Product Installation Status Report

Report at date and time February 19, 2013 8:07:20 AM EST

Product Directory        C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
Version Directory        C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\properties\version
DTD Directory            C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\properties\version\dtd
Log Directory            C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\logs

Product List
BPMPC                    installed
ND                       installed
WBM                      installed

Installed Product
Name                  IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V8.0
ID                    BPMPC
Build Level           20121102-1733
Build Date            11/2/12
Architecture          x86-64 (64 bit)
Installed Features    Non-production
                      Business Process Manager Advanced - Client (always installed)
Optional Languages    German
                      Brazilian Portuguese
                      Simplified Chinese
                      Traditional Chinese

Installed Product
Name                  IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
ID                    ND
Build Level           cf051243.01
Build Date            10/22/12
Architecture          x86-64 (64 bit)
Installed Features    IBM 64-bit SDK for Java, Version 6
                      EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules
                      Embeddable EJB container
                      Sample applications
                      Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters
Optional Languages    German
                      Brazilian Portuguese
                      Simplified Chinese
                      Traditional Chinese

Installed Product
Name                  IBM Business Monitor
ID                    WBM
Build Level           20121102-1733
Build Date            11/2/12
Architecture          x86-64 (64 bit)
Optional Languages    German
                      Brazilian Portuguese
                      Simplified Chinese
                      Traditional Chinese

End Installation Status Report

IIS Request Timeout on long ASP.NET operation

Remove ~ character in location so




Where can I set path to make.exe on Windows?

The path is in the registry but usually you edit through this interface:

  1. Go to Control Panel -> System -> System settings -> Environment Variables.
  2. Scroll down in system variables until you find PATH.
  3. Click edit and change accordingly.
  4. BE SURE to include a semicolon at the end of the previous as that is the delimiter, i.e. c:\path;c:\path2
  5. Launch a new console for the settings to take effect.

Postfix is installed but how do I test it?

To check whether postfix is running or not

sudo postfix status

If it is not running, start it.

sudo postfix start

Then telnet to localhost port 25 to test the email id

ehlo localhost
mail from: root@localhost
rcpt to: your_email_id
Subject: My first mail on Postfix

Are you there?

Do not forget the . at the end, which indicates end of line

Why does pycharm propose to change method to static

Rather than implementing another method just to work around this error in a particular IDE, does the following make sense? PyCharm doesn't suggest anything with this implementation.

class Animal:
    def __init__(self):
        print("Animal created")

    def eat(self):
        not self # <-- This line here
        print("I am eating")

my_animal = Animal()

PHP Regex to get youtube video ID?

Just found this online at

function getYouTubeId($url) {
// Format all domains to http://domain for easier URL parsing
str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url);
if (!stristr($url, 'http://') && (strlen($url) != 11)) {
    $url = 'http://' . $url;
$url = str_replace('http://www.', 'http://', $url);

if (strlen($url) == 11) {
    $code = $url;
} else if (preg_match('/http:\/\/', $url)) {
    $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $code = substr($url, 1, 11);
} else if (preg_match('/watch/', $url)) {
    $arr = parse_url($url);
    $code = isset($v) ? substr($v, 0, 11) : false;
} else if (preg_match('/http:\/\/\/v/', $url)) {
    $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $code = substr($url, 3, 11);
} else if (preg_match('/http:\/\/\/embed/', $url, $matches)) {
    $url = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH);
    $code = substr($url, 7, 11);
} else if (preg_match("#(?<=v=)[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?=&)|(?<=[0-9]/)[^&\n]+|(?<=v=)[^&\n]+#", $url, $matches) ) {
    $code = substr($matches[0], 0, 11);
} else {
    $code = false;

if ($code && (strlen($code) < 11)) {
    $code = false;

return $code;

Bootstrap table striped: How do I change the stripe background colour?

If using SASS and Bootstrap 4, you can change the alternating background row color for both .table and .table-dark with:

$table-accent-bg: #990000;
$table-dark-accent-bg: #990000;

Converting Chart.js canvas chart to image using .toDataUrl() results in blank image

Chart.JS API has changed since this was posted and older examples did not seem to be working for me. here is an updated fiddle that works on the newer versions


    <canvas id="canvas" height="450" width="600"></canvas>
    <img id="url" />


function done(){
  var url=myLine.toBase64Image();

var options = {
  bezierCurve : false,
  animation: {
    onComplete: done

var myLine = new 

calling parent class method from child class object in java

First of all, it is a bad design, if you need something like that, it is good idea to refactor, e.g. by renaming the method. Java allows calling of overriden method using the "super" keyword, but only one level up in the hierarchy, I am not sure, maybe Scala and some other JVM languages support it for any level.

How to get ° character in a string in python?

Put this line at the top of your source

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

If your editor uses a different encoding, substitute for utf-8

Then you can include utf-8 characters directly in the source

Base64 PNG data to HTML5 canvas

Jerryf's answer is fine, except for one flaw.

The onload event should be set before the src. Sometimes the src can be loaded instantly and never fire the onload event.

(Like Totty.js pointed out.)

var canvas = document.getElementById("c");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
    ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

What does "use strict" do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it?

If people are worried about using use strict it might be worth checking out this article:

ECMAScript 5 'Strict mode' support in browsers. What does this mean? - Krishna's weblog

It talks about browser support, but more importantly how to deal with it safely:

function isStrictMode(){
    return !this;
   returns false, since 'this' refers to global object and 
   '!this' becomes false

function isStrictMode(){   
    "use strict";
    return !this;
   returns true, since in strict mode the keyword 'this'
   does not refer to global object, unlike traditional JS. 
   So here, 'this' is 'undefined' and '!this' becomes true.

Combine multiple JavaScript files into one JS file

This may be a bit of effort but you could download my open-source wiki project from codeplex:

It contains a CompressJavascript project (and CompressCSS) that uses the project.

The code should be self-explanatory but it makes combining and compressing the files a bit simnpler --- for me anyway :)

The ShuttleWiki project shows how to use it in the post-build event.

Get value of multiselect box using jQuery or pure JS

var data=[];
var $el=$("#my-select");

Using Eloquent ORM in Laravel to perform search of database using LIKE

FYI, the list of operators (containing like and all others) is in code:


protected $operators = array(
    '=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=',
    'like', 'not like', 'between', 'ilike',
    '&', '|', '^', '<<', '>>',
    'rlike', 'regexp', 'not regexp',


Joel Larson's answer is correct. Got my upvote.

I'm hoping this answer sheds more light on what's available via the Eloquent ORM (points people in the right direct). Whilst a link to documentation would be far better, that link has proven itself elusive.

How to convert milliseconds into a readable date?

Using the library Datejs you can accomplish this quite elegantly, with its toString format specifiers:

var date = new Date(1324339200000);

date.toString("MMM dd"); // "Dec 20"

Getting value from a cell from a gridview on RowDataBound event

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="# Percentage click throughs">
    <%# AddPercentClickThroughs(Convert.ToDecimal(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "EmailSummary.pLinksClicked")), Convert.ToDecimal(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "NumberOfSends")))%>

public string AddPercentClickThroughs(decimal NumberOfSends, decimal EmailSummary.pLinksClicked)
    decimal OccupancyPercentage = 0;
    if (TotalNoOfRooms != 0 && RoomsOccupied != 0)
        OccupancyPercentage = (Convert.ToDecimal(NumberOfSends) / Convert.ToDecimal(EmailSummary.pLinksClicked) * 100);
    return OccupancyPercentage.ToString("F");

How to fix error ::Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0::

I was getting this exception, fixed it by adding throwIfV1Schema: false to my DbContext constructor:

public class AppDb : IdentityDbContext<User>
    public AppDb()
        : base("DefaultConnection", throwIfV1Schema: false)

how to convert binary string to decimal?

Another implementation just for functional JS practicing could be

var bin2int = s =>, (p,c) => p*2 + +c)_x000D_
_x000D_ where +c coerces String type c to a Number type value for proper addition.

jQuery detect if textarea is empty

You just need to get the value of the texbox and see if it has anything in it:

if (!$(`#textareaid`).val().length)
     //do stuff

How to read if a checkbox is checked in PHP?

in BS3 you can put

                  $exenta = $datosOrdenCompra[0]['exenta'];
                  if(isset($datosOrdenCompra[0]['exenta']) and $datosOrdenCompra[0]['exenta'] == 1){



              <input type="checkbox" id="exenta" name="exenta" <?php echo $checked;?> > <span class="label-text"> Exenta</span>

Please Note the usage of isset($datosOrdenCompra[0]['exenta'])

How to add extra whitespace in PHP?

You can also use this

str_repeat("\x20", $numberOfRepeats);

OpenCV - Saving images to a particular folder of choice

FOR MAC USERS if you are working with open cv

import cv2


How to write lists inside a markdown table?

Yes, you can merge them using HTML. When I create tables in .md files from Github, I always like to use HTML code instead of markdown.

Github Flavored Markdown supports basic HTML in .md file. So this would be the answer:

Markdown mixed with HTML:

| Tables        | Are           | Cool  |
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is      | centered      |   $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat      |    $1 |
| <ul><li>item1</li><li>item2</li></ul>| See the list | from the first column|

Or pure HTML:

      <th align="center">Are</th>
      <th align="right">Cool</th>
      <td>col 3 is</td>
      <td align="center">right-aligned</td>
      <td align="right">$1600</td>
      <td>col 2 is</td>
      <td align="center">centered</td>
      <td align="right">$12</td>
      <td>zebra stripes</td>
      <td align="center">are neat</td>
      <td align="right">$1</td>
      <td align="center">See the list</td>
      <td align="right">from the first column</td>

This is how it looks on Github:

SQLiteDatabase.query method

Where clause and args work together to form the WHERE statement of the SQL query. So say you looking to express

WHERE Column1 = 'value1' AND Column2 = 'value2'

Then your whereClause and whereArgs will be as follows

String whereClause = "Column1 =? AND Column2 =?";
String[] whereArgs = new String[]{"value1", "value2"};

If you want to select all table columns, i believe a null string passed to tableColumns will suffice.

how to configure lombok in eclipse luna

It began to work only after

eclipse -clean.

And I have to launch it so each time. -clean in eclipse.ini doesn't help.

Other solutions weren't helpful too.

Access key value from Web.config in Razor View-MVC3 ASP.NET


How to calculate probability in a normal distribution given mean & standard deviation?

Note that probability is different than probability density pdf(), which some of the previous answers refer to. Probability is the chance that the variable has a specific value, whereas the probability density is the chance that the variable will be near a specific value, meaning probability over a range. So to obtain the probability you need to compute the integral of the probability density function over a given interval. As an approximation, you can simply multiply the probability density by the interval you're interested in and that will give you the actual probability.

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

data_start = -10
data_end = 10
data_points = 21
data = np.linspace(data_start, data_end, data_points)

point_of_interest = 5
mu = np.mean(data)
sigma = np.std(data)                                   
interval = (data_end - data_start) / (data_points - 1)
probability = norm.pdf(point_of_interest, loc=mu, scale=sigma) * interval

The code above will give you the probability that the variable will have an exact value of 5 in a normal distribution between -10 and 10 with 21 data points (meaning interval is 1). You can play around with a fixed interval value, depending on the results you want to achieve.

Position a div container on the right side

This works for me.

<div style="position: relative;width:100%;">
    <div style="position:absolute;left:0px;background-color:red;width:25%;height:100px;">
      This will be on the left

    <div style="position:absolute;right:0px;background-color:blue;width:25%;height:100px;">
      This will be on the right

How do I do a not equal in Django queryset filtering?

It's easy to create a custom lookup, there's an __ne lookup example in Django's official documentation.

You need to create the lookup itself first:

from django.db.models import Lookup

class NotEqual(Lookup):
    lookup_name = 'ne'

    def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
        lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection)
        rhs, rhs_params = self.process_rhs(compiler, connection)
        params = lhs_params + rhs_params
        return '%s <> %s' % (lhs, rhs), params

Then you need to register it:

from django.db.models import Field

And now you can use the __ne lookup in your queries like this:

results = Model.objects.exclude(a=True, x__ne=5)

How to remove pip package after deleting it manually

packages installed using pip can be uninstalled completely using

pip uninstall <package>

refrence link

pip uninstall is likely to fail if the package is installed using python install as they do not leave behind metadata to determine what files were installed.

packages still show up in pip list if their paths(.pth file) still exist in your site-packages or dist-packages folder. You'll need to remove them as well in case you're removing using rm -rf

How do I iterate through table rows and cells in JavaScript?

If you want one with a functional style, like this:

    const table = document.getElementById("mytab1");
    const cells = table.rows.toArray()
                  .flatMap(row => row.cells.toArray())
                  .map(cell => cell.innerHTML); //["col1 Val1", "col2 Val2", "col1 Val3", "col2 Val4"]

You may modify the prototype object of HTMLCollection (allowing to use in a way that resembles extension methods in C#) and embed into it a function that converts collection into array, allowing to use higher order funcions with the above style (kind of linq style in C#):

    Object.defineProperty(HTMLCollection.prototype, "toArray", {
        value: function toArray() {
            return, 0);
        writable: true,
        configurable: true

npm WARN ... requires a peer of ... but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself

In my case following commands worked for me:

sudo npm cache clean --force
sudo npm install -g npm

sudo apt install libssl1.0-dev
sudo apt install nodejs-dev
sudo apt install node-gyp
sudo apt install npm

After that if you are facing "Cannot find module 'bcrypt' then for that you can resolve this one with below commands:

npm install node-gyp -g
npm install bcrypt -g
npm install bcrypt --save  

Hope it will work for you as well.

static and extern global variables in C and C++

Global variables are not extern nor static by default on C and C++. When you declare a variable as static, you are restricting it to the current source file. If you declare it as extern, you are saying that the variable exists, but are defined somewhere else, and if you don't have it defined elsewhere (without the extern keyword) you will get a link error (symbol not found).

Your code will break when you have more source files including that header, on link time you will have multiple references to varGlobal. If you declare it as static, then it will work with multiple sources (I mean, it will compile and link), but each source will have its own varGlobal.

What you can do in C++, that you can't in C, is to declare the variable as const on the header, like this:

const int varGlobal = 7;

And include in multiple sources, without breaking things at link time. The idea is to replace the old C style #define for constants.

If you need a global variable visible on multiple sources and not const, declare it as extern on the header, and then define it, this time without the extern keyword, on a source file:

Header included by multiple files:

extern int varGlobal;

In one of your source files:

int varGlobal = 7;

MySQL Update Column +1?

You can do:

UPDATE categories SET posts = posts + 1 WHERE category_id = 42;

Calculate relative time in C#

A "one-liner" using deconstruction and Linq to get "n [biggest unit of time] ago" :

TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1234, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);

(string unit, int value) = new Dictionary<string, int>
    {"year(s)", (int)(timeSpan.TotalDays / 365.25)}, //
    {"month(s)", (int)(timeSpan.TotalDays / 29.53)}, //
    {"day(s)", (int)timeSpan.TotalDays},
    {"hour(s)", (int)timeSpan.TotalHours},
    {"minute(s)", (int)timeSpan.TotalMinutes},
    {"second(s)", (int)timeSpan.TotalSeconds},
    {"millisecond(s)", (int)timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds}
}.First(kvp => kvp.Value > 0);

Console.WriteLine($"{value} {unit} ago");

You get 786 year(s) ago

With the current year and month, like

TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - new DateTime(2020, 12, 6, 7, 8, 9);

you get 4 day(s) ago

With the actual date, like

TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - DateTime.Now.Date;

you get 9 hour(s) ago

How can I format a list to print each element on a separate line in python?

Embrace the future! Just to be complete, you can also do this the Python 3k way by using the print function:

from __future__ import print_function  # Py 2.6+; In Py 3k not needed

mylist = ['10', 12, '14']    # Note that 12 is an int




Eventually, print as Python statement will go away... Might as well start to get used to it.

Reset Entity-Framework Migrations

The Issue: You have mucked up your migrations and you would like to reset it without deleting your existing tables.

The Problem: You can't reset migrations with existing tables in the database as EF wants to create the tables from scratch.

What to do:

  1. Delete existing migrations from Migrations_History table.

  2. Delete existing migrations from the Migrations Folder.

  3. Run add-migration Reset. This will create a migration in your Migration folder that includes creating the tables (but it will not run it so it will not error out.)

  4. You now need to create the initial row in the MigrationHistory table so EF has a snapshot of the current state. EF will do this if you apply a migration. However, you can't apply the migration that you just made as the tables already exist in your database. So go into the Migration and comment out all the code inside the "Up" method.

  5. Now run update-database. It will apply the Migration (while not actually changing the database) and create a snapshot row in MigrationHistory.

You have now reset your migrations and may continue with normal migrations.

Insert data to MySql DB and display if insertion is success or failure

if (mysql_query("INSERT INTO PEOPLE (NAME ) VALUES ('COLE')")or die(mysql_error())) {
  echo 'Success';
} else {
  echo 'Fail';

Although since you have or die(mysql_error()) it will show the mysql_error() on the screen when it fails. You should probably remove that if it isnt the desired result

Navigation bar with UIImage for title

Here is a handy function for Swift 4.2, shows an image with title text:-

enter image description here

override func viewDidLoad() {


    //Sets the navigation title with text and image
    self.navigationItem.titleView = navTitleWithImageAndText(titleText: "Dean Stanley", imageName: "online")

func navTitleWithImageAndText(titleText: String, imageName: String) -> UIView {

    // Creates a new UIView
    let titleView = UIView()

    // Creates a new text label
    let label = UILabel()
    label.text = titleText
    label.sizeToFit() =
    label.textAlignment =

    // Creates the image view
    let image = UIImageView()
    image.image = UIImage(named: imageName)

    // Maintains the image's aspect ratio:
    let imageAspect = image.image!.size.width / image.image!.size.height

    // Sets the image frame so that it's immediately before the text:
    let imageX = label.frame.origin.x - label.frame.size.height * imageAspect
    let imageY = label.frame.origin.y

    let imageWidth = label.frame.size.height * imageAspect
    let imageHeight = label.frame.size.height

    image.frame = CGRect(x: imageX, y: imageY, width: imageWidth, height: imageHeight)

    image.contentMode = UIView.ContentMode.scaleAspectFit

    // Adds both the label and image view to the titleView

    // Sets the titleView frame to fit within the UINavigation Title

    return titleView


Sort a List of objects by multiple fields

Your Comparator would look like this:

public class GraduationCeremonyComparator implements Comparator<GraduationCeremony> {
    public int compare(GraduationCeremony o1, GraduationCeremony o2) {
        int value1 = o1.campus.compareTo(o2.campus);
        if (value1 == 0) {
            int value2 = o1.faculty.compareTo(o2.faculty);
            if (value2 == 0) {
                return o1.building.compareTo(o2.building);
            } else {
                return value2;
        return value1;

Basically it continues comparing each successive attribute of your class whenever the compared attributes so far are equal (== 0).

Round float to x decimals?

I coded a function (used in Django project for DecimalField) but it can be used in Python project :

This code :

  • Manage integers digits to avoid too high number
  • Manage decimals digits to avoid too low number
  • Manage signed and unsigned numbers

Code with tests :

def convert_decimal_to_right(value, max_digits, decimal_places, signed=True):

    integer_digits = max_digits - decimal_places
    max_value = float((10**integer_digits)-float(float(1)/float((10**decimal_places))))

    if signed:
        min_value = max_value*-1
        min_value = 0

    if value > max_value:
        value = max_value

    if value < min_value:
        value = min_value

    return round(value, decimal_places)

value = 12.12345
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : 12.12

value = 12.126
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : 12.13

value = 1234.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : 99.99

value = -1234.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2)
# nb : -99.99

value = -1234.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 4, 2, signed = False)
# nb : 0

value = 12.123
nb = convert_decimal_to_right(value, 8, 4)
# nb : 12.123

PHP Multiple Checkbox Array

You need to use the square brackets notation to have values sent as an array:

<form method='post' id='userform' action='thisform.php'>
    <td>Trouble Type</td>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[]' value='Option One'>1<br>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[]' value='Option Two'>2<br>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[]' value='Option Three'>3
<input type='submit' class='buttons'>

Please note though, that only the values of only checked checkboxes will be sent.

How to join two tables by multiple columns in SQL?

No, just include the different fields in the "ON" clause of 1 inner join statement:

SELECT * from Evalulation e JOIN Value v ON e.CaseNum = v.CaseNum
    AND e.FileNum = v.FileNum AND e.ActivityNum = v.ActivityNum

R not finding package even after package installation

Do .libPaths(), close every R runing, check in the first directory, remove the zoo package restart R and install zoo again. Of course you need to have sufficient rights.

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

Try the following:

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap();
bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

byte[] byteArray = stream.GetBuffer();

Make sure you are using:

System.Drawing & using System.Drawing.Imaging;

Html.fromHtml deprecated in Android N

Or you can use androidx.core.text.HtmlCompat:

HtmlCompat.fromHtml("<b>HTML</b>", HtmlCompat.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)

HtmlCompat docs

Objective-C: Reading a file line by line

Mac OS X is Unix, Objective-C is C superset, so you can just use old-school fopen and fgets from <stdio.h>. It's guaranteed to work.

[NSString stringWithUTF8String:buf] will convert C string to NSString. There are also methods for creating strings in other encodings and creating without copying.

how to set the default value to the drop down list control?

lstDepartment.DataTextField = "DepartmentName";
lstDepartment.DataValueField = "DepartmentID";
lstDepartment.DataSource = dtDept;
'Set the initial value:
lstDepartment.SelectedValue = depID;
lstDepartment.Attributes.Add("InitialValue", depID);

And in your cancel method:

lstDepartment.SelectedValue = lstDepartment.Attributes("InitialValue");

And in your update method:

lstDepartment.Attributes("InitialValue") = lstDepartment.SelectedValue;

Creating custom function in React component

You can try this.

// Author: Hannad Rehman Sat Jun 03 2017 12:59:09 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)

import React from 'react';
import RippleButton from '../../Components/RippleButton/rippleButton.jsx';

class HtmlComponents extends React.Component {


        //do stuff. 
        // foo==bar

    render() {
      return (
             <h1>React Components</h1>
             <RippleButton onClick={this.rippleClickFunction}/>

export default HtmlComponents;

Yhe only concern is you have to bind the context to the function

setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

This code work in IE7 and Chrome:

var hiddenInput = document.createElement("input");
    hiddenInput.setAttribute("id", "uniqueIdentifier");
    hiddenInput.setAttribute("type", "hidden");                     
    hiddenInput.setAttribute("value", 'ID');
    hiddenInput.setAttribute("class", "ListItem");


Maybe problem somewhere else ?

Including dependencies in a jar with Maven

My definitive solution on Eclipse Luna and m2eclipse: Custom Classloader (download and add to your project, 5 classes only) :; this classloader is very best of one-jar classloader and very fast;

<project.mainClass>org.eclipse.jdt.internal.jarinjarloader.JarRsrcLoader</project.mainClass> <project.realMainClass>my.Class</project.realMainClass>

Edit in JIJConstants "Rsrc-Class-Path" to "Class-Path"
mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package
is created a jar with dependencies in lib folder with a thin classloader



                            <Rsrc-Main-Class>${project.realMainClass}  </Rsrc-Main-Class>


installing urllib in Python3.6

The corrected code is

import urllib.request
fhand = urllib.request.urlopen('')
counts = dict()
for line in fhand: 
    words = line.decode().split() 
for word in words: 
    counts[word] = counts.get(word, 0) + 1 

running the code above produces

{'Who': 1, 'is': 1, 'already': 1, 'sick': 1, 'and': 1, 'pale': 1, 'with': 1, 'grief': 1}

How to Run Terminal as Administrator on Mac Pro

To switch to root so that all subsequent commands are executed with high privileges instead of using sudo before each command use following command and then provide the password when prompted.

sudo -i

User will change and remain root until you close the terminal. Execute exit commmand which will change the user back to original user without closing terminal.

How to remove selected commit log entries from a Git repository while keeping their changes?

You can use git cherry-pick for this. 'cherry-pick' will apply a commit onto the branch your on now.

then do

git rebase --hard <SHA1 of A>

then apply the D and E commits.

git cherry-pick <SHA1 of D>
git cherry-pick <SHA1 of E>

This will skip out the B and C commit. Having said that it might be impossible to apply the D commit to the branch without B, so YMMV.

Get full query string in C# ASP.NET

Request.QueryString returns you a collection of Key/Value pairs representing the Query String. Not a String. Don't think that would cause a Object Reference error though. The reason your getting that is because as Mauro pointed out in the comments. It's QueryString and not Querystring.




    string URL = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri 
    System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient();
    string data = wc.DownloadString(URL);

Same as your code but Request.Url.AbsoluteUri will return the full path, including the query string.

jQuery datepicker years shown

If you look down the demo page a bit, you'll see a "Restricting Datepicker" section. Use the dropdown to specify the "Year dropdown shows last 20 years" demo , and hit view source:

    yearRange: "-20:+0", // this is the option you're looking for
    showOn: "both", 
    buttonImage: "templates/images/calendar.gif", 
    buttonImageOnly: true 

You'll want to do the same (obviously changing -20 to -100 or something).

How to add an event after close the modal window?

If you're using version 3.x of Bootstrap, the correct way to do this now is:

$('#myModal').on('', function (e) {
  // do something...

Scroll down to the events section to learn more.

This appears to remain unchanged for whenever version 4 releases (, but if it does I'll be sure to update this post with the relevant information.

XXHDPI and XXXHDPI dimensions in dp for images and icons in android

You can use a vector. Instead of worry about different screen sizes you only need to create an .svg file and import it to your project using Vector Asset Studio.

Specifying row names when reading in a file

If you used read.table() (or one of it's ilk, e.g. read.csv()) then the easy fix is to change the call to:

read.table(file = "foo.txt", row.names = 1, ....)

where .... are the other arguments you needed/used. The row.names argument takes the column number of the data file from which to take the row names. It need not be the first column. See ?read.table for details/info.

If you already have the data in R and can't be bothered to re-read it, or it came from another route, just set the rownames attribute and remove the first variable from the object (assuming obj is your object)

rownames(obj) <- obj[, 1]  ## set rownames
obj <- obj[, -1]           ## remove the first variable

How to start IIS Express Manually

Once you have IIS Express installed (the easiest way is through Microsoft Web Platform Installer), you will find the executable file in %PROGRAMFILES%\IIS Express (%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\IIS Express on x64 architectures) and its called iisexpress.exe.

To see all the possible command-line options, just run:

iisexpress /?

and the program detailed help will show up.

If executed without parameters, all the sites defined in the configuration file and marked to run at startup will be launched. An icon in the system tray will show which sites are running.

There are a couple of useful options once you have some sites created in the configuration file (found in %USERPROFILE%\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config): the /site and /siteId.

With the first one, you can launch a specific site by name:

iisexpress /site:SiteName

And with the latter, you can launch by specifying the ID:

iisexpress /siteId:SiteId

With this, if IISExpress is launched from the command-line, a list of all the requests made to the server will be shown, which can be quite useful when debugging.

Finally, a site can be launched by specifying the full directory path. IIS Express will create a virtual configuration file and launch the site (remember to quote the path if it contains spaces):

iisexpress /path:FullSitePath

This covers the basic IISExpress usage from the command line.

What is the use of join() in Python threading?

Thanks for this thread -- it helped me a lot too.

I learned something about .join() today.

These threads run in parallel:


and these run sequentially (not what I wanted):


In particular, I was trying to clever and tidy:

class Kiki(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, time):
        super(Kiki, self).__init__()
        self.time = time

This works! But it runs sequentially. I can put the self.start() in __ init __, but not the self.join(). That has to be done after every thread has been started.

join() is what causes the main thread to wait for your thread to finish. Otherwise, your thread runs all by itself.

So one way to think of join() as a "hold" on the main thread -- it sort of de-threads your thread and executes sequentially in the main thread, before the main thread can continue. It assures that your thread is complete before the main thread moves forward. Note that this means it's ok if your thread is already finished before you call the join() -- the main thread is simply released immediately when join() is called.

In fact, it just now occurs to me that the main thread waits at d.join() until thread d finishes before it moves on to t.join().

In fact, to be very clear, consider this code:

import threading
import time

class Kiki(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, time):
        super(Kiki, self).__init__()
        self.time = time

    def run(self):
        print self.time, " seconds start!"
        for i in range(0,self.time):
            print "1 sec of ", self.time
        print self.time, " seconds finished!"

t1 = Kiki(3)
t2 = Kiki(2)
t3 = Kiki(1)
print "t1.join() finished"
print "t2.join() finished"
print "t3.join() finished"

It produces this output (note how the print statements are threaded into each other.)

$ python
32   seconds start! seconds start!1

 seconds start!
1 sec of  1
 1 sec of 1  seconds finished!
 21 sec of
1 sec of  3
1 sec of  2
2  seconds finished!
1 sec of  3
3  seconds finished!
t1.join() finished
t2.join() finished
t3.join() finished

The t1.join() is holding up the main thread. All three threads complete before the t1.join() finishes and the main thread moves on to execute the print then t2.join() then print then t3.join() then print.

Corrections welcome. I'm also new to threading.

(Note: in case you're interested, I'm writing code for a DrinkBot, and I need threading to run the ingredient pumps concurrently rather than sequentially -- less time to wait for each drink.)

Print values for multiple variables on the same line from within a for-loop

Try out cat and sprintf in your for loop.


cat(sprintf("\"%f\" \"%f\"\n", df$r, df$interest))

See here

What is the best way to search the Long datatype within an Oracle database?

Don't use LONGs, use CLOB instead. You can index and search CLOBs like VARCHAR2.

Additionally, querying with a leading wildcard(%) will ALWAYS result in a full-table-scan. Look into Oracle Text indexes instead.

When should I use a struct rather than a class in C#?

A struct is a value type. If you assign a struct to a new variable, the new variable will contain a copy of the original.

public struct IntStruct {
    public int Value {get; set;}

Excecution of the following results in 5 instances of the struct stored in memory:

var struct1 = new IntStruct() { Value = 0 }; // original
var struct2 = struct1;  // A copy is made
var struct3 = struct2;  // A copy is made
var struct4 = struct3;  // A copy is made
var struct5 = struct4;  // A copy is made

// NOTE: A "copy" will occur when you pass a struct into a method parameter.
// To avoid the "copy", use the ref keyword.

// Although structs are designed to use less system resources
// than classes.  If used incorrectly, they could use significantly more.

A class is a reference type. When you assign a class to a new variable, the variable contains a reference to the original class object.

public class IntClass {
    public int Value {get; set;}

Excecution of the following results in only one instance of the class object in memory.

var class1 = new IntClass() { Value = 0 };
var class2 = class1;  // A reference is made to class1
var class3 = class2;  // A reference is made to class1
var class4 = class3;  // A reference is made to class1
var class5 = class4;  // A reference is made to class1  

Structs may increase the likelihood of a code mistake. If a value object is treated like a mutable reference object, a developer may be surprised when changes made are unexpectedly lost.

var struct1 = new IntStruct() { Value = 0 };
var struct2 = struct1;
struct2.Value = 1;
// At this point, a developer may be surprised when 
// struct1.Value is 0 and not 1

Determine if 2 lists have the same elements, regardless of order?

As mentioned in comments above, the general case is a pain. It is fairly easy if all items are hashable or all items are sortable. However I have recently had to try solve the general case. Here is my solution. I realised after posting that this is a duplicate to a solution above that I missed on the first pass. Anyway, if you use slices rather than list.remove() you can compare immutable sequences.

def sequences_contain_same_items(a, b):
    for item in a:
            i = b.index(item)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        b = b[:i] + b[i+1:]
    return not b

In MySQL, can I copy one row to insert into the same table?

Create a table

    CREATE TABLE `sample_table` (
       `sample_id` INT(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
       `sample_name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
       `sample_col_1` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL,
       `sample_col_2` TINYINT(2) NOT NULL,

      PRIMARY KEY (`sample_id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `sample_id` (`sample_id`)

    ) ENGINE='InnoDB' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_general_ci';

Insert a row

INSERT INTO `sample_table`
   VALUES(NULL, 'sample name', 1, 2);

Clone row insert above

INSERT INTO `sample_table`
    NULL AS `sample_id`, -- new AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY from MySQL
    'new dummy entry' AS `sample_name`,  -- new UNIQUE KEY from you
    `sample_col_1`, -- col from old row
    `sample_col_2` -- col from old row
   FROM `sample_table`
   WHERE `sample_id` = 1;


SELECT * FROM `sample_table`;

How do I create a dynamic key to be added to a JavaScript object variable

Associative Arrays in JavaScript don't really work the same as they do in other languages. for each statements are complicated (because they enumerate inherited prototype properties). You could declare properties on an object/associative array as Pointy mentioned, but really for this sort of thing you should use an array with the push method:

jsArr = []; 

for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { 
    jsArr.push('example ' + 1); 

Just don't forget that indexed arrays are zero-based so the first element will be jsArr[0], not jsArr[1].

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname

try this

String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/<dbname>";
String user = "<username>";
String password = "<password>";
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); 

<script> tag vs <script type = 'text/javascript'> tag

In HTML 4, the type attribute is required. In my experience, all browsers will default to text/javascript if it is absent, but that behaviour is not defined anywhere. While you can in theory leave it out and assume it will be interpreted as JavaScript, it's invalid HTML, so why not add it.

In HTML 5, the type attribute is optional and defaults to text/javascript

Use <script type="text/javascript"> or simply <script> (if omitted, the type is the same). Do not use <script language="JavaScript">; the language attribute is deprecated

Ref :
Difference between <script> tag with type and <script> without type?

Do you need type attribute at all?

I am using HTML5- No

I am not using HTML5 - Yes

How to ignore certain files in Git

Add the following line to .gitignore:


This will exclude Hello.class from git. If you have already committed it, run the following command:

git rm Hello.class

If you want to exclude all class files from git, add the following line to .gitignore:


"CSV file does not exist" for a filename with embedded quotes

Sometimes we ignore a little bit issue which is not a Python or IDE fault its logical error We assumed a file .csv which is not a .csv file its a Excell Worksheet file have a look

Tiktok file which is worksheet file not a CSV file Shown in Green border

When you try to open that file using Import compiler will through the error have a look enter image description here

To Resolve the issue

open your Target file into Microsoft Excell and save that file in .csv format it is important to note that Encoding is important because it will help you to open the file when you try to open it with

with open('YourTargetFile.csv','r',encoding='UTF-8') as file:

enter image description here

So you are set to go now Try to open your file as this

import csv
with open('plain.csv','r',encoding='UTF-8') as file:
load = csv.reader(file)
for line in load:

Here is the Output Plain.csv File Running

Maven does not find JUnit tests to run

Another easily overlooked problem I recently experienced - Ensure your Test class' file has the .java extension. If there's no tests to compile, there are no tests to run

Launch Minecraft from command line - username and password as prefix

Just create this batch command file in your game directory. Bat file takes one argument %1 as the username.

Also, I use a splash screen to make pretty. You will NOT be able to play online, but who cares.

Adjust your memory usage to fit your machine (-Xmx & -Xmns).

NOTE: this is for version of minecraft as of 2016-06-27

SET DIR=%cd%
SET JAVA_HOME=%DIR%\runtime\jre-x64\1.8.0_25
SET JAVA=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe
SET LIBRARIES=versions\1.10.2\1.10.2-natives-59894925878961
SET MAIN_CLASS=net.minecraft.client.main.Main
SET CLASSPATH=libraries\com\mojang\netty\1.6\netty-1.6.jar;libraries\oshi-project\oshi-core\1.1\oshi-core-1.1.jar;libraries\net\java\dev\jna\jna\3.4.0\jna-3.4.0.jar;libraries\net\java\dev\jna\platform\3.4.0\platform-3.4.0.jar;libraries\com\ibm\icu\icu4j-core-mojang\51.2\icu4j-core-mojang-51.2.jar;libraries\net\sf\jopt-simple\jopt-simple\4.6\jopt-simple-4.6.jar;libraries\com\paulscode\codecjorbis\20101023\codecjorbis-20101023.jar;libraries\com\paulscode\codecwav\20101023\codecwav-20101023.jar;libraries\com\paulscode\libraryjavasound\20101123\libraryjavasound-20101123.jar;libraries\com\paulscode\librarylwjglopenal\20100824\librarylwjglopenal-20100824.jar;libraries\com\paulscode\soundsystem\20120107\soundsystem-20120107.jar;libraries\io\netty\netty-all\4.0.23.Final\netty-all-4.0.23.Final.jar;libraries\com\google\guava\guava\17.0\guava-17.0.jar;libraries\org\apache\commons\commons-lang3\3.3.2\commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar;libraries\commons-io\commons-io\2.4\commons-io-2.4.jar;libraries\commons-codec\commons-codec\1.9\commons-codec-1.9.jar;libraries\net\java\jinput\jinput\2.0.5\jinput-2.0.5.jar;libraries\net\java\jutils\jutils\1.0.0\jutils-1.0.0.jar;libraries\com\google\code\gson\gson\2.2.4\gson-2.2.4.jar;libraries\com\mojang\authlib\1.5.22\authlib-1.5.22.jar;libraries\com\mojang\realms\1.9.3\realms-1.9.3.jar;libraries\org\apache\commons\commons-compress\1.8.1\commons-compress-1.8.1.jar;libraries\org\apache\httpcomponents\httpclient\4.3.3\httpclient-4.3.3.jar;libraries\commons-logging\commons-logging\1.1.3\commons-logging-1.1.3.jar;libraries\org\apache\httpcomponents\httpcore\4.3.2\httpcore-4.3.2.jar;libraries\it\unimi\dsi\fastutil\7.0.12_mojang\fastutil-7.0.12_mojang.jar;libraries\org\apache\logging\log4j\log4j-api\2.0-beta9\log4j-api-2.0-beta9.jar;libraries\org\apache\logging\log4j\log4j-core\2.0-beta9\log4j-core-2.0-beta9.jar;libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl\2.9.4-nightly-20150209\lwjgl-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;libraries\org\lwjgl\lwjgl\lwjgl_util\2.9.4-nightly-20150209\lwjgl_util-2.9.4-nightly-20150209.jar;versions\1.10.2\1.10.2.jar
SET JAVA_OPTIONS=-server -splash:splash.png -d64 -da -dsa -Xrs -Xms%LOW_MEM% -Xmx%MAX_MEM% -XX:NewSize=%LOW_MEM% -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.library.path=%LIBRARIES% -cp %CLASSPATH%  %MAIN_CLASS%

start /D %DIR% /I /HIGH %JAVA% %JAVA_OPTIONS% --username %1 --version 1.10.2 --gameDir %DIR% --assetsDir assets --assetIndex 1.10 --uuid 2536abce90e8476a871679918164abc5 --accessToken 99abe417230342cb8e9e2168ab46297a --userType legacy --versionType release --nativeLauncherVersion 307

EditorFor() and html properties

In MVC3, you can set width as follows:

@Html.TextBoxFor(c => c.PropertyName, new { style = "width: 500px;" })

How to insert a timestamp in Oracle?

I prefer ANSI timestamp literals:

insert into the_table 
  (timestamp '2017-10-12 21:22:23');

More details in the manual:

How to set an iframe src attribute from a variable in AngularJS

It is the $sce service that blocks URLs with external domains, it is a service that provides Strict Contextual Escaping services to AngularJS, to prevent security vulnerabilities such as XSS, clickjacking, etc. it's enabled by default in Angular 1.2.

You can disable it completely, but it's not recommended

angular.module('myAppWithSceDisabledmyApp', [])
   .config(function($sceProvider) {

for more info$sce

CURL Command Line URL Parameters

Felipsmartins is correct.

It is worth mentioning that it is because you cannot really use the -d/--data option if this is not a POST request. But this is still possible if you use the -G option.

Which means you can do this:

curl -X DELETE -G 'http://localhost:5000/locations' -d 'id=3'

Here it is a bit silly but when you are on the command line and you have a lot of parameters, it is a lot tidier.

I am saying this because cURL commands are usually quite long, so it is worth making it on more than one line escaping the line breaks.

curl -X DELETE -G \
'http://localhost:5000/locations' \
-d id=3 \
-d name=Mario \
-d surname=Bros

This is obviously a lot more comfortable if you use zsh. I mean when you need to re-edit the previous command because zsh lets you go line by line. (just saying)

Hope it helps.

passing form data to another HTML page

If your situation is as described; You have to send action to a different servelet from a single form and you have two submit buttons and you want to send each submit button to different pages,then your easiest answer is here.

For sending data to two servelets make one button as a submit and the other as button.On first button send action in your form tag as normal, but on the other button call a JavaScript function here you have to submit a form with same field but to different servelets then write another form tag after first close.declare same textboxes there but with hidden when you insert data in first form then insert it in another hidden form with some javascript code.Write one function for the second button which submits the second form. Then when you click submit button it will perform the action in first form, if you click on button it will call function to submit second form with its action. Now your second form will be called to second servlet.

Here you can call two serveltes from the same html or jsp page with some mixed code of javascript

An EXAMPLE of second hidden form

<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" action="IPDBILLING" id="MyForm" role="form">_x000D_
    <input type="hidden" class="form-control" name="admno" id="ipdId" value="">_x000D_
<script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
    function Print() {_x000D_

Div with horizontal scrolling only

overflow-x: scroll;
overflow-y: hidden;


It works for me:

<div style='overflow-x:scroll;overflow-y:hidden;width:250px;height:200px'>
    <div style='width:400px;height:250px'></div>

Querying date field in MongoDB with Mongoose

{ "date" : "1000000" } in your Mongo doc seems suspect. Since it's a number, it should be { date : 1000000 }

It's probably a type mismatch. Try post.findOne({date: "1000000"}, callback) and if that works, you have a typing issue.

How to return an array from a function?

int* test();

but it would be "more C++" to use vectors:

std::vector< int > test();

I'll clarify some point. Since you mentioned C++, I'll go with new[] and delete[] operators, but it's the same with malloc/free.

In the first case, you'll write something like:

int* test() {
    return new int[size_needed];

but it's not a nice idea because your function's client doesn't really know the size of the array you are returning, although the client can safely deallocate it with a call to delete[].

int* theArray = test();
for (size_t i; i < ???; ++i) { // I don't know what is the array size!
    // ...
delete[] theArray; // ok.

A better signature would be this one:

int* test(size_t& arraySize) {
    array_size = 10;
    return new int[array_size];

And your client code would now be:

size_t theSize = 0;
int* theArray = test(theSize);
for (size_t i; i < theSize; ++i) { // now I can safely iterate the array
    // ...
delete[] theArray; // still ok.

Since this is C++, std::vector<T> is a widely-used solution:

std::vector<int> test() {
    std::vector<int> vector(10);
    return vector;

Now you don't have to call delete[], since it will be handled by the object, and you can safely iterate it with:

std::vector<int> v = test();
std::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin();
for (; it != v.end(); ++it) {
   // do your things

which is easier and safer.

Java: Identifier expected

Try it like this instead, move your myclass items inside a main method:

    class UserInput {
      public void name() {
        System.out.println("This is a test.");

    public class MyClass {

        public static void main( String args[] )
            UserInput input = new UserInput();


java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to merge dex in Android Studio 3.0

Enable Multidex through build.gradle of your app module

multiDexEnabled true

Same as below -

android {
    compileSdkVersion 27
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 15
        targetSdkVersion 27
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
        multiDexEnabled true //Add this
        testInstrumentationRunner ""
    buildTypes {
        release {
            shrinkResources true
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android-optimize.txt'), ''

Then follow below steps -

  1. From the Build menu -> press the Clean Project button.
  2. When task completed, press the Rebuild Project button from the Build menu.
  3. From menu File -> Invalidate cashes / Restart

compile is now deprecated so it's better to use implementation or api

Showing an image from console in Python

Why not just display it in the user's web browser?

Error while inserting date - Incorrect date value:

I had a different cause for this error. I tried to insert a date without using quotes and received a strange error telling me I had tried to insert a date from 2003.

My error message:

Although I was already using the YYYY-MM-DD format, I forgot to add quotes around the date. Even though it is a date and not a string, quotes are still required.

How to convert XML to JSON in Python?

In general, you want to go from XML to regular objects of your language (since there are usually reasonable tools to do this, and it's the harder conversion). And then from Plain Old Object produce JSON -- there are tools for this, too, and it's a quite simple serialization (since JSON is "Object Notation", natural fit for serializing objects). I assume Python has its set of tools.

Remove gutter space for a specific div only

Update : link for TWBS 3

Twitter Bootstrap offers a customize form to download all or some components with custom configuration.

You can use this form to download a grid without gutters, and it will be responsive - you only need the grid component and the responsive ones concerning the width.

Demo (jsfiddle) custom grid

If you know a little about LESS, then you can include the generated CSS in a selector of your choice.

/* LESS */
.some-thing {
    /* The custom grid

If not, you should add this selector in front of each rule (not that much anyway).

If you know LESS and use the LESS scripts to manage your styles, you might want to use directly the Grid mixins v2 (github)

Grid mixins v3 (github)

Check if checkbox is checked with jQuery

Using this code you can check at least one checkbox is selected or not in different checkbox groups or from multiple checkboxes. Using this you can not require to remove IDs or dynamic IDs. This code work with the same IDs.

Reference Link

<label class="control-label col-sm-4">Check Box 2</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" id="checkbox21" value=ck1 /> ck1<br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" id="checkbox22" value=ck2 /> ck2<br />

<label class="control-label col-sm-4">Check Box 3</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox3" id="checkbox31" value=ck3 /> ck3<br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox3" id="checkbox32" value=ck4 /> ck4<br />

function checkFormData() {
    if (!$('input[name=checkbox2]:checked').length > 0) {
        document.getElementById("errMessage").innerHTML = "Check Box 2 can not be null";
        return false;
    if (!$('input[name=checkbox3]:checked').length > 0) {
        document.getElementById("errMessage").innerHTML = "Check Box 3 can not be null";
        return false;
    return true;

Comparing a variable with a string python not working when redirecting from bash script

When you read() the file, you may get a newline character '\n' in your string. Try either

if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': 


if 'List contents' in UserInput: 

Also note that your second file open could also use with:

with open('/Users/.../USER_INPUT.txt', 'w+') as UserInputFile:     if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': # or if s in f:         UserInputFile.write("ls")     else:         print "Didn't work" 

Changing text color of menu item in navigation drawer

This may help It worked for me

Go to activity_"navigation activity name".xml Inside NavigationView insert this code

app:itemTextColor="color of your choice"

What is the default lifetime of a session?

Check out php.ini the value set for session.gc_maxlifetime is the ID lifetime in seconds.

I believe the default is 1440 seconds (24 mins)

Edit: As some comments point out, the above is not entirely accurate. A wonderful explanation of why, and how to implement session lifetimes is available here:

How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?

Extract hostname name from string

import URL from 'url';

const pathname = URL.parse(url).path;
console.log(url.replace(pathname, ''));

this takes care of both the protocol.

Extract data from log file in specified range of time

I used this command to find last 5 minutes logs for particular event "DHCPACK", try below:

$ grep "DHCPACK" /var/log/messages | grep "$(date +%h\ %d) [$(date --date='5 min ago' %H)-$(date +%H)]:*:*"

How to split a list by comma not space

You can use:

cat f.csv | sed 's/,/ /g' |  awk '{print $1 " / " $4}'


echo "Hello,World,Questions,Answers,bash shell,script" | sed 's/,/ /g' |  awk '{print $1 " / " $4}'

This is the part that replace comma with space

sed 's/,/ /g'