[python] python pandas convert index to datetime

How do i convert a pandas index of strings to datetime format

my dataframe 'df' is like this

2015-09-25 00:46    71.925000
2015-09-25 00:47    71.625000
2015-09-25 00:48    71.333333
2015-09-25 00:49    64.571429
2015-09-25 00:50    72.285714

but the index is of type string, but i need it a datetime format because i get the error

'Index' object has no attribute 'hour'

when using

 df['A'] = df.index.hour

This question is related to python pandas

The answer is

It should work as expected. Try to run the following example.

import pandas as pd
import io

data = """value          
"2015-09-25 00:46"    71.925000
"2015-09-25 00:47"    71.625000
"2015-09-25 00:48"    71.333333
"2015-09-25 00:49"    64.571429
"2015-09-25 00:50"    72.285714"""

df = pd.read_table(io.StringIO(data), delim_whitespace=True)

# Converting the index as date
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)

# Extracting hour & minute
df['A'] = df.index.hour
df['B'] = df.index.minute

#                          value  A   B
# 2015-09-25 00:46:00  71.925000  0  46
# 2015-09-25 00:47:00  71.625000  0  47
# 2015-09-25 00:48:00  71.333333  0  48
# 2015-09-25 00:49:00  64.571429  0  49
# 2015-09-25 00:50:00  72.285714  0  50

In my case, my dataframe has the following characteristics

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 3040 entries, 15/12/2008 to  
Data columns (total 1 columns):
 #   Column  Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------  --------------  -----  
 0   Close   3038 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(1)
memory usage: 47.5+ KB

enter image description here

The first option data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index) returned

ParserError: String does not contain a date: ParserError: String does not contain a date:

The second option: data.index.to_datetime() returned

AttributeError: 'Index' object has no attribute 'to_datetime'

It returned

Another option I have tested is. data.index = pd.to_datetime(data.index)

It returned: ParserError: String does not contain a date:

What could be my problem? Thanks

I just give other option for this question - you need to use '.dt' in your code:

import pandas as pd_x000D_
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index)_x000D_
#for get year_x000D_
#for get month_x000D_
#for get day_x000D_
#for get hour_x000D_
#for get minute_x000D_

You could explicitly create a DatetimeIndex when initializing the dataframe. Assuming your data is in string format

data = [
    ('2015-09-25 00:46', '71.925000'),
    ('2015-09-25 00:47', '71.625000'),
    ('2015-09-25 00:48', '71.333333'),
    ('2015-09-25 00:49', '64.571429'),
    ('2015-09-25 00:50', '72.285714'),

index, values = zip(*data)

frame = pd.DataFrame({
    'values': values
}, index=pd.DatetimeIndex(index))



df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, errors='coerce')

the data type of the index has changed to

dataframe information