[javascript] Converting Chart.js canvas chart to image using .toDataUrl() results in blank image

I am using Chart.js. I am trying to convert the chart to an image by getting a base 64 string. The tutorial (http://www.chartjs.org/docs/) devotes an entire 1 line on the topic:

The canvas element also allows for saving the contents as a base 64 string, allowing saving the chart as an image.

A canvas element has the method of toDataURL, which returns a base64 string of the image. However, when I do that, the image it renders is just a transparent rectangle with the dimensions of the chart, and it does not include the chart contents.

Here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/KSgV7/

The "images" in the fiddle are styled with a black border, so you can see where they are supposed to be, since they seem to just be a big transparent block.

Has anyone successfully converted a Chart.js chart to an image?

This question is related to javascript html canvas chart.js

The answer is

You can also use the toBase64Image() method setting animation: false

var options = {
    bezierCurve : false,
    animation: false

Updated Fiddle

You can access afterRender hook by using plugins.

And here are all the plugin api available.

In html file:

  <canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
  <div id="imgWrap"></div>

In js file:

var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
  plugins: [{
    afterRender: function () {
      // Do anything you want

const renderIntoImage = () => {
  const canvas = document.getElementById('myChart')
  const imgWrap = document.getElementById('imgWrap')
  var img = new Image();
  img.src = canvas.toDataURL()
  canvas.style.display = 'none'

First convert your Chart.js canvas to base64 string.

var url_base64 = document.getElementById('myChart').toDataURL('image/png');

Set it as a href attribute for anchor tag.

link.href = url_base64;

<a id='link' download='filename.png'>Save as Image</a>

You should use the Chartjs API function toBase64Image() instead and call it after the animation is complete. Therefore:

var pieChart, URI;

var options = {
    animation : {
        onComplete : function(){    
            URI = pieChart.toBase64Image();

var content = {
    type: 'pie', //whatever, not relevant for this example
    data: {
        datasets: dataset //whatever, not relevant for this example
    options: options        

pieChart = new Chart(pieChart, content);


You can check this example and run it

var chart = new Chart(ctx, {_x000D_
   type: 'bar',_x000D_
   data: {_x000D_
      labels: ['Standing costs', 'Running costs'], // responsible for how many bars are gonna show on the chart_x000D_
      // create 12 datasets, since we have 12 items_x000D_
      // data[0] = labels[0] (data for first bar - 'Standing costs') | data[1] = labels[1] (data for second bar - 'Running costs')_x000D_
      // put 0, if there is no data for the particular bar_x000D_
      datasets: [{_x000D_
         label: 'Washing and cleaning',_x000D_
         data: [0, 8],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#22aa99'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Traffic tickets',_x000D_
         data: [0, 2],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#994499'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Tolls',_x000D_
         data: [0, 1],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#316395'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Parking',_x000D_
         data: [5, 2],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#b82e2e'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Car tax',_x000D_
         data: [0, 1],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#66aa00'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Repairs and improvements',_x000D_
         data: [0, 2],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#dd4477'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Maintenance',_x000D_
         data: [6, 1],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#0099c6'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Inspection',_x000D_
         data: [0, 2],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#990099'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Loan interest',_x000D_
         data: [0, 3],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#109618'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Depreciation of the vehicle',_x000D_
         data: [0, 2],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#109618'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Fuel',_x000D_
         data: [0, 1],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#dc3912'_x000D_
      }, {_x000D_
         label: 'Insurance and Breakdown cover',_x000D_
         data: [4, 0],_x000D_
         backgroundColor: '#3366cc'_x000D_
   options: {_x000D_
      responsive: false,_x000D_
      legend: {_x000D_
         position: 'right' // place legend on the right side of chart_x000D_
      scales: {_x000D_
         xAxes: [{_x000D_
            stacked: true // this should be set to make the bars stacked_x000D_
         yAxes: [{_x000D_
            stacked: true // this also.._x000D_
      animation : {_x000D_
         onComplete : done_x000D_
      }      _x000D_
function done(){_x000D_
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.6.0/Chart.min.js"></script>_x000D_
<canvas id="ctx" width="700"></canvas>

Chart.JS API has changed since this was posted and older examples did not seem to be working for me. here is an updated fiddle that works on the newer versions


    <canvas id="canvas" height="450" width="600"></canvas>
    <img id="url" />


function done(){
  var url=myLine.toBase64Image();

var options = {
  bezierCurve : false,
  animation: {
    onComplete: done

var myLine = new 


@EH_warch You need to use the Complete callback to generate your base64:

onAnimationComplete: function(){

If you see a white image, it means you called the toBase64Image before it finished rendering.

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