[css] How to make canvas responsive

Hi I know this post has been going on for a while, but I had a very similar problem with my canvas. like mentioned as the viewport gets resized and so does the elements within the window. This can be done using css, however it doesnt quite apply to the elements within the canvas. Now if your canvas context is 2D this is the solution that works for me... This can be used as a method.

class ParentObject{
        * @this this._width - Private width variable that would store the size of the window width
        this._width = Number();
         * @this this._height - Private Height variable that would store the height of the window
        this._height= Number();
         * Calls the getCanvasDimensions method
        //Getting the Width and Height as soon as the Window loads
        //As the window is resized we are getting the new Canvas Dimensions

getCanvasDimensions() {
        // Width is determined by the css value for the viewport width this is then respected by the device pixel ratio. This is then used to set the canvas.width value
        this._width = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('width').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
        //Setting the canvas width 
        canvas.width = this._width
        // height is determined by the css value for the viewport height this is then respected by the device pixel ratio. This is then used to set the canvas.height value
        this._height = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('height').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
        //Setting the canvas height
        canvas.height = this._height
get width(){
        //This sets the width to the private _width value
        return this._width
get height(){
        //This sets the height to the private _height value
        return this._height

As a function on the global scope:

let width,height
function responsiveCanvas(){
   let w = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('width').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
 width = canvas.height = w;

let h  = Math.round((Number(getComputedStyle(canvas).getPropertyValue('height').slice(0,-2))/devicePixelRatio) * devicePixelRatio);
height = canvas.height = h;

Then just use the width and height variables to reference the sizes. Anyways I hope that this helps someone out.

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