Programs & Examples On #Dets

Passing html values into javascript functions

Try: if(parseInt(order)>0){....

Why am I getting "Received fatal alert: protocol_version" or "peer not authenticated" from Maven Central?

For setting java properties on Windows app server:

  • configure tomcat > run as admin
  • then add Java opts:

  • restart service.

How to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file

Please use command 2>file Here 2 stands for file descriptor of stderr. You can also use 1 instead of 2 so that stdout gets redirected to the 'file'

How to print to console using swift playground?

move you mouse over the "Hello, playground" on the right side bar, you will see an eye icon and a small circle icon next it. Just click on the circle one to show the detail page and console output!

How to timeout a thread

I was looking for an ExecutorService that can interrupt all timed out Runnables executed by it, but found none. After a few hours I created one as below. This class can be modified to enhance robustness.

public class TimedExecutorService extends ThreadPoolExecutor {
    long timeout;
    public TimedExecutorService(int numThreads, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        super(numThreads, numThreads, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(numThreads + 1));
        this.timeout = unit.toMillis(timeout);

    protected void beforeExecute(Thread thread, Runnable runnable) {
        Thread interruptionThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    // Wait until timeout and interrupt this thread
                    System.out.println("The runnable times out.");
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


public static void main(String[] args) {

    Runnable abcdRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            System.out.println("abcdRunnable started");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                //"The runnable times out.");
            System.out.println("abcdRunnable ended");

    Runnable xyzwRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            System.out.println("xyzwRunnable started");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                //"The runnable times out.");
            System.out.println("xyzwRunnable ended");

    int numThreads = 2, timeout = 5;
    ExecutorService timedExecutor = new TimedExecutorService(numThreads, timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

assign value using linq

using Linq would be:

 listOfCompany.Where(c=> == 1).FirstOrDefault().Name = "Whatever Name";


This can be simplified to be...

 listOfCompany.FirstOrDefault(c=> == 1).Name = "Whatever Name";


For multiple items (condition is met by multiple items):

 listOfCompany.Where(c=> == 1).ToList().ForEach(cc => cc.Name = "Whatever Name");

Finish an activity from another activity

  1. Make your activity A in manifest file: launchMode = "singleInstance"

  2. When the user clicks new, do FirstActivity.fa.finish(); and call the new Intent.

  3. When the user clicks modify, call the new Intent or simply finish activity B.


In your first activity, declare one Activity object like this,

public static Activity fa;
    fa = this;

now use that object in another Activity to finish first-activity like this,



While calling your activity FirstActivity which you want to finish as soon as you move on, You can add flag while calling FirstActivity


But using this flag the activity will get finished evenif you want it not to. and sometime onBack if you want to show the FirstActivity you will have to call it using intent.

Replace all 0 values to NA

You can replace 0 with NA only in numeric fields (i.e. excluding things like factors), but it works on a column-by-column basis:

col[col == 0 & is.numeric(col)] <- NA

With a function, you can apply this to your whole data frame:

changetoNA <- function(colnum,df) {
    col <- df[,colnum]
    if (is.numeric(col)) {  #edit: verifying column is numeric
        col[col == -1 & is.numeric(col)] <- NA
df <- data.frame(sapply(1:5, changetoNA, df))

Although you could replace the 1:5 with the number of columns in your data frame, or with 1:ncol(df).

Add a background image to shape in XML Android

I used the following for a drawable image with a circular background.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<layer-list xmlns:android="">
        <shape android:shape="oval">
            <solid android:color="@color/colorAccent"/>

Here is what it looks like

enter image description here

Hope that helps someone out.

What is the best/safest way to reinstall Homebrew?

Update 10/11/2020 to reflect the latest brew changes.

Brew already provide a command to uninstall itself (this will remove everything you installed with Homebrew):

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

If you failed to run this command due to permission (like run as second user), run again with sudo

Then you can install again:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

How to replace unicode characters in string with something else python?

Encode string as unicode.

>>> special = u"\u2022"
>>> abc = u'ABC•def'
>>> abc.replace(special,'X')

cordova Android requirements failed: "Could not find an installed version of Gradle"

If you have android studio installed then you might want to try:

export PATH="$PATH:/home/<username>/android-studio/gradle/<gradle-4.0>/bin" 

This solved my problem.

How to atomically delete keys matching a pattern using Redis

This is not direct answer to the question, but since I got here when searching for my own answers, I'll share this here.

If you have tens or hundreds of millions of keys you have to match, the answers given here will cause Redis to be non responsive for significant amount of time (minutes?), and potentially crash because of memory consumption (be sure, background save will kick in in the middle of your operation).

The following approach is undeniably ugly, but I didn't find a better one. Atomicity is out of question here, in this case main goal is to keep Redis up and responsive 100% of the time. It will work perfectly if you have all your keys in one of databases and you don't need to match any pattern, but cannot use because of it's blocking nature.

Idea is simple: write a script that runs in a loop and uses O(1) operation like or to get keys, checks if they match the pattern (if you need it) and them one by one.

If there is a better way to do it, please let me know, I'll update the answer.

Example implementation with randomkey in Ruby, as a rake task, a non blocking substitute of something like redis-cli -n 3 flushdb:

desc 'Cleanup redis'
task cleanup_redis: :environment do
  redis = # connection to target database number which needs to be wiped out
  counter = 0
  while key = redis.randomkey               
    puts "Deleting #{counter}: #{key}"
    counter += 1

Python progression path - From apprentice to guru

Have you seen the book "Bioinformatics Programming using Python"? Looks like you're an exact member of its focus group.

HTML/CSS Making a textbox with text that is grayed out, and disappears when I click to enter info, how?

If you're targeting HTML5 only you can use:

<input type="text" id="firstname" placeholder="First Name:" />

For non HTML5 browsers, I would build upon Floern's answer by using jQuery and make the javascript non-obtrusive. I would also use a class to define the blurred properties.

$(document).ready(function () {

    //Set the initial blur (unless its highlighted by default)

    $('#Comments').blur(function () {
    $('#Comments').focus(function () {



function inputFocus(i) {
    if (i.value == i.defaultValue) {
        i.value = "";
function inputBlur(i) {
    if (i.value == "" || i.value == i.defaultValue) {
        i.value = i.defaultValue;


.blurredDefaultText {
    color:#888 !important;

Questions every good Java/Java EE Developer should be able to answer?

Trick question: What kinds of parameters are passed by reference in Java?

It's amazing how many people still parrot the "primitives are passed by value, objects are passed by reference" mantra.

How to count items in JSON object using command line?

You can also use jq to track down the array within the returned json and then pipe that in to a second jq call to get its length. Suppose it was in a property called records, like {"records":[...]}.

$ curl | jq -r '.records' | jq length

Auto select file in Solution Explorer from its open tab

It's in VS2012 - Specifically the 2-Arrow icon at the top of the solution explorer (Left/Right arrows, one above the other). This automatically jumps to the current file.

This icon is only visible if you've got Track Active Item in Solution Explorer disabled.

Java GC (Allocation Failure)

"Allocation Failure" is cause of GC to kick is not correct. It is an outcome of GC operation.

GC kicks in when there is no space to allocate( depending on region minor or major GC is performed). Once GC is performed if space is freed good enough, but if there is not enough size it fails. Allocation Failure is one such failure. Below document have good explanation

Reading images in python

For the better answer, you can use these lines of code. Here is the example maybe help you :

image = cv2.imread('/home/pictures/1.jpg')

In imread() you can pass the directory .so you can also use str() and + to combine dynamic directories and fixed directory like this:

path = '/home/pictures/'
for i in range(2) :
    image = cv2.imread(str(path)+'1.jpg')

Both are the same.

What's a good, free serial port monitor for reverse-engineering?

I've been down this road and eventually opted for a hardware data scope that does non-instrusive in-line monitoring. The software solutions that I tried didn't work for me. If you had a spare PC you could probably build one, albeit rather bulky. This software data scope may work, as might this, but I haven't tried either.

difference between $query>num_rows() and $this->db->count_all_results() in CodeIgniter & which one is recommended

With num_rows() you first perform the query, and then you can check how many rows you got. count_all_results() on the other hand only gives you the number of rows your query would produce, but doesn't give you the actual resultset.

// num rows example
$query = $this->db->get('table');
$num = $query->num_rows();
// here you can do something with $query

// count all example
$num = $this->db->count_all_results('table');
// here you only have $num, no $query

Copying and pasting data using VBA code

'So from this discussion i am thinking this should be the code then.

Sub Button1_Click()
    Dim excel As excel.Application
    Dim wb As excel.Workbook
    Dim sht As excel.Worksheet
    Dim f As Object

    Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)
    f.AllowMultiSelect = False

    Set excel = CreateObject("excel.Application")
    Set wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(f.SelectedItems(1))
    Set sht = wb.Worksheets("Data")

    Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

End Sub

'Let me know if this is correct or a step was missed. Thx.

An "and" operator for an "if" statement in Bash

What you have should work, unless ${STATUS} is empty. It would probably be better to do:

if ! [ "${STATUS}" -eq 200 ] 2> /dev/null && [ "${STRING}" != "${VALUE}" ]; then


if [ "${STATUS}" != 200 ] && [ "${STRING}" != "${VALUE}" ]; then

It's hard to say, since you haven't shown us exactly what is going wrong with your script.

Personal opinion: never use [[. It suppresses important error messages and is not portable to different shells.

Echo a blank (empty) line to the console from a Windows batch file

There is often the tip to use 'echo.'

But that is slow, and it could fail with an error message, as cmd.exe will search first for a file named 'echo' (without extension) and only when the file doesn't exists it outputs an empty line.

You could use echo(. This is approximately 20 times faster, and it works always. The only drawback could be that it looks odd.

More about the different ECHO:/\ variants is at DOS tips: ECHO. FAILS to give text or blank line.

Vbscript list all PDF files in folder and subfolders

(For those who stumble upon this from your search engine of choice)

This just recursively traces down the folder, so you don't need to duplicate your code twice. Also the OPs logic is needlessly complex.

Wscript.Echo "begin."
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objSuperFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(WScript.Arguments(0))
Call ShowSubfolders (objSuperFolder)

Wscript.Echo "end."

WScript.Quit 0

Sub ShowSubFolders(fFolder)
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(fFolder.Path)
    Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
    For Each objFile in colFiles
        If UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName( = "PDF" Then
            Wscript.Echo objFile.Name
        End If

    For Each Subfolder in fFolder.SubFolders
End Sub

How to bind list to dataGridView?

Use a BindingList and set the DataPropertyName-Property of the column.

Try the following:

private void BindGrid()
    gvFilesOnServer.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

    //create the column programatically
    DataGridViewCell cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
    DataGridViewTextBoxColumn colFileName = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
        CellTemplate = cell, 
        Name = "Value",
        HeaderText = "File Name",
        DataPropertyName = "Value" // Tell the column which property of FileName it should use


    var filelist = GetFileListOnWebServer().ToList();
    var filenamesList = new BindingList<FileName>(filelist); // <-- BindingList

    //Bind BindingList directly to the DataGrid, no need of BindingSource
    gvFilesOnServer.DataSource = filenamesList 

'AND' vs '&&' as operator

Another nice example using if statements without = assignment operations.

if (true || true && false); // is the same as:
if (true || (true && false)); // TRUE


if (true || true AND false); // is the same as:
if ((true || true) && false); // FALSE

because AND has a lower precedence and thus || a higher precedence.

These are different in the cases of true, false, false and true, true, false. See for en elaborate example.

jQuery - find child with a specific class




How do HashTables deal with collisions?

I strongly suggest you to read this blog post which appeared on HackerNews recently: How HashMap works in Java

In short, the answer is

What will happen if two different HashMap key objects have same hashcode?

They will be stored in same bucket but no next node of linked list. And keys equals () method will be used to identify correct key value pair in HashMap.

Undo a Git merge that hasn't been pushed yet

Okay, the answers other people here gave me were close, but it didn't work. Here's what I did.

Doing this...

git reset --hard HEAD^
git status

...gave me the following status.

# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 3 and 3 different commit(s) each, respectively.

I then had to type in the same git reset command several more times. Each time I did that, the message changed by one as you can see below.

> git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at [...truncated...]
> git status
# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 3 and 3 different commit(s) each, respectively.
> git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at [...truncated...]
> git status
# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 2 and 3 different commit(s) each, respectively.
> git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at [...truncated...]
> git status
# On branch master
# Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged,
# and have 1 and 3 different commit(s) each, respectively.
> git reset --hard HEAD^
HEAD is now at [...truncated...]
> git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 3 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.

At this point, I saw the status message changed, so I tried doing a git pull, and that seemed to work:

> git pull
Updating 2df6af4..12bbd2f
Fast forward
 app/views/truncated |    9 ++++++---
 app/views/truncated |   13 +++++++++++++
 app/views/truncated |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> git status
# On branch master

So long story short, my commands came down to this:

git reset --hard HEAD^
git reset --hard HEAD^
git reset --hard HEAD^
git reset --hard HEAD^
git pull

How to create threads in nodejs

Node.js doesn't use threading. According to its inventor that's a key feature. At the time of its invention, threads were slow, problematic, and difficult. Node.js was created as the result of an investigation into an efficient single-core alternative. Most Node.js enthusiasts still cite ye olde argument as if threads haven't been improved over the past 50 years.

As you know, Node.js is used to run JavaScript. The JavaScript language has also developed over the years. It now has ways of using multiple cores - i.e. what Threads do. So, via advancements in JavaScript, you can do some multi-core multi-tasking in your applications. user158 points out that Node.js is playing with it a bit. I don't know anything about that. But why wait for Node.js to approve of what JavaScript has to offer.

Google for JavaScript multi-threading instead of Node.js multi-threading. You'll find out about Web Workers, Promises, and other things.

How do I install ASP.NET MVC 5 in Visual Studio 2012?

Here are the steps to use ASP.NET MVC 5 in Visual Studio 2012:

  • Start your ASP.NET MVC 4 project.
  • Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi -pre
  • Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -Pre
  • Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR -Pre

These two will update:

  • Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 5.0.0-rc1
  • Microsoft.AspNet.Razor
  • Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi 5.0.0-rc1
  • Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 5.0.0-rc1
  • Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core 5.0.0-rc1
  • Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.WebHost 5.0.0-rc1
  • Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages 3.0.0-rc1
  • and some other goodies

If these upgrades did not update your web.config, then check out this useful page: upgrading from MVC4 to MVC5.

Javascript array declaration: new Array(), new Array(3), ['a', 'b', 'c'] create arrays that behave differently

Arrays have numerical indexes. So,

a = new Array();


b = new Array(2);

are not adding elements to the array, but adding .a1 and .a2 properties to the a object (arrays are objects too). As further evidence, if you did this:

a = new Array();
console.log(a.length);   // outputs zero because there are no items in the array

Your third option:


is assigning the variable c an array with three elements. Those three elements can be accessed as: c[0], c[1] and c[2]. In other words, c[0] === 'c1' and c.length === 3.

Javascript does not use its array functionality for what other languages call associative arrays where you can use any type of key in the array. You can implement most of the functionality of an associative array by just using an object in javascript where each item is just a property like this.

a = {};

It is generally a mistake to use an array for this purpose as it just confuses people reading your code and leads to false assumptions about how the code works.

Testing if a checkbox is checked with jQuery

I've came through a case recently where I've needed check value of checkbox when user clicked on button. The only proper way to do so is to use prop() attribute.

var ansValue = $("#ans").prop('checked') ? $("#ans").val() : 0;

this worked in my case maybe someone will need it.

When I've tried .attr(':checked') it returned checked but I wanted boolean value and .val() returned value of attribute value.

How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file

Notepad++ provides 2 types of features:

  • Auto-completion that read the open file and provide suggestion of words and/or functions within the file
  • Suggestion with the arguments of functions (specific to the language)

Based on what you write, it seems what you want is auto-completion on function only + suggestion on arguments.

To do that, you just need to change a setting.

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences... > Auto-completion
  2. Check Enable Auto-completion on each input
  3. Select Function completion and not Word completion
  4. Check Function parameter hint on input (if you have this option)

On version 6.5.5 of Notepad++, I have this setting settings

Some documentation about auto-completion is available in Notepad++ Wiki.

Convert string with commas to array

I remove the characters '[',']' and do an split with ','

let array = stringObject.replace('[','').replace(']','').split(",").map(String);

If you can decode JWT, how are they secure?

Ref - JWT Structure and Security

It is important to note that JWT are used for authorization and not authentication. So a JWT will be created for you only after you have been authenticated by the server by may be specifying the credentials. Once JWT has been created for all future interactions with server JWT can be used. So JWT tells that server that this user has been authenticated, let him access the particular resource if he has the role.
Information in the payload of the JWT is visible to everyone. There can be a "Man in the Middle" attack and the contents of the JWT can be changed. So we should not pass any sensitive information like passwords in the payload. We can encrypt the payload data if we want to make it more secure. If Payload is tampered with server will recognize it.
So suppose a user has been authenticated and provided with a JWT. Generated JWT has a claim specifying role of Admin. Also the Signature is generated with

enter image description here

This JWT is now tampered with and suppose the role is changed to Super Admin
Then when the server receives this token it will again generate the signature using the secret key(which only the server has) and the payload. It will not match the signature in the JWT. So the server will know that the JWT has been tampered with.

changing source on html5 video tag

Just put a div and update the content...

function setvideo(src) {
    document.getElementById('div_video').innerHTML = '<video autoplay controls id="video_ctrl" style="height: 100px; width: 100px;"><source src="'+src+'" type="video/mp4"></video>';
<button onClick="setvideo('video1.mp4');">Video1</button>
<div id="div_video"> </div>

Android Studio drawable folders

Its little tricky in android studio there is no default folder for all screen size you need to create but with little trick.

  • when you paste your image into drawable folder a popup will appear to ask about directory
  • Add subfolder name after drawable like drawable-xxhdpi
  • I will suggest you to paste image with highest resolution it will auto detect for other size.. thats it next time when you will paste it will ask to you about directory

i cant post image here so if still having any problem. here is tutorial..

Drawable folder in android studio

Get the element triggering an onclick event in jquery?

You can pass the inline handler the this keyword, obtaining the element which fired the event.



Create a text file for download on-the-fly

No need to store it anywhere. Just output the content with the appropriate content type.

    header('Content-type: text/plain');
?>Hello, world.

Add content-disposition if you wish to trigger a download prompt.

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="default-filename.txt"');

How to remove array element in mongodb?

Try the following query:

  { _id: id },
  { $pull: { '': { number: '+1786543589455' } } }

It will find document with the given _id and remove the phone +1786543589455 from its array.

You can use $unset to unset the value in the array (set it to null), but not to remove it completely.

How do I get cURL to not show the progress bar?

In curl version 7.22.0 on Ubuntu and 7.24.0 on OSX the solution to not show progress but to show errors is to use both -s (--silent) and -S (--show-error) like so:

curl -sS > temp.html

This works for both redirected output > /some/file, piped output | less and outputting directly to the terminal for me.

Update: Since curl 7.67.0 there is a new option --no-progress-meter which does precisely this and nothing else, see clonejo's answer for more details.

Load resources from relative path using local html in uiwebview

I crammed everything into one line (bad I know) and had no troubles with it:

[webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"test" 

When do you use varargs in Java?

I have a varargs-related fear, too:

If the caller passes in an explicit array to the method (as opposed to multiple parameters), you will receive a shared reference to that array.

If you need to store this array internally, you might want to clone it first to avoid the caller being able to change it later.

 Object[] args = new Object[] { 1, 2, 3} ;

 varArgMethod(args);  // not varArgMethod(1,2,3);

 args[2] = "something else";  // this could have unexpected side-effects

While this is not really different from passing in any kind of object whose state might change later, since the array is usually (in case of a call with multiple arguments instead of an array) a fresh one created by the compiler internally that you can safely use, this is certainly unexpected behaviour.

How to find rows in one table that have no corresponding row in another table

select from parentTable
left outer join childTable on ( = childTable.parentTableID) 
where is null

How do I make a text go onto the next line if it overflows?

As long as you specify a width on the element, it should wrap itself without needing anything else.

python "TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer"

Similar situation. It was working. Then, I started to include pytables. At first view, no reason to errors. I decided to use another function, that has a domain constraint (elipse) and received the following error:

TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object cannot be interpreted as an integer


TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not iterable

The crazy thing: the previous function I was using, no code changed, started to return the same error. My intermediary function, already used was:

def MinMax(x, mini=0, maxi=1)
    return max(min(x,mini), maxi)

The solution was avoid numpy or math:

def MinMax(x, mini=0, maxi=1)
    x = [x_aux if x_aux > mini else mini for x_aux in x]
    x = [x_aux if x_aux < maxi else maxi for x_aux in x]
    return max(min(x,mini), maxi)

Then, everything calm again. It was like one library possessed max and min!

How to round an image with Glide library?

Circle crop + placeholder + crossfade


enter image description here

Sending emails with Javascript

Here's the way doing it using jQuery and an "element" to click on :

    $(location).attr('href', 'mailto:?subject='
                             + encodeURIComponent("This is my subject")
                             + "&body=" 
                             + encodeURIComponent("This is my body")

Then, you can get your contents either by feeding it from input fields (ie. using $('#input1').val() or by a server side script with $.get('...'). Have fun

How to force HTTPS using a web.config file

I am using below code and it perfect works for me, hope it will help you.

            <rule name="Force redirect to https" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="(.*)" />
                    <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="^OFF$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}" appendQueryString="false" />

Build tree array from flat array in javascript

My solution:

  • Allows bi-directional mapping (root to leaves and leaves to root)
  • Returns all nodes, roots, and leaves
  • One data pass and very fast performance
  • Vanilla Javascript
 * @param data items array
 * @param idKey item's id key (e.g.,
 * @param parentIdKey item's key that points to parent (e.g., item.parentId)
 * @param noParentValue item's parent value when root (e.g., item.parentId === noParentValue => item is root)
 * @param bidirectional should parent reference be added
function flatToTree(data, idKey, parentIdKey, noParentValue = null, bidirectional = true) {
  const nodes = {}, roots = {}, leaves = {};

  // iterate over all data items
  for (const i of data) {

    // add item as a node and possibly as a leaf
    if (nodes[i[idKey]]) { // already seen this item when child was found first
      // add all of the item's data and found children
      nodes[i[idKey]] = Object.assign(nodes[i[idKey]], i);
    } else { // never seen this item
      // add to the nodes map
      nodes[i[idKey]] = Object.assign({ $children: []}, i);
      // assume it's a leaf for now
      leaves[i[idKey]] = nodes[i[idKey]];

    // put the item as a child in parent item and possibly as a root
    if (i[parentIdKey] !== noParentValue) { // item has a parent
      if (nodes[i[parentIdKey]]) { // parent already exist as a node
        // add as a child
        (nodes[i[parentIdKey]].$children || []).push( nodes[i[idKey]] );
      } else { // parent wasn't seen yet
        // add a "dummy" parent to the nodes map and put the item as its child
        nodes[i[parentIdKey]] = { $children: [ nodes[i[idKey]] ] };
      if (bidirectional) {
        // link to the parent
        nodes[i[idKey]].$parent = nodes[i[parentIdKey]];
      // item is definitely not a leaf
      delete leaves[i[parentIdKey]];
    } else { // this is a root item
      roots[i[idKey]] = nodes[i[idKey]];
  return {roots, nodes, leaves};

Usage example:

const data = [{id: 2, parentId: 0}, {id: 1, parentId: 2} /*, ... */];
const { nodes, roots, leaves } = flatToTree(data, 'id', 'parentId', 0);

Implement specialization in ER diagram

So I assume your permissions table has a foreign key reference to admin_accounts table. If so because of referential integrity you will only be able to add permissions for account ids exsiting in the admin accounts table. Which also means that you wont be able to enter a user_account_id [assuming there are no duplicates!]

Regex how to match an optional character



to make the letter optional. {1} is redundant. (Of course you could also write [A-Z]{0,1} which would mean the same, but that's what the ? is there for.)

You could improve your regex to


And, since in most regex dialects, \d is the same as [0-9]:


But: do you really need 11 separate capturing groups? And if so, why don't you capture the fourth-to-last group of digits?

Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

The server (that the POST request is sent to) needs to include the Content-Type header in its response.

Here's a list of typical headers to include, including one custom "X_ACCESS_TOKEN" header:

"X-ACCESS_TOKEN", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "Authorization", "Origin", "x-requested-with", "Content-Type", "Content-Range", "Content-Disposition", "Content-Description"

That's what your http server guy needs to configure for the web server that you're sending your requests to.

You may also want to ask your server guy to expose the "Content-Length" header.

He'll recognize this as a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) request and should understand the implications of making those server configurations.

For details see:

Base64 PNG data to HTML5 canvas

Jerryf's answer is fine, except for one flaw.

The onload event should be set before the src. Sometimes the src can be loaded instantly and never fire the onload event.

(Like Totty.js pointed out.)

var canvas = document.getElementById("c");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
    ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

By adding a few more headers I was able to get the data:

import urllib2,cookielib

site= ""
hdr = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11',
       'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
       'Accept-Charset': 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3',
       'Accept-Encoding': 'none',
       'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8',
       'Connection': 'keep-alive'}

req = urllib2.Request(site, headers=hdr)

    page = urllib2.urlopen(req)
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:

content =
print content

Actually, it works with just this one additional header:

'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',

How to get the string size in bytes?

While sizeof works for this specific type of string:

char str[] = "content";
int charcount = sizeof str - 1; // -1 to exclude terminating '\0'

It does not work if str is pointer (sizeof returns size of pointer, usually 4 or 8) or array with specified length (sizeof will return the byte count matching specified length, which for char type are same).

Just use strlen().

How to make the webpack dev server run on port 80 and on to make it publicly accessible?

I tried the solutions above, but had no luck. I noticed this line in my project's package.json:

 "bin": {
"webpack-dev-server": "bin/webpack-dev-server.js"


I looked at bin/webpack-dev-server.js and found this line:

.describe("port", "The port").default("port", 8080)

I changed the port to 3000. A bit of a brute force approach, but it worked for me.

How to write some data to excel file(.xlsx)

It is possible to write to an excel file without opening it using the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 and OleDb. Using OleDb, it behaves as if you were writing to a table using sql.

Here is the code I used to create and write to an new excel file. No extra references are needed

var connectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\SomePath\ExcelWorkBook.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0";
using (var excelConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))
    // The excel file does not need to exist, opening the connection will create the
    // excel file for you
    if (excelConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { excelConnection.Open(); }

    // data is an object so it works with DBNull.Value
    object propertyOneValue = "cool!";
    object propertyTwoValue = "testing";

    var sqlText = "CREATE TABLE YourTableNameHere ([PropertyOne] VARCHAR(100), [PropertyTwo] INT)";

    // Executing this command will create the worksheet inside of the workbook
    // the table name will be the new worksheet name
    using (var command = new OleDbCommand(sqlText, excelConnection)) { command.ExecuteNonQuery(); }

    // Add (insert) data to the worksheet
    var commandText = $"Insert Into YourTableNameHere ([PropertyOne], [PropertyTwo]) Values (@PropertyOne, @PropertyTwo)";

    using (var command = new OleDbCommand(commandText, excelConnection))
        // We need to allow for nulls just like we would with
        // sql, if your data is null a DBNull.Value should be used
        // instead of null 
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PropertyOne", propertyOneValue ?? DBNull.Value);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PropertyTwo", propertyTwoValue ?? DBNull.Value);


maxReceivedMessageSize and maxBufferSize in app.config

binding name="BindingName" 

on client side and server side

Cookies on localhost with explicit domain

I had much better luck testing locally using as the domain. I'm not sure why, but I had mixed results with localhost and .localhost, etc.

Passing multiple values for same variable in stored procedure

Your stored procedure is designed to accept a single parameter, Arg1List. You can't pass 4 parameters to a procedure that only accepts one.

To make it work, the code that calls your procedure will need to concatenate your parameters into a single string of no more than 3000 characters and pass it in as a single parameter.

Regular expression for 10 digit number without any special characters

An example of how to implement it:

public bool ValidateSocialSecNumber(string socialSecNumber)
    //Accepts only 10 digits, no more no less. (Like Mike's answer)
    Regex pattern = new Regex(@"(?<!\d)\d{10}(?!\d)");

        //Do something
        return true;
        return false;

You could've also done it in another way by e.g. using Match and then wrapping a try-catch block around the pattern matching. However, if a wrong input is given quite often, it's quite expensive to throw an exception. Thus, I prefer the above way, in simple cases at least.

Bootstrap 3 hidden-xs makes row narrower

How does it work if you only are using visible-md at Col4 instead? Do you use the -lg at all? If not this might work.

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2 col-md-1" align="center">
        <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2" align="center">
        <div class="hidden-xs col-sm-6 col-md-5" align="center">
        <div class="visible-md col-md-3 " align="center">
        <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2 col-md-1" align="center">

Lock, mutex, semaphore... what's the difference?

I will try to cover it with examples:

Lock: One example where you would use lock would be a shared dictionary into which items (that must have unique keys) are added.
The lock would ensure that one thread does not enter the mechanism of code that is checking for item being in dictionary while another thread (that is in the critical section) already has passed this check and is adding the item. If another thread tries to enter a locked code, it will wait (be blocked) until the object is released.

private static readonly Object obj = new Object();

lock (obj) //after object is locked no thread can come in and insert item into dictionary on a different thread right before other thread passed the check...
    if (!sharedDict.ContainsKey(key))

Semaphore: Let's say you have a pool of connections, then an single thread might reserve one element in the pool by waiting for the semaphore to get a connection. It then uses the connection and when work is done releases the connection by releasing the semaphore.

Code example that I love is one of bouncer given by @Patric - here it goes:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;

namespace TheNightclub
    public class Program
        public static Semaphore Bouncer { get; set; }

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the semaphore with 3 slots, where 3 are available.
            Bouncer = new Semaphore(3, 3);

            // Open the nightclub.

        public static void OpenNightclub()
            for (int i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
                // Let each guest enter on an own thread.
                Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Guest));

        public static void Guest(object args)
            // Wait to enter the nightclub (a semaphore to be released).
            Console.WriteLine("Guest {0} is waiting to entering nightclub.", args);

            // Do some dancing.
            Console.WriteLine("Guest {0} is doing some dancing.", args);

            // Let one guest out (release one semaphore).
            Console.WriteLine("Guest {0} is leaving the nightclub.", args);

Mutex It is pretty much Semaphore(1,1) and often used globally (application wide otherwise arguably lock is more appropriate). One would use global Mutex when deleting node from a globally accessible list (last thing you want another thread to do something while you are deleting the node). When you acquire Mutex if different thread tries to acquire the same Mutex it will be put to sleep till SAME thread that acquired the Mutex releases it.

Good example on creating global mutex is by @deepee

class SingleGlobalInstance : IDisposable
    public bool hasHandle = false;
    Mutex mutex;

    private void InitMutex()
        string appGuid = ((GuidAttribute)Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute), false).GetValue(0)).Value.ToString();
        string mutexId = string.Format("Global\\{{{0}}}", appGuid);
        mutex = new Mutex(false, mutexId);

        var allowEveryoneRule = new MutexAccessRule(new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null), MutexRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow);
        var securitySettings = new MutexSecurity();

    public SingleGlobalInstance(int timeOut)
            if(timeOut < 0)
                hasHandle = mutex.WaitOne(Timeout.Infinite, false);
                hasHandle = mutex.WaitOne(timeOut, false);

            if (hasHandle == false)
                throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for exclusive access on SingleInstance");
        catch (AbandonedMutexException)
            hasHandle = true;

    public void Dispose()
        if (mutex != null)
            if (hasHandle)

then use like:

using (new SingleGlobalInstance(1000)) //1000ms timeout on global lock
    //Only 1 of these runs at a time

Hope this saves you some time.

flow 2 columns of text automatically with CSS

Below I have created both a static and dynamic approach at columnizing paragraphs. The code is pretty much self-documented.


Below, you will find the following methods for creating columns:

  1. Static (2-columns)
  2. Dynamic w/ JavaScript + CSS (n-columns)
  3. Dynamic w/ JavaScript + CSS3 (n-columns)

Static (2-columns)

This is a simple 2 column layout. Based on Glennular's 1st answer.

$(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
    var columns = 2;_x000D_
    var size = $("#data > p").size();_x000D_
    var half = size / columns;_x000D_
    $(".col50 > p").each(function (index) {_x000D_
        if (index >= half) {_x000D_
.col50 {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    vertical-align: top;_x000D_
    width: 48.2%;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="data" class="col50">_x000D_
    <!-- data Start -->_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 1. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 2. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 3. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 4. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 5. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 6. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 7. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 8. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 9. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 10. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 11. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <!-- data End-->_x000D_
<div class="col50"></div>

Dynamic w/ JavaScript + CSS (n-columns)

With this approach, I essentially detect if the block needs to be converted to columns. The format is col-{n}. n is the number of columns you want to create.

$(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
    splitByColumns('col-', 4);_x000D_
function splitByColumns(prefix, gap) {_x000D_
    $('[class^="' + prefix + '"]').each(function(index, el) {_x000D_
        var me = $(this);_x000D_
        var count = me.attr("class").split(' ').filter(function(className) {_x000D_
            return className.indexOf(prefix) === 0;_x000D_
        }).reduce(function(result, value) {_x000D_
            return Math.max(parseInt(value.replace(prefix, '')), result);_x000D_
        }, 0);_x000D_
        var paragraphs = me.find('p').get();_x000D_
        me.empty(); // We now have a copy of the children, we can clear the element._x000D_
        var size = paragraphs.length;_x000D_
        var percent = 1 / count;_x000D_
        var width = (percent * 100 - (gap / count || percent)).toFixed(2) + '%';_x000D_
        var limit = Math.round(size / count);_x000D_
        var incr = 0;_x000D_
        var gutter = gap / 2 + 'px';_x000D_
        for (var col = 0; col < count; col++) {_x000D_
            var colDiv = $('<div>').addClass('col').css({ width: width });_x000D_
            var css = {};_x000D_
            if (col > -1 && col < count -1) css['margin-right'] = gutter;_x000D_
            if (col > 0 && col < count)     css['margin-left'] = gutter;_x000D_
            for (var line = 0; line < limit && incr < size; line++) {_x000D_
.col {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    vertical-align: top;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="data" class="col-6">_x000D_
    <!-- data Start -->_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 1. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 2. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 3. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 4. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 5. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 6. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 7. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 8. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 9. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 10. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 11. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <!-- data End-->_x000D_

Dynamic w/ JavaScript + CSS3 (n-columns)

This has been derived from on Glennular's 2nd answer. It uses the column-count and column-gap CSS3 rules.

$(document).ready(function () {_x000D_
    splitByColumns('col-', '4px');_x000D_
function splitByColumns(prefix, gap) {_x000D_
    var vendors = [ '', '-moz', '-webkit-' ];_x000D_
    var getColumnCount = function(el) {_x000D_
        return el.attr("class").split(' ').filter(function(className) {_x000D_
            return className.indexOf(prefix) === 0;_x000D_
        }).reduce(function(result, value) {_x000D_
            return Math.max(parseInt(value.replace(prefix, '')), result);_x000D_
        }, 0);_x000D_
    $('[class^="' + prefix + '"]').each(function(index, el) {_x000D_
        var me = $(this);_x000D_
        var count = getColumnCount(me);_x000D_
        var css = {};_x000D_
        $.each(vendors, function(idx, vendor) {_x000D_
            css[vendor + 'column-count'] = count;_x000D_
            css[vendor + 'column-gap'] = gap;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="data" class="col-3">_x000D_
    <!-- data Start -->_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 1. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 2. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 3. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 4. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 5. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 6. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 7. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 8. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 9. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 10. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <p>This is paragraph 11. Lorem ipsum ...</p>_x000D_
    <!-- data End-->_x000D_

Are "while(true)" loops so bad?

1) Nothing is wrong with a do -while(true)

2) Your teacher is wrong.


3) Most teachers are teachers and not programmers.

How do I encode URI parameter values?

I wrote my own, it's short, super simple, and you can copy it if you like:

How to copy a row from one SQL Server table to another

As long as there are no identity columns you can just

WHERE [Conditions]

Image Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' Recognition

Please take a look at Zdenek Kalal's Predator tracker. It requires some training, but it can actively learn how the tracked object looks at different orientations and scales and does it in realtime!

The source code is available on his site. It's in MATLAB, but perhaps there is a Java implementation already done by a community member. I have succesfully re-implemented the tracker part of TLD in C#. If I remember correctly, TLD is using Ferns as the keypoint detector. I use either SURF or SIFT instead (already suggested by @stacker) to reacquire the object if it was lost by the tracker. The tracker's feedback makes it easy to build with time a dynamic list of sift/surf templates that with time enable reacquiring the object with very high precision.

If you're interested in my C# implementation of the tracker, feel free to ask.

Is there a way to run Bash scripts on Windows?

There's one more theoretical possibility to do it: professional versions of Windows have built-in POSIX support, so bash could have been compiled for Windows natively.

Pity, but I still haven't found a compiled one myself...

Checking images for similarity with OpenCV

A little bit off topic but useful is the pythonic numpy approach. Its robust and fast but just does compare pixels and not the objects or data the picture contains (and it requires images of same size and shape):

A very simple and fast approach to do this without openCV and any library for computer vision is to norm the picture arrays by

import numpy as np
picture1 = np.random.rand(100,100)
picture2 = np.random.rand(100,100)
picture1_norm = picture1/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture1**2))
picture2_norm = picture2/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture2**2))

After defining both normed pictures (or matrices) you can just sum over the multiplication of the pictures you like to compare:

1) If you compare similar pictures the sum will return 1:

In[1]: np.sum(picture1_norm**2)
Out[1]: 1.0

2) If they aren't similar, you'll get a value between 0 and 1 (a percentage if you multiply by 100):

In[2]: np.sum(picture2_norm*picture1_norm)
Out[2]: 0.75389941124629822

Please notice that if you have colored pictures you have to do this in all 3 dimensions or just compare a greyscaled version. I often have to compare huge amounts of pictures with arbitrary content and that's a really fast way to do so.

How can I compare a date and a datetime in Python?

I am trying to compare date which are in string format like '20110930'

benchMark = datetime.datetime.strptime('20110701', "%Y%m%d") 

actualDate = datetime.datetime.strptime('20110930', "%Y%m%d")

if <
    print True

Attempt to present UIViewController on UIViewController whose view is not in the window hierarchy

My issue was I was performing the segue in UIApplicationDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method before I called makeKeyAndVisible() on the window.

Getting ORA-01031: insufficient privileges while querying a table instead of ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

You may get ORA-01031: insufficient privileges instead of ORA-00942: table or view does not exist when you have at least one privilege on the table, but not the necessary privilege.

Create schemas

SQL> create user schemaA identified by schemaA;

User created.

SQL> create user schemaB identified by schemaB;

User created.

SQL> create user test_user identified by test_user;

User created.

SQL> grant connect to test_user;

Grant succeeded.

Create objects and privileges

It is unusual, but possible, to grant a schema a privilege like DELETE without granting SELECT.

SQL> create table schemaA.table1(a number);

Table created.

SQL> create table schemaB.table2(a number);

Table created.

SQL> grant delete on schemaB.table2 to test_user;

Grant succeeded.

Connect as TEST_USER and try to query the tables

This shows that having some privilege on the table changes the error message.

SQL> select * from schemaA.table1;
select * from schemaA.table1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> select * from schemaB.table2;
select * from schemaB.table2
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges


Putting images with options in a dropdown list

This is exactly what you need. See it in action here 8FydL/445

Example's Code below:

     $(".dropdown img.flag").addClass("flagvisibility");_x000D_
        $(".dropdown dt a").click(function() {_x000D_
            $(".dropdown dd ul").toggle();_x000D_
        $(".dropdown dd ul li a").click(function() {_x000D_
            var text = $(this).html();_x000D_
            $(".dropdown dt a span").html(text);_x000D_
            $(".dropdown dd ul").hide();_x000D_
            $("#result").html("Selected value is: " + getSelectedValue("sample"));_x000D_
        function getSelectedValue(id) {_x000D_
            return $("#" + id).find("dt a span.value").html();_x000D_
        $(document).bind('click', function(e) {_x000D_
            var $clicked = $(;_x000D_
            if (! $clicked.parents().hasClass("dropdown"))_x000D_
                $(".dropdown dd ul").hide();_x000D_
        $(".dropdown img.flag").toggleClass("flagvisibility");
    .desc { color:#6b6b6b;}_x000D_
    .desc a {color:#0092dd;}_x000D_
    .dropdown dd, .dropdown dt, .dropdown ul { margin:0px; padding:0px; }_x000D_
    .dropdown dd { position:relative; }_x000D_
    .dropdown a, .dropdown a:visited { color:#816c5b; text-decoration:none; outline:none;}_x000D_
    .dropdown a:hover { color:#5d4617;}_x000D_
    .dropdown dt a:hover { color:#5d4617; border: 1px solid #d0c9af;}_x000D_
    .dropdown dt a {background:#e4dfcb url('') no-repeat scroll right center; display:block; padding-right:20px;_x000D_
                    border:1px solid #d4ca9a; width:150px;}_x000D_
    .dropdown dt a span {cursor:pointer; display:block; padding:5px;}_x000D_
    .dropdown dd ul { background:#e4dfcb none repeat scroll 0 0; border:1px solid #d4ca9a; color:#C5C0B0; display:none;_x000D_
                      left:0px; padding:5px 0px; position:absolute; top:2px; width:auto; min-width:170px; list-style:none;}_x000D_
    .dropdown span.value { display:none;}_x000D_
    .dropdown dd ul li a { padding:5px; display:block;}_x000D_
    .dropdown dd ul li a:hover { background-color:#d0c9af;}_x000D_
    .dropdown img.flag { border:none; vertical-align:middle; margin-left:10px; }_x000D_
    .flagvisibility { display:none;}
     <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>_x000D_
        <dl id="sample" class="dropdown">_x000D_
            <dt><a href="#"><span>Please select the country</span></a></dt>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">Brazil<img class="flag" src="" alt="" /><span class="value">BR</span></a></li>_x000D_
                    <li><a href="#">France<img class="flag" src="" alt="" /><span class="value">FR</span></a></li>_x000D_
        <span id="result"></span>

Validation failed for one or more entities while saving changes to SQL Server Database using Entity Framework

Make sure that if you have nvarchar(50)in DB row you don't trying to insert more than 50characters in it. Stupid mistake but took me 3 hours to figure it out.

Trim string in JavaScript?

Simple version here What is a general function for JavaScript trim?

function trim(str) {
        return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");

How to execute a query in ms-access in VBA code?

How about something like this...

Dim rs As RecordSet
Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordSet("SELECT PictureLocation, ID FROM MyAccessTable;")

Do While Not rs.EOF
   Debug.Print rs("PictureLocation") & " - " & rs("ID")

How to consume a SOAP web service in Java

I will use CXF also you can think of AXIS 2 .

The best way to do it may be using JAX RS Refer this example


wsimport -p stockquote

This will generate the Java artifacts and compile them by importing the


Close Current Tab

Try this:'', '_self').close();

Double quotes within php script echo

use a HEREDOC, which eliminates any need to swap quote types and/or escape them:

echo <<<EOL
<script>$('#edit_errors').html('<h3><em><font color="red">Please Correct Errors Before Proceeding</font></em></h3>')</script>

removing bold styling from part of a header

You could wrap the not-bold text into a span and give the span the following properties:



<h1>**This text should be bold**, <span class='notbold'>but this text should not</span></h1>


Use <span> when you want to change the style of elements without placing them in a new block-level element in the document.

JUnit test for System.out.println()

If the function is printing to System.out, you can capture that output by using the System.setOut method to change System.out to go to a PrintStream provided by you. If you create a PrintStream connected to a ByteArrayOutputStream, then you can capture the output as a String.

// Create a stream to hold the output
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos);
// IMPORTANT: Save the old System.out!
PrintStream old = System.out;
// Tell Java to use your special stream
// Print some output: goes to your special stream
// Put things back
// Show what happened
System.out.println("Here: " + baos.toString());

Twitter Bootstrap vs jQuery UI?

We have used both and we like Bootstrap for its simplicity and the pace at which it's being developed and enhanced. The problem with jQuery UI is that it's moving at a snail's pace. It's taking years to roll out common features like Menubar, Tree control and DataGrid which are in planning/development stage for ever. We waited waited waited and finally given up and used other libraries like ExtJS for our product

Bootstrap has come up with quite a comprehensive set of features in a very short period of time and I am sure it will outpace jQuery UI pretty soon.

So I see no point in using something that will eventually be outdated...

python pandas remove duplicate columns

An update on @kalu's answer, which uses the latest pandas:

def find_duplicated_columns(df):
    dupes = []

    columns = df.columns

    for i in range(len(columns)):
        col1 = df.iloc[:, i]
        for j in range(i + 1, len(columns)):
            col2 = df.iloc[:, j]
            # break early if dtypes aren't the same (helps deal with
            # categorical dtypes)
            if col1.dtype is not col2.dtype:
            # otherwise compare values
            if col1.equals(col2):

    return dupes

Converting from IEnumerable to List

another way

List<int> list=new List<int>();

IEnumerable<int> enumerable =Enumerable.Range(1, 300);  

foreach (var item in enumerable )  

Auto Resize Image in CSS FlexBox Layout and keeping Aspect Ratio?

In the second image it looks like you want the image to fill the box, but the example you created DOES keep the aspect ratio (the pets look normal, not slim or fat).

I have no clue if you photoshopped those images as example or the second one is "how it should be" as well (you said IS, while the first example you said "should")

Anyway, I have to assume:

If "the images are not resized keeping the aspect ration" and you show me an image which DOES keep the aspect ratio of the pixels, I have to assume you are trying to accomplish the aspect ratio of the "cropping" area (the inner of the green) WILE keeping the aspect ratio of the pixels. I.e. you want to fill the cell with the image, by enlarging and cropping the image.

If that's your problem, the code you provided does NOT reflect "your problem", but your starting example.

Given the previous two assumptions, what you need can't be accomplished with actual images if the height of the box is dynamic, but with background images. Either by using "background-size: contain" or these techniques (smart paddings in percents that limit the cropping or max sizes anywhere you want):

The only way this is possible with images is if we FORGET about your second iimage, and the cells have a fixed height, and FORTUNATELY, judging by your sample images, the height stays the same!

So if your container's height doesn't change, and you want to keep your images square, you just have to set the max-height of the images to that known value (minus paddings or borders, depending on the box-sizing property of the cells)

Like this:

<div class="content">
  <div class="row">    
      <div class="cell">    
          <img src=""/>
      <div class="cell">    
          <img src=""/>

And the CSS:

.content {
    background-color: green;

.row {
    display: -webkit-box;
    display: -moz-box;
    display: -ms-flexbox;
    display: -webkit-flex;
    display: flex;

    -webkit-box-orient: horizontal; 
    -moz-box-orient: horizontal;
    box-orient: horizontal;
    flex-direction: row;

    -webkit-box-pack: center;
    -moz-box-pack: center;
    box-pack: center;
    justify-content: center;

    -webkit-box-align: center;
    -moz-box-align: center;
    box-align: center;  
    align-items: center;


.cell {
    -webkit-box-flex: 1;
    -moz-box-flex: 1;
    box-flex: 1;
    -webkit-flex: 1 1 auto;
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    padding: 10px;
    border: solid 10px red;
    text-align: center;
    height: 300px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    box-sizing: content-box;
img {
    margin: auto;
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 300px;

Your code is invalid (opening tags are instead of closing ones, so they output NESTED cells, not siblings, he used a SCREENSHOT of your images inside the faulty code, and the flex box is not holding the cells but both examples in a column (you setup "row" but the corrupt code nesting one cell inside the other resulted in a flex inside a flex, finally working as COLUMNS. I have no idea what you wanted to accomplish, and how you came up with that code, but I'm guessing what you want is this.

I added display: flex to the cells too, so the image gets centered (I think display: table could have been used here as well with all this markup)

Can you use if/else conditions in CSS?

You can use php if you write css in the Tag

    section {
        position: fixed;
        top: <?php if ($test == $tset) { echo '10px' }; ?>;

How to handle ListView click in Android

You need to set the inflated view "Clickable" and "able to listen to click events" in your adapter class getView() method.

convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_item_text, null);

and declare the click listener in your ListActivity as follows,

public OnClickListener myClickListener = new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
                 //code to be written to handle the click event

This holds true only when you are customizing the Adapter by extending BaseAdapter.

Refer the ANDROID_SDK/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/ for more details

error: (-215) !empty() in function detectMultiScale

Your XML file was not found. Try using absolute paths like:

/path/to/my/file (Mac, Linux)
C:\\path\\to\\my\\file (Windows)

PHPExcel set border and format for all sheets in spreadsheet

You can set a default style for the entire workbook (all worksheets):



  $styleArray = array(
      'borders' => array(
          'allborders' => array(
              'style' => PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN

And this can be used for all style properties, not just borders.

But column autosizing is structural rather than stylistic, and has to be set for each column on each worksheet individually.


Note that default workbook style only applies to Excel5 Writer

Is there a way to split a widescreen monitor in to two or more virtual monitors?

can gridmove be of any assistance?

very handy tool on larger screens...


If this is for MS SQL.. The following code will always run no matter what if the table exist already or not.

if object_id('mytablename') is not null //has the table been created already in the db
     drop table mytablename

Create table mytablename (...

How do I add comments to package.json for npm install?

After wasting an hour on complex and hacky solutions, I've found both simple and valid solution for commenting my bulky dependencies section in package.json. Just like this:

  "name": "package name",
  "version": "1.0",
  "description": "package description",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm install && node server.js"
  "scriptsComments": {
    "start": "Runs development build on a local server configured by server.js"
  "dependencies": {
    "ajv": "^5.2.2"
  "dependenciesComments": {
    "ajv": "JSON-Schema Validator for validation of API data"

When sorted the same way, it's now very easy for me to track these pairs of dependencies/comments either in Git commit diffs or in an editor while working with file package.json.

And no extra tools are involved, just plain and valid JSON.

How to fix .pch file missing on build?

Yes it can be eliminated with the /Yc options like others have pointed out but most likely you wouldn't need to touch it to fix it. Why are you getting this error in the first place without changing any settings? You might have 'cleaned' the project and than try to compile a single cpp file. You would get this error in that case because the precompiler header is now missing. Just build the whole project (even if unsuccessful) and than build any single cpp file and you won't get this error.

CSS position absolute full width problem

I don't know if this what you want but try to remove overflow: hidden from #wrap

What is the difference between MOV and LEA?

As stated in the other answers:

  • MOV will grab the data at the address inside the brackets and place that data into the destination operand.
  • LEA will perform the calculation of the address inside the brackets and place that calculated address into the destination operand. This happens without actually going out to the memory and getting the data. The work done by LEA is in the calculating of the "effective address".

Because memory can be addressed in several different ways (see examples below), LEA is sometimes used to add or multiply registers together without using an explicit ADD or MUL instruction (or equivalent).

Since everyone is showing examples in Intel syntax, here are some in AT&T syntax:

MOVL 16(%ebp), %eax       /* put long  at  ebp+16  into eax */
LEAL 16(%ebp), %eax       /* add 16 to ebp and store in eax */

MOVQ (%rdx,%rcx,8), %rax  /* put qword at  rcx*8 + rdx  into rax */
LEAQ (%rdx,%rcx,8), %rax  /* put value of "rcx*8 + rdx" into rax */

MOVW 5(%bp,%si), %ax      /* put word  at  si + bp + 5  into ax */
LEAW 5(%bp,%si), %ax      /* put value of "si + bp + 5" into ax */

MOVQ 16(%rip), %rax       /* put qword at rip + 16 into rax                 */
LEAQ 16(%rip), %rax       /* add 16 to instruction pointer and store in rax */

MOVL label(,1), %eax      /* put long at label into eax            */
LEAL label(,1), %eax      /* put the address of the label into eax */

Content Type text/xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service

I saw this problem today when trying to create a WCF service proxy, both using VS2010 and svcutil.

Everything I'm doing is with basicHttpBinding (so no issue with wsHttpBinding).

For the first time in my recollection MSDN actually provided me with the solution, at the following link How to: Publish Metadata for a Service Using a Configuration File. The line I needed to change was inside the behavior element inside the MEX service behavior element inside my service app.config file. I changed it from

&lt;serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>  
&lt;serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" policyVersion="Policy15"/>

and like magic the error went away and I was able to create the service proxy. Note that there is a corresponding MSDN entry for using code instead of a config file: How to: Publish Metadata for a Service Using Code.

(Of course, Policy15 - how could I possibly have overlooked that???)

One more "gotcha": my service needs to expose 3 different endpoints, each supporting a different contract. For each proxy that I needed to build, I had to comment out the other 2 endpoints, otherwise svcutil would complain that it could not resolve the base URL address.

How do I display images from Google Drive on a website?

i supposed you uploaded your photo in your drive all what you need to do is while you are opening your google drive just open your dev tools in chrome and head to your img tag and copy the link beside the src attribute and use it

Deleting array elements in JavaScript - delete vs splice

delete acts like a non real world situation, it just removes the item, but the array length stays the same:

example from node terminal:

> var arr = ["a","b","c","d"];
> delete arr[2]
> arr
[ 'a', 'b', , 'd', 'e' ]

Here is a function to remove an item of an array by index, using slice(), it takes the arr as the first arg, and the index of the member you want to delete as the second argument. As you can see, it actually deletes the member of the array, and will reduce the array length by 1

    return arr.slice(0,arrIndex).concat(arr.slice(arrIndex + 1));

What the function above does is take all the members up to the index, and all the members after the index , and concatenates them together, and returns the result.

Here is an example using the function above as a node module, seeing the terminal will be useful:

> var arr = ["a","b","c","d"]
> arr
[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' ]
> arr.length
> var arrayRemoveIndex = require("./lib/array_remove_index");
> var newArray = arrayRemoveIndex(arr,arr.indexOf('c'))
> newArray
[ 'a', 'b', 'd' ] // c ya later
> newArray.length

please note that this will not work one array with dupes in it, because indexOf("c") will just get the first occurance, and only splice out and remove the first "c" it finds.

How do I import a CSV file in R?

You would use the read.csv function; for example:

dat = read.csv("spam.csv", header = TRUE)

You can also reference this tutorial for more details.

Note: make sure the .csv file to read is in your working directory (using getwd()) or specify the right path to file. If you want, you can set the current directory using setwd.

How to generate a random integer number from within a range

For those who understand the bias problem but can't stand the unpredictable run-time of rejection-based methods, this series produces a progressively less biased random integer in the [0, n-1] interval:

r = n / 2;
r = (rand() * n + r) / (RAND_MAX + 1);
r = (rand() * n + r) / (RAND_MAX + 1);
r = (rand() * n + r) / (RAND_MAX + 1);

It does so by synthesising a high-precision fixed-point random number of i * log_2(RAND_MAX + 1) bits (where i is the number of iterations) and performing a long multiplication by n.

When the number of bits is sufficiently large compared to n, the bias becomes immeasurably small.

It does not matter if RAND_MAX + 1 is less than n (as in this question), or if it is not a power of two, but care must be taken to avoid integer overflow if RAND_MAX * n is large.

How to rollback just one step using rake db:migrate

Best way is running Particular migration again by using down or up(in rails 4. It's change)

rails db:migrate:up VERSION=timestamp

Now how you get the timestamp. Go to this path


Identify migration file you want to revert.pick the timestamp from that file name.

SQL not a single-group group function

If you want downloads number for each customer, use:

select ssn
     , sum(time)
  from downloads
 group by ssn

If you want just one record -- for a customer with highest number of downloads -- use:

select *
  from (
        select ssn
             , sum(time)
          from downloads
         group by ssn
         order by sum(time) desc
 where rownum = 1

However if you want to see all customers with the same number of downloads, which share the highest position, use:

select *
  from (
        select ssn
             , sum(time)
             , dense_rank() over (order by sum(time) desc) r
          from downloads
         group by ssn
 where r = 1

Create an ArrayList of unique values

Just Override the boolean equals() method of custom object. Say you have an ArrayList with custom field f1, f2, ... override

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (!(o instanceof CustomObject)) return false;

    CustomObject object = (CustomObject) o;

    if (!f1.equals(object.dob)) return false;
    if (!f2.equals(object.fullName)) return false;
    return true;

and check using ArrayList instance's contains() method. That's it.

How to convert image into byte array and byte array to base64 String in android?

Try this:

// convert from bitmap to byte array
public byte[] getBytesFromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
    ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    bitmap.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 70, stream);
    return stream.toByteArray();

// get the base 64 string
String imgString = Base64.encodeToString(getBytesFromBitmap(someImg), 

PHP function overloading

PHP doesn't support traditional method overloading, however one way you might be able to achieve what you want, would be to make use of the __call magic method:

class MyClass {
    public function __call($name, $args) {

        switch ($name) {
            case 'funcOne':
                switch (count($args)) {
                    case 1:
                        return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'funcOneWithOneArg'), $args);
                    case 3:
                        return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'funcOneWithThreeArgs'), $args);
            case 'anotherFunc':
                switch (count($args)) {
                    case 0:
                        return $this->anotherFuncWithNoArgs();
                    case 5:
                        return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'anotherFuncWithMoreArgs'), $args);

    protected function funcOneWithOneArg($a) {


    protected function funcOneWithThreeArgs($a, $b, $c) {


    protected function anotherFuncWithNoArgs() {


    protected function anotherFuncWithMoreArgs($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) {



How to debug on a real device (using Eclipse/ADT)

With an Android-powered device, you can develop and debug your Android applications just as you would on the emulator.

1. Declare your application as "debuggable" in AndroidManifest.xml.

    ... >

2. On your handset, navigate to Settings > Security and check Unknown sources

enter image description here

3. Go to Settings > Developer Options and check USB debugging
Note that if Developer Options is invisible you will need to navigate to Settings > About Phone and tap on Build number several times until you are notified that it has been unlocked.

enter image description here

4. Set up your system to detect your device.
Follow the instructions below for your OS:

Windows Users

Install the Google USB Driver from the ADT SDK Manager
(Support for: ADP1, ADP2, Verizon Droid, Nexus One, Nexus S).

enter image description here

For devices not listed above, install an OEM driver for your device

Mac OS X

Your device should automatically work; Go to the next step

Ubuntu Linux

Add a udev rules file that contains a USB configuration for each type of device you want to use for development. In the rules file, each device manufacturer is identified by a unique vendor ID, as specified by the ATTR{idVendor} property. For a list of vendor IDs, click here. To set up device detection on Ubuntu Linux:

  1. Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules.
  2. Use this format to add each vendor to the file:
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
    In this example, the vendor ID is for HTC. The MODE assignment specifies read/write permissions, and GROUP defines which Unix group owns the device node.
  3. Now execute: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Note: The rule syntax may vary slightly depending on your environment. Consult the udev documentation for your system as needed. For an overview of rule syntax, see this guide to writing udev rules.

5. Run the project with your connected device.

With Eclipse/ADT: run or debug your application as usual. You will be presented with a Device Chooser dialog that lists the available emulator(s) and connected device(s).

With ADB: issue commands with the -d flag to target your connected device.

Still need help? Click here for the full guide.

How to get the caller's method name in the called method?

I found a way if you're going across classes and want the class the method belongs to AND the method. It takes a bit of extraction work but it makes its point. This works in Python 2.7.13.

import inspect, os

class ClassOne:
    def method1(self):

class ClassTwo:
    def method2(self):
        curframe = inspect.currentframe()
        calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 4)
        print '\nI was called from', calframe[1][3], \
        'in', calframe[1][4][0][6: -2]

# create objects to access class methods
classoneObj = ClassOne()
classtwoObj = ClassTwo()

# start the program

How do I generate a SALT in Java for Salted-Hash?

Inspired from this post and that post, I use this code to generate and verify hashed salted passwords. It only uses JDK provided classes, no external dependency.

The process is:

  • you create a salt with getNextSalt
  • you ask the user his password and use the hash method to generate a salted and hashed password. The method returns a byte[] which you can save as is in a database with the salt
  • to authenticate a user, you ask his password, retrieve the salt and hashed password from the database and use the isExpectedPassword method to check that the details match
 * A utility class to hash passwords and check passwords vs hashed values. It uses a combination of hashing and unique
 * salt. The algorithm used is PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 which, although not the best for hashing password (vs. bcrypt) is
 * still considered robust and <a href=""> recommended by NIST </a>.
 * The hashed value has 256 bits.
public class Passwords {

  private static final Random RANDOM = new SecureRandom();
  private static final int ITERATIONS = 10000;
  private static final int KEY_LENGTH = 256;

   * static utility class
  private Passwords() { }

   * Returns a random salt to be used to hash a password.
   * @return a 16 bytes random salt
  public static byte[] getNextSalt() {
    byte[] salt = new byte[16];
    return salt;

   * Returns a salted and hashed password using the provided hash.<br>
   * Note - side effect: the password is destroyed (the char[] is filled with zeros)
   * @param password the password to be hashed
   * @param salt     a 16 bytes salt, ideally obtained with the getNextSalt method
   * @return the hashed password with a pinch of salt
  public static byte[] hash(char[] password, byte[] salt) {
    PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, ITERATIONS, KEY_LENGTH);
    Arrays.fill(password, Character.MIN_VALUE);
    try {
      SecretKeyFactory skf = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1");
      return skf.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded();
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
      throw new AssertionError("Error while hashing a password: " + e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {

   * Returns true if the given password and salt match the hashed value, false otherwise.<br>
   * Note - side effect: the password is destroyed (the char[] is filled with zeros)
   * @param password     the password to check
   * @param salt         the salt used to hash the password
   * @param expectedHash the expected hashed value of the password
   * @return true if the given password and salt match the hashed value, false otherwise
  public static boolean isExpectedPassword(char[] password, byte[] salt, byte[] expectedHash) {
    byte[] pwdHash = hash(password, salt);
    Arrays.fill(password, Character.MIN_VALUE);
    if (pwdHash.length != expectedHash.length) return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < pwdHash.length; i++) {
      if (pwdHash[i] != expectedHash[i]) return false;
    return true;

   * Generates a random password of a given length, using letters and digits.
   * @param length the length of the password
   * @return a random password
  public static String generateRandomPassword(int length) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length);
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      int c = RANDOM.nextInt(62);
      if (c <= 9) {
      } else if (c < 36) {
        sb.append((char) ('a' + c - 10));
      } else {
        sb.append((char) ('A' + c - 36));
    return sb.toString();

How to make `setInterval` behave more in sync, or how to use `setTimeout` instead?

Use let instead of var in code :

for(let i=1;i<=5;i++){setTimeout(()=>{console.log(i)},1000);}

Include PHP file into HTML file

You would have to configure your webserver to utilize PHP as handler for .html files. This is typically done by modifying your with AddHandler to include .html along with .php.

Note that this could have a performance impact as this would cause ALL .html files to be run through PHP handler even if there is no PHP involved. So you might strongly consider using .php extension on these files and adding a redirect as necessary to route requests to specific .html URL's to their .php equivalents.

How can I solve a connection pool problem between ASP.NET and SQL Server?

Yet another reason happened in my case, because of using async/await, resulting in the same error message:

System.InvalidOperationException: 'Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.'

Just a quick overview of what happened (and how I resolved it), hopefully this will help others in the future:

Finding the cause

This all happened in an ASP.NET Core 3.1 web project with Dapper and SQL Server, but I do think it is independent of that very kind of project.

First, I have a central function to get me SQL connections:

internal async Task<DbConnection> GetConnection()
    var r = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString());
    await r.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
    return r;

I'm using this function in dozens of methods like e.g. this one:

public async Task<List<EmployeeDbModel>> GetAll()
    await using var conn = await GetConnection();
    var sql = @"SELECT * FROM Employee";

    var result = await conn.QueryAsync<EmployeeDbModel>(sql);
    return result.ToList();

As you can see, I'm using the new using statement without the curly braces ({, }), so disposal of the connection is done at the end of the function.

Still, I got the error about no more connections in the pool being available.

I started debugging my application and let it halt upon the exception happening. When it halted, I first did a look at the Call Stack window, but this only showed some location inside System.Data.SqlClient, and was no real help to me:

enter image description here

Next, I took a look at the Tasks window, which was of a much better help:

enter image description here

There were literally thousands of calls to my own GetConnection method in an "Awaiting" or "Scheduled" state.

When double-clicking such a line in the Tasks window, it showed me the related location in my code via the Call Stack window.

This helped my to find out the real reason of this behaviour. It was in the below code (just for completeness):

public async Task<IActionResult> LoadEmployees(
    DataSourceLoadOptions loadOption)
    var data = await CentralDbRepository.EmployeeRepository.GetAll();

    var list =
        data.Select(async d =>
                var values = await CentralDbRepository.EmployeeRepository.GetAllValuesForEmployee(d);
                return await d.ConvertToListItemViewModel(
    return Json(DataSourceLoader.Load(await list, loadOption));

In the above controller action, I first did a call to EmployeeRepository.GetAll() to get a list of models from the database table "Employee".

Then, for each of the returned models (i.e. for each row of the result set), I did again do a database call to EmployeeRepository.GetAllValuesForEmployee(d).

While this is very bad in terms of performance anyway, in an async context it behaves in a way, that it is eating up connection pool connections without releasing them appropriately.


I resolved it by removing the SQL query in the inner loop of the outer SQL query.

This should be done by either completely omitting it, or if required, move it to one/multilpe JOINs in the outer SQL query to get all data from the database in one single SQL query.

tl;dr / lessons learned

Don't do lots of SQL queries in a short amount of time, especially when using async/await.

how to read xml file from url using php

It is working for me. I think you probably need to use urlencode() on each of the components of $map_url.

What is the difference between cache and persist?

There is no difference. From RDD.scala.

/** Persist this RDD with the default storage level (`MEMORY_ONLY`). */
def persist(): this.type = persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)

/** Persist this RDD with the default storage level (`MEMORY_ONLY`). */
def cache(): this.type = persist()

phpmyadmin #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server. after installing mysql command line client

I would suggest 3 things:

  1. First try clearing browser's cache
  2. Try to assign username & password statically into
  3. Once you've done with installation, delete the file under "phpmyadmin" folder

The last one worked for me.

How to make div follow scrolling smoothly with jQuery?

There's a fantastic jQuery tutorial for this at

It replicates the shopping cart type of sidebar scrolling. The Google query that might have served you well is "fixed floating sidebar".

How to turn IDENTITY_INSERT on and off using SQL Server 2008?

You need to add the command 'go' after you set the identity insert. Example:

SET IDENTITY_INSERT sometableWithIdentity ON

INSERT sometableWithIdentity (IdentityColumn, col2, col3, ...)
VALUES (AnIdentityValue, col2value, col3value, ...)

SET IDENTITY_INSERT sometableWithIdentity OFF

Angular 4: How to include Bootstrap?

Angular 6 CLI, just do:

ng add @ng-bootstrap/schematics

Get value from input (AngularJS)

If you want to get values in Javascript on frontend, you can use the native way to do it by using :


Where "movie" is the name of your input <input type="text" name="movie">

If you want to get it on angular.js controller, you can use;


Getting value of selected item in list box as string

Elaborating on previous answer by Pir Fahim, he's right but i'm using selectedItem.Text (only way to make it work to me)

Use the SelectedIndexChanged() event to store the data somewhere. In my case, i usually fill a custom class, something like:

class myItem {
    string name {get; set;}
    string price {get; set;}
    string desc {get; set;}

private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     myItem selected_item = new myItem();  = listBox1.SelectedItem.Text;
     Retrieve (;

And then you can retrieve the rest of data from a List of "myItems"..

myItem Retrieve (string wanted_item) {
    foreach (myItem item in my_items_list) {
        if ( == wanted_item) {
               // This is the selected item
               return item; 
    return null;

Get last record of a table in Postgres

you can use

SELECT timestamp, value, card 
FROM my_table 
ORDER BY timestamp DESC 

assuming you want also to sort by timestamp?

How to urlencode a querystring in Python?

Another thing that might not have been mentioned already is that urllib.urlencode() will encode empty values in the dictionary as the string None instead of having that parameter as absent. I don't know if this is typically desired or not, but does not fit my use case, hence I have to use quote_plus.

Confirm button before running deleting routine from website

You can do it with an confirm() message using Javascript.

MVC 4 client side validation not working

For me this was a lot of searching. Eventually I decided to use NuGet instead of downloading the files myself. I deleted all involved scripts and scriptbundles and got the following packages (latest versions as of now)

  • jQuery (3.1.1)
  • jQuery Validation (1.15.1)
  • Microsoft jQuery Ubobtrusive Ajax (3.2.3)
  • Microsoft jQuery Unobtrusive Validation (3.2.3)

Then I added these bundles to the BundleConfig file:

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval").Include(

I added this reference to _Layout.cshtml:


And I added this reference to whichever view I needed validation:


Now everything worked.

Don't forget these things (many people forget them):

  • Form tags (@using (Html.BeginForm()))
  • Validation Summary (@Html.ValidationSummary())
  • Validation Message on your input (Example: @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.StartDate))
  • Configuration ()
  • The order of the files added to the bundle (as stated above)

PHPExcel - set cell type before writing a value in it

I wanted the Number same as I get from database for example.

1) 00100.220000

2) 00123

3) 0000.0000100

So I modified the code as below

    ->setCellValue('A3', '00100.220000');

    ->setCellValue('A4', '00123');

    ->setCellValue('A5', '0000.0000100');

How may I reference the script tag that loaded the currently-executing script?

How to get the current script element:

1. Use document.currentScript

document.currentScript will return the <script> element whose script is currently being processed.

var me = document.currentScript;


  • Simple and explicit. Reliable.
  • Don't need to modify the script tag
  • Works with asynchronous scripts (defer & async)
  • Works with scripts inserted dynamically


  • Will not work in older browsers and IE.
  • Does not work with modules <script type="module">

2. Select script by id

Giving the script an id attribute will let you easily select it by id from within using document.getElementById().

<script id="myscript">
var me = document.getElementById('myscript');


  • Simple and explicit. Reliable.
  • Almost universally supported
  • Works with asynchronous scripts (defer & async)
  • Works with scripts inserted dynamically


  • Requires adding a custom attribute to the script tag
  • id attribute may cause weird behaviour for scripts in some browsers for some edge cases

3. Select the script using a data-* attribute

Giving the script a data-* attribute will let you easily select it from within.

<script data-name="myscript">
var me = document.querySelector('script[data-name="myscript"]');

This has few benefits over the previous option.


  • Simple and explicit.
  • Works with asynchronous scripts (defer & async)
  • Works with scripts inserted dynamically


  • Requires adding a custom attribute to the script tag
  • HTML5, and querySelector() not compliant in all browsers
  • Less widely supported than using the id attribute
  • Will get around <script> with id edge cases.
  • May get confused if another element has the same data attribute and value on the page.

4. Select the script by src

Instead of using the data attributes, you can use the selector to choose the script by source:

<script src="//"></script>

In embed.js:

var me = document.querySelector('script[src="//"]');


  • Reliable
  • Works with asynchronous scripts (defer & async)
  • Works with scripts inserted dynamically
  • No custom attributes or id needed


  • Does not work for local scripts
  • Will cause problems in different environments, like Development and Production
  • Static and fragile. Changing the location of the script file will require modifying the script
  • Less widely supported than using the id attribute
  • Will cause problems if you load the same script twice

5. Loop over all scripts to find the one you want

We can also loop over every script element and check each individually to select the one we want:

var me = null;
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script")
for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) {
    if( isMe(scripts[i])){
      me = scripts[i];

This lets us use both previous techniques in older browsers that don't support querySelector() well with attributes. For example:

function isMe(scriptElem){
    return scriptElem.getAttribute('src') === "//";

This inherits the benefits and problems of whatever approach is taken, but does not rely on querySelector() so will work in older browsers.

6. Get the last executed script

Since the scripts are executed sequentially, the last script element will very often be the currently running script:

var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' );
var me = scripts[ scripts.length - 1 ];


  • Simple.
  • Almost universally supported
  • No custom attributes or id needed


  • Does not work with asynchronous scripts (defer & async)
  • Does not work with scripts inserted dynamically

Can comments be used in JSON?

Include comments if you choose; strip them out with a minifier before parsing or transmitting.

I just released JSON.minify() which strips out comments and whitespace from a block of JSON and makes it valid JSON that can be parsed. So, you might use it like:


When I released it, I got a huge backlash of people disagreeing with even the idea of it, so I decided that I'd write a comprehensive blog post on why comments make sense in JSON. It includes this notable comment from the creator of JSON:

Suppose you are using JSON to keep configuration files, which you would like to annotate. Go ahead and insert all the comments you like. Then pipe it through JSMin before handing it to your JSON parser. - Douglas Crockford, 2012

Hopefully that's helpful to those who disagree with why JSON.minify() could be useful.

How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal

Convert binary to Hex

Convert.ToString(Convert.ToUInt32(binary1, 2), 16).ToUpper()

How do I use the ternary operator ( ? : ) in PHP as a shorthand for "if / else"?

Basic True / False Declaration

$is_admin = ($user['permissions'] == 'admin' ? true : false);

Conditional Welcome Message

echo 'Welcome '.($user['is_logged_in'] ? $user['first_name'] : 'Guest').'!';

Conditional Items Message

echo 'Your cart contains '.$num_items.' item'.($num_items != 1 ? 's' : '').'.';


Hibernate: in production?

I wouldn't risk it because you might end up losing data that should have been preserved. is purely an easy way to keep your dev database up to date.

PHP, display image with Header()

There is a better why to determine type of an image. with exif_imagetype

If you use this function, you can tell image's real extension.

with this function filename's extension is completely irrelevant, which is good.

function setHeaderContentType(string $filePath): void
    $numberToContentTypeMap = [
        '1' => 'image/gif',
        '2' => 'image/jpeg',
        '3' => 'image/png',
        '6' => 'image/bmp',
        '17' => 'image/ico'

    $contentType = $numberToContentTypeMap[exif_imagetype($filePath)] ?? null;
    if ($contentType === null) {
        throw new Exception('Unable to determine content type of file.');

    header("Content-type: $contentType");

You can add more types from the link.

Hope it helps.

Visual Studio : short cut Key : Duplicate Line

If you like eclipse style line (or block) duplicating using CTRL+ALT+UP or CTRL+UP+DOWN, below I post macros for this purpose:

Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports System.Diagnostics

Public Module DuplicateLineModule
    Sub DuplicateLineDown()
        Dim selection As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
        Dim lineNumber As Integer
        Dim line As String

        If selection.IsEmpty Then
            Dim top As Integer = selection.TopLine
            Dim bottom As Integer = selection.BottomLine

            selection.MoveToDisplayColumn(top, 0)

            selection.MoveToDisplayColumn(bottom, 0, True)
        End If

        lineNumber = selection.TopLine
        line = selection.Text

        selection.MoveToDisplayColumn(selection.BottomLine, 0)
        selection.Insert(vbNewLine & line)
    End Sub
    Sub DuplicateLineUp()
        Dim selection As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection
        Dim lineNumber As Integer
        Dim line As String

        If selection.IsEmpty Then
            Dim top As Integer = selection.TopLine
            Dim bottom As Integer = selection.BottomLine

            selection.MoveToDisplayColumn(top, 0)

            selection.MoveToDisplayColumn(bottom, 0, True)
        End If

        lineNumber = selection.BottomLine
        line = selection.Text

        selection.MoveToDisplayColumn(selection.BottomLine, 0)
        selection.Insert(vbNewLine & line)
        selection.MoveToDisplayColumn(lineNumber, 0)
    End Sub
End Module

Appending an element to the end of a list in Scala

We can append or prepend two lists or list&array

var l = List(1,2,3)    
l = l :+ 4 
Result : 1 2 3 4  
var ar = Array(4, 5, 6)    
for(x <- ar)    
{ l = l :+ x }  

Result:1 2 3 4 5 6


var l = List[Int]()  
   for(x <- ar)  
    { l= x :: l } //prepending    

Result:6 5 4 1 2 3


Make sure, following jar file included in your class path and lib folder.


enter image description here

if you are using maven, make sure you have included dependency for spring-core-3xxxxx.jar file


Note : Replace ${org.springframework.version} with version number.

"NODE_ENV" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable command or batch file

If anyone else came here like me trying to find a solution for the error:

'env' is not recognized as an internal or external command

The reason I got this is that I was migrating an angular solution from a mac development machine over to a windows 10 desktop. This is how I resolved it.

  1. run npm install --save-dev cross-env

  2. go into my package.json file and change all the script references from env <whatever> to cross-env <whatever>

Then my commands like: npm run start:some_random_environment_var now run fine on Windows 10.

User Get-ADUser to list all properties and export to .csv

@AnsgarWiechers - it's not my experience that querying everything and then pruning the result is more efficient when you're doing a targeted search of known accounts. Although, yes, it is also more efficient to select just the properties you need to return.

The below examples are based on a domain in the range of 20,000 account objects.

measure-command {Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties DisplayName,st }
Seconds           : 16
Milliseconds      : 208

measure-command {$userlist | get-aduser -Properties DisplayName,st}
Seconds           : 3
Milliseconds      : 496

In the second example, $userlist contains 368 account names (just strings, not pre-fetched account objects).

Note that if I include the where clause per your suggestion to prune to the actually desired results, it's even more expensive.

measure-command {Get-ADUser -Filter '*' -Properties DisplayName,st |where {$userlist -Contains $_.samaccountname } }
Seconds           : 17
Milliseconds      : 876

Indexed attributes seem to have similar performance (I tried just returning displayName).

Even if I return all user account properties in my set, it's more efficient. (Adding a select statement to the below brings it down by a half-second).

measure-command {$userlist | get-aduser -Properties *}
Seconds           : 12
Milliseconds      : 75

I can't find a good document that was written in ye olde days about AD queries to link to, but you're hitting every account in your search scope to return the properties. This discusses the basics of doing effective AD queries - scoping and filtering:

When your search scope is "*", you're still building a (big) list of the objects and iterating through each one. An LDAP search filter is always more efficient to build the list first (or a narrow search base, which is again building a smaller list to query).

Is there a way to view past mysql queries with phpmyadmin?

I may be wrong, but I believe I've seen a list of previous SQL queries in the session file for phpmyadmin sessions

Android Drawing Separator/Divider Line in Layout?

Divide the space in two equal parts:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""




Notice that one part contains a divider at the end

Python pandas insert list into a cell

Since set_value has been deprecated since version 0.21.0, you should now use at. It can insert a list into a cell without raising a ValueError as loc does. I think this is because at always refers to a single value, while loc can refer to values as well as rows and columns.

df = pd.DataFrame(data={'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': ['x', 'y', 'z']})[1, 'B'] = ['m', 'n']

df =
    A   B
0   1   x
1   2   [m, n]
2   3   z

You also need to make sure the column you are inserting into has dtype=object. For example

>>> df = pd.DataFrame(data={'A': [1, 2, 3], 'B': [1,2,3]})
>>> df.dtypes
A    int64
B    int64
dtype: object

>>>[1, 'B'] = [1, 2, 3]
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence

>>> df['B'] = df['B'].astype('object')
>>>[1, 'B'] = [1, 2, 3]
>>> df
   A          B
0  1          1
1  2  [1, 2, 3]
2  3          3

How to get a parent element to appear above child

Set a negative z-index for the child, and remove the one set on the parent.

.parent {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    width: 350px;_x000D_
    height: 150px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
.parent2 {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    width: 350px;_x000D_
    height: 40px;_x000D_
    background: red;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
.child {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    background-color: blue;_x000D_
    height: 200px;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    background: green;_x000D_
    height: 350px;_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
    <div class="parent">parent 1 parent 1_x000D_
        <div class="child">child child child</div>_x000D_
    <div class="parent2">parent 2 parent 2_x000D_

iOS for VirtualBox

VirtualBox is a virtualizer, not an emulator. (The name kinda gives it away.) I.e. it can only virtualize a CPU that is actually there, not emulate one that isn't. In particular, VirtualBox can only virtualize x86 and AMD64 CPUs. iOS only runs on ARM CPUs.

How to determine the current language of a wordpress page when using polylang?

I use something like this:


$lang = get_bloginfo("language"); 

if ($lang == 'fr-FR') : ?>


<?php endif; ?>

TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not int

You simply need to make cab a string:

cab = '6176'

As the error message states, you cannot do <int> in <string>:

>>> 1 in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not int

because integers and strings are two totally different things and Python does not embrace implicit type conversion ("Explicit is better than implicit.").

In fact, Python only allows you to use the in operator with a right operand of type string if the left operand is also of type string:

>>> '1' in '123'  # Works!
>>> [] in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not list
>>> 1.0 in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not float
>>> {} in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict

Git mergetool generates unwanted .orig files


  1. in File Win/Users/HOME/.gitconfig set mergetool.keepTemporaries=false
  2. in File git/libexec/git-core/git-mergetool, in the function cleanup_temp_files() add rm -rf -- "$MERGED.orig" within the else block.

Touch move getting stuck Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove

Please remove e.preventDefault(), because event.cancelable of touchmove is false. So you can't call this method.

How to use Select2 with JSON via Ajax request?

Tthe problems may be caused by incorrect mapping. Are you sure you have your result set in "data"? In my example, the backend code returns results under "items" key, so the mapping should look like:

results: $.map(data.items, function (item) {

and not:

 results: $.map(data, function (item) {

Where is the Microsoft.IdentityModel dll

Install Both of the below links

  1. Windows Identity Foundation

    Note: (For Vista and Windows Server 2008 >>> Windows6.0 and For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, >>> Windows6.1. )

  2. Windows Identity Foundation SDK

    Note: Download the 3.5 version for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5, the 4.0 version for Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0.

Then Only, You will able to get the assembly called Microsoft.IdentityModel

How to insert 1000 rows at a time

You can use the following CTE as well. You can just modify it as you find fit. But this will add the same values into the student CTE.

This will add 1000 records but you can change it to 10000 or to a maximum of 32767

;WITH thetable(rowid,sname,semail,spassword) AS
    SELECT 1  , 'name' , 'email' , 'password'
    SELECT rowid+1 ,'name' , 'email' , 'password' 
    FROM thetable WHERE rowid < 1000

SELECT rowid,sname,semail,spassword 
FROM thetable ORDER BY rowid

When to favor ng-if vs. ng-show/ng-hide?

The answer is not simple:

It depends on the target machines (mobile vs desktop), it depends on the nature of your data, the browser, the OS, the hardware it runs on... you will need to benchmark if you really want to know.

It is mostly a memory vs computation problem ... as with most performance issues the difference can become significant with repeated elements (n) like lists, especially when nested (n x n, or worse) and also what kind of computations you run inside these elements:

  • ng-show: If those optional elements are often present (dense), like say 90% of the time, it may be faster to have them ready and only show/hide them, especially if their content is cheap (just plain text, nothing to compute or load). This consumes memory as it fills the DOM with hidden elements, but just show/hide something which already exists is likely to be a cheap operation for the browser.

  • ng-if: If on the contrary elements are likely not to be shown (sparse) just build them and destroy them in real time, especially if their content is expensive to get (computations/sorted/filtered, images, generated images). This is ideal for rare or 'on-demand' elements, it saves memory in terms of not filling the DOM but can cost a lot of computation (creating/destroying elements) and bandwidth (getting remote content). It also depends on how much you compute in the view (filtering/sorting) vs what you already have in the model (pre-sorted/pre-filtered data).

Remove white space above and below large text in an inline-block element

The browser is not adding any padding. Instead, letters (even uppercase letters) are generally considerably smaller in the vertical direction than the height of the font, not to mention the line height, which is typically by default about 1.2 times the font height (font size).

There is no general solution to this because fonts are different. Even for fixed font size, the height of a letter varies by font. And uppercase letters need not have the same height in a font.

Practical solutions can be found by experimentation, but they are unavoidably font-dependent. You will need to set the line height essentially smaller than the font size. The following seems to yield the desired result in different browsers on Windows, for the Arial font:

  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  font-size: 50px;_x000D_
  background-color: green;_x000D_
  line-height: 0.75em;_x000D_
  font-family: Arial;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  bottom: -0.02em;_x000D_
<span class=foo><span class=bar>BIG TEXT</span></span>

The nested span elements are used to displace the text vertically. Otherwise, the text sits on the baseline, and under the baseline, there is room reserved for descenders (as in letters j and y).

If you look closely (with zooming), you will notice that there is very small space above and below most letters here. I have set things so that the letter “G” fits in. It extends vertically a bit farther than other uppercase letters because that way the letters look similar in height. There are similar issues with other letters, like “O”. And you need to tune the settings if you’ll need the letter “Q” since it has a descender that extends a bit below the baseline (in Arial). And of course, if you’ll ever need “É”, or almost any diacritic mark, you’re in trouble.

Calling Scalar-valued Functions in SQL

That syntax works fine for me:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.test_func
(@in varchar(20))
    RETURN 1

SELECT dbo.test_func('blah')

Are you sure that the function exists as a function and under the dbo schema?

Why emulator is very slow in Android Studio?

This is probably because incomplete files in your sdk . Sometimes firewall of ur office or somewhere blocks it and hence error message comes saying peer not authenticated I was facing the same problem but after downloading all the files by getting firewall access My emulator is working properly and much faster than before

How to pass objects to functions in C++?

Do I need to pass pointers, references, or non-pointer and non-reference values?

This is a question that matters when writing a function and choosing the types of the parameters it takes. That choice will affect how the function is called and it depends on a few things.

The simplest option is to pass objects by value. This basically creates a copy of the object in the function, which has many advantages. But sometimes copying is costly, in which case a constant reference, const&, is usually best. And sometimes you need your object to be changed by the function. Then a non-constant reference, &, is needed.

For guidance on the choice of parameter types, see the Functions section of the C++ Core Guidelines, starting with F.15. As a general rule, try to avoid raw pointers, *.

Failed to instantiate module error in Angular js

For me the error occurred due to my browser using a cached version of the js file containing the module. Clearing the cache and reloading the page solved the problem.

MySQL - Select the last inserted row easiest way

It would be best to have a TIMESTAMP column that defaults to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP .. it is the only true predictive behavior you can find here.

The second-best thing you can do is ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1 and hope the newest ID is the largest value.

Make JQuery UI Dialog automatically grow or shrink to fit its contents

I used the following property which works fine for me:

     minHeight: 'auto'

Download a file from HTTPS using download.file()

Try following with heavy files

URL <- ""
x <- fread(URL)

If two cells match, return value from third


Will return the answer you want and also remove the #N/A result that would appear if you couldn't find a result due to it not appearing in your lookup list.


How to check for file existence

Check out Pathname and in particular Pathname#exist?.

File and its FileTest module are perhaps simpler/more direct, but I find Pathname a nicer interface in general.

What does Java option -Xmx stand for?

-Xmx sets the Maximum Heap size

SQL Server 2008: How to query all databases sizes?

with Total Database size ordered Desc

DB_NAME(db.database_id) DatabaseName,     
(CAST(mfrows.RowSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 RowSizeMB,     
(CAST(mflog.LogSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 LogSizeMB, 
(CAST(mfrows.RowSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024/1024+(CAST(mflog.LogSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024/1024 DBSizeG,
(CAST(mfstream.StreamSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 StreamSizeMB,     
(CAST(mftext.TextIndexSize AS FLOAT)*8)/1024 TextIndexSizeMB 
FROM sys.databases db     
LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, 
                  SUM(size) RowSize 
            FROM sys.master_files 
            WHERE type = 0 
            GROUP BY database_id, type) mfrows 
    ON mfrows.database_id = db.database_id     
LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, 
                  SUM(size) LogSize 
            FROM sys.master_files 
            WHERE type = 1 
            GROUP BY database_id, type) mflog 
    ON mflog.database_id = db.database_id     
LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, 
                  SUM(size) StreamSize 
                  FROM sys.master_files 
                  WHERE type = 2 
                  GROUP BY database_id, type) mfstream 
    ON mfstream.database_id = db.database_id     
LEFT JOIN (SELECT database_id, 
                  SUM(size) TextIndexSize 
                  FROM sys.master_files 
                  WHERE type = 4 
                  GROUP BY database_id, type) mftext 
    ON mftext.database_id = db.database_id 
       ORDER BY 4 DESC

Ant build failed: "Target "build..xml" does not exist"

since your ant file's name is build.xml, you should just type ant without ant build.xml. that is: > ant [enter]

Reset all the items in a form

Additional-> To clear the Child Controls The below function would clear the nested(Child) controls also, wrap up in a class.

 public static void ClearControl(Control control)
            if (control is TextBox)
                TextBox txtbox = (TextBox)control;
                txtbox.Text = string.Empty;
            else if (control is CheckBox)
                CheckBox chkbox = (CheckBox)control;
                chkbox.Checked = false;
            else if (control is RadioButton)
                RadioButton rdbtn = (RadioButton)control;
                rdbtn.Checked = false;
            else if (control is DateTimePicker)
                DateTimePicker dtp = (DateTimePicker)control;
                dtp.Value = DateTime.Now;
            else if (control is ComboBox)
                ComboBox cmb = (ComboBox)control;
                if (cmb.DataSource != null)
                    cmb.SelectedItem = string.Empty;
                    cmb.SelectedValue = 0;
            // repeat for combobox, listbox, checkbox and any other controls you want to clear
            if (control.HasChildren)
                foreach (Control child in control.Controls)


jQuery - How to dynamically add a validation rule

As well as making sure that you have first called $("#myForm").validate();, make sure that your dynamic control has been added to the DOM before adding the validation rules.

How to enable CORS in apache tomcat

Check this answer: Set CORS header in Tomcat

Note that you need Tomcat 7.0.41 or higher.

To know where the current instance of Tomcat is located try this:


You'll see the path in the console view.

Then look for /conf/web.xml on that folder, open it and add the lines of the above link.

Adding Python Path on Windows 7

  1. Hold Win and press Pause.
  2. Click Advanced System Settings.
  3. Click Environment Variables.
  4. Append ;C:\python27 to the Path variable.
  5. Restart Command Prompt.

Python NLTK: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xc3' in file (Sentiment Analysis -NLP)

Add the following to the top of your file # coding=utf-8

If you go to the link in the error you can seen the reason why:

Defining the Encoding

Python will default to ASCII as standard encoding if no other encoding hints are given. To define a source code encoding, a magic comment must be placed into the source files either as first or second line in the file, such as: # coding=

SQL Row_Number() function in Where Clause

based on OP's answer to question:

Please see this link. Its having a different solution, which looks working for the person who asked the question. I'm trying to figure out a solution like this.

Paginated query using sorting on different columns using ROW_NUMBER() OVER () in SQL Server 2005


"method 1" is like the OP's query from the linked question, and "method 2" is like the query from the selected answer. You had to look at the code linked in this answer to see what was really going on, since the code in the selected answer was modified to make it work. Try this:

DECLARE @YourTable table (RowID int not null primary key identity, Value1 int, Value2 int, value3 int)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,1,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,1,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,1,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,2,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,2,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,2,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,3,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,3,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (1,3,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,1,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,1,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,1,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,2,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,2,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,2,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,3,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,3,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (2,3,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,1,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,1,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,1,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,2,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,2,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,2,3)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,3,1)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,3,2)
INSERT INTO @YourTable VALUES (3,3,3)

DECLARE @PageNumber     int
DECLARE @PageSize       int
DECLARE @SortBy         int

SET @PageNumber=3
SET @PageSize=5
SET @SortBy=1

--SELECT * FROM @YourTable

--Method 1
;WITH PaginatedYourTable AS (
        ,CASE @SortBy
             WHEN  1 THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Value1 ASC)
             WHEN  2 THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Value2 ASC)
             WHEN  3 THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Value3 ASC)
             WHEN -1 THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Value1 DESC)
             WHEN -2 THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Value2 DESC)
             WHEN -3 THEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Value3 DESC)
         END AS RowNumber
    FROM @YourTable
        ,@PageNumber AS PageNumber, @PageSize AS PageSize, @SortBy AS SortBy
    FROM PaginatedYourTable
    WHERE RowNumber>=(@PageNumber-1)*@PageSize AND RowNumber<=(@PageNumber*@PageSize)-1
    ORDER BY RowNumber

--Method 2
;WITH PaginatedYourTable AS (
        ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER
             ORDER BY
                 CASE @SortBy
                     WHEN  1 THEN Value1
                     WHEN  2 THEN Value2
                     WHEN  3 THEN Value3
                 END ASC
                ,CASE @SortBy
                     WHEN -1 THEN Value1
                     WHEN -2 THEN Value2
                     WHEN -3 THEN Value3
                 END DESC
         ) RowNumber
    FROM @YourTable
    --WHERE  more conditions here
        ,@PageNumber AS PageNumber, @PageSize AS PageSize, @SortBy AS SortBy
    FROM PaginatedYourTable
        RowNumber>=(@PageNumber-1)*@PageSize AND RowNumber<=(@PageNumber*@PageSize)-1
        --AND more conditions here
        CASE @SortBy
            WHEN  1 THEN Value1
            WHEN  2 THEN Value2
            WHEN  3 THEN Value3
        END ASC
       ,CASE @SortBy
            WHEN -1 THEN Value1
            WHEN -2 THEN Value2
            WHEN -3 THEN Value3
        END DESC


RowID  Value1 Value2 Value3 RowNumber  PageNumber  PageSize    SortBy
------ ------ ------ ------ ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
10     2      1      1      10         3           5           1
11     2      1      2      11         3           5           1
12     2      1      3      12         3           5           1
13     2      2      1      13         3           5           1
14     2      2      2      14         3           5           1

(5 row(s) affected

RowID  Value1 Value2 Value3 RowNumber  PageNumber  PageSize    SortBy
------ ------ ------ ------ ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------
10     2      1      1      10         3           5           1
11     2      1      2      11         3           5           1
12     2      1      3      12         3           5           1
13     2      2      1      13         3           5           1
14     2      2      2      14         3           5           1

(5 row(s) affected)

How to change colors of a Drawable in Android?

Give this code a try:

ImageView lineColorCode = (ImageView)convertView.findViewById(;
int color = Color.parseColor("#AE6118"); //The color u want             

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2ef3, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002ef3


I only observed this error today, for me the Error code was different though.

SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x2efd, Could not complete the operation due to error 00002efd.

It was occurring randomly and not all the time. but what it noticed is, if it comes for subsequent ajax calls. so i put some delay of 5 seconds between the ajax calls and it resolved.

Clone private git repo with dockerfile

You should create new SSH key set for that Docker image, as you probably don't want to embed there your own private key. To make it work, you'll have to add that key to deployment keys in your git repository. Here's complete recipe:

  1. Generate ssh keys with ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N '' -f repo-key which will give you repo-key and files.

  2. Add to your repository deployment keys.
    On GitHub, go to [your repository] -> Settings -> Deploy keys

  3. Add something like this to your Dockerfile:

    ADD repo-key /
    RUN \
      chmod 600 /repo-key && \  
      echo "IdentityFile /repo-key" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config && \  
      echo -e "StrictHostKeyChecking no" >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config && \  
      // your git clone commands here...

Note that above switches off StrictHostKeyChecking, so you don't need .ssh/known_hosts. Although I probably like more the solution with ssh-keyscan in one of the answers above.

Return content with IHttpActionResult for non-OK response

I ended up going with the following solution:

public class HttpActionResult : IHttpActionResult
    private readonly string _message;
    private readonly HttpStatusCode _statusCode;

    public HttpActionResult(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string message)
        _statusCode = statusCode;
        _message = message;

    public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(_statusCode)
            Content = new StringContent(_message)
        return Task.FromResult(response);

... which can be used like this:

public IHttpActionResult Get()
   return new HttpActionResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "error message"); // can use any HTTP status code

I'm open to suggestions for improvement. :)

How to make php display \t \n as tab and new line instead of characters

"\n" = new line
'\n' = \n
"\t" = tab
'\t' = \t

VMware Workstation and Device/Credential Guard are not compatible

I also struggled a lot with this issue. The answers in this thread were helpful but were not enough to resolve my error. You will need to disable Hyper-V and Device guard like the other answers have suggested. More info on that can be found in here.

I am including the changes needed to be done in addition to the answers provided above. The link that finally helped me was this.

My answer is going to summarize only the difference between the rest of the answers (i.e. Disabling Hyper-V and Device guard) and the following steps :

  1. If you used Group Policy, disable the Group Policy setting that you used to enable Windows Defender Credential Guard (Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> System -> Device Guard -> Turn on Virtualization Based Security).
  2. Delete the following registry settings:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\LsaCfgFlags HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard\EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceGuard\RequirePlatformSecurityFeatures

    Important : If you manually remove these registry settings, make sure to delete them all. If you don't remove them all, the device might go into BitLocker recovery.

  3. Delete the Windows Defender Credential Guard EFI variables by using bcdedit. From an elevated command prompt(start in admin mode), type the following commands:

     mountvol X: /s
     copy %WINDIR%\System32\SecConfig.efi X:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi /Y
     bcdedit /create {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} /d "DebugTool" /application osloader
     bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} path "\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\SecConfig.efi"
     bcdedit /set {bootmgr} bootsequence {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215}
     bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} loadoptions DISABLE-LSA-ISO
     bcdedit /set {0cb3b571-2f2e-4343-a879-d86a476d7215} device partition=X:
     mountvol X: /d
  4. Restart the PC.

  5. Accept the prompt to disable Windows Defender Credential Guard.

  6. Alternatively, you can disable the virtualization-based security features to turn off Windows Defender Credential Guard.

VBA Print to PDF and Save with Automatic File Name

Hopefully this is self explanatory enough. Use the comments in the code to help understand what is happening. Pass a single cell to this function. The value of that cell will be the base file name. If the cell contains "AwesomeData" then we will try and create a file in the current users desktop called AwesomeData.pdf. If that already exists then try AwesomeData2.pdf and so on. In your code you could just replace the lines filename = Application..... with filename = GetFileName(Range("A1"))

Function GetFileName(rngNamedCell As Range) As String
    Dim strSaveDirectory As String: strSaveDirectory = ""
    Dim strFileName As String: strFileName = ""
    Dim strTestPath As String: strTestPath = ""
    Dim strFileBaseName As String: strFileBaseName = ""
    Dim strFilePath As String: strFilePath = ""
    Dim intFileCounterIndex As Integer: intFileCounterIndex = 1

    ' Get the users desktop directory.
    strSaveDirectory = Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\"
    Debug.Print "Saving to: " & strSaveDirectory

    ' Base file name
    strFileBaseName = Trim(rngNamedCell.Value)
    Debug.Print "File Name will contain: " & strFileBaseName

    ' Loop until we find a free file number
        If intFileCounterIndex > 1 Then
            ' Build test path base on current counter exists.
            strTestPath = strSaveDirectory & strFileBaseName & Trim(Str(intFileCounterIndex)) & ".pdf"
            ' Build test path base just on base name to see if it exists.
            strTestPath = strSaveDirectory & strFileBaseName & ".pdf"
        End If

        If (Dir(strTestPath) = "") Then
            ' This file path does not currently exist. Use that.
            strFileName = strTestPath
            ' Increase the counter as we have not found a free file yet.
            intFileCounterIndex = intFileCounterIndex + 1
        End If

    Loop Until strFileName <> ""

    ' Found useable filename
    Debug.Print "Free file name: " & strFileName
    GetFileName = strFileName

End Function

The debug lines will help you figure out what is happening if you need to step through the code. Remove them as you see fit. I went a little crazy with the variables but it was to make this as clear as possible.

In Action

My cell O1 contained the string "FileName" without the quotes. Used this sub to call my function and it saved a file.

Sub Testing()
    Dim filename As String: filename = GetFileName(Range("o1"))

    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:N24").ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, _
                                              filename:=filename, _
                                              Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
                                              IncludeDocProperties:=True, _
                                              IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
End Sub

Where is your code located in reference to everything else? Perhaps you need to make a module if you have not already and move your existing code into there.

How to tar certain file types in all subdirectories?

find ./ -type f -name "*.php" -o -name "*.html" -printf '%P\n' |xargs tar -I 'pigz -9' -cf target.tgz

for multicore or just for one core:

find ./ -type f -name "*.php" -o -name "*.html" -printf '%P\n' |xargs tar -czf target.tgz

Find UNC path of a network drive?

$CurrentFolder = "H:\Documents"
$Query = "Select * from Win32_NetworkConnection where LocalName = '" + $CurrentFolder.Substring( 0, 2 ) + "'"
( Get-WmiObject -Query $Query ).RemoteName


$CurrentFolder = "H:\Documents"
$Tst = $CurrentFolder.Substring( 0, 2 )
( Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_NetworkConnection where LocalName = '$Tst'" ).RemoteName

How to Export-CSV of Active Directory Objects?

the first command is correct but change from convert to export to csv, as below,

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * `
    | Select-Object -Property Name,SamAccountName,Description,EmailAddress,LastLogonDate,Manager,Title,Department,whenCreated,Enabled,Organization `
    | Sort-Object -Property Name `
    | Export-Csv -path  C:\Users\*\Desktop\file1.csv

SQL query to find Nth highest salary from a salary table

Sorting all the records first, do consume a lot of time (Imagine if the table contains millions of records). However, the trick is to do an improved linear-search.

SELECT * FROM Employee Emp1
    SELECT DISTINCT(Emp2.Salary)
    FROM  Employee Emp2
    WHERE Emp2.Salary > Emp1.Salary LIMIT N))

Here, as soon as inner query finds n distinct salary values greater than outer query's salary, it returns the result to outer query.

Mysql have clearly mentioned about this optimization at

The above query can also be written as,

SELECT * FROM Employee Emp1
WHERE (N-1) = (
    FROM  Employee Emp2
    WHERE Emp2.Salary > Emp1.Salary LIMIT N)

Again, if the queries are as simple as just running on single table and needed for informational purposes only, then you could limit the outermost query to return 1 record and run a separate query by placing the nth highest salary in where clause

Thanks to Abishek Kulkarni's solution, on which this optimization is suggested.

Purpose of returning by const value?

It could be used as a wrapper function for returning a reference to a private constant data type. For example in a linked list you have the constants tail and head, and if you want to determine if a node is a tail or head node, then you can compare it with the value returned by that function.

Though any optimizer would most likely optimize it out anyway...

What is Hive: Return Code 2 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.MapRedTask

I removed the _SUCCESS file from the EMR output path in S3 and it worked fine.

How to disable SSL certificate checking with Spring RestTemplate?

In my case, with letsencrypt https, this was caused by using cert.pem instead of fullchain.pem as the certificate file on the requested server. See this thread for details.

Representational state transfer (REST) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)

Both methods are used by many of the large players. It's a matter of preference. My preference is REST because it's simpler to use and understand.

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP):

  • SOAP builds an XML protocol on top of HTTP or sometimes TCP/IP.
  • SOAP describes functions, and types of data.
  • SOAP is a successor of XML-RPC and is very similar, but describes a standard way to communicate.
  • Several programming languages have native support for SOAP, you typically feed it a web service URL and you can call its web service functions without the need of specific code.
  • Binary data that is sent must be encoded first into a format such as base64 encoded.
  • Has several protocols and technologies relating to it: WSDL, XSDs, SOAP, WS-Addressing

Representational state transfer (REST):

  • REST need not be over HTTP but most of my points below will have an HTTP bias.
  • REST is very lightweight, it says wait a minute, we don't need all of this complexity that SOAP created.
  • Typically uses normal HTTP methods instead of a big XML format describing everything. For example to obtain a resource you use HTTP GET, to put a resource on the server you use HTTP PUT. To delete a resource on the server you use HTTP DELETE.
  • REST is a very simple in that it uses HTTP GET, POST and PUT methods to update resources on the server.
  • REST typically is best used with Resource Oriented Architecture (ROA). In this mode of thinking everything is a resource, and you would operate on these resources.
  • As long as your programming language has an HTTP library, and most do, you can consume a REST HTTP protocol very easily.
  • Binary data or binary resources can simply be delivered upon their request.

There are endless debates on REST vs SOAP on google.

My favorite is this one. Update 27 Nov 2013: Paul Prescod's site appears to have gone offline and this article is no longer available, copies though can be found on the Wayback Machine or as a PDF at CiteSeerX.

select2 changing items dynamically

I'm successfully using the following to update options dynamically:

$control.select2('destroy').empty().select2({data: [{id: 1, text: 'new text'}]});

jQuery Scroll to Div

Something like this would let you take over the click of each internal link and scroll to the position of the corresponding bookmark:

    var name = $(this).attr('href').substr(1);
    var pos = $('a[name='+name+']').offset();
    $('body').animate({ scrollTop: });

How to get current relative directory of your Makefile?

Solution found here :

The solution is : $(CURDIR)

You can use it like that :


## Start :
    cd $(CUR_DIR)/path_to_folder

Excel VBA Run Time Error '424' object required

The first code line, Option Explicit means (in simple terms) that all of your variables have to be explicitly declared by Dim statements. They can be any type, including object, integer, string, or even a variant.

This line: Dim envFrmwrkPath As Range is declaring the variable envFrmwrkPath of type Range. This means that you can only set it to a range.

This line: Set envFrmwrkPath = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value is attempting to set the Range type variable to a specific Value that is in cell D6. This could be a integer or a string for example (depends on what you have in that cell) but it's not a range.

I'm assuming you want the value stored in a variable. Try something like this:

Dim MyVariableName As Integer
MyVariableName = ActiveSheet.Range("D6").Value

This assumes you have a number (like 5) in cell D6. Now your variable will have the value.

For simplicity sake of learning, you can remove or comment out the Option Explicit line and VBA will try to determine the type of variables at run time.

Try this to get through this part of your code

Dim envFrmwrkPath As String
Dim ApplicationName As String
Dim TestIterationName As String

How do I sort a vector of pairs based on the second element of the pair?

EDIT: using c++14, the best solution is very easy to write thanks to lambdas that can now have parameters of type auto. This is my current favorite solution

std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](auto &left, auto &right) {
    return left.second < right.second;

Just use a custom comparator (it's an optional 3rd argument to std::sort)

struct sort_pred {
    bool operator()(const std::pair<int,int> &left, const std::pair<int,int> &right) {
        return left.second < right.second;

std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), sort_pred());

If you're using a C++11 compiler, you can write the same using lambdas:

std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), [](const std::pair<int,int> &left, const std::pair<int,int> &right) {
    return left.second < right.second;

EDIT: in response to your edits to your question, here's some thoughts ... if you really wanna be creative and be able to reuse this concept a lot, just make a template:

template <class T1, class T2, class Pred = std::less<T2> >
struct sort_pair_second {
    bool operator()(const std::pair<T1,T2>&left, const std::pair<T1,T2>&right) {
        Pred p;
        return p(left.second, right.second);

then you can do this too:

std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), sort_pair_second<int, int>());

or even

std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), sort_pair_second<int, int, std::greater<int> >());

Though to be honest, this is all a bit overkill, just write the 3 line function and be done with it :-P

String Resource new line /n not possible?

Although the actual problem was with the forward slash still for those using backslash but still saw \n in their layout.

Well i was also puzzled at first by why \n is not working in the layout but it seems that when you actually see that layout in an actual device it creates a line break so no need to worry what it shows on layout display screen your line breaks would be working perfectly fine on devices.

How to set a variable to be "Today's" date in Python/Pandas

Easy solution in Python3+:

import time

todaysdate = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")

#with '.' isntead of '/'
todaysdate = time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")

Convert Variable Name to String?

This will work for simnple data types (str, int, float, list etc.)

>>> def my_print(var_str) : 
      print var_str+':', globals()[var_str]
>>> a = 5
>>> b = ['hello', ',world!']
>>> my_print('a')
a: 5
>>> my_print('b')
b: ['hello', ',world!']

Static linking vs dynamic linking

On Unix-like systems, dynamic linking can make life difficult for 'root' to use an application with the shared libraries installed in out-of-the-way locations. This is because the dynamic linker generally won't pay attention to LD_LIBRARY_PATH or its equivalent for processes with root privileges. Sometimes, then, static linking saves the day.

Alternatively, the installation process has to locate the libraries, but that can make it difficult for multiple versions of the software to coexist on the machine.

How to add white spaces in HTML paragraph

This can be done easily and cleanly with float.



    <li>Item 1 <span class="right">(1)</span></li>
    <li>Item 2 <span class="right">(2)</span></li>


ul {
    width: 10em
.right {
    float: right

What is the difference between fastcgi and fpm?

FPM is a process manager to manage the FastCGI SAPI (Server API) in PHP.

Basically, it replaces the need for something like SpawnFCGI. It spawns the FastCGI children adaptively (meaning launching more if the current load requires it).

Otherwise, there's not much operating difference between it and FastCGI (The request pipeline from start of request to end is the same). It's just there to make implementing it easier.