Programs & Examples On #Geometry slice

Resource interpreted as stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/html (seems not related with web server)

Answer might be given above. I had the same problem and couldn't resolve it. Make it sure to add external js file as

<script src="main.js"></script>

How to get "wc -l" to print just the number of lines without file name?

How about

wc -l file.txt | cut -d' ' -f1

i.e. pipe the output of wc into cut (where delimiters are spaces and pick just the first field)

How to delete a selected DataGridViewRow and update a connected database table?

private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

//? - is your data from database

Exception no need ... or change with your own code.

CODE: enter image description here

DB: enter image description here


DB Set:

Batch script to find and replace a string in text file without creating an extra output file for storing the modified file

@echo off 
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "search=%1"
    set "replace=%2"

    set "textFile=Input.txt"

    for /f "delims=" %%i in ('type "%textFile%" ^& break ^> "%textFile%" ') do (
        set "line=%%i"
        setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
        >>"%textFile%" echo(!line:%search%=%replace%!

for /f will read all the data (generated by the type comamnd) before starting to process it. In the subprocess started to execute the type, we include a redirection overwritting the file (so it is emptied). Once the do clause starts to execute (the content of the file is in memory to be processed) the output is appended to the file.

convert pfx format to p12

.p12 and .pfx are both PKCS #12 files. Am I missing something?

Have you tried renaming the exported .pfx file to have a .p12 extension?

Reading numbers from a text file into an array in C

Loop with %c to read the stream character by character instead of %d.

Open new Terminal Tab from command line (Mac OS X)

I added these to my .bash_profile so I can have access to tabname and newtab

tabname() {
  printf "\e]1;$1\a"

new_tab() {
  osascript \
    -e "tell application \"Terminal\"" \
    -e "tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"t\" using {command down}" \
    -e "do script \"printf '\\\e]1;$TAB_NAME\\\a'; $COMMAND\" in front window" \
    -e "end tell" > /dev/null

So when you're on a particular tab you can just type

tabname "New TabName"

to organize all the open tabs you have. It's much better than getting info on the tab and changing it there.

Regular vs Context Free Grammars

I think what you want to think about are the various pumping lemmata. A regular language can be recognized by a finite automaton. A context-free language requires a stack, and a context sensitive language requires two stacks (which is equivalent to saying it requires a full Turing machine.)

So, if we think about the pumping lemma for regular languages, what it says, essentially, is that any regular language can be broken down into three pieces, x, y, and z, where all instances of the language are in xy*z (where * is Kleene repetition, ie, 0 or more copies of y.) You basically have one "nonterminal" that can be expanded.

Now, what about context-free languages? There's an analogous pumping lemma for context-free languages that breaks the strings in the language into five parts, uvxyz, and where all instances of the language are in uvixyiz, for i ≥ 0. Now, you have two "nonterminals" that can be replicated, or pumped, as long as you have the same number.

Best way to iterate through a Perl array

In single line to print the element or array.

print $_ for (@array);

NOTE: remember that $_ is internally referring to the element of @array in loop. Any changes made in $_ will reflect in @array; ex.

my @array = qw( 1 2 3 );
for (@array) {
        $_ = $_ *2 ;
print "@array";

output: 2 4 6

How to convert CLOB to VARCHAR2 inside oracle pl/sql

Quote (read [here][1])-

When you use CAST to convert a CLOB value into a character datatype or a BLOB value into the RAW datatype, the database implicitly converts the LOB value to character or raw data and then explicitly casts the resulting value into the target datatype.

So, something like this should work-

report := CAST(report_clob AS VARCHAR2(100));

Or better yet use it as CAST(report_clob AS VARCHAR2(100)) where ever you are trying to use the BLOB as VARCHAR [1]:

get dictionary value by key

          private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                Dictionary<string, string> Data_Array = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                Data_Array.Add("XML_File", "Settings.xml");

          static void XML_Array(Dictionary<string, string> Data_Array)
                String xmlfile = Data_Array["XML_File"];

How to iterate over a JSONObject?

Maybe this will help:

JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(contents.trim());
Iterator<String> keys = jsonObject.keys();

while(keys.hasNext()) {
    String key =;
    if (jsonObject.get(key) instanceof JSONObject) {
          // do something with jsonObject here      

Correct way to initialize empty slice

As an addition to @ANisus' answer...

below is some information from the "Go in action" book, which I think is worth mentioning:

Difference between nil & empty slices

If we think of a slice like this:

[pointer] [length] [capacity]


nil slice:   [nil][0][0]
empty slice: [addr][0][0] // points to an address

nil slice

They’re useful when you want to represent a slice that doesn’t exist, such as when an exception occurs in a function that returns a slice.

// Create a nil slice of integers.
var slice []int

empty slice

Empty slices are useful when you want to represent an empty collection, such as when a database query returns zero results.

// Use make to create an empty slice of integers.
slice := make([]int, 0)

// Use a slice literal to create an empty slice of integers.
slice := []int{}

Regardless of whether you’re using a nil slice or an empty slice, the built-in functions append, len, and cap work the same.

Go playground example:

package main

import (

func main() {

    var nil_slice []int
    var empty_slice = []int{}

    fmt.Println(nil_slice == nil, len(nil_slice), cap(nil_slice))
    fmt.Println(empty_slice == nil, len(empty_slice), cap(empty_slice))



true 0 0
false 0 0

Retrieve list of tasks in a queue in Celery

EDIT: See other answers for getting a list of tasks in the queue.

You should look here: Celery Guide - Inspecting Workers

Basically this:

from import Inspect

# Inspect all nodes.
i = Inspect()

# Show the items that have an ETA or are scheduled for later processing

# Show tasks that are currently active.

# Show tasks that have been claimed by workers

Depending on what you want

How to get screen width without (minus) scrollbar?

The safest place to get the correct width and height without the scrollbars is from the HTML element. Try this:

var width = document.documentElement.clientWidth
var height = document.documentElement.clientHeight

Browser support is pretty decent, with IE 9 and up supporting this. For OLD IE, use one of the many fallbacks mentioned here.

Using PUT method in HTML form

Unfortunately, modern browsers do not provide native support for HTTP PUT requests. To work around this limitation, ensure your HTML form’s method attribute is “post”, then add a method override parameter to your HTML form like this:

<input type="hidden" name="_METHOD" value="PUT"/>

To test your requests you can use "Postman" a google chrome extension

Run cmd commands through Java

Stopping and Disabling a service can be done via below code:

static void sdService() {
    String[] cmd = {"cmd.exe", "/c", "net", "stop", "MSSQLSERVER"};
    try {           
        Process process = new ProcessBuilder(cmd).start();
        String line = null;
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
        while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
        line = null;
        bufferedReader = null;
        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sc config MSSQLSERVER start= disabled");
        bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
        while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

Enabling and Starting a service can be done via below code

static void esService() {
    String[] cmd = {"cmd.exe", "/c", "net", "start", "MSSQLSERVER"};
    try {
        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sc config MSSQLSERVER start= auto");
        //Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sc config MSSQLSERVER start= demand");
        String line = null;
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
        while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
        line = null;
        bufferedReader = null;
        Process process = new ProcessBuilder(cmd).start();          
        bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
        while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {

Executing command from any folder can be done via below code.

static void runFromSpecificFolder() {       
    try {
        ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "/c", "cd \"C:\\Users\\himan\\Desktop\\Java_Test_Deployment\\jarfiles\" && dir");
        // File("C://Users//himan//Desktop//Java_Test_Deployment//jarfiles"));
        Process p = processBuilder.start();
        String line = null;
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
        while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String args[]) {

AngularJS passing data to $http.get request

You can pass params directly to $http.get() The following works fine

$http.get(user.details_path, {
    params: { user_id: }

How do I reference tables in Excel using VBA?

In addition, it's convenient to define variables referring to objects. For instance,

Sub CreateTable()
    Dim lo as ListObject
    Set lo = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$B$1:$D$16"), , xlYes)
    lo.Name = "Table1"
    lo.TableStyle = "TableStyleLight2"
End Sub

You will probably find it advantageous at once.

How to write data with FileOutputStream without losing old data?

Use the constructor for appending material to the file:

FileOutputStream(File file, boolean append)
Creates a file output stream to write to the file represented by the specified File object.

So to append to a file say "abc.txt" use

FileOutputStream fos=new FileOutputStream(new File("abc.txt"),true);

Calculate date from week number

UPDATE: .NET Core 3.0 and .NET Standard 2.1 has shipped with this type.

Good news! A pull request adding System.Globalization.ISOWeek to .NET Core was just merged and is currently slated for the 3.0 release. Hopefully it will propagate to the other .NET platforms in a not-too-distant future.

You should be able to use the ISOWeek.ToDateTime(int year, int week, DayOfWeek dayOfWeek) method to calculate this.

You can find the source code here.

Random character generator with a range of (A..Z, 0..9) and punctuation

The easiest is to do the following:

  • Create a String alphabet with the chars that you want.
  • Say N = alphabet.length()
  • Then we can ask a java.util.Random for an int x = nextInt(N)
  • alphabet.charAt(x) is a random char from the alphabet

Here's an example:

    final String alphabet = "0123456789ABCDE";
    final int N = alphabet.length();

    Random r = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

count (non-blank) lines-of-code in bash

It's kinda going to depend on the number of files you have in the project. In theory you could use

grep -c '.' <list of files>

Where you can fill the list of files by using the find utility.

grep -c '.' `find -type f`

Would give you a line count per file.

How to check if a value exists in a dictionary (python)

Use dictionary views:

if x in d.viewvalues():

Count number of occurrences by month

I would add another column on the data sheet with equation =month(A2), then run the countif on that column... If you still wanted to use text month('APRIL'), you would need a lookup table to reference the name to the month number. Otherwise, just use 4 instead of April on your metric sheet.

rand() between 0 and 1

In my case (I'm using VS 2017) works fine the following simple code:

#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

int main()

    for (int i = 1000; i > 0; i--) //try it thousand times
        int randnum = (double)rand() / ((double)RAND_MAX + 1);
        std::cout << " rnum: " << rand()%2 ;

Read tab-separated file line into array

If you really want to split every word (bash meaning) into a different array index completely changing the array in every while loop iteration, @ruakh's answer is the correct approach. But you can use the read property to split every read word into different variables column1, column2, column3 like in this code snippet

while IFS=$'\t' read -r column1 column2 column3 ; do
  printf "%b\n" "column1<${column1}>"
  printf "%b\n" "column2<${column2}>"
  printf "%b\n" "column3<${column3}>"
done < "myfile"

to reach a similar result avoiding array index access and improving your code readability by using meaningful variable names (of course using columnN is not a good idea to do so).

Find a string between 2 known values

Extracting contents between two known values can be useful for later as well. So why not create an extension method for it. Here is what i do, Short and simple...

  public static string GetBetween(this string content, string startString, string endString)
        int Start=0, End=0;
        if (content.Contains(startString) && content.Contains(endString))
            Start = content.IndexOf(startString, 0) + startString.Length;
            End = content.IndexOf(endString, Start);
            return content.Substring(Start, End - Start);
            return string.Empty;

Is an empty href valid?

it's valid but like UpTheCreek said 'There are some downsides to each approach'

if you're calling ajax through an tag leave the href="" like this will keep the page reloading and the ajax code will never be called ...

just got this thought would be good to share

Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:pom:2.7.1 from/to central (

This can also happen when using an old version of Java that isn't capable of communicating properly with the HTTPS protocol that is now required. Version 8 and above should work as of the time writing this.

Best way to implement multi-language/globalization in large .NET project

I'd go with the multiple resource files. It shouldn't be that hard to configure. In fact I recently answered a similar question on setting a global language based resource files in conjunction with form language resource files.

Localization in Visual Studio 2008

I would consider that the best approach at least for WinForm development.

How to convert XML to java.util.Map and vice versa

Now it's 2017, The latest version of XStream requires a converter to make it works as your expected.

A converter supports nested map:

public class MapEntryConverter implements Converter {

    public void marshal(Object value, HierarchicalStreamWriter writer, MarshallingContext marshallingContext) {
        AbstractMap map = (AbstractMap) value;
        for (Object obj : map.entrySet()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) obj;
            Object val = entry.getValue();
            if (val instanceof Map) {
                marshal(val, writer, marshallingContext);
            } else if (null != val) {

    public Object unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader reader, UnmarshallingContext unmarshallingContext) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();

        while(reader.hasMoreChildren()) {

            String key = reader.getNodeName(); // nodeName aka element's name
            String value = reader.getValue().replaceAll("\\n|\\t", "");
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) {
                map.put(key, unmarshal(reader, unmarshallingContext));
            } else {
                map.put(key, value);


        return map;

    public boolean canConvert(Class clazz) {
        return AbstractMap.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

Remove grid, background color, and top and right borders from ggplot2

The above options do not work for maps created with sf and geom_sf(). Hence, I want to add the relevant ndiscr parameter here. This will create a nice clean map showing only the features.


ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = some_shp) + 
  theme_minimal() +                     # white background
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(),    # remove geographic coordinates
        axis.ticks = element_blank()) + # remove ticks
  coord_sf(ndiscr = 0)                  # remove grid in the background

Mysql database sync between two databases

Have a look at Schema and Data Comparison tools in dbForge Studio for MySQL. These tool will help you to compare, to see the differences, generate a synchronization script and synchronize two databases.

R - test if first occurrence of string1 is followed by string2

I think it's worth answering the generic question "R - test if string contains string" here.

For that, use the grep function.

# example:
> if(length(grep("ab","aacd"))>0) print("found") else print("Not found")
[1] "Not found"
> if(length(grep("ab","abcd"))>0) print("found") else print("Not found")
[1] "found"

Html.DropdownListFor selected value not being set

For me general solution :)

     var selectedCity = Model.Cities.Where(k => k.Id == Model.Addres.CityId).FirstOrDefault();
     if (selectedCity != null)
         @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Addres.CityId, new SelectList(Model.Cities, "Id", "Name", selectedCity.Id), new { @class = "form-control" })
         @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Cities, new SelectList(Model.Cities, "Id", "Name", "1"), new { @class = "form-control" })

MySQL Cannot drop index needed in a foreign key constraint

drop the index and the foreign_key in the same query like below

ALTER TABLE `your_table_name` DROP FOREIGN KEY `your_index`;
ALTER TABLE `your_table_name` DROP COLUMN `your_foreign_key_id`;

How to playback MKV video in web browser?

To use video extensions that are MKV. You should use video, not source

For example :

  <!-- mkv -->
  <video width="320" height="240" controls src="assets/animation.mkv"></video>
<!-- mp4 -->
  <video width="320" height="240" controls>
    <source src="assets/animation.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
_x000D_ My answer may be incomprehensible to you, so if you do not understand, click on this

Interfaces — What's the point?

No one has really explained in plain terms how interfaces are useful, so I'm going to give it a shot (and steal an idea from Shamim's answer a bit).

Lets take the idea of a pizza ordering service. You can have multiple types of pizzas and a common action for each pizza is preparing the order in the system. Each pizza has to be prepared but each pizza is prepared differently. For example, when a stuffed crust pizza is ordered the system probably has to verify certain ingredients are available at the restaurant and set those aside that aren't needed for deep dish pizzas.

When writing this in code, technically you could just do

public class Pizza()
    public void Prepare(PizzaType tp)
        switch (tp)
            case PizzaType.StuffedCrust:
                // prepare stuffed crust ingredients in system

            case PizzaType.DeepDish:
                // prepare deep dish ingredients in system

            //.... etc.

However, deep dish pizzas (in C# terms) may require different properties to be set in the Prepare() method than stuffed crust, and thus you end up with a lot of optional properties, and the class doesn't scale well (what if you add new pizza types).

The proper way to solve this is to use interface. The interface declares that all Pizzas can be prepared, but each pizza can be prepared differently. So if you have the following interfaces:

public interface IPizza
    void Prepare();

public class StuffedCrustPizza : IPizza
    public void Prepare()
        // Set settings in system for stuffed crust preparations

public class DeepDishPizza : IPizza
    public void Prepare()
        // Set settings in system for deep dish preparations

Now your order handling code does not need to know exactly what types of pizzas were ordered in order to handle the ingredients. It just has:

public PreparePizzas(IList<IPizza> pizzas)
    foreach (IPizza pizza in pizzas)

Even though each type of pizza is prepared differently, this part of the code doesn't have to care what type of pizza we are dealing with, it just knows that it's being called for pizzas and therefore each call to Prepare will automatically prepare each pizza correctly based on its type, even if the collection has multiple types of pizzas.

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'

All the above not working for me.. Because I am using Facebook Ad dependency..

Incase If anybody using this dependency compile ''

Try this code instead of above

compile (''){
exclude group: ''

moment.js 24h format

moment("01:15:00 PM", "h:mm:ss A").format("HH:mm:ss")
**o/p: 13:15:00 **

it will give convert 24 hrs format to 12 hrs format.

How to merge rows in a column into one cell in excel?

In simple cases you can use next method which doesn`t require you to create a function or to copy code to several cells:

  1. In any cell write next code


Where A1:A9 are cells you would like to merge.

  1. Without leaving the cell press F9

After that, the cell will contain the string:



Update: One part can be ambiguous. Without leaving the cell means having your cell in editor mode. Alternatevly you can press F9 while are in cell editor panel (normaly it can be found above the spreadsheet)

How to compile the finished C# project and then run outside Visual Studio?

Compile the Release version as .exe file, then just copy onto a machine with a suitable version of .NET Framework installed and run it there. The .exe file is located in the bin\Release subfolder of the project folder.

Using python map and other functional tools

How about this:

foos = [1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]
bars = [1,2,3]

def maptest(foo, bar):
    print foo, bar

map(maptest, foos, [bars]*len(foos))

What is the difference between "word-break: break-all" versus "word-wrap: break-word" in CSS

word-wrap has been renamed to overflow-wrap probably to avoid this confusion.

Now this is what we have:


The overflow-wrap property is used to specify whether or not the browser may break lines within words in order to prevent overflow when an otherwise unbreakable string is too long to fit in its containing box.

Possible values:

  • normal: Indicates that lines may only break at normal word break points.

  • break-word: Indicates that normally unbreakable words may be broken at arbitrary points if there are no otherwise acceptable break points in the line.



The word-break CSS property is used to specify whether to break lines within words.

  • normal: Use the default line break rule.
  • break-all: Word breaks may be inserted between any character for non-CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) text.
  • keep-all: Don't allow word breaks for CJK text. Non-CJK text behavior is the same as for normal.


Now back to your question, the main difference between overflow-wrap and word-break is that the first determines the behavior on an overflow situation, while the later determines the behavior on a normal situation (no overflow). An overflow situation happens when the container doesn't have enough space to hold the text. Breaking lines on this situation doesn't help because there's no space (imagine a box with fix width and height).


  • overflow-wrap: break-word: On an overflow situation, break the words.
  • word-break: break-all: On a normal situation, just break the words at the end of the line. An overflow is not necessary.

What is the purpose of mvnw and mvnw.cmd files?

The Maven Wrapper is an excellent choice for projects that need a specific version of Maven (or for users that don't want to install Maven at all). Instead of installing many versions of it in the operating system, we can just use the project-specific wrapper script.

mvnw: it's an executable Unix shell script used in place of a fully installed Maven

mvnw.cmd: it's for Windows environment

Use Cases

The wrapper should work with different operating systems such as:

  • Linux
  • OSX
  • Windows
  • Solaris

After that, we can run our goals like this for the Unix system:

./mvnw clean install

And the following command for Batch:

./mvnw.cmd clean install

If we don't have the specified Maven in the wrapper properties, it'll be downloaded and installed in the folder $USER_HOME/.m2/wrapper/dists of the system.

Maven Wrapper plugin

Maven Wrapper plugin to make auto installation in a simple Spring Boot project.

First, we need to go in the main folder of the project and run this command:

mvn -N io.takari:maven:wrapper

We can also specify the version of Maven:

mvn -N io.takari:maven:wrapper -Dmaven=3.5.2

The option -N means –non-recursive so that the wrapper will only be applied to the main project of the current directory, not in any submodules.

Source 1 (further reading):

How to toggle (hide / show) sidebar div using jQuery

$('#toggle').click(function() {
  $('#A').toggle(/** specify a time here for an animation */);

and in the CSS:

.extended-panel {
  left: 0px !important;

How to find the Target *.exe file of *.appref-ms

The app is stored in %LocalAppData% in your %UserProfile%. So the full path could be:


ReactJS - .JS vs .JSX

JSX isn't standard JavaScript, based to Airbnb style guide 'eslint' could consider this pattern

// filename: MyComponent.js
function MyComponent() {
  return <div />;

as a warning, if you named your file MyComponent.jsx it will pass , unless if you edit the eslint rule you can check the style guide here

How do I convert from int to Long in Java?

Note that there is a difference between a cast to long and a cast to Long. If you cast to long (a primitive value) then it should be automatically boxed to a Long (the reference type that wraps it).

You could alternatively use new to create an instance of Long, initializing it with the int value.

how to copy only the columns in a DataTable to another DataTable?

If you want to copy the DataTable to another DataTable of different Schema Structure then you can do this:

  • Firstly Clone the first DataType so that you can only get the structure.
  • Then alter the newly created structure as per your need and then copy the data to newly created DataTable .


Dim dt1 As New DataTable
dt1 = dtExcelData.Clone()
dt1.Columns(17).DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal")
dt1.Columns(26).DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal")
dt1.Columns(30).DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal")
dt1.Columns(35).DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal")
dt1.Columns(38).DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal")
dt1 = dtprevious.Copy()

Hence you get the same DataTable but revised structure

Add spaces between the characters of a string in Java?

I am creating a java method for this purpose with dynamic character

public String insertSpace(String myString,int indexno,char myChar){
    myString=myString.substring(0, indexno)+ myChar+myString.substring(indexno);
    return myString;

python: Appending a dictionary to a list - I see a pointer like behavior

You are correct in that your list contains a reference to the original dictionary.

a.append(b.copy()) should do the trick.

Bear in mind that this makes a shallow copy. An alternative is to use copy.deepcopy(b), which makes a deep copy.

"register" keyword in C?

You are messing with the compiler's sophisticated graph-coloring algorithm. This is used for register allocation. Well, mostly. It acts as a hint to the compiler -- that's true. But not ignored in its entirety since you are not allowed to take the address of a register variable (remember the compiler, now on your mercy, will try to act differently). Which in a way is telling you not to use it.

The keyword was used long, long back. When there were only so few registers that could count them all using your index finger.

But, as I said, deprecated doesn't mean you cannot use it.

Trigger event on body load complete js/jquery


  // your code...this will run when DOM is ready

If you want to run your code after all page resources including images/frames/DOM have loaded, you need to use load event:

  // your code...


window.onload = function(){
  // your code...

"make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443" when restarting apache (installing trac and mod_wsgi)

Let me add one more reason for the error. In httpd.conf I included explicitly

Include etc/apache24/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

while did not notice previous wildcard

Include etc/apache24/extra/*.conf

Grepping 443 will not find this.

Force GUI update from UI Thread

Call Application.DoEvents() after setting the label, but you should do all the work in a separate thread instead, so the user may close the window.

Get line number while using grep

grep -n SEARCHTERM file1 file2 ...

How to group subarrays by a column value?

You can try the following:

$group = array();

foreach ( $array as $value ) {
    $group[$value['id']][] = $value;



  96 => 
      0 => 
          'id' => int 96
          'shipping_no' => string '212755-1' (length=8)
          'part_no' => string 'reterty' (length=7)
          'description' => string 'tyrfyt' (length=6)
          'packaging_type' => string 'PC' (length=2)
      1 => 
          'id' => int 96
          'shipping_no' => string '212755-1' (length=8)
          'part_no' => string 'dftgtryh' (length=8)
          'description' => string 'dfhgfyh' (length=7)
          'packaging_type' => string 'PC' (length=2)
  97 => 
      0 => 
          'id' => int 97
          'shipping_no' => string '212755-2' (length=8)
          'part_no' => string 'ZeoDark' (length=7)
          'description' => string 's%c%s%c%s' (length=9)
          'packaging_type' => string 'PC' (length=2)

Combine or merge JSON on node.js without jQuery

Here is simple solution, to merge JSON. I did the following.

  • Convert each of the JSON to strings using JSON.stringify(object).
  • Concatenate all the JSON strings using + operator.
  • Replace the pattern /}{/g with ","
  • Parse the result string back to JSON object

    var object1 = {name: "John"};
    var object2 = {location: "San Jose"};
    var merged_object = JSON.parse((JSON.stringify(object1) + JSON.stringify(object2)).replace(/}{/g,","))

The resulting merged JSON will be

{name: "John", location: "San Jose"}

Visual Studio Code: Auto-refresh file changes

    "files.useExperimentalFileWatcher" : true

in Code -> Preferences -> Settings

Tested with Visual Studio Code Version 1.26.1 on mac and win

Why I got " cannot be resolved to a type" error?

You probably missed package declaration

package my.demo.service;
public class CarService {

How to send SMS in Java

if all you want is simple notifications, many carriers support SMS via email; see SMS through E-Mail

How to convert List<string> to List<int>?

yourEnumList.Select(s => (int)s).ToList()

Can't find out where does a node.js app running and can't kill it

I use fkill


npm i fkill-cli -g


Search process in command line


OR: kill ! ALL process

fkill node

OR: kill process using port 8080

fkill :8080

How to set the opacity/alpha of a UIImage?

there is much easier solution:

- (UIImage *)tranlucentWithAlpha:(CGFloat)alpha
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.size, NO, self.scale);
    [self drawAtPoint:CGPointZero blendMode:kCGBlendModeNormal alpha:alpha];
    UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return image;

Simple search MySQL database using php

If you do mysqli_fetch_array(), you must put integer in $row index ex.($row[3]).If you read $row['id'] or $row['example'], you must use mysqli_fetch_assoc.

fatal error C1010 - "stdafx.h" in Visual Studio how can this be corrected?

Create a new "Empty Project" , Add your Cpp file to the new project, delete the line that includes stdafx.


The project no longer needs the stdafx. It is added automatically when you create projects with installed templates. enter image description here

Checking for empty result (php, pdo, mysql)

$sql = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * from member WHERE member_email = '$username' AND member_password = '$password'");


$fetch = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// if not empty result
if (is_array($fetch))  {
    $_SESSION["userMember"] = $fetch["username"];
    $_SESSION["password"] = $fetch["password"];
    echo 'yes this member is registered'; 
}else {
    echo 'empty result!';

An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host - WCF

I found that you can get this error if the returned object has getter only auto properties that are initialized in the constructor (with C# 6.0 syntax).

I believe this is due to WCF deserializing objects on the client side using a parameter-less constructor then setting the properties on the object. It needs to have a set available (it can be private) to fill the object, otherwise it'll fail.

Change image source with JavaScript

The Following Example Program used to change the image src attribute for every 100 milliseconds. you may call the given function as your wish.

<img src="bulboff.jpg" height=200 width=200 id="imm" align="right">

<script type="text/javascript">

function bulb() {

var b = document.getElementById("imm");

if(b.src.match("bulboff.jpg")) {
 b.src = "bulbon.jpg";
 else {


Why use 'git rm' to remove a file instead of 'rm'?

When using git rm, the removal will part of your next commit. So if you want to push the change you should use git rm

How can I pass variable to ansible playbook in the command line?

ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "username=hello password=bye"

#you can now use the above command anywhere in the playbook as an example below:
- name: Create a new user in Linux
shell: useradd -m -p {{username}} {{password}}"

What is the best way to programmatically detect porn images?

This was written in 2000, not sure if the state of the art in porn detection has advanced at all, but I doubt it.

PORNsweeper seems to have some ability to distinguish pictures of people from pictures of things that aren't people, as long as the pictures are in colour. It is less successful at distinguishing dirty pictures of people from clean ones.

With the default, medium sensitivity, if Human Resources sends around a picture of the new chap in Accounts, you've got about a 50% chance of getting it. If your sister sends you a picture of her six-month-old, it's similarly likely to be detained.

It's only fair to point out amusing errors, like calling the Mona Lisa porn, if they're representative of the behaviour of the software. If the makers admit that their algorithmic image recogniser will drop the ball 15% of the time, then making fun of it when it does exactly that is silly.

But PORNsweeper only seems to live up to its stated specifications in one department - detection of actual porn. It's half-way decent at detecting porn, but it's bad at detecting clean pictures. And I wouldn't be surprised if no major leaps were made in this area in the near future.

XmlDocument - load from string?

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

Where str is your XML string. See the MSDN article for more info.

Optional Parameters in Web Api Attribute Routing

Converting my comment into an answer to complement @Kiran Chala's answer as it seems helpful for the audiences-

When we mark a parameter as optional in the action uri using ? character then we must provide default values to the parameters in the method signature as shown below:

MyMethod(string name = "someDefaultValue", int? Id = null)

Spring Boot War deployed to Tomcat

I had same problem and i find out solution by following this guide . I run with goal in maven.

clean package

Its worked for me Thanq

Visual Studio 2017 error: Unable to start program, An operation is not legal in the current state

What fixes it for me is to look in the task bar for open chrome apps, right click and close them. enter image description here

jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback

The exact solution is;

$("#dialogDiv").dialog({ other options...,
    open: function (type, data) {

How to specify table's height such that a vertical scroll bar appears?

to set the height of table, you need to first set css property "display: block" then you can add "width/height" properties. I find this Mozilla Article a very good resource to learn how to style tables : Link

warning: implicit declaration of function

When you get the error: implicit declaration of function it should also list the offending function. Often this error happens because of a forgotten or missing header file, so at the shell prompt you can type man 2 functionname and look at the SYNOPSIS section at the top, as this section will list any header files that need to be included. Or try This is the online man pages they are hyperlinked and easy to search. Functions are often defined in the header files, including any required header files is often the answer. Like cnicutar said,

You are using a function for which the compiler has not seen a declaration ("prototype") yet.

dyld: Library not loaded ... Reason: Image not found

To resolve the error below on my Macbook Catalina 10.15.4:

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib
    Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/mongoexport
    Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6

I ran the command below and got round the problem above:

brew switch openssl 1.0.2s

JavaScript/regex: Remove text between parentheses

Try / \([\s\S]*?\)/g


(space) matches the character (space) literally

\( matches the character ( literally

[\s\S] matches any character (\s matches any whitespace character and \S matches any non-whitespace character)

*? matches between zero and unlimited times

\) matches the character ) literally

g matches globally

Code Example:

var str = "Hello, this is Mike (example)";
str = str.replace(/ \([\s\S]*?\)/g, '');
.as-console-wrapper {top: 0}

Dynamically add data to a javascript map

Well any Javascript object functions sort-of like a "map"

randomObject['hello'] = 'world';

Typically people build simple objects for the purpose:

var myMap = {};

// ...

myMap[newKey] = newValue;

edit — well the problem with having an explicit "put" function is that you'd then have to go to pains to avoid having the function itself look like part of the map. It's not really a Javascripty thing to do.

13 Feb 2014 — modern JavaScript has facilities for creating object properties that aren't enumerable, and it's pretty easy to do. However, it's still the case that a "put" property, enumerable or not, would claim the property name "put" and make it unavailable. That is, there's still only one namespace per object.

Call a url from javascript

Yes, what you are asking for is called AJAX or XMLHttpRequest. You can either use a library like jQuery to simplify making the call (due to cross-browser compatibility issues), or write your own handler.

In jQuery:

$.GET('url.asp', {data: 'here'}, function(data){ /* what to do with the data returned */ })

In plain vanilla javaScript (from w3c):

var xmlhttp;
function loadXMLDoc(url)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
  {// code for all new browsers
      xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
  {// code for IE5 and IE6
      xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp!=null)
      alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP.");

function state_Change()
    if (xmlhttp.readyState==4)
      {// 4 = "loaded"
          if (xmlhttp.status==200)
            {// 200 = OK
             // and shtuff
            // ...our code here...
            alert("Problem retrieving data");

Android TextView Text not getting wrapped

I fixed it myself, the key is android:width="0dip"



            android:layout_weight="1" />

            android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" />

            android:width="0dip" />


        android:paddingRight="5dip" />


Execute a SQL Stored Procedure and process the results

Simplest way? It works. :)

    Dim queryString As String = "Stor_Proc_Name " & data1 & "," & data2
        Using connection As New SqlConnection(ConnStrg)
            Dim command As New SqlCommand(queryString, connection)
            Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
            Dim DTResults As New DataTable


        End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("Error while executing .. " & ex.Message, "")
    End Try

Decompile .smali files on an APK

There is a new cross plateform (java) and open source tool, that enable you to do that, just checkout

enter image description here


EDIT: As of April 2017, there is a new open source tool developed by google, that is meant to do just what we have been looking for =>

What does the "yield" keyword do?

Here are some Python examples of how to actually implement generators as if Python did not provide syntactic sugar for them:

As a Python generator:

from itertools import islice

def fib_gen():
    a, b = 1, 1
    while True:
        yield a
        a, b = b, a + b

assert [1, 1, 2, 3, 5] == list(islice(fib_gen(), 5))

Using lexical closures instead of generators

def ftake(fnext, last):
    return [fnext() for _ in xrange(last)]

def fib_gen2():
    #funky scope due to python2.x workaround
    #for python 3.x use nonlocal
    def _():
        _.a, _.b = _.b, _.a + _.b
        return _.a
    _.a, _.b = 0, 1
    return _

assert [1,1,2,3,5] == ftake(fib_gen2(), 5)

Using object closures instead of generators (because ClosuresAndObjectsAreEquivalent)

class fib_gen3:
    def __init__(self):
        self.a, self.b = 1, 1

    def __call__(self):
        r = self.a
        self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a + self.b
        return r

assert [1,1,2,3,5] == ftake(fib_gen3(), 5)

How can I run NUnit tests in Visual Studio 2017?

You need to install three NuGet packages:

  • NUnit
  • NUnit3TestAdapter
  • Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk

How to get URL of current page in PHP


For more details on what info is available in the $_SERVER array, see the PHP manual page for it.

If you also need the query string (the bit after the ? in a URL), that part is in this variable:


How can I create a product key for my C# application?

Whether it's trivial or hard to crack, I'm not sure that it really makes much of a difference.

The likelihood of your app being cracked is far more proportional to its usefulness rather than the strength of the product key handling.

Personally, I think there are two classes of user. Those who pay. Those who don't. The ones that do will likely do so with even the most trivial protection. Those who don't will wait for a crack or look elsewhere. Either way, it won't get you any more money.

regular expression for anything but an empty string


will match any string that contains at least one non-space character.


if (Regex.IsMatch(subjectString, @"^(?!\s*$).+")) {
    // Successful match
} else {
    // Match attempt failed

should do this for you.

^ anchors the search at the start of the string.

(?!\s*$), a so-called negative lookahead, asserts that it's impossible to match only whitespace characters until the end of the string.

.+ will then actually do the match. It will match anything (except newline) up to the end of the string. If you want to allow newlines, you'll have to set the RegexOptions.Singleline option.

Left over from the previous version of your question:


matches strings that contain only whitespace (or are empty).

The exact opposite:


matches only strings that consist of only non-whitespace characters, one character minimum.

How to set scope property with ng-init?

Just set ng-init as a function. You should not have to use watch.

<body ng-controller="MainCtrl" ng-init="init()">
  <div ng-init="init('Blah')">{{ testInput }}</div>

app.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
  $scope.testInput = null;
  $scope.init = function(value) {
    $scope.testInput= value;

Here's an example.


how to put image in center of html page?

There are a number of different options, based on what exactly the effect you're going for is. Chris Coyier did a piece on just this way back when. Worth a read:

How can I see which Git branches are tracking which remote / upstream branch?

Here is a neat and simple one. Can check git remote -v, which shows you all the origin and upstream of current branch.

line breaks in a textarea

I'm not sure this is possible but you should try <pre><textarea> ... </textarea></pre>

Can I install/update WordPress plugins without providing FTP access?

WordPress will only prompt you for your FTP connection information while trying to install plugins or a WordPress update if it cannot write to /wp-content directly. Otherwise, if your web server has write access to the necessary files, it will take care of the updates and installation automatically. This method does not require you to have FTP/SFTP or SSH access, but it does require your to have specific file permissions set up on your webserver.

It will try various methods in order, and fall back on FTP if Direct and SSH methods are unavailable.

WordPress will try to write a temporary file to your /wp-content directory. If this succeeds, it compares the ownership of the file with its own uid, and if there is a match it will allow you to use the 'direct' method of installing plugins, themes, or updates.

Now, if for some reason you do not want to rely on the automatic check for which filesystem method to use, you can define a constant, 'FS_METHOD' in your wp-config.php file, that is either 'direct', 'ssh', 'ftpext' or 'ftpsockets' and it will use that method. Keep in mind that if you set this to 'direct', but your web user (the username under which your web server runs) does not have proper write permissions, you will receive an error.

In summary, if you do not want to (or you cannot) change permissions on wp-content so your web server has write permissions, then add this to your wp-config.php file:

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

Permissions explained here:

How to create an empty array in PHP with predefined size?

There is also array_pad. You can use it like this:

$data = array_pad($data,$number_of_items,0);

For initializing with zeros the $number_of_items positions of the array $data.

Export table data from one SQL Server to another

Just for the kicks.

Since I wasnt able to create linked server and since just connecting to production server was not enough to use INSERT INTO i did the following:

  • created a backup of production server database
  • restored the database on my test server
  • executed the insert into statements

Its a backdoor solution, but since i had problems it worked for me.

Since i have created empty tables using SCRIPT TABLE AS / CREATE in order to transfer all the keys and indexes I couldnt use SELECT INTO. SELECT INTO only works if the tables do not exist on the destination location but it does not copy keys and indexes, so you have to do that manualy. The downside of using INSERT INTO statement is that you have to manualy provide with all the column names, plus it might give you some problems if some foreign key constraints fail.

Thanks to all anwsers, there are some great solutions but i have decided to accept marc_s anwser.

How to get file name when user select a file via <input type="file" />?

You can get the file name, but you cannot get the full client file-system path.

Try to access to the value attribute of your file input on the change event.

Most browsers will give you only the file name, but there are exceptions like IE8 which will give you a fake path like: "C:\fakepath\myfile.ext" and older versions (IE <= 6) which actually will give you the full client file-system path (due its lack of security).

document.getElementById('fileInput').onchange = function () {
  alert('Selected file: ' + this.value);

delete word after or around cursor in VIM

In old vi, b moves the cursor to the beginning of the word before cursor, w moves the cursor to the beginning of the word after cursor, e moves cursor at the end of the word after cursor and dw deletes from the cursor to the end of the word.

If you type wbdw, you delete the word around cursor, even if the cursor is at the beginning or at the end of the word. Note that whitespaces after a word are considerer to be part of the word to be deleted.

WCF service startup error "This collection already contains an address with scheme http"

And in my case it was simple: I used 'Add WCF Service' wizard in Visual Studio, which automatically created corresponding sections in app.config. Then I went on reading How to: Host a WCF Service in a Managed Application. The problem was: I didn't need to specify the url to run the web service.


using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HelloWorldService), baseAddress))


using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HelloWorldService))

And the error is gone.

Generic idea: if you provide base address as a param and specify it in config, you get this error. Most probably, that's not the only way to get the error, thou.

Excel VBA Run-time Error '32809' - Trying to Understand it

It seems that 32809 is a general error message. After struggling for some time, I found that I had not clicked on the "Enable Macros" security button at the below the workbook ribbon. Once I did this, everything worked fine.

Overwriting txt file in java

The easiest way to overwrite a text file is to use a public static field.

this will overwrite the file every time because your only using false the first time through.`

public static boolean appendFile;

Use it to allow only one time through the write sequence for the append field of the write code to be false.

// use your field before processing the write code

appendFile = False;

File fnew=new File("../playlist/"+existingPlaylist.getText()+".txt");
String source = textArea.getText();
FileWriter f2;

try {
     //change this line to read this

    // f2 = new FileWriter(fnew,false);

    // to read this
    f2 = new FileWriter(fnew,appendFile); // important part

    // change field back to true so the rest of the new data will
    // append to the new file.

    appendFile = true;

 } catch (IOException e) {
       // TODO Auto-generated catch block

How do I kill all the processes in Mysql "show processlist"?

I recently needed to do this and I came up with this

-- GROUP_CONCAT turns all the rows into 1
-- @q:= stores all the kill commands to a variable
FROM information_schema.processlist 
-- If you don't need it, you can remove the WHERE command altogether
WHERE user = 'user';
-- Creates statement and execute it

That way, you don't need to store to file and run all queries with a single command.

Downloading and unzipping a .zip file without writing to disk

I'd like to offer an updated Python 3 version of Vishal's excellent answer, which was using Python 2, along with some explanation of the adaptations / changes, which may have been already mentioned.

from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import urllib.request
url = urllib.request.urlopen("")

with ZipFile(BytesIO( as my_zip_file:
    for contained_file in my_zip_file.namelist():
        # with open(("unzipped_and_read_" + contained_file + ".file"), "wb") as output:
        for line in
            # output.write(line)

Necessary changes:

  • There's no StringIO module in Python 3 (it's been moved to io.StringIO). Instead, I use io.BytesIO]2, because we will be handling a bytestream -- Docs, also this thread.
  • urlopen:


  • In Python 3, the printed output lines will look like so: b'some text'. This is expected, as they aren't strings - remember, we're reading a bytestream. Have a look at Dan04's excellent answer.

A few minor changes I made:

  • I use with ... as instead of zipfile = ... according to the Docs.
  • The script now uses .namelist() to cycle through all the files in the zip and print their contents.
  • I moved the creation of the ZipFile object into the with statement, although I'm not sure if that's better.
  • I added (and commented out) an option to write the bytestream to file (per file in the zip), in response to NumenorForLife's comment; it adds "unzipped_and_read_" to the beginning of the filename and a ".file" extension (I prefer not to use ".txt" for files with bytestrings). The indenting of the code will, of course, need to be adjusted if you want to use it.
    • Need to be careful here -- because we have a byte string, we use binary mode, so "wb"; I have a feeling that writing binary opens a can of worms anyway...
  • I am using an example file, the UN/LOCODE text archive:

What I didn't do:

  • NumenorForLife asked about saving the zip to disk. I'm not sure what he meant by it -- downloading the zip file? That's a different task; see Oleh Prypin's excellent answer.

Here's a way:

import urllib.request
import shutil

with urllib.request.urlopen("") as response, open("downloaded_file.pdf", 'w') as out_file:
    shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file)

Return value of x = os.system(..)

os.system('command') returns a 16 bit number, which first 8 bits from left(lsb) talks about signal used by os to close the command, Next 8 bits talks about return code of command.

Refer my answer for more detail in What is the return value of os.system() in Python?

How to set or change the default Java (JDK) version on OS X?

  1. Add the following line of code to your .zshrc (or bash_profile):

alias j='f(){ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/libexec/java_home -v $1 };f'

  1. Save to session:

$ source .zshrc

  1. Run command (e.g. j 13, j14, j1.8...)

$ j 1.8

Explanation This is parameterised so you do not need to update the script like other solutions posted. If you do not have the JVM installed you are told. Sample cases below:

/Users/user/IDE/project $ j 1.8
/Users/user/IDE/project $ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_265"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 1.8.0_265-b01)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (AdoptOpenJDK)(build 25.265-b01, mixed mode)
/Users/user/IDE/project $ j 13
/Users/user/IDE/project $ java -version
openjdk version "13.0.2" 2020-01-14
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 13.0.2+8)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 13.0.2+8, mixed mode, sharing)
/Users/user/IDE/project $ j 1.7
Unable to find any JVMs matching version "1.7".

How to change the href for a hyperlink using jQuery

href in an attribute, so you can change it using pure JavaScript, but if you already have jQuery injected in your page, don't worry, I will show it both ways:

Imagine you have this href below:

<a id="ali" alt="Ali" href="">Alireza Dezfoolian</a>

And you like to change it the link...

Using pure JavaScript without any library you can do:

document.getElementById("ali").setAttribute("href", "");

But also in jQuery you can do:

$("#ali").attr("href", "");


$("#ali").prop("href", "");

In this case, if you already have jQuery injected, probably jQuery one look shorter and more cross-browser...but other than that I go with the JS one...

Why can't Visual Studio find my DLL?

To add to Oleg's answer:

I was able to find the DLL at runtime by appending Visual Studio's $(ExecutablePath) to the PATH environment variable in Configuration Properties->Debugging. This macro is exactly what's defined in the Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories->Executable Directories field*, so if you have that setup to point to any DLLs you need, simply adding this to your PATH makes finding the DLLs at runtime easy!

* I actually don't know if the $(ExecutablePath) macro uses the project's Executable Directories setting or the global Property Pages' Executable Directories setting. Since I have all of my libraries that I often use configured through the Property Pages, these directories show up as defaults for any new projects I create.

How do operator.itemgetter() and sort() work?

Looks like you're a little bit confused about all that stuff.

operator is a built-in module providing a set of convenient operators. In two words operator.itemgetter(n) constructs a callable that assumes an iterable object (e.g. list, tuple, set) as input, and fetches the n-th element out of it.

So, you can't use key=a[x][1] there, because python has no idea what x is. Instead, you could use a lambda function (elem is just a variable name, no magic there):

a.sort(key=lambda elem: elem[1])

Or just an ordinary function:

def get_second_elem(iterable):
    return iterable[1]


So, here's an important note: in python functions are first-class citizens, so you can pass them to other functions as a parameter.

Other questions:

  1. Yes, you can reverse sort, just add reverse=True: a.sort(key=..., reverse=True)
  2. To sort by more than one column you can use itemgetter with multiple indices: operator.itemgetter(1,2), or with lambda: lambda elem: (elem[1], elem[2]). This way, iterables are constructed on the fly for each item in list, which are than compared against each other in lexicographic(?) order (first elements compared, if equal - second elements compared, etc)
  3. You can fetch value at [3,2] using a[2,1] (indices are zero-based). Using operator... It's possible, but not as clean as just indexing.

Refer to the documentation for details:

  1. operator.itemgetter explained
  2. Sorting list by custom key in Python

How to read file from relative path in Java project? cannot find the path specified

If it's already in the classpath, then just obtain it from the classpath instead of from the disk file system. Don't fiddle with relative paths in They are dependent on the current working directory over which you have totally no control from inside the Java code.

Assuming that ListStopWords.txt is in the same package as your FileLoader class, then do:

URL url = getClass().getResource("ListStopWords.txt");
File file = new File(url.getPath());

Or if all you're ultimately after is actually an InputStream of it:

InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream("ListStopWords.txt");

This is certainly preferred over creating a new File() because the url may not necessarily represent a disk file system path, but it could also represent virtual file system path (which may happen when the JAR is expanded into memory instead of into a temp folder on disk file system) or even a network path which are both not per definition digestable by File constructor.

If the file is -as the package name hints- is actually a fullworthy properties file (containing key=value lines) with just the "wrong" extension, then you could feed the InputStream immediately to the load() method.

Properties properties = new Properties();

Note: when you're trying to access it from inside static context, then use FileLoader.class (or whatever YourClass.class) instead of getClass() in above examples.

Sublime Text 2 Code Formatting

Sublime CodeFormatter has formatting support for PHP, JavaScript/JSON/JSONP, HTML, CSS, Python. Although I haven't used CodeFormatter for very long, I have been impressed with it's JS, HTML, and CSS "beautifying" capabilities. I haven't tried using it with PHP (I don't do any PHP development) or Python (which I have no experience with) but both languages have many options in the .sublime-settings file.

One note however, the settings aren't very easy to find. On Windows you will need to go to your %AppData%\Roaming\Sublime Text #\Packages\CodeFormatter\CodeFormatter.sublime-settings. As I don't have a Mac I'm not sure where the settings file is on OS X.

As for a shortcut key, I added this key binding to my "Key Bindings - User" file:

    "keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+d"],
    "command": "code_formatter"

I use Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D because that's what Visual Studio uses for formatting. You can change it, of course, just remember that what you choose might conflict with some other feature's keyboard shortcut.


It seems as if the developers of Sublime Text CodeFormatter have made it easier to access the .sublime-settings file. If you install CodeFormatter with the Package Control plugin, you can access the settings via the Preferences -> Package Settings -> CodeFormatter -> Settings - Default and override those settings using the Preferences -> Package Settings -> CodeFormatter -> Settings - User menu item.

Django - iterate number in for loop of a template

{% for days in days_list %}
    <h2># Day {{ forloop.counter }} - From {{ days.from_location }} to {{ days.to_location }}</h2>
{% endfor %}

or if you want to start from 0

{% for days in days_list %}
        <h2># Day {{ forloop.counter0 }} - From {{ days.from_location }} to {{ days.to_location }}</h2>
    {% endfor %}

Command to get time in milliseconds

On OS X, where date does not support the %N flag, I recommend installing coreutils using Homebrew. This will give you access to a command called gdate that will behave as date does on Linux systems.

brew install coreutils

For a more "native" experience, you can always add this to your .bash_aliases:

alias date='gdate'

Then execute

$ date +%s%N

Python: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

This is what i have done to get rid of this error separating variable with "," helped me.

# Applying BODMAS 
arg3 = int((2 + 3) * 45 / - 2)
arg4 = "Value "
print arg4, "is", arg3

Here is the output

Value is -113

(program exited with code: 0)

How can I get dict from sqlite query?

You could use row_factory, as in the example in the docs:

import sqlite3

def dict_factory(cursor, row):
    d = {}
    for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
        d[col[0]] = row[idx]
    return d

con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
con.row_factory = dict_factory
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("select 1 as a")
print cur.fetchone()["a"]

or follow the advice that's given right after this example in the docs:

If returning a tuple doesn’t suffice and you want name-based access to columns, you should consider setting row_factory to the highly-optimized sqlite3.Row type. Row provides both index-based and case-insensitive name-based access to columns with almost no memory overhead. It will probably be better than your own custom dictionary-based approach or even a db_row based solution.


You are correct. You did exactly the right thing, checking the query plan rather than trying to second-guess the optimiser. :-)

Angular: 'Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays'

You only need the async pipe:

<li *ngFor="let afd of afdeling | async">

always use the async pipe when dealing with Observables directly without explicitly unsubscribe.

How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?

See for a comparison of net-ioc-frameworks on google code including linfu and that are not on your list while i write this text.

I worked with It has many features (aop, libraries , docu, ...) and there is a lot of experience with it in the dotnet and the java-world. The features are modularized so you donot have to take all features. The features are abstractions of common issues like databaseabstraction, loggingabstraction. however it is difficuilt to do and debug the IoC-configuration.

From what i have read so far: If i had to chooseh for a small or medium project i would use ninject since ioc-configuration is done and debuggable in c#. But i havent worked with it yet. for large modular system i would stay with because of abstraction-libraries.

C# guid and SQL uniqueidentifier

Store it in the database in a field with a data type of uniqueidentifier.

How to replace sql field value

It depends on what you need to do. You can use replace since you want to replace the value:

select replace(email, '.com', '.org')
from yourtable

Then to UPDATE your table with the new ending, then you would use:

update yourtable
set email = replace(email, '.com', '.org')

You can also expand on this by checking the last 4 characters of the email value:

update yourtable
set email = replace(email, '.com', '.org')
where right(email, 4) = '.com'

However, the issue with replace() is that .com can be will in other locations in the email not just the last one. So you might want to use substring() the following way:

update yourtable
set email = substring(email, 1, len(email) -4)+'.org'
where right(email, 4) = '.com';

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Using substring() will return the start of the email value, without the final .com and then you concatenate the .org to the end. This prevents the replacement of .com elsewhere in the string.

Alternatively you could use stuff(), which allows you to do both deleting and inserting at the same time:

update yourtable
set email = stuff(email, len(email) - 3, 4, '.org')
where right(email, 4) = '.com';

This will delete 4 characters at the position of the third character before the last one (which is the starting position of the final .com) and insert .org instead.

See SQL Fiddle with Demo for this method as well.

Undefined reference to static class member

You need to actually define the static member somewhere (after the class definition). Try this:

class Foo { /* ... */ };

const int Foo::MEMBER;

int main() { /* ... */ }

That should get rid of the undefined reference.

In Swift how to call method with parameters on GCD main thread?

Swift 2

Using Trailing Closures this becomes:

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {

Trailing Closures is Swift syntactic sugar that enables defining the closure outside of the function parameter scope. For more information see Trailing Closures in Swift 2.2 Programming Language Guide.

In dispatch_async case the API is func dispatch_async(queue: dispatch_queue_t, _ block: dispatch_block_t) since dispatch_block_t is type alias for () -> Void - A closure that receives 0 parameters and does not have a return value, and block being the last parameter of the function we can define the closure in the outer scope of dispatch_async.

Limiting number of displayed results when using ngRepeat

Another (and I think better) way to achieve this is to actually intercept the data. limitTo is okay but what if you're limiting to 10 when your array actually contains thousands?

When calling my service I simply did this:

    $scope.tasks = data.slice(0,10);

This limits what is sent to the view, so should be much better for performance than doing this on the front-end.

Can I find events bound on an element with jQuery?

When I pass a little complex DOM query to $._data like this: $._data($('#outerWrap .innerWrap ul li:last a'), 'events') it throws undefined in the browser console.

So I had to use $._data on the parent div: $._data($('#outerWrap')[0], 'events') to see the events for the a tags. Here is a JSFiddle for the same:

Can't connect to Postgresql on port 5432

I had the same problem after a MacOS system upgrade. Solved it by upgrading the postgres with brew. Details: it looks like the system was trying to access Postgres 11 using older Postgres 10 settings. I'm sure it was my mistake somewhere in the past, but luckily it all got sorted out with the upgrade above.

How do you create a REST client for Java?

I've recently tried Retrofit Library from square, Its great and you can call your rest API very easily. Annotation based configuration allows us to get rid of lot of boiler plate coding.

How to align footer (div) to the bottom of the page?

Use <div style="position:fixed;bottom:0;height:auto;margin-top:40px;width:100%;text-align:center">I am footer</div>. Footer will not go upwards

Handling 'Sequence has no elements' Exception

Part of the answer to 'handle' the 'Sequence has no elements' Exception in VB is to test for empty

If Not (myMap Is Nothing) Then
' execute code
End if

Where MyMap is the sequence queried returning empty/null. FYI

JS - window.history - Delete a state

You may have moved on by now, but... as far as I know there's no way to delete a history entry (or state).

One option I've been looking into is to handle the history yourself in JavaScript and use the window.history object as a carrier of sorts.

Basically, when the page first loads you create your custom history object (we'll go with an array here, but use whatever makes sense for your situation), then do your initial pushState. I would pass your custom history object as the state object, as it may come in handy if you also need to handle users navigating away from your app and coming back later.

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

Now when you navigate, you add to your own history object (or don't - the history is now in your hands!) and use replaceState to keep the browser out of the loop.

function nav_to_details() {
    window.history.replaceState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

    //Load page data.

When the user navigates backwards, they'll be hitting your "base" state (your state object will be null) and you can handle the navigation according to your custom history object. Afterward, you do another pushState.

function on_popState() {
    // Note that some browsers fire popState on initial load,
    // so you should check your state object and handle things accordingly.
    // (I did not do that in these examples!)

    if (myHistory.length > 0) {
        var pg = myHistory.pop();
        window.history.pushState(myHistory, "<name>", "<url>");

        //Load page data for "pg".
    } else {
        //No "history" - let them exit or keep them in the app.

The user will never be able to navigate forward using their browser buttons because they are always on the newest page.

From the browser's perspective, every time they go "back", they've immediately pushed forward again.

From the user's perspective, they're able to navigate backwards through the pages but not forward (basically simulating the smartphone "page stack" model).

From the developer's perspective, you now have a high level of control over how the user navigates through your application, while still allowing them to use the familiar navigation buttons on their browser. You can add/remove items from anywhere in the history chain as you please. If you use objects in your history array, you can track extra information about the pages as well (like field contents and whatnot).

If you need to handle user-initiated navigation (like the user changing the URL in a hash-based navigation scheme), then you might use a slightly different approach like...

var myHistory = [];

function pageLoad() {
    // When the user first hits your page...
    // Check the state to see what's going on.

    if (window.history.state === null) {
        // If the state is null, this is a NEW navigation,
        //    the user has navigated to your page directly (not using back/forward).

        // First we establish a "back" page to catch backward navigation.
            { isBackPage: true },

        // Then push an "app" page on top of that - this is where the user will sit.
        // (As browsers vary, it might be safer to put this in a short setTimeout).
            { isBackPage: false },

        // We also need to start our history tracking.


    // If the state is NOT null, then the user is returning to our app via history navigation.

    // (Load up the page based on the last entry of myHistory here)

    if (window.history.state.isBackPage) {
        // If the user came into our app via the back page,
        //     you can either push them forward one more step or just use pushState as above.

        // or window.history.pushState({ isBackPage: false }, "<name>", "<url>");

    setTimeout(function() {
        // Add our popstate event listener - doing it here should remove
        //     the issue of dealing with the browser firing it on initial page load.
        window.addEventListener("popstate", on_popstate);
    }, 100);

function on_popstate(e) {
    if (e.state === null) {
        // If there's no state at all, then the user must have navigated to a new hash.

        // <Look at what they've done, maybe by reading the hash from the URL>
        // <Change/load the new page and push it onto the myHistory stack>
        // <Alternatively, ignore their navigation attempt by NOT loading anything new or adding to myHistory>

        // Undo what they've done (as far as navigation) by kicking them backwards to the "app" page

        // Optionally, you can throw another replaceState in here, e.g. if you want to change the visible URL.
        // This would also prevent them from using the "forward" button to return to the new hash.
            { isBackPage: false },
            "<new name>",
            "<new url>"
    } else {
        if (e.state.isBackPage) {
            // If there is state and it's the 'back' page...

            if (myHistory.length > 0) {
                // Pull/load the page from our custom history...
                var pg = myHistory.pop();
                // <load/render/whatever>

                // And push them to our "app" page again
                    { isBackPage: false },
            } else {
                // No more history - let them exit or keep them in the app.

        // Implied 'else' here - if there is state and it's NOT the 'back' page
        //     then we can ignore it since we're already on the page we want.
        //     (This is the case when we push the user back with window.history.go(-1) above)

How to find the nearest parent of a Git branch?

vbc=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
vbc_col=$(( $(git show-branch | grep '^[^\[]*\*' | head -1 | cut -d* -f1 | wc -c) - 1 )) 
swimming_lane_start_row=$(( $(git show-branch | grep -n "^[\-]*$" | cut -d: -f1) + 1 )) 
git show-branch | tail -n +$swimming_lane_start_row | grep -v "^[^\[]*\[$vbc" | grep "^.\{$vbc_col\}[^ ]" | head -n1 | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/' | sed 's/[\^~].*//'

Achieves the same ends as Mark Reed's answer, but uses a much safer approach that doesn't misbehave in a number of scenarios:

  1. Parent branch's last commit is a merge, making the column show - not *
  2. Commit message contains branch name
  3. Commit message contains *

Facebook user url by id

As of now (NOV-2019), graph.api V5.0

graph API says, refer graph api

A link to the person's Timeline. The link will only resolve if the person clicking the link is logged into Facebook and is a friend of the person whose profile is being viewed.


How to enable explicit_defaults_for_timestamp?

On my system (Windows 8.1), the problem was with the server configuration. The server worked for the first time when I installed it. However, I forgot to check the "run as a service" option and this caused all the problem. I tried all possible solutions available on SO but nothing worked. So, I decided to reinstall MySQL Workbench. On executing the same msi file that I earlier used to install MySQL workbench, I reconfigured the server and allowed to run the server as a service.

Pass a PHP string to a JavaScript variable (and escape newlines)

Micah's solution below worked for me as the site I had to customise was not in UTF-8, so I could not use json; I'd vote it up but my rep isn't high enough.

function escapeJavaScriptText($string) 
    return str_replace("\n", '\n', str_replace('"', '\"', addcslashes(str_replace("\r", '', (string)$string), "\0..\37'\\"))); 

EXTRACT() Hour in 24 Hour format

select to_char(tran_datetime,'HH24') from test;


How do I get the latest version of my code?

If you just want to throw away everything in your working folder (eg the results of a failed or aborted merge) and revert to a clean previous commit, do a git reset --hard.

DateTime.ToString() format that can be used in a filename or extension?

You can use this:


Row Offset in SQL Server

In SqlServer2005 you can do the following:

SET @Offset = 120000
SET @Limit = 10

      (ORDER BY column) AS rownum, column2, column3, .... columnX
) AS A
 A.rownum BETWEEN (@Offset) AND (@Offset + @Limit-1) 

Substitute a comma with a line break in a cell


=SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",CHAR(10) & CHAR(13))

This will replace each comma with a new line. Change A1 to the cell you are referencing.

jquery to validate phone number

I know this is an old post, but I thought I would share my solution to help others.

This function will work if you want to valid 10 digits phone number "US number"

function getValidNumber(value)
    value = $.trim(value).replace(/\D/g, '');

    if (value.substring(0, 1) == '1') {
        value = value.substring(1);

    if (value.length == 10) {

        return value;

    return false;

Here how to use this method

var num = getValidNumber('(123) 456-7890');
if(num !== false){
     alert('The valid number is: ' + num);
} else {
     alert('The number you passed is not a valid US phone number');

Failed to find target with hash string 'android-25'

It seems like that it is only me who are so clumsy, because i have yet to found a solution that my case required.

I am developing a multi-modular project, thus base android module configuration is extracted in single gradle script. All the concrete versions of sdks/libs are also extracted in a script.

A script containing versions looked like this:


ext.androidVersions = [
    compile_sdk_version     : '27',
    min_sdk_version         : '19',
    target_sdk_version      : '27',
    build_tool_version      : '27.0.3',
    application_id          : 'com.test.test',


Not accustomed to groovy syntax my eye has not spotted that the values for compile, min and target sdks were not integers but STRINGS! Therefore a compiler rightfully complained about not being able to find an sdk a version of which would match HASH STRING '27'.

So the solution would be to make sdk's versions integers: ...

ext.androidVersions = [
    compile_sdk_version     : 27,
    min_sdk_version         : 19,
    target_sdk_version      : 27,
    build_tool_version      : '27.0.3',
    application_id          : 'com.test.test',


How to install Python packages from the tar.gz file without using pip install

Thanks to the answers below combined I've got it working.

  • First needed to unpack the tar.gz file into a folder.
  • Then before running python install had to point cmd towards the correct folder. I did this by pushd C:\Users\absolutefilepathtotarunpackedfolder
  • Then run python install

Thanks Tales Padua & Hugo Honorem

Postgresql Windows, is there a default password?

Try this:

Open PgAdmin -> Files -> Open pgpass.conf

You would get the path of pgpass.conf at the bottom of the window. Go to that location and open this file, you can find your password there.


If the above does not work, you may consider trying this:

 1. edit pg_hba.conf to allow trust authorization temporarily
 2. Reload the config file (pg_ctl reload)
 3. Connect and issue ALTER ROLE / PASSWORD to set the new password
 4. edit pg_hba.conf again and restore the previous settings
 5. Reload the config file again

How to find difference between two columns data?

There are many ways of doing this (and I encourage you to look them up as they will be more efficient generally) but the simplest way of doing this is to use a non-set operation to define the value of the third column:

    ,(t1.present - t1.previous) as difference

Note, this style of selection is considered bad practice because it requires the query plan to reselect the value of the first two columns to logically determine the third (a violation of set theory that SQL is based on). Though it is more complicated, if you plan on using this to evaluate more than the values you listed in your example, I would investigate using an APPLY clause.

Github permission denied: ssh add agent has no identities

This could cause for any new terminal, the agent id is different. You need to add the Private key for the agent

$ ssh-add <path to your private key>

Declare variable in table valued function

There are two flavors of table valued functions. One that is just a select statement and one that can have more rows than just a select statement.

This can not have a variable:

create function Func() returns table
select 10 as ColName

You have to do like this instead:

create function Func()
returns @T table(ColName int)
  declare @Var int
  set @Var = 10
  insert into @T(ColName) values (@Var)

Enum "Inheritance"

I realize I'm a bit late to this party, but here's my two cents.

We're all clear that Enum inheritance is not supported by the framework. Some very interesting workarounds have been suggested in this thread, but none of them felt quite like what I was looking for, so I had a go at it myself.

Introducing: ObjectEnum

You can check the code and documentation here:

And the package here:

Or just install it: Install-Package ObjectEnum

In short, ObjectEnum<TEnum> acts as a wrapper for any enum. By overriding the GetDefinedValues() in subclasses, one can specify which enum values are valid for this specific class.

A number of operator overloads have been added to make an ObjectEnum<TEnum> instance behave as if it were an instance of the underlying enum, keeping in mind the defined value restrictions. This means you can easily compare the instance to an int or enum value, and thus use it in a switch case or any other conditional.

I'd like to refer to the github repo mentioned above for examples and further info.

I hope you find this useful. Feel free to comment or open an issue on github for further thoughts or comments.

Here are a few short examples of what you can do with ObjectEnum<TEnum>:

var sunday = new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Sunday); //throws exception
var monday = new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Monday); //works fine
var label = $"{monday} is day {(int)monday}." //produces: "Monday is day 1."
var mondayIsAlwaysMonday = monday == DayOfWeek.Monday; //true, sorry...

var friday = new WorkDay(DayOfWeek.Friday);

    case DayOfWeek.Monday:
        //do something monday related
    case DayOfWeek.Friday:
        //do something friday related

Bringing a subview to be in front of all other views

I had a need for this once. I created a custom UIView class - AlwaysOnTopView.

@interface AlwaysOnTopView : UIView

@implementation AlwaysOnTopView

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {
    if (object == self.superview && [keyPath isEqual:@"subviews.@count"]) {
        [self.superview bringSubviewToFront:self];

    [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];

- (void)willMoveToSuperview:(UIView *)newSuperview {
    if (self.superview) {
        [self.superview removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"subviews.@count"];

    [super willMoveToSuperview:newSuperview];

- (void)didMoveToSuperview {
    [super didMoveToSuperview];

    if (self.superview) {
        [self.superview addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"subviews.@count" options:0 context:nil];


Have your view extend this class. Of course this only ensures a subview is above all of its sibling views.

Center Plot title in ggplot2

The ggeasy package has a function called easy_center_title() to do just that. I find it much more appealing than theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) and it's so much easier to remember.

ggplot(data = dat, aes(time, total_bill, fill = time)) + 
  geom_bar(colour = "black", fill = "#DD8888", width = .8, stat = "identity") + 
  guides(fill = FALSE) +
  xlab("Time of day") +
  ylab("Total bill") +
  ggtitle("Average bill for 2 people") +

enter image description here

Note that as of writing this answer you will need to install the development version of ggeasy from GitHub to use easy_center_title(). You can do so by running remotes::install_github("jonocarroll/ggeasy").

How to diff a commit with its parent?

Uses aliases, so doesn't answer your question exactly but I find these useful for doing what you intend...

alias gitdiff-1="git log --reverse|grep commit|cut -d ' ' -f2|tail -n 2|head -n 2|xargs echo|sed -e 's/\s/../'|xargs -n 1 git diff"
alias gitdiff-2="git log --reverse|grep commit|cut -d ' ' -f2|tail -n 3|head -n 2|xargs echo|sed -e 's/\s/../'|xargs -n 1 git diff"
alias gitdiff-3="git log --reverse|grep commit|cut -d ' ' -f2|tail -n 4|head -n 2|xargs echo|sed -e 's/\s/../'|xargs -n 1 git diff"

alias gitlog-1="git log --reverse|grep commit|cut -d ' ' -f2|tail -n 2|head -n 2|xargs echo|sed -e 's/\s/../'|xargs -n 1 git log --summary"
alias gitlog-2="git log --reverse|grep commit|cut -d ' ' -f2|tail -n 3|head -n 2|xargs echo|sed -e 's/\s/../'|xargs -n 1 git log --summary"
alias gitlog-3="git log --reverse|grep commit|cut -d ' ' -f2|tail -n 4|head -n 2|xargs echo|sed -e 's/\s/../'|xargs -n 1 git log --summary"

VBScript - How to make program wait until process has finished?

You need to tell the run to wait until the process is finished. Something like:

const DontWaitUntilFinished = false, ShowWindow = 1, DontShowWindow = 0, WaitUntilFinished = true
set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
command = "cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wscript.exe <path>\myScript.vbs " & args
oShell.Run command, DontShowWindow, WaitUntilFinished

In the script itself, start Excel like so. While debugging start visible:

File = "c:\test\myfile.xls" """C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE"" " & File, 1, true

How can I insert a line break into a <Text> component in React Native?

You can do it as follows:

{'Create\nYour Account'}

getting the index of a row in a pandas apply function

To answer the original question: yes, you can access the index value of a row in apply(). It is available under the key name and requires that you specify axis=1 (because the lambda processes the columns of a row and not the rows of a column).

Working example (pandas 0.23.4):

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], columns=['a','b','c'])
>>> df.set_index('a', inplace=True)
>>> df
   b  c
1  2  3
4  5  6
>>> df['index_x10'] = df.apply(lambda row: 10*, axis=1)
>>> df
   b  c  index_x10
1  2  3         10
4  5  6         40

Chart.js - Formatting Y axis

An undocumented feature of the ChartJS library is that if you pass in a function instead of a string, it will use your function to render the y-axis's scaleLabel.

So while, "<%= Number(value).toFixed(2).replace('.',',') + ' $' %>" works, you could also do:

scaleLabel: function (valuePayload) {
    return Number(valuePayload.value).toFixed(2).replace('.',',') + '$';

If you're doing anything remotely complicated, I'd recommend doing this instead.

__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'user'

You can't do


because you have an __init__ method that does NOT take user as argument.

You need something like

#signal function: if a user is created, add control livingroom to the user    
def create_control_livingroom(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
    if created:
        my_room = LivingRoom()
        my_room.user = instance


But, as bruno has already said it, Django's models.Model subclass's initializer is best left alone, or should accept *args and **kwargs matching the model's meta fields.

So, following better principles, you should probably have something like

class LivingRoom(models.Model):
    '''Living Room object'''
    user = models.OneToOneField(User)

    def __init__(self, *args, temp=65, **kwargs):
        self.temp = temp
        return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Note - If you weren't using temp as a keyword argument, e.g. LivingRoom(65), then you'll have to start doing that. LivingRoom(user=instance, temp=66) or if you want the default (65), simply LivingRoom(user=instance) would do.

pip installs packages successfully, but executables not found from command line

I know the question asks about macOS, but here is a solution for Linux users who arrive here via Google.

I was having the issue described in this question, having installed the pdfx package via pip.

When I ran it however, nothing...

pip list | grep pdfx
pdfx (1.3.0)


which pdfx
pdfx not found

The problem on Linux is that pip install ... drops scripts into ~/.local/bin and this is not on the default Debian/Ubuntu $PATH.

Here's a GitHub issue going into more detail:

To fix, just add ~/.local/bin to your $PATH, for example by adding the following line to your .bashrc file:

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

After that, restart your shell and things should work as expected.

How prevent CPU usage 100% because of worker process in iis

I was facing the same issues recently and found a solution which worked for me and reduced the memory consumption level upto a great extent.


First of all find the application which is causing heavy memory usage.

You can find this in the Details section of the Task Manager.


  1. Open the IIS manager.
  2. Click on Application Pools. You'll find many application pools which your system is using.
  3. Now from the task manager you've found which application is causing the heavy memory consumption. There would be multiple options for that and you need to select the one which is having '1' in it's Application column of your web application.
  4. When you click on the application pool on the right hand side you'll see an option Advance settings under Edit Application pools. Go to Advanced Settings. 5.Now under General category set the Enable 32-bit Applications to True
  5. Restart the IIS server or you can see the consumption goes down in performance section of your Task Manager.

If this solution works for you please add a comment so that I can know.

What is the difference between .*? and .* regular expressions?

Let's say you have:


<(.*)> would match a></a where as <(.*?)> would match a. The latter stops after the first match of >. It checks for one or 0 matches of .* followed by the next expression.

The first expression <(.*)> doesn't stop when matching the first >. It will continue until the last match of >.

How to get ASCII value of string in C#

string value = "mahesh";

// Convert the string into a byte[].
byte[] asciiBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(value);

for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)

        Console.WriteLine(value.Substring(i, 1) + " as ASCII value of: " + asciiBytes[i]);

AWS S3: how do I see how much disk space is using

I'm not sure when this was added to the AWSCLI given that the original question was 3 years ago, but the command line tool gives a nice summary by running:

aws s3 ls s3://mybucket --recursive --human-readable --summarize

How do I read and parse an XML file in C#?

Linq to XML.

Also, VB.NET has much better xml parsing support via the compiler than C#. If you have the option and the desire, check it out.

How to do the Recursive SELECT query in MySQL?

If you want to be able to have a SELECT without problems of the parent id having to be lower than child id, a function could be used. It supports also multiple children (as a tree should do) and the tree can have multiple heads. It also ensure to break if a loop exists in the data.

I wanted to use dynamic SQL to be able to pass the table/columns names, but functions in MySQL don't support this.


CREATE FUNCTION `isSubElement`(pParentId INT, pId INT) RETURNS int(11)
DECLARE isChild,curId,curParent,lastParent int;
SET isChild = 0;
SET curId = pId;
SET curParent = -1;
SET lastParent = -2;

WHILE lastParent <> curParent AND curParent <> 0 AND curId <> -1 AND curParent <> pId AND isChild = 0 DO
    SET lastParent = curParent;
    SELECT ParentId from `test` where id=curId limit 1 into curParent;

    IF curParent = pParentId THEN
        SET isChild = 1;
    END IF;
    SET curId = curParent;

RETURN isChild;

Here, the table test has to be modified to the real table name and the columns (ParentId,Id) may have to be adjusted for your real names.

Usage :

SET @wantedSubTreeId = 3;
SELECT * FROM test WHERE isSubElement(@wantedSubTreeId,id) = 1 OR ID = @wantedSubTreeId;

Result :

3   7   k
5   3   d
9   3   f
1   5   a

SQL for test creation :

  `Id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `ParentId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Name` varchar(300) NOT NULL,

insert into test (id, parentid, name) values(3,7,'k');
insert into test (id, parentid, name) values(5,3,'d');
insert into test (id, parentid, name) values(9,3,'f');
insert into test (id, parentid, name) values(1,5,'a');
insert into test (id, parentid, name) values(6,2,'o');
insert into test (id, parentid, name) values(2,8,'c');

EDIT : Here is a fiddle to test it yourself. It forced me to change the delimiter using the predefined one, but it works.

Update my gradle dependencies in eclipse

You have to make sure that "Dependency Management" is enabled. To do so, right click on the project name, go to the "Gradle" sub-menu and click on "Enable Dependency Management". Once you do that, Gradle should load all the dependencies for you.

Determining the size of an Android view at runtime

works perfekt for me:

 protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
        CTEditor ctEdit = Element as CTEditor;
        if (ctEdit == null) return;           
        if (e.PropertyName == "Text")
            double xHeight = Element.Height;
            double aHaight = Control.Height;
            double height;                
            height = Control.MeasuredHeight;
            height = xHeight / aHaight * height;
            if (Element.HeightRequest != height)
                Element.HeightRequest = height;

surface plots in matplotlib

Just to add some further thoughts which may help others with irregular domain type problems. For a situation where the user has three vectors/lists, x,y,z representing a 2D solution where z is to be plotted on a rectangular grid as a surface, the 'plot_trisurf()' comments by ArtifixR are applicable. A similar example but with non rectangular domain is:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D 

# problem parameters
nu = 50; nv = 50
u = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, nu,) 
v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, nv,)

xx = np.zeros((nu,nv),dtype='d')
yy = np.zeros((nu,nv),dtype='d')
zz = np.zeros((nu,nv),dtype='d')

# populate x,y,z arrays
for i in range(nu):
  for j in range(nv):
    xx[i,j] = np.sin(v[j])*np.cos(u[i])
    yy[i,j] = np.sin(v[j])*np.sin(u[i])
    zz[i,j] = np.exp(-4*(xx[i,j]**2 + yy[i,j]**2)) # bell curve

# convert arrays to vectors
x = xx.flatten()
y = yy.flatten()
z = zz.flatten()

# Plot solution surface
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = Axes3D(fig)
ax.plot_trisurf(x, y, z, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0,
ax.set_title(r'trisurf example',fontsize=16, color='k')
ax.view_init(60, 35)

The above code produces:

Surface plot for non-rectangular grid problem

However, this may not solve all problems, particular where the problem is defined on an irregular domain. Also, in the case where the domain has one or more concave areas, the delaunay triangulation may result in generating spurious triangles exterior to the domain. In such cases, these rogue triangles have to be removed from the triangulation in order to achieve the correct surface representation. For these situations, the user may have to explicitly include the delaunay triangulation calculation so that these triangles can be removed programmatically. Under these circumstances, the following code could replace the previous plot code:

import matplotlib.tri as mtri 
import scipy.spatial
# plot final solution
pts = np.vstack([x, y]).T
tess = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(pts) # tessilation

# Create the matplotlib Triangulation object
xx = tess.points[:, 0]
yy = tess.points[:, 1]
tri = tess.vertices # or tess.simplices depending on scipy version

# NOTE: If 2D domain has concave properties one has to
#       remove delaunay triangles that are exterior to the domain.
#       This operation is problem specific!
#       For simple situations create a polygon of the
#       domain from boundary nodes and identify triangles
#       in 'tri' outside the polygon. Then delete them from
#       'tri'.

triDat = mtri.Triangulation(x=pts[:, 0], y=pts[:, 1], triangles=tri)

# Plot solution surface
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.plot_trisurf(triDat, z, linewidth=0, edgecolor='none',
                antialiased=False, cmap=cm.jet)
ax.set_title(r'trisurf with delaunay triangulation', 
          fontsize=16, color='k')

Example plots are given below illustrating solution 1) with spurious triangles, and 2) where they have been removed:

enter image description here

triangles removed

I hope the above may be of help to people with concavity situations in the solution data.

changing visibility using javascript

function loadpage (page_request, containerid)
  var loading = document.getElementById ( "loading" ) ;

  // when connecting to server
  if ( page_request.readyState == 1 ) = "visible" ;

  // when loaded successfully
  if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1))
      document.getElementById(containerid).innerHTML=page_request.responseText ; = "hidden" ;

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: _OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: error

It's possible you're using a library that is only compiled for REAL hardware. For example, if you're using a Bluetooth library like the Zephyr HxM Smart, it probably won't compile on the simulator, and is only meant to run on real devices.

How to use System.Net.HttpClient to post a complex type?

I think you can do this:

var client = new HttpClient();
HttpContent content = new Widget();
client.PostAsync<Widget>("http://localhost:44268/api/test", content, new FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter())
    .ContinueWith((postTask) => { postTask.Result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); });

An internal error occurred during: "Updating Maven Project". Unsupported IClasspathEntry kind=4

This issue ( is fixed in m2e 1.5.0 which is available for Eclipse Kepler and Luna from this p2 repo :

If you also use m2e-wtp, you'll need to install m2e-wtp 1.1.0 as well :

Open the terminal in visual studio?

As tricky solution you can use Package Manager Console to execute cmd or PowerShell commends

Shortcut for Package Manager Console Alt T N O

Tested on Visual Studio 2017 Community Version

enter image description here

Also its available now as part of Visual Studio version 16.3 Preview 3

Shortcut Ctrl+` same as Visual Studio Code

Print page numbers on pages when printing html

Can you try this, you can use content: counter(page);

     @page {
       @bottom-left {
            content: counter(page) "/" counter(pages);


Why is it not advisable to have the database and web server on the same machine?

I think its because the two machines usually would need to be optimized in different ways. Other than that I have no idea, we run all our applications with the server-database on the same machine - granted we're not public facing - but we've had no problems.

I can't imagine that too many people care about one machine being compromised over both since the web application will usually have nearly unrestricted access to at the very least the data if not the schema inside the database.

Interested in what others might say.

CSS Progress Circle

I created a fiddle using only CSS.

.wrapper {_x000D_
  width: 100px; /* Set the size of the progress bar */_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  position: absolute; /* Enable clipping */_x000D_
  clip: rect(0px, 100px, 100px, 50px); /* Hide half of the progress bar */_x000D_
/* Set the sizes of the elements that make up the progress bar */_x000D_
.circle {_x000D_
  width: 80px;_x000D_
  height: 80px;_x000D_
  border: 10px solid green;_x000D_
  border-radius: 50px;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  clip: rect(0px, 50px, 100px, 0px);_x000D_
/* Using the data attributes for the animation selectors. */_x000D_
/* Base settings for all animated elements */_x000D_
div[data-anim~=base] {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1;  /* Only run once */_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards; /* Hold the last keyframe */_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-timing-function:linear; /* Linear animation */_x000D_
.wrapper[data-anim~=wrapper] {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-duration: 0.01s; /* Complete keyframes asap */_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-delay: 3s; /* Wait half of the animation */_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-name: close-wrapper; /* Keyframes name */_x000D_
.circle[data-anim~=left] {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-duration: 6s; /* Full animation time */_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-name: left-spin;_x000D_
.circle[data-anim~=right] {_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-duration: 3s; /* Half animation time */_x000D_
  -webkit-animation-name: right-spin;_x000D_
/* Rotate the right side of the progress bar from 0 to 180 degrees */_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes right-spin {_x000D_
  from {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);_x000D_
  to {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);_x000D_
/* Rotate the left side of the progress bar from 0 to 360 degrees */_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes left-spin {_x000D_
  from {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);_x000D_
  to {_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);_x000D_
/* Set the wrapper clip to auto, effectively removing the clip */_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes close-wrapper {_x000D_
  to {_x000D_
    clip: rect(auto, auto, auto, auto);_x000D_
<div class="wrapper" data-anim="base wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="circle" data-anim="base left"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="circle" data-anim="base right"></div>_x000D_

Also check this fiddle here (CSS only)

@import url(,300,400);_x000D_
.arc1 {_x000D_
    width: 160px;_x000D_
    height: 160px;_x000D_
    background: #00a0db;_x000D_
    -webkit-transform-origin: -31% 61%;_x000D_
    margin-left: -30px;_x000D_
    margin-top: 20px;_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: translate(-54px,50px);_x000D_
    -moz-transform: translate(-54px,50px);_x000D_
    -o-transform: translate(-54px,50px);_x000D_
.arc2 {_x000D_
    width: 160px;_x000D_
    height: 160px;_x000D_
    background: #00a0db;_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: skew(45deg,0deg);_x000D_
    -moz-transform: skew(45deg,0deg);_x000D_
    -o-transform: skew(45deg,0deg);_x000D_
    margin-left: -180px;_x000D_
    margin-top: -90px;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    -webkit-transition: all .5s linear;_x000D_
    -moz-transition: all .5s linear;_x000D_
    -o-transition: all .5s linear;_x000D_
.arc-container:hover .arc2 {_x000D_
    margin-left: -50px;_x000D_
    -webkit-transform: skew(-20deg,0deg);_x000D_
    -moz-transform: skew(-20deg,0deg);_x000D_
    -o-transform: skew(-20deg,0deg);_x000D_
.arc-wrapper {_x000D_
    width: 150px;_x000D_
    height: 150px;_x000D_
    background: #424242;_x000D_
    left: 50px;_x000D_
    top: 50px;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
.arc-hider {_x000D_
    width: 150px;_x000D_
    height: 150px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 150px;_x000D_
    border: 50px solid #e9e9e9;_x000D_
    box-shadow:inset 0px 0px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);_x000D_
.arc-inset  {_x000D_
    font-family: "Josefin Sans";_x000D_
    font-weight: 100;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    font-size: 413px;_x000D_
    margin-top: -64px;_x000D_
    z-index: 5;_x000D_
    left: 30px;_x000D_
    line-height: 327px;_x000D_
    height: 280px;_x000D_
    -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(0,0,0,0.2));_x000D_
.arc-lowerInset {_x000D_
    font-family: "Josefin Sans";_x000D_
    font-weight: 100;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    font-size: 413px;_x000D_
    margin-top: -64px;_x000D_
    z-index: 5;_x000D_
    left: 30px;_x000D_
    line-height: 327px;_x000D_
    height: 280px;_x000D_
    color: white;_x000D_
    -webkit-mask-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0,0,0,0.2), rgba(0,0,0,1));_x000D_
.arc-overlay {_x000D_
    width: 100px;_x000D_
    height: 100px;_x000D_
    background-image: linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(217,217,217) 10%, rgb(245,245,245) 90%, rgb(253,253,253) 100%);_x000D_
    background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(217,217,217) 10%, rgb(245,245,245) 90%, rgb(253,253,253) 100%);_x000D_
    background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(217,217,217) 10%, rgb(245,245,245) 90%, rgb(253,253,253) 100%);_x000D_
    background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom, rgb(217,217,217) 10%, rgb(245,245,245) 90%, rgb(253,253,253) 100%);_x000D_
    padding-left: 32px;_x000D_
    box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
    line-height: 100px;_x000D_
    font-family: sans-serif;_x000D_
    font-weight: 400;_x000D_
    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff;_x000D_
    font-size: 22px;_x000D_
    border-radius: 100px;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    z-index: 5;_x000D_
    top: 75px;_x000D_
    left: 75px;_x000D_
    box-shadow:0px 0px 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);_x000D_
.arc-container {_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
    background: #e9e9e9;_x000D_
    height: 250px;_x000D_
    width: 250px;_x000D_
<div class="arc-container">_x000D_
    <div class="arc-hider"></div>_x000D_
    <div class="arc-inset">_x000D_
    <div class="arc-lowerInset">_x000D_
    <div class="arc-overlay">_x000D_
    <div class="arc-wrapper">_x000D_
        <div class="arc2"></div>_x000D_
        <div class="arc1"></div>_x000D_

Or this beautiful round progress bar with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Auto Increment after delete in MySQL

if($id == 1){ // deleting first row
            mysqli_query($db,"UPDATE employees  SET id=id-1 WHERE id>1");
        else if($id>1 && $id<$num){ // deleting middle row
            mysqli_query($db,"UPDATE employees  SET id=id-1 WHERE id>$id");
        else if($id == $num){ // deleting last row
            mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE employees AUTO_INCREMENT = $num");
            echo "ERROR";

        mysqli_query($db,"ALTER TABLE employees AUTO_INCREMENT = $num");

Send JSON data from Javascript to PHP?

I've gotten lots of information here so I wanted to post a solution I discovered.

The problem: Getting JSON data from Javascript on the browser, to the server, and having PHP successfully parse it.

Environment: Javascript in a browser (Firefox) on Windows. LAMP server as remote server: PHP 5.3.2 on Ubuntu.

What works (version 1):
1) JSON is just text. Text in a certain format, but just a text string.

2) In Javascript, var str_json = JSON.stringify(myObject) gives me the JSON string.

3) I use the AJAX XMLHttpRequest object in Javascript to send data to the server:

request= new XMLHttpRequest()"POST", "JSON_Handler.php", true)
request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json")
[... code to display response ...]

4) On the server, PHP code to read the JSON string:

$str_json = file_get_contents('php://input');

This reads the raw POST data. $str_json now contains the exact JSON string from the browser.

What works (version 2):
1) If I want to use the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request header, I need to create a standard POST string of "x=y&a=b[etc]" so that when PHP gets it, it can put it in the $_POST associative array. So, in Javascript in the browser:

var str_json = "json_string=" + (JSON.stringify(myObject))

PHP will now be able to populate the $_POST array when I send str_json via AJAX/XMLHttpRequest as in version 1 above.

Displaying the contents of $_POST['json_string'] will display the JSON string. Using json_decode() on the $_POST array element with the json string will correctly decode that data and put it in an array/object.

The pitfall I ran into:
Initially, I tried to send the JSON string with the header of application/x-www-form-urlencoded and then tried to immediately read it out of the $_POST array in PHP. The $_POST array was always empty. That's because it is expecting data of the form yval=xval&[rinse_and_repeat]. It found no such data, only the JSON string, and it simply threw it away. I examined the request headers, and the POST data was being sent correctly.

Similarly, if I use the application/json header, I again cannot access the sent data via the $_POST array. If you want to use the application/json content-type header, then you must access the raw POST data in PHP, via php://input, not with $_POST.

1) How to access POST data in PHP: How to access POST data in PHP?
2) Details on the application/json type, with some sample objects which can be converted to JSON strings and sent to the server:

How to create tar.gz archive file in Windows?

tar.gz file is just a tar file that's been gzipped. Both tar and gzip are available for windows.

If you like GUIs (Graphical user interface), 7zip can pack with both tar and gzip.

What is the purpose of using WHERE 1=1 in SQL statements?

As you said:

if you are adding conditions dynamically you don't have to worry about stripping the initial AND that's the only reason could be, you are right.

How I can check if an object is null in ruby on rails 2?

You can check if an object is nil (null) by calling present? or blank? .


this will return false if the project is an empty string or nil .

or you can use


this is the same as present? with a bang and you can use it if you don't like 'unless'. this will return true for an empty string or nil .

Just disable scroll not hide it?

You cannot disable the scroll event, but you can disable the related actions that lead to a scroll, like mousewheel and touchmove:

$('body').on('mousewheel touchmove', function(e) {

Using NSLog for debugging

The proper way of using NSLog, as the warning tries to explain, is the use of a formatter, instead of passing in a literal:

Instead of:

NSString *digit = [[sender titlelabel] text];


NSString *digit = [[sender titlelabel] text];

It will still work doing that first way, but doing it this way will get rid of the warning.

Removing multiple classes (jQuery)

$('element').removeClass('class1 class2');

Here are the docs.

Replace HTML Table with Divs

there is a very useful online tool for this, just automatically transform the table into divs:

And the video that explains it:

I'm using this on a daily basis. I hope it helps ;)

How can I make a DateTimePicker display an empty string?

In case anybody has an issue with setting datetimepicker control to blank during the form load event, and then show the current date as needed, here is an example:

MAKE SURE THAT CustomFormat = " " has same number of spaces (at least one space) in both methods

Private Sub setDateTimePickerBlank(ByVal dateTimePicker As DateTimePicker)    

    dateTimePicker.Visible = True
    dateTimePicker.Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
    dateTimePicker.CustomFormat = "    " 
End Sub

Private Sub dateTimePicker_MouseHover(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As 
                    System.EventArgs) Handles dateTimePicker.MouseHover

    Dim dateTimePicker As DateTimePicker = CType(sender, DateTimePicker)
    If dateTimePicker.Text = "    " Then
        dateTimePicker.Text = Format(DateTime.Now, "MM/dd/yyyy")
    End If
End Sub

Error:Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file.Try supplying a main-dex list. # methods: 72477 > 65536

You can follow this.

Versions of the platform prior to Android 5.0 (API level 21) use the Dalvik runtime for executing app code. By default, Dalvik limits apps to a single classes.dex bytecode file per APK. In order to get around this limitation, you can add the multidex support library to your project:

dependencies {
  implementation ''

If your minSdkVersion is set to 21 or higher, all you need to do is set multiDexEnabled to true in your module-level build.gradle file, as shown here:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 21 
        targetSdkVersion 28
        multiDexEnabled true

What is difference between sleep() method and yield() method of multi threading?

yield(): yield method is used to pause the execution of currently running process so that other waiting thread with the same priority will get CPU to execute.Threads with lower priority will not be executed on yield. if there is no waiting thread then this thread will start its execution.

join(): join method stops currently executing thread and wait for another to complete on which in calls the join method after that it will resume its own execution.

For detailed explanation, see this link.

Embed YouTube video - Refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'

You only need to copy <iframe> from the YouTube Embed section (click on SHARE below the video and then EMBED and copy the entire iframe).

Laravel: Using try...catch with DB::transaction()

In the case you need to manually 'exit' a transaction through code (be it through an exception or simply checking an error state) you shouldn't use DB::transaction() but instead wrap your code in DB::beginTransaction and DB::commit/DB::rollback():


try {

    // all good
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // something went wrong

See the transaction docs.

AndroidStudio: Failed to sync Install build tools

I had the same problem, in my cases this happened because I changed the time on my computer to load .apk on google play. I spent a few hours to fix "this" problem until I remembered and changed the time back.

Unable to specify the compiler with CMake

Using with FILEPATH option might work:


How to use Angular2 templates with *ngFor to create a table out of nested arrays?

     <ng-container *ngFor="let group of groups">
         <tr *ngFor="let item of group.items"><td>{{item}}</td></tr>

how to add values to an array of objects dynamically in javascript?

You have to instantiate the object first. The simplest way is:

var lab =["1","2","3"];
var val = [42,55,51,22];
var data = [];
for(var i=0; i<4; i++)  {
    data.push({label: lab[i], value: val[i]});

Or an other, less concise way, but closer to your original code:

for(var i=0; i<4; i++)  {
   data[i] = {};              // creates a new object
   data[i].label = lab[i];
   data[i].value = val[i];    

array() will not create a new array (unless you defined that function). Either Array() or new Array() or just [].

I recommend to read the MDN JavaScript Guide.

Play audio with Python

Mac OS I tried a lot of codes but just this works on me

import pygame
import time
pygame.init()'fire alarm sound.mp3') *On my project folder*
i = 0
while i<10:, start=0.0)
    time.sleep(10)*to protect from closing*
    i = i + 1

How to run Gulp tasks sequentially one after the other

run-sequence is the most clear way (at least until Gulp 4.0 is released)

With run-sequence, your task will look like this:

var sequence = require('run-sequence');
/* ... */
gulp.task('develop', function (done) {
    sequence('clean', 'coffee', done);

But if you (for some reason) prefer not using it, gulp.start method will help:

gulp.task('develop', ['clean'], function (done) {
    gulp.on('task_stop', function (event) {
        if (event.task === 'coffee') {

Note: If you only start task without listening to result, develop task will finish earlier than coffee, and that may be confusing.

You may also remove event listener when not needed

gulp.task('develop', ['clean'], function (done) {
    function onFinish(event) {
        if (event.task === 'coffee') {
            gulp.removeListener('task_stop', onFinish);
    gulp.on('task_stop', onFinish);

Consider there is also task_err event you may want to listen to. task_stop is triggered on successful finish, while task_err appears when there is some error.

You may also wonder why there is no official documentation for gulp.start(). This answer from gulp member explains the things:

gulp.start is undocumented on purpose because it can lead to complicated build files and we don't want people using it


How to get file path from OpenFileDialog and FolderBrowserDialog?

For OpenFileDialog:

OpenFileDialog choofdlog = new OpenFileDialog();
choofdlog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*";
choofdlog.FilterIndex = 1;
choofdlog.Multiselect = true;

if (choofdlog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)    
    string sFileName = choofdlog.FileName; 
    string[] arrAllFiles = choofdlog.FileNames; //used when Multiselect = true           

For FolderBrowserDialog:

FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
fbd.Description = "Custom Description"; 

if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
    string sSelectedPath = fbd.SelectedPath;

To access selected folder and selected file name you can declare both string at class level.

namespace filereplacer
   public partial class Form1 : Form
      string sSelectedFile;
      string sSelectedFolder;

      public Form1()

      private void direc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();
         //fbd.Description = "Custom Description"; //not mandatory

         if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)      
               sSelectedFolder = fbd.SelectedPath;
               sSelectedFolder = string.Empty;    

      private void choof_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         OpenFileDialog choofdlog = new OpenFileDialog();
         choofdlog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*";
         choofdlog.FilterIndex = 1;
         choofdlog.Multiselect = true;

         if (choofdlog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)                 
             sSelectedFile = choofdlog.FileName;            
             sSelectedFile = string.Empty;       

      private void replacebtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
          if(sSelectedFolder != string.Empty && sSelectedFile != string.Empty)
               //use selected folder path and file path


As you have kept choofdlog.Multiselect=true;, that means in the OpenFileDialog() you are able to select multiple files (by pressing ctrl key and left mouse click for selection).

In that case you could get all selected files in string[]:

At Class Level:

string[] arrAllFiles;

Locate this line (when Multiselect=true this line gives first file only):

sSelectedFile = choofdlog.FileName; 

To get all files use this:

arrAllFiles = choofdlog.FileNames; //this line gives array of all selected files