[html] Print page numbers on pages when printing html

I've read a lot of web-sites about printing page numbers, but still I couldn't make it display for my html page when I try to print it.
So the CSS code is next:

@page {
  margin: 10%;

  @top-center {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 2em;
    content: counter(page);

I've tried to put this page rule inside

@media all {
    *CSS code*

And outside of it, tried to put it in @media print, but nothing helped me to display the page numbers on my page. I've tried to use FireFox and Chrome(based on WebKit as you know). I think the problem is in my html or css code.
Could somebody show me an example of implementing this @page rule in the big html page with several pages? I just need the code of html page and the code of css file, that works.
P.S. I have the latest supported versions of browsers.

This question is related to html css printing-web-page

The answer is

This javascript will add absolute positioned div's with pagenumbers on the right bottom corner and works in all browsers.

A4 height = 297mm = 1123px(96dpi)

        <style type="text/css">
            @page {
              size: A4;
              margin: 0; 

            body {
              margin: 0;
        <script type="text/javascript">
          window.onload = addPageNumbers;

          function addPageNumbers() {
            var totalPages = Math.ceil(document.body.scrollHeight / 1123);  //842px A4 pageheight for 72dpi, 1123px A4 pageheight for 96dpi, 
            for (var i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {
              var pageNumberDiv = document.createElement("div");
              var pageNumber = document.createTextNode("Page " + i + " of " + totalPages);
              pageNumberDiv.style.position = "absolute";
              pageNumberDiv.style.top = "calc((" + i + " * (297mm - 0.5px)) - 40px)"; //297mm A4 pageheight; 0,5px unknown needed necessary correction value; additional wanted 40px margin from bottom(own element height included)
              pageNumberDiv.style.height = "16px";
              document.body.insertBefore(pageNumberDiv, document.getElementById("content"));
              pageNumberDiv.style.left = "calc(100% - (" + pageNumberDiv.offsetWidth + "px + 20px))";
        <div id="content">
            Lorem ipsum....

Try to use https://www.pagedjs.org/. It polyfills page counter, header-/footer-functionality for all major browsers.

@page {
  @bottom-left {
    content: counter(page) ' of ' counter(pages);

It's so much more comfortable compared to alternatives like PrinceXML, Antennahouse, WeasyPrince, PDFReactor, etc ...

And it is totally free! No pricing or whatever. It really saved my life!

This is what you want:

@page {
   @bottom-right {
    content: counter(page) " of " counter(pages);

I know this is not a coding answer but it is what the OP wanted and what I have spent half the day trying to achieve - print from a web page with page numbers.

Yes, it is two steps instead of one but I haven't been able to find any CSS option despite several hours of searching. Real shame all the browsers removed the functionality that used to allow it.

   **@page {
            margin-top:21% !important; 
            content: element(header);


            @bottom-left {
            content: element(footer
 div.header {

            position: running(header);

            div.footer {

            position: running(footer);
            border-bottom: 2px solid black;

           .pagenumber:before {
            content: counter(page);
            .pagecount:before {
            content: counter(pages);
 <div class="footer" style="font-size:12pt; font-family: Arial; font-family: Arial;">
                <span>Page <span class="pagenumber"/> of <span class="pagecount"/></span>
            </div >**

Can you try this, you can use content: counter(page);

     @page {
       @bottom-left {
            content: counter(page) "/" counter(pages);

Ref: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/generate.html#counters
