[spring] Spring Boot War deployed to Tomcat

I think you're confused by different paradigms here. First, war files and server deployment -- those things belong to Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). These concepts have no real place in a spring-boot application, which follows a different model.

Spring-boot is responsible for creating an embedded container and running your services within it directly from standard jar files (although it can do a lot more). I think the intent of this model is to support micro-service development -- where each service has its own container and is completely self contained. You can use your code to generate Java EE apps too, but that would be silly considering that spring-boot is a lot easier (for certain types of application/service).

So, given this information you now have to decide what paradigm you're going to follow, and you need to follow that and only that.

Spring-boot is executable -- you just have to run the main method in the App class which you can do from the command line or using your favourite IDE or maven or gradle (tip: maven is the right answer). This will bring up a tomcat server (by default) and your service will be available within it. Given the configuration you posted above your service should be available at: http://localhost:7777/context/help -- the context is meant to be replaced with your context name, which you haven't shared.

You aren't meant to be creating a war, running tomcat, or deploying anything. None of that is necessary in spring-boot. The packaging in your pom should be jar, not war and the scope of the spring-boot-starter-tomcat should be removed -- it certainly isn't provided.

When you run your main method, the console output should tell you the context that you've registered; use that to get the URL right.

Having said all that, spring-boot has to exist in a JEE world for now (until it is widely adopted). For that reason, the spring people have documented an approach to building a war rather than an executable jar, for deployment to a servlet or JEE container. This allows a lot of the spring-boot tech to be used in environments where there are restrictions against using anything but wars (or ears). However, this is a just a response to the fact that such environments are quite common, and is not seen as a necessary, or even desirable, part of the solution.

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