[vb.net] Execute a SQL Stored Procedure and process the results

In VB.NET, how do I do the following?

  1. Execute a Stored Procedure
  2. Read through the DataTable returned

This question is related to vb.net tsql sql-server-2008 stored-procedures

The answer is

Simplest way? It works. :)

    Dim queryString As String = "Stor_Proc_Name " & data1 & "," & data2
        Using connection As New SqlConnection(ConnStrg)
            Dim command As New SqlCommand(queryString, connection)
            Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
            Dim DTResults As New DataTable


        End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
        MessageBox.Show("Error while executing .. " & ex.Message, "")
    End Try

At the top of your .vb file:

Imports System.data.sqlclient

Within your code:

'Setup SQL Command
Dim CMD as new sqlCommand("StoredProcedureName")
CMD.parameters("@Parameter1", sqlDBType.Int).value = Param_1_value

Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
CMD.Connection = connection
CMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(CMD)
adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 300

'Fill the dataset
Dim DS as DataSet    

'Now, read through your data:
For Each DR as DataRow in DS.Tables(0).rows
    Msgbox("The value in Column ""ColumnName1"": " & cstr(DR("ColumnName1")))

Now that the basics are out of the way,

I highly recommend abstracting the actual SqlCommand Execution out into a function.

Here is a generic function that I use, in some form, on various projects:

''' <summary>Executes a SqlCommand on the Main DB Connection. Usage: Dim ds As DataSet = ExecuteCMD(CMD)</summary>'''
''' <param name="CMD">The command type will be determined based upon whether or not the commandText has a space in it. If it has a space, it is a Text command ("select ... from .."),''' 
''' otherwise if there is just one token, it's a stored procedure command</param>''''
Function ExecuteCMD(ByRef CMD As SqlCommand) As DataSet
    Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("main").ConnectionString
    Dim ds As New DataSet()

        Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
        CMD.Connection = connection

        'Assume that it's a stored procedure command type if there is no space in the command text. Example: "sp_Select_Customer" vs. "select * from Customers"
        If CMD.CommandText.Contains(" ") Then
            CMD.CommandType = CommandType.Text
            CMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
        End If

        Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(CMD)
        adapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 300

        'fill the dataset

    Catch ex As Exception
        ' The connection failed. Display an error message.
        Throw New Exception("Database Error: " & ex.Message)
    End Try

    Return ds
End Function

Once you have that, your SQL Execution + reading code is very simple:

Dim CMD As New SqlCommand("GetProductName")
CMD.Parameters.Add("@productID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ProductID
Dim DR As DataRow = ExecuteCMD(CMD).Tables(0).Rows(0)
MsgBox("Product Name: " & cstr(DR(0)))


To execute a stored procedure returning rows programmatically using a command object

Dim sqlConnection1 As New SqlConnection("Your Connection String")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim reader As SqlDataReader

cmd.CommandText = "StoredProcedureName"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1


reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
' Data is accessible through the DataReader object here.
' Use Read method (true/false) to see if reader has records and advance to next record
' You can use a While loop for multiple records (While reader.Read() ... End While)
If reader.Read() Then
  someVar = reader(0)
  someVar2 = reader(1)
  someVar3 = reader("NamedField")
End If    


Dim sqlConnection1 As New SqlConnection("Your Connection String")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand

cmd.CommandText = "StoredProcedureName"
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmd.Connection = sqlConnection1


Dim adapter As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsdetailwk As New DataSet

   adapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
   adapter.SelectCommand = cmd
   adapter.Fill(dsdetailwk, "delivery")
   Catch Err As System.Exception
End Try


datagridview1.DataSource = dsdetailwk.Tables(0)

My Stored Procedure Requires 2 Parameters and I needed my function to return a datatable here is 100% working code

Please make sure that your procedure return some rows

Public Shared Function Get_BillDetails(AccountNumber As String) As DataTable
        debug.print("Look up account number " & AccountNumber)
        Dim DP As New SqlDataAdapter("EXEC SP_GET_ACCOUNT_PAYABLES_GROUP  '" & AccountNumber & "' , '" & 08/28/2013 &"'", connection.Con)
        Dim DST As New DataSet
        Return DST.Tables(0)      
    Catch ex As Exception
        Return Nothing
    End Try
End Function

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