[c#] How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?

Well, after looking around the best comparison I've found so far is:

It was a poll taken in March 2010.

One point of interest to me is that people who've used a DI/IoC Framework and liked/disliked it, StructureMap appears to come out on top.

Also from the poll, it seems that Castle.Windsor and StructureMap seem to be most highly favoured.

Interestingly, Unity and Spring.Net seem to be the popular options which are most generally disliked. (I was considering Unity out of laziness (and Microsoft badge/support), but I'll be looking more closely at Castle Windsor and StructureMap now.)

Of course this probably (?) doesn't apply to Unity 2.0 which was released in May 2010.

Hopefully someone else can provide a comparison based on direct experience.

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How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?