I am covering most of the examples of Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API 2
public interface IShape
string Name { get; set; }
public class NoShape : IShape
public string Name { get; set; } = "I have No Shape";
public class Circle : IShape
public string Name { get; set; } = "Circle";
public class Rectangle : IShape
public Rectangle(string name)
this.Name = name;
public string Name { get; set; } = "Rectangle";
In DIAutoV2Controller.cs Auto Injection mechanism is used
public class DIAutoV2Controller : ApiController
private string ConstructorInjected;
private string MethodInjected1;
private string MethodInjected2;
private string MethodInjected3;
public IShape NoShape { get; set; }
public IShape ShapeCircle { get; set; }
public IShape ShapeRectangle { get; set; }
public double PiValue { get; set; }
public DIAutoV2Controller([Dependency("Circle")]IShape shape1, [Dependency("Rectangle")]IShape shape2, IShape shape3)
this.ConstructorInjected = shape1.Name + " & " + shape2.Name + " & " + shape3.Name;
public void Initialize()
this.MethodInjected1 = "Default Initialize done";
public void Initialize2([Dependency("Circle")]IShape shape1)
this.MethodInjected2 = shape1.Name;
public void Initialize3(IShape shape1)
this.MethodInjected3 = shape1.Name;
public string constructorinjection()
return "Constructor Injected: " + this.ConstructorInjected;
public string GetNoShape()
return "Property Injected: " + this.NoShape.Name;
public string GetShapeCircle()
return "Property Injected: " + this.ShapeCircle.Name;
public string GetShapeRectangle()
return "Property Injected: " + this.ShapeRectangle.Name;
public string GetPiValue()
return "Property Injected: " + this.PiValue;
public string InjectionMethod1()
return "Method Injected: " + this.MethodInjected1;
public string InjectionMethod2()
return "Method Injected: " + this.MethodInjected2;
public string InjectionMethod3()
return "Method Injected: " + this.MethodInjected3;
In DIV2Controller.cs everything will be injected from the Dependency Configuration Resolver class
public class DIV2Controller : ApiController
private string ConstructorInjected;
private string MethodInjected1;
private string MethodInjected2;
public string MyPropertyName { get; set; }
public double PiValue1 { get; set; }
public double PiValue2 { get; set; }
public IShape Shape { get; set; }
// MethodInjected
public void Initialize()
this.MethodInjected1 = "Default Initialize done";
// MethodInjected
public void Initialize2(string myproperty1, IShape shape1, string myproperty2, IShape shape2)
this.MethodInjected2 = myproperty1 + " & " + shape1.Name + " & " + myproperty2 + " & " + shape2.Name;
public DIV2Controller(string myproperty1, IShape shape1, string myproperty2, IShape shape2)
this.ConstructorInjected = myproperty1 + " & " + shape1.Name + " & " + myproperty2 + " & " + shape2.Name;
public string constructorinjection()
return "Constructor Injected: " + this.ConstructorInjected;
public string InjectionProperty()
return "Property Injected: " + this.MyPropertyName;
public string GetPiValue1()
return "Property Injected: " + this.PiValue1;
public string GetPiValue2()
return "Property Injected: " + this.PiValue2;
public string GetShape()
return "Property Injected: " + this.Shape.Name;
public string InjectionMethod1()
return "Method Injected: " + this.MethodInjected1;
public string InjectionMethod2()
return "Method Injected: " + this.MethodInjected2;
Configuring the Dependency Resolver
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
var container = new UnityContainer();
config.DependencyResolver = new UnityResolver(container);
// Other Web API configuration not shown.
private static void RegisterInterfaces(UnityContainer container)
var dbContext = new SchoolDbContext();
// Registration with constructor injection
container.RegisterType<IStudentRepository, StudentRepository>(new InjectionConstructor(dbContext));
container.RegisterType<ICourseRepository, CourseRepository>(new InjectionConstructor(dbContext));
// Set constant/default value of Pi = 3.141
container.RegisterInstance<double>("PiValueExample1", 3.141);
container.RegisterInstance<double>("PiValueExample2", 3.14);
// without a name
container.RegisterInstance<IShape>(new NoShape());
// with circle name
container.RegisterType<IShape, Circle>("Circle", new InjectionProperty("Name", "I am Circle"));
// with rectangle name
container.RegisterType<IShape, Rectangle>("Rectangle", new InjectionConstructor("I am Rectangle"));
// Complex type like Constructor, Property and method injection
container.RegisterType<DIV2Controller, DIV2Controller>(
new InjectionConstructor("Constructor Value1", container.Resolve<IShape>("Circle"), "Constructor Value2", container.Resolve<IShape>()),
new InjectionMethod("Initialize"),
new InjectionMethod("Initialize2", "Value1", container.Resolve<IShape>("Circle"), "Value2", container.Resolve<IShape>()),
new InjectionProperty("MyPropertyName", "Property Value"),
new InjectionProperty("PiValue1", container.Resolve<double>("PiValueExample1")),
new InjectionProperty("Shape", container.Resolve<IShape>("Rectangle")),
new InjectionProperty("PiValue2", container.Resolve<double>("PiValueExample2")));