Programs & Examples On #Nslocalizedstring

This is a function defined in the Foundation Framework. It returns a localized version of a string.

How to force NSLocalizedString to use a specific language

NSLocalizedString() reads the value for the key AppleLanguages from the standard user defaults ([NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]). It uses that value to choose an appropriate localization among all existing localizations at runtime. When Apple builds the user defaults dictionary at app launch, they look up the preferred language(s) key in the system preferences and copy the value from there. This also explains for example why changing the language settings in OS X has no effect on running apps, only on apps started thereafter. Once copied, the value is not updated just because the settings change. That's why iOS restarts all apps if you change then language.

However, all values of the user defaults dictionary can be overwritten by command line arguments. See NSUserDefaults documentation on the NSArgumentDomain. This even includes those values that are loaded from the app preferences (.plist) file. This is really good to know if you want to change a value just once for testing.

So if you want to change the language just for testing, you probably don't want to alter your code (if you forget to remove this code later on ...), instead tell Xcode to start your app with a command line parameters (e.g. use Spanish localization):

enter image description here

No need to touch your code at all. Just create different schemes for different languages and you can quickly start the app once in one language and once in another one by just switching the scheme.

What's NSLocalizedString equivalent in Swift?

Probably the best way is this one here.

fileprivate func NSLocalizedString(_ key: String) -> String {
    return NSLocalizedString(key, comment: "")


import Foundation
extension String {
    static let Hello = NSLocalizedString("Hello")
    static let ThisApplicationIsCreated = NSLocalizedString("This application is created by the team")
    static let OpsNoFeature = NSLocalizedString("Ops! It looks like this feature haven't been implemented yet :(!")

you can then use it like this

let message: String = .ThisApplicationIsCreated

to me this is the best because

  • The hardcoded strings are in one specific file, so the day you want to change it it's really easy
  • Easier to use than manually typing the strings in your file every time
  • genstrings will still work
  • you can add more extensions, like one per view controller to keep things neat

How to set javascript variables using MVC4 with Razor

int proID = 123; 
int nonProID = 456;


var nonID = '@nonProID';
var proID = '@proID';
window.nonID = '@nonProID';
window.proID = '@proID';


How to resolve "Server Error in '/' Application" error?

I had this error when the .NET version was wrong - make sure the site is configured to the one you need.

See aspnet_regiis.exe for details.

Printing image with PrintDocument. how to adjust the image to fit paper size

all these answers has the problem, that's always stretching the image to pagesize and cuts off some content at trying this.
Found a little bit easier way.

My own solution only stretch(is this the right word?) if the image is to large, can use multiply copies and pageorientations.

                PrintDialog dlg = new PrintDialog();

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true)
                BitmapImage bmi = new BitmapImage(new Uri(strPath));

                Image img = new Image();
                img.Source = bmi;

                if (bmi.PixelWidth < dlg.PrintableAreaWidth ||
                           bmi.PixelHeight < dlg.PrintableAreaHeight)
                    img.Stretch = Stretch.None;
                    img.Width = bmi.PixelWidth;
                    img.Height = bmi.PixelHeight;

                if (dlg.PrintTicket.PageBorderless == PageBorderless.Borderless)
                    img.Margin = new Thickness(0);
                    img.Margin = new Thickness(48);
                img.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                img.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;

                for (int i = 0; i < dlg.PrintTicket.CopyCount; i++)
                    dlg.PrintVisual(img, "Print a Image");

Unlink of file Failed. Should I try again?

I faced same issue while doing 'git pull'. I tried manual housekeeping git command 'git gc' and it resolved my problem.

How to perform element-wise multiplication of two lists?

Can use enumerate.

a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
b = [2, 3, 4, 5]

ab = [val * b[i] for i, val in enumerate(a)]

Load arrayList data into JTable

You can do something like what i did with my List< Future< String > > or any other Arraylist, Type returned from other class called PingScan that returns List> because it implements service executor. Anyway the code down note that you can use foreach and retrieve data from the List.

 PingScan p = new PingScan();
 List<Future<String>> scanResult = p.checkThisIP(jFormattedTextField1.getText(), jFormattedTextField2.getText());
                for (final Future<String> f : scanResult) {
                    try {
                        if (f.get() instanceof String) {
                            String ip = f.get();
                            Object[] data = {ip};
                    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
                        Logger.getLogger(gui.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Post-increment and Pre-increment concept?

int i = 1;
int j = 1;

int k = i++; // post increment
int l = ++j; // pre increment

std::cout << k; // prints 1
std::cout << l; // prints 2

Post increment implies the value i is incremented after it has been assigned to k. However, pre increment implies the value j is incremented before it is assigned to l.

The same applies for decrement.

How can you get the first digit in an int (C#)?

Here's how

int i = Math.Abs(386792);
while(i >= 10)
    i /= 10;

and i will contain what you need

How to hide columns in HTML table?

You can also do what vs dev suggests programmatically by assigning the style with Javascript by iterating through the columns and setting the td element at a specific index to have that style.

How to find prime numbers between 0 - 100?

I recently came up with a one-line solution that accomplishes exactly this for a JS challenge on Scrimba (below).


const getPrimes=num=>Array(num-1).fill().map((e,i)=>2+i).filter((e,i,a)=>a.slice(0,i).every(x=>e%x!==0));

< ES6

function getPrimes(num){return ",".repeat(num).slice(0,-1).split(',').map(function(e,i){return i+1}).filter(function(e){return e>1}).filter(function(x){return ",".repeat(x).slice(0,-1).split(',').map(function(f,j){return j}).filter(function(e){return e>1}).every(function(e){return x%e!==0})})};

This is the logic explained:

  1. First, the function builds an array of all numbers leading up to the desired number (in this case, 100) via the .repeat() function using the desired number (100) as the repeater argument and then mapping the array to the indexes+1 to get the range of numbers from 0 to that number (0-100). A bit of string splitting and joining magic going on here. I'm happy to explain this step further if you like.

  2. We exclude 0 and 1 from the array as they should not be tested for prime, lest they give a false positive. Neither are prime. We do this using .filter() for only numbers > 1 (= 2).

  3. Now, we filter our new array of all integers between 2 and the desired number (100) for only prime numbers. To filter for prime numbers only, we use some of the same magic from our first step. We use .filter() and .repeat() once again to create a new array from 2 to each value from our new array of numbers. For each value's new array, we check to see if any of the numbers = 2 and < that number are factors of the number. We can do this using the .every() method paired with the modulo operator % to check if that number has any remainders when divided by any of those values between 2 and itself. If each value has remainders (x%e!==0), the condition is met for all values from 2 to that number (but not including that number, i.e.: [2,99]) and we can say that number is prime. The filter functions returns all prime numbers to the uppermost return, thereby returning the list of prime values between 2 and the passed value.

As an example, using one of these functions I've added above, returns the following:

// => [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97]

How to find the length of a string in R

See ?nchar. For example:

> nchar("foo")
[1] 3
> set.seed(10)
> strn <- paste(sample(LETTERS, 10), collapse = "")
> strn
> nchar(strn)
[1] 10

how to overwrite css style

Using !important is not recommended but in this situation I think you should -

Write this in your internal CSS -

.flex-control-thumbs li {
  width: auto !important;
  float: none !important;

how to create a logfile in php?

create a logfile in php, to do it you need to pass data on function and it will create log file for you.

function wh_log($log_msg)
    $log_filename = "log";
    if (!file_exists($log_filename)) 
        // create directory/folder uploads.
        mkdir($log_filename, 0777, true);
    $log_file_data = $log_filename.'/log_' . date('d-M-Y') . '.log';
    // if you don't add `FILE_APPEND`, the file will be erased each time you add a log
    file_put_contents($log_file_data, $log_msg . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
// call to function
wh_log("this is my log message");

How to display databases in Oracle 11g using SQL*Plus

I am not clearly about it but typically one server has one database (with many users), if you create many databases mean that you create many instances, listeners, ... as well. So you can check your LISTENER to identify it.

In my testing I created 2 databases (dbtest and dbtest_1) so when I check my LISTENER status it appeared like this:

lsnrctl status





Services Summary...

Service "dbtest" has 1 instance(s).

Instance "dbtest", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Service "dbtest1XDB" has 1 instance(s).

Instance "dbtest1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...

Service "dbtest_1" has 1 instance(s).

Instance "dbtest1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... The command completed successfully

How to JUnit test that two List<E> contain the same elements in the same order?

The equals() method on your List implementation should do elementwise comparison, so

assertEquals(argumentComponents, returnedComponents);

is a lot easier.

@class vs. #import

The common practice is using @class in header files (but you still need to #import the superclass), and #import in implementation files. This will avoid any circular inclusions, and it just works.

command to remove row from a data frame

eldNew <- eld[-14,]

See ?"[" for a start ...

For ‘[’-indexing only: ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘...’ can be logical vectors, indicating elements/slices to select. Such vectors are recycled if necessary to match the corresponding extent. ‘i’, ‘j’, ‘...’ can also be negative integers, indicating elements/slices to leave out of the selection.

(emphasis added)

edit: looking around I notice How to delete the first row of a dataframe in R? , which has the answer ... seems like the title should have popped to your attention if you were looking for answers on SO?

edit 2: I also found How do I delete rows in a data frame? , searching SO for delete row data frame ...


get string value from HashMap depending on key name

 HashMap<Integer, String> hmap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
 hmap.put(4, "DD");

The Value mapped to Key 4 is DD

Run Python script at startup in Ubuntu

Put this in /etc/init (Use /etc/systemd in Ubuntu 15.x)


start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]

exec /path/to/

By placing this conf file there you hook into ubuntu's upstart service that runs services on startup.

manual starting/stopping is done with sudo service mystartupscript start and sudo service mystartupscript stop

Delaying AngularJS route change until model loaded to prevent flicker

I worked from Misko's code above and this is what I've done with it. This is a more current solution since $defer has been changed to $timeout. Substituting $timeout however will wait for the timeout period (in Misko's code, 1 second), then return the data hoping it's resolved in time. With this way, it returns asap.

function PhoneListCtrl($scope, phones) {
  $scope.phones = phones;
  $scope.orderProp = 'age';

PhoneListCtrl.resolve = {

  phones: function($q, Phone) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();

    Phone.query(function(phones) {

    return deferred.promise;

Can a for loop increment/decrement by more than one?

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 2) {
    // code here

How to get the path of src/test/resources directory in JUnit?

All content in src/test/resources is copied into target/test-classes folder. So to get file from test resources during maven build you have to load it from test-classes folder, like that:


Break down:

  1. getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI() - give you URI to target/test-classes.
  2. resolve(Paths.get("somefile")) - resolves someFile to target/test-classes folder.

Original anwser is taken from this

What are the specific differences between .msi and setup.exe file?

MSI is an installer file which installs your program on the executing system.

Setup.exe is an application (executable file) which has msi file(s) as its one of the resources. Executing Setup.exe will in turn execute msi (the installer) which writes your application to the system.

Edit (as suggested in comment): Setup executable files don't necessarily have an MSI resource internally

Is visible in Python 3? has been renamed to g.__next__(). The reason for this is consistency: special methods like __init__() and __del__() all have double underscores (or "dunder" in the current vernacular), and .next() was one of the few exceptions to that rule. This was fixed in Python 3.0. [*]

But instead of calling g.__next__(), use next(g).

[*] There are other special attributes that have gotten this fix; func_name, is now __name__, etc.

How to view the contents of an Android APK file?

The APK Scanner can be show the information of APK file on PC.
also, can be pull an apk file from the android device.
And can be link to other tools.(JADX-GUI, JD-GUI...)

enter image description here

Linux: copy and create destination dir if it does not exist

i strongly suggest ditto. just works.

ditto my/location/poop.txt this/doesnt/exist/yet/poop.txt

JAVA - using FOR, WHILE and DO WHILE loops to sum 1 through 100

Well, a for or while loop differs from a do while loop. A do while executes the statements atleast once, even if the condition turns out to be false.

The for loop you specified is absolutely correct.

Although i will do all the loops for you once again.

int sum = 0;
// for loop

for (int i = 1; i<= 100; i++){
    sum = sum + i;

// while loop

sum = 0;
int j = 1;

    sum = sum + j;


// do while loop

sum = 0;
j = 1;

    sum = sum + j;


In the last case condition j <= 100 is because, even if the condition of do while turns false, it will still execute once but that doesn't matter in this case as the condition turns true, so it continues to loop just like any other loop statement.

Equivalent of SQL ISNULL in LINQ?

Since aa is the set/object that might be null, can you check aa == null ?

(aa / xx might be interchangeable (a typo in the question); the original question talks about xx but only defines aa)


select new {
    AssetID = x.AssetID,
    Status = aa == null ? (bool?)null : aa.Online; // a Nullable<bool>

or if you want the default to be false (not null):

select new {
    AssetID = x.AssetID,
    Status = aa == null ? false : aa.Online;

Update; in response to the downvote, I've investigated more... the fact is, this is the right approach! Here's an example on Northwind:

        using(var ctx = new DataClasses1DataContext())
            ctx.Log = Console.Out;
            var qry = from boss in ctx.Employees
                      join grunt in ctx.Employees
                          on boss.EmployeeID equals grunt.ReportsTo into tree
                      from tmp in tree.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      select new
                                 ID = boss.EmployeeID,
                                 Name = tmp == null ? "" : tmp.FirstName
            foreach(var row in qry)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", row.ID, row.Name);

And here's the TSQL - pretty much what we want (it isn't ISNULL, but it is close enough):

SELECT [t0].[EmployeeID] AS [ID],
        WHEN [t2].[test] IS NULL THEN CONVERT(NVarChar(10),@p0)
        ELSE [t2].[FirstName]
     END) AS [Name]
FROM [dbo].[Employees] AS [t0]
    SELECT 1 AS [test], [t1].[FirstName], [t1].[ReportsTo]
    FROM [dbo].[Employees] AS [t1]
    ) AS [t2] ON ([t0].[EmployeeID]) = [t2].[ReportsTo]
-- @p0: Input NVarChar (Size = 0; Prec = 0; Scale = 0) []
-- Context: SqlProvider(Sql2008) Model: AttributedMetaModel Build: 3.5.30729.1


Converting a byte array to PNG/JPG

You should be able to do something like this:

byte[] bitmap = GetYourImage();

using(Image image = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(bitmap)))
    image.Save("output.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);  // Or Png

Look here for more info.

Hopefully this helps.

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

Are you sure you are not using a wrong path in the url field? - I was facing the same error, and the problem was solved after I checked the path, found it wrong and replaced it with the right one.

Make sure that the URL you are specifying is correct for the AJAX request and that the file exists.

Loop through files in a folder in matlab

At first, you must specify your path, the path that your *.csv files are in there

path = 'f:\project\dataset'

You can change it based on your system.


use dir function :

files = dir (strcat(path,'\*.csv'))

L = length (files);

for i=1:L
   % process the image in here

pwd also can be used.

How to use Servlets and Ajax?

type: "POST",
url: "url to hit on servelet",
data:   JSON.stringify(json),
dataType: "json",
success: function(response){
    // we have the response
    if(response.status == "SUCCESS"){
        $('#info').html("Info  has been added to the list successfully.<br>"+
        "The  Details are as follws : <br> Name : ");

        $('#info').html("Sorry, there is some thing wrong with the data provided.");
 error: function(e){
   alert('Error: ' + e);

How can I get a channel ID from YouTube?

An alternative to get youtube channel ID by channel url without API:

function get_youtube_channel_ID($url){
  $html = file_get_contents($url);
  preg_match("'<meta itemprop=\"channelId\" content=\"(.*?)\"'si", $html, $match);
  if($match && $match[1])
    return $match[1];

Resizing an Image without losing any quality

Here is a forum thread that provides a C# image resizing code sample. You could use one of the GD library binders to do resampling in C#.

Swift alert view with OK and Cancel: which button tapped?

Updated for swift 3:

// function defination:

@IBAction func showAlertDialog(_ sender: UIButton) {
        // Declare Alert
        let dialogMessage = UIAlertController(title: "Confirm", message: "Are you sure you want to Logout?", preferredStyle: .alert)

        // Create OK button with action handler
        let ok = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: { (action) -> Void in
             print("Ok button click...")

        // Create Cancel button with action handlder
        let cancel = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel) { (action) -> Void in
            print("Cancel button click...")

        //Add OK and Cancel button to dialog message

        // Present dialog message to user
        self.present(dialogMessage, animated: true, completion: nil)

// logoutFun() function definaiton :

func logoutFun()
    print("Logout Successfully...!")

SQL Server Express CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'

Addition to @Kho dir answer.

This also works if you are not able to create a database with the windows user. you just need to login with the SQL Server Authentication then repeat the process mentioned by @Kho dir.

Freezing Row 1 and Column A at the same time

Select cell B2 and click "Freeze Panes" this will freeze Row 1 and Column A.

For future reference, selecting Freeze Panes in Excel will freeze the rows above your selected cell and the columns to the left of your selected cell. For example, to freeze rows 1 and 2 and column A, you could select cell B3 and click Freeze Panes. You could also freeze columns A and B and row 1, by selecting cell C2 and clicking "Freeze Panes".

Visual Aid on Freeze Panes in Excel 2010 -

Microsoft Reference Guide (More Complicated, but resourceful none the less) -

How to add an ORDER BY clause using CodeIgniter's Active Record methods?

Using this code to multiple order by in single query.

$this->db->order_by("column1 asc,column2 desc");
$query = $this->db->get(); 
return $query->result();

What does set -e mean in a bash script?

Script 1: without setting -e
decho "hi"
echo "hello"
This will throw error in decho and program continuous to next line

Script 2: With setting -e
set -e
decho "hi" 
echo "hello"
# Up to decho "hi" shell will process and program exit, it will not proceed further

mat-form-field must contain a MatFormFieldControl

You could try following this guide and implement/provide your own MatFormFieldControl

What are .iml files in Android Studio?

They are project files, that hold the module information and meta data.

Just add *.iml to .gitignore.

In Android Studio: Press CTRL + F9 to rebuild your project. The missing *.iml files will be generated.

How to install the Sun Java JDK on Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)?

You might have to use the version in the Lucid partner repository. I did this in Lucid (I used the version from Karmic multiverse, before I realized it had been moved to the partner repo), and it worked fine. Not sure where it went in Maverick though.

What is the difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in C?

What is the difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in C language?

exit(0) indicates successful program termination & it is fully portable, While
exit(1) (usually) indicates unsucessful termination. However, it's usage is non-portable.

Note that the C standard defines EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE to return termination status from a C program.

0 and EXIT_SUCCESS are the values specified by the standard to indicate successful termination, however, only EXIT_FAILURE is the standard value for returning unsucessful termination. 1 is used for the same in many implementations though.


C99 Standard: The exit function
Para 5

Finally, control is returned to the host environment. If the value of status is zero or EXIT_SUCCESS, an implementation-de?ned form of the status successful termination is returned. If the value of status is EXIT_FAILURE , an implementation-de?ned form of the status unsuccessful termination is returned. Otherwise the status returned is implementation-de?ned.

How do I commit only some files?

Get a list of files you want to commit

$ git status

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

modified:   file1
modified:   file2
modified:   file3
modified:   file4

Add the files to staging

$ git add file1 file2

Check to see what you are committing

$ git status

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

    modified:   file1
    modified:   file2

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

    modified:   file3
    modified:   file4

Commit the files with a commit message

$ git commit -m "Fixed files 1 and 2"

If you accidentally commit the wrong files

$ git reset --soft HEAD~1

If you want to unstage the files and start over

$ git reset

Unstaged changes after reset:
M file1
M file2
M file3
M file4

Skip certain tables with mysqldump

Building on the answer from @Brian-Fisher and answering the comments of some of the people on this post, I have a bunch of huge (and unnecessary) tables in my database so I wanted to skip their contents when copying, but keep the structure:

mysqldump -h <host> -u <username> -p <schema> --no-data > db-structure.sql
mysqldump -h <host> -u <username> -p <schema> --no-create-info --ignore-table=schema.table1 --ignore-table=schema.table2 > db-data.sql

The resulting two files are structurally sound but the dumped data is now ~500MB rather than 9GB, much better for me. I can now import these two files into another database for testing purposes without having to worry about manipulating 9GB of data or running out of disk space.

C# switch on type

Update: This got fixed in C# 7.0 with pattern matching

switch (MyObj)
    case Type1 t1: 
    case Type2 t2:
    case Type3 t3:

Old answer:

It is a hole in C#'s game, no silver bullet yet.

You should google on the 'visitor pattern' but it might be a little heavy for you but still something you should know about.

Here's another take on the matter using Linq:

Otherwise something along these lines could help

// nasty..
  case "Type1": etc

// clumsy...
if myObj  is Type1 then
if myObj is Type2 then


Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist:ERROR

Your database may be corrupt. Try to check if mysql.user exists:

use mysql;
select * from user;

If these are missing you can try recreating the tables by using


or you may have to clean (completely remove it) and reinstall MySQL.

Pyinstaller setting icons don't change

pyinstaller --clean --onefile --icon=default.ico

It works for Me

How to count certain elements in array?

I believe what you are looking for is functional approach

    const arr = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'g', 'a', 'e'];
    const count = arr.filter(elem => elem === 'a').length;
    console.log(count); // Prints 3

elem === 'a' is the condition, replace it with your own.

git recover deleted file where no commit was made after the delete

If you want to restore all of the files at once

Remember to use the period because it tells git to grab all of the files.

This command will reset the head and unstage all of the changes:

$ git reset HEAD . 

Then run this to restore all of the files:

$ git checkout .

Then doing a git status, you'll get:

$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

Python socket connection timeout

For setting the Socket timeout, you need to follow these steps:

import socket
socks = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
socks.settimeout(10.0) # settimeout is the attr of socks.

How to submit a form when the return key is pressed?

Similar to Chris Marasti-Georg's example, instead using inline javascript. Essentially add onkeypress to the fields you want the enter key to work with. This example acts on the password field.

  <form action="" method="get">
  Name: <input type="text" name="name"/><br/>
  Pwd: <input type="password" name="password" onkeypress="if(event.keyCode==13) {javascript:form.submit();}" /><br/>
  <input type="submit" onClick="javascript:form.submit();"/>

How to convert Base64 String to javascript file object like as from file input form?

Heads up,


   function readMtlAtClient(){

       mtlFileContent = '';

       var mtlFile = document.getElementById('mtlFileInput').files[0];
       var readerMTL = new FileReader();

       // Closure to capture the file information.
       readerMTL.onload = (function(reader) {
           return function() {
               mtlFileContent = reader.result;
               mtlFileContent = mtlFileContent.replace('data:;base64,', '');
               mtlFileContent = window.atob(mtlFileContent);




    <input class="FullWidth" type="file" name="mtlFileInput" value="" id="mtlFileInput" 
onchange="readMtlAtClient()" accept=".mtl"/>

Then mtlFileContent has your text as a decoded string !

How to create a popup window (PopupWindow) in Android

LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) SettingActivity.this.getSystemService(SettingActivity.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); 
PopupWindow pw = new PopupWindow(inflater.inflate(R.layout.gd_quick_action_slide_fontsize, null),LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, true);
pw.showAtLocation(SettingActivity.this.findViewById(, Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);
View v= pw.getContentView();
TextView tv=v.findViewById(;

Making Maven run all tests, even when some fail

I just found the "-fae" parameter, which causes Maven to run all tests and not stop on failure.

Swift - encode URL

Swift 3

In Swift 3 there is addingPercentEncoding

let originalString = "test/test"
let escapedString = originalString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlHostAllowed)



Swift 1

In iOS 7 and above there is stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters

var originalString = "test/test"
var escapedString = originalString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())
println("escapedString: \(escapedString)")



The following are useful (inverted) character sets:

URLFragmentAllowedCharacterSet  "#%<>[\]^`{|}
URLHostAllowedCharacterSet      "#%/<>?@\^`{|}
URLPasswordAllowedCharacterSet  "#%/:<>?@[\]^`{|}
URLPathAllowedCharacterSet      "#%;<>?[\]^`{|}
URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet     "#%<>[\]^`{|}
URLUserAllowedCharacterSet      "#%/:<>?@[\]^`

If you want a different set of characters to be escaped create a set:
Example with added "=" character:

var originalString = "test/test=42"
var customAllowedSet =  NSCharacterSet(charactersInString:"=\"#%/<>?@\\^`{|}").invertedSet
var escapedString = originalString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(customAllowedSet)
println("escapedString: \(escapedString)")



Example to verify ascii characters not in the set:

func printCharactersInSet(set: NSCharacterSet) {
    var characters = ""
    let iSet = set.invertedSet
    for i: UInt32 in 32..<127 {
        let c = Character(UnicodeScalar(i))
        if iSet.longCharacterIsMember(i) {
            characters = characters + String(c)
    print("characters not in set: \'\(characters)\'")

how to parse JSON file with GSON

You have to fetch the whole data in the list and then do the iteration as it is a file and will become inefficient otherwise.

private static final Type REVIEW_TYPE = new TypeToken<List<Review>>() {
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(filename));
List<Review> data = gson.fromJson(reader, REVIEW_TYPE); // contains the whole reviews list
data.toScreen(); // prints to screen some values

Pad a number with leading zeros in JavaScript

This is not really 'slick' but it's faster to do integer operations than to do string concatenations for each padding 0.

function ZeroPadNumber ( nValue )
    if ( nValue < 10 )
        return ( '000' + nValue.toString () );
    else if ( nValue < 100 )
        return ( '00' + nValue.toString () );
    else if ( nValue < 1000 )
        return ( '0' + nValue.toString () );
        return ( nValue );

This function is also hardcoded to your particular need (4 digit padding), so it's not generic.

Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" in Laravel

For me the problem was the port. I first incorrectly used port 465, which works for SSL but not TLS. So the key thing was changing the port to 587.

Node.js create folder or use existing

Good way to do this is to use mkdirp module.

$ npm install mkdirp

Use it to run function that requires the directory. Callback is called after path is created or if path did already exists. Error err is set if mkdirp failed to create directory path.

var mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
mkdirp('/tmp/some/path/foo', function(err) { 

    // path exists unless there was an error


How do you run a command for each line of a file?

If you know you don't have any whitespace in the input:

xargs chmod 755 < file.txt

If there might be whitespace in the paths, and if you have GNU xargs:

tr '\n' '\0' < file.txt | xargs -0 chmod 755

Git SSH error: "Connect to host: Bad file number"

I had the problem when I had an open FileZilla-Connection on Windows. Closed FileZilla -> Problem solved.

Why Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException?

Response.Redirect() throws an exception to abort the current request.

This KB article describes this behavior (also for the Request.End() and Server.Transfer() methods).

For Response.Redirect() there exists an overload:

Response.Redirect(String url, bool endResponse)

If you pass endResponse=false, then the exception is not thrown (but the runtime will continue processing the current request).

If endResponse=true (or if the other overload is used), the exception is thrown and the current request will immediately be terminated.

How to export a mysql database using Command Prompt?

Well you can use below command,

mysqldump --databases --user=root --password your_db_name > export_into_db.sql

and the generated file will be available in the same directory where you had ran this command.

You could find more on the official reference for mysqldump: Import Export MySQL DB

Note: use --databases instead of --database since the last one is no more supported.

Enjoy :)

Ruby: How to iterate over a range, but in set increments?

See for the full API.

Basically you use the step() method. For example:

(10..100).step(10) do |n|
    # n = 10
    # n = 20
    # n = 30
    # ...

How do I get current URL in Selenium Webdriver 2 Python?

Another way to do it would be to inspect the url bar in chrome to find the id of the element, have your WebDriver click that element, and then send the keys you use to copy and paste using the keys common function from selenium, and then printing it out or storing it as a variable, etc.

Remove composer

If you install the composer as global on Ubuntu, you just need to find the composer location.

Use command

type composer


where composer

For Mac users, use command:

which composer

and then just remove the folder using rm command.

while installing vc_redist.x64.exe, getting error "Failed to configure per-machine MSU package."

Posting answer to my own question as I found it here and was hidden in bottom somewhere -

This is because the OS failed to install the required update Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu.

However, you can install it by extracting that update to a folder (e.g. XXXX), and execute following cmdlet. You can find the Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu at below.

C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\469A82B09E217DDCF849181A586DF1C97C0C5C85\packages\Patch\amd64\Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu

copy this file to a folder you like, and

Create a folder XXXX in that and execute following commands from Admin command propmt

wusa.exe Windows8.1-KB2999226-x64.msu /extract:XXXX

DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:XXXX\

vc_redist.x64.exe /repair

(last command need not be run. Just execute vc_redist.x64.exe once again)

this worked for me.

How can I use grep to show just filenames on Linux?

From the grep(1) man page:

  -l, --files-with-matches
          Suppress  normal  output;  instead  print the name of each input
          file from which output would normally have  been  printed.   The
          scanning  will  stop  on  the  first match.  (-l is specified by

Fluid or fixed grid system, in responsive design, based on Twitter Bootstrap

Interesting discussion. I was asking myself this question too. The main difference between fluid and fixed is simply that the fixed layout has a fixed width in terms of the whole layout of the website (viewport). If you have a 960px width viewport each colum has a fixed width which will never change.

The fluid layout behaves different. Imagine you have set the width of your main layout to 100% width. Now each column will only be calculated to it's relative size (i.e. 25%) and streches as the browser will be resized. So based on your layout purpose you can select how your layout behaves.

Here is a good article about fluid vs. flex.

How does java do modulus calculations with negative numbers?

Your answer is in wikipedia: modulo operation

It says, that in Java the sign on modulo operation is the same as that of dividend. and since we're talking about the rest of the division operation is just fine, that it returns -13 in your case, since -13/64 = 0. -13-0 = -13.

EDIT: Sorry, misunderstood your question...You're right, java should give -13. Can you provide more surrounding code?

When should I use double or single quotes in JavaScript?

Section 7.8.4 of the specification describes literal string notation. The only difference is that DoubleStringCharacter is "SourceCharacter but not double-quote" and SingleStringCharacter is "SourceCharacter but not single-quote". So the only difference can be demonstrated thusly:

'A string that\'s single quoted'

"A string that's double quoted"

So it depends on how much quote escaping you want to do. Obviously the same applies to double quotes in double quoted strings.

How to output messages to the Eclipse console when developing for Android

i use below log format for print my content in logCat

Log.e("Msg","What you have to print");

Is there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times?

You can create an ExtensionMethod to do that!

public static class StringExtension
  public static string Repeat(this string str, int count)
    string ret = "";

    for (var x = 0; x < count; x++)
      ret += str;

    return ret;

Or using @Dan Tao solution:

public static class StringExtension
  public static string Repeat(this string str, int count)
    if (count == 0)
      return "";

    return string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(indent, N))

set serveroutput on in oracle procedure

First add next code in your sp:

    dbms_output.put_line ('TEST LINE'); 

Compile your code in your Oracle SQL developer. So go to Menu View--> dbms output. Click on Icon Green Plus and select your schema. Run your sp now.

Smooth scroll without the use of jQuery

I recently set out to solve this problem in a situation where jQuery wasn't an option, so I'm logging my solution here just for posterity.

var scroll = (function() {

    var elementPosition = function(a) {
        return function() {
            return a.getBoundingClientRect().top;

    var scrolling = function( elementID ) {

        var el = document.getElementById( elementID ),
            elPos = elementPosition( el ),
            duration = 400,
            increment = Math.round( Math.abs( elPos() )/40 ),
            time = Math.round( duration/increment ),
            prev = 0,

        function scroller() {
            E = elPos();

            if (E === prev) {
            } else {
                prev = E;

            increment = (E > -20 && E < 20) ? ((E > - 5 && E < 5) ? 1 : 5) : increment;

            if (E > 1 || E < -1) {

                if (E < 0) {
                    window.scrollBy( 0,-increment );
                } else {
                    window.scrollBy( 0,increment );

                setTimeout(scroller, time);

            } else {

                el.scrollTo( 0,0 );



    return {
        To: scrolling


/* usage */

The scroll() function uses the Revealing Module Pattern to pass the target element's id to its scrolling() function, via scroll.To('id'), which sets the values used by the scroller() function.


In scrolling():

  • el : the target DOM object
  • elPos : returns a function via elememtPosition() which gives the position of the target element relative to the top of the page each time it's called.
  • duration : transition time in milliseconds.
  • increment : divides the starting position of the target element into 40 steps.
  • time : sets the timing of each step.
  • prev : the target element's previous position in scroller().
  • E : holds the target element's position in scroller().

The actual work is done by the scroller() function which continues to call itself (via setTimeout()) until the target element is at the top of the page or the page can scroll no more.

Each time scroller() is called it checks the current position of the target element (held in variable E) and if that is > 1 OR < -1 and if the page is still scrollable shifts the window by increment pixels - up or down depending if E is a positive or negative value. When E is neither > 1 OR < -1, or E === prev the function stops. I added the DOMElement.scrollTo() method on completion just to make sure the target element was bang on the top of the window (not that you'd notice it being out by a fraction of a pixel!).

The if statement on line 2 of scroller() checks to see if the page is scrolling (in cases where the target might be towards the bottom of the page and the page can scroll no further) by checking E against its previous position (prev).

The ternary condition below it reduce the increment value as E approaches zero. This stops the page overshooting one way and then bouncing back to overshoot the other, and then bouncing back to overshoot the other again, ping-pong style, to infinity and beyond.

If your page is more that c.4000px high you might want to increase the values in the ternary expression's first condition (here at +/-20) and/or the divisor which sets the increment value (here at 40).

Playing about with duration, the divisor which sets increment, and the values in the ternary condition of scroller() should allow you to tailor the function to suit your page.

  • JSFiddle

  • N.B.Tested in up-to-date versions of Firefox and Chrome on Lubuntu, and Firefox, Chrome and IE on Windows8.

How to Check whether Session is Expired or not in

I prefer not to check session variable in code instead use FormAuthentication. They have inbuilt functionlity to redirect to given LoginPage specified in web.config.

However if you want to explicitly check the session you can check for NULL value for any of the variable you created in session earlier as Pranay answered.

You can create Login.aspx page and write your message there , when session expires FormAuthentication automatically redirect to loginUrl given in FormAuthentication section

<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" protection="All" timeout="30">

The thing is that you can't give seperate page for Login and SessionExpire , so you have to show/hide some section on Login.aspx to act it both ways.

There is another way to redirect to sessionexpire page after timeout without changing formauthentication->loginurl , see the below link for this :

Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground()

I know, too many answers have been published already, however the truth is - startForegroundService can not be fixed at an app level and you should stop using it. That Google recommendation to use Service#startForeground() API within 5 seconds after Context#startForegroundService() was called is not something that an app can always do.

Android runs a lot of processes simultaneously and there is no any guarantee that Looper will call your target service that is supposed to call startForeground() within 5 seconds. If your target service didn't receive the call within 5 seconds, you're out of luck and your users will experience ANR situation. In your stack trace you'll see something like this:

Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground(): ServiceRecord{1946947 u0 ...MessageService}

main" prio=5 tid=1 Native
  | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 flags=1 obj=0x763e01d8 self=0x7d77814c00
  | sysTid=11171 nice=-10 cgrp=default sched=0/0 handle=0x7dfe411560
  | state=S schedstat=( 1337466614 103021380 2047 ) utm=106 stm=27 core=0 HZ=100
  | stack=0x7fd522f000-0x7fd5231000 stackSize=8MB
  | held mutexes=
  #00  pc 00000000000712e0  /system/lib64/ (__epoll_pwait+8)
  #01  pc 00000000000141c0  /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollInner(int)+144)
  #02  pc 000000000001408c  /system/lib64/ (android::Looper::pollOnce(int, int*, int*, void**)+60)
  #03  pc 000000000012c0d4  /system/lib64/ (android::android_os_MessageQueue_nativePollOnce(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*, long, int)+44)
  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce (
  at (
  at android.os.Looper.loop (
  at (
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
  at$ (
  at (

As I understand, Looper has analyzed the queue here, found an "abuser" and simply killed it. The system is happy and healthy now, while developers and users are not, but since Google limits their responsibilities to the system, why should they care about the latter two? Apparently they don't. Could they make it better? Of course, e.g. they could've served "Application is busy" dialog, asking a user to make a decision about waiting or killing the app, but why bother, it's not their responsibility. The main thing is that the system is healthy now.

From my observations, this happens relatively rarely, in my case approximately 1 crash in a month for 1K users. Reproducing it is impossible, and even if it's reproduced, there is nothing you can do to fix it permanently.

There was a good suggestion in this thread to use "bind" instead of "start" and then when service is ready, process onServiceConnected, but again, it means not using startForegroundService calls at all.

I think, the right and honest action from Google side would be to tell everyone that startForegourndServcie has a deficiency and should not be used.

The question still remains: what to use instead? Fortunately for us, there are JobScheduler and JobService now, which are a better alternative for foreground services. It's a better option, because of that:

While a job is running, the system holds a wakelock on behalf of your app. For this reason, you do not need to take any action to guarantee that the device stays awake for the duration of the job.

It means that you don't need to care about handling wakelocks anymore and that's why it's not different from foreground services. From implementation point of view JobScheduler is not your service, it's a system's one, presumably it will handle the queue right, and Google will never terminate its own child :)

Samsung has switched from startForegroundService to JobScheduler and JobService in their Samsung Accessory Protocol (SAP). It's very helpful when devices like smartwatches need to talk to hosts like phones, where the job does need to interact with a user through an app's main thread. Since the jobs are posted by the scheduler to the main thread, it becomes possible. You should remember though that the job is running on the main thread and offload all heavy stuff to other threads and async tasks.

This service executes each incoming job on a Handler running on your application's main thread. This means that you must offload your execution logic to another thread/handler/AsyncTask of your choosing

The only pitfall of switching to JobScheduler/JobService is that you'll need to refactor old code, and it's not fun. I've spent last two days doing just that to use the new Samsung's SAP implementation. I'll watch my crash reports and let you know if see the crashes again. Theoretically it should not happen, but there are always details that we might not be aware of.

UPDATE No more crashes reported by Play Store. It means that JobScheduler/JobService do not have such a problem and switching to this model is the right approach to get rid of startForegroundService issue once and forever. I hope, Google/Android reads it and will eventually comment/advise/provide an official guidance for everyone.


For those who use SAP and asking how SAP V2 utilizes JobService explanation is below.

In your custom code you'll need to initialize SAP (it's Kotlin) :

SAAgentV2.requestAgent(,!!.getName(), mAgentCallback)

Now you need to decompile Samsung's code to see what's going on inside. In SAAgentV2 take a look at the requestAgent implementation and the following line:

SAAgentV2.d var3 = new SAAgentV2.d(var0, var1, var2);

where d defined as below

private SAAdapter d;

Go to SAAdapter class now and find onServiceConnectionRequested function that schedules a job using the following call:

SAJobService.scheduleSCJob(SAAdapter.this.d, var11, var14, var3, var12); 

SAJobService is just an implementation of Android'd JobService and this is the one that does a job scheduling:

private static void a(Context var0, String var1, String var2, long var3, String var5, SAPeerAgent var6) {
    ComponentName var7 = new ComponentName(var0, SAJobService.class);
    Builder var10;
    (var10 = new Builder(a++, var7)).setOverrideDeadline(3000L);
    PersistableBundle var8;
    (var8 = new PersistableBundle()).putString("action", var1);
    var8.putString("agentImplclass", var2);
    var8.putLong("transactionId", var3);
    var8.putString("agentId", var5);
    if (var6 == null) {
        var8.putStringArray("peerAgent", (String[])null);
    } else {
        List var9;
        String[] var11 = new String[(var9 = var6.d()).size()];
        var11 = (String[])var9.toArray(var11);
        var8.putStringArray("peerAgent", var11);


As you see, the last line here uses Android'd JobScheduler to get this system service and to schedule a job.

In the requestAgent call we've passed mAgentCallback, which is a callback function that will receive control when an important event happens. This is how the callback is defined in my app:

private val mAgentCallback = object : SAAgentV2.RequestAgentCallback {
    override fun onAgentAvailable(agent: SAAgentV2) {
        mMessageService = agent as? MessageJobs
        App.d(Accounts.TAG, "Agent " + agent)

    override fun onError(errorCode: Int, message: String) {
        App.d(Accounts.TAG, "Agent initialization error: $errorCode. ErrorMsg: $message")

MessageJobs here is a class that I've implemented to process all requests coming from a Samsung smartwatch. It's not the full code, only a skeleton:

class MessageJobs (context:Context) : SAAgentV2(SERVICETAG, context, {

    public fun release () {


    override fun onServiceConnectionResponse(p0: SAPeerAgent?, p1: SASocket?, p2: Int) {
        super.onServiceConnectionResponse(p0, p1, p2)
        App.d(TAG, "conn resp " + p1?.javaClass?.name + p2)


    override fun onAuthenticationResponse(p0: SAPeerAgent?, p1: SAAuthenticationToken?, p2: Int) {
        super.onAuthenticationResponse(p0, p1, p2)
        App.d(TAG, "Auth " + p1.toString())


    override protected fun onServiceConnectionRequested(agent: SAPeerAgent) {


    override fun onFindPeerAgentsResponse(peerAgents: Array<SAPeerAgent>?, result: Int) {

    override fun onError(peerAgent: SAPeerAgent?, errorMessage: String?, errorCode: Int) {
        super.onError(peerAgent, errorMessage, errorCode)

    override fun onPeerAgentsUpdated(peerAgents: Array<SAPeerAgent>?, result: Int) {



As you see, MessageJobs requires MessageSocket class as well that you would need to implement and that processes all messages coming from your device.

Bottom line, it's not that simple and it requires some digging to internals and coding, but it works, and most importantly - it doesn't crash.

Underscore prefix for property and method names in JavaScript

That's only a convention. The Javascript language does not give any special meaning to identifiers starting with underscore characters.

That said, it's quite a useful convention for a language that doesn't support encapsulation out of the box. Although there is no way to prevent someone from abusing your classes' implementations, at least it does clarify your intent, and documents such behavior as being wrong in the first place.

How to drop all user tables?

  for i in (select 'drop table '||table_name||' cascade constraints' tbl from user_tables) 
     execute immediate i.tbl;
  end loop;

Calculate the center point of multiple latitude/longitude coordinate pairs

In Django this is trivial (and actually works, I had issues with a number of the solutions not correctly returning negatives for latitude).

For instance, let's say you are using django-geopostcodes (of which I am the author).

from django.contrib.gis.geos import MultiPoint
from django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions import Distance
from django_geopostcodes.models import Locality

qs = Locality.objects.anything_icontains('New York')
points = [locality.point for locality in qs]
multipoint = MultiPoint(*points)
point = multipoint.centroid

point is a Django Point instance that can then be used to do things such as retrieve all objects that are within 10km of that centre point;

Locality.objects.filter(point__distance_lte=(point, D(km=10)))\
    .annotate(distance=Distance('point', point))\

Changing this to raw Python is trivial;

from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point, MultiPoint

points = [
    Point((145.137075, -37.639981)),
    Point((144.137075, -39.639981)),
multipoint = MultiPoint(*points)
point = multipoint.centroid

Under the hood Django is using GEOS - more details at

Hive load CSV with commas in quoted fields

As of Hive 0.14, the CSV SerDe is a standard part of the Hive install

ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.OpenCSVSerde'


Typescript input onchange

I use something like this:

import { ChangeEvent, useState } from 'react';

export const InputChange = () => {
  const [state, setState] = useState({ value: '' });

  const handleChange = (event: ChangeEvent<{ value: string }>) => {
    setState({ value: event?.currentTarget?.value });
  return (
      <input onChange={handleChange} />

Linux find and grep command together

Now that the question is clearer, you can just do this in one

grep -R --include "*bills*" "put" .

With relevant flags

   -R, -r, --recursive
          Read  all  files  under  each  directory,  recursively;  this is
          equivalent to the -d recurse option.
          Search only files whose base name matches GLOB  (using  wildcard
          matching as described under --exclude).

Creating NSData from NSString in Swift

Swift 4.2

let data = .utf8, allowLossyConversion: true)

Find unused code

The truth is that the tool can never give you a 100% certain answer, but coverage tool can give you a pretty good run for the money.

If you count with comprehensive unit test suite, than you can use test coverage tool to see exactly what lines of code were not executed during the test run. You will still need to analyze the code manually: either eliminate what you consider dead code or write test to improve test coverage.

One such tool is NCover, with open source precursor on Sourceforge. Another alternative is PartCover.

Check out this answer on stackoverflow.

Are Git forks actually Git clones?

Forking is done when you decide to contribute to some project. You would make a copy of the entire project along with its history logs. This copy is made entirely in your repository and once you make these changes, you issue a pull request. Now its up-to the owner of the source to accept your pull request and incorporate the changes into the original code.

Git clone is an actual command that allows users to get a copy of the source. git clone [URL] This should create a copy of [URL] in your own local repository.

Sort arrays of primitive types in descending order

Your implementation (the one in the question) is faster than e.g. wrapping with toList() and using a comparator-based method. Auto-boxing and running through comparator methods or wrapped Collections objects is far slower than just reversing.

Of course you could write your own sort. That might not be the answer you're looking for, but note that if your comment about "if the array is already sorted quite well" happens frequently, you might do well to choose a sorting algorithm that handles that case well (e.g. insertion) rather than use Arrays.sort() (which is mergesort, or insertion if the number of elements is small).

How can I get a side-by-side diff when I do "git diff"?

This question showed up when I was searching for a fast way to use git builtin way to locate differences. My solution criteria:

  • Fast startup, needed builtin options
  • Can handle many formats easily, xml, different programming languages
  • Quickly identify small code changes in big textfiles

I found this answer to get color in git.

To get side by side diff instead of line diff I tweaked mb14's excellent answer on this question with the following parameters:

$ git diff --word-diff-regex="[A-Za-z0-9. ]|[^[:space:]]"

If you do not like the extra [- or {+ the option --word-diff=color can be used.

$ git diff --word-diff-regex="[A-Za-z0-9. ]|[^[:space:]]" --word-diff=color

That helped to get proper comparison with both json and xml text and java code.

In summary the --word-diff-regex options has a helpful visibility together with color settings to get a colorized side by side source code experience compared to the standard line diff, when browsing through big files with small line changes.

difference between primary key and unique key

A primary key has the semantic of identifying the row of a database. Therefore there can be only one primary key for a given table, while there can be many unique keys.

Also for the same reason a primary key cannot be NULL (at least in Oracle, not sure about other databases)

Since it identifies the row it should never ever change. Changing primary keys are bound to cause serious pain and probably eternal damnation.

Therefor in most cases you want some artificial id for primary key which isn't used for anything but identifying single rows in the table.

Unique keys on the other hand may change as much as you want.

lists and arrays in VBA

You will have to change some of your data types but the basics of what you just posted could be converted to something similar to this given the data types I used may not be accurate.

Dim DateToday As String: DateToday = Format(Date, "yyyy/MM/dd")
Dim Computers As New Collection
Dim disabledList As New Collection
Dim compArray(1 To 1) As String

'Assign data to first item in array
compArray(1) = "asdf"

'Format = Item, Key
Computers.Add "ErrorState", "Computer Name"

'Prints "ErrorState"
Debug.Print Computers("Computer Name")

Collections cannot be sorted so if you need to sort data you will probably want to use an array.

Here is a link to the outlook developer reference.

Another great site to help you get started is

Moving everything over to VBA from VB.Net is not going to be simple since not all the data types are the same and you do not have the .Net framework. If you get stuck just post the code you're stuck converting and you will surely get some help!


Sub ArrayExample()
    Dim subject As String
    Dim TestArray() As String
    Dim counter As Long

    subject = "Example"
    counter = Len(subject)

    ReDim TestArray(1 To counter) As String

    For counter = 1 To Len(subject)
        TestArray(counter) = Right(Left(subject, counter), 1)
End Sub

How can I change the Bootstrap default font family using font from Google?

First of all, you can't import fonts to CSS that way.

You can add this code in HTML head:

<link href=',300,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

or to import it in CSS file like this:

@import url(",300,700");

Then, in your css, you can edit the body's font-family:

body {
  font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif !important;

How to do a GitHub pull request

The Simplest GitHub Pull Request is from the web interface without using git.

  1. Register a GitHub account, login then go to the page in the repository you want to change.
  2. Click the pencil icon,

    search for text near the location, make any edits you want then preview them to confirm. Give the proposed change a description up to 50 characters and optionally an extended description then click the Propose file Change button.

  3. If you're reading this you won't have write access to the repository (project folders) so GitHub will create a copy of the repository (actually a branch) in your account. Click the Create pull request button.

  4. Give the Pull Request a description and add any comments then click Create pull request button.

Read data from SqlDataReader

using(SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader())
    while (rdr.Read())
        var myString = rdr.GetString(0); //The 0 stands for "the 0'th column", so the first column of the result.
        // Do somthing with this rows string, for example to put them in to a list

How to check whether a str(variable) is empty or not?

Empty strings are False by default:

>>> if not "":
...     print("empty")

How to get a reference to an iframe's window object inside iframe's onload handler created from parent window

You're declaring everything in the parent page. So the references to window and document are to the parent page's. If you want to do stuff to the iframe's, use iframe || iframe.contentWindow to access its window, and iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document to access its document.

There's a word for what's happening, possibly "lexical scope": What is lexical scope?

The only context of a scope is this. And in your example, the owner of the method is doc, which is the iframe's document. Other than that, anything that's accessed in this function that uses known objects are the parent's (if not declared in the function). It would be a different story if the function were declared in a different place, but it's declared in the parent page.

This is how I would write it:

(function () {
  var dom, win, doc, where, iframe;

  iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  iframe.src = "javascript:false";

  where = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  where.parentNode.insertBefore(iframe, where);

  win = iframe.contentWindow || iframe;
  doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;;
  doc._l = (function (w, d) {
    return function () {
      w.vanishing_global = new Date().getTime();

      var js = d.createElement("script");
      js.src = 'test-vanishing-global.js?' + w.vanishing_global; = "foobar";
      d.foobar = "foobar:" + Math.random();
      d.foobar = "barfoo:" + Math.random();
  })(win, doc);
  doc.write('<body onload="document._l();"></body>');

The aliasing of win and doc as w and d aren't necessary, it just might make it less confusing because of the misunderstanding of scopes. This way, they are parameters and you have to reference them to access the iframe's stuff. If you want to access the parent's, you still use window and document.

I'm not sure what the implications are of adding methods to a document (doc in this case), but it might make more sense to set the _l method on win. That way, things can be run without a prefix...such as <body onload="_l();"></body>

Android 6.0 multiple permissions

The following methodology is about

  • asking permissions dynamically ;
  • showing a AlertDialog if the user denies any permission
  • looping until the user accepts permission(s)

Create a "static" class for permissions methods

public class PermissionsUtil {
    public static final int PERMISSION_ALL = 1;

    public static boolean doesAppNeedPermissions(){
        return android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1;

    public static String[] getPermissions(Context context)
            throws PackageManager.NameNotFoundException {
        PackageInfo info = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(
                context.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS);

        return info.requestedPermissions;

    public static void askPermissions(Activity activity){
        if(doesAppNeedPermissions()) {
            try {
                String[] permissions = getPermissions(activity);

                if(!checkPermissions(activity, permissions)){
                    ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, permissions,
            } catch(Exception e) {

    public static boolean checkPermissions(Context context, String... permissions){
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M && context != null &&
                permissions != null) {
            for (String permission : permissions) {
                if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, permission) !=
                        PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
                    return false;
        return true;


    private void checkPermissions(){

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode,
                                           @NonNull String[] permissions,
                                           @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
        switch (requestCode) {
            case PermissionsUtil.PERMISSION_ALL: {

                if (grantResults.length > 0) {

                    List<Integer> indexesOfPermissionsNeededToShow = new ArrayList<>();

                    for(int i = 0; i < permissions.length; ++i) {
                        if(ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(this, permissions[i])) {

                    int size = indexesOfPermissionsNeededToShow.size();
                    if(size != 0) {
                        int i = 0;
                        boolean isPermissionGranted = true;

                        while(i < size && isPermissionGranted) {
                            isPermissionGranted = grantResults[indexesOfPermissionsNeededToShow.get(i)]
                                    == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;

                        if(!isPermissionGranted) {

                            showDialogNotCancelable("Permissions mandatory",
                                    "All the permissions are required for this app",
                                    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                                        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {

    private void showDialogNotCancelable(String title, String message,
                                         DialogInterface.OnClickListener okListener) {
        new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
                .setPositiveButton("OK", okListener)

What is the difference between Trap and Interrupt?

An interrupt is a hardware-generated change-of-flow within the system. An interrupt handler is summoned to deal with the cause of the interrupt; control is then returned to the interrupted context and instruction. A trap is a software-generated interrupt. An interrupt can be used to signal the completion of an I/O to obviate the need for device polling. A trap can be used to call operating system routines or to catch arithmetic errors.

Counting no of rows returned by a select query

Try wrapping your entire select in brackets, then running a count(*) on that

select count(*)
   from Monitor as m 
    inner join Monitor_Request as mr 
       on mr.Company_ID=m.Company_id   group by m.Company_id
    having COUNT(m.Monitor_id)>=5
) myNewTable

How to terminate script execution when debugging in Google Chrome?

2020 April update

As of Chrome 80, none of the current answers work. There is no visible "Pause" button - you need to long-click the "Play" button to access the Stop icon:

Stop script execution in Chrome DevTools

How to extract public key using OpenSSL?

Though, the above technique works for the general case, it didn't work on Amazon Web Services (AWS) PEM files.

I did find in the AWS docs the following command works: ssh-keygen -y

edit Thanks @makenova for the complete line:

ssh-keygen -y -f key.pem >

Difference between a SOAP message and a WSDL?

WSDL act as an interface between sender and receiver.
SOAP message is request and response in xml format.

comparing with java RMI

WSDL is the interface class
SOAP message is marshaled request and response message.

Rounding to two decimal places in Python 2.7?

print "financial return of outcome 1 = $%.2f" % (out1)

How to hide a TemplateField column in a GridView

This can be another way to do it and validate nulls

DataControlField dataControlField = UsersGrid.Columns.Cast<DataControlField>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.HeaderText == "Email");
            if (dataControlField != null)
                dataControlField.Visible = false;

How to set ID using javascript?

Do you mean like this?

var hello1 = document.getElementById('hello1'); = btoa(;

To further the example, say you wanted to get all elements with the class 'abc'. We can use querySelectorAll() to accomplish this:


<div class="abc"></div>
<div class="abc"></div>


var abcElements = document.querySelectorAll('.abc');

// Set their ids
for (var i = 0; i < abcElements.length; i++)
    abcElements[i].id = 'abc-' + i;

This will assign the ID 'abc-<index number>' to each element. So it would come out like this:

<div class="abc" id="abc-0"></div>
<div class="abc" id="abc-1"></div>

To create an element and assign an id we can use document.createElement() and then appendChild().

var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'hello1';

var body = document.querySelector('body');


You can set the id on your element like this if your script is in your HTML file.

<input id="{{str(product["avt"]["fto"])}}" >
<span>New price :</span>
<span class="assign-me">

<script type="text/javascript">
    var s = document.getElementsByClassName('assign-me')[0]; = btoa({{str(produit["avt"]["fto"])}});

Your requirements still aren't 100% clear though.

Appending a list to a list of lists in R

The purrr package has a lot of handy functions for working on lists. The flatten command can clean up unwanted nesting.

resultsa <- list(1,2,3,4,5)
resultsb <- list(6,7,8,9,10)
resultsc <- list(11,12,13,14,15)

nested_outlist <- list(resultsa, resultsb, resultsc)
outlist <- purrr::flatten(nested_outlist)

Angular - How to apply [ngStyle] conditions

<ion-col size="12">
  <ion-card class="box-shadow ion-text-center background-size"
  *ngIf="data != null"
  [ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url(' + data.headerImage + ')'}">


Using ORDER BY and GROUP BY together

One way to do this that correctly uses group by:

select l.* 
from table l
inner join (
    m_id, max(timestamp) as latest 
  from table 
  group by m_id
) r
  on l.timestamp = r.latest and l.m_id = r.m_id
order by timestamp desc

How this works:

  • selects the latest timestamp for each distinct m_id in the subquery
  • only selects rows from table that match a row from the subquery (this operation -- where a join is performed, but no columns are selected from the second table, it's just used as a filter -- is known as a "semijoin" in case you were curious)
  • orders the rows

Changing fonts in ggplot2

Another option is to use showtext package which supports more types of fonts (TrueType, OpenType, Type 1, web fonts, etc.) and more graphics devices, and avoids using external software such as Ghostscript.

# install.packages('showtext', dependencies = TRUE)

Import some Google Fonts

font_add_google("Montserrat", "Montserrat")
font_add_google("Roboto", "Roboto")

Load font from the current search path into showtext

# Check the current search path for fonts
#> [1] "C:\\Windows\\Fonts"

# List available font files in the search path
#>   [1] "AcadEref.ttf"                                
#>   [2] "AGENCYB.TTF"                           
#> [428] "pala.ttf"                                    
#> [429] "palab.ttf"                                   
#> [430] "palabi.ttf"                                  
#> [431] "palai.ttf"

# syntax: font_add(family = "<family_name>", regular = "/path/to/font/file")
font_add("Palatino", "pala.ttf")

#> [1] "sans"         "serif"        "mono"         "wqy-microhei"
#> [5] "Montserrat"   "Roboto"       "Palatino"

## automatically use showtext for new devices

Plot: need to open Windows graphics device as showtext does not work well with RStudio built-in graphics device

# `x11()` on Linux, or `quartz()` on Mac OS

myFont1 <- "Montserrat"
myFont2 <- "Roboto"
myFont3 <- "Palatino"


a <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = wt, y = mpg)) + 
  geom_point() +
  ggtitle("Fuel Efficiency of 32 Cars") +
  xlab("Weight (x1000 lb)") + ylab("Miles per Gallon") +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 16, family = myFont1)) +
  annotate("text", 4, 30, label = 'Palatino Linotype',
           family = myFont3, size = 10) +
  annotate("text", 1, 11, label = 'Roboto', hjust = 0,
           family = myFont2, size = 10) 

## On-screen device

## Save to PNG 
ggsave("plot_showtext.png", plot = a, 
       type = 'cairo',
       width = 6, height = 6, dpi = 150)  

## Save to PDF
ggsave("plot_showtext.pdf", plot = a, 
       device = cairo_pdf,
       width = 6, height = 6, dpi = 150)  

## turn showtext off if no longer needed

Edit: another workaround to use showtext in RStudio. Run the following code at the beginning of the R session (source)

trace(grDevices::png, exit = quote({
}), print = FALSE)

Edit 2: Starting from version 0.9, showtext can work well with the RStudio graphics device (RStudioGD). Simply call showtext_auto() in the RStudio session and then the plots will be displayed correctly.

Why does the C++ STL not provide any "tree" containers?

There are two reasons you could want to use a tree:

You want to mirror the problem using a tree-like structure:
For this we have boost graph library

Or you want a container that has tree like access characteristics For this we have

Basically the characteristics of these two containers is such that they practically have to be implemented using trees (though this is not actually a requirement).

See also this question: C tree Implementation

PostgreSQL create table if not exists

There is no CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS... but you can write a simple procedure for that, something like:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prc_create_sch_foo_table() RETURNS VOID AS $$

EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE /* IF NOT EXISTS add for PostgreSQL 9.1+ */ (
                    id serial NOT NULL, 
                    demo_column varchar NOT NULL, 
                    demo_column2 varchar NOT NULL,
                    CONSTRAINT pk_sch_foo PRIMARY KEY (id));
                   CREATE INDEX /* IF NOT EXISTS add for PostgreSQL 9.5+ */ idx_sch_foo_demo_column ON;
                   CREATE INDEX /* IF NOT EXISTS add for PostgreSQL 9.5+ */ idx_sch_foo_demo_column2 ON;'
               WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables 
                        WHERE table_schema = 'sch' 
                            AND table_name = 'foo');

         EXCEPTION WHEN null_value_not_allowed THEN
           WHEN duplicate_table THEN

END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Compare two files line by line and generate the difference in another file

You could use diff with following output formatting:

diff --old-line-format='' --unchanged-line-format='' file1 file2

--old-line-format='' , disable output for file1 if line was differ compare in file2.
--unchanged-line-format='', disable output if lines were same.

load csv into 2D matrix with numpy for plotting

Pure numpy

numpy.loadtxt(open("test.csv", "rb"), delimiter=",", skiprows=1)

Check out the loadtxt documentation.

You can also use python's csv module:

import csv
import numpy
reader = csv.reader(open("test.csv", "rb"), delimiter=",")
x = list(reader)
result = numpy.array(x).astype("float")

You will have to convert it to your favorite numeric type. I guess you can write the whole thing in one line:

result = numpy.array(list(csv.reader(open("test.csv", "rb"), delimiter=","))).astype("float")

Added Hint:

You could also use and get the associated numpy array which can be faster.

How to detect a remote side socket close?

The method Socket.Available will immediately throw a SocketException if the remote system has disconnected/closed the connection.

Making a PowerShell POST request if a body param starts with '@'

@Frode F. gave the right answer.

By the Way Invoke-WebRequest also prints you the 200 OK and a lot of bla, bla, bla... which might be useful but I still prefer the Invoke-RestMethod which is lighter.

Also, keep in mind that you need to use | ConvertTo-Json for the body only, not the header:

$body = @{
 "OptionalEmail"="[email protected]"
} | ConvertTo-Json

$header = @{

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "http://MyServer/WSVistaWebClient/RESTService.svc/member/search" -Method 'Post' -Body $body -Headers $header | ConvertTo-HTML

and you can then append a | ConvertTo-HTML at the end of the request for better readability

What is the use of the JavaScript 'bind' method?

In addition to what have been said, the bind() method allows an object to borrow a method from another object without making a copy of that method. This is known as function borrowing in JavaScript.

Find all controls in WPF Window by type

I adapted @Bryce Kahle's answer to follow @Mathias Lykkegaard Lorenzen's suggestion and use LogicalTreeHelper.

Seems to work okay. ;)

public static IEnumerable<T> FindLogicalChildren<T> ( DependencyObject depObj ) where T : DependencyObject
    if( depObj != null )
        foreach( object rawChild in LogicalTreeHelper.GetChildren( depObj ) )
            if( rawChild is DependencyObject )
                DependencyObject child = (DependencyObject)rawChild;
                if( child is T )
                    yield return (T)child;

                foreach( T childOfChild in FindLogicalChildren<T>( child ) ) 
                    yield return childOfChild;

(It still won't check tab controls or Grids inside GroupBoxes as mentioned by @Benjamin Berry & @David R respectively.) (Also followed @noonand's suggestion & removed the redundant child != null)

Getting the computer name in Java

I'm not so thrilled about the InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() solution that you can find so many places on the Internet and indeed also here. That method will get you the hostname as seen from a network perspective. I can see two problems with this:

  1. What if the host has multiple network interfaces ? The host may be known on the network by multiple names. The one returned by said method is indeterminate afaik.

  2. What if the host is not connected to any network and has no network interfaces ?

All OS'es that I know of have the concept of naming a node/host irrespective of network. Sad that Java cannot return this in an easy way. This would be the environment variable COMPUTERNAME on all versions of Windows and the environment variable HOSTNAME on Unix/Linux/MacOS (or alternatively the output from host command hostname if the HOSTNAME environment variable is not available as is the case in old shells like Bourne and Korn).

I would write a method that would retrieve (depending on OS) those OS vars and only as a last resort use the InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() method. But that's just me.

UPDATE (Unices)

As others have pointed out the HOSTNAME environment variable is typically not available to a Java application on Unix/Linux as it is not exported by default. Hence not a reliable method unless you are in control of the clients. This really sucks. Why isn't there a standard property with this information?

Alas, as far as I can see the only reliable way on Unix/Linux would be to make a JNI call to gethostname() or to use Runtime.exec() to capture the output from the hostname command. I don't particularly like any of these ideas but if anyone has a better idea I'm all ears. (update: I recently came across gethostname4j which seems to be the answer to my prayers).

Long read

I've created a long explanation in another answer on another post. In particular you may want to read it because it attempts to establish some terminology, gives concrete examples of when the InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() solution will fail, and points to the only safe solution that I know of currently, namely gethostname4j.

It's sad that Java doesn't provide a method for obtaining the computername. Vote for JDK-8169296 if you are able to.

Why is conversion from string constant to 'char*' valid in C but invalid in C++

You can declare like one of the below options:

char data[] = "Testing String";


const char* data = "Testing String";


char* data = (char*) "Testing String";

How do I trim() a string in angularjs?

Why don't you simply use JavaScript's trim():

str.trim() //Will work everywhere irrespective of any framework.

For compatibility with <IE9 use:

if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
  String.prototype.trim = function() {
    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 

Found it Here

How to check iOS version?

New way to check the system version using the swift Forget [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] and NSFoundationVersionNumber.

We can use NSProcessInfo -isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion

     import Foundation

     let yosemite = NSOperatingSystemVersion(majorVersion: 10, minorVersion: 10, patchVersion: 0)
     NSProcessInfo().isOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion(yosemite) // false

You must add a reference to assembly 'netstandard, Version=

I am facing Same Problem i do following Setup Now Application Work fine


<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.7.1">
        <add assembly="netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, 

2- Add Reference

 **C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual


Copy Above Path Dll to Application Bin Folder on web server

Splitting dataframe into multiple dataframes

In [28]: df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000000,10))

In [29]: df
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1000000 entries, 0 to 999999
Data columns (total 10 columns):
0    1000000  non-null values
1    1000000  non-null values
2    1000000  non-null values
3    1000000  non-null values
4    1000000  non-null values
5    1000000  non-null values
6    1000000  non-null values
7    1000000  non-null values
8    1000000  non-null values
9    1000000  non-null values
dtypes: float64(10)

In [30]: frames = [ df.iloc[i*60:min((i+1)*60,len(df))] for i in xrange(int(len(df)/60.) + 1) ]

In [31]: %timeit [ df.iloc[i*60:min((i+1)*60,len(df))] for i in xrange(int(len(df)/60.) + 1) ]
1 loops, best of 3: 849 ms per loop

In [32]: len(frames)
Out[32]: 16667

Here's a groupby way (and you could do an arbitrary apply rather than sum)

In [9]: g = df.groupby(lambda x: x/60)

In [8]: g.sum()    

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 16667 entries, 0 to 16666
Data columns (total 10 columns):
0    16667  non-null values
1    16667  non-null values
2    16667  non-null values
3    16667  non-null values
4    16667  non-null values
5    16667  non-null values
6    16667  non-null values
7    16667  non-null values
8    16667  non-null values
9    16667  non-null values
dtypes: float64(10)

Sum is cythonized that's why this is so fast

In [10]: %timeit g.sum()
10 loops, best of 3: 27.5 ms per loop

In [11]: %timeit df.groupby(lambda x: x/60)
1 loops, best of 3: 231 ms per loop

ResultSet exception - before start of result set

It's better if you create a class that has all the query methods, inclusively, in a different package, so instead of typing all the process in every class, you just call the method from that class.

How to find longest string in the table column data

For Oracle 11g:

WHERE length(COL1) = (SELECT max(length(COL1)) FROM TABLE1);

ng serve not detecting file changes automatically

You can try this too.

sudo ng serve

How to fix "Headers already sent" error in PHP

No output before sending headers!

Functions that send/modify HTTP headers must be invoked before any output is made. summary ? Otherwise the call fails:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent (output started at script:line)

Some functions modifying the HTTP header are:

Output can be:

  • Unintentional:

    • Whitespace before <?php or after ?>
    • The UTF-8 Byte Order Mark specifically
    • Previous error messages or notices
  • Intentional:

    • print, echo and other functions producing output
    • Raw <html> sections prior <?php code.

Why does it happen?

To understand why headers must be sent before output it's necessary to look at a typical HTTP response. PHP scripts mainly generate HTML content, but also pass a set of HTTP/CGI headers to the webserver:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Powered-By: PHP/5.3.7
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

<html><head><title>PHP page output page</title></head>
<body><h1>Content</h1> <p>Some more output follows...</p>
and <a href="/"> <img src=internal-icon-delayed> </a>

The page/output always follows the headers. PHP has to pass the headers to the webserver first. It can only do that once. After the double linebreak it can nevermore amend them.

When PHP receives the first output (print, echo, <html>) it will flush all collected headers. Afterwards it can send all the output it wants. But sending further HTTP headers is impossible then.

How can you find out where the premature output occured?

The header() warning contains all relevant information to locate the problem cause:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/usr2345/htdocs/auth.php:52) in /www/usr2345/htdocs/index.php on line 100

Here "line 100" refers to the script where the header() invocation failed.

The "output started at" note within the parenthesis is more significant. It denominates the source of previous output. In this example it's auth.php and line 52. That's where you had to look for premature output.

Typical causes:

  1. Print, echo

    Intentional output from print and echo statements will terminate the opportunity to send HTTP headers. The application flow must be restructured to avoid that. Use functions and templating schemes. Ensure header() calls occur before messages are written out.

    Functions that produce output include

    • print, echo, printf, vprintf
    • trigger_error, ob_flush, ob_end_flush, var_dump, print_r
    • readfile, passthru, flush, imagepng, imagejpeg

    among others and user-defined functions.

  2. Raw HTML areas

    Unparsed HTML sections in a .php file are direct output as well. Script conditions that will trigger a header() call must be noted before any raw <html> blocks.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        // Too late for headers already.

    Use a templating scheme to separate processing from output logic.

    • Place form processing code atop scripts.
    • Use temporary string variables to defer messages.
    • The actual output logic and intermixed HTML output should follow last.

  3. Whitespace before <?php for "script.php line 1" warnings

    If the warning refers to output in line 1, then it's mostly leading whitespace, text or HTML before the opening <?php token.

    # There's a SINGLE space/newline before <? - Which already seals it.

    Similarly it can occur for appended scripts or script sections:


    PHP actually eats up a single linebreak after close tags. But it won't compensate multiple newlines or tabs or spaces shifted into such gaps.

  4. UTF-8 BOM

    Linebreaks and spaces alone can be a problem. But there are also "invisible" character sequences which can cause this. Most famously the UTF-8 BOM (Byte-Order-Mark) which isn't displayed by most text editors. It's the byte sequence EF BB BF, which is optional and redundant for UTF-8 encoded documents. PHP however has to treat it as raw output. It may show up as the characters  in the output (if the client interprets the document as Latin-1) or similar "garbage".

    In particular graphical editors and Java based IDEs are oblivious to its presence. They don't visualize it (obliged by the Unicode standard). Most programmer and console editors however do:

    joes editor showing UTF-8 BOM placeholder, and MC editor a dot

    There it's easy to recognize the problem early on. Other editors may identify its presence in a file/settings menu (Notepad++ on Windows can identify and remedy the problem), Another option to inspect the BOMs presence is resorting to an hexeditor. On *nix systems hexdump is usually available, if not a graphical variant which simplifies auditing these and other issues:

    beav hexeditor showing utf-8 bom

    An easy fix is to set the text editor to save files as "UTF-8 (no BOM)" or similar such nomenclature. Often newcomers otherwise resort to creating new files and just copy&pasting the previous code back in.

    Correction utilities

    There are also automated tools to examine and rewrite text files (sed/awk or recode). For PHP specifically there's the phptags tag tidier. It rewrites close and open tags into long and short forms, but also easily fixes leading and trailing whitespace, Unicode and UTF-x BOM issues:

    phptags  --whitespace  *.php

    It's sane to use on a whole include or project directory.

  5. Whitespace after ?>

    If the error source is mentioned as behind the closing ?> then this is where some whitespace or raw text got written out. The PHP end marker does not terminate script executation at this point. Any text/space characters after it will be written out as page content still.

    It's commonly advised, in particular to newcomers, that trailing ?> PHP close tags should be omitted. This eschews a small portion of these cases. (Quite commonly include()d scripts are the culprit.)

  6. Error source mentioned as "Unknown on line 0"

    It's typically a PHP extension or php.ini setting if no error source is concretized.

    • It's occasionally the gzip stream encoding setting or the ob_gzhandler.
    • But it could also be any doubly loaded extension= module generating an implicit PHP startup/warning message.

  7. Preceding error messages

    If another PHP statement or expression causes a warning message or notice being printeded out, that also counts as premature output.

    In this case you need to eschew the error, delay the statement execution, or suppress the message with e.g. isset() or @() - when either doesn't obstruct debugging later on.

No error message

If you have error_reporting or display_errors disabled per php.ini, then no warning will show up. But ignoring errors won't make the problem go away. Headers still can't be sent after premature output.

So when header("Location: ...") redirects silently fail it's very advisable to probe for warnings. Reenable them with two simple commands atop the invocation script:

ini_set("display_errors", 1);

Or set_error_handler("var_dump"); if all else fails.

Speaking of redirect headers, you should often use an idiom like this for final code paths:

exit(header("Location: /finished.html"));

Preferrably even a utility function, which prints a user message in case of header() failures.

Output buffering as workaround

PHPs output buffering is a workaround to alleviate this issue. It often works reliably, but shouldn't substitute for proper application structuring and separating output from control logic. Its actual purpose is minimizing chunked transfers to the webserver.

  1. The output_buffering= setting nevertheless can help. Configure it in the php.ini or via .htaccess or even .user.ini on modern FPM/FastCGI setups.
    Enabling it will allow PHP to buffer output instead of passing it to the webserver instantly. PHP thus can aggregate HTTP headers.

  2. It can likewise be engaged with a call to ob_start(); atop the invocation script. Which however is less reliable for multiple reasons:

    • Even if <?php ob_start(); ?> starts the first script, whitespace or a BOM might get shuffled before, rendering it ineffective.

    • It can conceal whitespace for HTML output. But as soon as the application logic attempts to send binary content (a generated image for example), the buffered extraneous output becomes a problem. (Necessitating ob_clean() as furher workaround.)

    • The buffer is limited in size, and can easily overrun when left to defaults. And that's not a rare occurence either, difficult to track down when it happens.

Both approaches therefore may become unreliable - in particular when switching between development setups and/or production servers. Which is why output buffering is widely considered just a crutch / strictly a workaround.

See also the basic usage example in the manual, and for more pros and cons:

But it worked on the other server!?

If you didn't get the headers warning before, then the output buffering php.ini setting has changed. It's likely unconfigured on the current/new server.

Checking with headers_sent()

You can always use headers_sent() to probe if it's still possible to... send headers. Which is useful to conditionally print an info or apply other fallback logic.

if (headers_sent()) {
    die("Redirect failed. Please click on this link: <a href=...>");
    exit(header("Location: /user.php"));

Useful fallback workarounds are:

  • HTML <meta> tag

    If your application is structurally hard to fix, then an easy (but somewhat unprofessional) way to allow redirects is injecting a HTML <meta> tag. A redirect can be achieved with:

     <meta http-equiv="Location" content="">

    Or with a short delay:

     <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; url=../target.html">

    This leads to non-valid HTML when utilized past the <head> section. Most browsers still accept it.

  • JavaScript redirect

    As alternative a JavaScript redirect can be used for page redirects:

     <script> location.replace("target.html"); </script>

    While this is often more HTML compliant than the <meta> workaround, it incurs a reliance on JavaScript-capable clients.

Both approaches however make acceptable fallbacks when genuine HTTP header() calls fail. Ideally you'd always combine this with a user-friendly message and clickable link as last resort. (Which for instance is what the http_redirect() PECL extension does.)

Why setcookie() and session_start() are also affected

Both setcookie() and session_start() need to send a Set-Cookie: HTTP header. The same conditions therefore apply, and similar error messages will be generated for premature output situations.

(Of course they're furthermore affected by disabled cookies in the browser, or even proxy issues. The session functionality obviously also depends on free disk space and other php.ini settings, etc.)

Further links

How can I reverse the order of lines in a file?

BSD tail:

tail -r myfile.txt

Reference: FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and OS X manual pages.

What is the equivalent to getch() & getche() in Linux?

You can use the curses.h library in linux as mentioned in the other answer.

You can install it in Ubuntu by:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev

I took the installation part from here.

What is a Java String's default initial value?

The answer is - it depends.

Is the variable an instance variable / class variable ? See this for more details.

The list of default values can be found here.

gridview data export to excel in

Something else to check is make sure viewstate is on (I just solved this yesterday). If you don't have viewstate on, the gridview will be blank until you load it again.

Test if object implements interface

Using the is or as operators is the correct way if you know the interface type at compile time and have an instance of the type you are testing. Something that no one else seems to have mentioned is Type.IsAssignableFrom:

if( typeof(IMyInterface).IsAssignableFrom(someOtherType) )

I think this is much neater than looking through the array returned by GetInterfaces and has the advantage of working for classes as well.

Python's time.clock() vs. time.time() accuracy?

time() has better precision than clock() on Linux. clock() only has precision less than 10 ms. While time() gives prefect precision. My test is on CentOS 6.4, python 2.6

using time():

1 requests, response time: 14.1749382019 ms
2 requests, response time: 8.01301002502 ms
3 requests, response time: 8.01491737366 ms
4 requests, response time: 8.41021537781 ms
5 requests, response time: 8.38804244995 ms

using clock():

1 requests, response time: 10.0 ms
2 requests, response time: 0.0 ms 
3 requests, response time: 0.0 ms
4 requests, response time: 10.0 ms
5 requests, response time: 0.0 ms 
6 requests, response time: 0.0 ms
7 requests, response time: 0.0 ms 
8 requests, response time: 0.0 ms

How can I get the current PowerShell executing file?

This can works on most powershell versions:

(& { $MyInvocation.ScriptName; })

This can work for Scheduled Job

Get-ScheduledJob |? Name -Match 'JOBNAMETAG' |% Command

Concatenate a NumPy array to another NumPy array

Sven said it all, just be very cautious because of automatic type adjustments when append is called.

In [2]: import numpy as np

In [3]: a = np.array([1,2,3])

In [4]: b = np.array([1.,2.,3.])

In [5]: c = np.array(['a','b','c'])

In [6]: np.append(a,b)
Out[6]: array([ 1.,  2.,  3.,  1.,  2.,  3.])

In [7]: a.dtype
Out[7]: dtype('int64')

In [8]: np.append(a,c)
array(['1', '2', '3', 'a', 'b', 'c'], 

As you see based on the contents the dtype went from int64 to float32, and then to S1

merge two object arrays with Angular 2 and TypeScript?

You can also use the form recommended by ES6:

data => {
  this.results = [
  this._next =;

This works if you initialize your array first (public results = [];); otherwise replace ...this.results, by ...this.results ? this.results : [],.

Hope this helps

Port 443 in use by "Unable to open process" with PID 4

I had the same problem when I installed xampp on Windows 7. I installed Windows server and Web Deployment Agent Service (MsDepSvc.exe) which uses port 80. So I had an error PID 4 listening to port 80 when I ran apache.


Open task manager: (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) then find "MsDepSvc.exe" and disable it. Finally restart xampp


Root password inside a Docker container

I am able to get it working with the below command.

root@gitnew:# docker exec -it --user $(username) $(containername) /bin/bash

Setting button text via javascript

Set the text of the button by setting the innerHTML

var b = document.createElement('button');
b.setAttribute('content', 'test content');
b.setAttribute('class', 'btn');
b.innerHTML = 'test value';

var wrapper = document.getElementById('divWrapper');

click or change event on radio using jquery

Works for me too, here is a better solution::

fiddle demo

<form id="myForm">
  <input type="radio" name="radioName" value="1" />one<br />
  <input type="radio" name="radioName" value="2" />two 

$('#myForm input[type=radio]').change(function() {       

You must make sure that you initialized jquery above all other imports and javascript functions. Because $ is a jquery function. Even


will not check jquery initialised or not. It will ensure that <code> will run only after all the javascripts are initialized.

Get current date/time in seconds

To get today's total seconds of the day:

    let date = new Date();        
    return +(date.getHours() * 60 * 60) + (date.getMinutes() * 60) + date.getSeconds();

I have add + in return which return in int. This may help to other developers. :)

Math constant PI value in C

In C Pi is defined in math.h: #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

What is the Java equivalent for LINQ?

There's a very good library that you can use for this.

Located here:

Lambdas won't be available until Java 8 though, so using it is a bit different and doesn't feel as natural.

Java Singleton and Synchronization

Yes, it is necessary. There are several methods you can use to achieve thread safety with lazy initialization:

Draconian synchronization:

private static YourObject instance;

public static synchronized YourObject getInstance() {
    if (instance == null) {
        instance = new YourObject();
    return instance;

This solution requires that every thread be synchronized when in reality only the first few need to be.

Double check synchronization:

private static final Object lock = new Object();
private static volatile YourObject instance;

public static YourObject getInstance() {
    YourObject r = instance;
    if (r == null) {
        synchronized (lock) {    // While we were waiting for the lock, another 
            r = instance;        // thread may have instantiated the object.
            if (r == null) {  
                r = new YourObject();
                instance = r;
    return r;

This solution ensures that only the first few threads that try to acquire your singleton have to go through the process of acquiring the lock.

Initialization on Demand:

private static class InstanceHolder {
    private static final YourObject instance = new YourObject();

public static YourObject getInstance() {
    return InstanceHolder.instance;

This solution takes advantage of the Java memory model's guarantees about class initialization to ensure thread safety. Each class can only be loaded once, and it will only be loaded when it is needed. That means that the first time getInstance is called, InstanceHolder will be loaded and instance will be created, and since this is controlled by ClassLoaders, no additional synchronization is necessary.

How can I make a list of lists in R?

The example creates a list of named lists in a loop.

  MyList <- list()
  for (aName in c("name1", "name2")){
    MyList[[aName]] <- list(aName)

To add another list named "name3" do write:

  MyList$name3 <- list(1, 2, 3)

Pass a string parameter in an onclick function

In Razor, you can pass parameters dynamically:

<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='showtotextbox(@Model.UnitNameVMs[i].UnitNameID, "@Model.UnitNameVMs[i].FarName","@Model.UnitNameVMs[i].EngName","@Model.UnitNameVMs[i].Symbol" );'>@Model.UnitNameVMs[i].UnitNameID</a> using a form to insert data into an sql server table

There are tons of sample code online as to how to do this.

Here is just one example of how to do this:

you define the text boxes between the following tag:

<form id="form1" runat="server"> 

you create your textboxes and define them to runat="server" like so:

<asp:TextBox ID="TxtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

define a button to process your logic like so (notice the onclick):

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Save" onclick="Button1_Click" />

in the code behind, you define what you want the server to do if the user clicks on the button by defining a method named

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

or you could just double click the button in the design view.

Here is a very quick sample of code to insert into a table in the button click event (codebehind)

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   string name = TxtName.Text; // Scrub user data

   string connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["yourconnstringInWebConfig"].ConnectionString;
   SqlConnection conn = null;
          conn = new SqlConnection(connString);

          using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                 cmd.Conn = conn;
                 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                 cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO dummyTable(name) Values (@var)";
                 cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@var", name);
                 int rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
                 if(rowsAffected ==1)
                        //Success notification
                        //Error notification
   catch(Exception ex)
          //log error 
          //display friendly error to user
                 //cleanup connection i.e close 

Google Maps API: open url by clicking on marker

    function loadMarkers(){
          {% for location in object_list %}
              var point = new google.maps.LatLng({{location.latitude}},{{location.longitude}});
              var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
              position: point,
              map: map,
              url: {{}},

          google.maps.event.addDomListener(marker, 'click', function() {
              window.location.href = this.url; });

          {% endfor %}

Xcode 4: create IPA file instead of .xcarchive

One who has tried all other answers and had no luck the please check this check box, hope it'll help (did the trick for me xcode 6.0.1)

enter image description here

Python: SyntaxError: keyword can't be an expression

I guess many of us who came to this page have a problem with Scikit Learn, one way to solve it is to create a dictionary with parameters and pass it to the model:

params = {'C': 1e9, 'gamma': 1e-07}
cls = SVC(**params)    

JavaFX Panel inside Panel auto resizing

Also see here

private void mnuUserLevel_onClick(ActionEvent event) {
    FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("DBedit.fxml"));
    loader.setController(new DBeditEntityUserlevel());

    try {
           Node n = (Node)loader.load();
           AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(n, 0.0);
           AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(n, 0.0);
           AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(n, 0.0);
           AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(n, 0.0);
    } catch (IOException e){

The scenario is to load a child fxml into parent AnchorPane. To make the child to stretch in accords to its parent use AnChorPane.setxxxAnchor command.

Bulk Insert Correctly Quoted CSV File in SQL Server

I had the same problem, however, it worked for me with the following settings:

bulk insert schema.table
from '\\your\data\source.csv'
with (
datafiletype = 'char'
,format = 'CSV'
,firstrow = 2
,fieldterminator = '|'
,rowterminator = '\n'

My CSV-File looks like this:


My problem was, I had rowterminator set to '0x0a' before, it did not work. Once I changed it to '\n', it started working...

Java: Detect duplicates in ArrayList?

Simply put: 1) make sure all items are comparable 2) sort the array 2) iterate over the array and find duplicates

draw diagonal lines in div background with CSS

you can use a CSS3 transform Property:

-ms-transform:rotate(Xdeg); /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform:rotate(Xdeg); /* Safari and Chrome */

Xdeg = your value

For example...

You can make more div and use a z-index property. So,make a div with line, and rotate it.

No @XmlRootElement generated by JAXB

The topic is quite old but still relevant in enterprise business contexts. I tried to avoid to touch the xsds in order to easily update them in the future. Here are my solutions..

1. Mostly xjc:simple is sufficient

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<jxb:bindings version="2.0" xmlns:jxb=""

        <xjc:simple/> <!-- adds @XmlRootElement annotations -->


It will mostly create XmlRootElements for importing xsd definitions.

2. Divide your jaxb2-maven-plugin executions

I have encountered that it makes a huge difference if you try to generate classes from multiple xsd definitions instead of a execution definition per xsd.

So if you have a definition with multiple <source>'s, than just try to split them:



The generator will not catch the fact that one class might be sufficient and therefore create custom classes per execution. And thats exactly what I need ;).

Converting a factor to numeric without losing information R (as.numeric() doesn't seem to work)

First, factor consists of indices and levels. This fact is very very important when you are struggling with factor.

For example,

> z <- factor(letters[c(3, 2, 3, 4)])

# human-friendly display, but internal structure is invisible
> z
[1] c b c d
Levels: b c d

# internal structure of factor
> unclass(z)
[1] 2 1 2 3
[1] "b" "c" "d"

here, z has 4 elements.
The index is 2, 1, 2, 3 in that order.
The level is associated with each index: 1 -> b, 2 -> c, 3 -> d.

Then, as.numeric converts simply the index part of factor into numeric.
as.character handles the index and levels, and generates character vector expressed by its level.

?as.numeric says that Factors are handled by the default method.

How to find the mime type of a file in python?

@toivotuo 's method worked best and most reliably for me under python3. My goal was to identify gzipped files which do not have a reliable .gz extension. I installed python3-magic.

import magic

filename = "./datasets/test"

def file_mime_type(filename):
    m =


for a gzipped file it returns: application/gzip; charset=binary

for an unzipped txt file (iostat data): text/plain; charset=us-ascii

for a tar file: application/x-tar; charset=binary

for a bz2 file: application/x-bzip2; charset=binary

and last but not least for me a .zip file: application/zip; charset=binary

How to get multiple selected values from select box in JSP?

Since I don't find a simple answer just adding more this will be JSP page. save this content to a jsp file once you run you can see the values of the selected displayed.

Update: save the file as test.jsp and run it on any web/app server

<%@ page import="java.lang.*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<% String[] a = request.getParameterValues("multiple");
for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++){
//out.println(Integer.parseInt(a[i])); //If integer
<form action="test.jsp" method="get">
<select name="multiple" multiple="multiple"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option></select>
<input type="submit">

ImportError: No module named 'google'

I had a similar import problem. I noticed that there was no file in the root of the google package. So, I created an empty and now the import works.

Eclipse does not highlight matching variables

There is a bug in Eclipse Juno (and probably others) but I have a workaround!

If you have already checked all the configurations mentioned in the top answers here and it's STILL not working try this.

To confirm the problem:

  1. Select a variable
  2. Notice the highlight didn't work
  3. Click away from eclipse so the editor loses focus.
  4. Click on eclipse's title bar so it regains focus, your variable should be highlighted.

If this is happening for you, you must close ALL of your open files and reopen them. This bug seems to also make weird things happen with Ctrl+S saving of an individual file. My guess is that something is happening whereby internally eclipse believes a certain file has focus but it actually doesn't, and the UI's state is rendered as though a different file is being edited.

Edit: If it's STILL not working, you might need to restart eclipse, but if you don't want to, try selecting the item you want to see occurrences of then disable and re-enable the Mark Occurences Toggle button.

Which looks like this

Write / add data in JSON file using Node.js

If this JSON file won't become too big over time, you should try:

  1. Create a JavaScript object with the table array in it

    var obj = {
       table: []
  2. Add some data to it, for example:

    obj.table.push({id: 1, square:2});
  3. Convert it from an object to a string with JSON.stringify

    var json = JSON.stringify(obj);
  4. Use fs to write the file to disk

    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.writeFile('myjsonfile.json', json, 'utf8', callback);
  5. If you want to append it, read the JSON file and convert it back to an object

    fs.readFile('myjsonfile.json', 'utf8', function readFileCallback(err, data){
        if (err){
        } else {
        obj = JSON.parse(data); //now it an object
        obj.table.push({id: 2, square:3}); //add some data
        json = JSON.stringify(obj); //convert it back to json
        fs.writeFile('myjsonfile.json', json, 'utf8', callback); // write it back 

This will work for data that is up to 100 MB effectively. Over this limit, you should use a database engine.


Create a function which returns the current date (year+month+day) as a string. Create the file named this string + .json. the fs module has a function which can check for file existence named fs.stat(path, callback). With this, you can check if the file exists. If it exists, use the read function if it's not, use the create function. Use the date string as the path cuz the file will be named as the today date + .json. the callback will contain a stats object which will be null if the file does not exist.

LaTeX: remove blank page after a \part or \chapter

A solution that works:

Wrap the part of the document that needs this modified behavior with the code provided below. In my case the portion to wrap is a \part{} and some text following it.


Some text


The wrapped portion should also include the chapter at the beginning of which this behavior needs to stop. Otherwise LaTeX may generate an empty page before this chapter.

Source: folks at the #latex IRC channel on

Launching Google Maps Directions via an intent on Android

Google DirectionsView with source location as a current location and destination location as given as a string

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(""+destinationCityName));
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName("", ""));
if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) != null) {

In the above destinationCityName is a string varaiable modified it as required.

How to add text at the end of each line in Vim?

There is in fact a way to do this using Visual block mode. Simply pressing $A in Visual block mode appends to the end of all lines in the selection. The appended text will appear on all lines as soon as you press Esc.

So this is a possible solution:


That is, in Normal mode, Visual select a paragraph vip, switch to Visual block mode CTRLV, append to all lines $A a comma ,, then press Esc to confirm.

The documentation is at :h v_b_A. There is even an illustration of how it works in the examples section: :h v_b_A_example.

Hibernate Criteria Query to get specific columns

You can use multiselect function for this.

   CriteriaBuilder cb=session.getCriteriaBuilder();
            CriteriaQuery<Object[]> cquery=cb.createQuery(Object[].class);
            Root<Car> root=cquery.from(User.class);
            Query<Object[]> q=session.createQuery(cquery);
            List<Object[]> list=q.getResultList();
            System.out.println("id        Name");
            for (Object[] objects : list) {
                System.out.println(objects[0]+"        "+objects[1]);

This is supported by hibernate 5. createCriteria is deprecated in further version of hibernate. So you can use criteria builder instead.

Visual Studio can't build due to rc.exe

"Error LNK1158 cannot run 'rc.exe" could be resulted from your project was opened by newer MS VS version. For instance, your project was created in VS 2015, then later was opened by 2017. Then later your project is opened in 2015.

To resolve this issue, open yourProjectName.vcxproj, look for WindowsTargetPlatformVersion, and change to the correct VS version

For VS 2015, it should be 8.1 for VS 2017, it should be 10.0.17763.0

How to reenable event.preventDefault?

You would have to unbind the event and either rebind to a separate event that does not preventDefault or just call the default event yourself later in the method after unbinding. There is no magical event.cancelled=false;

As requested

 $('form').submit( function(ev){


         //later you decide you want to submit


Dynamically access object property using variable

You should use JSON.parse, take a look at

const obj = JSON.parse('{ "name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}')

Get loop counter/index using for…of syntax in JavaScript

In ES6, it is good to use for - of loop. You can get index in for of like this

for (let [index, val] of array.entries()) {
        // your code goes here    

Note that Array.entries() returns an iterator, which is what allows it to work in the for-of loop; don't confuse this with Object.entries(), which returns an array of key-value pairs.

How can I execute Shell script in Jenkinsfile?

There's the Managed Script Plugin which provides an easy way of managing user scripts. It also adds a build step action which allows you to select which user script to execute.

Using JSON POST Request

An example using jQuery is below. Hope this helps

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<title>My jQuery JSON Web Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

JSONTest = function() {

    var resultDiv = $("#resultDivContainer");

        url: "",
        type: "POST",
        data: { apiKey: "23462", method: "example", ip: "" },
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (result) {
            switch (result) {
                case true:
        error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {


<h1>My jQuery JSON Web Page</h1>

<div id="resultDivContainer"></div>

<button type="button" onclick="JSONTest()">JSON</button>


Firebug debug process

Firebug XHR debug process

how can get index & count in vuejs

Using Vue 1.x, use the special variable $index like so:

<li v-for="catalog in catalogs">this index : {{$index + 1}}</li>

alternatively, you can specify an alias as a first argument for v-for directive like so:

<li v-for="(itemObjKey, catalog) in catalogs">
    this index : {{itemObjKey + 1}}

See : Vue 1.x guide

Using Vue 2.x, v-for provides a second optional argument referencing the index of the current item, you can add 1 to it in your mustache template as seen before:

<li v-for="(catalog, itemObjKey) in catalogs">
    this index : {{itemObjKey + 1}}

See: Vue 2.x guide

Eliminating the parentheses in the v-for syntax also works fine hence:

<li v-for="catalog, itemObjKey in catalogs">
    this index : {{itemObjKey + 1}}

Hope that helps.

Should a RESTful 'PUT' operation return something

If the backend of the REST API is a SQL relational database, then

  1. you should have RowVersion in every record that can be updated (to avoid the lost update problem)
  2. you should always return a new copy of the record after PUT (to get the new RowVersion).

If you don't care about lost updates, or if you want to force your clients to do a GET immediately after a PUT, then don't return anything from PUT.

Escaping Double Quotes in Batch Script

Google eventually came up with the answer. The syntax for string replacement in batch is this:

set v_myvar=replace me
set v_myvar=%v_myvar:ace=icate%

Which produces "replicate me". My script now looks like this:

@echo off
set v_params=%*
set v_params=%v_params:"=\"%
call bash -c "g++-linux-4.1 %v_params%"

Which replaces all instances of " with \", properly escaped for bash.

How to make a div have a fixed size?

you can give it a max-height and max-width in your .css

.fontpixel{max-width:200px; max-height:200px;}

in addition to your height and width properties

How to install PIP on Python 3.6?

I Used these commands in Centos 7

yum install python36
yum install python36-devel
yum install python36-pip
yum install python36-setuptools
easy_install-3.6 pip

to check the pip version:

pip3 -V
pip 18.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip-18.0-py3.6.egg/pip (python 3.6)

Run script with rc.local: script works, but not at boot

I had the same problem (on CentOS 7) and I fixed it by giving execute permissions to /etc/local:

chmod +x /etc/rc.local

How to filter empty or NULL names in a QuerySet?

this is another simple way to do it .


How to deal with ModalDialog using selenium webdriver?

I have tried it, it works for you.

String mainWinHander = webDriver.getWindowHandle();

// code for clicking button to open new window is ommited

//Now the window opened. So here reture the handle with size = 2
Set<String> handles = webDriver.getWindowHandles();

for(String handle : handles)
        // Here will block for ever. No exception and timeout!
        WebDriver popup = webDriver.switchTo().window(handle);
        // do something with popup

Removing multiple classes (jQuery)

Since jQuery 3.3.0, it is possible to pass arrays to .addClass(), .removeClass() and toggleClass(), which makes it easier if there is any logic which determines which classes should be added or removed, as you don't need to mess around with the space-delimited strings.

$("div").removeClass(["class1", "class2"]); 

How do I format a Microsoft JSON date?

Check up the date ISO standard; kind of like this:


It becomes 2008.11.20T22:18.

What is the difference between .NET Core and .NET Standard Class Library project types?

The previous answers may describe the best understanding about the difference between .NET Core, .NET Standard and .NET Framework, so I just want to share my experience when choosing this over that.

In the project that you need to mix between .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET Standard. For example, at the time we build the system with .NET Core 1.0, there is no support for Window Services hosting with .NET Core.

The next reason is we were using Active Report which doesn't support .NET Core.

So we want to build an infrastructure library that can be used for both .NET Core (ASP.NET Core) and Windows Service and Reporting (.NET Framework) -> That's why we chose .NET Standard for this kind of library. Choosing .NET standard means you need to carefully consider every class in the library should be simple and cross .NET (Core, Framework, and Standard).


  • .NET Standard for the infrastructure library and shared common. This library can be referenced by .NET Framework and .NET Core.
  • .NET Framework for unsupported technologies like Active Report, Window Services (now with .NET 3.0 it supports).
  • .NET Core for ASP.NET Core of course.

Microsoft just announced .NET 5: Introducing .NET 5

How to wait in bash for several subprocesses to finish and return exit code !=0 when any subprocess ends with code !=0?

There can be a case where the process is complete before waiting for the process. If we trigger wait for a process that is already finished, it will trigger an error like pid is not a child of this shell. To avoid such cases, the following function can be used to find whether the process is complete or not:

while [ -e /proc/$PID ]
    echo "Process: $PID is still running"
    sleep 5
echo "Process $PID has finished"

How to determine the encoding of text?

This site has python code for recognizing ascii, encoding with boms, and utf8 no bom: Read file into byte array (data): Here's an example. I'm in osx.


import sys

def isUTF8(data):
        decoded = data.decode('UTF-8')
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
        return False
        for ch in decoded:
            if 0xD800 <= ord(ch) <= 0xDFFF:
                return False
        return True

def get_bytes_from_file(filename):
    return open(filename, "rb").read()

filename = sys.argv[1]
data = get_bytes_from_file(filename)
result = isUTF8(data)

PS /Users/js> ./ hi.txt                                                                                     

Output in a table format in Java's System.out

I may be very late for the Answer but here a simple and generic solution

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;

public class TableGenerator {

    private int PADDING_SIZE = 2;
    private String NEW_LINE = "\n";
    private String TABLE_JOINT_SYMBOL = "+";
    private String TABLE_V_SPLIT_SYMBOL = "|";
    private String TABLE_H_SPLIT_SYMBOL = "-";

    public String generateTable(List<String> headersList, List<List<String>> rowsList,int... overRiddenHeaderHeight)
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        int rowHeight = overRiddenHeaderHeight.length > 0 ? overRiddenHeaderHeight[0] : 1; 

        Map<Integer,Integer> columnMaxWidthMapping = getMaximumWidhtofTable(headersList, rowsList);

        createRowLine(stringBuilder, headersList.size(), columnMaxWidthMapping);

        for (int headerIndex = 0; headerIndex < headersList.size(); headerIndex++) {
            fillCell(stringBuilder, headersList.get(headerIndex), headerIndex, columnMaxWidthMapping);


        createRowLine(stringBuilder, headersList.size(), columnMaxWidthMapping);

        for (List<String> row : rowsList) {

            for (int i = 0; i < rowHeight; i++) {

            for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < row.size(); cellIndex++) {
                fillCell(stringBuilder, row.get(cellIndex), cellIndex, columnMaxWidthMapping);


        createRowLine(stringBuilder, headersList.size(), columnMaxWidthMapping);

        return stringBuilder.toString();

    private void fillSpace(StringBuilder stringBuilder, int length)
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
            stringBuilder.append(" ");

    private void createRowLine(StringBuilder stringBuilder,int headersListSize, Map<Integer,Integer> columnMaxWidthMapping)
        for (int i = 0; i < headersListSize; i++) {
            if(i == 0)

            for (int j = 0; j < columnMaxWidthMapping.get(i) + PADDING_SIZE * 2 ; j++) {

    private Map<Integer,Integer> getMaximumWidhtofTable(List<String> headersList, List<List<String>> rowsList)
        Map<Integer,Integer> columnMaxWidthMapping = new HashMap<>();

        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < headersList.size(); columnIndex++) {
            columnMaxWidthMapping.put(columnIndex, 0);

        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < headersList.size(); columnIndex++) {

            if(headersList.get(columnIndex).length() > columnMaxWidthMapping.get(columnIndex))
                columnMaxWidthMapping.put(columnIndex, headersList.get(columnIndex).length());

        for (List<String> row : rowsList) {

            for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < row.size(); columnIndex++) {

                if(row.get(columnIndex).length() > columnMaxWidthMapping.get(columnIndex))
                    columnMaxWidthMapping.put(columnIndex, row.get(columnIndex).length());

        for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < headersList.size(); columnIndex++) {

            if(columnMaxWidthMapping.get(columnIndex) % 2 != 0)
                columnMaxWidthMapping.put(columnIndex, columnMaxWidthMapping.get(columnIndex) + 1);

        return columnMaxWidthMapping;

    private int getOptimumCellPadding(int cellIndex,int datalength,Map<Integer,Integer> columnMaxWidthMapping,int cellPaddingSize)
        if(datalength % 2 != 0)

        if(datalength < columnMaxWidthMapping.get(cellIndex))
            cellPaddingSize = cellPaddingSize + (columnMaxWidthMapping.get(cellIndex) - datalength) / 2;

        return cellPaddingSize;

    private void fillCell(StringBuilder stringBuilder,String cell,int cellIndex,Map<Integer,Integer> columnMaxWidthMapping)

        int cellPaddingSize = getOptimumCellPadding(cellIndex, cell.length(), columnMaxWidthMapping, PADDING_SIZE);

        if(cellIndex == 0)

        fillSpace(stringBuilder, cellPaddingSize);
        if(cell.length() % 2 != 0)
            stringBuilder.append(" ");

        fillSpace(stringBuilder, cellPaddingSize);



    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TableGenerator tableGenerator = new TableGenerator();

        List<String> headersList = new ArrayList<>(); 

        List<List<String>> rowsList = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            List<String> row = new ArrayList<>(); 


        System.out.println(tableGenerator.generateTable(headersList, rowsList));

With this kind of Output

|                   Id                   |                F-Name                  |                 L-Name                 |                  Email                 |
|  70a56f25-d42a-499c-83ac-50188c45a0ac  |  aa04285e-c135-46e2-9f90-988bf7796cd0  |  ac495ba7-d3c7-463c-8c24-9ffde67324bc  |  f6b5851b-41e0-4a4e-a237-74f8e0bff9ab  |
|  6de181ca-919a-4425-a753-78d2de1038ef  |  c4ba5771-ccee-416e-aebd-ef94b07f4fa2  |  365980cb-e23a-4513-a895-77658f130135  |  69e01da1-078e-4934-afb0-5afd6ee166ac  |
|  f3285f33-5083-4881-a8b4-c8ae10372a6c  |  46df25ed-fa0f-42a4-9181-a0528bc593f6  |  d24016bf-a03f-424d-9a8f-9a7b7388fd85  |  4b976794-aac1-441e-8bd2-78f5ccbbd653  |
|  ab799acb-a582-45e7-ba2f-806948967e6c  |  d019438d-0a75-48bc-977b-9560de4e033e  |  8cb2ad11-978b-4a67-a87e-439d0a21ef99  |  2f2d9a39-9d95-4a5a-993f-ceedd5ff9953  |
|  78a68c0a-a824-42e8-b8a8-3bdd8a89e773  |  0f030c1b-2069-4c1a-bf7d-f23d1e291d2a  |  7f647cb4-a22e-46d2-8c96-0c09981773b1  |  0bc944ef-c1a7-4dd1-9eef-915712035a74  |

Convert string to variable name in python

This is the best way, I know of to create dynamic variables in python.

my_dict = {}
x = "Buffalo"
my_dict[x] = 4

I found a similar, but not the same question here Creating dynamically named variables from user input

Adding a color background and border radius to a Layout

background.xml in drawable folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<shape xmlns:android=""> 
    <solid android:color="#FFFFFF"/>    
        android:color="#0FECFF" />

    //specify gradient



QuotaExceededError: Dom exception 22: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota

I happened to run with the same issue in iOS 7 (with some devices no simulators).

Looks like Safari in iOS 7 has a lower storage quota, which apparently is reached by having a long history log.

I guess the best practice will be to catch the exception.

The Modernizr project has an easy patch, you should try something similar:

PostgreSQL function for last inserted ID

You can use RETURNING id after insert query.

INSERT INTO distributors (id, name) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'ALI') RETURNING id;

and result:


In the above example id is auto-increment filed.

Get element type with jQuery

you should use tagName property and attr('type') for inputs

How to code a BAT file to always run as admin mode?

You can use nircmd.exe's elevate command

NirCmd Command Reference - elevate

elevate [Program] {Command-Line Parameters}

For Windows Vista/7/2008 only: Run a program with administrator rights. When the [Program] contains one or more space characters, you must put it in quotes.


elevate notepad.exe 
elevate notepad.exe C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS 
elevate "c:\program files\my software\abc.exe"

PS: I use it on win 10 and it works

The simplest way to comma-delimit a list?

Based on Java's List toString implementation:

Iterator i = list.iterator();
for (;;) {
  if (! i.hasNext()) break;
  ab.append(", ");

It uses a grammar like this:

List --> (Item , )* Item

By being last-based instead of first-based, it can check for skip-comma with the same test to check for end-of-list. I think this one is very elegant, but I'm not sure about clarity.

How can I tell jackson to ignore a property for which I don't have control over the source code?

Annotation based approach is better. But sometimes manual operation is needed. For this purpose you can use without method of ObjectWriter.

ObjectMapper mapper   = new ObjectMapper().configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)
ObjectWriter writer   = mapper.writer().withoutAttribute("property1").withoutAttribute("property2");
String       jsonText = writer.writeValueAsString(sourceObject);

Xcode "Build and Archive" from command line

With Xcode 4.2 you can use the -scheme flag to do this:

xcodebuild -scheme <SchemeName> archive

After this command the Archive will show up in the Xcode Organizer.

Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf

If you want to save the ASCII value of the character: (I did this in BASH and it worked)


testing=$( printf "%d" "'${char}" )

echo $testing}

output: 65

Make docker use IPv4 for port binding

As @daniel-t points out in the comment: is about showing binding only to IPv6 in netstat, but that is not an issue. As that github issues states:

When setting up the proxy, Docker requests the loopback address '', Linux realises this is an address that exists in IPv6 (as ::0) and opens on both (but it is formally an IPv6 socket). When you run netstat it sees this and tells you it is an IPv6 - but it is still listening on IPv4. If you have played with your settings a little, you may have disabled this trick Linux does - by setting net.ipv6.bindv6only = 1.

In other words, just because you see it as IPv6 only, it is still able to communicate on IPv4 unless you have IPv6 set to only bind on IPv6 with the net.ipv6.bindv6only setting. To be clear, net.ipv6.bindv6only should be 0 - you can run sysctl net.ipv6.bindv6only to verify.

Find duplicate records in a table using SQL Server

Try this

with T1 AS
SELECT E.*,T1.[COUNT] FROM Employees E INNER JOIN T1 ON T1.LastName = E.LastName