Programs & Examples On #Sampling

In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. In statistics, sampling is the selection of a subset of individuals from within a statistical population to estimate characteristics of the whole population.

subsampling every nth entry in a numpy array

You can use numpy's slicing, simply start:stop:step.

>>> xs
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> xs[1::4]
array([2, 2, 2])

This creates a view of the the original data, so it's constant time. It'll also reflect changes to the original array and keep the whole original array in memory:

>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> b = a[::2]         # O(1), constant time
>>> b[:] = 0           # modifying the view changes original array
>>> a                  # original array is modified
array([0, 2, 0, 4, 0])

so if either of the above things are a problem, you can make a copy explicitly:

>>> a
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> b = a[::2].copy()  # explicit copy, O(n)
>>> b[:] = 0           # modifying the copy
>>> a                  # original is intact
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

This isn't constant time, but the result isn't tied to the original array. The copy also contiguous in memory, which can make some operations on it faster.

Creating lowpass filter in SciPy - understanding methods and units

A few comments:

  • The Nyquist frequency is half the sampling rate.
  • You are working with regularly sampled data, so you want a digital filter, not an analog filter. This means you should not use analog=True in the call to butter, and you should use scipy.signal.freqz (not freqs) to generate the frequency response.
  • One goal of those short utility functions is to allow you to leave all your frequencies expressed in Hz. You shouldn't have to convert to rad/sec. As long as you express your frequencies with consistent units, the scaling in the utility functions takes care of the normalization for you.

Here's my modified version of your script, followed by the plot that it generates.

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, freqz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    normal_cutoff = cutoff / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, normal_cutoff, btype='low', analog=False)
    return b, a

def butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

# Filter requirements.
order = 6
fs = 30.0       # sample rate, Hz
cutoff = 3.667  # desired cutoff frequency of the filter, Hz

# Get the filter coefficients so we can check its frequency response.
b, a = butter_lowpass(cutoff, fs, order)

# Plot the frequency response.
w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=8000)
plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(0.5*fs*w/np.pi, np.abs(h), 'b')
plt.plot(cutoff, 0.5*np.sqrt(2), 'ko')
plt.axvline(cutoff, color='k')
plt.xlim(0, 0.5*fs)
plt.title("Lowpass Filter Frequency Response")
plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')

# Demonstrate the use of the filter.
# First make some data to be filtered.
T = 5.0         # seconds
n = int(T * fs) # total number of samples
t = np.linspace(0, T, n, endpoint=False)
# "Noisy" data.  We want to recover the 1.2 Hz signal from this.
data = np.sin(1.2*2*np.pi*t) + 1.5*np.cos(9*2*np.pi*t) + 0.5*np.sin(12.0*2*np.pi*t)

# Filter the data, and plot both the original and filtered signals.
y = butter_lowpass_filter(data, cutoff, fs, order)

plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
plt.plot(t, data, 'b-', label='data')
plt.plot(t, y, 'g-', linewidth=2, label='filtered data')
plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')


lowpass example

Generate random array of floats between a range

There may already be a function to do what you're looking for, but I don't know about it (yet?). In the meantime, I would suggess using:

ran_floats = numpy.random.rand(50) * (13.3-0.5) + 0.5

This will produce an array of shape (50,) with a uniform distribution between 0.5 and 13.3.

You could also define a function:

def random_uniform_range(shape=[1,],low=0,high=1):
    Random uniform range

    Produces a random uniform distribution of specified shape, with arbitrary max and
    min values. Default shape is [1], and default range is [0,1].
    return numpy.random.rand(shape) * (high - min) + min

EDIT: Hmm, yeah, so I missed it, there is numpy.random.uniform() with the same exact call you want! Try import numpy; help(numpy.random.uniform) for more information.

pandas resample documentation

B         business day frequency
C         custom business day frequency (experimental)
D         calendar day frequency
W         weekly frequency
M         month end frequency
SM        semi-month end frequency (15th and end of month)
BM        business month end frequency
CBM       custom business month end frequency
MS        month start frequency
SMS       semi-month start frequency (1st and 15th)
BMS       business month start frequency
CBMS      custom business month start frequency
Q         quarter end frequency
BQ        business quarter endfrequency
QS        quarter start frequency
BQS       business quarter start frequency
A         year end frequency
BA, BY    business year end frequency
AS, YS    year start frequency
BAS, BYS  business year start frequency
BH        business hour frequency
H         hourly frequency
T, min    minutely frequency
S         secondly frequency
L, ms     milliseconds
U, us     microseconds
N         nanoseconds

See the timeseries documentation. It includes a list of offsets (and 'anchored' offsets), and a section about resampling.

Note that there isn't a list of all the different how options, because it can be any NumPy array function and any function that is available via groupby dispatching can be passed to how by name.

Auto-fit TextView for Android

Since Android O, it's possible to auto resize text in xml:


Android O allows you to instruct a TextView to let the text size expand or contract automatically to fill its layout based on the TextView's characteristics and boundaries. This setting makes it easier to optimize the text size on different screens with dynamic content.

The Support Library 26.0 Beta provides full support to the autosizing TextView feature on devices running Android versions prior to Android O. The library provides support to Android 4.0 (API level 14) and higher. The package contains the TextViewCompat class to access features in a backward-compatible fashion.

How to calculate probability in a normal distribution given mean & standard deviation?

In case you would like to find the area between 2 values of x mean = 1; standard deviation = 2; the probability of x between [0.5,2]

import scipy.stats
scipy.stats.norm(1, 2).cdf(2) - scipy.stats.norm(1,2).cdf(0.5)

How to implement band-pass Butterworth filter with Scipy.signal.butter

You could skip the use of buttord, and instead just pick an order for the filter and see if it meets your filtering criterion. To generate the filter coefficients for a bandpass filter, give butter() the filter order, the cutoff frequencies Wn=[low, high] (expressed as the fraction of the Nyquist frequency, which is half the sampling frequency) and the band type btype="band".

Here's a script that defines a couple convenience functions for working with a Butterworth bandpass filter. When run as a script, it makes two plots. One shows the frequency response at several filter orders for the same sampling rate and cutoff frequencies. The other plot demonstrates the effect of the filter (with order=6) on a sample time series.

from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter

def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
    return b, a

def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
    y = lfilter(b, a, data)
    return y

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from scipy.signal import freqz

    # Sample rate and desired cutoff frequencies (in Hz).
    fs = 5000.0
    lowcut = 500.0
    highcut = 1250.0

    # Plot the frequency response for a few different orders.
    for order in [3, 6, 9]:
        b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, fs, order=order)
        w, h = freqz(b, a, worN=2000)
        plt.plot((fs * 0.5 / np.pi) * w, abs(h), label="order = %d" % order)

    plt.plot([0, 0.5 * fs], [np.sqrt(0.5), np.sqrt(0.5)],
             '--', label='sqrt(0.5)')
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')

    # Filter a noisy signal.
    T = 0.05
    nsamples = T * fs
    t = np.linspace(0, T, nsamples, endpoint=False)
    a = 0.02
    f0 = 600.0
    x = 0.1 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1.2 * np.sqrt(t))
    x += 0.01 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 312 * t + 0.1)
    x += a * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f0 * t + .11)
    x += 0.03 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * 2000 * t)
    plt.plot(t, x, label='Noisy signal')

    y = butter_bandpass_filter(x, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=6)
    plt.plot(t, y, label='Filtered signal (%g Hz)' % f0)
    plt.xlabel('time (seconds)')
    plt.hlines([-a, a], 0, T, linestyles='--')
    plt.legend(loc='upper left')

Here are the plots that are generated by this script:

Frequency response for several filter orders

enter image description here

Understanding Matlab FFT example

1) Why does the x-axis (frequency) end at 500? How do I know that there aren't more frequencies or are they just ignored?

It ends at 500Hz because that is the Nyquist frequency of the signal when sampled at 1000Hz. Look at this line in the Mathworks example:

f = Fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);

The frequency axis of the second plot goes from 0 to Fs/2, or half the sampling frequency. The Nyquist frequency is always half the sampling frequency, because above that, aliasing occurs: Aliasing illustration

The signal would "fold" back on itself, and appear to be some frequency at or below 500Hz.

2) How do I know the frequencies are between 0 and 500? Shouldn't the FFT tell me, in which limits the frequencies are?

Due to "folding" described above (the Nyquist frequency is also commonly known as the "folding frequency"), it is physically impossible for frequencies above 500Hz to appear in the FFT; higher frequencies will "fold" back and appear as lower frequencies.

Does the FFT only return the amplitude value without the frequency?

Yes, the MATLAB FFT function only returns one vector of amplitudes. However, they map to the frequency points you pass to it.

Let me know what needs clarification so I can help you further.

GC overhead limit exceeded

From Java SE 6 HotSpot[tm] Virtual Machine Garbage Collection Tuning

the following

Excessive GC Time and OutOfMemoryError

The concurrent collector will throw an OutOfMemoryError if too much time is being spent in garbage collection: if more than 98% of the total time is spent in garbage collection and less than 2% of the heap is recovered, an OutOfMemoryError will be thrown. This feature is designed to prevent applications from running for an extended period of time while making little or no progress because the heap is too small. If necessary, this feature can be disabled by adding the option -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit to the command line.

The policy is the same as that in the parallel collector, except that time spent performing concurrent collections is not counted toward the 98% time limit. In other words, only collections performed while the application is stopped count toward excessive GC time. Such collections are typically due to a concurrent mode failure or an explicit collection request (e.g., a call to System.gc()).

in conjunction with a passage further down

One of the most commonly encountered uses of explicit garbage collection occurs with RMIs distributed garbage collection (DGC). Applications using RMI refer to objects in other virtual machines. Garbage cannot be collected in these distributed applications without occasionally collection the local heap, so RMI forces full collections periodically. The frequency of these collections can be controlled with properties. For example,

java -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000

-Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 specifies explicit collection once per hour instead of the default rate of once per minute. However, this may also cause some objects to take much longer to be reclaimed. These properties can be set as high as Long.MAX_VALUE to make the time between explicit collections effectively infinite, if there is no desire for an upper bound on the timeliness of DGC activity.

Seems to imply that the evaluation period for determining the 98% is one minute long, but it might be configurable on Sun's JVM with the correct define.

Of course, other interpretations are possible.

Extract images from PDF without resampling, in python?

Much easier solution:

Use the poppler-utils package. To install it use homebrew (homebrew is MacOS specific, but you can find the poppler-utils package for Widows or Linux here: First line of code below installs poppler-utils using homebrew. After installation the second line (run from the command line) then extracts images from a PDF file and names them "image*". To run this program from within Python use the os or subprocess module. Third line is code using os module, beneath that is an example with subprocess (python 3.5 or later for run() function). More info here:

brew install poppler

pdfimages file.pdf image

import os
os.system('pdfimages file.pdf image')


import subprocess'pdfimages file.pdf image', shell=True)

Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas

The problem with some of this solutions is that they access directly the pixel data and loop through it to perform the downsampling. Depending on the size of the image this can be very resource intensive, and it would be better to use the browser's internal algorithms.

The drawImage() function is using a linear-interpolation, nearest-neighbor resampling method. That works well when you are not resizing down more than half the original size.

If you loop to only resize max one half at a time, the results would be quite good, and much faster than accessing pixel data.

This function downsample to half at a time until reaching the desired size:

  function resize_image( src, dst, type, quality ) {
     var tmp = new Image(),
         canvas, context, cW, cH;

     type = type || 'image/jpeg';
     quality = quality || 0.92;

     cW = src.naturalWidth;
     cH = src.naturalHeight;

     tmp.src = src.src;
     tmp.onload = function() {

        canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );

        cW /= 2;
        cH /= 2;

        if ( cW < src.width ) cW = src.width;
        if ( cH < src.height ) cH = src.height;

        canvas.width = cW;
        canvas.height = cH;
        context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
        context.drawImage( tmp, 0, 0, cW, cH );

        dst.src = canvas.toDataURL( type, quality );

        if ( cW <= src.width || cH <= src.height )

        tmp.src = dst.src;

  // The images sent as parameters can be in the DOM or be image objects
  resize_image( $( '#original' )[0], $( '#smaller' )[0] );

Credits to this post

Select a random sample of results from a query result

Something like this should work:

FROM table_name
WHERE primary_key IN (SELECT primary_key 
                        SELECT primary_key, SYS.DBMS_RANDOM.RANDOM 
                        FROM table_name 
                        ORDER BY 2
                      WHERE rownum <= 10 );

WAMP Server doesn't load localhost

Change the port 80 to port 8080 and restart all services and access like localhost:8080/

It will work fine.

Cast int to varchar

I will be answering this in general terms, and very thankful to the above contributers.
I am using MySQL on MySQL Workbench. I had a similar issue trying to concatenate a char and an int together using the GROUP_CONCAT method. In summary, what has worked for me is this:

let's say your char is 'c' and int is 'i', so, the query becomes:

Compare two objects in Java with possible null values

Since Java 7 you can use the static method java.util.Objects.equals(Object, Object) to perform equals checks on two objects without caring about them being null.

If both objects are null it will return true, if one is null and another isn't it will return false. Otherwise it will return the result of calling equals on the first object with the second as argument.

How do I specify the exit code of a console application in .NET?

Use this code


use 0 as the int if you don't want to return anything.

How can I create a text box for a note in markdown?

Have you tried using double tabs? To make a box:

Start on a fresh line
Hit tab twice, type up the content
Your content should appear in a box

It works for me in a regular Rmarkdown document with html output. The double-tabbed portion should appear in a rounded rectangular light grey box.

CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

The complete first argument of exec is being interpreted as the executable. Use

p = rt.exec(new String[] {"winrar.exe", "x", "h:\\myjar.jar", "*.*", "h:\\new" }

ASP.NET MVC 3 - redirect to another action

return RedirectToAction("ActionName", "ControllerName");

How to POST form data with Spring RestTemplate?

How to POST mixed data: File, String[], String in one request.

You can use only what you need.

private String doPOST(File file, String[] array, String name) {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(true);

    //add file
    LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object> params = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
    params.add("file", new FileSystemResource(file));

    //add array
    UriComponentsBuilder builder = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl("https://my_url");
    for (String item : array) {
        builder.queryParam("array", item);

    //add some String
    builder.queryParam("name", name);

    //another staff
    String result = "";
    HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

    HttpEntity<LinkedMultiValueMap<String, Object>> requestEntity =
            new HttpEntity<>(params, headers);

    ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =

    HttpStatus statusCode = responseEntity.getStatusCode();
    if (statusCode == HttpStatus.ACCEPTED) {
        result = responseEntity.getBody();
    return result;

The POST request will have File in its Body and next structure:

POST https://my_url?array=your_value1&array=your_value2&name=bob 

Compiling a C++ program with gcc

gcc can actually compile c++ code just fine. The errors you received are linker errors, not compiler errors.

Odds are that if you change the compilation line to be this:

gcc info.C -lstdc++

which makes it link to the standard c++ library, then it will work just fine.

However, you should just make your life easier and use g++.


Rup says it best in his comment to another answer:

[...] gcc will select the correct back-end compiler based on file extension (i.e. will compile a .c as C and a .cc as C++) and links binaries against just the standard C and GCC helper libraries by default regardless of input languages; g++ will also select the correct back-end based on extension except that I think it compiles all C source as C++ instead (i.e. it compiles both .c and .cc as C++) and it includes libstdc++ in its link step regardless of input languages.

Printing *s as triangles in Java?

Hint: For each row, you need to first print some spaces and then print some stars. The number of spaces should decrease by one per row, while the number of stars should increase.

For the centered output, increase the number of stars by two for each row.

How to stop a setTimeout loop?

var myVar = null;


myVar = setTimeout(function(){ alert("Hello"); }, 3000);

"Port 4200 is already in use" when running the ng serve command

This is what I used to kill the progress on port 4200

For linux users:

sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:4200)

You could also try this:

sudo kill `sudo lsof -t -i:4200`

For windows users:

Port number 4200 is already in use. Open the cmd as administrator. Type below command in cmd:

netstat -a -n -o

And then, find port with port number 4200 by right click on terminal and click find, enter 4200 in "find what" and click "find next": Let say you found that port number 4200 is used by pid 18932. Type below command in cmd:

taskkill -f /pid 18932


alias ngf='kill -9  $(lsof -t -i:4200);ng serve'

Now run ngf (instead of ng serve) in terminal from the project folder. This will kill all processes using the port 4200 and runs your Angular project.

font size in html code

The correct CSS for setting font-size is "font-size: 35px". I.e.:

 <td style="padding-left: 5px; padding-bottom:3px; font size: 35px;">

Note that this sets the font size in pixels. You can also set it in *em*s or percentage. Learn more about fonts in CSS here:

Counting the number of occurences of characters in a string

You should be able to utilize the StringUtils class and the countMatches() method.

public static int countMatches(String str, String sub)

Counts how many times the substring appears in the larger String.

Try the following:

int count = StringUtils.countMatches("a.b.c.d", ".");

How do I implement JQuery.noConflict() ?

/* The noConflict() method releases the hold on the $ shortcut identifier, so that other scripts can use it. */

 var jq = $.noConflict();

Live view example on codepen that is easy to understand:

Android: No Activity found to handle Intent error? How it will resolve

if (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager()) == null) {
    Utils.showToast(activity, no_app_available_to_complete_this_task);
} else {
    startActivityForResult(intent, 1);

Add line break to ::after or ::before pseudo-element content

<p>Break sentence after the comma,<span class="mbr"> </span>in case of mobile version.</p>
<p>Break sentence after the comma,<span class="dbr"> </span>in case of desktop version.</p>

The .mbr and .dbr classes can simulate line-break behavior using CSS display:table. Useful if you want to replace real <br />.

Check out this demo Codepen:,
and this post on responsive site use: Responsive line-breaks: simulate <br /> at given breakpoints.

Is it possible to find out the users who have checked out my project on GitHub?

Go to the traffic section inside graphs. Here you can find how many unique visitors you have. Other than this there is no other way to know who exactly viewed your account.

How to add an element to Array and shift indexes?

Jrad solution is good but I don't like that he doesn't use array copy. Internally System.arraycopy() does a native call so you will a get faster results.

public static int[] addPos(int[] a, int index, int num) {
    int[] result = new int[a.length];
    System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, index);
    System.arraycopy(a, index, result, index + 1, a.length - index - 1);
    result[index] = num;
    return result;

Difference between arguments and parameters in Java

The term parameter refers to any declaration within the parentheses following the method/function name in a method/function declaration or definition; the term argument refers to any expression within the parentheses of a method/function call. i.e.

  1. parameter used in function/method definition.
  2. arguments used in function/method call.

Please have a look at the below example for better understanding:


public class ArithmeticOperations {

    public static int add(int x, int y) { //x, y are parameters here
        return x + y;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int x = 10;
        int y = 20;
        int sum = add(x, y); //x, y are arguments here
        System.out.println("SUM IS: " +sum);


Thank you!

How do I sort a VARCHAR column in SQL server that contains numbers?

  Field1, Field2...
order by
  isnumeric(Field1) desc,
  case when isnumeric(Field1) = 1 then cast(Field1 as int) else null end,

This will return values in the order you gave in your question.

Performance won't be too great with all that casting going on, so another approach is to add another column to the table in which you store an integer copy of the data and then sort by that first and then the column in question. This will obviously require some changes to the logic that inserts or updates data in the table, to populate both columns. Either that, or put a trigger on the table to populate the second column whenever data is inserted or updated.

How to convert a column of DataTable to a List

Is this what you need?

DataTable myDataTable = new DataTable();
List<int> myList = new List<int>();
foreach (DataRow row in myDataTable.Rows)

How to get last key in an array?

Dont know if this is going to be faster or not, but it seems easier to do it this way, and you avoid the error by not passing in a function to end()...

it just needed a variable... not a big deal to write one more line of code, then unset it if you needed to.

$array = array(
    'first' => 123,
    'second' => 456,
    'last' => 789, 

$keys = array_keys($array);
$last = end($keys);

git switch branch without discarding local changes

Use git stash

git stash

It pushes changes to a stack. When you want to pull them back use

git stash apply

You can even pull individual items out. To completely blow away the stash:

git stash clear

What function is to replace a substring from a string in C?

// Here is the code for unicode strings!

int mystrstr(wchar_t *txt1,wchar_t *txt2)
    wchar_t *posstr=wcsstr(txt1,txt2);
        return (posstr-txt1);
        return -1;

// assume: supplied buff is enough to hold generated text
void StringReplace(wchar_t *buff,wchar_t *txt1,wchar_t *txt2)
    wchar_t *tmp;
    wchar_t *nextStr;
    int pos;










How to access JSON Object name/value?

You should do

alert(data[0].name); //Take the property name of the first array

and not


jQuery should be able to sniff the dataType for you even if you don't set it so no need for JSON.parse.

fiddle here

How to launch an EXE from Web page (

Did you try a UNC share?


Java HTML Parsing

Several years ago I used JTidy for the same purpose:

"JTidy is a Java port of HTML Tidy, a HTML syntax checker and pretty printer. Like its non-Java cousin, JTidy can be used as a tool for cleaning up malformed and faulty HTML. In addition, JTidy provides a DOM interface to the document that is being processed, which effectively makes you able to use JTidy as a DOM parser for real-world HTML.

JTidy was written by Andy Quick, who later stepped down from the maintainer position. Now JTidy is maintained by a group of volunteers.

More information on JTidy can be found on the JTidy SourceForge project page ."

Javascript: best Singleton pattern

Why use a constructor and prototyping for a single object?

The above is equivalent to:

var earth= {
    someMethod: function () {
        if (console && console.log)
            console.log('some method');                             

return {
    Person: Constructors.Person,
    PlanetEarth: earth

How can I bind a background color in WPF/XAML?

The Background property expects a Brush object, not a string. Change the type of the property to Brush and initialize it thus:

Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);

How to remove white space characters from a string in SQL Server

In that case, it isn't space that is in prefix/suffix.
The 1st row looks OK. Do the following for the contents of 2nd row.

ASCII(RIGHT(ProductAlternateKey, 1))


ASCII(LEFT(ProductAlternateKey, 1))

Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java

We can solve this by using String Buffer String s;

static String timeConversion(String s) {
   StringBuffer st=new StringBuffer(s);
   for(int i=0;i<=st.length();i++){

       if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='1' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '3');
       }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='2' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '4');
        }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='3' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '5');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='4' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '6');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='5' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '7');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='6' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '8');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='7' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '9');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='8' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '2');
                st.setCharAt(1, '0');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='0' && st.charAt(1)=='9' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '2');
                st.setCharAt(1, '1');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='1' && st.charAt(1)=='0' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '2');
                st.setCharAt(1, '2');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='1' && st.charAt(1)=='1' &&st.charAt(8)=='P' ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '2');
                st.setCharAt(1, '3');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='1' && st.charAt(1)=='2' &&st.charAt(8)=='A'  ){
        //    if(st.charAt(2)=='1'){
               // st.replace(1,2,"13");
                st.setCharAt(0, '0');
                st.setCharAt(1, '0');
         }else if(st.charAt(0)=='1' && st.charAt(1)=='2' &&st.charAt(8)=='P'  ){
                st.setCharAt(0, '1');
                st.setCharAt(1, '2');
             st.setCharAt(8,' ');

         }else if(st.charAt(8)== 'A'){
             st.setCharAt(8,' ');
             st.setCharAt(9,' ');
   String result=st.toString();
   return result;

android EditText - finished typing event

I ended her with the same problem and I could not use the the solution with onEditorAction or onFocusChange and did not want to try the timer. A timer is too dangerous for may taste, because of all the threads and too unpredictable, as you do not know when you code is executed.

The onEditorAction do not catch when the user leave without using a button and if you use it please notice that KeyEvent can be null. The focus is unreliable at both ends the user can get focus and leave without enter any text or selecting the field and the user do not need to leave the last EditText field.

My solution use onFocusChange and a flag set when the user starts editing text and a function to get the text from the last focused view, which I call when need.

I just clear the focus on all my text fields to tricker the leave text view code, The clearFocus code is only executed if the field has focus. I call the function in onSaveInstanceState so I do not have to save the flag (mEditing) as a state of the EditText view and when important buttons is clicked and when the activity is closed.

Be careful with TexWatcher as it is call often I use the condition on focus to not react when the onRestoreInstanceState code entering text. I

final EditText mEditTextView = (EditText) getView();

    mEditTextView.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {


        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {


        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
            if (!mEditing && mEditTextView.hasFocus()) {
                mEditing = true;
    mEditTextView.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {

        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
            if (!hasFocus && mEditing) {
                mEditing = false;
                ///Do the thing
protected void saveLastOpenField(){
    for (EditText view:getFields()){

Ubuntu says "bash: ./program Permission denied"

Try this:

sudo chmod +x program_name

How to make a back-to-top button using CSS and HTML only?

I used a form with a single submit button. Point the "action" attribute to the ID of the element that needs to be navigated to. Worked for me with just "#top" without needing to define an ID in my stylesheet:

<form action="#top">
    <button type="submit">Back to Top</button>

Maybe a couple extra lines than is desirable but it's a button, at least. I find this the most concise and descriptive way to go about it.

Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android

To write,

SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString("key", jsonArray.toString());

To Read,

try {
    JSONArray jsonArray2 = new JSONArray(prefs.getString("key", "[]"));
    for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray2.length(); i++) {
         Log.d("your JSON Array", jsonArray2.getInt(i)+"");
} catch (Exception e) {

Other way to do same:

//Retrieve the values
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonText = Prefs.getString("key", null);
String[] text = gson.fromJson(jsonText, String[].class);  //EDIT: gso to gson

//Set the values
Gson gson = new Gson();
List<String> textList = new ArrayList<String>(data);
String jsonText = gson.toJson(textList);
prefsEditor.putString("key", jsonText);

Using GSON in Java:

public void saveArrayList(ArrayList<String> list, String key){
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity);
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = gson.toJson(list);
    editor.putString(key, json);


public ArrayList<String> getArrayList(String key){
    SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity);
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = prefs.getString(key, null);
    Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>() {}.getType();
    return gson.fromJson(json, type);

Using GSON in Kotlin

fun saveArrayList(list: java.util.ArrayList<String?>?, key: String?) {
    val prefs: SharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity)
    val editor: Editor = prefs.edit()
    val gson = Gson()
    val json: String = gson.toJson(list)
    editor.putString(key, json)

fun getArrayList(key: String?): java.util.ArrayList<String?>? {
    val prefs: SharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(activity)
    val gson = Gson()
    val json: String = prefs.getString(key, null)
    val type: Type = object : TypeToken<java.util.ArrayList<String?>?>() {}.getType()
    return gson.fromJson(json, type)

Convert a Unicode string to an escaped ASCII string

This goes back and forth to and from the \uXXXX format.

class Program {
    static void Main( string[] args ) {
        string unicodeString = "This function contains a unicode character pi (\u03a0)";

        Console.WriteLine( unicodeString );

        string encoded = EncodeNonAsciiCharacters(unicodeString);
        Console.WriteLine( encoded );

        string decoded = DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters( encoded );
        Console.WriteLine( decoded );

    static string EncodeNonAsciiCharacters( string value ) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        foreach( char c in value ) {
            if( c > 127 ) {
                // This character is too big for ASCII
                string encodedValue = "\\u" + ((int) c).ToString( "x4" );
                sb.Append( encodedValue );
            else {
                sb.Append( c );
        return sb.ToString();

    static string DecodeEncodedNonAsciiCharacters( string value ) {
        return Regex.Replace(
            m => {
                return ((char) int.Parse( m.Groups["Value"].Value, NumberStyles.HexNumber )).ToString();
            } );


This function contains a unicode character pi (p)

This function contains a unicode character pi (\u03a0)

This function contains a unicode character pi (p)

Calling stored procedure from another stored procedure SQL Server

Simply call test2 from test1 like:

EXEC test2 @newId, @prod, @desc;

Make sure to get @id using SCOPE_IDENTITY(), which gets the last identity value inserted into an identity column in the same scope:


Why is my Button text forced to ALL CAPS on Lollipop?

add this line in style

    <item name="android:textAllCaps">false</item>

Get name of object or class

If you use standard IIFE (for example with TypeScript)

var Zamboch;
(function (_Zamboch) {
    (function (Web) {
        (function (Common) {
            var App = (function () {
                function App() {
                App.prototype.hello = function () {
                    console.log('Hello App');
                return App;
            Common.App = App;
        })(Web.Common || (Web.Common = {}));
        var Common = Web.Common;
    })(_Zamboch.Web || (_Zamboch.Web = {}));
    var Web = _Zamboch.Web;
})(Zamboch || (Zamboch = {}));

you could annotate the prototypes upfront with

setupReflection(Zamboch, 'Zamboch', 'Zamboch');

and then use _fullname and _classname fields.

var app=new Zamboch.Web.Common.App();

annotating function here:

function setupReflection(ns, fullname, name) {
    // I have only classes and namespaces starting with capital letter
    if (name[0] >= 'A' && name[0] &lt;= 'Z') {
        var type = typeof ns;
        if (type == 'object') {
            ns._refmark = ns._refmark || 0;
            ns._fullname = fullname;
            var keys = Object.keys(ns);
            if (keys.length != ns._refmark) {
                // set marker to avoid recusion, just in case 
                ns._refmark = keys.length;
                for (var nested in ns) {
                    var nestedvalue = ns[nested];
                    setupReflection(nestedvalue, fullname + '.' + nested, nested);
        } else if (type == 'function' && ns.prototype) {
            ns._fullname = fullname;
            ns._classname = name;
            ns.prototype._fullname = fullname;
            ns.prototype._classname = name;


How to sort a list of lists by a specific index of the inner list?

Itemgetter lets you to sort by multiple criteria / columns:

sorted_list = sorted(list_to_sort, key=itemgetter(2,0,1))

Android, ListView IllegalStateException: "The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification"

In my case I called the method GetFilter() on an adapter from the TextWatcher() method on main Activity, and I added the data with a For loop on GetFilter(). The solution was change the For loop to AfterTextChanged() sub method on main Activity and delete the call to GetFilter()

Parsing XML in Python using ElementTree example

So I have ElementTree 1.2.6 on my box now, and ran the following code against the XML chunk you posted:

import elementtree.ElementTree as ET

tree = ET.parse("test.xml")
doc = tree.getroot()
thingy = doc.find('timeSeries')

print thingy.attrib

and got the following back:

{'name': 'NWIS Time Series Instantaneous Values'}

It appears to have found the timeSeries element without needing to use numerical indices.

What would be useful now is knowing what you mean when you say "it doesn't work." Since it works for me given the same input, it is unlikely that ElementTree is broken in some obvious way. Update your question with any error messages, backtraces, or anything you can provide to help us help you.

Android RelativeLayout programmatically Set "centerInParent"

Just to add another flavor from the Reuben response, I use it like this to add or remove this rule according to a condition:

    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams =
            (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) holder.txtGuestName.getLayoutParams();

        // if true center text:
    } else {
        // if false remove center:
        layoutParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.CENTER_IN_PARENT, 0);

How do I SET the GOPATH environment variable on Ubuntu? What file must I edit?

At the end of the ~.profile file add::

export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:$GOPATH/bin"

Hashmap with Streams in Java 8 Streams to collect value of Map

What you need to do is create a Stream out of the Map's .entrySet():

// Map<K, V> --> Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> --> Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>>

From the on, you can .filter() over these entries. For instance:

// Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>> --> Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>>
.filter(entry -> entry.getKey() == 1)

And to obtain the values from it you .map():

// Stream<Map.Entry<K, V>> --> Stream<V>

Finally, you need to collect into a List:

// Stream<V> --> List<V>

If you have only one entry, use this instead (NOTE: this code assumes that there is a value; otherwise, use .orElse(); see the javadoc of Optional for more details):

// Stream<V> --> Optional<V> --> V

Java ArrayList copy

Java doesn't pass objects, it passes references (pointers) to objects. So yes, l2 and l1 are two pointers to the same object.

You have to make an explicit copy if you need two different list with the same contents.

How do I escape a percentage sign in T-SQL?


WHERE column_name LIKE '%|%%' ESCAPE '|'

Multiple file extensions in OpenFileDialog


Filter = "BMP|*.bmp|GIF|*.gif|JPG|*.jpg;*.jpeg|PNG|*.png|TIFF|*.tif;*.tiff"

Then do another round of copy/paste of all the extensions (joined together with ; as above) for "All graphics types":

Filter = "BMP|*.bmp|GIF|*.gif|JPG|*.jpg;*.jpeg|PNG|*.png|TIFF|*.tif;*.tiff|"
       + "All Graphics Types|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.tif;*.tiff"

Android Google Maps API V2 Zoom to Current Location

    mMap.setOnMyLocationChangeListener(new GoogleMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener() {
        public void onMyLocationChange(Location location) {

                CameraUpdate center=CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()));
                CameraUpdate zoom=CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo(11);


Android Fragments and animation

I'd highly suggest you use this instead of creating the animation file because it's a much better solution. Android Studio already provides default animation you can use without creating any new XML file. The animations' names are android.R.anim.slide_in_left and android.R.anim.slide_out_right and you can use them as follows:

fragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimations(android.R.anim.slide_in_left, android.R.anim.slide_out_right);

FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();              
fragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimations(android.R.anim.slide_in_left, android.R.anim.slide_out_right);
fragmentTransaction.replace(, firstFragment, "h");


enter image description here

PHP date() with timezone?

The answer above caused me to jump through some hoops/gotchas, so just posting the cleaner code that worked for me:

$dt = new DateTime();
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('America/New_York'));

echo $dt->format('F j, Y @ G:i');

How to set default values in Rails?

A potentially even better/cleaner potential way than the answers proposed is to overwrite the accessor, like this:

def status
  self['name_of_var'] || 'desired_default_value'

See "Overwriting default accessors" in the ActiveRecord::Base documentation and more from StackOverflow on using self.

addEventListener, "change" and option selection

The problem is that you used the select option, this is where you went wrong. Select signifies that a textbox or textArea has a focus. What you need to do is use change. "Fires when a new choice is made in a select element", also used like blur when moving away from a textbox or textArea.

function start(){
      document.getElementById("activitySelector").addEventListener("change", addActivityItem, false);

function addActivityItem(){
      //option is selected

window.addEventListener("load", start, false);

RichTextBox (WPF) does not have string property "Text"

The WPF RichTextBox has a Document property for setting the content a la MSDN:

// Create a FlowDocument to contain content for the RichTextBox.
        FlowDocument myFlowDoc = new FlowDocument();

        // Add paragraphs to the FlowDocument.
        myFlowDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 1")));
        myFlowDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 2")));
        myFlowDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 3")));
        RichTextBox myRichTextBox = new RichTextBox();

        // Add initial content to the RichTextBox.
        myRichTextBox.Document = myFlowDoc;

You can just use the AppendText method though if that's all you're after.

Hope that helps.

CSS Div Background Image Fixed Height 100% Width

See my answer to a similar question here.

It sounds like you want a background-image to keep it's own aspect ratio while expanding to 100% width and getting cropped off on the top and bottom. If that's the case, do something like this:

.chapter {
    position: relative;
    height: 1200px;
    z-index: 1;

#chapter1 {
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% auto;
    background-position: center top;
    background-attachment: fixed;


The problem with this approach is that you have the container elements at a fixed height, so there can be space below if the screen is small enough.

If you want the height to keep the image's aspect ratio, you'll have to do something like what I wrote in an edit to the answer I linked to above. Set the container's height to 0 and set the padding-bottom to the percentage of the width:

.chapter {
    position: relative;
    height: 0;
    padding-bottom: 75%;
    z-index: 1;

#chapter1 {
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% auto;
    background-position: center top;
    background-attachment: fixed;


You could also put the padding-bottom percentage into each #chapter style if each image has a different aspect ratio. In order to use different aspect ratios, divide the height of the original image by it's own width, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage value.

How to get the insert ID in JDBC?

It is possible to use it with normal Statement's as well (not just PreparedStatement)

Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
int updateCount = statement.executeUpdate("insert into x...)", Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
try (ResultSet generatedKeys = statement.getGeneratedKeys()) {
  if ( {
    return generatedKeys.getLong(1);
  else {
    throw new SQLException("Creating failed, no ID obtained.");

How to differ sessions in browser-tabs?

You can use link-rewriting to append a unique identifier to all your URLs when starting at a single page (e.g. index.html/jsp/whatever). The browser will use the same cookies for all your tabs so everything you put in cookies will not be unique.

Fastest way to copy a file in Node.js

Mike's solution, but with promises:

const FileSystem = require('fs');

exports.copyFile = function copyFile(source, target) {
    return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
        const rd = FileSystem.createReadStream(source);
        rd.on('error', err => reject(err));
        const wr = FileSystem.createWriteStream(target);
        wr.on('error', err => reject(err));
        wr.on('close', () => resolve());

How to set up default schema name in JPA configuration?

For those who uses last versions of spring boot will help this:

.properties:<name of your schema>


                default_schema: <name of your schema>

use std::fill to populate vector with increasing numbers

I created a simple templated function, Sequence(), for generating sequences of numbers. The functionality follows the seq() function in R (link). The nice thing about this function is that it works for generating a variety of number sequences and types.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

template <typename T>
std::vector<T> Sequence(T min, T max, T by) {
  size_t n_elements = ((max - min) / by) + 1;
  std::vector<T> vec(n_elements);
  min -= by;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
    min += by;
    vec[i] = min;
  return vec;

Example usage:

int main()
    auto vec = Sequence(0., 10., 0.5);
    for(auto &v : vec) {
        std::cout << v << std::endl;

The only caveat is that all of the numbers should be of the same inferred type. In other words, for doubles or floats, include decimals for all of the inputs, as shown.

Updated: June 14, 2018

Why would I use dirname(__FILE__) in an include or include_once statement?

I used this below if this is what you are thinking. It it worked well for me.

    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/head_lib.php";

What I was trying to do was pulla file called /head_lib.php from the root folder. It would not pull anything to build the webpage. The header, footer and other key features in sub directories would never show up. Until I did above it worked like a champ.

How to use a variable in the replacement side of the Perl substitution operator?

On the replacement side, you must use $1, not \1.

And you can only do what you want by making replace an evalable expression that gives the result you want and telling s/// to eval it with the /ee modifier like so:

$find="start (.*) end";
$replace='"foo $1 bar"';

$var = "start middle end";
$var =~ s/$find/$replace/ee;

print "var: $var\n";

To see why the "" and double /e are needed, see the effect of the double eval here:

$ perl
$foo = "middle";
$replace='"foo $foo bar"';
print eval('$replace'), "\n";
print eval(eval('$replace')), "\n";
"foo $foo bar"
foo middle bar

(Though as ikegami notes, a single /e or the first /e of a double e isn't really an eval(); rather, it tells the compiler that the substitution is code to compile, not a string. Nonetheless, eval(eval(...)) still demonstrates why you need to do what you need to do to get /ee to work as desired.)

Who sets response content-type in Spring MVC (@ResponseBody)

Just in case you can also set encoding by the following way:

@RequestMapping(value = "ajax/gethelp")
public ResponseEntity<String> handleGetHelp(Locale loc, String code, HttpServletResponse response) {
    HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    responseHeaders.add("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8");

    log.debug("Getting help for code: " + code);
    String help = messageSource.getMessage(code, null, loc);
    log.debug("Help is: " + help);

    return new ResponseEntity<String>("returning: " + help, responseHeaders, HttpStatus.CREATED);

I think using StringHttpMessageConverter is better than this.

How to simulate a click by using x,y coordinates in JavaScript?

You can dispatch a click event, though this is not the same as a real click. For instance, it can't be used to trick a cross-domain iframe document into thinking it was clicked.

All modern browsers support document.elementFromPoint and, since at least IE 6, Firefox 5, any version of Chrome and probably any version of Safari you're likely to care about. It will even follow links and submit forms:

document.elementFromPoint(x, y).click();

UIView bottom border?

Solution for Swift 4

let bottomBorder = CALayer()
        bottomBorder.frame = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: calendarView.frame.size.height-1, width: calendarView.frame.width, height: 1.0)
        bottomBorder.backgroundColor = #colorLiteral(red: 0.8039215803, green: 0.8039215803, blue: 0.8039215803, alpha: 1)

BackgroundColor lightGray. Change color if you need.

Return value from exec(@sql)

declare @nReturn int = 0 EXEC @nReturn = Stored Procedures

Change project name on Android Studio

Just change the application id in build.gradle

applicationId "yourpackageName"

For changing application label, in manifest

... />

Get the latest record with filter in Django

obj= Model.objects.filter(testfield=12).order_by('-id')[0]

Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS with PHP

Try something like this (should work for Apache and IIS):

if (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === "off") {
    $location = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
    header('Location: ' . $location);

Passing multiple parameters with $.ajax url

Why are you combining GET and POST? Use one or the other.

    type: 'post',
    data: {
        timestamp: timestamp,
        uid: uid


$uid =$_POST['uid'];

Or, just format your request properly (you're missing the ampersands for the get parameters).


Multipart File upload Spring Boot

    MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement() {
        MultipartConfigFactory factory = new MultipartConfigFactory();
        return factory.createMultipartConfig();

put it in class where you are defining beans

Download and save PDF file with Python requests module

Please note I'm a beginner. If My solution is wrong, please feel free to correct and/or let me know. I may learn something new too.

My solution:

Change the downloadPath accordingly to where you want your file to be saved. Feel free to use the absolute path too for your usage.

Save the below as

Usage: python url-of-the-file-to-download new-file-name.extension

Remember to add an extension!

Example usage: python google.html

import requests
import sys
import os

def downloadFile(url, fileName):
    with open(fileName, "wb") as file:
        response = requests.get(url)

scriptPath = sys.path[0]
downloadPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, '../Downloads/')
url = sys.argv[1]
fileName = sys.argv[2]      
print('path of the script: ' + scriptPath)
print('downloading file to: ' + downloadPath)
downloadFile(url, downloadPath + fileName)
print('file downloaded...')
print('exiting program...')

Passing a URL with brackets to curl

Never mind, I found it in the docs:

              This  option  switches  off  the "URL globbing parser". When you set this option, you can
              specify URLs that contain the letters {}[] without having them being interpreted by  curl
              itself.  Note  that  these  letters  are not normal legal URL contents but they should be
              encoded according to the URI standard.

When to use in vs ref vs out

out is more constraint version of ref.

In a method body, you need to assign to all out parameters before leaving the method. Also an values assigned to an out parameter is ignored, whereas ref requires them to be assigned.

So out allows you to do:

int a, b, c = foo(out a, out b);

where ref would require a and b to be assigned.

Smooth scrolling with just pure css

You can do this with pure CSS but you will need to hard code the offset scroll amounts, which may not be ideal should you be changing page content- or should dimensions of your content change on say window resize.

You're likely best placed to use e.g. jQuery, specifically:

$('html, body').stop().animate({
   scrollTop: element.offset().top
}, 1000);

A complete implementation may be:

$('#up, #down').on('click', function(e){
    var target= $(this).get(0).id == 'up' ? $('#down') : $('#up');
    $('html, body').stop().animate({
       scrollTop: target.offset().top
    }, 1000);

Where element is the target element to scroll to and 1000 is the delay in ms before completion.

Demo Fiddle

The benefit being, no matter what changes to your content dimensions, the function will not need to be altered.

How can I represent a range in Java?

You could create a class to represent this

public class Range
    private int low;
    private int high;

    public Range(int low, int high){
        this.low = low;
        this.high = high;

    public boolean contains(int number){
        return (number >= low && number <= high);

Sample usage:

Range range = new Range(0, 2147483647);

if (range.contains(foo)) {
    //do something

git repo says it's up-to-date after pull but files are not updated

Try this:

 git fetch --all
 git reset --hard origin/master


git fetch downloads the latest from remote without trying to merge or rebase anything.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

jQuery Validate Plugin - Trigger validation of single field

For some reason, some of the other methods don't work until the field has been focused/blured/changed, or a submit has been attempted... this works for me.


Had to dig through the jquery.validate script to find it...

Invalid character in identifier

Carefully see your quotation, is this correct or incorrect! Sometime double quotation doesn’t work properly, it's depend on your keyboard layout.

Viewing unpushed Git commits

git diff origin

Assuming your branch is set up to track the origin, then that should show you the differences.

git log origin

Will give you a summary of the commits.

How to use font-family lato?

Please put this code in head section

<link href=',700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

and use font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif; in your css. For example:

h1 {
    font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;
    font-weight: 400;

Or you can use manually also

Generate .ttf font from fontSquiral

and can try this option

    @font-face {
        font-family: "Lato";
        src: url('698242188-Lato-Bla.eot');
        src: url('698242188-Lato-Bla.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('698242188-Lato-Bla.svg#Lato Black') format('svg'),
        url('698242188-Lato-Bla.woff') format('woff'),
        url('698242188-Lato-Bla.ttf') format('truetype');
        font-weight: normal;
        font-style: normal;

Called like this

body {
  font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;

get the data of uploaded file in javascript

you can use the new HTML 5 file api to read file contents

but this won't work on every browser so you probably need a server side fallback.

In MySQL, can I copy one row to insert into the same table?

This procedure assumes that:

  • you don't have _duplicate_temp_table
  • your primary key is int
  • you have access to create table

Of course this is not perfect, but in certain (probably most) cases it will work.

CREATE PROCEDURE DUPLICATE_ROW(copytable VARCHAR(255), primarykey VARCHAR(255), copyid INT, out newid INT)
        SET @temptable = '_duplicate_temp_table';
        SET @sql_text = CONCAT('CREATE TABLE ', @temptable, ' LIKE ', copytable);
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text;
        EXECUTE stmt;
        SET @sql_text = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ', @temptable, ' SELECT * FROM ', copytable, ' where ', primarykey,'=', copyid);
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text;
        EXECUTE stmt;
        SET @sql_text = CONCAT('SELECT max(', primarykey, ')+1 FROM ', copytable, ' INTO @newid');
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text;
        EXECUTE stmt;
        SET @sql_text = CONCAT('UPDATE ', @temptable, ' SET ', primarykey, '=@newid');
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text;
        EXECUTE stmt;
        SET @sql_text = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ', copytable, ' SELECT * FROM ', @temptable, '');
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text;
        EXECUTE stmt;
        SET @sql_text = CONCAT('DROP TABLE ', @temptable);
        PREPARE stmt FROM @sql_text;
        EXECUTE stmt;
        SELECT @newid INTO newid;
END $$

CALL DUPLICATE_ROW('table', 'primarykey', 1, @duplicate_id);
SELECT @duplicate_id;

Show two digits after decimal point in c++

cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << total;

setprecision specifies the minimum precision. So

cout << setprecision (2) << 1.2; 

will print 1.2

fixed says that there will be a fixed number of decimal digits after the decimal point

cout << setprecision (2) << fixed << 1.2;

will print 1.20

Changing the maximum length of a varchar column?

Using Maria-DB and DB-Navigator tool inside IntelliJ, MODIFY Column worked for me instead of Alter Column

Converting json results to a date

I use this:

function parseJsonDate(jsonDateString){
    return new Date(parseInt(jsonDateString.replace('/Date(', '')));

Update 2018:

This is an old question. Instead of still using this old non standard serialization format I would recommend to modify the server code to return better format for date. Either an ISO string containing time zone information, or only the milliseconds. If you use only the milliseconds for transport it should be UTC on server and client.

  • 2018-07-31T11:56:48Z - ISO string can be parsed using new Date("2018-07-31T11:56:48Z") and obtained from a Date object using dateObject.toISOString()
  • 1533038208000 - milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, UTC - can be parsed using new Date(1533038208000) and obtained from a Date object using dateObject.getTime()

Loop through list with both content and index

>>> for i, s in enumerate(S):

Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart

To make sure your local branch FixForBug is not ahead of the remote branch FixForBug pull and merge the changes before pushing.

git pull origin FixForBug
git push origin FixForBug

What do >> and << mean in Python?

<< Mean any given number will be multiply by 2the power
for exp:- 2<<2=2*2'1=4

How can I find the number of elements in an array?

i mostly found a easy way to execute the length of array inside a loop just like that

 int array[] = {10, 20, 30, 40};
 int i;
 for (i = 0; i < array[i]; i++) {
    printf("%d\n", array[i]);

HTTP URL Address Encoding in Java

How about:

public String UrlEncode(String in_) {

String retVal = "";

try {
    retVal = URLEncoder.encode(in_, "UTF8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
    Log.get().exception(Log.Level.Error, "urlEncode ", ex);

return retVal;


Binding value to style

I managed to make it work with alpha28 like this:

import {Component, View} from 'angular2/angular2';

  selector: 'circle', 
  properties: ['color: color'],
    template: `<style>
        height: 50px;
        border-radius: 25px;
<div class="circle" [style.background-color]="changeBackground()">
export class Circle {


    changeBackground(): string {
        return this.color;

and called it like this <circle color='yellow'></circle>

Could not resolve Spring property placeholder

make sure your properties file exist in classpath directory but not in sub folder of your classpath directory. if it is exist in sub folder then write as below classpath:subfolder/

PostgreSQL ERROR: canceling statement due to conflict with recovery

There's no need to start idle transactions on the master. In postgresql-9.1 the most direct way to solve this problem is by setting

hot_standby_feedback = on

This will make the master aware of long-running queries. From the docs:

The first option is to set the parameter hot_standby_feedback, which prevents VACUUM from removing recently-dead rows and so cleanup conflicts do not occur.

Why isn't this the default? This parameter was added after the initial implementation and it's the only way that a standby can affect a master.

How to create a TextArea in Android

Defining an Android Mulitline EditText Field is done via the inputType=”textMultiline”. Unfortunately the text looks strangely aligned. To solve that also use the gravity=”left|top” attribute.

   android:inputType="textMultiLine" >

   <requestFocus />

check this vogella blog

pass **kwargs argument to another function with **kwargs

Expanding on @gecco 's answer, the following is an example that'll show you the difference:

def foo(**kwargs):
    for entry in kwargs.items():
        print("Key: {}, value: {}".format(entry[0], entry[1]))

# call using normal keys:
foo(a=1, b=2, c=3)
# call using an unpacked dictionary:
foo(**{"a": 1, "b":2, "c":3})

# call using a dictionary fails because the function will think you are
# giving it a positional argument
foo({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
# this yields the same error as any other positional argument

Here you can see how unpacking a dictionary works, and why sending an actual dictionary fails

What is the most efficient way to get first and last line of a text file?

with open("myfile.txt") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    first_row = lines[0]
    print first_row
    last_row = lines[-1]
    print last_row

Permission denied error on Github Push

For some reason my push and pull origin was changed to HTTPS-url in stead of SSH-url (probably a copy-paste error on my end), but trying to push would give me the following error after trying to login:

Username for '': xxx
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
remote: Invalid username or password.

Updating the remote origin with the SSH url, solved the problem:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:<username>/<repo>.git

Hope this helps!

SQL DROP TABLE foreign key constraint

No, this will not drop your table if there are indeed foreign keys referencing it.

To get all foreign key relationships referencing your table, you could use this SQL (if you're on SQL Server 2005 and up):

FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE referenced_object_id = object_id('Student')

and if there are any, with this statement here, you could create SQL statements to actually drop those FK relations:

    'ALTER TABLE [' +  OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(parent_object_id) +
    '].[' + OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id) + 
    '] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + name + ']'
FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE referenced_object_id = object_id('Student')

How to read values from properties file?

There are various ways to achieve the same. Below are some commonly used ways in spring-

  1. Using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

  2. Using PropertySource

  3. Using ResourceBundleMessageSource

  4. Using PropertiesFactoryBean

    and many more........................

Assuming ds.type is key in your property file.

Using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

Register PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer bean-

<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:path/"/>


<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
  <property name="locations" value="classpath:path/" ></property>


public class SampleConfig {
 public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer placeHolderConfigurer() {
  return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
  //set locations as well.

After registering PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer, you can access the value-

@Value("${ds.type}")private String attr; 

Using PropertySource

In the latest spring version you don't need to register PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer with @PropertySource, I found a good link to understand version compatibility-

public class BeanTester {
    @Autowired Environment environment; 
    public void execute() {
        String attr = this.environment.getProperty("ds.type");

Using ResourceBundleMessageSource

Register Bean-

<bean id="messageSource" class="">
  <property name="basenames">

Access Value-

((ApplicationContext)context).getMessage("ds.type", null, null);


public class BeanTester {
    @Autowired MessageSource messageSource; 
    public void execute() {
        String attr = this.messageSource.getMessage("ds.type", null, null);

Using PropertiesFactoryBean

Register Bean-

<bean id="properties"
  <property name="locations">

Wire Properties instance into your class-

public class BeanTester {
    @Autowired Properties properties; 
    public void execute() {
        String attr = properties.getProperty("ds.type");

Detect end of ScrollView

All of these answers are so complicated, but there is a simple built-in method that accomplishes this: canScrollVertically(int)

For example:

public void onScrollChanged() {
    if (!scrollView.canScrollVertically(1)) {
        // bottom of scroll view
    if (!scrollView.canScrollVertically(-1)) {
        // top of scroll view

This also works with RecyclerView, ListView, and actually any other view since the method is implemented on View.

If you have a horizontal ScrollView, the same can be achieved with canScrollHorizontally(int)

JWT (JSON Web Token) library for Java

By referring to you can find jwt implementations in many languages including java. Also the site provide some comparison between these implementation (the algorithms they support and ....).

For java these are mentioned libraries:

What is the best data type to use for money in C#?

As it is described at decimal as:

The decimal keyword indicates a 128-bit data type. Compared to floating-point types, the decimal type has more precision and a smaller range, which makes it appropriate for financial and monetary calculations.

You can use a decimal as follows:

decimal myMoney = 300.5m;

How to hide axes and gridlines in Matplotlib (python)

Turn the axes off with:


And gridlines with:


Can't drop table: A foreign key constraint fails

Use show create table tbl_name to view the foreign keys

You can use this syntax to drop a foreign key:


There's also more information here (see Frank Vanderhallen post):

Check date between two other dates spring data jpa

Maybe you could try

List<Article> findAllByPublicationDate(Date publicationDate);

The detail could be checked in this article:

Is there an XSL "contains" directive?

It should be something like...

<xsl:if test="contains($hhref, '1234')">

(not tested)

See w3schools (always a good reference BTW)

How to continue a Docker container which has exited

by name

sudo docker start bob_the_container

or by Id

sudo docker start aa3f365f0f4e

this restarts stopped container, use -i to attach container's STDIN or instead of -i you can attach to container session (if you run with -it)

sudo docker attach bob_the_container

ImportError: No module named _ssl

Either install the supplementary packages for python-ssl using your package manager or recompile Python using -with-ssl (requires OpenSSL headers/libs installed).

What does 'foo' really mean?

See: RFC 3092: Etymology of "Foo", D. Eastlake 3rd et al.

Quoting only the relevant definitions from that RFC for brevity:

  1. Used very generally as a sample name for absolutely anything, esp. programs and files (esp. scratch files).

  2. First on the standard list of metasyntactic variables used in syntax examples (bar, baz, qux, quux, corge, grault, garply, waldo, fred, plugh, xyzzy, thud). [JARGON]

How to combine two strings together in PHP?

Try this , we can append string in php with dot (.) symbol

$data1 = "the color is";
$data2 = "red";

echo $data1.$data2; //the color isred
echo $data1." ".$data2; // the color is red (we have appended space)

difference between @size(max = value ) and @min(value) @max(value)

@Min and @Max are used for validating numeric fields which could be String(representing number), int, short, byte etc and their respective primitive wrappers.

@Size is used to check the length constraints on the fields.

As per documentation @Size supports String, Collection, Map and arrays while @Min and @Max supports primitives and their wrappers. See the documentation.

how to select rows based on distinct values of A COLUMN only

if you dont wanna use DISTINCT use GROUP BY


mailto link with HTML body

As you can see in RFC 6068, this is not possible at all:

The special <hfname> "body" indicates that the associated <hfvalue> is the body of the message. The "body" field value is intended to contain the content for the first text/plain body part of the message. The "body" pseudo header field is primarily intended for the generation of short text messages for automatic processing (such as "subscribe" messages for mailing lists), not for general MIME bodies.

Fatal error: iostream: No such file or directory in compiling C program using GCC

Seems like you posted a new question after you realized that you were dealing with a simpler problem related to size_t. I am glad that you did.

Anyways, You have a .c source file, and most of the code looks as per C standards, except that #include <iostream> and using namespace std;

C equivalent for the built-in functions of C++ standard #include<iostream> can be availed through #include<stdio.h>

  1. Replace #include <iostream> with #include <stdio.h>, delete using namespace std;
  2. With #include <iostream> taken off, you would need a C standard alternative for cout << endl;, which can be done by printf("\n"); or putchar('\n');
    Out of the two options, printf("\n"); works the faster as I observed.

    When used printf("\n"); in the code above in place of cout<<endl;

    $ time ./thread.exe
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    real    0m0.031s
    user    0m0.030s
    sys     0m0.030s

    When used putchar('\n'); in the code above in place of cout<<endl;

    $ time ./thread.exe
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    real    0m0.047s
    user    0m0.030s
    sys     0m0.030s

Compiled with Cygwin gcc (GCC) 4.8.3 version. results averaged over 10 samples. (Took me 15 mins)

iPad WebApp Full Screen in Safari

Looks like most of the answers on this thread have not kept up. iOS Safari on iPads have fullscreen support now and it's very easy to implement using javascript.

Here's my full article on how to implement fullscreen capability on your web app.

Getting NetworkCredential for current user (C#)

You can get the user name using System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() but there is not way to get current user password!

CSS div element - how to show horizontal scroll bars only?

I also had to add white-space: nowrap; to the style, otherwise elements would wrap down into the area that we're removing the ability to scroll to.

Difference between 3NF and BCNF in simple terms (must be able to explain to an 8-year old)

Your pizza can have exactly three topping types:

  • one type of cheese
  • one type of meat
  • one type of vegetable

So we order two pizzas and choose the following toppings:

Pizza    Topping     Topping Type
-------- ----------  -------------
1        mozzarella  cheese
1        pepperoni   meat
1        olives      vegetable
2        mozzarella  meat
2        sausage     cheese
2        peppers     vegetable

Wait a second, mozzarella can't be both a cheese and a meat! And sausage isn't a cheese!

We need to prevent these sorts of mistakes, to make mozzarella always be cheese. We should use a separate table for this, so we write down that fact in only one place.

Pizza    Topping
-------- ----------
1        mozzarella
1        pepperoni
1        olives
2        mozzarella 
2        sausage
2        peppers

Topping     Topping Type
----------  -------------
mozzarella  cheese
pepperoni   meat
olives      vegetable
sausage     meat
peppers     vegetable

That was the explanation that an 8 year-old might understand. Here is the more technical version.

BCNF acts differently from 3NF only when there are multiple overlapping candidate keys.

The reason is that the functional dependency X -> Y is of course true if Y is a subset of X. So in any table that has only one candidate key and is in 3NF, it is already in BCNF because there is no column (either key or non-key) that is functionally dependent on anything besides that key.

Because each pizza must have exactly one of each topping type, we know that (Pizza, Topping Type) is a candidate key. We also know intuitively that a given topping cannot belong to different types simultaneously. So (Pizza, Topping) must be unique and therefore is also a candidate key. So we have two overlapping candidate keys.

I showed an anomaly where we marked mozarella as the wrong topping type. We know this is wrong, but the rule that makes it wrong is a dependency Topping -> Topping Type which is not a valid dependency for BCNF for this table. It's a dependency on something other than a whole candidate key.

So to solve this, we take Topping Type out of the Pizzas table and make it a non-key attribute in a Toppings table.

How to hide columns in HTML table?

Bootstrap people use .hidden class on <td>.

Get size of an Iterable in Java

TL;DR: Use the utility method Iterables.size(Iterable) of the great Guava library.

Of your two code snippets, you should use the first one, because the second one will remove all elements from values, so it is empty afterwards. Changing a data structure for a simple query like its size is very unexpected.

For performance, this depends on your data structure. If it is for example in fact an ArrayList, removing elements from the beginning (what your second method is doing) is very slow (calculating the size becomes O(n*n) instead of O(n) as it should be).

In general, if there is the chance that values is actually a Collection and not only an Iterable, check this and call size() in case:

if (values instanceof Collection<?>) {
  return ((Collection<?>)values).size();
// use Iterator here...

The call to size() will usually be much faster than counting the number of elements, and this trick is exactly what Iterables.size(Iterable) of Guava does for you.

CSS change button style after click

It is possible to do with CSS only by selecting active and focus pseudo element of the button.



See codepen:

You could also write a simple jQuery click function which changes the background color.


<button class="js-click">Click me!</button>


button {
  background: none;


  $( ".js-click" ).click(function() {
    $( ".js-click" ).css('background', 'green');

Check out this codepen:

Could not open ServletContext resource

Try to use classpath*: prefix instead.

Also please try to deploy exploded war, to ensure that all files are there.

Center-align a HTML table

<table align="center"></table>

This works for me.

Linking static libraries to other static libraries

Static libraries do not link with other static libraries. The only way to do this is to use your librarian/archiver tool (for example ar on Linux) to create a single new static library by concatenating the multiple libraries.

Edit: In response to your update, the only way I know to select only the symbols that are required is to manually create the library from the subset of the .o files that contain them. This is difficult, time consuming and error prone. I'm not aware of any tools to help do this (not to say they don't exist), but it would make quite an interesting project to produce one.

Setting multiple attributes for an element at once with JavaScript

You could make a helper function:

function setAttributes(el, attrs) {
  for(var key in attrs) {
    el.setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);

Call it like this:

setAttributes(elem, {"src": "", "height": "100%", ...});

Class vs. static method in JavaScript

When i faced such a situation, i have done something like this:

Logger = {
    info: function (message, tag) {
        var fullMessage = '';        
        fullMessage = this._getFormatedMessage(message, tag);
        if (loggerEnabled) {
    warning: function (message, tag) {
        var fullMessage = '';
        fullMessage = this._getFormatedMessage(message, tag);
        if (loggerEnabled) {
            console.warn(fullMessage);`enter code here`
    _getFormatedMessage: function () {}

so now i can call the info method as"my Msg", "Tag");

How can I get System variable value in Java?

Google says to check out getenv():

Returns an unmodifiable string map view of the current system environment.

I'm not sure how system variables differ from environment variables, however, so if you could clarify I could help out more.

Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for [email protected]

I was able to fix this issue by changing the mail settings in the portion of my web.config:

    <smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
        <network host="yourserver" defaultCredentials="true"/>

Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init()

$ch = curl_init(''); //initialising our url

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MUTE, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);  //used for https headers 

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);  //used for https headers

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, urlencode($pvars));  
//the value we post

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //waiting for reponse, default value in php is zero ie, curls normally do not wait for a response

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0'); 

$output = curl_exec($ch); //the real execution 

echo $output;

Try this code. I am not sure about it. But i used it to send xml data to a remote url.

ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION AndroidManifest Permissions Not Being Granted

Compatible with all SDK versions (android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION became dangerous permission in Android M and requires user to manually grant it).

In Android versions below Android M ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(...) always returns true if you add these permission(s) in AndroidManifest.xml)

public void onSomeButtonClick() {
    if (!permissionsGranted()) {
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[] {Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION}, 123);
    } else doLocationAccessRelatedJob();

private Boolean permissionsGranted() {
    return ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED);

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(final int requestCode, @NonNull final String[] permissions, @NonNull final int[] grantResults) {
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    if (requestCode == 123) {
        if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            // Permission granted.
        } else {
            // User refused to grant permission. You can add AlertDialog here
            Toast.makeText(this, "You didn't give permission to access device location", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

private void startInstalledAppDetailsActivity() {
    Intent i = new Intent();
    i.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + getPackageName()));

in AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

How to select last one week data from today's date

Yes, the syntax is accurate and it should be fine.

Here is the SQL Fiddle Demo I created for your particular case

create table sample2
    id int primary key,
    created_date date,
    data varchar(10)

insert into sample2 values (1,'2012-01-01','testing');

And here is how to select the data

SELECT Created_Date
FROM sample2
WHERE Created_Date >= DATEADD(day,-11117, GETDATE())

What does character set and collation mean exactly?

A character set is a subset of all written glyphs. A character encoding specifies how those characters are mapped to numeric values. Some character encodings, like UTF-8 and UTF-16, can encode any character in the Universal Character Set. Others, like US-ASCII or ISO-8859-1 can only encode a small subset, since they use 7 and 8 bits per character, respectively. Because many standards specify both a character set and a character encoding, the term "character set" is often substituted freely for "character encoding".

A collation comprises rules that specify how characters can be compared for sorting. Collations rules can be locale-specific: the proper order of two characters varies from language to language.

Choosing a character set and collation comes down to whether your application is internationalized or not. If not, what locale are you targeting?

In order to choose what character set you want to support, you have to consider your application. If you are storing user-supplied input, it might be hard to foresee all the locales in which your software will eventually be used. To support them all, it might be best to support the UCS (Unicode) from the start. However, there is a cost to this; many western European characters will now require two bytes of storage per character instead of one.

Choosing the right collation can help performance if your database uses the collation to create an index, and later uses that index to provide sorted results. However, since collation rules are often locale-specific, that index will be worthless if you need to sort results according to the rules of another locale.

Java Byte Array to String to Byte Array

You can't just take the returned string and construct a string from it... it's not a byte[] data type anymore, it's already a string; you need to parse it. For example :

String response = "[-47, 1, 16, 84, 2, 101, 110, 83, 111, 109, 101, 32, 78, 70, 67, 32, 68, 97, 116, 97]";      // response from the Python script

String[] byteValues = response.substring(1, response.length() - 1).split(",");
byte[] bytes = new byte[byteValues.length];

for (int i=0, len=bytes.length; i<len; i++) {
   bytes[i] = Byte.parseByte(byteValues[i].trim());     

String str = new String(bytes);

** EDIT **

You get an hint of your problem in your question, where you say "Whatever I seem to try I end up getting a byte array which looks as follows... [91, 45, ...", because 91 is the byte value for [, so [91, 45, ... is the byte array of the string "[-45, 1, 16, ..." string.

The method Arrays.toString() will return a String representation of the specified array; meaning that the returned value will not be a array anymore. For example :

byte[] b1 = new byte[] {97, 98, 99};

String s1 = Arrays.toString(b1);
String s2 = new String(b1);

System.out.println(s1);        // -> "[97, 98, 99]"
System.out.println(s2);        // -> "abc";

As you can see, s1 holds the string representation of the array b1, while s2 holds the string representation of the bytes contained in b1.

Now, in your problem, your server returns a string similar to s1, therefore to get the array representation back, you need the opposite constructor method. If s2.getBytes() is the opposite of new String(b1), you need to find the opposite of Arrays.toString(b1), thus the code I pasted in the first snippet of this answer.

Add characters to a string in Javascript

You can also keep adding strings to an existing string like so:

var myString = "Hello ";
myString += "World";
myString += "!";

the result would be -> Hello World!

org.hibernate.PersistentObjectException: detached entity passed to persist

You didn't provide many relevant details so I will guess that you called getInvoice and then you used result object to set some values and call save with assumption that your object changes will be saved.

However, persist operation is intended for brand new transient objects and it fails if id is already assigned. In your case you probably want to call saveOrUpdate instead of persist.

You can find some discussion and references here "detached entity passed to persist error" with JPA/EJB code

rsync: difference between --size-only and --ignore-times

On a Scientific Linux 6.7 system, the man page on rsync says:

--ignore-times          don't skip files that match size and time

I have two files with identical contents, but with different creation dates:

[root@windstorm ~]# ls -ls /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 15 03:45 /tmp/master/usercron
4 -rwxrwx--- 1 root root 1595 Feb 16 04:52 /tmp/new/usercron

[root@windstorm ~]# diff /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
[root@windstorm ~]# md5sum /tmp/master/usercron /tmp/new/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/master/usercron
368165347b09204ce25e2fa0f61f3bbd  /tmp/new/usercron

With --size-only, the two files are regarded the same:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --size-only -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 29 bytes  received 12 bytes  82.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 38.90 (DRY RUN)

With --ignore-times, the two files are regarded different:

[root@windstorm ~]# rsync -v --ignore-times -n  /tmp/new/usercron /tmp/master/usercron

sent 32 bytes  received 15 bytes  94.00 bytes/sec
total size is 1595  speedup is 33.94 (DRY RUN)

So it does not looks like --ignore-times has any effect at all.

How can I get the Google cache age of any URL or web page?

you can Use CachedPages website

Cached pages are usually saved and stored by large companies with powerful web servers. Since such servers are usually very fast, a cached page can often be accessed faster than the live page itself:

  • Google usually keeps a recent copy of the page (1 to 15 days old).
  • Coral also keeps a recent copy, although it's usually not as recent as Google.
  • Through, you can access several copies of a web page saved throughout the years.

YAML equivalent of array of objects in JSON


You want this:

  - shares: -75.088
    date: 11/27/2015
  - shares: 75.088
    date: 11/26/2015


The YAML equivalent of a JSON object is a mapping, which looks like these:

# flow style
{ foo: 1, bar: 2 }
# block style
foo: 1
bar: 2

Note that the first characters of the keys in a block mapping must be in the same column. To demonstrate:

# OK
   foo: 1
   bar: 2
# Parse error
   foo: 1
    bar: 2


The equivalent of a JSON array in YAML is a sequence, which looks like either of these (which are equivalent):

# flow style
[ foo bar, baz ]
# block style
- foo bar
- baz

In a block sequence the -s must be in the same column.


Let's turn your JSON into YAML. Here's your JSON:

{"AAPL": [
    "shares": -75.088,
    "date": "11/27/2015"
    "shares": 75.088,
    "date": "11/26/2015"

As a point of trivia, YAML is a superset of JSON, so the above is already valid YAML—but let's actually use YAML's features to make this prettier.

Starting from the inside out, we have objects that look like this:

  "shares": -75.088,
  "date": "11/27/2015"

The equivalent YAML mapping is:

shares: -75.088
date: 11/27/2015

We have two of these in an array (sequence):

- shares: -75.088
  date: 11/27/2015
- shares: 75.088
  date: 11/26/2015

Note how the -s line up and the first characters of the mapping keys line up.

Finally, this sequence is itself a value in a mapping with the key AAPL:

  - shares: -75.088
    date: 11/27/2015
  - shares: 75.088
    date: 11/26/2015

Parsing this and converting it back to JSON yields the expected result:

  "AAPL": [
      "date": "11/27/2015", 
      "shares": -75.088
      "date": "11/26/2015", 
      "shares": 75.088

You can see it (and edit it interactively) here.

Bootstrap 4: Multilevel Dropdown Inside Navigation

I found this multidrop-down menu which work great in all device.

Also, have hover style

It supports multi-level submenus with bootstrap 4.

$( document ).ready( function () {_x000D_
    $( '.navbar a.dropdown-toggle' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {_x000D_
        var $el = $( this );_x000D_
        var $parent = $( this ).offsetParent( ".dropdown-menu" );_x000D_
        $( this ).parent( "li" ).toggleClass( 'show' );_x000D_
        if ( !$parent.parent().hasClass( 'navbar-nav' ) ) {_x000D_
            $ { "top": $el[0].offsetTop, "left": $parent.outerWidth() - 4 } );_x000D_
        $( '.navbar-nav' ).not( $( this ).parents( "li" ) ).removeClass( "show" );_x000D_
        return false;_x000D_
    } );_x000D_
} );
.navbar-light .navbar-nav .nav-link {_x000D_
    color: rgb(64, 64, 64);_x000D_
.btco-menu li > a {_x000D_
    padding: 10px 15px;_x000D_
    color: #000;_x000D_
.btco-menu .active a:focus,_x000D_
.btco-menu li a:focus ,_x000D_
.navbar > .show > a:focus{_x000D_
    background: transparent;_x000D_
    outline: 0;_x000D_
.dropdown-menu .show > .dropdown-toggle::after{_x000D_
    transform: rotate(-90deg);_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-rwoIResjU2yc3z8GV/NPeZWAv56rSmLldC3R/AZzGRnGxQQKnKkoFVhFQhNUwEyJ" crossorigin="anonymous">_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-A7FZj7v+d/sdmMqp/nOQwliLvUsJfDHW+k9Omg/a/EheAdgtzNs3hpfag6Ed950n" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-DztdAPBWPRXSA/3eYEEUWrWCy7G5KFbe8fFjk5JAIxUYHKkDx6Qin1DkWx51bBrb" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<script src="" integrity="sha384-vBWWzlZJ8ea9aCX4pEW3rVHjgjt7zpkNpZk+02D9phzyeVkE+jo0ieGizqPLForn" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>_x000D_
<nav class="navbar navbar-toggleable-md navbar-light bg-faded btco-menu">_x000D_
    <button class="navbar-toggler navbar-toggler-right" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarNavDropdown" aria-controls="navbarNavDropdown" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">_x000D_
        <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>_x000D_
    <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Navbar</a>_x000D_
    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarNavDropdown">_x000D_
        <ul class="navbar-nav">_x000D_
            <li class="nav-item active">_x000D_
                <a class="nav-link" href="#">Home <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a>_x000D_
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                <ul class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">_x000D_
                    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a></li>_x000D_
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                    <li><a class="dropdown-item dropdown-toggle" href="#">Submenu</a>_x000D_
                        <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                            <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Submenu action</a></li>_x000D_
                            <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another submenu action</a></li>_x000D_
                            <li><a class="dropdown-item dropdown-toggle" href="#">Subsubmenu</a>_x000D_
                                <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                                    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Subsubmenu action</a></li>_x000D_
                                    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another subsubmenu action</a></li>_x000D_
                            <li><a class="dropdown-item dropdown-toggle" href="#">Second subsubmenu</a>_x000D_
                                <ul class="dropdown-menu">_x000D_
                                    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Subsubmenu action</a></li>_x000D_
                                    <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another subsubmenu action</a></li>_x000D_

Oracle TNS names not showing when adding new connection to SQL Developer

In SQLDeveloper browse Tools --> Preferences, as shown in below image.

enter image description here

In the Preferences options expand Database --> select Advanced --> under "Tnsnames Directory" --> Browse the directory where tnsnames.ora present.
Then click on Ok.
as shown in below diagram.

enter image description here

You have Done!

Now you can connect via the TNSnames options.

How to use sessions in an ASP.NET MVC 4 application?

Due to the stateless nature of the web, sessions are also an extremely useful way of persisting objects across requests by serialising them and storing them in a session.

A perfect use case of this could be if you need to access regular information across your application, to save additional database calls on each request, this data can be stored in an object and unserialised on each request, like so:

Our reusable, serializable object:

public class UserProfileSessionData
    public int UserId { get; set; }

    public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

    public string FullName { get; set; }

Use case:

public class LoginController : Controller {

    public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            var profileData = new UserProfileSessionData {
                UserId = model.UserId,
                EmailAddress = model.EmailAddress,
                FullName = model.FullName

            this.Session["UserProfile"] = profileData;

    public ActionResult LoggedInStatusMessage()
        var profileData = this.Session["UserProfile"] as UserProfileSessionData;

        /* From here you could output profileData.FullName to a view and
        save yourself unnecessary database calls */


Once this object has been serialised, we can use it across all controllers without needing to create it or query the database for the data contained within it again.

Inject your session object using Dependency Injection

In a ideal world you would 'program to an interface, not implementation' and inject your serializable session object into your controller using your Inversion of Control container of choice, like so (this example uses StructureMap as it's the one I'm most familiar with).

public class WebsiteRegistry : Registry
    public WebsiteRegistry()
        this.For<IUserProfileSessionData>().HybridHttpOrThreadLocalScoped().Use(() => GetUserProfileFromSession());   

    public static IUserProfileSessionData GetUserProfileFromSession()
        var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
        if (session["UserProfile"] != null)
            return session["UserProfile"] as IUserProfileSessionData;

        /* Create new empty session object */
        session["UserProfile"] = new UserProfileSessionData();

        return session["UserProfile"] as IUserProfileSessionData;

You would then register this in your Global.asax.cs file.

For those that aren't familiar with injecting session objects, you can find a more in-depth blog post about the subject here.

A word of warning:

It's worth noting that sessions should be kept to a minimum, large sessions can start to cause performance issues.

It's also recommended to not store any sensitive data in them (passwords, etc).

How would you make a comma-separated string from a list of strings?

>>> my_list = ['A', '', '', 'D', 'E',]
>>> ",".join([str(i) for i in my_list if i])

my_list may contain any type of variables. This avoid the result 'A,,,D,E'.

laravel throwing MethodNotAllowedHttpException

Laravel sometimes does not support {!! Form::open(['url' => 'posts/store']) !!} for security reasons. That's why the error has happened. You can solve this error by simply replacing the below code

{!! Form::open(array('route' => '')) !!}

Error Code {!! Form::open(['url' => 'posts/store']) !!}

Correct Code {!! Form::open(array('route' => '')) !!}

HttpListener Access Denied

By default Windows defines the following prefix that is available to everyone: http://+:80/Temporary_Listen_Addresses/

So you can register your HttpListener via:

Prefixes.Add("http://+:80/Temporary_Listen_Addresses/" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D") + "/";

This sometimes causes problems with software such as Skype which will try to utilise port 80 by default.

JVM property -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 or UTF-8?

It will be:


See here for the definitions.

Java String remove all non numeric characters

With guava:

String input = "abx123.5";
String result = CharMatcher.inRange('0', '9').or('.')).retainFrom(input);


Removing Java 8 JDK from Mac

You just need to use these commands

sudo rm -rf /Library/Java/*
sudo rm -rf /Library/PreferencePanes/Java*
sudo rm -rf /Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/Java*

Java generics - why is "extends T" allowed but not "implements T"?

In fact, when using generic on interface, the keyword is also extends. Here is the code example:

There are 2 classes that implements the Greeting interface:

interface Greeting {
    void sayHello();

class Dog implements Greeting {
    public void sayHello() {
        System.out.println("Greeting from Dog: Hello ");

class Cat implements Greeting {
    public void sayHello() {
        System.out.println("Greeting from Cat: Hello ");

And the test code:

public void testGeneric() {
    Collection<? extends Greeting> animals;

    List<Dog> dogs = Arrays.asList(new Dog(), new Dog(), new Dog());
    List<Cat> cats = Arrays.asList(new Cat(), new Cat(), new Cat());

    animals = dogs;
    for(Greeting g: animals) g.sayHello();

    animals = cats;
    for(Greeting g: animals) g.sayHello();

How to change onClick handler dynamically?

I think you want to use jQuery's .bind and .unBind methods. In my testing, changing the click event using .click and .onclick actually called the newly assigned event, resulting in a never-ending loop.

For example, if the events you are toggling between are hide() and unHide(), and clicking one switches the click event to the other, you would end up in a continuous loop. A better way would be to do this:

$(element).unbind().bind( 'click' , function(){ alert('!') } ); 

Remove grid, background color, and top and right borders from ggplot2

The above options do not work for maps created with sf and geom_sf(). Hence, I want to add the relevant ndiscr parameter here. This will create a nice clean map showing only the features.


ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = some_shp) + 
  theme_minimal() +                     # white background
  theme(axis.text = element_blank(),    # remove geographic coordinates
        axis.ticks = element_blank()) + # remove ticks
  coord_sf(ndiscr = 0)                  # remove grid in the background

Use latest version of Internet Explorer in the webbrowser control

Using the values from MSDN:

  int BrowserVer, RegVal;

  // get the installed IE version
  using (WebBrowser Wb = new WebBrowser())
    BrowserVer = Wb.Version.Major;

  // set the appropriate IE version
  if (BrowserVer >= 11)
    RegVal = 11001;
  else if (BrowserVer == 10)
    RegVal = 10001;
  else if (BrowserVer == 9)
    RegVal = 9999;
  else if (BrowserVer == 8)
    RegVal = 8888;
    RegVal = 7000;

  // set the actual key
  using (RegistryKey Key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree))
    if (Key.GetValue(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + ".exe") == null)
      Key.SetValue(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + ".exe", RegVal, RegistryValueKind.DWord);

Select last row in MySQL

Almost every database table, there's an auto_increment column(generally id )

If you want the last of all the rows in the table,



You can combine two queries into single query that looks like this:

SELECT columns FROM table WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM table);

Getting "Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file" upon executing JaCoCo

In my case, the prepare agent had a different destFile in configuration, but accordingly the report had to be configured with a dataFile, but this configuration was missing. Once the dataFile was added, it started working fine.

Jackson Vs. Gson

Gson 1.6 now includes a low-level streaming API and a new parser which is actually faster than Jackson.

Get all photos from Instagram which have a specific hashtag with PHP

Here's another example I wrote a while ago:

    // Get class for Instagram
    // More examples here:
    require_once 'instagram.class.php';

    // Initialize class with client_id
    // Register at and replace client_id with your own
    $instagram = new Instagram('CLIENT_ID_HERE');

    // Set keyword for #hashtag
    $tag = 'KEYWORD HERE';

    // Get latest photos according to #hashtag keyword
    $media = $instagram->getTagMedia($tag);

    // Set number of photos to show
    $limit = 5;

    // Set height and width for photos
    $size = '100';

    // Show results
    // Using for loop will cause error if there are less photos than the limit
    foreach(array_slice($media->data, 0, $limit) as $data)
        // Show photo
        echo '<p><img src="'.$data->images->thumbnail->url.'" height="'.$size.'" width="'.$size.'" alt="SOME TEXT HERE"></p>';

C++ template constructor

Here's a workaround.

Make a template subclass B of A. Do the template-argument-independent part of the construction in A's constructor. Do the template-argument-dependent part in B's constructor.

What does /p mean in set /p?

The /P switch allows you to set the value of a variable to a line of input entered by the user. Displays the specified promptString before reading the line of input. The promptString can be empty.

Two ways I've used it... first:

SET /P variable=

When batch file reaches this point (when left blank) it will halt and wait for user input. Input then becomes variable.

And second:

SET /P variable=<%temp%\filename.txt

Will set variable to contents (the first line) of the txt file. This method won't work unless the /P is included. Both tested on Windows 8.1 Pro, but it's the same on 7 and 10.

OraOLEDB.Oracle provider is not registered on the local machine

If you are getting this in a C# projet, check if you are running in 64-bit or 32-bit mode with the following code:

        if (IntPtr.Size == 4)
            Console.WriteLine("This is 32-Bit!");
        else if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
            Console.WriteLine("This is 64 Bit!");

If you find that you are running in 64-Bit mode, you may want to try switching to 32-Bit (or vice versa). You can follow this guide to force your application to run as 64 or 32 bit (X64 and X86 respectively). You have to make sure that Platform Target in your project properties is not set to Any CPU and that it is explicitley set.

enter image description here

Switching that option from Any CPU to X86 resolved my error and I was able to connect to the Oracle provider.

How to get a specific output iterating a hash in Ruby?

hash.keys.sort.each do |key|
  puts "#{key}-----"
  hash[key].each { |val| puts val }

How do I get indices of N maximum values in a NumPy array?

When top_k<<axis_length,it better than argsort.

import numpy as np

def get_sorted_top_k(array, top_k=1, axis=-1, reverse=False):
    if reverse:
        axis_length = array.shape[axis]
        partition_index = np.take(np.argpartition(array, kth=-top_k, axis=axis),
                                  range(axis_length - top_k, axis_length), axis)
        partition_index = np.take(np.argpartition(array, kth=top_k, axis=axis), range(0, top_k), axis)
    top_scores = np.take_along_axis(array, partition_index, axis)
    # resort partition
    sorted_index = np.argsort(top_scores, axis=axis)
    if reverse:
        sorted_index = np.flip(sorted_index, axis=axis)
    top_sorted_scores = np.take_along_axis(top_scores, sorted_index, axis)
    top_sorted_indexes = np.take_along_axis(partition_index, sorted_index, axis)
    return top_sorted_scores, top_sorted_indexes

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import time
    from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

    x = np.random.rand(10, 128)
    y = np.random.rand(1000000, 128)
    z = cosine_similarity(x, y)
    start_time = time.time()
    sorted_index_1 = get_sorted_top_k(z, top_k=3, axis=1, reverse=True)[1]
    print(time.time() - start_time)

How can I run NUnit tests in Visual Studio 2017?

To run or debug tests in Visual Studio 2017, we need to install "NUnit3TestAdapter". We can install it in any version of Visual Studio, but it is working properly in the Visual Studio "community" version.

To install this, you can add it through the NuGet package.

Failed Apache2 start, no error log

On XAMPP use

D:\xampp\apache\bin>httpd -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS

This will yield errors in your configuration of the virtual hosts

Get all inherited classes of an abstract class

typeof(AbstractDataExport).Assembly tells you an assembly your types are located in (assuming all are in the same).

assembly.GetTypes() gives you all types in that assembly or assembly.GetExportedTypes() gives you types that are public.

Iterating through the types and using type.IsAssignableFrom() gives you whether the type is derived.

javascript date to string

You will need to pad with "0" if its a single digit & note getMonth returns 0..11 not 1..12

function printDate() {
    var temp = new Date();
    var dateStr = padStr(temp.getFullYear()) +
                  padStr(1 + temp.getMonth()) +
                  padStr(temp.getDate()) +
                  padStr(temp.getHours()) +
                  padStr(temp.getMinutes()) +
    debug (dateStr );

function padStr(i) {
    return (i < 10) ? "0" + i : "" + i;

How to resolve 'npm should be run outside of the node repl, in your normal shell'

enter image description here

Just open Node.js commmand promt as run as administrator

indexOf method in an object array?

array.filter(function(item, indx, arr){ return(item.hello === 'stevie'); })[0];

Mind the [0].

It is proper to use reduce as in Antonio Laguna's answer.

Apologies for the brevity...

How to set the maximum memory usage for JVM?

If you want to limit memory for jvm (not the heap size ) ulimit -v

To get an idea of the difference between jvm and heap memory , take a look at this excellent article

How to get the date 7 days earlier date from current date in Java

You can use this to continue using the type Date and a more legible code, if you preffer:

import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils;
Date yourDate = DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), *days here*);

Change values on matplotlib imshow() graph axis

I had a similar problem and google was sending me to this post. My solution was a bit different and less compact, but hopefully this can be useful to someone.

Showing your image with matplotlib.pyplot.imshow is generally a fast way to display 2D data. However this by default labels the axes with the pixel count. If the 2D data you are plotting corresponds to some uniform grid defined by arrays x and y, then you can use matplotlib.pyplot.xticks and matplotlib.pyplot.yticks to label the x and y axes using the values in those arrays. These will associate some labels, corresponding to the actual grid data, to the pixel counts on the axes. And doing this is much faster than using something like pcolor for example.

Here is an attempt at this with your data:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# ... define 2D array hist as you did

plt.imshow(hist, cmap='Reds')
x = np.arange(80,122,2) # the grid to which your data corresponds
nx = x.shape[0]
no_labels = 7 # how many labels to see on axis x
step_x = int(nx / (no_labels - 1)) # step between consecutive labels
x_positions = np.arange(0,nx,step_x) # pixel count at label position
x_labels = x[::step_x] # labels you want to see
plt.xticks(x_positions, x_labels)
# in principle you can do the same for y, but it is not necessary in your case

How to copy a file to multiple directories using the gnu cp command

If all your target directories match a path expression — like they're all subdirectories of path/to — then just use find in combination with cp like this:

find ./path/to/* -type d -exec cp [file name] {} \;

That's it.

How to retrieve the LoaderException property?

Using Quick Watch in Visual Studio you can access the LoaderExceptions from ViewDetails of the thrown exception like this:


Understanding the basics of Git and GitHub

  1. What is the difference between Git and GitHub?

    Git is a version control system; think of it as a series of snapshots (commits) of your code. You see a path of these snapshots, in which order they where created. You can make branches to experiment and come back to snapshots you took.

    GitHub, is a web-page on which you can publish your Git repositories and collaborate with other people.

  2. Is Git saving every repository locally (in the user's machine) and in GitHub?

    No, it's only local. You can decide to push (publish) some branches on GitHub.

  3. Can you use Git without GitHub? If yes, what would be the benefit for using GitHub?

    Yes, Git runs local if you don't use GitHub. An alternative to using GitHub could be running Git on files hosted on Dropbox, but GitHub is a more streamlined service as it was made especially for Git.

  4. How does Git compare to a backup system such as Time Machine?

    It's a different thing, Git lets you track changes and your development process. If you use Git with GitHub, it becomes effectively a backup. However usually you would not push all the time to GitHub, at which point you do not have a full backup if things go wrong. I use git in a folder that is synchronized with Dropbox.

  5. Is this a manual process, in other words if you don't commit you won't have a new version of the changes made?

    Yes, committing and pushing are both manual.

  6. If are not collaborating and you are already using a backup system why would you use Git?

    • If you encounter an error between commits you can use the command git diff to see the differences between the current code and the last working commit, helping you to locate your error.

    • You can also just go back to the last working commit.

    • If you want to try a change, but are not sure that it will work. You create a branch to test you code change. If it works fine, you merge it to the main branch. If it does not you just throw the branch away and go back to the main branch.

    • You did some debugging. Before you commit you always look at the changes from the last commit. You see your debug print statement that you forgot to delete.

Make sure you check

How to set a variable to be "Today's" date in Python/Pandas

You can also look into pandas.Timestamp, which includes methods like .now and .today. Unlike pandas.to_datetime('now'), won't default to UTC:

  import pandas as pd # will return California time
  # Timestamp('2018-12-19 09:17:07.693648')

  pd.to_datetime('now') # will return UTC time
  # Timestamp('2018-12-19 17:17:08')

Column count doesn't match value count at row 1

MySQL will also report "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1" if you try to insert multiple rows without delimiting the row sets in the VALUES section with parentheses, like so:

INSERT INTO `receiving_table`
  (1003,'George', 'Boole'),

Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM

Yes, see: link, but he used xml layouts, not activities to create new tab, so put his xml code (set paddingTop for FrameLayout - 0px) and then write the code:

public class SomeActivity extends ActivityGroup {

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    TabHost tab_host = (TabHost) findViewById(; 


    TabSpec ts1 = tab_host.newTabSpec("TAB_DATE"); 
    ts1.setContent(new Intent(this, Registration.class)); 

    TabSpec ts2 = tab_host.newTabSpec("TAB_GEO"); 
    ts2.setContent(new Intent(this, Login.class)); 

    TabSpec ts3 = tab_host.newTabSpec("TAB_TEXT"); 
    ts3.setContent(new Intent(this, Registration.class)); 




Making Maven run all tests, even when some fail

Try to add the following configuration for surefire plugin in your pom.xml of root project:


Escape dot in a regex range

If you using JavaScript to test your Regex, try \\. instead of \..

It acts on the same way because JS remove first backslash.

jQuery: print_r() display equivalent?

$.each(myobject, function(key, element) {
    alert('key: ' + key + '\n' + 'value: ' + element);

This does the work for me. :)

Is it possible in Java to catch two exceptions in the same catch block?

If you aren't on java 7, you can extract your exception handling to a method - that way you can at least minimize duplication

try {
   // try something
catch(ExtendsRuntimeException e) { handleError(e); }
catch(Exception e) { handleError(e); }

How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents?

If you have a singleton class (fx Service) acting as gateway to your model layer anyway, it can be solved by having a variable in that class with getters and setters for it.

In Activity 1:

Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Activity2.class);

In Activity 2:

private Service service;
private Order order;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    service = Service.getInstance();
    order = service.getSavedOrder();
    service.setSavedOrder(null) //If you don't want to save it for the entire session of the app.

In Service:

private static Service instance;

private Service()
    //Constructor content

public static Service getInstance()
    if(instance == null)
        instance = new Service();
    return instance;
private Order savedOrder;

public Order getSavedOrder()
    return savedOrder;

public void setSavedOrder(Order order)
    this.savedOrder = order;

This solution does not require any serialization or other "packaging" of the object in question. But it will only be beneficial if you are using this kind of architecture anyway.

CMake: How to build external projects and include their targets

I think you're mixing up two different paradigms here.

As you noted, the highly flexible ExternalProject module runs its commands at build time, so you can't make direct use of Project A's import file since it's only created once Project A has been installed.

If you want to include Project A's import file, you'll have to install Project A manually before invoking Project B's CMakeLists.txt - just like any other third-party dependency added this way or via find_file / find_library / find_package.

If you want to make use of ExternalProject_Add, you'll need to add something like the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

  URL ...project_a.tar.gz


ExternalProject_Get_Property(project_a install_dir)

add_dependencies(project_b_exe project_a)
target_link_libraries(project_b_exe ${install_dir}/lib/alib.lib)

Word count from a txt file program

you can do this:

file= open(r'D:\\zzzz\\names2.txt')

Change hover color on a button with Bootstrap customization

or can do this...
set all btn ( class name like : .btn- + $theme-colors: map-merge ) styles at one time :

@each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
  .btn-#{$color} {
    @include button-variant($value, $value,
    // modify
    $hover-background: lighten($value, 7.5%),
    $hover-border: lighten($value, 10%),
    $active-background: lighten($value, 10%),
    $active-border: lighten($value, 12.5%)
    // /modify

// code from "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_buttons.scss"

should add into your customization scss file.

How to keep Docker container running after starting services?

How about using the supervise form of service if available?

service YOUR_SERVICE supervise

Once supervise is successfully running, it will not exit unless it is killed or specifically asked to exit.

Saves having to create a supervisord.conf

How do I find out what type each object is in a ArrayList<Object>?

instead of using object.getClass().getName() you can use object.getClass().getSimpleName(), because it returns a simple class name without a package name included.

for instance,

Object[] intArray = { 1 }; 

for (Object object : intArray) { 



Array versus List<T>: When to use which?

Really just answering to add a link which I'm surprised hasn't been mentioned yet: Eric's Lippert's blog entry on "Arrays considered somewhat harmful."

You can judge from the title that it's suggesting using collections wherever practical - but as Marc rightly points out, there are plenty of places where an array really is the only practical solution.

Test if a string contains any of the strings from an array

The below should work for you assuming Strings is the array that you are searching within:


where mykeytosearch is the string that you want to test for existence within the array. mysearchComparator - is a comparator that would be used to compare strings.

Refer to Arrays.binarySearch for more information.

Rails formatting date

Since I18n is the Rails core feature starting from version 2.2 you can use its localize-method. By applying the forementioned strftime %-variables you can specify the desired format under config/locales/en.yml (or whatever language), in your case like this:

    default: '%FT%T'

Or if you want to use this kind of format in a few specific places you can refer it as a variable like this

    specific_format: '%FT%T'

After that you can use it in your views like this:

l(Mode.last.created_at, format: :specific_format)  

What does <a href="#" class="view"> mean?

Don't forget to look at the Javascript as well. My guess is that there is custom Javascript code getting executed when you click on the link and it's that Javascript that is generating the URL and navigating to it.

TypeScript: Creating an empty typed container array

The existing answers missed an option, so here's a complete list:

// 1. Explicitly declare the type
var arr: Criminal[] = [];

// 2. Via type assertion
var arr = <Criminal[]>[];
var arr = [] as Criminal[];

// 3. Using the Array constructor
var arr = new Array<Criminal>();
  1. Explicitly specifying the type is the general solution for whenever type inference fails for a variable declaration.

  2. The advantage of using a type assertion (sometimes called a cast, but it's not really a cast in TypeScript) works for any expression, so it can be used even when no variable is declared. There are two syntaxes for type assertions, but only the latter will work in combination with JSX if you care about that.

  3. Using the Array constructor is something that will only help you in this specific use case, but which I personally find the most readable. However, there is a slight performance impact at runtime*. Also, if someone were crazy enough to redefine the Array constructor, the meaning could change.

It's a matter of personal preference, but I find the third option the most readable. In the vast majority of cases the mentioned downsides would be negligible and readability is the most important factor.

*: Fun fact; at the time of writing the performance difference was 60% in Chrome, while in Firefox there was no measurable performance difference.

C++ queue - simple example

std::queue<myclass*> my_queue; will do the job.

See here for more information on this container.

RelativeLayout center vertical

This maybe because the textview is too high. Change android:layout_height of the textview to wrap_content or use


How to apply color in Markdown?

When you want to use pure Markdown (without nested HTML), you can use Emojis to draw attention to some fragment of the file, i.e. ??WARNING??, IMPORTANT? or NEW.