[android] Detect end of ScrollView

Most of answers works beside a fact, that when u scroll to the bottom, listener is triggered several times, which in my case is undesirable. To avoid this behavior I've added flag scrollPositionChanged that checks if scroll position even changed before calling method once again.

public class EndDetectingScrollView extends ScrollView {
    private boolean scrollPositionChanged = true;

    private ScrollEndingListener scrollEndingListener;

    public interface ScrollEndingListener {
        void onScrolledToEnd();

    protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
        super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);

        View view = this.getChildAt(this.getChildCount() - 1);
        int diff = (view.getBottom() - (this.getHeight() + this.getScrollY()));
        if (diff <= 0) {
            if (scrollPositionChanged) {
                scrollPositionChanged = false;
                if (scrollEndingListener != null) {
        } else {
            scrollPositionChanged = true;

    public void setScrollEndingListener(ScrollEndingListener scrollEndingListener) {
        this.scrollEndingListener = scrollEndingListener;

Then just set listener

scrollView.setScrollEndingListener(new EndDetectingScrollView.ScrollEndingListener() {
    public void onScrolledToEnd() {
        //do your stuff here    

You may do the same thing if u do in like


but you have to provide flag from class your adding this listener.