You should also look at new triggers.
MySQL doesn't show the table name in the error, so you're really left in a lurch. Here's a working example:
use test;
create table blah (id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, data varchar(100));
create table audit_blah (audit_id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, action enum('INSERT','UPDATE','DELETE'), id int, data varchar(100) null);
insert into audit_blah(action, id, data) values ('INSERT', 1, 'a');
select * from blah;
select * from audit_blah;
truncate table audit_blah;
delimiter //
/* I've commented out "id" below, so the insert fails with an ambiguous error: */
create trigger ai_blah after insert on blah for each row
insert into audit_blah (action, /*id,*/ data) values ('INSERT', /*,*/;
/* This insert is valid, but you'll get an exception from the trigger: */
insert into blah (data) values ('data1');